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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 99

    It is time you latch the puzzle pieces together with players inclusive in this tale of Usurpers who take freedom and TRUTH and destroy it in the name of greed, self-aggrandizement and ego-Elitism. There IS a Conspiracy--far beyond that which is known as the "Conspiracy Theory". If you don't look beyond and into the TRUTH OF IT--you are destined to fall in enslavement without recourse. The players have been obvious and yet "hidden" ‘neath your noses. It is time to awaken sleeping humanity in soul realization--lest you make passage within the dark corridors without ever having realization that IT COULD HAVE BEEN SO DIFFERENT WITHIN THE LIGHTED PLACES OF THE LION!




    The Phoenix Journals are intended as a "real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind.

    All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.

    If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the "end times" (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the "sorting" period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four corners of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity--based upon TRUTH.

    So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is "fiction").

    The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were.

    If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.

    ISBN 1-56935-051-5
    First Edition Printed by
    P.O. Box 27353
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89126
    October 1994
    Printed in the United States of America


    DEDICATION.......................................................................................... .................................
    UP FRONT............................................................................................... ...................................
    TUE., JUN. 28, 1994................................................................................................ ............
    by Carol White............................................................................................... ................
    THE CECILS.............................................................................................. ...........................
    CHURCHILL........................................................................................... ..............................
    THE ANGLO-JESUIT LINK................................................................................................
    SIDNEY AND BEATRICE WEBB......................................................................................
    THE RACE IMPERIALISTS........................................................................................ ........
    MACKINDER'S GEOPOLITICS........................................................................................
    INSERT: 5 PHOTOS OF "KEY" ELITISTS.......................................................................
    CHAPTER 1................................................................................................... ............................
    MON., JUN. 20, 1994................................................................................................ ..........
    LYNN LEINTHALL........................................................................................... ...................
    MOJAVE GROUND SQUIRRELS......................................................................................
    SO BE IT!................................................................................................. ..............................
    AUCTIONING AMERICA............................................................................................. ......
    CYCLES AND TRENDS.............................................................................................. ........
    CHAPTER 2................................................................................................... ............................
    TUE., JUN. 21, 1994................................................................................................ ............
    SAFETY IN NUMBERS AND PUBLICITY.......................................................................
    NOT PLEASED WITH OTHER PROMISES NOT KEPT.................................................
    INSERT: HOLLINGER CORPORATE EMPIRE (Chart) ..............................................
    CHAPTER 3................................................................................................... ............................
    TUE., JUN. 21, 1994................................................................................................ ............
    ALERT: EXECUTIVE ORDER #12919.............................................................................
    (For Immediate Release--JUNE 6, 1994)....................................................................
    PART I--PURPOSE, POLICY AND IMPLEMENTATION................................................
    PART II--PRIORITIES AND ALLOCATIONS....................................................................
    PART IV--IMPACT OF OFFSETS........................................................................................
    PART VI--EMPLOYMENT OF PERSONNEL...................................................................
    PART VII--LABOR SUPPLY.............................................................................................. .
    PART IX--GENERAL PROVISIONS..................................................................................
    CHAPTER 4................................................................................................... ............................
    WED., JUN. 22, 1994................................................................................................ ...........
    OPERATION DECEPTIVE HEARTBREAK......................................................................
    MY JOB................................................................................................. ................................
    4TH OF JULY, 1994................................................................................................ .............
    PRESIDENTIAL EXECUTIVE ORDER.............................................................................
    BLUE BEAM................................................................................................ .........................
    YOU DON'T LIKE THAT KIND OF GOD?......................................................................
    WHAT IS A CHRISTIAN?.......................................................................................... ..........
    BUCHANAN COMMENTS: CHRISTIAN?......................................................................
    PAC MONEY............................................................................................... ..........................
    BECOME A JEW, THEN................................................................................................ ......
    WHO IS A JEW?................................................................................................ ...................
    CHAPTER 5................................................................................................... ............................
    THU., JUN. 23, 1994................................................................................................ ............
    AGREEMENTS.......................................................................................... ...........................
    SPECIAL NOTICE:............................................................................................. ..................
    EXECUTIVE ORDERS.............................................................................................. ..........
    INSERT: BRAZIL MONEY CHANGE (article).................................................................
    FOCUS ON IRAQ "FRIENDLY FIRE" SHOOTDOWNS.................................................
    WHO ARE THE ENEMY?.............................................................................................. ....
    SOVIET MILITARY EQUIPMENT.....................................................................................
    DOMESTIC INCIDENTS........................................................................................... ..........
    UFOs................................................................................................ ......................................
    BLUE BEAM PROJECTS............................................................................................ ........
    EXPLANATION......................................................................................... ...........................
    CHAPTER 6.................................................................................................... ...........................
    FRI., JUN. 24, 1994................................................................................................ ..............
    BO GRITZ............................................................................................... ...............................
    WHAT IS TRUTH?.............................................................................................. .................
    DIRECTIONS.......................................................................................... ..............................
    ABOUT THOSE CHANGES............................................................................................. ..
    MILITIA............................................................................................. ....................................
    (Right To Bear Arms)............................................................................................... ......
    IN ISRAEL.............................................................................................. ...............................
    GAIANDRIANA......................................................................................... ..........................
    COUGHED UP TUMOR............................................................................................... .......
    THE UNLAW............................................................................................... .........................
    CHAPTER 7................................................................................................... ............................
    SAT., JUN. 25, 1994................................................................................................ .............
    INUNDATION.......................................................................................... .............................
    O.J. SIMPSON............................................................................................. ..........................
    F. LEE BAILEY.............................................................................................. .......................
    MORE IMPORTANT!.......................................................................................... ................
    KHAZARIANS.......................................................................................... ............................
    OTHERWISE THE CONTACT IS EXCELLENT................................................................
    UFOs................................................................................................ ......................................
    PHYSICIST, JONATHON WRIGHT by Frank Nelson...............................................
    SHARING AN EXCHANGE OF LETTERS 5/27/94, 6/2/94...........................................
    FROM RONN AND KEVIN............................................................................................... .
    CHAPTER 8................................................................................................... ............................
    SUN., JUN 26, 1994................................................................................................ .............
    THE USURPERS............................................................................................ .......................
    SO YOU KNOW YOU ARE AN ISRAELITE??................................................................
    KINDRED PEOPLE ARE ISRAELITES:......................................................................
    by John Greenleaf Whittier..........................................................................................
    THE USURPERS by Medford Evans.................................................................................
    PUBLISHERS' PREFACE............................................................................................. .......
    CHAPTER 9................................................................................................... ............................
    SUN., JUN. 26, 1994................................................................................................ ............
    NAMES TO NOTE IN THIS OFFERING...........................................................................
    THE USURPERS, Part 1: CHAPTER I: A.D. 1968............................................................
    U.S.S. PUEBLO.............................................................................................. .......................
    CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................. ...........................
    THE VATICAN OF JUDAISM.............................................................................................
    JUDAISM/PHARISAISM.......................................................................................... ..........
    CHAPTER 11.................................................................................................. ...........................
    QUOTATION CONTINUED: (from chap. 10)..................................................................
    CHAPTER 12.................................................................................................. ...........................
    UPDATE JUNE 20-26, 1994.........................................................................................
    PRIVATE SITUATION/MOHAMMED MR. IMPORTANT:.............................................
    CONVERSATION WITH A GOOD FRIEND...........................................................................
    POINTS OF INTEREST:........................................................................................... ............
    TOMMY L. BUCKLEY ON RONN JACKSON AND THE CONTACT:.........................

    To the dedicated LAYOUT people, Claudia Henson, Dale Sutton, Al Overholt and those willing hands attached to beloved friends who type, organize and work through the nights on every Monday--TO PRESENT A CONTACT EVERY TUESDAY.

    We do not here wish to leave unnoticed the Editors who also spend the endless hours--but our Layout team is never somehow given the deserving credit as they labor in the task perfecting a beautiful paper of which we can all be most proud to share.

    I am most humbly grateful, beloved friends--our work may well be unnoted as we travel this journey--but our legacy will be freedom in KNOWING TRUTH. I salute (honor and revere) you. I also "thank" you.

    TUE., JUN. 28, 1994 8:53 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 316
    TUE., JUN. 28, 1994
    As we bring to a close another journal of conglomerated subjects and writings, let me add another thought-provoking bit of input.

    As I move on to write on Russia, Khazars, the CIA and other topics, you ones seem to keep forgetting that ENGLAND was and IS your controlling monarchy.

    There is no way to stress this critically enough. You had Cecil Rhodes who formulated this very plan of New World Order--and it was based on operations which would be fulfilled through the Freemason-type action (which is according to the Zionist Protocols of "do it in total secrecy"). This PLOT was in fact a major plan to destroy civilization which would, in result, produce a return to the Dark Ages. Is this a "conspiracy"? Of course--for a single man may well formulate a plan but it requires other energies in assistance to pull it off. Further, a conspiracy indicates that there is "something" to be "against".

    I can talk about this for three weeks and still won't cover what we have already TOLD you in the writings about such as the British Israelis, New World Order, and the takeover of a planet through British shenanigans. The humanistic anti-Christ thrust against humanity and civilization has been ongoing since onset of tossing Lucifer out of Heaven and he and his band of hoodlums ended up on Earth.

    What we will share here is certainly NOT our work. It will come from a book published in 1980 by CAROL WHITE, called THE NEW DARK AGES CONSPIRACY, Britain's Plot to Destroy Civilization.

    The material we will use comes from the first chapter of her book and is VERY IMPORTANT as its title is "Bertrand Russell Walks Out". Now why would this be important? Because, for one thing, Bertrand Russell was a major, major player in the Committee of 16 and his impact is still so prevailing as to shock you ALL.

    This IS why I choose to offer this now--because we are going to soon start describing the players involved in these intrigues and you cannot finish the puzzle until you have the characters.

    I give great appreciation to The New Federalist (Lyndon LaRouche), P.O. Box 889, Leesburg, VA 22075. Subscription address. This following appears in the section headed: The American Almanac.


    by Carol White

    Britain's Plot To Destroy Civilization: The New Dark Ages Conspiracy. (See end of chapter for photos.)

    Carol White's book was published in October 1980. She is now working on a second edition. What follows are excerpts from Chapter 1, which is titled "BERTRAND RUSSELL WALKS OUT".

    [The first section of the chapter describes a meeting of the Coefficients Club at St. Ermin's Hotel in London, in 1903. During this meeting of British policy-makers, the factional lines were drawn concerning how Britain was to meet the growing economic challenge from America and the European continent: the "realist" position, espousing full-scale British participation in a European war, and the "nominalist" stance of Bertrand Russell, who sought to avoid British entanglement, while manipulating a conflict that would bleed the continental powers.]

    H.G. Wells in his autobiography characterized the conflict in the Coefficients Club fairly accurately, albeit through the prism of his own point of view.

    "The undeniable contradiction of the British outlook in the opening decade of the new century is one that has exercised my mind very greatly. Gradually, the belief in the possible world leadership of England had been deflated, by the economic development of America and the militant boldness of Germany. The long reign of Queen Victoria, so prosperous, progressive, and effortless, had produced habits of political indolence and cheap assurance. As a people we had got out of training, and when the challenge of these new rivals became open, it took our breath away at once. We did not know how to meet it.

