PJ 97


SUN., JUN. 5, 1994 10:08 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 293

SUN., JUN. 5, 1994
I believe the way to do these writings today, for our current pa­per readying for press, is to take up subjects that the people will most understand and to which they can relate in a most con­nected manner--food supply, land grabs by the Elite and HENRY KISSINGER.

I think, since we have so many inquiries as to why we aren't running more of Ronn Jackson's material, you need a response. We aren't because the time is being consumed in negotiations with [among the various players in this game include: 1 Senator, 2 Representatives, 3 members of the Justice Dept. , 2 members of the Dept. of Defense,
1 U.S. Attorney and 3 deputy U.S. Attor­neys--1 is from Reno's office] the Justice Dept. and other odds and ends of Big Boys not wishing to be uncovered in their nasti­ness.

For' a personal touch, however, I will repeat for you a letter dealing with subject matter in which all of you have interest and question Ronn daily. He continues to respond but he is now having to stay up all night to respond to your correspondence (don't stop the flow) and you will find his responses to these in­quiries even more interesting than the murder of an ancient president or two. Why? Because those things are "past" and only display facts as from that old resource. The current hap­penings and experiences are far more important, even if they do not seem to be at this point of your awakening! The "reality" of your awakening to TRUTH can only come from confirmation of that which we have offered you so that you can relate to what comes NEXT.

When queried about the role(s) of Henry Kissinger and his placement in all this dastardly business, Ronn said that he was not by a long-shot a major player as to the head committee. Well, I beg to differ in only one aspect--Mr. Kissinger is a PUPPET and is a high-level "runner" because he is manipulated and controlled, and follows direct orders of very high-level players in this Take Over The World Conspiracy. But he is getting into real trouble now--he is coming into disfavor through his antics and human revenge-ego tantrums. I have no wish to pull down Henry Kissinger as such;
I like my enemies where I can always see their stupidity in action.
We do not have time nor space to give you background and in­telligence on one Henry Kissinger. He has been into things for several generations, to say the least, and did in fact play a major role in destabilizing the United States in at least three wars, the Middle East, Korea and Vietnam as well as in the Gulf War and this does not even begin to touch his involvement in the total de­struction and damage he has done in every facet of your exis­tence. Not only do you continue to honor the man and bestow doctorates upon him--but literally bend and bow as he picks them up while you continue to dig your own graves. Do I dis­like Kissinger? Goodness no--he has done his work superbly well; besides, he is but a puppet tool of the "REAL" players. But, as I said above, he is moving into trouble in these days through his unwise demands and actions as pertains to me and mine. The thought of his "HANDLERS" is to take him out--this time without replacement. I would suggest that Mr. Kissinger heed this warning for he knows his handlers DO NOT PLAY NICE!

I must leave it to you readers to refresh your memories about Kissinger's role in other things than those of which we speak today. You can get an excellent history of this man and his connections with the Soviet KGB, etc. But you will have to get it through Criminal Politics Magazine: HENRY KISSINGER: So­viet Agent. By Frank Capell. I believe the ONLY source is through Criminal Politics magazine, P.O. Box 37432, Cincin­nati, OH 45222, or call 1-800-543-0486. The cost is listed at $10 for one copy or $15 for two. Add $1.5 postage for each book.

But first let us share correspondence with Jackson.

We will refer to the correspondent as K.J.L. and only offer the questions from his letter.


There is a word in parenthesis, in your letter, which I don't understand, "(COUPS)" after the "Committee". What does this mean?

What are the numbers that appear at the end of segments in your writings as they appear in the CONTACT?

I attended a Patriot meeting in Santa Rosa [CA], March 16th. There were probably 400 people there from around the country, some very capable amateur legal people. One of the hottest topics was the lawsuit of yours in Reno. Some of those peo­ple had gone to Reno to gather information, but as far as I can gather they have been thrown off the scent and now be­lieve it was all a hoax. Is it possible to get a copy of the law­suit, & a copy of the gag order (without becoming a target)?

Where were you when you visited the Committee (as told in CONTACT), in London? I wasn't quite sure from the story.

I am curious to know how your change of heart took place, as far as throwing your weight behind restoring the REPUBLIC. It seems you had some inner guidance.

Have you ever heard of Russian Cosmospheres with particle beam weapons, or how about human replication (Robotoids) or underground military bases. These subjects have all been men­tioned in the Phoenix Journals.
Keep up the good work and God Bless You, KJL.

Response: from Ronn Jackson:


You are not taking up too much of my time. The (C.O.U.P.E.S) after the "Committee" means, COMMITTEE AND ORGANIZATION FOR UNIVERSAL PEACE AND ECONOMIC STABILIZATION. "THIS" is/are the RULERS OF THIS COUNTRY! Until I wrote The Death of Camelot, their existence was not known. (They are upset with me)!

The numbers that follow each episode (060220) Book One, is my LIFE INSURANCE POLICY. The meaning of the numbers will be revealed soon in the CONTACT AND AFTER MY RE­LEASE.

The organizations of the patriots will find my law suit was legitimate and, of course, without cooperation. I can understand the skepticism. On page 49, 5-10-94 issue of CONTACT, the 1st news-bulletin on my law-suit was printed. This is not a hoax. Trial date is 9-13-94, U.S. District Court, Reno, NV. Make no mistake, while the patriots are going around talking about the injustices of this country, I'm doing something about this country-- AND I WILL WIN!

