PJ 104
Ed Cleary 7/30/94
N.Y. COMEX: $383.00/oz.
Relative to an article titled "A Theoretical Conversation Be­tween an Individual and the NWO (New World Order)" in a re­cent Leading Edge, I present these pertinent considerations.

There are so many and such varied laws in this country that it is impossible to obey all of them.

Logically and intelligently one would think that laws are enacted to preserve order or to restore it. It is most difficult to think that the opposite is true, that laws are passed to create disorder and chaos.

In the "conversation" referred to above, it went like this: The New World Order fellow says, "You broke one of our laws. Well, what do you think they're for? We want them broken. We're after power and we mean it. There is no way to rule in­nocent men. The only power government has is in the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one has to make more of them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? Just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced nor objectively interpreted, and you create a nation of lawbreakers--THEN YOU CASH IN ON THE GUILT. Now, that's the system and the game, and once you understand it, you'll be much easier to deal with. Government is in the business of defense, police and courts, so the government's 'customers' are military aggressors, criminals and civil litigants. If there were no foreign military threat, no crime and new civil lawsuits, the government would have no 'customers' and would shrink in size and authority. In the defense/police/court business the government is a monopoly. Nobody else is allowed to compete--the only way for a monopoly to increase is to increase the customer base by creating new laws to apply to new people--laws which are all but impossible for the public to obey, thus technically creating a nation of criminals".

The usual citizen goes about muttering and mumbling that he does not know what it is all about, what is happening, what went wrong and how it is to be corrected. It is quite impossible to understand the true answer to any of these questions if you think all of this legislation is for your benefit.
NOW HEAR THIS. It ain't the way you think it is. The system (government, finance, religion, education, information, welfare and medicine) is designed to harm you while at the same time causing you to think you are being helped (actual brain­wash and mind-control).

If you want to understand how we got to where we are, then read CONTACT regularly. Follow the trail of the Khazar-Zion­ist-Bolshevik anti-God and anti-Civilization groupings. Watch the powerful war and money and drug crowd move parallel with them for the most part.

If you want to understand what they have in store for you for the next six years read CONTACT regularly. Be alert to all in­formation coming from the CFR, the Trilats, the Bilderbergers and all the other Elite organizations and publications. Make not the mistake of not accepting the statements at full face value. They do what they say.

A key word in the quoted paragraph is "guilt". The NWO person picks it out cleanly and explains how it is being used on a day to day basis:
"Guilt produces passivity, and makes man programmed for defeat. The importance of this for totalitarianism cannot be overemphasized. If a whole society can be made to feel guilty, it will be unable to withstand an enslaving state. It is ripe for conquest. This has long been recognized as the most successful method of rendering men passive and pliable, incapable of resistance to state domination and control. As guilt produces impotence, it also leads people to call for more controls from the state. The passive population is not only malleable, yielding and submissive--it positively welcomes state intervention. The guilty, perceiving themselves unable to solve life's problems (which have been created by the state), will welcome being "saved" by the state. There is no way to disarm any man except through guilt.
If a man has ever stolen a dime, you can impose on him the punishment intended for a bank robber and he will take it. If we teach a man that it's evil to look at spring flowers and he believes us and then he does it, we'll be able to do what­ever we please with him. He won't fight. But save us from the man who lives up to his own standards and the man of clean conscience. He's the man who'll beat us".

If anyone of you wish truly to understand the questions pre­sented priorly then give concentrated attention to the statements of your enemies and accept them at full value. Example: The Protocols of Zion. Check 'em out and you will understand the who and what and how of the present state of the world. Argue with me about the red herring of forgery and you will never un­derstand anything. Other samples: the holocaust, "anti­semitism", democracy, socialism and on into infinity.

A sovereign, knowing individual can never be enslaved within any lie.

During November of 1993 (and since), the United States Congress has been passing a series of Crime Laws--essentially passing the Omnibus Crime Control Act in pieces instead of as a single piece of legislation. On November 4, 1993, it was an­nounced that the government has allotted $22.3 billion dollars over the next five years, in which $3 billion is for regional pris­ons and $1 billion for boot (concentration) camps".

