PJ 102
THU., JUL. 14, 1994 10:03 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 332
THU., JUL. 14, 1994
In any play there is a beginning and ending--not that all roles are finished in completeness or the stage is destroyed or any of the other indications of destruction of the theatre. So, what have you in sequence of perception? A beginning of some kind--which by all players and all scenarios is "already" under way and the play represents a pull-out or a scenario from within the overall master-story. Then the play progresses sequentially representing sometimes the passing of whole eons of consciousness and then in the final scenes is some kind of conclusion or "ending".

The beginning may be of interest to lay groundwork for the understanding of the sequential movement of the play and to recognize the characters and the direction or gist of the play itself. The ongoing sequential acts are unfolding the plot content which then builds to the conclusion or ending of the thought projected--to either go into sequential scenarios at another offering of ongoing story-line or to simply end the play.

Physical expression is identical in concept. The past is interesting as to beginning of YOUR play and the characters acceptable for identification and then you move on with whatever happens by either watching it, ignoring it, being victim or victimizer or whatever. You will form "beliefs" according to what you allow to control your mind-set. For instance, "reincarnation" was removed BY THE ANTI-CHRIST from your "Bible". Why? So that you would be easily controlled by the perception that once through is all there is and there could be no more. Therefore, the scriptwriters in power and control--rewrite, revise and remove that which allows the viewer or participant control over his own part in the play. Why is this important? Because YOU might not like the way the play ENDS and therefore might well take CONTROL and rewrite the SCRIPT!

Most of the masses of human beings are quite content to simply protect their roles by being "extras". I ask you--what happens to "extras" in a movie or play? Which are you? Are you a key character or simply a go-away extra? Key players CHOOSE to NOT be mere extras! They prepare, study, and yes, do the play over and over and over until they know they have the importance and capability of BEING THE SCRIPT WRITER AND DIRECTOR--AND--THE PRODUCER!

Now, actors, guess what? The ones in POWER already or wishing to attain the position of importance and power do what? They DO EVERYTHING IN THEIR POWER to never allow you mere actors and extras to EVER GAIN CONTROL OF ANYTHING! Moreover, they write the script so that you will never think yourselves capable of, nor interested in, changing the play--at all. Who loses and who gains? Well, THAT depends upon what is the goal and what is the desired "ending". Indeed, the "ending" is far greater than the "beginning" for if you are perceiving "it"--you are impacted by it--NOW. I can further cause notice to be taken that, therefore, the character actors NOW are far more IMPORTANT than are the beginning actors! So, for instance, in the Committee as example: A-17 becomes FAR MORE IMPORTANT TO THE PLAY THAN IS A-1!

Golly, readers, you can't even see Jupiter--much less the comet fragments--what are you talking about? God has "thought" order into CREATION--do you not think HIM capable of managing the heavenly bodies? If, indeed, you are a "play" (and you ARE), then who put such rubbish into YOUR play? Could that comet not represent a part of scripting for Jupitarians--if AT ALL? WHAT BUSINESS IS IT OF YOURS? WELL, IT IS YOUR BUSINESS BECAUSE IT HAS BEEN CONJURED BY YOUR CONTROLLING SCRIPTWRITERS TO COVER THEIR HEINOUS DEEDS HAPPENING IN YOUR PLAY. No more and no less.


To make this worthy of your thought attention, I will have to give you a parable. I have a book which I have recommended in the past and a few of you probably have it. Terry doesn't because he sent Dharma his copy--which we will see to that he gets back--sometime. It is called DOOMSDAY 1999 A.D. by Charles Berlitz.
I think we can "randomly" write about this but randomly, in point, we will pick Chapter 3: We will call this PART 1 so that if we write further on the subject we can identify our own writings on the computer and in your focus for convenience. Yes, that does mean, in fact, that you have one more thing to keep track of--but you are big kids now and the least you can do is keep up with your own doomsday predictions--although you WON'T.


