
WED., APR. 20, 1994 9:36 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 247

WED., APR. 20, 1994

Bad grammar? Would "more and more curious" make you FEEL better? So be it!

I had not intended to speak much more on the subject of Trea­surygate (See Journals #59 & 60.) than we have so done in the past few days because it is NOT at this moment a focus of MY interest. However, I did tell you that the story of Mr. Buckley was correct and there are many outstanding bonds and certifi­cates which YOUR NATION IS ULTIMATELY GOING TO HAVE TO HONOR FOR THEY COME UNDER THE CON­STITUTION. But, your country is Bankrupt and has been since the early 1930s. So--a LOT is going on as we write and it con­cerns something that may not be discussed here at this time. However, you who have interest in "Treasurygate" and do not have access to SPOTLIGHT might enjoy seeing how entangled things really ARE. Remember the Supreme Court Justice who is stepping down (SUDDENLY)? Well--could it be????


by Tom Valentine

Things keep getting curiouser and curiouser in the case of a Texas man and his suit against the federal government involving bonds said to be worth trillions of dollars. [H: Language on the part of both parties aside, these are only a "few" of the outstanding documents. The "Cosmos" instrument will, in itself, break the banks! When presented to England a cou­ple or so years ago--it caused closure of the banks and about wiped out the market. That same certificate is due and ow­ing FROM the U.S. Treasury, good friends. You are NOW talking about trillions upon trillions of dollars--and some of these instruments are LEGAL documents demanding pay­ment in GOLD! GOOD HARD YELLOW GOLD! I would dare speculate that perhaps somebody does not want Sir Blackmun in the middle of this while sitting on the BENCH of the highest court of your land. But what can a bankrupt nation, city or citizen do? We shall see. These documents pre-date ANY of your more recent debts for anything re­lated to the (u)nited States of America. This is a debt of your nice FEDERAL U.S. and what will you do? I think Los Angeles is about in the same boat with Mr. King's de­mand settlement by the jury yesterday--the city is bankrupt so how can you possibly pay the amounts ordered by the court? Changing the rules won't help, friends, because the changes to date have been UNLAWFUL and will not stand against the Federalist Government OR under the Constitu­tion of the united States. It is "happening", citizens, and it is going to be most interesting.]
Supreme Court Associate Justice Harry Blackmun is sched­uled to be deposed by lawyers for Tommy Buckley of Amarillo, Texas in the case known as Treasurygate.

Blackmun is alleged to be an important witness for Buckley who has sued the U.S. Treasury, Secretary of the Treasury Lloyd Bentsen and the Federal Reserve System in the U.S. Court of Claims for failing to honor Certificates of Obligation totaling trillions of dollars.

In perhaps the most bizarre, yet important lawsuit in history, the plaintiff is alleging the Federal Reserve Bank in Dallas, the entire Fed system and central banks in Switzerland, Japan and elsewhere have conspired to dishonor their own certificates which total unimaginable amounts of money.

Blackmun has been an unnamed figure in this case ever since it was first filed nearly a year ago in the U.S. District Court, Amarillo, Texas. His name as a witness was released recently when Judge Diane Weinstein in the Court of Claims denied the government's request for summary judgement and granted Buckley a time extension to take depositions in the case.

Among other key figures to be deposed by Buckley's lawyers are Rep. Charlie Rose (D-N.C.) and Bentsen.

In a letter to his followers dated January 17, Buckley ex­plained Weinstein ruled in their favor by extending the time frame for depositions and discovery and shortened the time frame for the defendants--the Treasury Department and the Fed--to bring forth the Federal Reserve Bank certificates which the Secret Service CONFISCATED FROM BUCKLEY IN JUNE OF 1991.

The defendants quickly filed a "protective order motion" in an effort to prevent the court from forcing the certificates into the light of the public record.

In a nutshell, the Fed does not want to bring the certificates forth. If they are forced to do so, they want to bring only the $278 billion certificate used by Buckley to open the case. They will show the certificates, if forced to do so, only under their stringent conditions--which includes a stipulation Buckley not get near the certificates, and they demand to know WHO the experts are that will be examining the documents "in advance". [H: Ah-humnnnn...]
The judge has not yet ruled on this protective order motion.

Meanwhile, the feds do not want Blackmun deposed in this matter and appear to be taking steps to interfere.

The government's arguments have been inconsistent ever since this unique case that could bring down the globalist central banking house of cards in one fell swoop first came to light.

