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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#102, SACRED WISDOM

    PJ 102
    FRI., JUL. 8, 1994 10:34 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 326
    FRI., JUL. 8, 1994
    Nichols: "He got threatening phone calls. He asked me, ‘Will they hurt me?'; ‘Well, they haven't hurt me.' I don't know why I didn't worry more about that."

    Gary Johnson: "Basically what they said was, ‘Mind your own business.' All it did was it made me mad. I never would have thought in a million years that anybody would follow-up on it."

    Nichols: "With all the requests for the subpoenas on Thursday, Saturday morning we found Gary Johnson beaten and left for dead.

    "Without getting into gory details, both elbows were dislocated, his collar bones were broken, his spleen and bladder were ruptured with holes the size of a half-dollar in them. His nose and sinus cavities were all crushed. He had been beaten by Clinton's people."

    Interviewer: Were "they" (the attackers) very large?

    Gary Johnson: "Yes, yes they were!"

    Interviewer: Did they say, "Where's the tape?"

    Gary Johnson: "Yes, they asked me for the tape."

    Nichols: "Now, what's sick is, the man gave them the tape. And then they went and broke his elbows, punctured his spleen, punctured his bladder."

    Gary Johnson: "They looked like State Troopers, I'll say that!

    "Clinton can be a very dangerous individual in the State of Arkansas."

    Nichols: "In my lawsuit in 1990 I named the lady, Sally Perdue as having an affair with Bill Clinton.

    "Sally had an apartment in Little Rock. The Clinton security guards would drop him off at her apartment and go park in the woods. When Clinton got through doing his business he would flick the porch light and they would know to come and get him.

    "She started ‘coming out', started talking, and believe it or not, before she could talk, Clinton's people got to her and offered her a Federal job--or, break her legs--whichever one was the best..."

    Narrator: Sally Perdue, former Miss Arkansas and radio talk-show host, carried on a sexual relationship with Governor Clinton between August and December 1983. State Troopers in government vehicles were used at taxpayer's expense to shuttle Clinton back and forth to Sally's home. Perdue, who today supervises a home for people with Down's Syndrome was offered a $60,000-a-year Federal job to keep quiet. She refused.

    Nichols: "Now you see, that's illegal. You can't offer a Federal job to get someone to hush."

    Narrator: Following her attempt to go public, Miss Perdue lost her job and started receiving threatening phone calls and letters. Live ammunition was found on the seat of her car and the rear window of her vehicle was shot out. Even though a number of witnesses had corroborated her story, the American Press had refused to print it. During the 1992 Presidential campaign, interviews with ABC and NBC, as well as an appearance on the Sally Jesse Raphael show were taped, but were never aired.

    Nichols: "She had actually been on the Sally Jesse Raphael show, right after the New York Primary. Did you know the television stations around the country blacked out that program and wouldn't show it?"

    Narrator: In December 1993, former body guards of Bill Clinton came forward with detailed information regarding the Governor's sexual encounters with a number of women. Larry Patterson and Roger Perry, both veteran Arkansas Troopers, boldly spoke on the record. Two other Troopers who had initially spoken off the record, were later identified as Danny Ferguson and Ronny Anderson. In April 1994 a fifth Trooper, L.D. Brown, came forward and corroborated their stories, adding that the Clinton sexual partners numbered over one hundred during the period he was employed by the Governor. The Troopers' official duties included approaching women to obtain their phone numbers for Clinton, driving him to rendezvous points in State vehicles, guarding him during sexual encounters, securing hotel rooms and lying to Hillary about his whereabouts. Phone logs and other corroborating evidence fully backed these reports.

    During the period when the American Spectator magazine was preparing the story, its offices suffered three separate break-ins. They had never before been broken into in their 26-year history.

    In an attempt to silence the officers, the Clinton Administration launched an elaborate counter-attack, which included urging Ferguson to change his story and leveling false accusations of insurance fraud against Perry and Patterson.

    Nichols: "When Larry Patterson and Roger Perry came out, they substantiated everything that I had alleged in the lawsuit. These people were there--they were the body guards. [H: Does it now become more easily understood why and how Clinton's prior body guards would be among the "friendly fire" VICTIMS at the WACO massacre?]

    "Now watch what happened. The same thing that happened to me--they planned to do to them. They roasted them in the media. They said they were committing insurance fraud."

    Judge Johnson: "The evidence that these State Policemen have brought forward relative to Clinton's womanizing is being questioned by the ‘Spin Doctors' as not being credible. Yet, it is more credible than the evidence on 90% of the people who are confined now on ‘Death Row' across America."

    Nichols: "Is this fair? Can't you all see the papers saying that the troopers were telling the truth? THEY WERE FOUND INNOCENT! Therefore the stories they were telling had a basis and they are not the scumbags that the ‘Spin Doctors' for Clinton made them out to be."

    Judge Johnson: "These two have had the courage to come forward and the evidence that they have presented has not only been credible but has been overwhelming. And the truth is that I'm convinced that it's just the tip of the iceberg."

    Narrator: On May 8th 1991, Paula Jones, a State employee with the Arkansas Industrial Development Commission was working the registration desk for the Governor's Quality Management Conference at the Excelsior Hotel. Governor Bill Clinton was to be the main speaker.

    Paula Jones: Out of the blue sky one of Bill Clinton's body guards named Danny Ferguson gave me a number. I asked him what it was as I held out my hand. He said, ‘It's a number to a hotel room,' and that the Governor would like to meet with me. Well, I was surprised and I kind of talked it over with my coworker and we didn't have any reason to believe we couldn't trust him, so I agreed to go on up to the room and meet with Mr. Bill Clinton.

    "I got to the room and Governor Clinton--he opened the door to meet me. It was a room that did not have any beds in it. It had couches and stuff like that. It was like a meeting-type room. He asked me about my job and how I liked it and who my boss was, and I told him. He mentioned that he liked the way that my curves were, on my body, and he liked the way that my hair went way-down my back. Then he tried to lean over and started putting his hand up my leg, which I--it happened so fast--and he tried to kiss me on the neck. It happened so fast when he tried to lean over and kiss me on the neck and he was putting his hand up my leg. I backed off and said, ‘I don't want any of this and I think I need to be going.'

    And then he, before I even knew it, dropped his pants and Bill Clinton asked me to perform oral sex on him. When I declined and jumped up and told him I needed to go immediately, that's when he went on to say that ‘If you have any trouble whatsoever contact me immediately.' I said, ‘Well, I'm late and...' and I started to proceed down the hall to the door and he followed behind me, saying, if we could ‘try to keep this between ourselves.' I went down the elevator, went back to my Registration Desk and I told Pam the whole story."

    Steve Jones, husband of Paula: "I can't understand how somebody can take advantage of somebody like that and then have the audacity to drop his pants--I mean, you know..."

    Bill Clinton on TV: "I am not going to dignify this by commenting on it."

    Steve Jones: "Paula gave an exclusive to the Washington Post and Mike [I presume this to be a reporter, last named sounded something like "Iza"] called. We were going to be as open as we could with the Washington Post. Mike told Paula that, as far as he was concerned, he believed Paula and he thought that the story should be told. Then Mike said that they were ready to put the story out and they were going to go to the Editors and present the story to them. We heard that Mike got suspended from the Washington Post and there was a big fallout between the Editors of the Washington Post and Mike."

    Narrator: Paula Jones filed a lawsuit against President Clinton claiming sexual harassment. The same day a massive media smear campaign against Paula Jones was launched.

    Nichols: "Think about a man who has no more regard for women than Bill Clinton has. They are just "sex things". I don't understand the feminist movement being behind Bill Clinton. He hangs women on his wall like trophies."

    Narrator: A number of women who have had sexual relationships with Bill Clinton have allegedly been given major career boosts in exchange for silence. Beth Coulson received a judicial appointment to the Arkansas Court of Appeals from Clinton. Regina Blakely landed a job with CBS National in Washington covering the White House. Likewise, Debra Mathis secured a lucrative job with the White House Press Corps. Susan Whitacre was made the liaison between the Arkansas State Capitol and the White House. Elizabeth Ward obtained a position with the Clintons' close friends, Hollywood producers Harry Thomason and Linda Bloodworth Thomason, and Jill Jenkins was given a high level position with AP&L.

    One of the most harrowing stories of Bill Clinton's attempts to keep his promiscuity hidden involves Jerry Parks, a private investigator and former Chief of Security for Clinton's campaign headquarters.

