PJ 94


WED., MAY 4, 1994 10:34 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 261

WED., MAY 4, 1994

I find that I can't let you people overlook some interesting facts that are now coming to the surface. Unfortunately, in the pit of entropy in Dharma's room it is impossible to locate the one piece of information I really wish to share with you today. I wanted it as specifically offered to us by a reader in Florida but we have mentioned it prior to this and it will surface one day as all items do, ultimately, in the sea of entropy. In fact, it is the LAW OF ENTROPY! Ah, indeed we miss Karen and her ability to bring order to this chaos occasionally!

As example of that which I wanted to present as an article for your confirmation, I will simply tell you that in the identical regular daily "Breakfast Briefing" column of The Orlando Sen­tinel was an article which included a run-by of happenings at various past times and reflected anniversary notations. I.e., on the proper date in reflection of an event in 1983 there was a no­tation regarding the downing of Korean Airlines Flight 007. In the tiny, brief couple of sentences it stated that the plane had been forced to land and I believe it stated that only 2 or at the most, 3 persons were killed and the rest of the passengers were taken to Russia. There was no fanfare in the article--just a notation of what happened on "this date in...." I told you that the passengers on that airline plane were being held in the Soviet Union--and they ARE! Now, proof is coming to the surface out of the entropy of lies fed to you-the-people. We will offer more on that in a minute.

As a better example of what I mean, I will offer another such column and I won't speak about it until after the paper is printed following that presentation. See what you SEE in the little blurb and whether or not you notice anything...!

The Orlando Sentinel, Sunday, December 12, 1993:

1839: Whig leader Leigh Read Killed Democratic leader Augusta Alston in a duel near Tallahassee. Read was assassinated two years later. The feud helped establish a multiparty political system in Florida and end the practice of dueling.

1901: The first radio signal to cross the Atlantic was picked up near St. John's, Newfoundland, by inventor Guglielmo Mar­coni.

1937: Japanese aircraft sank the U.S. gunboat Panay on China's Yangtze River. Japan apologized and paid $2.2 million in reparations.

1985: 248 American soldiers and eight crew members were killed when an Arrow Air charter crashed after takeoff from Gander, Newfoundland.


The following is a letter to Senator Slade Gorton and Senator Patty Murray FROM: John R. Prukop, Executive Director, Citi­zens for a Constitutional Washington,11910-c Meridian East, #142, Puyallup, Washington, Postal Zone: 98373/TDC. Phone: (206) 840-8071--FAX (206) 840-8074.

April 28, 1994

1. Congressman McDonald and the alleged shoot-down of KAL Flight 007.
2. Arrow Air, Inc. DC-8 Crash at Gander, Newfoundland.
3. Pan Am Flight 103 crash over Lockerbee, Scotland.
4. United States Government complicity in a multi-faceted cover-up.
5. Trading with the Enemy Act of October 6, 1917 [12 USCS 95a & 95b]

Dear Senator Gorton and Senator Murray:

Taking the above in their numbered sequence of order, I am in receipt of a FAX communication from a Mr. Jack T. Shindler, Vice President of the Thomas Company, 3890 Swenson, Suite #924, Las Vegas, Nevada 89119, which pur­ports that he has received reports from Ukrainian refugees in Canada that Korean Airlines Flight 007 DID NOT CRASH IN 1983 as reported by the media, but was instead forced to make a "water landing" and that the 269 passengers, the Korean pilots, and the United States Congressman Larry McDonald are being held captive in a Siberia prison camp. The FAX report indicated that Congressman McDonald is thin, but well, and goes on to indicate that some 175 other persons, primarily UNITED STATES MILITARY OFFICERS are also being held in this camp.

I received the FAX communication on January 19, 1994, but needed to acquire further data to confirm the report. Now, after reviewing other information concerning circumstances brought to bear from additional sources, I believe there is compelling evidence to suggest that the FAX communication I received in January is genuine. And if true, there is not one United States Senator or Representative, or American Citizen, that could not be subjected to the same fate, either through some ill-conceived covert operation gone wrong, or outright blackmail.

We have grave concern that internal or external components of the United States Government and a complicit news media have covered up the fate of those aboard KAL 007, in similar measure as to what occurred concerning the fatal plane crash in Gander, Newfoundland on December 12, 1985. This tragic crash claimed the lives of 248 men and women of the U.S. Army's 101st Airborne Division and the 8 crewmembers of the Arrow Air, Inc. charter airline carrying them.

