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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 98
    CHAPTER 15

    On February 26, 1994 the Jury cleared all 11 defendants of murder and murder conspiracy charges. Three were acquitted of all charges, five were convicted of voluntary manslaughter and three of weapons charges.

    U.S. District Walter Smith imposed these sentences:

    Sentencing details

    • BRAD BRANCH, 34. Witnesses reported he was upstairs in the cult's compound. with a gun during the shootout. Convicted of voluntary manslaughter. Sentenced to maximum 40-year sentence, with 10 years for manslaughter and 30 for using a firearm during a crime. Fined $2,000.
    • KEVIN WHITECLIFF, 32. Trial testimony indicated he had a gun and shot at federal agents. Convicted of voluntary manslaughter. Sentenced to maximum 40-year sentence, with 10 years for manslaughter and 30 for using a firearm during a crime. He was fined $2,000.
    • JAIME CASTILLO, 25. He got involved with Koresh because of his love of, music, then got hooked on the religion, his attorney said. Convicted of voluntary manslaughter. Sentenced to maximum 40 years; 10 for manslaughter, 30 for using a firearm during a crime. Fined $2,000.
    • LIVINGSTONE FAGAN, 34. The former British social worker with a master's degree in theology shot federal agents, witnesses said. Convicted of voluntary manslaughter. Lost wife and mother in fire. Sentenced to maximum 40-year sentence, with 10 years for manslaughter and 30 for using a firearm during a crime. He was fined $5,000.
    • GRAEME CRADDOCK, 32. Survived fire. Witnesses testified Craddock had a grenade at the end of the 51-day siege. Convicted of using or carrying a firearm during a crime. Sentenced to 20 years and fined $2,000 for possessing a grenade and using or possessing a firearm during a crime.
    • RENOS AVRAAM, 29. A witness testified the former British business­man was shooting during the gun bathe. Convicted of voluntary manslaugh­ter. Sentenced to maximum 40 years; 10 for manslaughter, 30 for using firearm during a crime. Fined $10,000.
    • RUTH OTTMAN RIDDLE, 30. Survived the fire by jumping from second story ledge, breaking her ankle. Husband, James Riddle, died in the fire. The only woman defendant in the trial. Convicted of using or carrying a firearm during a crime. Sentenced to five years and a $2,500 fine for using or carrying a weapon during a crime.
    • PAUL FATTA, 35. Federal agents believe he provided the Branch Davidians with a cache of weapons. He wasn't at the compound the day of the raid. Convicted of conspiracy to unlawfully manufacture and possess machine guns and aiding and abetting Koresh in unlawfully possessing machine guns. He was sentenced to 15 years and fined $50,000.

    We have here another statement of how "Butch" Reno runs the U.S. Department of Justice. If you don't "get em" (citizens) one -way, then make sure the presider in the court gets them another way. If the American public accepts this outrage of justice, the inevitable tyranny approaches more quickly.

    CHAPTER 16
    [Editor's note: It is time, once again, to remind all readers of CONTACT that we do not advocate anything except that you learn the truth. What you do with it, the actions you take, are not our business. CONTACT's focus has been, and remains, the dissemination of information. There is much information which comes into our offices which we can not use. We are not in the habit of giving fodder to our enemies, particularly in the midst of the onslaught of attacks against our work.

    With this in mind, let us offer some legal definitions taken directly from Black's 4th Law Dictionary.

    ADVOCATE: To speak in favor of; defend by argument. Ex parte Bernat, D.C. Wash., 255 F. 429, 432. To support, vindicate, or recommend publicly. Butash v. State, 212 Ind. 492, 9 N.E.2d 88, 90. Not for an educational purpose, but to disseminate controversial 'Propaganda, " which means plan for publication of doctrine or system of principles. Leubuscher v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, C.C.A., 54 F.2d 998, 999.

    INSURRECTION: A rebellion, or rising of citizens or subjects in resistance to their government. See Insurgent.