    "We had educated our general population reluctantly; our universities had not kept pace with the needs of the new time; our ruling class, protected in its advantages by a universal snobbery, was broad-minded, easy-going, and profoundly lazy. The Edwardian monarchy, court, and society were amiable and slack. ‘Efficiency'--the word of Earl Rosebery and the Webbs--was felt to be rather priggish and vulgar. Our liberalism was no longer a larger enterprise, it had become a generous indolence. But minds were waking up to this. Over our table at St. Ermin's Hotel wrangled Maxse, Bellairs, Hewins, Amery, and Mackinder, all stung by the small but humiliating tales of disasters in the South Africa war, all sensitive to the threat of business recession, and all profoundly alarmed by the naval and military aggressiveness of Germany, arguing chiefly against the liberalism of Reeves and Russell and myself, and pulling us down, whether we liked it or not, from large generalities to concrete problems."

    It would be possible to rearrange the seating at the Coefficients Club dinner table to form a graduated spectrum. At one end of the rainbow would be Russell, glaring down at Maxse and Amery seated at the other end. In the center, Lord Robert Cecil, with Haldane, Grey, Milner, and Mackinder seated next to him toward Amery's direction, with Wells and Beatrice and Sydney Webb on the other side. Despite their differences, all were agreed on the necessity for British (by which they all understood the British oligarchy) world supremacy.

    To do this, the United States must be captured as Britain's dumb giant, to fight its wars, pay its bills, and strong-arm Britain's anti-American System policies on the rest of the world.

    Second, Germany, France, and Russia must be played off against each other in conflicts that were expected to erupt into war. This balance-of-power stratagem had been British foreign policy since the time the Cecils assumed control, with the backing of the Italian Jesuit Pallavicini family in the time of Tudor England.

    It was here that the differences of the Russell faction, correctly deprecated as kooks by the just-as-evil realist Milner-Mackinder-Amery faction, emerged. Russell believed that Britain could avoid being drawn into World War I, and accomplish its aims through psychological warfare run through the intelligence services. [H: IS EVERYBODY PAYING ATTENTION!?]

    This is not to say that Lord Robert Cecil and the realists rejected the use of psychological warfare. It was William Cecil who, as Queen Elizabeth I's Secretary of State, had established the British Secret Intelligence Service.

    Now, the Cecils counted on the Russian Revolution, which they were engaged in plotting, in their plans. But they were correctly convinced that Britain could not achieve its aims without being able to back up its claims with a credible military intervention, for two related reasons. In a war between Germany and Russia, Germany was the assured winner; France brought in against Germany would balance the odds, but without Britain supporting France, both France and Germany would withdraw quickly from a no-win situation. Furthermore, without Britain in the fight, the United States could not be brought into an essentially European conflict. As it happened, H.G. Wells admitted in his autobiography, Lord Grey started the First World War by allowing the German government to believe that the British would not enter the war even if the Germans did. But as Lord Louis Mountbatten's biographer confirms, Mountbatten's father, in his capacity as second Lord of the Admiralty, had put the British fleet in battle readiness the week before war broke out. "My father," said Mountbatten, "was able to tell the king, ‘We have the drawn sword in our hand.'" Robert Cecil expected the aura of power, represented by the British Navy, to carry the day.

    Mackinder and Milner, on the other hand, with their recent direct experience of the Boer War, demanded competent military-industrial backup for war, which meant an economic policy of government support to key industries and raw materials sectors at home and in the colonies. Thus, Russell and the Cecils lined up for a "free-trade" policy against the relatively dirigist outlook of the realists who supported "protectionism". As the war approached, Wells shifted his support to the Milner side, while, however, remaining as a central figure in SIS intelligence operations both behind-the-scenes and as a "socialist" propagandist.

    The club named the "Coefficients"--perhaps as a joke on the efficient Webbs, considering the obvious diversity of opinion represented--met at monthly dinners from 1902 through 1908. Most of the people who variously attended the dinners (at which only between ten and fourteen people would be present at one time) later formed the British Round Table, more informally known as the Cliveden Set.

    These were the circles who argued out the policies for World War I and World War II AND TODAY ARE PLANNING OUT WORLD WAR III. Never do they disagree on fundamental goals; nevertheless, the split between the realist and kook-nominalist factions has remained.

    To give Mackinder more of his cue in the debate, he was not only arguing the necessity for British intervention in the First World War. He was also speaking directly to military utopians such as Lord Robert Cecil, men who refused to accept the lessons of the Boer War and believed that they would be bailed out by the navy or, in a later period, by tanks and airplanes, or today by tactical nuclear weapons, without an adequate land force or industrial home base to sustain it.

    Incredibly, Lord Cecil, in charge of the military blockade of Germany during World War I, believed the war would be over in a few months. At the beginning of the four-year-long campaign of attrition that was the First World War, Cecil dined in France with the Commander-in-Chief of the British Expeditionary Force, who noted their conversation:

    "He went on to emphasize that the Germans had been completely beaten in the West and that they knew it. He was also very sanguine about Poland and evidently thought that the Germans would very soon begin to ask for terms of peace which both he and his staff were extremely anxious should be extremely moderate."

    During the war, the first tanks were secretly tested at Cecil's estate, over the opposition of the war director Lord Kitchener, whose experience had been gained in India and the Sudan. Haldane had become head of the War Office and had been partially successful in reforming and modernizing the army over the protests of colonial officers like Kitchener, but was fired from the cabinet at the beginning of the war, ostensibly out of suspicions that he was not totally lined up with the war faction. Haldane's reorganization of the army in 1905 had stepped on the toes of the military. The combination of an officer corps whose mettle was tested in mock heroic battles against the African Zulus and the Egyptian dervishes--let's not mention the Boer War, darling, that was just an unpleasant episode--and overburdened with deadweight aristocratic younger sons foreordained that, once fully embroiled in the war, the British desperately needed the Americans to intervene on their behalf.

    The state of the officer corps is illustrated by the career of Robert Cecil's younger brother, Edward. He failed the entrance to the Royal Military College, and every other examination that faced him thereafter, but a military career was by no means closed to him. There was another way to become part of the officer corps. A candidate could be appointed to the militia or local volunteer force, the only qualification being the appropriate social connections. After four years of service, the candidate could then transfer to the regular army and stand on the same footing as a Sandhurst graduate.

    Fighting under Kitchener's command in Egypt, Edward Cecil wrote his brother this description of his first battle in 1896:

    "We fought the Dervishes the other day. I was not in half such a funk as I expected. I was much more afraid of being afraid. It was very exciting and not a bit brutalizing, as one does not at all realize the enemy are men. We, however, were very little exposed or rather fired at, so perhaps I better not talk."

    The Cecil family, dating back to the infamous William Cecil, Lord Burleigh, and his nephew, the dishonest pederast Francis Bacon, Lord Verulam, was at the evil center of power in Great Britain. Robert Cecil's father, Lord Salisbury, was prime minister in three Tory governments, stretching from 1885 to 1902, to be succeeded by cousin Arthur Balfour. Lord Robert's brother Hugh was also a member of parliament, as was brother James, before succeeding to the title and joining the House of Lords. The Salisbury government was in power during the Boer War, with Lord Salisbury acting as his own foreign minister.

    The flavor of the family is captured by a few incidents worth relating, not only because of the family's central role in the politics of England, but because the Cecils epitomize the oligarchical outlook.

    Lord Robert's younger brother Hugh was not in the Coefficients Club, but he was a dedicated kook. An even more extreme utopian than Robert, he was involved in the creation of the air force, that branch of the service most susceptible to utopian wunderwaffen schemes.

    Hugh had opposed military conscription before the First World War, and to justify his position wrote a memorandum in which he declared that preparation for war was largely a waste of time, as the unknown factor of generalship practically decided the issue; that in any case, defeat was less serious than it seemed, for it never really destroyed a nation; that Great Britain had always flourished in spite of inadequate military preparations; and that national service would have a prejudicial effect on the character of the British people.

    When reminded of this position eighteen months into the war, as the casualties were mounting, he countered coolly: "There is nothing fine in killing, but there is something fine in being killed, and conscription takes that away."

    When his opponent shouted, "Epicure! Do you want boys of eighteen slaughtered to satisfy your esthetic greed?" Hugh shrugged.

    Robert Cecil found the company of men like Wells and Mackinder intolerable on the basis of class prejudice. Although forced to hide it, in order to turn the Coefficients and the later Round Table group into effective instruments, he could yet confide to his wife in an 1893 letter:

    "I'm down here with a thoroughly middle class man--not a bad fellow and decidedly intelligent. I don't think I shall stay with the middle classes any more. I don't deny their intelligence, nor even in the case of my Norwich host, culture, but they are squalid somehow, and I'm never at my ease with them. And then they have such uncomfortable furniture."

    He was a bitter anticapitalist, later gravitating to the Labour Party and the peace movement, where at a higher level, he coordinated the same networks orbiting around Bertrand Russell. He wrote in another letter about a peer at whose house he was a guest: "An ass, but a gentleman, a Tory of the old school, full of a sense of duty. They're all right, unlike these miserable Middle Class employers."

    Leo Amery was an important member of the later Round Table group, as well as a Coefficient. Wells classed Amery with Winston Churchill. While a Cecil would not have bridged the class gap in that way, their own view of Churchill was similar. Wells begins a discussion of Amery and Churchill in his Autobiography by referencing his own childhood.

    "In those days I had ideas about Aryans extraordinarily like Mr. Hitler's. The more I hear of him the more I am convinced that his mind is almost the twin of my thirteen-year-old mind in 1879; but heard through a megaphone--and--implemented. I do not know from what books I caught my first glimpse of the Great Aryan People going to and fro in the middle plains of Europe, spreading east, west, north, and south ... whose ultimate triumphs everywhere squared accounts with the Jews. I have met men in responsible positions, L.S. Amery, for example, Winston Churchill, George Trevelyan, C.F.G. Masterman, whose imaginations were manifestly built upon a similar framework and who remained puerile in their political outlook because of its persistence."

    Granted that Robert Cecil and his wife, who attacked Churchill, the relative realist, were actively involved in bringing Hitler to power along with the rest of the Cliveden Set, they nevertheless were correct in their assessment of Churchill. "Nothing would suit W.C. better than to be the Mussolini of England," Lady Cecil wrote bluntly.

    In 1924, Lord Robert was in the cabinet with major responsibility for setting up the League of Nations, but resigned in 1926 while retaining his association with the League (and after World War II becoming head of the United Nations Organization). Presumably his resignation was occasioned by his fear that Britain, by breaking its treaty agreement with the United States at the Naval Disarmament Conference, would force a breach between the two nations and endanger the strategy for World War II. On the need for another world war, Cecil and Churchill were in fundamental agreement. But history repeats itself to those who will never learn.

    Already in 1926, Churchill was preparing for World War II, in which history repeated itself with the same old factional differences asserting themselves. The Hitler project was a collaboration effort that involved the entire spectrum of the oligarchy and its agents. Churchill, Russell, Wells, the Cecils created Hitler. How he was to be contained and directed against the Soviet Union was another matter. Early in the game, Churchill warned that Britain would be compelled to fight World War II; Russell again espoused British neutrality.

    Despite the differences of tone, Churchill, himself of aristocratic lineage, always maintained the closest ties with the Cecil family, politically as well as personally.

