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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 101
    Dead regimes require and feed on dead subjects.--"A dead regime fears its living subjects, for the dead cannot control the living. Only religions have such power. But when the living become the living dead, the equation is placed in balance, for, indeed, the dead can control the dead. Thus freed, the regime may pursue its purpose, namely, to convert all that is living to the dead...."
    Gerry Spence


    The Phoenix Journals are intended as a "real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind.

    All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.

    If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the "end times" (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the "sorting" period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four corners of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity--based upon TRUTH.

    So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is "fiction").

    The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were.

    If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.




    ISBN 1-56935-053-1
    First Edition Printed by
    P.O. Box 27353
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89126
    March 1995
    Printed in the United States of America


    DEDICATION.......................................................................................... ...................................
    UP-FRONT............................................................................................... ....................................
    FRI., JUL. 15, 1994................................................................................................ .............
    JOHN SCHROEPFER UPDATE........................................................................................
    ARE YOU LIVING OR DEAD?.........................................................................................
    THE TYRANNY OF FEAR................................................................................................
    CHAPTER 1................................................................................................... ..............................
    SAT., JUL. 2, 1994................................................................................................ ..............
    FOURTH OF JULY 1994................................................................................................ ...
    BEST OF TIMES? WORST OF TIMES?...........................................................................
    GOVERNMENTAL DOWNFALL....................................................................................
    DESTROY THE GOVERNMENT?...................................................................................
    ST. GERMAIN............................................................................................. ........................
    ALL THE FREEDOM GONE? .......................................................................................
    #103 UNVEILED Robert (Bob) Lewis, sui juris........................................................
    THE LINKS TO THE CIA................................................................................................. ..
    PAN AM'S PRIOR KNOWLEDGE....................................................................................
    THE SYRIAN-LEBANON HOSTAGE CONNECTION .................................................
    THE CLINTON CONNECTION........................................................................................
    CHAPTER 2................................................................................................... ..............................
    SAT., JUL. 2, 1994................................................................................................ ..............
    DIRECT CONTINUATION OF FLIGHT 103...................................................................
    THE INTERNATIONAL BANKERS.................................................................................
    THE BUSH-NORTH CONNECTION................................................................................
    THE DETONATOR CONNECTION.................................................................................
    CONCLUSION.......................................................................................... ...........................
    ONE LAST UPDATE.............................................................................................. ............
    CANDIDATES FOR SOCIAL VIOLENCE IN U.S. SOCIETY..................................
    HOW IT WORKS............................................................................................... .................
    DANGERS INVOLVED............................................................................................ .........
    OUR WORK TO EXPOSE IT.............................................................................................
    MEETING PLACES.............................................................................................. ..............
    PURPOSES FOR THE SLAVES........................................................................................
    BO GRITZ............................................................................................... .............................
    COVER-UP.................................................................................................. ........................
    OWNERS.............................................................................................. ................................
    SEXUAL SLAVE ALTERS.............................................................................................. ..
    PROFILE OF MONARCH VICTIMS................................................................................
    SUMMARY............................................................................................. .............................
    MONARCH MIND CONTROL PROGRAM...............................................................
    BEING USED AS A SPY BY THE NWO.....................................................................
    OPENING SUPREMACISTS' CAMP...........................................................................
    MARK PHILLIPS/CATHY O'BRIEN................................................................................
    INFORMATION REQUEST FORM..................................................................................
    CHAPT'ER 3................................................................................................... .............................
    MARK PHILLIPS/CATHY O'BRIEN List of their publications...................................
    Excerpt from 7/2/94 #2 HATONN...................................................................................
    Leading Edge Number 69, May 1994..............................................................................
    Organizational Structure........................................................................................... .........
    Co-Conspirators documented by Cathy O'Brien............................................................
    Reports by Mark Phillips, .................................................................................................
    Setian Philosophies documented by Cathy O'Brien......................................................
