PJ 99 ? 101

SAT., JUL. 2, 1994 7:45 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 320

SAT., JUL. 2, 1994
Will there be another Fourth of July? Indeed! How do I know? Because all that is--was, and shall for ever be. In the perception of time--once labeled--moves forever into the infinity of percep­tion. The question, then, remains simply--what will another Fourth of July represent? Even that question on the second of July (today) has no meaning--for all is only speculation as to the 4th.

I have been asked to again run information, even if repetition, on the "Monarch" project which is so closely akin to the "Delta Force" training. However, I first wish to speak of the State of your Nation.

These are neither the best nor the worst of "times". These sim­ply ARE THE TIMES. It is what you do with "these times" that makes them great or terrible--God provides the "times" and YOU must provide the perceptions.

You stand, as a nation, at the brink of the downfall of freedom in any recognized form. You also stand at the crossroads whereat moving in one direction will reclaim a chance at recov­ery--or in the other direction, crushing enslavement and pathetic depletion of your wondrous "chosen" nation. Which will it be?

The confusion to cover actions is so brilliantly scoped and activated by your clever manipulators that you notice not what is REALLY taking place. You ponder O.J. Simpson in confusion as to "what in the world are they doing"? Well, let me assure you of some things. "They" HAVE established and perpetrated this horrendous crime as we have told you. Why, then, does it look so bad for O.J. and why does he not more fully defend himself? Because it is SUPPOSED TO BE THIS WAY-- RIGHT INTO PUBLIC FRENZY. O.J. Simpson is simply a set-up of RIGHT CIRCUMSTANCES used with professional manipulations. How do they keep him in line? He KNOWS his children will be NEXT IN SOME HORRENDOUSLY TERRIBLE DISASTER AT THE ENEMY'S HANDS.

YOU are being tested; how will you, as a society, react? Will the constant focus cause you to miss everything else going on right now? Indeed it will--IT HAS!

There is "socialized medicine" (but YOU won't get ANY), there are new Executive Orders which are pure TREASON, there are national emergencies and State of Emergencies. Why such a buildup? Because the "big boys" know that there is also the element which can STOP THEM! This would be an ARMED army of both citizens and military "Minutemen".

Goodness no, readers. You want the government criminals to FACE JUSTICE--not chaos, riots and a nation out of control allowing for WORLD INTERVENTION. You want to bring this atrocity against freedom and sanity to a halt in a sane and orderly manner. This means "in reason and in wisdom of actions". Anarchy is NEVER an answer for that always plays into the enemy's hands.

Are there ways to do this, then, in reason and sanity with wisdom? Yes. It is being worked on as we write. Dharma is not the only person with whom I communicate and I would never give her that which will halt the flow of information--just to satisfy curiosity within awakening humanity.

I dedicate our work during this season to our beloved Violinio St. Germain. I also bow to our beloved Michael and Gabriel in honor and salute. I will speak more on the associations at an-other time. Just KNOW that they are important and shall impact your journey greatly--even as they have always done.

Germain has given many, many speeches on behalf of his beloved United States, the Light unto a Free World, on hundreds of celebration days called the Independence Day. He has warned and reminded you that you DID NOT GAIN INDEPENDENCE
--YOU SIMPLY BECAME FURTHER ENTRAPPED IN THE MUCK AND MIRE OF THE HAPPENINGS AND DECEIT OF THE PRINCE OF LIES AND DECEIT. While you wave flags and shoot firecrackers in celebration of that which is gone--

I would like, instead of inviting Germain to speak--for we are caused to not ask Dharma to write for Germain until the US&P case is finished--and the games and assaults are getting more and more nasty--not over information--but of course, over MONEY and politics. US&P is a British Intelligence and Brookings Institute mind-control institution. I don't care what the US&P staff may "think" they are doing--they are a New Age seminar-giving mind-control center. Is this "bad"? Good? It is neither good nor bad--it IS. It has always been used as a tool of B'nai B'rith as well and the Royal Family of England. Some would refer to that aspect with great pride and publicity--so WHY do they bring suit against ones who suggest this as truth?
They even deny any "Jewish race" people on their board or staff--on national radio, yet. Why? Is that not bigotry and racism in to-day's accepted society? It has further been suggested that US&P has some association with some of the PROJECTS such as "Monarch". Is this true? Well, if "actions" do actually speak louder than words, there is some suggestion that some-thing goes on that is preferred to be kept a bit SECRET.

I am continually interested in what goes on in the "case" itself between Dharma and US&P, the interchange with Green and his buddies and even the exchange with Col. Bo Gritz and Timothy Binder who heads US&P. A hundred magazine journals have now been typed and printed--by Dharma. Strange that some 9 (but actually only four had very much of any reference even to Walter Russell's work) are in legal ensnarement but our entire work is denounced, taken up in the Associated Press, EVERYTHING taken from the Ekkers including their reputations and goodly names
--and the games get ever increasingly more entangled with the Federal Court system.

US&P claims great DAMAGES from these "false" writers. They claim in court "unfair competition in the market" and a dozen other things--while playing legal checkers against two in-pro-per people who have neither attorney nor funds.

US&P has seminars, libraries, classes, lectures, tours and a "university" with classes. Ekkers have NOTHING, have never received a dime for any of the work--and not even meetings. The only ones from this place who have made anything--are the Greens of America West--nice ones who share a common butterfly heritage. How so? Well, we'll offer you more on "Monarch" and some players in a bit.

I also want you to look carefully at the letter from Maynard Campbell elsewhere in this paper. This man was in Idaho and wrote on the Ruby Ridge "massacre". He was then targeted for death--he also watched Bo Gritz's actions then and now--a nice Monarch product. This one man [Gritz] could be the GREATEST leader your nation has ever known--or go down in the ANNALS of history as the worst betrayer. He cannot help that which he is--UNTIL HE ALIGNS HIMSELF WITH GOD OF LIGHT AND STOPS THIS GARBAGE OF MISPERCEPTIONS AND FALSE DOCTRINES. So be it. I want to talk about the State of your Nation this morning, please. I will try to respond to your other multiple inquiries as we can. To keep our noses clean and to share the focus of work well done--we will offer from Robert D. Newcomer his writing: "WHERE HAS ALL THE FREEDOM GONE"?



America's birth began with the American Revolution when thirteen very fragile, dissension-ridden colonies challenged the most powerful monarchy on Earth to rid themselves of taxes and tyranny. This was a war of common folks thrust into the turbulence of battle; ordinary citizens who never studied a newspaper because they could not read and never petitioned the government because they could not write. These ordinary people shed their blood from April 19, 1775 to the bloody victory at Yorktown in 1781 to provide us with the basis for the American dream and the cornerstone of freedom from oppressive taxation and tyranny. Is it possible that through complacency and apathy, we have squandered the American dream that was acquired for us with the sacrifice of human life, turmoil and anguish? Is it also possible that we have left our children bankrupt, exposed to tyranny and totally uninformed as to their future circumstances? Let's review taxes, tyranny and the Constitution to establish where we have progressed in 219 years since the Revolutionary War.

