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제목: PJ#094, WINGING IT.....

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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#094, WINGING IT.....

    PJ 94

    SUN., MAY 1, 1994 9:28 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 258

    SUN., MAY 1, 1994

    The following is a transcription of a taped telephone call re­ceived yesterday, April 30, in the CONTACT office.

    It was requested by the calling party that the conversation be recorded with witnesses due to the inability to get "faxed" hard copy sent from his location--which is in prison in Carson City, Nevada. The calling party is Ronn Jackson with whom we are now all familiar and we believe him to have credible informa­tion in a DIRECT conduit.

    Since there are now other warnings of the same information aiming all the way from the West Coast (Northwest), I believe this should be the focus of our attention. I had already warned you of the intention contained within the message--two days ago--and was all but ignored by you in efforting to please your so-called "defense" attorney.
    I will tell you, further, that the "enemy camp" was already privy to the intention of Mr. Dickey to "dump you" as clients. By this I mean the ongoing cases regarding the Phoenix Institute. I be­lieve that point can also be verified by witnesses.

    These acts of "unconditional love" as being expressed against the Ekkers and the Institute are a bit overwhelming. Especially since it seems the unconditional love part of this B.S. is given to the adversary and to the very one who has received funds FOR Leon Fort and now claims he DID NOT. The endorsed and de­posited checks seem to make no impact on our "unconditional love" status.

    Does this all mean that "our" attorney, Mr. Dickey, is playing with the very enemy he claims to be serving you against? I won't answer that one FOR you--but the results are the same un­der any circumstances. I find that what is actually happening is that
    Mr. Dickey is terrified on two counts--one, because the cards are stacked against you by the thugs, court and opposing federal criminals, the other that he has been convinced you will not HAVE FUNDS TO PAY HIM ADEQUATELY. For what?
    So far there has not been even ONE evidence of anything posi­tive from him. Now, with all the time and money expended he says he wants "OUT" prior to the next hearing scheduled for next Thursday because Ekkers prefer to not go to Carson City?? And, that somehow "communications" have broken down and you don't fully "trust" him.

    It becomes evident that Mr. Dickey was not a good reader of CONTACT or he would have noted that there will be available several million dollars JUST FOR THESE LAW SUITS!

    Why all the focus on the destruction of the Ekkers? Because the ASSUMPTION is that it is through their being "taken out" that the CONTACT can be silenced. It is assumed that no further in­formation will be coming forth about the turncoat ("Judasgoat"--
    Mr. Gritz's favorite term for me) activities of Sir Gritz and his legions of immediate cohorts, Gary Anderson et al. As the rev­elations pour in from our writers WHO KNOW THE WHO'S WHO AND WHAT'S WHAT--THE STUFF IS IN THE FAN--AND IT IS GETTING IN THE FAN THROUGH THE NOW WORLD-RENOWNED CONTACT. CALLS FROM VERY HIGH-LEVEL "SUBJECTS" HAVE BEEN MADE TO THREATEN, DEAL, BRIBE, ETC., THE PARTIES IN­VOLVED IN THESE "REVELATIONS".

    At any rate the following is a transcription from the tape as re­ceived by Mr. Rick Martin at CONTACT yesterday, from Mr. Ronn Jackson. This is being transcribed to facilitate having "hard copy". Mr. Jackson will put the information to signed documentation as well but time being of the utmost importance he handled the warning in this manner:

    RM: Today is April 30, 1993 [Error in date of year in point. It was actually April 30, 1994].

    RM: Ok Ronn, go ahead....

    RJ: Hey, ah, you better record this, Rick, if you would.

    RM: Ok, hang on one second.

    RJ: Alright.

    RM: Ok, we're ready.

    RJ: Ok--I understand you, with some of your legal problems-­E.J. is having a court appearance in the State [Nevada], next week. The word is that they are gonna arrest him when he comes into the state.

    RM: Oh, is that right?

    RJ: I don't know how accurate it is but usually my source is pretty good! So, I would certainly look at it, and there might be a little conspiracy going on. Some people might be wanting to, you know, get a little heat off themselves and they might "roll over" on you if you're not careful.

    RM: I appreciate the warning.

    RJ: Ok, I thought you should know that. What's going on over there? Anything?

    RM: Let me turn the recorder off--hang on one second....

    * * * * * * * * * * *
    Alright now, nice people, in view of the above information from someone who is about as high in the "know" as anyone, coupled with at least two other warnings from entirely different loca­tions--WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU WERE EKKERS AND/OR THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE PHOENIX INSTITUTE? How would YOU feel if your attorney was re­signing if you didn't show up in Nevada? What would YOU do if he did in fact already have his withdrawal papers ready to file on Monday? What would YOU do under these circumstances when the "opposition" is indicating that Dickey, Dixon AND Tips were "working" with your enemy?? Well, if "God be with you, who can stand against you"? That is a nice "saying" but it is valid only if you ACT appropriately!

    The case in point was an Order to Show Cause as to why these notes of Green's should not be enforced and the books, which he holds hostage, returned. The trial itself is not set until Jan­uary 1995. The books, as such, because of the now outdated material (magazine type of dating) and all of the books would have to be rebound to remove America West's authority and property rights statements--could these certain RISKS be taken? There is so much valid and solid evidence available that the en­tire confrontation is totally absurd.


    How many of you STILL THINK you are in a "nice" world filled with loving people with "unconditional love"? These indi­viduals will cost everyone every cent they have
    --including them­selves--to destroy others (any and all others) to maintain their own lies, deceit and greed.

    You are told that "Well, we need Ekker to testify as to 'exactly' the circumstances of Green's notes, etc." Oh? Why? There ARE the valid NOTES all nicely dated and signed and to prove further the intent of the notes--check drafts made out to America West(s), Green, and thus and so--endorsed and DEPOSITED OR CASHED. What in the world would attorneys need? Un­less, of course, they are in cahoots with the enemy camp? And then to cry "no trust in me" is the epitome of the oxymoronic assumption that there are attorneys who would not lie or deceive. And WHY would this demand for attendance be forth­coming under threat less than a week prior to court hearing? There was never any intent of Ekkers going to Nevada for this hearing--and the attorney in point--KNEW IT.

    I'm reminding all of you who have participated in the Institute that if you fail to demand of the authorities in the State of Nevada to cause them to cease and desist with this garbage--perhaps we have to assume you wish to "lose". Ekkers have kept you covered safely within the laws and further steps are under way to INSURE security. This is one reason the opposi­tion needs to act this week--so that the Ekkers will be "away" and unable to finalize the documents. Well, I believe with this warning under way--we will make some arrangements for some kind of coverage by third parties
    --JUST IN CASE. Thank you, E. J.

    What will you do for an attorney? Well, I think that there will be at least one other who can see the case from, if nothing else, than the possible bank account. I would even suggest that Mr. Tips may well want to finally answer the incredible position in which he is bound by his own moral ethics. There is NO REA­SON he can't represent all of you and actually be In-House Counsel for the Institute. Mr. Green, through devious deceit, got Mr. Tips to attempt some actions in his behalf which were both unethical and actually enough to cost a lawyer his bar club ticket.

    The point is that a "corporation" is REQUIRED by the courts to have authorized legal counsel in good bar standing. So, what if you can't get a lawyer? Well, my, isn't that an interesting question? Indeed, I believe that if you ever FIND your original 13TH AMENDMENT and hang all the lawyers, judges and le­gal politicians--it will be a real interesting circumstance.

    So, who are involved in the action AGAINST Ekkers and the Institute? Luke Perry, George Green, Rod McBroom (Eleanor Schroepfer), George Abbott, Esq., David Horton, Esq. and Leon Fort. Of course George Green claims he has NOTHING to do with anything!

