PJ 100
7/3/94 Nora Boyles
Arthur Koestler's book, The Thirteenth Tribe is available from the 1994 Sons of Liberty Book List for $10.00, plus postage and handling. Order toll free 1-800-882-9119, or write P.O. Box 449, Arabi, LA 70032.

Encyclopedia Judaica, available in English at most central li­braries in the reference section: Pub., The MacMillan Co., Jerusalem; subjects: Khazars, Japheth, Batu (a King of the Khazars), also Bulan (another King), Ashkenazi, Economic History, Babylonian Talmud. Jewish Encyclopedia, Funk & Wagnalls Co., N.Y. & London; subjects: Chazars, Ashkenazi, Cabala, etc.
The Columbian History of the World, by John A. Garraty and Peter Gay, Harper & Row, N.Y. & S.F., (1981); subjects, Khazars, etc.

The Ottoman Centuries, by Lord Kinross, Pub., Wm. Morris & Co., Inc., N.Y., (1977) subject: Khazar territory in the Crimea and their king "Giray", still in the Crimean area in the 19th Century; also Sulieman's special treatment of the merchant class in the Ottoman Empire. (Book currently available through Barnes & Noble, Publishers.)

The Vinland Map and The Tartar Relation by R.A. Skelton, Thomas E. Marsten and George D. Pointer for the Yale Univer­sity Library, New Haven & London, Yale Univ. Press 5th printing, 1967, see reference: Secret History of the Mongols. Subject: Gazars.

The Garden of Aton [see Page 27 ], by Nora Boyles, Phoenix Source Pub., Inc., P.O. Box 27353, Las Vegas, NV 89126, Articles: #2, "The Etymology of the Word Jew"; #11, "The Prince of This World"; #12, "The Master Race"; #13, "Architects of Culture"; #14, "The Aryans Who Are They?"; #16, "The Magen David and The' Symbols or Israel"; #17, "The Eagle With the Red Tail"; #18, "He Goats and a Little Horn". Also articles by the same author which have been printed in the PHOENIX LIBERATOR newspaper which have not yet been published in book form: 2/23/93 Issue, Vol. 22 #5, "Cultural Precursors of Robotoids" (re: Ophites, Snake People); 3/2/93 issue, Vol. 22 #6, "Cultural Precursors of Robotoids" (re: Odinic Mysteries); 3/9/93 issue, Vol. 22 #7, "Snorres Konge Sagaer I"; 9/28/93 issue of the CONTACT newspaper, Vol. 3 #1, "Connections, Tavistock Institute, the 'Elite' and Media Control". 10/19/93 issue, Vol. 3 #4, "Connections, Goats and the Russell Elite". 10/26/93 issue, Vol. 3 #5, "More Goats and the Elite".

There are additional sources of information regarding the Khazars in Jewish collections, and in some other Encyclopedias not used in my original research. Three sources which have since come to my attention are: The History of the Jewish Khazars, by D.M. Dunlop, Princeton University Press, (1954), Princeton, N.J.; Khazarian Hebrew Document of the Tenth Century, by Norman Golb and Orneljan Pritsak, Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London, (1982); The Encyclopedia Britannica, various editions of which provide some differing information.

The Talmud Unmasked II, by Rev. I.B. Pranaitis, being a very early work on "the secret rabbinical teachings concerning Christians". The book is available for $7.00 plus S&H., Ph. 1- 800-882-9119 or write Sons of Liberty, P.O. Box 449, Arabi, LA. 70032.

From the same source: The Jew According to the Talmud, by Rev. August Rohling, $2.00 plus S&H. The Sons of Liberty 1994 Catalog is also available, and contains many other book titles regarding the above subjects.

A good source of general limited information as to the compilations of the Talmuds and the Kaballah can be found in the Encyclopedia Judaica and also the Jewish Encyclopedia. Some information is available in these works also regarding the Jewish Merchants, their financial and banking control, different cities in Russia and Europe where they were strong I think of Kiev, etc., some of the Jewish migrations, their synagogues, their autonomous government, usury, Zionism, Communism, their leaders, etc.

Here are some articles I would like to share which were printed in the the Toronto Star.


Toronto Star
Sunday, October 17, 1993
An interesting Insight article (Sept. 25) by Bob Keeler concerning the Middle East [see article following] points out the divergence between the historical origins of the Jews and the Muslims according to the Bible and the Koran.