    Insurrection shall consist in any combined resistance to the lawful authority of the state, with intent to the denial thereof, when the same is manifested, or intended to be manifested, by acts of violence. Allegheny County v. Gibson, 90 Pa. 417, 35 Am.Rep. 670; Boon v. Aetna Ins. Col, 40 Conn. 584; In re Charge to Grand Jury, D.C.Ill., 62 F. 830.

    INSURGENT: One who participates in an insurrection; one who opposes the execution of law by force of arms, or who rises in revolt against the constituted authorities. Hearon v. Calus, 178 S.C. 381, 183 S.E. 13, 20.

    With these definitions in mind, Ronn Jackson's most recent Bulletin to CONTACT contained some material which could be construed to legally fall under the above definitions. I re­peat, CONTACT does not intend to give ammunition to those who would shut us down, so with Dr. Jackson's permission, some of the possibly controversial terms in his bulletin have been deleted.]

    6/14/94 RONN JACKSON
    I continue to receive many letters from readers of CONTACT that are not signed and are without a return address. Even though I understand why people do not want their address known, this fact makes me sad; and then it makes me furious. I have collected all of the statements made and the requests that I have received and will respond to them through the following is­sues of CONTACT. My responses will continue either in or out of prison and I ask only one thing of those readers who wish to remain anonymous--don't ask a question if you don't want an answer. I will answer the question if I have personal knowl­edge. I will not omit things. I will also put into the response what my personal view of that particular subject is and what I expect the results, if any, to be of my response. Those re­sponses will be based on being connected with the seamier side of those whom you know and hoped for in the national elections, as well as the members of present and past national govern­ments.

    #1: This question has been asked by many readers. The person is former Senator Charles Percy of Illinois. He was being looked at as a presidential candidate for his party. His daughter was supposed to be a victim of foul-play, when in reality she was running from her father who was guilty of molesting her. No, I did not complete the sanction and she is alive and is the character Janet in the CAMELOT series. Yes, the information is known by at least two news agencies, NBC and CBS. The media is controlled by the CFR. She will come forward at the ap­propriate time, probably through CONTACT, at my request.

    #2: Yes, Mr. Altman is partners with Clark Clifford. Yes, he is in the present government; I believe he is in charge of FDIC. Yes, he and Mr. Clifford knew of what was going on with BCCI and BNP [BNL?]. Yes, he is married to Linda Carter. Yes, if he and Mr. Clifford had been tried and found guilty, they would have informed on several others. Yes, Alan Greenspan was involved. He was the reason that charges were dropped by the judge in or on the New York Supreme Court. Yes, I have many documents that would convict Mr. Clifford and Mr. Altman. Yes, I will release the documents at the ap­propriate time, however, with Butch Reno running the Justice Department, this is not the time and she is not person to trust that data with. Someone who is as confused as the Attorney General is cannot be expected to do what would be expected by the people of this country. Her sexual preference is none of my business, but when she flaunts it in my face then it becomes my business.

    #3: Many people liked and believed in Ronald Reagan. Yes, he lied several times. For example, in January 1987, he came before the American people and stated that he signed the presi­dential finding on Iran-Contra in December 1986. He signed the finding on July 13, 1986. I have the original finding and I took it from the files of the Committee. Oliver North is now the senatorial candidate from Virginia. Yes, he lied, as we know, in an effort to protect the president. My opinion of Oliver North is--"dishonesty forfeits divine power". Yes, on many oc­casions my situation required dishonesty. And in that sense, I agree with your statement. I did what I did because I believed in what I was doing. I now believe that I will be judged by my actions now, and history will be the ultimate judge. Yes, I am concerned about many of my actions in the past and if there is a decision to try me, then let it be before the citizens of this coun­try. If that be the case, then neither the Government nor the Committee will survive. I would suggest that you revert back to trading beads and animal pelts.

    #4: No, Hatonn does not speak for me. CONTACT prints my words and they do so with my permission. I can substantiate everything that I say and will do so when circumstances permit. No, CONTACT is not a bunch of space-cadets.