    Programming/Rituals documented by Cathy O'Brien ...................................................
    Experiences documented by Cathy O'Brien...................................................................
    NOTICE.............................................................................................. ..................................
    INFORMATION REQUEST' FORM.................................................................................
    CHAPTER 4................................................................................................... ..............................
    SUN., JUL. 3, 1994................................................................................................ .............
    MISUNDERSTAND....................................................................................... .....................
    GOD WILL DO IT.................................................................................................. .............
    SAVE THE NATION AND CONSTITUTION..................................................................
    IN THE SYSTEM.............................................................................................. ...................
    YOU WAIT?............................................................................................... .........................
    BUT WON'T "YOU", IN THE END, SAVE US? ............................................................
    MESSAGE FOR EVERYONE?..........................................................................................
    YOU DON'T "LIKE" MY RELIGION?.............................................................................
    THE BATTLE.............................................................................................. ........................
    THINK,.............................................................................................. ...................................
    CHAPTER 5................................................................................................... ..............................
    MON., JUL. 4, 1994................................................................................................ ............
    COMMUNICATION....................................................................................... ....................
    INSERT: U.N. CARTOON .................................................................................................
    JUNE 26, 1945................................................................................................ ....................
    THE USURPERS, Part 4: by Medford Evans..................................................................
    ADMIRAL LEWIS L. STRAUSS.......................................................................................
    CHAPTER 6................................................................................................... ..............................
    MON., JUL. 4, 1994................................................................................................ ............
    THE USURPERS, Part 5: by Medford Evans..................................................................
    BARRY GOLDWATER........................................................................................... ...........
    CHAPTER 7................................................................................................... ..............................
    WED., JUL. 6, 1994................................................................................................ ............
    COMMUNISM vs. ZIONISM.............................................................................................
    THE USURPERS, Part 6: by Medford Evans..................................................................
    CHAPTER IV: WASHINGTON V.0..................................................................................
    PRESIDENT'S CABINET IMPORTANT POINTS...........................................................
    EXECUTIVE BRANCH.............................................................................................. ........
    APPENDIX............................................................................................ .......................................
    TIMELY NEWS AND/OR EDUCATIONAL ITEMS......................................................
    CHAPTER 8................................................................................................... ..............................
    CONSPIRACY EXPOSED By Rick Martin 7/10/94.......................................................
    COVER LETTER.............................................................................................. ...................
    SECOND INCIDENT............................................................................................ ..............
    FINALLY, SOME SOUL SINGING! From Doris Ekker 7/11/94..................................
    PRISON WALLS............................................................................................... ..................
    JOHN SCHROEPFER.......................................................................................... ...............
    UNFOLDING FACTS............................................................................................... ..........
    WHAT HAPPENED TO ELEANOR'S DIVORCE? .....................
    PSYCHIATRIST REPORT.............................................................................................. ....
    WHAT WILL HAPPEN TODAY, MONDAY?................................................................
    GOD IS IN THE PICTURE............................................................................................. ....
    KEEPERS............................................................................................. ................................
    MY OWN GOOD NEWS................................................................................................ ....
    RONN JACKSON............................................................................................. ...................
    EXCERPT FROM HATONN, THU., JUL. 14, 1994.......................................................
    JOHN SCHROEPFER.......................................................................................... ...............
    FACTUAL INFORMATION......................................................................................... .....
    CHAPTER 9................................................................................................... ..............................
    THOUGHTS ON MILITIA & ADL-O.J. CONNECTION................................................
    CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................. .............................
    GUNTHER UPDATE July 7, 1994...................................................................................
    CHAPTER 11.................................................................................................. .............................
    FROM READERS Bulletin #10 By Ronn Jackson.........................................................
    FAX FROM JACKSON............................................................................................. .........
    AN OPEN LETTER TO "C" From Ronn Jackson...........................................................
    CHAPTER 12.................................................................................................. .............................