Although I won't give you the address, the Committee is in the same building in Washington, D.C.

Yes, I had some outside guidance. I'm not sure from whom or where, but the direction is "UP", I think--[H: Indeed!]

I have not read all of the former journals and as each subject that comes up that I have knowledge of, I will comment on it. There are particle beam weapons and they are not of Russian origin. As you will find out in the future issues of CONTACT, I was a Board Member of "MJ-12". There are programs of human replication going on, however, "DNA" the human Genome is a little more complex than people of this place and time WERE aware of. Assistance has been given to certain or­ganizations but what you suggest is at least 20-50 years away. [H: Sorry Ronn--mechanically, replication is far advanced of what YOU think it to be. The point is that you DON'T, and neither do the "assistants" (aliens of course), KNOW HOW TO BRING THESE BEINGS INTO WHAT WE REFER TO AS "LIFE". AS WITH A "KISSINGER", YOU SIMPLY HAVE A FUNCTIONING PERSON, DOWNLOADED WITH INFORMATION--AND NO SOUL ENERGY TO ALLOW FOR PASSAGE FROM THE PHYSICAL. ONCE NEW BODIES ARE NOT SUPPLIED, THE ENTITY IS GONE--FOREVER. ANY SOUL ESSENCE HAS LONG SINCE GONE. I only use "Kissinger" as an example be­cause so many top-players are replications as to be all but unidentifiable by the ordinary human citizen. I note that YOU do not have any trouble at all in making identification as to WHICH ones are but functionaries.]

Those who have the technology are stupid. [H: Do not con­fuse this with "dumb", readers--they are stupid as a fox al­ready within the henhouse with belly full. They are, how­ever, to say the very least--without any wisdom whatsoever!]

There are several underground FACILITIES. Note I use the term "FACILITIES", not "BASES". I've been in several. No, the inhabitants have nothing to do with Nazi-Germany or anyone from Europe. The Phoenix Journals are using information from people such as myself and I do not profess to know everything that has gone on; however, if I see something that is incorrect, I will tell "Hatonn". Most of his information, that I have knowl­edge of, is very accurate. I have filled in some information. To answer what I believe you are asking, 1. Yes, there are other living forms from other places and dimensions. 2. Have I seen them? Yes, and those that I have seen appear to be not unlike you or me. Those that I have spoken to, that I could not see, were real. 3. I've been inside the North-Pole, under the Philippines, under two facilities in Egypt, one under one place in South America (and am aware of many others).

[H: Readers, let's let him out before we nag too heavily about what he knows and where he has been--he simply cannot maintain security and tell you more. I would, my­self, tape his mouth before I would allow foolish responses. I will be happy to explain to you AND TO HIM about what is going on, has been going on AND WHAT WILL BE TAK­ING PLACE--but not now, here or out of proper sequence.]
Since the Committee controls ALL (300, Tri-Lat, U.S. Govt., Japan Govt. and many more), my loss to them was great. There isn't much they don't control. I've upset many of their plans of One World Government. Now I'm going to STOP them. Not only do I have the Committee to over-come, the stupid U.S. Government doesn't know what controls THEM and I have the Government to contend with as well. I will win. Keep writing if you wish and send a self-addressed, stamped en­velope and I will answer each inquiry. Thanks for your interest. Ronn Jackson.
* * * *

Parole Board Gov. Bob Miller
State of Nevada Capitol Complex
Capitol Complex Carson City, NV 89710
Carson City, NV 89710

DO NOT GET FAR-OUT IN YOUR DEMANDS, MAKE IT A HUMAN ASSIGNMENT--NOT OVERSHADOWED BY ALIENS, ETC. WE WANT HIM OUT--NOT LOCKED AWAY IN DUNGEONS FOREVERMORE. YOU HAVE AGAIN WORKED "MIRACLES" AS TO GUNTHER (although he will now NOT be recognized as the original Gunther we all knew and loved but it is better NOW). We will keep everyone posted as we can do so in security.

* * * *
Now, back to:

I ask for excerpts from a book entitled: FEAST OR FAMINE, What's In Store For America? by William P. Fall, It can be obtained from The John Birch Society, 395 Concord Ave., Bel­mont, Massachusetts 02188 or 2627 Mission St., San Marino, Calif. 91108. There is a filmstrip available on cassette tape for $48.00 and the booklet is $1.00 each with discount prices for large quantity purchases. I cannot be sure that you will still be able to obtain the booklet as it was produced in 1980. I am not going to use the whole of the information so I suggest you con­sider getting your own copy, please. I will hop, skip and jump around because I am most interested in your realization of the role Mr. Kissinger plays in all this, as well as my own input about one or two more current things.




Let's very quickly review the situation we have been de­scribing. For about fifty years, federal farm policies have been based on President Roosevelt's Agricultural Adjustment Act--a law which was once declared unConstitutional by the Supreme Court, but which was later reenacted with even more destructive capability. That law was inspired and implemented by top De­partment of Agriculture officials who were high-ranking mem­bers of the Communist Party. And their purpose, according to AAA head George Peek and other knowledgeable authorities, was to establish Soviet-style collective control over American agriculture.

As we have seen, every Administration since 1933 has con­sistently followed the collectivist pattern by expanding regula­tory control over agriculture. The regulation has become so vast that American agriculture for all intents and purposes is now being run by the state, and the American farmer, says Con­gressman Charles Grassley of Iowa, is visibly becoming "a serf controlled by the federal government". The consequences, of course, have been disastrous not only for the farmer, but for the public as well.

