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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default PJ#096 HEAVE-HO (Phase Two)

    PJ 96
    (Phase Two)
    Heaving up only clears your own special stomach ailments. When you get informed and see a direction-then, and only then, can you effec­tively "Heave Ho...." After all is ingested, di­gested and the energy focused-you can "Heave the Bastards OUT...." These ongoing jour­nals will be dealing more and more with the CONSTITUTION of the United States of America and what you have come to and where you ARE! THE "FORCE" IS WITH YOU, FREEDOM-LOVING, GOD-RESPECTING MAN, BUT YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE TO DO IT!




    The Phoenix Journals are intended as a "real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind.

    All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.

    If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the "end times" (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the "sorting" period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four corners of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity--based upon TRUTH.

    So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is "fiction").

    The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were.

    If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.
    (Phase Two)

    ISBN 1-56935-048-5

    First Edition Printed by
    P.O. Box 27353
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89126
    August 1994

    Printed in the United States of America


    INTRODUCTION........................................................................................ ...............................
    WED., JUN. 1, 1994................................................................................................ ...............
    PROOF OF A CONSPIRACY-- 1798...................................................................................
    CONSPIRACY John Robison, A.M.--1798....................................................................
    CHAPTER 1................................................................................................... .............................
    THU., MAY 19, 1994................................................................................................ .............
    NO HUMAN PILOTS ABOARD...........................................................................................
    CHAPTER 2................................................................................................... .............................
    SAT., MAY 21, 1994................................................................................................ ..............
    RED BECKMAN............................................................................................. ........................
    JACKIE KENNEDY............................................................................................. ..................
    MONEY............................................................................................... ....................................
    BEWARE NEW TOMATOES.........................................................................................
    SAGAN--MJ-12.................................................................................................. ....................
    BACK TO GENETIC ENGINEERING.................................................................................
    AN ALTERNATIVE TO GENETIC ENGINEERING ........................................................
    INFORMATION......................................................................................... .......................
    INSERT: DIAGRAM............................................................................................. .....................
    EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS..........................................................................................
    INSERT: 2 PICTURES............................................................................................ .................
    INSERT: 3 PICTURES............................................................................................ .................
    INSERT: 1 PICTURE............................................................................................. ...................
    ORGANISM REJUVENATION........................................................................................ ....
    REJUVENATION........................................................................................ .....................
    INSERT: CHART............................................................................................... .........................
    (INCLUDING REJUVENATION)...................................................................................
    TREATMENT OF CANCER.............................................................................................. ....
    IMMUNOLOGICAL RESEARCH........................................................................................
    CHAPTER 3................................................................................................... .............................
    SUN., MAY 22, 1994................................................................................................ .............
    SOMEBODY ELSE, PLEASE.............................................................................................. ..
    REWRITING........................................................................................... .................................
    MALCOLM-X................................................................................................... ......................
    A THOUGHTFUL COMMENTARY....................................................................................
    IMPLEMENTATION--TOTAL CONTROL...................................................................
    STANDARDS (ISO)............................................................................................... ..........
    CHAPTER 4................................................................................................... .............................
    MON., MAY 23, 1994................................................................................................ ............
    PATRIOTISM VS. USE OF PATRIOTISM..........................................................................
    THE REFOUNDING "AMENDMENT"..................................................................................
    Chapter 1 .................................................................................................... ......................
    BILL OF RIGHTS.............................................................................................. ......................
    ALEXANDER HAMILTON............................................................................................ ......
    JOHN JAY................................................................................................. ..............................
    JAMES MADISON............................................................................................. ....................
    CHAPTER 5................................................................................................... .............................
    MON., MAY 23, 1994................................................................................................ ............
    CONSTITUTION-FEDERALIST PAPERS (Chapter 2).....................................................
    SECTION 1, PARAGRAPH 1..........................................................................................
    No. 45, Par. 9, James Madison............................................................................................. .
    SECTION 2, PARAGRAPH 1..........................................................................................
    No. 39, Par. 5, James Madison............................................................................................. .
    No. 45, Par. 7, James Madison............................................................................................. .
    No. 52, Par. 3, James Madison............................................................................................. .
    No. 53, Par. 1, James Madison............................................................................................. .
    No. 52, Par. 1, James Madison............................................................................................. .
    No. 57, Par. 4, James Madison............................................................................................. .
    CHAPTER 6................................................................................................... .............................
    TUE. MAY 24, 1994................................................................................................ ..............
    CONSTITUTION-FEDERALIST PAPERS (Chapter 3) ......................................................
    SECTION 2, PARAGRAPH 2..........................................................................................
    No. 52, Par. 3, James Madison............................................................................................. .
    No. 60, Par. 11, Alexander Hamilton...................................................................................
    SECTION 2, PARAGRAPH 3..........................................................................................
    No. 54, Par. 1, James Madison............................................................................................. .
    No. 58, Par. 1, James Madison............................................................................................. .
    No. 55, Par. 1, James Madison............................................................................................. .
    No. 56, Par. 1, James Madison............................................................................................. .
    CHAPTER 7................................................................................................... ..............................
    WED., MAY 25, 1994................................................................................................ ............
    CONSTITUTION-FEDERALIST PAPERS (Chapter 4)......................................................
    SECTION 2, PARAGRAPH 4..........................................................................................
    SECTION 2, PARAGRAPH 5..........................................................................................
    No 79, Par. 4, Alexander Hamilton......................................................................................
    SECTION 3, PARAGRAPH 1..........................................................................................
    No. 39, Par. 5, James Madison............................................................................................. .
    No. 39, Par. 12, James Madison...........................................................................................
    No. 45, Par. 9, James Madison............................................................................................. .
    No. 62, Par. 4, Probably done by Madison.........................................................................
    No. 63, Par. 1, James Madison............................................................................................. .
    CHAPTER 8................................................................................................... ..............................
    THU., MAY 26, 1994................................................................................................ .............
    CONSTITUTION-FEDERALIST PAPERS (Chapter 5)......................................................
    SECTION 3, PARAGRAPH 2.........................................................................................
    No. 59, Par. 8, Alexander Hamilton.....................................................................................
    No. 68, Par. Last 1/3rd No. 10, Alexander Hamilton........................................................
    SECTION 3, PARAGRAPH 3..........................................................................................
    No. 62, Par. 2, James Madison............................................................................................. .
    No. 64, Par. 4, John Jay................................................................................................. ........
    SECTION 3, PARAGRAPH 4..........................................................................................
    SECTION 3, PARAGRAPH 5..........................................................................................
    SECTION 3, PARAGRAPH 6..........................................................................................
    No. 39, Par. 5, (near end), James Madison.........................................................................
    No. 65, Par. 1, Alexander Hamilton.....................................................................................
    No. 66, Par. 1, Alexander Hamilton.....................................................................................
    CHAPTER 9................................................................................................... .............................
    FRI., MAY 27, 1994................................................................................................ ...............
    THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING...? .....................................................................................
    TO THE SOVIETS............................................................................................. ................
    A CONSTITUTION FOR THE WORLD..............................................................................
    PRELIMINARY DRAFT OF A WORLD CONSTITUTION...............................................
    PREAMBLE............................................................................................ .................................
    DECLARATION OF DUTIES AND RIGHTS......................................................................
    GRANT OF POWERS.............................................................................................. ..............
    COMMITTEE BULLETIN #388:....................................................................................
    THE GRAND TRIBUNAL AND THE SUPREME COURT...............................................
    THE TRIBUNE OF THE PEOPLE AND THE WORLD LAW...........................................
    THE CHAMBER OF GUARDIANS......................................................................................
    THE AMENDING POWER............................................................................................... .....
    RATIFICATION AND PRELIMINARY PERIOD...............................................................
    CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................. ............................
    SAT., MAY 28, 1994................................................................................................ ..............
    HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN?.......................................................................................... ........
    CHAOS............................................................................................... ......................................
    FRACTALS............................................................................................ ..................................
    THAN MILITARY TOYS................................................................................................
    TRUTH IN REALIZATION......................................................................................... ..........
    WILHELM REICH............................................................................................... ...................
    WHAT IS THE ORGONE ENERGY?...................................................................................
    GAIANDRIANA LIFE OR DEATH OPTION......................................................................
    PERCEPTION OF GOD, ALIENS AND MAN....................................................................
    REALITY OF NEEDS IN A PHYSICAL WORLD..............................................................
    SENATORS ARE SPACE ALIENS?.....................................................................................
    APPENDIX............................................................................................ .......................................
    AND/OR EDUCATIONAL ITEMS.............................................................................
    CHAPTER 11.................................................................................................. ............................
    UPDATE ON JIM VASSILOS............................................................................................ ...
    CHAPTER 12.................................................................................................. ............................
    "ELECTORATE IS BEING DENIED RIGHT TO VOTE" by Rosemarie Clampitt........
    CHAPTER 13.................................................................................................. ............................
    BULLETIN No. 4................................................................................................... .................
    By Ronn Jackson 6/2/94.................................................................................................. .....
    CHAPTER 14.................................................................................................. ............................
    JACKSON INTERVIEW........................................................................................... .............
    By Rick 6/5/94