    Gary Parks, son of Jerry: "My father was Gerald Parks (aka Jerry Parks). He was the head of Clinton's security for Clinton's campaign when he was running for President. My father was brutally murdered. He was on Chenal Parkway and Arkansas Highway 10. This is one of the most elite parts in Little Rock, Arkansas. Someone pulled along side of him and started shooting at him. They cornered him and stopped him on Highway 10 as he was turning left off Chenal Parkway. They stepped out of the car to block his path and shot him five times--once in the leg, once in the arm and three times in the chest. My father had a file on Bill Clinton's infidelity and his affairs. It ran approximately from ‘82-'83 to somewhere about ‘90-'91. The file consisted of pictures, times, dates, places--of where Bill Clinton was at, where Roger Clinton was at, the type of drug use that Bill Clinton and Roger Clinton were involved in.

    "I was the only person that would ever go with him on private investigative work. And I remember four to five times that I was with him and that was what he was keyed-in on. I saw Clinton with a lot of different women, a lot of different types, sizes, shapes, colors--one of them being Jennifer Flowers. You know, I was just like ‘WOW!' It was a little more ‘neat' than anything else, that, you know, somebody that is this famous, this big-wig, can get away with this--which just ‘blew my mind'."

    Narrator: Shortly before Jerry's death the phone lines at his home were cut. The security system was disconnected and the Clinton files were stolen.

    Gary Parks: "I believe my father was assassinated because he was the one link that could actually close everything and completely shut it. I believe Bill Clinton had my father killed to save his own political career.

    "When I did contact Little Rock Special Investigative Services, they told me that they had been pulled off the case three weeks prior to that.

    "That just blows my mind on how, when I hear they are making progress, I hear they are pulled off the case. Something is not right there."

    Nichols: "Bill Clinton has been the way he is, ever since I've known him. He hasn't changed; he WILL NOT change. People inside the White House, today, tell me that he is running sex-capades in and out of the White House like has never been there before. It is a disgrace to America."

    Judge Johnson: "If we had known of his bimbo background, the people of Arkansas would have never elected him Governor of this State. I'm charging the media of this State for not doing their duty and exposing these things that have since become matters of FACT."

    Nichols: "He's a womanizing, dope-smoking LIAR and a draft dodger. [Very sarcastically!]: I don't remember those being in the Constitution as being exactly the model qualities we want in the President."

    Narrator: Voters who depend on the media for unbiased information regarding political candidates have been betrayed. Much of the information concerning ADFA, Whitewater and Clinton's sexual promiscuity was known by the media as early as 1990, yet was kept hidden. The media's heavy pro-Clinton bias prior to the 1992 election was best summed up by Newsweek when they candidly stated: "Truth is, the press is willing to cut Clinton some slack because they like him and what he has to say."

    In May 1994 Newsweek added: "The National Press has been restrained in its accounts of Bill Clinton's private life--and with good reason. Most of those who have made charges against him have been despicable people--jealous and stunted sorts."

    Nichols: "What an indictment about the media. They knew the truth about Bill Clinton--they just didn't like George Bush. I know Bill Clinton, probably as well as anybody. We trained him how to look straight into a camera and lie through his teeth. And you see, part of Bill's pathological lying is the fact that WE TAUGHT HIM HOW TO BELIEVE THE LIE, THAT HE'S TELLING. ONCE HE BELIEVES THE LIE THEN HE CAN SELL IT TO YOU AS THE TRUTH.


    Tom McKenney, Lt. Col, USMC (Ret): "Clinton can get us involved in hopeless quagmire, easily, in Europe, in Africa, in North Korea [H: I will comment on this shortly.], in any number of places because, not only because of his ineptness and his lack of understanding, but his contempt for military things. This goes back at least as far as the ‘60s in his college days when he not only attended, and participated in, anti-American rallies, but organized them. By the way, those were not anti-"war" rallies. Those were anti-American rallies. He has no loyalty to this nation, he has no loyalty to its fighting men. He hasn't enough integrity to have any loyalty to its population. He knows how to ‘say' the right things but he has lied for so long that I really don't think he knows the difference, anymore, between the lie and the truth."

    Nichols: "The media has not been able to ascertain, today, that there is a human being sitting in the Presidential chair of the United States of America that lies with EVERYTHING he says. They still believe somehow in the Office of the Presidency. They still believe there is some integrity there."

    Narrator: Attempts to keep the criminal activities of Whitewater concealed were largely successful prior to the 1992 election. After that, however, the raging Whitewater rapids could no longer be contained. What the Clintons claimed as a simple "money-losing investment" was in actuality a series of complex business transactions and cover-ups ultimately costing the American taxpayers more than $60 million dollars.

    Hillary Clinton, on TV: "When this is all over it's going to be the same story we have been telling for two years: We made a bad investment, we lost money, and there is really not much more to add to it."

    Bill Clinton, on TV: "We have, and we have enforced higher standards against ethical conflicts than any previous Administration."

    Jim Leach, U.S. Congressman: "(1) Whitewater may have begun as a legitimate real estate venture but it came to be used to skim, directly or indirectly, Federally insured deposits from an S&L and a small business investment corporation. When each failed, the United States Taxpayers became obligated to pick up the tab. (2) The family of the former Governor of Arkansas received value from Whitewater well in excess of resources invested. (3) Taxpayer-guaranteed funds were, in all likelihood, used to benefit the campaign of a former Governor. (4) The independence of the Government's regulatory system has been flagrantly violated in an effort to protect a single American citizen.

    Bill Clinton: "People should not be able to raise questions that erode people's moral authority in this country."

    Narrator: It quickly became obvious that Whitewater would engulf the Clinton Administration if ignored. A two-fold counterattack was put into action. The first was to win sympathy from the conservative populace, who are among his chief critics. Clinton embarked on a series of appearances partly promoting himself as a "born-again" Christian, who supports and practices traditional Biblical family values.

    While the uninformed may have been fooled, those who realized what was happening were outraged at the blatant hypocrisy.

    Bill Clinton, in church: "This is a place where I have come to seek Divine Guidance and Support and Reassurance."

    Randall A. Terry, Director, Loyal Opposition: "You know, after Bill Clinton was in office for two days, he signed five Executive Orders shedding more innocent blood--the blood of innocent babies. Then he went on to try and get homosexuals in the military. He put Jocelyn Elders ‘in' trying to distribute condoms to our kids. His AIDS czarina was promoting all kinds of vileness and yet his church pastor has not rebuked Clinton. He is still in close contact with him, he still stands by him and still says, ‘He is a great Christian man!' This is an affront to heaven!"

    Narrator: The second phase of the counter-attack was to appoint Robert Fiske as special prosecutor to head up the investigation into Whitewater. That same week the Rose Law Firm began shredding documents.

    [Continued next chapter]

    FRI., JUL. 8, 1994 10:34 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 326
    FRI., JUL. 8, 1994
    Nichols: "A lady came to me, scared to death. She wanted to come out and tell the truth. I asked her, ‘What's the matter?' She said, ‘They're shredding documents at the Rose Law Firm.' Well, I tried to tell the media. The media said there was no way that could be going on. Then in came a journalist from a Washington newspaper and he goes over and investigates what I told him and you know what? The very week he investigated, guess what they were doing? Shredding documents, right there at the Rose Law Firm."

    Jeremy Hedges, Former Employee, Rose Law Firm (one of the "shredders"): "They had his initials printed all over them--everything from the box to the manila files to everything--I even saw his [Bill Clinton's and/or Vince Foster's] signature on the Rose Firm letterhead." [It appears this person is referring to Vincent Foster.]

    Nichols: "You see, all of the Whitewater documents, they're getting rid of. They are getting rid of them as fast as they humanly can. It is the nerve and audacity that those two people, Bill and Hillary Clinton, have to shred documents, to destroy evidence in a Federal case..."

    Randall A. Terry (To a group of people gathered outside the Rose Law Firm building.): "That is why we're here in front of the Rose Law Firm--because of the works of darkness that have gone on. Documents have been shredded here--what else is going on here? I'm telling you that there are people inside this building and right now they are saying, ‘If they only knew--if they only knew!'"

    Female speaker (Former employee, Rose Law Firm): "I've been very, very disappointed in the Clinton Administration. Every time I think that now they're going to do something right, something comes out that proves they have been lying and I just don't trust them any more."

    Narrator: During that same week there was also a fire at the Stephens-owned Worthen Bank Building.

    Nichols: "This fire was on the fourteenth floor and supposedly was started by a space heater. I want you to look at this, will you, and tell me if you think it was an accidental fire started by a space heater. [Pictures showed opened and emptied files, desks and everything junked and then every inch of the room burned--obviously AFTER having been ransacked!] This is a CPA firm and the documents that were in this office were important documents relative to Whitewater.