We have also seen that a so-called "national emergency" of food surpluses was the excuse for establishing federal regulation of agriculture, and that the "surplus" pretext has been kept alive for fifty years as the means of expanding federal control. One effect of Washington's menacing controls has been increasing domestic shortages. As a result, the United States has become a leading agricultural importer.

The fact that our nation is increasingly dependent on food imports has been well hidden. We all know how serious our nation's dependence on foreign oil is. Imagine, then, what could happen if there were ever a food embargo similar to the Arab oil embargo!

Just how dependent are we on agricultural imports? The USDA's most current Agricultural Statistics show that between 1963 and 1977 those imports had increased by fifty percent. Meat imports were especially high. The USDA says that by 1977 we were importing about 2 billion pounds of beef annu­ally. The figure is incomplete however. Hundreds of millions of more pounds of beef enter the country every year as live cat­tle, but the USDA deceptively lists these supplies as part of do­mestic beef production rather than as beef imports. And since 1977, of course, American cattlemen have had to reduce production, increasing our dependence on beef imports even more.

Former Congressman John Rarick dramatically illustrated our agricultural deficit in 1972. He showed that it would have re­quired millions more American farmers, hundreds of millions more in livestock, and hundreds of millions more acres of farmland to produce the commodities we were importing at the time for premium prices. The point, of course, is that American farmers could produce those same commodities better and cheaper than any foreign producer. And, if our agricultural economy were free of destructive government controls, there would be many more American farmers to produce those goods profitably. But instead, thousands of farmers in this country are forced to quit their farms every year in financial despair.

Apart from federal agricultural controls, there is another major cause of our domestic shortages and rising food prices. It is Washington's policy of handing over massive amounts of our food to foreign nations. A close look at this scheme clearly reveals that the real purpose of our policy-mak­ers is to bolster the faltering systems of Socialist and Communist regimes. At the same time, our own Government is systemati­cally robbing and leveling the agricultural prosperity of our na­tion.

In 1954, President Eisenhower initiated the so-called "Food For Peace" program. Through this program the federal gov­ernment subsidized food shipments worth some $20 BILLION to foreign powers. Among the largest recipients were Communist governments.

The disastrous effects of Food For Peace handouts reached a high point after what has been called the Great Grain Robbery of 1972. That year, as part of a package which effectively can­celled the 11 billion dollar Lend-Lease debt owed us by the Soviet Union, President Nixon begged Kremlin leaders to let the U.S. ship them over 700 million bushels of American grain. The grain was sold to the Soviets at artificially low prices and subsidized with federal funds to the tune of $1.35 per bushel. Which means that our farmers got paid with their own tax dol­lars. The Communists were then allowed to buy the grain on credit and our Government guaranteed payment. All of which means that the Communists really didn't have to pay anything. And, judging from past experience, they probably did NOT pay anything! Direct cost to taxpayers for this one handout was al­most two billion dollars.

The Russian grain deal wiped out our reserves and created food shortages in the United States that sent prices to record highs. This pushed the overall bill for the grain robbery up sev­eral billion dollars more, so that the estimated total cost to each American family was $500.

Then in 1975, the Ford Administration signed a five-year agreement to sell the Soviet Union between 6 and 8 million met­ric tons of grain each year on generous credit terms. In 1979, the Red Chinese, who now likewise enjoy federally guaranteed credit, placed what was for them a record order of grain worth $700 million. These huge grain deals with the Communist gi­ants prompted the New York Times to warn with headline em­phasis that "A Shortage of Wheat Looms". [H: What may well be remembered, short-memoried, short-sighted citizens of this great nation--THIS WAS ALL WHILE YOU WERE AT COLD WAR WITH THE "EVIL EMPIRE" AND ALL THIS WAS GOING ON WHILE YOU DIDN'T NOTICE THERE NEVER WAS A WAR, A COLD-WAR OR ANYTHING OF THE KIND--THE COMMUNISTS WERE SIMPLY TAK­ING OVER AMERICA. Now, Mr. Jackson tells me the "Committee" would never allow the reserves to be used up, stripping this nation of food supplies--NOT SO, SIR! AS OF LAST YEAR--THE U.S. HAS ONLY ENOUGH FOOD IN RESERVE, INCLUDING GRAIN, TO LAST LESS THAN 7 DAYS! IT HAS BEEN SENT BY MAJORITY TO CHINA AND TO RUSSIA. HENRY KISSINGER ARRANGED AND ORCHESTRATED THE TRANSACTIONS ALONG WITH GORBACHEV and the ARTHUR, DANIELS, MID­LAND GRAIN CARTEL (THE PRESIDENT OF WHICH IS NOW CANADIAN EX-PRIME MINISTER, MULRONEY). Now, in addition, deliberate weather disasters have cut the crops to the point of inability to meet the "treaties" and agreements, much less feed the U.S. WAKE UP AMER­ICA, AND MR. JACKSON!!! I actually hesitate to make Mr. Jackson any more angry with his own "handlers" of yes­terday--but it is time to take notice that it is far worse than anything even he has imagined. Is this the work of the Committee of 300 or some other committee? It doesn't mat­ter, does it? If the Committee (COUPES) is higher in rank­ing action than is "300" and this has been allowed--GUESS WHAT!?! This article, from which we print here, is so out­dated that I almost didn't use it--but you have to remember what HAPPENED and then you can relate to the LAND-GRAB, FARM-GRAB, ENVIRONMENTAL LAND-TAKEOVER FOR MICE PRESERVATION AND THUS AND SO. YOU ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE TAKING OF ALL LANDS--THE RESOLUTION TRUST CORPO­RATION WAS ONLY A TINY PORTION OF THE LAND-THEFT!]
Farmers are constantly being told that grain deals with Com­munist nations are beneficial. But these deals involve subsidized prices, long-term credit, and Uncle Sam picking up the tab. The result is more taxation, more inflation, higher prices here at home, and more government control over agriculture--all of which is helping to drive American farmers out of business. The only real beneficiaries, then, are the Communists. [H: And remember--who ARE the COMMUNISTS??]
Authors Antony Sutton and Patrick Wood explain in their book, Trilaterals Over Washington, that the original directive for the Soviet grain giveaway came from HENRY KISSINGER. Mr. Kissinger is a member of the Executive Committee of the Trilateral Commission, a fact which adds greater significance to the grain deal.
[H: This is 1994 and let me assure you that Mr. Kissinger is far more than a member of some little club called "Tri-Lateral". Where are you this day,
Mrs. Calabash--and by the way, Herr Weishaupt Kissinger?]
The Trilateral Commission is an elite international organiza­tion created by an admirer of Marxism who dreamed of creating a "New World Order". It is also a powerfully influential force in American politics and governmental policy-making, having many high government officials among its members and former members.