    WED., JUN. 1, 1994 10:10 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 289

    WED., JUN. 1, 1994

    There is a book I ask you to get--if you can. It is called Proofs of a Conspiracy, By John Robison, A.M. An "Americanist Classic", Western Island Publishers, Belmont, Massachusetts, 02178, 1798, 1798, 1798--get it?

    We are writing about the Constitution, etc., from the 1700s. We are offering integration of the Constitution and explanations, etc., from The Federalist Papers (1788, 1788, 1788). There was already a CONSPIRACY set-up and underway for this day of ONE WORLD RULE.

    I am not, at this time, going to do more than offer the "Introduction" to this volume. More and more homework is falling into YOUR responsibility. I have other "fish to fry"! We will offer more of this as we move along because I think you will have a time getting the book--it is being ordered from the shelves as we write. However, there is nothing "new" in a 200 year old book so first things first--and you need to learn about your own Constitution which you no longer have in use.

    John Robison, A.M.--1798

    Very few people are aware that the intense drama of our twentieth century--the life and death struggle between capitalism and Communism, freedom and slavery--which has its origins in the late eighteenth century. All Americans are aware that the Declaration of Independence was written in 1776. Few are aware that Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations, which provided the ideological foundation for capitalism and for the Industrial Rev­olution, was published in 1776. And fewer still are aware that in that same year, 1776, Adam Welshaupt, a professor of Canon law at Ingolstadt University in Germany, founded the Illuminati Order, a conspiratorial organization which embodied all of the goals, aims, and methods of what we now call Communism. All history books will tell you of the first event. A good many will tell you of the second. But practically none will even allude to the last. Why? When you know the answer to that question you know history better than the historians.

    The two prime source books for our knowledge of Adam Weishaupt's Illuminati conspiracy are Professor John Robison's Proofs of a Conspiracy, first published in 1798, and the Abbe Augustin Barruel's impressive four-volume study, Memoirs Il­lustrating the History of Jacobinism, published in J799, some months after the first appearance of Robison's book. Both men--one a Professor of Natural Philosophy at Edinburgh University, the other a French clergyman--writing in different countries and in different languages, without the one knowing the other, basi­cally covered the same subject matter and came to the very same conclusions. Thus, we have two excellent works which tell us virtually all we need to know about the origin of history's most diabolical, long-range conspiracy.

    While Barruel's work is the more extensive, better docu­mented, and perhaps more painstakingly accurate, Professor Robison's book is the more literate, sophisticated and reflective. Its documentation is extensive, but its intellectual scope is its chief delight, for Robison, in this work, is more than merely a historian; he is a philosopher, moralist, social commentator, wise observer of human foibles, scientist, critic, and stylist.

    Robison had all of the virtues of the enlightened, rational, scientific, humane and religious spirit which characterized the founders of our own country and which represented the flower of eighteenth century English intellect. He had traveled widely in the old and new worlds, was one of the century's leading teachers of science--then known as "natural philosophy"--and he knew many of the major men of achievement in all the sciences. He was a close friend of James Watt, the inventor of the steam engine, who described Robison when the latter died in 1805 at the age of 66 as "a man of the clearest head and the most sci­ence of anybody I have ever known."

    Professor Robison was a member of the distinguished circle of intellectuals who at that time enhanced the reputation of the University of Edinburgh. In fact, in 1783, Robison was elected general secretary of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. In short, Robison was one of the leading intellects of his time, deeply in­terested in every aspect of man's attainments, both scientific and moral, in civilized society.

    The French Revolution, with its incredible atrocities, its mil­itant atheism, its reign of terror, its wanton destruction of civi­lized values, was the major event which shook Europe during Robison's mature years. Its shock was particularly painful be­cause it occurred when science, rationality and enlightenment were making incredible strides. Yet the Revolution, brought on in the name of all of these, plus "liberty, equality and frater­nity", resulted in the beheading by guillotine of such scientific geniuses as Antoine' Lavoisier, who was well known and greatly admired by his English colleagues.

    Men of genuine learning in Europe were well aware that the French Revolution had been preceded by a long period of in­tense intellectual agitation, in which the very foundations of civ­ilized society were seriously questioned. Ideas and doctrines advocating the abolition of all religion, the world citizenship and the abolition of private property, were to be found in books, tracts and pamphlets, written often at the risk of provoking the authorities. But the main haven for the free expression of such revolutionary ideas on the Continent were certain Masonic lodges, which, departing from the simpler practices of English Freemasonry, had become forums where diverse opinions on morals, religion and politics could be and were freely expressed. This development was a peculiarly French innovation, but it was adopted by numbers of Masonic lodges in many other parts of Europe, particularly Germany.

    Because Freemasonry concerned itself with fundamental philosophical and mystical questions, it was bound to be a gath­ering place for the philosophically and mystically inclined, es­pecially at that time in history when philosophy was in great ferment. But even more important, the lodges provided the brethren with full protection from the authorities my maintaining their rule of secrecy. Robison, a former Mason himself, found that "this impunity had gradually encouraged men of licentious principles to become more bold, and to teach doctrines sub­versive of all our notions of morality."

    Let us be quick to say that Freemasonry in England, America and elsewhere was historically, and today is, quite another kind and its members characterized by high standards of morality and spirituality.

    But it was not surprising that a man like Adam Weishaupt a professor of considerable renown at Ingolstadt University, driven by an incredible and diabolical ambition to rule the world--no less--would be attracted to the Masonic lodges, where he could find secrecy, protection and a few like-minded col­leagues. [H: And surprise of surprises--this same man is STILL AROUND drumming up the same old business--gaining rule of the world!] Weishaupt was not a military man bent on conquering the world via large armies; nor was he a crude gangster who could organize and lead a band of thieves. Weishaupt was an intellectual, a professor of law at a noted uni­versity with the arrogant self-conceit of the mentally superior who feel that they should be running the world and everyone in it. And so he devised an ingenious vehicle for world conquest--a secret ORDER--which would prove immensely attractive to other mentally superior beings of a similar frame of mind. He called it the Illuminati Order and grafted it, at selected points, onto Freemasonry--LIKE A FUNGUS.

