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제목: PJ#097, HEAVE-`EM OUT Phase Three, Part 1

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    Default 응답: PJ#097, HEAVE-`EM OUT Phase Three, Part 1

    PJ 97
    CHAPTER 11


    WED., JUN. 8, 1994 12:44 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 296

    WED., JUN. 8, 1994

    This title, as with all titles written before the writing on the subject seems a bit much for my scribe, not being particularly good at, or in tune greatly, with either subject--much the less a synthesis of the two. Moreover, the terms used in conjunction, such as in "religious science", is an oxymoronic statement of the highest level. Therefore we will define this writing as simply an interesting look into quantum-statistical methods of simulating energy-informational processes. The better studies of these in­tegrated subjects, as with the better UFO documentation and truth of the matter, comes out of Russia. I don't need to foist that off on you readers but it is nonetheless fact and you must accustom yourselves to such fact.

    My problem is how to bring this to you in understandable terms. I usually just lay it on you and then expect Dr. Young to explain it to you. That is unfair--but I am noted for being "just", not "fair". I have done a bit of researching into "who" offers a bit of insight into this subject and turn to Boris Iskakov who was born in Magnitogorsk on November 14, 1934. He is a graduate of the Institute of Physical Engineering in Moscow. He has experience in explaining strange information and has written ex­tensively on the theory of chain reactions in economics and has accomplished several great works on the application of applying mathematical methods to agricultural economics. His most re­cent work I feel is the best as he moves into the interesting area of quantum-statistical methods of simulating energy-informa­tional processes. In this work he endeavors to synthesize elements of science and religion.
    Dr. Iskakov has recently been interrogated and we would share the interview with you. I don't want to overindulge in explanations on my own account for I would rather you come to understanding of the subjects before we dump "space", "aliens", "space travel", "thought manifesta­tions" and "doctrinal thesis" upon you. It is my "chicken" way out of the original training sessions, perhaps.

    The interview comes from Russian documents so we will mean­der through the translations as best we can and at the least you will be introduced to such as "leptons", etc. I used this term the other day and only Dr. Young had ever heard it--now it seems to pop out at you from every direction. I believe Dr. Cleary presented an interesting article to you in the last edition of CONTACT. Keep up with CONTACT, interested observers--be­cause we will cover just about every "far-out" subject, as well as the political mish-mash of criminals in your world today. Surprisingly enough--THE TWO ARE INTIMATELY CON­NECTED!


    The equations of Schrodinger and Dirac, well known in quantum physics, describe the laws of the conservation of prob­ability for fluxes of matter at the level of elementary particles of the microworld. By means of certain mathematical transformations I (Dr. Iskakov) obtained equivalent equations of a much broader applicability. They describe the laws of the conserva­tion of probability for fluxes of matter, energy, and information. The equations have a deep philosophical meaning, which ex­tends far beyond the interpretation of the Schrodinger and Dirac equations. An appropriate name for them is, in my view, sug­gested by a doctrine of Oriental philosophy--karma. In a narrow sense, it claims that every deed or thought, good or bad, re­ceives due reward or retribution. In a broader sense, it denotes the principle of unity, integrity, and inter-conditionality and causality in the Universe. That is how I construe the term "equations of karma", which describe any cause-and-effect relationship.

    The study of psychic phenomena dictated the need to define the concept of the information-energy field. Its material medium, according to contemporary notions, may be a global lepton gas, consisting of extremely light particles, microleptons, with a mass of 10-40 - 10-30 g. Microleptons are much lighter than electrons and are capable of freely penetrating any body in the Universe. The gaps between atomic nuclei are for them just as spacious as are the holes in a fishing net for molecules of air.

    The idea of a microlepton gas appears to echo the 19th-cen­tury notion of the universal ether, but is scientifically much more complex and profound. What we are talking about in this case is no longer an ideal space-pervading fluid, but a quantum-granular structure of the space-time continuum, filled with whirling streams of polarized microleptons (including some vir­tually vacuum-born).

    Such an approach enables us to use the mathematical appa­ratus of quantum mechanics to describe the information-energy field. Moreover, relationships of a higher level of generaliza­tion are derived than the classical equations of Schrodinger. The new equations describe not only the movements of matter, but also the development of the totality of interconnections, sig­nals, events, and processes. The special term introduced for such relationships is "equations of karma". [H: No, I am not going to break these things down for you--as we presented the subject of "light" and "thought projection" as in manifes­tation by/of God we have been brought into Federal Court on charges of plagiarism. I will not put my scribe into such a position ever again! It is ALL THE SAME THING BUT LAWYERS AND, MORE ESPECIALLY, JUDGES, DO NOT READ THE MATERIAL IN POINT NOR GIVE A DAMN ABOUT YOU OR "IT". SO YOU WILL SIMPLY HAVE TO HUNT AND PECK YOUR WAY THROUGH, GOOD FRIENDS. IF THIS BE "FOR YOU" IT WILL BE QUITE UNDERSTANDABLE. If not, then I fear you are on your own. Boris Iskakov is a friend of some of my now on Earth compatriots and I honor him but I will no more get him into a focal point of the adversary than I shall my scribe.] As for karma, it is understood to mean a broad philosophical category of universal inter-conditionality, causality, and dependence in combination with the principle of the unity and integrity of
    the Universe.
    There are two equations of karma--the direct and the com­plex-conjugated:

    where the operators have the form:
    Here denotes the probability den­sity wave (the wave function);
    A, the La­place operator; ϑ the potential energy den­sity,
    and h, Planck's constant.
    These equations may be solved in the form of karma waves and anti-waves, with quantization of probability waves. Con­nected with them are perturbations of the information-energy field, i.e., wave signals. In principle, such signals may propa­gate faster than light.

    The equations of karma make it possible to draw certain philosophical conclusions of fundamental significance. It fol­lows from them that diffraction takes place not only in space but also in time. Any event is, so to speak, split in space-time. The propagation of a solitary signal is preceded by a series of pre-signals and followed by post-signals, both fading with distance. Perceptive analysts are able to use the first intimations of pre-signals to give a precise picture of a coming event. This is called scientific foresight. But there is also intuitive prevision. Centuries ago clairvoyants described events that are happening in our time.

    Pre-signals provide an explanation of relative proscopy-- when a sensitive person learns about an event before others do. Such a person detects faint pre-signals that most people do not perceive.

    For instance, an explosion on the Sun may produce solar prominences extending for millions of kilometers. Two or three days later the "solar wind" reaches the Earth, causing powerful geomagnetic storms that affect everything living. During such periods, disease and mortality rates increase in all countries.

    This dependence of everything living upon solar catastrophes was proved several decades ago by Alexander Chizhevsky. Can we learn of the approaching "solar winds" in advance? It ap­pears that we can. The solar wind has pre-signals: swift streams of solar photons and neutrinos, which reach the Earth in eight minutes. [H: It is right here that an explanation of Semjase to Meier regarding the time to reach Earth from their originating system, can make any sense at all. She said it took 7 to 8 minutes to make the journey. This simply moves with the mathematical calculations of photon and neutrino speed of travel which from the sun in pre-signal reaches the earth in eight minutes. Pre-knowledge then can be incredibly functional and helpful, don't you see?] By detecting them it is possible to warn the medical services of all countries of an im­minent geomagnetic storm two or three days in advance, ample time to take the necessary measures.

    [H: Yes indeed, I hear the majority of you readers com­plaining about taking time for this kind of a deep and dreary as well as totally incomprehensible writing. However, YOU are not the party to whom this is DIRECTED, if you object. It is for the Dr. Youngs of the reading audience for they get their information the same way as do you if it be "general" in offering. They then know WHAT TO DO WITH IT! As long as this is my receiver/scribe and this paper is our com­munications conduit--along with the journals--we will from time to time reflect on these impressive subjects--for UFOs and CREATION do not JUST HAPPEN! Neither are they "mystical" phenomena--only mysterious until understood.]

    From the theoretical standpoint the works of the eminent Russian researcher Anatoly Okhatrin are of definite interest. They confirm the idea of an ether or universal lepton gas, which contains full information about the material world. Clusters of the lightest particles--microleptons--carry people's thoughts and feelings; these microleptons are capable of travelling in space and time at tremendous speeds.

    The speed of light is a limiting factor only for a continuous stream of speeds, the so-called continuum. However, greater speed levels, in excess of the speed of light, are possible for ex­tremely weak signals.

    Okhatrin's experiments and calculations show that people's thoughts are carried by the lightest microleptons. And the equations of karma prove that they can travel much faster than light. This justifies the conclusion that humanity's potential in getting to understand the Universe is practically boundless.