    "If you go back to Arkansas and you look at the Secretary of State's office, everybody that's ever run for office in recorded history, you can find out who their major campaign contributors are since day one--except for one person--Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton's records at the Secretary of State's office disappeared. You see, they did it then and they'll do it now. All information pertinent to Whitewater, any notes left by Vince Foster, any personal documents that would lead anywhere to any type of criminal activity, they're just going to be destroyed."

    Narrator: Fiske's initial assignment was to quell rumors regarding the alleged suicide of Vince Foster. Foster was a senior partner with Hillary Clinton and Webb Hubbell at the Rose Law Firm prior to his appointment as White House Deputy Counsel.

    Judge Johnson: "In fact he was handling the Clinton personal legal matters while he was in the position as Assistant to the President, in violation of a conflict of interest at that time."

    Narrator: A number of key questions remain in the death of Vince Foster.

    According to the official report Mr. Foster shot himself in the mouth at Ft. Marcy Park on July 20, 1993. If this were true there would have been large amounts of blood at the scene. However, initial paramedic reports disclosed very little blood on or around the body. There was no gunpowder residue in his mouth or on his face and there were no broken teeth or damaged lips. Initial reports also indicate there was no exit wound and yet, remarkably, no bullet was ever found.

    In addition, the gun was still in Foster's hand which would be highly unlikely due to the natural reflexes occurring in this type of suicide. Incredibly, the death was ruled a suicide BEFORE an autopsy or ballistics test had been performed. As expected, Bill Clinton has expressed no interest in finding out what really happened to his life-long friend.

    Nichols: "Any credible forensic pathologist will tell you, in a second, that the man didn't shoot himself--the way they describe it. Well, if he didn't shoot himself the way they describe it--then is it not murder?"

    Narrator: In March 1994 the White House released a photograph which they claim proved beyond any doubt that Foster killed himself. However, the photo depicted a gun in Foster's right hand even though he was left-handed. It also showed the body surrounded by brown leaves, yet Foster died in mid-summer--before leaves had begun to fall. And numerous reporters on the scene confirmed that there were no leaves on the ground.

    More puzzling is the fact that sources for the FBI and Park Police originally announced that no photos had been taken at the crime scene.

    Most disturbing was the reluctant admission by the White House, five full months after the event occurred, that four members of Clinton's staff had ransacked Foster's office the night he died.

    Nichols: "Now, that team consisted of Nussbaum, his personal secretary, Hillary Clinton's personal secretary, Patsy Thomasson--and they said it was for "National Security". Well, not any of those people would have that much interaction with national security.

    "Let me tell you specifically why they were there: Nussbaum was there, with his personal secretary, to scour the office and to look for anything that he might have had relative to Whitewater. Why on earth would Hillary's personal secretary be there? That makes no sense because what would she have to do with national security? She was there for one reason: and that was to check and see if there were any love notes or personal notes to Hillary from Vince, etc.

    "Patsy Thomasson was the top aide for DAN LASATER when he was running his company and doing all the dope. You don't need to say that she was there taking care of Dan Lasater's interests in the White House."

    Narrator: As mentioned earlier, the Arkansas Development Finance Authority had been laundering its drug money through the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), founded by Clinton's chief financial backer, Jack Stephens. This collapsed in the early 1990s. Millions of depositors and taxpayers lost billions of dollars, making it the worst banking scandal in history. Heading up BCCI was former defense secretary, CLARK CLIFFORD. The overwhelming criminal charges against Clifford were eventually dismissed by President Clinton.

    The attorney for Clifford and BCCI was none other than ROBERT FISKE. Fiske knew that a thorough investigation of Whitewater would eventually lead to ADFA and his former client, BCCI. Fiske also knew that he would never be able to complete his investigation, since it is illegal to prosecute a former client. Fiske was not suggested by the Justice Department to investigate Whitewater, at all, but to simply subpoena documents and testimony, making sure they NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY!

    Nichols: "So you see, Robert Fiske is a scam. He knows all that. He knows more than we do about what is legal and what is not. He has one little trick and that is ‘power of subpoena'. He gets anybody with any documents anywhere that he can find and he subpoenas those records and they are never seen again."

    Judge Johnson: "Will those records be the same when they come out of ‘their' control as they were when they went into their control?"

    Nichols: "He's gone, personally, over to Congress begging them not to have a Congressional hearing because it would impede his investigation. It won't impede his investigation--it will just bring forth the evidence to the public that he is trying to hide to cover for his buddies, Bill and Hillary Clinton."

    Bill Dannemeyer, Congressman: "The investigation of Whitewater is being handled by an independent special counsel whose appointment I supported. Our cooperation with that counsel has been total."

    R. Terry: "Remember that everything that Mr. Fiske touches goes under the guise of the Grand Jury and then it's sealed. That is not what the U.S. Constitution calls for."

    Nichols: "Now just think for a moment, if there are papers that prove you did nothing wrong, then why would you destroy them so that they don't come out? Why would you hide behind subpoenas and the cloak of secrecy? No, you see, Bill and Hillary Clinton have something to hide! And only through a Congressional Hearing does this nation have a snowball's chance of that truth coming to the light of day."


    Narrator: Today, threats and harassments continue against people who want to come forward and tell the truth. In February 1994, veteran journalist L.G. Davis was viciously beaten. His attackers stole pages from his notebook which contained information about the inner workings of the Rose Law Firm. Ronald Rogers, who possessed important information about Bill Clinton, was killed in a suspicious plane crash just hours before his scheduled interview for this film.

    In May 1994 Cathy Ferguson, former wife of Clinton body guard, Danny Ferguson, was found DEAD after telling coworkers that Paula Jones' allegations against Clinton were, indeed, true. Not surprisingly, her suspicious death was labeled a suicide.

    Nichols: "There are lots of people that come to me who want to tell the truth. They come to me but they are afraid. They are afraid of losing their jobs; they're afraid of family members' or themselves being hurt. Don't be afraid! Bill Clinton doesn't own the world. He doesn't scare me and he shouldn't scare you. I wish all of you would do what I have done: Stand up, and stand up for the country. I want my daughter to know that if you stand up and tell the truth, you're OK. Right now all she sees is if you stand up and tell the truth, you'll be destroyed.

    "If you are a pathological liar--lying through your teeth with every breath, hurting people needlessly--you'll get to be President! You want that? I don't want it! If I had anything to say to Bill Clinton, you know what it would be? ‘It's bound to be a great burden to walk around lying from one thing to another and never tell the truth. Bill, tell the truth. Come clean. Oh, you might not get to be President but the TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE! It'll set all of us free and it'll save the nation.'"

    Bill Clinton, on TV: "I've still not been accused of doin' anything wrong because I haven't done anything wrong--and I'm not gonna' do anything wrong."

    Bill Dannemeyer, Congressman: "The one office that all of us universally look up to, irrespective of what Party or political philosophy we espouse, is the Presidency of the United States. Since the election of Bill Clinton in 1992, we Americans, with sadness, have learned week after week to have different stories come out from around the country, pointing up the reality that we have, in the White House today, a draft-dodging womanizer who is a pathological liar. It's a very dangerous thing for America and a dangerous thing for the world. I can only conclude that the responsible course for the House of Representatives is to introduce a Resolution of Impeachment against Bill Clinton. It is with sadness that I make this statement because this sanction will introduce something that we Americans don't want to see in our political process. But we can't continue down the course of what we see unfolding before our eyes almost every week or almost every day. And the best thing for all of us is to get it out in the open and go forward and let the chips fall where they may.

    "Under our Constitution, the House introduces a Resolution of Impeachment and the U.S. Senate is the place where a trial takes place. I think, for the good of the country and the good of peace and the tranquility of the Western world, this is a course the Congress should take."

    * * *
    [Displayed on the TV screen:]

    "We have the highest ethical standards in this White House, you can be assured of that."--Vice President Al Gore.

    Americans are urged to contact their Representatives IMMEDIATELY and insist that Congressional Hearings begin at once without any interference from Robert Fiske.

    If any additional harm comes to anyone connected with this film, or their families, the people of America will hold Bill Clinton PERSONALLY responsible.

    TO ORDER ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THE CLINTON CHRONICLES, CALL 1-800-828-2290. In California call 1-800-633-0869.

    For further information write The Citizens for Honest Government, P.O. Box 220, Winchester, CA 92596.

    [End of Quoting; End of Tape.]