    The ostensible purpose of the Order was to bring universal happiness to the human race. The idea was, in Weishaupt's words to "form a durable combination of the most worth per­sons, who should work together in removing the obstacles to human happiness, become terrible to the wicked, and give their aid to all the good without distinction, and should by the most powerful means, first fetter, and by fettering, lessen vice; means which at the same time should promote virtue, by rendering the inclination to rectitude, hitherto too feeble, more powerful and engaging. Would not such an association be a blessing to the world?"

    To be more explicit, the Illuminati. Order was built around the novel idea that the end--the happiness of the human race--justified the means!

    That the Order was intended to embrace the entire world was evidenced by Weishaupt's own definition quoted in the Larousse Grand Dictionnaire published in 1873, in which he said that the goal of the Order was to "unite, by way of one common higher interest and by a lasting bond, men from all parts of the globe, from all social classes and from all religions, despite the diver­sity of their opinions and passions, to make them love this com­mon interest and bond to the point where, together or alone, they act as one individual."

    Members of the secret Order pledged blind obedience to their superiors and only knew about the organization what their im­mediate superiors would tell them. Their oath read in part: "I bind myself to perpetual silence and unshaken loyalty and sub­mission to the Order, in the persons of my Superiors; here making a faithful and complete surrender of my private judg­ment, my own will, and every narrow-minded employment of my power and influence." Members were required to spy on one another and submit reports and autobiographies which could compromise them should they decide to leave the Order.

    The ultimate despotic purpose of the Illuminati Order was kept secret. Only by degrees--going from the lower "Nursery" degrees of Preparation, Novice, Minerval and Illuminatus Minor to the higher "mysteries" of Priest, Regent, Magus and Rex--could the initiated learn of the true mysteries and purposes of the Order. And each step of the way was very carefully plotted and planned by Weishaupt and his colleagues, so that the squeamish and gullible never rose higher than the lowest degrees, while the bold, ruthless and cynical, those ready and willing to dispense with religion, morality, patriotism and any other hindrances, rose to the top.

    It was through this process of selection and careful inculcation that Weishaupt, in a mere decade, was able to gather into his Order the cleverest and most diabolical minds in Europe. The true purpose of the Order was to rule the world. To achieve this it was necessary for the Order to destroy all reli­gions, overthrow all governments, and abolish private property. In order to accomplish this it would be necessary to convince enough people that religion, governments, and private property were the real obstacles to human happiness. This is exactly what the Communists have been doing since 1848!

    Please note that Robison makes it clear that the Illuminati Order was quite distinct and separate from Freemasonry. Freemasonry had existed long before Weishaupt had come on the scene. But because the Illuminati used parts of Freemasonry as a cover, Robison found it necessary to explain how and why this state of affairs came about. Thus, the first part of the book deals with Freemasonry and provides an examination of the Ma­sonic movement in the places and at the time the Illuminati Or­der came into being. He gives some of the history of Freemasonry and how it was developed in France, where it had been brought from England. Most important, however, he documents and traces the ideological evolution within the French lodges, which were eventually to become the Jacobin Clubs of revolutionary fame.

    With the background on French Freemasonry given, Robison then examines the state of Freemasonry in Germany, where the Illuminati aberration originated. He describes the schisms within German Freemasonry, the great fascination with mysteries, the widespread influence of deism--the philosophy that the universe is creating God rather than the reverse--and such utopian ideas imported from France as Cosmo-politism, or world citizenship, and finally the strong influence of French Masonic practices and doctrines through the Lodge of Lyons, the mother lodge of a segment of Masonry known as the Grand Orient de la France.

    One of the lodges in Germany affiliated with the Lodge of Lyons was the Lodge Theodore of Munich. It was in this lodge--to which Weishaupt belonged--that the Illuminati Order was organized by him as a secret organization within a secret organi‑
    zation. It took a number of years before the existence of this secret society within a secret society came to light. Its revolutionary doctrines were so zealously propagated that it couldn't be completely hidden for very long. In 1783, a Bavarian Court of Enquiry began its investigation of the Illuminati Order. Much of what we know today about Weishaupt's secret conspiracy is a result of this investigation.

    The second chapter of Robison's book, undoubtedly the most fascinating, is devoted to reviewing the evidence uncovered by the authorities, and it is here that we discover that Weishaupt's entire program and methodology was virtually identical with what was later to become known as Communism.

    In the third chapter of the book, entitled The German Union, Robison attempts to reveal how, after the Bavarian Court of En­quiry exposed and banned the Illuminati Order and its leaders, the Order went underground and emerged as a network of Reading Societies throughout Germany. The goal of this liter­ary network was to monopolize the writing, publication, re­viewing and distribution of all literature, more effectively to control the minds of the readers. In this chapter, one sees more clearly than ever how the conspiracy used the printed word as its ultimate weapon in subverting the minds of the people.

    The fourth chapter of the book demonstrates how all of the foregoing worked to culminate in the horror of the French Rev­olution, in which Illuminati doctrines and methodology provided the necessary engines of destruction and how members of the Order became the motormen. The pitiful role played by the Duc d' Orleans, the Grand Master of the Grand Orient de la France, reveals the incredible cleverness and deceit with which the con­spirators were able to use one royal dupe and his fortune to de­stroy the monarchy as well as himself.

    The final portion of the book is devoted to Professor Robi­son's General Reflections. He discusses morality and religion, politics and the nature of civilized society, the structure of the British government, the role of women and how the Illuminati planned to use them, the dangers of secret societies, human na­ture, education, and finally, why he was compelled to write this book. It is all worth reading very carefully, and rereading, for it brims with knowledge and wisdom, and is as pertinent today as it was when it was first published.

    What is the value of Robison's work today? First, it sheds light on an important period in history which has been greatly distorted by historians and novelists. It tells us a great deal about the origins of that conspiracy which, by now, has the world almost completely within its grasp. It teaches us how lit­tle the conspiracy has changed in either its methods or ideology, and how successful it has been in mesmerizing the masses and covering its tracks. But most important is the revelation that this was a conspiracy conceived, organized, and activated by profes­sionals and intellectuals, many of them brilliant but cunning and clever, who decided to put their minds in the service of total evil; a conspiracy conceived not by Masons as Masons, but by evil men using Freemasonry as a vehicle for their own purposes. It is also highly significant that it required another intellectual--Professor Robison--to expose the conspiracy.

    It is obvious that this conspiracy, appealing to the conceit of half-baked intellectuals, would attract educators, writers, philosophers, publishers, and clergymen. Their counterparts who run America today--like the Galbraiths, the Rostows, the Kennans, the Bundy's, the Littles, the Lippmanns--have the same self-conceit, the same arrogance which seems to charac­terize the overly bright and overly sadistic in any age and any civilization. But the Illuminati offered an even more attractive inducement than its long-range goal: it offered immediate and assured success. For, through its connections and intrigues, the conspiracy was able to place its selected members in positions of influence and power where they could enjoy all the glories of worldly success, provided they used that success to work un­ceasingly for the advancement of the Order. As Weishaupt ex­plains, once the candidate has achieved the exalted degree of Illuminatus Minor, his superiors "will assist him in bringing his talents into action, and will place him in situations most favor­able for their exertion, so that he may be assured of success."

