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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#097, HEAVE-`EM OUT Phase Three, Part 1

    PJ 97
    CHAPTER 15
    By Walter E. Williams (with permission)
    Philosopher David Hume said, "It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once". Let's apply this idea to our Second Amendment rights but start off talking about anti-smoking regulations.

    The anti-smoking campaign started off attacking property rights, with eminently reasonable pleas like requiring no-smoking sec­tions on airplanes. Emboldened by that success, tobacco prohibitionists successfully campaigned for laws banning smoking on flights under two hours, then a ban on domestic flights altogether, then airports, restaurants and buses. Now, they're working to have smoking banned at all but residences, and later, no doubt, they'll go after residences. Their agenda required a propaganda campaign to dupe the public with lies and distortions about some of the health effects of smoking. Had the tobacco prohibitionists made their full agenda known at the outset, they never would have succeeded in even getting no-smoking sections on airplanes.

    This is precisely the strategy employed by the anti-gun lobby members. They start out with something eminently reasonable, such as a five-day waiting period before you can take delivery of a gun and restrictions against military automatic "assault" weapons. People who object to such a "reasonable" policy are made to be seen as unreasonable and reckless. But the waiting period is just the opening salvo against our second amendment rights. The next strategy is to call for licensing of gun owners. Then we'll see a ban on keeping a gun at home, requiring guns to be stored in a government armory. Then a ban on private ownership of guns. Like the tobacco prohibitionists, anti-gun advocates recruit what the communist called "useful idiots" to help them create and spread false and misleading propaganda about you.

    "Williams," you say, "aren't you being a little unfair in assess­ing the good intentions of people like Sarah Brady"? Try this. See whether the anti-gun people would agree to amend the Brady Bill with a sentence that goes like this: Neither Congress nor state legislatures shall enact any additional measures regu­lating the private ownership of guns. The anti-gun people would go ape, and for a very good reason - it would threaten their ul­timate plan to ban guns altogether.

    The second amendment gives us the right to bear arms in order to have a "well-regulated militia". People with little under­standing interpret that as meaning the National Guard or some other government organization. But here's how George Mason, one our unsung framers, responded to the question, "I ask, sir, what is a militia?" Mason answered, "It is the whole people, ex­cept for a few public officials". James Madison said, "Arms in the hands of citizens may be used at individual private self-defense". George Washington said, "when rearms go, all else goes... we need them every hour". The framers of our Constitution knew well that an armed citizenry was the ulti­mate defense against government tyranny. As for crime, Thomas Paine said, "The peaceable part of mankind will be overrun by the vile and abandoned while they neglect the means of self-defense... (but) arms like laws discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe... Horrid mischief would ensue were the good deprived of the use of them".

    Our founders knew that government was the primary source of evil and oppression. Todays liberals wish to disarm us so they can run their evil and oppressive agenda on us. The fight against crime is just a convenient excuse to further their agenda. I don't know about you, but if you hear that Williams' guns have been taken, you'll know that Williams is dead.

    CHAPTER 16
    6/10/94 RICK MARTIN

    Ronn: [Mentioning] Blue Beam is going to bother some people, but it's not going to bother me in the least. It doesn't make any difference to me--it is NASA. What is it you're running?

    Rick: Well, the information we got briefly outlines what the project is.

    Ronn: What does it say it is?

    Rick: Basically, a massive holographic display globally using the sky as a motion picture screen, using satellites and holo­graphic images.

    Ronn: Well, the satellites started being put in place in 1978. So they have been there. They are required. There are a number of satellites involved with it, so not only is it a NASA project but it's sanctioned by other organizations. It goes into a little more detail besides holographic images.

    Rick: The detail that was described concerns all global reli­gions, including a narrative explaining the prophecies and that man has misinterpreted religion.

    Ronn: Well, just remember one thing--this is and was being initiated by NASA. But it's a funded project of this country and a couple of other countries.