Taxes: The Revolutionary War was fought over repressive taxation (10% at the time). Today we pay 80% of our wages in taxes without challenge or outcry. We pay direct taxes which are evident, hidden taxes which are imposed on us under altered names to conceal them, and disguised taxes which are very difficult to detect. DIRECT federal, state, local and social security taxes remove 44% of our income from our paychecks. We labor until June every year just to pay these direct taxes. HIDDEN taxes such as licenses (car, boat, trailer, business, drivers, liquor, hunting, fishing, dog, marriage), gas tax $.43/GAL, permits, vehicle, liquor tax, fees, duties, excise, and interest consume three more months of our wages.
When we purchase any product we pay numerous disguised taxes. For example, when we buy an automobile, the company that builds the vehicle passes all of its costs onto us, the buyer of the car, to include all taxes paid by the company. This includes social security taxes, workers compensation tax, state unem­ployment tax, federal unemployment tax, franchise taxes, corpo­rate income taxes, property taxes, etc. The company is respon­sible for these taxes but we pick up the tab the day we purchase the product. In addition, we pay a sales tax on the entire price of the car, therefore, paying taxes on the tax with money that has already been taxed before we got our paychecks. Like a slave who works 12 months for nothing the average American now works 9.5 months for nothing more than taxes. More taxes (health care) are on the way.

Every aspect of our life is now taxes. We can't pick up a paycheck, buy groceries, drive a car, own a home, save money, or go fishing without someone demanding payment in the form of taxation for those rights. How has this happened? Wright Patman, former congressman and former chairman of the House Banking Committee, explained it as follows: "In the United States we have in effect two governments...We have the duly constituted Government... then we have an independent, uncon­trolled and uncoordinated government in the Federal Reserve System, operating the money powers which are reserved to Congress by the Constitution". At 6:00 pm on December 23, 1913, while most of Congress was at home, a few representa­tives took it upon themselves to pass, by voice vote, the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. That day was the beginning of the end of the American dream. On that date our Congress compromised the efforts of our founding fathers by relinquishing its control over the monetary system of the United States to a private corporation, with international stockholders, known as the Federal Reserve Bank. Since that date we Americans have been subject to unnecessary interest on loans entered into by our government with this highly profitable, private, international banking cartel. In addition, our government has allowed this private corporation to fleece unconstitutional income taxes from us to pay for these unnecessary interest charges which will be approximately four hundred billion dollars this year. Look at the back of your cancelled checks paid to the IRS for federal taxes and note that they were deposited into the coffers of the FRB (Federal Reserve Bank), not the United States Treasury. Lewis T. McFadden, former Chairman of the House Banking Commission and past member of Congress was quoted as saying, "The Federal Re­serve Bank is a private monopoly which preys upon the People of the United States for the benefit of themselves". McFadden died mysteriously after three attempts on his life. [H: Let us not allow him to have died in vain--please run this speech AGAIN. (It is in the previous journal, #100). Why should we toil for our daily bread and allow an international banking cartel to eat it? This is the identical question faced by our founding fathers just before they fired the "shot heard round the world".]

TYRANNY: Could WACO be the keyhole to our future? Eighty men, women and children were blatantly murdered by federal law enforcement agencies. The media dubbed them a religious cult so as to justify mass execution of innocent citizens without due process of law. Did you note that the compound was burned to the ground on the EXACT DAY THE REV­OLUTIONARY WAR BEGAN (APRIL 19TH)? The second shot heard round the world could well have been the one fired at the innocent victims of Waco. On May 21,1993 Paul Wilcher, an attorney, sent a101-page document to Janet Reno detailing why Koresh was silenced by the federal government. [H: This man was also an attorney for Gunther Russbacher and held incredible evidence regarding October Surprise and other incriminating evidence.] Wilcher was found dead in his apartment shortly after sending the report to Reno. The Randy Weaver incident in Idaho, is another prime example of tyranny. Federal agents shot Weaver's 13-year-old son in the back and then shot his wife in the head as she emerged from a cabin holding her baby. This family, living in a remote cabin in Idaho, must have posed a serious threat to national security. All the media had to do in this case was label them white separatist to condone to the public their execution, by federal agents, without due process of law. Who will be next? There are nu­merous other cases, such as Scott and Kahl, that clearly signify Police State executions.

We should question why so many elected officials are working so diligently to disarm Americans of guns as quickly as possible in violation of our Constitutional rights. Our government justifies this action by pointing to crime. Is crime the actual rationale or could crime be the engineered catalyst to premeditated and deliberate anarchy in America? Most Americans have never lived through Anarchy so we might not recognize the signs even if they were conspicuous. The use of anarchy to attain dictatorial power is as old as civilization itself. Anarchy has historically been used when a diminutive minority wants to secure control over the majority. The result of successful anarchy is a police state. If our type of government is decided by crime in the street, an autocratic ruthless dictatorship is inevitable because the people will demand it. This is actually very simple. You create a perceived problem in the minds of the people, such as crime, then offer the solution such as changing the U.S. Constitution or gun registration and organizations, such as, the MJTF, FINCEN, FEMA, and the new Federal Police force all staffed with special types of men. The same type of special men who can murder women and children, with no remorse at WACO, the same type of special men who can shoot the young Weaver boy in the back and then his mother in the head. What is the truth behind the formation of these new forces? What are they currently being trained for? Why are they comprised of many non-American combat-trained individuals? Why have we turned many of our military bases and personnel over to the direct control of the United Nations? The United Nations. "Peace keeping forces"--is a myth. The United Nations is controlled exclusively by fascist leaders of the bloodiest regimes on the globe who never in their history stood for anything other than killing, violence and tyranny on a global scale. Where was this noble "peace keeping group" when hundreds of churches were being burned to the ground in Bosnia, [H: And where were your own protective forces--after all, THIS IS THE NATIONAL SECURITY EMERGENCY THAT KEEPS THE U.S. IN A STATE OF MARTIAL LAW--RIGHT NOW, JUST EXTENDED BY CLINTON ON MAY 23, 1994!] thousands of religious citizens were being tortured and killed in detention camps and the civil rights of innocent, independent, religious citizens were violated?

* * * *
Ok, just one more topic and then on to "Monarch".

This writing is an EXCLUSIVE TO THE AMERICAN'S BULLETIN and we certainly do not have any intention of taking any credit for other than having it brought to our attention. This [above] paper struggled along and almost had to close down because of the hardships encountered as do ALL free-speech papers. Support them if you can--they DO take advertising so if you have a product perhaps you can purchase space and keep them publishing.

We present this material here without comment and to allow the message to go a bit further into homes and minds that might not have access to The American's Bulletin, c/o 3434 N. Pacific Hwy., Medford, Oregon 97501. How worthy it would be to be able to combine some of these fine publications into a united VOICE OF THE PEOPLE.


Robert (Bob) Lewis, sui juris
This exclusive report was researched by 25-years criminal investigator, Robert (Bob) Lewis, sui juris.