I choose to take issue, however, with his inference that present-day Jews are descendent from those mentioned in the Bible.

Keeler states, "The key struggles really began in the 1880s when Zionist Jews, many of the fleeing pogroms in Russia, began moving back in large numbers to the Middle East, after centuries of dispersion throughout the world."

The ancestors of the Russian Jews never came out of Israel. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, a large Mongol‑Turkish tribe known as the Khazars converted en masse to Judaism in the seventh century close to the Crimea.

As the members of this tribe spread out toward Western Europe and eventually to North America, they became known as ''Ashkenazim" and are distinguished from "Sephardim" who are believed to be the descendents of the actual Hebrew peoples tracing their genealogical roots to ancient Egypt.

Biology then is not the key determinant in one's group affiliation. It is a question of belief.

Sunday. November 14. 1993
Re Jews' history: Khazzar version is lie by Stephen Shoshan (letter, Oct. 31). In this indignant, albeit confused and misleading attempt to refute Stan Lerner's historically sound assertion that Russian Jews' ancestors didn't come our of Israel (letter, Oct. 17), Shoshan indulges in nonsensical diatribe, going as far as accusing the Arabs of promoting the Khazzar version of Jewish history in order to illegitimize the State of Israel.

The fact is that it was the well-known Jewish intellectual and historian Arthur Koestler who, in his book The Thirteenth Tribe (Random House, New York, 1976), meticulously developed and articulated the so-called "Khazzar Theory."

Refuting history by resorting to wishful thinking is shameful, but accusing others, in this case the Arabs, of promoting lies to achieve political ends is morally and intellectually abhorrent.
* * *

by Bob Keeler
Special To The Star
IN EXPLORING the roots of the enmity between Jews and Palestinians, there is a temptation to measure the hatred in millennia, focusing on scriptural tales of a childless woman's jealousy of a surrogate mother and a shepherd boy's upset victory over a giant.

But while taking into account the biblical stories of Abraham, Sarah, Hagar, Ishmael, David and Goliath, some analysts locate the main source of the problems in the past 100 years. "These are clashes of national movements," said Robert Satloff, executive director of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. Recent history, he said, is more relevant than the struggles of biblical times.

Each year, University of Southern California political scientist Laurie Brand starts off her course on the contemporary Middle East by pleading with her students to remember one thing about the region: "It's been highly contested by a lot of different people, but it's not the case that Arabs and Jews have been fighting about it for thousands of years."

Middle East scholars say that while it's true that Jews and some of the predecessors of modern-day Palestinians fought in ancient times, those conflicts did not continue in the centuries that followed. The major causes of the current enmity are rooted in the 19th century, but ideologues of the religious right on both sides have used the ancient history to buttress their positions in the modern-day conflict.

"I think one of the casualties of the Arab-Israeli conflict has been the distortions of each other's history," said Philip Mattar, executive director of the Institute for Palestine Studies in Washington.

The key struggles really began in the 1880s, when Zionist Jews, many of them fleeing pogroms in Russia, began moving hark in large numbers to the Middle East, after centuries of dispersion throughout the world. That set up a conflict with the Arabs who had remained in the region. The conflict finally exploded in 1948, with the establishment of the State of Israel, but no nation-state for those who had come to be known as Pales­tinians.

Still, it is true that Muslims who make up the vast majority of the Palestinians view the origins of the region's peoples differently from the Jews.

Both monotheistic religions start from a shared view of Abraham (Ibrahim to the Muslims) as founding patriarch. The Hebrew Scriptures say that Yahweh led Abraham to the land of the Canaanites in the region that is now Israel.

Abraham and his wife Sarah were childless, and Sarah sent her Egyptian servant, Hagar, to have sex with Abraham an early version of surrogate parenthood. Hagar had a child named Ishmael. When Sarah became jealous, Hagar fled with the boy. God heard their distress (Ishmael means "God has heard") and ordered Hagar to return to Abraham and Sarah. When God promised that Sarah would bear a child, despite her advanced age, Abraham laughed. But she gave birth to a son, and they named him Isaac, which means "laughter." Eventually, Sarah's jealousy drove Hagar and Ishmael away again this time for good.