    Up to now it was considered that our potential in the conquest of outer space is limited by what is known as the pessimistic ra­dius of Poincare-Einstein. If we multiply the speed of light by the human life span, we arrive at the limit that even the most sophisticated spaceships cannot surpass. No generation of space­men can explore the Universe beyond that radius [it says].

    But from the equations of karma it follows that at the level of extremely weak signals we can reach out far beyond the Poincare-Einstein sphere. Material thought can travel to distant regions of the Universe at a speed greater than that of light. Man can obtain information about what is happening at any dis­tance from him. This is a fundamental philosophical conclusion that allows humanity to look to the future with optimism.

    I arrived at this conclusion by considering the equations of karma. But then, many scientists before me have reflected on the synthesis of science and religion, among them the founders of quantum physics. What are termed the conjugated equations of Schrodinger and Dirac point to the possibility of the existence of anti-particles. Similarly, the conjugated equation of karma suggests that there can be anti-signals as well as anti-particles. Moreover, this equation makes it possible to describe the spec­trum of properties that these anti-signals possess. While ordi­nary signals travel along the river of time from the past via the present into the future, anti-signals travel in the opposite direc­tion. They originate in the future and pass through the present into the past. This property of anti-signals stuns our imagina­tion; certain particularly sensitive people and instruments can, it turns out, receive signals from the future.
    [H: Paying attention, Dr. Sagan?]

    Previsions, predictions, and prophesies come under the sci­entific heading of absolute proscopy, which implies the acqui­sition of information about events that have not yet taken place. They have yet to occur, but sensitives already know about them.

    The problem is merely one of the threshold of sensitivity and the balance of signals and noise. Anti-signals come from the future at a faint and very faint level. Very few people can de­tect them.

    There is no violation here of the principle of causality. Rather, its interpretation becomes more sophisticated and more refined dialectically. According to the equations of karma, time in the microworld can reverse its direction, turning, as it were, into "anti time". From a single point it is possible to see both the past and the future of microparticles at the same time.

    We can receive information about the future only at the prob­ability level. Only the strategic parameters of a human fate are predetermined. But freedom of choice too is preserved: a per­son is free to take any decisions and bears full responsibility for them. A person shapes his or her destiny and pays for the consequences of those decisions. Thus, there is a predetermined part of the future, which a person cannot change, and there is a probable or variable part, for which he is responsible.

    Solving stationary equations can yield curious results. Waves emitted and absorbed by hundreds of biologically active points are superimposed on one another and form a series of standing waves, which surround the human body. The body turns out to be nothing more than a dense nucleus shrouded on all sides by a number of energy-information holograms. The shape of the first hologram follows that of the human body, but is enlarged and rounded, remotely resembling a spacesuit. Actually, this holo­gram contains all the information about the body and is carried by microleptons orbiting along the quantum shell, the boundary of the first hologram. The second hologram and its shell are larger and carry weakened information, which is more difficult to decipher. The same may be said of the third and subsequent shells. The more remote shells are more rounded in shape, changing from a spacesuit to an egg and then to a sphere. Our atomic-molecular body is "clad" in microlepton holograms, each of which carries complete but weakened information about the person, including his or her innermost thoughts and feelings, his or her mind and conscience. It may be said that the sum-total of these holograms is nothing short of a person's lepton soul.

    Ordinarily, people do not see the energy-information shells that surround them. But in certain conditions it is possible to make the first hologram glow, especially the part of it sur­rounding a person's head. The fact is that upper chakras, the most power-intensive, operate at the highest frequencies. Some people have a first quantum shell that can become visible.

    Estimates show that the energy of the first shell amounts to fractions of an electron-volt. This is quite enough for a faint glow in the optical range of the spectrum. But for the glow to become a reality a great deal of energy has to be pumped into the upper chakras. This means a person has to adopt a definite mode of life: overcome base passions, and make his or her thoughts, feelings, and deeds pure, lofty and inspired. It is in that case that the energy of the upper chakras causes the excita­tion of the first shell by fractions of an electron-volt, and a halo visible to other people appears around the head of such a person (for example, a saint).

    In Christian art, only part of the hologram around the head is usually portrayed as glowing. But in Buddhist temples, there are pictures showing the whole spacesuit-shaped hologram aglow.

    The most ancient Buddhist manuscripts speak of a person's seven bodies: one dense and six subtle. The first hologram is called the ethereal body; the second, the astral body; the third, the mental body, and so forth. The lepton hypothesis allows a larger number of holograms.

    Judging from the equations of karma, we humans are in­finitely "larger" and our lives are infinitely longer than we are accustomed to think. This means that each person is a factor of Cosmic significance.

    Moreover, analysis reveals that inanimate objects as well as Homo Sapiens and other living beings have holograms of this kind. [H: Our ships have such halos of light around them and this is one of the marks of such craft--the "aura" or "light" and the vapor essence surrounding us in the sky as visualized in the daylight hours. We can easily turn-off the visual realization as we can manipulate the "energy field" but this is WHY these phenomena occur. Facts are, every­thing has an aura and field--some however, are so dense that they are actually sucked within the being itself and the den­sity itself becomes a huge vacuum of energy. These persons with such energy fields will literally suck a lighted aurad person dry, so to speak. It is as with a refrigerator where you have the heat-cold exchange. It is physics explained but with light--hard to comprehend.]

    Consider the implications of this. If each body is present, at the information level, throughout the Cosmos, then in every small region of space-time there must be, if only super-weak, information about the entire Universe. [H: Remember that we also recognized "strong" and "weak" as valid scientific terms.]

    Gautama Buddha's famous dictum states "everything is in ev­erything" and, hence, "everything is in the small". In an expanded form this may be taken to mean that every point of space-time "knows" everything about all the other points.

    But if every zone of space "knows" everything, it is a most complete encyclopaedia, in infinite storage of knowledge about the Universe. All that is needed is to learn how to plug into this source of information, which can tell a person about anything and everything in the world.

    It follows from the lepton hypothesis that the soul is real and material. A human being, in the customary sense of the term, is nothing but a dense nucleus around which streams of leptons circulate. The totality of lepton shells is a cold bioplasma, which contains complete information about the nucleus. Thus, it can be termed a person's lepton soul. This notion has a quite precise materialistic content.

    According to the lepton concept, thoughts and feelings are material. They are carried by superweak pulses of electromag­netic and microlepton fields. Visual, audible, and other images, and all thoughts and feelings, exist in the form of clusters of superlight elementary particles. This brings to mind Plato's in­spired guess that all eidoses, i.e., ideas or thoughts, exist autonomously, "float in the air" and recognize no boundaries. [H: This is a FACT and, as with Russell's work on LIGHT--so too were the facts as given to him also given in every direc­tion to all receivers.]

    Plato intuitively arrived at that conclusion over two thousand years ago. [H: Too bad he had such a warped factual knowl­edge of philosophy.] Today we can put this into the language of mathematical formulae. We can measure the mass of a single human thought. Its weight varies from. 10-30 to 10-40 g. To be sure, the opinion of sensitives and Okhatrin's experiments can­not serve as proof. Similar investigations have to be carried out at other laboratories. This will furnish the statistical data for reliable conclusions. If they confirm Okhatrin's findings, he will become the author of the greatest discovery of the latter half of the 20th century.

    Thoughts and feelings generated by human beings begin their independent existence in space and time. Both theory and ex­periments show that these eidoses are capable of exchanging in­formation. What is most important of all is that one person's thoughts can occur to other people. Eidoses are like small living beings, but at the lepton level of matter. Thoughts and feelings are our offspring, who communicate with one another and with us in a language of super-weak signals.

    Estimates show that during a lifetime a person generates mil­lions and even billions of eidoses. This makes it clear that we bear an enormous responsibility before the whole of humankind and before ourselves for what our offspring, i.e., our thoughts and feelings, will be like.

    When our offspring are noble eidoses of kindness, love, mercy, mutual assistance, truth, beauty, and harmony, we con­tribute to the health of humanity's leptonosphere. But when we beget malformed eidoses, i.e., evil, envious, cowardly, vain, and arrogant thoughts and feelings, we thereby pollute the lep­tonosphere we inhabit. Should the negative eidoses exceed a certain critical mass, humankind will be doomed. At present our survival depends to a great extent on the ecology of the spirit.

    Here we also come up against a legal problem. Mere crimi­nal intent is not yet a crime at the atomic-molecular level, but when a person conceives, say, a murder, he or she spawns criminal eidoses, which contaminate humankind's leptono­sphere.

    That is why when someone steers a nation or country onto a road leading to disaster, that person commits the gravest offence above all against the whole of humanity. Although economic and political catastrophe is still many years off, it has already taken place at the lepton level, in the public mind. The collapse of a vast State can contaminate humanity's leptonosphere to such a degree that humanity's very existence becomes threatened. And no clan, no state, nor coalition that conceived such a crime against other nations can survive.