    ON ARMED MILITIA AND INSURRECTION...........................................................
    MORE HOT NEWS Bulletin #9 From Ronn Jackson....................................................
    CHAPTER 13.................................................................................................. .............................
    THE NEWS DESK 6/30/94 Rick Martin..........................................................................
    SUPERBUG............................................................................................ ..............................
    INSERT: SUPERBUG CHART............................................................................................... .
    COPYRIGHTS AND MULTIMEDIA................................................................................
    U.N. COMMITTEE & SODOMY......................................................................................
    HAWAII TAKES STAND............................................................................................... ....
    U.S. CHILD CARE FAULTED...........................................................................................
    WICCAN RITUAL IN PRISON..........................................................................................
    ARMED RUSSIANS............................................................................................ ...............
    RUSSIA PARTNERSHIP......................................................................................... ...........
    MAFIA & FBI................................................................................................. .....................
    ARIZONA POSSE............................................................................................... ................
    GLUE BOMBS, EYE-POPPERS........................................................................................
    DYING FOREST.............................................................................................. ....................
    BRADY BILL RULING.............................................................................................. ........
    GOOD MORNING, VIETNAM.........................................................................................
    EARTH CHANGES 7/4/94 Ed Cleary..............................................................................
    CHAPTER 14.................................................................................................. .............................
    THANKING FRIENDS............................................................................................. ......
    CHAPTER 15.................................................................................................. .............................
    THE STORY OF OUR MONEY........................................................................................
    CHAPTER 16.................................................................................................. .............................
    U.N. BASES IN AMERICA!............................................................................................ ...
    INSERT: MAP OF U.N. BASES IN AMERICA....................................................................
    ALL OF THE GUNS:............................................................................................... .......
    AN AWARE READER 6/28/94....................................................................................
    INSERT: PICTURE OF RUSSIAN MISSILE LAUNCHER...............................................
    CONCENTRATION CAMPS, U.S.A.................................................................................
    CHAPTER 17.................................................................................................. .............................
    THE NEWS DESK 7/7/94 Rick Martin............................................................................
    RUSSIAN CHEMICAL WEAPONS..................................................................................
    SOLAR WARNING............................................................................................. ................
    INSERT: CHART ON SHIELDING FROM SOLAR RAYS..............................................
    INNER CITY BLUES............................................................................................... ...........
    HATE CRIMES.............................................................................................. ......................
    CAMP DAVID RECHARGE............................................................................................ ..
    BLOOD SUBSTITUTE?......................................................................................... ............
    NORTH & BUSH & DRUGS.............................................................................................
    HONOLULU LAW................................................................................................. .............
    VOLCANIC ATTRACTION.......................................................................................... .....
    TRANSPLANTS......................................................................................... .........................
    CLARK CLIFFORD............................................................................................ ................
    JUSTICE SCALIA.............................................................................................. .................
    JIMSON WEED................................................................................................ ...................
    GOV. CUOMO............................................................................................... ......................
    EXORCISM............................................................................................ ..............................
    7/7/94 By Ed Cleary.............................................................................................. .............
    NUMBER ONE................................................................................................. ...................
    NO! NO! NOT THAT................................................................................................ ..........
    ANIMAL SPARE PARTS............................................................................................... ....
    PUBLIC HOUSING CLEANING.......................................................................................
    MONDEX: ELECTRONIC MONEY.................................................................................
    EARTHQUAKE WARNING............................................................................................. .
    CIA................................................................................................. .......................................
    INSERT: CHART OF CIA................................................................................................. .......
    FALWELL AND ROBERTSON vs. CLINTON...............................................................
    This JournaL is dedicated to E.M. and M.M. of California. Without their incredibly generous and loving support, this mission of Life would have been brought to a standstill. We are in humble appreciation for their unyielding efforts to keep the Light of Truth shining in this world where darkness is so prevalent. May God bless you both who have honored Him so greatly.

