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    Default PJ#097, HEAVE-`EM OUT Phase Three, Part 1

    PJ 97
    Phase Three, Part 1

    It is very difficult to tell the "white hats" from the "black hats" if you have no vision. If you are blind, you are going to have to sharpen up to energy signals and learn of "direc­tions" and "players". Citizen "mankind" is basically but a pawn in the Elite game of who gets to run things. You must learn to play the game BETTER than the script writ­ers for until YOU WRITE THE SCRIPT--you are destined to be caught in "their" play.



    The Phoenix Journals are intended as a "real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind.

    All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.

    If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the "end times" (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the "sorting" period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four corners of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity--based upon TRUTH.

    So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is "fiction").

    The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were.

    If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.
    (Phase Three, Part 1)
    ISBN 1-56935-049-3
    First Edition Printed by
    P.O. Box 27353
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89126
    October 1994
    Printed in the United States of America

    FOREWORD............................................................................................ .................................
    FRI., JUN. 10, 1994................................................................................................ ..........
    SHARKS HAVE NO BONES...........................................................................................
    BUT SHARKS DO HAVE TEETH!................................................................................
    FACTS IS FACTS............................................................................................... ...............
    NEWS ITEMS ABOUT "US"...........................................................................................
    BILL CLINTON............................................................................................. ....................
    NOT EXEMPT.............................................................................................. .....................
    by Warren Hough............................................................................................... ..........
    STORY REPUDIATED.......................................................................................... ...........
    THE END OF 'A PATCHED-UP AFFAIR'?...................................................................
    ZIONISM ISN'T JUDAISM RABBI ELMER BERGER................................................
    CHAPTER 1................................................................................................... ............................
    SUN., MAY 29, 1994................................................................................................ .......
    MESSAGES FROM GOD.................................................................................................
    ILLUSIONS AND DELUSIONS......................................................................................
    JOHN S................................................................................................... ............................
    GUNTHER RUSSBACHER.......................................................................................... ...
    RONN JACKSON............................................................................................. ................
    CHILDHOOD'S END .................................................................................................... ...
    ORION............................................................................................... .................................
    SHIFTING............................................................................................ ..............................
    THE GREAT ELECTION FRAUD OF 1994..................................................................
    NEWS RELEASE MAY 26, 1994...................................................................................
    CONSTITUTIONAL TREASON.....................................................................................
    CHAPTER 2................................................................................................... ............................
    MON., MAY 30, 1994................................................................................................ ......
    shadows............................................................................................. .................................
    CONSTITUTION-FEDERALIST PAPERS (Chapter 6) ...............................................
    SECTION 3, PARAGRAPH 7.....................................................................................
    Federalist Papers, Excerpts:........................................................................................... .
    No. 84, Par. 4, Alexander Hamilton...............................................................................
    SECTION 4, PARAGRAPH 1.....................................................................................
    Federalist Papers, Excerpts:........................................................................................... .
    No. 59, Par. 1, Alexander Hamilton: .............................................................................
    No. 60, Par. 1, Alexander Hamilton: .............................................................................
    No. 61, Par. 1, Alexander Hamilton:..............................................................................
    SECTION 4, PARAGRAPH 2.....................................................................................
    Federalist Papers, No comment......................................................................................
    CHAPTER 3................................................................................................... ............................
    MON., MAY 30, 1994................................................................................................ ......
    CONSTITUTION-FEDERALIST PAPERS: (Chapter 7) .............................................
    SECTION 5, PARAGRAPH 1.....................................................................................
    Federalist Papers, No comment......................................................................................
    SECTION 5, PARAGRAPH 2.....................................................................................
    Federalist Papers, No comment......................................................................................
    SECTION 5, PARAGRAPH 3.....................................................................................
    Federalist Papers, No comment......................................................................................
    SECTION 5, PARAGRAPH 4.....................................................................................
    SECTION 6, PARAGRAPH 1.....................................................................................
    Federalist Papers, No comment......................................................................................
    SECTION 6, PARAGRAPH 2.....................................................................................
    Federalist Papers, Excerpts:........................................................................................... .
    No. 55, Par. 9, James Madison: ......................................................................................
    No. 77, Par. 1, Alexander Hamilton:..............................................................................
    SECTION 7, PARAGRAPH 1.....................................................................................
    No. 66, Par. 7, Alexander Hamilton:..............................................................................
    SECTION 7, PARAGRAPH 2.....................................................................................
    Federalist Papers, Excerpts:
    No 69, Par. 5, Alexander Hamilton: ..............................................................................
    No. 73, Par. 3, Alexander Hamilton:..............................................................................
    SECTION 7, PARAGRAPH 3.....................................................................................
    Federalist Papers, Excerpts:........................................................................................... .
    No. 69, Par. 5, Alexander Hamilton, and
    No. 73, Par. 3, Alexander Hamilton, are
    applicable to this paragraph as well..........................................................................
    CHAPTER 4................................................................................................... ............................
    TUE., MAY 31, 1994................................................................................................ ........
    CONSTITUTION-FEDERALIST PAPERS (Chapter 8)................................................
    SECTION 8, PARAGRAPH 1.....................................................................................
