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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 101
    CHAPTER 11

    By Ronn Jackson
    1. While I will not say I am an expert on California's financial condition, I've lived in and out of California for the past 30 years and have seen some disturbing trends that are at the root of their problems. California is like all other States with the problem of "unfunded mandates" from the Federal Government. The three most costly are: Welfare, Medicare, Medicaid and Aliens from not just Mexico, but from the Near & Far East.

    Then, several years ago, California obtained the status of being the 9th largest economy in the world and this went to the State Legislators' heads, believing they had something to prove to the world.

    Then, there is the State Supreme Court and their liberal attitude and "jet setting" decisions attempting to be role models for other States and countries, but especially to other courts including the Supreme Court.

    To sum up all of California's problems: there is the attitude of indifference and complacency by the voters and the "pseudo-intellectuals" that they put into office. Where much of the State citizens' motivation comes from, Commander Hatonn writes about frequently: the ownership and control of what comes from Hollywood. No, I am not suggesting "brainwashing", I'M STATING IT, UNEQUIVOCALLY

    2. Brazil just issued its 6th new currency in a little over eight years. What will be the end result of this action is, the "inflationary float" (2500% last year) will devastate the overextended private banks. Brazil's national debt and the owners of it (Committee of 16 [17] C.O.U.P.E.S., and the "Dart" family), are laughing all the way to the bank. Note: I put $10,000 cash, in American currency (notice, I didn't say dollars), in a savings account in Brazil in 1979. Would anyone care to speculate what that account is worth today?

    3. "REITs" (Real Estate Investment Trusts), I would compare to "fad foods" or "fad vitamins". You are being sold a "bill of goods" by some of the finest marketing "hustlers" in all of history. "Wall Street", take your $30,000.00 loss and consider yourselves fortunate; there are no free rides unless you are married to the former Governor of Arkansas.

    4. Pat Buchanan writes for PJB Enterprises, Inc. and is distributed by Tribune Media Services, Inc. and is printed in several newspapers. I read the Conservative Chronicles and you can subscribe to it by calling 1-800-888-3039. I do not know of Mr. Buchanan's intentions and no, I would not vote for him as he is no different than any other politician. He says what he thinks you want to hear and then does what partisan politics dictates. No, I'm not being cynical; I know the truth. Watch the State of Texas. Recently, the State elected a man by the name of Tom Pauken. State employees in Texas just surpassed the total numbers in New York. Yes, I'm for women in public office but when they rubber-stamp what men have done, Pass. Ann Richards should & could join the Republican Party.

    5. Do you ever have a surprise coming: "United Airlines" does not own a single airplane. Their planes are primarily leased through Bank of America. Airlines pay their insurance on a monthly basis and the premium runs between $80,000 to $200,000 a month, depending on how many passengers can be carried on that specific unit. "Times earnings" are figures given out by Wall Street. The reason the airline is selling out to their employees is that, the airline has done the same thing the Government has done: it has promised too much to too many. You have made "11-1/2" a share?! Take it and run. Buy Gold!

    6. Oil companies are that in name only. The Government has made conditions so that it is cheaper for oil companies to buy from other nations than it is to pump oil in this country. You have it wrong. It is not the oil companies that are your enemy. It is the United States Government, that is your enemy.

    7. The Supreme Court Justices (9) make $164,000 a year. The Chief Justice makes $7,000 more. The budget for last year was a little over $24 million. The court just advertised that it decided 84 cases. That makes each decision cost us $290,000.
    I think I will go out and vomit.

    8. Well, you think there are no taxes proposed on a worldwide basis? Early next year, the United Nations will hold a world-wide conference in Copenhagen, Denmark. On the agenda is a global income tax. You already pay 25% for the United Nations. What will be done regarding the tax is what is done in this country. The tax will be very small. Just a few cents and, of course, we will okay it, thinking, we will shut them up. Then they will bury you. "One World Order" is nearer than you think.

    9. Healthcare is another "Great Society" ruse. People, when elected to Federal office, lose sight of their campaign promises as their egos get in the way. The Federal Government works [is supposed to work] for the States and people and yet, every decision they make enlarges Government. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what they are doing. Government is a monopoly and must propagate itself. The Federal Government is only that, a Federal Government. It is not a National Government. These people, as in Government, passing non-positive law are traitors to the Constitution.

    10. Government knows exactly what they are doing. When law is signed and placed into the Federal Code, if the Law complies with the Constitution the wording is, "United States of America". If the law does not apply to the Constitution, Government then uses "United States". A good example is the Brady Bill. Read the bill as it was passed by your Government. The wording suggests that it applies to all of this country. It does not. It only applies to Federal Territory.
    /s/ Ronn Jackson
    Fax Transmission July 9, 1994; Sat. 13:17 P.M.
    To: Rick Martin, CONTACT

    From: Ronn Jackson

    I read with interest your Article of July 5, 1994 issue on page 3, "The Usurpers, Downward Spiral Of A Once-Great Nation". All of the answers on who put Lyndon Johnson into office are contained in chart #4, Part I of The Death of Camelot, which is in your possession. Had Mr. Evans had this chart, his book would have been complete and the existence of the ruling elite would have been exposed. "L.B.J." worked for the Committee of 16 [17], just as I did. So did several others. Like, for exam­ple, John Connally, the then-Governor of Texas. Like Com­mander Hatonn states, each item comes in a full circle and all items will fall into place. Truth is stranger than fiction.