It is here that the Hebrew Scriptures and Muslim, Koran diverge, said Reuvern Firestone, a Jewish scholar, in a recent article in "Shalom-Salaam: A Resource for Jewish-Muslim Dialogue," published by the Union of American Hebrew Congrega­tions.

In the Bible, Ishmael disappears, except for a brief mention that he and Isaac later buried their father together, according to his account. In the Koran, Abraham accompanies Hagar and Ishmael to what later became the Muslim holy city of Mecca and leaves them under a tree near the site of the future Ka'ba, the central worship place of Islam. In fact, the Koran describes Abraham returning for later visits with Ishmael (known as Ismail to the Muslims) and helping him start building the Ka'ba.

"Ismail is considered (by the Arabs) the first Arab," said Rabbi Joseph Rosenbloom, a professor at Washington University of St. Louis. "You could almost say that the conflict was in a sense preordained or foreshadowed from the beginning."

Later in the Hebrew Bible, David, who as a shepherd boy slew a giant Philistine named Goliath, became king and conquered the Philistines, unifying all the tribes. Under his successor, Solomon, the kingdom split in two and its parts were conquered by the Assyrians and later the Babylonians. The Hebrews gained freedom under Persian King Cyrus; but the Greeks under Alexander the Great and later, Romans, became their rulers. After the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and the temple in A.D. 70, the Jews dispersed. "There was a continuous Jewish presence in the area, but the vast majority of Jews did live elsewhere," Brand said.

Several scholars agreed that Arabs have been in the area continuously since the period of the Jewish disbursement.

When the European Jews began fleeing pogroms and migrating to Palestine in the late 19th century, Zionist leader Theodor Herzl described their vision: "Zionism strives to create for the Jewish people a home in Palestine secured by public law." The Arabs felt threatened.
"You have Palestinians who are saying that we've lived here hundreds of years and these Jews have no right to come and dis­place us," Mattar said. Brand added: "The Jews would say, 'This is the land that was promised to us by God. Therefore, we've always had historical right to it, regardless of how many Jews lived here.' "

Whatever the Palestinians' claims to antiquity, at the turn of the century they did not have a real nation. "Syria, Jordan and Palestine were all just provinces of the Ottoman Empire," said Peter Gubser, president of American Near East Refugee Aid in Washington. "There wasn't a separate identity."

Now, the Palestinians and the Israelis have mutually recognized that they have no choice but to try to get along. In that recognition, there is a poignant echo of the scriptural story, in which Isaac and Ishmael, the two sons of Abraham, come to­gether again only over their father's grave.

"The descendants of Ishmael and the descendants of Isaac finally are able to make peace with one another," said Rabbi Gary Bretton-Granatoor, director of inter-religious affairs for the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. "They're standing over the graves of all their loved family members."

WED., JUN. 29, 1994 12:44 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 317

WED., JUN. 29, 1994

In writing number one of today I shared research with you PROVING that the "Jews" are not Israelites. We further have proven to you that these "new" breeds of non-Israelites ARE Khazarian in origin, NOT SEMITES and now control almost all governments and commerce. They are, by their own declara­tions, anti-Christ in both orientation and practice. This latter can be proven by the full war on all Christian and other reli­gious activities, traditions and beliefs. The Anti-Defamation League is one of these "non-Israelite" now called "Jewish" orga­nizations established by the British Intelligence and recognized as B'nai B'rith in America (and actually, around the globe).

This GROUP of people now control your medical associations, legal associations, the entire of the JUDICIAL system and thus and so. Now, why am I belaboring this subject? Because I have come into new knowledge regarding Eustace Mullins.

As you regular readers will recall a few months back, Eustace brought suit against the ADL. We ran the information AND the case filings. Eustace Mullins has been a target of the active ADL for years. He was even a PERSONAL target of J. Edgar Hoover as he began, years back, revealing TRUTH as he be­came friends with Ezra Pound [1885-1972; American author, poet and critic]--A POLITICAL PRISONER of this Elite bunch of criminal conspirators.