    Churchill had his first meeting with Hugh Cecil in 1898. As he later described it, the self-assurance he had acquired in Cuba, on the North-West Frontier of India, and at Omdurman was no protection against the dialectic of Hugh Cecil and his friends. He wrote:

    "They were all interested to see me, having heard of my activities, and also on account of my father's posthumous prestige. Naturally I was on my mettle, and not without envy in the presence of these young men only two or three years older than myself, all born with silver spoons in their mouths, all highly distinguished at Oxford or Cambridge, and all ensconced in safe Tory constituencies, I felt indeed I was the earthen pot among the brass.

    "The conversation drifted to the issue of whether peoples have a right to self-government or only to good government, what are the inherent rights of human beings and on what are they founded? From this we pushed on to slavery as an institution. I was much surprised to find that my companions had not the slightest hesitation in championing the unpopular side on all these issues; but what surprised me still more, and even vexed me, was the difficulty I had in making plain my righteous and indeed obvious point of view against their fallacious but most ingenious arguments. They knew so much more than I did, that my bold generalities about liberty, equality, and fraternity got seriously knocked about."

    Nevertheless, Churchill at once enrolled in the small band of Cecil followers, nicknamed the Hughligians. Here he was trained to accept the complete amorality demanded of Britain's most elite ruling circles. They, like the Coefficients, met over dinner. Robert Cecil's description of one such dinner is interesting not only for its evaluation of Churchill but for the attitude toward Churchill held by the family well into the 1950s. Churchill, despite his pedigree, position, or periods when he got out of line, was their man. Lord Cecil writes to his wife:

    "We all talked at times so loudly as to remind me of Puys in the old days. And we all argued, Winston more or less contra mundum. With much of what he said I agreed. But he was not properly speaking any opinions. ... Winston is a journalist and he adopts a view because it would look well in print. Unless he can correct this it will ultimately be fatal to him in politics. On the other hand, he is very young and may change greatly. He has none of Linkey's [Hugh Cecil] subtlety of mind or dexterity of expression. But he has considerable force and I think courage. He is both original and receptive. His worst defect mentally is that he is a little shallow--satisfied with a phrase."

    Later, ... the Marquess of Salisbury, James Cecil, headed the Watch Committee, composed mostly of Cecils, that accomplished the shift and placed Churchill in the prime ministership--despite his shortcomings.

    The Cecil family has been connected to networks established by the Society of Jesus since at least the reign of Elizabeth I. While their power base is the British Empire, they, like the openly Catholic Howard and Percy families, can also rely on connections to the Hapsburg and Italian oligarchies to place themselves above the British monarchy. (Gwendolyn Cecil almost married into the Howard family at the turn of the century.)

    Although the family was established under Jesuit patronage, the Cecils maintain loyalty to Protestantism. Yet, since the Jesuit order is itself an oligarchist intelligence implant into the Catholic Church, and not a religious order, this is no test of their continued Jesuit connections, which remain an open question.

    Hugh Cecil expressed the family's cynicism, despite its strict outward adherence to the Church of England, in the following repartee with cousin Algernon, a convert to Roman Catholicism and thereby a direct link to the British Jesuit circles to which Phillip Kerr, Lord Lothian of the Round Table belonged.

    "Algernon, why have you grown that absurd beard?"
    "Our Lord Grew a beard."
    "Our Lord was not a gentleman."

    Algernon described the Cecil family philosophy to Beatrice Webb, who recorded it in her diary.

    "Young Cecil was interesting because he was able to describe or imply the Cecil philosophy of life. For him society was cloven in two--the Church and the world. The Church was governed by spiritual illumination; the world outside of this radius was exclusively dominated by the motive of pecuniary self-interest. To attempt to run the secular world on any other motive was not only contrary to the commandment ‘Give unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's' but was almost blasphemy. All real progress was confined to progress of the individual soul under the influence of the Church. Any increase of honesty or kindliness, of honor, public spirit or truth-seeking brought about otherwise, was merely a higher stage of self-interest (equally damnable as the lower stages)--merely the discovery by each individual that those qualities paid better. [H: Seems to me that NOTHING is changed!] Accompanying, and to some extent coinciding with this cleavage, was that between the hereditary and landed aristocracy represented by the Cecils, and ‘the others'. The Cecils governed by spiritual illumination (inherited through a long line of noble ancestors) and were to direct the policy of the state, making use of the lower motives of vulgar folk to keep the state going on its material side. The off part of the whole scheme was the almost fanatical objection to any attempt to alter the motives of human nature, otherwise than by the action of the Church on the individual soul--and a complete complacency with the one secular motive of enlightened self-interest as the basis of everyday life. It was almost as wicked to tamper with this motive by introducing other considerations into the industrial or political organizations of the state, as it was to introduce the pecuniary motive into the Church--as for instance in the sale of indulgences or simony."

    Beatrice Webb, the daughter of a successful railroad speculator associated with the Rothschilds, understood the aristocracy in a way that was impossible for poor Wells, the son of a servant in the employ of another servant fortunate enough to marry into the lesser nobility but snubbed accordingly. Where Wells could delude himself that he was socially accepted by his dinner partners at the Coefficients, Beatrice had no such delusions and was mortally offended when she came face to face with her oligarchical controllers. Her diary is full of self-consoling comments such as: "dined with Hugh Cecil. It is good to be in our middle-class home again." Yet, like Algernon Cecil, she describes her and her husband's associates as "the stage army of the good", in keeping with George Bernard Shaw's parable about the Fabian Society, Major Barbara, in which they are the Salvation Army.

    Sidney Webb is given credit as the organizer of the Coefficients. It is obvious that despite his pretensions, the group that he assembled--a cross-section of the British elite and its close associates--was only brought together under Robert Cecil's direction.

    Russell, Haldane, and Grey were hereditary peers. Milner was made a Lord. Haldane, Grey, and Cecil were to be in the Liberal government when it came to power in two years' time. Leo Maxse's sister, Violet, was the wife of Robert Cecil's brother Edward and after his death, of Lord Milner. Halford J. Mackinder had just become director of the London School of Economics and his reputation as a geopolitician had spread to Germany where Major-General Karl Haushofer, the ghostwriter of Hitler's MEIN KAMPF, acknowledged Mackinder as the source of his ideas.

    The Webbs, like Wells, were useful to the Cecils. What they lacked in flair was compensated for in industry, as they laid the groundwork for the collectivist side of fascism. Wells described the Webbs in The New Machiavelli, thinly disguised as Altiora and Oscar Bailey. He wrote:

    "Oscar ... had a quite astounding memory for facts and a mastery of detailed analysis, and the time afforded scope for these gifts. The later eighties were full of politico-social discussion. ... He won the immense respect of everyone specially interested in social and political questions; he soon achieved the limited distinction that is awarded such capacity, and at that I think he would have remained for the rest of his life if he had not encountered Altiora.

    "But Altiora Macvite was an altogether exceptional woman, an extraordinary mixture of qualities, the one woman in the world who could make something more out of Bailey than that. She was entirely unfitted for her sex's spheres. Yet, you mustn't imagine she was an inelegant or unbeautiful woman, and she is inconceivable to me in high collars or any sort of masculine garment. But her soul was bone, and at the base of her was a vanity gaunt and greedy!

    "The two supplemented each other to an extraordinary extent."

    Russell himself gave much the same account in his Autobiography, writing: "Webb was originally a second division clerk in the civil service, but by immense industry succeeded in rising to the first division. He was somewhat earnest and did not like jokes on sacred subjects such as political theory. On one occasion I remarked to him that democracy has at least one merit, namely, that a Member of Parliament cannot be stupider than his constituents, for the more stupid he is, the more stupid they were to elect him.

    "Worship of the state. This last was the essence of Fabianism. It led both the Webbs and also Shaw into what I thought an undue tolerance of Mussolini and Hitler.

    "Both of them were fundamentally undemocratic, and regarded it as the function of a statesman to bamboozle or terrorize the populace."

    Russell, of course, is more delicate about his own fascist predilections. "All think it folly and very unpopular," wrote Russell from Cambridge right before the First World War. "Tories as well as Liberals; and they hardly realize that we are being drawn in." Russell continued, according to his biographer Ronald Clarke, by making a case for British neutrality, ending with a plea for German lebensraum: "When they try to protect their homes and their wives and daughters against vast hordes of Russian savages, we do our best to prevent their efforts from being successful, and to threaten them with starvation if war breaks out." [H: And just where do you think you are today in this same kind of predicament, readers?]

    In collaboration with Lord James Salisbury, chairman of the Conscientious Objectors' Board, Russell was at the time beginning to create the pacifist movement which was and continued to be a handy instrument of British subversion. Pacifism allowed Britain to penetrate Germany during the war and the Soviet Union thereafter. In the period of the Neville Chamberlain appeasement policy, it was psychologically useful as a way of turning Germany east rather than west--"Look, England will never fight again," was the message. But while Russell was suffering public opprobrium for his stand during World War I, he was still a welcome guest at aristocratic country houses at parties attended by Asquith, the British prime minister.

    What of the other members of the Coefficients Club?

    Lord Milner, appointed to the peerage during his lifetime, became a civil servant upon leaving Oxford University. Before being assigned to South Africa, he served as finance minister in Egypt (an important post subsequently held by Edward Cecil). He was recruited to the ideas of empire, as was imperialist Cecil Rhodes, by the Oxford Lecturer John Ruskin, medievalist and guild socialist. After leaving his post as high commissioner of South Africa in 1905, Milner became the administrator of the Rhodes Trust. He died in the 1920s, after again joining the government during the war.

    Milner's Credo, written at the end of this life, expresses the belief structure of an imperialist who attached himself to an aristocracy into which he was born. To him the flag was no mere bunting.

    Milner writes that he is a "nationalist, not a cosmopolitan. ... I am a British (indeed primarily an English) nationalist. If I am also an Imperialist, it is because the destiny of the English race--has been to strike fresh roots in distant parts. My patriotism knows no geographical but only racial limits. I am an Imperialist and not a Little Englander, because I am a British Race Patriot. It is not the soil of England, dear as it is to me, which is essential to arouse my patriotism, but the speech, the tradition, the principles, the aspirations of the British race.

    "The wider patriotism is no mere exalted sentiment. It is a practical necessity. England nay more, Great Britain, nay more, the United Kingdom is no longer a power in the world which it once was. But the British Dominions as a whole are not only self-supporting, they are more nearly self-sufficient than any other political entity... if they can be kept an entity.

    "This brings us to our first great principle. The British state must follow the race, must comprehend it wherever it settles in appreciable numbers as an independent community. If the swarms constantly being thrown off the parent hive are lost to the State, the State is irreparably weakened. We cannot afford to part with so much of our best blood. We have already parted with much of it, to form the millions of another separate, but fortunately friendly state. We cannot afford a repetition of the process.

    Milner's mentor, Cecil Rhodes, was also a protege of Lord Salisbury. The works of Ruskin and social Darwinist Charles Dilke, who was elected a Liberal member of the parliament in the 1880s, were freely circulated at the turn of the century. These manifestoes created the mental climate in which Wells, Russell, Rhodes, and Milner were nurtured. A generation later, it was Wells and Russell to whom young people would turn.

