PJ 93


MON., APR. 25, 1994 12:02 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 252

MON., APR. 23, 1994
As you walk through this perception of living--in some seem­ingly limited states of mental direction--you are NOT. These are subjects which are very heavy on the mind of my scribe this day along with other major players in this "play". However, like wine "sold before its time", so too is information before its time a problem and not an asset. It may never be an asset to the population as a whole--only in that you have been deceived and need change for that is what is important to most.

As I have contacted some people within the past few days, Dharma's brain is scattered as she too wants answers. I ask her to back off for the less she KNOWS about many things which will be surfacing--the more secure. We have several jobs to be done and I ask that each of you consider NOT TRYING TO DO ANOTHER' S!

Montauk is simply a small place on the eastern most tip of Long Island so "down" with your aggressive chatterings. Yes there IS something which became referred to as the Project Montauk. It is simply a reference point.

You ones can get completely buried in the multitudes of hap­penings and "projects" and miss the problems facing you TO­DAY. You will find references to Rainbow, Phoenix, Phoenix II, etc. These are not for doing your computer graphics home­work, readers. We have written about these projects prior to this and they only confirm the Philadelphia Experiment of time-space CONFUSION, warps and actual transposition within and among various perceived aspects of presentation wherein "soul" AND "body" are shifted and become "insane-gathering" mate­rial for lock-away.

I have told you that EVERYTHING is LIGHT. However, I have also told you that EVERYTING is "wave" and "pulse"--expressed in sound, light and frequency.

We can speak of radiosondes, transferrence, visibility vs. stealth and you will simply be totally confused. It is not TIME for these massive and incredible things to be revealed to the "whole" for they would have neither meaning nor allow for peaceful nights of rest and relaxation. The PROPER PARTIES are in the knowing and all I want at this present time of evolving sequence is for those ones to recognize and have confirmation of my presence and TRUTH. I KNOW!

At this point in evolution of social impact--you citizens need to know more about the USS Liberty than the USS ELDRIGE.

"Ah," you will ask, "does this have something to do with Al Bielek?" This will come from you who follow the trail of the seminars and speaking circuits. Most of such persons are only fringe participants in something they did not understand nor shall they EVER UNDERSTAND--only give revelations of what they THINK happened in some of those projects.

I ask you to be more patient than to demand full disclosure for we would not more fully disclose for the masses a thing which can more quickly destroy (or save) your world than any other knowledge present. Suffice it to say that the basis of such tran­sition is in the mind control, change, frequency and sound waves of CONTROL OF SPECIES. Further, these major pro­jects were SO LONG AGO that you must realize the momentum of possibilities in the interim time perception called "years". Dharma, I will not allow this to be clarified in your brain data--so just back off, please, and allow my contacts and confirma­tions to be for the directed energies and not for self--it becomes more and more important that it be handled this way--for as things unfold I shall be communicating directly and continue to maintain your security--what you DON'T KNOW is your safety net. Things will be presented from YOUR SIDE of the curtain as we move along--with safety and security for you participants.

Yes, I agree that what "will be" shared is more entertaining and exciting than that which the authors we offer have shared to date--but you can ruin even a good novel by telling the plot out of context or sequence. You readers remind me of the ones who must read the last chapter, before understanding the first, of any good book. You ALL "think" you want the punch, bottom-line FIRST. But it is like giving the baby calculus before he can perceive numbers. GOD IS SUMMONING HIS PLAYERS--SO DON'T TRY SO HARD TO FIT THE ROLE OF AN­OTHER ACTOR LEST YOU BOTCH THE SCRIPT.

We are very happy this morning because the Constitutional Law CentER and the Phoenix Institute for Research & Education have been contacted by a lender willing to loan up to two-and-a­-half million dollars to defend the case against George Green and the University of Science and Philosophy. Will Ekkers with­draw or not? It doesn't matter for Doris and E.J. NEVER HAD AN INTEREST IN THE BOOKS BANNED BY THESE EN­TITIES THROUGH THE FEDERAL COURT! They will probably be enjoined of necessity because of writing and par­ticipation in their conception. At this time Ekkers are in "pro per" because they have no funds available for legal counsel.

The lenders involved believe that recovery can be caused by le­gal considerations as type of documents are involved, content of scientific focus vs. philosophical attitudes, for which we are adamantly opposed as relates to US&P, and of course it appears George Green simply wants cake and eat it also while protecting all sides of his hopeful little pots of gold. It is his problem and not that of our own. The loan will be exclusively for this single suit defense and nothing further--in case the opposition considers this some new found garden of money. This is being offered through one who KNOWS all parties involved, the information limitations of the productions in point (information), the laws involved with newspapers, magazines and periodicals vs. novels and fictional or even non-fictional scenario type of material.