So, now it is time for update of happenings. I would also note from the "personal" portion of Mullins' letter that there is a not­-so-nice person who had better start watching his backsides, named "Shudlick". This man is efforting to ruin Eustace's reputation at every turn--apparently not filling orders (we assume for books) but taking the money, it is presumed. I am going to ask that all books from Eustace Mullins purchased because of our writings or CONTACT be purchased THROUGH Eustace personally with an appended note, please, explaining reason for the inconvenience. If this doesn't solve the problem perhaps we can work out some other way to assist him. I believe some of his books are carried by Phoenix Source Distributors [See Back of Book] but those people cannot at this time afford to carry the whole library of Mullins' writings--perhaps soon.

The remainder of the letter (which was not written to us and is the reason I honor the privacy indicated) we will publish because there are several items you "patriots" should note, one being the plight of Tom Donahue (radio talk host).

I just returned from Dallas where we had a couple of good meetings; unfortunately I had to go at my own expense to help out Tom Donahue who has 57 counts of mail fraud, etc., by the U.S. Attorney--which is trying to force him to give up his radio show; I don't know if you heard him when he was broadcasting out of Jacksonville; he is now in Dallas to fight the prosecution. So it was an expensive trip; also he did not let me know until two days before the meeting so I had no chance to ship any books down there to sell....

A shocking notice came to me in the mail the other day. Judge Harold Greene DISMISSED MY LAWSUIT AGAINST THE ADL WITHOUT A HEARING AND FURTHERMORE "WITH PREJUDICE, meaning I can't refile. I have appealed, which cost $105.00. I did this on the way to Dallas as I fly out of Washington. I now have to prepare my appeal and have no one to help me as I haven't done an appeal for quite a while. I have to go to Lexington to the law library to work on it this week.

I also found out that Harold Greene is Heinz Gurnhaus of Germany; he came here in 1943 and went back to Germany with Kissinger as a sergeant in the US Army Intelligence. On return he went to night school at GWU [George Washington University] in Washington, working the day at a soft job at the Dept. of Justice. He then founded the Civil Rights Div. at the Dept. of Justice in 1957, was appointed by LBJ as Chief Judge of the Superior Court in Washington, then to the federal bench in 1978. He broke up AT&T and still has total control over the entire US tele-communications industry. It is a terrific story; I researched it before leaving and will be working on it this month. [H: Please don't forget to do the work and get the book out on "Education", Eustace. Education of your children is the MOST important one thing facing you as nations today!]
* * *
I find myself becoming so angry as I read such as this for funds stolen from the Constitutional Law Center SHOULD be going to help such as Eustace do an appeal. Do you understand, citizens, that YOU DO NOT HAVE A JUSTICE SYSTEM--BUT A GROUP-RULE SQUASHER OF FREEDOM AND TRUTH?

The receiver of this correspondence did make enclosures--of so many that we have to consider "which" and we believe it to be this one:

EIR Executive Alert Service, June 14, 1994:


[H: This is far more important to you, readers, than you can imagine. You HAVE NOT HEARD THE LAST OF THIS PARTICULAR MAN--FROM SEVERAL STANDPOINTS, EH WHAT, RONN? Surely we are not going to just focus on Shevardnadze?]

The return to Russia of Aleksander Solzhenitsyn and his "crusade" against the corrupt, "old/new" Nomenklatura behind the Yeltsin regime have become the most widely discussed political event in Russia. Since his arrival in Vladivostok at the end of May, Solzhenitsyn has campaigned for a "spiritual re-birth of Russia" based on pre-Bolshevik "traditional Russian values". He has explicitly called for overcoming both the moral and economic destruction wrought by decades of Bolshevik rule and the ruin brought on by the last years of neo-liberalist economic policies. Solzhenitsyn denounced as "brainless" Yegor Gaidar's pro-International Monetary Fund economic measures: "I refuse to accept that what is happening today, are reforms. Reforms are constructive, are a thought-through system of measures. Such reforms don't exist here."

Attacking the Mafia-style Nomenklatura "privatizations" of the Yeltsin regime, Solzhenitsyn said, "Every single year, the thieves carry between $12 and $25 BILLION out of the country, and the Russian Government then begs the IMF for a loan of $1.5 BILLION." He said that "living standards" and "morality" were being destroyed, and that an irreversible "decay" of Russia's "intelligentsia", endangering the very future of the country, is a danger. The regime's clumsy attempt to co-opt Solzhenitsyn through a laudatory telegram from Yeltsin welcoming him back to Russia, backfired. Solzhenitsyn refused to mention it, even in response to questions at press conferences.