You are smarter than you were before you started reading this item.

Right under our national noses today a massive $30 + billion crime bill is soon to become law. These are the major provi­sions:


*Authorize 100,000 more law officers on the beat. Intended
for community policing with officers getting to know the neighborhoods they patrol.

*Create about five dozen new death penalty categories. Re­stores some that existed before the U.S. Supreme Court over­turned capital punishment in 1972, creates new ones such as carjacking slayings, drive-by shooting murders and drug-traf­fickers who deal large amounts of drugs even if they are not di­rectly connected to any specific death.

*Toss third-time violent and drug felons in prison for life, if the third conviction is in federal court. Would allow the early release of some prisoners over 70 if they have served at least 30 years.

*Provide $10.5 billion for prisons, including $8.7 billion in a state prison building grant program and $1.8 billion to reimburse states that incarcerate criminal illegal aliens.

*Ban 19 named types of assault-style firearms and dozens of others that are deemed by the government to meet the charac­teristics of such firearms. It would limit magazine capacity to 10 rounds.

*Provide $7.4 billion for crime-prevention programs. Includes $1.8 billion for the Violence Against Women Act and $1.8 billion for Local Partnership Act grants.

You are programmed to accept this and believe that this law is to stop or prevent crime. Not me! A hundred-thousand more cops mean more arrests and more criminals and more judges and courts and more prisons. The federal government is the biggest criminal in the crime business and not one cent is allo­cated to catch the largest fish in the pond.

And if you imagine that the health care criminals are interested in your health, it is time to have you placed in the closest looney bin.

FBI Director Freeh Notified:
Respond Or Evade: Pre-Meditated Murder,
High Treason Cited
Citizens For A Constitutional Washington
Inspired by the Statute of July 4, 1776:
The Declaration of Independence
"We the People" Committee
John R. Prukop, Executive Director
11910-C Meridian East, #142
Puyallup, Washington, Postal Zone: 98373/
Phone: (206) 840-8071 -‑
FAX: (206) 840-8074
July 26, 1994
R 476 513 462

Mr. Louis Freeh, Director
Federal Bureau of Investigation
United States of America
10th & Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, D.C. 20535

cc: Mr. Thomas Kuker, Spec. Agent in Charge
Federal Bureau of Investigation
United States of America
915 2nd Avenue, Room #710
Seattle, WA 98174

Re: (1) Request for the production of documents.
(2) Constitutional Authority of FBI Office in the Soviet Union.
(3) Confirmation of MJTF Police/UN Operatives in America.
(4) The Holocaust at Waco, Texas.
(5) The Murders of Vicki and Samuel Weaver at Ruby Ridge, Idaho

Dear FBI Director Freeh,

Taking the numbered order of the above referenced items, first, pursuant to the United States Code, Title 5, Section(s) 3331, 3332, 3333, and 7311, please provided certified copies of the following documents: (1) Your "Oath of Office" [5 USCS 3331]; (2) Your "Officer affidavit; no consideration paid for ap­pointment" [5 USCS 3332]; (3) "Employee affidavit; loyalty and striking against the Government" [5 USCS 3333]; (4) Proof by affidavit of Item (3) that you are in compliance with 5 USCS 7311 et seq., to wit: "An individual may not accept or hold a position in the Government of the United States or the gov­ernment of the District of Columbia if he--(1) advocates the overthrow of our constitutional form of government; (2) is a member of an organization that he knows advocates the over­throw of our constitutional form of government..." (5) Your Registration Statement and Supplements thereto [22 USCS 611­612]; and, (6) A certified copy of your "Loyalty and Security Check", by the Office of Personnel Management [22 USCS 272b].