All the confusion and negotiations can continue into infinity with the legal interchanges regarding Ekkers and US&P--however, since they are on food-stamps and have not yet even been cleared for start-up of Social Security (early draw which is very costly) and are having to probably move into personal bankruptcy anyway--we feel that $42 is absurd much less the $42,000 cashier's check for the full amount, now demanded! We are curious as to the status of Mr. Green's settlement with them--for it is highly unlikely that there is over $100,000 in point of legal fees for the US&P at this time. That is, of course, unless there is triple billing which should raise flags at US&P--­to name one other party involved...!

Ekkers are willing and able to give up ALL RIGHTS to all nine volumes in point--but, the facts are that the Institute OWNS those volumes--not Tehachapi Distributing (now defunct) or Rick Martin (he never did) or any other party.

This same lender feels strongly in equal intent about the journals that are now being hostaged by George Green. He does, how­ever, recognize that the volumes themselves are a liability in­stead of asset because they will have to be torn apart for pub­lishing information and now represent only a bunch of old mag­azines having lost all market value as they are now presented. Further, the storage fees now unpaid will eat up any possible savings in reproduction. Why would ANYONE pay twice the price of new expense just to save reprinting when half the cost is involved in simply repressing the pamphlets? The lender be­lieves he can recover the expenses of the loan by collection on the debt notes from Mr. Green to the Institute. Mr. Green says he has ample funds (being a self-publicized millionaire) to keep this "thing" going into infinity--well, so does the new benefactor who is likewise a VERY GOOD BUSINESSMAN and will take nothing less than a "win" in legal recourse.

This same lender further offers a loan to the Constitutional Law Center and attorneys representing Ekkers in the "property" case for damages for the confiscation of their home and property by RTC, Santa Barbara Savings and Loan and specifically the par­ties involved, who in conspiracy with the above, FAILED TO HOLD PUBLIC SALE. I can myself see that the lawyers in­volved are going to finally run the adversary out of funds (as has been the attempt against Ekkers) for such a case as represented by Mr. Steven Horn--who, by the way, seems to lead a shel­tered life and has represented EVERY ONE OF THE OPPOS­ING ENTITIES--IS THAT NOT SOMEHOW LACK OF INTEGRITY?? HOW COULD HE BE THE SANTA BARBARA SAVINGS AND LOAN, HOME FEDERAL MORTGAGE, EVERY INDIVIDUAL INVOLVED IN ALL OTHER COM­PANIES AND REPRESENT THE RTC AT THE SAME TIME--RARELY EVER HAVING THE PROPER PARTIES LISTED ON HIS COURT DOCUMENTS? MUCK AFOOT? YES, INDEED, I DO BELIEVE SO.

When asked how much the lender would be willing to provide--the answer was "as much as it takes" to get the best and WIN! The party in point has reached the point wherein he is fed-up with the Elite's ability to destroy every citizen in its path. Our people are indeed grateful. Is this pie in the sky? No--funding is under way as we write. Can the government block it? They can try but people still have the right to share and invest in this nation and this party believes in the CAUSE in point and is a good enough business man to see the value involved and the re­turn on his INVESTMENT! Blessings rest upon you, sir.

This party is also taking into critical evaluation of legal action involving the Associated Press and writer along with false in­formation printed internationally--via information falsely pro­vided by Mr. Green's boys and Luke Perry, George Abbott and Fort-Schroepfer. Further, he is moving right along with study of the radio-barrage against the Institute, Ekkers, myself, etc., by Gritz, Anderson, Binder and Green! There are now many other "checks" made out to the Constitutional Law Center sent through Mr. Green and ending up ENDORSED by Gary Anderson and We The People Unlimited and deposited in Colorado's Kirk Bank.

In this place it snowed yesterday and is raining today--but I can guarantee that the sun is shining in the hearts of these bat­tered people. If there are to be settlements--it shall be from the opposing sides or this shall be taken to the highest courts of your land--and now that a lender is involved from abroad--the international courts of law as well (in order to protect his own investment).

By the way, you who believe that the Institute is up for "receivership" as is continually threatened--THE LENDER'S FUNDS WILL BE "STORED", BACKED BY GOLD, FOR USE AS NECESSARY--IN THE INSTITUTE! I BELIEVE THAT WILL RENDER IT FAIRLY ATTACK-PROOF! SO BE IT.