    Federalist Papers, Excerpts:.......................................................
    No 30, Alexander Hamilton: ..........................................................................................
    No. 31, Alexander Hamilton: .........................................................................................
    CHAPTER 5................................................................................................... ............................
    FRI., JUN. 3, 1994................................................................................................ .............
    HOLIDAY!............................................................................................ .............................
    MISPERCEPTIONS REGARDING "OUR" DEMISE....................................................
    FACT OR FICTION: RONN JACKSON.........................................................................
    CAN YOU NOT SEE?................................................................................................ ......
    GERRY SPENCE FROM FREEDOM TO SLAVERY........................
    TO BEGIN WITH................................................................................................ ..............
    SECRET TREATY: The United States Government
    and Extra-terrestrial Entities
    by Richard K. Wilson and Sylvan Burns..................................................................
    INTRODUCTION........................................................................................ ......................
    FOREWORD............................................................................................ ..........................
    CHAPTER 6................................................................................................... ............................
    SAT., JUN. 4, 1994................................................................................................ ...........
    WHERE YOU ARE. .................................................................................................... .....
    SAVING EVERYONE IN THE WORLD........................................................................
    PROPHETS............................................................................................ ............................
    CHILDHOOD'S END................................................................................................. .......
    CHAPTER 7................................................................................................... ............................
    SUN., JUN. 5, 1994................................................................................................ ...........
    FEAST OR FAMINE AND HENRY KISSINGER.........................................................
    HENRY KISSINGER........................................................................................... .........
    FEAST OR FAMINE:............................................................................................. ...........
    THE GREAT AMERICAN HANDOUT..........................................................................
    THE TRILATERAL CONNECTION...............................................................................
    FEAST OR FAMINE.............................................................................................. ...........
    CHAPTER 8................................................................................................... ............................
    SUN., JUN. 5, 1994................................................................................................ ...........
    WHERE IT REALLY HURTS AND CAN BE SEEN....................................................
    ILL FARES THE LAND By Dan P. Van Gorder...........................................................
    INTRODUCTION........................................................................................ ......................
    FOREWORD............................................................................................ ..........................
    FAMINE.............................................................................................. ...............................
    CHAPTER 9................................................................................................... ............................
    MON., JUN. 6, 1994................................................................................................ .........
    HOT ITEMS............................................................................................... ........................
    CROSSROADS.......................................................................................... ........................
    CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................. ...........................
    WED., JUN. 8, 1994................................................................................................ .........
    SUCCESS AND PAIN OF THE STRATEGY............................................................
    CLARK CLIFFORD............................................................................................ ..............
    TRUMAN EXPANDS THE CONCEPT..........................................................................
    TRUMAN DOCTRINE............................................................................................ .........
    CHAPTER 11.................................................................................................. ...........................
    WED., JUN. 8, 1994................................................................................................ .........
    SYNTHESIS OF SCIENCE AND RELIGION................................................................
    MATHEMATICAL TRANSFORMATIONS..................................................................
    WHAT IS THE "EQUATION OF KARMA"?................................................................
    INSERT: THE EQUATION OF KARMA............................................................................
    CHAPTER 12.................................................................................................. ...........................
    THU., JUN. 9, 1994................................................................................................ ..........
    EVERY WHICH WAY BUT UP......................................................................................
    EARTHQUAKES......................................................................................... .....................
    BLUE BEAM PROJECT............................................................................................. ......
    INSERT: PICTURE OF UN TROOPS..................................................................................
    BACK TO MR. KISSINGER........................................................................................... .
    THE X ARTICLE............................................................................................. ..................
    THE INGREDIENTS OF CONTAINMENT...................................................................
    CHAPTER 13.................................................................................................. ...........................
    THU., JUN 9, 1994................................................................................................ ...........
    VLADIMIR ZHIRINOVSKY......................................................................................... ..
    A DANGER TO RUSSIAN DEMOCRACY..............................................................
    WHAT'S IN A NAME?............................................................................................... ......
    STATE AND EMPIRE.............................................................................................. ........
    APPENDIX............................................................................................ .....................................
    OF TIMELY NEWS AND/OR EDUCATIONAL ITEMS.........................................
    CHAPTER 14.................................................................................................. ...........................
    ELECTION OF JUDGES IS MANDATORY..................................................................
    CHAPTER 15.................................................................................................. ...........................
    By Walter E. Williams (with permission)................................................................
    CHAPTER 16.................................................................................................. ...........................
    ON PROJECT BLUE BEAM, 6/10/94 RICK MARTIN...........................................
    CHAPTER 17.................................................................................................. ...........................
    A RESOUNDING "NO!" TO THE U.N. ........................................
    OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA.............................................................................
    CHAPTER 18.................................................................................................. ...........................
    SONS OF LIBERTY (WE ARE EVERYWHERE).........................................................