In its published recommendations, the Trilateral Commission urges control over the entire world's agricultural production and the creation of massive storage programs to achieve equitable distribution of food supplies among the world nations. Such a scheme, stripped of its deceptive idealism, is nothing but the Communist system of state control of food supplies. Only in this instance the system would be imposed universally through­out the world. What is wrong with this scheme for so-called World Order is not merely that such a system can never possibly work. Much worse is the absolute power over everyone that it gives to governments. For what better way of controlling peo­ple is there than by controlling food supplies?

The February 25, 1935, edition of the Chicago American, bearing a headline that read, "Six Million Perish in Soviet Famine", told the gruesome story of how Communist leaders deliberately starved masses of Ukrainian peasants to death. Af­ter murdering the farmers and seizing their crops, the Soviet Government was then able to control the rest of the population because it controlled the food supply. Such barbarism is stan­dard Communist practice. [H: They are in America now, so stick around, Citizens, and you will certainly understand.]

Yet government control of the entire world's food supply is now being advocated by the Trilateral Commission, to which HENRY KISSINGER and other powerful political figures belong.

It so happens that President Jimmy Carter is one of the origi­nal members of the Trilateral Commission, as are Vice Presi­dent Walter Mondale and numerous other cabinet-level officials of the Carter Administration. [H: Equally or more important is the Council on Foreign Relations--on whose membership roster rests EVERY advisor and cabinet member currently!] And it also happens that a major feature of the Food and Agri­culture Act implemented in 1977 by the Carter Administration is a massive grain storage program. Such a grain storage program, of course, is exactly what the Trilateral Commission has proposed...

At this point, we come back to the question which began our presentation: What IS in store for America? For what we have is indeed a farm problem, but, even more, it is a FOOD prob­lem--which is everyone's problem. So what do expanding reg­ulation and threatening international policies mean to our future? The answer is frightening, but there is no mistaking the direction in which our country is being taken by the New World Order schemes. Unless government's constantly growing regulatory control over agriculture is stopped, and unless American agri­culture is once again made a free competitive enterprise, our nation is headed for government created, government controlled famine! The same kind of famine Stalin used to subjugate the Russian people, and to murder millions of farmers who tried to resist Communist tyranny. Make no mistake about it. It CAN happen here! And it almost certainly WILL happen here unless something is done to stop it! [H: Well, good luck, because as I see it, it is already too late to avoid it for so much damage has been done that it is all but impossible to reverse the situ­ation--and as long as total weather control is in the hands of the evil-mongers--you will have devastation unlimited--espe­cially as they decide to take out the viaduct systems and irri­gation systems of the massive garden states. YOU ARE AL­READY IN SUCH TERRIBLE DANGER AS TO BE PAST NO RETURN.]
What is that something? Obviously the solution lies in sys­tematically cutting away the dense mass of regulatory strands of government control that have been fastened tightly over our en­tire agricultural process. That effort should begin immediately with eliminating the costly, destructive and totally unnecessary regulatory agencies at every level of government.

* * * *
Enough, Dharma, for it becomes so ridiculous as to be funny if it were not so truthfully painful. You CAN'T just wipe out anything, especially regulations, until you recognize your enemy AND GET RID OF IT. YOU CAN'T GET RID OF IT UNTIL YOU KNOW ITS IDENTIFICATION AND PURPOSE. YOU ARE PEOPLE OF THE LIE! WAKE-UP, YOU ARE RULED BY OVERLORDS OF THE WORST KIND, ALSO TRY­ING TO FIND A WAY OUT OF THE DEVASTATION COMING YOUR WAY BECAUSE--NO MATTER WHAT THEY "THINK" THEY KNOW--THEY ARE ALSO PRISONERS!
Enough for this writing, I do wish to offer for this paper another writing from ILL FARES THE LAND (The famine planned for America!).