    The lepton hypothesis can provide a scientific explanation of the essence of God. When congregations gather in their tem­ples, they create eidoses of prayer, which assemble into a col­lective egregor-eidos of a deity. When millions of people wor­ship it, the material deity eidos acquires tremendous energy at the lepton level of matter. There arises feedback: a believer not only supplies the deity with energy, but receives genuine assistance from it upon supplication. There exist eidoses of Christ, Buddha, and Allah, and they actually interact with their wor­shippers when the latter tune into the proper frequencies. This is something like a deposit in a savings bank--it helps the client at a time of need. The microlepton "savings bank" is not re­sponsible for other banks' clients: there is no resonance corre­spondence between them. Alien gods hold no power over a flock--only their own God has such powers. [H: So, it RE­ALLY DOES mean serious attention to having the "correct" GOD, doesn't it?]
    Gods, thus, actually exist at the lepton level of matter. In fact, the world religions describe different aspects of one and the same Supreme Rational Being. All the people of the Earth worship a single God, but in His multiple manifestations.

    After the death of a person's atomic-molecular nucleus, his or her lepton holograms may take different courses. Some of them may likewise disintegrate. But this happens only to the holograms that are made up of the heavier microleptons. Estimates show that the relatively heavy holograms have a natural half-life of seven to nine days; their ninety-nine percent decay takes about forty days.

    Thus, the meaning of the funeral repast on the 9th and the 40th day (in accordance with the Orthodox faith) is that the liv­ing emit eidoses that recharge the dead person's soul with en­ergy and information to help it undergo the necessary changes in the lepton world. Thanks to these rites, relatively heavy lepton holograms can survive much longer. A reliable supply of living people's thoughts and feelings can extend the life span of the heavy fractions of a dead person's soul from forty days to sev­eral millennia. As long as a person is remembered and his or her days of birth and death are observed, that person's soul is preserved almost intact, just as it was when the person was alive. One can communicate with it by means of special tech­niques known to mystics.

    The soul also has medium and light fractions. We cannot yet verify this experimentally, but there is reason to think that their half-lives and total decay periods are much longer than those of the heavy fractions. It is even quite possible that the lightest fractions live eternally--the soul is immortal according to all the world religions. So far science cannot confirm or deny this in strict terms. This problem remains unsolved and requires an experimental solution.


    * * * *
    The next most logical question might well be, "Isn't there any way to measure this lepton energy or aura? Yes indeed and again the only ALLOWED presentation comes silently from Russia. There are two scientists--the engineer and inventor Uri Kravchenko and the physician Nikolai Kalashchenko--who have developed an original instrument: the phase aurometer. This is a highly sensitive instrument for the remote measurement of the electromagnetic radiation of any object, biological included. The instrument and the method are protected by a Certificate of Authorship issued in 1990. This is an easy to prove concept and because of this implication I will not introduce much about it other than generalities about which much has been shared. This is something which Dr. Young has already devised though he doesn't recognize it as this and I would think would remind our own "tinkerers" that this is nothing more than a measuring de­vice or a production device for electromagnetic fields MEASURED IN HERTZ.

    The particular phase aurometer in point is only for measurement or recording a "patient's" own radiation by a contact-free method and has no impact whatever on the environment. BUT, LISTEN UP: THE APPLICATIONS OF THE PHASE AUROMETER CAN BE CONSIDERABLY EXPANDED FUR­THER INTO, FOR EXAMPLE, DOWSING, TESTING FOLK HEALERS AND SENSITIVES AND SUCH SEEMINGLY DIS­TANT FIELDS AS AGRICULTURAL SELECTION OR CON­STRUCTION AND PERFORMANCE SUPERVISION.

    I am not going to publish this information in general format as above. However, I do ask that several of the attached "tinkerers" be supplied with the documentation. We need to in­troduce frequency upgrading into seed for crops, etc. This is easily done but someone has to do it and I cannot spend time ed­ucating those at random distance. So, please make sure that Dr. Young, Dr. Hoffman, Dr. James and Dr. Trelle are made privy to the document in point. Thank you. It will seem quite primi­tive to you ones--but sometimes simplicity is where we must RE-begin in order to conceptually change directions. I salute you for your patience.

    CHAPTER 12


    THU., JUN. 9, 1994 8:13 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 297

    THU., JUN. 2, 1994



    I have no NEW comments to make on earthquake activity and I doubt that Soltec does. Those PACIFIC Plates are deadly, friends, and they are MOVING! I hesitate to remind you but yesterday's massively powerful quake which is touted to be the South American-Pacific Plate running into the Nazca Plate is amusing if not downright deceptive. All those plates are integral to one another as to be like a finely meshed gear mechanism--YOU CANNOT HAVE ACTION ON ONE WITHOUT AC­TION ON ALL. HOW MUCH ACTION IS THE ONLY CONSIDERATION. And, furthermore, moving on up to the north from South America (Peru-Bolivia) to the Colombia dis­aster is right on track. You had better LISTEN to your ge­ologists about the San Andreas and Hayward Faults as today those are THE two most unstable--and the activities from that area are destined to rumble right on up through Mt. Ranier who is already GROWLING. Southern California is already so unstable as to be a catch-as-catch-can. The Elite have told you they intend to bump off one of those areas between the 6th and 11th of June (NOW). What is left to be said? In watching the maneuvers of troops of foreign origin flooding over into the U.S., as we write, and moving into the areas along the Missis­sippi--I would REALLY watch the New Madrid line. If you had a quake in Peru last night which was reflected all the way into Canada (which you did), there will be nothing to triggering the New Madrid from Gulf to Canada. When a nation can be deliberately "captured" by use of "natural" disasters--all the better.

    Along these lines, I remind the politicians playing games with ME that my patience is RUNNING THIN. I expect your com­mitments to be met BEFORE you further inconvenience me and my own crew. You seem to keep considering it annoying to YOU--well, it IS going to get more and more annoying TO YOU! Thank you, surveillance team, for forwarding this information immediately. I want my team-mates RELEASED and allowed to get their business completed so that we can quietly go about our business. Your compromises and negotiations with people is your business
    --I AM TIRED OF NEGOTIATING AND WILL NOT COMPROMISE--so, it behooves the ones in charge to get with this program and MEET THE AGREEMENTS OF THE PRIOR NEGOTIATIONS. I TRULY CAN­NOT BELIEVE YOU DESIRE A CONFRONTATION OF THE KIND WITH WHICH YOU KEEP TINKERING! You have had enough "time" so today is a very good day to get on with our interchange and transfers. There is shortly going to be more "chicken poop" scattered around than little Zacky Farms indiscretions with Clintonistas. Perhaps Chicken C.O.U.P.E.S. HAD BETTER HEED MY WARNING?

    I also suggest that the group in Chicago, around the Rockefeller property, mind your manners and business as well. I would also like that information couriered, please. My attention is NOT "the world"--I suggest you not make it my attention. We are EVERYWHERE you look in the heavens--I suggest all you nice agents take a good look EVERY NIGHT! Furthermore--IF you do not want an "underground" uprising,
    I suggest you keep your promises to me because, when push comes to shove--those nice aliens you have underground WILL BE ON MY TEAM!! Now, isn't this getting to be a whole lot of FUN? The solu­tion to the "Elite" problem is quite easy and quite quickly re­solved--but I can promise you that promises will be kept OR in­formation is going to pour forth through every pore and crevasse (that means from tiny openings to massive openings--your choice!).

    Now on to something I think is so interesting and so important as to about blow the valves right out of "their" Mercedes and BMWs. We do wish to share these little secrets, don't we read­ers?

    This comes--how nice to have good Earth information--from the "North-East". It is in the form of an interview with one Serge Monast done for CONTACT by Dr. Pierre Cloutier and Ri­cardo Lopes. It took place at College de Maissoneuve in Mon­treal, Canada on March 19, 1994. Mr. Monast as one of two featured guests present. Since "I" like the references to in­quiries numbers 8 through 10 best, WE WILL BEGIN THEREWITH:


    So, backing up a bit and:


    8. Speaking of appalling, we recently came across an in­credible reference to chemical warfare the US military was pre­pared to deploy against Canadians in the 1930s, in War Plan Red! Imagine!

    You mentioned this would be your last public speaking en­gagement, S.M.. Is this true and, if so, for what reason?

    S.M.: I have received threats to my life from the office of the Prime Minister and THE VATICAN.

    9. "Holy" Vatican City in Rome--the Pope? How so?