    FRI., JUN. 10, 1994 11:30 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 298

    FRI., JUN. 10, 1994

    How many of you realize that sharks HAVE NO BONES? NOT ONE! How many of you know there is a reddish worm that lives deep under the surface of the seas that ranges up to 25 feet long, ingests its food, but has no organs that correspond to a mouth or intestines? These creatures are nourished by bacteria that live inside their cells. further, they have an entire phylum of their own. How many of you know what the word "phylum" means? Well, it simply means "a major division of the plant or animal kingdom". How many of you realize that there are al­most as many creatures with exoskeletons as endoskeletons? Back to "phylum": How many of you know what "phyla" is your own category? Are you a chordate or a subphylum verte­brate? Do you give a damn?

    With all the wondrous things about you that you do not know--why can you not function without having to know if Pleiadians have sex like humans or no sex at all. Can you not find impor­tant things upon which to dwell and expand your minds? No? Then what hope is there for your world?

    Since this is the third book of the "HEAVE" series and will rep­resent "Phase III", let's consider things briefly. This will be called, of course, HEAVE 'EM OUT. However, since this vol­ume will split at least three ongoing subjects we will have to continue the volume numbering someway for identification purposes. How about "Vol. III, Part I"? This will allow us as many "parts" as necessary--but I especially want the connections made for 'good old Kissinger' as well as some ongoing discus­sion regarding the Russian, Zhirinovsky. The CONSTITU­TION-FEDERALIST PAPERS will be so ongoing that we will ultimately set an entire volume or two in separation with "just" that information. Our purpose is to offer variety as with any good journalized magazine so we thank you readers for bearing along with us.