SUN., JUN. 5, 1994 12:52 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 293

SUN., JUN. 5, 1994

There is no doubt, readers, as to the fact that THERE IS A PLAN to RULE THE WORLD. You will be brought in to subjugation in any way required or desired. You are reaping the work and harvest of the ANTI-CHRIST which YOU have de­sired to follow and serve--it is now time to drink the bitter vintage. The four horsemen as demonstrated in the APOCA­LYPSE very definitely includes one for "FAMINE". CAN YOU NOT SEE THAT YOU ARE IN IT, CITIZENS OF EARTH? YOU ARE NOW IN IT--THIS TAKEOVER BY THE ANTI-CHRIST FORCES AND PHYSICAL RULERS OF THE GLOBE. NO, THEY WILL NOT ULTIMATELY "WIN", BUT YOU MAY WELL THINK THEY HAVE.

I ask that we run a few excerpts from:

(1966) Western Island Publishers
Belmont, Massachusetts 02178
By Tom Anderson, Nashville, Tennessee
When an article entitled "Planned Famine" appeared in the June 20, 1966 issue of the DAN SMOOT REPORT many people paled. Many were unbelieving. Everybody wanted more facts. A question went out to author, Dan P. Van Gorder, asking whether he could write a book on the subject. He could, and did, in short order. [H: Again, readers, I must remind you to keep in mind: DATES. This book was written and pub­lished in 1966! That is a VERY LONG TIME AGO--NEARLY 30 YEARS--SO WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE NOW? PLAN 2000 IS EXACTLY WHAT IT MEANS--FULLY OPERATIVE BY NO LATER THAN YEAR 2000!]
Was it possible that, behind the beguiling propaganda about overproduction surpluses, was a hoax and that--actually--we were underproducing; that, in an increasingly hostile world, we were setting ourselves up for acute food shortage? The an­swers are in this volume.

This intriguing book is not only for people directly concerned with agriculture and foreign policy--in other words, a book for every taxpaying, responsible citizen. It is a crime story. This book, as no other agriculture book has done, solves the crime and tells where the bodies are hidden. It is required reading for farmers--and taxpayers--who want to know the truth about that fantastic fraud called the "farm problem". For there is no real farm problem and there hasn't been for years--except the prob­lem deliberately manufactured and perpetuated by the pinks, punks and collectivists in the United States Department of Agri­culture, Department of State, and elsewhere.

As Dan P. Van Gorder shows, we face a possible food crisis in America. We also face possible insolvency and surrender. Why? Because it was and is planned that way, not only in the USDA and State, but also in Commerce, Defense and other departments of our Government, as a combination of do-gooders, Socialists and Communists try to level us down and merge us into a One-World Socialist state under the Communist and liberal-cannibal club commonly known as the United Nations.

While the author dwells at some length on the Communist cell in the Department of Agriculture during the Roosevelt era, he does not attempt to prove that any Communists are still there. Nor does he need to. What is important is not how many col­lectivists or dupes there are, but who and where they are. And what is more important than whether any carry Communist cards, is whether they help Communists achieve their goals. By their fruits--not by their cards--ye shall know them.

The American Government, for the past forty years, has done more to help Communism succeed than have all the non-Com­munist nations of the world combined. Results out-rank mo­tives. For whatever reasons, our leaders have delivered our machinery, equipment, animals, chemicals, people, and know-how to the enemy--
on credit.

The present farm program is a program of socialistic stupid­ity, planned poverty and calculated treason which menaces the future of our nation and the freedom of the world.

The author shows how agricultural bureaucrats have used statistics like a drunk uses a lamp-post: for support instead of illumination. For without this big statistical lie the American people would not sit still for the great farm fraud. Al Smith used to say: "Let's look at the record". The trouble with the farm record is, to paraphrase another favorite cliche: Records don't lie, BUT LIARS DO RECORD.

The expensive "farm problem" was made in Washington by cheap politicians. Of course no farm program can solve the "farm problem" unless that program is accompanied by a free economy program--a tax program, an anti-inflation program and a foreign aid program which release the farmer from his cost-price squeeze, improve his competitive position and broaden his markets.

The farmer needs an end to union racketeering, monopoly, and restraint of trade
--not unionization of farming. The farmer needs a balanced budget--not more billions spent on socializing the country. The farmer needs lower prices for the things he buys, not artificially higher prices for his government subsidized production. The farmer needs less non-farmer right to produce--not more curbs on his production; more markets--not fewer: and he needs less government--not more. And so do all good citizens.

For almost 40 years our agricultural programs have wound their tortuous and expedient paths along a road as crooked as a Teamsters Union boss. For almost 40 years the bureaucrats farming the farmers and milking the taxpayers have multiplied while the number of farmers has dropped. As the author con­clusively proves, the only real surplus is a surplus of government workers, government interference and government lying [cheating and stealing].

The fewer the farmers there are to serve, the more money and people it takes to do it. The fewer the chicks the bigger the government brooder. Soon there may be more people in the USDA farming the farmers than there are people farming the land.

Already--and we've seen only the beginning unless there is a tremendous reversal in our headlong rush to collectivism--the Government spends more on agriculture, per farmer, than most farmers make from farming.

The American public has never been allowed to view the real is­sues of the "farm problem" in their proper perspective. It has been like the case of the nearsighted poultry scientist who tried to cross a rooster with a rooster: all he got was two cross roost­ers. Most people who know the truth wouldn't tell it, even if they could find some publisher who would print it.