As you may recall, the troops that died in that plane disaster were returning from a 6-month tour of duty in the Sinai Penin­sula as "peacekeeping forces" pursuant to the Camp David Ac­cords. The aircraft had departed Cairo, Egypt, the day before and made an intermediate refueling stop in Cologne, Germany, before flying on to Gander, Newfoundland. Shortly after 6 a.m. it was taking off in the predawn darkness for its final leg to Fort Campbell, the home base of the 101st Airborne Division. The plane was airborne only about 15-seconds when it crashed into a ravine a half mile from the runway. All 258 persons on board perished.

In the Newfoundland incident, an oversight hearing was conducted by the Subcommittee on Crime of the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives of the 101st Congress, Second Session, on December 4 and 5, 1990.
It is apparent from reviewing this 907 page document, including the "Dissenting Opinion" of the Canadian Government contained therein, of the inescapable conclusion that a massive cover-up has been perpetrated by those agencies of the United States Government with regard to the actual cause of the Gander, Newfoundland DC-8 plane crash. It is clearly apparent that the Canadian investigation was much more thorough than that of the United States, and that the aircraft did not crash because of purported ice contamination on the wings, this being only a the­oretical presumption. In fact, the majority adduced there was no evidence of ice on any of the aerodynamic surfaces of the Arrow Air DC-8, except for a small amount of an unheated edge of a windshield, which could not have affected the flight. Instead, the proof is conclusive that this aircraft suffered an in-flight explosion prior to impact, that the power to the engines was lost prior to the crash, and that an in-flight fire was observed emerging from the right side of the aircraft which, as further witnesses testified, because of the physical evidence at the crash site, could only have originated from within the cargo compartment. The conclusive evidence of the Canadian Government proves beyond any shadow of doubt that the Arrow Air DC-8 suffered "an in-flight fire that may have resulted from detonations of undetermined origin which brought about catastrophic systems failures".

This December, four years will have elapsed since the crash (sic) of the DC-8 at Gander, Newfoundland. How long, Sena­tors, must the American people wait before it is determined WHO placed the detonation device aboard the ill fated DC-8, and those responsible for the murders of 256 men and women? When will the perpetrators be brought to the bar of justice? What were the political ramifications of those persons returning from the Sinai Peninsula or perhaps the cargo or doc­uments aboard that aircraft that it was conceded by some bureaucrat to eliminate evidence of wrong doing?

In like manner, eleven years have elapsed since the crash of KAL-007 near Sakhalin Island which allegedly claimed the lives of 269 people, including several American Citizens and a United States Congressman. How long, Senators, must the American people wait before the true fate of those aboard is determined and if a cover-up has been perpetrated? When will those re­sponsible be brought to justice?

How many more death trails will be allowed to be continued and covered up by complicit elements attempting to hide the truth? Who were the real perpetrators of Pan Am Flight 103, which was blown out of the sky over Lockerbee, Scotland with several CIA operatives aboard, including U.S. Army General McKee and other military personnel, whom we know were coming back to the United States to testify against George Bush and the October Surprise--Iran/contra? What of the highly secret intelligence group called "Pegasus" that gave files on the CIA criminal activities from 1976 to 1982 to a member of the Joint Armed Services Committee, Congressman Larry McDonald? [See: Defrauding America by Rodney Stitch]. These files revealed corrupt activities by several U.S. presidents, federal officials, the CIA, and other members of Government. Who was Trenton Parker, and why did the CIA and the Justice De­partment sacrifice him in 1982? Was his incarceration to aid and abet, and protect an on-going government secret scheme called Operation Snow Cone, the CIA's identification for the several drug trafficking operations in Central and South Amer­ica, under which other covert drug operations were operated, such as Operation Watch Tower? Why was he kept in solitary confinement in a federal prison for four years...
to keep him from blowing the whistle to the media? Where is he now? I have seen the CIA confidential document showing Parker's ONI and CIA status, which is contained with the book Defrauding America. Trenton Parker stated that Congressman McDonald let it be known to the press that he was going to reveal the startling evidence upon his return from the Far East, showing that the CIA and certain high-ranking public officials were part of an operation responsible for drug trafficking into the United States since 1963 from Southeast Asia. Of course, McDonald boarded KAL Flight 007 for his trip to the Far East, that was allegedly shot down by the Soviets.
We now understand that the alleged "shoot down" was a fake, orchestrated by highly placed government officials both in the United States and the Soviet Union!
[H: Indeed, BOTH!]