It is December 21, 1988. A Pan Am international flight takes off from Frankfurt International Airport heading to London Heathrow International Airport where, after a stop-over, it will proceed on to New York. All goes well for the passengers as they enjoy the leisure of their flight. Soon they are in the air again and heading to New York and all is well. As they are passing over Scotland enjoying the view of a beautiful landscape and music in their ears and movies and drinks, thoughts of Christmas plans float through their minds. Kids, 87 to be exact, chat, play around, giggle and anticipate the presents they are in hopes of getting. Then, in a moment, the flight ends with a boom and a flash. The plane plunges to the ground along with all the hopes and aspirations of all 259 aboard and 11 on the ground.

As the debris falls to the ground and settles in to wait for the inspectors, so too did the answers of why and how. Now, after 5 1/2 years, some of these haunting questions get their chance to be laid to rest.

According to Western Intelligence sources, three American CIA Agents were shot to death in a Hotel room in Berlin in February 1991. They were there to interview the chauffeur from Beirut, Lebanon who had driven the car to the Frankfort Airport that carried the suitcase lined with plastic explosives that destroyed flight #103.

Their mission was to obtain information about the four CIA Agents who, it is believed, died aboard Flight #103 because they were the target of the bombing as they were carrying some intense evidence on the BCCI international guns-for-drugs operation's Syrian connection out of Beirut, Lebanon to the Senate Sub-Committee on Narcotics and Terrorism. One of the Flight #103 CIA Agents was Major Charles McKee, the other three are unknown as their identity has been covered up by the CIA. Source--the London Guardian, August 2, 1991.

Pan Am's insurance company, The United States Aviation Underwriters Insurance Co., knows who had prior knowledge to the bombing and it is the suppressor of this information, required by the CIA and most willingly abided by, that keeps them from having to pay the 14-Billion-Dollar libel suit owed to the victim's families.

It goes as follows:

A crew member of Flight #103, who goes unnamed, over-heard two unnamed U.S. State Department Officials, who are taking the flight, talking about a note slipped to them from an unnamed CIA Agent. The contents of the note essentially warned them to deplane in London and not continue the flight to New York. Possibly including, but it is not known, that it would not arrive at its destination.

During the flight to London the crew member confronted the officials about the conversation and the officials denied any such thing and told the crew member nobody would believe it. When the officials deplaned in London and did not return the crew member notified the Captain who in turn notified Pam Am officials. The Pan Am officials ordered the flight to continue. At this point the crew member claimed to be sick and deplaned also. To my knowledge all of the players in this episode, except the pilot, are alive today and could be called to witness to the facts. At least 10 Government Agencies have or had this information but have suppressed or destroyed it.

Other people were warned to deplane also and did. During a holiday rush season the flight mysteriously became only 2/3 full while other flights were over-booked. One person who deplaned was the son of the Head of International Intelligence for the FBI, one Oliver Buck Revelle, whose son was on his way home for military leave. Others who left the flight are believed to be some of Major McKee's team, suggesting a setup.

The crew member involved wrote an official Affidavit witnessing to the facts. To my knowledge they are still alive today.

Major McKee's team was bringing back evidence of the CIA-Syria Guns-for-Drugs connection but they also had been investigating the whereabouts of the American Hostages, some of whom were U.S. Agents and one was a U.S. General. It is generally believed they had uncovered another horror story which we now believe to be a system of eliminating Patriotic American Agents using the PFLP-GC (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command), who have a long notorious record of aircraft bombing, to take agents hostage and eliminate them. The CIA could not afford to let this information return to the Senate and still cannot and thus we still have the Government and the Media purporting the Libyans did it.

Now a Terrorist caught in Lebanon claims he did it and he even tried to tell the Judge and Prosecutor but they too tried to suppress it. Now we expect the spin doctors to discredit this claim because both the Bush and Clinton Administrations have suppressed the truth. [H: It has already been done.] Bush started the operation and Clinton has maintained it.
On November 19, 1989, the Toronto Star published this:

The French Government had loaned two of their top chemists to Syria's International Drug Operations, headed up by a Syrian named AlKassar, to help with the production and refining of the Bacca Valley Opium in the Village of Taraya. Syria controls this valley and it is known that the operation is Government protected if not controlled.

You put this together with Bush's long standing friendship with President Assad, even when he's killing his countrymen and openly supporting world terrorism, and you begin to see the Guns-for-Drugs and hostage connection with Bush makes a lot of sense. You also see why the US Government doesn't want to blame the Syrians for Flight #103.

Guns for Drugs and Drugs Smuggling, sound familiar? How about Mena, Arkansas? How about Hillary, Vince Foster, The Rose Law Firm and BCCI buying First American Bank?

While Bush, the initiator of the Guns For Drugs, was in op­eration in the White House, Bill Clinton was the Governor of Arkansas. George and the CIA needed Bill's nod to start, or at least continue, the operation out of Mena, Arkansas and Bill needed the Globalist to further his own aspirations of living in the White House. This explains why Bush and Clinton did not significantly attack each other during the election run in 1992. We know the CIA runs drugs through Mena Airport, and Clin­ton refused to allow the Attorney General funds to investigate it; the question is, what else does he know?

Scribe, let us close this Chapter and begin here when we write again.

SAT., JUL. 2, 1994 10:30 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 320

SAT., JUL. 2, 1994

The Guns for Drugs deals with Syria-Lebanon-CIA-Mena could not function without a Bank or two to launder the money. Thus comes the CIA operatives' BCCI-Bank of America-Rose Law Firm-Hillary-Foster-Hubbell-First American Bank.
The Rose Law Firm employed Hillary Clinton, Vincent Fos­ter and Webster Hubbell. These three were the ones who trans­ferred the stocks of BCCI needed to acquire First American Bank, the largest bank in Washington D.C. [H: Does anyone find it interesting in OUR READING AUDIENCE that so far there has been no mention of one of the most important men in the world, Clark Clifford?] This bank provided un­limited secured loans to the Senators and Congressmen. This is part of the reason why Congress lacks interest in investigating this. When Bill became President he brought all three lawyers with him.

When Foster was killed there was a clean sweep of his office by people not involved with National Security, which was the excuse for the sweep. What wasn't told to you was that Foster had information on the activities with BCCI and none of the guilty parties could take a chance in a leak of this nature, thus Hillary's secretary was needed for that task, among other things, and no evidence was found that we have been told of. It is these files that link the International Guns For Drugs Money Laundering Operation and Mena and President Clinton. The Rose Law Firm probably wasn't as interested in shredding of the White Water files as they were interested in eliminating the Stock Transfer files.

NOTE: It is amazing how many files turned up missing when Foster died. The BCCI files, White Water files affair memora­bilia with Hillary, and the Hansen files
(a 13.26 BILLION dol­lar law suit) are just a few known to me.


Money and Power are the name of the game. If anyone is naive enough to think an operation as big as the CIA-Drugs for Guns-BCCI-First American Bank could be run without the ap­proval and or oversight of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers INTERNATIONAL Banker Associations just ask yourself why no one received any real punishment to date in the BCCI scandal and/how come Bank of America held a solid majority (approx. 60%) of the ownership but went virtually untouched and unaffected by its closure.