    S.M.: Because I dared to unveil the NASA "BLUE BEAM" Project. The Vatican does not threaten the life of someone without good reason. This is an extremely BIG se­cret. I am sure Commander Hatonn will have more to add.

    10. Well, tell us what you can about the NASA "Blue Beam" Project.

    [H: I don't believe I care to add more to this at this time. It seems to give you the overall "Idea", well presented and WELL-PUBLISHED by SEVERAL sources so we don't need to concern about one or two more getting egg on the Com­mittee's faces.]
    [Preamble: In a banned Journal (PHOENIX) published in 1991, Sananda (Esu Immanuel Jesus) tells of a SIMU­LATED SECOND COMING OF CHRIST, supposed to have taken place by year 1985, "The script, as they have written it, if successfully staged could deceive the very elect, BEWARE"! Holographic imagery will be used in a simulation of "the ending" in which says Sananda, "You are given scenes which cause collective thought which fo­cuses on fulfillment of that which is desired for you to project--to fit the needs of those adversary happenings". The result of this deliberately staged FALSE CHRIST will be for the implementation of a new Universal Religion. "Enough truth will be foisted off on us to hook us into the lie. They project one statement and bear definition of an entirely different intent".

    [H: By the way, readers, FROM WHO AND FROM WHERE do you think got entered into the "teachings" of a RAPTURE AND WHISK-AWAY? Ah Ha, now it gets seri­ous, does it not? Better be on guard, my friends, for coming out of the "Montauk" projects is the ability to take up a whole bunch of people as in a "rapture" type of situation and whisk the whole bunch into never-never-land. Just like a whole bunch of people got whisked away into time-space warp "forever and ever---"!]

    "It is truly enough to break the heart for portions of the projection are worthy of changing the entire planet into oneness with God. But you must remember--there is not intent of God in relationship to Man--but the premise that Man shall somehow become God in human form and con­trol other Men and dictate all actions and thoughts". [H: Ummm-hummmnn!]

    The calculated resistance to the new Religion, the new Order and the new "Messiah" will be human loss on a massive scale in the ensuing "Holy Wars".

    Mr. Monast fills in some details:

    S.M.: The "Blue Beam" Project will pretend to be the uni­versal fulfillment of the prophecies of old; as major an event as that which took place 2000 years ago. In principle, it will make use of the sky as a movie screen as spaced-based laser-generat­ing satellites project simultaneous images to the four corners of the planet, in every language, in every dialect according to region...it deals with the religious aspect of the NWO and is a large scale seduction. [H: Better keep your eyes firmly planted on Billy Graham when he does his cute little crusade "to the four corners of the world" through technology hookup and projection by satellite--ALREADY PLANNED AND ADVERTISED AS HAPPENING FROM A BASE IN PUERTO RICO! Indeed, he told all about it on the Larry King Live show a couple of months back--right after he RE­TURNED FROM KOREA ON HIS "DIPLOMATIC TOUR". Billy tells the world that after these "big projections" so that the "word" in show-and-tell is scattered to the four corners (according to prophecy)--"THE END WILL COME!" Now, people, I suggest you check on it--for I think I recall something being mentioned about Spring of 1995 or possibly even this year, 1994. I think it will come off next Early Summer! - Better check out the members of the Committee(s), also, and see who you might find aboard the roster! The "system" has already been tested and holo­graphic projections of the "Christ image" have already been massively seen over deserts, in sandstorms, dust, mist--you name it and the vision reports, of all sorts, are pouring back from everywhere. These, of course, only show up in the "Tabloids" so are instantly discounted. "THEY" are just set­ting you up. By the way, they can also project craft, aliens, monsters, angels--you name it....]

    Computers will coordinate the satellites and software will run the show-and-tell. [Holography is based on very nearly identi­cal signals combining to produce an image, or hologram, with depth perception, which is equally applicable to acoustic (ELF, VLF, LF waves) AS IT IS TO OPTICAL PHENOMENA]. Advanced technology was ready in the early '80s--the event planned for 1983. This means the NWO would have been implemented shortly after the appearance of "The Christ". But something went wrong...[H: Oh really? I wonder what?] Specifically, the show will consist of laser projections of multi­ple holographic images to different parts of the world, each re­ceiving different images according to predominating regional/national religious faith. Not a single area will be ex­cluded.

    With computer animation and sound effects appearing to come from the depths of space, astonished followers of the vari­ous creeds will witness their own returned Messiah in spectac­ularly convincing lifelike realness. [H: Well, a whole lot BIG­GER than life.] Then, the projections of "The Christ, of Mo­hammed, Buddha, Krishna, etc., will merge into one, after correct explanation of the mysteries, prophecies, and revelations will have been disclosed. THIS ONE GOD WILL IN FACT BE THE ANTI-CHRIST, who will explain that the various scriptures have been misunderstood; that the religions of old are responsible for turning brother against brother, nation against nation; therefore the world's religions must be abolished to make way for the Golden Age (New Age) of the ONE WORLD RELIGION, representing the one god (Anti-Christ in this in­stance) they see before them. Naturally, this superbly staged, full-scale falsification will result in social/religious disorder on a grand scale, including millions of programmed religious fanatics. [H: And where do you think such as Falwell, Robertson and the other avowed ZIONISTS will be? Where do you think all those massively scattered TBN transmitters and re­ceivers will be that day--along with the GREAT PRE­TENDERS who carry forth this very day?] Many scenarios are possible, including a Holy War in the Middle East. In addi­tion, this event will occur at a time of great political anarchy and general tumult--at the edge of something big. The U.N. even now plans to use the Beethoven Song of JOY as the official an­them for the NWO.

    11. Is this the only reason the Vatican is attempting to sup­press you?

    S.M.: No. Let me explain. We have been given the ac­cepted scenario involving established prophecies, Armageddon, the Anti-Christ and so on. What the world does not know, and is not given to know, is that other UNKNOWN prophecies exist that very accurately chart the course of human history to the present day and beyond and in which is SHOWN THE DOWNFALL OF THE ANTI-CHRIST!

    These documents, or copies of them, are housed in the Vati­can Archives, to be sure, but they are also scattered elsewhere. I am reluctant to say more. [H: I'm not, but I won't--AT THIS TIME.] Ones are known to possess this information. Needless to say, it could dramatically alter the course of our present civilization. [H: But not unless you WAKE UP!]

    12. Have you had access to these documents in truth?

    S.M.: Yes.

    13. You are saying that something else, besides what we are given to know by the controlled media, exists that is more mag­nificently greater and which has yet to surface?

    S.M.: Yes, precisely. And the church KNOWS. What is more, these prophecies have come down to us from the French lineage, from France, and are extant in Quebec [Quebec is the only surviving remnant of original European ancestry in North America!]. [H: Be very careful with this one for it is not QUITE right, readers--at least-wise, not as this seems to be presented here. The truth is abundant in the old Sumarian seals and tablets but "France" doesn't have much of any­thing to do with it. There are other scrolls, etc., also--but do not depend on those you call the Dead Sea bunch of non­sense now loosed upon you. Remember that the Israelis have control of "those" and that was the END OF TRUTH.]
    14. Extraordinary! So there is known prophecy, and there is secret prophecy?

    S.M.: That's right. The present U.N. maneuver in Quebec not only is strategic but is also for religious/spiritual reasons. It is foretold in these prophecies of which we speak that the Anti-Christ [the leading figurehead of the Khazarian Satanist cabal] will come to Quebec in order to seek and destroy this source. Does this explain the U.N. foothold in this strategic part of the world we are witness to?

    15. Amazing! In essence, you have insight into God's Plan.

    S.M. Yes, but I am not God...[laughter].

    [H: Now we will return to the beginning of the interview and fill in the missing numbers;]

    1. Would you have an update for us regarding the massive foreign military incursion into Quebec Province from adjacent northeastern United States, as witnessed in recent weeks?

    S.M.: Yes, as a matter of fact I am preparing a full-scale in­vestigative report for CONTACT on all current United Nations installations throughout Canada. This will be of special interest to our American brethren, as such developments here tend as a rule to precede their introduction in the U.S.

    2. There have been reports in the local media of alleged premeditated "terrorist" acts, coincident with these military ma­neuvers. Is there a connection between these seemingly unre­lated events?

    S.M.: Definitely there is a link. The police account of the several hydro-electric tower explosions point to three weeks ago. The troop and tactical air support also began three weeks ago. The events could not have been unrelated. The explosions served as cover for accidental discovery of the incoming troops. The terrorist element also serves as psychological preparation of things to come.

