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  1. #1
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 103
    CHAPTER 15
    BULLETIN #12
    by Ronn Jackson
    Rick Martin of CONTACT forwarded to me a book titled, DOPE, INC. Because of being so busy keeping up with my mail, I was in an impossible situation with there being only 24 hours in each day. I looked down the index of that book and came to a section stating that it was Government who was the main distributor of drugs in this country. Since I have personal knowledge of that particular subject, I read that chapter and be­cause of my knowledge, I found that chapter to be very accurate with the exception of the actual nuts and bolts--the main distri­bution system.

    Well, readers of CONTACT, [and journals] without naming actual individuals, here is how drugs are distributed in this country. There is enough information included in the following charts [see CONTACT July 19, 1994, pages 47-52 also July 26 issue, pages 38-39] for some of you to actually piece together who some of those people are. Some may even be your neigh­bors, or might even be related to you.

    The charts start with the Committee of 16, [17] [The names of the committee members are on the next page] which is Level 1, and go through Level 3. I am sorry to make this information available to you in this manner but someone has to give you truth and take the initial step. The only difference in these charts and the originals that are contained in the DEATH OF CAMELOT is, in the book, I give you the names of the people involved and give you their street addresses and phone numbers.

    Editor's note: What you are about to read is the most important list of global controllers on the planet. Ronn Jackson has finally agreed to reveal the entire list of these names and has done so exclusively to CONTACT. Pay attention, now, as you read this list of USURPERS who play THE most profound controlling role in our day-to-day lives, in ways none of us can yet quite imag­ine.


    A2 Admiral Byrd, in our frame of reference he is known as Steven M. Wolf, CEO
    United Airlines.
    A3 Henry Ford, in our frame of reference he is known as William T. Jones, President
    National Energy Group.
    A4 Adolf Hitler (up to the age of 28 years), in our frame of reference he is known as
    Norman Mailer.
    A5 Warren Christopher, Secretary of State.
    A6 Bertrand Russell, in our frame of reference he is known as Sir James Goldsmith
    (active trader in the gold market).
    A7 Jacques Santer, Prime Minister of Luxembourg.
    A8 Hubertus Von Gruenberg, Continental Tire Company AG, Germany.
    A9 Sir Isaac Newton, in our frame of reference he is known as Juan Carlos, Royal
    Family of Spain.
    A10 Alberto Fujimore, President of Peru.
    Al2 John McFarlane, British banker from Hong Kong.
    A13 Jean Chretien, Prime Minister of Canada.
    A14 Tomiichi Murayama, the new Prime Minister of Japan.
    A15 Barbara Jordan, with the LBJ Law Center.
    CHAPTER 16
    Exclusive to the SPOTLIGHT
    by Mike Blair
    Editor's note: As always, CONTACT [and the PHOENIX JOURNAL] would like to thank the SPOTLIGHT for their unrestricted sharing. To subscribe to SPOTLIGHT, call toll-free: (800)522-6292; price is $38 for one year, $70 for two years.

    A special detachment of high-tech surveillance helicopters, painted black and bearing no U.S. insignia, have been stationed at a National Guard base in Tupelo in northeastern Mississippi.

    Fifteen of the Bell OH-58D(i) Kiowa Warrior helicopters, used with great effectiveness by the U.S. Army to pinpoint and/or attack Iraqi installations during Operation Desert Storm, were flown to Tupelo by members of C Company, 1st Battalion, 185th Aviation, based at Tupelo, in mid-April from the Bell He­licopters plant in Fort Worth, Texas.

    According to SPOTLIGHT sources, the "super sleuth" heli­copters comprise the Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance Company (IARC), which will apparently be permanently based at Tupelo.

    "We're the only Guard unit to have them," Lt. Col. Dan Chisholm, 1st Battalion commander, said. "We may be the only [Guard] unit that will get them."

    15 OF 50
    Actually, the OH-58D(i)s are 15 of only 50 in existence and are equipped with the very latest reconnaissance and surveillance electronic gear.

    According to a SPOTLIGHT source, the helicopters are equipped with Forward-Looking Infra-Red (FLIR) TV-digital tracker-laser range-finders and illuminators
    for surveillance and tracking of targets.