It is truly abhorrent that the United States Government, or shadow components with it, in concert with known Communist nations have for years been fomenting violence and terrorism worldwide in the deceptive march toward a New World Order and the centralization of powers. While On the one hand the government makes its surface appearance that of a benevolent "big brother", the incontrovertible evidence proves conclusively that the United States Government has indeed been waging a declared war of immense proportions under the scope and purview of subsection (b) of Section 5 of the Trading with the Enemy Act of October 6, 1917. That act is presently codified at Title 12 USCS, Section 95b, to wit: "The actions, regulations, rules, licenses, orders and proclamations heretofore or hereafter taken, promulgated, made, or issued by the President of the United States or the Secretary of the Treasury since March 4, 1933, pursuant to the authority conferred by subsection (b) of section 5 of the Act of October 6, 1917, as amended [12 USCS Section 95a], are hereby approved and confirmed." (Mar. 9, 1933, C. 1, Title I, Section 1, 48 Stat. 1.)

It is quite clear from the foregoing that the American people are the declared enemy. And because of the declared state of "national emergency" under which America has labored for over sixty years, these broad Executive powers that have been delegated to the President have effectively placed the American people in abject slavery, by nationalizing the vital industries of this nation and removing the common law from our court sys­tem. Additionally, because of the war being waged against the American people, the Constitution for the United States of America has been effectively placed in a state of suspension, and as evidenced by Senate Report 93-549, dated November 19, 1973, the American people have lived under four declared state's of "national emergency" for the past 61 years, begin­ning March 9, 1933.

The Supreme Court once said, "It is not the function of gov­ernment to keep the Citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the Citizen to keep our government from falling into error". As such I hereby charge you to repeal Proclama­tions 2039 and 2040, and 12 USC 95(a) and 95(b), and re-es­tablish the Constitution for the United States of America to its rightful position in our government and to its rightful owners--WE, THE PEOPLE.

If there is any fiber of truth left within either of your capaci­ties as Americans FIRST, and as United States Senators second, I would urge both of you to Investigate the foregoing atrocities, and if you cannot or will not carry out the duties and actions re­quired of your oath of office, then please, tender your resigna­tion now so that another may take your place who is willing and/or able to do what you are incapable of doing. I remind you both, that under Article III, Section 3 of the CONSTITU­TION, "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort". Need we say more?

John R. Prukop

* * *
On the stationery is an interesting type of slogan: "Once you Know the Truth, the LAW will set you Free"!

Well, it's a good start, friends, but ONLY IF YOU ARE WILL­ING TO RECLAIM YOUR LAWS!

I could take the time to repeat and repeat the above referred-to stories and refresh your memories regarding the full circum­stances--however, we have covered it all in past journals and it is too much to allow time OR space. You readers are simply going to have to do your homework and catch up on those back issues of the journals. It is past time that we can continue to ei­ther badger you or do it for you.

At the moment I have far bigger "fish to fry" as we have several of "our own" in the net, holding in the "tank". I am about to the end of my patience with the politicians who continue to bar­gain and bribe over the truth about to be blasted all over the public waves. The bargaining going on with JUST Ronn Jack­son and "Treasurygate" Buckley is enough to make you toss your cookies--or perhaps "hang" some low-life-forms.

The Banking Committee, yesterday, raised the offered bribe to Buckley to $25 million. Frustration abounds as Mr. Buckley continues to tell them to "shove it". The negotiations are taking place, strangely enough, through Mr. Ronn Jackson--who has all the information, in detail, regarding INSLAW and PROMIS software, etc., AND THE WHOLE DIRTY BUSINESS. I ap­preciate good bargains and negotiations and it would seem, at the least, that we could rescue a few good citizens in the DEAL.

How about poor old Michael Riconosciuto? What about Jim Vassilos? What about Ray Renick? For some it is too late, as in "Casolaro", but what about the others scattered around, hid­ing in terror, or incarcerated to insure silence? There are so many as to astound you--and there are many in the unknown category so that no one is appealing for them and their freedom. How many have paid dearly, some with death, some just short of death but always with total loss of EVERYTHING. What of the Rodney Stiches, the Gary Weans, the E.J. Ekkers, the Red Beckmans, Eustace Mullinses, Stu Webbs, Russbachers, and on and on...?