    We do not claim to be publishers, knowledgeable or even very good at format or how to handle content. If we were better in­formed personally (as we thought George Green as publisher, was) we would not have handled any of our early documents as we did. It still strikes me as interesting that no-one claims as plagiarism an article of news, true, etc., in the New York Times which may well have run somewhere else, say, the London Times. This is not considered plagiarism (especially when credit is given to original sources) and is not the original publi­cation conduit. But we run the smallest thing a scientist says, proclaiming that to be truth and suddenly "ALL" our work is somehow plagiarized

    Well, we are a newspaper and news magazine; I don't know how else to run the "news"! I do note that to be a human doing anything--you have to be prepared for every heinous attack there is and, furthermore, be prepared to LOSE EVERYTHING UNDER THE POINT OF A GUN AND THE LEGAL CABAL.. Funny thing--I believe that even the National Enquirer can run anything about anyone, no matter how poor is the taste, and if it is truth--it is considered "journalism". Worse, it and other tabloids can print outright lies and still it is considered journalism if "source" is offered as "being told".

    Readers, I hereby go on record as telling you that there are "aliens" among you, under the ground, around you, and work­ing with some of the elders of every government you serve. Whose side are "they" on? Well, it depends on which side YOU are on as to whom you consider a friend or enemy. I hope you will read right through this journal
    --or go to the last portion about the "Blue Beam" project--and see if my writings seem quite so false and amusing to you--it is YOUR CHARAC­TERS WHO PLAN THESE CUTE GAMES AT YOUR EX­PENSE AND HAVE BEEN FOR YEARS--I ONLY TELL YOU ABOUT THEM.

    Here is why the heading above regarding shark's teeth. It is remarkable that sharks do not have bones--that is scientifically proven--BUT THEY CERTAINLY DO HAVE "TEETH" AND THAT, TOO, IS SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN. Well, good friends, you can bet the sharks out there among you who want to enslave you--will use those teeth every chance--every chance!

    Since the nit-wit write-up in a Las Vegas ad-sheet I am asked about it and if it hurts my feelings? Feelings? I find it pathetic and some things even more interesting than others. Here is THE state with guardianship laws for men and businesses and the people doing that paper in point, out of Las Vegas--knew nothing about the laws they listen to George Green BLAST. Why would this Mr. Cohen go speak to Cort Christie about in­corporation in Nevada? Because he, even working IN NEVADA--had no idea there were coverages and protections under their laws. He went to find out about it--because his very own business is incorporated in Arizona.

    Further, I enjoy the way he quotes George Green as telling the world that the Phoenix Institute and Ekker are just working a Pyramid-Ponzi scam. (???) Mr. Green established the very plan and got all the money up front and then took off--to cover his assets in Nevada (which now he also knocks) along with gold coins he took from the Institute. He was an officer AND a di­rector. Would this not seem to absolutely incriminate himself as to INTENT if nothing more?

    No one here claims to have known anything about either pub­lishing or running a ponzi scheme of some kind. That may not be an admission of super-intelligence but, as a publisher
    --I note that he even lied about copyrights! He had a good argument, I suppose, in blaming me for everything except that he still has the books under such label all stashed away AND also refuses to honor his "note" with the Institute. If others who owe the In­stitute fail to pay their notes and obligations--is that not like a bank? How can any business honor one set of notes above those of another? The point was to have business to meet obligations. ALL limited requests for obligations could easily be met if Mr. Green would simply pay his own note and return the gold taken and buried in his back yard for safe hiding!