Secondly, in an Associated Press wire story of July 5, 1994 that appeared in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer and The News Tribune, (see attached copy) which is headlined as: "Freeh opens FBI office in Moscow...", you are quoted as saying, "Our two nations have more in common than ever before", commenting in a speech at the Soviet Union's interior Ministry's police academy. You add, "Most especially, we share a belief in the importance of democratic ideals, human rights and the rule of law". Based on this article, please answer the following questions, Director Freeh:
(1.) Just WHERE in the Constitu­tion for the United States of America, do you find ANY AU­THORITY to conduct official business of the United States of America, inside the KGB infested and very much Communist, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics??? (2.) Just WHO was it, that made the budget appropriation for this disgusting little twist of a power hungry and corrupt government gone mad? And, since when do our nations have "more in common than ever be­fore"? (3.) How can a Communist inspired and led Marxist government have anything to do with Life, Liberty and the Pur­suit of Happiness, as we know it, in these United States of America, when the Constitutions of both countries are so dia­metrically opposed to one another there can be NO COM­MONALITY?

Certainly it must be no secret to you that the "United States" as a corporate body politic (artificial), declared Bankruptcy and "Reorganization" in 1950. The Reorganization is located in Ti­tle 5 of the United States Codes Annotated. The "Explanation" at the beginning of 5 USCS is most informative reading. The "Secretary of Treasury" was appointed as the "Receiver" in Bankruptcy. (See: Reorganization Plan No. 26, 5 USCS 903, Public Law 94-564, Legislative History, pg. 5967) The "United States" went down the road and periodically filed for further Reorganization. Things and situations worsened, having done what they were commanded NOT to do, (See: Madison's Notes, Constitutional Convention, August 16, 1787, Federalist Papers No. 44) and in 1965 passed the "Coinage Act of 1965" completely debasing the Constitutional Coin (gold & silver, i.e. "Dollar"). (See: 18 USCS 331 & 332, U.S. vs. Marigold, 50 U.S. 560, 13 L.Ed. 257) At the signing of the so-called "Coinage Act on July 23, 1965", Lyndon B. Johnson stated in his Press Release that:

"When I have signed this bill before me, we will have made the first fundamental change in our coinage in 173 years. The Coinage Act of 1965 supersedes the Act of 1792. And that Act had the title: An Act Establishing a Mint and Regulating the Coinage of the United States...".

"Now I will sign this bill to make the first change in our coinage system since the 18th Century. To these members of Congress, who are here on this historic occasion,
I want to as­sure you that in making this change from the 18th Century, we have no idea of returning to it". (emphasis added).

It is important to take cognizance, Director Freeh, of the fact that NO Constitutional Amendment was EVER obtained to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE, amend, abridge or abolish the Constitutional mandates, provisions or prohibitions. However, due to internal and external "diversions" surrounding the Viet Nam U.N. Police Action etc., THE USURPATION and BREACH went basically unchallenged and unnoticed by the general public at large, who became "a wealthy man's CAN­NON FODDER OR CHEAP SOURCE OF SLAVE LABOR." (See: Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars,
TM-SW7905.1, pas. 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13 & 56) Congress was clearly delegated the Power and Authority to regulate and maintain the true and inherent "value" of the Coin within the scope and purview of Article I, Section 8, Clauses 5 & 6 and Article I, Section 10, Clause 1, of the Ordained Constitution (1787).

Director Freeh, the foregoing is a CRIME of such immense proportion, that those exercising the Offices of the several States, in equal measure, knew such "De Facto Transitions" were UNLAWFUL and UNAUTHORIZED, but nevertheless sanctioned, implemented and enforced the COMPLETE DEBAUCHMENT and the resulting "governmental, social, indus­trial and economic change" in the "De Jure" States and in the United States of America (See: Public Law 94-564, Legislative History, pg. 5936, 5945, 31 USCS 314, 31 USCS 321, and 31 USCS 5112) and were and are now under the delusion that they can do both directly and indirectly, what they were absolutely prohibited from doing. Therefore, Director Freeh, having now the knowledge of this CRIME having been perpetrated against the People, and as against the Peace and Dignity of the Laws of the United States of America, WHEN CAN WE EXPECT YOU TO EXERCISE YOUR AUTHORIZED INVESTIGATIVE POWERS TO BRING THE PARTIES OF INTEREST BE­FORE THE BAR OF JUSTICE FOR CRIMINAL PROSECU­TION BY THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT? Or will this
mean ratting on a few of your "friends"? Just WHERE does your loyalty lie?

