PJ 98
SUN., JUN. 19, 1994 11:15 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 307

SUN., JUN, 19, 1994
One of the aspects of GR's service is his involvement in fi­nancial affairs. He was assigned to acquire funding for covert operations not approved by an elected body. While it would seem that dealing in illegal drugs and arms would give the CIA or anyone else enough money for anything, it appears there were other needs and agendas.

As he described the methodology behind the bank fraud ac­tions, there is a discernible quiet confidence, maybe even a pride about being able to pull it off.

Russbacher stated that the initial funding for the CIA in St. Louis came through the now defunct National Brokerage Com­pany (NBC). Seed money for it came through another CIA pro­prietary, the Red Hill Savings and Loan, and also Hill Financial in Pennsylvania during the early-80s. The next step is a good sound credit rating from Dun & Bradstreet. Russbacher claimed to be able to create his own credit rating by controlling the in­formation that D & B would look at. A call to the Missouri D & B office revealed that most inquiries about credit comes from the sellers, not buyers. D & B routinely checks suppliers' banks to establish a credit rating. If you can control your references, then why couldn't one establish a wonderful bogus credit rating?

Russbacher elaborated further on how to take the credit rating and get a lot out of a little: "Let's say I have 30 million dollars. The moment I take this 30 million dollars of my deposit base and pledge it back to the Federal Reserve I end up with a seven­-to-one loan ratio. The loans are secured by the F.D.I.C. and, in turn, are reinsured by private insurance companies. We also have insurance companies we work with; so we write, or un­derwrite, what we call a fiduciary package and I'll write a 500­-million-dollar fiduciary package," asserted Russbacher.

It is clearly the illusion of wealth that is being put together by these operations. This facade is enhanced by official letters of credit from the Federal Reserve. The next step, says Russ­bacher: "I show these letters as an asset, not a liability, because it hasn't been used. After that, I create limited partnerships and buy like crazy. You end up robbing Peter to pay Paul and then you pay neither."

Those affected include people buying into these bogus part­nerships, those expecting to be employed or get something out of it. "Many times a business is bought for a particular opera­tion and afterwards disposed of through Chapter 11 or bankruptcy, given back to the banks and Government," said Russbacher. However, even these plans can go astray. "Every once in a while the damn thing won't die; it takes on a life of its own and we'll split a few dividends," commented GR as he smiled while telling me how these actions can really screw up the brokers on Wall Street. [H: Still with us, you good people who lost in the bogus markets and S&L/Banking debacles?]

Once you have a lot of money or credit to deposit, you can easily become a friend of the bank. This means special privi­leges, interest rates, a seat on the board of directors and maybe having representation in deciding loan policies. The latter is needed to influence how the money can be taken out of that bank. When that control is gained, then legal bank robbing takes place. The money is pulled out for what appears to be le­gitimate purposes and then is covertly used for a variety of op­erations or is salted away for later personal or professional use.

Russbacher talked about two such operations in Missouri: Carondolet Savings and Loan and the now-defunct Germania Savings and Loan. In order to grease the skids of the current or departing bank officials, GR stated, "They are given a five mil­lion dollar golden parachute, a couple of suitcases and a new passport, if needed.

Russbacher makes it seem so routine, even simple, that one could corrupt banking in this manner. Could it be possible to motivate bank presidents with a few million dollars or blackmail to get them to move on? The case concerning Germania S&L is before the courts at this time. Although doubtful that questions concerning CIA operations will be answered, THE PROBE can provide a few interesting tracks through yesterday's news.

1. A January 15, 1986 St. Louis Post Dispatch (STLPD) headline stated, "EXECUTIVE AT GERMANIA MOVING ON". The story was about David Kilduff who left Germania S&L in Alton, Ill. after four years as its Chief Operating Offi­cer. He was to take a position at another S&L, Economy Fed­eral. The parting was described as "amicable", by Chairman and President William Osborne. The article also mentions a suit filed by a part owner of an apartment complex alleging fraud, breach of fiduciary duty and racketeering. Amongst those the suit was filed with [against?] was Germania, a former officer David Stelbrink, and what was now a former officer, David Kilduff.