    Since the Committee of 16 (17) [I am patronizing the Comman­der], will most assuredly read this letter soon after it is pub­lished, may I recommend, "Collins Brothers Mortuary" in Bal­timore. Your "Swan Song" is nearer than you believe.

    Readers of CONTACT, please refer to last week's paper [7/5/94] pages 3-8, and draw your own conclusions. Then tell me that any part of Federal Government is constitutional, hon­est, or knows the meaning of integrity.
    /s/ Ronn Jackson
    NNCC P.O. Box 7000-8A13-RMF
    Carson City, NV 89702
    From Ronn Jackson
    Thank you for your letter of 5/25/94 and received on 7/7/94.

    Your reasons for wishing to remain anonymous are your own and I respect that. I do keep in touch but my revelations [gap in tape?] and there is nothing that I will not reveal that I have knowledge of.

    Regarding CONTACT telling the truth: Being a member of MJ-12, I can so certify to the authenticity of much that they say.

    As to the John Birch Society, when the Candy Man started the organization he sold such a bill of goods to so many, his board of governors consisted of some of the supposed finest minds in this country. What people didn't do was read his Articles of In­corporation and Organization. He retained absolute veto powers over any collective decision that organization may present. That is anarchy. It is also pseudo-intellectualism. Any follower that follows blindly is a fool; no I do not subscribe to nor have I ever believed in the John Birch Society. I have the ability to think for myself.

    I will quote your next paragraph prior to responding to it: "Why do you think you can do anything to help America? You have given the enemy its powers all along; without you we wouldn't be in such a terrible mess. Just asking".

    Response: As individuals, we are all accountable for our ac­tions. As a former employee of the Committee of 16, I accept that responsibility and I am through with talking. The most powerful weapon known to man is knowledge. I am fortunate;
    I have several other weapons and I intend to utilize every one of them.

    Yes, your remarks about Grand Juries are correct. They are rigged to the extent that the system now controls Grand Juries. What you don't understand is that the Jury itself is composed of citizens of this country--but the Jury finds out they are the fourth branch of Government and they do what the Constitution empowers them to do--and it only takes one time for them to tell the presiding judge to mind his or her business. Then our country will be back on track. It is actually that simple.

    I knew of robotoids a long time before I ever read CONTACT. It might interest you to know there is more than one reason for replacement.

    Large sums of money have their purposes and have very little to do with the patriot movement. This country is the responsibility of each and every citizen. The answer to all problems that exist in this country lies within the grass roots and has no price tag. Money only provides conveniences and accommodations. If you wish those two items, call your local Congressmen. I will take care of the providers of truth. The truth is absolute and cannot be changed or denied. In response to the second part of your question: "Dishonesty forfeits Divine power".

    Ayn Rand was a visionary. I also have a dream and my dream has only recently come into focus. I enjoyed Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead now that I understand their true meaning.

    I, too, love my country and the people that are in it. That is my purpose for coming forward and I will say what is on my mind to you, to Bill Clinton, to "Butch" Reno, and/or Hatonn. What is right is Truth and I have no problem with truth; make no mistake, truth will win. [Project] Blue Beam was cancelled because CONTACT came forward. Tell me the power of honesty is dead.

    Your group and their studying of hollow-Earth books should not be discontinued. You also speak of Admiral Byrd's diary in the past tense. You are incorrect on both counts.

    Again, at the risk of being repetitive: as a part of "Alternative-3", MJ-12 was a part of the evacuation of Earth. However, history runs concurrent with time in our plane of knowledge and existence. It is not necessary, only a precaution. It is up to us. You and I. Your beliefs will soon become knowledge.

    The Refounding Amendment is only a bandaid on a mortal wound. Your and my actions in the near future will be the determining factors.

    I appreciate your interest and look forward to meeting you. All of you.

    /s/ Ronn Jackson
    CHAPTER 12
    Editor's note: Well, once again, CONTACT has received in­formation which we feel obliged to share with you readers. However, the sharing of this letter to Linda Thompson is in the interest of NEWS.
    Ronn Jackson expresses a view held privately by some, voiced by none. It is, remember, news. By printing this letter it, under no circumstances, means that we are either supporting, advo­cating, or recommending the action stated in the letter.
    We are in the news and information-sharing business. As Com­mander Hatonn has often stated, "Do not say that someone at CONTACT recommends that you take up arms and march on Washington".
    Reminder: The legal definition of advocate is: "to speak in favor of; defend by argument. To support, vindicate, or recommend publicly". The legal definition of insurrection is: "a rebellion, or rising of citizens or subjects in resistance to their govern­ment".
    You will very clearly understand CONTACT's and Hatonn's po­sition, concerning an armed march on Washington, by the con­clusion of this issue of the newspaper. Nevertheless, in the in­terest of a Free Press, we will share the following information with you. Please, readers, always be discerning in your per­ceptions and your actions.
    June 28, 1994
    Linda D. Thompson
    Acting Adjutant General
    3850 S. Emerson Ave., Suite #E
    Indianapolis, Indiana 46203

    Dear Ms. Thompson,

    I have read your recent ultimatum to the United States Gov­ernment and wish to compliment you on your actions that have been necessary for many years.