    Luke Perry's efforts have been thrown out of court for trying to get his stepmother's retirement money for himself. Rod McB­room is Eleanor's son who HAS NO CONNECTION TO ANYTHING but was proclaimed John's Conservator (unlawfully) and I will speak to this issue later, and, of course, Leon Fort who was supposed to be receiving his money as returned THROUGH HIS ATTORNEY, ABBOTT. Abbott certainly cashed, somehow, the checks from the Institute. Mr. Ab­bott has been disciplined by the Nevada Court AND the Bar Association for past indiscretions and an addiction to alcohol which brought disciplinary action. Is THIS the "unconditional LOVE" that requires total love and allegiance to the adversary and persecution to the truth-bearers? The Institute will make all loans "good" and was doing so in the case of Leon Fort--until THEY broke all the agreements and George Green scattered some information around which would be "criminal" in nature regarding the Institute--in his little "deceit packages"--sent to EVERYBODY. The "Wilmington Trust" statements COULD ONLY HAVE COME FROM ABBOTT OR FORT--DI­RECTLY TO GREEN.


    What else is the "scuttlebutt"? Who else, then? Well, the facts are now coming forth that Gary Anderson, for instance, made a "deal" with the Government Treasury Dept. and SPIKE courses are set up to get lists of names--and when trusts are set up, etc. they are watched and then the IRS swoops down like arresting buzzards. He was entangled with a bunch in an operation which might be referred as "Wolfgang", etc., and it seems that over $60 million (or billion, who knows?) was stolen somehow....

    Now, as to nice Mr. Gritz? The word out is that Gritz is in coalition with the IRS and other government strong-arms. It is told to us by others--we have no way to check on validity as of yet--but we are assured that validation is available that, for in­stance, it is planned that soon there will be special SPIKE train­ing sessions in Idaho. These would handle bunches of a hun­dred participants or so, we are told--and all will be arrested at the ending of the sessions so word won't leak out--but arrested none the less and then another 100 will be run through, etc. Is this true? Well, I won't comment on that aspect of this story--because after all, Gritz claims I am just a 9-1/2 foot lizard who looks like Doris Ekker. I certainly, then, would not wish to cause Doris Ekker any further problems. It is certainly insulting enough to be labeled as looking like a lizard--and as was already said by him (Gritz) to not be as easy on the eyes or as enter­taining as J.Z. Knight of Ramtha! It is also said it (Gritz et al.'s operation) is all working through a White Supremist bookstore which is somehow tangled up with a Mr. Flowers or some sim­ilar name. I believe there are other names which you would recognize, such as Gillespie, Anderson and so forth.

    I am reminded of my friend from out of state who used to share with you readers her Nostradamus information. Her initials were D.J.E. and she was "right on" every time. She did, in fact, write warnings to both Green and Gritz--at least two YEARS ago--
    that what they were doing would be "jail-time" activities. Those warnings were sent DIRECTLY from here to them. They both thought them to be "funny".

    I believe that my own attempt at "prophecy" in these particular instances is that "jail-time" is a foolish assumption as long as the serpents are in power--HOWEVER, when the citizens of this nation ACTUALLY get the drift of what is going on and WHO IS ACTUALLY DOING YOU IN--they may well WISH for simply "jail-time". To me, citizens, there is no greater traitor than him who claims GOD and NATION in FREEDOM at all costs--while having sold out to the demons themselves, the very brothers who trusted them. Is there no honor even among thieves? I guess not. Man has generally allowed himself to be­come unworthy of trust. GOD ALONE BEARS RIGHT OF TRUST AND FAITH--AND IT IS UP TO YOU TO DISCERN THE BRINGERS OF TRUTH. YOU HAD BEST TAKE ANOTHER LOOK AT THE REAL "LAWS OF GOD AND CRE­ATION".

    Let us leave this. At the meeting this afternoon we will discuss with the other Board members, and businesses which might be involved, this circumstance. I would appreciate any and all questions from those present regarding this writing while I am present to respond. Decisions, however, as to actions are going to be left, ultimately, up to YOU. I will offer any information which is AVAILABLE for your consideration--but I shall not now--or ever--act as a fortune-teller unless it involves
    the direct safety and security of my immediate workers! So be it.



    MON., MAY 2, 1994 10:01 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 259

    MON., MAY 2, 1994

    It's time to run through another chapter or two of each of our ongoing "Unending Stories". We'll begin the week with a bit of:

    by Ronn Jackson
    Customs at "LAX" [Airport] were like anywhere, the gov­ernment employees were slow, rude, and could not handle au­thority. I know it sounds as though I'm being cynical, but it is justified. I had spent almost three hours telling the agent in charge where I had purchased my shoes and clothing and then an additional hour was spent convincing the supervisor of the same thing.

    I had finally gotten as far as getting outside and into a cab. I told the cab driver to take me to Santa Fe Springs and then set­tled in for a long ride. I had to pick up a suitcase from a "locker" and that would close the current project. My instruc­tions said to ship the suitcase airport to airport. That was un­usual for normally I was required to deliver such objects. I thought to myself that in this instance the suitcase must be just regular luggage.

    I was going to get some rest, I promised myself, when this last phase of the project was completed. A month, maybe more. I had not enjoyed my trip to the Far East at all. Tokyo was as bad as New York City. At least I was a head length taller than most people there and could see where I was going but everybody else could also see where I was going. I was not able to speak the language and thus communications problems continu­ally slowed me.

    I found myself curious about the two people I had just as­sisted with a one-way trip to Hell. One American and one Japanese, or Oriental. I really didn't know for sure and couldn't tell. They all looked the same to me. Oops, that last statement sounded racist and that is unintended for I'm sure that most "whites" look the same to every other race. Both of the men in point were middle-aged and had probably also had families. They were both on the wrong side of "Uncle". That re­minded me that I had taken their personal papers out of their wallets and put them on a metal clip in my briefcase. I smiled and thought that if you want to hide something, put it right in plain sight. That customs officer, who just missed everything important, probably still lived at home with his Mother.

    When the driver turned around and pulled up to the bus ter­minal I told him to wait. He started to object but when I handed him a hundred-dollar bill he told me to take my time. The suit­case was heavy and as I returned to the cab I told the driver to take me to the Orange County Airport. I simply didn't feel like dealing with the traffic by returning to "LAX". I had only been in Los Angeles for some seven hours and that was at least six and a half hours too long to suit me.

    The agent in the terminal handed me the claim check and I paid the fee to ship the luggage to Dulles and that placed the re­sponsibility onto someone else. I was happy to be finished with it.

    I made the call, telling of the completion of the project. I said that I planned to be out of circulation for a month. There was a throat clearing on the other end of the line and my Em­ployer asked, which somehow surprised me, if I would mind delaying my R & R for a few days. When you work for some­one else you like to "think" you have some control but this defi­nitely sounded like a request. So much for instant holiday.

    I was instructed to go to O'Hare Airport where a package would be waiting for me at "Will-Call". So I cashed in my ticket in hand and told the agent in charge to get me to Chicago and I needed to be there overnight. Well, some six stops later, at three in the wee hours of the morning, I could see through the small window the Windy City skyline in the distance coming up to meet the plane.

    The package contained a manila folder. I removed it and laid the cover over. Staring me in the face was a picture of a young girl. It was my guess that she was only about eighteen years old. The glossy photograph was the same kind as you get when you are senior in high school. She was nice looking and I sud­denly had a very sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. I was sitting in the coffee shop having coffee and a roll and I noted that my coffee was starting to come up into my throat. I took a bite of the Danish roll in front of me. I was having difficulty swallowing so I tried to wash it all down with a gulp of water. I paused and then turned the page to read the instructions.