    The source, a former U.S. Marine Corps forward artillery observer during the Vietnam War, told the SPOTLIGHT that the helicopters only operate at night, starting at about dusk.

    They are responsible for some of the dozens of reports from various parts of the United States, as well as eastern Canada, of mysterious "black helicopters".

    According to the SPOTLIGHT source, who himself has had the Tupelo installation under surveillance, said that each helicopter is manned by two crewmen, both dressed in black battle dress uniforms (BDUs), which do not appear to have any insignia.

    When the source was watching the helicopters at the base, he and a companion found themselves being also watched, with the helicopters somewhat threateningly hovering about them, the front of the aircraft, displaying rocket pods, facing them.

    The SPOTLIGHT source videotaped the helicopters.

    Bell OH-58D reconnaissance and surveillance helicopters photoed at Tupelo, Mississippi.

    Three of the helicopters, which are entirely painted flat black, were in the air at the time. After a few minutes of watching the two men on the ground, the crews of helicopters flew off, heading in a northerly direction.

    According to E. A. Karpinski, a spokesman for Bell Heli­copters, the Bell OH-58D(i)s' "primary mission" is to provide "night reconnaissance".

    The Kiowa Warriors can carry up to four Stinger air-to-air missiles, up to four Hellfire anti-tank missiles, up to two 70-millimeter rocket launchers and/or .50 caliber machine guns with 500 rounds of ammunition.

    The helicopters have a cruising speed of about 115 miles per hour and a top speed of more than 140 miles per hour.

    In another incident in the southern United States, waves of dozens of dark-painted helicopters were reported to the SPOTLIGHT as having created an uproar by flying over Kenner, Louisiana, near New Orleans, in the past several days.

    When one observer lost count about 80 of the helicopters had already passed overhead.

    A military analyst told the SPOTLIGHT that the helicopters could have been moving a full brigade of troops.

    Dozens of Army Black Hawk helicopters, based at Fort Drum, New York, have been reported by Canadians to frequently fly across the border to unknown destinations in Canada.

    Sources have told the SPOTLIGHT that Canadian troops are frequently seen at Fort Drum, located in upstate New York near the St. Lawrence River, which separates the United States from Canada. They train there with soldiers of the U.S. 10th Moun­tain (Light) Division, which is permanently stationed there and has an urban warfare training center on part of the base.

    Several bases in the eastern Canadian maritime provinces, as well as in the Province of Quebec, which is on the verge of se­ceding from the rest of Canada, have been turned over to the UN for training purposes and, reportedly, for stationing troops. Some Canadians speculate that this is to militarily prevent a Quebec secession effort.

    They also note that Fort Drum is strategically located to send troops to intervene in Quebec.

    Recently, a full brigade of the 10th Mountain was flown to Fort Polk, Louisiana, reputedly the North American training center for the UN, for nearly two weeks of intensive "advanced readiness" training, which, according to reports, emphasized urban warfare training, including house-to-house searches for belligerents and weapons.

    The exercise was a follow-up to the 10th being stationed in Somalia during the so-called mercy mission to feed hundreds of thousands of starving Somalis caught up in a civil war.

    The mission was re-directed by the UN command to an effort to disarm militant factions under the command of feuding Somali warlords and included house-to-house raids to seize weapons.

    Depot for foreign military vehicle.
    Numerous critics of the so-called New World Order contend that Somalia was a training ground for U.S. troops to enforce draconian measures to be taken in America, including the con­fiscation of firearms, currently being pushed by leftists in Congress and the Clinton Administration.

    In any case, while troopers of the Army's elite 10th Mountain Division were undergoing "advanced readiness" training, units of the U.S. Marines have been utilizing a mock village--used for training FBI agents--at Quantico, Va.

    The Marines are receiving training in "Operations Other Than War" at the mock village, called "Hogan's Alley," at Quantico.

    According to the June issue of Navy Times, the training at Hogan's Alley is being undertaken as part of the Marines' effort to train in urban patrolling, conducting convoy security, counter-ambush techniques, crowd/riot control, dealing with possible snipers, establishing strong points in urban environ­ments, defending from bomb threats and dealing with trauma­tized civilian populations.

    Tactics being taught the Marines include how to properly employ sniper teams in low intensity/urban operations, estab­lishing roadblocks and security check-points, and urban pa­trolling.