    Our Government is fraudulent and their apathetic attitude to­wards the citizens of this country will no longer be tolerated. I wish to inform you that your "unorganized militia" that exists within the country is rapidly becoming "organized" and, effec­tive this date, over five million (5,000,000) armed American citizens are at your disposal. In the event you find it necessary to utilize the "militia", please use due diligence as once this ac­tion is initiated, there can be no turning back.

    I ask that you keep in contact with two entities as it is they who will be in contact with me until my release from prison. They are: "Gary Ward", attorney at law, phone
    806-798-7288 or "Tommy Buckley" phone 806-355-1178.

    As you may be aware, I have an action in U.S. District Court, Reno, Nevada, Case CV-N-93-401-DWH that will be heard on September 13, 1994. While I'm not overly optimistic as to the potential ramifications of that action, the Judge has not dis­missed the action and I have been told that the "Declaratory Judgement" that he issued, he is standing behind it. While I ad­mit that his issuance of the Judgement is a departure from the "norm" of the judicial, nonetheless, the decision has not been reversed by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

    In my opinion, you have started something. This is inevitable, and the spirit of freedom and the Constitution is growing. It's time we took back control of our country and reinstalled sovereignty.
    /s/ Ronn Jackson
    NNCC P.O. Box 7000-8A13-RMF
    Carson City, NV. 89702.
    * * * *

    Bulletin #9
    From Ronn Jackson
    In the past two weeks I have received over 100 requests to put into my own words what will happen on July 16, 1994. Most questions have been geared towards the effect of Comet Levi 9 colliding into Jupiter. Over the weekend of June 24, 1994, I spoke to three members of MJ-12 and my answers are a composite of parts of those conversations.

    Item #1: The planet Jupiter has a radius of approximately 45,000 miles. It is about 300 times the size of Earth; however, because of the composition of the planet, for example, hydrogen, helium, ammonia, methane, water and/or ice, acetylene, carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide and traces of others, the density of this largest planet is only 30% of that of Earth. It completes a single rotation on its axis in approximately 10 hours, as compared to Earth's rotation of 24 hours. It had 14 known satellites, and last year two additional moons were discovered, making a total of 16. (There are 11 more yet to be discovered. They range in size from 11 to 39 miles in diameter).

    The comet Levi 9 is in several pieces and contains in its nucleus ice and solid material. Actually there are several hundred pieces, but those of any size (one mile or more in diameter) number 23, with the largest being 11.5 miles across. The particles will hit the planet at 41 degrees South Latitude (near Jupiter's South Pole) and the impacts will not be visible from Earth. The speed of impact, measured in our terms, will be 145,000 miles per hour. The effect on the planet will be minimal because of its enormous size. However, if a collision of that size were to hit Earth, the results would be catastrophic. For example, if the particles were to hit the Earth with the same speed and density that they will hit Jupiter, the following results would occur: a crater 265 miles in diameter, 85 miles deep, depending on the angle of impact, would be created. The rotation axis of the Earth would change 35 degrees, moving the North Pole to approximately the location of Chicago, Illinois and would initiate the activation of all major plates on this globe, radically changing the physical location of all bodies of land and sea. All life as we know it would cease to exist due to earth-quakes, tidal waves, and eruptions of volcanos scattered all over all surfaces, in addition to the change in the weather patterns.

    In addition to questions on Levi 9, most people ask whether any such occurrence has happened to our planet relating specifically to the disappearance of the dinosaurs. You're told that a giant meteor hit this planet 65 million years ago, causing the extinction of these large animals and mammals. Those hypotheses are incorrect. The animals were relocated to another area [planet ] and they were an error in our overall plan. They are alive and thriving within our galaxy. Also, one other such body similar to Levi 9 was stopped from hitting our world, by others, 126,000 years ago in our plane of reference.

    Item #2: A good example of misinformation that is put out by the mainstream media is the 6/23/94 issue of the CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONIT0R. Although this paper is one of the few which come closer to truth, it also has a long way to go to equal CONTACT.

    At issue is the term "dollar" 83 times. We do not have "dollars" as a form of currency. We have Federal Reserve Notes. The "dollar" was a part of our currency and it was backed (partially) by something of substance or value, gold. The Federal Reserve Note is only a piece of paper that is a pyramid scheme designed only to facilitate control for a select few over future generations and people.

    Item #3: The Federal Reserve System is a private enterprise. It is not a federal agency. Its name, alone, propagates fraud, as that institution applies to you and I as individual citizens who know that the term "federal" designates the Federal Government. A good example of their power is Russia. It has a Central Bank which, in concept, is exactly like ours. It is owned by the same people who own our Central Bank. Russia recently removed all restrictions from banks of other nations to do business in their country, with one exception: the United States. The reason is the COMMITTEE OF 16 [17 ] (C.O.U.P.E.S.) decided that there are too many patriot organizations that are putting out information on the illegality of the Federal Reserve System and they did not want to have the appearance of collusion. The Rothschilds and Rockefellers et. al. placed that word in our vocabulary.