CHARLES BERLITZ, Doubleday & Co., Inc. [H: And already by checking the status of the publisher in intent and control--you can know that the book is intended as false projection--not truth of even the revelations.] Garden City, New York (1981) [H: The DATE of writing, 1981, tells you even more about it. That date is not so long past as to anything but furtherance of brain-washing information in an ongoing attempt to mislead, misinform and distract you.]

Throughout the world of today, already beset by a multitude of other worries, there is growing an increasing nervousness about a cosmic event that will occur in 1982. The preview of these effects may already have begun. This occurrence will mark, by a coincidence in their orbits, a concentration of most of the planets in our solar system on the side of the sun opposite the earth. [H: JUST LIKE THE JUPITER "THING"--"ON THE SIDE OPPOSITE THE EARTH". My, my--lightning does strike twice in the same place doesn't it?] This will occur around Christmas time 1982 and, it is theorized, the pull of the planets on the sun will cause sunspots, flares, and possibly resultant earthquakes around the world and also, through the tidal effects exercised on the inner core of the earth, cause enormous earthquakes especially at the boundaries of the slowly moving tectonic plates on which the land masses and the oceans ride. [H: Anybody hear this one LATELY? LIKE FOR BETWEEN THE 15TH AND 22ND OF "NOW"? The adversary NEVER HAS TO CHANGE HIS STORY--IT WORKS WELL ENOUGH OVER AND OVER AGAIN TO NEVER HAVE TO CHANGE IT! Does this mean you WON'T have anything happen? Don't count on it--it depends on what the controllers have in mind for dumping on you. Satan CAN CONTROL THE PHYSICAL PLANE INCIDENTS, GOOD BUDDIES! HE SIMPLY CAN'T ORIGINAL-CREATE! I suspect there may be some massive things take place--not the least of which may well be a showing by the Chinese anti-anti-Christ of major importance--see yesterday's writings. On the other hand, if the intent is to test your brain-washing and cause you to IGNORE the NEXT warning--there won't even be a notable mention--including of the Jupiter destruction because there will not be any such thing as that, I promise you! THIS "Jupiter ‘thing' ‘on the backside (AWAY FROM EARTH VIEWING) is exactly NOTHING. Whatever happens on earth is OF earth.] These temblors, occurring along fault lines, such as that of San Andreas, may be of much higher intensity than those of the past and might initiate a self-propagating earthquake era, with disastrous results for civilization. As earthquakes have been increasing in frequency and intensity during the last decade, some scientists as well as psychic observers have suggested that the approaching global catastrophe has already started and that the great earthquakes of the sixties and seventies in Peru, China, Alaska, Mexico, Turkey, and Iran are merely the before shocks of greater seismic catastrophes to come. [H: More "frequently" than "when"? The entire face of the planet has been changed over and over again by CONTINUAL earthquakes and ebbs and flows. Ah, and here comes "Jupiter" again--so, I wonder WHERE "THEY" GOT THE IDEA FOR "THIS" ONE?]

According to British astronomers John Gribbin and Stephen H. Plagemann [H: Do you KNOW these guys?] (The Jupiter Effect: 1974), an even more dangerous condition will exist in May, 2000 A.D. for those of us who are here to observe it. At this time Mercury, Mars, and earth will be in direct allineation with the huge planets Saturn and Jupiter as well as with Pluto and the earth's moon. Venus will also be close to Mercury in this cosmic line-up. The effect of powerful earthquakes brought about by this positioning might be strong enough to disturb the earth's rotation, causing it to wobble on its axis and perhaps to bring about a magnetic reversal of the poles.