    One tends to think of professors, philosophers, and writers as sitting in their ivory towers, perfectly harmless to the world. Robison and history prove otherwise. Activist scholars and pro­fessors like Karl Marx and Weishaupt have had a profound in­fluence in shaping the kind of irrational world we live in. From Woodrow Wilson--himself a professor--to Lyndon Johnson, we have had nothing but Presidents surrounded by professors and scholars, who seem to owe their allegiance to one idea only--that of world government. All of which brings to mind Weishaupt's plan to surround the ruling authorities with members of his Or­der. He writes: "These powers are despots, when they do not conduct themselves by its [the Order's] principles; and it is therefore our duty to surround them with its members, so that the profane may have no access to them. Thus we are able most powerfully to promote its interests. If any person is more dis­posed to listen to Princes than to the Order, he is not fit for it, and must rise no higher. We must do our utmost to procure the advancement of Illuminati into all important civil offices."

    Did the Illuminati Order survive beyond its exposure by the Bavarian authorities in 1783? Robison is convinced that it did, and that it was still quite alive and kicking and as dangerous as ever when his book was published in 1798. Between that year and the emergence of the Communist movement in 1848, there is a considerable knowledge gap, which, as far as we know, historians have made no attempt to bridge. However, the nature of the Order would lead one to believe that it was quite capable of surviving the most glaring exposure. Such exposure would hardly have frightened away the hard core who knew exactly what they were after.

    In the realm of ideology, certainly the line from the Illuminati Order to the Communist Manifesto is straight and unbroken, al­though modified to suit the new conditions of the Industrial Rev­olution. Weishaupt, it is interesting to note, lived until 1822; moreover, the Catholic Encyclopedia tells us that he finally re­pented and returned to the Church. Whether he was sincere or not, we shall never know.

    The publication of both Robison's and Barruel's works caused a sensation at the time and proved to have a strong influ­ence on public opinion for the few years they were in circula­tion. The first printing of Proofs of a Conspiracy was exhausted in a few days, and several editions followed. Both works were also quickly published in the United States where they had an immediate and widespread impact. Jacobin ideas and influences had already been noted with alarm in the New World and it was known that the Illuminati had established some lodges in the United States. That the Illuminati would attempt to gain control of the press and publishing industry in this country goes without saying. It was, after all, the hallmark of their method.

    It wasn't until 1826 that anti-Illuminati feelings were once more aroused in this country as a result of the disappearance of one William Morgan, an American Freemason, who had written a book revealing Masonic secrets entitled Illustrations of Freemasonry. [H: I interrupt here to remind Nora and any who are working on DESTRUCTION OF FREEMASONRY, that we need to really move ahead on it NOW as quickly as possible in order to place some protection around publish­ers, writers, etc. If you can locate Illustrations of Freema­sonry I do suggest you get it.] The property will be returned to you. Thank you.] Morgan, apparently, had been abducted and drowned in Lake Ontario. It was alleged that fellow Ma­sons had done it. This caused a nationwide furor, resulting in the creation of an anti-Masonic political party in 1829 by Henry Dana Ward, Thurlow Weed, and William H. Seward. Interest in both Robison's and Barruel's books were revived during that period, with the result that Freemasonry suffered a great loss of membership. The anti-Masonic movement lasted a few years until the furor died down. By 1840, the anti-Masonic party was extinct.

    Let it be stressed that the present publication of Robison's work is not intended to open old wounds or create new animosity or distrust toward Freemasonry, whose adherents today certainly number among our staunchest patriots and anti-Communists. The intention is merely to illustrate how a conspiracy of intellectuals, USING FREEMASONRY, got off the ground and grew to its present incredible proportions. The conspirators have long since discarded Freemasonry as their vehicle. If clever conspirators could use--of all groups--so fine a group as the Masons, we must open our minds to consider what finite possibilities are available to them in our own present day so­ciety. Their main habitat these days seems to be the great subsidized universities, tax-free foundations, mass media communication systems, government bureaus such as the State Department, and a myriad of private organizations such as THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS. If the publication of this book merely serves to convince enough peo­ple that conspiracies of this kind have existed in the past, do ex­ist in the present, and should be routed out, it will have served its purpose. All men of good will, we hope, anxious to keep freedom alive, will recognize the value, therefore, of this new edition of one of the most interesting books in history. The Publishers.
    Below is a source of a lot of good publications that you won't find in establishment bookstores. Try them for the above mentioned publications.

    Omni Publications
    P.O. Box 900566
    Palmdale, CA 93590-0566
    Phone (805) 274-2240
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    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-15 at 11:47.

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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#096 HEAVE - HO (Phase Two)

    PJ 96


    THU., MAY 19, 1994 4:44 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 276

    THU., MAY 19, 1994
    As life unfolds and in this day a man like Ronn Jackson or oth­ers of the same ilk appear, it seems that the truth simply cannot be so....And then as time passes the public forgets--the exact thing planned by THE planners. You NEVER knew truth about your space program and all the writing we have offered has not changed that greatly. I realize it is difficult to think in terms of Cosmospheres and deadly "killer" satellites, etc. While you slept, citizens, your world has been "fiddled" away and the lies are so abundant and so great that you cannot hold and compre­hend the truth even as it unfolds. Let us offer this short writing. Those of you familiar with Dr. Beter's work will be pleased to see the repeat--and you who have no idea what we speak about here--will continue to doubt....Ah, and likely it will ever be thus.

    Dr. Beter died March 14, 1987, but the information he left with us--the Intelligence Reports in the Audio Letters and Commen­taries--will continue to help our readers to understand what is happening today. This is from the Dr. Peter David Beter Audio Letter #70, recorded Dec. 22, 1981.

    Topic #2 (Continued from prior issue of Wisconsin Report.)



    It will soon be four years since Russia finished destroying all of America's spy satellites with her fleet of Killer Satellites. The military Shuttle team were hoping to use "surprise" last month in order to get at least a little bit of reconnaissance over Russia. It was hoped that the Russians would consider the En­terprise to be no threat since it could not carry anything in its cargo bay. NASA also did everything it could to convince the Russians that a non-threatening orbit would be used last month. Finally, the launch time was shifted by about 2-1/2 hours on the morning of November 12th. That was intended to make it hard for any Russian Cosmos Interceptors to readjust their orbits to attack the Enterprise.

    This last item, my friends, reflects a deadly Intelligence error being made by the United States military shuttle planning team. They know about Russia's orbital cosmos interceptors, the Killer Satellites. They also know about the first generation Cosmo-spheres, Russia's levitating Weapons. Platforms. Both were first deployed about four years ago [H: Now well over a decade later!]. The American planners know that the Space Shuttle can outrun the first-generation Cosmospheres, therefore they be­lieved that the orbiting Cosmos Interceptors are the main threat to the Shuttle.

    What they do not know so far is that Russia now has a small fleet of semi-experimental second-generation Cosmospheres. Last April there were seven in operation. Now there are at least eight. These new Cosmospheres, called "Super Heavies" or "Jumbos", can outrun and outlift our Space Shuttle. The Rus­sians gave NASA a very spectacular hint about their existence last April, as I detailed in Audio Letter No. 64.

    There are some in America's Intelligence community who have correctly interpreted what happened, but the Bolsheviks here who control America's military space program are refusing to believe it. They are explaining away the fragments of Intelli­gence about the new Russian Jumbo Cosmospheres and thereby guaranteeing their own failure.