    3. What kind of troops?

    S.M.: Black-garbed, FEMA troops were confirmed heading for the St-Hubert [Montreal] and Val Cartier [Quebec City] bases. In his book, Bordering on Aggression, author Floyd Rudmin speaks of "rapid reaction assault forces" training at Fort Drum [in upstate New York] who specialize in house-to-house urban attacks, winter warfare and night combat! Moreover, the U.S. troops presently training at a little-known army base in northern Maine [adjacent to the New Brunswick border] were formerly used for social disorder and torture in Central and South America!

    4. Were you aware that in 1987 Fort Drum in New York was allotted in excess of one billion dollars?

    S.M.: Yes, and at a time of widespread budget cutting!

    5. U.S. military strategists in the '60s, and more recently the BROOKINGS INSTITUTE, have long been "predicting" the break-up of Canada. Now, thanks to your research, there is evidence of covert design, if not outright preparation, for such a scenario. [H: Remember: the Ekkers and the Phoenix Insti­tute are not up against a little nothing like University of Science and Philosophy for sharing the scientific material of one, Walter Russell, but are the target of the Brookings In­stitute which is the leader institute branch of Tavistock (MIND-CONTROL) Institute and MI-6. What a tangled web?? Don't we think it about time to back off--it must be evident to EVERYONE that the Ekkers don't really have anything to do with anything--especially plagiarizing information! Mr. Green may well have a LOT to do with the on­going situation but not the Ekkers! The grand plan was ok in the upstart--but it certainly LOOKS QUITE FOOLISH the longer it goes on.]

    6. In your latest book, The United Nations Concentration Camps Program in America--Book 1 (of four), available April 15th, we are wondering if you mention the fate of a number of U.S. military base "closures" rumored to have been overtaken by--or willingly given over to--the United Nations? Commander Hatonn is on record as stating that many have been converted into civilian incarceration facilities for patriots and other "troublemakers", once martial law is imposed under Executive Orders. Is this correct?

    S.M.: Yes to both parts. Quite correct. You will note that clues are important. For instance, if we look at the Cornwallis [ Nova Scotia] base closure for a moment: First the Canadian government announces Draconian budget cuts and states it will have to shut down bases throughout the country, including Cornwallis. Out of the blue, three days later, the media an­nounces it will be turned over to the U.N. Why is it not men­tioned? Still 2-3 days later our government declares it will GIFT five million dollars to the U.N. in federal assistance; plus one million a year to this base alone. "Budget cuts"?! Something is wrong here!
    7. Can you identify the source of the accompanying United Nations advertisement, as appalling and blatantly insulting as it is to the American populace?

    S.M.: Yes. This was sent to me from a journalist in Kansas, at a time when the Soviets were training in that State. [H: We only have the very bad copy attached for this reference. Please print anyway.]

    * * * * END OF INTERVIEW * * * *
    Now, surveillance agents: I suggest you get on with distribution of this information to the proper authorities. We are playing by our agreements and we can see and know your every change of plans: IT IS NOT NICE TO TRY TO FOOL "MOTHER NATURE". I want my people released and YOU KNOW WHO THEY ARE--I WOULDN'T THINK YOU WOULD LIKE ME TO START NAMING THEM??

    When you strategize to walk a crooked road and double-cross the very hand that feeds you--it is unwise. That road will circle right back to your "coyote" backsides where the "roadrunner" will nip you smartly. Thank you for your pleasant and agree­able service. Salu.


    CONTINUATION FROM 6-8-1994. (This will reflect as the second writing or "Part 2". For continuity please refer to prior writing as there will be no review:


    At the end of all of these more or less random initiatives, there emerged a document that would, for over a generation, serve as the bible for the containment policy, indeed which sup­plied it with its very name. All the various strands of American postwar thought were brought together in an extraordinary article published in July 1947 in Foreign Affairs. [H: Here is your confirmation that this JOURNAL is the journal for the Council on Foreign Relations.] Though it was anonymously signed by "X", the author was later identified as George F. Kennan, by then head of the policy planning staff of the State Department. Of the thousands of articles written since the end of the Second World War, Kennan's "The Sources of Soviet Conduct" stands in a class by itself. In this lucidly written, pas­sionately argued literary adaptation of his "Long Telegram", Kennan raised the Soviet challenge to the level of philosophy of history.

    By the time Kennan's article appeared, Soviet intransigence had become the staple of policy documents. Kennan's distinc­tive contribution was to explain the ways in which hostility to the democracies was inherent in the Soviet domestic structure and why that structure would prove impervious to conciliatory Western policies. Tension with the outside world was inherent in the very nature of Communist philosophy and, above all, in the way the Soviet system was being run domestically. Inter­nally, the Communist Party was the only organized group, with the rest of society fragmented into an inchoate mass. Thus the Soviet Union's implacable hostility to the outside world was an attempt to gear international affairs to its own internal rhythm. The main concern of Soviet policy was "to make sure that it has filled every nook and cranny available to it in the basin of world power". The way to defeat Soviet strategy was by "a policy of firm containment, designed to confront the Russians with unal­terable counterforce at every point where they show signs of en­croaching upon the interests of a peaceful and stable world". [H: Interpreted: "To bash every natural Russian while sup­porting and furthering the integration of the New World Order Zionist Khazarian RULE. In other words, "DESTROY" the Russians while protecting the "Soviet Elite Bolsheviks" who have integrated and totally coordinated working relations with the New World Order, Henry Kissinger and thus and so.]

    Like almost every other contemporary foreign policy docu­ment, Kennan's "X" article disdained the elaboration of a precise diplomatic goal. What he sketched was the age-old Ameri­can dream of a peace achieved by the conversion of the adver­sary, albeit in language more elevated and far more trenchant in its perception than that of any contemporary. But where Ken­nan differed from other experts was when he described the mechanism by which, sooner or later, through one power strug­gle or another, the Soviet system would be fundamentally trans­formed. [H: Now watch the rationale of failure of such thought and a "fog factor" of about 2000!] Kennan thought it likely that, at some point, various contestants for authority might reach down into these politically immature and inexperienced masses in order to find support for their respective claims. If this were ever to happen, strange consequences could flow for the Communist Party: "For the membership at large has been exercised only in the practices of iron discipline and obedience and not in the arts of compromise and accommodation. If, con­sequently, anything were ever to occur to disrupt the unity and efficacy of the party as a political instrument, Soviet Russia might be changed overnight from one of the strongest to one of the weakest and most pitiable of national societies".

    No other document forecast quite so accurately what would in fact take place after the advent of Mikhail Gorbachev. [H: Ah HA--now we have the sneak-in. Remember, Gorbachev was made president of Kissinger Associates IN MOSCOW after his "supposed demise" from Russian hierarchy. He has been working in total conjunction with the Elite "Kissingers of the world" RIGHT IN THE GOOD OLD U.S.A. ever since!] And in the aftermath of so total a collapse of the Soviet Union [H: Another total misperception foisted off on you--planned and orchestrated just like a grade "F" stage play--with the "Director" being the bunch huddled around this old buzzard, Kissinger. THAT is what KISSINGER ASSOCIATES does, readers--runs (spell that ruins) nations and planets! In every nation in upheaval from Somalia to Lower Outlying Slobovia--you WILL FIND KISSINGER ASSOCI­ATES, at the least, Scowcroft and Eagleburger and the myriads of other little cute puppets whose strings are totally operated by the higher Committee. Now, I am about tired of this "higher Committee". They may well be more on my side than the Committee of openly Satanic practitioners--BUT, they are not very "nice" people and most are NOT even people at all! Now, readers, when you reach out into NON-PEOPLE I have the trump card when the game gets tight and THEY know it, so it would behoove them to just pretend they LIKE me.] it seems carping to point out just how back-breaking an assignment Kennan had prescribed for his people. For he had charged America with combating Soviet pressures for the indefinite future all around a vast periphery that embraced the widely differing circumstances of Asia, the Middle East and Europe. The Kremlin was, moreover, free to select its point of attack, presumably only where it calculated it would have the greatest advantage. Throughout subsequent crises, the American political objective was deemed to be the preservation of the status quo, with the overall effort producing Communism's final collapse only after a protracted series of ostensibly inconclusive conflicts. It was surely the ultimate expression of America's national optimism and unimpaired sense of self-confidence that as sophisticated an observer as George Kennan could have assigned his society to a role so global, so stern and, at the same time, so reactive. [H: HOGWASH! We will get to the REAL terror about Russia to these turkey-­twaddles in a bit--and that is the NEW "threat to democracy", THANK GOD. DOES ANYONE REMEMBER THE TERM: REPUBLIC--WHICH IS SUPPOSED TO BE YOUR GOAL?]
    [H: Dharma, skip right rapidly through the next couple of sections so we can get onto some good information in the form of that "beastie" who so bothers this Elite bunch of garbage mongers.]