[H: I am reminded of a cute story from a year or so ago--re­garding raising (or not raising) pigs. The pig farmer went about finding the very most expensive breed of pig. When asked why was he shopping for the most expensive the an­swer: "So I'll know what to charge the government to pay me not to raise those pigs!" On a more serious note, within the past month, near Bakersfield, California--in Kern County happened the following: There was a farmer who plowed his fields just as he had every year since he had his farmland. Ah, but not this year would he go so carelessly about his usual work--in the process of plowing his fields several (meaning more than one but less than "lots") field mice of the kangaroo variety were killed. These are overrunning some areas but in this particular area they are considered "endangered".

Now, don't get confused with the extermination job being done on mice for Hantavirus infection spreaders of the GREAT MYSTERY VIRUS disease. This farmer actually is accused of killing some of these mice. Did he? Well, it is too damned expensive to prove he did not as his enemies have a couple of dead mice to show and tell. And, there is another farmer threatening to do his usual plowing in spite of the cease and desist order--seeing that spring is here and the planting time narrows. Well, the farmer lost the battle thus far and has been fined (as prison is still considered) more than his estate can bear so he will undoubtedly GO BANKRUPT as there is no way to pay the amount ordered by the court (we are talking plus a hundred-thousand dollars for each mouse). The next farmer in line will be fined more, is the promise of the court, if he continues to defy orders to withhold plowing and planting because of the endangered mice! And you think YOU have problems? YOU DO, GOOD FRIENDS, YOU MOST CERTAINLY DO!

So, what are you going to do--wait for God to save you? I wonder, for again I am reminded of a sick joke about your place regarding the devout Christian leader. The floods were upon the lands along the Mississippi as this last year. The person went to the highest point of land with a tree and waited. As the water rose he climbed the tree and perched there. A man on a raft came by and asked him to ride to safety. The "Christian" said "no thank you, God will save me". The water rose higher and having the tree near the balcony of his home he now perched on the balcony. Next came a powered boat to "rescue" him. Hop in, cried the rescuer. "No" shouted back the Christian nitwit, "God will save me". The water continued to rise and the nitwit continued to pray for saving. So, another boat came just as the nitwit reached his rooftop. A life-ring was thrown to the nitwit but he refused to grasp it--waiting for God to save him. Then the water rose to the chin of the nitwit and there came a helicopter. The pilot shouted down for the man to grab the line so he could be hoisted off the roof. "No," cried the nitwit, "God will save me"! So what happened? The man DROWNED! And, of course in the complaint depart­ment of the Pearly Gates entrance, the man complained and complained that God let him drown. "Why", petitioned the nerd, "did you let me drown when I relied on you to save me"?

"The public just doesn't understand," declaim the agricultural politicians, bemoaning the fact that agriculture has become a whipping boy. That's right, if the public did understand--and reading this book would go a long way toward accomplishing that--there would be a bunch of congressmen plowed under.
[H: I wonder what the fine for that little transgression would earn? Well, politicians and Congress DO NOT SEEM, after all, TO BE LISTED AS ENDANGERED SPECIES--UN­LESS YOU-THE-PEOPLE WAKE UP!]
Farming is now a business for those who produce the prod­ucts and a way of life for the phonies who farm the farmers. Billions of dollars have been stolen from the American taxpayer "to help the poor little farmer". But the poor little farmer got virtually none of it. For when the government gravy bowl run­neth over, the bureaucrats have all the spoons and the poor little farmers have only forks. But, hundreds of millions of the tax­payers' dollars have been given to rich absentee landlords who cultivate nothing but the ASC (Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service) offices.

Naturally, most people mistakenly assume that, just because our Government has spent more on "the farm program" since 1932 than on anything else except Defense [H: Well, don't have to worry about that one any more--as your goodly politicians have NOW GOTTEN RID OF ALL YOUR DE­FENSE!], the farmers have gotten the benefits. The farmers-- particularly the little ones who needed help most--have received crumbs from the table. I believe it is safe to say that our Gov­ernment HAS GIVEN MORE HELP TO THE ENEMIES OF THE UNITED STATES THAN TO OUR OWN BOTTOM-FRINGE FARMERS--the poor little farmers. As the author points out, our lying bureaucrats, while pouring our agricultural "surpluses" into the potholes of the world, have slyly encour­aged importation of huge amounts of many of those same "in-surplus" commodities.

An Arkansas farmer who defied the federal farm agents and "over-planted" has been dispossessed, heavily fined, and has had his farm confiscated and sold for auction to satisfy the claims against him--while that same government buys some of the same commodities from our Communist enemies. [H: Well, after all, Reagan surrendered to the Soviets over 9 years ago and they are simply now taking possession of their property! I believe in the language of the day--the Elite are simply "foreclosing" on the U.S. (actually, on the world!)] The Arkansas farmer is only one of many who have been openly and covertly punished for exercising traditional American free­dom.

In this country we have been plagued by agricultural "surpluses" because a fraudulent federal bureaucracy needed an excuse to keep the inmate in a straitjacket. Under our foreign dumping program, as surpluses have been reduced, price sup­ports and imports have been increased, thus rebuilding "surpluses" and retaining the problem. Price supports and controls have dried up markets, caused phony "over production" and "surplus," and lowered farm income by an estimated 2 bil­lion dollars a year. As Dr. Harrell DeGraff, noted Cornell agri­cultural economist, has said: "Over the past 35 years, during which so-called surpluses have been almost chronic, a modest 2 per cent increase in livestock could have eaten up all the sur­pluses. This would have happened had agriculture been free".