    Item #4: I don't like to be placed into categories; however, my personal beliefs would be compared to, in part, the conservative wing of the Republican Party. I believe in honesty, integrity, morals, responsibility, and the existence of the Supreme Being. Those who attempt to change the accepted definitions of those words are evil and are traitors, not only to the CONSTITUTION, but to you and I as individual citizens. They use the term God to give a false impression as to their legitimacy and to justify their unconstitutional acts. To name individuals would require too much space. I will do it the easy way by using two words-- Federal Government. That is only the beginning. If you believe that everything is fine, then that is on you.

    Item #5: Throughout history wars have been fought in the name of religion. More people have died because of religion than any other single reason. You draw your own conclusions on Billy Graham.

    Item #6: The Maastricht Treaty was best summed up by the former Prime Minister of Great Britain, Margaret Thatcher, when she said, "My God, what have we done"? The same comments will be uttered by us shortly (citizens of the United States), over NAFTA and GATT. Wait until you hear about the WTO.

    Item #7: When the yen reaches the 94-95 range to the dollar, Japan, for all intents and purposes, is in a minus situation. Yes, Bill Clinton lied to you stating he was the Chief Executive in this country. In this case, Alan Greenspan is Top Gun. Look for a minimum of a 2% increase in the short-term interest rates. See, this is a direct result of unfunded currency.

    Item #8: I do not know James Woolsey. But I do know he is in a political patronage position and is a gopher for several uninformed, bumbling fools. The Central Intelligence Agency is violating federal law in operating in any capacity in this country. There is not a single person in that organization who would know James Bond if he came up and bit them on the ass. Our Government is full of such people.

    Item #9: FDA head David Koesler is part of the pseudo-intellectualism prevalent within his generation. He is also a part of the American Medical Association. He is also a part of the rank amateurism displayed by the current administration. Yes, I smoke. No, I do not intend to quit. My smoking is my business and is not a subject that government is qualified to even comment on. If I sound negative, you are correct. However, my talking phase is over.

    Item #10: No, I do not advocate the legalization of any controlled substance. Your drug use is your business, until you infringe on the rights of others.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 101
    CHAPTER 13
    6/30/94 Rick Martin
    In an article from the June 26 edition of THE SUNDAY RECORD (NJ), written by Bob Groves, "Slowly but steadily, reports of drug-resistant bacteria at New Jersey hospitals are continuing an almost four-year rise, state health officials say.

    "In the first three months of 1994, incidences of enterococcus, which causes blood poisoning and surgical infections, and streptococcus pneumoniae--the source of pneumonia and menin­gitis--have more than tripled, compared with the first quarter of 1992, said Dr. Sindy Paul, a public health physician with the New Jersey Department of Health.

    "The number of hospitals reporting patients infected with these drug-resistant bacteria also has tripled, she said.

    "The latest New Jersey findings are part of a growing national and international concern over mutating superbug bacteria strains that are resistant to once-infallible miracle drugs. The diminishing effectiveness of antibiotic treatments for diseases such as tuberculosis has been blamed on over-prescribing by doctors and over-reliance by patients".

    In an article from the June 29 edition of THE CHRONICLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION, written by Thomas J. DeLoughry, "Faculty members and administrators who create multimedia programs say that concerns about potential copyright infringe­ment are blocking a potential revolution in teaching.

    "Proposed multimedia projects and some already under way have been canceled or scaled back on a number of campuses be­cause developers could not get permission to use the electronic texts, video clips, and musical excerpts that they believe will greatly enhance learning for their students.

    "In some cases, faculty members have been scared off by the daunting task of pursuing permissions from large numbers of copyright holders or by the cost of purchasing the rights to use materials.

    "Some who believe in the power of the technology are worried that it will not reach its full potential in higher education unless there is a better understanding of what professors can and cannot do in developing multimedia programs.

    "Guidelines that describe the fair use of written materials, mu­sic, and television and radio broadcasts were also incorporated in Congressional reports that accompanied the approval of the 1976 Copyright Act.

    "But many professors and administrators say such guidelines are not useful in the new world of multimedia. Faculty members now face new questions about how they can use the computer to integrate a variety of media:

    * Can they take some slides from a collection or a portion of a movie and insert them into a computer program for classroom use?

    * If so, how many of the slides and how much of the movie can they use?

    * Do they need to ask permission of the copyright holder? Or do such activities qualify as fair use?

    * Should students be allowed to use the materials to create elec­tronic term papers?

    * How much can the university expect to pay for the right to in­clude the materials in a program intended for the classroom?

    * How much will developers have to pay if they wish to sell their programs?

    "Academics and representatives of the movie, music, and pub­lishing industries came together at American University this month and made it clear that there was far from agreement on the use of copyrighted materials.

    "Bernard R. Sorkin, senior counsel for Time Warner, said his company believed 'it is both unnecessary and undesirable to loosen copyright protections under any circumstances'. [Well if that wasn't a predictable statement, I don't know what would be].

