PJ 99
SAT., JUN. 25, 1994 2:47 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 313
SAT., JUN. 25, 1994
As we periodically do, we have to again beg your patience and indulgence. We get over a foot high stack of mail a day and bunches of books. This is NOT to ask you to stop, this is to acknowledge, thank you and confirm more brilliantly than anything any of us can say--that you are waking up in massive numbers--seeking now to find a way to act.

By the dates on the more frequently received books it is amazing, readers, that some of you have been at this job for decades--actually all your adult lives. The fact that the TRUTH has been flowing from and through great patriots is overwhelming in that many of the references go all the way back to the Constitution.

So what, went wrong in your own generation that has speeded up the trap? Many things but much has to do with the fact that too few "cared" about the deceivers who would destroy your nation. Even some of those "leaders" and power-brokers didn't realize that they were not serving a "better cause" but thought they were the ones to help you run a better and more controlled world--UNDER THEM.

Part of the mail urges to have us get back to the writings of Wean, Jackson, Stich, etc. I am reminded that we never got very far even, in Iron Curtain Over America. Yes, I know!

I have already given you some of the answers that you are searching for through Jackson. For instance, the Kennedy assassination--I have already written on it but, yes, certainly, as we can free Jackson and move on to bigger and more aggressive things, we WILL get that to you--hopefully it can be in the form of publishing the books in point--all five volumes. Even Jackson, however, is going to find himself so buried in other duties that he, too, shall have to allocate the load to someone else.

You will find elsewhere in the paper a copy of a letter to Ronn Jackson, from a reader, and his response (See page 125). There are so many that there is no ability to share all but there is this one that needs to be shared because of two reasons--TRUTH and "why" Jackie Kennedy's death.

I don't want to stir in that pot here; it is both dangerous and we have so many other fish to fry as to bog us into the next millennia--without moving from the desk at hand. The facts are, however, that indeed--as we told you long, long ago (I have, frankly, forgotten the writing of the volume of the journal. I would appreciate that being located if anyone on the staff has time to check it out. Nord Davis, by the way, made extremely accurate input and predictions about the murder. Davis would have been, and intelligently so, Defense Secretary with Bo Gritz.) about these things and that J.F. Kennedy is NOT BURIED IN "HIS" COFFIN. I believe if exhumed you would find Tippett's body, or none--but there was a switcheroo. The sicko parts of the story are pathetic. The "missing" brain is in a jar on someone's mantle. As leaks continue to occur it was feared Jackie would tell. This is why the man in her life was who he is: Maurice Tempelsman. (Please go back a couple of paper issues and refresh your mind.) This man is one of the more clandestine deal-makers of your time.

The members of the Committee of 16 (17) knew all about everything and so did the Warren Commission--and so did the Kennedy family. I just don't want to attend that subject right now with so many other things going on.

Oh my, do I have inquiries! Is he guilty? Is he a set-up? Dear ones, the circus is on--don't miss the point by the number of "rings" in action. Note who just joined the "defense team" FOR Mr. O.J.--Dershowitz. This is the SAME attorney who claims the U.S. IS THE NEW ISRAELI HOMELAND! His claim to fame as they speak of this on the news is that he defended Helmsley and Tyson. Good grief--BOTH WERE INNOCENT AND BOTH WENT TO PRISON!! SO WHAT IN THE WORLD DO YOU HAVE GOING ON HERE? Well, it ain't good. I warn you--this is not "just" a brutal murder. This is a world-class DISTRACTOR FOR THE NATION WHILE OTHER HORRENDOUS THINGS TAKE PLACE WITHOUT YOUR NOTICE and it is planned to have major racial confrontations. No one even talks about other "suspects" but the claim is still that O.J. is not guilty. You have a real operation going here and everyone has already forgotten the murder victims--not ten of you out of a hundred can tell me the young man's (Jewish) name without looking. But, maybe O.J. did it, you might say. Maybe?? "Maybe" just doesn't cut it, does it? Have you ever seen any other murderers treated in this fashion? No, dear ones, THERE IS VERY DEFINITELY SOMETHING WRONG WITH THIS WHOLE CIRCUMSTANCE! THOSE MURDERS WERE COMMITTED BY SOMEONE(S) WHO KNEW EXACTLY WHAT THEY WERE DOING AND DID IT EXACTLY RIGHT TO CAUSE THE BIGGEST STINK IN TOWN!

You don't think anyone would do this and set up O.J.? Remember something--O.J. was attached to the CIA. Now in this instance that may well not mean much--but other things do and it includes that attachment. However, when you think that no one could go to such lengths as to murder heinously and set-up someone else--what makes you think such a thing? Look at what we were just discussing above--Kennedy! And try Vince Foster just for the heck of it. Suicide? With two bullets to the base of the skull? Come now. Further, do you really think that O.J. would just go dump his bloody clothes in the washing machine for all the world to find?

Would O.J. NOW go along with a set-up and established STORY for the "good of all involved"--IF HE GETS OFF? Of course, because he doesn't have a choice, does he? Did he know in advance? I doubt it very seriously. The big boys have to play for high stakes now, readers--and this is only a beginning. This is so obviously a professional killer's handiwork that it belongs in a Peter Sellers movie. This is also staged to TAKE A VERY LOUD MESSAGE TO EVERYONE INVOLVED POLITICALLY--OR, ACTUALLY, CRIMINALLY.

Could O.J. have been "on" something which made him crazy and then forget? Yes, but how do you account for his friendly and totally normal behavior on the plane? And "why" would the whole world, including military, insist on looking (and will probably find) the murder weapon half way across the nation in a vacant lot? That is called "planted evidence" and somebody tipped somebody!

So what do I think of Bailey? Well, I don't think about Bailey. When I do, however, I think that he was trained in HYPNOSIS by the MASTER TEACHER, MARK GILBOYNE so if anyone can hand a jury over on a platter--he can!

I remind you that there may not be much more "interesting" going on--but there is a lot that is certainly "more important!"

You had a bunch of men who literally ruled America and still do, that you hardly even know, much less know their importance and their roles in your destruction. Are they on Ronn's "committee"? Could be! I've told you to watch out for some ongoing action from a few of them who are still kicking about into everything. I'd really keep an eye out on Clark Clifford and old Robert McNamara. Then there was Abe Fortas, N. deB. Katzenbach and let's not forget Dean Rusk and Walt Rostow and on and on.... Old and/or "dead" just doesn't matter any longer, sleepyheads.