    * * *
    I would guess that the people who made and offer this film surely have a transcript of this tape. However, I ask that Rick Martin contact them and offer this transcription and any services which we may have ability to provide.

    If you can't see what is happening, America, you are blind and perhaps it is time to simply also DIE.

    The Clinton gang had planned a coup and war in Korea. Carter was sent to stop it--he did. Now Georgia is paying the price for that indiscretion by the deluge of water devastation--AND--Kim L. Sung was murdered LAST NIGHT!

    One of the EARLY statements with the announcement of Sung's death by "APPARENT" heart attack--was: All agreements made with Carter are now "off"! That has not been repeated since dawn today--but I THINK YOU GET THE PICTURE?

    JAPAN AT G-7
    I also ask you to turn your attention to the ILLNESS of the representative from Japan to the G-7 meetings which has negated his presence at the most important business conferences in the world--for any nation. Shades of Bush in Japan? Shades of discipline against Japan? The LATTER with a twist of sick, black humor!!!

    This horror of foul and corrupt dealings runs from the top offices to the most lowly single human citizen. (SEE THE ARTICLE BY RICK MARTIN REGARDING THE LEGAL PROCEEDINGS AND PLIGHT OF JOHN SCHROEPFER IN LAST JOURNAL #101 & CHAPTER 6 THIS JOURNAL, OR 7/12/94 CONTACT WITH UPDATE IN 7/19/94 ISSUE.) There seems to be no level beneath which these scumbag slimeballs will not stoop to hurt in their neverending quest for total evil.


  2. #4
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#102, SACRED WISDOM

    PJ 102
    SUN., JUL. 10, 1994 9:16 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 328
    SUN., JUL. 10, 1994
    Dharma and I are just a bit "behind" as we sit to the keyboard this morning because I saw fit to have "us" do the transcription of the Clinton Chronicles video tape [see chapter 1-4] and that required a couple of days of focus on that subject--not just the tape in point.

    I don't care what else you might think about Bill Clinton, Hillary, etc. These are products of total Mind-Control Programming. Both were created (born) to be prepared for their job and it is not them as individuals that should concern us--but LOOK TO THE "HANDLERS".

    No, I am not going to get my scribe into a jeopardized position of KNOWING things nobody should know as a "whole". All she needs is exactly what is pouring forth--in confirmation, from ones such as Ronn Jackson. Enough to realize truth and recognize "players" in MY game but not enough to endanger self. It is now time to offer more insight as to players--TO ALL OF YOU and she will be AMONG "all of you".

    There are some "players" who are "assumed" dead and gone. Bertrand Russell is among that grouping. Henry Ford is assumed among "that" group and so forth. The message I have for you and for Ronn is that some are far more "important" than are others in that there has been great interchange. For instance, Bertrand Russell, as do several others (among them Bernard Baruch) who have MET WITH ME AND KNOW EXACTLY WHAT IS TAKING PLACE (or "knew", whichever eases your mind).

    I am not here today to go into too much of that focus. I do want to allow Ronn to know that he is hearing very well and that on this end of the loop we are appreciative of confirmations because it has been a long five years for Dharma and "crew" with nothing much more than outrageous impact from the enemy. Those enemies, by the way, are going to rapidly start receiving their "rewards" for "service" pretty quickly NOW.

    George Green ran off to Costa Rica last weekend--he might had better stay there for the PLAN they pulled around John Schroepfer is backfiring at every juncture! Set-up, friends? Indeed, the adversary fell into every trap I laid and GOT CAUGHT.

    Several of you have written and asked if the George Green involved in Arkansas real estate is THE George Green who is involved here? Study the information--I WON'T ANSWER SUCH INQUIRIES WHEN INFORMATION IS THERE TO GIVE YOU ANSWERS IF YOU LOOK.

    Why is George Green in Costa Rica? IS he in Costa Rica--or was that a staged program so he could pass through California and meet with attorneys, set up John's "play" and "players" and mislead? Oh, it does not matter at all--does it? But didn't we see something in the past few days about a "direct connection" between Mena [Arkansas] and Costa Rica?

    Costa Rica is a KNOWN hang-out for intelligence agents. Lots of them own a lot of things in Costa Rica, like banks--just as in Puerto Rico, Panama, etc. I like intelligent agents--but there are so few of them that I have to hunt and search. I really like the ones who have had intelligence enough to set the path of best course through several places such as AUSTRIA and THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Frankly, I LIKE and PREFER dealing with ones at THE TOP of the power structure for they are "bright" and have enough sense to KEEP THEIR AGREEMENTS??? THEY ALSO KNOW I HAVE ACCESS TO THE KEY PLAYERS OF THEIR OWN GAMES--ANY TIME I CHOOSE TO UTILIZE THAT PARTICULAR "CHANGE" OF MIND.


    That is quite enough--because MAN will now have sufficient knowledge and REASON to look into the best course of action for his own "saving" of species, civilization and planet as a whole. Am "I" just a major "handler"? NOPE--I don't need to be a handler for in the ending--each will "handle" SELF.

    I would suggest right here, however, that you of THE COMMITTEE who think you are so all-fired smart and in full power and control--ARE NOT--and you had best be looking at the advantage of doing something right--starting with America!! You children have learned and utilized a lot of interesting "future" technology--very well and good! But it is coming "out of control" and that very technology will rise up and devour you!

    I'm not going to make big focus on the farce going on in Italy. All you nice readers have to do is LOOK AT THE PICTURES: BENTSEN ON ONE SIDE OF "BUBBA?" DUM-DUM, AND CHRISTOPHER ON THE OTHER SIDE! WHO DO YOU THINK WIELDS THE POWER IN THE LITTLE TRIAD? WELL, IT AIN'T CLINTON.

    At first "conference" with me Ronn asked about "feelings" he had regarding a building on Wacker Dr. in Chicago. I said there were important places on Wacker and wouldn't respond--part of that was testing for me but it is important that HE realize the game is REAL and the place that is important--other than that which fits HIS needs--is 111 Wacker, Chicago! Why? Because it is the Israeli Consulate.

    Now why would THAT be important? Because it is where a lot of records are KEPT. For instance, ones like Maholy, Hunt, North, etc., were well recognized record-wise there--for they served in getting key players OUT OF PANAMA--like for instance, Harari. Isn't it about time you started getting some of your own "intelligence" buddies out of their predicaments--simply because they "served"? I think Maholy may well have paid enough. Are THEY clean and pure? Of course NOT--they played in the "game" and got caught. The incredible part, however, is that their own team has done them in--I FIND THAT UNACCEPTABLE. Do you, for instance, feel simply "dispensable", Ronn? You are finally becoming VERY IMPORTANT INDEED!!! By the way, son--you keep your bargains and I'LL KEEP MINE!

    Elsewhere in the paper, I assume, is a short letter from Ronn Jackson. If not I will share a paragraph with you readers which "I" find quite intriguing:

    "Since the Committee of 16 ("17", I am patronizing the Commander) will most assuredly read this letter soon after it is published, may I recommend, ‘Collins Brothers Mortuary' in Baltimore. Your ‘Swan Song' is nearer than you believe."

    Now what do you nice readers think might be found around or about Collins Brothers Mortuary??? Let's see now, Baltimore is in Maryland and Maryland is very convenient if you are flying bodies to and fro from, say, Dallas, Texas? Or, is this just a good preservation place where funerals are particularly well-DONE??

    And, oh golly, gee whiz--what do "L.B.J." and "John Connally" possibly have in common BESIDES being Texans?


    If any of you would sit and type every letter of every word in the paper--you would BETTER retain the information. If you typed every word as "thought" you would retain the information to even greater extent. If you then rewrite on a given subject wherein the names and circumstance are already inputted--retention and expression is easier. However, as we write--we input data--but she is not particularly interested and is NOT focused. I often find her working away [at the keyboard] for me while actually consciously planning dinner or listing duties waiting. A good "copy" typist, transcriber, or stenographer KNOWS exactly what I am saying here. The "job" becomes rote and the work is simply "performed". If the information needs recalling consciously--I can easily arrange it; she cannot, without "key" triggers. Often in copy work, if interrupted, it may take 15 to 20 minutes to find the place of interruption in text and/or "remember" the subject in point. This is NOT SPECIAL OR UNUSUAL--it is totally USUAL, NORMAL and happens to all of you most of the time.