    We breathe, we move -- but we are DEAD -- UNTIL -- WE CHOOSE TO LIVE! AHO!

    FRI., JUL. 15, 1994 10:02 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 333

    FRI.. JUL. 15. 1994
    We are thankful to announce that John's new attorney has obtained a court order allowing a shifting of guardian until all the sordid details can be worked out for John. This will also allow him to remain with friends outside the institution wherein he was incarcerated. It will be, undoubtedly,
    a long legal battle but he seems to be MORE THAN ready, willing and quite able to handle the confrontation.

    It is obvious that John has suffered brain cellular-compromise to some extent but is gaining so rapidly that he is in full memory of what happened to him and his confusion only rests with the prior knowledge he retains regarding circumstances and time sequences.

    We are truly grateful to his brother, James, who apparently, turned "state's evidence" against the plotters and delivered John from his incarceration. This is as far as can be verified through reports and investigator's notes. We have no proof, YET, but documentation is on its way. The guilty parties might well be starting to make arrangements for cooperation for John is NOT feeling at all "gracious".

    John has FULL MEMORY AND DETAILS of his "call" to visit Green in Carson City at onset of Green's thrust to hide the stolen gold and destroy the Institute. He, John, said he "went there" to find out "what in the world was going on". George had quite a plan!

    Rod McBroom, Eleanor's son, acquired Green's attorney selection, Abbott (also Leon Fort's), to further that which is against John to strip him of every asset including his pensions AND anything at all that he might hold in corporate assets. HIS house was even put into a personal Eleanor Trust and (according to John looking at his signature) says it is a forgery. The old saying of "Yes, Virginia, there IS a Santa Claus" might well fit here: "Yes, Virginia, there IS EVIL lurking in the minds and actions of men (and even within the minds of elderly women)".

    By the way, to Leon: you claim that there has been no money "used" by Abbott and that he is your good old and true friend? Then, you say--the funds originally paid are being held in a trust?? Come on Leon--YOU were supposed to HAVE THE MONEY--BEITER CHECK THE CASH IN THAT TRUST OF ABBOTT'S! The DAY he got the first LARGE traunch--the draft was CASHED AND MR. (AND WE ASSUME, MRS.) ABBOTT' LEFT ON A EUROPEAN HOLIDAY. Is the money safe in a trust? Fine!! Then the Institute people have not treated you badly, after all--HAVE THEY? They honored the "intent" of the agreement and GEORGE GREEN broke it. It is strange to this day
    --THAT GEORGE AND HIS ATTORNEY ANSWER COURT CASES AND DOCUMENTS WHICH PERTAIN ONLY TO YOU AND ABBOTT! How does this come to be? George Green answers YOUR business before you know about your business! Is this not a bit strange?

    John is not interested in a push to find JUSTICE as that seems all but impossible under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. He only asks for opportunity to file his "freedom" papers and get back a meager sustaining pension and retain his personal property--he does not even have a toothbrush! (Well, he does NOW!, because you friends of John have provided it.) He is perfectly happy to have someone appointed by the court to act as manager and when he gets back some of his income and vehicles--he does not even plan to drive until such time as his medical condition is in perfection. This is not an OLD man--he is in his early 70s, good readers, and was a vital person until his enemies pushed forward their plan of destruction.

    I want to point out, once again, it is over "gold" in various forms. Is this not the sickest reference you can offer? This is also, according to what we are finding in investigations, focused around George Green. In addition, it comes to light that Gene Dixon of the CLC has also been set up
    TO ACTUALLY TAKE THE FALL FOR KIDNAPPING OF JOHN. I think NOT! I will say, however, a lot of very important and urgent choices ARE GOING TO BE MADE or these adversaries will "getcha" and there will be no mercy nor quarter given by them.

    At this point John is frightened and asks that his location not be shared with anyone--and in that wisdom we honor the request. CONTACT will forward any mail, cards, etc. through John's attorney if you wish to contact him.


    Along those lines I would like to share a letter from a reader who wishes to offer his thoughts about freedom. He writes from Missouri:

    July 4, 1994

    Dear Friends:

    You and I know that millions have died for freedom. And we appreciate beyond all human understanding the efforts and lives they gave so we could enjoy a certain measure of freedom. We will carry on now to regain those freedoms stealthily stolen from us by those who were supposed to watch out for our interests. Instead they have looked after their own selfish interests ahead of the common man. Way ahead. Let us now take up the pen, which is mightier than the sword, in the singular struggle to regain our constitutional rights.

    Let this be your clarion call if you have not heard one yet. This is it. Take effective action now in your own sphere of influence and keep at it. The battle of words and wits has only begun. With God the Creation backing those who struggle for freedom there is only one outcome: Victory! Take action now.

    Your inner self will urge you what to do. Do it as long as it follows God's rules. Of course, you all (readers) are doing the best you can. This is meant for the fence sitters. Pass it on, if you please.

    Thank you.
    A fellow truth seeker-‑

    * * * *
    This may seem a strange place to add this next but then, I don't need to account for my placement of information and insight--we just put it where we have space.

    This is going to be Chapter 3 of Gerry Spence's book FROM FREEDOM TO SLAVERY.


    The sides of the grave are lined with blankets of that stiff artificial green, green grass undertakers use to hide the sight of hard earth, of grass roots and tree roots chopped through by the gravedigger's shovel. The green grass blankets distract the mourners from the cold fact that the body will be lowered into six feet of dirt and gravel, that it would be buried--buried and at last forgotten.

