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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 98


    Can you learn to ascend by take-off day? Will you rapture" or "rupture" your fantasy? Who plans all the wondrous adventures to suck you in? Well, it takes a lot of discerning and a heck of a lot of WISE JUDGING! Players are impor­tant--but not as important as RECOGNIZING TRUTH! The Satanic players still have some very interesting games to play with you--and the curtain's rising is even a bit delayed--ah, but Satan's promised land is not being denied to you--just delayed by inconvenience. Good luck. May the GLORY OF GOD be shown before you in truth of expression--NOT BE USED TO SUCKER YOU INTO A HOLOGRAPHIC HOLOCAUST OF THE LIE! The time is at hand for the testing how will you fare?



    The Phoenix Journals are intended as a "real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind.

    All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.

    If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the "end times" (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the "sorting" period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four corners of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity--based upon TRUTH.

    So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is "fiction").

    The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were.

    If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.

    ISBN 1-56935-050-7

    First Edition Printed by
    P.O. Box 27353
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89126
    July 1994
    Printed in the United States of America

    DEDICATION.......................................................................................... ......................................
    UP FRONT.................................................................................................... ..................................
    MON., JUN. 20, 1994................................................................................................ ...............
    RAPTURE!??! MIND GAMES............................................................................................... .
    WHAT WAS SEEN IN THE SCRIPTURES?..........................................................................
    RAPTORIAL RAPTURE............................................................................................. .............
    O.J. SIMPSON, MURDERER............................................................................................ .......
    DEPOPULATION........................................................................................ ..............................
    GERRY SPENCE'S OBSERVATIONS....................................................................................
    CHAPTER 1................................................................................................... .................................
    SAT., JUN. 11, 1994................................................................................................ .................
    EXPLANATIONS........................................................................................ ..............................
    Part 2 by Jacob W. Kipp as presented
    in FOREIGN AFFAIRS, Vol. 73, No. 3:............................................................................
    STATE CAPITALISM TO THE RESCUE...............................................................................
    HITLER RECONSIDERED........................................................................................ ..............
    REMINDERS!.......................................................................................... ..................................
    WORLD PROTOCOL............................................................................................ ...................
    A CRUEL HOAX!............................................................................................... ......................
    CHAPTER 2................................................................................................... .................................
    SAT., JUN. 11, 1994................................................................................................ .................
    Part 3 by Jacob W. Kipp as presented in
    FOREIGN AFFAIRS, Vol. 73, No. 3:................................................................................
    THE ARMY TO THE RESCUE.............................................................................................. .
    THE CHARISMA FACTOR.............................................................................................. .......
    ANONYMOUS CORRESPONDENCE...................................................................................
    CHAPTER 3................................................................................................... .................................
    SUN., JUN. 12, 1994................................................................................................ .................
    CHANGES............................................................................................. .....................................
    FOR INSTANCE: SCALLION............................................................................................ .....
    NOAHIDE LAWS................................................................................................ ......................
    KOL NIDRE, DATED PROOF............................................................................................... ..
    SEVEN NOAHIDE LAWS "PUBLIC LAW 102-14" ...........................................................
    JOINT RESOLUTION.......................................................................................... .....................
    FROM THE JUDAICA ENCYCLOPEDIA.............................................................................
    THE CONSTITUTION AND THE RULE OF LAW ..............................................................
    (Arranged by Grace Sybil Huffman)................................................................................
    ARE AT AN END................................................................................................. ...............
    CHAPTER 4................................................................................................... .................................
    SUN., JUN.. 12, 1994................................................................................................ ................
    by Edgar Cayce Excerpted by Sybil Huffman
    CHAPTER 5................................................................................................... .................................
    MON., JUN. 13, 1994................................................................................................ ...............
    CONSTITUTION-FEDERALIST PAPERS (Chapter 9).........................................................
    SECTION 8, PARAGRAPH 1............................................................................................
    Federalist Papers, Excerpts:........................................................................................... ..
    No. 41, Par. 21, James Madison:.......................................................................................
    No. 56, Par. 6, James Madison..........................................................................................
    SECTION 8, PARAGRAPHS 2 & 3...................................................................................
    No. 42, Par. 11, James Madison:.......................................................................................
    No. 45, Par. 8, James Madison..........................................................................................
    SECTION 8, PARAGRAPH 4............................................................................................
    No. 32, Par. 2, Alexander Hamilton: ...............................................................................
    No. 42, Par. 17 & 18, James Madison:.............................................................................
    SECTION 8, PARAGRAPHS 5, 6, 7 & 8..........................................................................
    No. 42, Par. 14, James Madison:.......................................................................................
    CHAPTER 6................................................................................................... .................................
    TUE., JUN. 14, 1994................................................................................................ .................
    CONSTITUTION-FEDERALIST PAPERS..............................................................................
    THE FREEDOM NETWORKER........................................................................................... ..
    BREAKING THE BACK OF CONTACT.................................................................................
    ATTORNEYS VS. LAWYERS............................................................................................. ...
    CAN YOU GET LEGITIMATE ADVICE FROM..................................................................
    "ILLEGITIMATE" SOURCES?............................................................................................ ....
    WHAT ABOUT THOSE BLACK HELICOPTERS?..............................................................
    THIS SECRET OATH IS THAT OF THE 32ND DEGREE MASONS.................................
    GEORGE GREEN'S ARGUMENT ABOUT THE INSTITUTE............................................
    CHAPTER 7................................................................................................... .................................
    TUE., JUN. 14, 1994................................................................................................ .................
    WORLD ASCENSION DAY................................................................................................. ...
    WORLD ASCENSION DAY--12:12 SANAKA..................................................................
    CHAPTER 8................................................................................................... .................................
    WED., JUN. 15, 1994................................................................................................ ...............
    BIGGER THAN WHITEWATER.......................................................................................... ..
    TERRY REED'S STORY............................................................................................... ...........
    MOVING TO MEXICO.............................................................................................. ..............
    BARRY SEAL'S STORY............................................................................................... ...........
    OPERATION 'SCREW WORM'...............................................................................................
    AMIRAM NIR'S STORY............................................................................................... ...........
    THE BUSH-NORTH COVER-UP............................................................................................
    INSERT: PICTURES OF SPACECRAFT (2 pages)...............................................................
    CHAPTER 9................................................................................................... .................................
    FRI., JUN. 17, 1994................................................................................................ ...................
    MORE ON KISSINGER........................................................................................... .................
    THE CRITIQUES OF CONTAINMENT.................................................................................
    THE MOST COMPELLING ALTERNATIVE........................................................................
    RADICAL TRADITION........................................................................................... ...........
    THE COMPLEXITY OF CONTAINMENT............................................................................
    CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................. ...............................
    FRI., JUN. 17, 1994................................................................................................ ...................
    KISSINGER ACCORDING TO "SIR" MICHAEL HOWARD..............................................
    by Michael Howard.............................................................................................. ..............
    1648 AND ALL THAT................................................................................................ .............
    WOODROW'S WORLD............................................................................................... ............
    THE UNRESTRICTED COLD WAR......................................................................................
    GOODBYE TO ALL THAT................................................................................................ .....
    CHAPTER 11.................................................................................................. ...............................
    SAT., JUN. 18, 1994................................................................................................ .................
    PLEASE THINK WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?.......................................................
    PLAYERS............................................................................................. ......................................
    MONEY............................................................................................... .......................................
    BUT WHAT OF GODLY ALIENS?........................................................................................
    RAPTURE AND BEYOND.............................................................................................. ........
    O.J. SIMPSON............................................................................................. ...............................
    BRANCH DAVIDIANS........................................................................................... .................
    BACK TO O.J. SIMPSON............................................................................................. ............
    CHAPTER 12.................................................................................................. ...............................
    SUN., JUN. 19, 1994................................................................................................ .................
    JIMMY CARTER.............................................................................................. ........................
    WHAT ABOUT CLINTON?............................................................................................ ........
    BRAIN DISEASE............................................................................................. ..........................
    CHEMICAL IMBALANCE........................................................................................... ...........
    INFIGHTING.......................................................................................... ....................................
    RUSSBACHER.......................................................................................... ................................
    LET THE READER BEWARE.............................................................................................. ...
    GUNTHER KARL RUSSBACHER IN THE BEGINNING...................................................
    MILITARY CAREER AND CAPTURE IN LAOS.................................................................
    CHAPTER 13.................................................................................................. ...............................
    SUN., JUN. 19, 1994................................................................................................ .................
    "YOU ROB PETER TO PAY PAUL AND THEN YOU PAY NEITHER"..........................
    MISSOURI OPERATIONS.......................................................................................... .............
    MARRIAGE, CIA DISSENTIONS AND JUDICIAL HI-JINX..............................................
    APPENDIX............................................................................................ ..........................................
    NEWS AND/OR EDUCATIONAL ITEMS.........................................................................
    CHAPTER 14.................................................................................................. ...............................
    EASTER ISLAND.............................................................................................. ........................
    CHAPTER 15.................................................................................................. ...............................
    WACO: JURY FREES--JUDGE IMPRISONS.......................................................................
    CHAPTER 16.................................................................................................. ...............................
    RONN JACKSON'S LATEST............................................................................................
    CONTACT DOES NOT "ADVOCATE"..................................................................................
    BULLETIN #5 6/14/94 RONN JACKSON............................................................................
    BULLETIN #6 RONN JACKSON...........................................................................................
    BULLETIN #7 RONN JACKSON...........................................................................................