    This stark, even heroic, doctrine of perpetual struggle com­mitted the American people to endless contests with rules that left the initiative to the adversary and confined America's role to strengthening the countries already on its side of the dividing line--a classic policy of spheres of interest. [H: Have you ever seen such reverse meaning?] By abjuring negotiations, the containment policy wasted precious time during the period of America's greatest relative strength--while it still had the atomic monopoly [H: It never had such a monopoly and Kissinger knows it--after all, he FIRST SERVED THE SOVIET UNION BEFORE SLOPPING HIMSELF OFF ONTO AMERICA!] Indeed, given the premise of containment--that positions of strength had yet to be built--the Cold War became both militarized and imbued with an inaccurate impression of the West's relative weakness.

    The redemption of the Soviet Union became the ultimate goal of policy; stability could emerge only after evil had been exor­cised. It was no accident that Kennan's article concluded with a peroration instructing his impatient, peace-loving compatriots about the virtues of patience and interpreting their international role as a test of their country's worthiness:

    The issue of Soviet-American relations is in essence a test of the overall worth of the United States as a nation among nations. The thoughtful observer of Russian-American relations will find no cause for complaint in the Kremlin's challenge to American society. He will rather experience a certain gratitude to a providence which, by providing the American people with this implacable chal­lenge, has made their entire security as a nation dependent on their pulling themselves together and accepting the responsibilities of moral and political leadership that history plainly intended them to bear.

    One of the outstanding features of these noble sentiments was their peculiar ambivalence. They rallied America to a global mission but made the task so complex that America would nearly tear itself apart trying to fulfill it. Yet the very ambiva­lence of containment seemed to lend an extraordinary impetus to American policy. Though essentially passive with respect to diplomacy with the Soviet Union, containment evoked tenacious creativity when it came to building "positions of strength" in the military and economic realms. This was because in containment were merged lessons derived from the two most important American experiences of the previous generation: from the New Deal came the belief that threats to political stability arise primarily from gaps between economic and social expectations and reality, hence the Marshall Plan; from the Second World War America learned that the best protection against aggression is having overwhelming power and the willingness to use it, hence the Atlantic alliance. The Marshall Plan was designed to get Europe on its feet economically. NATO was to look after its security.

    [H: If you aren't barfing by this point--you certainly don't understand the sugar-coated poison just now dumped on you. And, worse, THIS IS WHAT THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS BASES ITS OPERATIONS UPON!]

  2. #8
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#097, HEAVE-`EM OUT Phase Three, Part 1

    PJ 97
    CHAPTER 13


    THU., JUN. 9, 1994 2:58 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 297

    THU., JUN. 9, 1994

    How can you tell when the Elite are REALLY concerned about someone? Watch how they do a fourteen-page blast and horror trip about them in FOREIGN AFFAIRS, the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) journal. Then look to see who got commis­sioned to write the article and thus and so. In the instance we are going to utilize now we will take up Mr. Zhirinovsky and the fourteen-page article in FOREIGN AFFAIRS commissioned by the CFR and author of the article in point, Jacob W. Kipp. Won't this remind my own crew, who just got blasted in a rag-sheet from Las Vegas by one Aaron Cohen! Since the article about me was 100% about garbage and certainly not about the Trillion Dollar Lie, I have to surmise he hasn't read much of my work.

    Well, I always like publicity and especially from a weekly com­pilation of all the "dirty" gamboling spots in Vegas. I am only sorry to not have made the same page with the advertisement for surgical enlargements of male penises and nipples--by up to three full inches! Now THAT is important "stuff", readers. So be it. I'm afraid the attention will ultimately hurt me no more than it has hurt Zhirinovsky!

    Worried about Zhirinovsky really? Oh indeed, for the minute these Elite New World Order lame-brains blink--he will wipe them off the map!

    So who is Kipp?

    Jacob W. Kipp is a Senior Analyst with the Foreign Military Study Office at Fort Leavenworth in Kansas and Adjunct Pro­fessor of History at the University of Kansas. He is also U.S. Editor of European Security. The views expressed are those of the author and should not be interpreted as representing those of the Department of the Army or the Department of Defense. [H: Golly, how about the Council on Foreign Relations?]

    [H: Now just why would we want to waste time on this topic? Because it is evident it has a LOT to do with the rest of the global politics and perhaps survival itself. If it is this important a topic to the CFR when most of Americans haven't ever heard of the man in point--IT MUST BE IMPORTANT! We must have a REAL THREAT here--to A WHOLE LOT OF PEOPLE!]


    In the ongoing drama of what Russia is to be--state or em­pire, democracy or autocracy [H: Everybody in the Elite corps of disaster makers--REPUBLIC is avoided like AIDS.], Vladimir Zhirinovsky has shouldered his way to center stage with a bellicose, attention-grabbing performance. Some Russian and Western observers have quickly concluded that this ul­tranationalist is a bit player, thrust forward less by his own de­vices than by the inadequacies of Russian reformers in the De­cember parliamentary elections. Yet it would be dangerous to dismiss Zhirinovsky, with his rash, outlandish statements to the press, as a self-destructive clown. His writings and the state­ments by key ideologues of his Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), as well as his electioneering skills, make him a potent threat to Russian democracy. Post-election surveys indicate voters support his ideas, and not just as a protest against eco­nomic conditions.

    Zhirinovsky and his year-old Liberal Democratic Party sur­faced in June 1991 when he drew six million votes, almost eight percent of the total election returns, to finish third in the Russian presidential election won by Boris Yeltsin. [H: Yes, and this was with the usual "fixed" election places AND TOTAL IN­ABILITY TO HAVE ANY MEDIA COVERAGE AT ALL--JUST LIKE THE LITTLE INDEPENDENT RUNNERS IN AMERICA--IN FACT THIS WHOLE THING WAS SET-UP BY THE AMERICANS--OF ZIONIST DESCENT.]
    Two-­and-a-half years later, in December's parliamentary elections, his populist television campaigning garnered the LDP nearly 25 percent of the vote. Russia's political leaders and intellectuals, along with the West, were aghast to find this demagogue commanding a strategic position in the new 450-seat assembly, along with a fairly large bloc of hard-line, anti-reform Commu­nists. Although mutually hostile on a number of key issues, the Communists and the LDP are proving capable of selective coop­eration. Together they voted to release those who had led both the 1991 coup against former Soviet President Mikhail Gor­bachev and the October 1993 insurrection in the Parliament. Zhirinovsky instigated the surprise anti-Yeltsin maneuver fully aware that freeing Aleksandr Rutskoi might empower a more centrist rival for the political leadership of nationalist forces.

    With hindsight it is evident that Zhirinovsky expertly organized for election success while openly portraying the effort as merely positioning himself for the next presidential election, whenever it may come. Rising discontent about Russia's declining economic condition increased Zhirinovsky's appeal be­tween the 1991 and 1993 elections and, as the economy con­tinues to falter, Russian commentators suggest that his appeal will continue to grow. His base of support consists of relatively well-educated young males from larger cities, older less-edu­cated males from smaller cities, disgruntled rural residents and numerous members of the Russian armed forces. Zhirinovsky pledged to resolve the country's problems--by granting privi­leges to Russian businessmen facing foreign competitors, in­creasing arms export sales, ending Russia's "humiliations" abroad, and even getting husbands for unwed women and cheap vodka for all.

    In response, Yeltsin has shorn his government of reformers and adopted Zhirinovsky's calls for a crackdown on crime, an assertive foreign policy and strong state controls over economic and social activities. Some experts, including former U.S. State Department official Paul Goble, see the real danger not in Zhirinovsky but rather "in the way Boris Yeltsin and other Rus­sian 'reformers' are likely to exploit the Zhirinovsky vote to pressure the former Soviet republics, and in the extraordinary likelihood that the West will complacently accept whatever de­mands the Russian president makes on them".

    Russian reformers and Western observers have tended to underestimate the appeal of Zhirinovsky and his party. Even as late as the summer of 1993, foreign observers played down the threat to Russian democracy and the West coming from Zhiri­novsky and other "Red-Browns". Richard Pipes, a leading his­torian of modern Russia and the Soviet Union, writing on the eve of the constitutional crisis that would pit President Yeltsin against his vice president and the Supreme Court, dismissed the Red-Brown threat as portrayed in Walter Laqueur's Black Hun­dred, a work devoted to the rise of the extreme right in Russia. Pipes spoke of fanatics seeking power and "the ravings of ex­tremist intellectuals" but concluded that Laqueur's warning was a "false alarm". As the events of the next few months would show, Russia was far less stable than Pipes' analysis suggested.