In addition, since ALL funds in the Institute are BORROWED, there are no outstanding liabilities against the holdings for all is debt! Further, when Mr. Green HONORS his debt to the Insti­tute--it will be a good indication that other "debts" can be met to "his own colleagues". IF "Greens'" notes are "NO GOOD" then how can a court decide that any OTHER notes are worthy from the same corporation? If Mr. Green as Director of the In­stitute can pull-down and destroy his own participating com­pany--and get away with it--how can ANY ENTITY BE SAFE ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD?? If a Director and Officer of a corporation can take a half-a-million dollars in gold coinage and bury it in his backyard in another state and then claim "personal gift" when it is amply proven that it was intended FOR THE INSTITUTE USE--and after two years in court, con­tinue the case and plead innocence--what chance does the world have in recovery?? Greens have merged their efforts into working with the adversarial forces against my people--and I find it unacceptable. The latest assaults have annoyed me.... Thank you.

I ask that the legal "thunderbirds" move forward NOW as the loans are finished in the processing, for it is time we turn to "important" work and matters and put this garbage behind us. You can make it a few days longer on bread, water and Kar­gosok tea if necessary. GOD IS IN HIS HEAVEN--AND NOTHING IS RIGHT WITH THE WORLD--SO WHAT ELSE IS NEW? WHEN YOU TURN YOUR HEARTS AND SOULS INTO CREATING THE WAY--IT APPEARS AND OF THIS, I REMIND YOU OF AS MUCH!

Dharma, take this off the computer so that it can be sent over to the appropriate office. Our CONTACT friends may well want to run this in tomorrow's paper. Blessings, scribe--I SHALL pre­vail, grandmother, and "GRANDFATHER" may also begin to smile a bit.... Salu.
PJ 93

MON., APR. 25, 1994 2:16 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 252

MON., APR. 23, 1994

Well, I bow to Mr. Jackson whose information is demanded so much more than mine as to make me a bit chagrinned at inter­rupting for other discussions. We are most happy that someone else is getting the book into print so that "they" can get all that push and impatience.

Mr. Jackson also has much information which corrects assump­tions and misinformation in writings by others such as Rodney Stich, etc. This is not ANYTHING negative about information in the original books--only that this is what is SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN IN ORDER TO GET FULL TRUTH OF EVENTS TO THE PUBLIC EYE AND MINDS. We will be making sure that all such additions, corrections or observations are shared with you readers AS THEY ARRIVE and in addition will make sure that any writers involved have integrated information, each one with the others. I don't believe any author can possibly imagine the all but impossible task of ferreting out TRUTH in this web of LIES. We are pleased that CONTACT is a part of this journalistic excellence for that is the purpose for which it was birthed. We are in no way in competition with any other paper, author, resource or inside information. We DO hope that other journals, papers and information resources will feel free to both share and USE anything that we print. Much will be de­nied by ones who "claim they "know"--no, you will find as you seek, research and draw together the facts--THAT WE OFFER TRUTH! We will soon, hopefully, be prepared to allow it to grow as large as it needs to be--until you-the-people can reclaim your own presses and controlled media. You-the-people may have to learn to read more quickly!

With this notation behind us let us proceed to offer a segment or two from Death of Camelot to appease your desires and since we have already written today on other matters we will move right into the subject. Dharma claims that any resemblance to the order of the writings as presented by Mr. Jackson and as typed in these segments is purely coincidental and she claims to not wish to take responsibility so when the question is asked un­der oath--"who botched the order of the writings?" she will take the"5th". She already finds that "new arrivals" of input "should have" already been shared. Further, it will be obvious that this very segment will have its discussion in the future to great extent but it is next in the order received in the "box". May the "publisher" have a bit of forgiveness, please. We cer­tainly are not efforting to write the book, only share it in serial­ization of some sort.

By Ronn Jackson

Little did I realize when I met "Bill Casey" for dinner that evening how significantly my life and that of others would be af­fected. He gave me "The Hoover Files".