    This, as is all our work, is dedicated to you who would seek and find TRUTH. Recognizing the LIE and sorting away the "magic" are worthy of your efforts to become informed. May your cup overflow with WISDOM, not bitterness.

    MON., JUN. 20, 1994 9:11 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 308

    MON., JUN. 20, 1994
    As the days pass and you get closer to the time of the operative fulfillment you will witness the frantic efforts to "save" you in the name of this one and that one. The evangelists, especially those having gained recognition through multiple books, TV, Radio, etc., will be in almost panic expression--to get you SAVED for your RAPTURE (as now used). This, they will tell you, is to keep all goodly (but you must believe on Jesus) Chris­tians from going through the TRIBULATION.

    Just yester-eve Hal Lindsey was on TV (Trinity Broadcasting Network) with Paul Crouch discussing this matter. There was franticness in Paul to get his TV stations and satellite arrange­ments made so he can SAVE the people of Israel and Palestine. Hal has written a new book--WHICH IS, BY THE WAY, EX­CELLENT. It will deal with "these times", etc. The ONLY THING WRONG is that will ARRANGE FOR YOU TO HAVE A MASSIVE RAPTURE SO THAT THE PEOPLE OF JESUS DO NOT HAVE TO EXPERIENCE THE TRIBULATION: What in the world are they talking about? YOU HAVE BUILT THIS WORLD INTO WHAT IT IS--DO YOU ACTU­ALLY THINK YOU WILL BE WHISKED AWAY IN PHYS­ICAL FORM TO SOME CLOUDS SO YOU DON'T HAVE RESPONSIBILITY? I WARN YOU THAT THIS IS INCOR­RECT INFORMATION AND IF YOU CLING TO THIS IR­RESPONSIBLE APPROACH TO YOUR PASSAGE (OR YOUR REMAINING), YOU WILL BE MOST SORRY IN THE AFTERMATH! There is a RAPTURE PLANNED FOR YOU WHO ARE SO FOOLISH--AND IT IS CALLED OPERATION BLUE BEAM!!!

    I don't care WHO tells you the Bible is filled with promises of lift-off, raptures and such. It is NOT SO. "RAPTURE" is not even a word in the Bible. That has been conjured by those who would want you to believe them that you will be stupid enough to line up to be whisked into never-ever-land and GET RID OF GOD'S POTENTIAL PEOPLE FROM THE EARTH PLANET. Where do you think might have come the IDEA of some kind of a RAPTORAL DELIGHT? You had better get your feet and your definitions under you.

    I am going to give you some definitions to consider so that you might hook a few words together and get a better description of what is going on here.

    RAPTURE: 1. Ecstatic joy or delight; joyful ecstasy. 2. (raptures) an expression of joy or ecstasy. 3. [H: Now comes the NEW definition for you:] The carrying of a person to an­other place or sphere of existence. 4. ARCHAIC: The carrying off.

    RAPTORIAL: 1. Preying upon other animals; predatory. 2. Adapted for seizing prey. (As in raptors.)

    These definitions are from your old friend, Webster's Encyclo­pedic Dictionary, 1989. (With updates of accepted terminol­ogy.)

    As with Ezekial--space craft:, (Wheels within wheels, wheels of fire--etc.) Now, HOW did the evangelists come to BASE THEIR DEFINITIONS OF SUCH AS RAPTURE ON THE OLD TESTAMENT WHEN THEY WILL CLAIM YOU MUST FOLLOW THE NEW TESTAMENT IF YOU ARE TO BE SAVED? Is this not strange? If, further, the evan­gelists of the CHRISTIAN "faith" base everything and need on the NEW TESTAMENT and utilize the "Jewish" (misnomer) tradition (who did not believe Jesus was the Christ or Messiah) how do they come up with WRONG answers? Because they are desperately offering YOU A WAY OUT OF YOUR MESS SO THEY LOOK GOOD! AND, WHO ON EARTH WILL BE LEFT TO COUNT THEM WRONG? WELL, LOTS OF PEOPLE--STANDING AROUND SNICKERING AT YOUR STUPIDITY.

    Will there be some kind of a lift-off, possibly? Yes, probably--but it will not be like you are told here--it will NOT BE A RAPTURE. Rapture by its definition means a state of emotional beingness. It does NOT mean physical lift-off to another sphere of wondrous delight with God--unless, of course, you are DEAD--which you WILL BE, in physical consideration! Dead as the proverbial doornail!! The point is to get you God-respecting, Christian believers OFF THE PLANET SO THERE IS NO FURTHER CONFRONTATION WITH THAT WHICH IS TAKING YOUR WORLD--IN OTHER WORDS, KILL TWO BIRDS WITH ONE STONE GET RID OF USELESS FEEDERS AND TROUBLEMAKERS.