    Rick: The way it was described has to do with One World Or­der Religion--the bringing in of the One World Order Religion through a re-education process by these holographic images and sounds, using the sky as the screen.

    Ronn: Well, you know there are a number of the religious lead­ers that feel jeopardized by this. For example, Oral Roberts, Jerry Falwell, those organizations and that's one of the reasons they are pushing....and they don't know the entire concept. Blue Beam...they do know that as individuals their little domain is about to be infringed upon. It was originally scheduled for January of this year but it had to be put off because of some of the imaging.

    Rick: What other countries are involved, other than the U.S.?

    Ronn: Central Europe, Japan and then they were trying to get a point that is geographically the center of the Soviet Union but you have to remember they have a little problem because of the Earth being round. They are going to have to do the same thing in the Southern Hemisphere. So they're having a little logistical problem. And another problem is because of the languages in­volved and so on. It's quite involved.

    Rick: Quite a technical project.

    Ronn: The last number I heard that was involved with the satel­lites, the minimum required was like two-hundred-thirty-two, I believe something in that order and they were having a little problem because of that. So the time frame, I know, was moved up but I'm not sure how much. I believe it is supposed to be less than a year, so I can't be more specific than that.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#097, HEAVE-`EM OUT Phase Three, Part 1

    PJ 97
    CHAPTER 17

    A.P.F.N. Fax Network
    June 9, 1994
    Oklahoma State Representative John Monks is more than just a bit upset with the direction the President and Congress have taken with regard to placing America's armed forces at the dis­posal of the United Nations. As a veteran with 30 years of service in active and reserve status with the U.S. Army, he is an­gered and alarmed by the deployment of U.S. troops throughout the world for the furtherance of U.N. objectives and in service of a "new world order". As a senior State Legislator he decided he had not only the opportunity but the duty to do something about it.

    On March 28th, the Oklahoma House of Representatives adopted Resolution No. 1047 by Representative Monks memori­alizing Congress to cease funding and engaging in any UN mil­itary activities and to cease support of the establishment of any form of global government (see below). The document will be presented to the clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives, the secretary of the U.S. Senate, and each member of the Oklahoma congressional delegation. Monks knows that the resolution has no binding authority, but told The New American he believes actions like this are necessary to let the politicians in Washing­ton know that "there is no popular support for these UN military operations and, in fact, considerable opposition to our growing involvement in them".

    With 24 years in office, John Monks is one of the "deans" of the State Legislature:
    only one other current member of the 101-member House has served as long. A democrat,
    he represents Muskogee ("where even squares can have a ball") and rural, small-town, eastern Oklahoma. He is chairman of the Veterans Affairs Committee and an active member of the Disabled American Veterans, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, and the American Legion.

    Monks said he didn't find any opposition to the measure and very quickly signed on
    45 co-sponsors. "It fit pretty much with the current mood here concerning the federal government", he said, noting that the Legislature had just voted down a mandatory motorcycle helmet law for adults, even though Washington had threatened to cut off
    $2 million in federal highway funds if it did so. "I think a lot of people and a lot of State Legislators around the country are getting sick of this kind of blackmail and all of these federal mandates", he said.

    In introducing the resolution, Monks told The New American, "I simply explained that the purpose of the United States mili­tary is to protect the life, liberty, and property of U.S. citizens and to defend this nation against insurrection or foreign inva­sion, not promote an agenda for some 'new world order'." No one disagreed; it passed on a voice vote without any dissent.
    -- William F. Jaspisk
    WHEREAS, President Clinton has affirmed that his foreign policy regarding the deployment of the United States military forces under the authority of the United Nations will bear little change from that of his predecessor; and
    WHEREAS, the constitutional role of the United States mili­tary is to protect the life, liberty and property of United States citizens and to defend our nation against insurrection or foreign invasion; and
    WHEREAS, the United States is an independent sovereign nation and not a tributary of the United Nations; and
    WHEREAS, there is no popular support for the establishment of a "new world order" or world sovereignty of any kind either under the United Nations or under any world body in any form of global government; and
    WHEREAS, global government would mean the destruction of our Constitution and corruption of the spirit of the Declara­tion of Independence, our freedom, and our way of life.