Now, what else ties this one big sick family together? Ab­normal Sex habits. Intelligence organizations for years have known this was the best way to control people. This group of Globalists is involved in an International Child Kidnapping and Pedophile Network. With these kids they easily pull in the kinky politicians and high ranking Government Officials. This operation was started by the precursor to CAN (Cult Awareness network) and run by the CIA group MK-Ultra AND CALLED PROJECT MONARCH. One more point needs to be made on the banking subject. The Federal Reserve Bank is privately owned by these International Bankers. The Fed (Federal Reserve) has Government oversight powers over banking in the United States. It is inconceivable that the Federal Reserve did not know all about the transfers between the CIA and BCCI and Bank of America and First American Bank. To be more specific, wire transfers were done through the Federal Reserve. Not one mention of this has been made public to my knowledge. For sure they are exempt from the laws that forced BCCI to be closed. It is a fact that no Government Intelligence Agency is not under their sway if not out and out control. They control the World's money and money systems. No Intelligence Agency can operate without money and the free use of it. Thus we might as well call it The World Organized Crime Network, starring the International Bankers.

The understanding of Mena and the drug smuggling for money and guns would not be complete without dishonorable mention of Ollie North. George Bush was appointed as Director of the CIA during the Vietnam Conflict. It was at this time that a fluent pipeline was established from the "Golden Triangle" or "Bamboo Triangle" to the USA. Servicemen, killed in a politi­cal war, were gutted and desecrated by drugs being put in them and then being shipped home to be sold to kill yet more people on the streets of America.

There was an Army Intelligence team sent in to investigate the CIA control of this operation. The team was relocated to combat duty in hopes of elimination and no report was filed. When the drugs being cultivated in Lebanon's Bacca Valley be­gan to appeal to the CIA and the competition could not be over­looked, North was called in to set it up and organize control of it. The Terrorists wanted guns and the Globalists wanted con­trol. Some Freedom Fighters and hostages looked like a good excuse to use to pawn it off on the American public. There was a problem though, the Bolland Amendment, and how do you get public support for such a gross operation if they find out about it?

The answer is, the standard Mode of Operation for Politics in Washington. Every one points the finger at someone else while claiming they know nothing but yet support it while yet probably voting against it. See the book COMPROMISED: Clinton, Bush and the CIA for more.

When things started to get out of control and the operatives harder and harder to control (power corrupts) North had to clean it up and take the fall if necessary. After all it was his baby, right? Anyone who is naive enough to believe that a lowly Lt. Col. would be the impetus behind such a large International Globalist Operation involving the President and a Governor and the CIA and the International Bankers... well, I won't say it.

The evidence of the Globalist involvement is also seen in the way the media is pushing North's bid for election in Virginia, the CIA Headquarters State.

In 1989, a CIA source informed the Toronto Star that they were doing an internal investigation to find the secret cell that was running the Drugs For Hostages deal. This team found out that all of the background information on Flight #103 was mysteriously erased from the computer database in Langley, Vir­ginia.

Then along comes Major McKee on what is to be a white­washing mission and something goes wrong. He turns out to be much too ambitious and unerringly resourceful. A few rogue agents turn him onto some incredible evidence and before you know it 270 people are wasted. I guess the most galling aspect of it is that it was nothing to them to kill the innocent victims, they were just happy the lid was not blown off their gig.

A very sophisticated detonator was required for the precise timing and atmospheric complications involved and needed to direct the precise blast that downed Flight #103.

Only one person possessed the talent to manufacture such a detonator. The scientist's name is withheld for the sake of his family. He stated unequivocally that he had no previous knowl­edge what-so-ever that the detonator he made would be used for such an evil purpose.

He has signed an Affidavit declaring himself as the source of the detonator and that it had been given, along with many oth­ers, to the CIA.

All of the above information was made available to the US Government as well as Pan Am's Insurance Company, United States Aviation Underwriters, Inc. through the Law firm Windels, Marx, Davies & Ives, including their lead attorney James
M. Shaughnessy, who was assigned to the defense of the insurance company regarding Flight #103, yet NONE OF IT WAS USED IN ANY COURT PROCEEDING IN THEIR DEFENSE! Instead they depended on a deal they cut with the Government to avoid payment of the liability.

So the Federal Government is really the main reason why there is a cover-up. The other reason is the International Bankers don't want to give up the billions of dollars to the serfs that serve their purpose as slaves. To them it is unethical.

I am not one to end a problem without suggesting a solution, so try these:

1) Stop the Politicians who are desecrating our Constitution. Throw them out NOW, not later. Vote first and if that doesn't work stop financing them.

2) Do not play along with the game of the: Clinton Administration, International Bankers, Rothschilds and Rockefellers, the American Liberal Media, International Child Kidnappers and Pedophile Networks, CIA's drug running, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, etc.

But wait a minute, Bob, are you telling me I am a party to all of these evil devastating groups? You are if you acquiesce and empower them and do not demand your Representatives bring an accounting and an end to their lawlessness. The official job description of the Congressman or Congresswoman is "Representative". They represent YOU.

From the Jack Anderson Article "Helsinki Warning",

July 28, 1989.

"But the most explosive evidence in a lawsuit against Pan Am may (was) found on a desk in Frankfurt, West Germany, the day after the crash.

A young West German (Oliver Koch) (Wackenhut Security Inc.) who worked in Pam Am baggage security reportedly testified that the State Department warned the airline in early December about a possible terrorist bombing, but that he didn't see the warning until December 22, the day after the Crash.

Koch, looking down on Werner Schlutz's desk and seeing the warning letter states, "How can I forget it, this is a warning of a potential bomb. IT IS MY JOB".

Testimony Reversed: "A few days later the FAA was supposed to arrive, and in Koch's presence Weber takes out a date stamp, back dates it to December 9, which is when he received it.

Pan Am therefore had prior knowledge to a 'POTENTIAL' bombing! Lives could have been saved that day but politics, corruption, drugs and death are an integral part of the New World Order.

And last, in a letter to the Honorable John Adams, Thomas Jefferson wrote in 1821' : "The flames kindled on the 4th of July have spread over too much of the globe to be extinguished by the feeble engines of tyranny. On the contrary, they will consume these engines and all who work for THEM"!

* * * *
[H: Since we have run this information several times, bear with us as we present a different resource and perhaps you can once again overcome your aversion to TRUTH and HEAR how it IS!]
One of the best kept secrets in history is the Monarch Mind-control programming which uses trauma-based mind control along with state of the art mind control to create humans who are totally controlled by a "handler" without even knowing that they are controlled. This is accomplished by sophisticated use of the brain's ability to disassociate, which is used to the extreme to create structured multiple-personality-disordered minds.

For an extremely technical definition of what the Monarch program was: it was used as US Department of Defense code name for a subsection of the CIA's Operation Artichoke which is also known as Project MK-Ultra. However, this technical definition is misleading because the Monarch programming under various names such as marionette programming has been going on since the Nazis.

The basic component of the Monarch program is the sophisticated manipulation of the child's mind to protect itself from extreme trauma by creating Multiple Personality Disorder. The most inhumane severe torture is used on children to create extensive MPD. Then the various alters (personalities) are found and programmed using state of the art mind-control.