    When the "Enterprise", re-labeled Columbia, took off from Florida last month there were no human pilots aboard. It was a suicide mission. The Enterprise followed an evasive, curving launch, just as the Columbia did last April. It headed far to the north toward a near polar orbit. When it passed over Russia the Enterprise was to be upside down with its spy camera staring downward through the crew compartment windows. Five Jumbo Cosmospheres were on hand and kept pace with the Shuttle as it climbed toward orbit but when they notified Moscow of the course it was taking, they were told not to fire. Instead the Russian Ballistic Missile Defense Forces were alerted. The Russians know war is coming and they decided to use the approach of the Shuttle as a test drill.

    Nearly two years ago I reported that Russia was preparing to deploy a new anti-ballistic missile system. It's based on charged particle beam weapons fired from modified supersonic TU-144 Jet Transports. On November 12 a squadron of TU-144s were scrambled to intercept and shoot down the Enterprise.

    The Jumbo Cosmospheres continued pacing the Shuttle from a distance as a back-up if the TU-144s should fail--but they did not fail. The Enterprise swept downward from the north across their strategic Kola Peninsula. As it crossed over the White Sea the big jets began firing upward with their beam weapons at the Shuttle far above. The third beam blast tore through the mid­section of the Shuttle and it broke in half just behind the crew compartment and disintegrated.

    Here in the United States NASA went ahead with its made­-for-television space movies and followed the pre-planned script for a shortened mission. They knew within an hour after launch that the Enterprise had been destroyed. Having learned about Russia's plans last April to create an international incident with a crashed Shuttle, they wanted to complete the flight in the world's eyes quickly.

    The Shuttle landing at Edwards Air Force Base, California, on November 14th was a replay of the Shuttle we saw last April. And when I say "replay", my friends, I mean it literally.

    Those long distance telephoto shots of the Shuttle swooping in from the stratosphere were the same ones that we saw last April. NASA merely fed video tapes of the long distance scenes from last April to the networks and added a fresh narrative to them. The only part of the landing that was live last month was the terminal portion which could be seen from the ground. The Shuttle we saw land, my friends, was one of the secret new Shuttles from White Sands. It had been carried aloft by the launch aircraft, boosted to a modest speed altitude by a pair of solid fuel booster rockets, and then swooped down to delight the crowd.

    As of now, NASA claims to be planning the third Shuttle flight for March 1982, just three months from now. And, my friends, this time the launch may well take place on schedule or close to it. The embarrassing quandary of what to do with the Enterprise is now over with.

    Now a new Shuttle, the third we have seen with the name "Columbia" on it, is at Cape Canaveral. Its cargo bay awaits a new secret military pay load. My friends, this Shuttle has been modified. It is armed for battle in space but the Bolshe­vik military planners here refuse to understand what they are re­ally up against--and so at Cape Canaveral another tragedy is now in the making.

    End of Article.

    * * *
    How many of you good readers realize that all the first Shuttle launches were pure FRAUD? How many of you realize the truth has been out there for years and years and years--and you NEVER KNEW!?

    Oh my---what will it take? Salu

    SAT., MAY 21, 1994 9:02 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 278

    SAT., MAY 21, 1994

    I believe it will be obvious NOW that you cannot simply buck the "system" and win. The actions taken against the Beckmans are heinous. Their own security is somewhat preserved but their property in the form of dwelling, etc., have been bulldozed down, property (furniture and personal) sealed away until he can BUY them back and thus and so.

    I have recently been denounced, my people ridiculed and other insulting assaults made against us; however, I warn you people--there are some among you WHO ARE NOT YOUR GOOD BUDDIES AND "WILL TURN STATE'S EVIDENCE" IN BEHALF OF THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT. These EX­AMPLES are going to continue until you can shut down the con­duits of betrayal (realized or not) and you move into a unity of recovery of the laws as Constitutionally correct--not just to take a stand of some time against the "regulators". I remind you that the guns "they" have are LARGER than the ones YOU HAVE. And, furthermore--there is no honor nor integrity among them.

    How can you tell the good-guys from the bad-guys? It is very difficult when the deceivers are well-trained operatives working with greed-soaked deceivers who HOPE you never get the in­formation about them. You will, further, notice that, in some instances, ones who have priorly had important positions within some of the "groups" are no longer there in publication, because they have been revealed even if not legally confronted. All the documents and evidence are available and ones involved who know are under targeting (AS WE WRITE HERE) for death to silence information. Gary Anderson, for instance, who Gritz says he utilized to set up his SPIKE seminars but not his "trust" operations (longer), turned State's evidence and became totally beholden to the Treasury Department and, in that connection, the IRS. One who is touted by Gritz, Richard Flowers, "Christian Patriot Association (CPA)", "has the only truly dis­creet means of banking in America. If privacy is important, Richard's CPA is the only way." This is the SAME Richard flowers who had a major law case (wherein it is stated that flowers "dba Christian Patriot Association") for the time period of December 1985 through January 1989.

    Further in the documentation it covers the fact that information which was demanded by the IRS was given to the IRS: "Richard Flowers affidavit states that the IRS has most of the information sought by the summonses. Flowers states that a bank employee told him that the IRS has been monitoring the CPA account and that an IRS agent told him that the IRS was going to shut down the CPA. Flowers identifies neither of these sources."

    So, readers, the facts are that no matter whether or not the laws are WRONG--the actions are taking place and if you THINK you are receiving privacy--you are NOT. Not only are you NOT, but the ones offering it to you--KNOW IT.

    The "TRUST" operation is even more monitored and those "trusts" that are being set up are going to get you caught if you have used them to "hide" anything because the IRS already KNOWS ALL ABOUT THEM! But worse, participation with this particular group of "patriots" and defenders of privacy in the structuring of a "Covenant COMMUNITY" in the security of the Idaho wilds--is EVEN MORE OPENLY KNOWN AND WHETHER OR NOT YOU ARE LIKE, SAY, A WACO KO­RESH GROUP--YOU WILL BE TREATED BY "BIG BROTHER" AS SUCH.

    I believe you have to know that there are ones involved here who come directly from the old Monarch Project and Delta Forces who were programmed and are to be "awakened" to task in the MK-Ultra project. This fit several of the participants of the Koresh "Project" which was an MK-Ultra PROGRAM. We understand that all Delta Force participants were trained in the Monarch Project Mind-Programing--directly from such as the Montauk Project of time-space warp mind shifting.

    Are these good guys or bad guys? Neither--they simply ARE.

    The outcome of the Flowers' situation, as explained, is that in exchange for Treasury protection and turning over records, the Flowers' were not set forth for "criminal" charges--and this would be continued as long as information (State's evidence) would be supplied by said parties.

    Do the ones around whom these troops rally believe themselves to be other than "patriots"? I doubt it. The "laws" are WRONGLY WRITTEN AND APPLIED but that changes not the fact of RULE BY FORCE as your nation has become in its current orchestration and enforcement. To openly DEFY these enforcers becomes gross error. The CAUSE must be changed--if ever the "EFFECT" CAN BE ALTERED!

    What I really DO NOT want is to be in any manner involved and I would recognize the right of these deceivers to continue their "free-will" games if they would cease and desist their as­saults against me and mine. However, when it is criminal action in every sense of the words of "business" and moral integrity for ones such as George Green to be allowed to steal actual gold in coins from an Institute in which he served as Director and Offi­cer--and then, to STILL be efforting to force it into receivership and forced bankruptcy so all parties involved are hurt--I don't think it JUST that these ones continue without rebuttal. Since there is coalition with the Treasury Department and other Fed­eral agencies, including the Justice DEPARTMENT, then it is all but impossible to obtain fair hearing--so the plan is that the LIES STAND. No, "they" may destroy and they may win--BUT IT WILL NOT BE BECAUSE OF TRUTH! AND, THAT, DEAR ONES, IS THE FUNDAMENTAL BASIS OF WHAT IS DESTROYING YOUR NATION AND YOUR FREEDOM. A BUNCH OF CROOKS EXCHANGED THEIR FREEDOM AND ARE OBTAINING PAYMENT--TO DE­CEIVE AND BETRAY YOU-THE-PEOPLE! SO BE IT.