Despite the clear political content of his declarations, Solzhenitsyn has kept himself above day-to-day politics. He refuses to align himself with any particular political force. His scathing denunciation of imperial demagogue Vladimir Zhirinovsky as nothing more than "a caricature of a Russian patriot" is a case in point. Solzhenitsyn also distanced himself from the declared goal of the newly formed Communist-Nationalist Opposition under former Vice President Rutskoy, of reestablishing the borders of the Soviet Union. Instead he calls for the creation of "Greater Russia" in its "natural, Slavic" bounds, with Belarus joining Russia, and Ukraine and Kazakhstan being "partitioned".

Solzhenitsyn is popular because he fulfills a crying need for a "spiritual father"--a "Little Father", as the Czar was once called--in these "times of troubles". As a sign of the fundamental shift away from the policies of the Yeltsin period, Solzhenitsyn's star has been rising in spite of (or perhaps, in part, because of) the deprecating and condescending way he has been treated by the pro-Yeltsin media.

* * *
Now try this one on for size and confirmation:

Sent from Palm Beach, Fla., but we believe the article is from The New Federalist, June 13, 1994 and is connected to a major article from that same paper's Front Page which headlines: UN PLAN: ONE WORLD GOVT BY '95. They are NOT JOKING! Readers, how can your hearts bear this burden? Just from the horrors of Rwanda and the flow of pollution and disease running into Lake Victoria from the bodies --it is going to be beyond any plague on mankind seen before.


David Pimentel, Professor of Ecology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York: [Editor's note: Cornell is Carl Sagan's home nest.]

A widening propaganda campaign for reduction of the world's population--now at 5.6 billion human beings--to two billion, [H: WRONG, the population is slightly MORE than 7 billion now. (How many of YOU did not get counted?) Moreover, Bush has stated that the population will be brought to no more than 550 million. The Earth was brought forth to house and attend 500 million!] was sparked by the release this past February (1994) of a study of Cornell University Ecology Professor David Pimentel.

Dr. Pimentel's year-long study into the "optimum human population", defined as the number of people the planet can comfortably support with a reasonable standard of living for all, concludes that 2 billion is the world's "optimum" population. Speaking before the February annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in San Francisco, Pimentel acknowledged that the drastic adjustments required to cut the population by more than half its current level will cause "serious difficulties". Such difficulties, however, will be less than those caused by "continued rapid population growth", he said.
* * *
Well, I guess "Blue Beam" will get rid of a bunch of you and disease, war, famine and such can help with the rest. I wonder how many ELITISTS Dr. Pimentel plans to eliminate? Is THAT not the proper place to really clean it up--with the ONES WHO HAVE BROUGHT THE DISASTER?

Let's look at what they have to say about One World Govern­ment:


Linda de Hoyos, June 7, 1994 (EIRNS)--The Human Devel­opment Report 1994, released by the United Nations Human Development Program on June 1, sets forth a blueprint to de­stroy the sovereign nation-state and replace it with a One World UN dictatorship by March 1995. The UNDP report, endorsed by UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali, outlines plans for establishment of "world institutions" with powers to dictate policies to government, while simultaneously declaring war on the vulnerable nations of the developing sector.

Under the ruse of a concept of "human security" to replace the imperatives of national security of sovereign countries, the UNDP report sets the agenda and protocols for the March 1995 heads-of-state summit on Social Development to be held in Copenhagen, Denmark. This summit is to follow this Septem­ber's Cairo Conference on Population, where Boutros-Ghali et al. are demanding that nations agree to population reduction as the criterion of economic performance.

The UNDP proposals, if implemented, would create the en­forcement apparatus for such genocidal aims.

Specifically, the UNDP report calls for the creation of:

* A World Court with powers to subpoena nations;
* A World Police.
* A World Central Bank, which would give the Inter­national Monetary Fund
sole power to enforce aus­terity on nations;
* A World Treasury;
* An Economic Security Council, with a mandate to interfere in those states
that do not comply to UN protocols for genocide or "free-trade" liberalization;
* A World Trade and Production Organization, which would not only regulate
"free-trade" but also dictate production quotas to nations.