The Fed and the government claim the certificates are:

* Bogus, 100 percent imagination by Buckley and his associ­ates; and

* Are copies, very poor copies, of the originals. [H: This reminds ME of the argument against the PROTOCOLS OF ZION! Copies of originals? If they are "copies" of "originals" at worst--they can't be "bogus". With the PRO­TOCOLS it was taken even further, however, while the Zionists, ADL, all Jewish Organizations of the New World Order CLAIMED "forgery". This also indicates that AN ORIGINAL is genuine and valid--somewhere!]
In a January 4 letter to Michael B. Levy, assistant secretary for legislative affairs, Department of Treasury, an attorney fa­miliar with the case pointed out:

"Unfortunately for the defendants in this matter, members of both the Senate and the House have given opinion as to this matter that range from 'the certificates are counterfeits' [H: Again indicating the ORIGINALS would not be counterfeits or false.] to 'the certificates are copies of the originals, and poor copies at that'; What is the truth? If the certificates do not exist, why not say that."

The name of the attorney who wrote the letter to Levy has been withheld at this time.

He also wrote: "If the certificates do exist and the subject certificate is nothing more than a poor counterfeit, then the whereabouts of the original would place to rest 'Treasurygate'.

"What is of concern is the fact that if Treasurygate proves to be fact, then the American people have been subjected to a mas­sive fraud perpetrated on them by the United States Government in collusion with the Federal Reserve System." [H: No-o­o , really?]

He closed his letter with:

"If, or when the truth surfaces either the government will be a fraud or Mr. Buckley will be a fraud. Right now it appears that Mr. Buckley has the edge."


It would appear that there is more to the frenzied purchase by the Treasury, or someone, of the Federal Reserve, the panic the of Banking Committee right now, the resignation of Blackmun (Just wait until you see WHY Blackmun is the Justice being de­posed!) and other massively HIDDEN operations going on as we write. I can only wish you hope in the possibility of winning anything against the lawyers and judges--placed to stop any Citi­zen from winning anything! Yes, I think there will be a great genocide/holocaust when America hangs the treasonists and moves on to the rest of the world!

We have so many interesting topics going at the same time that we sort of sit and say: "eenie, meenie, mynie, moe..." but since we have turned attention to lawyers and "justice" let us go with Stich's DEFRAUDING AMERICA, Updated version second edi­tion, (Rodney Stich, Diablo Western Press, Inc., P.O. Box 5, Alamo, Calif. 94507 OR Diablo Western Press, Inc. P.O. Box 105, Reno, Nevada 89510) and his segment on the:

Continuation: DEFRAUDING AMERICA, Part 17
by Rodney Stich

[H: Before we enter into the copy itself I would like to make note to you that all funds from Rodney Stich's TRUST ac­counts have been frozen. The ONLY income he has of any kind at this time is through THESE books. Please help sup­port him--information in truth to YOU rests on your willing desire to see to the assistance of the daring writers. I also ask that you consider each time you read anything on THE LEGAL FRATERNITY that you turn to Eustace Muffins' RAPE OF JUSTICE [To see how to order this book look to p.x]. If you will do nothing to help the brothers willing to risk IT ALL--then you become totally undeserving of freedom for you have shown that you have made your choices.]

The common denominator in the entire sordid mess was the legal and judicial fraternities. I wrote of this in the first two printings of UNFRIENDLY SKIES--An Aviation Watergate in 1978 and 1980, and greatly enlarged upon that in the 1990 Unfriendly Skies. This revised Defrauding America expands upon the sordid and criminal nature of this legal fraternity group.

It was the legal fraternity with the FAA and NTSB that cov­ered up for the air safety and criminal acts which other federal inspectors and I found at United Airlines and within the FAA. [H: If you read carefully Unfriendly Skies you MAY NEVER WISH TO FLY THE FRIENDLY SKIES--EVER AGAIN. AND, it is not just United!] Justice Department attorneys en­larged upon these cover-ups and obstruction of justice. For the past thirty years Justice Department attorneys have blocked ev­ery attempt to report the crimes revealed in these pages.

After failing to block the exposure of these criminal activities in this manner, Justice Department attorneys then proceeded to destroy me financially through the cover of the Justice Depart­ment and CIA law firm of Friedman, Sloan and Ross. And when that failed to stop me, they proceeded to repeatedly charge me with contempt of court from 1987 to the present date, in re­taliation for reporting the criminal activities against the United States.