But if agriculture had been free, several hundred thousand government bureaucrats would have had to go to work--or join the Poor Corps.

The Socialists, fools, fatheads and half-brights running our Government have seen to it that our farmers are forced to pro­duce for the Government instead of for the market. They have given, lent, sold for "soft currency", boondoggled, bribed and rat-holed more than 120 BILLION dollars worth of goods and goodies into 99 so-called countries since 1945 [H: Guess how much by now?], like a madman slopping a million hogs with the seed corn of future generations. [H: Well, here too you have a problem--with seed stock. You have allowed hy­bridization to the point that the actual grain around--CAN­NOT REPRODUCE ITSELF! AND, YOU DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH NON-HYBRIDIZED (FERTILE) SEEDS TO SEED THE LANDS. YOU CAN GET "ONE" CROP AT BEST AND THEN IT'S ALL OVER--THE PRODUCTION FROM THAT ONE CROP WILL BE USELESS FOR PLANTING.] While we spent billions the enemy spent peanuts. While we exported the know-how, the wherewithal, and the right-to produce to friend and enemy worldwide, the en­emy enslaved 40 per cent of the world's people and 25 per cent of the land mass and now asks: "What have you done for us lately"?

It is a fair question to ask: If Russia has accomplished so much by giving away so little, how come we have accomplished so little by giving away so much"?

We don't give money, only. We give motors, generators, clothing, trucks, factories, food machinery, metals, medicine and raw materials. Thus Big Business, Big Unions and corpo­rate farmers (who produce most of our so-called surpluses) have pressured Congress quietly to continue the fantastic foreign aid giveaway in order to perpetuate their own subsidies.

We are not competitive in world markets anymore because government bureaucracy, regimentation and controls have sup­planted supply and demand. To compensate for our loss of chicken markets to the Common Market, our leaders created a dynamic new export: doves to Moscow. There is seemingly no bag limit on doves for Moscow--my fine feathered friends--and it's open season year round. In fact, our government actually pays a bounty on doves for the enemy, bribing our farmers to produce wheat for government storage bins to be given to Rus­sia, which could conceivably corner the world wheat market. Thus, our bureaucratic bounty hunters build up Russia "so she will no longer be afraid of us". What we should be most afraid of is not Russia but the traitors in Washington who are helping Russia, Red China and other enemies. Our leaders--Democrat and Republican--have tried to bribe and buy the world with handouts, either as a substitute for a foreign policy or in order to make the world safe for Communism.

The present United States Government plans to buy the world. The Communists plan to own it. Ours is the only nation in recorded history whose leaders deliberately and continuously trade to lose. Ours is the only nation whose leaders could have done what they've done--for thirty years--without being tried for treason. Part conspiracy, part practical vote-buying politics, part mistakes. But some politicians have never made a mistake in our favor. Mistakes, of course, are not treason; and treason is not a mistake. Where does One-World Socialism end and treason begin?

The author warns us of an American famine, while Caesar-Bird pours our (not his) birdseed and suet, milk and honey into the bottomless bellies of the world, escalating the "War on Hunger" as he tries to establish in Vietnam a position of strength from which to surrender.

Some may feel incredulous at the author's amazing statistical reporting and projection which he says indicate a threatened famine in America, But no honest and knowledgeable person will deny that whether we face re-established "surpluses" or famine, the collectivists running us have no intention of setting the farmer free. There will be continued production controls and price controls. Price control is people control. And people control is the goal of The Great Society. Tom Anderson

"...fine and jail sentence...".
"...shall upon conviction thereof be punished...".
"...shall forfeit to the United States...".
"...fine of not more than $1,000 or by imprisonment for not exceeding six months or both".
"...shall be subject to a penalty of 50 percentum".
"...shall be guilty of perjury".
"...shall be punished by a fine of not more than $5,000 or by imprisonment for not more than two years of both".

These are not quoted from penal codes to punish highway­men, arsonists, underworld criminals or other felons preying on organized society. They are cited verbatim from federal statutes passed by Congress and signed into law by the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED SATES AFTER MARCH 4, 1933--to punish MEN AND WOMEN WHO PRODUCE OUR NATION'S FOOD for nothing more harmful than just farming as they want to farm.


The answers to this monumental question are the theme of this book.

It is a sordid story of falsified and juggled farm statistics, of public brainwashing never before equaled among a free people, of suppressed truth about our food resources, of deceptive half-facts from high places in government, of malfeasance skirting the thin borderline of treason, of 33 years of legislative and ad­ministrative willingness to sacrifice our agrarian vigor in a self­ish quest for power and continuation in office. It ranges from New Deal, Good Neighbor, Fair Deal, Square Deal and New Frontier to the present Great Society phantasm. [H: Now of course it IS the New World Order and the "Newstates".]

It is written with the hope that every reader and urban con­sumer, as well as farmer, will keep predominantly in mind that an attic-to-cellar housecleaning in Washington is urgently neces­sary but that it must start, not along the Potomac, but in the voting booth; that our national survival is at stake, not at some vague future date, but now.