If they could suicide Forrestal, my dears, they will murder or suicide ANYONE!

I remind you that there are at least two MAJOR factions at work here and I suggest that you need to attend what is happening in your nation instead of becoming so totally sidetracked because the media is in a feeding frenzy and the "chum" is being poured out all over them. For instance, no one hardly noticed a 140 point drop in your stock market this week as O.J. gets every newscast and tabloid. Watch it because you will always have a big celebrity on the block of "news" EVERY TIME THERE IS A HAPPENING TO COVER.

How would YOU like to be a German and have this next hit you?

Bonn, Germany, Sat. 14 May, 1994: "Chancellor Helmut Kohl's government plans to make a crime out of far-Right denials that the Holocaust murders of Jews took place...."

Bonn, Germany: "‘Auschwitz lie' to be an offense in Germany: ...to make it a criminal offense to deny that the Holocaust murder of Jews took place...."

It was already a criminal offense, readers--a criminal offense. It is an offense in every British-connected country and the push is to have it a criminal offense in the U.S.A. Now, that doesn't mean that the Holocaust is actually REAL as presented--only that no-one can talk about the possibilities of it NOT BEING FACTUAL AS PRESENTED BY THE HOLOCAUST-USING JEWS.

Was there a holocaust? Yes, there was a terrible massacre of Christians--by the MILLIONS, 10 or more, by Bolsheviks (Jews) at the time of the Zionist-created Communism take-over of Russia. There was also a holocaust by any standards, except "fire", of prisoners in EISENHOWER's DEATH CAMPS as World War II came to a close. Millions of people died of starvation (deliberately inflicted by, yes, allies--under the orders of Dwight D. Eisenhower) [a Jew]. Was there death and destruction, a holocaust, in Germany? Yes indeed--of the same kind except that there were also other than Jews so the Jews had no corner on the holocaust market. The worst atrocities in fact took place in Soviet-run camps. None were set up for "gas" execution chambers. Do I think the Nazis were nice people? No--I think they were, however, PEOPLE just as JEWS ARE PEOPLE. THERE IS NO CORNER ON THE TERROR OR HORROR MARKET ON YOUR PLANET, CITIZENS.

I have one major pick with the "holocaust" as the Zionists make it a law to observe and write into history books. The history is a lie and therefore heinous for all to come in any future you might have upon the place. THERE WERE NOT 6 MILLION JEWS AVAILABLE AT THE TIME OF THE ATROCITIES TO HAVE KILLED THAT MANY ANYWHERE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. There are more Jews now taking payments from Germany than there were available at the time of said holocaust. WAR IS HELL, READERS--AND IT IS DEPLORABLE THAT EVERY YEAR THE STORY WORSENS--FOR HALF A CENTURY! Further, to count as history a KNOWN AND WRITTEN-AS-FICTION STORY ABOUT "SCHINDLERS" AND MAKE IT AN EDUCATION REQUIREMENT--IS ABOUT AS BAD AS YOU CAN GET. The story itself was not claimed to be a truthful documentary--it was written as FICTION! I am NOT against Jews, holocausts-in-telling or any such thing--I AM AGAINST LYING AND PUTTING IT AS TRUTH INTO THE ARCHIVES OF HISTORY.

I can agree with the top line of the stationery for the Institute for Historical Review: "The first law for the historian is that he shall never dare utter an untruth." Cicero. To deliberately tamper with the documents of history is unthinkable--and the way in which civilizations are brought to demise.

It reminds me of the UFO garbage of truth, partial truths and lies. However, the fact that there is "truth" involved also--and especially respected by the very ones who LIE to you about everything else and including aliens--should allow you to understand that there is factual evidence somewhere.

We'll offer a bit of "old" news on that subject, just for the interest of it, in a bit--but first, I would like to reprint a letter which arrived here a couple of days ago. This is from a "reader" who has "been there" and if that is not valid input--where do you get YOUR INPUT? I declare that you get it by whatever method the creeps want you to get it!


June 17 (or possibly 19th), 1994

Dear Publisher of CONTACT:

The "Global Messiah" is dead (Satanic Rabbi Schneerson). That's the GOOD NEWS. [H: No comment for he certainly WAS NOT a "messiah" except for the few he taught and who believed him. Global? No, I don't think so, readers. Good news? I have no comment whatsoever--any man in human flesh will die. Some can be preserved, refurbished and restructured--but the human condition is a movement toward death of physicalness at some "time" in the journey.]

I'm your reader (but not subscriber) for more than one year and I enjoy some of your true articles very much. Of course, I'm not a new-comer to the Zionist Conspiracy--what is according to my consciousness based on my personal observances for well over 20 years, the cruel reality--the truth! As a Slovak by birth, from behind the "Iron Curtain" and Judeo-Bolshevism, I'm a true expert on politics, so to me there doesn't escape any AshkeNAZI (Khazarian) name anywhere in the world! Of course I have their Satanic Talmud, Protocols, etc.--to know the facts.

Yes, they (the usurious parasites) run the world, and I know all of the "Bee-nests", including the Global New York sometimes called "Jew Yoke".

Knowing all 13 Slavic languages, German, Italian, Hungarian and of course, English, doesn't qualify me as a "globalist or internationalist", but just allows to me an access to various patriotic, Christian and Nationalistic publications, perhaps unknown to you. Beside that, I've still the "Guts" to look to the Zionist-dominated mass media, just to assure myself about the facts of the Zionist/Talmudic Cabal for ages systematically conspiring against us "Gentiles" and others.

My "point" to you consists from two parts, good and bad credit!

Good: I totally admire and agree with your points on Zionism, Freemasonry, Bolshevism, Satanism, Libertism, Judaism, Sodomites and so on, all born or offsprings from the Satanic Babylonian Talmud to the "New Age" Judeo-Christian occultism, etc.

Bad: You should stay more in reality, focusing on the true and easily proven facts-subjects, because sometimes it seems to me--you are blasting out just another "Journalistic Duck" or "overconspiring"--sorry, but true.

I'm distributing some of your Contacts overseas and to Canada. (The same with the Spotlight, Jubilee and a few others, mostly older publications from the IHR--I've plenty of.)