The following day when I picked them up I was surprised when I saw them. There were two ordinary looking green, steelcase, four-drawer file cabinets. I'm not sure what I ex­pected to see or find. Maybe I expected something exotic, per­haps something with chains and padlocks all over them--I don't know but perhaps I expected a fire-eating dragon to be separat­ing me and the files. That, however, wouldn't have been any good because I didn't so much as own a sword. I checked them very carefully as I walked around them. I didn't see any wires leading to or from them so I did what comes naturally when you are facing a file cabinet--I opened a drawer. Ah, good, no lightening-bolt came from the heavens so I removed one of the folders. It was an accordion-type folder with several small notes either stapled or attached with a paper clip to the front. Inside were cover pages, memos, reports; all with the heading, "Federal Bureau of Investigation" and bearing the insignia of same. Under it there were copies of charge slips and phone bills; bank statements and photographs; lined paper with notes on them. As I was reading one of the papers I noticed there was something else on those sheets of paper--answers. I carefully put the papers back into the folder and put the folder back into the drawer and closed it. This was not the time, place, or area to be seeing what I was reading on those documents.

* * *
I pulled the roll up door down and replaced the combination lock. I then walked up to the rental office and asked the manager how long the place would be open. Finding it would be open until five allowed me some seven hours to do something. I walked back to the car while my mind was racing a mile a minute. I wouldn't feel comfortable staying in the area and I wondered what I would do with what I guessed to be about a half to three quarters of a ton of paper. I had a place in mind in a Washington D.C. suburb that I might be able to utilize. I figured I could work out something as I headed the car in the di­rection of McLean.

By the time I arrived at my place I had made a decision to take the files to a place of mine in Colorado Springs. It was out of the way and no one knew about it. Maybe I could get in a little skiing in the process. But the problem reared up at me--how to get them there. Well, twenty-four hours and six thou­sand dollars later, both cabinets were standing in my family room. I was building a fire in the fireplace.

Over the next several months and in between projects I cata­logued the entire contents of both cabinets. As I finished each letter of the alphabet I recorded the data on my computer and sent the actual files off to a safe-place. I made five copies of each disk and sent them off also, for future back-up and safe keeping.

I made the following observations about Mr. Hoover while recording the data and are mine alone. In the future, when I make available the records, others may well disagree with my notes and comments, however, I know what I read and stand behind it.

When Mr. Hoover made entries to what I refer to as his "cover sheet(s)", it was as though he was conversing with the sheet of paper in use. Following each entry there would be a comment which usually would show the conclusion he reached. If there was no conclusion he would appear to be angry. There were several statements entered about the subject until that par­ticular subject was brought to a level of conclusion that satisfied him. On some of the papers in point there was sometimes evi­dence that he didn't like what he was writing on the papers and there might well be a hole in the paper as though he had stabbed it with his pen.

One of the most obvious traits which really stood out on pa­per was his dislike for women. He referred to all of them as "bitches". I do not recall him making even one flattering state­ment about any woman and, as I mentioned, there are over twenty-three hundred separate files and among those are some four hundred female entries.

Next on his "dislike list" were Blacks, followed by Jews, Politicians and people with money. If there were any combina­tions of the above the file would be much larger.

On many of the notes or reports he received he would make comments. It was easy to see that he didn't trust all of his own people. If the report didn't say what he thought it should reflect he would order someone else onto that particular subject. Many gossip columns were in the files and he actually ordered a cou­ple of offices broken into by his agents in an attempt to locate other sources.

This man was so powerful that he frightened most people and was able to blackmail just about everyone--including two former presidents.

I have not seen Mr. Hoover's death certificate but I do know that his vascular system at the time of his death contained more antibiotics than blood. He died as a result of syphilis AND by being one of the meanest and most cruel S.O.B.s that ever walked on the earth (060220-728943)


Because of the logistics involved I can only give an excerpt per month. The first will be on Mr. Hoover's favorite subject: John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

Subjects which will be excerpted will include, probably in book five:

Excerpts from Index:

Acheson, Dean
Adenauer, Konrad
Alphand, Herve
Alphand, Nicole
Alsop, Joseph
Auchincloss, Hugh D.
Auchincloss, Janet L.

Baldrige, Letitia
Ball, George
Bartleit, Charles
Berlin, David W.
Bernstein, Leonard
Bissell, Richard
Boggs, Hale
Bouvier, John V., III
Braden, John
Bradlee, Benjamin
Bundy, McGeorge

Castro, Fidel
Churchill, Winston
Clifford, Clark
Constidine, Bob
Cronkite, Walter
Cushing, Richard

De Gaulle, Charles
Dickerson, Nancy
Dillon, Douglas
Douglas, William
Downey, Morton
Dulles, Allen
Dutton, Fred

Eisenhower, Dwight
Evers, Medgar
Fitzgerald, John F.
Forteas, Abe
Fuibright, J. William

Galbraith, John Kenneth
Gavin, James
Giancana, Sam
Gilpatric, Roswell
Goldberg, Arthur
Goldwater, Barry
Gore, Thomas
Graham, Billy
Guevara, Che

Haddad, Bill
Harriman, W. Averell
Hearst, William R.
Hoffa, Jimmy
Hull, Cordell
Humphrey, Hubert

Johnson, Lady Bird
Johnson, Lyndon B.