    Yes, we have several agreements with others, not of this world. The initial agreement was made in the early '50s. The then administration was able to procure an agreement that only their designees would release information. Their agreements were by honorable beings and, although we as a race had been observed for thousands of years, those beings did not know the meaning of self-serving as applied by those with whom they dealt. Our species is unique in all of this universe and only now am I beginning to understand this unique position. Those who made agreements are starting to lose their patience. Hatonn has voiced his displeasure several times in the last few weeks. I would not have been as patient. That's why he is doing what he is doing; and that's why I am where I am. No, I do not con­sider myself to be a deity but consider myself as privileged to have known one. Their names aren't important. They are as­signed to communicate to us and to give us a point of reference in our plane of reference. We, as a species, are in the formative stages and if I, as an individual, know anything--I know nothing and can only relate to a number of situations. I do know TRUTH and know it to be absolute and [that it] cannot be changed or denied. CONTACT is TRUTH--and because you don't understand it does not mean it is false. We all relate to what we know or understand. Knowing a subject and believing in something that we think is true, is often quite different.

    #5: Non-positive law [is law that] has not complied to the CONSTITUTION. Positive law, in the opinion of the judicial, does apply and is Constitutional. This is the crux of my lawsuit. I am aware that the issues in my case are controlled by govern­ment and controlled by the judicial. But the jury, as citizens, is the key if my attorney can get the point across that they are supreme, and it is they who control the proceedings and not the court or the government.

    #6: Ted Kennedy was drunk and was criminally responsible for her death. The Sheriff who handled the investigation is now set for life, as is his family, and with fiscal responsibility will never have any monetary problems. Yes, money does reign supreme over justice. Yes, I have his medical records from Congress. Yes, he felt that he had to compete with his brothers. No, the female members of the Kennedy family were not as promiscuous. No, I am not into giving the tabloids any infor­mation; however," some of the smut reporters are more accurate than the mainstream media.

    #7: I would classify Bill Casey as an honorable man who was doing his job. I told him my opinion of attorneys (he was one). And he reminded me of that statement many times. He was my friend and I said, "Attorneys are like politicians, if you put them into a bag and shake them up--at five feet you can't tell them apart." There are good attorneys, but I have met only a few.

    #8: FEMA is only an organization to further the indenturing and enslavement of the citizens of this country. When emergency relief is granted to any segment of our population, the help is needed, and the recipients of the relief know only that the money comes from government. They believe that the money is tax money and that comes from government. The money comes from bonds sold by government as the Federal Reserve prints up new money that your children, grandchildren, and their grandchildren will have to repay. The government has no money and is precluded from issuing any by law. Our system of money is a pyramid scheme. And as you are aware, if you or I ran a pyramid scheme, we would go to jail. Their authority is the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, signed into law December 23, 1913. The Government didn't fully enact the law until many years later, as it was designed to enslave future generations. Our Government started their unlawful activities as the Constitution was ratified in 1789. Actually the framers of the Constitution foresaw what would happen and they wrote about the pitfalls in THE FEDERALIST PAPERS. Read them and see how we have been played as fools.

    #9: The Chairman of the Council of Foreign Relations, the CFR, is Peter (Pete) Peterson. Yes, I know him and have had drinks with him. Yes, he is an advocate of One World Gov­ernment and believes that all around him should be subservient to the ruling Elite. He is a traitor to the Constitution.

    Some of the questions that I am receiving pertain to current events. I can only answer those inquiries with what I know on that subject but I have to admit, some of my information may be dated as I have been incarcerated for 3-1/2 years.

    1. Yes, our lawmakers circumvent the Constitution in many ways. One of the most flagrant of these violations is the owner­ship of property. The Constitution specifically states that the Federal Government cannot own or take title to property. What the Government does is create unconstitutional agencies, such as the Bureau of Land Management and the Park Service. They employ thousands of people to control vast pieces of real estate and have gone as far as to kill citizens of this country for vio­lating their rules. Under the guise of saying the property is for the use of all, when you control land, that, to me, means you own it. Government is nothing more than a monopoly and is bloated and growing. The falsehoods given to us every day about the reduction of Government are out-right lies and if you believe any politician on a Federal level, you are a fool. Gov­ernment can only give what it has first taken away. Think about it. Your Government is fraudulent.