Sabotage of my exposure activities in the air safety field commenced with attorneys in the Federal Aviation Administra­tion and the National Transportation Safety Board, especially during the Denver air safety grievance hearing. This was com­pounded by the Denver attorney whom I hired to assist me in that hearing, J.E. Kuttler. Kuttler either sabotaged my exposure efforts from the very start, or was grossly incompetent.

I sought legal representation to help expose the FAA corrup­tion while residing in Oklahoma City. Several expressed shock at what I told them, and they stated they would get back to me, and then never did. I presume they talked to another attorney in the Justice Department and that ended their interest. I asked Oklahoma City attorney Clyde Watts for help to expose the cor­ruption. He was a former attorney with the Department of Jus­tice in Washington, and stated he would question some of his Justice Department friends when he went to Washington. Watts was defending General [Edwin] Walker, whom the federal gov­ernment was trying to silence, and who was placed in a federal prison hospital on the argument that he had mental problems. When Watts returned to Oklahoma City, he wouldn't talk to me. When I went to his office to pick up my papers, his associate greeted me, looked at me sadly, and wished me luck. Other at­torneys advised that they would check the matter and get back to me. They all then avoided me.

Los Angeles attorney Ned Good contacted me and stated he would use my testimony against United Airlines in a lawsuit against United Airlines concerning a Boeing 727 crash into the Pacific Ocean at Los Angeles (January 18, 1969). The se­quence of events suggests that Good simply threatened to use my testimony if United did not agree to a financial settlement dic­tated by the attorney.

This same problem happened when attorneys contacted me to obtain information on the crew partying and NTSB cover-up as­sociated with the PSA San Diego crash (which was the world's worst air disaster at that time). They advised me that they would publicize my evidence, when in reality they simply used it to extract more money from PSA and its insurance carrier.

Some of the largest law firms in Salt Lake City, and the Utah State Bar, sought to block the introduction of my evidence into the trials relating to the United Airlines crash at Salt Lake City. The same occurred in the new York City and Denver crashes when I sought to introduce evidence that I acquired while I was a federal air safety investigator on that very same program at United Airlines.

The level of integrity at court trials is of the level expected from the legal fraternity. Employing attorneys demand that their expert witnesses slant their testimony in favor of their client, making the expert witnesses nothing more than brokers of disinformation.

The American Civil Liberties Union, the self-professed pro­tector of civil rights, played a key role in the pattern of hard­core civil rights violations judicially inflicted upon me. I re­peatedly notified the ACLU of the civil rights violations inflicted upon me, why it was being done, and the damage to the judicial system and our constitutional protections. [H: Now, WHY we are offering you so many topics--for reference! Go get your copy of Coleman's "300" and in the listings of "controlled" and purposefully structured groups, you WILL FIND the ACLU as an operating branch controlled totally by the Committee of 300.] The first contact was 1965 and continued through 1989. They not only refused to provide help, but they upheld and aided and abetted the escalating civil rights viola­tions.

In 1989, the Executive Director of the Nevada ACLU, Shelly Chase, and I appeared on Reno radio station KOA, during which she upheld the right of Justice Department attorneys and federal judges to imprison citizens who report crimes committed by federal officials. She upheld the right of California judges to void divorce judgments rendered years and decades earlier, even though these acts were gross civil and constitutional violations. The Friedman law firm that played a key role in the' ten-year-pattern of civil rights violations was a key member of the ACLU in the San Francisco area.

The ACLU gets large financial donations from the public on the argument that they protect civil and constitutional rights. While some of their stated motives and actions are meritorious, there are many who question whether or not their goals enhance the quality of life. The ACLU often protects the most vicious and seamy side of society, often working to inflict harm upon others by protecting the guilty. Despite the fact that people were dying from aircraft hijackings, they opposed using metal detectors to screen passengers for weapons. Between 1968 and 1973, there was an average of over two dozen attempted air­plane hijackings a year. But after airports commenced using metal detectors in 1973 to screen passengers for weapons, the hijacking attempts dropped dramatically. ACLU argued that the security devices violated the Fourth Amendment protections against "unreasonable search and seizure". The ACLU opposed drug testing of transportation employees, even though studies showed that excessive alcohol consumption was a serious prob­lem among railroad employees. They opposed roadblock stop­ping of cars in an attempt to reduce the high death rate and maiming resulting from excessive drinking. They argued re­peatedly to allow brutal murderers to go scot-free because of some minor procedural requirement dreamed up by the same U.S. Supreme Court justices described in these pages.