You can, dear friends, build freedom on the foundation laid forth by these people walking the dangerous path before you. It means that you are going to have to pay attention and make your voices heard. I did not say "make your guns heard"--I said your voices. We are offering the CONTACT as THE "contact" source as funding comes. We have a promise of some support and the strength of participants who CAN BE ASSURED OF BEING HEARD. We are not talking about newsletter writers who have great interest in such as money-making adventures and good-sounding pious, born-again presentations to cause you to somehow "trust" them. YOU have a job to do and you must have a voice of freedom in information to which to turn--we are willing to be that resource, in the sharing with ones such as Prukop (above), etc. We will NOT, however, form demonstra­tions, be a "group" or align with any over another--this will be OPEN PRESS in information. Groups will have to find their own directions. HOWEVER, I CAN PROMISE YOU THAT IF ACTIONS IN THIS MOVE FOR FREEDOM AND RECLAMATION OF YOUR PEOPLE, NATION AND GLOBE IS AWAY FROM GOD--YOU WILL FAIL. I do not use the term religion for there is only bigotry in the very meaning of the sectarian, secular, term. I make it emphatic that the lies of "religious" man-laid doctrines will also perish in the recovering of freedom UNDER GOD. Spiritual TRUTH in and within the Laws of Lighted Source and the Laws of Universal Creation will be your guiding foundation--or, AGAIN, you will not survive!

It is a time of laying aside your ego status qualifications and of having a central outlet for your information network. Why here? Because, whether or not you like it, I and my crew are here to support you if your direction be toward freedom and God. IT IS MY MISSION! And, I can protect you--but not if you CHOOSE OTHERWISE. You have plenty of capable lead­ers among you IF you will but recognize them--and selves!
I, myself, have no need to be of consequence once you have your direction and your GOAL, in total clarity. You will come to understand and comprehend our various roles in this evolve­ment. Is it not better you start hearing the words of God rather than the opinions of MAN?


THU., MAY 5, 1994 8:31 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 262

THU., MAY 5, 1994

Yesterday I asked Dharma to duplicate work in the form of re­peating Prukop's letter to two senators. This is NOT "duplication", scribe, for the original was run in the paper and that left nothing on disc in this location. We will be having MORE on the crashes which have been covered-up and I needed the information in the computer to refer to later. I ask that it be well marked. We will be offering a LOT more on "McDonald" and his activities which were taking place that required his being "taken out". The "hostages" are exactly that, hostages, and soon the wondrous relationship between Russian Ukraine and the U.S. will burst open. Thank you for doing that which seems to have been a lot of wasted work.

All of you who were able to watch 48 HOURS last evening will still be in shock state
--I hope! It followed on after a program which also showed that 400,000 people have been slain within a period of a week, in Rwanda, Africa. This, in itself, is un­speakable, however, most of those dead bodies are being thrown directly into the river which in turn waters everything below the "tossing-in". You will have ramifications of those atrocities which will be a totally insane disaster--SOON.

I speak of that problem because of the rising tide of newly iden­tified and "again noticed" retroviruses springing up here and there and which are predominantly flowing from Africa, i.e., Eboli, E-Voli, Lamsa, etc. In the U.S. (and elsewhere but get­ting the most "play" in the U.S.) are the Hantavirus and that which is coccidiodial-type virus called Valley Fever. There is actually no known treatment for these viruses and it is expected that what AIDS doesn't get, of the populations intended for ex­tinction, these other dastardly fatal viruses shall. As with the Ebola retrovirus you have hideous and horrific terminal "hits". Unlike the HIV(s), the onset of massive illness is rather quickly presented. The disease symptoms are upper-respiratory and the virus is "airborne".

In Ebola infection the whole body becomes toxic and infective and is literally out of one of your far-out science-fiction stories. The body gets major headaches, fevers, the blood clots and then the clots are thrown into the system which then lodge in the brain, heart--everywhere. But, the resultant blood and serum separated will NOT CLOT AT ALL and will ooze bloody liquid virus streams from all openings (eyes, ears, nose, mouth, etc.) along with oozing through the actual pores in the skin. I warn you people
--this is man-tampered and it is intended to strike the world. AIDS was the onset of this LAST GREAT PLAGUE. I refer to the plague as a unit for you cannot separate out the ones you like and the ones you don't. These are retroviruses which are DNA "changed" and will mutate with EVERY HOST. You are seeing the cross-infections as DNA structures are made to accommodate and modify Tuberculosis (some strains are already totally untreatable) and then the recognized (even in children) diseases which always responded to antibiotics are now coming BACK in the systematic breakouts over and over again--showing up in children predominantly in the upper-respiratory system but very symptomatic in the EARS.

The Ebola is going to flood right out of the areas of Rwanda and Tanzania and it was planned to cause this great uprising which would be distracted by the voting in South Africa.

Please be aware that some of the names of the viruses are being presented. as to phonetic spelling for that too will be distraction as you ones don't know what to look for and E-Coli and E-Voli are so similar in sound but so deadly in difference. The media spouters will have absolutely no comprehension of any about which they chatter. We will do more on the disease AGAIN but I urge you to go back and get the journals wherein we have cov­ered a lot of these IN DEPTH. [THE LAST GREAT PLAGE UPON MAN: AIDS AND RELATED MURDER TOOLS, Journal #65 will serve to start to catch you up].