    A major problem was that Yeltsin's government used its control of the media during the electoral campaign to play down the growing power of the Red-Browns in general, and Zhiri­novsky's LDP in particular. During the last week of the cam­paign, when the LDP bought 220 minutes of television time to get its message to the voters, that attitude began to change. A last-minute effort by Vyuacheslav Bragin, then chief of Ostank­ino Television, to use a program on Zhirinovsky and the LDP to "sober up" the electorate to the Zhirinovsky threat backfired. Only on the eve of elections did Russia's Choice, the top reform party, led by Yegor Gaidar, warn that it was time to stop con­sidering Zhirinovsky a "harmless clown" and to recognize him as "a threat to Russia's existence". [H: No, just to the Elite Zionist's existence! With such a man in power--Russia might just have a chance.]

    There has been a strong tendency to dismiss Zhirinovsky's success as part protest vote and part personal charisma. [H: Personal charisma?? This man is a dirt-poor, hard labor one-of-the-poor-peasant people! This hardly smacks of some hierarchical political CHARISMA.] Laqueur characterized Zhirinovsky as "a fine orator-demagogue" with shrewd political instincts but no real party or program.
    [H: Well, there you have IT, readers, as Mr. Laqueur just proved his own work to be totally absurd and that is what this article, likewise ab­surd, is based upon. Ah, but next we bring Mr. William Safire into the mouth-wagging equation and you can be SURE that Mr. Zhirinovsky has some good attributes, after all. Keep alert, readers, and you'll get the picture without ever being shown the ACTUAL PICTURE!] Political colum­nist William Safire dismissed the "panic over Mr. Z." as exces­sive. More recently, "60 Minutes" broadcast a feature on Zhirinovsky by Australian television entitled THE MAD RUS­SIAN. [H: Again--I'd say that is about as good as "compliment" as you can get from the controlled MEDIA!] In an interview with Zhirinovsky, the reporter asked him to comment on whether he was
    "a harmless clown or an evil clown". Zhirinovsky dismissed both those characterizations a "propaganda" by his enemies. [H: Well, good reader, how would YOU answer such a complimentary question? Could Mr. Z. win either way? Why don't you just ask Sir Reno if she only murders children or actually is an arsonist who just burns them to death?]

    Such commentary underplays the real threat Zhirinovsky rep­resents to Russian democracy. Were conditions to worsen, Zhirinovsky's skills at marshaling public distemper and the ap­peal of his ideas could produce additional unwanted surprises. Thus the ideas that propel him, apart from his impromptu, headline-grabbing outbursts, are worth serious examination. [H: Now I am asked, "Whose side are you on anyway, America's or Russia's"? NEITHER. Dharma happens to be an American--I AM NEITHER RUSSIAN NOR AMERICAN! Perhaps that is WHY I can be objective and point out the truth of this fine kettle of fish you have caught and can't see because the pot water is so dirty.]
    At first glance the designation "liberal democratic" seems a misnomer. Yet Zhirinovsky's choice of the terms liberal and democratic to describe his party is no accident. It is a conscious effort to distinguish his movement from other nationalist move­ments that range from monarchist to Communist. [H: What would you expect him to call a Party, United Socialist Soviet Republic?? Wasn't something similar to that already "taken"?]

    In Zhirinovsky's hands "liberal" is an ahistorical category designating his outsider status. This is necessary for his political success because it allows him to invoke a mythic past before So­viet power and to place himself outside the political process that brought about the current crisis. [H: And what does "liberal" mean in English? I see--every category claims a DIFFERENT definition?] "Liberal" in this sense is used by Zhiri­novsky to invoke the idea that his party stands in the center of the political spectrum, while the democrats and Communists oc­cupy the extremes. The party's slogan, "Through a pluralism of opinions of the superiority of the law", consciously invokes ties with past Russian liberalism.

    Previously, Russian liberalism carried a notion of moderate reform and Westernization. Russian liberals sought to build a civic society under law and were hardly radical democrats. Moreover, conservative nationalists, populists and Marxists, who were at odds with one another on almost every issue, were united in their rejection of liberals. Liberalism was branded as part of a utopian dream, disconnected from Russian realities. Liberals were depicted as compromisers, spouting noble senti­ments but achieving petty deeds.

    No concept was more rejected than the idea of gradual re­form. Indeed, Western scholars, in gauging the failure of prerevolutionary liberal bureaucrats, zemstvo reformers (locally and provincially elected assemblies created by the tsarist government) and Constitutional Democrats, have emphasized the dis­junction between backward Russia and the liberals' advocacy of individual freedom within a civic society. For prerevolutionary liberals, the emancipation of the individual and society from the oppression of an autocratic state could come only through a state under law. But how to create such a state in a multinational empire proved an unsolvable dilemma. For Zhirinovsky, statism is a key ingredient but, unlike the historical liberals and more like Lenin's Bolsheviks in 1917, his LDP is ready to take state power into its own hands.

    For Zhirinovsky, the idea of a strong Russified state is not antithetical to empire. Rather, it is the preferred tool for recre­ating the Russian imperial reality of old.
    [H: Oh, how so? Does this mean if you get rid of the Zionist Communists as brought into power by the Revolution that you long for and will have an "IMPERIAL" reality, much less assume Zhiri­novsky WANTS ONE? How dare this foolish author to even ASSUME such a stance--certainly Zhirinovsky has NEVER STATED ANY SUCH DESIRE.] Thus, he starkly rejects the 75-year-old Soviet totalitarian experiment based on federalism in form and empire in content.
    [H: Good grief, the man just said he wanted an "Imperial reality"--even this amazing author cannot have it BOTH WAYS. This work is so badly done that I'm not sure, readers, I can make it all the way through it for it is difficult to let a single sentence pass un-noted. The really dangerous entities to you-the-people are ones just like this author who work for Kissinger Associates on the CFR, Trilateral Commission and other such deceivers.]

    In his memoirs, Zhirinovsky speaks of going "forward bravely toward a European model of society: a free economy, the rights of the individual in first place, a civic society". But he would pursue such an objective through a revolution from above, wrought by a state that is centralized, authoritarian and expansionist. [H: Gosh, he must be talking about the United States of America.] He has only contempt for the doctrine of separation of powers: "What is needed is a strict, centralized authority, otherwise no reforms will be achieved. There must be one state, one president. But without a centralized econ­omy". Finally, there must be no challenges to Russian sovereignty and authority. For Zhirinovsky, Russia is the em­pire. "For us the main [point] is the territory of our state. Re­turn to us the historical borders and name of the state--we only want that"! [H: Are you sleepyheads ever going to ask for YOURS BACK?] He has no time for federalism and expects "small nations" to accept their fate.

    While declaring that he is not, a chauvinist, Zhirinovsky speaks of a state run only for Russians and tells other nationali­ties who do not like it to leave. [H: No snit-fit? I can promise you dreamers--that there isn't anyone from any other place than my nationality that is going to run MY SHIP WHICH IS AS BIG AS YOUR GLOBE WHEN WE TALK ABOUT "HOME BASE".] An ethnically pure Russian state is his an­swer to the threat of anarchy. [H: See how slippery this old dude writer really is? He uses "nationality" as an implica­tion of no other color, creed, person, spouse or whatever. For instance, you are supposed to have "citizens of the U.S. in places of government--BUT THE ENTIRE RULING CLASS OF ADVISORS, ETC., ARE FOREIGN--MOSTLY RUSSIAN JEWS WHO WEREN'T ETHNICALLY RUS­SIAN--EITHER. Again:] An ethnically pure Russian state is his answer to the threat of anarchy. [H: In other words--the intent would be to have a "nation", not a influx of unlawful bullies and counterfeits? Or would that type of a statement make us ALL somehow "anti-Semitic"? Well, we are getting close to the PROBLEM (the REAL PROBLEM), AREN'T WE?] In place of the existing federal system, which safeguards the rights of national minorities, Zhirinovsky has proposed a return to a provincial system of local government [H: My God! What a heretic. Now, in addition, Mr. Z. wants provincial­ism--whatever happened to "Imperialism" from the last paragraph?] where the provinces, as in tsarist times, are con­trolled by the central government through the Ministry of Inter­nal Affairs. Zhirinovsky posits that the Russian empire is not a luxury but a means of national survival. Of current conditions in the federation and adjacent new states, he writes, "Russians everywhere become a national minority, gradually being de­stroyed. This will be the slow murder of the Russian nation. Because nowhere is there purely Russian territory, nowhere. ... If we follow such a path, the Russian nation will die". [H: Yep, just like the good old U.S.A. HAS DIED!]