    "'The fair-use law is fine', he said, adding: ‘It's the way that university administrators interpret it that's wrong. They don't understand it, and university lawyers are so afraid of being sued that they've made policies for professors that are so restric­tive‘".

    In an article from the June, 1994 edition of the Australian publication THE STRATEGY, extracted from SPHH, Hawaii, "On April 11 the 18-member United Nations Humans Rights Com­mittee (HRC) unanimously decided that Australia is in violation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). Why? Because Tasmania, one of Australia's six states, still has anti-sodomy laws on the books and refuses to get rid of them. [No, this is not a misprint. Keep reading.] Pressure is now being applied by the Australian federal government on Tasmania to repeal these laws. The Tasmanians have been given 90 days to comply with the U.N. decision.

    "How did this new flare-up in the international 'culture wars' get started? What significance does this have on the U.S., and why is it happening in Tasmania, an island off the southern tip of Australia with about 450,000 people?

    "It all began when homosexual activist Nick Toonen filed a complaint with the HRC claiming that sections of the Tasmanian Criminal Code that prohibit homosexual sex are in violation of the ICCPR which Australia signed on to in 1980. The U.S. rati­fied the same covenant in 1991.

    "'...I'm amazed that a U.N. Human Rights Committee would consider it a basic human right that people should be able to commit sodomy'. said Ron Cornish, Tasmanian Attorney Gen­eral".

    In another article from the same edition of THE STRATEGY, by Mike Gabbard, "Aloha! We did it folks! House Bill 2312, a bill that clarifies the existing marriage statutes and affirms tradi­tional one man/one woman marriage sailed through the State Senate on April 12 with a 21-4 vote. [Did you hear about it on CNN? I didn't.] On April 22, Rep. Terrance Tom, House Ju­diciary Committee chairman, who originally introduced and passed the bill in the House, recommended the Senate version be adopted to overwhelmingly support the bill, as is the Governor who has publicly stated his opposition to same-sex marriage.

    "This obviously is a great victory. It's a message to the rest of the nation and the world that the people of Hawaii have refused to be intimidated and steamrolled by homosexual activists and their supporters.

    "The battle, of coarse, is not over yet. Even if HB2312 becomes law, it is entirely possible the Hawaii State Supreme Court will declare it to be unconstitutional. For this reason, we are still hoping our legislators will consider a constitutional amendment defining marriage as the legal union between one man and woman as husband and wife".

    In an article from the June 22 edition of THE ORLANDO SENTINEL, BRUSSELS, Belgium--"Developing nations do a better job using their resources in caring for women and children than do the United States and Europe, UNICEF said Tuesday.

    "In its study Progress of Nations, the United Nations' Children's Fund gave the United States poor marks in rating 129 nations on health care, education and the quality of life for mothers and

    "'Economic progress does not equal social progress,' said James Grant, UNICEF's executive director".

    In an article from the June 11 edition of THE WICHITA EAGLE, written by Paula A. Bennett, "Every other Tuesday evening, four Wichita women and about 10 inmates at the El Dorado Correctional Facility gather around a low table draped with a black altar cloth. The tools of the Wiccan religion are carefully arranged on the table: white candles stuck in home-made wooden candleholders, a white athame, or knife, fashioned from foam and decorated with runes, and a silver goblet. Plastic bowls of consecrated salt water are placed before pictures cut from magazines.

    "The pictures, of a wood-carved maiden and the setting sun, represent the Wiccan goddess and god, deities with many names, said Betty Wilken, a witch who has volunteered her services to the prison's Wiccan study group.

    "The prison group was formed earlier this year after Erica Rindells, another Wiccan volunteer, advertised for pen pals in a national pagan publication. Rindells sent one of the prison inmates a copy of a local pagan newsletter, and prison chaplain [?] Ronald Dow responded with a request for volunteers to lead the study group.

    "'We're pleased that Wicca is growing so fast, but we're not evangelists', she said. 'We're not going to knock on your door and ask you if you know the goddess'.

    "She added: 'A witch is not converted. A witch is awakened'". [Whew...]

    In an article from the June 10 edition of THE JOHNSON CITY PRESS, MOSCOW--"Robbery, kidnapping, murder and mugging are on the rise. Newspapers are crammed with tales of gun thugs and gangsters. And business at the Zashchita gun shop, thank you very much, is booming.

    "'The media has created an atmosphere of fear', assistant manager Anatoly Zevako says happily. 'People are buying a sense of safety'.

    "For many people, that sense comes--more or less--from a gas pistol or a can of Mace. For those requiring something a little different, Zashchita also stocks crossbows, rifles and bulletproof vests.

    "Law enforcement officials say they are alarmed at the amount of firepower now loose in the former Soviet Union. The explosive rise in crime has Russians arming themselves at an unprecedented rate.

    "Gun stores are just one part of Russia's flourishing new per­sonal security industry. The bodyguard business is also doing quite well.

    "Armored limousines, attack dogs and steel doors are also in high demand. One company is even thinking about making steel-plated fur hats--headgear once available only to the most privileged of the Soviet elite".