    For instance, unless I input information, Dharma can't tell you very much about the Secrets of Light, for which she is accused of gross plagiarism, any more than she can tell you about the Kennedy Assassination simply because she is from Dallas, Texas! So, is she just a computer? NO--SHE IS A HUMAN WHO RECEIVES AND RECORDS AND DOES HER JOB TO THE BEST OF HER ABILITY. HOWEVER, do not confuse KNOWING THE IMPORTANCE OR WORKINGS OF GOD AS REGARDS LIGHT--INDEED SHE DOES AND WOULD MAKE BINDER OF US&P APPEAR THE TOTAL FOOL IF QUESTIONED ON THE SCIENTIFIC ASPECTS OF THAT SUBJECT. DOES SHE UNDERSTAND IT OR FULLY COMPREHEND IT? NO--DO YOU?? THE CONCEPT IS IN POINT--NOT THE LANGUAGE OR DIAGRAMS--THOSE ARE FOR THE SCIENTISTS TO UNDERSTAND.

    I am going to ask Dharma to type something out of Spotlight. It is a small "tear-sheet" type of thing which they ask you to copy and mail to "everyone". It is appropriate because of the emphasis placed on Clinton and Arkansas in this issue of the paper. I want you to read it and THINK, please. Let's see how far you are in recognition of truth in information and how well you keep up with information input from the varied directions and variety of subject material.

    By the way, I hope that all of you get your hands on a recent copy [June 27, 1994] of Spotlight and look at the spread on Russian Armor on U.S. highways.

    By the way, number two: You will note reference to Colin Powell--good notation--he and Schwarkopf are extremely IMPORTANT to keep in the back of your patriot minds!!!

    Are any of you confused about what in the world Haiti is all about these days? Why all the boat people, problems, AIDS infection from those incoming people, etc.? You know and I know that if YOU just got out of their business the people would stay home and THERE WOULDN'T BE ANY PROBLEM--YOU HAVE MADE (CREATED) THE PROBLEM--SO WHAT FOR?? IT WOULD HARDLY BE A FAIR FIGHT BETWEEN HAITI AND THE UNITED NATIONS AS TO FIRE-POWER AND MILITARY CONFRONTATION--ONE NEUTRON-BEAM BOMB WOULD TAKE HAITI OFF THE MAP FOREVER. SO, WHAT IS GOING ON? Let us look at this article:

    The tear sheet article is by a journalist who I respect greatly--but can't always agree with his "insight" into truth of circumstances. In specific point is this article which is no affront to his work or his own perceptions. It simply is an excellent discussion point for studying PROBABILITIES and POSSIBILITIES!


    If you enjoyed the Cuban flotsam generated by Jimmy Carter; you'll love the coming Haitian deluge. By Mike Blair, July 11, 1994.

    The Administration of President Bill Clinton is preparing for a flood of Haitian refugees to enter the United States beginning in a few weeks.

    The Spotlight, through several sources, has learned that Clinton, under a more relaxed program that will allow Haitian refugees to enter the country, is believed to be preparing Fort Chaffee, Arkansas as a large temporary detention center for thousands fleeing from the island country wracked by prolonged civil strife.

    For the past several weeks, according to these sources, there has been considerable construction work and other activity underway at the Fort Chaffee military reservation, which is located southeast of the city of Fort Smith, near the Arkansas border with Oklahoma.

    According to one source, who asked to remain anonymous, Fort Chaffee has been quietly transformed into a detention center to hold up TO 20,000 PEOPLE. [H: I'm sorry, readers, this "teacher" just can't resist emphasizing some things to acknowledge "clues".]

    This would not be anything really new for Fort Chaffee, although it does not come as particularly good news for the people around the sprawling military complex, including Fort Smith.

    After President Jimmy Carter allowed thousands of supposed Cuban refugees into the United States in 1978 during what was known as the Mariel boatlift, many were temporarily housed there. Many also turned out to be convicts and dangerous mental patients eagerly tossed out of Cuba by dictator Fidel Castro.

    As a result, many of these later undertook a violent uprising at Fort Chaffee and large sections of the detention area were burned.

    For years since the influx of the Cubans the criminal element among them has been responsible for a sharp increase in violent crime throughout the United States, particularly noticed in Florida, New York, California and Texas, among states which have requested financial relief from the U.S. Government to help with the millions of dollars that have been spent by them to deal with the problem.

    Many critics of a relaxation of barriers to a flood of Haitian refugees are fearful that a similar situation will result, plus the fact that the AIDS situation could be worsened in the United States.

    Haiti has one of the very worst epidemics of AIDS in the world.

    The Spotlight has learned that massive amounts of barbed wire to encompass the detention center have been shipped into Fort Chaffee, along with one report of 5,000 mattresses arriving there.

    In addition, residents of the surrounding area have reported a steady flow of heavy construction equipment onto the military reservation.

    There have also been reports of unusual activity in the Fort Smith-Fort Chaffee area involving foreign troops. One report indicated that some 300 Nigerian soldiers were seen in downtown Fort Smith.

    Since the UN High Commissioner for Refugees is working with the Clinton Administration on the Haitian refugee issue, it is possible, sources told the Spotlight, that the Nigerian troops may be part of a UN effort to assist in maintaining or actually running the detention center. [H: IS EVERYBODY WITH ME? ALERT? ALERT? ALERT?]

    President Clinton announced the new relaxed program involving the Haitian Refugees, as a result of heavy pressure from the Black Caucus in Congress, the NAACP and other Black organizations. He has appealed to the UN High Commissioner to help in encouraging other nations to accept at least 5,000 of the expected refugees. [H: But I thought they just said they were going to be able to house and expect to do so, 20,000 at Fort Chafee. And Clinton? In viewing the information regarding Clinton--just in this paper--DOES HE APPEAR TO BE THE GIVING, LOVING AND COMPASSIONATE KIND OF REFUGEE SAVIOR?]

    So far, there have been few other countries willing to accept the Haitians, Canada being one of the very few exceptions. [H: Yes and it becomes very clear as to WHY!] Others may be taken by France, Venezuela, New Zealand and Australia, but most can be expected to be taken in by the United States. [H: Yes, that is WHERE you need the most "cover" for the REAL TRUTH OF THE ACTIVITIES!]

    * * *
    If you think this is a camp-out for refugees--you had better have your head examined--or perhaps if you are a goodly patriot--you can have that done for you on your way to the camp-out being planned all over your nation--FOR YOU!

    You people can continue to debate, "ah ha--gotcha" as long as you "CAN"--but it would seem to me that it is time to take stock of what IS and stop the garbage collections.

    Good grief, are we not fed up through and over the "gills" with Col. "Slo" Gritz?? I enjoy the ongoing slime seepage for he and his bunch just prove the point of "handlers" and false teachers! Listen to what he says (as lots of you are doing because I get same-day feedback). No, don't stop calling and mailing--just begin, please, to look at probabilities as with the above DISINFORMATION. We don't have to blame or insult anyone--for their perceptions. It is YOU who must discern and judge and be pleased when you realize you are seeing "through" the set-up shield.

    Who is Bo Gritz? He is a product of a programming PROGRAM. He is a born-again Christian if that is suitable to his immediate needs; he is a Mormon if that helps; he is a patriot if that is a good idea; he broke open the Golden Triangle drug stuff--if that is a good speak for the moment. HE IS A LIAR IN EVERY INSTANCE! So WHY WOULD "I" BE CONCERNED WITH HIS PRATTLINGS ON NATIONAL RADIO ABOUT ATON AND HATONN? He says, "now" that it is convenient to speak in relationship to facts--that "Aton" "does, after all" exist and was/is the "Light" represented by the "Sun", etc., etc., but "beware" HE NOW SAYS, because that old Aton is really only a name for Lucifer (well, brother Bo, YOU offer honor and service in your Masonic order, Mormonism, etc.--TO LUCIFER). Are you confused, perchance?? You are doing one thing very worthy FOR ME--YOU ARE PROVING TO ALL THE ONES WHO LISTEN THAT YOU ARE BELFRY BATTY, UNLEARNED, UNREAD AND TOTALLY ABSURD.

    It might be good if your own "HANDLERS" would point you in the right direction because a lot of things in which you could serve mightily are coming down the pike and isn't it time you stopped with the lies and drivel and started doing YOUR JOB?

    I love you greatly, but the crew in your adversarial game to destroy me and our work--is realizing that you bothersome blockers are now not only useless--but actually are a detriment to their plans--AND YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS--THAT YOU ARE NOW NOT ONLY EXPENDABLE--BUT WILL BE EXPENDED!