    There is massive involvement with someone called "Wolfgang" and some operations which skived off MILLIONS of dollars. Some of the names most involved are involved at present with the S.P.I.K.E. operation and, now, the Christian Covenant Community in Idaho. This is going to be a Rajneesh (code la­bel) type of operation when it comes down on the innocent heads of participants. When asked who would fund this major participation--the answer comes back EVERY time--"the Trea­sury Department".

    If one wishes to speak of "trouble in Camelot", you have it in the odyssey of one such as Jackie Kennedy. With respect to all passages there are the sentiments which overshadow the facts of underlying motivation of those who would "get rid of her". So, today and yesterday, I am barraged with inquiries as to how she deteriorated and died so terribly rapidly. Well, she was GIVEN the fastest spreading type of lymphatic cancer--if indeed, that is what she ACTUALLY had as "true" diagnosis. I am not going to cloud the waters into murky fingerprints of intended damage. However, since you ask, and ask, and ask again--so be it. There are MANY "reasons" she would not be wanted around. However, there are equally as MANY reasons her children will now have to bring to the forefront truth in circumstances of which they will be unaware. Jackie had no option except to carry some secrets to and into her grave. These silences would protect her family while the evil whoremongers would continue their world intrigue, greed and domination.

    It would be good, however, if the children realized a couple of things relevant to their own "property".

    One is the death of their FATHER. I have dragged my feet a bit in continuing with the Jackson revelations in "The Death of Camelot", realizing the pain coming up shortly as the TRUTH of John's and Robert's deaths (murders) are unfolded. Of course Jackie KNEW! One of the killers was the driver of her vehicle the terrible day of the murder of John. Was John killed by the CIA? How about the Mafia? No, readers, John F. Kennedy was killed on orders from the Committee of 17--the power brokers and ruling Committee which is superior in power, even, to the Committee of 300.

    Secondly: Jackie Kennedy is a holder of a massively VALU­ABLE and LAWFUL debt document (gold certificate) which is not "wanted" to be brought forward. The Committee and others in the insipid Government set up by the impostors are right now having to deal with gold certificates, i.e.: Buckley's holdings of "Treasurygate" fame, Cosmos and "Big Red" and others--of which one "missing" one to "Sadam Husein", we printed in the paper. Well, there is another one of massive value--from the Shah of Iran who was brought to your country years ago (as you will remember) and was murdered for his own partici­pations, or "non"-participations as the case may be. JACKIE HAS (HAD) THAT CERTIFICATE! Now, I guess you will just have to wait and see what unfolds. Yes, it had something to do with her "friendliness" to the Clintons and the spiraling intrigue will be most interesting in the unfolding I'm sure. So be it and may the lady in point rest in peace. Life on your place is indeed a cruel game! Will the perpetrators of these heinous crimes of direct or indirect evil ever be un­covered? Yes, it is happening as we write.

    Ok, readers, the first of the "new-old money" is being seen around here and there. The first bill to come to our immediate attention is, I believe, a marker of a value of $1. It is green as in your current money but bears no mention of the Federal Re­serve, It will, however, be found to bear the printing date of 1994 and bears a notice as a "Treasury" paper. CONTACT will offer a copy of that bill when it comes into their hands.

    It is, I guess, a time of reminding you that we have written at length on genetic engineering and DNA cloning and alterations. The release, yesterday, of the genetic-tomato into the public for consumption brings the next onslaught of questions. I won't re­peat the old writings because the CONTACT has no space in this paper to handle such massive information--but perhaps over the next weeks, as the paper must grow, it can be, in part at least, rerun for you readers--especially you NEW readers. Our read­ing audience has for long been "the largest" but the least sub­scribed to paper, in the world. I do wish there were more readers who would PAY for their subscription so we could more easily handle larger editions--but you know how it is--Govern­ment and Military and the wealthy controllers--NEVER PAY FOR ANYTHING WHEN THEY CAN STEAL IT. So be it.

    For the "deniers" of such as MJ-12, (Majestic 12, Majority of 12 "committee", etc.) I would like to make a note here that it won't be very long until I believe Dr. Sagan will be speaking with some of our people. Whether he will speak of that which YOU want to hear, or not, shall be left to the unfolding. I can promise you one thing--IF YOU CAN get him to speak truth, he can tell you about such as entrances into the underground (literally) at the Antarctic. He can also tell you as "eyewitness" about the massive underground facilities and WATER LAKE under the area of Austin, Texas, and so forth. His energy has been sidetracked in garbage about putting up massive receivers for "seeing if aliens are 'out-there" when he KNOWS we are RIGHT HERE! Is he, and are others, going to come forth now because they want to share and tell? No, but actually he does and I would hope he would honor his own integrity and tell you the truth. Will he? Well, the strength of the hand which writes on the wall would certainly make it worthy of his consideration, for mankind would then honor him rather than denounce him for treason and fraud--a legacy no man REALLY wants to leave in his memoirs.

    It was once decided to hide truth in favor of gaining world con­trol--but such as Bernard Baruch, Eisenhower and even ones from your most prominent religion--met with us and still decided to hide truth from you of mankind and DEAL with the darker side of alien brothers. YOU broke every agreement and promise you made and now, I fear, a lot of "those brothers" are not happy with you having trapped themselves in your dimen­sion playing your games. Crime simply does not pay--IN THE LONG-RUN, little brothers. So be this, also.

    I got off onto the subject of Sagan and space-brothers, (enemies or friends), because of this subject in point. You have and are playing with actual "life" energy which can be called elec­tromagnetic, scalar, prana, life, cosmic, etheric and thus and so. I am here to tell you RIGHT NOW, that you do not even need to introduce by injection one DNA into another--that DNA pro­gramming can be transferred right through electromagnetic waves from one sealed container into another. The "rays" (high frequency light waves) now abundant in your atmosphere are capable of doing this trick on their own fluke of presence. However, it becomes quite interesting as MAN learns how to tamper and play.

    We have one very human individual who doesn't even call him­self a scientist--who can literally place a certain "metal" plate on the roof, run a wire to a dark basement and into a pot wherein seeds are planted, seal the container with foil wrap to further darken the area--and grow quite healthy and productive plants. This should tell you that what you sees is not what youze is get-tin'. These same frequencies are carried right through contain­ers to energize anything and everything. The energy will flow first to its own kind and then it will proceed, under certain cir­cumstances, to cross with anything and everything around.

    Through the Chinese and Russians this has become a recognized art and science--but these things are hidden from you in the gen­eral public as best the beasts can do so. There is even a term now recognized as "Bioenergyinformatics". You have come a long way, babies, and now you REALLY have a bull by the tail because--once unleashed--you cannot control this insanity.

    AURA-Z, VOL. 1, No. 3: (Spring, 1994.) [H: I have to admit, readers, that THIS is a Russian journal-type of document which has been translated. This may, for your information, account for your not having easy and ready access to the in­formation. We are not even offered the name of the Editor (or the direct author) of the paper in point for international protection. However, you will note that in Russia this has been utilized and is not directly taken by the government. It is not utilized on a wide-spread basis either--again a reflec­tion of your power-brokers.]