2. May 1st, 1986 (STLPD): "GERMANIA ACQUIRES MISSOURI S&L". The Missouri S&L mentioned was Wash­ington First Federal with assets of $58.7 million and loans of $47.4 million. Germania stated they had assets of $559 million and loans of $453 million during this acquisition. A key part of this wheeling and dealing was construction magnate Joe L. Ma­son, President of the J.L. Mason Group. Mason held 21 % of Germania at the time.

3. June 21, 1986 (STLPD): "GERMANIA OUSTS CHAIRMAN AFTER LOSS". William Osborne was booted after 22 years as CEO and following losses which were said to affect a fifth of Germania's net worth. The new chairman, Ed Morris, said, "The problems were primarily commercial loans and purchased loans outside of our market area." Joe Mason was named the new Vice Chairman.

4. One of Joe Mason's associates in home developing was 45-year old Donald Chilton, an ex-Marine Captain who was Chairman of the Cape Girardeau, Missouri-based First Ex­change Banks. Bad loans would catch up to Chilton, too, and by May 7, 1992 all five First Exchange Banks went under. A report in the March edition of the St. Louis Business Journal said of First Exchange's demise, "The FDIC is in charge of trying to collect $250 million in bad loans and other troubled as­sets. When the collection process is complete, the FDIC esti­mates it will lose $46 million in what is believed to be the largest failure of a bank in Missouri history."

On the day indictments were to be announced against Chilton, he was found dead. Chilton and his new bride of eighteen months, 37-year old Patricia, were discovered in the lap of luxury at a Palm Springs, California hotel. Their deaths officially went down as double-suicides. Could someone just have been tying up loose ends?

5. By May 1993, Joe Mason, Ed Morris, Steve Gardner and another major home builder and founder of Community Title Company in Missouri, James Davis, were facing eighteen counts of fraud relating to their Germania S&L activities. The accusation was that they knew of loan losses and conspired to cover them up with false financial reports and audits.

The scenario outlined by GR fits the reality if you know what you're hunting. You have changes of leadership, acquisition of more banks and substantial losses from loans "out of our market area". Along with a few casualties.

In 1989, Russbacher would marry a second time to a woman who has actively investigated covert CIA activities. Rayelan would not draw approval from Russbacher's boss for their Au­gust 1989 marriage. Rayelan stated, "In June 1989, Gunther had signed a two-year agreement not to marry." His superior, a four star admiral, told Russbacher he had to honor the contract and that major security leaks would be created if a top operative married an activist. Russbacher had mentioned that by this time he had been weary of the CIA for years, as they had degener­ated into competing factions acting more like rogue elephants than an intelligence arm of the U.S. Government.

Two days after the marriage Russbacher was arrested for misappropriating the Government Lear jet he used to fly from Seattle to Reno for the wedding. Gunther Russbacher would be in prisons from then on, with the exception of 15 days in July 1990. Russbacher had been shipped back to Missouri on old charges of stealing $20,000 in funds from NBC [National Bro­kerage Co.] in 1986. Although no longer in business, charters, checks, corporate documents and even stationary testify to its existence.

As a conduit for all kinds of CIA monkey business NBC was used to serve as a funnel for weapons shipments to Nicaragua. Russbacher has previously mentioned the 1986 mission of pilot Eugene Hasenfus as an arms shipment funded by NBC in Mis­souri.

In July 1990, Russbacher was told he only needed to sign a written plea agreement (which he had not seen) to be released. This may sound stupid to many, but keep in mind we're talking about a man who has lived outside the law for most of his life; we shouldn't be so amazed he could be abused by it. The plea agreement would be reversed by Judge Lester Duggan Jr. in St. Charles County and an official plea of "Guilty", stemming from the $20,000 stealing charge from NBC, would be entered.

Part of the plea agreement was designed to keep Russbacher from snitching to any official investigatory body. Another in­struction of this agreement prohibited GR from leaving St. Louis without written permission and to make weekly reports to the probation officer. Due to GR's CIA duties he did neither of these. This snitch agreement and his mission worked like two sides of a vise to later keep him incarcerated.

On July 31, 1990 Russbacher had finished his third day of debriefing at Castle AFB. Numerous FBI agents surrounded and descended on Russbacher's living quarters like a hurricane. The offense: impersonating a naval officer. Rayelan and GR say all evidence indicating his rank or CIA involvement were removed.