Your quotes in the article [noted above] of July 5, 1994, wherein you speak of
lofty "democratic ideals, human rights and the rule of law" suggest what U.S. Representative Marjorie S. Holt noted for the Congressional Record on January 19, 1976, of a second "Declaration of INTERdependence" which clearly identified the United Nations as a "Communist" organization, and that they were seeking both production and monetary control over the several States of the Union and the People, through international Organizations promoting the "One World Order". Is it no wonder then, that those within the Executive Branch of the United States Government have seen fit to abro­gate and annul each and every allegiance to the Ordained and Established Constitution for the United States of America? Where is YOUR AUTHORITY and ALLEGIANCE? Is it to the Soviet Red Flag with the Yellow Arm and Sickle?

With regard to both the Waco and Weaver "CRIMES" by the United States Government, among other reasons for lack of AUTHORITY to act, such as a Foreign Agents Registration Statement, 22 USCS 612 and 18 USCS 219 & 951, Military authority cannot be imposed into civil affairs. (See: Depart­ment of The Army Pamphlet 27100-70, Military Law Review, Vol. 70) The United Nations Charter, Article 2, Section 7, further prohibits the U.N. from "intervening in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state..." Korea, Viet Nam, Ethiopia, Angola, Kuwait, etc., etc., are evi­dence enough of the "BAD FAITH" of the United Nations and its Organizations, Corporations and Associations, to which the "United States" is a subscribing member, not to mention the in­terconnecting INTERPOL agreements and the crimes that were committed during the seizure of two day care centers in the State of Minnesota by Agents of the internal Revenue Service (who are also agents of INTERPOL--See: 22 USCS 263a) and hold­ing the children as collateral/hostages for payment/ransom of their fraudulent, dishonored, rehypothecated debt credit, worthless securities (See: 26 USCS 165g). Such is the "Rule of Law" "as envisioned by the Founders of the United Nations. Such is Communist idiotism despotism and tyranny. ALL WERE AND ARE OUTLAWED HERE... IN THESE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!

After witnessing the terrorism and deliberate, premeditated MURDERS of Vicki Weaver, Samuel Weaver, and the 90 or more Branch Davidians at their Church Home by components of the De Facto UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, it is clear to us there currently exists INTERdependence, (See: Public Law 94-564, Legislative History, pg. 5950) affiliation and collusion with the Soviet Union Oligarchy (See:
8 USCS 1101(40) and 50 USCS 781), direction by the United Nations (See: 22 USCS 611), etc.
It is interesting to note that Treasury Delegation Order No. 92 states that the IRS, for example, is trained under the direction of the Division of "Human Resources" (U.N.) and the Commis­sioner (INTERNATIONAL), by the "Office of Personnel Management. In the 1979 Edition of 22 USCS 287, The United Na­tions, at pg. 248, you will find Executive Order No. 10422. The Office of Personnel Management is under direction of the Secretary General of the United Nations. Also, the IRS is a member in a 150 nation pact called the "International Crimi­nal Police Organization" [Interpol] (See: 22 USCS 263a). The "Memorandum & Agreement" between the Secretary of Treasury/Corporate Governor of "The Fund" and "The Bank" and the Office of the U.S. Attorney General, is indicative that the Attorney General and his/her associates are soliciting and collecting information for FOREIGN PRINCIPALS, i.e., "The Fund" and "The Bank" (International Monetary Fund and The World Bank).