    According to Marine Maj. Gen. Anthony C. Zinni, the number of war games, seminars and unit-level training for low intensity and urban operations is increasing, the Navy Times reported.

    According to the Times:

    "The new training syllabus differs greatly from the traditional military operations and urban terrain exercises--MOUT--where Marines invade cinder-block 'combat towns' firing mortars, rockets, machine guns and more, in an all-out urban assault. No, this training is designed for less intense military operations--as those in Somalia were originally intended to be--and is conducted in streets and neighborhoods of what many would consider Anytown, USA (SPOTLIGHT emphasis)."

    A team of U.S. Marines was recently sent to Britain to train with Royal Marines who have been involved in urban patrol ex­periences in Northern Ireland, long ravaged by civil war.

    The Times further reported that after the Americans were sent to Britain, Hogan's Alley was selected for Marine training in urban warfare.

    "Nestled in the woods adjacent to [the Marines'] Basic School, Hogan's Alley could pass for most small towns in America (SPOTLIGHT emphasis)," a Marine spokesman told the military publication. "There is a bank, a restaurant, a garage, you name it. There are streets and alleys, drugstores and townhouses. And today, thanks to more than 40 Marines who volunteered to play the parts, there are even local 'civilians' to bring the town alive. Put it all together and you have a typical urban environment where Marines may one day be called into action to conduct everything from security operations to peacekeeping initiatives."

    Obviously, "Anywhere, USA," does not seem to depict the type of culture or village to be found in a Somalia or Haiti.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 103
    CHAPTER 17


    WE are passing on the "LOGS" of informations to you our brothers.

    We call you brothers, as we are all brothers in this nation, and we must all bond together with our KNOWLEDGE and use our KNOWLEDGE, and THE RESOLVED ACTS OF CONGRESS which protect us WHEN WE USE OUR KNOWLEDGE from those who DEFY "ALL LAWS", "ALL TREATIES", "ALL ORDINANCES", "ALL ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION", "ALL BILLS OF RIGHTS", "ALL ACTS OF CONGRESS RESOLVED", and try to take that which is NOT THEIRS TO TAKE, by EXCEEDING their VESTED POWERS.

    We are affixing 35+ pages [on file at CONTACT office] of RECORDED. RESOLVED ACTS OF CONGRESS. THE AN­TECEDENTS TO ARTICLE VI OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: IN THESE ARE CON­TAINED "YOUR RIGHTS". Including "Subject to the Consti­tutional Laws" Article VI provisions.

    NOTICE: "RUSSELL HERMAN'S FAMILY WAS GIVEN THE WATER RIGHTS WEST OF THE OHIO BY PRESI­DENTIAL GRANT, COURTESY OF PRESIDENT GRANT". It's a matter of Congressional Record. Neither Russell Herman nor his family, nor his heirs have given any authorization to take ANY WATER from ANY SOURCE "granted" by President Grant. from "ANY INDIAN and/or ANY INDIAN NATION". (period)

    Read these documents carefully, as they contain your RIGHTS to STOP unauthorized interference and ANY ACT IN BAD FAITH AGAINST AMERICAN INDIANS AND THEIR LANDS AND NATURAL RESOURCES.

    If we can be of further assistance let us know.

    /s/ GRANDMA (a Cherokee) and GRANDPA (a Sioux)
    * * *
    TO: CONTACT, Inc. News
    July 23, 1994
    Rick Martin