Such words as "fire," "flood," "drought," "plague," and "famine" can carry connotations of panicky thinking. Responsi­ble citizens, therefore, use such works CAREFULLY and for good reason. Understand that we are NOT saying that a famine is inevitable. We are not prophets nor gods. [H: Well, per­haps I might qualify as one, either or both, and I tell you that the intention is exactly that: famine and what you will have will be tainted and "stuff" will be introduced into the products which are toxic as well as bear fungus and bacteria which will have no treatment. The ELITE have put aside their stores in MASSIVE quantity and when appropriate the hammer will fall and if all else fails, radiation will be poured forth onto your crops--killing them and mutating the har­vest, disallowing for further crops from the product of the damaged harvest. You have come a long way down the trail of disaster since 1966 when the book in point was penned!]
When forests are tinder dry fire wardens say be careful--be aware of the danger.

What we are saying in this book is be aware--the conditions for famine have been set up. We have provided the statistics showing that our domestic supply of food is tragically short of providing national self-sustaining supplies in case of national or world crisis: we have provided a line of reasoning to produce this conclusion and we have expressed opinions. The dividing lines are clear.

Official United States Department of Agriculture and De­partment of Commerce records have been used, exclusively. They show that we are relying to a dangerous degree on foreign imports of foodstuffs.

On this basis alone we could rest our case that the United States has set itself in famine conditions. It is not necessary to prove anything more. But there IS more.

The records show that the "overproduction" propaganda de­picting huge "surpluses" presents a false picture of the state of U.S. agriculture and of our domestic supply of food.

In the end the public must judge the case. Our thesis is clear and readily understood: to permit our U.S. production of food to fall to a dangerous low and to rely on foreign imports to make up the difference is to set up the conditions for famine and im­peril national survival in the event of war, whether hot or cold, or in case of internal economic crisis and civil strife.

In a world that is gravitating toward centralized Socialist dictatorships and that is increasingly hostile to individual free­doms and free enterprise, this amounts to national suicide. Dan P. Van Gorder, Takoma Park, Maryland.

Since the days when the far-seeing architects of this REPUB­LIC laid its foundations, God's mercy has barred from these shores the awful specter of famine. We are the only major na­tion that can truthfully make this claim. Favored with individual freedom and collective plenty, we have long ago forgotten that the apocalyptic picture consists of FOUR horses and FOUR riders. Self-satisfied, living in a fool's paradise, lulled into a sense of false security, we have blindly elected and trusted our offi­cials. We have accepted facile phrases and pacifying slogans as substitutes for truth. We have neglected to see the approaching THIRD horse, its rider weighing out food on scales of scarcity at prices few can pay.

The warning against imminent famine in this survey is based, not on political or economic theories, but on statistical facts. Under the blight of government regimentation and bureaucratic interference, our food production has declined more than 700 pounds per capita since the end of World War I. [H: And that was 1966.], our domestic supply of food (production minus exports and foreign donations) has decreased in the same period by approximately 1,000 pounds per capita.

No more than a smattering of grade school arithmetic is needed to calculate the end, even if we do not take into consid­eration that our nearness to nationwide hunger and the riots and bloody rebellions that will surely accompany that calamity, now hangs on the fragile thread of weather and on the disposition of the collectivists.

* * * *
At the time of the writing of this book in point it was already established by spokesmen in the major nations of the world, IN­CLUDING THE UNITED STATES
--that the famine would not only happen--but that the point of no return had already been long passed--and remember, the year was merely 1966!



By the way, Henry Kissinger IS a robotic counterfeit. He was taken-out in a head-on collision between his plane and another after leaving the speeches, etc., to honor the death of another Rockefeller--AFTER HE PARTICIPATED IN THE DEATHS OF ALL OF THE ROCKEFELLER "BOYS". Still feel secure in your little beddies at night? Who is his "handler"? Ah, a good question indeed! I would also pay attention to the Mormon counterpart, Brent Scowcroft, et al., who serve in Kissinger As­sociates Corporation. The Mormon church, as a for instance, has been fully taken for the use of the New World Order and the "Overlords". Well, aren't we glad that God also has a plan? And, aren't we all going to enjoy sorting as the "Overmind" gets into the action?

I am most happy to negotiate--but it seems there are some fool­ish puppets around. I do not require much nor do my people--but I DO EXPECT AGREEMENTS TO BE KEPT, GOOD BRETHREN--AND MY PATIENCE WEARS THIN. We will confront on the merits of actions and not personalities IF the agreements are met--if not, and SOON, we will work on in­dividuals and I do not think the alien community NOR the Committees in POWER will like it very much. You may not be able to bring down the alien fleet, my friends, but you land­locked alien and prolonged-life representatives are more VULNERABLE than are any other beings on the planet you hope to totally rule. Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home in the comfort of one's own creation--and God feels very strongly about His wondrous creations--and that includes the planet Earth and His beautiful human souled beings and they have simply forgotten their own power as you have lied, stolen and robbed them of their heritage. Ah, but they will REMEMBER and you shall perish. The "Time of the Lord" is at hand and not much longer shall be stayed the hands of the HOSTS! I care not who denies me--I AM and therein is the fact of it and all the denials conjured will not change an iota of that truth! Anything you have on your primitive world--I have better, bigger and infinite. The latter may well be the ultimate?? God would not send wimps and lesser than the "very best" to attend his business. I again suggest you all look unto the skies--all over--and watch the rainbow lights blink back at you--you don't need telescopes. We are right there--AT READY! Our demands are few indeed, humble and simple--I suggest you attend them.