Harmonics and sound waves are used to manipulate the RNA covering of neuron pathways to the subconscious. Harmonic generators code named "ether-wave" are able to imbed detailed commands which are linked to audible triggers. This is one of the standard features of the Monarch program. It allows the slaves to be controlled by trigger words which make no sense or seem to carry no negative connotation to outside listeners.

For instance the words, "Mr. Postman wait and see" might set off an access sequence so that a slave living away from its master goes to its master (also called a handler).

Some slaves are turned into sleepers. They live normal lives but perhaps carry out an assignment 40 years down the road at a prearranged date or a prearranged trigger. Some of the Illuminati hierarchy have been turned into sleepers so that they can be available when the AntiChrist begins ruling, to train the large influx of new people into the Illuminati and Satanism.

Another basic component of the Monarch program is lots of electro shock. Stun guns, staffs with hidden electric cattle prods, and cattle prods are frequently used on the slaves. Electroshock is used to create MPD in the creation of the slave, and later it is used to remove memories after the slave has carried out a mission, or to instill fear and obedience in a reluctant slave. Slaves generally carry horrible body memories of excruciating electro-shock tortures to their entire bodies. As the slaves begin a therapeutic deprogramming process they will recover these horrible memories, not to mention many other painful memories.

Every Monarch slave has thousands of Internal safety devices (programs, etc.) to prevent anything from freeing the slave of her or his programming. IF YOU DISCOVER A MONARCH SLAVE--BE CAREFUL NOT TO TELL THEM WHAT YOU KNOW OR YOU MAY CAUSE THEM TO COMMIT SUICIDE. If any of the readers of this article do find a Monarch slave I suggest they call and talk to me about any steps they plan to take. Suicide programs are attached to all types of things within a Monarch slave. Do not mistakenly think you can tamper with the programming. Do not think that you can merely tell the slave that you want to free the person, and expect that they will automatically want your help. Working with Monarch slaves (also called Marionette survivors) is touchy, like handling ticking bombs. It also calls for extreme dedication and patience. [H: It appears the first part of this writing comes from someone called Fritz Springmeier and at this point we only have some extracted pages from a document regarding or is­sued by this person. I have no further information, yet, to offer about him. However, the other parties (and from whom this information also comes) are Mark Phillips and Cathy O'Brien (to name two) and we will have information on them a bit later in the writing.]

In the summer of 1991, I decided to put out a chapter I had written on a book I was putting together on Mind Control. This chapter was Chapter 3 and concerned the Monarch project. I put out this chapter in its rough form as a monograph about the Monarch program, and have mailed out hundreds to people free of charge. Everyone who subscribed to my newsletter at that time got one. [H: Ah, still no address but we have a clue; this came from A Newsletter from a Christian Ministry, Dec. 1993]

In the summer of 1993, I began getting information from Mark Phillips concerning the Monarch program. Mark's infor­mation dovetailed with what I knew and his information gave me a greater perspective on things. Mark Phillips has been deprogramming Monarch Mind-controlled slaves. He and Cathy O'Brien, who was a presidential model slave, have written over 76 papers on various aspects of the Monarch program. I have some, but not all of those papers, and I am now going to make the inventory lists available to my newsletter subscribers. At the end of this article I will reprint Mark's Information Inventory List. Those who are interested can either write Mark or contact me. Both Mark and I are extremely busy--so I don't know which of us is better to contact. Mark is currently working with at least six Monarch slaves to deprogram them, and I am working with about the same number on more of a friendship level to try to be supportive in any way for these people.

A book with excellent documentation exposing the Monarch Project is on the drawing boards and, when this book comes out, I and others will distribute it. Plans are to provide all readers of this newsletter a copy. [H: Our prior information regarding Mark and Cathy came from them directly to us so I will suggest you contact them and obviously they will be in touch with this party.]

The present day trauma-based mind-control is an outgrowth of practices that the Mystery Religions practiced in deep se­crecy. Satanism has been alive and well for many centuries but has remained unexposed behind its religious fronts due to the ability of generational satanists to create MPD (Multiple Person­ality Disorder). Many of the European kings were Satanists who had MPD. The royal families of Denmark, the Nether­lands, Spain and England are all involved with the occult and satanism. The Romanov family which had branches in Prussia and Russia was also deeply into the occult. An examination of the jewelry that the Romanov family had while they ruled Russia is an eye opener. Their jewelry was very occultic, even though they had a good Christian front for the public.

Unless a satanist has MPD they will go insane due to the horrifying things that high level satanism is involved in doing. Only satanists with MPD can survive. It goes without saying then that people in the higher levels of the Illuminati have MPD, but that does not mean they are highly structured MPDs such as the Monarch slaves. Monarch slaves have their MPD structured so that they become human computers or human robots--human zombies in a sense, except that they have front alters that can look and act like most everyone else.

The name. Monarch does not derive from its royal heritage, but rather refers to the Monarch butterfly. Children who are traumatized have their legs tied and are electroshocked and tortured so that alters (personalities) form that think they are butterflies. This was the original reason for the name Monarch being attached to this trauma-based mind control.

Under the Nazis, the satanic use of MPD was refined. After W.W.II, the CIA smuggled into the U.S. German and Italian scientists and specialists who were developing the Monarch programming.

The Monarch programming is also referred to as Marionette programming. A marionette is a puppet and Nazi German psychologists were working hard at creating the perfect human puppets. The end result of all the hard work put in by German, Italian, American and British researchers was the creation of an almost fool-proof impossible to detect human mind-controlled slave.

Over the years since the 1940s, over 1 million Americans underwent Monarch programming; however, only 40,000 have extremely detailed records kept on them, and are also entered on a computer data base. Only privileged people have access to that data base. Reprogramming centers have been set up around the country to insure that any Monarch slave which might escape can be reprogrammed. The chance of any Mind-controlled slave escaping is exceptionally small due to the fact that the programming is so powerful and is so difficult to counteract.

[H: We may as well pause right here and let you in on a "biggie" which some of your regular readers might have forgotten as well--the WACO fiasco was just that--a fiasco. That whole project at Mt. Carmel was an MK-Ultra (Monarch) programming set-up. There were "sleepers" involved--only these guys got to working with God and when the programming said "wake up"--most of the player puppets DID NOT! IT IS A SMALL WORLD ISN'T IT?]
Not all Monarch slaves live with their masters. Monarch slaves who live and work apart from their masters must be accessed, which is done by the use of cryptic keys.
I have begun to identify various localities which are being utilized to access the slaves. I will now discuss some of these cover activities.

The entire country western music industry is a cover for drug running and the Monarch program. Many of the country western songs are tailored to be utilized for programming. In recent years, "Karoke" singing has become popular in the U.S. Karoke singing is just one of several ways that Monarch slaves can be taken away from their homes for accessing, reprogramming, and for assignments. Various Monarch slaves are becoming acquainted with each other via this method. If anyone examines the pioneer Karoke version of such songs as White Rabbit you will easily see that this film with its song is a tool used by select Karoke spots for triggering Monarch slaves who have "Alice in Wonderland" programming. Alice in Wonder-land programming and The Wizard of Oz programming are two popular base programs still in use today. Walt Disney productions have played a major role in the Monarch program and some of their children's films are being deliberately constructed with Monarch triggers and keys.

