PJ 101
Editor's note: The following fax just arrived in our office from Gary Wean. Gary couldn't resist responding to both Ronn Jack­son and Linda Thompson concerning the militia and the march on Washington (from p.2 of last week's CONTACT). Simultaneously, interestingly enough, comes a fax from a very highly placed intelligence source who paints the following scenario concerning O.J. Simpson: "The ADL knows O.J. 's schedule and relationships and looks to trigger white & black hate. ADL assassin Goldman calls O.J. to meet at Nicole's. When O.J. shows, Goldman kills Nicole and O.J. will be implicated. O.J. flees. Another ADL assassin kills Goldman and further implicates O.J. with planted evidence. Just a wild guess on my part, but highly possible. Why don't we focus on the positive aspects of our Earth experience? Let's get on with reversing the Proto­cols of Zion and regain our freedom". Indeed, let's get on with our nation's reclamation!
July 11, 1994
To Commander Hatonn, Rick and Brent:

In regard to Ronn Jackson's letter to Linda D. Thompson, Act­ing Adjutant General, published in CONTACT, Volume 6, Number 2 of Tuesday July 5, 1994:

Instead of an "Armed" march on Washington, D.C. Capitol where Linda D. Thompson will be confronted by a phalanx of military units, (also armed) Federal Marshals and Capitol Police who will, in "short order", disarm, hog-tie and throw in jail (or hospital) her militia--she should consider, as a tactical (popular) strategy, a march with her 5 million militia to the headquarters of the ADL of B'nai B'rith in New York: seize all their secret records and plans for sabotage and assassination which they have compiled in their horrendous, evil plots to destroy Ameri­can Christians and the U.S. Government.

The militia would have legal standing, as the ADL B'nai B'rith is an illegal criminal organization and subject to attack by loyal Americans militia.

Linda could even pick-up large units of cognizable New York Police Department and National Guard soldiers who in the name of America's safety and welfare would join and assist her.

If Linda seizes the ADL B'nai B'rith headquarters and takes un­der control their files and equipment the scum in Congress will capitulate, die a natural death on the vine, as the evil brain di­recting them and the fluid (money) nourishing them will have been cut-off. This would obviate the dangerous and most cer­tainly unsuccessful march on the Capitol wherein Linda's militia would be destroyed and any future hope of our country to fight off the enemy could be so discouraged that it could presage the end of us and all the terrific momentum we have built up to de­stroy the mongoloid hordes of Khazars (fake Jews) who are preparing momentarily to destroy us.

Linda should appoint Lieutenants and divide the 5 million militia men and women into squads, platoons and battalions and assault the ADL headquarters simultaneously in every city in the U.S., particularly Los Angeles and San Francisco.

In San Francisco, Linda should also arrest and incarcerate in­communicado the infamous traitor and treasonous coward Arlo Smith. As the District Attorney, Arlo Smith had the evidence, power and duty to expose, prosecute and totally destroy the evil ADL once and for all. Instead Arlo Smith, for a few pieces of silver and promises of future higher political office, treacher­ously sold out the people to the most vicious enemy ever to at­tack America. In the same instant Arlo Smith destroyed the brave and dedicated police officers who had courageously raided the sinister ADL's Los Angeles and San Francisco headquarters and confiscated over 2 tons of records exposing the horrendous ADL's crimes against the people of America. Smith's treachery was a terrible blow to police officers and a terrific set-back to police departments across the land.

At this time, as far as is known, Arlo Smith has even given back the 2 tons of files on loyal American citizens to our deadly en­emy the ADL B'nai B'rith.

(NOTE The San Francisco Police Detectives who raided the ADL Los Angeles office had asked the LAPD to assist them.

Willie Williams, the new LAPD Chief, received his orders from Stanley Schienbaum, the head of the Los Angeles Police Com­mission: "Do Not assist the San Francisco officers in any way to raid the ADL office".

Stanley Schienbaum is a high ranking ADL agent and member of the ACLU.

Now, to my present information, two, only two San Francisco officers without any back-up entered this den of assassins and removed over a ton of files and records that the ADL had com­piled and were using as blackmail against American citizens and politicians.

RE: Further information on Stanley Schienbaum: refer to CONTACT, Volume 5, Number 11, June 7, 1994, page 31.

/s/ Gary L. Wean

July 7, 1994
From: Rayelan Russbacher

I have been informed that Gunther was transferred to a better hospital. His social worker told me that Gunther's lawyer, Dr. Hans Schallabock, expressed concern that the heat on the top floor of the prison was detrimental to Gunther's precarious health.

The new facility is in a part of Vienna that is wooded and cool. It is much smaller. At this point, I do not know if it is a prison, a military installation, or a hospital. When I finally contacted the new facility, I was transferred to "The Commander". Since I speak no German and he speaks no English, we could not communicate.

I was given the address and transferred to one of the doctors. All he would offer in the way of information regarding Gun­ther's health was: "He is fine". I questioned him further, asking specific questions about Gunther's pancreas, which is working again; his liver, which is damaged from hepatitis; his kidneys, which are now functioning; and his heart, to which the doctor replied: "He is receiving his medication". You may draw your own conclusions as to his health status.

On June 28, Rick Martin and I faxed the former President of Austria, Dr. Kurt Waldheim. We expressed our fear that the primitive conditions of the prison
where Gunther was held would prove fatal. On July 4, I received this reply from
Dr. Waldheim:

"....referring to your fax of June 28, I wish to inform you that I have forwarded your request to the competent Austrian authori­ties asking them to look into the matter urgently".

Evidently Gunther was moved almost immediately after Rick and I took action. I believe we have both Dr. Waldheim and Dr. Schallaböck to thank for Gunther's new, much cooler and better quarters.
/s/ Rayelan Russbacher
[P.S.] Gunther will be sentenced August 9, by Judge Karl Fisher.

Gunther Russbacher
Post Code 3021
Wilhelm's Höge
Tullnerbach, Austria

Dr. Hans Schallabock
Stephensplatz 6/3/7
1010 Vienna, Austria

Dr. Kurt Waldheim
League of the U.N.
Anna Gasse #5
1010 Vienna, Austria