Without the cover-up by members of Congress, most of whom are attorneys, the present number of scandals could not have been possible, and would have been nipped in the bud in their infancy, instead of escalating into the epidemic corruption that now exists. Members of Congress proposed legislation in mid-1989 to authorize federal employees in various government agencies to shoot down private aircraft in the drug-interdiction program, and proposed immunity for those shooting down and killing the occupants of the aircraft. They proposed that aircraft should be shot down if they did not respond to signals from an intercepting Customs or other government agency aircraft. The Senate voted to authorize the Customs Service and other federal agencies in August 1989 to fire upon small planes that do not re­spond to interception. Entire families can be wiped out by gun­fire in this manner. [H: Besides, the most drugs are brought in on military aircraft TO military bases and to other bases such as the Mena, Arkansas airport!]

Corruption in the legal fraternity is rampant throughout .the United States, but that segment based in California has probably inflicted more damage upon the United States than any other segment. Upon becoming President in 1981, Ronald Reagan brought into the White House many California attorneys, in­cluding Edwin Meese (former district attorney from Alameda County near San Francisco), Lowell Jensen, and others. They were all involved in scandal after scandal, using their control of the Justice Department to protect themselves from criminal prosecution.

It was the California legal fraternity who acted as a front in the sham action filed against me in the California courts. It was California judges, up to and including the judges in the Califor­nia Supreme Court, who aided and abetted the scheme through a ten-year pattern of outrageous civil and constitutional violations.

It was a large group of federal judges in the State of Califor­nia that enlarged upon the earlier violations; aiding and abetting not only the corrupt judicial actions in the California courts, but blocking the reports of the criminal activities described within these pages. It was federal judges in the State of California and in the largest federal circuit, the Ninth Circuit, who have made it an imprisonable offense to report government crimes, or to exercise federal protections to defend against the civil, constitu­tional and criminal violations inflicted upon me.

The attorneys that I hired were equally abominable. I finally had to appear without attorney to get the law into the record that barred the actions taken against me. In the sham California ac­tion the attorneys refused to raise the defenses in mandatory statutory law and under federal law, arguing instead fifty-year-old case law that permitted judges to do what they please.

My first attorney, Walnut Creek practitioner Douglas Page, jeopardized my defenses by substituting a young attorney right out of law school to argue important matters of law at a critical hearing, contrary to our employment agreement. The substi­tuted attorney knew nothing about the unusual issues arising in the bizarre action filed against me. I fired both attorneys.

I contacted over thirty attorneys during the next few years, seeking legal representation. I knew the law, but recognized that pro per defendants, appearing without legal counsel, usually end up on the losing side, due to judicial prejudice. Refusing to recognize prior divorce judgments and the adjudicated personal property rights, because the parties did not intend to live forever in the prior court's jurisdiction, was barred by the U.S. Supreme Court in the mid-1940s and barred by state and federal statutes. Most attorneys didn't have any knowledge of the law pertaining to the issues. Or, they were deliberately playing stupid to facilitate the scheme against me. Some attorneys ad­mitted that I faced a judicial gridlock, and that their legal prac­tice would suffer if they raised the legal defenses necessary to halt the sham action.

When I decided it was time to exercise federal remedies for the massive civil and constitutional violations running rampant in the California courts, I engaged Sacramento attorney James Reed, who taught civil and constitutional law in the local law school. He wasn't much on California law relating to the un­derlying action filed against me by the Friedman law firm, but he used the law I researched on the matter, and got it into his federal briefs. It was necessary to sue state judges to obtain declaratory and injunctive relief, something very few attorneys will do, fearing judicial retaliation.

The first federal lawsuit exercising federal remedies to ad­dress the civil right violations named Solano County Judges Dwight Ely and Michael McInnis as defendants, along with the Friedman law firm. It appeared that Reed was pressured to drop the judges as defendants, and over my objections amended the complaint, eliminating them. He appeared to panic. This federal action was assigned to U.S. District Judge Raul Ramirez, who quickly dismissed the action, clearly violating many federal statutes and related case law. Reed then changed residence and became county counsel at Mammoth Lakes, causing me to look for another attorney specializing in civil and constitutional rights.