    In an article from the June 23 edition of THE ORLANDO SEN­TINEL, BRUSSELS, Belgium--"NATO did not lose an enemy Wednesday; it gained a new reason for being. The Western al­liance and its former Cold War nemesis, Russia, agreed on a program of military and political cooperation.

    "Russian Foreign Minister Andrei Kozyrev spoke of a 'new chapter' in European history as he enrolled his country in NATO's Partnership for Peace program following the example of 18 of Moscow's former Soviet-era allies.

    "It is a relationship unthinkable a few years ago: a partnership in which Russia and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization will cooperate in joint military exercises and peace-keeping opera­tions.

    "Russia will be able to have a delegation at NATO headquarters.

    "Russia insisted on the declaration to bolster its claim to super­power status and its contention that it merits more than a simple partnership with NATO".

    In an article from the June 22 edition of THE ORLANDO SEN­TINEL, "Thwarted in trying to solve the 1964 disappearance of three civil rights workers in Mississippi, the FBI turned in des­peration to the Mafia, the DAILY NEWS reported Tuesday.

    "FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover pitted one adversary, organized crime, against another, the Ku Klux Klan. The ploy paid off.

    "Gregory Scarpa, Sr., a mobster turned informant, terrorized a Klansman under suspicion in the slayings into revealing the lo­cation of the bodies, the DAILY NEWS said, citing unidentified federal officials.

    "In an account marking the 30th anniversary of the case, the newspaper said Scarpa put a gun borrowed from an FBI agent into the suspect's mouth and threatened to 'blow your...brains out' if he didn't confess.

    "The slayings of two white New Yorkers, Andrew Goodman, 20, Michael Schwerner, 24, and a black Mississippi civil rights volunteer, James Chaney, 21, inspired at least four books and a movie, MISSISSIPPI BURNING.

    "FBI spokesman Paul Bresson refused to comment Tuesday on the story. Former FBI Inspector Joseph Sullivan, who led the investigation into the murders, denied Scarpa had anything to do with the case. [Some things never change].

    "In 1967, an all-white jury convicted Bowers, Deputy Cecil Price and five others of conspiracy to violate the civil rights of the three volunteers.

    "Many residents believed the FBI paid an informant as much as $30,000 to reveal the truth, the DAILY NEWS said. The FBI has never said where its information came from".

    In an article from the June 23 edition of THE ORLANDO SEN­TINEL, PHOENIX, Arizona--"Sheriff Joe Arpaio has put pri­vate residents on horseback to protect shoppers, hounded pros­titutes out of a red-light district and kept prisoners in tents in 110-degree heat.

    "Now he's trying another tactic out of the Wild West: sending out a 700-member posse of armed civilians at sundown into the streets of a crime-ridden section outside town.

    "Arpaio intends to start Operation Summer Heat today, using armored cars, helicopters and dogs along with the posse.

    "The show of force on the city's southwestern outskirts is meant to be a deterrent in an area with a reputation for drugs, gangs and crime.

    "'We're going to get the bad guys', Arpaio said.

    "Posse members cannot draw their guns unless their lives are in imminent danger or a deputy directs them".

    In an article from the June 18 edition of THE MONTREAL GAZETTE, STOCKHOLM--"The pilot of a United Nations peacekeeping aircraft, barred from killing combatants, drops glue to stick the tires of a plane to a runway or coats tanks and weaponry with chemicals that dissolve metal.

    "An acoustic 'bullet' fired from a gun stuns like a strong blow with a blunt instrument, knocking an enemy soldier unconscious. Other enemy troops are blinded by weapons firing electromagnetic beams.

    "These are just a few of weapons systems under research, 'non-lethal arms' that proponents say will be the star turns on battle-fields of the not-so-distant future.
    "They vary from the slightly ridiculous to the grotesque. Turning gasoline into jelly and dropping slippery substances onto runways may sound vaguely silly, but such action could be crucial in a battle.

    "Other non-lethal weapons can cause horrific injuries.

    "New laser weapons can explode soldiers' eyeballs and internal organs can be severely damaged by low-frequency sound 'guns' being developed".

    In an article from the June 19 edition of THE JOHNSON CITY PRESS, written by Leslie Lloyd, "Manmade air pollution and nature's own efforts are damaging trees on Roan Mountain and changing the forest in an area best known for its rhododendrons.

    "'The trees are dying', said John Warden, a biology professor at East Tennessee State University. 'Acid rain is just part of the picture'.

    "He said the pollution, insects and a drier climate are all contributing to the rapid change in the forest on the mountaintop that straddles North Carolina and Tennessee.

    "But the thousands of visitors making the trek to the top of the 6,287-foot mountain during this weekend's annual Rhododendron Festival don't go to see the damage.

    "They go to see the world's largest natural rhododendron garden--600 acres of purple flowers. And they're probably a week early. The full bloom is expected in about a week.

    "Meanwhile, the forest is changing and scientists continue trying to find out why.

    "Warden said the Ohio River Valley and its industrial base are affecting the mountain from miles away.

    "'When the wind is blowing right we get a lot of acid pollution from Ohio', he says. 'The plants are bathed in an acid rain cloud'.