    Perhaps the most amusing accusation is that of shouting about the Institute using money to defend itself--legally. Well, some­one tell me how a corporation can NOT
    do same??? If it were YOUR funds in jeopardy--wouldn't YOU want your interests served? Mr. Green even told one party he planned to get her money out (someway) and then use it against her to pay his legal bills! Is this honor? Now that we have been offered both legal reference and over $2 million in a loan to defend ourselves--that too is pounced on like choice blood-feast. That money will come from one we all know, but that "side" seems to say does not exist: Ronn Jackson. It is his money and I would think he could support anyone or anything he wishes. In exchange, the paper will basically be turned over to him for his further in­forming the public of ongoing operations in your enemy gov­ernment and help organize some unification of outlying players. There is no intent of fighting, unlawful behavior or anything of the kind
    --just simple truth and information flow. Further, THAT loan will be covered by "gold" waiting a rise in pricing. Which is now SCHEDULED to be set at $1,200 to $2,000 per ounce very shortly. I think it plain to see that if you purchase an ounce of gold at $383 and its value is straight across at $2,000/oz that there is ample coverage in security--with a note against it. Or, is there something WRONG with my arithmetic. There was never anything else presented to anyone--even by Mr. Green who was going to start his own program within the past few months.

    The funds WERE BORROWED to cover costs of getting information out to you and other projects--as is PROVEN by the very notes Mr. Green refuses to pay. He said he "borrowed" the money for publication expenses. Well, good readers, those books published were not even all ours--as agreed upon! Besides, he has both the money, now, and the books--all nicely and untruthfully marked "copyrighted by America West". So be it.

    My people find it hard to believe that this kind of a thrust would be publicly made--about the Institute defending itself for protec­tion of participants. THAT IS THE LAW, READERS! AND, FURTHER MORE--A LAWYER IS REQUIRED BY LAW TO HANDLE THE CASE--BY LAW!

    Now, tell me where you are on this observation: "YOU PAY FOR BILL'S DEFENSE". "President Bill Clinton is using taxpayer dollars to defend himself against a personal morals charge (Paula Jones)". You bash people for following the law and defending against destruction of an Institute and yet--this other garbage is ongoing just like the Eveready rabbit. In fact, let's look at this Clinton "morals" case. Thank you, SPOT­LIGHT, for this insight. This is by Mike Blair--one of the best investigative journalists anywhere!


    President Bill Clinton is using lawyers from the Justice De­partment, funded by U.S. taxpayers, to help his private attor­neys prepare his defense against sexual discrimination charges filed against him by Paula Jones.

    She is claiming Clinton made extremely crude sexual ad­vances to her while he was governor of Arkansas. Although the statute of limitations on sexual harassment has run out, she claims she suffered in her state job for rejecting Clinton by be­ing ostracized and denied promotions, and so has filed sex dis­crimination charges.

    At the request of the White House, the Justice Department is studying whether Clinton can be protected from Jones' sex dis­crimination suit while he remains in office as president.

    In 1982 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that presidents cannot be sued for acts committed while in office, [H: I didn't read that in your Constitution!] but the charges Clinton is facing oc­curred some 20 months before he took office as president.

    Many legal scholars contend that since he was not president at the time, he must face the charges just as any other citizen.

    It is this contention that the Justice Department lawyers are studying to assist the president's attorneys, led by high-powered Washington lawyer Robert Bennett, brother of former Educa­tion Secretary William Bennett.

    Bennett is also currently counsel for Rep. Dan Rostenkowski (D-IL), powerful chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, who is fighting charges of misuse of public funds in a scandal involving the House post office. [H: Yes but it is costing
    Mr. Rostenkowski right through his OWN prover­bial nose!]

    It is believed that Clinton's legal expenses could cost millions (of dollars). The work being done on his behalf by Justice De­partment personnel, presumably with the guidance of Attorney General Janet Reno, could ultimately cost the taxpayers addi­tional millions.

    Jones is one of several individuals including Arkansas state troopers assigned to protect Clinton while he was governor and a number of other women, who have come forward with similar accusations against the president.

    The charges faced by the president in the Jones case are the worst ever leveled at a sitting president.

    Jones charges that after having a member of his state police staff entice her to his room at the hotel, Clinton made several sexual advances, then dropped his pants and asked her to per­form a sexual act.

    Regarding Clinton's questionable use of Justice Department attorneys to help in his defense, one of Jones' attorneys, Gilbert Davis, said he feels "a bit outgunned".