Besides using Karoke Bars as a place to secretly bring Monarch slaves in for accessing, the Illuminati uses fraternal meetings and churches. Some churches have lights and other items which reinforce and interact with the programming the Monarch slaves have. Church leaders will say buzz words and use hand signals to interact with the Monarch slaves who have been ordered to attend these churches.

In the Portland area, we have a man in his twenties who is named Rex who has the job of accessing Monarch slaves and bringing them into one of the five reprogramming centers. I have been in the process of identifying where these centers are located. I have had the opportunity also to identify two of the programmers in this area, one is a middle-aged man named Ed, who uses his sales work with meat as a cover.
The most important duty of the Monarch slaves is to perpetuate the horrible secret satanic activity of the Illuminati. Much of the horrible deeds of the Illuminati would be impossible for a normal person to do, but someone who is Monarch programmed and who is so controlled that they will not even have the most common human feeling of self-preservation, these slaves can be gotten to do the evil dirty work. Bear in mind that "snuff" films and other gross things are being made daily and Monarch slaves can help with this type of stuff.

Slaves are also used in the regular entertainment industry because they have no moral barriers to orders and because they have photographic memories to learn their lines. Slaves are used in professional, college and high school sports, such as baseball and basketball. Slaves are used in the military as hard core soldiers (and they can't be beat for suicide missions), and by the intelligence agencies as spies. Slaves are used for drug running, money laundering, prostitution, pornography and acting. The slaves are also good for shooting up people and places to insure stiff anti-gun legislation is enacted and that the public is scared and dysfunctional.

Bo Gritz is just one of several male Monarch slaves who have been used to infiltrate the opposition to the NWO.

The newer slaves that I am seeing have got various kinds of Alien programming, so that they believe aliens are communicating to them in their heads. The various alien programs appear to be part of a vast scheme to create a strong belief in aliens and to create a mock alien invasion to provide justification for a strong One-World-Government.

[H: Moreover, these aliens will be represented as LIZARD-SERPENT-LIKE BEINGS! God's hosts NEVER appear as such! EVER!!]

Because the public has suffered so many atrocities from Monarch slaves who have gone berserk or who have carried out horrendous assignments, the CIA launched a secret COVER-UP project called Operation Armageddon to convince people that the Monarch slaves are demonic possessed people who are merely the result of an influx of evil supernatural forces in the end times. Although Christians realize that Satan is working overtime in these last days, the world is not undergoing an in-flux of new demonic forces, so much as it is simply coming under the stronger domination of evil forces.

The CIA has also targeted psychologists who are trying to advance therapies to help Monarch victims. So far American psychologists are losing about 95% of the Monarch victims who come to them for help. Only a few of the over 1 million people programmed have ever been successfully deprogrammed. That is not to say that efforts are not underway to rectify that, but the solution is hard enough to apply even without the interference of the Illuminati and the government intelligence agencies which work for them.

One of the most interesting items for me to observe is how professional and smooth the secrecy that covers the Monarch programming has been. Very little over the years has been done to arouse suspicions. Monarch slaves carry out their assignments and are accessed right under the noses of ordinary people. Even when ordinary people observe Monarch slaves, they are incapable of accessing what they are seeing because people interpret events from their own frame of reference.

People in the Illuminati, even some of the neophytes at the lowest levels are allowed the privilege of owning a Monarch slave. The various smaller occult groups have learned the ba­sics of Monarch programming and are now carrying out their own programming. One of the these is the KKK, which is cov­ered in a previous article in this newsletter.

An owner of a slave will ordinarily carry a stun gun (up to 200,000 volts DC) to erase the memory of his slave, and they will also carry a black or grey spiral book with all their own slave's access codes, triggers, cryptic keys and programs. All this will fit into a briefcase. A working knowledge of hypnosis is helpful to understand how to deal with the slave in certain in­stances. Because the slave is under the most powerful combina­tions of mind-control and is so divided against his or her own self, it is almost impossible to have many problems with the slave if the handler does what he is supposed to do. However, some handlers get drunk or loan the slave to inexperienced peo­ple, etc., and problems do develop. Of course the slaves always end up taking the blame for everything that goes wrong.

In other words: a briefcase with the programming book and stun gun are basically all that is needed to control a Monarch slave for the rest of his or her life.

Some of these stun guns are only a few inches long and look like boxes.

Kittens and cat alters are frequently the sexual alters. Sexual alters and sexual slave models are frequently labelled Betas. The Illuminati found out how to create women with insatiable sexual appetites. This is done via torture and rape early in the child's life. After the initial personality splits, using rape and electro shock, the father figure (called "Daddy" by many Monarch slaves) carries out repeated sex (incest) to develop the sexual desire. Experts in sex will often give "finishing lessons" to the slaves so that the sexual alters can perform incredible sexual feats with which normal prostitutes are not likely to be able to begin to compare. Marilyn Monroe was a Monarch Sex slave. It is public knowledge that she was sexually abused as an orphan, but it has been skillfully kept from the public that she was a Presidential Model Monarch Slave. President Kennedy found her more entertaining than Jackie, which is no surprise.

*Monarch victims have structured MPD. Their MPD may be detected through a whole range of clues. It is not within the scope of this paper to give all the many clues and indications of MPD, but the following might be tip-offs:
a. the person changes tastes and behavior and is self-contra­dictory in what they say they like.
b. the person believes that aliens are talking inside their heads.
c. the person is not able to comfortably watch certain films such as the Wizard of Oz, or Alice in Wonderland or some other particular non-horror movie.

The list of clues could go on for a long ways on how to detect structured MPD.

*Older ones may have tattoos with a Monarch butterfly. (This applies to CIA and Government Models especially). Since the 1970s most Monarch victims have no longer been tattooed but wear butterfly barrettes, large butterfly ear rings, pins, necklaces, bracelets, or embroidered insignias.
Illuminati Monarch slaves often do not have any tattoos because their bodies have to be blemish free to be qualified for the higher ranks within the Illuminati.

*Victims will have scars of various kinds on their bodies, including multiple electric prod scars or the resultant moles on their bodies. The type of scarring that these victims have is a long subject just in itself.

*When the victims get memory most if not all victims have participated in weird sex and pornography.

*Monarch victims suffer all types of problems, including confusion, fears, headaches, program-induced medical problems, hurting feet, dizziness, seeing black and white spots, etc., etc.

Men who are active in the programming will often have mul­tiple marriages and will most often then marry a woman of striking appearance and who is much younger
--but with little show of emotional attachment.

This is a very brief look at the Monarch programming. This Mind-control is a very serious threat to survival of civilization as we know it. There are many more sophisticated mind-control techniques such as using microwaves hooked to a computer, and brain stem implants, and still other methods, but the Monarch type of trauma-based Mind Control programming is likely to be around for a long time. Today this programming can be carried out in a house or other small facility, making it a highly possible cottage industry of the 21st century.