    Does anyone who listens to him regularly REALLY LISTEN? He tells you that flames are wallboard, there are no black copters, there are no Russian armaments in the U.S. and on and on and on. There is, there are and now you have SURFACE-TO-SURFACE MISSILES MOVING AROUND YOUR NATION--WITH RUSSIAN MARKINGS!! WHERE ARE YOUR BRAINS, AMERICANS?? WILL YOU REALLY BE THE LAST TO KNOW--OR, BETTER YET--WILL IT REALLY BE THE LAST THING YOU EVER KNOW?

    "ATON", for you inquiring minds--is simply a high-Egyptian name for GOD! the ONE, THE ONE LIGHT! I "Hatonn" am labeled a liar? By whom? Obviously it is BY THE VERY LIARS WHO HAVE PROVEN THEMSELVES TO BE SUCH OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN--HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE YOU TO UNDERSTAND? I serve GOD CREATOR, THE LIGHT, THE SOURCE--YOU NAME IT! I am sent as of the HOSTS OF GOD! I don't lie, SAVE, or force--and that really BOTHERS the false teachers, doesn't it? Further, YOU DON'T HAVE ANY IDEA OF THE REALITY OR PRESENCE OF GOD! DON'T YOU THINK IT IS TIME YOU BEGIN TO ATTEND POSSIBILITIES? So be it.

    By the way--for you "inquiring minds"--one of your nice large UNDERGROUND FACILITIES is under Fort Chaffee (Fort Smith). I think it's time for all of you to get your hands on our past journals--and STUDY YOUR LESSONS. WE HAVE GIVEN YOU ENOUGH TO LAST YOU, GOOD FRIENDS, AND WE ARE NOT GOING TO DO IT FOR YOU! As a matter of FACT, William Clinton is a product of that facility with cross genetic DNA from such as Rockefeller, et al. YOU had better wash out the grit from your eyes, citizens.

    Ah, but what of:

    Revelation 6:4: And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the Earth, and that they should kill one another; and there was given unto him a great sword.

    I suggest you all pay attention to what is going on in what was Yugoslavia and Macedonia as relates to what is happening with that "red horse".

    Remember that Clinton continued the "Emergency" in the area "there". Was that an accident? No. I suggest you particularly keep in mind: Hill 703 in Macedonia. Does anybody know what the Serbs are doing? Who are THE SERBS? Hmmmnnn...!?

    What of Bosnia and importance of that area? Briefly, it is one of the most important locations on your globe. Ask the Greeks! Why, however, should the U.S. be on National Emergency because of Bosnia? Why did not the Europeans take action and do something about Bosnia? The war doesn't show signs of stopping and over half a million people have died--what's with this?

    Well, the ones in charge, in reference to European intervention, HOPE that by doing nothing they will somehow be able to stall-off or stop World War III from becoming a reality. Another answer is that the Bosnia conflict is something THEY created with the planned breakup of the former Yugoslavia. The Balkans have been a flashpoint for war historically because they represented strategic frontiers of interest and influence of the BIG POWERS AND THE CONFLICTS OF ETHNIC GROUPINGS IN THE REGION.

    I do not have time nor inclination to get into that arena of discussion today, but we will try to focus on its importance at another time. I would prefer you take stock of what is happening within your own place and discretion.

    This term and activity is moving like wild-fire across your nation--is it viable and feasible? YES, TO BOTH QUESTIONS!! How else do you think you will change your government? Do you have to go to WAR? No, but that is not in point here!

    I will leave you with a quotation from Capt. Ray Southwell, Northern Michigan Regional Militia: "We are not extremists. We are not white supremacists. But we are all concerned about where our federal government is going... and of the abolishment of our Bill of Rights and Constitution."

    I would say that THAT is not a matter of race, creed or color--Citizen!! God will march WITH you when you get your GOAL AND DIRECTION CORRECT!! I don't think you even need to concern selves with THE NAME YOU CALL HIM!

    I salute you who labor IN and WITHIN the "vineyard"--remember that from the vineyard comes the fruit that, properly cared for, LIGHTS THE LAMPS! SALU.

    TUE., JUL. 12, 1994 8:26 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 330
    TUE., JUL. 12, 1994
    Dharma, there are so many important things piled up here as to bury us if we don't set priorities.

    It is important that we offer, regularly, THE USURPERS, so we will need to write once a day if possible on that subject. The players will meld after awhile with that which is going on elsewhere. It is also VERY important that we offer the players in the China game. That, of course, will bring Kissinger back into your laps. There are many powerful players around and, if not themselves literally--then you will find their energy forms making massive impact--such as someone not mentioned often but nonetheless--very importantl: that one is Mellon and of course you must not forget J.P. Morgan! Another you will find popping up is Carnegie. These nice people will find they have a very large problem with what we refer to as the "Khazarian Sweep". But so much for that today--Ronn can begin to really fill you in on that subject shortly.

    We also have a series of articles written by Eustace Mullins which are so important that we will have to take time to share them as we can do so. In view of all of your own, Schroepfer's, and Mullins' own problems, his topic of JUDGES OR CRIMINALS? is of utmost interest. We will move as quickly as possible.

    You will have a bit of fun, as shall I, to learn that in 1676 some old friend was doing quite a bit of information writing in what was called HATTON'S CHRONICLES. It seems that this old friend was trying to tell you about the problems then, and they have come full circle NOW. One nice quote was: "I punish myself yet I may revenge myself upon you for your little scraps of paper." It has never been that you have been without guidance and input--IT IS, AS NOW, THAT MAN REFUSES TO LISTEN OR ACCEPT TRUTH. Well, you are moved into the time when you WILL either find truth and act upon it OR YE SHALL FALL.

    Let us move to a few pages of THE USURPERS, please.

    THE USURPERS, Part 7:
    by Medford Evans
    Western Islands (publishers), Belmont, Massachusetts 02178, 1968.

    Continuation from Chapter IV: Washington V. C.


    The Department of State is more remote from daily life, and yet--as perhaps befits the unknown--it is in its own way the most feared and distrusted of the four. [H: Ref.to: Defense, Justice, Treasury and State "Departments".] Recently civilians have learned what military officers overseas learned long ago--that in a "Country Team" the State Department representative ranks number one. A "Country Team"--for those who have not read Robin Moore's novel--is a group of United States officials in a foreign land which acts as a coordinating committee for operations of our government in that country. The Country Team for the United States itself is the President's cabinet--in which, besides the Big Four, other departments, notably that of Health, Education and Welfare, are represented. The Secretary of State, however, remains, as it were, the Prime Minister. [H: Now readers, in that capacity of "Prime Minister" at this current date resides the number "A-5" member of the Committee of 16 (17)--Warren Christopher. Just bear it in mind.]

    Regrettably, the informed citizen has lost confidence in the State Department--and with reason. The decline of American prestige is due to the policy of the State Department.

    The U.S. State Department, through adroit diplomacy in which the enormous military and economic power of the United States is employed to gain national advantage and guarantee national security, should be the "automatic pilot" of the ship of state. Together with the Department of Defense, it should stand between the citizen and every foreign threat, from that of a solitary brigand or pirate to that of the world conspiracy officed in the Kremlin--whether the Kremlin is the main office or a local branch. Similarly, the Justice Department should support and supplement the governments of the fifty states in protecting the citizen against crime and internal disorder. Security in his person and property is the rational justification for the citizen's taxes (which the Treasury Department is so zealous to collect) and for submitting to those infringements of personal liberty which both the Justice and Defense Departments so powerfully impose.

    The crisis of our time is that too many citizens no longer feel secure in person or property. Though the cost of government mounts daily, the protection government promises is even more precarious. From riots in the streets and debacles abroad, the suggestion insistently recurs that the government agencies which ought to guard us against danger are in fact becoming part of the danger! Just before the "Battle of Oxford" [Miss.] the first person to arrive on the scene, like a director an hour before curtain time, was Ed Guthman, then public relations officer for the Justice Department. It is impossible to study the complete record of the operation at the University of Mississippi in September 1962 (when Negro James Meredith was forcibly enrolled in the previously all-white institution) without a growing conviction that the whole drama was deliberately staged--a vast and violent morality play--and that the producer was the Government of the United States itself. The Government acted through the Justice Department, then under Bobby Kennedy, whose director on location was his Deputy, Nicholas deB. Katzenbach. The cast, of course, included a multitude of actors and extras. There was an astonishing degree of Aristotelian unity in the drama.