In several privately published Newsletters dealing with the Global Conspiracy by ZOG (Trumpet II from Illinois, The Truth-Ohio, and Winston's Journal, Alberta, Canada), etc., didn't escape the reality of the foreign troops on the U.S. soil, preparing and training for a deployment under the U.N.O. flag and ZOG to "Hot Spots" of the world! Some of the same divisions are stationed at Montana's bases and elsewhere! In fact, in about 7 (seven) states. Soldiers from the U.K., Belgium, Netherlands, Poland and even from Romania!

Surprisingly, you don't know anything about the important U.N.O. "SWAT teams", but I do because I live close to the Ft. Lewis base and I talked to one British Sergeant--and yes, the U.N. "Blue Helmet" operation is in the final stage of preparations and perhaps deployment!

"Union Jack" vehicles are quite often cruising even on I-5 freeway--destination "unknown", but some were spotted heading eastward on I-90 toward Eastern Washington and perhaps into Idaho and Montana! Holy truth!

On the other hand, I'm carefully observing the anti-Yeltsin and anti-Zionist (Western) mood and movement in the "brotherly" MOTHER RUSSIA, and I see "Big Troubles" there within 1 to 2 years!

According to the Moscow-based but in Novosibirsk flourishing "PAMYAT" (memory, remembrance) V. Zhirinovsky is half Jew from Alma-ATA and Zionist provocateur! Set-up just for another stage of global Zionist Conspiracy!

The "former" Bolsheviks are in "reconsolidation" stage targeting "higher ranking" officers of the still Red army--the "key" to the possible reversal of history in Russia!

"Let's wait and see," because Russia is "Boiling" from within!


Y(J) A. K.

God-Jesus Christ bless you all!

P.S.: Our de-Judaisation of Christianity must continue and shall never die!

* * *
One of the very nicest things about this letter just shared is NOT the content--but the freedom to share and he did--he sent several things along with the letter. This, you see, is not a subscriber but a faithful reader. This is WHY we must find a way to stay in publication--for so many cannot afford to subscribe to all the journals around and yet it requires all of them to get a valid picture from which to draw valid conclusions and formulate actions. May we ever serve for through the sharing of truth will come the ability to regain freedom and order out of this chaos.

Now let us turn to something to which I can relate a bit better than to Zionists and conspirators.

I have so many inquiries about various locations, experiments, bases and other interesting things as to not be able to wade through them. Are there aliens among you? Yes. Are there places of great vortex powers? Yes. Are the stories about, say, the Bermuda Triangle, true? Lots of them ARE!

I am particularly captivated by a reader who has saved a paper since 1971--waiting to get some information because he/she couldn't let it go.

Dear ones, I want to get on with this subject--BADLY. It is what I'm here for and how I come to be here. I can't, however, go into details because I have agreements to be silent about some things until we can get some of our people into freedom and also to avoid derailing the train which might salvage your national Constitutional LAW. If the United States can turn about--the world can see the plight and turn about.

I don't want to say much about "aliens" that I have already covered because the ones among you are mostly the product of massive genetic/DNA work--done in some of those infamous underground facilities. Most don't have anything to do with my teams but that is not the bigger problem for me as to speaking on these matters at this time. I would have to elaborate on crystals (especially blue crystals), locations of "windows" or "doors" (portals for passage), Montauk experiments, brain-mind-control, replication and of course, craft patterned from alien craft and technology integrated by and from alien technology and on and on. YOU HAVE IT ALL HAPPENING AND IT HAS BEEN EVIDENT FOR A LONG TIME--IN MANY, MANY PLACES. This is all a part of the unfolding of a magnificent play--some evil but also, readers, a lot of GOOD. Man is tested and the wondrous marvel of mankind is that he is gifted and CAN become Godly in his expression. Will HE? Yes, I believe he shall--even on the place most desecrated at this time in evolvement.

For the "interest value" let us share with you this article which appeared in a paper in March, 1971. It SHOULD have made world news--but of course did not--as usual with this subject.
by Frank Nelson
EVIDENCE INDICATES DISAPPEARANCE OF OVER 120 SHIPS AND AIRPLANES IN MYSTERIOUS BERMUDA TRIANGLE WAS CAUSED BY FLYING SAUCERS. [H: I wonder if anyone notices how absolutely silly that sounds? Flying saucers? The most wondrous craft in the cosmos--a set of dishes?]

Unidentified Flying Objects are using an isolated island in the Bahamas as a base for monitoring U.S. space flights and for a staging area to collect human "specimens" from earth.

Dr. Jonathon Wright, National Aeronautics and Space Administration physicist, revealed this startling news at his Nassau hotel last week after returning from a 3-month research cruise through the outer islands.

"There is no question about it," Dr. Wright said, "we have absolute proof that UFOs periodically land on a tiny shoal about 50 miles off Grand Cayman."

Dr. Wright heads a special-priority UFO investigative department in NASA. [H: Well, you can also basically thank NASA for all the inter- intra-alien "stuff", even BLUE BEAM.] He also participated in the UFO study carried out for the Air Force at the University of Colorado two years ago.

The NASA team was drawn to the Bahamas shortly before Christmas when two more ships and an airplane mysteriously disappeared in an area called "the Bermuda Triangle".

Over 120 ships and planes have vanished so far in a triangular area of ocean between Bermuda, Miami and the Bahamas.

"We've wondered for years what was going on in that area," said Dr. Wright. "At the Cape Kennedy control center we would get strange electronic blips during launch times. Our instruments showed that they came from this area.

"Then there were all the famous disappearances of airplanes and ships in the Triangle. On top of that we had several accounts of UFO SIGHTINGS FROM SOME OF THE ISLANDS.

"So when the two ships and the plane disappeared in December, we decided to have a look," he continued. "We took a small boat full of electronic equipment out to one of the small islands and sat and waited."

After two weeks Dr. Wright reported that his research team sighted three bright, circular objects descend toward the horizon not too far away.

Then, a week later they took off again and disappeared in the night sky. Dr. Wright moved his small boat in for a closer look and two weeks later the three objects landed again.

"This time we were very close," he reported. "We could see two small windows in the tiny craft. The UFOs themselves were shaped like tuna fish cans and could hover and fly sideways."

Dr. Wright says his team landed on the small island and walked toward the strange machines but he won't say what he saw when they arrived.