Pierre, from America East Publishers, has written to tell us that "someone" out of "back East" has called to tell him that George Green is trying to shut down the Gaia products. This is in­teresting for the story goes on regarding EARLY-on attacks by someone WORKING FOR Green who claimed damage of some sort from the "swamp water" Gaia "distributors" was offering. Samples of "something" were sent to Merkl (Crystal Life) for testing--and strangely enough--the mess was a conglomeration of Merkl's own product and, literally, contaminated WATER.

I am not going to get into this hassle here because I want it to be known here and NOW--Gaiandriana and AquaGaia and the other products such as chlorella and other tableted products as well as the Aloe(s) are not packaged or produced HERE! Fur­ther, they are in no way produced by New Gaia Source which is the specific entity NAMED. But, readers, beware--for when the hounds of Hell are cornered, they will try to pull EVERY­THING and EVERYONE down. There is nothing in any of the GAIA products that COULD hurt anyone at any time. The structure of the product itself is capable of total integration within your individual cellular structure--even to the cartilage offered.

This is, however, WHY WE DO NOT MASS MARKET ANY­THING! It is also why we disallow any reproduction of exact product ANYWHERE--we can be responsible for our OWN and no other.

With funding, which will be very soon now, a "plant" is going to be immediately constructed under full qualification for all production and a more monitorable resource will be available. We require meeting of ALL LAWS OF THE LAND as well as God's.

The thrust, of course, is to destroy source for these products. We note that even Merkl is constantly under threat of being shut-down (but he claimed "cure" and that is absurd ego-trip­ping). You will note ones such as Atkins who now just want to offer "Oxygen" therapy are in the process of being closed-down. Since NAFTA and Mexico's entry into the North American trade process--THE CLINICS WHICH ONCE OF­FERED HELP IN MEXICO ARE BEING RAPIDLY CLOSED. So be it.

This same holds true for the paper AND the journals as to publication or reprinting ANYWHERE--we have no control once plates or duplication are elsewhere. Just the idea of Pierre's contact who would translate, into other languages, the material--he would also, as presented, remove the date-lines and remove portions of articles and whole sections of spiritual reference. That is not only NOT "translation" but sets up everyone for compromise in the courts.

Until the "Big Brothers" of the New World Order get ready to present effective treatment, there won't be any REAL treatment through the medical channels. And, dear ones, stop thinking that such as Gaiandriana is a "cure-all" of some sort. It is an enhancement for the immune system--not an antibiotic of some type. We are not able to produce anything that will "cross" the Big Boys' plans. Can you help yourself? Yes, and just as was self-enhancement of systemic immune possibilities taken by Nostradamus--so too can you HELP yourselves--but, readers, it takes ongoing adherence to the substance during which time you will get bored and forgetful and finally, you won't want to "bother" and ultimately most people will fall by the wayside of their own health enhancement programs. The results of good immune systems is a build-up of same--not a "get a cold and hit it hard" type of response. When the body is as compromised and insulted as with these retroviruses, some who are diligent in their efforts will sometimes not "make it through". You want miracles and finger-snap responses and answers--it will not be so...the miracle is YOU and the products offered are only tools.

They are effective and responsive tools--but the population in great numbers are destined for extermination and these viruses are modified, mutated and PLANNED FOR THAT VERY PURPOSE AND ONCE LOOSED ON MANKIND WILL BE HORRENDOUS--JUST AS WITH AIDS. Over half the black population in Africa are NOW in active response to the HIV virus. The virus does little other than damage further the im­mune system and the opportunistic diseases do their own work! What can this mean? Well, in just the case of Rwanda and the dead bodies--at least 50% of those bodies are harboring active infection and become the housing sites of flies and mosquitos and other carriers who encounter these bodies. The Ebola comes right out of the area of Rwanda and Tanzania and will ride, the river flow into the reservoirs and lakes along the rivers now contaminated, and even into Lake Victoria.

Let us move from this subject and again discuss constitutions and world domination. We have offered the Newstates Consti­tution and we have stressed the PLAN and functioning in dis­tricts of both country and WORLD--however, here is a grand outlay of A CONSTITUTION FOR THE WORLD. The docu­ment sent to us from Florida can be obtained in reprint form the Committee to Restore the Constitution. However, portions of the full document are not offered and therefore we have no address. Only half of the article is presented here and the remainder is expected to be printed in June. We will effort to get that for you at that time. We will not, however, wait to present this material. I believe we can count on our "2x6" friend to send us the other half. He refers to himself as "2x6" because he said that somehow it took "more than a 2x4 to get his attention"!