Katzenbach, Nicholas
Kefauver, Estes
Kennedy, Edward
Kennedy, Ethel
Kennedy, Eunice
Kennedy, Jaqueline B.
Kennedy, John
Kennedy, Joseph P.
Kennedy, Robert
Kennedy, Rose
Krushchev, Nikita
King, Martin L. Jr.
Kissinger, Henry
Krock, Arthur

Landis, James
Lawford, Peter & Patricia
Lemay, Curtis
Lincoln, Evelyn
Lippman, Walter
Lodge, Henry C.
Luce, Claire B.
Luce, Henry

MacArthur, Douglas A.
McCarthy, Eugene
McNamara, Robert
Marshall, George
Meany, George
Meredith, James
Minow, Newton
Moyers, Bill
Murrow, Edward R.

Nixon, Richard M.

O'Brian, Larry

Powers, Dave

Reagan, Ronald
Reston, James
Rockefeller, Nelson
Roosevelt, Franklin
Rusk, Dean

Salinger, Pierre
Sevreid, Eric
Sorenson, Theodore
Stevenson, Adlai
Symington, Stuart

[H: Keep in mind here that there are some 2,309 numbered files so these above listed parties are a very short listing of some pertinent ones which Mr. Jackson plans to expand on later. I would note that some are surely missing from this personal list--as we all know, for instance, what a fear and hatred Hoover had for one Eustace Mullins. The amusing thing is that Eustace had no idea he even HAD a "file" in FBI. It must be somewhat like Dharma who says, "Why in the world would anyone have a file on me?" The things that "miss" happening are stories in themselves as we effort to simply keep you workers ALIVE. I think it is the pure innocence of the questions which are endearing to me.
I am sure that we are going to find these openings of truth and information quite interesting.]


I gave her an overall view of my plan and answered her questions as we moved along. Several of my men came in and I introduced them to her. I gave her some background informa­tion regarding them each and stated why they were chosen to as­sist me. She was leaving shortly to return in a couple of days. I explained that the work is begun in earnest--starting NOW. I explained to her that once she heard what I had to say we were going full blast ahead. If all conditions were accepted she was about to become a part of history.

* * *

In the coming issues you will see references in "Book One" to "Hoover's" files. I am going to be more specific now so that there will be no confusion and/or misunderstandings as we move along. The "Hoover" that I refer to is "J. Edgar Hoover", for­mer and now deceased Director of The Federal Bureau of In­vestigation. Yes, the same one that you and I know as a part of this country and is and was supposed to "be on our side". There has been speculation as to the existence of these files and this is to inform you that all twenty three hundred of them that reamin are secure and in my control. What prompted me to make this known and to do so in this manner is that the current Director "William Sessions" is under investigation at this very time for "improprieties" and that Agency is again seeking anonymity. If you don't make it clear to your elected officials that you don't wish an Agency of our Government not to be accountable to the electorate, the next time around will be totally disastrous.

REMEMBER: A self-governing and self-policing organization is self-serving and is always "right". A good example, now, is Internal Affairs. George Orwell was a BRILLIANT MAN!

* * *
I was sitting in one of my favorite places, the "Iron Gate" in Belmont, California. The three brothers who owned the place made the best Steak Diane anywhere. The meat was cooked rare and they took an interest in YOU. They always remem­bered your name and made you feel that your business was re­ally appreciated. One of the brothers cooked at your table and it was a production that "made" your meal. What more could you ask for?

I had finished my dinner and was relaxing with a cup of cof­fee with a bit of "Baileys" in it. This place added a bit of an extra touch by putting a bit of Kahlua in the coffee also and after I first tried it I stopped having deserts in that place. I didn't pay much attention to the calorie "stuff" as I seemed to get plenty of exercise and there were many times when I went days without eating. I always had far too many other things on my agenda to waste attention on calories.

I had completed a sanction in San Francisco. Normally I'm on my way out of the area immediately but this time when I "called in" I was told to stay in the vicinity. My people always played it close to the vest so I would wait.