    "Warden said the acid changes the soil and causes the trees' roots to die. With trees dying and falling, the plants on the ground are affected as well. Those that require shade are exposed to sunlight and then have trouble surviving, Warden says".

    In an article from the June 29 edition of THE PHOENIX GAZETTE, written by David Rossmiller, "As an estimated 50,000 Arizonans get ready to apply for concealed-gun permits, a federal judge in Tucson has thrown out the portion of the Brady law mandating background checks on gun buyers.

    "U.S. District Court Judge John Roll on Tuesday ruled uncon­stitutional the portion of the federal Brady law mandating that local police run criminal records checks on people seeking to buy guns.

    "However, under guidelines announced Tuesday by the state Department of Public Safety, Arizonans who want a concealed-weapons permit will have to undergo an FBI check for any criminal records.

    "And Phoenix police, who handle the Brady law background checks for several Valley cities, will continue to do so. Police Chief Dennis Garrett said his department will continue the checks at least until city attorneys can review Roll's ruling.

    "Roll said the Brady law requirement for a 'reasonable' back­ground check violates 10th Amendment provisions reserving for the states powers not specifically assigned to the federal gov­ernment.

    "He also ruled that penalizing law enforcement officials who don't perform background checks would be a violation of the Fifth Amendment guarantee of due process".

    In a recent AP article from an unknown paper, written by Bruce
    Stanley, HANOI, Vietnam--"Two U.S. companies plan to spend $380 million to build resorts on the sands of what American sol­diers knew as China Beach during the Vietnam War".

    EARTH CHANGES7/4/94 Ed Cleary

    In line with last week's report on changing weather patterns and the intensifying of violent storms in the nation and the world, we have several recent newsworthy items of interest.

    In the past year there were 107 major earthquakes (5 or over on the Richter Scale) as compared to 89 in the year preceding. On June 9 an 8.5 magnitude, 370-miles-deep quake under the mountains of Bolivia quaked all the way from Argentina to Canada.

    Volcanos are emitting new fumes, sulfur and steam in several new places. Popocatepetl, near Mexico City, is coming alive, Mount Cleveland in the Aleutian chain shot off in late May a 35,000 foot plume. In the Philippines, Pinatubo is still carrying on and Taal is getting ready to blow.

    No one really knows what is going to be the result of the 21 comet fragments banging into Jupiter from July 16 at 3:28 PM and on for six days. The biggest chunk, about three miles wide, is scheduled to connect in an explosive way on July 20. Com­mander Hatonn has been giving us a few hints in regard to pos­sible expectations; he actually is the best guesser in the game but isn't talking.

    There will be no good seats on Planet Earth for the show. The collisions will take place on the side of the planet that faces away from Earth.

    Some possibilities of after-effects include the following: fluctua­tions of Earth's magnetic fields, solar flares, major aurora bore­alis, very erratic weather on the oceans and along the coastal re­gions, high winds, tectonic plate movement, and possible deep quakes along the Ring of Fire.

    CHAPTER 14
    Editor's note: This following letter we are sharing is from May-nard Campbell and is relayed to us by a longtime subscriber, Greg Sullivan. 'While optimism is a condition often beaten down by the crooks in high places, especially when they're cornered like the rats they are, sometimes the evidence of their disgusting antics is overwhelming enough to cause a course adjustment and some measure of success for the good guys.
    101 W. 5111 ST.
    EUGENE, ORE. 97401 6-2-94

    Dear Len & Dot & "Our Family",

    Thank you all so very, very much for your continuous prayers, support, and letters.

    Praise God! Great things are happening! First, on May 19, a Federal Jury acquitted me of the 25-years-to-life major two charges, agreeing that the U.S. Marshal Barr was lying (perjury!). They did convict me of 4 felonies, but, all four are based on statements and evidence which is sourced in Barr's Proven Perjury, so, I'll undoubtedly be given another trial, which should also mean a new suppression and motions hearing, which should result in all charges then being dismissed. Thank God! I really believe I will be freed within weeks, Lord willing!

    All the following was proven at this last trial, which is why I will be either having all charges dismissed or be given another, new trial! (Please let Pete Peters know this for his talk show....Thanks!):

    1. Original arrest was false, Eileen owned land, road, and trees, (not the U.S. Forest Service!), having paid for it in full six months before we were indicted!

    2. Grossly non-standard procedure arrest process on me, admitted to by Marshals, (they claim it was a mistake!, I know it was an attempt to murder me!).

    3. Marshal Barr stated to a friend of mine that they had no intention to arrest me, but did intend to shoot me as a fleeing felon!, as per what I heard on my police scanners and I was told over the phone during siege, which simply further convinced me they intended to murder me due to my book on the [Idaho] Weaver Siege.

    4. The Government created the National Media hype on my siege, then claimed media hype necessitated 70-150 police, P.D., S.O., O.S.P., U.S.F.S, U.S.M., U.S.D.A., F.B.I., helicopters, armored personnel carrier, mini-tank, machine guns, (U.S. Army "Special Forces" from Ft. Bragg used on re-con-psych-ops missions on me prior to arrest, etc.), S.O.G.! [How could ATF be left out of this lineup ?]