    "But David won his battle with a slingshot, and we feel con­fident we have a pretty good case," the attorney added.

    * * * *
    Now, as to my refusing interviews and other confrontations with writers, radio talk-show hosts, etc., I think the next will show you a good example of WHY. There is little truth or even sim­ilarity of content with what is offered, published or construed with truth or the original statements. Here is an excellent ex­ample:

    by Warren Hough
    The Washington Times has "misquoted me and utterly mis­represented my views", U.N. diplomat Patti Londono Jaramillo told the SPOTLIGHT on May 24.

    Only hours earlier, a report in the Washington Times, a daily newspaper published in the nation's capital and financed by mysterious Korean cult leader and ex-convict Sun Myung Moon, blamed the U.N.s growing preoccupation with gun con­trol on the "freewheeling U.S. small-arms business".

    To support the claim that smaller nations feel threatened by the Constitutional right of American citizens to own guns, the Washington Times invoked an alleged statement made by Ms. Londono, the respected counselor of Colombia's U.N. delega­tion.

    According to the Times, Ms. Londono asserted, "Colombia's problem is that in the U.S. you can legally buy and sell arms, and those arms are transferred illegally out of the country. But in Colombia any purchase of arms is illegal".

    "I never said anything like that, and the Times knows it," Ms. Londono told this populist newspaper. "To declare that in Colombia 'any purchase of firearms is illegal', is ridiculous. And the U.N. study of international gun controls is not driven by the 'freewheeling U.S. small-arms business', as the Times put it. It was triggered by a series of extraordinary crimes com­mitted, often in paramilitary fashion, by drug gangsters and ter­rorist hit squads whose illicit weapons and tactics came not from the U.S. BUT FROM ISRAEL", she added.

    In a written repudiation to the Washington Times, Ms. Lon­dono stated that "For the sake of clarity and justice, I would ap­preciate it if you do not attribute to me concepts and relations that I have not mentioned or made".

    * * * *
    I find the more important statement in the above being the statement regarding Israel. Why? Because I am a bigot? No, readers, because of the way everything is handled in the Establishment media--especially anything regarding Jews or Israel. Am I against Israel? No, in fact it is a nice little piece of terri­ble land mass called PALESTINE. The United Nations decided that Palestine was of no value and gave it to the Zionists--not even the Judeans--but rather the Zionist Khazarian Bolsheviks. They have NEVER kept a single promise nor peace overture. A "Jew"(s) massacred a whole big bunch of Palestinians in a Mosque and yet now that things aren't so great on the "peace treaty" front--it "is all Yassir Arafat's fault". Mideast PEACE? The Jewish Israelis have NEVER WANTED PEACE. In fact, the very LAST THING they want is PEACE! Most specially in the places around the "Holy" lands, Jerusalem, etc. How else can they excuse the tearing down of the Mosque and putting up their own temple on the same spot--so you hoodwinked people can have your Rapture? Will you NEVER wake up?

    Let's look at this article in U.S. News, an editorial by the Edi­tor-in-Chief, Mortimer B. Zuckerman. This is, after all, one of "their" publications (the controlled media).


    The first few days of Palestinian control over Gaza and Jeri­cho do not augur well for the Mideast peace process. Two Is­raeli soldiers were killed by Gazans who melted into the Pales­tinian population without Arab police pursuit; three Israelis were arrested by the Palestinian police in breach of the agreement; without legal authority; Yassir Arafat canceled most regulations and orders for Gaza and Jericho that Israel had enacted for the occupied territories.