It is also interesting to note that under the "Justice System Improvement" Act under Public Law 100-690, purportedly to deal with the so-called "War on Drugs", under the provisions of "FBI TRAINING OF STATE AND LOCAL CRIMINAL JUS­TICE PERSONNEL" (See: 42 USCS 3701 et seq. and espe­cially 3771) the duties under which the FBI conducts training is under the general authority of the Attorney General. And, as we now know, the Attorney General is the Permanent Repre­sentative to INTERPOL and according to Article 30 of the IN­TERPOL Constitution, the Attorney General must EXPA­TRIATE citizenship of the U.S.A. That, Director Freeh, makes Janet "Butch" Reno an Agent of a Foreign Principal un­der the jurisdiction of the United Nations. Does this not make the Attorney General's Office directed, controlled, financed and subsidized by "The Fund" and "The Bank"? Where is the AUTHORITY for this under the Constitution for the United States Of America, in which all Laws must be made in PUR­SUANCE thereto?

On January 17, 1980, the President and Senate confirmed another "Constitution", namely, the "Constitution Of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization", found at Senate Treaty Document No. 97-19, 97th Congress, 1st Session. A perusal of this Foreign Constitution should more than qualify the
INTERNATIONALIST intents. The "Preamble", Article 1, "Objectives" and Article 2, "Functions" clearly evidences their intent to direct, control, finance and subsidize all "natural and human resources" and "agro-related as well as basic industries", through "dynamic social and economic changes", "with a view to assisting in the establishment of a new international economic order". The high flown rhetoric is obviously of "Communist" origin and intents. An unelected, unrepresentative, unac­countable oligarchy of expatriates and aliens, who fraudu­lently claim in the Preamble that they intend to establish "rational and equitable international economic relations", yet openly declared that they no longer "stabilize the value of the dollar" nor "assure the value of the coin and currency of the United States" is purely MISREPRESENTATION, DECEIT and FRAUD.

In view of the Associated Press wire story of July 5, 1994, depicting your trip to the U.S.S.R. and Moscow to set up an FBI office, it is now necessary to ask WHICH Constitution "THE GOVERNMENT", i.e., the F.B.I. and other so-called "Government Agencies" are operating under? The Constitution For the Newstates Of The United States, which was located at Liberty Lobby, 300 Independence Ave., SE, Washington, D.C. 20003, was the subject matter of the book entitled, The Emerg­ing Constitution, by Rexford G. Tugwell, which was accom­plished under the auspices of the Rockefeller tax-exempt foun­dation called the "Center For The Study of Democratic Institu­tions". The People and Citizens of this Nation were forewarned against formation of "Democracies". "Democracies have ever been the spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found INCOMPATIBLE with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths." (See: Federalist Papers No. 10; also see:
The Law, Fredick Bastiat, Code Of Professional Responsibility. Preamble) This Alien Constitution, however, has nothing to do with democracy in reality. It is the basis of, and for, a despotic, tyrannical oligarchy.

Article I, "Rights and Responsibilities", Section 1 and 15, evidence their knowledge of the "emergency." The rights of expression, communication, movement, assembly, petition and Habeas Corpus are all ELIMINATED from being exercised under and in a "declared emergency". The Constitution for the Newstates of America, openly declares, among other seditious things and delusions that: "Until each indicated change in the government shall have been completed, the provisions of the existing Constitution and the organs of government shall be in effect" (See: Article XII, Section 3), "All operations of the na­tional government shall cease as they are replaced by those authorized under this Constitution". (See: Article XII, Section 4) No trial by jury is mentioned, "JUST" compensation has been removed, along with being informed of the "Nature & Cause of the Accusation", etc., etc., and every one will of course participate in the "democracy". This "Newstates" Con­stitution is but a reiteration of the Communist Doctrines, intents and purposes, and clearly establishes a "Police Power State", under direction and control of a self-appointed oligarchy.

Apparently the present operation of the "De Facto" govern­ment is under Foreign/Alien Constitutions, Laws, Rules and Regulations. The overthrow of the "essential engine" declared in and by the Ordained and Established Constitution for the United States of America (1787) is obvious. The covert proce­dure used to implement and enforce these Foreign Constitutions, Laws, Procedures, Rules, and Regulations, has not, to our knowledge, been collected and assimilated nor presented as evi­dence to a Grand Jury to establish seditious collusion and con­spiracy...but will soon be.