    It is your privilege to believe anything you wish, good brethren--ANYTHING YOU WISH. I am, however, grossly remiss in my own task to refrain from telling you TRUTH about it. The evangelical team is being put in place RIGHT NOW AS WE WRITE--to pull this dastardly deed off--they too being mostly in ignorance. THEY ARE PROGRAMMED TO DO THIS JOB!

    This is what they are really working toward. It will have two meanings to you. If it is interrupted--they will tell you those nasty space cadets (the bird people) have done this to you. If not, and something goes wrong, you will be told the "aliens" did it. Next, if it goes right--the evil merchants of death and prey­ing upon you-the-people will kill you and pick your bones. The magic show-and-tell will not be so entertaining AND it will be TOO LATE.

    Will the plan be changed? Perhaps--but obviously the only thing that will be changed is the interim magic show--because what is planned is not a human physical exchange to another place. It will be a physical changeout into particle form into another time/space warp--not God's wondrous place of continuing life of perfection. You will, however, be "perfectly" out of the way.

    Do I mind if this happens? NO--if that is what you wish--go for it. I am only telling those who will have WISDOM--that it is another lie of the adversary. A physical body cannot remain atop a cloud--friends. It is heavier than the cloud formation--and will FALL immediately upon release from the power struc­ture holding it there. It will fall back down to Earth in search of its own density in "matter". Then, being that you might well have soul, the soul is released the same as in any other MUR­DER situation.


    Is he a murderer? He says he "did it". Oh, but he also says he was somehow insane?? How is it that two people are brutally stalked and MURDERED and the only attention is given to the party who is claimed to be guilty? Even the good Reverend Billy Graham is in touch to ENCOURAGE this man. How many of your own, even in the case of total innocence, are treated so well? Did he do it? That, people, is for a jury (even in your unjust system) to decide AFTER A FAIR TRIAL ON ALL CIRCUMSTANCES.

    People wept WITH O.J. yesterday as he "wished" he could be with his children for Father's Day. (???) WHO DEPRIVED HIM OF THAT OPTION? It is NOT O.J. that SHOWS IN­SANITY--it is you-the-people. This is another testing of your readiness to take whatever is dished out at you without even the ability to THINK rationally about it. Whatever happened, the man was totally and absolutely PROGRAMMED to do exactly what he did--or had done. He was brought into the "service" of "intelligence cult" from high school and he has been trained to accomplish the heinous circumstance that would be presented. It is the same as the young man who goes onto a school ground and kills. "They" did flub, though--he did not use a "gun"!

    But how would "the handlers" KNOW a circumstance would happen in this way? They didn't have to--all they had to do was precipitate the circumstances and "ring the bell". Was he, if he did it, temporarily insane? OF COURSE--he likely does not even REMEMBER THE INCIDENT. Just as the killer of the Klaas child--the perpetrator cannot so much as remember the action AT ALL. YOU ARE IN THE FINAL STAGES OF TOTAL MIND CONTROL, CHELAS--DO YOU NOT HEAR ME? THE SUSCEPTIBLE MASSES WILL MARCH TO THE BROADCAST INSTRUCTIONS AND EACH INDIVIDUALLY TRAIND AND CONTROLLED BEING WILL DO EXACTLY WHAT HE/SHE IS TOLD TO DO. IT IS THROUGH PULSED FREQUENCIES WHICH BEAR IN­STRUCTIONS WHICH THE MIND HEARS AND TRANS­LATES.

    You wonder how Dharma "hears" and "translates"? The same basic method of frequency signals. The DIFFERENCE IS that I am in service ONLY to God of Light--CREATOR. It is up to her to keep her space CLEAR and through the understanding of the shielding BY GOD of self and reception--we have protec­tion. Let us just say, for simplicity, that I have the higher signal network. But, if YOU wish to have that protection, you must ASK and you must accept that our mission is of goodness for we do NOT SERVE SATAN.

    Now comes the punch-line: "Well, I don't like that. Moreover I will not do what you want, whoever you are." Fine--it is YOUR experience, not mine. What IS mine, I control and pro­tect and I can offer the same to ones who choose my path. No sweat--go your way with my blessings if you will. Not only do I bless you to go your way--but I petition you to go your way and leave us be to ours.

    "But," the practical person asks, "isn't it a good way to cut down on the population?" Yep, and what a nice world it will be--you who are left and are pretty good guys will get to serve the masters (who are NOT very nice). And, as the seeming sands of time pass--the head-honchos of each of the remaining adversarial parties of physical expression clash for the status of OVERLORD--it will get nasty--VERY NASTY! Remember that "tribulation" that the goodly evangelists promise the Chris­tians and believers to MISS?? In other words, go in the "blast­off" or the "blast-out"--your choice, sleepy-head.

    Well, good buddies, I DO NOT WISH MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY TO DO EITHER--so, we stand the flack and offer you TRUTH. It is your RESPONSIBILITY to act on that Truth--or do whatever you choose elsewise.

    Dharma, get Gerry Spence's book, FROM FREEDOM TO SLAVERY, turn to page 128 and let us offer a few thoughts.

    This may seem so out of context as to be isolated thought--it is not:


    Although the human males' evil may have been chemically induced, it was also the product of culture. Women's domina­tion by men began with the birth of civilization, with man's-departure from Nature. As man took up agriculture and estab­lished himself in villages instead of wandering and gathering, as he domesticated animals instead of hunting them, indeed, as he separated himself from Nature, man began to see himself at odds with the earth. Such early isolationism created the forces of "them and me"--man against the earth, man's village against other villages, man's territory against other territories, man against other men, and, of course, man against woman. As man became fixed in village and field and abdicated his place in the natural order, his separation created for him a new and wholly defective vista of the world.

    Dissociated from the natural whole, and estranged from his mother earth, man, once free and easy, became paranoid and delusional. Where once he saw himself as part of the earth, now he saw the earth, his mother, and all her inhabitants as dangerous and hostile. By his separation from Nature, he was also separated from other members of his species with whom he now competed for food, for shelter, for territory, for women, and for power.

    Where once man enjoyed a perfect wisdom because, as part of Nature, he shared Nature's perfect knowledge and abided by her laws, now, ignorant and foolish and panicked, he did as ig­norant and foolish men do when panicked--he struck out against all that lived, bringing war and starvation, suffering and death.

    I just wanted to share a thought or two about "what went wrong" and how the circumstances have increased in pressure to bury you in the entropy of experience. It is not "good" or "bad"--it simply IS! You can make of it that which you will for God gave FREE-WILL unto man ALONG WITH THE CAPA­BILITY OF "REASON". Therefore, "man" is allowed (IS AL­LOWED) to do that which he will--guided by whatever set of rules he chooses--BUT, the downside of "wrong" choices will merit him great success in "wrong" things. I don't have any definition for "right" or "wrong"--for in all things the GOAL of accomplishment is the only deciding factor. For instance, if O.J. did in fact brutally murder his wife and her friend--he may well be considered to have done the "wrong" thing--IF HE WANTED TO REMAIN FREE, HAVE HONOR AND FANS BOW IN RESPECT, ETC., ETC. However, if he wanted to be in prison, fighting for his own life--he certainly did the "right" thing to accomplish as much. If you consider "right" and "wrong" by legal definition--he did the "wrong" thing. If, how­ever, he lived with the tribes who murder in legal approval an unfaithful wife and her lover--he would be honored and ap­plauded for his actions as a husband. Chelas, IT IS ALL, EVERY BIT OF IT--CHOICES!