The lounge wasn't crowded and I was sitting in a corner booth. The atmosphere was quiet and peaceful and I had seen a sign behind the bar stating that a piano player would start at eight. I checked my watch and it was now seven-thirty so there was half-an-hour to wait. It was apparent the piano player was a lady as I overheard a couple seated close by talking about her. It seemed they lived in the area and it sounded as if they knew what was going on. I was looking forward to a pleasant evening.

I was staying in a motel down the street and had walked to the restaurant. I don't have that many evenings in the Bay area that are free as was that one. I take advantage of such times when there is an opportunity to do so. I wanted some quiet time and I needed it every so often.

I note here that everything doesn't always work out the way you plan. The entertainer appeared and she was attractive. She also had a beautiful voice. She played many of my "old" fa­vorites and when she sang a song "Wind Beneath my Wings" I thought it was about the nicest arrangement of the song that I had heard.

I watched her and noted that she was looking my way so I decided to give her an even closer look. I moved to one of the lounge chairs next to the piano. I put a couple of singles in her glass and she asked if there was something I would like to hear? I wanted to say quite a few things but asked her to just continue what she was doing. The next thing I realized was that it was closing time. It seems that it is really so, time really moves when you're enjoying yourself.

When the place closed she joined me and we found an after-hours place in East Palo Alto. She knew the Group there and we ended up staying until about six in the morning. I was a bit surprised at the place itself as it was in a predominantly Black area but had mostly white people as patrons. I noted the Police Chief of San Mateo was present so that told me something....

When we left that place I asked the Lady "where to?" She took my arm and said that she was with me.

She lived in San Carlos and it was about four in the afternoon when I finally dropped her off. I also told her that I would be seeing her later.

I made a call to my employer at the appointed time and, as I figured, I was told to remain in the Bay area for a few additional days. It seems that a free-lancer in my profession had not ful­filled an obligation. He was black and on drugs and, though he didn't work for the same people I did, someone had sought my people's assistance. My remuneration was doubled. That meant problems for not only did I have to take care of him but I had to also do away with an assistant. I wasn't sure what that meant other than problems. The paperwork would be coming in the next day.

I was back at the same nightclub around eight. I hadn't eaten and didn't know what I wanted as nothing sounded good. I snacked on chips at the bar and the "singer" suggested that I ask one of the owners to fix something special. I did and it was a nice salad. It tasted good but probably the company had a lot to do with it.

The lady played until closing and I then suggested we go out somewhere and eat. Since the only things open were hotel restaurants or fast food places we walked into the first place we found open. I had had enough to drink....

We talked for quite a while and I found out that she was from Missouri, was my age and divorced with no kids and the other "usual" stuff. She said that when she came west it was her idea to just "get here" and the rest would take care of itself. Things don't often work out the way we want them to she admitted. The rest was the same old story. She made a living and had forgotten about being "discovered". She had bought a new car and had started saving for a place of her own. I wondered how many stories were like hers.

We went back to the hotel. I had a phone message that spooked me a bit as no one knew where I was staying. I called the number and found it was from the "Iron Gate". It seems I had left my credit card and they remembered I had mentioned where I was staying. I was relieved.

The information package came in the following day on schedule, airport to airport. I was at San Francisco International to pick it up by ten, then returned to the hotel and carefully studied the package. The person in point was a bad character for sure. Since he was on drugs, however, that made him un­predictable and very dangerous. I could see why the double money allowance. His assistant was his girl friend and she was known to be on drugs as well. Two squirrels, I thought. His last known address was in East Palo Alto very near where we had been--not the best of areas.

The Man's job had been royally screwed up and the police were onto him. I had been cautioned on may occasions that when I come into contact with any law enforcement agency I was to abandon the project and take leave of the area. The rea­soning was that there would be other times and other areas. It had never happened to me on a job and for me to be instructed to be this close there was far more involved than I was made aware. I started to make a call and find out the details a bit better. I needed to know more. I figured, however, that my employer's position was about the same and that there weren't any more details with them than they had given to me. I thought probably the extra fee was coming from the other end. I wasn't into outright questioning my instructions, and had to be honest with myself about that point. My employer's judgment is usu­ally right and, even though I didn't always totally follow them exactly, I always stayed close enough to where nothing would come back on anyone.

I called one of my contacts for I was sure I could get more reliable information from across the country than I was going to get locally. I began with, "How do I get in contact with this guy?" The "receiver" was away from the line for several min­utes. When he returned he gave me the man's phone number which was not a part of my information packet. The "man" was a former Green Beret with a lot of promise at one time, in the service, and then he killed a guy. He was thrown out of the service and had free-lanced while building a reputation. When he hit the drugs it was down hill all the way.