    Dear Rick and Readers,

    I fear I have overburdened the CONTACT 's FAX by sending through so many of our ORIGINAL LAWS, on their fax today, July 23rd, 1994. It is ever-more-so important that these ORIG­INAL LAWS Compacts, Treaties, Bills of Rights, Territorial Ordinances, Alliances, Debts and Engagements, Contracts and other legal provisions as set forth by the founding fathers, in­tending a ROAD MAP be set forth for all to follow who came after them, seeking the truths of this great nation.
    This great nation at first was "Plantations", by "Charters" from King James, etc., one being the Plymouth Plantation of Massachusetts.
    In order to "find our true laws", and to determine what went wrong--in order to rectify the wrong, we must go back to the beginning and "determine what made it work in the first instances of successful historic values, determined by our COMMON LAWS, guaranteeing our Rights, our Liberties, our Freedoms and our Rights as FREEDMEN to be SOVEREIGN over our destinies, lives, possessions and other in like kind...." We must take into consideration:
    (a) the originals were: (1) New York, (2) New Hampshire, (3) Massachusetts, (4) Connecticut, (5) Pennsylvania, (6) New Jersey, (7) Delaware, (8) Virginia, (9) North Carolina, (10) South Carolina and (11) Georgia.
    (b) The laws of these ORIGINALS bounded the OHIO River to an approximation of the point where the great Mississippi and the OHIO join at Cairo, Illinois (VIRGINIA at that time). In this instance, the VIRGINIA BILL OF RIGHTS are pertaining to the Constitutional provisions of Article VI of the great and in­estimable CONSTITUTION of the United States, and all of these ORIGINAL STATES did have ORIGINAL BILLS OF RIGHTS, adhered to in ARTICLE VI, once again.
    (c) Our great CONSTITUTION did not begin and end on July 4th, 1776...it adhered to its "antecedents in its body being the great and inestimable CONSTITUTION's Article VI." It is as powerful in 1994 as it was intended to be in 1776 et seq. as mandated, scribed, penned, resolved, enacted...by the "antecedents" and/or parents of the CONSTITUTION if you please.
    If you don't have a ROAD MAP, then you can't tell where you are going, and how you got there.

    /s/ GRANDMA
    P.S. "I" will try to provision you with the maps so you can understand.

    * * *
    TO: CONTACT, Inc. News
    July 20, 1994

    (If at first they do not succeed, its the same old %$#Q) over and over again)

