PJ 96


To: Bob Harrell From: Michael Maholy
c/o Tell It Like It Is #19365-009
1329 Clay St. P.M.B. 1000
Henderson, Kentucky Tallahassee, Fl
42420-1329 32301

Date: 4/14/94

Subject: "Jim Vassilos"

Dear Mr. Harrell;

I am contacting you, at the request of a close friend of mine named Jim Vassilos, who is a resident of Chicago, Ill., and is also an American Patriot that has tried to make a difference in this world that is most often ruled by the powers of lust and greed.

Let me first give you a short background of myself, so that you may decide for yourself, what I am about to tell you is truly the facts as I have come to know them.

I was in the military for almost seventeen years, and was in the branch of the U.S. Navy Office Of Intelligence, (O.N.I.) since the late 70s, on into the late 80s. Also, I had been what they call a "contract" agent, for the C.I.A., for nearly eight of those years. My duties for O.N.I. started in the "Cryptography", the encoding, and decoding of highly sensitive cable, intercepted from various countries. I started training at the very young age of nineteen, when I was stationed in Greenland, at what is known as the D.E.W. Line, (Distant Early Warning) a tracking station located near the 80 parallel, that identifies incoming I.C.B.M. missiles, into the U.S. After doing a tour of duty at the top of the world, I was sent to special training schools throughout the U.S. to prepare me to become a front-line player in the war on drugs that were being smuggled into the U.S. from several South and Central American countries.

I was to work as a "Deep Cover" agent aboard one of, at that time, the largest "Off-shore Oil Drilling Rigs" in the world, whose sole primary purpose, was to enter coastal waters of that region, not only to drill for gas and oil, but to spy on the coun­tries throughout both Central and South America. This was a master plan, devised by then President Reagan, and passed on to President Bush, while under strict supervision of other members of high-ranking government officials. I also worked very closely with members of the D.E.A. and Customs.

To make a very long story short, while I was monitoring all these drugs coming into the states, I found out that it really was our own government that was responsible for the vast majority of the poisons that we either traded weapons or cash for. Ulti­mately, I and several others, had got caught up in this lust of easy money, and the power that comes along with it. As a re­sult of my greed, I was arrested in Little Rock Arkansas and charged with smuggling drugs, and weapons. I was arrested so that I would be placed in a Federal Prison, so that I could be under guard and not reveal my former role that would expose the high-ranking government figures, that were responsible for these on-going smuggling operations that fund many people in high places. You may have heard of the "Mena, Arkansas" in­cident; well I was very much a part of this operation. I had first hand knowledge, and worked with pilots like Barry Seal, Basil Abbott, and Gunther Russbacher.

Anyway, this gives you just a taste of my adventures, but keep in mind, that I have kept close contacts with several agents out there, and there are truly some honest, hard-core men trying to protect us from these bastards that run our nation.

Are you familiar with a book titled "Defrauding America", by author Rodney Stich, from Alamo, CA.? If you get this book, you can read more in-depth, highly detailed highlights abut my missions, and misfortunes.

Now, let's get to Jim Vassilos. I first remember hearing about Jim back in the late 80s, through what we called the "scramble-line", which different agents would follow leads that were either told them, intercepted, or a general topic of gossip, that the government in most cases takes very seriously, especially when different "Cults", organizations, or groups of people conspire to do other than our government rules. Groups such as the Waco, Texas bunch ("Branch Davidians"), or several "Satanic Cult Churches" that fester our nation, and deploy tactics that are meant to overthrow, and tear our land apart.

These type of things often stay out of the media, but anyone who has any knowledge of such matters knows that they very well exist, and many high-ranking government officials are known to control these "covens" that are spread nation-and world-wide.

Well, when Jim's name first popped up, he was associated with investigating these accusations, and hit a nerve within these groups. At first, I had paid little attention to talk of "Devils and Witches", thinking, "No this can't be true". But how I was wrong. After another agent was appointed to investigate these doings came to me and confessed that they did indeed pose a most very deadly threat to anyone who would tend to disrupt, or expose the members to other people; they had a high probability of disappearing, often the subjects of "Human Sacrifices" at the order of high officials. Sad to say, that our good friend who has detected this very evil factor has gotten himself into much tur­moil, with members of powerful forces, who have him targeted for death!

I tell you these things out of several different contacts, agents who are currently on-duty for the government, investigating these matters, as we speak. Take my word for it, that these forces do exist, with powers in the government that have a way of being covered up.

Please do not think that I am some sort of goof-ball. My record of fact and merit speaks for itself, and as I have stated, I tend to keep in touch on a regular basis, with agents who are loyal to me, and who know that I was a pawn in a much bigger game than meets the eye.

I don't know if you will receive this letter, as much of my mail, if not all of it, is photographed, numbered, stored, then ciphered to check if I receive or leak vital information about our nation's defrauding tactics which they deploy all the time. If you do receive this letter, and decide that it has any weight, or value, write to me at the address on top of the heading, and I can tell you things that may open your eyes to a world of much cover-up; a world that can only be described as bizarre, and deadly.

I can tell you that Jim Vassilos is in much current danger, and is very likely going to be terminated within the very near future, if we don't help him fast!