In 1985 I contacted attorney John Moulds who specialized in civil and constitutional law. Moulds, you may remember, was the part-time magistrate who in 1987 sentenced me to prison for filing three federal actions seeking declaratory and injunctive relief, and for reporting the federal corruption I had uncovered. These actions sought a judgment to declare the validity of the five divorce judgments and the personal and property rights es­tablished in them. This was a right to which I was entitled, and not up to the whim of any judge. I also sought injunctive relief from the unlawful orders rendered without jurisdiction in the sham California action. After Moulds looked over my papers, he admitted the gravity of the violations committed in the Cali­fornia action, but stated he couldn't represent me in federal court because of his part-time magistrate position. He had known that earlier, and never raised the objection, until he rec­ognized the nature of the problem.


There are problems with the computer so we will close this chapter, please. We will begin at the point of departure when we write again. Salu.


WED., APR. 20, 1994 3:56 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 247

WED., APR. 20, 1994

Word has come back to me from a fairly new reader who has noted that we write a lot of things we shouldn't, that Hatonn must know more than he tells, and that some of the things are not quite correct.

Again, from the top, please. I am helping to write a paper and magazines. I am efforting to integrate information FROM MANY CREDIBLE WRITERS--VS. ONES WHO SIMPLY WANT TO MAKE A BUNDLE ON THE "INCREDIBLE". I will most certainly make every effort to be correct and will often stop and call your attention to items for which extra care should be given in acceptance.

I am now offering VERY dangerous material for which authors have become targets for "sanction", legal fodder for the corrupt courts, etc. THEY have had to get bits of information from here and from there and must reach conclusions. I try to offer work EXACTLY as given to us so that it is not tampered or changed. We are now offering it in more focused portions so that as you readers who DO KNOW can write and correct any misstatements--IF YOU KNOW FIRST HAND OR FROM THE "HORSE'S MOUTH" . There is already plenty of "speculation" about things such as Kennedy's assassination--and the assassina­tion itself is only an EXAMPLE of how things have reached the terrible and confused state as now being experienced.

Speaking of Kennedy will bring immediately to mind, Ronn Jackson. Well, we wouldn't expect Ronn to know as much about Stich's lawsuits as does Stich--likewise, Stich cannot know as much about Kennedy's assassination as does Ronn. Coleman couldn't know all the players and changes on various commit­tees but could gather a lot of information. What most of these people are finding out, however, is that it is rare if ANYTHING presented, including names, will be accurate or the same as when each crossed the other's trail. For instance, again, let us take Coleman. He has written a book and states the author is Dr. John Coleman. Who am I to argue. The facts are that most of the special services people who would recognize this person at all will know him as Joseph or "Josef" Pavlonsky or (i). Is he REALLY with MI6? Who cares--he wrote some very good books with a lot of information.

When we write of Gunther Russbacher it is worse, Gunther has had so many alias identifications as to boggle the mind and you won't even know what he is called this very day. We are not trying to give a telephone book and all identifications--we are trying to let you know what a sorry state of affairs has been reached on this globe, in your various nations and with hu­manity, who now rules it and consequences of actions. It is a must to know the generalization "orders" who wield the power, i.e., CFR, TRILATS, CIA, Mossad, etc. However, it is not of much consequence either as you will note that all humans in POWER places--are basically egotistically based and also straining for CONTROL. YOU are watching an unfoldment of players in such a way that you can pretty well size up the "Titans" that will clash in such a way as to be FELT around the universe.

Much of what I write are MESSAGES and the message may be for only one or two to understand--but in most cases I don't have other resource at present to get the message to the re­ceiver.

If, for instance, I want to get Mr. Jackson's attention I will talk about Hangar 51, craft "skin" and who might have been on board. I might also suggest that he be prepared for some disappointments in his employers--and that goodness is hardly their purpose in life. They will, however, allow the conduit for re­covery of, at least, a substantial restructuring of government through financial influence and gold-based accounting. I would also suggest that if he starts seeing 9-1/2 foot reptilians in his sleep, that he understand he is an accepted, incredibly well trained and capable person with "very special" talents and abili­ties--but HE DOES NOT WORK FOR A REPTILIAN SPECIES OF SOUL-LESS CRACKPOTS.

I also ask that everyone remember that we have written over 30,000 pages of print, thousands of hours of audio tapes AND many, many weekly papers--in only the past 57 MONTHS--just through this source.