    2. The condition of the economy is stated by Government in many ways, primarily designed to confuse you, and those re­ports are given to you via the mainstream media. They are: gross domestic product; inflation levels geared towards their levels and figures; money rates; interest rates; bond rates; prime rates and many others. Then you have employment and unem­ployment rates and the information given out by the Federal Re­serve system. (Our Central Bank which is not ours but privately owned by 12 families.) What you are told is what those special interests want you to hear, only. Most figures given to you are false. For example, the national debt that you hear about is at 4-1/4 trillion dollars. What they mean is 4-1/4 trillion Federal Reserve notes. If Government were to be honest with you, the national debt is: 143,000,000,000,000.00; one-hundred-forty­-three trillion as of 6-1-94. Whether or not I use the terms "Dollars" or "Federal Reserve Notes" has no meaning. What the Government is saying to us is: "You, citizen of this country, are stupid." I am personally going to make many of those people in Government eat those words.

    3. "George Bush" as President was responsible for the "Super­-Collider " project going to Texas. The Super-Collider's function is to accelerate a hydrogen atom around a 52-mile cir­cle to almost the speed of light, 186,400 miles per second, and then fire an atom in the opposite direction to collide with the hy­drogen atom. The particles of the collision would be dispersed in a muon chamber and the particles would be traced after the collision by computer giving (supposedly) scientists the origin of matter, the big-bang theory. It was a pork-barrel project that has, in fact, no bearing on the reality of life as it now exists. I could have explained the outcome of the Super-Collider project to scientists in thirty minutes. The entire project was just a "ruse" by the monopoly known as Government to expand itself; Government will die if it does not continue to expand. It is like the Federal Reserve System in that respect. A pyramid scheme designed only to deceive you.

    4. This is the point most people don't understand. Your question infers that only one United States exists. That is incor­rect according to positive law, Title 28 USC. There are two. They are: united states, which means Federal territory only; and United States of America, which means the sovereign 50 Union States. When Government passes law that does not conform to the Constitution, it is non-positive law. Then, Government in­fers that the law applies to all of us. When you accept a rule or law, then you become adhesioned to that rule or law, and then it applies to you. This is then Government by deceit, deception or trickery. Almost on a daily basis, the Government flagrantly violates the Constitution and then they justify their actions by saying, "the people want it". I have never asked the Govern­ment to violate the Constitution. Have you?

    5. This is the largest fraud ever that has been perpetrated on the American citizens. Your question states or uses the words: "...Social Security Trust Fund..." There is not now, nor has there ever been, a trust fund for Social Security. F.D.R. lied to you when he signed that legislation. The money that is taken and has been taken from your paycheck goes directly into the Treasury. Since Government cannot accumulate money, they spend it. Every day, you and I are laid away. The Government has promised too much to too many, and their collective bubble is about to burst. The last bail-out of Social Security should make it solvent until 1999, and then under the guise that they are "a-helpin' us folks out here". The Government will have an­other problem with Social Security. Your letter states you are in your later 60s, so you should make it until your time to move on. If nothing is changed by then, we will be where the "One World Order" wants us. Don't count on me just sitting back and seeing my country destroyed.

    6. Yes, I have been reading the Wall Street Journal, for many years. I am familiar with the money market accounts and that all currencies are geared towards ours. Since all Central Banks of the major countries are a monopoly and owned by the same people, what you see in the difference in the currencies is a facade, generated for our benefit. For a "One World Order" to succeed, three things must occur. First, all currencies must be equal. Second, you must have parity within the working class on a global basis. Third, you must disarm the citizens of this country. Each day, our country comes a little closer. It is your elected representatives who are doing this. The United States Government.

    7. "MJ-12" is not "who" and "what" you believe them to be. They are only doing what is necessary to perpetuate our species in their judgement. All of our lives are a series of judgements and/or decisions. What are the right ones, I can only speculate on. Yes, I will go into more detail and it will be through CONTACT. There are no disguises in the ranks of MJ-12. Yes, I do know them.