To fund its One World Government, the UNDP report calls for global taxation. This is to include taxes on pollution; taxes on savings from demilitarization; taxes on all foreign exchange transactions; and a global income tax on nations whose people average an income above $10,000/year.

The UN requires such global powers of dictatorship, the re­port makes clear, in order to enforce population reduction. The biggest threat to "human security", the report states on page 34, is "unchecked population growth". The report states that by the year 2015, world population must be stabilized at 7.3 billion. For this goal to be reached, nations must "commit themselves to participating in annual reviews of the 20:20 compact"--to be held as joint donor-recipient meetings on each country as well as annual reviews in the Economic and Social Council.

Further, the UNDP demands that, while the UN heightens its powers to militarily intervene in the sovereign territory of any nation, the militaries of the developing countries must be dismantled, their national security stripped.

The UNDP report lists five cases in which UN Blue Helmet troops must be deployed into the internal conflicts in nations: "mass slaughter of the population of the state, decimation through starvation or the withholding of health or other services, forced exodus, occupation and the denial of the right to self-determination, [and] environmental destruction."

To understand what this means: At the behest of British Prime Minister Lord Palmerston, Blue Helmets would have intervened to protect the secession of the Confederacy from the Union during the American Civil War.

At the same time, under the title "special contribution," the UNDP endorses a call by Oscar Arias, former President of Costa Rica and Nobel Peace Prize winner, for developing countries to fully demobilize their armed forces. Arias calls for a Global Demilitarization Fund, managed by the UN, that would dish out money to developing countries who make efforts to "disarm and demobilize their armed forces; reintegrate military personnel into society; promote arms control."

Through the Economic Security Council, demilitarization would become a new conditionality for any aid or loans to developing countries.

The UNDP report has already drawn the wrath of some developing countries for the inclusion in the report of a "hit list" of countries which, the report says, are either in a state of crisis, or on the verge of crisis, and therefore warrant UN "preemptive action". Targeted are Afghanistan, Angola, Haiti, Iraq, Mozambique, Sudan, Zaire, Burundi, Georgia, Liberia, Rwanda, and Tajikistan. The report further cites Brazil, South Africa, Egypt, Mexico, and Nigeria as vulnerable to disintegration due to "unequal distribution of resources." [H: Hey now, readers, you are getting irate at ME. THIS CAME RIGHT OUT OF YOUR WONDERFUL UNITED NATIONS!!] Of these nations, Egypt, Mexico, and Nigeria were also targets of the 1970s National Security Memorandum 200 of HENRY KISSINGER, which declares that population reduction is a national security goal of the United States.

In a press conference releasing the report, UNDP index designer Mabubhul Haq, an IMF flunky in his capacity as Pakistani Finance Minister in the early 1980s, indicated that countries which do not submit to the bogus parameters of the UNDP "Human Development Index", will be hit with insurgencies modeled on that of this year's Chiapas uprising of "indigenous peoples" in southern Mexico. Haq in fact revealed that the UNDP had done a detailed study of Chiapas seven months before the January 1994 insurgency was launched. A mere coincidence? He said the UNDP is now carrying out similar "studies" of regional disparities in Egypt, Nigeria, and Brazil.

Despite the liberal distribution of the word "human" throughout the UNDP report, human beings are not a high priority. James Gustave Speth, head of the UNDP, was the project director for the Carter Administration's Global 2000 report, which demanded that world population be reduced to 2 billion by the year 2000.

* * *
Now you want comments? What in the world can I say? You want to know what I am going to do about it? Or maybe you want God to just "fix it"? No, I don't think so, citizens. GOD DID NOT GET YOU INTO THIS INCREDIBLE MESS! WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT THIS?

There are two cartoons that I ask you to run right about here in the paper: one is "Children of the Global Village" and the other is representative of "Blue Helmets". (See Pdf )
Now, how about the following "peaceful" gesture:

Palm Beach Post, Thursday, June 9, 1994:

The Los Angeles Times:

JERUSALEM--With Yassir Arafat, chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization, expected to visit the West Bank and Gaza Strip this month, a former Israeli chief rabbi on Wednes­day issued a RELIGIOUS RULING CALLING UPON JEWS TO KILL HIM. [H: And I bet you thought Rushdie had it bad with "Satanic Verses"? Well, not to concern yourself because after all the Israelis know and vote. I guess all of you are aware that the massacre in the Mosque was a one man job--sort of like the one bullet theory in every as­sassination around. It has to be so--the head of Israel said so!]
Rabbi Shlomo Goren said he had made a formal Rabbinic ruling that declared, "There is no doubt that Yassir Arafat de­serves death according to Israeli and international law... [H: INTERNATIONAL law??]