    Worst of all, on May 10, the chairman of the Palestine Lib­eration Organization let the mask slip in a speech in Johannes­burg. Arafat was secretly recorded when he told a mosque au­dience: "You have to come and fight a jihad [holy war] to liber­ate Jerusalem, your precious shrine". Then he likened the Oslo and Cairo agreements with Israel to the prophet Muhammad's agreement with the Quraysh tribe in A.D. 628. Unable to con­quer Holy Mecca with his army, Muhammad adopted the stratagem of agreeing to a 10-year peace to lull the Meccans into a false sense of security while building up his own forces. He had no intention of keeping this agreement, and two years later he fell on the city when he felt strong enough to conquer it. Arafat's implication was clear: If Muhammad could violate such a pact with the Meccans, as Arafat described it, so could Arafat violate his pact with the Jews.

    There is no possible camouflage for Arafat's hint of treach­ery. He had no political need, in a South African mosque, to assert his revolutionary credentials. It is all of a piece with his past references to the so-called phased plan of 1974, in which PLO policy became: We will take whatever part of Israel we can get now, and the rest later. It is all of a piece with the PLO's return to pre-Oslo terrorism. Arafat has disregarded the public letter he signed in September, renouncing and denouncing all terrorist activities and promising to discipline those engaged in them. Instead, he has continued to finance and support the killers, even within his own Fatah faction. More Israelis were murdered in the six months following the September handshake than in the six months before.

    Now the Israeli public is in an uproar. Many leading com­mentators conclude that Arafat is not serious about peace, that the decisive view in the Arab world is not one of reconciliation but of "only a cease-fire until the next stage", as Abbas Zaki of the PLO Central Committee put it. The seeming unwillingness of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Foreign Minister Shimon Peres to hold Arafat's feet to the fire is a profound disillusion­ment for the long-suffering Israelis. They regard the Rabin-Peres rationalization of PLO actions as craven, confirming in their minds that most Arabs still believe unremitting hostility, violence, pressure and betrayal can extract more concessions and force the Jews out.

    The Israelis began this process with goodwill. [H: The Is­raelis have never started ANYTHING with "goodwill"!] They hoped that the Arabs were as exhausted as they were, that they had moved away from ideological hatred and had pragmati­cally opted to share the land with the Jewish state in peace. But Arafat's words come on top of a menacing poll taken by an Arab academic. It showed that none of the 1,000 Arabs and Palestinians polled wants to make genuine peace. Respondents saw the agreements only as a stopgap, pending resumption of the conflict when the Palestinians would be stronger and Israel weaker. The Israelis now fear there will never be a "last con­cession", that terrorism will never end--or, as T.S. Elliot wrote:

    Is it war or peace?
    Peace, but not the kiss of peace.
    A patched-up affair, if you ask my opinion
    ...I think that this peace
    Is nothing like an end, or like a beginning.

    The Israelis now have confirmation of what they suspected: that Arafat is not a man of his word. They would be well ad­vised to hold back further withdrawals. They should have the support of all nations seeking peace if they insist that they will yield no more until they are sure the PLO is really honoring its commitments and surer still that their security cannot be threatened. [H: The Israelis NEVER FOR ONE MINUTE EVEN "THOUGHT" OF GIVING UP ANY LAND! This is simply the useful thorn to present to the world and whine, scream and point fingers--the atrocities against the Palestinians have been so terrible as to not even bear relationship. AND, THIS IS WHAT IS WRONG IN AMERICA (ISRAEL HOMELAND--NOT OF GOD'S CHOSEN BUT OF THE KHAZARIAN ZIONISTS).]

    Arafat invites the world's censure. He should be made to understand that the Israelis must have an agreement that is self-regulating and self-sustaining, one that does not depend on the goodwill of a PLO seemingly bent on destroying any atmosphere of optimism. As Francis Bacon said, hope is a good breakfast but a poor supper.


    And just how unbiased do you think the other articles are in that magazine? This is from the June 6 issue. It has Oliver North pictured on the front. There is reference to Hillary Clinton AND Oliver North--I hope you each have an opportunity to wit­ness the different slants on each. I remind you people--if you cannot get some freedoms and unbiased information back into the media and publications--what chance do you have for re­claiming freedom?