Our thrust is to give the PEOPLE something to have as truth and perception-changing information--it is up to YOU-THE-PEO­PLE TO SUPPLY THE FACTS, DETAILS AND GET YOUR LIVES CHANGED ABOUT. And furthermore, just as the ad­versary (my enemy) tries to use everyone and everything of ours to make his game--I use him and his to win mine! In our thrust to follow the Laws of God and Creation and not cross the laws of man--we remain pretty safe and secure. We will also have that which we need to do our work and the "Bigger" players will help if needs be. Relatively speaking, we don't need much so they will have plenty left to pretty much fight their wars. The larger problem is that most players DON'T EVEN REALLY UNDERSTAND THEIR OWN GAME OR EMPLOYERS! And, no, I am not going to take up one-on-one presentations--I can make myself known when necessary. I wield a pretty big stick also.

I also suggest that ones who can't quite come to grips with me, or with what we offer--after you have studied all or most all of our work, be PATIENT! I am not in the business of giving forth great revelations or telling fortunes. Let it suffice to re­mind you that extraterrestrials have been on YOUR PLACE for a very long time--some good and some bad as you would de­scribe personalities and activities. However, you have no big bad wolves left out in the atmospheric places to do you in--UNLESS OF COURSE, YOU ARE ON THE WRONG SIDE OF GOD! THEN, I, MYSELF, AM A VERY BIG AND RATHER AWESOME OPPONENT. The majority of the would-be-"kings" fit the "opposition" category--IF they harm my people or give us great difficulty with our mission.

We offer assistance, awakening and A WAY INTO SECURITY but we don't force anyone and we don't bargain with anyone--neither do we BRIBE anyone. We do negotiate but never COMPROMISE in integrity, honor or within the Laws of God and Creation.

You do, however, have some cute players who come from out­side your recognition as well. You have abused most of those "creatures" (creations) and you have about cross-DNA'd your­selves out of human ability to survive. In fact, with all your un­derground SECRET replications and alterations for the purpose of bringing panic and fear to your own people--you have BUILT MY TEAM A WHOLE ARMY (See Journals #46 & 81, & CONTACT 5/11/93.). YOU may well be able to construct a robotic machine that looks very real and acts human in every re­spect--BUT MY TEAM CAN LITERALLY BREATHE LIFE (SOUL) INTO THE ENTITIES AND WHAT "WAS" AN EVIL WORKER BECOMES GOD'S BEST SOLDIER!

I am totally amused when such as Bo Gritz gets all filled with humor over the "three days of light" that didn't happen. Didn't it? Well, no, you are moving into it, fortunately for you, a bit more slowly than anticipated by the projectors of such an event. I merely gave you what was offered by scientists from your place, specifically Australia. I certainly DID suggest you get dark glasses because the bastards on your place planned to ignite the radioactive belt around your planet and, brothers, it would burn your cute little eyes right out of your head. The higher than recognized ultra-violet rays which are now giving such damage to you nice people are getting more and more intense every day. You can't "SEE" these rays but your world is cer­tainly beginning to feel the results of them--THAT IS WHAT MAKES UP THE PHOTON BELT. [For more information on the Photon Belt please see Phoenix Journal #50, DIVINE PLAN VOL. 1.]

However, you ones had best get your heads on and start paying attention--I said that I did not expect the "big event" even with the Photon Belt until the first decade of the new millennium. Then in about 2011 WATCH OUT, good buddies, because a WHOLE BIG LOT OF THINGS are going to break loose--if you can hold together that long. THAT is why I am here--not to tattle on greedy snitches. Then, if we can make it a bit changed about without destroying everything--we may actually make it with you through that period also but there will be massive changes in the Earth itself--as you are now going.

The speculation of happenings in July when asteroids hit Jupiter are probably also going to be quite interesting. You can't have such massive disruptions without SOMETHING rubbing off in your orbiting system from shock-waves. You may well be a manifest illusion, good friends; BUT COSMIC UNIVERSAL PHYSICS IS INFINITE IN TRUTH AND ALL THAT "IS" IS ELECTRIC WAVES AND THOUGHT EXPRESSION. I would at the least expect some oceanic wave action--like some very large tidal waves--if quaking as expected, occurs. THESE are the things that change the face of worlds!

Are you sure that there will be something striking Jupiter? Come now--if you are thought projections--does something HAVE TO strike anything? Smarten-up! There are Earth-launched Cosmospheres that could blow those little pebbles out of the trajectory path.

The important thing to hold in focus is that at this point you still don't have the "sides" in picture and that makes you helpless pawns in this game.