    She, we'll call her Jane for identification only. She was the daughter of a very high level elected official--and she was missing. Foul-play was highly likely. Several large rewards were offered for information about her. I remembered having read about her in the papers. I was now curious and turned to the next page when the full realization of what I was reading hit me. I was to find her. The last paragraph said it all: her father was being groomed for the highest elective office in the land. There was no further information.

    OK, an Albert Einstein I'm not! I had to refocus on exactly what I was being told to do. I realized my assignment was this young kid whose daddy was being groomed, or being placed, into contention of President. My orders were clear--the daugh­ter was IN THE WAY. She would cause some kind of embar­rassment, it appeared, and all I could think of at the time was that this definitely involved incest.
    I knew that I had not been brought in and involved because she skipped school or ran away from home.

    My temper started to boil. Even I drew the line. I may not be squeaky clean but it was well beyond my ability to compre­hend how these people could think like this. My Employer was obviously no better, as far as I could see. To me, the father was one sick individual and some mistake made years before, if this was the case, was not justification--to my way of thinking. The father should be inside a tall fence or pushing up daisies. How could the so-called LEADERS think like they do?

    I had to assume that everybody and their uncle were looking for this girl.
    I wondered why my own Employer would bring me into something like this. I realized there were reasons but I doubted I would agree with them. I knew that I was correct in my conclusions and I knew for sure that the very first order of business was to find this kid. All I had to do was to figure out how to start.

    As I drove to that particular section of town, I stopped off in a liquor store and bought a Sun Times. I visited with a clerk and found out the price range of houses within the area. He sug­gested I check with a bank which was only a couple of blocks down the street. I drove to it, went inside and asked for the Manager. The people were gracious and I was asked to have a seat. In a few minutes a very attractive lady walked up to me and introduced herself as she invited me into her office. I re­member thinking they didn't make Bank Managers like they used to.

    I "cuffed" it pretty well and explained to her that I was mov­ing to the area and that I was a single parent. I asked her about high schools and then when I mentioned the price range for housing in which I was interested, the names poured out of her. It just happened that one of the names mentioned matched. I then requested a cash advance against one of my credit cards to add a little legitimacy to my cover. She obliged and soon I was headed towards a Real Estate office. She had called in advance to tell them to expect me. The RE agent was very friendly and likewise talkative.
    I knew the entire history of Illinois, as well as the Chicago area, in less than two hours.
    I was then shown through several homes which I claimed were "just not quite right".
    I broke loose finally and was again on my way--I had had enough of that sales person.

    My next stop was the school the young lady had attended. I spoke with the Principal and, after several interruptions, I told him that I was an insurance underwriter who was on assignment studying methods which would better protect our children. He started talking and the girl was mentioned. I picked up on that. "Out of the mouths of babes," I said and requested to speak to a couple of the girl's friends. I followed-on with a bit on how our children are overlooked as far as input and ideas and, to my surprise, the Principal agreed with me.

    I talked to the two young ladies who were close friends of Jane. I found out about some of her likes and dislikes, about her hobbies, what interests she had on specific subjects and so on. As I walked back to my car I had to admit to myself that foul play from some other source certainly could have hap­pened. With all the heavy-weights and the clout of the father I was sure something would have turned up.

    The bank was in view and, since I was at an impasse, I de­cided to take the evening off, have a few drinks--and, frankly, I had the Bank Manager on my mind. My, she turned out to not be at all what I might have expected from a "financial officer"-- life is just full of pleasant surprises!

    The following morning, after the good-byes were said, I was going through the folder again. I had the basic information only and it was difficult for me to imagine what a kid that age would do. Some grew up at a much faster pace than others and this young lady may well have done so to simply survive. Her frame of mind could have pushed her to do any number of things. If what I suspected to have happened was indeed true she might well be halfway around the globe at the moment. I had eliminated some actions such as going to a friend or rela­tive. I was sure those contacts would have been checked many times. I did consider the possibility of a friend being found who might live some distance from the girl's home. The information on the politician was minimal so I decided to make a few in­quiries through some my own sources.

    The information turned out to be a lot easier to obtain than I had hoped. The law-maker had a summer home in Florida as well as having two sets of parents who were from an adjacent state. Both were still living. There didn't seem to be many outstanding family problems but I wasn't an expert on families. The town was about a hundred and fifty miles and I decided to take a drive. Maybe I could pick up something that somebody else might have missed. Perhaps not knowing everything or very much, actually, of anything about finding someone is not necessary--that way you don't overlook so many of the obvious clues.

    I paid for several more night's lodging and headed out. The town was a bit closer than I had first calculated but the traffic on the roads was really bad. I thought of California. There was method to their madness--there wasn't enough room to have any method on these roads.

    How would a kid of her age think? If she would go to her grandparents' home you would be sure the parents would be called right off, the first thing--at least that is what "should" happen. That is, of course, if there are no family problems--and none were noted. If there was any kind of rift surely someone would know about it. It would be in black and white some­where. This was probably a waste of time.

    The suit I was wearing had only been worn once, in Japan. I decided I looked presentable. As I approached the first house an elderly couple saw me. I could tell that they thought they knew me or who or what I was. The gentleman started talking and he said that they still had not heard a word. I talked with them for a few minutes and for some reason they had a chip on their shoulders--or a whole pile of chiplets. Maybe they just didn't like law enforcement people. Maybe they were simply intimidated. What I did know was that something was definitely NOT right with our conversation. When I left I felt both sets of eyes on me. They knew a whole lot more than they were telling.

    I drove then to the other "parent's" home. I received about the same reception but there was a difference. I was convinced that these particular grandparents didn't know anything. These were the parents of the father; I was also convinced that the mother's parents knew a whole lot more.

    I drove back in the direction of the mother's parents. I pulled off into a drive-in and had a sandwich and coffee. When I drove by their home I noted that the car was gone. I thought they might have just gone shopping or something.

    It was decision time. I could wait around and follow my hunches or go on back, pick up my clothes and return and watch them.

    As I was stopped at a light near their home I noted the grand­father drive by, pulling an empty U-Haul trailer. I think my question was answered for me. Where they were going or who with, I had a feeling it was because of my visit.

    I had noticed that the grandfather had looked over the car I was driving so immediately I went to a phone and located an­other agency in the rental chain so that I could get another car. I located a nearby outlet and requested an exchange and asked that the paperwork be ready for me.

    After picking up the other car I drove past the home of the mother's parents. There was no time being wasted as the trailer was almost loaded and ready for a cover. There was a tarp laying beside the trailer and it appeared they were going on an extended visit to somewhere. I looked at my own gas gage and thought, "I'm ready when you are".

    I followed them into a shopping center where they parked at the rear of one of the lots. Only the man got out of the car. He walked directly into a drug store. Shortly he came out again and was carrying a cooler. He stopped by an ice vending machine where he filled the cooler. He brought the cooler back to his car and after a short conversation with the other person he left the car again, this time heading for a super market. In just a few minutes he came out of the market with a full sack--they were traveling.

    They headed towards Chicago. That was unexpected. Then they took a by-pass and headed south. I had set a quarter-mile distance between us but decided to close it up a bit so I wouldn't run the risk of getting separated. As I drew closer I could swear that I saw a third head through the rear window. I closed the distance further to about ten car lengths and pulled over into the left lane. As the car in front of me passed them I could see an­other passenger--there were three in that car.

    Florida! That had to be it. People are creatures of habit and at these people's age, they would go to where they were most comfortable and would know their way around. I took the next turn-off and headed on back to my motel. They had several hours to be on the road. I would get any necessary information on the other end in the morning.