    In his book Greater Britain, Dilke had written:

    "In America we have seen the struggle of the dear races against the cheap--the endeavors of the English to hold their own against the Irish and Chinese. In New Zealand, we found the stronger and more energetic race pushing from the earth the shrewd and laborious descendants of the Asian Malays; in Australia, the English triumphant, and the cheaper races excluded from the soil not by distance merely, but by arbitrary legislation; in India, we saw the solution of the problem by the officering of the cheaper by the dearer race. Everywhere we have found that the difficulties which impede the progress to universal dominion of the English people lie in the conflict with the cheaper races. The result of our survey is such as to give us reason for the belief that race distinctions will long continue, that miscegenation will go but a little way towards blending races, that the dearer are on the whole likely to destroy the cheaper peoples and that Saxondom will rise triumphant from the doubtful struggle."

    Ruskin expressed the same ideas in a speech that Cecil Rhodes carried with him as a treasured possession, given in his inaugural lecture at Slade Professor of Art at Oxford in 1870:

    "A destiny is now possible to us, the highest ever set before a nation to be accepted or refused. Will you youths of England make your country again a royal throne of kings, a sceptered isle, for all the world a source of light, a center of peace? This is what England must do or perish. She must found colonies as fast and as far as she is able, formed of the most energetic and worthiest men; seizing any piece of fruitful waste ground she can set her foot on, and then teaching her colonists that their chief virtue is to be fidelity to their country and that their first aim is to be to advance the power of England by land and sea."

    As a colonist to South Africa, Rhodes answered Ruskin's call, creating the countries of South Africa and Rhodesia with the support of Salisbury. As a major partner of the DeBeers diamond mining company and Consolidated Goldfields, which he founded with Rothschild financial backing, he was brought into the darker side of the Empire as well, the openly acknowledged "secret" British opium trade from India and China. (Diamonds serve as a medium of exchange at the top levels of the opium trade, and in normal periods of currency exchange, variations in gold and diamond prices are closely tied to fluctuations in the opium markets.)

    Rhodes was the spirit that fired the Empire men. Transmitted through Milner Rhodes had formulated the idea for an elite secret society, to be modeled on the Jesuits, which would organize a fifth column in the United States, Germany, and Russia, and open pro-Empire societies in the colonies. The Coefficients, the Round Table, and its offshoots, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, whose first president was Cliveden's Waldorf Astor, and New York City's Council on Foreign Relations, are all products of his original inspiration. [H: Everybody still awake? If not--WAKE UP. Go get your "Committee of 300" book and make these connections as soon as you can because you are meeting your prison wardens and the ones who laid the prison foundation.]

    Afflicted with a heart condition, Rhodes wrote numbers of wills assigning his fortune to trustees who would carry out his purpose. Lord Milner was the first trustee, Lord Lothian his successor. The Rhodes scholarship [H: i.e. Clinton...], which selects American graduate students for postgraduate training at Oxford, is subsidized by the Trust. In its time it has recruited a number of leading American renegades to the SERVICE OF THE EMPIRE.

    Rhodes' first will, written at the age of twenty-four, included the following passage directing that his fortune form the endowment of a "secret society" devoted to:

    "The extension of British rule throughout the world--the colonization by British subjects of all lands where the means of livelihood are attainable by energy, labour, and enterprise and especially the occupation by British settlers of the entire Continent of Africa, the Holy Land, the Valley of the Euphrates, [H: Getting the picture???], the Islands of Cyprus and Canada, the whole of South Africa, the Islands of the Pacific not heretofore possessed by Great Britain, the whole of the Malay Archipelago, the seaboard of China and Japan, the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British Empire."

    War, it was agreed, was necessary. The question to be solved was what policy would assure victory.

    To understand how British policy evolved coherently, it is necessary to understand that the argument as we have so far followed it has understated the situation in which the British found themselves.

    In his book Democratic Ideals and Reality published in 1919, Halford Mackinder polemicized against the British aristocracy and its minions who take their distaste for industrialism and science to the point that they fail to even study maps. Perhaps he was remembering an incident involving Robert Cecil, cabinet minister of the blockade of the Austro-Hungarian empire. In the Foreign Office one day, Cecil called for a map of his target, then complained to the political intelligence specialist that the long-straggling territory of Galicia had been wrongly colored. "It should be Hungarian, not Austrian," Cecil said.

    "But sir, I'm from Galicia," the specialist replied, "and it is indeed in Austria."

    Cecil paused, then murmured, "What a funny shape Austria must be."

    The incident occurred three years after Cecil had assumed responsibility for organizing the blockade of that country. At Versailles he was one of those responsible for cutting off such protuberances from the map of Austria.

    When Mackinder complained that "every educated German is a geographer in a sense that is true of very few Englishmen . . . Berlin-Baghdad, Berlin-Peking . . . involve for most Anglo-Saxons a new mode of thought," he was talking about more than mere map-reading. As he developed the point: "The map habit of thought is no less pregnant in the sphere of economics than it is in that of strategy. True that laissez-faire had little use for it, but the ‘most favored nation' clause which Germany imposed on defeated France in the Treaty of Frankfurt had quite a different meaning for the strategical German mind to that which was attached to it by honest Cobdenites. The German bureaucrat built upon it a whole structure of preferences for German trade. Of what use to Britain under her northern skies was the most favored nation clause when Germany granted a concession to Italy in the matter of import duties on olive oil? Would there not also be railway trucks to be returned to Italy which might as well return loaded with German exports?"

    Later, in Democratic Ideals and Reality, Mackinder took the theme further. Referring to the free trade theory [H: Do you NOW recognize wherefrom came this "FREE TRADE AGREEMENT" IDEOLOGY? Do you, further, now understand WHY in America it began in CANADA? Do you also see why it was done IN SECRET?] of Adam Smith, which premised British survival on economic warfare and the hegemony of the British cloth industry based upon cultivation of cotton by slave labor in the southern states of the United States, Mackinder wrote: "That may have been a tenable theme in the time of Adam Smith and for a generation or two afterwards. But under modern conditions the Going Concern, or in other words, accumulating financial and industrial strength, is capable of outweighing most natural facilities.

    When the stress began after 1878, British agriculture waned, though British industry continued to grow. But presently lopsidedness developed even within British industry; the cotton and shipbuilding branches still grew, but the chemical and electrical branches did not increase proportionately."

    Mackinder slid over the essential issue. By the time of the McKinley presidency in 1897, the U.S., German, Japanese, and Russian industrial development were overtaking Britain. Some statistics help tell the story. In 1870, Britain smelted one-half the world's iron and produced one-half of the world's textiles, but by 1897 Britain produced less of each than the United States, and only slightly more than Germany. Not only was this the case, but pig iron production between 1870 and 1897 increased 966 percent in the United States and 609 percent in Germany creating the industrial base for exports and overseas capital investment.

    In this same period, U.S. exports in general expanded 300 percent, and German exports by 100 percent; Britain's increase in exports was a mere 30 percent. American commerce was also penetrating British colonies at a pace deemed extremely dangerous to imperial ties, leading to "Americanization" of the colonies. America and Germany, and even Russia and Japan, were destroying Britain's commercial and therefore financial domination of the world. This stagnation of British manufacture was compensated for only by the role of the pound sterling as a reserve currency, which allowed it to operate as a looting instrument. Yet in 1887, by Britain's own official statistics, its national debt amounted to fully 7.1 percent of the national revenue as compared to the United States, where the national debt was a mere 1.7 percent of national wealth.

    Underneath the rhetoric, the British oligarchy knew that it was engaged in a life-and-death struggle against France, Russia, Germany, and the United States if it was to maintain hegemony. That is the political doctrine behind Mackinder's code phrases. In Democratic Ideals and Reality, written at the end of the First World War, he declared:

    "The Heartland, for the purposes of strategical thinking includes the Baltic Sea, the navigable Middle and Lower Danube, the Black Sea, Asia Minor, Armenia, Persia, Tibet, and Mongolia. Within it, therefore, were Brandenburg-Prussia, and Austria-Hungary, as well as Russia. Towards the end of the century, however, the Germans of Prussia and Austria determined to subdue the Slavs and to exploit them for the occupation of the Heartland, through which run the land-ways into China, India, Arabia, and the African Heartland. We have defeated the danger on this occasion, but the facts of geography remain."

    It is only necessary to read "industrial development" into the content of the word "geography" and Mackinder's thinly veiled point is clear. Unless Germany and Russia were subdued, unless their industrial backs were broken, Britain was in serious trouble. If Germany and Russia were to ally, Britain would be finished. This was the reality underlying the policy debate witnessed at the Coefficients' dinner table. This was the policy that governed the British Empire from the close of World War I through World War II.

    The policy ultimately adopted can be broken down into four parts:

    1. Immediately a policy of destabilizations was necessary to prevent alliances between Britian's perceived potential enemies. Since French and Russian ties were long-standing, it was critical to prevent a Franco-German rapprochement. For similar reasons, a Russian-Japanese alliance was to be avoided. Adversary relations of intensity had to be introduced at all costs.

    2. In the medium term, the solution to a potential Russo-German accord lay in encouraging the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In that way, a buffer state of squabbling "balkanized" states would be established between Russia and Germany, thus preventing the joining of the "Eurasian heartland" in a Grand Design for industrial progress.

    3. Also for the medium term, it was necessary to adopt a "Hamiltonian" policy of state support for British industrial war preparations. The Empire had to be solidified politically around the "Hamiltonian" model of federation with some form of economic protection or subsidy to guarantee the loyalty of the colonies, a policy that was not completely carried through until the evolution of the British Commonwealth after World War II.

    4. For the long term, it was necessary to turn back the clock on scientific and industrial progress by ushering in a new Dark Age of wars, famine, and epidemic. World War I was to be the beginning. The differences fought out over the dinner table in 1903 were of mere secondary tactical significance before the overriding policy objectives upon which both factions were agreed.

    * * *
    The book is well worth obtaining (since this writing only considers the first chapter). However, if you now team this information with that which we have brought you prior to even the book CONSPIRATORS' HIERARCHY: The Story of the Committee of 300 along with "300" you will be forming a picture of what the REAL HISTORY of your CURRENT CIRCUMSTANCE IS ALL ABOUT.

    I know this is not a proper "Introduction" or "Foreword"--but it is critical information relative to that which follows and WILL COME. I have never been nor shall be recognized as a typical writer, linguist or PROPER "follower" of anything. The one place I find myself almost in a fit of stew is the foolish way you place your apostrophes--FOR CONVENIENCE--in the case of "within" quotation marks--regardless of reason, meaning or intelligence--simply because someone who makes the rules couldn't know proper grammar. So be it.

    You think I am not serious? Well let me tell you readers something interesting--we have lost readers who are "teachers" OVER that very point. To them everything that is written must have their approval--the content of the message seems to have NOTHING to do with the circumstance. I lose more [people] because I keep company with ones who claim Jesus (not his name at the time of crucifixion at any rate) did NOT DIE WHILE HANGING ON A CROSS! Would you not think THAT would be rather good news for you who consider him the Christ Messenger? Not so--for "...no one would dare to tamper with the writings now presented in the modern Bible." Which Bible? Dear ones, there are bibles for cooking, bibles for automobile repair, bibles for space-craft tuning, the Koran is a bible, the Torah is a bible and so on...! You have even allowed some nuts to write a "Bible for Ascension"!

    May wisdom be your guidelines.

    Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn,

    June 28, 1994
    Day 316, Year 7 in the Reign of our Lord IN TRUTH.
    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일
    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-15 at 11:42.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 99
    MON., JUN. 20, 1994 2:38 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 308
    MON., JUN. 20, 1994
    One of your own circle of people, readers, is a prime example of the LIES and misadventures of "medicine" and "man" against the insipid system, blunders and misdiagnoses--then the realization and "oh dod, oh dod--what I do now?" syndrome. I would ask Paul or Lynn to give us a write-up of the adventures in near-death experience at the hands of disease (that eats flesh [by whatever stupid name it is labeled]). Lynn has been there! Expense? Unable to count in pain, agony AND money has been their experience. Readers, this is SERIOUS! It doesn't matter whether the doctors tell you it is a virus, a streptococcus, a staph-infection--it is disastrous. There were times when the very working organs could be seen through the opening eaten away in Lynn's belly. THIS IS SERIOUS! Ah, and by the way--this was BEFORE IT BECAME MANDATORY TO BRING IT TO PUBLIC ATTENTION! Oh, and by the way number two: the infection happened FOLLOWING MEDICAL PROCEDURES! It is a hard road from here on in, chelas--don't get careless.

    Have "they" written and shared this with us? No, but I was there--all the while. No, I did not say "Dharma" was somehow there--she doesn't know of what I speak. I kept watch for these ones are beloved of me and we all become faint of heart when death walks the floor beside our beds. They KNEW it was close--THEY HAVE NO REAL IDEA HOW CLOSE and the journey is always seemingly just beginning! Hold strong, precious ones--GOD shall sustain you in that which comes unto HIS OWN--regardless of what appears "to be" at the moment.

    In the beauty of this wondrous summer day--Dharma and E.J. looked out over the backyard and at the some 75 or more ground squirrels playing about among the birds also come for their drink and nibbles.

    This was all fine and good as the squirrels are fat and happy, protected and loved. Her mind wandered back to a local writing I had done some two weeks ago wherein I referred to "endangered species" and counted the little fellers among that group. She thought then and is still shocked--to find that I meant it! The little ground squirrel is on the endangered species listings--protected to eat the crops and whatever else is desired by the environmental enemies of you-the-people. Do I hate squirrels? No, I adore them and have suggested the farmers actually care for them in such a way as to provide food of their liking while drawing them away from the fields (yours).

    The more interesting point here, however, is that in the game to GET EVERYTHING YOU HAVE INCLUDING YOUR PROPERTY--ESPECIALLY THAT OF FARMERS, near Bakersfield farmers are being fined $100,000 PER ENDANGERED-LISTED MICE, TOADS, etc. Now, if a mouse will bring $100,000 each AND LOSS OF THE LAND--what do you think a couple of large ground squirrels will fetch for the big boys? And if you think they are not watching--PLEASE THINK AGAIN! I remind you who are here that we work WITHIN THE LAWS at all time and it is time to turn this stupidity into lemon pie instead of lemon pits. You can win--or you will lose--and I promise you that you will not feel good when you lose GOD's property because of druthers or carelessness!! Everybody with me so far?

    Right on the top of the front page of The Bakersfield Californian (The largest major paper in the area), Monday, June 20, 1994 it states: GROUND SQUIRREL STAYS ON THREATENED LIST. It is not necessary to recopy all of the article BUT PASS IT AROUND IN THIS AREA, PLEASE. It turns out that in the spelt fields and lentil plots--the ground squirrels are devastating the crops. I suggest you do as I suggested over and over prior to this: get carrots and get the children to chop them into chunks or rounds manageable by the little critters and FEED them at their burrow doorways. They also like peanuts--SO PLANT SOME--NEAR THEIR COLONIES. Oh, they don't seem to have "colonies"? They WILL, if you cause them to do so. Thank you for your attention to this matter because the first acreage lost to the government over this charge OR $100,000 fine (or more) per squirrel meeting an untimely demise--will warrant my ire! Now I ask that someone pull out the writing and sort the personal instructions from the general--and get it around to the interested parties intimately involved.

    I would like to take up the subject of one Dr. Arthur B. Robinson. I have such admiration for this person that I don't really know how to express it. I feel the best offer I can make is to help him in his efforts to reach as many persons as possible--and today the CONTACT is the best way I see. CONTACT is now the number one reading material (borrowed, of course) of the Elite CONGRESS. We do have Ronn Jackson for help of a physical nature, for that phenomenon. While we have eye and ear, however, we are going to dump in all the visual and aural input possible. We have used Dr. Robinson's material before and always with his blessings. Today we are so pushed for time that we will act first and inquire secondly.

    Why do I honor this man so deeply? Because he, against every battlement, has stood firmly in favor of survival preparation--even against nuclear (or worse) war games. He also has helped develop effective home schooling techniques for you who wish to continue that avenue. I personally believe that unless you are truly DEVOTED to full-time effort--it is better to put your children in school--AND THEN GO CHANGE THE SCHOOLS! THAT IS NOT MY TOPIC FOR TODAY SO NEVER MIND THAT OUTBURST.

    The following comes from FIGHTING CHANCE, Arthur B. Robinson, Ph.D., P.O. Box 1279, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523. His Copyrights are with the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. He has a subscription pricing of $60.00 for 12 issues and the price is abundantly worth it. He uses the income for magnificently good works and needs your help and support.

    He lists two references up front, John 8:31-32 and Proverbs 22:3. That's all, just the references. Maybe for you who won't look those up we will offer the input: LIVING BIBLE: John 8:30 to 33: Then many of the Jewish leaders who heard him say these things began believing him to be the Messiah. Jesus said to them, "You are truly my disciples if you live as I tell you to, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

    Proverbs 22:3: A prudent man foresees the difficulties ahead and prepares for them; the simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.

    SO BE IT!
    I wanted to skimp a bit and only offer one excerpt from this newsletter in point--but that would be an atrocity. It would also be unworthy of the whole context to simply pull out a few "favorite" topics. So, friends, I ask that you honor this man, take his paper if you can, support him if you can't and LISTEN TO THE WISDOM PRESENTED.

    Newsletter Vol. IV, NO. 2, May 1994.


    This past month we participated as high-tech scavengers in an auction which provides a typical example of the erosion of American industry and the squandering of the accomplishments of previous generations.

    America's largest magnesium plant and its primary source of high-purity pharmaceutical-grade magnesium ceased operation near San Francisco this past February. Although it was still profitable--regardless of the massive burdens of government taxation and regulation--a series of events typical of the destruction of American productivity by unproductive paper-shufflers led to the closing of the plant.

    In April, part of the plant equipment was auctioned prior to demolition of the remainder. Many of the men who built and maintained this plant were present to watch the final end of their life's work. The plant included a research and development laboratory and a quality control laboratory, so we attended the auction in the hope of obtaining laboratory equipment that the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine cannot otherwise afford.

    The laboratories were auctioned first. We purchased significant amounts of research equipment at an average price of about 3% of the catalogue prices (3 cents on the dollar). This will markedly enhance our research capabilities. Then I watched the rest of the auction--which was heart-rending. Most of the plant sold for a low fraction of its scrap metal value. Three-phase motors were sold for $1.50 each, a large ship lathe sold for $50, and a recently purchased $500,000 machine sold for $5,000. The large steel installations did not even sell. They will be given to the demolition crews.

    Replacement value of this plant was estimated at about $50 million, but it will not be replaced. The capital to replace it was squandered long ago in Washington, DC. This magnesium capacity is now being made up by imports from foreign countries. In thousands of such events all across our country the industrial legacy of past generations of Americans is being demolished.

    The Federal Government and ruling establishment has taxed, regulated, and otherwise debilitated American industry to such an extent that the real earning power of our people declines each year. This debilitation has more than canceled the beneficial effects of advances in science and engineering that should be improving the quality of our lives.

    Most Americans are unaware of the actual economic statistics. Inflation has helped conceal the fact that the real purchasing power of the average American family peaked in about 1972 and has been declining ever since. Whereas one wage earner used to provide for the financial needs of a family, now two or more must work to maintain a similar standard of living. Many fall behind. Increasing numbers of Americans have given up; 10% now even receive food stamps.

    The so-called feminist movement propagandizes that the two wage-earner family is really a great step forward for women who are no longer "trapped" as home-makers. This may look good in the glossy magazines, but to a great many working wives it just means hard work outside the home in an effort to meet family bills while their children are raised by baby-sitters and public schools. Never before in America have women been so terribly exploited. They are now the slaves of the welfare state which is destroying their living standards and their families as it satisfies its need for increasing numbers of laborers to make up for government-caused destruction of American productivity.

    Some Americans still find or create excellent opportunities. The taxation of their earnings keeps the socialist machine churning in Washington, DC. We now have socialism in education and socialism in charity. Soon we are going to have total socialism in medicine. This will cause many Americans to die prematurely and suffer unnecessarily.

    Thousands of books are being written about the causes of America's decline and of its acceptance of the socialist ideas that have failed in the rest of the world. One of the best that I have seen recently is America: To Pray or not to Pray by David Barton available from Wall-Builder Press, PO Box 397, Aledo, TX 76008, telephone (817) 441-6044. This is a compilation of the sharp decreases in American academic and social conditions that followed the elimination of prayer from American public affairs.

    Blame is also placed on politicians, bureaucrats, homosexuals, fascists, Communists, and other evils. I believe that the worst evil is the reduced value placed on human life.

    American society increasingly refuses to obey God's laws concerning the sanctity of human life, especially in the case of abortion. Millions of children are being murdered by abortion. The primary responsibility for these abortions does not lie with the abortion clinics, the abortionists themselves, or the corrupt individuals within our government and society which sanction and support these murders. The primary responsibility lies with the millions of Christians who actively support and attend America's churches.

    There are only a few thousand abortionists. There are tens of millions of church-going Christians. Only a very few of those Christians are actively opposing abortion. As a result, those who are opposing it are suffering needlessly and, so far, have failed to stop it. Abortion can never be stopped entirely. There will always be clandestine abortions regardless of the laws and penalties which society may impose. The problem lies in our acquiescence. Christian acquiescence to abortion has raised the numbers of these murders in the United States to very high levels. Worse, it has told our God that we tacitly approve of these abominable acts.

    The abortionists are just doing their job--they are consumed by evil. The Christians are not doing their job--they are required to oppose evil, especially this particular evil. If most Christian churches in America began active opposition to the murder of children and enlisted the participation of most of their members, legal abortion would end immediately. There are too many Christians in America for the outcome to be otherwise. Until this happens, the slaughter of children will continue. While that slaughter continues, we have no right to expect relief from our lesser national problems.

    Moreover, euthanasia--the killing of adults--is rapidly being added to our society. This is beginning with occasional killings supposedly approved by the victims themselves. These people allegedly decide that their lives are not personally valuable enough to continue. Euthanasia will expand until it includes the killing of adults whom the Government and its surrogates do not find socially useful. The first indications of this are in the medical care rationing program that the Clinton's have proposed as "national health care".

    How long do American Christians have to wake up? How many millions of children must be brutally murdered with our tacit approval before God turns his back on us forever? We do not know. There are still indications that the process of national decay can be reversed.

    In the growing home school movement, in the freedom that is becoming possible through computer technology, in the remarkable possibilities of science and engineering, and in many other areas of positive progress, God is telling us that He is still listening. He is giving us small tastes of the wonderful things that can come to our nation and our families if we recapture our Christian purpose. There is, however, no chance that He will allow these possibilities to come to fruition while we continue to kill His children. In each of our burgeoning accomplishments are sown the seeds of our destruction. If we continue to allow the killing of America's children, those seeds will grow and our country will die.

    In its place, a society of slavery in which formerly free Americans are enslaved to government and corporate papershufflers is being built. This is an evil society which devalues human life and ignores God's laws. It is not a society fit for a Christian people. It must be stopped.