"Someday I suppose the full report will be made public," he said, "but not yet. All I can say is when we got very close to the objects, they took off with incredible speed and headed into the sky in the direction of Bermuda."

Dr. Wright says there is a definite link between the mysterious radio signals received at Cape Kennedy and the disappearance of small planes and pleasure craft in the Bermuda Triangle.

NASA isn't saying too much about the radio signals but anyone can read about the vanishing planes and boats, all of which were lost in the month of December in different years.

On December 5, 1945, six Navy planes flew out of Fort Lauderdale and vanished without a trace. A Mitchell [B-25] bomber with 13 men aboard was sent after them, and it too disappeared after calling in that they were lost.

The Navy moved an aircraft carrier into the area and 50 planes searched for remains of the lost aircraft but found nothing, not even an oil slick.

In December 1948, a DC-3 with 32 passengers aboard disappeared in the Triangle and in December 1949 another DC-3 with 24 people aboard vanished. Not a speck of wreckage was found from either plane.

In December 1963 another DC-3 disappeared between San Juan and Miami.

In 1967 a cabin cruiser vanished without a trace just north of Grand Cayman.

The most recent disappearance involved two more yachts and one small plane in December 1970.

Dozens of search planes failed to find anything at all in the exact area from which the yachtsmen and pilot made their last radio calls.

Strangely enough, all UFO sightings in the Bahamas were recorded during December!

A native of Grand Cayman Island saw a bright light descend to the horizon the night the small plane disappeared.

"At first the light looked like a very bright star," he said, "but then it started moving back and forth, getting lower and lower. It stayed just above the horizon for about ten minutes and then disappeared.

"I watched and half-an-hour later it rose again and seemed much closer and brighter. Then it quickly went straight up and out of sight."

Dr. Wright concludes that "extraterrestrial creatures" [H: Creatures?? I wonder what YOU mean by that term--we are ALL creations and thus "creatures"!] from outer space have decided to watch Earth's inhabitants from a safe place which is still close to one of America's important scientific bases.

"The Bahamas is perfect," says Wright, "because these creatures can watch Cape Kennedy and electronically record everything that happens there. And they can also gather Earth specimens by capturing planes and small boats which venture into the Triangle." [H: Hogwash! Watch? Yes. The rest? NO! In fact, you are far enough along in your understanding that you MUST know what happens to those "things"--it is the same part of the studies which will BLUE-BEAM-RAPTURE YOU NICE FOLKS RIGHT OFF INTO NEVER-EVER-LAND! Where are those ships and planes--AND PEOPLE? Well, like most of your stupid experiments--most of them are GONE and the people deaded. Some have made the transfer and some even made it with parts of themselves intact.]

Dr. Wright feels that these creatures have been watching Earth from the Bahamas for many years. [H: Yep, and you haven't improved much during that time, readers.]

"Now they've created the strange mystery concerning the Bermuda Triangle and it is very valuable to them." [H: WRONG! You have created this cute little trickery in the vortex layouts where you can dump your blame onto that which is NOT.]

They can continue capturing the occasional ship and plane each December and make it look like a strange natural phenomenon so people won't get frightened." [H: Have you ever heard such balderdash idiocy--like it gets to be an accepted habit of some kind? What becomes apparent is that NASA had to do some publicity distractions along about March of 1971, to cover assets?]

"People will just say, oh well, there goes another plane in the Bermuda Triangle." It's very convenient. [H: Do you see how they think of and treat you-the-people like TOTAL IDIOTS!? Just "Oops, there goes another planeful of people! Oh well."]

"My own theory is that a large mother ship, or UFO, hovers several hundred miles above [H: ABOVE?] the Triangle and watches everything that goes on there. Then, when there is going to be a moonshot or something of interest, it sends down the small reconnaissance UFOs. [H: Well, at least they are getting "warm"--the Cosmospheres are there too!]

"Those are the ones we saw on the island and, based on what they were doing, we can say that they were monitoring our January 25 moonshot. [H: To have monitored THAT moonshot we would have had to be about 25 levels DOWN underneath the WHITE SANDS facility!]

"They are very careful about the whole thing so as not to panic the people on Earth. They only watch one scientific development, our moon program, and only take one or two specimens every 2 or 3 years." [H: Yeah--who needs more?]

Dr. Wright won't explain exactly how he thinks the ships and planes disappear [H: I bet!] but he hints that the huge UFO mother ship comes down to the surface and actually lifts whole yachts out of the water, or flies alongside a small plane and captures it in midair.

"You see," he says, "this wouldn't arouse suspicion since small planes and yachts are always disappearing." [H: Really??]

"People don't get too upset because few people seem to care when a rich person disappears in his private boat or plane. That's just one of the risks of sailing or flying. [H: Am I really reading this??]

"And these people make perfect specimens for the space creatures to study. They are usually quite intelligent men, business leaders, important officials and so on. [H: WOW!]

"I can tell you one thing," said Dr. Wright. "I'm never going back to that island in a small boat and I'm never going to fly across the Bermuda Triangle." [H: Why? I'm sure no self-respecting alien would want to STUDY this specimen--for he must be one of your more stupid productions. But, do you see how disinformation propaganda to COVER COVERT AND TREACHEROUS ACTIVITIES TAKES PLACE? Wake up, sleepyheads, and pay more attention to things like some of the X-Files--especially the ones about your secret facilities, secret research and secret joint-venture technology. Do you suppose he said "above" to cover what happens UNDER the Caymans and "the Bahamas"? Maybe it is even to cover what happens in the BANKS "ON" THOSE ISLANDS?--MY MY--JUST THOUGHT WE, TOO, MIGHT "SPECULATE"!]

Salu and Good Evening.

* * *
Dear Ronn,

Thanks for your last letter, I am also keeping up with the CONTACT and I heard you on the 5/14/94 tape. You sound somewhat like Gunther Russbacher.

I note your interest in Officer Tippet. Nord Davis (of North Point Teams Topton, North Carolina) made a detailed study of the JFK assassination which he published in 1968 as a pamphlet (still available, I'll get you a copy if you want). He noted the most unusual phenomenon of Officer Tippet being checked into Rosemont(?) Hospital, pronounced dead and then moved to Parkland where JFK's body was. Tippet had a similar stature to JFK and Davis theorized that ‘they' did a swap, which accounts for the huge discrepancy between the report from Parkland and the autopsy at Bethesda. Interesting theory.