    The "Banker" responded and came right on over to my place--she was glad to see me. I like being wanted and the feelings were quite mutual. It was interesting to note, however, that she left quite early which caused me to wonder if there was a husband--well, no matter.

    In response to some earlier placed calls--my contacts were back to me with information: Grandpa and Grandma had a summer home....

    I was at O'Hare early. There were no problems with a flight and as I boarded the plane I figured that the travelers would be somewhere in Tennessee at the time. I knew that they would be traveling route seventy-five and realized that I had plenty of time to get to our destination first.

    After I located the vacation home I sat and did a bit of calcu­lating and decided that they would be arriving sometime between three to five in the afternoon. I had to figure-in possible additional travel time due to their age as they might be a bit slower than younger drivers. I realized that I could be off by hours but I was certain that they were on their way.

    I puttered around for a while, watching some kids playing volley ball on the beach. I got myself a large bag of popcorn and fed the gulls and waited. I always complain about the waiting, but it's needed and it gives me a chance to get my head straightened on a bit more squarely as I make plans.

    I had purchased some tan slacks and a hat. Seeing a meter-man pass by had given me the idea. It made be blend in a little better--at least I felt less conspicuous.

    I had no difficulty in getting into the house after which I sat down on their couch to wait some more. I was counting on them driving straight home and surely enough, two hours later all three came through the door. People do not think clearly in times of crisis and it is human nature to put distance between your problems and yourself. That reaction really doesn't help anything and so often it creates a new set of problems instead. Their motive in this case was their granddaughter and it was understandable. I liked these people.

    When they saw me all three were in a state of shock and I think a little disappointed. I'm sure they thought they had been careful enough to have no one follow. I immediately held up both hands in an effort to show them that I meant no harm and since I had gotten up when they arrived, I sat back down on the couch. I was afraid that if I walked around that they would think my actions were somehow hostile. I needed to get their confidence immediately. I assured them that I meant no harm and said that their location was safe with me. I also told them that what I did, however, was what others could and would also do.

    All three people relaxed a little but tensions remained high and I told them that
    I was there to help. I also told them that others very definitely did not have the same plans in mind. I had no way to know as much for certain but if I had anything to say about it, no one was coming anywhere near any one of these three. Since I really didn't know what the "other side" was do­ing, however, I had to assume that at any time a car could pull up and we would really have a situation on our hands. I told them that my information was very limited and that I required the whole story. I identified myself as a person attached to the government. I watched their reaction and quickly added that I didn't like the people who had been hounding them any more than they did.

    Although I still didn't get all of the details, my earlier conclu­sions became confirmed. I knew that it was only a matter of time before someone would "get lucky" as had I and no one was safe where we were at the moment--a change of location was immediately mandatory.

    I told them about a place I owned in Grand Cayman. I had acquired it a couple of years ago and used it as a hide-away. My only concern was that if I sent them to that place and they were discovered--then I would be personally involved. It had its risks but I didn't mention that to them; they already had enough to worry about.

    We unloaded their vehicle and trailer into the house except for the essentials they would have to have which were loaded quickly into my own vehicle. I then drove to a seaport which I had noted earlier, and rented a plane. We then loaded their possessions onto the plane and immediately departed. I breathed a real sigh of relief as I looked back over my shoulder and found nothing following for I had a feeling that others were close.

    When we arrived at my place I opened the house and walked through, opening windows as we went. I gave them all of a ten-second tour and then told them to make themselves comfortable. I showed them an old station wagon in the garage and then went on into town to pick up supplies and also to connect the phone so we could have some mode of communications after I would leave.

    I was gone for a couple of hours and when I returned they had changed clothes and seemed fine. The granddaughter was lying on the couch sleeping. The grandmother gave me a hug and thanked me profusely. She and her husband were consider­ably more relaxed.

    We went into the kitchen and I put on some coffee. While the granddaughter was asleep was a good time to talk. The grandfather asked what I had in mind and, to be honest, my only concern had been to get them to a place of safety. I told them I was in the same boat as they were.

    We all worked at putting away the supplies I had brought and then we sat down to visit a bit. The grandfather told me that after I had gone the prior day back in Illinois, he had somehow known that I would be back. They had immediately made their plans to move south right after my departure.

    He asked me who I worked for and I hesitated for a minute, considering what I should tell them. We had come this far, however, and I felt I had their confidence and
    I felt it unneces­sary to be at all dishonest with them. The entire set of circum­stances might be too much to handle though, so I gave them a general overview while leaving out the more grim parts. The grandfather stopped me and accused me of "dancing" all around ,whatever it was I was trying to say--or not say--as the case might be. He saw through me quite clearly. I cleared my throat and said, "Your son-in-law is being groomed for the Presidency and my job was to eliminate any possible embarrassment
    --on a permanent basis". I noticed them both looking behind me. Their granddaughter was standing in the doorway. She walked on over to the table in front of me and sat down, looked me straight in the face and asked whether if it had been her father that had sent me. I responded that no, it was the people who did her father's thinking for him. I then added that I was sure he was aware of their decision, however, and would have played a major part in the final decision. I am not good at lying to chil­dren.... (060220)

    AUTHOR'S NOTE: I returned to Chicago the following day and reported in. I advised my Employer that my task was com­plete and that I was not interested in my regular fee and that I expected to be compensated for services performed. He hesi­tated for a minute and I interjected that I expected my package to be ready first thing the following morning and if those Washington Pukes didn't like it to tell each and every one of them I would be in town the following afternoon. He told me to please relax and that he understood what I was saying. I did not receive a package--it was a briefcase.

    I set about getting her totally new identification. I took the young lady to California and had facial reconstruction.

    The grandparents returned to their own home where I main­tained daily contact with them.

    After much discussion, we settled the girl in Racine, Wisconsin so that she would be near the grandparents.

    I watched over her for several years and she later married. Un­fortunately the marriage didn't work out very well and I moved her again to the Caribbean. She then married a friend of mine and now has a nice family of her own.

    Both of the grandparents are now deceased. The NBC show, DATELINE, has in writing, her offer, made through me, to tell her story. Almost everyone who reads this story will know or suspect who her father is. The television show has not re­sponded.

    * * *
    No, it is not a pretty world, readers--however, sometimes even GOD can find something which allows a smile. It is those "smiles" which should assure you that it is not wise to JUDGE another!


  2. #4
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#094, WINGING IT.....

    PJ 94


    MON., MAY 2, 1994 3:03 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 259

    MON., MAY 2, 1994
    Dharma's fingers are frozen into cataleptic seizure as we pro­cess the latest casual statement from Ronn Jackson to Rick Mar­tin: "Rick, would you know someone I can have for a 'ghost' writer? I have so much material that is so hot it needs printing right now--and I just can't get to it all...." I think you readers can probably discern what might be passing through the brain-waves of this "ghost" writer present at this keyboard!?! We'll just leave her dangle for a while....

    by Ronn Jackson
    Many times you will read about what I call a Contact. Al­though it is not prudent to mention names, with their permission I will tell you something about them. We all have a circle of people we call friends. I do not speak about people who we just know or are acquaintances--I mean "friends". If, further, you are like me you can count your close "friends" by using fingers on no more than possibly both hands. If more, you are very fortunate. It requires a lifetime to develop these friends and you are very careful to guard and protect them. As always, the testing really comes when you are in need. That position can run in both directions. It boils down to how you handle the circumstance and/or other situations which might arise. I do not here refer simply in terms of money, but what you are able to do. The decision is unqualified and when you are with these friends these attitudes are reflected in your conversations and your feelings. You don't talk about those feelings but, none the less, they are there. If your circle is like mine, you talk about things with which you are familiar, i.e., your jobs, situations encountered in performance of those jobs and always, the expe­riences while performing same. There doesn't seem to be time for anything else.