    Zhirinovsky speaks of restoring Russia to the imperial fron­tiers of 1900, when Russia included parts of contemporary Poland and Finland. He warns that denying Russia its historical borders will only lead to war. Thus the mere acceptance of the dissolution of the Soviet Union into sovereign successor states is an act of treason. The Liberal Democratic Party rejects the cre­ation of the Commonwealth of Independent States as an "illegal, anti-constitutional act". [H: I won't even TOUCH that "Constitutional" bit as relates to similarities of treason in the U.S.A.] Party ideologues refer to the commonwealth as con­sisting of "the countries of beggars and the hungry" and "a pub­lic toilet".

    While he speaks of restoring Russia's historical frontiers, Zhirinovsky has also called upon Russia to expand southward. Zhirinovsky has associated this final spurt to the south with a "final division of the world". This geopolitical coup is to be done as "shock therapy, suddenly, rapidly and effectively", and will end with Russia and India sharing a common border. This would bring order from Kabul to Istanbul, eliminate the "red, Muslim, Turkic and Islamic threats", and remove the threat of a third world war. [H: Now readers, I heard that interview also--and nothing of the sort was even implied. The hope was to bring peace and working cooperation within the na­tions and become as one working region for the betterment of BOTH. What he actually said is now offered in italics and it is not what this man just implied.]

    The final "thrust" to the south: As I dream of it, Rus­sian soldiers will wash their boots in the warm waters of the Indian Ocean and forever change to summer uniforms. ... We must pacify that region forever. [H: Pacify as properly defined means: PEACE AND FURTHER AS STATED HERE: PEACE IN THE REGION.]

    Rejecting Communist Federalism as "a pretty Bolshevik [H: And just WHO were and are the Bolsheviks?] myth", Zhiri­novsky's supporters oppose the idea of a territorial state in which citizenship is a function of residence. They reject a multinational Russian Federation in favor or a centralized Russia of one nationality, Russian, sharing one culture and language. In short, they reject a civic state in favor of an ethnic state. [H: Say what?] According to Zhirinovsky, non-Russians would be Russified and the Orthodox religion given a "dominant posi­tion". [H: Well, remember your public law that now states you in the U.S. have a one religion country, Noahedic Law! I would guess that you do not longer have SOVEREIGN states, either, lest all those states wouldn't have to be going back into the courts to regain any semblance of sovereignty from your controlling puppets in Washington, Decidedly Criminal. If you can turn America into an "Israeli homeland", as is touted as already accomplished by Jewish lawyer Dershowitz, then is it any wonder Russia might just like to make her own decisions? Since when do YOU at any level have to butt into their business? The facts are that you have no longer a nation or any freedom--AND THAT, READ­ERS, IS A FACT!]

    The new Russia is a state under law, an enlightened state. This is a powerful presidential regime, a powerful, multiparty parliament. This is legislation, which is for the ages, which we won't have to change every ten years. This is a constitution, which respects everyone from infant to elder. This is a unified symbol throughout the entire country--the black, yellow, white flag, the state flag of Russia. It must wave over all state institutions in every region of our huge Fatherland. This is the country's an­them, one anthem. This is the state language, the lan­guage of interethnic communication, Russian. This is a single monetary unit--the ruble.
    [H: Seems to me, good people, that a lot of you could take some lessons.]

    Zhirinovsky's LDP ideologues understand the force of such ideas in the struggle for power and note the weakness of their Communist and democratic opponents in trying to enlist Russian nationalists. Those democrats who were responsible for establishing the commonwealth and the ensuing reforms, according to the LDP's ideologues, embraced radical reform and revolution in the interests of their master, the United States. Thus Gaidar, the architect of "shock therapy," and his supporters are labeled "false democrats". With its notion of a national bourgeoisie in the service of foreign capital, Zhirinovsky's use of the term is a throwback to Marxist criticism but from a nationalist perspec­tive. [H: Oh my gosh, this dastardly man even suggests GOVERNMENT BY AND FOR THE PEOPLE. HOW LONG HAS ANYONE FOUGHT FOR YOUR GOVERN­MENT FOR AND BY THE PEOPLE? OR, DO YOU JUST GO ALONG WITH EVERY TOM, DICK AND JACOB THAT COMES ALONG ACTING LIKE SOME KIND OF AN AUTHORITY WHEN IN FACT IS BUT THE WORST OF THE WORST DESTROYERS OF YOUR REPUBLIC AND TEACHES THIS GARBAGE TO THE REST OF THE SELF-STYLED, SO-CALLED ELITE RULERS OF THE CFR, ET AL. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RUS­SIA AS YOU RECOGNIZE RUSSIA OR WITH SOMEONE CALLED ZHIRINOVSKY. THIS HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH STOPPING ANY IDEA OF UPSETTING THE ONE WORLD ORDER AND ONE WORLD GOVERN­MENT (BY THE ELITE PUPPET-MASTERS) AND YOU ARE GOING TO BE STRUCK DUMB WHEN YOU FIND OUT JUST WHO THEY ARE HEADED-UP BY.]


    It has been a long, long day and now it is past the dinner hour also. This is worth further discussion because it is so typical of the examples I search for continually to share with you readers--so that YOU can bring balance into your perceptions. This author of the above garbage is so obviously AGAINST anything that smacks of national FREEDOM as to make you toss your turkey, and that insults the "turkey".
    I will grant this much--EVERYTHING in this particular journal, FOREIGN AFFAIRS, is, after study--tantamount to TREASON and yet you accuse "me" of treasonous writings and "citing to insurrection". Well, that is what the "Feds" want to pin on the Ekkers. Insurrection? I warn you that I will have no association with any of you who advocate overthrow of even this sickly and treasonous government--you reclaim through CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. I warn you about sovereignizing yourselves except for State status in all instances and I abhor even the THOUGHT of you picking up guns and weapons. Insurrection? I think not. I do not lie, cheat or steal and I abide no-one in my ranks who does. I ex­pect each to utilize his/her talents and abide by the Laws of God--and the Constitution of the United States of America which WAS the law of the land and has NEVER been legally changed--only in practice. I NEVER even though sanction the breaking of the local rules--even they be stupid and unlawfully applied or made. If awakening citizens to the truth in the midst of the trea­son is "insurrection" or "inciting to insurrection" by use of a pen, then you have proven my point for me, good Sirs--there is no longer freedom of press, speech, religion or any other form of remaining Constitutional rules OR Bill of Rights. So be it.

    Good evening and thank you.




    CHAPTER 14

    RE: Nos. 90-757 AND 90-1032
    90-757 v.

    90-1032 v.


    On the upper left of page six (6) it clearly states that: "If exec­utive officers such as prosecutors, sheriffs, state attorneys gen­eral and state treasurers, can be considered "representatives" simply because they are chosen by popular election, then the same reasoning should apply to elected judges".

    Louisiana chose to elect its judges and to compel judicial candi­dates to vie for popular support just as other political candidates do.

    California also chose to elect its judges. They 'must' be elected. They cannot be elected if they did not receive at least 'one' vote.

    They cannot receive 'one' vote unless their name was on a bal­lot--thus they cannot be a judge.

    If anywhere along the line at court hearings, rulings and judicial decisions were, made against a litigant by a person wearing a black robe who had not been legally elected, a link in the chain of judicial authority and jurisdiction was broken.

    I have fought the corruption of the California Constitution since 1969, when Jerome Berenson, a Mishpucka shyster was a prin­cipal conspirator in this corruption. He had been an imposter Superior Court Judge for more than 20 years without once ap­pearing on a ballot.

    My contention and firm belief is that anyone persecuted by one of these imposters has an absolute right to have all judicial ac­tions taken against them dismissed and reversed.

    I hope that Gene, after perusing the Chisom v. Roemer decision, sees it the same as I do.

    My specific contention is that a decision must be made by the Supreme Court that their rulings cannot be ignored by shyster lawyers and judges in the state of California and innocent citi­zens destroyed by their evil.

    I believe that presently there may be as many as 80 to 90% of the people wearing black robes in California who were never elected.

    This, of course, presents a situation of unbelievable judicial chaos in both Civil and Criminal cases, but, even so it is of no making of ours and cannot be ignored and allowed to continue just because these crooks can now scream that, 'we' are trying to destroy 'their' judicial system.

    But the shyster lawyers will get over this 'Revolting Develop­ment' when they realize how much new business fees and ex­penses it will generate for them in retrying and settling hundreds of thousands of cases in which they have already made fortunes on over the last twenty years.

    But this must be done at the expense of all the scum who have put this misery on us.

    I have investigated and researched what they call 'The Judges Pension Fund'.

    There are billions of dollars in this mysterious fund that no-one seems to want to admit exists, much less who administers it and what evil, side purposes this vast sum of money is used for.


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