I was told of his duties while in the service and I wasn't go­ing to underestimate this guy in any way. He was a bad dude and he still might be.

I called the number and there was no answer. I called to make sure the phone and number were in service. It was. I had the addresses of a couple of places that the man frequented. I thought that I might as well get on with my work; it seemed nothing was ever easy any more.

The first address ended up to be a real dive. There were several people having "Port" for breakfast and they didn't care for my color either. The second place as a little better but my being white wasn't really popular. I checked out several places in the general neighborhood and the only thing that I accom­plished was getting tobacco juice on my shoes.

I also had an address for a pool hall and went there. One couple was playing and nothing else was going on. I had a list of the man's creditors and I stopped by a finance company where they too were looking for him. His car was financed by Bank of America and there was a "pick-up" sheet out on him. I couldn't get any more information out of them. He was known to frequent a couple of card rooms in Palo Alto so I drove back down the peninsula and that also turned out to be just a wasted trip.

I had in my file the name of a drug dealer that was known to cooperate--for a price. I returned to the motel and tried to call him--no luck. I called another contact in the state and had him run a "DMV". There was nothing there. There was nothing at the Credit Bureau. I figured I would have to start all over from the beginning the next day. I headed back to the "Iron Gate".

The piano player was off and I realized I was a bit disap­pointed. I had a drink and decided to give her a call. She an­swered the phone and invited me over to her place. I offered food and liquor and she said to bring both. I love the inhibited women--well, I love them all....

The next day was a duplication of the first--nothing. The following three days were the same, nothing. I was beginning to believe these people were out of town. I had driven by the man's place several times and saw nothing had changed. I had made another loop around his neighborhood and was headed out of the area back towards my motel when I saw his assistant. I made a U-turn and followed her. She went into the house and came out with some clothes. I thought, "thanks lady".

I followed her to San Mateo. She stopped at the jail. In about half an hour they both came out. The guy had been in jail. That was strange for my employers should have known that. Maybe they hadn't run a "scope" on him. He could have been using an alias and a scope would not have turned up cor­rect information. At any rate I followed them back again to East Palo Alto. She remained in the car as he ran inside. A few minutes later he came out carrying something. I was parked too far distant to see exactly what it was. I followed them as they headed toward the Bayshore Freeway.

She next pulled into a gas station. I waited on the street until they pulled out. I then pulled into the station and went inside--with a "twenty". I was able to find out that they were heading towards Los Angeles and San Diego, as well, had also been mentioned. I guessed it was actually going to be Mexico as the destination. I was sure he was planning to skip.

I made some calls and returns came back shortly. There were a couple of cousins in Los Angeles, his drug connection, or the person thought to be his supplier, lived in Chula Vista, right next door to Taco Land. The supplier had a home in "Puerto Viarta". I was sure that I had him nailed.

I was going to pass L.A. I didn't like the town. After all, I rationalized, he was heading for south of the border and he would eventually get there.

For the remainder of that afternoon I did my homework. I had the supplier's home address and the directions to reach his place in Mexico. There was a private landing strip near his home and was forty-four hundred feet of paved convenience. Good old drug money! I made arrangements for a charter plane for two days later. By the time these folks finished fooling around I would probably be there well before they would arrive.

I showered and dressed after deciding on a tie. I noted it had been a while since I wore one but thought I might as well do it right--for one last fling in the area.

In two days my plane took off from San Carlos at five A.M. I was going straight to Mexico.

The pacific was calm and we had a slight tail-wind. We landed in a little over three hours of travel time. The strip was in good shape. All in all it was a good flight.

The strip was owned by a group of people and in a small building at the end of the strip there were some keys hanging on the all. They were for the car outside and the sign said to give the keys to any bellman at any resort with a five dollar bill and the car would be returned to the strip. This was a good idea and it beat heck out of walking.

About twenty minutes later I was checked in for a room. It was good to see the American influence with the paved roads and such. The area was clean and for "Baja California" that was saying quite a lot. MOST of the areas I had been in in Baja looked like Tijuana.

I rented a car from a person in a booth in the resort lobby and after obtaining directions set out to locate the dealer's home. It wasn't difficult and was only about ten minutes or less from my location. Now the waiting started.

I left the car and walked to the beach which was about a block away. It wasn't full of people and most there were Americans. At least they spoke English. The shops for the most part were owned by the resorts and took U.S. currency. The temperature was somewhere in the nineties and the humid­ity was low. I could really get used to this place, I thought.