    8. Yes, I agree with your comments. The two most subversive organizations within our population are the "American Bar Association" and the "American Medical Association". You must also add the "Rand Organization" and many of the think tanks and "pseudo" intellectual foundations that cover our coun­try. The bottom line is "One World Government".

    9. "Richard Nixon" did not resign because of Watergate and the falsehoods that he told us, nor was it the threat of impeachment. The real reason he resigned was the certainty of a thorough investigation and what would be found out. It was his idea [to resign].

    10. The real reason for the "Public Utilities Commision" is not the threat that is posed to us as consumers. It is the potential threat of blackmail posed to us as consumers. It is the potential threat of blackmail posed to the Government. Government's job as they view it is to remain a monopoly and prevent anyone else from having the power they have.

    11. The committee members that I have mentioned to date are: A-16 Barbara Jordan; A-15 Alexander Solzhenitsyn; A-5 Warren Christopher; A-14 Edward Shevardnadze. I have or­dered manuscript #2 of The Death of Camelot, The Darien Con­spirators, to be forwarded to CONTACT.

    Again, I must apologize as some of my answers may be dated. (For the most part, I don't think so.)

    1. Regarding Welfare in this country, there are people who do need help; however, Government's position is not to help people. Government's only position is to make itself appear that it is helping. To propagate itself and make Government grow, it must make new customers. This is the real reason for Welfare. The Federal Agency must do anything so as to appear that what it is doing is not what you would do as an individual. They are much more intelligent than they are given credit for. The bot­tom line is, the Government is using the attitude of indiffer­ence of most citizens of this country against them. You and I are being used. The Welfare system is only one way the Gov­ernment is indenturing us as citizens. What we need to do as a nation is change our attitudes, both individually and collectively, or Government will be successful in their goal of "One World Order". The Government, as it is now, is not your servant. It is your master. Look around you--either you wake up, or accept your bondage.

    2. Usurpations of your rights go on daily right in front of you. I can imagine from your letter, you are able to feed your family, make your mortgage and car payment and don't want to be bothered by something that you feel doesn't affect you. Let me give you an example that you know about, one that smacks you right in the face. Our Commander-In-Chief and President of the United States, "William Clinton", does not use the terms "America will do this" or "America will do that"; what he is using, "The United Nations is this or that". What you think he is saying is, "America is and has been carrying the load for all these years and it's time others shared some of the responsibil­ity". In reality, what he is saying is, "You stupid and ignorant citizens of this country. I am going to impose my 'leftist' philosophy off on you, right in front of your nose, and install a One World Order and you are so God-damn gullible, you won't know what happened until the ruling Elite has total and absolute control over your each and every action".

    All social programs (any legislation that gives you something for nothing), are designed with one purpose in mind. Enlarge Government and ultimate servitude. George Orwell, in writing 1984, was not writing a work of fiction. He was telling future generations what to expect. Read it and then tell me that I am wrong. If you do think I'm wrong, you are a complacent fool or part of the system. If you agree with me, then you are in the awakening process and ready to kick some ass.

    3. The Government is using, on Treaties, a 1942 Supreme Court decision, "U.S. versus Pink" to justify their actions on "NAFTA" and "GATT". Yes, the Government gave away your sovereignty and it is not theirs to give. Of course, they are un­constitutional. 72% of all of Government's actions are contrary to the Constitution.

