PJ 104

JULY 22. 1994
C/O P.O. BOX 1486
NOXON, MT. 59853
406-847-2246 v/fax
RE: Intel. Report--July 20, 1994 "For What It's Worth".

In the last report, we discussed Project Apple Jack 95, con­cerning an EMP that may come from Jupiter, which may hit earth on July 25 or 26.

After this report was put out we have received word that some people have gone to the point of panic. Let me state for the record. This is an experiment and nobody knows what may happen. As stated in previous reports. We at Mom also stated: "We, at Mom, believe if this takes place it will be used as a cover for other purposes".

What purposes? There are many things that the Fed (UN) have developed that can cause all of our electronics nation-wide to cease functioning. Also, the reports of Bob Beck and Thomas Bearden prove that the Fed (UN) have developed means to completely control your mind whenever and wherever they wish to do so (again I will site the Eugene, OR. incident in the early 80s). Also, a former congressional investigator has told us that he was personally protesting the launching of the satellite that was carrying the plutonium to Jupiter (allegedly).

Again let me state that this will only be a cover for other things the Fed (UN) will do--if it happens. Also, we at Mom do not believe that these scientists can direct an EMP of this magnitude to hit the earth on a certain day, to hit a certain spot on the earth from such a distance away. However, let me say it again--if these effects occur it will not be from Jupiter but from another source (earth made EMPs and/or ELFs) caused by the Fed (UN) via EMP generators and/or nuclear explosions as a catalyst such as the ones now on the soviet typhoon class subs now based outside of Mobile Bay. AL.

Now why would they (UN) want this to happen?

In 1974 former governor of California Ronald Reagan com­missioned a study on how to eliminate city and county govern­ments and replace them with regionalism. The first report was called The Hawkins Report which proved that what Reagan wanted would be detrimental to the state. He was fired. Rea­gan then commissioned another report--this one was titled The Houlihan Report, this report outlined how they could create the climate needed to make the transition for city and county gov­ernments to regionalism. The report states:

"This study, following previous C.I.R. activities, is part of a state wide undertaking to modernize and improve California lo­cal government, increase its responsiveness, efficiency and economy.
"This particular report, using documented case material, fo­cuses on the process--"How to"--by which political and ad­ministrative leadership is employed to bring about reallocation and reorganization.
"Under the contract, the investigators were to prove the nec­essary "real world" insights into what happens to bring about change in local governmental structures".

Chapter Seven

1. There must be a climate for change in order for the re­structuring of local government to occur, whether this restruc­turing involves drastic reform, reorganization, modernization, or a minor administrative realignment, while the following does not represent an exclusive list, the factors mentioned here are those which most often create such a climate:

A. A collapse of government's ability to provide needed ser­vices;
B. A crises of major magnitude;
C. A catastrophe that has a physical effect on the commu­nity;
D. The corruption of local officials and
E. The high cost of government and the desire for higher level of services.

2. Some change will occur, in one form or another, if any of the first four factors (collapse, crises, catastrophe or corruption) are present, especially when they are of major dimension".

This is just a sampling of this 195 page report put out by John C. Houlihan, Executive Director, for Governor Ronald Reagan. Now we can see why the floods in the Mississippi Valley, the earthquakes in California, the floods in Georgia and Florida and on and on and on.

Believe me these are man made. Do the research, you will find out for yourselves.

We would also like to reiterate that we are here to bring you the reports as we get them. If our credibility is lost because of outlandish reports and/or false alarms--then so be it. All militia men must respond like the fire department. "When the bell rings, we must respond--false alarm or no". This is our duty.

They (UN) need catastrophes in order to bring the American people to their knees begging for help from the elitists. They (majority of Americans) will give up anything to feed their chil­drens' stomachs. They (UN) know this.

Do not give in. We shall prevail.

Once again, Mom will have its radio tuned to an AM station on July 25 or 26 for we fully understand that it is better to be prepared than not be prepared.

If you have any questions, please feel free to write or call. Thank you.

End Intel.

Thank you, RT.