But this "worst case" situation, which is now being commented on with increasing frequency by present-day astronomers, geologists, and oceanographers was also noted and commented on by Berossus, a Babylonian astrologer-historian who lived more than 2,300 years ago [H: Babylonian??? Home of the anti-Christ??? Guess so! How many of you knew Berossus? Was there ever such a one as Berossus? HOW DO YOU KNOW?] One wonders through what telescopic equipment and what lost techniques Berossus and the Babylonian magicians (then a word for astronomers) [H: STILL FITS!] arrived at their calculations. [H: YOUR astronomers still pronounce our craft as stars and planets and do not even BOTHER TO EXPLAIN THE STROBING RAINBOW LIGHTS WHICH CAN EASILY BE SEEN WITH THE UNAIDED EYE!] The Roman poet, Seneca, related some 300 years later what Berossus originally caused to be inscribed in wedge-shaped cuneiform syllables pressed into wet clay tablets:

. . . these events take place according to the course of the stars; and affirm it so positively, as to assign the time for the Conflagration and the Deluge. He maintains that all terrestrial things will be consumed when the planets, which now are traversing their different course, shall all coincide in the sign of Cancer, and be so placed that a straight line could pass directly through all their orbs. But the inundation will take place when the same conjunction of the planets shall occur in Capricorn. The first in the summer, the last in the winter of the year . . .

Berossus, in speaking of "the year" was referring to the sidereal year, the precession of the equinoxes, which takes 25,827 of our years. (This figure is the time it takes the earth's polar axis, which changes in space from day to day, to return to its original position in space in relation to the zodiacal band. The twelve constellations of the zodiacal band as they succeed each other in the night sky have formed a convenient cosmic clock for earth observers for many thousands of years.)

Was Berossus making a prophecy or merely an educated guess several millennia in advance of his time, based on many millennia of observation and research before his own era? The astronomical observations of distant antiquity, generally connected with prophecy, were often included in legends of the gods or disguised as a code, perhaps to restrict the information to the priestly caste. The extent of the sidereal year can be recognized in the sum of the crossed diagonals of the Great Pyramid at Gizeh [H: Say what???] which give a total of 25,826.6 pyramidal inches. How did Berossus know about, or the Fourth dynasty of Egypt measure the sidereal year? [H: Well, they DID NOT DO IT YOUR WAY!] And this is only one example of cosmic information contained in the Great Pyramid. [H: And THAT is NOT "cosmic"; that is simply mathematics at worst--poor mathematics at best!]

While archaeologists generally accept the Pharaoh Cheops (Khufu) [H: Or could that be Tofu, Foofoo, Tuhu or Sununu?] of the IV dynasty as the builder of the Great Pyramid, this is questioned by a tradition held by the Copts, the purest descendants of the ancient Egyptian stock. [H: No, they are not! Who gave forth this incorrect information??] This tradition declares that the Great Pyramid was there for many centuries BEFORE Khufu, thereby inferring that Khufu may have repaired it only and then have taken credit for its construction (a maneuver not unknown to the rulers of Egypt who often "erased" their predecessors' names from monuments and substituted their own). [H: You know, sort of like rewriting history to suit the desires and then making it against LAW to speak of the truth of the matter? Sort of like the FACTS as actually happened and numbers involved in what is now recognized as the HOLOCAUST as a specific definition of something that happened which did not--as presented.]

According to a history of ancient Egypt written by Masoudi, a medieval Coptic historian, the two greatest pyramids (those of Cheops and Chephren) were built by Surid, one of the Kings of Egypt before the flood, who built them as a result of a prophetic dream wherein "the sky came down and the stars fell upon the earth." His interpreters of dreams, when queried, predicted that "a great flood would come accompanied by a fire from the constellation Leo, which would burn up the world. King Surid thereupon ordered the two pyramids to be built and to be recorded through their walls all the secret sciences together with knowledge of the stars as well as all they knew of mathematics and geometry, so that there would be a witness for those who would come after them."

[H: Ah so, now we begin to get the truth of the matter. At that time there were MESSENGERS, just like we are NOW. The people were told of the happenings which would come and that they should prepare. WITH HELP--AND I MEAN REAL HELP, massive excavations were made INTO the earth and along with the pyramids--BECAME THE SURVIVAL PLACEMENTS. THE SECRETS IN THE PYRAMIDS ARE NOT OF KINGS AND NERDS--THE REVELATIONS WILL BE OF SURVIVAL FROM THAT WHICH COULD DESTROY THE WORLD OF PEOPLE--JUST LIKE THE PHOTON BELT FOLLOWING IGNITION OF THE RADIATION BELT BY PRANA OR NEUTRON-ORGONE ENERGY--DELIBERATELY ESTABLISHED--BY EVIL BEINGS WISHING TO DEPOPULATE AND OWN THE WORLD! YOU ARE IN "RERUNS", VIEWERS! The pyramids BECAME tombs, thoughtful students! Sorry to bash your daydreams!]