    Why didn't "God stop him"? He was not acting according to God's laws so why would you drag God into his corrupted be­havior? God has given you rules, instructions and LAWS. HE allows you to break every one of them--BUT FRIENDS, THE PIPER WILL BE PAID FOR THE BREAKING OF THEM. O.J. was not acting WITHIN OR FOR GOD as (if) he brutally stabbed repeatedly the two people--[thou shalt not kill--sayeth the Lord].

    Next you ask God to, well, "have mercy on him". Why? God has always had mercy on him and made available all rules, in­structions and consequences of such action. The "man's" ac­tions now merit the judgment and discernment of MAN. What­ever is between the man and God--is not your business. By acting against the laws of God in a human setting--causes a hu­man to be thrust upon by the activities of MAN human. Still, in all things--have no judgment upon the man in point--only com­passion--BUT JUDGE THE ACTIONS IN INTENT AND ACT UPON THE LAW--IN JUST-NESS. These are your own test­ings, my friends--YOUR OWN. I CAN promise you that this one "case" will be an interesting testing of every element of your "society" and your own measurement of "You've come a long way, Baby."

    Yeorgos Ceres Hatonn
    June 20, 1994

    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일
    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-15 at 01:20.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 98

    SAT., JUN. 11, 1994 8:16 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 299

    SAT., JUN. 11, 1994

    If you are annoyed with me over the hop, skip and jump way in which we write, I apologize. There are a couple of good REA­SONS for doing this:

    1. I must get information regarding a specific "subject", "player" or "event" to certain ones who get the writings for SPECIFIC instructions or information.

    2. If I am utilizing any information other than that of my own team or presentation--even if it be simply for reference--I refuse to further bring down the wrath or the accusations of wrong­doing upon any head. I don't mind the personal assault--but it hurts my human counterparts.

    And, indeed there are more:

    3. I just wish to call attention and ask you to do your own fol­low-up. As with the Zhirinovsky overview from FOREIGN AFFAIRS, the CFR journal, I want you to READ THE IN­FORMATION WHILE CONSIDERING THE SOURCE, THE PUBLICATION AND THE PURPOSE OF SUCH INFORMA­TION IN BASHING A MAN WHO IS VERY POPULAR TO THE PEOPLE IN THE RUSSIAS BUT VERY UNPOPULAR WITH THE ELITE-ONE-WORLDERS. With Kissinger, I just want you to see what is being used as guidelines and treated as authoritarian-expert counsel and instructions to the various Committees, disinformation and working material for the Coun­cil on Foreign Relations, et al. You do not, in these instances, need an entire article to GET THE POINT! NEITHER DO WE HAVE THE TIME OR THE SPACE TO PRESENT IT ALL--WE ARE AT BEST A REVIEW SERVICE TO POINT OUT WHAT YOU SHOULD BE ATTENDING.

    I do, however, feel the Zhirinovsky material is important enough to repeat most of the article because it is already "public" and if you read it carefully according to the rules you have now learned--you will learn a lot about the man who will be very important in Russia. The Elite continue to back Yeltsin so you can have continuity of One World Government but the ones you DON'T hear about are the IMPORTANT players in a thrust for a FREE world.

    Why do authors "COPYRIGHT" information which is simply public, supposedly, truth? Because it is NOT truth and it is not desired that any of US take the information and discount it with REASON. COPYRIGHTS ARE THE HIGHEST FORM OF CENSORSHIP!


    Is it fair to make this statement regarding copyrights while speaking of an article on Zhirinovsky by one Jacob W. Kipp? Actually, no--because we find no copyright registered in print on the material. The Elite WANT YOU-THE-PEOPLE TO BELIEVE THESE THINGS ABOUT MR. ZHIRINOVSKY. THE JOURNAL IS MORE WIDELY READ IN OTHER COUNTRIES THAN THE U.S.A., I WOULD SURMISE, ELSE WHY WRITE ON THE SUBJECT AS THE U.S.A. SHOULDN'T HAVE A THING TO SAY ABOUT RUSSIA!
    by Jacob W. Kipp as presented in
    FOREIGN AFFAIRS, Vol. 73, No. 3:
    The economic program of the Liberal Democratic Party could be described as a return to state capitalism under the ban­ner of a highly efficient, socially oriented economy that would embrace privatization and even private property. But it is a program designed to protect the state structure and promote sta­bility. State-directed Crimean War and Stalin serve as the mod­els for building a national economy and catching up with the West. This position, which owes more to Friedrich List than Karl Marx, rejects shock therapy in favor of state-directed development in order for Russia to avoid becoming an economic colony within the world market--supplier of raw materials and importer of industrial goods. Friedrich List was a nineteenth-century German advocate of state-directed economic develop­ment. His ideas strongly influenced Sergei Witte, minister of finance under Alexander III and Nicholas II, in his drive to in­dustrialize tsarist Russia. [Mr. Kipp blasts this as something terrible but I ask YOU, what do YOU have? Does not the commercial economic Elite CONTROL your government which in turn controls EVERYTHING?? Do you see how--by calling something by a different name and shouting "free", "democratic" and other non-meaningful terms--you present an entirely different picture through the total "distraction"?]
    One model for such a course is imperial Japan, where the state directed the gradual transformation of the country into an industrial superpower. [H: WHO directed it into a super­power? The "Committee" controls Japan, hook, line and sinker!] This has led S.F. Dergunov, one of the LDP's (Liberal Democratic Party) key ideologues, to posit the following thesis regarding Russia's economic transformation: the transitional economy must operate on the basis of state programs that create competitive sectors, modern infrastructure and the structural transformation of the economy. Moreover, "an obligatory ele­ment of these programs is a plan for gradual organized curtail­ment and transfer of state property into market structures."

    For Dergunov, there are two key reasons why this program of state capitalism would work. First, it is true to national tra­ditions: "For our country, state programs are natural." Second, it would require minimal retraining for the industrial managers of the Communist era. The model of state capitalism invoked here assumes "tough mobilization methods" like those used in the relocation of industry in 1941. In this manner the LDP's program combines the supposed benefits of Communist enter­prise managers working under state direction with personal en­richment through state-directed privatization. The program promises to take privatization out of the hands of bureaucrats and put it into the hands of citizens. [H: Sounds very good to me.] It calls for a three-year process that converts most enter­prises into "self-financing" ventures, a leasing arrangement with funds used to cover social programs, and financing for the pri­vatization fund run by the Russian State Bank. In the first year, resources would be divided evenly between the three efforts. After that, more would go to the privatization fund to finance state privatization certificates on which an annual dividend would be paid. The ownership of such certificates would be confined to Russian citizens and Russians living abroad in order to avoid the injustice of "foreign or shady capital" buying up enterprises cheaply.