    We are pleased to introduce a man whose name has long been known in scientific circles, but is only coming to be recog­nized by official science.
    DOCTOR CHAING: His name needs no additional attributes. Held in high esteem by some, it evokes apprehension and lack of understanding among others. It arouses gratitude and guarded curiosity.
    In the dark Middle Ages Chiang's fate would, probably, have brought him to the fire of the Inquisition; in the 21st century he will perhaps be revered as highly as Einstein or Tsiolkovsky. [H: I wonder how many of you have even heard of Tsi­olkovsky?]

    It has always been difficult to be ahead of one's time. CHI­ANG KANZHEN' s story is no exception to this rule.
    Without going into the details of his biography, which is worthy of separate attention (four years imprisonment during the "cultural revolution" in China, an escape, crossing the border into the USSR in 1971, an ordeal in the Khabarovsk Territory, and Soviet citizenship only in 1989), let me mention only the milestones:
    - born in 1933 in Changtu (Liaoning Province, China), the son of a school headmaster;
    - a diploma from the Chinese University of Medicine in 1959;
    - in his student years, parallel with medicine, he studied cy­bernetics, quantum mechanics, and radio engineering, which enabled him to formulate the hypothesis: "In the process of the body's vital activities, its atoms and molecules HAVE TO BE linked by bioelectromagnetic fields--the UNIVERSAL MATE­RIAL CARRIER of energy and information.
    Chiang's entire subsequent life has been devoted to obtaining evidence confirming this hypothesis and has brought him to a STUNNING DISCOVERY: genetic, biological, and psychic in­formation is transmitted by biological EHF communications (biomicrowave communications). A technique has been discov­ered for the directed transmission of such information by means of a special-purpose device.
    The initial experimental results were obtained very long ago, at a university laboratory in China. After Chiang had to start all over again in Khabarovsk, these results were confirmed.
    The Soviet press from time to time reported his experiments, invariably under such headings as "Sensation" or "Defying the Imagination". However, the authorities kept silent, although Chiang had applied for the registration of his discovery of biomicrowave communications as far back as 1974. Nor had there been any response to letters addressed to the highest au, thorities: to Brezhnev, Andropov, or Chernenko, to various pre-' sidiums, ministries, and academies.
    His sole consolation was KNOWLEDGE, faith in himself, and in his MISSION.
    The breakthrough came in 1989.
    A special "seminar to discuss Yu. V. (Yuri Vladimirovich is Chiang's Russian name - Ed.) Chiang Kanzhen's paper on biomicrowave communications" was held in Novosibirsk. The seminar, held under the auspices of Acad. V. Kaznacheyev, was attended by some 130 scientists in various fields, most of them with Dr. Sc. and Cand. Sc. degrees. There were also repre­sentatives of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Medical Sciences, the Agricultural Academy.
    Chiang's hypothesis was finally recognized. A Chiang Scien­tific Foundation and Chiang Institute were founded.

    The bioelectromagnetic radiation of every living being is now no longer in question.

    Up to now, however, it was considered that genetic informa­tion is transmitted by DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), known to contain the genetic code in its molecules. [H: Hang on to your seats, readers, and get ready for a "far-out" proof of what we have given you prior to this in that everything in your universe is "electric" ENERGY--at LIGHT FREQUENCY AND HIGHER, IF IT BE "MANIFEST".]

    Advances in modern physics have led me to assume that DNA is, in fact, only a "cassette" with recorded information, whose actual material carriers are bioelectromagnetic signals. In other words, the electromagnetic field and DNA together make up COMBINED GENETIC MATERIAL, which exists in two forms: a passive (DNA) and an active (bioelectromagnetic field) form. The passive form preserves the genetic code, the active (transmitting) form is able to modify it. [H: Does, say, Dr. Sagan know about this? Well, if he doesn't he should be flunked from his doctoral degrees! These are the better-kept secrets being held at LEAST until the "control" grid for mass brain-manipulation and population "control" is in bet­ter working order. I would suggest that Dr. Sagan does not know very much about the extensive advances in this science except from observation--but indeed, this is one of the "hidden agendas".]

    In what part of the spectrum is the bioelectromagnetic radia­tion emitted during the organism's vital activities?

    Bioeiectromagnetic signals (signals transmitting energy and information simultaneously) are moving PHOTONS [H: Remember our old "photons"? You know, the ones that got me tagged by Herr Gritz as a phony bunch of baloney??] which, according to the quantum theory, possess corpuscular and wave properties.

    The corpuscular properties of the photon presuppose the use of the low-frequency band, for in that case the organism receives the largest amount of information. It is known that the lower a photon's frequency is, the smaller is its energy and, hence, the organism's limited energy can excite the most pho­tons. [H: Does it make more sense now that someone(s) DOWN THERE wants to keep you from having the material being held hostage by US&P]
    The photon's wave properties, on the other hand, dictate the need to study the highest-frequency portion of the spectrum, which has a big transmission bandwidth. This would make pos­sible the reception of a large body of information and a high quality of transmission.

    Consequently, the bioelectromagnetic field, i.e., the material carrier of energy and information, exists in both the microwave and the IR range, in the middle portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.

    Laboratory experiments with the "biomicrowave communica­tions" installation yielded positive results in the field transmis­sion of genetic information. The work was conducted in several areas: in agriculture (plant and animal selection), in medicine (fighting diseases, organism rejuvenation), and in other fields of genetics. [H: Perhaps out of all of this you will finally REALIZE that "cancer" is simply a mutation of cells and the "treatment" utilized is fantastically more damaging than the disease itself. The "treatment" is always tor radiate poison or whatever, the cells in point--only to the destruction of the immune system which is supposed to handle any mutated cells as they occur. And, as a matter of FACT, it will be found that the microwave frequencies do alter the frequency of cellular structure--but do not, in fact, (as you recognize the explanation) cause "cancer". If, for instance, one is on a regime of something such as Gaiandriana--the microwave frequencies can only enhance the immune system frequency as carried in those Dria/Drio cells. (within reasonable expo­sure, of course). If you humans do not bring up the frequency of your BODY electric, you cannot offset the assault as of these frequencies upon that BODY physical. Also, as can be seen by this very article in point, if you allow your immune systems lo become so corrupted and insulted as is planned by the would-be "Kings", you will very definitely have tumorous changes in cellular mass and the long-shot of such is death of the host body--and/or mutation of such proportion as to cross-hybrid your own species. If it can be done with a tomato or a chicken, good buddies--IT IS ALSO BEING DONE, AS WE WRITE, TO THE HUMAN!]
    1. The effect produced by the bioelectromagnetic field of green wheat mass (the donor, placed in the receiver) on germinated maize kernels (the recipient, in the transmitter). [Editor's note: this is accurate to the original article, but it would seem to make more sense to reverse placements of the words "receiver" and "transmitter".]

    The grown maize had many side stalks; in place of the cob heads there formed original ears with grains like those of both wheat and maize. Besides, the tested maize was found to be su­perior to a reference lot by 200 percent in kernel yield and by 300 percent in mass. Furthermore, the acquired changes were inherited by subsequent generations.

    2. The effect produced by the bioelectromagnetic field of donor melons on germinated cucumber recipient seeds.

    The grown cucumbers had the taste of a melon. Biochemical analysis proved the presence of DNA modifications. The ac­quired changes were passed on from one generation to another.
    3. The effect produced by the bioelectromagnetic field of donor peanuts on recipient sunflower sprouts.
    The sunflower seeds underwent a change of shape; part of them acquired a peanut taste.