    4. No, there are no civilizations living beneath the oceans. "Atlantis" [or part of it] was the last one. No, there was not a dome over it. I do not know the technology that kept the water off of the city. Yes, the city was on the surface initially. Yes, the configuration of the continents was very different. About 80,000 years ago the people evolved to their maturity and moved into their next level of existence. The vehicles you make reference to exist in our plane of reference only. Star Trek is a television program; those speeds are multiples of our terms, and mean, "times the speed of light". Yes, many vehicles travel great distances and those "ships", as you refer to them, are shaped in saucer shapes and in spheres. Again, you are making references to what you know and have been taught. They move in an interdimensional plane and there are many entrances and exits in and around our planet. Distance and miles are our terms, and only relate to what we know. No, I have never been abducted or taken a trip with any beings. (If they have anything to say to me, they can come here and talk to me.) No, I have never seen "Hatonn". Why would I fear him? I do not know if gender is an applicable term to "Hatonn". I can only assume, based on my knowledge, that other beings reproduce. Yes, our race on two occasions, reached or surpassed our current level of evolution and intelligence.

    5. The crime that you see on the media is a problem; however, the main source of the problem is in Government's over active imagination. They are using the principles of the philosopher Hegel on crime, to disarm America. The Government of this country is committed to creating a "One World Order", thinking that all of its citizens are stupid. When anyone uses deceit as their main justification, someone will always be around to expose their fraudulent deeds and they will fail.

    6. The People involved in the "Gay" movement are citizens and have the same rights as you or me. I tolerate their alternative lifestyle because it is none of my business; however, if those who practice that lifestyle attempt to impose their choices upon me or my family, then it becomes my business. Bragging about one's sexual preference is not covered under the Constitution and I will not tolerate the will and preference of others being stiffed down my throat. As to "AIDS", that disease was not created by "Gay" people, but by a separate faction in Southern California, which is discussed in detail in book IV of the Death of Camelot. Their purpose, at the direction of the Committee (C.O.U.P.E.S.), is population control; however, aids can be transmitted by exchange of body fluids and micro-organisms. There has been a vaccine since 1991, that has been successfully administered and tested. The desired effect and purpose has not been completed yet--the total extinction of the Black Race. The side benefit of the "AIDS" virus is [reduction of] the homosex­ual population as stated by the Committee on more that one oc­casion and overheard by me.

    7. The socially accepted definition of dollars, Federal Reserve Notes (FRN) and/or money is described in the books The Social Meaning Of Money or in Goodbye, April 15th, but I will try to answer your question. First, money is used for the purchase of service or goods. The authorities that we use for our currency are in many pieces of legislation, including the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Also included in that authority is the collusive efforts of the Supreme Court when the court issued a decision stating that the purchasing power of the FRN did not diminish the buying power of individuals, thereby perpetuating the pyramid scheme being run by our Central Bank, known as the Federal Reserve System. (And Government says there exists, "separation of powers" between the three branches of Govern­ment.) The difference in our existing currency and dollars is that when we had dollars, you had the option to go to a bank and exchange the dollars that you had for the equivalent in what backed the dollar, GOLD. Now, if you go into a bank with FRN, which is what you have in your pocket, that you call money, you can change denominations or put what you have into an account. You cannot get anything else because that piece of paper is only that--a piece of paper making you into someone who is perpetuating a pyramid scheme. What Gov­ernment didn't tell you when they passed the "Gold Reserve Act of 1934", they were going to steal your gold that backed your own money and smile all the way to their coffers and did so with your blessing. Now, the money-people control all the wealth. Let me ask you this: What will happen when someone decides that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and demands that the currency that he has be replaced by gold as the Consti­tution states. There is a law on the books that states that you can be charged with "insurrection". The Government has all the answers, they think, and when theirs burst or when people de­cide that they are tired of an unlawful Government, only then will their charade end. As to the money that you asked about, continue to use it. We will be back on a gold-backed currency soon.

    8. The Women's Movement has been needed for a long time and men have brought this rebellion onto themselves. As would be expected, some members of the movement took several of their issues to extremes, but I really can't fault the Women's Movement for that. Women have been oppressed, depressed, and distressed for so long, drastic action was needed to get man's and society's attention. Men have tried running things for so long and failed miserably. I am in favor of a woman President. What have we got to lose? They certainly can do no worse than men have done!

    9. Weights and measurements were okay, the way that they were. I am in favor of the metric system where it was used but when it is forced down my throat by Government, then I don't like it. Government can't take care of Government. Leave numbers alone.

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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


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