    One of the most beautiful passages in the Bible is I Corinthians 13 on the definition and importance of "charity." Christians are supposed to behave at least charitably toward people of all sorts, even those who are involved in many evils. Charity, however, is not the same things as tolerating evil. [H: This is exactly what I mean when I tell you that "Unconditional Love" is not the same thing as having no conditions placed on acceptance.] Millions of American children continue to be murdered by abortion. This is an abomination of the worst sort. It is unreasonable for us to expect that God will respond to our prayers for help against the many evils that are destroying our nation as long as we tolerate the brutal killing of His people--especially innocent children.

    The blame for this killing lies with American Christian churches. The abortionists are just doing their job. Why are our churches not doing theirs?

    Professional commodity traders make their livings by predicting the future. With their predictions limited to the direction of price of an individual commodity and to short time intervals, they are able to make correct predictions more often than by random guessing. An outstanding trader may be right 60% of the time and wrong 40%. By disciplined use of an array of professional tools, this bias toward correct predictions can be turned into an excellent return on invested capital.

    No one can be 100% certain about the future even in the small area of direction of price of an individual commodity. This is the reason that professionals make their money on a large number of relatively modest trades. If they have tipped the odds in their favor, then a large number of small trades creates a good profit with a very small risk of permanent loss of capital. Conversely, one large trade risking all for a huge profit is entirely an amateur procedure. Actually it is the best amateur procedure. Since the amateur will usually have the odds tipped against him, he is almost certain to lose if he makes a large number of small trades. With one huge trade, he still has a chance to win--if he walks away after that win and never trades again.

    One of the Clintons' lies (there are so many that we lose count) involves their claim to have made $100,000 in profits from $1,000 invested in commodities. This claim is demonstrably false for two reasons. First, the margin requirement for the trades they made was over $75,000, so the $1,000 was certainly NOT "invested." Someone else was providing money behind the scenes and protecting them from losses. Second, they made a large number of trades. The statistical probability of making a 100 to 1 profit on such trades over that time interval is ESSENTIALLY ZERO even if the trades were being made by a very skilled professional trader. It is very likely that their "profits" involved payments into Mrs. Clinton's account totalling $100,000 with the money laundered through commodity transactions. THERE ARE SEVERAL ILLEGAL WAYS OF DOING THIS.

    In addition to trading short term cycles, both professionals and amateurs sometimes make money by speculating on trends. The best known amateur example of this has been real estate purchase, especially homes purchased with debt. The trend of government-hidden taxation through inflation has caused the purchasing power of money to fall for many decades. As a consequence, real estate debt has been paid back with dollars of steadily diminishing value. This trend which relies upon steady and continued Government dishonesty has been profitable. My own view is that speculation with one's home is unwise. This is, however, an unpopular view, because so many people seem to have profited in this way. Many, however, have lost their homes during deflationary periods or during periods of reduced income in which they were unable to service their debt.

    Fundamental aspects of human affairs often create trends for which the ultimate future outcome can be predicted with a high degree of certainty. Timing, however, is a different matter. Profits made by investing in trends usually involve skilled or fortunate timing, yet timing is very difficult. Amateurs speculating on real estate, for example, profit if they happen to enter and leave the market at fortunate times. Since this sort of speculation goes on continuously, those who happen to be lucky in timing make large profits. They think of themselves as clever investors.

    Timing is very important. Who would loan money to a highly disreputable group of people who never balance their budget, have enormous debts that they will never pay, and make great numbers of promises which they continually break? One can reliably conclude that such a group will eventually be bankrupt, and their creditors will lose. This is a highly probable trend. Such a group of people is the United States Government which borrows money through government securities like treasury bills and bonds. Nevertheless, during the 1980s treasury bills and bonds were highly profitable. They will eventually be worthless, but the timing of their demise is very difficult to predict.

    Socialism will fail in the United States as it has elsewhere, but when? Socialized education is already a failure, but the public schools may be with us for a long time. Legislation to force home schools to follow public school policies recently failed, but it will be tried again. Socialized medicine will fail, but politicians from both political parties are busily agreeing to a plan that will force socialized medicine upon all Americans whether they want it or not. Many people will die unnecessarily before this program is eventually abandoned.

    Irresponsible militarism and foreign meddling will again bring war to our country. In the nuclear age, that war will probably be fought on American soil. This could occur soon or it could be postponed for many decades. The timing is unknown to us. Foreign meddling will probably also bring nuclear terrorism to our country. This is more probable and could occur much sooner than nuclear war.

    Each time American warplanes attack a country there is a high probability that the people whose relatives and friends are injured or killed in that attack will have increased hatred of Americans. Often large numbers of innocent civilians are killed. Their fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters remember those who killed their loved ones. There are already very large numbers of people around the world who hate Americans as a result of American meddling in the affairs of their countries. The numbers are increasing. These people are not fooled by the subterfuge of hiding behind the United Nations. They know whose warplanes, warships, or warlike economic or political policies have caused their suffering. This is a trend. It seems very unlikely that the American Government will stop this meddling.

    There is another related trend. This is the technological trend that is steadily increasing the amount of destructive power that one or a few individual people can possess and deliver. This trend cannot be stopped. It is, in fact, accelerating.

    There has been much discussion about the tens of thousand Soviet nuclear weapons that are poorly secured and are now beginning to leak into the hands of small countries and possibly into the hands of terrorists. Many people have the impression that stoppage of this leakage would solve the problem of mass terrorism. It will not.


    Biological weapons that can kill the inhabitants of entire cities are now available or buildable at remarkably low cost. Fuel-air explosives that can level several city-blocks are compact and easily deliverable. This simple technology is surely spreading. Moreover, nuclear technology itself can be miniaturized. Some knowledgeable scientists think that this has already been done and is beginning to proliferate.

    In a series of recent articles including a major article in National Review, Sam Cohen, inventor of the neutron bomb, has given his opinion that miniature hydrogen bombs have already been built. One of these bombs containing about one-tenth of an ounce of easily obtained nuclear fuel could kill everyone within a several block radius. In many of our cities this could be over 100,000 people. The entire bomb might fit into an ordinary lunch bag and be virtually undetectable.

    On a larger scale, much is being made of the proliferation of missiles that could carry nuclear warheads. Do the North Koreans have such missile-warhead combinations? This question is much in the news. Scenarios involving their attack of South Korea or Japan with such weapons are being discussed. More realistic in my view, however, would be a discussion of the potential use of nuclear weapons by Korea or other small countries upon the United States itself.

    The first products of a third-world nuclear weapons program are likely to be large, heavy and relatively primitive. Moreover, they will be few in number. Even the enormous initial American nuclear weapons program only produced a few crude weapons. Why would such a country risk one of its first nuclear weapons in a primitive missile delivery system for an attack on a nearby American surrogate? It would be much more sensible for them to simply put the weapon on a boat and float it into New York harbor. This would be a very reliable procedure and would be undetectable. The deaths and damage could not be prevented, but they could be markedly reduced and mitigated by a good civil defense system.

    Moreover, the fear generated by first use of a nuclear weapon on the United States itself and the greater likelihood of uncertainty about its origin might forestall retaliation. Use of a nuclear weapon on a U.S. surrogate might not.

    The American Government, of course, shows no interest in building civil defenses for Americans. This Government just continues to swagger around the world making greater numbers of enemies for America, while continuing to leave Americans defenseless before the increasing threat of retaliation by those whom its policies offend and injure.

    This trend of behavior is unlikely to change. It is for these reasons that I feel sure that weapons of mass destruction and mass killing will eventually be used upon the American people in at least individual occurrences. The same trends also increase the probability of this use in a major war. The time of these events is, however, not within our ability to predict.

    Most of us cannot reliably predict the time of our own death. Trends in medical research, aging research, and degenerative disease suggest, however, that our deaths will not be indefinitely postponed. There is a high probability that each of us will die while we still have essential responsibilities for our families or others. We therefore buy life insurance.

    Political and technological trends are also raising the probability that our families will need protection against weapons of mass killing. For this reason, each of us should buy civil defense insurance.

    The cycles and trends in our world are largely determined by human behavior. Much of this involves some of the least desirable aspects of human nature--greed, fear, envy, hatred, and the lust for power. There are many information salesmen in our society who purport to be able to predict the future. They offer us their "expert" opinions of the timing of these cycles and trends. Each time that an alarming prediction is made, some people are motivated to take protective action. In this way, alarming predictions are of real value.

    It is very important that these protective actions mitigate the danger from the actual threat rather than mitigating only the fear from that threat. Family civil defense preparations should provide for 1. water; 2. shelter; 3. food; 4. medical supplies; 5. tools; 6. instrumentation; 7. books and other information; 8. communications; 9. firearms; and 10. purchasing insurance such as gold and silver coins--generally in this order of importance. Firearms have a relatively low priority, because the other items in the list are more likely to be needed in a real civil defense emergency. Similarly, in a real emergency, essential survival items will be priceless and almost impossible to buy, so purchasing insurance is less likely to be needed.

    This is not to say that guns and gold are unimportant. Many people have survived terrible world calamities because they possessed a little gold with which to purchase escape or protection. We are all too familiar with localized incidents that occur frequently in the United States in which survival depends upon firearms and firearms training. Oddly, however, when people mitigate their fear, they often make preparations in the opposite order to that suggested above and often spend their survival funds in very cost-ineffective ways. They also tend to equate cost with value. They believe that those preparations which cost the most are the most protective. The most costly preparations are also those with the greatest profit margin for experts who predict immediate disaster.

    I recall, for example, the predictions of the late 1970s. The end of Western Civilization was "at hand." Great profits were to be realized by betting on its demise--especially with gold. Very serious problems did arise, so gold turned out to be an excellent investment providing it was sold before these difficulties subsided. The mind set of those who had invested heavily in gold was interesting to watch during the crisis. From $200 to $400 per ounce they were pleased as their investment increased in value. At $600 per ounce, however, they began to pay more attention to the crisis itself. As gold moved toward $800 per ounce, they were panicked and had lost interest in gold. They were afraid that the worst predictions they had made were actually coming true, and most of them had made no real preparations. Moreover, they no longer were able to count their profits in gold. Since the dollar looked nearly dead and all other inflation hedges had skyrocketed in value, too, there was no certain way to take profits in gold. In effect, they had decided that, during the worst crisis they could imagine, they preferred to own gold rather than food, water, a safe location and shelter and other necessities of life.

    I remember visiting in the home of a very wealthy banker during this crisis. He and his wife were panicked. His wife still did not understand. She was worried because they had not purchased sufficient diamonds. Gold, in terms of their wealth, was not valuable enough to be portable. Where most people of average wealth view gold as portable and silver as bulky in terms of ease of transport, this family had so much wealth that no significant part of it could be easily transported as gold. Diamonds were to them as gold is to most families.

    Her husband the banker had, however, belatedly understood. While his wife talked that evening about their lack of sufficient diamonds, he bemoaned the fact that he had not purchased a small farm in the country which could help protect his family from the looming potential for urban disaster.

    Even where priorities are correct, resources are often wasted. We have repeatedly described storage food procedures which will provide for an active adult for one year at a cost of about $150. Still people waste their resources on food storage programs with less nutrition, shorter shelf life, and a cost ten times greater. Don't do it! Store food for ten people for the price of one. Then you won't need fantasies about the protection of your food supplies from the neighbors. You are going to voluntarily feed them anyway. Why not prepare for it? Each time a news report stimulates you to improve your civil defense preparations, take action. The threatened disaster probably won't reach you, but it can help you to make preparations you may need later. Just be sure that each purchase is as cost effective as possible and in a good order of priority.