Well I thought Henry Gonzalez was a good guy and that he was actually trying to investigate BCCI and BNL & related banking scandals. You mean he is trying to shut down the TreasuryGate (Tommy Buckley) case? (See chapter 12 for TreasuryGate update.)

Did you read the Mark Phillips/Cathy O'Brien material, re-run in the 5/17/94 issue of CONTACT? I heard them speak a couple of years ago in Santa Rosa, they came out because there was a lot of child abuse--satanic--pedophilia going on, one of Michael Aguino's old stomping grounds. Mark said that he had done mind control research for NASA; he made an interesting observation that the start in the ‘science' of mind control, came from some discs found under one of the pyramids; he did not elucidate further.

Hatonn alluded to discs under the pyramid, by alerting Nora (Boyles) to a clue in Andersen's Fairy Tale (The Marsh King's Daughter) about a door under the Sphinx. Nora really dug into this (see her book The Garden of Aton) and one thing she found was that both Napoleon and Hitler mounted scientific/archeological expeditions to the area.

A friend of mine had a book (he loaned it and never got it back and it's very hard to get) [David M. Lewis, Secrets of the Pyramid], about a modern expedition by a group of amateurs into one of the pyramids. They had found a parchment in Greece and took 30 years to figure out that it was telling how to get into the pyramid. There was a door opened by a huge block moving, when activated by sound from a tape recorder, up on one side. It was so musty and stale they had to come back with scuba gear. This they did and followed passages, in and down to another sealed door, also activated by sound. This opened into a room cleaner than an operating theater, full of discs of some kind. They were of a thin metallic material, foil like, some kind of computer disc. They could be crushed in his fist and would spring back to perfect original shape.

There was some kind of consol with a huge crystal which they could not figure out, and a form, suspended in air with no apparent means of support. Hatonn made mention of "Wouldn't you like to talk about what's under the pyramids" on one of the tapes but they decided it was too dangerous. Have you heard about any of this?

I'd better close now and get this to you. When you move please give me your new address.


* * *
Dear Kevin,

Thanks for the letter. I see that you are a student of the "JFK" fiasco so I will tell you something in advance that is revealed in Book IV of The Death of Camelot. "JFK" is not buried at Arlington National Cemetery. I am familiar with Mr. Nord Davis's writings and he is correct in his hypothesis. The only people who know that the bodies were switched is the Kennedy family, the Warren Commission, and The Committee that I describe in my books. You may now include yourself in some very privileged company. This was done because the original autopsy proved that the shot fired from the knoll was the fatal shot. This was also one of the reasons that details were sequestered until 2040. Another reason was Government also suspected involvement of "Earl Warren" although they had no proof.

"Gonzalez" still has the opportunity to be a good guy but he is the "A-typical politician" and will succcumb to political pressure. I know these people and they are predictable as day and night. Believe me, you have no idea what is about to break about "BCCI" & "BNL". If the Government doesn't release that information, I will. Many other people are involved besides "Clifford and Altman".

I have been all over that area and the atmosphere there is heavy. The discs that are referred to are genuine and I will go into detail when I reveal my involvement of "MJ-12". The discs are a product of others. I will explain later. Hatonn knows of my knowledge and intent; that subject will be addressed after my release.

There is considerable activity going on regarding my release. All is with the Federal Government. CONTACT will run; in the next issue, a request of the readers to start a letter writing campaign to the Governor of Nevada. I would request that you and anyone else you know to write the Governor. Keep your request of a general nature, if you would, urging my release. This will put pressure on the Federal Government.

His address is:

Governor Bob Miller

Capitol Complex

Carson City, NV 89710

I appreciate your letters and interest and may the Light (& Force) be with you. We will prevail. Thanks again. Please continue to write.

/s/ Ronn Jackson
* * *

Kevin J. Lyons

Dear Ronn,

Thank you for responding to my last letter. I really look forward to hearing from you. Incidentally I am forwarding copies of your correspondence to CONTACT, so if there's anything you don't want published please indicate.

Right now I am at a stop-off en route to my daughter's graduation (8th Grade) in Northern California. A very warm day here.

I will certainly start writing to the Governor of Nevada as requested. I am curious to know why you are incarcerated in Nevada. It would also help to know why you are incarcerated, how long the sentence was and if and when it expired. I have heard that you were due for release recently. Some details would help to add persuasion in the letters.

Since hearing you on the 5/14 tape, with Michael Silverhawk I received an information packet on the Refounding Amendment, and then got a call from Barbara Scott. She has entered it as a California Initiative. We need 2.7 Million signatures by Dec. 26, 1994. If it fails we have to wait 2 years to re-enter it. Barb is very gung-ho and positive, but it seems to me we should have given ourselves more time. The question is, do we even have that time? Would you please comment on this (i.e., should we delay the starting gun if it's still possible to do so.)

I was aware of Barb but had never met her and was pleased to find out that she is a CONTACT reader. Also that she had been out to video tape an interview with you at the jail. I now have a copy. Will send one to CONTACT if they haven't seen it. I was curious to see what you looked like.

I am not exactly a JFK Conspiracy student. I have been a student of the CONTACT and its predecessors for the last 4 years, and the JFK thing has come up. There's tons of research and interest in that one subject. In fact there's tons on the whole World Conspiracy so that it boggles the mind that Joe public is unaware of it. The prospect of having 2.7 million of them see that we even need to re-found is daunting to say the least. We need a miracle.

Incidentally, is it true that CONTACT is read throughout the government and the halls of the elite conspiracy? When and how did you first learn of it?

Getting back to one of your earlier letters, can you describe what you saw and did in the underground facilities that you visited. Who controls them and what goes on there and how do they keep the public from finding out? Actually I think I know the answers from CONTACT but any further first hand corroboration you can reveal would be most appreciated.

Thank you for the confirmation on the Tippet/JFK swap. the revealing thing (to me) abut it was to realize that Earl Warren and "The Government" were not in collusion. These people must be very clever and must have selected officer Tippet for this role as part of the original plan. I can't imagine that the doctors at Bethesda could have been fooled.

I have just read the June 7, 88-page CONTACT and I urge you not to reveal anything that would endanger your safety. There are all kinds of things I want to know but I can wait.