Referencing Item #3, "Confirmation of MJTF Police/UN Operatives in America", Title 42 USCS 3751, describes a "Drug Control and System Improvement Grant Program", wherein at subsection (b)(2) it is stated: "The Director of the Bureau of Justice Assistance is authorized to make grants to States ... Such grants shall provide additional personnel, equipment, training, technical assistance...including multiju­risdictional task force programs that integrate Federal, State, and local drug law enforcement agencies and prosecutors for the purpose of enhancing interagency coordination, Intelli­gence, and facilitating multijurisdictional investigations". Be­cause of troubling and persistent rumors regarding the stationing of foreign (UN) troops on American soil and/or assigned for training duty at American bases, plus our concern regarding how such assignment, if true, might square with the enumerated powers delegated to the Federal Government by the American Constitution, and also due to the recent flurry of confirmed photo-recon pictures of
UN and Soviet military equipment traversing the railway system throughout the United States, in addition to the current proposed Clinton Crime Bill wherein former Royal Hong Kong police are to be hired into the Federal police service, and given the fact that FBI Training of State, County and units of local government are under the auspices of the Attorney General and his/her interconnecting agreements with INTERPOL, please advise as to the several questions enu­merated below and also point out the inaccuracies, if any, which may exist in our interpretation of the various statutes referenced herein and the inaccuracies, if any, which may exist in the at­tached news report from the Spotlight, dated October 12, 1992, at which time President George Bush declared in his speech be­fore the United Nations on September 21, 1992, wherein he re­portedly offered to make available to the UN certain military bases, including Fort Dix (New Jersey) and perhaps others. In what manner would the United Nations play a role in the "multijurisdictional task force" (MJTF) on the so-called "War on Drugs" and also relating to the purported Citizen-held firearms confiscation planned in Stage 1 or Stage 2 of State De­partment Publication 7277 (See: Public Law 87-297), as the United Nations is simultaneously brought to full global power?

1. Are there any UN troops on duty in America today?
2. If so, where are they, and what is their duty?
3. If not, how soon will they begin arriving, and at what bases?
4. If UN troops will be stationed in America at a future date, what will be the nature of their duty assignments, and what controls will the Justice Department and/or Secretary of Defense or the Chiefs of Staff have over them and their mission?
5. Have any UN troops been on duty in America during the past year, participating in any Justice Department MJTF program, including drug interdiction or control?
6. If so, where, when, and what was the nature of their involvement and/or duty?
7. What is the relationship between such UN troops, if any, and the various provisions of the Federal Emergency Management Act/Agency (FEMA)?
8. What is the relationship between such UN troops, if any, and the various provisions of the interconnecting "Memorandum of Understanding" and/or "Agreement" and/or "relationship" of the FBI, INTERPOL and the Jus­tice Department, i.e., U.S. Attorney General.
9. When MJTF personnel, including FBI, SWAT, U.S. Marshal, and United Nations and/or U.S. military personnel are involved in any given operation, WHO's in charge?
10. Were there MJTF and/or UN operatives involved in the FBI assault at Ruby Creek near Naples, Idaho in which Vicki Weaver and Samuel Weaver were murdered?
11. Were there MJTF and/or UN operatives involved in the FBI/BATF assault at Waco, Texas in which 90 or more Branch Davidian Church members were murdered?

If no reply is received by August 05, 1994, my advisory board has instructed me to regard the non-reply and/or a waf­fling answer to these direct questions as confirmation of the news report here attached (Spotlight, October 12, 1992, Page 6) and substantiation for the basis of the persistent rumors regard­ing the presence of UN troops on American soil, and to proceed on the justifiable premise that UN troops are now assigned or scheduled by agreement with the UN for immediate duty in the United States, that their mission is to assist the Justice Depart­ment and various other known and unknown components of the MJTF in maintaining "internal security" actions to "control" the American populace in the event of a national emergency (FEMA) requiring imposition of "martial law" in America, in part by corralling "dissidents" and incarcerating them in "facilities" erected for "martial law" purposes and/or including the confiscation of Citizen-owned firearms.