    The trend may not be our "friend" as the saying goes and the cycles may scare us badly. The difference between a man of courage and a coward is not their fear. Both are afraid. The difference is that the courageous man uses his fear productively as a stimulus to effective action against the perceived threat.

    * * *
    Now, as to the inquiries about George Green, Arthur Robinson, Eustace Mullins, etc. I want to tell you readers something. These people WERE NOT FRIENDS OF GEORGE GREEN. I brought these people into our lives here because I CHOSE THEIR WORK ON MERIT! It seems that NOW George Green goes about talking about "good old Art" and "good old friend Eustace" and "good old this one and that one". I want to set a few things straight--for EKKERS don't know them either. I KNOW THEM--ALTHOUGH THEY DO NOT KNOW ME!

    One of the early journals we wrote was Survival Is Only Ten Feet From Hell. This was primarily based on Arthur Robinson's writings called FIGHTING CHANCE--AMONG MUCH OTHER INPUT. Not only did we honor the work and the author but, on request, copies of Fighting Chance were purchased (I hope) and GIVEN out with copies of our book. Why? Because I feel Dr. Robinson was the BEST available.

    Green now sues and has an alias called Rick Webber draw up pages of "plagiarism" accusations and mails them to "EVERYBODY". Forget it, readers, as a publisher Mr. Green was not only supposed to get all clearances but I can guarantee you that authors such as Robinson AND Mullins will well remember CLEARANCE obtained for sharing of their work. So what happened with US&P? Well, perhaps you should ask Mr. Green--but do not expect "good old Tim" (Timothy Binder, president of US&P) to tell you any more than will "good old George". I CAN promise you one thing, however: As time passes here and things unfold--along with our presence being without doubt--these people in point will be honored to have had their work SHARED with us and YOU READERS. They are real patriots and Christ-oriented "good" people interested in survival of you and your nation. Others CLAIM to be but are more interested in covering, hiding and making a buck off your distress. I cannot help that, friends--but in the ending--it will be fine, for those who would deny you knowledge will be denied--and it will be in like manner--which in this instance will be "passage". So be it. It is not too late to change as it now evolves--but it soon will be so. Our people will be sustained--even if it be with nothing to their name--EXCEPT THEIR NAME.

    Let me share another tid-bit. The letter sent from Dave Overton to our few here (under attack) in loving support--means more than the gold George thieved and buried in Nevada (from this man). Courts of law? Ah, friends, the court is within--and the justice is recognized. So be it for it must be that along this journey--the records must be set to straight.

    Do you need survival skills and preparations--YES, DO IT! One MAJOR "project" here was to build a shelter which would withstand EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING--it would be for "good old George" too. It is so sad for it would be a business project--model for any building (ANY BUILDING). And what is now claimed? That Ekkers did it for selves and stole millions of dollars to boot! How, readers? This is a little pathetic man who has gathered up the compromised persons who came to share and uses them. Is this alright? NO--it is not.

    John Schroepfer has been moved to unknown places with refusal to give whereabouts even though a court order had been made to remove conservatorship from Eleanor. How can this be? Easy--it just IS. He has been secretly removed to the Sacramento area somewhere and even his brother, who would gladly run John's BUSINESS AND MONEY, but not inconvenience himself or his own wife with his care--refuses to give location or allow visits. What have you come to, people? Why can this happen? What is the point in this instance? The point is to hold John in secret hostage until AFTER ANY CHANCE OF COURT HEARINGS WHERE HE CAN TESTIFY AS TO WHAT REALLY HAPPENED IN THE "CONSPIRACY" REGARDING GEORGE GREEN and running the Institute into receivership. John was there when it was discussed with Green in CARSON CITY. John claims he was bopped on the head--by Eleanor on the day of his "accident". Is that so? Well, she and her son had taken everything of value and secreted it away and got the rest after he was incarcerated in an "Alzheimer Center" where all he got were lice and bedbugs (according to brother James). Did he have Alzheimer's? NO, he his some loss of memory and a "bit of organic brain syndrome". How non-diagnostic can you get? He is in his seventies and is a bit eccentric and "forgets"--how many of YOU could pass a test??? WELL, "THEY" KNOW THEY ARE DONE-FOR IF JOHN IS OUT TO TESTIFY--SO I ASK YOU LEGAL EAGLES: WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? I TOLD YOU TO GET HIM OUT OF THERE IN TIME FOR THANKSGIVING--LAST YEAR! John thinks you, AND GOD, have abandoned him. WHO WILL COME GET YOU?

    Ponder upon these things lest you be caught at disadvantage.

    Thank you and good evening.

    TUE., JUN. 21, 1994 7:28 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 309
    TUE., JUN. 21, 1994
    As information regarding the "dark forces" comes to LIGHT it is hard to protect the information bringers. To say it comes from a hard-to-locate-and-capture personage is not quite enough. This is a HARD COPY world if you want to show people TRUTH. The original daring speakers have literally spent years of their lives in prison for telling truth--while most of the public STILL MISSED IT. We get a larger audience now but still the ones who can do the most good are obscure, discounted or still tucked away by the Elite who continue their trail of dirty tricks on you-the-people.

    Since a lot of things for the benefit of you-the-people and our own mission are going to come forth by way of Austria--it is imperative that we protect Russbacher by keeping his name in the world conversations--regardless of whatever name they call him now. It becomes difficult to impossible to bury someone who is noted EVERY DAY. Please keep up the correspondence to everyone you can think of over there.

    As for Ronn Jackson, I think you hear the news that we have now heard that well over 15,000 pieces of mail (or FAX) have arrived at the Nevada Governor's office regarding Ronn and a representative has been sent to the prison. Keep up that barrage also, PLEASE. There is also a desire by Ronn to have us thank you because just yesterday the prison mail was delayed in delivery until evening hours BECAUSE OF THE AMOUNT OF MAIL DIRECTED TO RONN JACKSON. He received over 500 pieces of mail yesterday. YOU CAN ACCOMPLISH YOUR TASK, READERS--IF YOU KEEP POURING IT ON FOR AS MUCH AND AS LONG AS YOU CAN. WHEN WE GET HIM OUT WE WILL HAVE GREAT ADVANTAGE TO CARRY ON OUR OWN WORK--BUT WE NEED HIM OUT.

    It is not that he isn't going to be eventually released; it is that the "Big Boys" are too afraid of the information Ronn has and fear he will use it--regardless of agreements. Well, he is doing OK and we are given opportunity by their failure to keep agreements timely, to offer information here which is WORSE for them. I do believe, however, that THE Committee of major importance is beginning to recognize that we MEAN BUSINESS and will work with them the minute they start keeping agreements and cause the other power-brokers to do likewise.

    Why are they concerned? Because a lot of economic "stuff" is due to hit the fan around the early part of JULY. Some information, especially regarding Ronald Reagan, would cause a major, major problem prior to then, if it hit the media now. Even though we have agreed to hold off--they just wiggle and turn and look themselves in the mirror and figure they can't trust us! Well, good readers, I don't care about Ronald Reagan. He actually is a criminal of a very personal type with less than no morals at all--JUST AN ACTOR AND NOT A VERY GOOD ONE AT THAT. The plan was to simply "take him out" and get rid of the problem that way--but the reflection of the information would touch too many other "big wigs". You will be hearing about some legal confrontations regarding him in July anyway--so, we would keep our word, watchers!

    There are other agreements which are not taking shape timely, either. There was a very big agreement to pull every dog and puppy off my people. This has NOT happened! I want the gold that belongs to the Institute--RETURNED and that case ended. I want the money owed the Institute repaid by George Green NOW and that case stopped. We do not care what happens to the journals he holds hostage as they are a major expense now in the removal of all copyright material and rebinding. I doubt the Institute will even agree to pick them up other than by sale at auction.

    I demand an apology in all major papers by the Associated Press, its reporter and attorneys Horton, Abbott, Dickey and others who have seen to it that these cases have not been settled.

    The Nevada Supreme Court held with the Institute in the matter of the privacy ruling regarding Leon Fort--but ordered a new attorney on the case by the 28th of June. All consideration work will be held "in-camera" in that isolated matter until another hearing. Mr. Jackson has promised an attorney--we need that done today! Or a stand-in to meet the time-line of the court order. We are weary of the games and counter-games as set up by the "big boys" to hopefully shut down CONTACT and our projects, the Institute and all writing--along with any work begun on our several projects for housing, greenhouses, farming, motion-picture facilities, etc. There have been major CRIMES (felony theft, banking fraud, efforts for forced bankruptcy, etc.) committed by the adversarial parties in coalition. We will either pursue this to criminal court or these matters WILL BE SETTLED! We have no intention of trying to clean up the entire judicial system through our local cases--but I expect John Schroepfer released from incarceration in the secret care center AND A POSITIVE CONCLUSION TO THE CASE WITH SANTA BARBARA SAVINGS, THE AUCTIONEER (who didn't), THE RTC, et al. This will take place OR we will go after, immediately, the legal parties involved in the collusion and mishandling of this case--including the judges involved from upstart! I hope every intelligence agent taking this information from this keyboard spreads this word immediately if not more quickly.

    Now, along the lines of keeping MY WORD regarding information distribution--I will refrain from telling more than is available (but hardly noted from the mostly localized presses offering truth)--but I will continue to choose very carefully WHO and WHAT I focus attention toward.

    Today we will share and tell a bit about one of the biggest and dirtiest "Empires" around--that we certainly do not wish you nice READERS to miss. We also want the Congressional MEMBERS to have this information--and once again, good old HENRY KISSINGER is right there! Let's take up THE HOLLINGER CORPORATE EMPIRE. To further KEEP MY WORD, we will use that which is already printed publicly. This will come from "good old" Lyndon LaRouche's (ouch--better watch this guy, you "big buddies", because he is loaded for bear this time) The New Federalist, May 2, 1994.

    The major subject actually dealt with the efforts to destroy the presidency with a chronology of assaults on Clinton(s). These are major notables from Oct. 1993 though March 1994. However, you will note that things keep breaking daily so that would be already "behind" so we will move on to the Hollinger focus. For you who don't know about the Hollinger Empire, it is fine--it is INTENDED that you not know these things.

    While the British press has been after President Clinton's scalp for months, and the assault on the President has been enthusiastically joined by The London Economist, The London Guardian, and The Times of London as of early March 1994, the center of the Clintongate assault is unquestionably to be found at the headquarters of the Hollinger Corporation. [H: And you thought you gained independence from England? Foolish people!] R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. and his coterie at The American Spectator are in every respect stooges of the Hollinger group (See chart next page).

    Who, then, are the key players at the Hollinger Corporation? And what is the background of this little-known but powerful media conglomerate?

    Although the Hollinger Corp. long maintained its corporate headquarters in Toronto, Canada, it had been at the very center of the City of London Tory power structure well before its relocation to the British capital.

    Hollinger Corporation is today dominated by its chairman and chief executive officer, Conrad M. Black. The Canadian-born Black's corporation, originally called Argus Corporation, was established directly as an outgrowth of the World War II British Special Operations Executive (SOE) by one of Britain's top economic warfare experts, Edward Plunket Taylor.