The FBI agent in charge was no stranger to Russbacher; he was George Vincent. During the Afghan-Soviet War. Russ­bacher says Vincent and he were taking an arms shipment into the Mujahadeen. At least 700,000 rounds of ammo, RPGs (rocket propelled grenades) along with an assortment of other weapons supplies. Russbacher said of Vincent, "He had a habit of playing both ends for monetary gain or political clout." This proved to be nearly fatal, as an ambush awaited this horse and mule train of supplies. As GR puts it, "We somehow managed to extricate ourselves and discovered that Vincent had betrayed the delivery. The reward for Vincent's treachery was not death, but two carefully placed pistol shots from a .45 caliber behind each of Vincent's kneecaps. He was left for dead, but didn't die. The Soviets picked him up, fixed him up and later traded him back to the U.S. Vincent would end up in the FBI's Fresno office and no doubt appreciated the opportunity for a payback to GR.

When it came time for trial the "impersonation of a naval of­ficer" charge was dropped by U.S. Attorney David Levi. Re­maining charges stemmed from misuse of Government property. In the event it could be proven that Russbacher was acting on behalf of the U.S. Government, that could vindicate him. This almost happened when FBI agent Rich Robley testified that Russbacher was working for the U.S. Government. Acquittal was not forthcoming as Judge Leonard Pierce used a variety of legal tactics to keep Russbacher imprisoned while his family was harassed.

All charges would eventually be dropped just in time to be released back to St. Charles County, Missouri to face stealing­-by-deceit charges. On February 7, 1992 Russbacher was sen­tenced to 7 years on each of the three charges, a total of 21 years.

Russbacher's defense attorney was Tim Farrell. He was at best inadequate and at worst a total fraud. Watching the hearing was FBI agent Rich Robley. He was not allowed to testify and Rayelan's testimony would be stricken from the court records. The prosecuting attorney in the case, Phillip Groenweghe, be­lieved Rayelan's testimony as to who she saw. But what she saw was not admissible as she had no expertise for identifying people like William Webster who had associated with GR during his stay at high security SAC bases like Castle AFB. It appears that establishing her credibility as a witness would have been needed before she testified; Farrell never did.

Attorney Paul Wilcher then entered the picture, taking the case pro-bono. Paul would spend months with Russbacher tak­ing depositions and hundreds of hours of testimony. Against Russbacher's better wishes Wilcher wanted to subject all avail­able evidence to Lee Hamilton's October Surprise Congressional Committee. The evidence and other witnesses willing to testify in Russbacher's behalf were ignored or routinely debunked. A video tape is said to exist showing George Bush in the back seat of the special two-seater SR-71 when GR brought him back from Paris. Wilcher wanted this video and, although Russ­bacher says he did it against his better judgment, it was arranged for him to have it. Delivery of this tape was intercepted and a gun battle occurred. The tape didn't make it and Wilcher con­tinued unsuccessfully to gain political support for Russbacher's case by disclosing what he had, not willing to understand that some of these people were playing both sides for political power and influence.

[Rodney] Stich told THE PROBE that he had warned Wilcher of the dangers of keeping the information he had in too small a circle. Wilcher discarded many words of warning in his investigations and in July 1993, shortly after beginning to look into the Waco mess, he was found DEAD in his apartment. The official reason for his death is listed as natural causes. Wilcher joined a known list of six other attorneys who have died while investigating either Chapter 11 corruption, Inslaw, or the Octo­ber Surprise.

Wilcher's body was found naked, unceremoniously on the commode. Russbacher says that he had some of his "connections" on the outside in the apartment before a swarm of FBI, CIA types came in. Wilcher was a sizeable, very healthy six-foot-five-inch or more person and Russbacher was told that rigormortis had already set in and there was no indication that death had occurred in his apartment. Notes, tapes and computer files had already been removed. Sara McClendon of the Mc­Clendon News Service would arrive at Wilcher's apartment only to be told that it was sealed off; it was now a Federal crime scene. Wilcher joined a growing list of those who tried to pry open the door of secrets that others will kill to keep closed.