    Inside the coffin the smell of the undertaker's cheap perfume covers the acerbic odor of formaldehyde. Although the corpse does not breathe, although its heart is still and stiff, the blood coagulated in its veins, the arteries collapsed and sunken, al­though the long, stainless-steel trocar has been inserted into the stomach and the contents sucked out and replaced with chemi­cals, still the corpse does not know that it is dead.

    At the funeral parlor the corpse had put on quite a show. Shortly after the organist had begun playing "The Requiem", the corpse suddenly rose up from the satin and opened its eyes. What it saw cannot be known, for the corneas were wrinkled and the eyes dull and empty. Although the jaws had been wired shut so as not to permit the mouth to sag open, the corpse then began to emit long, flat sobs through its clenched teeth.

    "Do not shut the lid," the corpse cried. "I do not want to die".

    "But you are already dead", the attendant replied politely.

    "How can I be dead"? the corpse cried back. "I have never lived".

    "Of course you have lived. And your time has come. Now be nice. Don't cause trouble. Let us shut the lid".

    Then the corpse began to ululate (howl)--an endless, breath­less wail as if a thief had entered its body and the alarm had sounded. And to stop the horrid noise, the attendants rushed up and slammed down the lid. Even then, the muffled screams es­caped through the pores of the coffin. The lead attendant turned to the mourners and smiled a sad but reassuring smile.

    "Don't be concerned," he said. "We often encounter de­ceaseds who are unwilling to accept the fact that they are dead. It happens all the time. We apologize for the disturbance. But once we get them buried, it will be all right. In fact, that is why the dead are buried". He gave another tiny, mirthless smile and then quickly joined the attendants, who lost no time in rolling the coffin out of the room and into the waiting hearse.

    More chilling is the scene we observe every day--the breathing dead who believe they are alive. Year after year these breathing dead get up at the same time every morning on the same side of bed, trudge to the same kitchen, swallow the same brand of bacon and style of eggs for breakfast, drive the same route to work, and wearily enter the same door of employment where automatically they punch the same time clock and perform, like machines, the same mindless task until the same bell goes off at five o'clock. Then by rote they return home in order to open the same brand of beer, and to watch the news on television that informs them of the same murders and violence, which are balanced against the same insipid sitcoms evoking the same canned laughter. Ha. Ha.

    The breathing dead emulate machines. Their work is mechanical. They relate more to the simulated life on television than to their own species. It's safer to love the electronic image, safer to engage a nonbeing. Moreover, the control of their television sets provides a power they do not possess in life, the power of the thumb that clicks from electronic life to electronic life and the power to extinguish such life at will. The bargain seems fair. By relinquishing their own lives, which can be petty, puny, and powerless, they acquire a nonlife over which they can exercise complete and final power.

    I would rather visit with the corpse than exist with the breathing dead, with those who have never considered a new idea, who worship the same God and vote the same party of their fathers, whose friends believe the same, act the same, look the same, and say the same things that they say.
    I would find a conversation with a corpse more engaging than one with the breathing dead, whose next words are as predictable as the liturgy of the priest and who, on pain of death, cannot recall the last book they read. All creativity is dead. All discovery is dead. Feeling is dead. Yet, as we observe, they breathe.

    Mankind strikes an unholy bargain at birth. The contract reads: "Give me life and I will agree to death." The first freedom, therefore, is the freedom to live in the face of the fear of living and the terror of dying. But such freedom extracts a severe price. The price is pain, the pain of fear--fear of failure, of rejection, fear of abandonment, of loss and of sorrow, and the terror of death. We awaken to find ourselves trapped on a boat floating down an unchartered river with its horrible falls at the end. We possess no map to tell us where we shall face the falls. But we know the falls are there.
    We know no one ever survives the trip. We are afraid. Yet we cannot get off the river. We can only, moment by moment, attempt to avoid its treacherous rapids, its hazardous back currents, and despite the river's exquisite beauty and its placid bends, often we fail to enjoy the trip, for we know, just ahead, perhaps around the next bend, we shall face the falls, the horrible falls.