The word is coming down today from several sources as to "watch" out for as "we move into the reestablishment of the gold-based economy ones with arbitrages ongoing must register them or they won't be paid." Is this valid? Who knows? Do YOU have an arbitrage going? ARE YOU SURE? I can tell you this--all those great manipulations with treasuries and CD's and international computer transfers and big profits from sell-shorts and all that will come to a rather miserable change pretty quickly. All won't go away but there will be some interesting times ahead--IF the rumors are accurate.

Are the rumors accurate? Some of them are indeed completely accurate! You are, as we write here today, unaware of that which is taking place in the federal systems. A gold standard is very much in the works--so what about those gold certificates? Well, what about all the news pouring out about the corrupt players? Who is going to struggle to look good and who is re­ally a good-guy? It is going to be very hard to tell and it is go­ing to be even harder to make you all think it is the "government" good-guys doing the switcheroo. But, it might well save you from total anarchy.

What about the new currency? What about it? It is printed and ready--but why would you not just go back to the previously printed "old" currency. A lot was printed back in the Kennedy era or thereabouts. Either way I would expect you to be hearing a bit from very unexpected sources like the CNN mouthpiece interview show, the King lips, and the International Monetary Fund representative Bentsen of the Cabinet. Is Bentsen a good-guy? Who knows? See what he offers--he is heavy duty but I wouldn't place my infinite journey on his Godliness. He is, however, in a position where he can make a lot of tracks and they may well mean something interesting. There are also SOME who are not happy with the Bolshevik Sovietization of America from anywhere--even England (See CONTACT 4/19/94.). There are still one or two very heavy-duty hitters on Clinton's Cabinet roll-call. Hillary's Hellcats (See CONTACT 3/1/94 & 3/8/94.) aren't the only mates running about destroy­ing the morals of the nation. Some heavy hitters are in very high places and travel the globe! SOME ARE BETTER THAN OTHERS. I simply REMIND you that a nation, a people or a world CANNOT SURVIVE WITH ROT AT THE CORE OF MORAL STANDARDS!

There are several factions which have PLANS 2000! GOD IS ONE OF THEM!

Enough now, I am NOT here to do your work for you, figure out your puzzles or do your homework.

Let us move right back to where we left off in DEFRAUDING AMERICA, in the chapter on "LEGAL FRATERNITY".

This will be a continuation from where we left off:

Continuation: DEFRAUDING AMERICA, Part 18
by Rodney Stich

I wasn't doing very well in finding attorneys by referrals, or even on blind calls, so I tried a different approach. I advertised in the San Francisco newspapers for an attorney, receiving a telephone call from an attorney who represented himself as Sid Saperstein, with offices supposedly in San Francisco. I resided in Reno then, seeking to escape the worse of the California judi­cial tactics. Saperstein stated he would come to Reno the next day. I was unable to visit California because California judge William Jensen, Fairfield [CA], rendered a bench warrant for my arrest. This warrant was issued when I had an attorney ap­pear on my behalf during a hearing in Solano County Superior Court, which was necessitated by my appearance in U.S. Dis­trict Court in Sacramento in a civil rights action, in which that same California judge was a defendant. Even though appear­ance by attorney was permitted by California law, and he knew I could not physically be in two places at the same time, Jensen issued a bench warrant for my arrest. The Solano County bench warrant for my arrest was still outstanding, and I wanted an at­torney to get that removed.

Saperstein came to my Reno residence on January 23, 1987, claiming that he had connections in the courts and could get the bench warrant lifted. He asked for money and I wrote him a check, and asked him for his calling card. He pulled out a hand-written calling card, stating he had changed offices and that his printed cards had not yet arrived. Sounded strange, but possible.

Several days later, Saperstein called and said that he had suc­ceeded in getting the bench warrant lifted. This sounded fishy, as it normally requires a noticed hearing to have the matter heard. I asked him if he had the judge's order in front of him that vacated the bench warrant, and he said that he did. I asked him the name of the judge who signed the order. "Judge Schwartz", he replied. There was no Judge Schwartz in the Solano County courts where the warrant originated, causing me to ask which court issued the order. "The Superior Court in San Francisco", he answered. The San Francisco courts had no au­thority over the order rendered by the Solano County courts. Saperstein had a scheme going that obviously smelled to high heaven.