As far as going inside the North Pole, I thought that the entrance at the poles was much larger. I have read, or heard, of Norwegian fishermen sailing North and finding a reversal in the temperature gradient and sailing inside and finding tall inhabitants and tropical vegetation. Can you corroborate any of this? The subject of a hollow earth has been mentioned by Commander Hatonn in SPACE GATE, SKELETONS IN THE CLOSET and in some taped meetings. Also in the Walter Russell material it was pointed out that most all natural bodies have hollow centers. The journals mentioned the flight of 200,000 Nazis to Antarctica at the end of WWII and some subsequent clues of their continued presence and that they will be a major player in the end-times scenario. Also the voyages of Admiral Bird. Other sources have described a hollow earth, inhabited with a central sun, which shining out of the opening causes the Aurora Borealis.

I'd better close this and get it mailed. May God bless you and keep you safe. (Commander Hatonn has often mentioned that you can ask within for protection and receive it.)

Keep up the good work.

* * *

Dear Kevin,

Thanks for your letter. If you wish to quote me to CONTACT or anyone else, please feel free to do so.

I chose to be incarcerated in Nevada. I broke the law and the charges were "theft" and "attempted theft". I am trying to get my date as I write.

The "Refounding Amendment" is a start but if passed, will only be a band-aid on a mortal wound. What we need is a change of over-all attitude and to install into people there are no "free lunches". We must accept responsibility for our, each and every action. I don't want to take care of your grandparents and don't expect and will not ask for you to take care of mine. 12/26/94 is not realistic to get 2.7 million signatures but it could be done. Barbara Scott is persistent and she has balls. No, go for it. Doing something is an attitude that must be adapted by more. Then two is "leadership".

I'm not sure why you would like to see me. In here, I'm one of many convicts and wear blue like 6000 others do. Some people have see the video by Barbara Scott and thought I was being too easy. Most of my life, I've been into doing, instead of talking. I need to learn to balance that but I learn fast.

A miracle is only a state of mind. Just start getting signatures and if its meant to be, it will be.

I first learned of CONTACT being read by the COMMITTEE by talking with members of the COMMITTEE. Then, when talking with my attorney, he was laughing about something I had said in CONTACT. The members of Government that were present had a copy. When I spoke with members of the Banking Committee, they quoted from CONTACT.

As to who controls the underground facilities, I can't say, although control is probably a joint effort. My Government "ID" card with the metallic strip, granted me access. Much or should I say, selected members and officials of many countries have access. They are primarily in the scientific field. The primary source of information that the public receives is from the mainstream media. For you information, the mainstream media knows very little of what really goes on. If they find out, their information is suppressed. You really don't think that for example, you can learn anything from the, San Francisco Examiner or the Oakland Tribune.

The members of Government were not intelligent enough to be in the same company with the Committee. The committee didn't hire officer Tippet, "Sylvio Osvaldo Tomayo Reyes", AKA Carlos, the Jackal did. Carlos died in Grover City, California on September 29, 1963. The payoff to "Tippet" was made by someone who you correspond with. The Doctors signed the death certificate at the direction of others. They did not examine or view "JFK"s body.

The entrance to the North Pole is large enough for any vehicle that is made on this planet to enter, 1 1/2 miles wide and (guess) 2000' feet tall. There is no water access to the North Pole.

I am familiar with the Journals and what was said about the Nazis. Read what "Hatonn" has said. There are no Nazis either hidden or involved in this subject matter. There are German people, Scotts, Indian and just about every other ethnic background that you know. Some you don't know.

The core of our planet is not hollow. There is one passage that I know of from North to South. The center of our planet is still moulten. Obviously, the passage from the poles is not in a straight line but is adequate for experienced pilot. Yes, there is a source of light in the inhabited areas. But I cannot give you the source. There is vegetation but I cannot give you varieties. I have been in several facilities and the only difference that meets the eye is the strata above you. Houses, apartments, food stores, etc. I was working and to tell you the truth, I didn't pay that much attention. My perception of many subjects is different as I have grown to accept those things. How I perceive things now is different.

The end time scenario that you mentioned, if it comes, will not be brought on by Nazis. It will be brought on by certain members of the human race. However, the end is no where near. We are just approaching the beginning April 12, 2011.

The Aurora Borealis is a result of a frozen lake, West about 10 miles from the entrance of the one at the North Pole. You will be interested to know, Admiral Byrd is playing a major role right now in many things. He kept his mouth shut. When you find out what I am saying, you will be surprised. Thanks again for writing and keep it up. We will meet.

s/s--Ronn Jackson

SUN., JUN. 26, 1994 9:36 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 314
SUN., JUN. 26, 1994
There is only ONE way to get information to you that MUST BE AVAILABLE in order to know players and circumstances in order to understand or even begin to "fix" the circumstances in which you find selves.

I remind you constantly that you have several FACTIONS at work--each, and all, with the same general intent--RUN (RULE) THE WORLD WITH ALL THE CONTROL, PROPERTY, AND POWER. The various "groups" have torn down your government and your global nations, including and in a major way--the U.S. and basically "The Americas". There is always a vying for power, money control of wealth and food supplies AND all property. Some will differ in intent and "reasons" for this power and control--but the results will be the same while the battle is underway. It will be through these factions that the horrendous tribulations will be brought upon you

We offer here as much as we can cram into the tiny few pages of print and effort to cover things other than daily things you are forced to miss. However, there is no way that this can be continued in ever increasing load as is. We can get ones to type and print that which is necessary as you move onward but it must, crew, be put to disc for people will perhaps go back and get journals--they will hardly ever take time to go back and dig in newsprint. Why? Because there is no time in anyone's arsenal for such things. We can tell you where to get information which IS AVAILABLE. My task from onset is to bring you truth in selected material already available. Dharma doesn't go research (except in things which are NOT available to you) and then it is NOT RESEARCH, it is simply following my instructions. I use this as example for Gaiandriana and all things associated with that little marvel. Someone also had to make the perfect loaves of bread to suit the machines and thus and so but she cannot physically do it all.

Rick is now buried under stacks and stacks of material sent for my attention and between Dharma, Rick and the other mail receivers--it is overwhelming--for you see, the information IS OUT THERE AND NOW ONES ARE SENDING IT IN AS CONFIRMATION AND NEW EYE-OPENERS CONSTANTLY. Each and every item is hard to put aside as each needs to be offered the minute it comes--I repeat, we will simply do the best we can and offer that which is the most awakening, confirming and urgent for action.