"It is, therefore, a commandment to kill Arafat, and there is no need to wait to bring him to trial," Goren continued in inter­preting Jewish religious law. "Every (Jew) is commanded to kill Arafat." [H: Well, that ought to make for a very thor­ough murder!]

Pressed by an Israeli radio interviewer on whether his ruling did not amount to an incitement to murder, Goren replied: "To kill Arafat is not a sin or a crime, but will bring a blessing to the person who does it and to his family." [H: Oops, his family? And you thought Farrakhan's speaker from Islam was naughty in speech against the "Jews"?]

Goren, who served as chief rabbi of Israel for a decade and before that as chief military rabbi, said Arafat "deserves killing" under Jewish law "because he is defined as a persecutor who declares war day and night against the state of Israel. His sen­tence as a persecutor is that anyone in Israel is obligated to kill him."

Arafat's planned trip to the West Bank town of Jericho and probably to the Gaza Strip increased the urgency of the matter, Goren said, making plain his hope that Israelis will be inspired by his ruling to attempt Arafat's assassination during the visit­or that this prospect will deter Arafat from coming.

In April, Goren said he would "declare a great holiday" if a Jew rose up to "wipe out" Arafat but that statement did not carry the weight of a Rabbinic ruling, as did his declaration Wednes­day.

Calls for Arafat's assassination have multiplied significantly in Israeli right-wing circles recently.

Shmuel Meir, Jerusalem's deputy mayor, pledged last month that anyone who killed Arafat would be honored with the city's distinguished citizen award. Mayor Ehud Olmert, busy with his own plans to prevent Arafat from praying at the city's Muslim holy places, pointedly refused to criticize Meir's call.

Areil Sharon, a former defense minister and member of the right-wing opposition Likud Party, expressed his regret that Is­raeli forces did not kill Arafat in Lebanon a decade ago or on two occasions in intervening years when he was a clear target.

Radio talk-show hosts calmly entertained discussions this week of whether Israel should allow Arafat to travel to the Palestinian self-rule areas--Gaza and Jericho--or whether the government should organize his killing when he visits.

In Morocco, Arafat said on Wednesday that the exact date of his departure for Jericho had not been decided, although the pace of the PLO takeover in Gaza and Jericho has accelerated. "We are on the eve of the final return together to our father­land," he said.

"Rabbi Goren's old age embarrasses him and us," said Uri Dromi, director of the Government Press Office. "No sensible person thinks we should kill Arafat--he has become our partner in the search for peace."

* * *
How many readers have heard about this? I thought not! But I bet you think this was a front page headline article in the free American (equality for all) press? Oops--sorry--way back in the middle of the paper and I bet it didn't even make it into any BIG BROTHER papers elsewhere. This message, dear readers, WAS INTENDED FOR THE "JEWISH" CROWD IN THAT AREA OF FLORIDA!

This writing is already a bit too long but let us continue for a bit anyway, please. I would like to offer a bit more from Freeway University in continuation from yesterday. I'm sorry, readers, but this information is six months old so pay attention to the new updates we have poured all over you, please.

According to the October/November Christian Intelligence Scanner, a whistle blower from Michigan named "Mark" [H: One of your better reporters!] claiming to have worked for Army intelligence reports: "Originally on 11 February, 1989, representatives of the Department of Defense, Senator Conalin(sp) of Michigan, the State General Adjutant of Michigan, the State General Adjutant of Ohio, and the State General Adjutant of Indiana met in a joint conference which took place in Lansing, Michigan. On that particular date, the discussion was, and this was brought to attention through the Justice Department in conjunction with the ATF representative: When, not if, the Federal Government confiscates firearms in the United States, will the Michigan Guard, will the Ohio Guard, will the Indiana Guard provide the forces for confiscation of properties and weapons?"