    I am reminded of one of those situations where I was with one of these friends for an evening. We were in excellent hu­mor and were enjoying some laughter, a few drinks and good conversation. Our topic for the evening focused around "Big Floyd". That term will mean little to you at this point but it is a name that is used by many to describe the Federal Bureau of Investigation's computer system. We usually laugh when the term is used in your presence for the above mentioned system is one of the biggest jokes ever perpetrated onto the American public. If the money that has been spent on that incredibly archaic and out-dated system had been used for the homeless people, every single person in that category would be off the streets and well tended for years. The worst thing about the junk is that money continues to be poured into it and that-part is not a joke.

    For the past several years one of the members of our "group" has taken it upon himself to monitor all of us electronically--it would be one of those CYA sort of situations. One day, in fact, that particular person was checking himself out on that system to which I am referring and found that several erroneous additions had been made. He had, in fact, been living off-shore for sev­eral years which was not reflected so he set forth to make cor­rections. First he erased the entire file which meant that anyone with his name or initials was no longer on record with the' FBI. Next, by taking down the code entered on his records he was able to trace, right through their security section, the person who had entered the incorrect data. He next ran a background check on that person who ended up being an employee whose job was specifically restricted to entering data--just doing the bidding of someone higher-up.

    My friend knew this was not something personal with the employee and was not upset with him but his supervisors were an entirely different matter. He had to qualify his thinking about the operator by knowing that he was a typical American just blindly following orders without thinking about consequences. There comes a time, however, when the facts of such actions should be brought to attention no matter what the worker-level might be. There comes a time to remind these government nerds who they are and for whom they are suppos­edly working. Our man, through the security section of the computer system, determined the "log-on" routine of the opera­tor. He also found his name which indicated he was of Hispanic origin. He then added a small sub-routine to the log-on proce­dure so that when the operator typed in his entire procedure, the following message appeared: "Do you know the first five words of the Mexican National Anthem?" Following the caption came the following instructions, "Press return to continue." When the return was pressed the following message came up on the screen: "Thank you for shopping K-Mart". That message cleared itself and the next message appeared, "Mr. or Senior Gonzales, it is not my intent to be racist.
    I used the message to bring to your attention errors on my record where there are several entries which are incorrect. If you entered that false infor­mation I do realize that you were instructed to do so by others. However, you do have a responsibility to yourself and to your country to report this practice for it is unlawful. The Constitu­tion guarantees me certain rights and with you blindly following orders you are as guilty of violating my rights as much as the person who gave you those instructions. I consider your actions as a prelude to 1984 and suggest that you call your supervisor. He or she should be aware that someone is watching over "Big Brother" and will circumvent your every move--checkmate". At the end of the message was a second routine placing the entire item into a loop.

    Although you would never have heard about this occurrence I can assure you that the entire computer system was non-opera­tional for thirty-six hours--as planned. The following week a request came out for a new security system.

    In George Orwells' book, 1984, Big Brother was not installed in one day nor did it require the flipping of a switch to put it into operation. If we, as a people, continue to send these airheads to Washington we will be as guilty of bringing on our self-destruc­tion as are those we stupidly choose to lead us.

    * * * * *
    My friendly reporter was with me and I had gotten used to having her around. We were now getting ready to take her to the airport to return to her job duties. We had collected all of her notes that she had written over the period of the prior three days and as she tried to get them all into her briefcase only about half of them would fit. Then she decided it wasn't such a good idea to carry them with her and I put them into a locked file drawer. She asked if it would be alright to bring a camera­man back with her and I said the same rules still apply. She agreed. My men were coming in today and I told her that I had not discussed any of my plans with any of my men so would let her know about the camera. As we were leaving one of the guys walked in and she spoke with him for a while. As we moved to go he asked for her autograph.

    I had already taken her by her own hotel and picked up her things and then as I walked her down the long concourse she was still in the "questioning" mode. We continued to converse for a few more minutes and since time was getting very short I had to remind her that, after all, she would be back in two days and we could pick up the story where we were leaving off with it.

    When I arrived back at the office three more of the men had arrived. The other five all arrived within the next half hour. There was no use in putting things off so I dove right into what we were going to do. As I looked around the room at the faces staring back at me, the expressions said it all--they thought I was crazy.

    Part of my agreement with the President was that I would have available to me the resources of the United States. I wasn't sure what that meant but it sounded pretty good to me. I had requested the full use of the firing range at Nellis Air Force Base because all of the men would need some indoctrination on several weapons and since we were going to be on a tight schedule I wanted to get this part of the project out of the way.

    I had arranged for living quarters and I would take them through one step at a time. I had many things to accomplish in a brief few days so I set it up so they would come in each morning and after we would have a short briefing they would leave from my place and go directly to the firing range. My agreement with them was rather complicated and all they were interested in was the end results. In return for these services each of the men would receive a home as payment. There was a top price for each to be considered so I acquired a real estate person to do the work required. Each evening she took the men out to look at houses. Several decided on a model of a condominium at one location and that saved quite a bit of time so by the end of the week the men had completed their training and all nine had a nice home in escrow.

    We ran into a few problems but managed to work them out pretty well. The men all seemed to be getting along very well and that was good for we did NOT need dissention within our ranks.

    The men had purchased new wardrobes and several pieces required for our operation in progress. The reporter had re­turned and she was taping the entire operation. She had also tried her own hand at the weapons range and had done quite well.

    It was almost time for her to go back East for her weekly show. She had agreed to go with me and the men to a sort of last-night-in-town fling. I asked the men to be on their very best behavior so if anyone felt like punching someone out--to please save it as their energy could be better utilized where we were going than in a barroom brawl.

    Finally we were on our way. Our first stop would be in Georgia. I wanted the men to become totally familiar with a couple of pieces of weaponry and the military facility in Georgia was set up for such training. It would do all of us some good to get a bit of a change of scenery. I was referring to the "Southern Belles", you have to understand. Well, that nice idea came to a screeching halt--the petty prejudice still existed no matter what you hear--and the next two days passed at a very slow pace. The next stop would be Miami.

    Prior to heading to the Caribbean, we stopped at Homestead Air Force Base. Our schedule called for two weeks. Support personnel would be joining us. I wondered what the reaction was going to be when the Air Force saw the Navy's finest on their base. Perhaps it might be interesting.

    An Air Force bus picked us up and a cute little airman, I should say "Airwoman" was driving. The way she could handle traffic allowed me to believe she should have been a semi-­driver--well, perhaps she was. Gosh, when I had been in the service it was surely different. We had an NCO Club with weights, one pool table and three-two beer. One of the men re­minded me that we were "uptown" now--and I just reminded them that these people were officers and gentlemen and to refer any problems to me.

    AUTHOR'S NOTE: My friends, to whom I refer throughout this book as a "contact" have put together a computer center. If I were required to wait for information through normal channels I would still be on projects that were completed years ago. No red tape, no bureaucracy, no false and/or misleading informa­tion and many times their information SAVED MY LIFE.

    * * * * *
    Dharma, I realize that this is a very short chapter but the print is so faint as to be all but impossible to decipher so I believe that your eyes have had enough for this afternoon. Thank you and good evening.


    TUE., MAY 3, 1994 9:11 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 260

    TUE., MAY 3, 1994

    Since this seems to be the highlight of your reading pleasure at the moment, we need to discuss the contributions of our guest authors and journalists. At the present time that includes Gary Wean, Rodney Stich, Don Stewart, Ronn Jackson and Michael Piper. It will, and does, include others but these five are getting the largest direct input from their already scribed volumes of work. We now have an additional situation which presents itself and that includes pertinent correspondence from them--sometimes personal, sometimes commentary--but equally as impor­tant or entertaining, or more so due to current nature of dated communications and the staff, who is already buried, has great difficulty in placing identification on the documents when putting them to computer disk. Absolutely, it is impossible for Dharma to place identifications on the disks for she is not ap­prized of that which we will write--until it is written.