    Yes I realize that you are rather forced to expect me to be against the ones who blatantly call themselves "Anti-Christ", being as I am an immediate compatriot WITH the "Christ". However, readers, attitudes nor allegations present facts as such--only historic evidence IN TRUTH. I repeat for all to hear and see: ZIONISM IS NOT JUDAISM! Perhaps we need to again offer a document by an American rabbi on the subject and then, perhaps, you will consider possibilities of truth in that which we have offered unto you.

    This is not a NEW conjured statement of some kind--this was is­sued all the way back in December of 1975. The facts are that the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith and innumerable PAC groups and all manner of subtle takeovers by these Zionist groups are evident, public--even if not shown in any media, and are prevalent everywhere you look. What of the "Jews" who actually mistakenly call themselves "Jews"? What recourse do THEY have to claim their rightful heritage according to the old Hebrew laws? The Zionists are Talmudic people who base ev­ery action on the Zionist Protocols of the Elders, whether or not even the followers realize as much.


    An American rabbi, Elmer Berger, wrote the Saudi Ambas­sador to the U.N. recently (about. Nov.-Dec. 1975). As presi­dent of Jewish Alternatives to Zionism, Inc., he reprinted his letter as a full page ad in the Washington Post and other papers. Because the U.N. is now being excoriated in the press on its vote that Zionism is racist, the ad did much to explain the dif­ference between Zionism and Judaism.

    Rabbi Berger's letter begins, "As an American Jew, and a long-time anti-Zionist, I welcome your invitation to attempt to clarify the meaning of Zionism in the context of the recent United Nations debate. It is, in my opinion, unfortunate that the problem was not addressed more precisely in the course of the debate.

    "It should be made clear that there are a number of varieties of Zionism. There is Messianic Zionism, held as a tenet of faith by many Christian faiths as well as by Judaism. And then there is Israeli Zionism, oriented, predicated on Israel's Declaration of Independence in 1948, which said, 'Israel will be open for Jewish immigration and for the Ingathering of Exiles'.

    "The Declaration of Establishment also states, 'The mission of gathering in the exiles is the central task of the State of Israel and the Zionist movement in our days and requires constant ef­forts by the Jewish people in the Diaspora' ".

    Berger then goes on, "It is clear that the process of building up a state for the Jewish people, identified either by religion or birth by a Jewish mother, continues within the framework of a 'democracy' of privileging Jews in Israel. This affects the structure of the economy, educational opportunities, rights of political organizations, public subsidies for activities such as agriculture, provisions of public services such as roads, utilities and housing, among others".

    "Israel is a state, therefore, in which if apartheid is not as blatant or as territorially viable as South Africa, Jews are nev­ertheless more equal than others. The application of Zionist laws make discrimination a matter of national politics. This being so, it is an abandonment of democratic principle to accuse those who oppose these public policies of malevolent or 'obscene' motivations".

    Rabbi Berger adds: "I am unsure of what racism may mean to all of those who participated in the U.N. debate or have been witness to it or some of its side shows. But if racism is a form of government or a structure of society in which national rights and responsibilities are officially legislated upon the basis of creed, color or ethnic derivation, then the Zionist character of much basic Israel law qualifies".

    Recently a Jew named Alvin Levine wrote an article for the Jewish periodical Jewish Weekly American Examiner. He said: "The cause of anti-Semitism in the U.S. is not the Ku Klux Klan or Liberty Lobby or the Minute Men. The main cause is our Jewish leaders, who are becoming more and more short-sighted, dogmatic, inflexible and arrogant. In this country the Jewish people are treated better than in any other country in the world, including Israel. This mood may soon disappear unless sensible reason prevails".

    * * * *
    Well, that was in 1975--almost two decades ago. Where are you now? Let me suggest that you had better start to pay atten­tion because, little ones, with Project Blue Beam you are going to get "raptured" by those nice Zionists--right out into ever-lov­ing never-never land and it "ain't" into HEAVEN! Salu.
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    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-15 at 11:44.

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