Referencing Item #4, "The Holocaust at Waco, Texas", sensationalism is not necessary to present the incredulous statement by your FBI Special Agent and press liaison Bob Ricks that, "They're killing themselves", especially in light of the new evidence coming forth from the Mt. Carmel Center that suggests the FBI and the Justice Department have not been totally candid with the American people. In fact, it is scurrilous indeed that the FBI and the Justice Department have continually contrived, manufactured and fabricated the "truth" to fit their own devious design and ulterior motives as to the real facts of what happened at Waco. Just how is it, Director Freeh, that you have not lifted one-finger to INVESTIGATE the circumstances surrounding the deliberate ARSON-CS/CYANIDE GAS MURDER DEATHS of the Branch Davidian Church members, some 90 men, women and children, who perished at the hands of components of the United States Government and the State of Texas, and who at the same time violated numerous Federal and State Laws? Just WHO are you paying a favor to for your position of Public Trust, Honor or Profit? Are you protecting former FBI Direc­tor Sessions or the skullduggery of former BATF Director Stephen Higgins? Are you protecting the Socialist and Marxist dictator, Mr. Bubba Clinton? Or are you protecting the rather queer appearing-lesbian-infested-immoral-perverted-alternative­lifestyle-homosexual Janet "Butch" Reno? Quite frankly, all of you should be doing 80-years for Treason, Sedition and Murder, or under the original laws of the United States of America for Treason, hang from the end of a rope until dead as a dodo bird.

The American people are beginning to discover the truth about the hideous lies and cover-up at Waco. And despite the continuous bombardment of the "official party line" from FBI Special Agent Bob Ricks as the only "Establishment" media representative, we are just now beginning to see the real truth of the United States Government atrocities emerge out of the ashes at Waco, because of the dedication of one independent and non-establishment television station in Ponca City, Oklahoma. David Hall, Owner and Station Manager of KPOC cared enough to independently "investigate" the real reasons behind WHY WACO? During the July 4th celebration of Independence Day, the KPOC Television team from Oklahoma, together with a Certified Police Officer, a Certified Fireman, and a Certified Chemist, were seeking JUSTICE in Waco, that the Justice De­partment has tried to cover-up and white-wash. From their fact finding efforts and the evidence retrieved from soil samples and other data from autopsies of the Branch Davidians, it can now be proved conclusively that the 86 plus men, women and chil­dren who died at Waco, were MURDERED at the hands of the United States Government.

As Mr. Hall has pointed out, CS Gas is used as a "Riot Con­trol Agent", but its use is confined to outdoor use only because of the volatile nature of the gas. Additionally, when CS Gas burns, it burns at 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit and creates CYANIDE during the burn-off. All of the Waco victims had ethanol and cyanide in their bloodstream, but none was found in their stomachs. This would indicate that the victims of Waco suffered a horrible, paralyzing and agonizing death, because they would have been unable to move once the CS Gas was in­serted into the closed building and they continued breathing the air. Even the U.S. Government's own SWAT Training Manuals and the training seminars conducted by the U.S. Bureau of Pris­ons, prohibits the use of CS Gas as a "Riot Control Agent" in an indoor, closed environment, because of the high probability of combustion and fire. It cannot be used inside cell blocks, only outside in the prison yard. Why then, would it be allowed to be used at the Mt. Carmel site? The answer is clear: because the United States Government never intended for there to be any survivors at Waco. Just like at My Lai, Viet Nam, the order was given by some bureauRAT sitting in Washington, D.C. to, "Waste them".