I asked Saperstein to read off the exact wording on the order that he stated a few minutes earlier was right in front of him. He couldn't do this because there was no such order. He stated he would call me back shortly. That was the end of Saperstein. I never saw or heard from him again. I sent a certified letter to the address that he gave me as his office, and it came back with a post office notation that the address didn't exist. [H: My, my--sounds like something out of a lot of personal files--includ­ing the Ekkers'. A bench warrant issued by a court with an ex-judge representing a party who claimed "trespass" on a vacant lot on which Ekkers' have easement. There was no court hearing set on the day the warrant stated Ekkers did not appear and it got worse from there--to the extent that the "warrant" was SEALED and no-one, including the Ekker's attorney could even get a look at it. You people are going to have to clean out the ENTIRE RAT'S NESTS, dear friends, or you can't EVER reclaim your nation or get any manner of freedom in your lives!]

What I suspect happened was that the Friedman law firm saw my advertisement for an attorney in the San Francisco legal pa­per, and got Saperstein--or whoever he was--to contact me for the purpose of giving me false assurance that it was safe to re­turn to California. Then, upon returning to California, Fried­man would insure that I was arrested.

I hired a Sacramento attorney, Joel Pegg, to have the bench warrant removed and to file appeal briefs that were due, seeking to vacate the orders rendered in the sham divorce action that had been rendered without jurisdiction and which violated blocks of California and federal law. His services were also needed as U.S. District Judge Milton Schwartz and U.S. Attorney David Levi, Sacramento, charged me with civil contempt of court for filing federal actions to have the validity of the five judgments declared invalid under federal law and seeking relief from the civil right violations. Further, the actions reported the early stages of the federal corruption that I had uncovered up to that time.

Pegg has a prestigious looking office and a charming picture of Rhonda Fleming, supposedly one of his clients, on his desk. He looked impressive, and said the right words, and I felt confi­dent that I could trust him. I paid Pegg a $20,000 retainer, and from that point he started sabotaging me at every turn, which is a common practice.

It was urgent that the attorney file several appeal briefs with the California Court of Appeals that were coming due, but Pegg repeatedly put off preparing and filing the briefs. I was appeal­ing decisions that would overturn the past three years of illegal and unconstitutional orders by the California judges, and which affected the ownership of ten million dollars of property. The California Court of Appeals had already given me a time exten­sion, and the three judges, Donald King, Harry Low, and Zerne Haning, were anxious to find some excuse to dismiss the ap­peals.

Forty-eight hours before the filing deadline I forced Pegg to give me an answer about the briefs that he had not even started to prepare, and he answered that he had requested a time exten­sion from the court and the court granted it. By this time my opinion of attorneys was about as low as it could possibly get, so I checked to determine if he was lying. I telephoned the Clerk of the Court of Appeals at San Francisco, asking if an extension of time was requested and if it was granted. The clerk advised me that there was no request for an extension and none was granted. Pegg had lied to me. I wrote Pegg a letter and asked him for an explanation, which he refused to give me.

I then had to quickly prepare and file my own appeal briefs. This didn't take too long as I had already prepared a draft for Pegg. Appeals by people appearing without attorneys are usu­ally denied in California courts, which are openly hostile to those appearing without attorneys. The system protects itself.

The briefs were filed, but the three judges in Division Five, District One, refused to even consider the briefs. They fraudu­lently said that the decisions being appealed were not appealable orders, repeating the misstatement of facts and law that kept the sham California action going for the past six years. I then sought relief from the Justices of the California Supreme Court, but by this time the judicial corruption had progressed to such an advanced stage that it became necessary for every state and fed­eral judge to protect the earlier judicial conduct.

Joel Pegg was to seek removal of the lis pendens placed upon my dozens of properties in the sham divorce action that halted my business operations, and caused loss of valuable properties. He repeatedly stated he would do so and then never did. His re­fusal to seek this basic relief forced me to seek relief in Chapter 11.

As stated in earlier pages, U.S. Attorney David Levi and Judge Schwartz converted the civil contempt into a criminal contempt, and I now faced prison for having exercised federal remedies to defend against what was being done in the Califor­nia courts. Pegg represented me in the defense against the criminal contempt charge, but refused to raise the defenses that would expose the scheme by Justice Department prosecutors and the federal judges. Just before the trial commenced, Pegg noti­fied Magistrate John Moulds that he wanted to withdraw from the case. By that time Pegg had my money, and the Chapter 11 seizure of my assets left me without funds to hire other legal counsel. It also showed Moulds that there would be no attorney to file appeal briefs and other post-conviction defenses.


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Let us leave the work for today as it is late and I need your at­tention on some other things this evening. Thank you.