I stopped at a small sidewalk cafe and ordered a Scotch and water. Yes, I made sure he used bottled water. I was going over in my mind, the house I had driven by. It was California style, a one story ranch. The grounds were well groomed and I had to consider the possibility of live-in help. The grounds were open and I doubted there were any pets. Because of the climate being semi-tropical I assumed it was well insulated for air-con­ditioning purposes so "sound" within the house, when closed-up, would be limited. I knew it would be better for me to check it out prior to company arriving for tonight, I knew, would be THE night.

I walked around the area for a couple of hours and talked with some nice people from Minnesota. I met another couple from Long Island and we had a drink together. The bartender was from Denver and I asked him how he came to be "here". He said, "In a beat-up truck with a lawyer on my tail trying to serve divorce papers. The truck made it all the way on five cylinders."

Back at the resort I picked up an L.A. Times and went into the lounge. I hadn't read a newspaper in several days and won­dered what the other half was doing. Nothing had changed, rapes, murders and political embarrassments was all there was. I wasn't greatly into sports and my own interest was only the scores. The Financial page had the usual merger talks and take­over plans. Dow Jones had just hit fifteen hundred. I didn't see how it could go any higher--but what did I know?! I put the pa­per on the bar and the bartender placed it on a stack of others. He told me the management recycled them and he didn't mean paper drives--what a cheap bunch of jerks! I asked him if the liquor was recycled and he said, "Not the first two or three." That management needed a swift kick or two.

I went back to my room and watched the end of a movie and was into a second when I drifted off to sleep. I awoke about eight, showered and put on my working clothes. I opened the drapes, the sun had set. It was time for me to have a sandwich and I noted that it should be dark by the time I finished.

I had one terrible cheeseburger, limp fries and I immediately put this place on my list for "not to return to..." It was nine when I finished and the shift was changing. I saw one of the waitresses and thought that my just-prior-decision might have been a bit hasty.

I went outside and looked toward the direction I planned on taking. The hills were now black. I started walking in that di­rection. It took me about thirty minutes and when I got there there was no one at home. I found a window at the side of the house that wasn't secure and was inside with very little effort. The place had a musty odor and that was good news. I had seen no lights in any direction when I checked before entering so I wasn't concerned about the pen-light I carried. The furniture was of good quality and the house was about twice the size I originally had estimated. Most of it had that new smell and none of it showed any wear, the furniture or the house.

In the main bedroom I found a safe in the floor of the closet. It wasn't locked and didn't look like it had ever been used. The small room held a few casual clothes and few men's items like belts and ties.

No supplies had been laid-in. The refrigerator was at the lowest setting. In the garage an older Chevy wagon and a few tools were all that were around. The place hadn't been used much.

Everything was as it was. I closed the window and let my eyes adjust to the darkness. I saw no traffic in the distance so I started jogging back to the resort.

I was sweaty when I arrived in the room as and I walked in the first thing that I noticed was the phone book. I had pur­posely opened it and laid part of it across the phone. It was closed! I went down to the lobby and asked to see the manager. When he came to the desk I asked to speak to him in private. He motioned me to follow him and as we passed through his of­fice door I closed it. I followed him to his desk and as he started to turn I took his right arm and twisted it around and up, putting him in a hammer-lock. He didn't struggle too much as I had his arm to the point of, breaking. I told him the next time someone came into my room without my express invitation and authorization I would come back and finish what I had just started. I took a step back and booted him where he sits. He went flying across his chair and went face first into the wall.

For the next few days that I was a guest, my service im­proved. What really had me upset was this placed was owned by Americans and was run by them. I had in mind to teach them what made their business prosper but I had an idea that they would find out soon enough.

I hated waiting but that was part of what I did. I accepted it as a responsibility and I must admit that I found myself in many pleasurable circumstances as a result of it. It was those times when I was Idle to which I am referring.

I found myself back at the small sidewalk cafe. There was a slight breeze and the tables had umbrellas over them. I took my drink and sat down. I leaned back in the chair and the breeze felt good. I relaxed and soon was actually dozing. I hadn't touched my drink. I'm not sure but that I was in a semi-co­matose state but something caught my attention. I opened one eye and two members of the opposite sex were standing looking at me and whispering about something or other. I spoke to them and invited them to join me if they didn't talk too loud. That broke the ice and they accepted. (060220) [This chapter will be completed in the next writing.]

* * *
And we, too, shall finish it in the next writing....