    These two, the Secretaries of State and Defense, are the obvious VIP's of the cabinet. Their historic associates, the Secretary of the Treasury and the Attorney General, are, however, indispensables. You have to tax to govern, and if you are to tax two things are essential: (1) somebody to collect, (2) somebody to punish those who resist the collection. From the citizen's point of view, the most important function of government is protection. From the official's point of view the most important function is to tax. There is a congenital susceptibility of government to take the power necessary to combat foreign enemies and domestic criminals and turn it against the ordinary citizen himself--who usually seems less formidable, and who is, in any case, the prime source of revenue. The result is that the taxes paid for governmental protection are like payoffs to gangsters. In each case the protection you are getting is just protection from the collector's own organization! The taxes you pay the Federal Government don't protect your country very well against the encroachments of Communism, but they protect you from Federal arrest.

    Of the four top cabinet positions, I shall attempt to deal with the incumbents of only two--State and Defense. This selection is in part due to the inherent importance in 1968 of foreign policy--of Vietnam and all it signifies--and in part due to the lackluster character of the Secretary of the Treasury, Henry H. Fowler, and the Attorney General, Ramsey Clark. Not that they are unimportant. They are very important. So are the two zeros in the number 100. The position is what counts.

    Henry H. Fowler is important because he is Secretary of the Treasury [H: Insert Bentsen]; Ramsey Clark is important because he is Attorney General [H: Insert Reno]. OUT of office, neither has really distinguished himself. [H: Forget THAT with Bentsen--but Reno is just a male/female impersonator puppet.] While it would be presumptuous to treat them with scorn, it would be reckless to treat their statecraft with respect. [H: I believe that at that time (1968) you will find the payroll status was DIFFERENT. Now these two positions are PAID by the International Monetary Fund which makes THESE PEOPLE DIRECTLY EMPLOYEES OF THE WORLD ORDER UNDER THE UNITED NATIONS, ET AL.] God made them and therefore let them pass for men (pace Portia) but Lyndon Johnson appointed them and therefore as public officials the burden of proof is on them. So far, they have not proved anything--except that Ramsey Clark is Tom Clark's son, and that Henry H. Fowler is a very prudent lawyer and bureaucrat. Fowler contrived in the late 1940s, for example to acquire something of a reputation as a "conservative." At the same time he appeared at the 1947 Hearings on the AEC confirmation of David E. Lilienthal as a quite important rebuttal witness against serious allegations that Lilienthal's TVA had been shot through with Communists. Reports of such infiltration were common in Knoxville and Chattanooga in the 1930s. Fowler and Lilienthal were on good enough terms for Lilienthal to refer to him in his Journals as "Joe" Fowler, which appears to have been his nickname, though his full name is Henry Hamill Fowler. Lilienthal writes that "Joe" Fowler wanted him in 1945 to help set up (fortunately nothing came of this) a "TVA" for the Ruhr and the Rhineland in a post-war demilitarized Germany. Sounds sort of Morgenthauesque, doesn't it? No reason to think, though, that Fowler was very serious about it. He had a job then with the Foreign Economic Administration. He seems to be a man who always has a job and does what he is supposed to do. Now he is Secretary of the Treasury. He is supposed to do what Johnson and the Establishment tell him to do. As for Ramsey Clark, he is keeping the seat warm. He is young (40) and, I believe, athletic.

    Ramsey Clark and Henry Fowler represent what possibilities there are in Washington for industry and luck. Fowler has undoubtedly worked hard, and now he has a prestigious position; Clark, who also has a good job, is the no doubt slightly bewildered son of a Supreme Court Justice, who in his day as a bureaucrat was at once sharp, and assiduous, and had a perhaps calculated ambiguity. He has resigned from the Supreme Court to give his son a clear field as Attorney General. A fond hope. But I believe that young Clark, if not brilliant, is courageous. He, too, will do what he is told, even if it is sometimes personally embarrassing--as it must have been when, in 1967, he had to oppose Federal legislation against stirring up race riots, and then, in 1968, favor the same kind of legislation, with no explanation of the reason for the change.

    Henry Fowler and Ramsey Clark are bureaucrats, successful Government organization men.

    We must keep our attention on two kinds of Federal officials among those who made things happen, those who either are, or are at one with, the Usurpers. But for practical purposes I shall call them the Operators and the Schemers. Operators are top organization men. They help create policy. They carry out policy. They get obedience from myriads of subordinates in extensively organized bureaus. Schemers figure the angles and dream up gimmicks. They really prefer not to have direct executive responsibility, but sometimes it is thrust upon them. In practice, Operators scheme and Schemers operate, but the character of a man inclines him to be, as a rule, more naturally one than the other.

    I have, in the personal analyses that follow, classified Dean Rusk, Robert McNamara, and Nicholas deB. Katzenbach as Operators. They go for big jobs--not demagogic, elective jobs, but big managerial jobs, bossing directly a lot of people.

    Rusk and Katzenbach in the number one and number two jobs in State, McNamara who was number one in Defense for so long--these are the Operators of the Usurpation. A different sort of mentality and personality appears in the three Schemers of the Usurpation whom I have chosen to write about--Walt Rostow, Abe Fortas, and Clark Clifford. Yet, as fate would have it, the third of these, willy-nilly, in March of 1968, had to become an Operator himself, while his predecessor in the top spot at the Pentagon moved on up to the World Bank, where he has to scheme among the Olympians of international intrigue.

    The seventh personality whom I have dwelt upon at some length is certainly both Schemer and Operator. By nature more of a Schemer, yet by position the number one Operator of the world--is Johnson himself.


    "It is Rusk's veiled strength that most impresses the handful of men who deal with him regularly..." Max Frankel in The New York Times Magazine.

    In April 1962, attorney Clyde Watts and I accompanied Major General Edwin A. Walker (Resigned) as he testified before the Stennis Committee of the United States Senate on the "Muzzling of the Military".

    It was now a year after Walker had been relieved of his command, in Germany, of the U.S. Army's 24th ("Victory") Division--an action taken April 17, 1961, THE SAME DAY as the Bay of Pigs, and, like that bloody fiasco, still cloaked in mystery. President Kennedy, Defense Secretary McNamara, and Assistant Defense Secretary Arthur Sylvester had jumped channels to make sure that Walker was gotten out of Bavaria, though his operational record there had been distinguished. Oddly involved in that hatchet job on one of America's finest soldiers was an obscure journalist named John Dornberg, and a well-known radio commentator, Daniel Schorr, of the Columbia Broadcasting System.

    Before the Stennis Committee (Special Preparedness Subcommittee of the Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate) General Walker, in a prepared statement, alluded to a "real control apparatus", a "real-decision-making apparatus", which "through the media of mass communication, the U.S. Department of State, and the information offices of the services" runs the American military. Explicitly, Walker told the Committee:

    There are few more vital questions than: (a) Who controls the Defense Establishment of the United States? (b) How is the control exercised? (c) Toward what end is it directed? The Walker case shows that the apparent controls and the real controls are not the same. [The record reveals that General Walker had received words of praise and admiration for his performance in Germany from every echelon, beginning with the enlisted man and going right up to the Secretary of the Army.] It is evident that the real control apparatus will not tolerate militant anti-Communist leadership by a division commander.

    Senator E.L. Bartlett, Democrat of Alaska, seemed to be shaken by the foregoing, as he ought to be. All of us ought to be. The Senator slept on it, and next day, Thursday, April 5, 1962, when the Hearing resumed, addressed Walker.

    Bartlett: General, may I quote from one sentence of your prepared statement yesterday on page 3. I will quote the entire sentence. You said: ‘It is evident that the real control apparatus will not tolerate militant anti-Communist leadership in a division commander.' Will you tell us just what you mean by the words ‘real control apparatus'?

    Walker: The ‘real control apparatus' can be identified by its effects and what it is doing, what it did in Cuba, what it is doing in the Congo, what it did in Korea... the apparatus is those who wanted to see these things happen...

    Bartlett: There exists in this country in positions of ultimate leadership a group of sinister men, anti-American, willing and wanting even to sell this country out. Is that the correct inference?

    Walker: That is correct; yes, sir.

    [H: By golly, are we actually going to begin to get some back-up proof of the "Committee(s)"?]

    To the members of the Senate Committee, sheltered as some of them were by preconceptions, this thing was beginning to seem uncomfortably incredible. But the man from Juneau mushed on.

    General, I think that the Nation is entitled to know the names of these men, because, according to this statement, they are traitors and ready to let this country go over to our enemies.