    E.P. Taylor had emerged prior to World War II as one of Canada's financial elite, largely through his granfather's Prohibition-era booze-smuggling. Grandfather's Ottawa-based Branding Breweries was parlayed by E.P. Taylor into a Canada-wide- beer conglomerate, Canadian Breweries, subsuming 30 separate manufacturers. George Montegu Black, father of Conrad Black, had owned, the Western Breweries in Winnipeg and had become a business partner of Taylor. The Taylor and Black family evolutions from booze barons to Canadian elites paralleled the rise of the Bronfmans, a Canadian Prohibition-era gangster clan that emerged by the 1930s as "respectable" businessmen and policy shapers. Edgar Bronfman, the current family scion, sits on the board of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith and is the president of the World Jewish Congress. [H: Hummmnnn...]

    In April 1940, Edward Plunket Taylor was recruited into British intelligence by the minister of munitions and supplies, Clarence Decatur Howe. Perhaps drawing on the Taylor family's past experience in the smuggling business, Howe assigned E.P. Taylor with responsibility for securing the flow of U.S. dollars throughout the British empire, and for obtaining war supplies from the United States, even though such cooperation was explicitly forbidden at the time under the U.S. Neutrality Act. To accomplish this, Taylor was detailed to Washington, D.C., where he oversaw what The New York Times described at the time as "a virtual merging of the economies of the United States and Canada". [H: Still with me, readers?]

    The cover under which Taylor carried out this assignment was as chairman of a private company called War Supplies, Ltd., which had been created by the ministry. His actual title was chairman of the powerful British Supply Council, a post to which he was appointed by Prime Minister Winston Churchill personally. At one point, his official mission included preparations for relocating the Bank of England to Canada. [H: Are we talking POWER or what?]

    Taylor, along with George Montegu Black and a number of other "dollar a year" men, ran War Supplies, Ltd. as a commercial venture, eventually amassing a fortune estimated at $1.3 billion. In 1945, at the close of the war, Taylor and Black renamed War Supplies, Ltd., setting it up as a purely "private" closed-end investment fund called Argus Corporation.

    Taylor and Black, Sr. ran Argus for decades, eventually building it up as a media conglomerate owning a string of newspapers in Britain, Canada, the United States, the Caribbean, and Australia.

    In the early 1970s, Taylor abruptly retired as chairman of Argus and moved to the Caribbean, where he drafted the banking laws for such future hot money havens as the Cayman Islands and the Bahamas.

    Under the subsequent chairmanship of Conrad Black, the British intelligence pedigree of Argus remained strong. Black also [has] forged close ties to the Bronfman apparatus, headquartered in Montreal.

    The law firm representing the Bronfman financial interests, Phillips, Bloomfield, Vineberg and Goodman is an important nest of British SOE veterans. In particular, the late Louis Mortimer Bloomfield, a senior partner in the firm for many years, served as the SOE liaison to J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI, a relationship Bloomfield maintained following the war.

    Paralleling the postwar creation of Argus Corporation, Bloomfield too created a string of Canadian-based postwar intelligence proprietary companies, including the British American Canadian Corp. and Permindex (Permanent Industrial Expositions). Permindex was caught by both French intelligence and New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison funnelling money to covert hit squads implicated in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and in numerous attempts on the life of French President Charles de Gaulle. Permindex board member Clay Shaw, a new Orleans businessman, was the only person ever indicted and prosecuted as an alleged participant in the plot to kill JFK. [H: Isn't all this interesting, READERS?]

    In 1985, Argus Corp., now renamed Hollinger Corp., under the chairmanship of Conrad Black, launched a media takeover drive that placed the company at the apex of the newspaper business in the English-speaking world. Hollinger bought 83 percent of the shares in The Telegraph, plc at the urging and with the financial backing of the British branch of the Rothschild family. The Spectator, an English establishment journal that had published uninterrupted since 1828, was purchased by Hollinger shortly after The Telegraph, plc takeover. On July 9, 1990, The Spectator featured a spectacular article by one of Prime Minister Thatcher's closest cabinet allies, Minister of Industry and Trade Nicholas Ridley. Ridley assailed German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, equating him with Adolf Hitler, and declared Britain's firm opposition to German reunification.

    Hollinger's buying spree continued with the buy-up of the American Publishing Company, Unimedia (Canada), Sterling Newspapers, Ltd., Saturday Night Magazine, Valley Cable TV, Inc., and Canada's premier financial daily, The Financial Post. As of 1990, Hollinger owned 80 daily newspapers and 151 weekly newspapers in the United States, Canada, Britain, and the Caribbean, accounting for 1.9 million daily circulation and 2.9 weekly circulation. In Australia, Hollinger moved in with a buyout of 17 percent of the voting stock in John Fairfax Holdings, owners of The Age, the country's largest daily newspaper, and a string of financial publications. In early 1994, Hollinger purchased The [H: The rest of this sentence is missing from the article.]

    In the spring of 1989, Hollinger bought 98.9 percent ownership in THE JERUSALEM POST. Once known internationally as the newspaper of record for Israel, and a voice of the moderate wing of the Labour Party, The Jerusalem Post was overnight transformed into a house organ of the most rabid Greater Israel elements in the Likud, led by General Ariel Sharon. Sharon was an intellectual architect, if not hands-on controller, of the Hebron massacre on Feb. 25, 1994.

    In July 1990, Conrad Black announced the expansion of the board of directors of the Hollinger Corp. and its wholly owned subsidiaries, The Telegraph plc and Jerusalem Post Publications Limited. The new board members, reflecting the newly bought media clout of the newspaper conglomerate were:

    * Lord Peter Carrington, former minister of defense, NATO secretary general and foreign secretary, then a director of KISSINGER ASSOCIATES, INC.

    * Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, chairman of N.M. Rothschild and Sons, Ltd.

    * Henry N. L. Keswick, chairman of Matheson & Co. Ltd. and Jardine Matheson Holdings, Ltd. Jardine Matheson, along with Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corp. are synonymous with Britain's imperial Opium Wars against China.

    * Lord King of Wartnaby, chairman of British Airways.

    * Sir James Goldsmith, a large shareholder in another powerful British media conglomerate, United Newspapers plc, owners of such powerful papers as The Daily Express, and a top bankroller of The American Spectator.

    As well as the already mentioned 1990 additions, the board of The Telegraph plc includes Rupert N. Hambro, group managing director of J.O. Hambro & Company, one of the City of London's most powerful banks. Hambro was the SOE bank during World War II, and its ties into the intelligence nether-world caused the bank considerable embarrassment in the early 1980s, when it was linked to the Propaganda Two Freemasonic Lodge scandal in Italy.

    The Jerusalem Post Publications Limited recently added several people to its board, including Richard N. Perle, THE REAGAN ADMINISTRATION ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF DEFENSE FOR INTERNATIONAL SECURITY POLICY, LONG SUSPECTED OF TIES TO THE MOSSAD, ISRAEL'S INTELLIGENCE SERVICE. Perle's career in government was sponsored by another long-suspected Israel spy implicated in the Jonathan Jay Pollard affair, Albert Wohlstetter. Perle's career crossed that of Rabbi Meir Kahane, the later founder of the JDL, and he is a central figure in the U.S. neoconservative milieu.

    Another Jerusalem Post director added since the Hollinger takeover is Lord Wiedenfeld, chairman of Wiedenfeld and Nicolson, Ltd., a MAJOR BRITISH PUBLISHING HOUSE, AND INTIMATE OF HENRY KISSINGER.

    Nothing, however, epitomizes the Hollinger Corporation's position inside the Anglo-American apparatus more than the company's international advisory board.

    According to Hollinger's latest annual report, the honorary senior international advisor is none other than Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven, whom the report lists as "Prime Minister of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 1979-1991."

    The two senior international advisors to Hollinger are: LORD CARRINGTON AND HENRY KISSINGER.

    The International Advisory Board consists of:

    * Gianni Agnelli, chairman of Fiat S.P.A.;


    * David Brinkley, senior news commentator with ABC News;

    * ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI, former national security advisor to President Jimmy Carter;

    * William F. Buckley, Jr., founder and publisher of National Review, another neoconservative journal that has been recently at the center of the Clintongate assault;

    * Sir James Goldsmith;
    * Allan Gottlieb;
    * Richard Perle;

    * Lord Rothschild, chairman of J. Rothschild Holdings plc;
    * PAUL VOLCKER, former chairman of the Federal Reserve System and now chairman of James D. Wolfensohn, Inc., a New York City brokerage house; [H: Let's pause here a minute. We all know who is Paul Volcker. However, we were told BY GEORGE GREEN that he (Green) was a quasi-buddy of Volcker and that he (Green) had been asked to head the Carter Campaign Finance Committee. This is adamantly and vehemently DENIED BY INSIDERS WHO KNOW ALL PARTIES INVOLVED! OK, Mr. Green, care to tell us what is REALLY GOING ON WITH YOU?]

    * George F. Will, syndicated columnist for The Washington Post and contributing editor to NEWSWEEK magazine.

    It is this British-centered apparatus which is out to wreck the American presidency.

    * * *
    Would it be too bad to have Clinton OUT? Well, that is not the point here, Americans--WHAT DO YOU HAVE AS FOLLOW-ON? IS THIS NOT THE SAME THING AS BEING OUT TO WRECK THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT? You had better take a long, hard look at this kettle of fish.

    Further, I suggest that the Committee of 16 (17) take a good hard look at what is taking place. YOU MAY HAVE POWER NOW--BUT IS IT ENOUGH TO CONTAIN THE ENEMY? I DON'T BELIEVE SO! YOU HAVE BEEN NEGLIGENT AND ALLOWED THE ENEMY WITHIN. IT MIGHT BE WELL WORTH CONSIDERING MY OFFERS AND AGREEMENTS BECAUSE EVERY MAJOR PLAYER SHOULD HAVE A NICE ALIEN ON THEIR SIDE--DON'T YOU THINK? THE ENEMY HAS MORE THAN HIS SHARE ON HIS SIDE! However, I would point out that they actually do NOT have the power they are working diligently to acquire. They WILL acquire it if you allow it! None of you can do a thing against the Cosmospheres AT THIS TIME--I CAN!! So, it might well be time to consult with other "Committees" such as MJ-12 and investigate possibilities here involved. If you nice gentlemen don't get off your duffs and meet some obligations timely I will not be much longer available for negotiations.

    This is your friendly space Commander signing off for this morning's message. We can begin with Warren Christopher, Barbara Jordan, Alexander Solzhenitsyn (check spelling), Edward Shevardnadze OR right to the TOP--your choice. I would further suggest conferencing with the MJ-12 Committee as a WHOLE. You have plenty of "aliens" among you and with you--HOWEVER--I am "Grandaddy" and it will behoove you (and them) to harken-up as you play games that will reflect on Universal ORDER--I do not care much about your WORLD "DIS"ORDER!

    I am confident the intelligence monitors will get this to the proper authorities as requested--however, we will also get it to Mr. Jackson for personal furthering of our suggestions at his earliest convenience.

    At the least I require immediate attention to several matters: a mean, dirty, attorney WHO WINS EVERY TIME! and a RELEASE of our RIGHTFUL PROPERTY--NOW, PLEASE.

    Thank you for your attention. You will see, Sirs and Madams, that your enemy is also MY ENEMY! You will not be able to cohabitate very much longer as you are going!

    I salute your good judgment in this matter. Good morning.

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