    Playing on the economic chaos created by hyperinflation, the LDP blames declining production and the collapse of many en­terprises on the Yeltsin government's "slavish" behavior in the face of the demands of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. The LDP's program calls for a state-regulated program to stimulate production by gradually converting the monetary system to a "noncash, convertible ruble" [H: Well, YOU guys in high places are planning to turn not only the U.S. but the WORLD into a noncash, convertible currency!] that would exchange at one ruble to one dollar. This would be achieved by restoring state control over trading in foreign cur­rencies via the state bank, which would control the buying and selling of noncash, convertible rubles and would effectively re­store state control over exports and imports. [H: Do you actu­ally think the state does NOT have control over exports and imports--and everything else--NOW?]

    Nowhere is Zhirinovsky's reliance on a particularly Russian version of state capitalism more evident than on the issues of land ownership and the peasant question. [H: Watch it here--remember: Zhirinovsky IS A PEASANT!] Stability and order are viewed as paramount, and their genesis lies in the link be­tween Russian national consciousness and the village. Russians are, in this view, a colonizing people, and their forms of land­holding, especially the commune, are ways to preserve order and prevent the emergence of a rural proletariat. It is not an ar­gument about economic rationality or efficiency, but a social policy of stabilization, reflecting the interests of the collective and state farm managers. Thus the interests of the industrial and agricultural managerial elite are served in Zhirinovsky's state capitalism. [H: Say what?? Have you ever before heard such doublespeak and meaningless drivel? Yes, you have...! CONSTANTLY AND PERPETUALLY.]

    The LDP views capital as objectively "anti-national" and will use state control to limit such tendencies by controlling invest­ments and profits. This system of political economy would seek to exclude the possibility of foreign trade "tricks" stemming from the difference between internal and world prices. In short, this would be a state dedicated to national self-sufficiency of a statist and militarized nature: "Of course, all enterprises neces­sary for the functioning of the state structures must be state property. For example, defense industry enterprises, railroads, major enterprises under the contol of republics." This position, of course, rejects the economic reforms of Yeltsin's democrats, which the LDP blames for bringing inflation, unemployment, poverty, chaos and disorder. [H: Right so far--THE NEW WORLD ORDER!] By rejecting Communism and democratic reform and using them as scapegoats, the LDP ideologues have positioned themselves as saviors with no responsibility for past failures or current problems.

    [H: Why do we bother to continue this dialogue? BECAUSE THIS IS THE CFR WE ARE TALKING ABOUT--"THE" BIG OLD COMMITTEE WHO DOES THE BIDDING OF THE HIGHER AND MINISCULE COMMITTEES--THIS IS THE SUBSTANCE OF WHICH TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS ARE POURED INTO "BEATING" POLITICALLY SUCH A "RASCAL" AS ZHIRINOVSKY AT BAT. IN OTHER WORDS--HIT HIM WITH THE BALL INSTEAD OF PLAYING THE GAME WITH HONOR. Next you will find the HANDS of the dirty crew at work, the Khazarian Bolsheviks (the Jews) as we make this old boy an anti-Semite. Funny thing, though, is that the Jews use it either way--they find possibility of "Jewish bloodline" in this terri­ble man--and use that against him too, in propaganda. YOU SHOULD REALLY PAY ATTENTION TO THIS NEXT SEGMENT! I wonder if you German PEOPLE will ever get weary of this garbage dumped on you deliberately. It re­minds me of the executioner causing you to pay for your own execution equipment.]

    Along with small bands of overt Russian fascists, such as A.P. Barkashov and the Russian National Unity movement, Zhirinovsky takes a revisionist view of Adolf Hitler and national socialism. [H: Again I ask you--is the revisionist the one who FIRST changed the truth from actuality in fact to a story that suits the Elite Khazarians OR is it ones who try to change history BACK INTO THE TRUTH OF THE HAP­PENINGS? UNTIL YOU KNOW THE DIFFERENCE--YOU ARE REMAINING PEOPLE OF THE LIE. Do YOU know anything about A.P. Barkashov? Have YOU ever heard of A.P. Barkashov--how about Aleister Crowley? Anybody heard of Aleister Crowley? He is one of the most important parties you will EVER hear of--if you ever do. Do you see how someone can present something in authority and you just go along with it--as if? Well, Aleister Crowley IS--I don't know much about a A.P. Barkashov and almost NONE of you know anything about either one so you are easily kept the fool and ignorant--or at the least, touting the incorrect story while becoming a "revisionist".] While noting that some of Hitler's "extreme" measures did harm Germans, Zhirinovsky concludes that "in general, his ideology does not contain anything negative in itself." [H: No idea, ideal or ide­ology contains one iota of power, negative or positive--UNTIL ACTED UPON!] Ideologues of the Liberal Democratic Party have gone further in claiming ties to Nazi German and Hitler. LDP theorist Igor Minin has said that national socialists form the "third force" in Russian politics between communists and democrats, both of which have discredited themselves by their hostility to the national idea. "The true carrier of the ide­als of national socialism is the national-patriotic movement," of which the Liberal Democratic Party will assume leadership. In this fashion Zhirinovsky's party intends to co-opt and militarize the Russian right. The national-patriotic movement will require its own paramilitary formations, called the druzhina (guard) and organized into "agitation and propaganda groups" and "protection-assault groups" for street operations during electoral campaigns. These groups are to be organized by district, block and factory and be composed of "10 to 15 persons, including one or two experienced activists and several military."

    Anti-Semitism is an organizing tool for Zhirinovsky as it was for Hitler. At home it results in the LDP's persistent caricature of former Finance Minister Gaidar as Yeltsin's "ideological Jew". Gaidar the democrat became Gaidar the thief, the court Jew, using his position for personal gain. Abroad, the LDP seeks to build connections through an international anti-Semitic alliance. The chief source of anti-national forces is Zionism. Minin has asserted that "Zionism has as its final goal the estab­lishment of the economic and political supremacy of Jewry in all the leading countries of the world and is a direct result of the basic features of the national character of the Jewish people." The LDP claims that it will practice a "humane" policy toward Jews and confine its version of the final solution to Zionists. Viewing the governments' of the United States, France and Great Britain as tools of international Zionism, the LDP ideologues want to reduce contact with those governments. They would also accelerate the emigration of Jews from Russia and reduce the influence of Jews in the mass media by imposing propor­tional representation on such positions. [H: Is this bad? It seems to me that you remained in a "Cold" war situation with Russia for YEARS because they would NOT ALLOW JEWS TO LEAVE--NOW IT IS BAD TO ALLOW THEM, EVEN ENCOURAGE THEM, TO GO TO WHERE THEY WISH TO BE?] They view proportional representation as the vehicle for maintaining Russian hegemony in a centralized, multiethnic state. [H: Please note that the author, Jacob W. Kipp IS a Khazarian Zionist Jew--regardless of what he will tell you!]