    For you who must handle this information and will need to pull it up LATER for another VOLUME, or more, of each partici­pant's, work for publication, I ask for input. Until you have a schedule worked out I have asked Dharma to mark each entry, and as with this example today, which is a copy of his 5/2/94 letter, we will mark it as correspondence or "other" doc­umentation--as distinguished from published work, part 1, 2, etc. We will, as example, mark today's Part 1 "OTHER" for Jackson. You will, further, need to consult and inform us of how you wish to handle information from his newsletters and perhaps that can also be handled as "other"?? As he writes on personalities and situations pertinent to that which we are run­ning regularly, we need it here--and the readers must have it--but there is absolutely NO NEED FOR DUPLICATION OF WORK--there is TOO much already.

    I thank you, readers, for allowing Dharma to simply present all work EXACTLY as it comes--errors, abbreviations and all for we are truly SWAMPED and drowning in the load. Soon we will be able to afford additional help so keep eyes and ears open for exceptional editors who are willing to do it "OUR" WAY and not according to the mores of the grammar school teacher. Our intent is to as nearly as is possible duplicate work--not rewrite it! THE PAPER AND JOURNALS MUST CONTAIN NO LIABILITIES AS PERTAINS TO "ANOTHER'S" WORK. NONE! MY COMMENTS, AS WELL AS THOSE OF ANY OTHER PARTY--MUST BE CLEARLY MARKED AND IF SOMETHING IS CHANGED IN ANY WAY --DISCLOSE IT. WE WANT TO STAY IN PUBLICATION AND THAT WILL HAPPEN ONLY AS LONG AS WE FOLLOW PROPER ACTIONS AND GUIDELINES. THANK YOU.
    I ask that the correspondence of yesterday (5/2/94), from Ronn Jackson to CONTACT, please be printed [Editors note: It follows in this writing]. He is going through the "journals" and has comments to which I want all readers to have access. If you have no confirmation of the credibility of my work, or another's, you have missed the value in the exercise. Sometimes I will have made comments that are confusing or, at times, in­valid, for my use of information has ALWAYS been with full intention of utilizing that which is already recognized or known, somewhere, someplace. It is urgently important that facts be presented, identified and verified FROM YOUR VIEWPOINT BY ONES WHO KNOW. THIS IS NOW HAPPENING! When we get to the SPIRITUAL aspects of WHAT IS, I will likewise SHARE the podium with others--
    I will not accept a human person's opinion in those matters for in those instances it is ME THAT KNOWS! You are all now and shall be always welcome to your opinions but in these realms I AM IN KNOWLEDGE AND YOU ARE NOT! If you find disagree­ment--FINE, but please plan to share it through some other publication except for interest and debate. I shall not longer al­low a challenge such as myself being a "snake" or "reptilian" monster of some sort to be UNCHALLENGED--I don't care WHO "thinks" he is somehow in the knowing. It is THAT ig­norance which has landed you at the brink of HELL. GOD AND TROOPS ARE GOING TO BEGIN TO TAKE CONTROL OF "OUR" PROPERTY. GOD IS PRESENTING "WAYS" TO ACQUIRE NECESSARY MANIFESTATION AS ONES COME INTO REALIZATION OF MISSIONS--AND WE WILL DECIDE HOW BEST TO UTILIZE THESE AS­SETS. THIS IS NOT THE NEW YORK TIMES OR OPEN SUNDAY SCHOOL--THIS IS A PAPER FOR THE OFFER­ING OF TRUTH AND INFORMATION. SINCE IT IS NOW THE NUMBER ONE INFORMATION RESOURCE FOR SUCH AS THE CIA, ETC., I AM QUITE SURE THAT IT CAN BE DEPENDED UPON THAT OTHER INFORMA­TION IS EQUALLY INTERESTING AS ARE CLANDES­TINE REVELATIONS.


    By the way, with this in mind I do urge our "writers" to keep to that which is concluded with pretty good accuracy. We have not been able to utilize some work because it is NOT "quite" correct and has no substantiation. Eye-witness is BETTER than "good enough", and "revved-up" is also good, but do not fabri­cate ANYTHING which can be factual--or if "surmised as con­clusion drawn" please always state same. There will always be a brother or sister who will KNOW! And, friends, the purpose of the publications from upstart was to be allowed to finally REACH THROUGH TO THOSE ENTITIES. WHEN THE FACT-EXPERIENCERS CONGREGATE AND EXPRESS--WE HAVE A CHANCE TO REGAIN FREEDOM. Convergence upon this place is NOT appropriate for there are some very, very dangerous circumstances here so if your JOB is not yet specifically clear to you--WAIT, before up and moving somewhere. We have no way to attend anyone, not even selves--at this juncture, so don't add burden--be patient for perhaps your JOB is right where you ARE? THIS PLACE IS NOT EVEN VERY FRIENDLY AS TO WORKERS FOR THEY ARE TOTALLY BURIED AND THAT IS THE WAY IT MUST BE PRESENTLY TO INSURE SAFETY, SECURITY FROM ASSAULT, ETC. Remember that if everyone in the hive is THE queen bee--there is no "community"! You are NOT working for a bunch of people other than as brothers--your work intention must be toward that which is RIGHT and it is time that EACH AND ALL squarely face your own responsibil­ity! By this I mean that picking and whining against a brother is unacceptable--but whining and picking to me is even more unac­ceptable. If YOU do not "FIT"--you are free to move on--if, in fact, the other party is simply doing the best he can in his own responsibility. There is order through RESPONSIBILITY--not hierarchy pecking orders.

    EVERYONE in a business situation MUST BE HEARD AND RESPECTED. Suggestions need to be heard in order to find new and better ways of management
    --but NEVER "just" to spend a bit more money in the process OR to make an ego point! Further, if you are not directly involved in something--keep out of it, or, offer your suggestions because it is the right thing to do--NEVER because you simply THINK THAT YOU know better.

    Yes I know, some will say, "....but I volunteered all these months just so I COULD have a place of importance"! I answer you: THEN YOU DID NOT VOLUNTEER! YOU WERE OBVIOUSLY PURCHASING, IN YOUR OWN MIND, A PLACE OF REWARD. That attitude is OK as far as "reward" for services--but, I remind you that tickets aboard ship are NOT for sale and neither are positions simply for the "heck of it". I, myself, have ones on standby awaiting placement--who held their responsible positions ELSEWHERE. That has allowed us to continue and I SHALL honor those ones FIRST and that will NOT BE "just" because YOU are somehow "here". Some of you may well not "like" it, but likes and druthers are not in point--our MISSION IS!

    I have deviated from my subject writing but I need, from time to time, to clarify direction, operations and respond to the ongoing quibbling here and there. Indeed--
    I HEAR IT--and I don't ex­pect Dharma to have to hear it! Part of your own journey responsibility and growth--must be in your own ability to be flexi­ble, find service needs and fill them no matter what they might be and do so within the gracious goodness of GOD's expecta­tions. GOD WILL RARELY BE "FAIR" IN THE PERCEP­TIONS OF ONES IN FOCUS OF SELF--FOR NOTHING SAVE THE TOP-SLOT IS SEEMINGLY "FAIR" TO SELF. I REMIND YOU THAT GOD IS "JUST" AND EGO WILL ALWAYS BE REWARDED ACCORDING TO ITS OWN "INTENT" WHEREIN HE WHO THINKS HE IS THE BEST AND MUST HAVE HOMAGE--SHALL BECOME THE "LOSEST" AMONG YOU...!