Some of the other measurements and calculations yield surprising results, almost as if the Great Pyramid, as has been mentioned by Egyptian Coptic writers in the intervening centuries, is not a tomb but a compendium of mathematical and astronomical knowledge. For example:

  • 1. Base perimeter divided by twice the height= 3.1416. (The modern value of Pi. [H: MODERN "VALUE" OF Pi? How can you have a "modern" value of a FIXED absolute?] Archimedes, the famous Greek mathematician, who lived thousands of years later, never got closer than 3.1428.) [H: So, one or the other or BOTH are wrong--right? And YOU would place your entire existence on such stupidity?]

  • 2. Fifty pyramidal inches= 1 ten millionth of the earth's polar axis. [H: Really? No it doesn't!] (Some among the ancient Egyptians must have had access to information indicating the true size and weight of the earth. The shape was well known to them and the concept of a round earth in space was taught to young students of the priestly schools.) [H: Oops! Could the history and knowledge again have been REWRITTEN to enslave people? When, then, did the world get pronounced to be FLAT, IF IT HAD ALWAYS BEEN KNOWN TO BE ROUND? BETTER CHECK YOUR HISTORY BOOK AND WATCH FOR THE LINEAGE OF BRITISH KHAZARIANS!]

  • 3. Base perimeter= 356,240 pyramidal inches (or number of days in year). [H: Well, here again, if you go back to #1 above, the figures can't be correct--can they? Further, if you use "MODERN" calculations--the number of days in a year--cannot be correct EITHER!]

  • 4. Height X 1,000,000,000= approximate distance [H: "Approximate"--in finite mathematics? Approximate?] of earth to sun at autumnal equinox. [H: Ah but now you use the old argument that they didn't have no "sophistication" away back thar! No? They seemed to have done damned well--to me! Pi, for instance, would not be the value of 3.1428 or anything else--UNLESS IT WAS THE SAME EVERY TIME INTO INFINITY! I am reminded that the New York legislature once offered a bill to "round off Pi" to get rid of the annoying fractions! IS THIS THAT UPON WHICH YOU BASE YOUR EXISTENCE JOURNEYS? I THINK SO, READERS!]

  • 5. Weight of pyramid X 1 trillion= approximate weight of the earth. [H: Wow--another sure thing in mathematical wizardry: "approximate"???]

  • 6. Base perimeter X 2=1 minute of a degree at the Equator. [H: Balderdash!]

Because of the scientific information still being discovered within the Great Pyramid [H: I certainly HOPE SO!], a belief has grown among psychics [H: Ah so, now we get there--THERE IS NO MATHEMATICAL BASIS--IT IS THROUGH PSYCHICS? THEN, DEAR ONES--YOU DON'T HAVE REALLY ANYTHING UPON WHICH TO BASE ANY OF THIS NONSENSE--DO YOU?] that there must be a message of prophecy indicated by measurements of the interior passageways calculated by pyramidal inches. [H: Could it not be that the involved people made the passages convenient to get the traversing travoices through the pathways? I guess that would be TOOOOO simplistic? Well then, how about sarcoficusses?? (No, leave the misspelling for everything else about this writing from this book--is equally stupid and incorrect! By the way, what is an inch? I understand you are to be on a metric system which takes away the "inch" in favor of other countings--WHAT IN THE DAFFY-DAZE IS A "PYRAMIDAL INCH" IF YOU HAVE NO SUCH THING AS AN "INCH"?] Measurements have revealed a series of breaks and variations built into the twists, turns, and protuberances of the galleries and inner chambers which are considered as indicative of important events in the past, the present, and the future. Believers in these prophecies have included at least one well known astronomer, Charles Piazzi Smyth [H: How many of you know this one?], once the Astronomer Royal of Scotland. These predictions in stone are believed by many pyramidologists to have begun on a date equivalent to September 22, 4000 B.C., and will end on September 17, 2001 A.D., the end of the sixth millennium.