    Now, therefore, be it resolved by the House of Representa­tives of the 2nd session of the
    44th Oklahoma Legislature:

    That the United States Congress is hereby memorialized to:
    1. Cease the appropriation of United States funds for any military activity not authorized by Congress;
    2. Cease engagement in any military activity under the au­thority of the United Nations or any world body;
    3. Cease the rendering of aid to any activity or engagement under the jurisdiction of the United Nations or any world body; and
    4. Cease any support for the establishment of a "new world order" or to any form of global government.

    That the United States Congress is hereby memorialized to refrain from taking any further steps toward the economic or political merger of the United States into a world body or any form of world government.

    CHAPTER 18

    June 7, 1994

    Page 11-A of this morning's San Antonio Express News pro­vided the itinerary of "ACTING" Attorney General Janet Reno during her visit to San Antonio for a speech to the United States Federal Judges' Conference. At 10:45 a.m. she was to visit a former "crackhouse" being converted to civic usefulness at 126 Anderson St. From there she would proceed to the Springview Softball Field which the San Antonio Police Department has sponsored for the neighborhood kids. She was then scheduled to walk three blocks through the housing project to the Community Center where neighborhood children had planted a vegetable garden. WOAI news reporter, Jim' Forsythe, kept pushing Reno to confirm the report that she had approved quadrupling of the Branch Davidian sentences next week for their use of automatic weapons, and finally she acknowledged that she had.

    Janet Reno has accepted responsibility for FBI actions at Mt. Carmel, Texas which resulted in the murder of eighty-one per­sons, yet after one year she has authorized neither an investiga­tion nor prosecution of the murders. Sons of Liberty in San Antonio could not permit today's effort to display this evil woman as a kind and caring federal official who works to stamp out crime without exposing her wickedness, incompetence and irresponsibility.

    Although there was no time to prepare a major demonstration, a few signs were hastily prepared which read "REMEMBER WACO" and "ABORTION AND J. RENO KILL LIITLE CHILDREN" and "PROSECUTE RENO FOR WACO CRIMES".

    The first picketer to arrive at the "crackhouse" single-handedly diverted Reno's tour to
    by-pass it, according to the reporters who were there. Four Sons of Liberty followed the
    press and TV caravan to the softball field for Reno's second scheduled public appearance. Sixteen uniformed S.A.P.D. officers arrived soon after the picketers along with an entourage of FBI agents and U.S. Marshals disguised as respectable businessman. When Reno arrived with San Antonio's Mayor Nelson Wolfe she was directly confronted with the signs and continuous chants of "Child-killer". She proceeded to the softball field and attempted to bask in the reflected glory of the S.A.P.D.'s excellent project for the youth of that crime-infested neighborhood.

    Since no interview could be conducted without "Child-killer" chants in the background, Reno decided to forego the walk to the Barbara Jordan Cultural Center where the garden is located. To her dismay, there was no place to hide at Jordan Center ei­ther, as the children's garden had been planted inside a fence right at the edge of the sidewalk. The Sons of Liberty grew to the incredible size of five persons at this point. Chanting con­tinued there along with challenges to Mayor Wolfe to stop kowtowing to the federal government, and encouragement called to the entourage to disassociate themselves with this child killer.

    Throughout the day reports of the picket dominated local radio news coverage on stations WOAI and KTSA. Each sound bite with Reno was punctuated with "Child-killer" in the back­ground.

    In a related matter, HiIlary Clinton is scheduled to be in town on Saturday, June 11th for the American Nurses Association at 4:00 p.m. at S.A.'s Hemisfair Arena. Sons of Liberty take note!

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