    Dear Rick and Readers,

    Just had to comment on your cartoon in the latest issue of CONTACT: "History Department closed FOR RE-WRITING ". This struck me as "funny" as they never seem to learn from their mistakes; they just try and try and try.
    I, sometime ago, purchased a book on the HISTORICAL EVENTS OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY and, believe it or not, it is just like sitting down and reading the daily newspa­per of today--same old stuff, same old players, same nations. We didn't have a FEDERAL RESERVE, but players were the same as the players in the FEDERAL RESERVE.
    Bosnia, Herzegovina, Serbia were at it, had made a peace and alliance for mutual common defense, we were having some intermeddling into our own "internal affairs", a war was about to ensue (the Civil War), Russia had her problems, England was about, all about, causing trouble here and there; she and her cousins could not agree on anything. South Africa was in a turmoil, the Boer War was ongoing; intermeddling in the South American Nations/Republics had caused WARS down there. It's almost as though they have a TIME SCHEDULE, and these things must take a turn in the events, one by one, and it is the same old thing all over again.
    The United States of America had her own POLITICAL CORRUPTION; they were doing their old thing, selling off GOLD TREASURY BONDS, then cancelling them. Fraud af­ter fraud was committed against the people.
    Then they finally decided they were about to get their "fannies kicked" by the people as corruption was rampant in the administrations, so they entered into a contract with the Morgan Syndicate to shore up the economy.
    The Morgan Syndicate loaned money out to the U.S.A., and made certain the shenanigans would not be pulled on them; they had a CONTRACT. Unfortunately, CONTRACTS do not do so well when the PARTIES to the CONTRACT decide to take a TRIP ON THE TITANIC.
    Then, along comes those "three" people, who, when Congress is out of session, take it upon themselves to PASS the FEDERAL RESERVE ACT. The Constitution says, "TWO THIRDS OF THE CONGRESS 'ASSEMBLED' AND TWO THIRDS OF THE SENATE 'ASSEMBLED' must be in session before ANY LAW can be MADE"! How in the Hell did this FEDERAL RESERVE ACT get passed? OR better still, who got paid to pass the damned thing?!!
    Historically, since the FEDERAL RESERVE "BUNCH" have been in power, every time the AMERICAN PEOPLE be­gin to get their heads above the water, UP GOES THE INTER­EST RATE, and UP GO THE TAXES!
    With the interest rate and the tax rates going hither, thither and yon, Americans do not have a CHANCE IN HELL of ever rebuilding this nation, UNDER FREE ENTERPRISE. But, na­tion after nation, anywhere else on the globe, can get re­built...ON AMERICAN MONEY!
    AMERICANS keep losing their homes, lands, properties, jobs--and each of these have been used by the Administrations and the Federal Reserve as ASSETS FOR THE FULL FAITH AND CREDIT of the United States of America. In other words, AMERICA AND AMERICANS have been TAKEN OVER BY FOREIGN ENTITIES who act under a set of Corpo­rations which are foreign-owned and foreign-held. The WATER RIGHTS are FOREIGN OWNED. most of the FOOD PRODUCTION. 92% to be exact, IS FOREIGN OWNED, 100% of the MONEY IN AMERICA IS FOREIGN OWNEDI
    "What !?" you say? (1) CARGILL controls 92% of the FOOD PRODUCTION. (2) THE "ROSE SYNDICATE" of Scotland (England) also known as your local MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT owns your DRINKING WATER. (3) THE FEDERAL RESERVE CONTROLS YOUR MONEY, 100%.
    A very strong observation, and suggestion, with all these en­tities being FOREIGN OWNED, and this GUN CONTROL measure is ongoing: IF I were the John and Jane Does of America, I WOULD TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT BOSNIA. SOMALIA. RWANDA and other places that are being system­atically WIPED OUT. and they STARVE TO DEATH. and ARE PUT ON FORCED MARCHES. DENIED EVEN WATER. and THEY CAN NOT DEFEND THEMSELVES: they have NO COMMON DEFENSE as identified in the Constitu­tional SECOND AMENDMENT!
    You allegedly astute Americans had better use your heads for something other than a HAT RACK because WE HAVE A BUNCH OF TROUBLE LOOKING DOWN ITS BARRELS AT US, RIGHT HERE ON OUR OWN DOORSTEPS. and YOU SIT LIKE OSTRICHES WITH YOUR HEADS IN THE SAND? I think. if it were me. I would quit looking at all those "string bikinis" and take a good look at what is really going on in America!
    And you MACHO MEN keep saying, "I AM TOO MACHO TO ALLOW ANYTHING TO HAPPEN". "MACHO", in its true sense, means "JACKASS OR MULE".
    Take a look at our LATEST AND RECENT CONFLICTS. More Americans are killed by FRIENDLY FIRE than from the alleged enemies (with machetes, spears, and guns that are out of ammunition). CLEARLY, Americans are their OWN WORST ENEMY.
    NOW, about HAITI: "Democracy" is truly at work be­cause THE PRESIDENT of the United States discovered there are $35 BILLION in American TREASURY SILVER CERTIFICATES in the Commercial Banque de Haiti. Its been down there for years, SYNDICATE OWNED, repre­sented by the BANK'S PRESIDENT, RICHARD KNUBANY.
    That is probably WORTH A WAR, but on a personal note, there is a CONTRACT on that $35 Billion American Treasury Silver Certificates. Did you know that, MR. CLINTON!? AND, it has TWO MORE YEARS TO GO!
    The TRUE STUFF that WARS ARE MADE OF, is OIL (Kuwait), GOLD (Africa), Silver (Silver TREASURY NOTES) in HAITI.
    The "FAT LADY" has the CONTRACT ON THE SIL­VER CERTIFICATES, MR. CLINTON, Mr. Bush, Mr. Baker, Mr. Bentsen et al.


    /s/ THE FAT LADY (Grandma)
    P.S. By the way, boys: I ain't that stupid to keep all that info. in the U.S.A. You made some powerful enemies, when you shook their hands on the faith of America, and instead of them being able to take your WORD to the bank, you stole the BANK! Didn't your mommas tell you, "IT AIN'T NICE TO STEAL"?

    /s/ THE FAT LADY
    CHAPTER 18
    BULLETINS #13 & 14
    by Ronn Jackson
    Before I get into answering specific questions, I would like to relate to a little experiment that I conducted. I should preempt my words with the motivation that prompted the experiment. With personally receiving over 35,000 pieces of mail, naturally there is a repetition on most every subject, but on what I would estimate, twenty times, I have received requests about history and/or a period of time going back to and including events that have been recorded by one means or another. In other words, what you and I have been taught at one level or another, by one medium or another.

    If you stop and think, history goes back to the pyramids and the building of them. Why do you suppose that nothing exists prior to that time, approximately 5,000 years ago? Sure, there are bits and pieces that exist but nothing of a real definite nature. It is almost as if civilization started, in our plane of reference, about 2,100 B.C. (give or take a few hundred years).