Published by the Center for the Study of Democratic In­stitutions (1965) financed by the Fund for the Republic, a Ford Foundation Agency.

Formerly located in Santa Barbara, California, the Center appointed socialist-oriented University of Denver Chancellor Maurice B. Mitchell as new head and merged with the Aspen Institute, Aspen, Colorado [H: Check the Committee of 300 information.], a world government policy promotion agency. As­pen Institute Chairman is Robert 0. Anderson, chief executive officer, Atlantic Richfield Company; member, Committee for Economic Development (laid the ground-work for regional gov­ernment), and advisory board member, Institute for Interna­tional Education.
This is an initiative for a World Constitution launched in Cal­ifornia 20 December, 1993 as "Philadelphia II ", to qualify for 8 November 1994 general elections. [H: PAY ATTENTION AND GO BACK AND RE-READ THAT SENTENCE!] (See, "U.N. One World Government by Convention", page 6, March 1994 bulletin, Committee to Restore the Constitution).

The people of the earth having agreed that the advancement of man in spiritual excellence [H: Oh BARF!] and physical wel­fare [H: Oh BARF-BARF!] is the common goal of mankind; that universal peace is the prerequisite for the pursuit of that goal; that justice in turn is the prerequisite of peace, and peace and justice stand or fall together; that iniquity and war insepa­rable spring from the competitive anarchy of the national states; that therefore the age of nations must end, and the era of hu­manity begin; the governments of the nations have decided to order their separate sovereignties in one government of justice, to which they surrender their arms and to establish, as they do establish, the Constitution as the covenant and fundamental law of the Federal Republic of the World. [H: No, this is not a joke! This is the real potato(e)! Here is an excellent example of the way to discern TRUTH from a presentation from these anti-Christ One Worlders: Turn every statement they make into its total opposite--and you will find the truth within the opposite result. There is a conjured humorous "law" set forth by a Dr. Galumbos, an astrophysicist who has labeled a theory into The Law of the Bureaucracy which states: "If the bureaucracy states an intent and moves upon that intent toward a stated 'goal' the law is that they will produce the EXACT OPPOSITE of that which they de­scribe". It is worthy of note and attention and all productions from that resource should be measured by this LAW!]
A. The universal government of justice as covenanted and pledged in this Constitution is founded on the Rights of Man.

The principles underlying the Rights of Man are and shall be permanently stated in the Duty of everyone everywhere, whether a citizen sharing in the responsibilities and privileges of World Government or a ward and pupil of the World Common­wealth:

To serve with word and deed, and with productive labor according to his ability, the spiritual and physical advancement of the living and of those to come, as the common cause of all generations of men; to do unto others as he would like others to do unto him; to abstain from violence, except for the repulse of violence as commanded or granted under law.
B. In the context therefore of social duty and service, and in conformity with the unwritten law which philosophies and reli­gions alike called the Law of Nature and which the Republic of the World shall strive to see universally written and enforced by positive law: It shall be the right of everyone everywhere to claim and maintain for himself and his fellowmen: Release from the bondage of poverty and from the servitude and exploitation of labor, which rewards and security according to merit and needs; freedom of peaceful assembly and of association, in any creed or party or craft, within the pluralistic unity and purpose of the World Republic; protection of individuals and groups against subjugation and tyrannical rule, racial or national, doctrinal or cultural, with safeguards for the self-determination of minorities and dissenters; and any such other freedoms and franchises as are inherent in man's inalienable claims to life, liberty, and the dignity of the human person, and as the legisla­tors and judges of the World Republic shall express and specify.
C. The four elements of life--earth, water, air, energy--are the common property of the human race. The management and use of such portions thereof as are vested in or assigned to particular ownership, private or corporate or national or regional, of defi­nite or indefinite tenure, of individualist or collectivist economy, shall be subordinated in each and all cases to the interest of the common good.