"At 6:35 in the evening, a verbal and apparently a paper contractual agreement was made up, in which the Michigan Guard would provide resources, 50% of its ground personnel, and probable air assets, to be used AGAINST OHIO AND INDIANA, and comparable groups from both Indiana and Ohio would be deployed against the state of Michigan for use in the same effort under the MJTF Police clauses. This agreement, apparently three months later, Indiana had second thoughts, and during this time frame, attempted to back out of the agreement. When they were not able to, or when they attempted to, there was a great deal of infighting and bickering, funding was with-drawn from the Indiana Guard--this was a punishment. The Ohio Guard had a large rift, and also personnel who were running from the unit once they were able to find out what was going on."


In preparation for resistance to this dictatorial coup the feds have not only been working on usurping State and local law enforcement agencies, but building internment camps through the National Guard and FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency). This is what was meant by Oliver North, who with his back against the wall at the Iran-Contra hearings, let it slip that the U.S. Government has the ability to detain millions of Americans within 72 hours. Immediately after this "bomb" was dropped the hearing was adjourned for "private" consultation in closed chambers! Again, will the closed military bases be used to house the politically incorrect???

FEMA was started by our first Trilateral member President Jimmy Carter by Presidential Executive Order 12148. It's peculiar that FEMA's motto on their logo is "PACE AD BELLO MERITA" which translated is "Peace and War through Merit".

Although FEMA has recently played a role in assisting in our natural disasters, its real design is to secure martial law under the coming crises. Through the CLUB OF ROME the entire world has been divided into 10 regions [the U.S. is Region #1] and through FEMA and U.N. directives the United States has been divided into 10 regions, each with a regional government, governor, and anthem. Do you know the melody of your regional anthem? The "peace" keeping forces to be deployed in the U.S. will be mostly comprised of FOREIGN troops. The Northeast region of the U.S. to be policed by Venezuelans and Columbians, the North by Belgians, the South by Russians, and the West by the Irish (St. Patrick's Day will take on a new meaning in California!). Some of FEMA's secret martial law programs are WINTEX-CIMEX 83', PRESSURE POINT 84 DOD, REX 82 BRAVO, REX 84 ALPHA, NIGHT TRAIN 84, and CABLE SPLICER/GARDEN PLOT. [H: Yes these ARE REAL--we have told you about them.]
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Because of the IMMEDIATE interest in militias and marches and proof of such atrocities as took place in WACO--I can't not offer this next short notice. Yes it is OLD. It talks about a film taken of the WACO "incident". We have seen it and flames are coming from the tank's gun. Bo Gritz on a radio talk show where he was blasting my people--actually claimed everyone was blind and that "flame" was only a piece of colored wall-board. Well, readers, what can I say?


An alert Bay area Freeway supporter found a revealing 2/7/94 article by San Francisco Chronicle Religion writer Don Lattin regarding the controversial film, WACO, THE BIG LIE (available through Freeway for $29. I highly recommend it! [H: Me too.] Isn't it interesting that the mainstream national press continues to IGNORE this documentary showing flames being shot from ATF tanks, even though it's been aired on over 100 local television stations, and yet a "religion" writer found it newsworthy? Lattin's reports, "While the Treasury report lists the type of ammunition found in the bodies of the Branch Davidians killed in the February 28 raid, that information is missing in the summary of autopsy reports on the four ATF agents killed [THREE OF THE AGENTS HAD BEEN CLINTON'S BODYGUARDS DURING THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION]. That omission has caused speculation that at least some of the ATF victims may have been killed by 'friendly fire'. Stanford referred questions about the missing autopsy information to Treasury spokesman Peter O'Brien, who said he could not comment because of the trial of the Branch Davidians..."
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Well, we all now know about the cyanide in the topsoil AND ON AND ABOUT THE BODIES of victims at Waco--DON'T WE? Certainly we as "readers" must all know about the trial that was set aside and the sentences given survivors? [See 6/21/94 CONTACT p. 37.] Don't we? It is YOUR WORLD, readers, but God only loaned it to you and placed IT IN YOUR CARE. THESE THINGS CONTINUE TO BE UPSETTING TO OUR FATHER WHO ISSUED YOU CHOICES, REASONING MINDS AND RESPONSIBILITY! How do you grade yourselves on a scale of one to ten--as fulfilling your responsibilities on that wondrous orb?