    There are various scientific explanations about how we, as a species, evolved, but they are all theories based on other infor­mation and if you were to ask for written records, again there are bits and pieces and all you will receive is an opinion of someone based on other information that is known to that some­one. In other words, nothing in writing exists that is docu­mented prior to a short time prior to the building of the pyra­mids. Scientifically, we as a species are much older, we be­lieve, but why does not there exist proof. Okay, there are sto­ries about a Queen of Egypt who was not satisfied with history and had all that was recorded, destroyed. Again, this and other theories are pure speculation.

    In a former writing, I made the statement to an individual, "Mankind has reached our current level of knowledge, twice be­fore." Six days later, I received another letter asking me to ex­plain my statement. I still haven't answered the second letter and, realizing I was procrastinating, I asked another 10 people the same question; hence, the experiment.

    After explaining what I was asking, almost uniformly, the an­swer was the same. Ancient Egypt was the beginning of what all those had been taught and knew of. Oh, there were ques­tions about the dinosaurs and the Bible and I politely informed them that I was asking what they knew, with a reasonable amount of certainty; what all had been told or taught about mankind and what they had received for documentation. In ev­ery instance. all said the very same thing.

    I then asked two Hispanic people, one born in "Mexico" and one born in "Honduras". I have made two conclusions from my experiment: First, everyone has a mental block and can only relate to that specific time frame (up to 5,000 years ago). And two, no one can or will admit to mankind being in or around more than 5,000 years and cannot explain it, nor will they even try unless prompted. Both Hispanics were educated in their own countries and were taught the same thing, in their language.

    So that you understand what I was saying in that letter to the other reader, I am going to give you certain details and I will let you and historians decide what you want to do with it.

    Civilization obtained its most advanced level as compared to what we have now, about 80,000 years ago. One of the loca­tions is what we now refer to as "Atlantis". Selected parts of that civilization advanced to their next level of consciousness. There were several other segments and like levels of advance­ment, who also "moved on" and the remnants are what we have now, us, as in our current plane of reference. About 65,000 years ago, there took place an adjustment in our globe which can be best explained as a settlement in the land area and which changed the face of the Earth. In other words, Mother Earth, in her natural progression of aging, settled, and changed to what we now know as the configuration of the seven continents. If any of you are curious, what was referred to as "Atlantis" can be found in a direct westerly line from the southernmost tip of "Portugal" and below 17,000 feet of water. Although, there no longer exists a globe or circle encompassing the city, it is still intact and is under about 10 feet of sediment.

    Mankind first developed to its next level of advancement ap­proximately 450,000 years ago, in our current plane of refer­ence in physical time.

    These details were given to me by a current member of "MJ-12". I have drawn the following conclusions based on my cur­rent level of knowledge and consciousness.

    When I first read Childhood's End by Arthur C. Clarke, about 25-30 years ago, I knew the book was and is a prophecy.

    Mankind took about 600,000 years to develop to its next level the first time, and 385,000 years to develop into its second ad­vancement. Since I now know the meaning of the date of April 12, 2011, the third time will have taken, since this is 1994, a little over 82,000 years. This will be the beginning and you now can fill in some of the gaps of history.

    1. "Mike" from Naples, Florida asks: "What is your opinion of North Korea?" The entire North Korea situation is being very carefully orchestrated by our Government. This is how Government perpetuates itself by fabricating a mythical crisis. As to "China" joining forces with North Korea, they are Com­munist countries and are together in a manner of speaking; how­ever, since Capitalism has been introduced to the "Peoples' Re­public," war with this country is questionable.

    2. "Mary Jean" from Grand Junction, Colorado asks: "What is your opinion of the 10th Amendment initiative from Colorado?" Several states have a similar initiative on the agenda. The Government won't pay any attention until several states adapt the same policy. Make no mistake: Government is aware of your State's initiative and will, "tread water soon."

    3. "John C." from Bedford, Indiana asks: "What is your opinion of the, O.J. Simpson' fiasco?" To be perfectly honest with you, had Mr. Simpson used the gun he was supposed to have had to his head in the chase scene, I would have had a lot more respect for him. As it is now, I am confident in the jury that will judge him. Never sell your fellow citizens short.