By September of 1993 Russbacher had received quite a tour of the Missouri Penal system: Fulton, Jefferson City, Pacific and St. Charles County. After nearly a year of deliberating on the issue, Franklin County Judge Michael Brown finally ruled in favor of his present attorney's motion, that Russbacher had re­ceived "ineffectiveness of trial assistance". In a conversation with Judge Brown after his rendering, Brown said, "Farrell should have investigated if the statute had expired and the de­fendant (Russbacher) had been advised." The Missouri statute on these particular stealing-by-deceit charges is only 18 months. The date of the penalty is July 16, 1990.

The math definitely works out in Russbacher's favor. His continued imprisonment did not and during this time his heart condition worsened.

On September 20, 1993 Rayelan and an ex-barrister named Jim Vassilos visited the St. Charles County Courthouse to verify the remaining charges against him. When GR was transferred from the Pacific, Missouri prison, some of the charges were dropped. Rayelan and Vassilos merely wanted to get copies of what he was being held on. They received documentation on one bad check charge. This was count #1 and it stated the check was passed at Commerce Bank in St. Charles, Mo. This same check was also said to have been passed at First Bank and yet there was more conflicting information to these documents that said it was a different branch of First Bank. As you can only pass a single check, bad or otherwise, at one bank at a time, which one was it? Even the court didn't know. The other two counts were not in the file and, as the clerk had no explanation for this oddity, began a search by asking the judge, then the prosecuting attorney Groenweghe if he had them. Groenweghe did, and this simple legal request prompted a major confronta­tion. According to Rayelan and Vassilos, the portly Groen­weghe came down from his lofty perch like a raging bull. "What are you doing here? Where is your attorney?" And fi­nally, "I'm not going to give you anything. Get out!" These were a few of the vocal blasts emitted by the enraged Groen­weghe. An additional request from another clerk in a different courthouse location drew threats of a call to security to have both Rayelan and Vassilos arrested. All this for requesting what they had every right to request. What are they so afraid of? Why the secrecy? Why the overreaction?

Russbacher's present attorney is Rob Fleming, a public de­fender from Columbia, Missouri. Fleming feels the charges, against Russbacher are an example of making a mountain out of a mole hill. Regarding the nature, severity and evidence of the charges Fleming says, "In twenty-one years of practicing law I've never seen anything like it." Fleming is fully aware of Russbacher's contentions linking him to the intelligence commu­nity and covert operations, but insists he is doing his best to avoid that issue and concentrate solely on the charges that were used to keep him imprisoned.

Fleming and others who have investigated this case provide a tangible key to the problem in the lap of St. Charles County prosecutors. When Russbacher is released he will likely have good cause to bring about a massive lawsuit against St. Charles County and the State of Missouri and numerous attorneys who have been involved. The expired statute used to imprison him is only one of several bricks that could be thrown at this thin paper wall.

One of the thorns in the side of St. Charles County prosecu­tors is that Russbacher landed back in their laps. This resulted in badly needed heart bypass surgery on November 10th, 1993. The surgery had been scheduled numerous times and cancelled, possibly because no one prison system or county wanted to be stuck with the $80,000, or more, bill. The county did get stuck and the taxpayers will pay. No doubt there are a lot of watchful eyes around the globe focused on this case.

To further verify Russbacher's identity, author Rodney Stich has allowed THE PROBE to publish documentation on a fellow CIA/ONI/Seal connection to Russbacher. His name is Robert Hunt and as of late 1992 he was a Lieutenant Commander in charge of Seal Team #2 and Executive Officer of Seal Team #6.

Hunt's case is similar to Russbacher's as both men have been sheepdipped and both are being pursued with charges of running con games, womanizing and other fraudulent activities.

Looking at the total picture available on Gunther Russbacher, it is safe to say he is definitely connected with covert operations and CIA involvement. At present, having access to this infor­mation can only serve to heighten your awareness of what un­seen forces shape our daily lives. As far as Russbacher is con­cerned, he will be likely shipped out of the U.S. when released. Although they have found his U.S. citizenship, it is possible he will either leave the country or step back into his old working "habit". At this time a gag order is on Russbacher and March 28th, 1994 was scheduled as the next court date, one which he did not make. According to Fleming, Rayelan said it was due to his health. Naturally, verification is in process.