    4. The effect produced by the bioelectromagnetic field of a donor duck on recipient hen's eggs.

    Four hundred and eighty chicks hatched from the 500 eggs subjected to the influence of a duck's bioelectromagnetic field. The following changes were observed in the chicks.

    - the development of foot webbing (in 25 percent of the chicks);

    - a flat-shaped duck-like head (in 80 percent);- a long neck (in 70 percent), and
    - mid-section opening of the eyes (in 90 percent).

    The acquired changes were later transmitted from generation to generation.

    5. The effect produced by the bioelectromagnetic field of a donor goat with long curved horns on a recipient pregnant female rabbit.

    The offspring rabbits developed large curved teeth.

    As a doctor, I am particularly interested in the electromagnetic field of young organisms on older ones.

    The initial experiments were staged on old mice exposed to the bioelectromagnetic radiation of sprouts and animal embryos.

    The obtained results:

    - restoration of the sexual and reproductive functions (in 31 percent of the mice);
    - extension of the life span by 1-1.5 years compared to the control group of mice (in 53 percent), and
    - an improvement in appetite, reactions, and mobility (in 68 percent of the mice).

    In 1987 I performed a similar experiment on myself. Its positive results were borne out by both objective and subjective evidence.

    The second person who volunteered to test the method of or­ganism rejuvenation was my 80-year-old father.

    As a result, some of his 20- and 30-year-old health problems disappeared, among them an allergic itch, noise in the ears, and a benign tumor; hair appeared on bald spots six months later, the grey hair turned black, and a new tooth appeared instead of one that had fallen out 20 years earlier.

    The positive results obtained in this area had by 1991 pro­vided the grounds for patenting the invention "A Method of Or­ganism Rejuvenation" and securing the Health Ministry's autho­rization to practise the microwave therapy technique.

    There is a biological law that the average life-span of mam­mals equals five to seven of their development periods. There­fore, the average life duration of a human being should be 125-­175 years, since the human development period lasts 25 years. The actual duration of a human life, however, comprises only three development periods.

    I consider that the aging of the/an organism is caused by a variety of factors, which upset the delicate structures of active genes so that these structures cannot be restored.

    Only 0.2-2.0 percent of all the genes are active genes.

    Patients Age Total
    40 - 50 51 - 60
    61 - 70
    71 - 80 81 and
    Male 2 5 3 1 - 11
    Female 1 2 - - 3
    Total 3 7 3 1 - 14

    In my opinion, the bioelectromagnetic radiation of young or­ganisms of other species activates the silent genes in old organ­isms. The process involves the law of ontogeny, i.e., the cur­tailed recurrence of the major systemogenetic processes, and the law of regeneration.

    After the Health Ministry granted me permission to use the method of microwave-therapy, a group of 14 patients who had volunteered for the treatment was formed. [Please see chart.]

    The nosology distribution in the group was as follows: atherosclerosis--5 cases; stenocardia--2; earlier insult--2; ulcer­ous condition of gastrointestinal tract--4; hepatitis--5; spinal osteochondrosis--6; arthrosis--2; eczema--3; psoriasis--1; neuro­sis--7, and benign tumor--2. All told, there were 39 cases in 11 nosological units for 14 patients (averaging about three diseases per patient).

    Treatment results: complete cure--6 cases, including benign tumour; considerable improvement--21 cases; improvement--8 cases, and no change--2 cases.

    Rejuvenation signs:
    - improved general condition--12 patients;
    - improved appearance (5-10 years "younger")--11 patients;
    - disappearance of grey hair--9 patients, and
    - improvement in sexual functions--7 patients.

    The treatment of cancer, AIDS, and post-transplantational immunity have occupied a special place in my work.

    The first positive results in this area were obtained more than 20 years ago in a series of experiments in transmitting bio­genetic information from ten donor rabbits with inoculated can­cerous cells to recipient mice with artificially provoked malig­nancies (a total of 300 specimens).

    As is known, rabbits do not develop cancer, and their im­mune potential, stimulated by the inoculations, helped the ma­jority (70 percent) of the test mice to cope with the disease.

    At the same time, all the 300 mice in the control group with artificially induced cancer perished.

    When I was a laboratory assistant at the Khabarovsk Medical Institute in 1973-78, I conducted a research project of my own, entitled "Combating Cancer by Biomicrowave Commu­nications"; in 1991 I received a patent protecting my invention of "A Method of Regulating the Immune Response" (for use in cancer treatment and organ transplantation).

    The application of the rejuvenation technique in medical practice was (to prove its efficaciousness) combined with im­munological research, conducted at the leading clinical laborato­ries in Khabarovsk.

    The following immunogram indicators were determined:
    - the phagocytic index;
    - T-lymphocytes;
    - "active" T-lymphocytes;
    - T-helpers;
    - T-suppressors;
    - B-lymphocytes;
    - Class A immunoglobulins;
    - Class G immunoglobulins;
    - Class M immunoglobulins, and
    - leukocytes.

    The analysis of the processed data led to the following con­clusions:

    1. The application of the method achieves an optimal status of the phagocytic system, making possible a full-scale immune response to the introduction of pathogenic agents. The effect of the bioelectromagnetic radiation in this case is vitally dependent on the initial condition of the organism: if the functions of the macrophages are reduced severalfold against the norm, the bio­electromagnetic radiation can either normalize them or restore them closer to the norm. If, on the other hand, the organism is initially functioning normally, the bioelectromagnetic radiation has practically no effect on the macrophages.

    2. The dynamics of the T-Iymphocyte changes demonstrated the regulatory and stimulating effect of the bioelectromagnetic radiation on the T-Lymphocytes.

    3. While the rejuvenation technique was being applied, the lymphocyte activity was adjusted, i.e., the activity of the im­munocompetent cells was brought closer--or, in some cases, even restored--to the limits of the physiological norm. This makes it possible to employ bioelectromagnetic radiation as an instrument of immunity correction.

    4. A study of T-helper dynamics shows the tendency of both high and low values to normalize. It may therefore be assumed that the bioelectromagnetic field tends to activate the mecha­nisms of the adaptation and self-regulation of the immune sys­tem for the maintenance of homeostasis.

    5. A complete description and evaluation of the T-suppressor dynamics requires a modification of the group selection method.

    The emphasis has to be shifted to a specific pathology of the immune system:

    - a pathological condition involving hyperactivated immuno-competent cells (such as autoimmunity or allergy);
    - a pathological condition involving an inadequacy of the im­mune system (immunodeficiency), and
    - an immune status not involving any substantial changes.

    This approach to group selection will henceforward be adopted in examining other T-lymphocyte subpopulations, for example, T-helpers and B-lymphocytes.

    6. The examined patients who had initial Class A im­munoglobulin factors below normal demonstrated, in the course of treatment with bioelectromagnetic radiation, an improvement of these factors. This points to protective and restorative pro­cesses in the organism, including the immune system.

    If the immune system functions normally, there are practi­cally no radiation effects.

    7. As far as leukocyte dynamics are concerned, no unam­biguous conclusions can be drawn. This factor should be viewed in conjunction with the dynamics of the lymphocytes, T-lymphocytes, and phagocytosis, and the initial status of the sys­tem.

    The immunological research is still at an early stage, new av­enues and methods have yet to be explored, but it can already be said that the application of bioelectromagnetic radiation to the body in accordance with the method we have developed creates the conditions for the formation of protective, restorative, and compensatory processes in the immune system, which improve the patient's health and cause rejuvenation.

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