Thank you for reading this, and please let me hear from you. God bless you, and yours.

Sincerely yours,

/s/ Michael Maholy

by Rosemarie Clampitt
We'd like to thank Alan, Tom and Marshall for sharing the
following article with CONTACT.
A deputy registrar, Los Angeles County, member of League of Women Voters

On Feb. 14 in Los Angeles County, 161 judges completed their filing as "candidates" for November's general election. It will be a silent "election" with the electorate denied the right to vote for or against the judges.

Although they have files as "candidates" the names of unop­posed incumbent judges are not placed on the primary or general ballot, and they will be declared "elected" in November by a clerk. Our right to vote for or against them was abolished by the Legislature.

The current "candidates" are 92 unopposed incumbent Superior Court judges and 69 unopposed incumbent Municipal Court judges. 1992, there were 177 judges silently elected in Los An­geles County - 79 in Superior Court and 38 in Municipal Court. The scenario is similar statewide.

Some might say, No one ever knows anything about the judges anyway," or "What difference does it make?" Well I have ob­served thousands of cases in Southern California courtrooms and the discrimination and denial of constitutional rights by certain judges toward certain litigants is appalling.

With a "guaranteed reelection," the judge has omnipotent power in the courtroom and there is very little that anyone can do about it. The power of a judge is purportedly limited to the interpreta­tion of the law set forth by the Legislature, but if you observe the courts, you will find that some judges write their own law to support their own prejudices. In some of the courts which I have observed, it appears that the Fourteenth Amendment guar­antees of due process and equal protection under the law are nonexistent.

In some circumstances, the litigant has the right to proceed to the U.S. Supreme Court on denial of constitutional rights, but in reality, how many people are in a position to do that, financially or emotionally? Besides, what would you use for a transcript to prove that happened? In Los Angeles County, many judges will not permit a record to be made in the courtroom.

In Municipal Court, the court has refused to provide a court re­porter, even though the court is required to do so by law if re­quested by a litigant and paid for by the party. In Superior Court, an electronic audiotape recording is made in some of the courtrooms, but not all, and the judge may refuse to permit a particular case from being recorded.

Until recently, if you decided to fight a parking or moving-vio­lation ticket in Traffic Court, an electronic audiotape recording was made without your knowledge and the Appellate Depart­ment of the Superior Court would not permit the recording to be provided to you or to the appellate court if you decided to appeal. The same appellate court would not permit a recording to be made of the appeals proceedings.

I just happened to discover the electronic audio taping, and through my investigation, learned that it was authorized by the presiding judge of the Los Angeles Municipal Judicial District, and is in effect throughout the county. This is the same judicial district that will not permit electronic recordings to be made in a Municipal Court civil case, therefore, there is no record unless you bring in an outside reporter, which requires permission of the judge.

In 1992, I witnessed a Traffic Court proceeding in which the judge did not know the difference between a parking ticket and a moving violation, and he would not allow anyone to leave the courtroom to use the restroom or to put money in their parking meters for more than a five-hour period.

Now, it is mandatory that a person appear before a hearing offi­cer instead of a judge if the ticket is contested.

Some of the judges whom I have observed will be declared "reelected" this November, and I will have been denied my right to vote against them. How did this happen? I do not remember waiving my right to vote for unopposed incumbent judges, so I started an investigation. I learned that Gov. Pete Wilson's office did not even know that citizens are denied the right to vote for these judges; neither did any of the other legislative representa­tives I contacted.

The representative at the Registrar's Office said that very few people know about this. When the judges file their declarations as "candidates", their names only appear in the Los Angeles Daily Journal, a newspaper for the legal community. A few judges are always on the ballot, so no one ever suspects that un­opposed incumbent judges are being "reelected" for another six years (12 years if they are appellate judges).

The only time that the name of an incumbent judge is placed on the ballot is when the candidacy is for a higher court, that is, we are permitted to vote for a Municipal Court judge who wants to become a Superior Court judge or if an incumbent judge is op­posed. However, I learned that very few incumbents are ever opposed because the attorney/challengers fear they would not be treated fairly by the judge if they lost the election.

The law, denying Californians the right to vote for unopposed incumbent judges, originated as an Assembly bill that was then added to the state Election Code in 1963, as Section 25304. It was never presented to the electorate.

This absolute independence has cost us more than one funda­mental right. A judge with unlimited independence has unlimited power, and we have been denied our constitutional right of lib­erty to obtain justice in the courts, another fundamental right of the Constitution. The denial of our right to vote for all judges has been ruled constitutional by California courts, but of course it is California judges who made that ruling.

Isn't it time that the system be redesigned so that we, the peo­ple, know what our judges are doing in the courtroom? Isn't it time that we know which judges are prejudicial and be allowed to vote them out? Isn't it time that we know more about our judges than where they went to school, their marital status and what their children are doing? Isn't it time that we are no longer intimidated by the judiciary?

Our Legislature abolished our right to vote instead of revising the system to allow us to vote out incumbent judges in a general election. Presently just one vote will retain each unopposed in­cumbent judge who is listed on the ballot. Most of us do not even know which judges are being automatically "reelected".