    P.O. Box 978
    Tehachapi, CA. 93581

    Attn: Rick Martin

    While reading Through Darkness into Light: Endless Cycles of the Divine Plan, Vol. I, on page 220, last paragraph, Hatonn says it all: "Why do I utilize 'religious' terms and speakers? Be­cause each began in purity and prophecies are valid if valid
    --re­gardless of who speaks them. The 'religions' of Christ and God began in purity and represented the opposite of evil. It is man who has aligned himself with the corrupted concepts and allowed that which is evil to take the very language of God and cause its destruction in worthiness of definition".

    This practice is further demonstrated by the governor of this once great country when law is enacted. The wording of "Acts of Congress" say one thing and imply another. Through several generations of mis-information and outright fraud, members of government can no longer distinguish between truth and fantasy and those whose bidding is being done sit and await the forma­tion of one world government to further their self-serving needs. The "money and power" interests believe that people of this country are more concerned with surviving and are complacent with the status-quo. Their thinking is understandable and now, with their goals nearing fruition, it is they who have become complacent. The time is near for us to take back our country and make the "Good ole Boys" bubble burst. I intend to be standing there with a pin! Each day I find additional corruption, fraud, and deception and the writings of Hatonn continue to fill in the gaps.

    While I find his words to be very accurate I will continue to supply your paper with confirmation of that on those subjects of which I am familiar and, as Hatonn says in many different ways: "..smelling the rose may be a little easier with my input and knowledge for some of you readers".

    The information and confirmation on "MJ-12" is on the way to you. That knowledge has been referred to by many and my involvement, I believe, you will find interesting. However, I do not have all the answers. Two past members of the organization were "projects" of mine and are a part of Book III, of The Death of Camelot series

    Information on the "PROMIS" software meant very little to me until I read Threads of Silk--Bands of Steel; Tangled Webs Vol. VII [Phoenix Journal #5] and Rodney Stich's Defrauding America. The Inslaw case has the potential of opening the eyes of this country.

    While I cannot confirm or deny the San Luis Obispo Connec­tion in its entirety, I do know that part of the information was put out by many to hide what is really going on in that area. The power plant at Diablo Canyon is a Breeder-Reactor. That is the real reason for cost over-runs; however, PG&E is a pri­vate enterprise. The government picked up the cost of the facility. The cost increases granted by the PUC is hush money to keep a few key members of the utility quiet.

    The Sipapu Odyssey was very enjoyable. Was it written to be a movie? I will look forward to seeing it.

    Most people throughout their lives have many acquaintances, but good friends they can count on one hand. This life has per­mitted me less but I would like to say a few words about one such friend. His name was William "Bill" Casey. He and I worked for C.O.U.P.E.S. and, although we didn't always like what we did, we did our jobs well and were very loyal to those to whom we were responsible. The night that he gave me, or I should say, told me to pick up the Alpha Files (Book V, The Death of Camelot, The Hoover Files), we had dinner and I would like to describe the conversation at that meal so that some insight into a man that I called "friend" may be given to the readers of CONTACT. In many cases, people and events may be something other than they appear to be.

    Casey's primary function in the Washington, D.C. area was to give out disinformation. A good example of how skill­ful he was at his job was the two books authored by Bob Wood­ward of the Washington Post on the Central Intelligence Agency. He told me how he had the reporter eating out of his hand and said the man was the most gullible he had ever met. By the time the evening was over my sides ached and Casey summed up Bob Woodward's skills by saying, "That reporter wouldn't know a good story if it came up and bit him on the ass". Neither one of us could talk about our jobs so, naturally, two or three times a year, we would get together and talk "shop". It was like our way of letting off steam and when you were under the pressure that both of us were under, you needed a safety valve of some kind. He kept me posted on what went on in his sphere of influence and my activities followed me within C.O.U.P.E.S.

    He referred to me as "C.J.". He did so because of Septem­ber 29, 1963 in Grover City, California. Also, whenever Scot­land Yard or the National Police of any nation had a case that couldn't be solved, I received the credit and he was always asking me how I could be in so many places at one time. At that time his organization was receiving credit for things they did not do and government chose to use their strongest weapon of silence and henceforth, their reputation. Several agents who have sought to gain something by propagating untruths have given the CIA a reputation which in reality is quite different than what I know to be fact. As to the CIA having anything to do with the assassination of JFK, that possibility is as remote as the Easter Bunny choosing an alternative life style. The entire story is in the series [The Death of Camelot].

    The amount of mail that I have received as a result of your paper is truly a lesson in humility. I know that no man is an is­land but it has been a long time since I let myself go and the number of get-well-cards received [by me] tells me that the CONTACT newspaper is read by many people other than your subscriber list. It sure feels good to know that part of the media is being responsible. Thanks.

    Ronn Jackson

    * * *
    Rather than change authors in mid-chapter, Dharma, please let us just offer the next segment which didn't get finished yester­day. I believe it is relatively short.

    by Ronn Jackson

    The club was plush. It was fairly crowded, so we pushed a couple of tables together and one of the men volunteered to go up and get us a round. While he was getting what everyone wanted, a waitress came to our table. She took our order and I was looking around me, and over-hearing bits and pieces of sev­eral conversations. There are preconceived notions about service people but they are just people who wear uniforms.

    I had been speaking with a pilot. He excused himself to go meet his wife. I noticed the rest of the party blended in well and I wondered, as I looked around the room, what these people would say if they knew what we were about to embark on. Probably nothing.

    A lady was coming through the front entrance. She had a uniform on and I saw something shiny on her collar. She was walking towards me and I could see an oakleaf. I had never seen an officer that looked like that. She was a remarkably beautiful woman. It's funny but I had the impression that women officers were hard-looking and somewhat masculine. When you're wrong, I thought to myself, you are really out in left field. As she walked towards me, a number of emotions and thoughts went through my mind and I have to admit, they were not of the pure-type. I also made up my mind to meet that lady. She continued walking towards me. I remember thinking, the gods are looking at me with favor. She stopped in front of me and introduced herself as the executive officer of the base and informed me that it was her duty to see that all of our needs were met. I was looking at her and could see her lips moving but I wasn't hearing a word that she was saying.

    I remember her touching my shoulder and asking if I was al­right. I came back down to earth and said I was fine. I looked at the men and none of them were fooled. All of them had been watching this little episode and looked like they were about to explode. I felt a little foolish and knew my face was pink, and when I looked back at the officer, she caught on to what was going on and smiled that I had been so taken aback. I had for­gotten my manners and was still seated. I stood up and knew something had to be said. I had made a fool of myself and had not been in this position many times in my life. Being a resilient person, and not often caught without something to say, I said that it was not often that someone sees a member of the opposite sex and falls madly and passionately in love. I was looking di­rectly at her when I made that comment. I could swear that I saw something there.

    The waitress brought her a drink and, during our conversa­tion, I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. I kept thinking some­thing like this just doesn't happen. I had better stop and smell the roses. I made a dinner date for the following evening.

    The following morning the men and I assembled in our as­signed facility. The Colonel came by and I asked if there was a car rental facility on base. She said there was and I gave her my American Express. I requested that she get four cars for the men and a Lincoln for me; I had a hot date that evening. I looked into those blue eyes of hers and there was something there.

    A bus pulled up. It was the naval personnel. When I re­viewed the service records, a few days ago, I had chosen a Lt. Commander as the senior serviceman. I wanted one that was career and regular. My reasoning was simple; he had come up through the ranks and I needed experience. He was a little older than I and he was a person that didn't need all the little details. I found that as I grew older my patience was going in reverse and my fuse was shorter. I had a mental picture of the guy and I wasn't far off. Crew cut, clean shaven, a little stocky and I knew you had to get up pretty early in the morning to put any­thing over on him. His looks commanded respect and I would wager that he didn't have to repeat himself. His hand-shake was iron and that simple fact pushed my estimate of success to nearly one hundred percent. When you have to watch your back that costs seconds; that can cost you more.