    Life is the invisible trap. And the invisible tyrant is fear. To many, escape is death. Living death. The trap of the breathing dead is worse than the trap of the coyote whose foot is caught in steel jaws, for the coyote can escape. He need only chew off his foot. But the trap that ensnares the breathing dead tortures beyond endurance, because the trap cannot be seen or touched or even understood. Such traps have no measurable dimensions. When the breathing dead cry out that they are trapped, they are assured that all they need do is work harder, be smarter, compete harder, make more money, and they will, at last, be freed. [H: And, as with John Schroepfer (and there are billions of "John Schroepfers") there is FORCE to keep you DEAD and confined within the coffin of another's choosing--of another--even more DEAD!]
    Who are these breathing dead? The farmer can be trapped on the farm, trapped by the mortgage that renders him the slave of the banks. The housewife can be trapped behind lifeless, monotonous walls, reduced to slavery to husband and offspring and repressive community mores. The poet, trapped by anonymity, the small-town artist trapped in obscurity, the parent trapped in mindless labor, the child trapped in ignorance and stifled in the great negative mind mill--all can die in their traps before they have lived.

    For all creatures who are caught in traps, a sense of hopelessness prevails. At the workplace the breathing dead are not heard, not acknowledged. They are digits on the balance sheet, and digits are dead. Despite what they think, what they say, what they do, or how hard they work, they remain digits. Their protests are like screaming into the void. At the polls they are digits as well, for no matter whom they vote for, nothing changes. They cannot be freed. At last the trap becomes syn­onymous with life.

    But the state of nonbeing in being becomes the supreme pain, for eventually it embodies the realization that one has been cheated of his bargain. The breathing dead witness the murder of themselves. The breathing dead live within their own corpses, a horror beyond description, a horror that bears the agony of both murderer and victim and suffers the indescribable pain of the last rejection, of the self against the self.

    Alcohol becomes the palliative of choice for the breathing dead. Beer is associated with happiness and is subliminally marketed in place of friendship, as a substitute for love, for sex, especially sex, so that those who thereby escape life through the brown-bottled bubbles are delivered a replacement for genuine joy, and by dulling the senses are delivered a certain quantum of pseudo death. It provides an escape from what appear to be the inescapable traps of life. But the escape is not into the experi­ence of life but the experience of nonlife. So, too, with drugs.

    The deadly consequences of food, the most widely abused substance of the breathing dead, are visible in the bloated bodies of the masses and reflect a nation of the entrapped. For cen­turies we have herded geese into tight pens, held them immo­bile, and by use of specially devised rods, stuffed rich grains down their helpless gullets until their bellies bloated and their livers swelled, after which we pulverized the livers to produce a delicacy called pâté. In the same way we force-feed geese, the breathing dead force-feed themselves and their children until their guts are distended and their limbs made heavy and stiff like the dead.

    Yet many do not so easily succumb. Many strike out in des­perate fury. Many strike at anything and everything. They abuse those closest to them, their wives, their children, their subordinates. If they are employers they abuse their workers. If they are police officers they abuse the weaker citizens. If they are judges they exercise their power not in furtherance of justice, but in response to anger, abusing the lawyers who prac­tice before them and the accuseds who plead for mercy.

    Hawking substitutions for living has become a massively profitable megabusiness in America. We are provided a love af­fair with Murphy Brown in order that the sponsor's goods may be subliminally sold in the process. At the same time, we are sold sports cars for sexual potency, shaving lotion for sexual ap­peal, and shampoo for beauty. Spectator sports provide a sub­stitute for our involvement with our own bodies. Pornography provides an alternative for living relationships, and the porno­graphic experience mimics necrophilia, since the coupling is with nonliving images in nonliving pages on nonliving screens.

    Any commodity that separates people from their lives is in great demand. Television removes the audience from reality. There the mind is redesigned by the electronic god that teaches false wisdoms--that human worth is measured by the amount of money each possesses, that human fulfillment is measured by the numbers of dead objects, gadgets, and things money can buy, most of which are manufactured by the breathing dead themselves in hideous places, called factories, where the breathing dead labor with the same low groans and monotonous motions of the machinery. At last, the breathing dead sell their lives an hour at a time to acquire the means by which to buy the stuff of their living death, and when the breathing dead are worn out, like the machinery they mimic, they are written off, cast out, and replaced.