Following this article, I will have a question-and-answer sec­tion on commonly asked questions on the Monarch program­ming, and then that will be followed up with an article about a specific Monarch slave being used as a spy against us.

Directly following this is a list of material Mark Phillips (a deprogrammer) and Cathy O'Brien (a deprogrammed ex-slave) have written on the Monarch project.

Q: Are many of the random killings, assassinations, and murders actually caused by Monarch programmed people?

Yes, mind-controlled slaves are often the culprits to these seemingly "random" events. The reason I can give that answer is that I know to some degree what the insiders are planning. But when a person is very familiar with how Monarch mind-controlled slaves act one can also pick tiny clues that would tend to support my yes answer. When I listen or read about current murders there are frequently clues that would often point that di­rection.

An example of a case which a brother recently brought to my attention is Mark Chapman who killed John Lennon. The book Who Killed John Lennon by Fenton Bresler shows that Mark was put under some type of CIA mind control. On pages 174 and 221 of the book one gets some glimpses of Mark's fascination for the Wizard of Oz. The lyrics of the Beatles' songs (also used for Monarch programming) were also important to him. (Remember how Charles Manson--also a Monarch program vic­tim
--liked the lyrics of the Beatles music in his own weird way?) Bresler writes about Mark Chapman (p. 220-221), "...Mark did a strange thing: he set up, on a bureau in his room, a display of his most treasured possessions... They were designed to show the police the "real" Mark when, as he anticipated, they later entered the room after he had accomplished the murder... there was a movie still from The Wizard of Oz showing the young Judy Garland as Dorothy wiping away the Cowardly Lion's tears with "To Dorothy" written on it in Mark's own handwrit­ing." Basically, all the Monarch Mind-controlled slaves I have worked with have set up displays with memorabilia/knick­knacks of items associated with the type of programming they have had.

Q: How many Christians know about this?

Rebecca Brown in her last book talks about someone who has escaped from the Temple of Set. Her description of the person indicates that the person was a Monarch slave. Whether Re­becca Brown knows about the Monarch program she has at least tried to work with one of its victims.

Bob Larson on a recent show had a Monarch person call in. This Monarch victim had different alters speak to Bob on a cou­ple of different days. How much Bob Larson knows is hard to pin-point--but he was saying various things on the show that indicated to me that he knew some of the treatment process that psychologists are offering to victims of MPD.

Bill Schnoebelen, who has a Christian ministry and who had written several informative books on the occult, and who was not from a generational satanic family but who was allowed to reach the neophyte level of the Illuminati is familiar with the Monarch program. I will be sharing more with him about it in the future.

Christians who are in ministry where they deal with Satanism are going to encounter Monarch victims, whether they realize what they are working with or not.

Christian psychologists who have bumped into the Monarch program's victims are under professional standards not to talk about their clients, and they by-and-large have only spoken to their peers about what is going on. My guess is that there are only around 100 Christian psychologist nation-wide who specialize in disassociative disorders such as structured MPD.

In summary, although there are some very knowledgeable people who know about the Monarch program, knowledge of it has not reached people in general. Percentage wise perhaps 1 Christian in a thousand knows about the program. When one considers how dangerous this Monarch project is and yet how it is still a secret, then one realizes that our work is cut out to inform the public while there is still a chance.

Q: Isn't MPD really demonic possession?

No, MPD has been clinically proven. Anyone can look up in the DSM-3 or
DSM-4, which is the standard work for mental health professions, and you will see that MPD has been scientifically identified and recognized.

Anyone who really gets to know what they are working with--that is if they really get into working with Monarch victims for a long period of time--then he or she will realize that the MPD is for real, and that it is not demonic possession. That doesn't mean demons are not attached, because demons are certainly attached to Monarch slaves. Illuminati Monarch Slaves likely had Moon Child ceremonies done for them when they were yet a fetus in order to demonize the fetus.

After my last article in my January '94 newsletter exposing Bo Gritz as a Monarch slave, I got wind through the patriot "grapevine" that Bo Gritz was planning to come to Portland and make a big production in confronting me. Supposedly by confronting me unexpectedly he could make me look bad. Afterwards I got further news that he had decided not to come but simply to confront me with a phone call. [H: Yes, Dharma has had the same good old offers! You will note, however, that Col. Gritz avoids ME at all costs! THAT IS ONE WAY YOU CAN KNOW FOR SURE THAT HE KNOWS EXACTLY WHO I AM!] That has not happened, so I imagine his handler and the CIA are trying to make sure they have his programming protected before he confronts someone like me. Depending on what the situation is, I might feel obliged to try to shake up his programming. [H: It's easy, friend, I already HAVE!] Anyway, I would like to go easy on Bo, because he is only following orders and his front alters do not know what he is all about. Further, I do not suggest readers of this newsletter confront Bo with too much because, like many Monarch slaves, the exposure may lead to his death. Still it's hard to feel too sorry knowing that the names of patriots Bo has gathered is going to cause the suffering of a lot of people. [H: It is also hard to let something like "Wolfgang" go unrewarded.]

Bo Gritz lives in Nevada. He has an airport and an airplane in his yard at Sandy Valley, NV. He flies all over the country. Bo got a temple recommend from the local Mormon bishop, EVEN THOUGH HE DOESN'T EVER ATTEND CHURCH THERE. That is unusual, and smacks of CIA pull. Although Bo and his wife, Claudia, have joined the Mormon church (on orders from his handler), Bo Gritz went to Pastor Pete Peters' church in Colorado and was also baptized into Pete's Christian church. This double-mindedness may simply be the result of Bo having Multiple Personality Disorder, or it may be due to instruction given to some alters by his handler. Bo never told Pete that he was a temple-recommend Mormon when Pete was baptizing him.
When Bo speaks to Seedliners he is supportive of the seedline doctrine which believes Eve's sin was copulation with Satan thereby producing a race of unredeemable half-demon "jews".