[H: Let us assume for a minute that some of you have the foresight to actually dig a shelter. Further, let us assume you do so and set it up with fine technological record-keeping equipment such as computers, etc. Now comes a biggie--and you don't have anything with which to run your computers? They now are useless things which must be gotten out of your way--so you take them and dump them where, over the eons of time, they are vanished. What would you do if you were a historian or a story teller? What will be in YOUR caves after there is no power and you are working only on oral stories and tellings of history? Will your walls not be filled with the graffiti of an experience and are those not HISTORY instead of PROPHECIES? Readers, unless you come to grips with possibilities other than that which is destructive to you--you CAN'T CHANGE!]

While remembering that this is an interpretive prophecy, mainly after the fact, it is still intriguing to observe that certain modern events appear to have been indicated in advance, that is, since the time the key was thought to have been discovered in the early part of the twentieth century--the gallery measurements apparently indicated critical events which would occur at dates corresponding to World War I, the Armistice, World War II, the Atomic Age, and crucial events of the fifties and seventies. But the measurements--and history itself--seem to break off in 2001.

A calculation by Heraclitus of Ephesus, a Greek philosopher of the Ionian school, can be interpreted as a forecast of the next world catastrophe. Ancient Greek cosmic outlook was influenced by a theory held by Plato [H: No, I do not hold Plato in positive esteem either--he was the beginning of the downfall of civilization by his incorrect and stupid philosophy which all of you bought into. It was NOT that which Socrates espoused or taught--you better go back and really check out THIS ONE!] and other philosophers that there were and would be periodic destructions of the earth by fire and flood. [H: Good grief, any being with a brain could come up with this incredibly brilliant observation!] Heraclitus, who was not influenced by Plato's account of the destruction of Atlantis, since he predated him, calculated that the world would be destroyed AGAIN in 10,800 years, counting from the last time it suffered almost total destruction. If we take Heraclitus' time span of recurring catastrophes and calculate it from a date in Plato's account of the sinking of Atlantis (9,000 years before his time) we obtain a date for the next catastrophe fairly close to the end of the second millennium. This theory was proposed centuries before our present year count began. It is one more instance of a correlation in time of ancient predictions of catastrophes, kept alive in various world traditions throughout the centuries.

Scientific expertise and cosmic information interpreted through legends mixed with prophecy sometimes occur in remote corners of the world far removed from the advanced cultures of Egypt, Greece, and Mesopotamia.

* * *
Since we are running "long" on this chapter, let us break it here and we will take up at the paragraph about the "Hopi". Thank you.

THU., JUL. 14, 1994 4:11 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 332
THU., JUL. 14, 1994
The Hopi, a small Amerindian tribe of very ancient traditions, apparently knew that the earth turned on its axis. In a Hopi legend the axis of the earth was guarded by a pair of cosmic giants who, when they left their positions, caused the earth to falter in its spin, resulting in the end of a world and the start of a new era, eventually to be followed by still another. The beginning of the end of the present or Fourth World is considered by the Hopi to have already started and will be consummated after the appearance of a now invisible star, rushing toward earth from space. Strangely, the Hopi concept of catastrophe caused by the earth faltering on its axis is a preoccupation among certain scientists of today and yesterday who, attributing the future cause to overloading of ice on the poles, shifting of the inner magma tides of the earth, a series of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, or a cosmic collision or near collision, foresee basically the same results as the Hopi prophetic visions--the world's end in earthquake and fire.

Toltec-Aztec world-ending concepts also prophesied that the present world or sun would end within the present era by earthquakes, a cataclysmic denouement shared by Berossus of Babylon, ancient prophets, medieval seers, and a number of modern astronomers and psychics.