    4. "Leon" from Birmingham, Michigan asks: "Do you drink wine and do you have a preference?" Yes, I enjoy wine and with dinner; I prefer a Cabernet Savignon; preferably, "Robert Mondalvi" 1979.

    5. "John" from Thousand Oaks, California asks: "Since you seem to know something about finance, what is 'QVC' doing attempting to merge with CBS?" That's the easiest question I had all day. Mr. Diller is not really trying to merge with the network, he is raising the price of "QVC" stock. It is a ploy only and he is out of his league. CBS is "old" and "big-time" money; that doesn't mean Mr. Diller cannot obtain that status.

    6. "John L." from Longmont, Colorado asks: "My personal computer has 2 megabytes of RAM. I've heard about Super-Computers having much more. Please explain how a 'CRAY XMP-XX' is configured." The last, "CRAY" Super-Computer that I worked with was a "XMP-48". Its core memory was 8 million, 64 bit words. Your computer as you described it is a 16-bit, emulating 32-bit architecture. If you were to compare your computer to that CRAY, it would take 1-1/2 million to equal its capabilities. Yours runs at 25 MHZ. The CRAY runs at 210 MHZ. You cannot work a Super-Computer with a key­board. You need a front-end to operate a Super-Computer. (A Main-Frame.) Normally, it takes about 90 days to write soft­ware for a front-end of a Super-Computer. Yes, a CRAY can have (the model you asked about) up to 8 processors. You need special software for parallel processors.

    7. "Mr. & Mrs. Marty H." of Boise, Idaho ask: "Do you have stocks that you would recommend?" Yes, I do, but I would tell you to buy gold first. If, after you keep some cash for a rainy day, I would say buy, "Hansen 'B' Warrants" and almost any gold or silver stock listed on the Big Board [NY Stock Exchange].

    8. "Mason" from Baltimore, Maryland asks: "You mentioned Warren Christopher as being a part of the Committee. How can he be in Government?" Because he is. He is a very powerful man. He has a law office in Los Angeles with a branch in Washington, D.C. His Committee office is located on N.W. 16th Ave. in Washington, D.C. Yes, he is married. His family members are innocent victims. I think he is 73 or 74. His soft voice is deceiving. If he is replaced as Secretary of State, it will be because he wants to be. Bill Clinton was doing what he was told to do. I am afraid politics are not what you envision them to be.

    9. "Karen & Charles" from Taos, New Mexico ask: "Explain the beginning of the judicial system. We are sure you know of it because of your lawsuit." I don't think anyone knows all about it. If you try to read anything that any attorney writes, you will be confused as it was intended for you to be. I will tell you what I know about the beginning of the Judicial. The authority used by the Judicial is the "Judicial Act of 1789". However, our Judicial is based on Admiralty Law which is the "Camanetti Act". If you were to lay the "Judicial Act of 1789" next to the "Camanetti Act", they are identical. Neither one was ratified by Congress. The usurpations of your rights actu­ally started before the Constitution was ratified in 1789. My last statement is not a new one. It was foreseen in The Federalist Papers.

    10. "Steve" from San Mateo, California asks: "Why did you make the comments on dollars in the CONTACT?" I made comments on "Federal Reserve Notes". We no longer have dollars as a form of currency.

    /s/ Ronn Jackson
    * * *
    BULLETIN #14
    1. "Macy & Ruth" from Louisville, Kentucky ask: "What are your views on, 'W.A. Annenberg ' ?" He is seeking to control your and my mind, and he doesn't try to hide it. He (his foun­dation) gives vast sums of money to "educational" programs. Many people in this country say he is a hero and a true Ameri­can. What his money does is sell those who benefit from that money, into "bondage,"

    2. "Paul Shields" from Chicago, Illinois asks: "Why are you putting out all of this information?" If I don't, the Government will put you into a situation where they will tell you where to work and what to work at; what to eat and when; people from Germany will be assessing your taxes; people from South America will tell you where to travel; people from Japan will hold what money you may be entitled to, and so on. In other words, a faction of your elected officials want to rule the world and, if necessary, they will walk all over you to do so. This is called, "One World Order". If you would like an example of how this works, read George Orwell's 1984.