There will be material regarding MILITIAS in this paper. All states can utilize a basic formula such as offered by Montana--BUT BEWARE IN EACH STATE--FOR THE STATE CONSTITUTIONS WILL DELIBERATELY BE DIFFERENT. FOR INSTANCE, CALIFORNIA, WE ARE TOLD--HAS NO PROVISION FOR A MILITIA! THAT IS NOT AN ACCIDENT, READERS! As these things begin to open up--you who seek guidance and a JOB, here they come in overload abundance. The "gangs" need to be gotten into POSITIVE stance--in PROTECTING and NOT DESTROYING! There are massively important roles for each of you willing to do something! BUT IT MEANS YOU MUST BE ALERT AND AWAKE AND THAT MEANS WE MUST DO SOME MORE CONFIRMING FROM THE PAST EXPERIENCES WHICH CAUSE YOU TO BE ABLE TO SEE AND HEAR AND KNOW.

Here I will example something from prior to and around the year 1968 as now elderly players were coming into their power positions and the treason was constant in the workings toward these times of today. How many of you remember the Pueblo? I thought not! It was a far more atrocious incident than the U.S.S. LIBERTY! I have to tell you of these things and where to get the information--IF YOU STILL CAN. A lot of these books and materials are long ago buried or destroyed. I am going to offer you great bits from such a book, THE USURPERS by one Medford Evans--from 1968. Mr. Evans states that this book is about and for: "The men who rule America--and appeal to those they rule." These are among the SAME ONES WHO STILL WIELD THE POWER TODAY AND NEVER EVEN GET THEIR HANDS SLAPPED. WHEN THEY ARE CALLED UPON FOR DISCIPLINE WHEN "CAUGHT"--THEY ARE HONORED INSTEAD.

However, along the way here there are so many topics which need covering that I cannot pass them by--especially as regards YOUR IDENTITY and your spiritual pathway. In offering these tid-bits there may well be errors involved because we are not giving lessons of original thought herein. We are bound by the regulators to only give that which can be proven as truth and/or PRESENTED BY ANOTHER PARTY. I CAN ONLY SELECT THE MOST CLEARLY TRUTHFUL INFORMATION AND ASK YOU TO USE YOUR GUIDELINES AND KNOWING--BALANCED AGAINST ALL THESE RECENT YEARS OF "LESSONS" WE HAVE OFFERED. WE CAN DO NO MORE!

One of the most frequently asked questions is "Who are the Israelites REALLY?" This simply "means"--who are the races or people actually being and sent in the family of that which is GODLY based humanity. It no longer has anything to do with race, creed or color as it once could be identified--it DOES have to do with truth of origin. One of the reasons for pushed interracial cross breeding (not to be crude) is so that YOU CANNOT TELL! Therefore, you cannot look to any of the original criteria--but to the intent of SOUL JOURNEY. In other words, "Those who accept and try to live by the Christed teachings," and those who have moved into a humanist-non-acceptance of those teachings. I neither JUDGE nor condemn either--but I do DISCERN DIFFERENCE AND AM COMMISSIONED TO "TRY" TO TELL YOU AND SHOW YOU THOSE DIFFERENCES. EACH MAN-BEING (GENERIC TERM FOR HUMAN) WILL CHOOSE FOR SELF AND DECIDE ACTIONS FOR SELF.

From a reader comes a pamphlet which was reprinted in January of 1981 so the printing institution may well still be in function. It comes from Lord's Covenant Church, Inc., America's Promise Radio, P.O. Box 5334, Phoenix, Arizona 85010. Now the cute little quippers will say, "Ah, but that is just another ‘christian' bunch of narrow minded bigots." What do you expect from ME who travels with and has come totally in service to THAT CHRISTED BEING? I AM A CHRISTED BEING ISRAELITE! SO, TOO, ARE MOST OF YOU! YOU HAVE SIMPLY FORGOTTEN WHAT WE MEAN BY THE TERMS FOR THEY HAVE BECOME USED BY THE VERY ENEMY TO MANKIND'S GREATER WONDER. IN THE PHYSICAL YOU ARE NOTHING--IN THE WHOLE OF SOUL INFINITY YOU ARE ALL.


This is Sunday morning so I too shall take my privileges, readers. If you do not wish this information, don't read it but I think it will touch in truth a lot of you who struggle with this subject in even an objective way. To cover the subject AS ACCEPTED we have to use the teachings AS ACCEPTED--the bibles and historic records.


When God revealed Israel's true identity to you, He gave unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 13:11). And then Christ said, Blessed are your eyes, for they see; and your ears, for they hear (understand). For verily I say unto you, that many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, AND HAVE NOT SEEN THEM; and to hear (understand) those things which ye hear, AND HAVE NOT HEARD (UNDERSTOOD) THEM.

Many Americans are becoming convinced that we Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Germanic, and kindred people are [among] the "israel" People of the Bible. With that glorious knowledge that we are God's Chosen People [H: And not those who TAKE CLAIM TO BEING.] comes the realization that we will be saved from our enemies, and from the hand of all that hate us (Luke 1:71), because of God's blood covenant with our forefathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Ministers who preach the Israel TRUTH hear from many who praise the preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom and our Racial Identity. They SAY they believe America badly needs such preaching. However, many continue membership in FALSE churches and thereby support the False doctrines about Jesus Christ, Israel, Jewry, the Law, Race, and Rapture, Christ's Kingdom, Hell and Heaven, and almost all else!

Are we in a condition similar to Israel at the time of Elijah the Prophet? He spoke the Truth to Israel and then said, How long halt ye between two opinions? If the LORD be God, follow HIM; but if Baal, then follow him, AND THE PEOPLE ANSWERED HIM NOT A WORD (1 Kings 18). God then gave them the sign of fire. Will we need that again to drive our Race from its False Priests?