    [H: I suggest that it is well PAST TIME to release those names, past and current, for they neither desire to actually turn the tide of your country as of today by keeping agreements which would provide assurance of same--NOR ARE THEY ATTENDING THEIR OWN PEOPLE. WE ARE ENTITLED TO PAST IDENTITY AND THE CURRENT IDENTITY AND POSITIONS OF ACTING MEMBERS OF THAT HANDFUL OF TRAITORS. I believe that the agreement was to keep quiet ‘until July'--well, it is now July 12th! If the secrecy agreement was to prevent tattling of Reagan's involvement with homosexuality and AIDS acquisition along with the death by same disease of a spouse--it is too late--that is being plastered on billboards about your nation!]

    Bartlett asked, and Walker told him. As men whom we would "question... with respect to our constitutional system, our sovereignty, our security, our independence," the unmuzzled "Pro-Blue" general gave the names of Walt Whitman Rostow and Dean Rusk.

    There followed a moment of Senatorial consternation. Or perhaps, as I sat there at Walker's side, I only imagined an inward perturbation of Senators. For they are men good at saving the surface. But think of the implications! A general officer with thirty years of service in the United States Army, an outstanding if controversial figure in the news for one whole year, under oath before a Senate Committee identifies, as enemies of the United States, the United States Secretary of State and the Chief of the State Department's Policy Planning Council!

    Perhaps the general officer is mad! This possibility, as fate would have it, was to be explored some six months later. General Walker was arrested at Oxford, Mississippi in the early Fall of 1962 at the time of the military occupation of the University of Mississippi in connection with the Meredith case. Flown from Oxford to Springfield, Missouri--under authority of a virtual lettre de cachet issued by Federal Judge Claude Clayton--Walker was held in a maximum security cell from which he would most likely never have emerged had he not had friends and family of considerable wealth and influence.

    From such incarceration, moreover, General Walker would have emerged only with the stigma of madness had he not enjoyed such extraordinarily good mental health--one might say such antiparanoia--that even the actual persecution to which he had been subjected did not disturb his equanimity, did not prevent a liberally qualified Dallas psychiatrist from finding on examination that Walker's mind was functioning at a "superior level". The General was not, is not mad. He might well have said to anxious adherents of the Establishment what Hamlet said to his mother:

    Lay not that flattering unction to your soul,
    That not your trespass but my madness speaks.

    From the dutifully horrified press the response was a pretense of amused disdain. What's a reporter to do? Nowadays, attacks on Rusk and Rostow from the Left are treated with respect, but in 1962 an attack from the Right was to be disposed of in the shortest way possible. And the shortest way is laughter. For a time it seemed that supercilious ridicule would do the trick. Rusk himself greeted a staff meeting: "Good morning, comrades!"--a gasser, as Frank Sinatra might say. Yet Rusk didn't like it a bit when an aide told this to the press as an example of his boss's urbane wit. (See Roger Hilsman's To Move a Nation, p. 42.)

    Among "intellectuals" the view is widespread that national sovereignty is an evil thing. But if it was, and is after all, a matter of opinion as to whether Rusk and Rostow were, and are, enemies of United States constitutional independence, there was one issue of simple fact raised in this same connection by General Walker. In naming Rostow, he identified that eminent MIT professor as one who had "been in control of the operating arm OF THE CIA--SINCE 1954."

    The Richmond News Leader later observed: "Few of Mr. Walker's statements excited higher indignation." Yet, as the Virginia journal also pointed out, Walker was right, and later testimony by others, largely ignored by the press, was subsequently published revealing that the Center for International Studies at MIT was a CIA operation. At the table with Walker in the Caucus Room of the Old Senate Office Building that morning in April 1962, I knew that the General knew what he was talking about--I knew the source inside the CIA where he got the information.

    Intellectual fads change as sharply, and as irrationally, as skirt lengths and hair-dos. In 1967, Mary McCarthy would write of "the sinister Walt Rostow, said to be closest to the cupped Presidential ear," would speak matter-of factly of "the ties that have come to light between the CIA and the intellectual community," would observe that "the CIA has a special rapport with the traitor (who, if he is not bought, is usually an intellectual)." That last remark appears to reflect on CIA operations in Vietnam. But philosophical Mary makes a generalization about it. What Mary McCarthy writes in 1967 is "sophisticated"! And yet when Edwin Walker correctly anticipated her by five years he was derided by the sophisticated. No fool like a sophisticated fool.

    If General Walker was right about Rostow's CIA connection, was he also right about Rostow's underlying hostility to the continued independence of a constitutional United States? Actually, Rostow has been rather open about this, having written that it is "an American interest to see an end to nationhood as it has been historically defined." Fair warning, you might say. He is now at Johnson's right hand.

    Walt Rostow is not nearly so important a man as Dean Rusk. Rusk was the first man Walker named. The General disclaimed detailed knowledge:

    "I cannot identify those that are in complete control of the apparatus. I have identified individuals who appear to think on the same lines as the apparatus, which has been a ‘no win' policy."

    As a rule, General Walker knows what he is talking about. Now, six years after he pinpointed the Secretary of State as "very influential" in achieving objectives of the "real control apparatus"--now, when we have a different President, but the same Secretary of State--perhaps we are in a better position to judge how close the General was to the mark that day in April 1962.

    How powerful a man has Dean Rusk been? This is a question worth asking.

    One matter must be dealt with first. What do we mean by power in an individual? Not physical strength, obviously. Almost as obviously, not intelligence as such. Neither the circus strong man nor the brilliant mathematician is necessarily powerful in the sense we intend. Money brings us a little closer to the meaning. The rich man has influence. Yet in Washington individual wealth alone is not of great importance. To be sure, there are scavengers enough and to spare, from the Capitol to the Pentagon, to take from the man of wealth all he has, but there are few to give him what he wants. A billionaire is an exceptional Croesus in our time, but his entire fortune is less than one per cent of an annual federal budget. What is power?

    It is self-evident that in an organized society the man of power is an organization man. So then, what confers, or implies, power within an organization? Position, to be sure, but not necessarily the top position. The visible summit may be for show. On the other hand, the indispensable base will be composed of too many individuals for any one of them to be thought powerful. There is no Atlas on whose personal shoulders the world of Washington rests.

    We should remember, by the way, that full dictatorship has not been achieved in the United States, and that even our most powerful man--whoever he may be--is not all-powerful. Men vary in the degrees of influence they wield, and it is natural to speculate that there is one who is more influential--not more than all the others combined but more than any other one. Who is this Monsieur X?

    I think it likely that Dean Rusk is the most powerful man in Washington. He has shown survival value, and he is undoubtedly an organization man whose organizational ties extend outside the government. His only rival for the quarterback position was McNamara, and McNamara, for all his success in humiliating generals and admirals, never demonstrated, as has Dean Rusk, the ability to express contempt for the American people as a whole, for the whole American way of life, and get by with it.

    Johnson is, as Robert Sherrill has called him, the "accidental President". But there is nothing accidental about Rusk. Rusk has remained in office throughout both the John Kennedy and Johnson Administrations. This is actually quite extraordinary. Nothing is more obvious than that LBJ personally would not want the same kind of advisers as JFK. We are familiar with the differences in style between the two Presidents, and it is a matter of record that in spite of talk about continuity, LBJ has replaced John Kennedy's choices whenever he could. He would not be able to replace Rusk unless he got the word. But it is almost surely Rusk who gets the word, and gives it. It should be recalled, by the way, that Rusk was not John Kennedy's personal choice. He was the choice of Establishmentarian Robert A. Lovett. It is widely thought that Kennedy wanted to get rid of Rusk. He never had a chance to try. Today, Johnson could no more fire him than he could fire J. Edgar Hoover. Both are trusted employees. The difference is that J. Edgar Hoover is trusted by the American people, while we do not know for sure who it is that trusts Rusk.

    * * *
    May we please have a rest break. I think we will have to catch up a bit with items for the paper while Rick is away for a couple of days to investigate the things happening in New Mexico.

    Please let the "caller", Miller, know that we will follow-up. No, the craft are NOT OURS--but the activities are related to world events. Yes indeed, a new outbreak of "Mystery" death disease can be expected to spread again. The investigation gives Rick an opportunity to meet with the Hopi tribal leaders with whom he has been working on the ancient messages--that "they" claim came from their "star" brothers. I do believe, however, that once you decipher the drawings in Sand Canyon right under your noses that you will have more information about locations and artifacts. So be it. Some day perhaps we can have a staff large enough to do it all. Until then and when we can soon turn to spiritual matters--let us just try to make it through. I cannot ask you to much longer battle the adversary under such adverse conditions--we may well have to turn the paper over to more capable hands in the "National" arena as the price exacted from our individual friends is getting far too great. Thank you.

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