It was also well known by those Agents of the United States Government surrounding the Mt. Carmel Church Home on that fateful date of April 19, 1993, that if they had sprayed water on the fire, a cloud of steam-hydrogen-cyanide would have been produced, and they themselves would have suffered the same consequences as that of the Davidians inside the burning Church buildings: DEATH! We now know the reason why the fire trucks were held back and no attempts were ever made at putting out the fire. This means that the actions of the Agents of the United States Government and all those associated with the incident at Waco, Texas on April 19, 1993 are guilty of PRE­MEDITATED MURDER. Therefore, the use of CS Gas was not utilized as a "Riot Control Agent", but as weapon of mass destruction. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms' own internal manuals, state very clearly for all to read that the CS Gas is not to be used in any closed environment. The United States Government and every other Law Enforcement Authority participating at Waco, knew, ahead of time, what was going to happen. They knew the Davidians were using open kerosene lanterns inside the building. They knew that CS Gas, in an enclosed environment would explode into fire. It was PREMEDITATED MURDER! And to hear FBI Special Agent Bob Ricks tell the American people: "They're killing them­selves" is one of the most incredulous and dastardly lies the American people have ever witnessed, save for the perfidy of the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

The KPOC Television investigation will soon be released to the American people in a special, nationally televised video documentary, The Waco Incident. But before that occurs, we would urge your Office to immediately cause a Special Independent Grand Jury to be convened, to investigate the perpetrators of the PREMEDITATED MURDERS of the 86 or more Branch Davidians who died at the hands of the United States Government and the State of Texas. We demand your voluntary compliance. If you think for one minute the American people are going to just idly stand by while the Federal Bureau of Investigation destroys evidence at the scene of a crime, while promoting an "objective lesson" to those who would oppose the government's unlawful authority, you and the rest of your cronies had better pack your bags and move to Moscow, U.S.S.R. permanently, because we intend to use every means possible to hunt down each and every one of the perpetrators of the Holocaust last year in Waco, Texas and bring them to the Bar of Justice. You and your ilk will not [further] abuse our national pride, morality and common sense.

Finally, referencing Item #5, "The Murders of Vicki and Samuel Weaver at Ruby Ridge, Idaho", WHY hasn't the Jus­tice Department released their official report on the govern­ment's handling of the North Idaho standoff? Idaho U.S. Sena­tor Larry Craig has recently "asked" Janet Reno for a THIRD TIME to release the report. The delay of this report reads like a bureaucratic put-off to the people of Idaho and only adds to the anger, fear, and distrust of the federal government that many Americans feel over this incident.

Could it be, that the stalling tactics and delay by the Justice Department in releasing the report, possibly be related to the wrongful death, destruction of property and wrongful injury lawsuit that attorneys representing Randy Weaver will bring against the federal government, before the two-year anniversary of the shootout this August? Could it be, that if Janet Reno waits just long enough, that he/she will then be able to say, "We can't possibly release the report now, because we're in litiga­tion"? Obviously, if that occurred, the report would never be released.

As you know, Director Freeh, Randy Weaver and Kevin Harris were ACQUITI'ED of ALL murder, conspiracy and weapons charges from the standoff, in which U.S. Marshal William Degan was killed. Evidence now suggests that perhaps Degan was killed by his own men. Furthermore, it is well known across America that the August 21, 1992 shootout oc­curred when federal government para-military individuals sur­reptitiously entered upon Randy Weaver's private property...to plan their "hit" on the Weavers. There can be no excuse for this abhorrent behavior of what is supposed to be our govern­ment, whose mission it is to "insure domestic Tranquility, pro­mote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty...".
There is little doubt, upon reviewing the events of Ruby Ridge and Waco, with additional irrefutable evidence now coming to the forefront, that the United States Government is guilty of far more serious crimes than any individual throughout most of our national history. Your crimes compete only with those factions of history considered repulsive by most (Attila the Hun, Adolf Hitler, etc.). The United States Government is, unmistakably, the most criminal element in our society.

This is your wake-up call, Director Freeh, that the American people have had enough of the Bull ****. Get your act to­gether, conform to the Law of this Land, obey your Constitu­tional Oath, or pack your bags and depart from us quickly.

Constitutionally yours,

/s/ John R. Prukop
Executive Director
cc: Christine Gregoire, Office of the Attorney General for the State of Washington
General Media Distribution.

"Once you Know the Truth, the Law will set you Free"!