Is it possible that God is using an elimination process just as He did before He used Gideon and 300 men to deliver Israel? (See Judges 7.) Of the 32,000 men who were "inducted" into Gideon's army, 22,000 of them were "discharged" as being fearful and afraid. Of the 10,000 who remained, 9,700 were "discharged" when they were careless and not in a position of preparedness. The 300 who stood every test and remained faithful were given a trumpet and a lamp. Obeying God's plan, they blew the trumpet (gave warning), broke the pitchers (false doctrines that hid God's Word), and exposed the lamp (God's Word) for all to see. The result? Hope and comfort to Israel; panic and destruction to her enemies. Israel was saved! [H: And you see it has NOTHING to do with the Zionists who in the 18th century decided to call themselves JEWS! Certainly it has nothing to do with those same Zionists who thieved lands from Palestine and set up aN illicit State on stolen lands--calling it ISRAEL.]

LESS THAN 1% OF THOSE WHO KNEW GOD'S PLAN FOR THE DELIVERANCE OF ISRAEL WERE USED IN THAT PLAN! How many people today, who know our identity as God's israel people and His plan to deliver us through the preaching of HIS WORD, are being "discharged" from His army because they are fearful and afraid? How many are put aside because of their refusal to support God's present-day "Gideons", His israel pastors?

Opening your understanding to this Truth was your "induction call" into the army of Jesus Christ. Will you ignore the "call" and go back, as did 31,700 in Judges? Or will you report for "active duty", supporting Bible Truth in this final battle in "The Conflict of the Ages"?

The choice is yours. As Joshua said to Israel of old and as Christian Israel pastors say to you today, If it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD (if it is obnoxious to you to support the Truth), choose you this day whom you will serve: whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites. He was telling them that if they chose not to serve the God of Israel, they MUST choose to serve other gods! What is YOUR answer today?

Long, long ago it was Jesus who said, It is impossible but that offenses will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come! It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones (Luke 17:1,2).

The Greek word translated offend means literally "trip up" or "entice to err". Those of you who attend, and give God's tithe money to the churches and ministers who preach False Doctrines to God's Chosen People Israel--the doctrines that cause the little ones to be taught errors--are those to whom Christ spoke when He said, It were better for him (you) that a millstone were hanged about his (your) neck, and he (you) cast into the sea. What a judgment pronounced by Christ! However, all of Scripture exhorts true believers to separate themselves from error. We cannot claim we were not commanded to leave!

* * *
by John Greenleaf Whittier
Up the hillside, down the glen,
Rouse the sleeping citizen;
Summon out the might of men!

Like a lion growling low,
Like a night storm rising slow,
Like the tread of unseen foe--

It is coming--it is nigh!
Stand your homes and altars by;
On your own free thresholds die!

Clang the bells in all your spires;
On the gray hills of your sires
Fling to heaven your signal fires!

Oh! for God and duty stand,
Heart to heart and hand to hand,
Round the old graves of the land!

Whoso shrinks or falters now,
Whoso to the yoke would bow,
Brand the craven on his brow!

Freedom's soil hath only place
For a free and fearless race--
None for traitors false and base!

* * *
by Medford Evans

Western Islands (publisher), Belmont, Massachusetts 02178.

As this book was going to press, its message was becoming of more urgent importance with every passing day. We can confidently expect that its importance will be growing the day after it is published, and afterward, for an extended period into the future. [H: I think his man had no idea HOW IMPORTANT!]

This is true because the Usurpers of whom the book warns are every day becoming more brazen; the abuse of power is every day becoming more flagrant; and the power-builders ever day dig deeper, build higher and broaden their predatory encroachment upon the people of the United States.

It is not an American government which is preying upon us, but a power elite of renegade Americans, foreign interlopers and infiltrators. Behind a phony facade of ideological idealism, they are imposing socialistic, communistic views and methods upon us from the top. They have taken over the reins of American government, twisting our Constitution, rewriting our laws, subverting our political system and our free society.

At the same time, the Usurpers are buying, with taxpayers money, the allegiance of the indigent, dependent "poor," the riffraff and the criminal element to create a phony demand for what they appear to offer. At every level of our society, segments comprised of misguided, and warped, intellectuals, socialistic labor people and businessmen who live on government contracts and handouts, aid and abet the process.

The drive of this socialistic elite toward total power is picking up speed. They had gotten as much as they could out of John F. Kennedy. He did not outlive his usefulness. This fact, and the pattern it helped to reveal, alerted author Medford Evans to the need for this book.

Following "final" editing of the manuscript, Martin Luther King was assassinated--executed might be a better word--dramatically, in public, as John Kennedy had been, thus supplying traumatic experiences for a bewildered American people. The manuscript, accordingly, was adjusted.

Again, as galley proofs of the type were being corrected, another and even more horrifying public execution took place--that of Senator Robert F. Kennedy. And, once more the manuscript was adjusted.

At this point author Evans mailed us a batch of new material which might have made the book even more "up to date". But despite the swift procession of events on a swiftly tilting planet, no further changes in the book were contemplated. A book that was intended to be entirely current could never be a book. The book was permitted to stand.

The Usurpers would present essential fact, important truth, an urgent message, somewhat independent of passing events. It would mirror the tragic drama of our days no matter how the actors on stage changed places, or vanished from the scene, between acts.

For the problem is not merely that of power-hungry individuals. The problem is the growth of that absolute power which corrupts absolutely.

Former President Eisenhower, during the "recession", had asked the American people to have "confidence" in their "leaders". They heeded his words. Their confidence though well-intended was misplaced. They might better have heard and heeded the appeal of Thomas Jefferson who, at the birth of our Republic, asked to hear no more of confidence in men, but that they be bound down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.

Today, powerful men, Usurpers, charge that the Constitution is outmoded, that it is an outdated eighteenth century document. [H: The same time as the Khazarian Zionists created the TERM "JEW" AND LABELED THEMSELVES AS SUCH--stealing the very birth-right and identity of the Judean people.] They seek to break the chains which bind men down from mischief. Where they cannot break the chains, they slide out of them. They do great mischief. They are Usurpers, the men who do the work of Master Usurpers behind the scenes.

Once again, as at the birth of the Republic, the American people must confront the problem of the usurpation of power. They must realize that this time the power they confront is grotesquely greater, more sinister, calling for even more courage, more resolute lawful action than in the beginning.

Author Medford Evans, a former administrative officer in the United States atomic energy project, urges us to change not the form, but the content of our government; to rid the United States of its imported oppressors and the renegade American leaders who would impose their tyrannical rule upon us.

* * *