    5. Fed. Judges ruled I was too dangerous to have any right to "Constitutional rights", so the 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, 14th Amendments and Miranda warnings did not apply to me!

    6. The Supreme Court has ruled, and it is current law, that threat issued in self-defense is not a threat!, yet the Fed. Judges refused to allow my lawyers to tell that to the jury! Outrageous!

    7. U.S. Marshal Mark Barr and the U.S. Forest Service Agent Neal Hasheider unlawfully searched Eileen's home, stole over $6,000 worth of my weapons, didn't even give any receipt for over $1,000 worth of my property (this is called major felony-burglary if you or I do it to their homes), and then lied at trial endlessly as to where they found them, what they found, and about it being in "plain sight" instead of hidden (which they were), and this was admitted at this last trial! They should go to prison for life for scores of felony perjury & theft!

    8. Marshal Barr manufactured false evidence, which prosecutor Chris Cardani knowingly utilized at two of my trials, and Fed­eral Defenders Rita Radostitz and Dennis Balske knowingly al­lowed them to do and refused to make an issue of it, (conspiring to deprive me of my right--a major felony), which is outrageous prosecutorial misconduct and should cause all charged to be dismissed.

    9. Prosecutors Linhardt, Rayna Becker, and Chris Cardani all suborned perjured testimony, which they knew to be perjury, from Forest Service Agents Jeff Scott and Neal Hasheider and Marshal Mark Barr, and my ex-Fed. defenders Carl Larson, Rita Radostitz, and Dennis Balske did nothing about it! [They are called "dump-trucks" by their victims-inmates! Can you see why]?

    10. Government unlawfully altered indictment and exceeded its time allowances, (among endless other fatal improprieties), which my lawyers stated at trial makes it nothing but an invalid forgery, and illegal!

    11. I did locate a witness who say U.S. Marshal Degan was killed by another U.S. Marshal, and I am convinced the Gov­ernment did premeditatedly murder Sam and Vicki Weaver and meant to murder the entire family, babies and all!, and me, to silence what I uncovered!

    12. It is proven from court transcripts, that Fed. Judge Edward J. Garcia knew we did not commit the felony crimes he sen­tenced us for, and fined Eileen $31,000 for. He admitted he felt we were guilty of a civil infraction for failure to properly update our mining plan of operation--not felony crimes, and he said he would not have charged us criminally if it had been his decision; yet, he allowed the farce of a trial to continue to its very dishon­orable conclusion, even though he knew ownership passed to Eileen 6 months before we were indicted. Outrageous....He should go to prison for violation of our rights!
    Eileen gets out 9 AM on 13 June! Hoo Ray! I love her very, very much, am faithful to her, and am committed to her for life. Unfortunately our Government is an evil, satanic, faggot-in­fested, corrupt, anti-Christ Government, and if Eileen and I were married the Government would confiscate all that she owns, as I am a total tax rebel.
    I absolutely refuse to pay taxes to support abortion (baby murder), or the anti-Christ machine (Israel, in Palestine which is not true Israel; we are!), or a Communist Beast Government! So, for 20 years I've refused to file, etc.!!! Millions of us are doing likewise; I know many Christian Patriots who have divorced their wives, who then hold all assets in the wife's name; and they file and pay taxes, while the husband, (ex-husband) does the rebellion stand. The man and wife still live together, use his last name, are faithful to each other, but are legally divorced so as to preserve their as­sets. This Government destroys Christian marriages while en­couraging faggot marriages. So....We do as we must in the battle and stand before God in Christ's righteousness and lib­erty, though I would be proud to be Eileen's husband legally, and would love her to be using my last name.

    I'll be forever grateful for your prayers, and all the prayer and fasting partners God gave me to share this ordeal with us. God bless you dear wonderful people. I love you all greatly!!! "In as much as you've done it to the least of these my brethren, you've done it unto me...".

    This nightmare took me through the "Valley of the Shadow of Death", and my own personal version of Hell, but, it also has given me a totally new and much deeper relationship with my God and Savior. I was suicidal for over a year, and I still have a very difficult time with forgiveness, but... "I know in Whom I have believed, and am persuaded, that He is able, to keep that which I have committed unto Him, against that day...".

    Leona is indeed a very rare jewel, and I do love my baby sister dearly. This experience has also been wrenching for her (and very expensive with total phone bills, etc., of probably $10,000-­$15,000 to serve as my "lifeline").

    I feel very confident of freedom soon, quite possibly within weeks, as the Ninth Circuit Appellate Court is apparently conducting an investigation into my charges of countless major felonies in an attempted cover-up. Government incompetence and crimes, by a federal judge, 3 federal prosecutors, 4 federal defenders, 2 U.S.F.S. criminal investigators (1 of whom has now gone down on corruption charges), 4 private attorneys, 3 Idaho judges, an Idaho prosecutor, an Idaho Sheriff and half-a-dozen of his deputies, and quite a few others.

    I'm glad to know Len is well now. He, and all you folks, have my prayers for health and God's blessings.

    In Christ's Love,

    Your Brother, /s/ Maynard

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