    The offspring of the breathing dead are also trapped. Taught by the dead, they learn to say no, not just to life, to say no, not yes, to self-expression and exploration. At school, "good" be­comes synonymous with "dead". At school most children are not permitted to laugh out loud or cry or make a commotion be­cause, too often, dead teachers despise any expression of life.

    The children's primary experiences, those experiences by which they will make their life's choices and establish their life's values, are not related to clear fishing streams meandering through pristine woods, but to the blood and death and emptiness of life they experience on television. Mindless encounters on the screen waste their lives and dribble away their opportunity for growth. They are forbidden to explore their feelings, for feelings are too dangerous. Their language is not the language of poets but the lexicon of computers. Their heroes are machines and robots and those who emulate the same. They relate more to machines than to peers--to video contraptions that suck in quarters and simulate killing, to driving machines that suck in vast quantities of fuel and carry them endlessly up and down the same streets in a compulsive search for Lord knows what, and to sound machines that in quadruple stereo and exploding subwoofers destroy the ears and deaden the senses.

    As are their parents, the offspring of the breathing dead are trapped in the decaying concrete bowels of the cities. The species is not genetically engineered to live where metal machines belch and blow in concrete canyons and fill the air with gases that smart in the lungs, and where the eyes are hurt by the sight of buildings protruding upward like angry stakes. There these concrete children, like rats stacked three deep in a concrete shoe box, begin to strike out. They hurl themselves against the walls, but they cannot escape. At last, desperate to escape, the concrete children can only break out through their fragile selves. Like the coyote in the trap they begin to gnaw on themselves. Crack! Cocaine! Violence! Escape is everything. Freedom is everything. In their madness the concrete children attack their neighbors. The regime calls it crime. But it is only the concrete children searching for freedom.

    In a vicious, ever-widening cycle that will surely destroy us, the regime punishes the children by imprisoning them in even smaller, viler boxes of concrete called penitentiaries. We witness a true revolution. It is a revolution against the dead, the living dead. It is a revolution being waged against a dead regime--dead, for its core is composed of a conglomerate of dead corporate and governmental bureaucracies. Included in the regime are those who have become attached to the core, its obsequious functionaries, its glazed-eyed human cogs, it mobs of nodding minions, the endless captured hordes who suck their sustenance from the back of the nonliving beast.

    Worse than the living dead, the regime has never taken a breath, never taken a first step or felt a fly on its nose. These bureaucracies are symbiotic and are so similarly structured that if one were to petition the board of directors of General Motors and the governing authority of the Department of Transportation, the responses would be disturbingly similar. What is lacking is the sense that anyone or anything alive--with intelligence-- abides within, that there are any living responses buried in any of the vast machinery. The decisions made by the regime could as well have been made by the attendant at the corner Exxon gas station as by the chief executive officer of the same corporation, for the decisions are made by "the book", and the book, of course, is dead. But if "the book" is followed, no one can criticize the decision maker, who in the end makes no decisions at all. Machinery, of course, does not care. Machinery does not think. It does not create. Like an enormous malignant glacier, the regime blankets the Earth, consumes the landscape, and leaves its ugly, fatal debris as evidence of its irresistible force.

    A dead regime fears its living subjects, for the dead cannot control the living. Only religions have such power. But when the living become the living dead, the equation is placed in balance, for, indeed, the dead can control the dead. Thus freed, the regime may pursue its purpose, namely, to convert all that is living to the dead, to convert clear skies to poisonous dead skies, pristine forests to dead clear-cuts, sparkling rivers and emerald oceans to deadly ooze and toxic silt. When the equation is in balance, the regime can tear down mountains and cut down forest and rip up prairies, transform that which was once of bud and bloom into trainloads of cement, shiploads of lumber, megatons of plutonium, and endless horizons of automobiles and trinkets and junk. The regime characterizes its action as "progress". But the regime's progress is its malignant magic--to transform all that breathes, all that grows, all that is green into dead green--dead green money.