It could be that a lot of powerful people have a lot to lose if Russbacher gets out and keeps talking. Only through knowing can we hope to understand what is best for us in the future. Men like Russbacher and Hunt can help as they allow us a glimpse into a true "cult", that of the intelligence world.

* * *
Well, we all know that Gunther did get out only to be sent to Austria (his old home-town) where he was taken at the airport--to further incarceration. This is not as bad as it may at first ap­pear because he was in immediate and terribly important need of medical attention. He had been so compromised and the surgery to his heart so badly insulted that he needed extensive repair. I, Hatonn, had shattered more than five major implants (programming) that had been placed within Gunther at the time of surgery and later repairs of one sort or another. The obvious intent was that the man NOT make it through surgery and cer­tainly not for any length of time following surgery. I personally had to SEND A PHYSICIAN into the operating room where they were "supposedly repairing" damaged surgical connections. The team "repairing" were ACTUALLY "BLEEDING" Gun­ther. Gunther recognized the "caller" and the surgeons-in-at­tending about dropped their britches. My man suggested the bleeding STOP INSTANTLY. The gentlemen in point were most happy to comply! We don't take to this kind of behavior practiced on our team. When undergoing repair surgery in Austria TEN MORE MICROCHIPS (DOTS) WERE RE­MOVED, ALSO. It appears that quite a few people DO NOT want this man to survive--WELL, I DO!! Furthermore, I can be a most annoying adversary! I just can't seem to make ALL the players in this game understand--ALL AT THE SAME TIME! As a matter of fact, it seems that since the adversarial Satanic committee has its own favorite "alien" teams--that the Commit­tee of 17 and, at the least, MJ-12 would want to be on MY side. I'm a nice guy and I ALWAYS--ULTIMATELY--WIN! YOU BIG HONCHOS NEED A WORLD, TOO, YOU KNOW!

I think this is enough, Dharma, to allow the "good buddies" to remember that WE HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN! Good day.


* * * * *
The following has been shared with CONTACT by a subscriber who has been corresponding with Ronn Jackson. She is quoting Jackson's letter to her of June 1, 1994:

Easter Island. First, all books on Easter Island deal with speculation. Since no documentation exists on the island, all books go in many directions. The most popular idea is that tribes from sunken islands went there and placed images of their God or Gods. Another suggests that another group of beings placed their own images as a reminder of them having visited this world. The problem is, we, as humans, place all subjects into our plane of reference. In other words, we believe that certain things exist and our explanation is the only one. That is not true. That point will be the most difficult to overcome. As I stated, the stone faces on Easter Island are a series of beacons. We understand only that the faces are carved out of stone; that each one is very heavy and several people could not lift each one; that the material that the faces was carved out of does not exist on the Island and would have had to be transported to the Island. Although we have the technology to transport them now, the knowledge isn't that old and was recently discovered. Our minds are closed to other than what we know and can relate to.

The answers to all of your questions are in our records and will have to be traced a long way back in the history of this planet. The key is the estimated age of the faces on the island--2-3 billion years. Although we use our measurement of time and to us those measurements are accurate as far as we know, there is much that is not known.

The faces were placed on Easter Island, using our reference of time, 65,000 years ago. They were removed from the Sahara Desert. That is about the time water was diverted from that area. The area was fertile but was essentially wiped out by a disease similar to AIDS. There is much of our history that is not recorded and is not known by historians. The faces were placed on the island by others whom you would not know. However, I will tell you something that only a few people know. There have been visitors to our world, and this is to some of your ancestors who are referred to as Native Americans. There are many visitors now, but those visitors have been coming to our world, the same ones, for millions of years. They are able to manipulate time, interdimensionally. However, using our reference of measurement of time, they are only 200-300 thou­sand years old. Time to others does not have the same meaning as it has to us.

The faces were placed in such a manner that at certain times of the year, light from our sun hits them at a certain angle and an energy is produced that gives a signal that is imperceptible by any measurement that we possess. That signal is transmitted to an entity, using our measurement of distance, 115,000 light years from us. This was, at the time placed here by others, what we classify as "state of the art" communication. However, those entities have evolved and that technology is now archaic.

The faces resembled the physical characteristics of those who placed them there, and still do. They pose no threat to us and are nothing more than curious. They are not permitted to inter­fere in any manner of our evolutionary process, as the same Supreme Being exists for us as it does for them.