    [H: Along these lines it is time to interrupt at this very point to MAKE A POINT to you who aren't yet back to sleep. Wake up! From Gordon "Jack" Mohr, 113 Ballentine Street, Bay St. Louis, Mississippi (can't read the zip code's last digit "3952?") comes the following. I offer the name and address because from him you can get 100 of these papers for $5.00 or, per copy, 30 cents. postage paid.
    We have run this for you prior to this, it is not new--it was an update sent to Jews throughout the world IN 1956, AL­MOST 40 YEARS AGO! Where do you think you might be on the "gotcha" scale TODAY?]


    In 1956, the following WORLD PROTOCOL was sent out to Jews world-wide. It was a confidential notice which went to orthodox, reformed, non-religious and "Christian" Jews:

    "We are about to reach our goal. World War II furthered our plans greatly. We succeeded in having millions of Chris­tians kill each other and returning other millions in such condi­tion that they can do us no harm.

    "There remains little to be done to complete our control of the United States.

    1. Continue to enlarge our control over radio, TV, newspa­pers, movies and magazines.
    2. Educate our sons and crowd the Gentiles out of the prac­tice of law, medicine, pharmacy and all retail trades.
    3. Make their schools and colleges training camps for our Red Revolution.
    4. Bring ridicule upon their Christian faith; divide their peo­ple; weaken their churches.
    5. Demoralize their women and children.
    6. Corrupt their courts and bring them into contempt.
    7. Turn class against class. The Negro against the White.
    8. Buy politicians and continue to corrupt their local, state and national governments.
    9. GET the Fascist anti-Semites, one way or another.
    10. Use willing tools in government; they will do our bid­ding.
    11. Plan unlimited immigration of our persecuted people.
    12. Continue our control of their money through the Federal Reserve System.
    13. We MUST destroy the Republic and replace it with a Democracy (Jewish-governed state Socialism).
    14. Continue to place Jews in key positions in the Govern­ment, Army and Navy.
    15. Continue our control over labor; agitate unrest, strikes and violence by any means or schemes.

    "Especially through these methods shall we plunge this coun­try into destitution, demoralization, bankruptcy, and civil war, further lessening the numbers of our enemies.

    "The Bolshevik Revolution made us masters of Russia.

    "The last war made us rulers of all Europe except Spain.

    "Let this next war make us MASTERS OF AMERICA!

    "For the preservation of our race, you are warned to re­nounce, abjure, repudiate and deny any of this information if questioned by the Gentiles, even under oath, AS DIRECTED BY THE TALMUD.

    It is needless to caution you of the terrible consequences that might follow if these instructions should fall into goyim hands." [H: OOPS!]


    Col. Mohr: Now it's very possible that some of you who read these words are going to say: "Well, I don't believe that!" But if you are a normally intelligent individual, and are willing to look around and see what is happening, you will have to admit, if you are honest, that all the aforementioned things are hap­pening to this country. Do you honestly believe they are hap­pening by accident?

    Almost without fail, when I (Mohr) come up with some doc­umented facts concerning the hatred of Jews towards Christian­ity, some naive Christian will say: "But our Lord Jesus Christ was a Jew!! So we must love the Jews." This "big-lie" technique has been "brainwashing" Americans for a long time and in no place has it received such a strong foothold as in the evan­gelical and fundamental church world. The "so-called" Jews of today have been very successful in causing Christians to believe that Jesus Christ, who called them "liars, hypocrites, poisonous snakes and murderers", was "King of the Jews". This reference was first made in English translations of the Old and New Tes­tament, centuries before the Jews "hi-jacked" the word "Jew" in the 19th Century. They have spent millions of dollars trying to convince Christians that Jesus Christ was a kin of theirs, while calling him an "illegitimate bastard". Very strange, isn't it? On one hand, they claim Him as one of them--when it benefits them with the Christian world--while on the other hand their TAL­MUD curses Him and consigns Him to all kinds of terrible suf­fering in hell.

    The alleged kinship of Jesus with those who call themselves "Jews" comes from a myth of their common ancestry with the "so-called Jews" of the Bible in Old Testament history and is fiction based on fable. In Tim. 1:14, the Apostle Paul warned Christians about "giving heed to Jewish fables, and command­ments of men, which turn from the truth." In verse 10 of that same chapter, He identifies these as "unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, SPECIALLY THEY OF THE CIRCUMCISION." He goes on to say that these Jews "subvert whole houses teach­ing falsehood for money's sake."

    Very few Christians realize they are being brainwashed twenty-four hours every day by television, radio, newspaper, magazines, movies and books; by political leaders in office and seeking office and by religious leaders who have become sub­servient to those who are the worst enemies of the one they call "Lord".

    Gordon "Jack" Mohr.

    [H: So, allow us to take up where we left off in the "Zhirinovsky" article:]

    In seeking to create an alliance motivated by anti-Zionism, the LDP ideologues look to capitalist countries that have re­tained a government with a "national," as opposed to cos­mopolitan, character. Not surprisingly, this leads to a rather a historical interpretation of contemporary German and Japanese societies and a search for nationalist allies in those societies. Igor Minim writes:

    We are speaking first of all about Japan and Germany. Everyone knows the patriotism and faithfulness to national values of the Japanese people. The Japanese government maximally, to that degree allowed by capitalism, has used the features of Japanese national character and in its turn has adapted to them as much as possible. Now it feeds off the fruits of its correct strategy.

    Germany has had a different fate. It is located in the very center of Europe and that means in the very epicenter of subjective anti-nationalist forces and, as a consequence, 150 years of its history have taken place under the influ­ence of the continual struggle of the German nation against these influences. We will not discuss the details of this struggle or the mistakes made by the Germans. What is important is that this struggle did not end with the unifica­tion of the German states but entered a new phase.

    National socialism supports the maximum widening of cooperation with the most nationalist governments, in par­ticular Japan and Germany. Only this cooperation can bring good to our nation and help in the matter of con­structing a national government. (Author's footnote: Minin, "Teoreticheskie osnovy natsional-sotsializma." "German radical right parties share this view of the world. Gerhard Frey of the German People's Union attended the Third Congress of the LDP and is quoted in the LDP newspaper, Liberal, as speaking with admiration of the LDP's program and saying that his organization 'stands opposed to America's supremacy in the world and seeks that Russia should be powerful and occupy a deserved place in the world' .")

    In short, the foreign policy objectives of Zhirinovsky's movement can only be achieved by overthrowing the existing world order [H: There you have it.] and undermining the posi­tion of the United States. In December, at the end of the elec­toral campaign, Zhirinovsky penned and then signed his own map of a new Europe and gave it to Rolf Gauffin, the former Swedish ambassador to Russia. The map shows two great pow­ers dominating Central and Eastern Europe. The first is a re­vived Russian empire that reincorporates Ukraine and Belarus. The second is a Grossdeutschland that includes Austria, Bo­hemia-Moravia and Poland's western territories. Poland would be compensated by getting the Lvov region back from Ukraine. Slovakia would go to Russia. Russia would give up Kaliningrad to Germany and compensated by getting back the Baltic states, except for Tallinn, which would be turned into a city-state "like Luxembourg or Lichtenstein." Lithuania would disappear and be replaced by a special zone around Kaunas, its capital during the interwar years. Yugoslavia would be partitioned between Croats and Serbs. Zhirinovsky would sanction the creation of a "Greater Bulgaria," which would include Macedonia and Thrace. Romania, it would appear, is to gain at Moldova's ex­pense.