Within the Judeo-Christian religious tradition there exist in the Bible, as expressed by some of the Old Testament prophets, predictions in which although the years are not mentioned, certain conditions are specified which seem to locate the end of the present world within our own time period, very close to now, the final days being identified as the time soon after the Jews have been established once more in their own land. [H: Well, that can't be now because the Jews are NOT established in THEIR OWN LAND--THEY ARE ESTABLISHED IN PALESTINIAN AND AMERINDIAN (U.S.) LAND! But you can see here--that we are getting to desired point of view as is intentionally being established. Besides, the ones in Palestine are Khazarian Jewish impostors--not Judeans of the Hebrew.] At this time, as written in Zechariah 14, the Lord declares: "...I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle..." These prophecies are also contained within Ezekiel Chapters 36, 37, 38; in Daniel, 11, 12, 14; Joel 2 and 3; and Isaiah 23 and 24. [H: And, does it mean that all nations who are against Israel's Jerusalem as today will be gathered against those of Israel's Jerusalem? Or, does it mean that all nations who were and ever are somehow against the "Jews" will be gathered into some kind of finishing-off battle of their own? It really does make a difference how you read a sentence. Further, the Talmudic "Jews" who now inhabit Israel (Palestine's property) are not only not Hebrew in origin BUT they are "Talmudic" people--not of the Old Testament as referred to here. So, what in fact, does any of this mean--or is it basically confused and meaningless? I too like the old fun and games of speculation--but it appears that without a lot more factual historical KNOWLEDGE you can't speculate very well--much less can you base the demise of a planet.]

In the Book of Ezekiel we find a specific reference in the Lord's prophecy to Ezekiel recalling the scattering of Israel "among the heathen" in the past. But the Lord promises that He will "gather you out of all countries and will bring you into your own land..." and that "...the wastes shall be builded...and the desolate land shall be tilled..." and "...the waste cities shall be filled with flocks of men... I will make them one nation in the land upon the mountain of Israel." [H: Fine! But exactly where is ISRAEL? No, I do not mean the part of Palestine defined, stolen from the Palestinians and unlawfully given to the Khazarian Zionists BY THE UNITED NATIONS IN ABOUT 19 HUNDRED AND 48 YEARS A.D. Do you suppose those are sidereal years or calculated according to the pyramidal inch-year measurement?]

[H: Wow, now we REALLY go for it...] However, further along in Ezekiel's prophecy, we find that a great invasion shall come from "Gog" in the north and a great war will ensue when "everyman's hand will be against his brother." [H: So far so good...but...] This prophecy continues with a promise of divine intervention--"with pestilence and with blood...and I will rain upon him, and upon his bands... an overflowing rain and great hailstones, fire, and brimstone... and I shall send a fire on Magog..." and "seven months shall the house of Israel be burying them."

[H: The term "israel" does mean "God's chosen". But WHO are God's chosen? Do you actually believe it to be the self-named, self-styled Khazarian Zionists who have labeled THEMSELVES "Jews" to confuse the lineage and heritage? These are the ones who kill, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, no forgiveness only REVENGE and thus and so. Does this ACTUALLY SOUND TO YOU LIKE "GOD'S CHOSEN" IN HIS OWN IMAGE?]

These predictions have been interpreted by many Biblical students as a direct reference to the final battle of Armageddon, when Jerusalem will be attacked by many nations and the next millennium will be at hand. As this attack and threat of attack is located within the present century, if we link it to the prophesied return of the Jews to Israel, we have the feeling that Biblical prophecy is being corroborated by events in the daily press.