1. The jurisdiction of the World Government as embodied in its organs of power shall extend to:

a. the control of the observance of the Constitution in all the component communities and territories of the Federal World Republic, which shall be indivisible and one;
b. the furtherance and progressive fulfillment of the Duties and Rights of Man in the spirit of the foregoing Declaration, with their specific enactment in such fields of federal and local relations as are described hereinafter (Art. 27 through 33);
c. the maintenance of peace; and to that end the enactment and promulgation of laws which shall be binding upon commu­nities and upon individuals as well,
d. the judgment and settlement of any conflicts among com­ponent units, with prohibition of recourse to interstate violence,
e. the supervision of and final decision on any alterations of boundaries between new states or unions thereof.
f. the supervision of and final decision on the forming of new states or unions thereof,
g. the administration of such territories as may still be im­mature for self-government, and the declaration in due time of their eligibility therefor,
h. the intervention in intrastate violence and violations of law which affect world peace and justice,
i. the organization and disposal of federal armed forces,
j. the limitation and control of weapons and of the domestic militias in the several component units of the World Republic;
k. The establishment, in addition to the Special Bodies listed hereinafter
(Art. 8 and 9) of such other agencies as may be conducive to the development of the earth's resources and to the advancement of physical and intellectual standards, with such advisory or initiating or arbitrating powers as shall be deter­mined by law;
l. The laying and collecting of federal taxes, and the estab­lishment of a plan and a budget for federal expenditures,
m. the administration of the World Bank and the establish­ment of suitable world fiscal agencies for the issue of money and creation and control of credit.
n. the regulation of commerce affected with federal interest,
o. the establishment, regulation, and, where necessary or desirable, the operation of means of transportation and communication which are the federal interest;
p. The supervision and approval of laws concerning emigra­tion and immigration and the movements of peoples,
q. the granting of federal passports;
r. The appropriation, under the right of eminent domain, of such private or public property as may be necessary for federal use, reasonable compensation being made therefor;
s. The legislation over and administration of the territory which shall be chosen as Federal District and of such other ter­ritories as may be entrusted directly to the Federal Government.

2. The powers not delegated to the World Government by this Constitution, and not prohibited by it to the several members of the Federal World Republic, shall be reserved to the several states or nations or unions thereof.

3. The sovereignty of the Federal Republic of the World resides in the people of the world. The primary powers of the World Government shall be vested in:

a. the Federal Convention,
b. the President
c. the Council and the Special Bodies,
d. the Grand Tribunal, the Supreme Court, and the Tribune of the People,
e. the Chamber of Guardians.

4. The Federal Convention shall consist of delegates elected di­rectly by the people of all states and nations, one delegate for each million of population or fraction thereof above one-half million, with the proviso that the people of any extant state,...ranging between 100,000 and 1,000,000, shall be enti­tled to elect one delegate, but any such state with a population below 100,000 shall be aggregated for federal electoral purposes to the electoral unit closest to its borders.

The delegates to the Federal Convention shall vote as individu­als, not as members of national or otherwise collective repre­sentations [except as specified hereinafter, Art. 46, paragraph 2, and Art. 47].

The Convention shall meet in May of every third year, for a session of thirty days.

5. The Federal Convention shall subdivide into nine Electoral Colleges according to the nine Societies of kindred nations and cultures, or Regions, wherefrom its members derive their pow­ers, such Regions being:

1. The continent of Europe and its islands outside the Russian area, together with the United Kingdom if the latter so decides, and with such overseas English--or French--or Cape Dutch-speaking communities of the British Commonwealth of Nations or the French Union as decide to associate (this whole area tentatively denominated Europa);
2. The United States of America, with the United Kingdom if the latter so decides, and such kindred communities of British, or Franco-British, or Dutch-British, or Irish civilization and lin­eage as decide to associate (Atlantis);
3. Russia, European and Asiatic with such East-Baltic or Slavic or South-Danubian nations as associate with Russia (Eurasia);
4. The Near and Middle East, with the states of North Africa, and Pakistan if the latter so decides (Afrasia);
5. Africa, south of the Sahara, with or without the South African Union as the latter may decide;
6. India, with Pakistan if the latter so decides;
7. China, Korea, Japan, with the associate archipelagoes of the North- and Mid-Pacific (Asia Major);
8. Indochina and Indonesia, with Pakistan if the latter so de­cides, and with such other Mid- and South-Pacific lands and is­lands as decide to associate (Austrasia);
9. The Western Hemisphere south of the United States (Columbia).

Each Electoral College shall nominate by secret ballot not more than three candidates, regardless of origin, for the office of President of the World Republic. The Federal Convention in plenary meeting, having selected by secret ballot a panel of three candidates from the lists submitted, shall elect by secret ballot one of the three as president, on a majority of two-thirds.

If three consecutive ballots have been indecisive, the candi­date with the smallest vote shall be eliminated and between the two remaining candidates a simple majority vote shall be deci­sive.

6. Each Electoral College shall then nominate by secret and proportional ballot twenty-seven candidates, originating from the respective Electoral Area or Region, for the World Council; with the proviso that one-third and not more than one-third of the nominees shall not be members of the Federal Convention; and the nine lists having been presented to the Federal Con­vention, the Federal Convention in plenary meeting shall select by secret and proportional ballot nine Councilmen from each list, with the same proviso as above.