    Race figures prominently in LDP foreign policy. LDP ideo­logues speak of the yellowing, reddening and blackening of the world's population and even use the metaphor of a white Fay Wray in the hands of King Kong to describe the threat facing the white race. To avoid such a fate and preserve the white race's civilization, "which gives more than it receives," the LDP would challenge the dominant cosmopolitan order represented by the United States. [H: Read that again---! Do you think this is a statement by a bigoted Zhirinovsky or a planting of poison hemlock seeds by one Jacob Kipp?] In its place, the LDP wants an international order of "parallel civilizations", the development of each being directed by a dominant regional power.

    Zhirinovsky predicts the United States will collapse because of the internal contradictions stemming from its cosmopolitan character. [H: If not stemmed--IT WILL!] This crisis will force a weak and divided America to give up its leading role in defending the current world order and lead it to adopt its own version of the final thrust to the south, bringing Latin America under its authority. [H: Want to try to repeat or explain that one?]



    SAT., JUN. 11, 1994 11:16 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 299

    SAT., JUN. 11, 1994
    by Jacob W. Kipp as presented in
    FOREIGN AFFAIRS, Vol. 73, No. 3:

    Zhirinovsky views the army as a potential ally in restoring order if it can be won over to the LDP. "I see such a Russia: she will have the most powerful army in the world, strategic rocket forces, our missiles with multiple warheads. Our space combat platforms [H: COSMOSPHERES], our spaceship Buran and our Energiya missiles--this will be the missile SHIELD of the country."

    Zhirinovsky's approach to winning over the army is to mobi­lize the nation around a shared image of a "foreign enemy". For all practical purposes the enemies are the United States as a power and ZIONISM as an ideology. He is holding out future glories to the army through which it will be reborn. At the LDP's Third Congress, many speakers addressed the military and its fate. The LDP set out to use the politicization of the military to its own ends, seeking to discredit the government and the current military leadership. It played on the loss of prestige felt by the officer corps. K.N. Popov, a spokesman for the mil­itary in the LDP, talked about the collapse of discipline, tanks rusting in Siberia, warships that were not seaworthy and planes that could not fly. He criticized the current military commanders as mere businessmen. The only hope, he argued, was to spread the party's ideas among the "mid-level officer corps, where many are sympathetic to our ideas." The party's propa­gandists were instructed to take their message into the barracks and academies to gain support against a compromised military leadership. The implications of this position were made clear in another speech, when a naval officer spoke of the party's efforts to organize its own detachments within the armed forces.

    In the election campaign for parliament the LDP, more than any other party, recruited candidates from the military--a total of ten candidates were listed as military servicemen or members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. While some other parties re­cruited star candidates from among the established military lead­ership, the LDP chose mid-level officers, the strata that the LDP had identified as the military's center of gravity. [H: Superb observation.]

    The LDP's efforts in the military paid off in the December elections for parliament. President Yeltsin attributed one-third of the vote within the military to the LDP. At a press confer­ence he said, "We are worried about this and appropriate mea­sures have been taken." These measures included a shake-up of the military leadership. The significance of these developments for Russian political stability should not be underestimated. Zhirinovsky and the LDP have penetrated the army from below to mount a challenge to the president's authority as commander in chief.

    While the ideology and program of the Liberal Democratic Party are important guides to the popular appeal and intentions of the LDP, Zhirinovsky as a leader and symbol has much to do with the movement's success. There is no shortage of radical Red-Brown opponents to Yeltsin, but Zhirinovsky has been able to steal their thunder and emerge as the undisputed voice of the opposition. [H: Yes, and that IS IN SPITE of being refused any MEDIA recognition or time--AT ALL.] He cultivates the clown image to attract media attention, which he skillfully uses to his own ends. In an age of sound bites and shallow coverage, he is a powerful orator who speaks simply and persuasively to his constituency. [H: You patriots who are only discounted, disallowed hearing, disallowed judicial hearing and thus and so--probably should take lessons because you have it every bit as bad as it possibly could be in Russia--the suppression of all FREEDOM--HAS STARTED AND WILL CIRCLE RIGHT BACK TO GOOD OLD U.S.A.]

    Zhirinovsky's propagandists present him as a man of the peo­ple, who understands their suffering and longing. As a Russian in Kazakhstan he found his path blocked by what he called "colonialism in reverse", so he had to develop his skills as a fighter and expend his energy in the process of entering into the political arena. He is depicted as the continual victim of dis­torted press reports: unfounded charges that he is a fascist, communist, drug abuser or KGB spy. Reading this propaganda, one is struck by the utter naivete of these representations and by his calculated image as a cult figure, whose power and appeal are vested in the masses themselves, who see in him the em­bodiment of their collective experience. [H: Doesn't that sound EXACTLY like an Anti-Defamation League B'nai B'rith use of insightful terms? Cult figure? Because Wash­ington (George) said things about freedom and nation--was he a "cult" leader? Perhaps American Patriots might do well to become a cult--but do it one by one or something--be­cause you certainly cannot just have churches and patriotic leaders. If you can't see what this writer and this writing is about, then I think we may as well stop trying to understand the TRUTH.]

    The difficulty of containing threats such as those posed by Zhirinovsky has been poignantly captured by the Polish writer Adam Michnik:

    Today Russia stands before a dramatic dilemma, to which no one has yet given a reasonable answer. What is better: Disrupt the rules of democracy and chase out the totalitarian parties while they are still sufficiently weak? Or respect the democratic order and open to these parties the road to power?

    Russia, burdened with a young, weak democracy and stag­gering economic and social problems, does not have the capacity to resolve Michnik's "dramatic dilemma" alone. Nor does it stand alone as a potential victim of the Zhirinovsky threat. [H: Readers, if this last paragraph doesn't scare you to death--nothing can. These are the foundations upon which ALL LAW, LEGISLATION, WARS, FOREIGN ASSISTANCE FOR YOUR OWN ENEMIES, ETC., IS BASED! IT HAS BEEN MADE SURE THAT THE RULING CLASS OF PEOPLE IN YOUR U.S.A.--ARE IN THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS WHICH TAKES ITS ORDERS FROM THE BASTARDS SET TO RULE THE WORLD--AND YOU SIT AND HONOR THE NERDS FOR THEIR HONORABLE PARTICIPATION IN SUCH A CLUB. MAY GOD HAVE MERCY!]