    3. "Mary" from Omaha, Nebraska asks: "I liked Ronald Reagan. You seem to have a low opinion of him. May I ask why?" I have a low opinion of all politicians, including Mr. Reagan. What you liked, from your letter, is his personality. He was likable, but being nice does not run this country, which was his job. One positive point of the former President was the "Grace Commission". Even the Government's own figures show that 35% of all Government spending is wasted. The Commission report was disregarded. [See related story on p.40.]

    4. "Larry N." from Lakewood, Pennsylvania asks: "Our Senator, Arlen Specter, started his political career about 30 years ago. Do you know of his background?" Senator Specter, along with attorney David Belin of Des Moines, Iowa, was the co-Counsel for the "Warren Commission." Both were incredi­bly stupid as they both believed in Chief Justice Earl Warren, who headed up the investigation of the assassination of John F. Kennedy. His political career has spanned up to and including the present, which covers his last election to the Senate, in which he spent $8.2 million to get elected to a job which pays $142,500.00. I may be just an "old country boy", but I don't think you can explain any of his career to me. Just another one of the 720,000 members of the American Bar Association who is directly responsible for the decay of our once-great nation.

    5. "Perry & Ruth" from Chico, California ask: "When did the Government start taking away our rights?" Almost the same time our Constitution was ratified, but history will show that the single most damaging act was right around the Civil War, around 1860, when the political representatives started inferring that the "United States" and the "United States of America" had the same meaning. This fact will not be found in any history book. The source is found in The United States Code and by the decisions of the Judicial starting at that time. Did you know: "There are two United States"?

    6. "Edward & Joan" from Phoenix, Arizona ask: "We still have the technology that made this Country what it is. Why are you so opposed to what our Government is doing?" Your question would take a thousand pages to answer. Continue to read CONTACT and you will receive truth. Our Government does not control itself. Only a few men & one woman does. They are maneuvering an extremely complacent society into a herd of sheep. While you pay your bills and feed your family, they have you believing, "Things are good." Things are not what you believe them to be. We have an unfunded currency, a mil­itary at its lowest level in many years, diminished buying power, and the most serious of problems is, "several manufactured 'crises' " . You keep believing "Bill Clinton" and Congress and I only ask one thing of you: Please don't send me an invitation to the funeral of your family.

    7. "Art B." from Las Vegas, Nevada states: "Mr. Jackson, believe you to be a fraud." Thank you for your opinion, Mr. "B".

    8. "Joyce" from Grafton, Massachusetts asks: "Can you give me any information on the 'Kennedy' family that has not been told? I am thinking of running for public office." Sorry Joyce, I don't deal in smut. There is enough information that is of public record to disqualify most people, that doesn't seem to affect the Kennedy family. The people in your state continue to re-elect Ted Kennedy. I'm not sure the constituency of your state wants honesty or integrity.

    9. "James & Marlene" from Bay City, Michigan write: "We lost money in 'Continental Bank' in Chicago. There are many stories circulating about their problems. Can you enlighten us on what happened?" That bank was primarily a commercial bank and made several substantial loans to the same people that "BCCI" had for customers. Also, Federal Banking rules require that so much of each "FRN" go to developing nations, which re­cently has been written off as uncollectible bad debts. What you don't realize is that by Government imposing these and other such rules, they are actually taking your money and giving it away. Instead of Government as an entity taking the loss, you as an individual take the loss and that keeps Government with all that much more power. Government, or should I say, "FDIC" bailed out that bank just a few short years ago. Bank of Amer­ica just acquired it. "A.P. Giannini was one of the original committee (C.O.U.P.E.S) members. (The founder of Bank of America.) Surprise--surprise!! Wake-up America!!

    10. "Arthur L." of Miami, Florida asks: "Please explain more on 'FEMA' . My wife and I are still waiting for funds promised several months ago. Although Hatonn has spoken of them, why are they taking so long? Can we go to another agency to get assistance? The local representatives keep saying they are passing our requests on. Our savings are almost gone." I hope your claim is satisfied soon. "FEMA" will be the first Government bureaucracy to go. There are other ways of help­ing one another. We don't need Government.

    Please watch for Bulletin #16. It is devoted to "FEMA".

    /s/ Ronn Jackson

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