    In its insatiable quest for dead green, the regime has punc­tured the ozone and left the outer layer limp and gaping like a blown-out tire. On a typical day the power regime will destroy 116 square miles of rain forest, about an acre a second. An­other 72 square miles will be lost to encroaching deserts. Every day the regime will witness the loss of 40 to 100 species, each of which has been "a pilgrim of four billion years of evolution", and no one seems to know whether it is 40 or 100. Every day the human population will increase by 250,000. Every day the regime will burden the Earth's atmosphere with an additional 2,700 tons of chlorofluorocarbons and 15 million tons of car­bon. Tonight the Earth will have become a little hotter, its wa­ters a bit more acid. By the end of the year the total loss of rain forest will be equal to an area the size of the state of Washington and the expanding deserts will equal an area the size of the state of West Virginia. The Earth's human pollution will have risen by more than 90 million. By the year 2000 as many as 20 per­cent of the life-forms on the planet that were in existence in 1900 will have become extinct.

    Fearing the living, the dead regime seeks to confine the concrete children in concrete. But the regime cannot build enough prisons. In the great cities, cities too bombed and broken to fix, the masses swarm. There a bursting discontent, a swelling anxiety, maddens the alienated hordes. Anger is as thick in the air as the heavy, noxious gases. The people breathe in angers and spew it out. They no longer kill each other out of hate. They kill each other because life has been reduced, life is noth­ing--theirs or their neighbors'--and therefore killing is nothing. Killing has become a nonact.

    The concrete boxes in which the children are imprisoned will explode. Already the explosions have begun in Detroit and Los Angeles and in murderous prison riots across the land. They will explode again and again until those trapped within are freed. Nothing can stop the revolution. It is not driven by ideas about good or evil. It does not bow to political axioms, to economic religions, to Marx, or Christ, or money. It is a revolu­tion at the nucleus of being that seeks to free mankind. The genes, in their irrepressible search for life, control. Like a weed chopped down and then chopped again, life continues to force its way upward. Yet for weed and man alike life is painful.

    In the cities, where the concrete children terrorize us and themselves, we observe the species now reverted to its raw state of predator and prey. But it is a living predator against a living prey. The dead regime cannot say as much. Under its power the dead consume the living. In the cities the concrete children are both the hunters and the hunted. Despite their envelopment in this desperate meaninglessness, only the living can eventually care for the living. Once more the dead regime cannot say as much, for under its power the living are and always will be but lifeless expendables. In the concrete jungle life is vibrant, pulsing, grimy, painful and dangerous. FEAR is the predomi­nant human experience, but the concrete children experience a life that denounces living death even more than death itself.

    As the great cities collapse, the children, without choice, without plan, without direction or purpose, will flee. In the same way that an antebellum population migrated from the cot­ton fields and the plantations of the South to the northern cities in search of freedom, so too the species will return to the countryside still in search of freedom. Small villages will again prosper. Once more families will know each other. Neighbors will become as tribal members and will again care for each other. There, as with primitive man, the issue will not be death, but life.

    Already the inevitable drift from the cities has begun. Mil­lions wishing to escape the war zones have retreated to smaller towns and to the beckoning countryside. The affluent have led the way. It is easier for them. A New York investment banker moves his office to Jackson, Wyoming, and stays attached to the urban body by the umbilical cords of telephone, fax, and mo­dem. A builder abandons his business in Los Angeles and be­gins anew as a carpenter in Missoula, Montana. A teacher re­treats from the rat race and crime in New Jersey and opens an eight-stool diner in Orem, Utah.

    The bridge from death to life is built on two tracks. One is the awareness that life is there to live. That life is. The other is the courage to live it--to feel fear, to accept pain, to set the fear of dying against the joy of living. Once life has been slightly perceived, once vaguely experienced, all the boxes, all the con­crete, cannot extinguish man's quest for it. That critical, ir­repressible yearning, the longing to be free, to be, is at the heart of all that live. The late-blooming bluebell hugs the ground. It grasps the Earth's warmth in order to bloom and seed before the winter's freeze sets in. We are touched by the courage of the tender flower. But freedom is born of courage.

    In the end, life demands the same courage for living as it does for dying. Every soul who has occupied space upon the face of the Earth, no matter how fearful of death, at last musters the courage to die. The courage to live and the courage to die are opposite sides of the same hand. Fear and joy are the opposite sides of the same hand. The hand is life and the hand is death. It is the hand of freedom. It is our hand, the hand that at last can spring the invisible trap.

    * * * *
    Where are YOU among the breathing dead?
    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일
    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-15 at 11:25.

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