    Is this not all a lot like the movie, Schindler's List? How? Well that movie IS TAKEN FROM A FICTIONAL NOVEL--IT IS NOT A DOCUMENTARY. I note, however, that it immedi­ately became not only a Zionist version of "truth" but a demand is now afoot .and being enacted to CAUSE EVERY SCHOOLCHILD TO HAVE THIS "HISTORY" SHOWN IN HIS SCHOOLROOM AS PART OF HIS HISTORY LESSONS! IN OTHER WORDS, READERS, AS YOU ARE CAUSED BY LAW TO TAKE OUT ALL TRADITIONAL REFERENCE TO "CHRISTIAN" FROM YOUR SCHOOLS--YOU ARE NOW ORDERED BY LAW TO SHOW SOMETHING THAT IS ADMITTEDLY TOTALLY FICTIONAL TO YOUR CHIL­DREN. EVEN THE "JEWS" ARE MAD-AS-HELL and are trying to do something about it--but to come against the World Zionist Organization, The Jewish Leagues, the Politocrat One Worlders, ADL B'nai B'rith and a Zionists controlled Congress--what prayer does a little group of non-recognized "Jews" have?

    That movie was done with managed deception utilizing a hand­held camera technique and filmed in black and white--TO GIVE IT A "FEEL" OF A WARTIME DOCUMENTARY. People, you are feasting on hog-swill as is dished out to you by the Elite perpetrators. Why don't you stop apologizing for yourselves and stop this insane madness? You don't take up ARMS--you take up your pen and TRUTH--and bring it forth for the world to see. The evil-mongers CANNOT BEAR TRUTH! THEY ARE THE LIE AND CANNOT SURVIVE IN THE PRESENCE OF LIGHTED TRUTH--THEIR PLACES ARE IN THE DECEIT PITS OF LIES. I DO NOT "ASK" YOU TO BELIEVE ME--GO GET THE PROOF--IT ABOUNDS ABOUT YOU.

    While we are at "lies", I am accused of lying, deceptive prac­tices and outright thievery of stories and information. How can TRUTH be thefted? However, if you desire a bit of thought-provoking information--go for the "gusto" readers. The TRUTH was coming forth from one Peter Beter before the "big boys" threatened to kill his family and finally did get him.

    I tell you there are "doubles" and "robotoids", "aliens" and Elite rulers? Yes indeed! Now they are all AMONG you and head up some of the neatest and meanest and most powerful commit­tees on your planet.

    Oh, but I said Mr. Kissinger "just isn't his original self!"?? Yes I did. Henry and Nancy Kissinger were killed in a mid-air ex­plosion over the Atlantic ocean on February 5, 1979. So WHO is that natty ruler of nations running about looking like Henry Kissinger? Indeed, World, you have some REAL problems.

    Want a taste of others who AREN'T WHAT THEY "SEEM" TO BE? A nice person has bothered to take documents, re­search and historical information and offer the following. This person just couldn't believe what his eyes and ears were telling him so he went and investigated--moreover, he shares a few "death" dates with us and I would like to share the information with you--just as it appears here. If, further, you wish the full information on things from aliens, shuttle take-outs, planned nuclear wars, etc., I suggest you get Dr. Beter's information. He got a whole lot of it directly from insiders--and ALIENS who KNEW. If you still CAN'T BELIEVE--I suggest you go back and read about Montauk, Monarch, MK-Ultra, The Phoenix Project in Vietnam, Blue Beam and other "cute" operations whereby there is total genetic, DNA alterations, alien (as in "space") sellouts by your government and on and on. It will certainly cause you, I HOPE, to question just WHO MIGHT BE PULLING STRINGS IF SO MANY OF THE RECOGNIZED PLAYERS ARE DUPLICATES. THERE IS SOMEONE PULLING THE PUPPET-STRINGS, GOOD FRIENDS--EV­ERY TIME.

    [I don't blame him.]

    The pabulum of the major media, T.V. and radio is certainly a very poor version of honest reporting and actually amounts to a form of traitorism for the citizens of this Republic.

    Just who is "minding the store" these days?

    From Dr. Peter Beter's audio tapes I have learned the fol­lowing of which not a line has been in the newspapers or broad­cast to my knowledge. If Dr. Beter is telling lies WHY HASN'T SOMEONE COME FORTH TO DECRY THEM?

    Tape No:

    42 Nelson A. Rockefeller--shot in head. 1-26-79
    43 & 44 David Rockefeller--shot. 2-9-79
    43 & 44 Laurence Rockefeller--shot in nape of neck. 2-17-79
    38 John D. Rockefeller III--?? auto accident. ?
    44 Dr. John Knowles--shot in head. 3- 6-79
    43 Hugh Morrow--shot between the eyes. 2-13-79
    39 Pope John Paul I--shot in back of neck. 10-13-78
    41 Pope John Paul II-poisoned. 11-20-78
    43 Megan Ruth Marshack--shot in forehead. 2-8-79
    43 & 44 Ponchita Pearce--shot in head. (Date missing)
    46 Zbigniew Brzezinski--died in crash of Air Force II: 4-20-79
    46 W. Michael Blumenthal deaded 5-13-79
    46 Harold Brown deaded 5-13-79
    46 James Schlesinger deaded 5-13-79
    46 Pres. Carter--shot between eyes on 4-21-79
    in Plains, Ga. died in Bethesda Naval Hosp 4-22-79
    46 Rosalynn Carter--shot between eyes while
    under heavy sedation at White House. 4-22-79
    46 Walter Mondale--shot in forehead. 4-20-79
    44 Henry & Nancy Kissinger killed in mid-air
    explosion over Atlantic ocean. 2-5-79
    (Soon after giving a moving eulogy for
    Nelson Rockefeller.)
    33 Leonid Brezhnev--died and replaced. 1-19-78
    Cyrus Vance 4-'79
    Anwar Sadat 4-'79
    Menachem Begin 4-'79

    Dr. Beter:

    Most of the above have been replaced by some human dou­bles and lately by "Russian Robotoids". See: Tape #47, of June 1979.

    Our base on the Moon was wiped out by the Russians on 9-­27-77 and they made their 1st Moon landing on 10-16-77. (Letter 42) Charged particle beam weapons now are operational from many bases. Cosmospheres are used.

    Re: DOUBLES, ROBOTOIDS AND REPLICAS, SEE Phoenix Journal Express, Feb. 1, 1991, pages 14 and 15.

    The regeneration of Robotoids is done at Camp David.


    Camp David is NOT, BY A LONG WAY, the only place where there is robotic regeneration. A lot of set-up is taken at Bethesda Naval Hospital and many other "ports". It is simply that Camp David is SO OBVIOUS I DON'T SEE HOW ANY OF YOU CAN MISS IT. Even Andy Rooney (last Sunday's 60 Minutes) tried to get in, get pictures or even just talk to some­body about Camp David. He ended up being the one under in­terrogation and all but got arrested. It still isn't as good as Area 51 and a few other prime vortex centers. Citizens--you are still living, mentally, in the DARK AGES! It is truly sad to witness.

    I think you need a lunch-break, Dharma, before we go on. I think we need a rest because I think the audience may not be ready, nor do you have the stamina to speak on things like du­plication, DNA-reproduced cloning, surface-barrier transistors and the like. This is so much more interesting and entertaining than simple old transistors, is it not, Dr. Young? Salu.

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