    His second and third in command were also career. Both, like their boss, came through the ranks. The other twenty-four were all demolition people. I looked them over, some were young but all were on their second hitch. I was satisfied and, when we were all settled in the facility, we had a short "rap" session. The first thing I did was give a general explanation on what we were about to do. There were several puzzled looks around the room and I acknowledged them. I also added that they would have to be patient. For years, I have worked by my­self and this was a little new for me. One of the servicemen asked what I did. I was at one of those cross-roads again, like I had been with the reporter. I looked around the room and there were thirty-some-odd sets of eyes on me. I had not told my men of my background. In due time, was my response.

    I had not given them the location of where we were going and I wanted a better feel for them. Different personalities and temperament meant a lot. I was sure that in two or three days I could scope them and make the final decision on them. They were my responsibility.

    The remainder of the day I showed them blown-up pictures of the four objectives. One, a power plant; two, a fuel storage facility; three, a gas transmission line, and four, two fuel-pow­ered mega-generators. For me to do my job, all four had to be disabled simultaneously.

    I explained further that on the last two days all would be re­stricted to the base. With all due respect to the officers present, rank would mean little for the next few days. Our total con­centration in this room was on the project. I told them a thou­sand things can go wrong but our purpose was to correct history and put a big dent in the drug business, to restore respect in our country and make some basic values mean something. Again I looked around the room and all eyes were on me. I could tell my choice of them had been correct but then there were many that, if they had been in this position, would have done as well.

    My date was not what I expected it to be. Maybe it was more. No, she didn't rush into my arms. I didn't expect her to. No, she didn't drag me off to bed. I didn't expect her to. Al­though the thought did enter my mind, once or twice. Now look who has their values confused. The evening was splendid. We laughed, we drank, and we discussed the government. We talked about the common market, the stock market, Las Vegas. She showed more interest in that than the previous subjects and, of course, women's rights, abortion, child care and education. Neither one of us had any children so we had all the answers. We hashed out AIDS, the ecology, the economy, the Air Force AND Scotch, which we both drank. Sharp lady, I thought, and she stayed with me, drink for drink. It's funny, my thoughts at the time were, my liquor bill is doubling, and all the kids in the world are going without milk. Do you start fantasizing when you reach a certain age? Maybe there is something to that "male menopause".

    On the way back to the base, I pulled into an ice cream store. We had a hot fudge sundae. I hadn't had one in years. So, I had a good time. When I kissed her good night I felt something; no, I felt a lot. We made plans for tomorrow.

    I started with the power plant. I was amazed that the power for an entire country came from one source. Well, I guess that isn't so strange if the leader of that country was lining his pock­ets with foreign aid. Anyway, from that single power source were seven major transmission lines, supplying all points on the island. Over half the entire country had no power. Those seven lines had to be blown. Even though there were many small gen­erators around the island, they were for household use and wouldn't be of any concern. The hospitals had larger ones and I hoped they were operational. I knew there were several at mil­itary installations and I hoped that part would be covered.

    I had singled out one enlisted man as being the primary on the towers. Based on his service record, he was far ahead in projects such as this. I asked him, pointedly, if what I sug­gested was possible. He said, "A piece of cake, either stepped, relayed or in unison," I could feel the excitement in the room. The entire day was spent on every angle of the oil and stoker powered facility. At the end of the day every man knew it to­tally. I looked towards the senior officer and he had a grin on his face and he told me, later, he had known all along what was going down. He gave me a thumbs up.
    I told the group I was going out and relax tonight and wished them a good evening. One of the enlisted men said I had zeroed in on the lady Colonel. As I was leaving someone was setting up a pool. I didn't stay around to find out what for, but I think
    I might have been involved.

    The next day, the small air force of the island nation was the main topic of discussion. It wasn't large but it was deadly-- MIGs. I wanted no part of them and neither did anyone in this room. Because of the embargo against the country, the fuel was the problem. There had been no military exercises in over three months because of the fuel shortage. The four tanks that I had photographs of were their aviation fuel, the high test stuff. This was their only readily available source. I sure hoped my intelligence was accurate.

    That day ended about three. The remarks I was subjected to were scandalous. The entire unit had solidified in a matter of hours. If the reason is right and the objective is just, we were about to show what Americans are all about. I was on my way to the Officer's Club. I thought of the men in that room and I was proud! (060220)


    The dictionary has a different definition of the word, "conglomerate", than what you and I have come to know. My employers stepped in and explained the facts of life to several, a short time ago, as you have no doubt read. Some are divesting themselves of some of their diversification. This is one of the few items that they have done that I concur with and so would you if you knew the whole story. Give it some thought.

    [H: We have some pages which are devoted to questions and responses. The numerical order will be out of sequence as we have no first six (6) questions. We will, however, pick up with number 7 and hope the others show up somewhere along the stack of work.]
    7. In a previous issue, you made reference to Book V, The Hoover Files. Why did you find it necessary to name the women in John F. Kennedy's life? Why not let him rest in peace? Is that not bordering on smut?

    Answer: I agree with you and I gave some serious thought to putting that information in the series. My intent was to show to what lengths J. Edgar Hoover went to in compiling information on American citizens. If it can happen to a President, it can certainly happen to you.

    8. Are you not placing yourself into legal difficulty in naming some of the people listed in your series? Like Clark Clifford?

    Answer: If Mr. Clifford wishes to take me into court, so be it. Each and every accusation I make is very carefully documented. He will lose. I would welcome the challenge, but you will not see that happen because it is the truth. If he does, he's a fool.
    9. Do you plan on continuing the segments on Book V and, if so, who is your next subject?

    Answer: Yes, and the excerpts will appear, depending on space availability in the newspaper, one per month. Also, being where I am, I have a small logistical problem. The next subject is THE AMERICAN INDIAN MOVEMENT. What Hoover and the FBI did to Native Americans is one of the greatest atrocities of our time. No, I am not of Indian descent. I am simply, in this case, writing and interpreting what I read.
    10. Is Charlie Chaplin in the Hoover Files and, if so, was he really a Communist?

    Answer: According to the files, Mr. Chaplin was a card-car­rying member of the Communist Party. Mr. Chaplin is sched­uled for the November issue of the Anza Valley Outlook, November 19, 1993, space permitting.
    11. Were the members of the Warren Commission in the Hoover Files? Please destroy this request after answering.

    Answer: All members had a file: however, Allan Dulles' file was empty. I have no explanation for that. I do destroy all cor­respondence after reading and recording your request. It is part of Carson City, Nevada's sewer system.

    12. Because of the nature of this letter, I will answer it in this manner.

    Answer: "E.W.", in my estimation, Pablo Escobar, the ruler of Libya, the ruler of Cuba, and one who eats fish-heads in Cam­bodia. Yes, I am ashamed to say, our country deals with all four. Yes, in drugs. Yes, some are members of our govern­ment. Yes, you would recognize their names. Yes, I do, fur­ther in the series.

    13. How long will The Death of Camelot run?

    Answer: One hundred eighteen (118) weeks, through February 17, 1995. Thank you for the compliment. Send as many ques­tions as you wish. I will answer each one of them; however, I will caution you. If for some reason you do not want the an­swer, please don't ask the question. I take it from your letter, there is a close relationship from what you say.
    [H: These pages of letter responses were, of course, not in­tended for us OR for CONTACT; however, it seems inter­esting to share. We are just happy to be allowed within the loop. Thank you.]

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