The Federal Convention shall also elect by secret and proportional ballot, on nominations, prior to the opening of the Convention, by such organizations of world-wide importance and lawfully active in more than three Regions as shall be desig­nated [for the first election by the United Nations Assembly and subsequently] by the Council, eighteen additional members, re­gardless of origin; and the total membership of the World Coun­cil shall be thus ninety-nine.

7. The primary power to initiate and enact legislation for the Federal Republic of the World shall be vested in the Council.

The tenure of the Council shall be three years.

The Council shall elect its Chairman, for its whole tenure of three years.

Councilors shall be re-eligible.
8. Within the first three years of World Government the Council and the President shall establish three Special Bodies, namely:

a. A House of Nationalities and States, with representatives from each, for the safeguarding of local institutions and au­tonomies and the protection of minorities;
b. A Syndical or functional Senate, for the representation of syndicates and unions or occupational associations and any other corporate interests of transnational significance, as well as for mediation or arbitration in non-justifiable issues among such syndicates or unions or other corporate interests;
c. An Institute of Science, Education and Culture;

Each of the three bodies with such membership and tenures and consultative or preparatory powers as shall be established by law and with no prejudice to the establishment of other advisory or technical agencies in accordance with the purposes stated here­inbefore (Art. 1, k).

9. Within its first year the World Government shall establish a Special Body, to be named Planning Agency, of twenty-one members appointed by the President, subject to vetoes by two-thirds of the Council, for tenures of twelve years [except that the terms for the initial membership shall be staggered by lot, with one-third of it, seven members, ceasing from office and being replaced every fourth year].

It shall be the function of the Planning Agency to envisage the income of the Federal Government and to prepare programs and budgets for expenditures, both for current needs and for long-range improvements. These programs and budgets shall be submitted by the President, with his recommendations, to the Council, as provided hereinafter (Art. 13).

Plans for improvement of the world's physical facilities, either public or private, and for the productive exploitation of re­sources and inventions shall be submitted to the Agency or to such Development Authorities or regional subagencies as it may establish. The Agency shall pass judgment on the social useful­ness of such plans.

Members of the Planning Agency shall not be re-eligible nor shall they, during their tenure in the Agency, have membership in any other federal body.

10. The executive power, together with initiating power in fed­eral legislation, shall be vested in the President. His tenure shall be six years.

The President shall not have membership in the Council.

The President shall not be re-eligible. He shall not be eligi­ble to the Tribunate of the People until nine years have elapsed since the expiration of his term.

No two successive Presidents shall originate from the same Region.

11. The President shall appoint a Chancellor. The Chancellor, with the approval of the President, shall appoint the Cabinet.

The Chancellor shall act as the President's representative before the Council in the exercise of legislative initiative. The Chancellor and the Cabinet members shall have at any time the privilege of the floor before the Council.

But no Chancellor or Cabinet member shall have a vote or shall hold membership in the Council, nor, if he was a member of the Council at the moment of his executive appointment, shall he be entitled to resume his seat therein when leaving the execu­tive post unless he be re-elected at a subsequent Convention.

No one shall serve as Chancellor for more than six years, nor as Cabinet member for more than twelve, consecutive or not.

No three Cabinet members at any one time and no two successive Chancellors shall originate from the same Region.

The Council shall have power to interrogate the Chancellor and the Cabinet and to adopt resolutions on their policies.

The Chancellor and the Cabinet shall resign when the Presi­dent so decides or when a vote of no confidence by the absolute majority of fifty or more of the Council is confirmed by a sec­ond such vote; but no second vote shall be taken and held valid if less than three months have elapsed from the first.
12. The sessions of the Council, as well as those of the Grand Tribunal and the Supreme Court, shall be continuous, except for one yearly recess of not more than ten weeks or two such re­cesses of not more than five weeks each, as the body concerned may decide.

* * * * * * * *
We will conclude this presentation when it is available. Thank you. IF YOU DIDN'T FIND ANYTHING UPSETTING IN THE ABOVE, PLEASE GO BACK READ IT A FEW DOZEN TIMES.

I must remind you, readers, that if you lose your Constitutional RIGHTS as offered through the present Constitution, even though flawed--you are destined to the rule of Council in a New World Government. The rule you now serve is already insti­tuted--but UNLAWFULLY SO. I remind you that THIS goes beyond the NEWSTATES as projected for your own segment of territory--THIS WILL BE THE FINAL DEATH BLOW TO ANY HOPE OF FREEDOM AND IT IS SET FOR QUALIFI­CATION FOR THE 8 NOVEMBER 1994 GENERAL ELEC­TION!!