Hal Lindsey, author and theological student (The Late Great Planet Earth: 1970), even suggests a battle plan, based on Daniel's prophecies such as, "at the time of the end (italics added) the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind... with chariots, with horsemen, and with many ships..." A somewhat free interpretation of the above and the ensuing verses indicates to the author a Russian amphibious assault to the south of Israel, to coincide with an invasion from the northern flank to push down through Israel north to south before the final battle is joined at Armageddon. After this conflict the Day of Judgment will come: "...many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life and some to shame and contempt." [H: I suggest that some of this might well be on target, but then Mr. Lindsey goes on and does the bit on RAPTURE which is NOT EVER mentioned anywhere in any BIBLE! The Rapture you are told about by the self-styled prophets is a man-manufactured PROJECT BLUE BEAM IN WHICH A WHOLE BIG BUNCH OF YOU ARE GOING TO BE SENT TO HELTER-SKELTER STATUS IN NEVER-EVER LAND!]

The prophecies in Joel deal with destruction before a future Day of Judgment as they describe: "...wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood and fire, and pillars of smoke [H: Yep, good old Blue Beam!]--the sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the Lord comes." And in Isaiah, we also hear rumblings of a future doom, one with cosmic overtones: "...the windows from on high are opened, and the foundations of the earth do shake... the earth is utterly broken down... The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard... it shall fall and not rise again. The Lord maketh the earth empty... and turneth it upside down." [H: Now THIS sounds pretty interesting to me and I wonder where all the people will go?? I repeat--there is no "RAPTURE" as you are told! Further, GOD WILL NOT ALLOW EVIL BROUGHT INTO HIS PLACES--where is that going to leave YOU?]

In the New Testament the mystical and frequently obscure Book of Revelation of St. John of Patmos contains vivid descriptions of the catastrophes which will occur during the approaching period of the Apocalypse and the Final Judgment and refers to a final battle, the greatest of earth's history. This will be the Battle of Armageddon (Meggido, on the map) in which will contend an attacking army of 200,000 cavalry spouting "fire, smoke, and brimstone", which is how modern armored cavalry units would appear to a prophet of ancient times. Mention is made and interpreted by some students of the Bible as a recognizable reference to thermonuclear warfare, of the power "to scorch men with fire" and that men were "scorched with great heat and blasphemed the name of God..." and of an earthquake "such as was not since men were upon the earth so mighty an earthquake and so great," and that "...every island fled away, and the mountains were not found..." [H: But it does NOT say ANYTHING about any such thing as a RAPTURE!]


...a phenomenon familiar to observers of the effect of atomic bombs. Also reminiscent of what one hopes we will avoid in the future is a forewarning contained in the Book of Esdras of the Apocrypha which tells of:

...great and mighty clouds...shall rise to destroy all the earth and its inhabitants...and they shall destroy cities and walls, mountains and hills, trees of the forest and grass of the meadows and their grain...no one shall be left to cultivate the earth or to sow it...

In the Gospel according to St. Luke and also mentioned by St. Matthew there is a prophecy attributed to Jesus Christ which describes a period wherein "Jerusalem encompassed with armies" will be a sign of the approaching Final Judgment:

When you shall hear of wars and commotions, be not terrified; for these things must first come to pass; but the end is not by and by. Then said he unto them, Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall be from heaven. And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand.

* * *
This is enough to finish the first part of earlier today. We will continue about these Ancient Prophecies before we go back to The Usurpers. I do, however, suggest you begin to get serious with REASON lest you lose your head--literally. You have to understand that this was all thought to be going to happen at the turn of the last millennium and the one prior to that. Indeed, I WARN YOU AGAIN--THE RAPTURE BEING TOUTED TODAY--IS OPERATION BLUE BEAM AND IT IS VERY MAN-MADE METHODS TO SOCK-IT-TO YOU BLIND, UNTHINKING "BELIEVERS" AND IT IS NOT A NICE BUNCH OF ANGELS WHO HAVE CONJURED IT FOR YOU. YOU CAN BET YOUR BOTTOM BUTTON THAT "THEY" DO NOT HAVE ANY INTENTIONS OF JOINING A "RAPTURE". THEIR INTENT AS IS ALWAYS AND HAS ALWAYS BEEN--TO TOTALLY RULE THE PHYSICAL WORLD!