America West and its tabloid Phoenix Liberator were supportive of Bo's presidential campaign. IT IS KNOWN BY SOME OF US THAT THE CIA IS PROMOTING SPACE RELIGION, SO THIS WHOLE AREA NEEDS INVESTIGATION. JUST WHAT WENT ON BETWEEN AMERICA WEST, BO GRITZ AND THE CIA? [H: Yes indeed and a lot of the ones who no longer associate with any of those people--would certainly like to know because America West's George Green (and wife) have stolen, outright, around half a million or more dollars directly from the ones he lied to, thieved from and pretended to work with. But I CAN tell you what happened--he could NOT BEAR THE PRESENCE OF CHRIST ENERGY in his presence so he ran away from California to Nevada as rapidly as his big Chrysler would take him when it was going to get tight for him. Who are his handlers and how about his wife? Well, he gets a bit confused in his stories and even if just telling a story his facts will not match twice out of ten times. The LIGHT OF TRUTH will always back-off the bastard adversarial workers. Did George KNOW? Well, he certainly DID when he skived the gold and now argues into infinity that he somehow bought it from himself, was given it as a secret gift, bought it from The Ekkers and on and on ad infinitum. The cases in legal ongoings also seem to go on into infinity as he accumulates ones who work the system without morals or integrity. He made his own bargains with the evil adversary--he also made his own dealings, while selling out everybody who passed this way, and bargains with those who would share his program--including Bo Gritz. Why was this allowed?--SO YOU WOULD SEE AND KNOW AND REALIZE THAT THERE IS A WAR AGAINST GOD, MY GOOD FRIENDS--AND HIS HOSTS. THE ADVERSARY WILL SEND HIS WORKERS AMONG YOU EVERY TIME--AND THEN LET PART OF THEM DESTROY THE OTHER HALF OF HIS OWN TEAM WITHOUT SEEMING TO CARE AT ALL--ALL THE WHILE USING THEM, TWISTING THEM, TAKING FROM THEM WHILE THEY CAN'T FIGHT BACK OR UNDERSTAND! IT IS A DIRTY GAME, READERS, AND YOU ARE IN IT! WELL, THE GREATEST JOY I HAVE IN A DAY OF YOUR COUNTING IS WHEN "I" PULL AWAY KEY PLAYERS FROM MY ENEMY! OH INDEED, I HAVE--AND DO; JUST STICK AROUND A WHILE LONGER.]
Bo has been noted to not remember people from one setting to another. This is simply his MPD. Bo has also been noted to speak differently at different places. In eastern U.S., Bo tells people he is a born-again Christian and that they should "forget about your guns, just love the Lord Jesus Christ". But in Utah, Bo Gritz speaks as if he were a die-hard Mormon. Bo Gritz has been teaching people self-defense training which he calls SPIKE training. However, at a SPIKE training around Oct., '93 Bo Gritz was teaching people how to break into all kinds of locks, and sold people illegal lock-smithing tools at a discount. What is behind this?

Bo Gritz has been strongly denying to the people he leads that "there is no such thing as black, unmarked helicopters, UN troops, handcuffs, shackles, and guillotines, or concentration camps". These things do exist, a great deal of witnesses have reported these things.

Bo Gritz denies in his newsletter that he is a CIA agent. Linda Thompson and Bill Cooper, who are two people exposing the NWO, both claim to have proof that he is a CIA agent. I don't know that that is any secret. I heard Bo say on a radio interview here in Portland, "I am an intelligence agent". He's said it himself, at least one of his alters said it. When Bo gives a speaking engagement, people who attend have been video­taped. When asked about this Bo has told people not to worry about it.

Again, as a final note, I have learned about Bo Gritz from the best of sources. People simply need to be aware that a civil war is going on in the CIA, and some of the CIA are trying to dis­mantle the NWO from within. They know exactly what Bo Gritz is, and if you have read last issue of this newsletter or this issue, then you know too.

* * * *
Well, I'm glad that there is no listing of this author's address, etc. I don't think we want to make his life any more miserable. I would still be most happy to share with ones such as this Springmeier, Thompson and yes, indeed, my old debate person, Bill Cooper. I can't say too much for George Green and his confrontation with Bill but I can promise him that Doris and E.J. Ekker are NOT "slimy little" pukes out to hurt, steal or damage him in any way whatsoever.

I would offer one more observation about Bo, however. He took the most insulting approach to my people in quoting the most stupid and garbage material from a set-up story by the Associated Press--and used it on his radio program. However, when an Associated Press series of articles about him were run--he was indignant and spent days on his radio talking about the controlled and lying media. To what type of article do I refer?

LOS ANGELES SENTINEL, Thursday, Feb. 24, 1994

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP)--Former presidential candidate James "Bo" Gritz is establishing a center for white supremacists in central Idaho, a human rights group said Friday.

Gritz and some ultra-conservative Christian leaders has pur­chased about 280 acres of land near Kamiah, Idaho, according to a report issued by the Coalition for Human Dignity. [H: This coalition involves several of the major players in the "Wolfgang" Project. His SPIKE training sessions involve one who offers "trusts" and yet have given information to the IRS, etc. It involves one who sets up his scheduling (or did do so) called Gary Anderson who used to SELL THESE TRUSTS and also set up a genuine Constitutional Law Cen­tre Trust in the same building with the Constitutional Law Center and he and George Green managed to bypass the in­tended receiver with checks, etc., and directly deposited them into a bank in Colorado. George denies involvement even though the checks bear his name and signatures and involvement--along with Gary's. Some of the sidetracked money even came from the same beautiful person, Dave Overton of Texas, from whom George stole the $350,000 in gold coins. But no one in the Sheriff's Department--or in the court system, seems to think this is unusual
There may, further, be denial of the intent of the place in point here, in Idaho.
I find it remarkable because the place is called, PER GRITZ, the CHRISTIAN COVENANT COMMUNITY.]
The land is held in trust by the Oregon-based Almost Heaven Properties and the Western Development Trust, headed by Jack McLamb, a former Arizona police officer and associate of Gritz, according to the report.

Jonathan Mozzochi, the coalition's research director, said the move is "perhaps the most significant development in the white supremacist movement in recent years".

Efforts to reach Gritz, who reportedly has a home in Nevada, were unsuccessful.

Gritz ran an unsuccessful campaign for president in 1992. He also served as an intermediary in the surrender of white separatist Randy Weaver after a deadly firefight with U.S. marshals in northern Idaho in August 1992.

Gritz conducts paramilitary training in Oregon called SPIKE sessions, or Specially Prepared Individuals for Key Events, the coalition said.

The training grew out of his role in the Weaver case, which ended in Weaver's acquittal last year on all charges related to the shootout and ensuing 11-day standoff.


I leave it to the paper to check out running the listing of infor­mation provided by these two people but it seems like a worthy cause. It would be good if everyone at the paper had a copy of everything they offer and perhaps we could share more of their information as they would choose. (See next chapter).

I would give the last paragraph as accompanies the listings:

A key to my Survival, among others, has been the careful dissemination of information such as is listed on the Available Information Inventory List. Due to the sensitivity of some in­formation, particularly as pertains to programming, I must request that you fill out this form in its entirety. Like most in­volved in bringing the New World Order out of the shadows and exposing government mind control, my finances have been thor­oughly depleted. I am not a poverty stricken person in pursuit of justice against the Shadow Government; I am poverty stricken BECAUSE I am in pursuit of justice against the Shadow Government (aka the Secret Government, Pandora's Box, Octopus, US Government Criminal Conspiracy, etc.). Therefore, I must require that minimum copying and postage costs (15 cents per page) be met by you. If you're in the same condition financially as I am and can not cover the copying and postage costs, but can contribute to our cause through personal expertise or valid referrals through some applicable way.... I will forward your re­quested information as quickly as I can afford to.





What like information for reciprocation do you have:

What is your agenda/purpose for obtaining information:

Call or Write:
Mark Phillips/Cathy O'Brien P.O. Box 158352
Nashville, Tn. 37215

Notice: To those of you NOT familiar with MIND CONTROL issues a Reference List of OVER 325 BOOKS/REFERENCES has been compiled for your edification and is available upon re­quest.

* * * *
Thank you and may the LIGHT be given to shine all about you that you might find peace and security within the shelter of GOD. Salu.