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  1. #1
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 93
    As we speak of that which is smothering your world you will find that crime and corruption are so widespread as to overwhelm the minds of citizens of every nation. Within the pages of these current journals we will offer the work of others who have PROOF and DOCUMENTATION of these things of which we write. It will run the list of Camelot, A Fish In The Courthouse, judg­ments regarding that which was previously hid­den and the integration within the U.S., et al., of Criminal Politburos from Russia and other places, as well as the players in your own game of disaster.



    The Phoenix Journals are intended as a "real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind.

    All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.

    If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the "end times" (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the "sorting" period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four corners of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity--based upon TRUTH.

    So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is "fiction").

    The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were.

    If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.

    ISBN 1-56935-041-8

    First Edition Printed by
    P.O. Box 27353
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89126
    June 1994

    Printed in the United States of America

    CRIMINAL POLITBUROS KILLING YOUR WORLD ..................................................
    INTRODUCTION........................................................................................ .............................
    MON., MAY 2, 1994................................................................................................ ............
    CIA WARNS OF "CRIMINAL POLITBURO" IN RUSSIA..............................................
    CHAPTER 1................................................................................................... ............................
    THU., APR. 14, 1994................................................................................................ ...........
    AS MANY AS IT TAKES!.............................................................................................. .....
    Part 1 by G.L. Wean................................................................................................ .......
    FOREWORD............................................................................................ .............................
    DEDICATED TO.................................................................................................. ................
    CHAPTER 1................................................................................................... .......................
    CHAPTER 2................................................................................................... ............................
    SUN., APR. 17, 1994................................................................................................ ............
    SOVIETIZATION OF AMERICA.......................................................................................
    AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE........................................................................
    TAXES............................................................................................... ....................................
    SIN TAXES............................................................................................... .............................
    SHOT DOWN BY FRIENDLY FIRE..................................................................................
    WHERE IS THAT NEW MONEY?....................................................................................
    CHAPTER 3................................................................................................... ............................
    TUE., APR. 19, 1994................................................................................................ ............
    IN THE FAN .................................................................................................... .....................
    TREASON............................................................................................. ................................
    FEDERAL UNITED STATES........................................................................................
    RE: SENATE REPORT NO. 93-549, Etc.
    by John B. Nelson.............................................................................................. ............
    CHAPTER 4................................................................................................... ............................
    TUE., APR. 19, 1994................................................................................................ ............
    Continuation: JOHN B. NELSON DOCUMENT..............................................................
    PUBLIC LAW 94-564-OCT. 19, 1976
    94th CONGRESS............................................................................................ ................
    CHAPTER 5................................................................................................... ............................
    WED., APR. 20, 1994................................................................................................ ..........
    CURIOUSER AND CURIOUSER.......................................................................................
    TREASURYGATE........................................................................................ ........................
    TREASURYGATE by Tom Valentine.........................................................................
    KEY FIGURES............................................................................................. .........................
    GOVERNMENT CLAIMS.............................................................................................. .....
    Continuation: DEFRAUDING AMERICA,
    Part 17 by Rodney Stich............................................................................................... .
    LEGAL FRATERNITY.......................................................................................... ..............
    REPORT A CRIME, GO TO JAIL.......................................................................................
    AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION...........................................................................
    CONGRESSIONAL ATTORNEYS.....................................................................................
    CALIFORNIA SEGMENT OF LEGAL CORRUPTION...................................................
    CHAPTER 6................................................................................................... ............................
    WED., APR. 20, 1994................................................................................................ ..........
    SOMETIMES WRONG .................................................................................................... ...
    AUTHORS............................................................................................. ................................
    THE LIGHT WAVE................................................................................................ ..............
    Continuation: DEFRAUDING AMERICA,
    Part 18 by Rodney Stich............................................................................................... .
    ANOTHER IMPOSTOR............................................................................................ ...........
    CHAPTER 7................................................................................................... ............................
    THU., APR. 21, 1994................................................................................................ ...........
    "BUT I'D RATHER TALK ABOUT...." ...........................................................................
    Continuation: DEFRAUDING AMERICA,
    Part 19 by Rodney Stich............................................................................................... .
    THE BANKRUPTCY SCENE.............................................................................................
    ME OF LEGAL COUNSEL...........................................................................................
    AGAINST MALPRACTICE?........................................................................................
    JUDICIAL BROTHERHOODS.....................................................................................
    JUDGES FOR SALE................................................................................................ .............
    COVERT GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES.....................................................................
    CORRUPTION.......................................................................................... ......................
    LOAN DEBACLE............................................................................................. ..............
    ATTORNEY "WATCHDOGS"...........................................................................................
    LEGAL FRATERNITY IN PROBATE...............................................................................
    TYPICAL LEGAL SABOTAGE..........................................................................................
    LEGAL HELP................................................................................................ ..................
    SEIZING A CLIENT'S PROPERTIES.................................................................................
    THOSE UNABLE TO STOMACH IT.................................................................................
    THE POWERFUL TRIAL LAWYER LOBBY..................................................................
    WOLVES IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING...................................................................................
    "MONTHS OF LIES TO THE PRESS"...............................................................................
    SENTENCED TO PRISON............................................................................................
    BY THEIR VICTIMS............................................................................................. .........
    NATIONWIDE.......................................................................................... ......................
    CHAPTER 8................................................................................................... ............................
    FRI., APR. 22, 1994................................................................................................ ..............
    PERSONAL UPDATES............................................................................................. ...........
    NEW BLAST FROM API................................................................................................. ....
    by Ronn Jackson (060220)...........................................................................................
    Mr. & Mrs Russell Herman...........................................................................................
    CHAPTER 9................................................................................................... ............................
    MON., APR. 23, 1994................................................................................................ ..........
    CURIOSITY IS SOMETIMES VERY DANGEROUS,......................................................
    LITTLE KITTENS............................................................................................. ....................
    WHAT IS "MONTAUK"?................................................................................................... .
    LAWSUITS............................................................................................ ................................
    A RAINY DAY?................................................................................................ ...................
    CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................. ...........................
    MON., APR. 23, 1994................................................................................................ ..........
    BACK TO "CAMELOT".................................................................................................... ..
    By Ronn Jackson............................................................................................. ...............
    THE HOOVER FILES............................................................................................... ...........
    By Ronn Jackson............................................................................................. ...............
    AUTHOR'S NOTE................................................................................................ ................
    CHAPTER 11.................................................................................................. ...........................
    TUE., APR. 26, 1994................................................................................................ ............
    CONTRADICTIONS...................................................................................... ......................
    RICHARD M. NIXON............................................................................................... ...........
    By Ronn Jackson............................................................................................. ...............
    CHAPTER 12.................................................................................................. ...........................
    WED., APR. 27, 1994................................................................................................ ..........
    WHAT'S IN A NAME?............................................................................................... .........
    by Ronn Jackson............................................................................................. ...............
    Excerpt KE 001--003................................................................................................. ....
    KENNEDY, JOHN FITZGERALD, 1917-1963................................................................
    CHAPTER 13.................................................................................................. ...........................
    WED., APR. 27, 1994................................................................................................ ..........
    RUSSBACHER.......................................................................................... ...........................
    REQUIRED TO SAVE MY HUSBAND'S LIFE..........................................................
    RAYELAN RUSSBACHER.......................................................................................... .......
    RAYELAN RUSSBACHER.......................................................................................... .......
    URGENT IMMEDIATE ATTENTION...............................................................................
    RAYELAN RUSSBACHER.......................................................................................... .......
    CHAPTER 14.................................................................................................. ...........................
    WED., APR. 27, 1994................................................................................................ ..........
    by Ronn Jackson............................................................................................. ...............
    by Ronn Jackson
    I am unable to do other than thank writers for contributions and sharing of such critical and eyepopping information. As will be found in this issue we especially thank and honor:

    Please obtain their material "if you can". We are going to assist them in every way we can but you must do your homework as citizens of this world.

    Editor's note: Ronn Jackson's book is not yet published as of this writing; Gary Wean's book has been confiscated and is not presently available. FINAL JUDGMENT, The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy, is by Michael Collins Piper. To purchase a copy, you will have to either contact the publisher directly, OR puchase it from Liberty Library.
    The publisher is: The Wolfe Press, Washington, D.C.
    Liberty Library: 300 Independence Ave. , SE, Washihngton, D.C. 20003. You can use Visa & MasterCard through 1-800­522-6292; cost: $20.00.
    PJ 93

    MON., MAY 2, 1994 8:50 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 259

    MON., MAY 2. 1994

    I am going to waste no time in blatherings this morning as too much is transpiring to attend the time required for more than brief personal comments.

    Recently we have shared information regarding the crime scene in Russia and it comes to my attention that more and more is being seen in your American press regarding such crime. Is it accurate? Well, you have to know about YOUR PRESS and then assume SOME OF IT may be quite accurate. However, as long as you have some members of the journalistic crew of the Associated Press who print total lies to "set people up" as in the Ekker, Phoenix Institute for Research & Education and myself, in the case of the Institute vs. George Green in Nevada, you can't depend on any representation from that resource. How­ever, this article which will now be offered seems to cover a lot of confirmations so we will present it here that you might see things are coming to the surface.

    This particular printing comes from ALBUQUERQUE JOUR­NAL, Thursday, April 2l, 1994:

    By David Briscoe, The Associated Press

    WASHINGTON--Organized criminals, from Russia, China and Africa are forging ties with old European and Latin American crime groups to threaten national economies and world security, the CIA director told Congress on Wednesday (April 20, 1994).

    R. James Woolsey said a Russian "criminal politburo" could emerge as a powerful adversary with the network and resources to deal in nuclear warheads, while violent drug traffickers and other criminal groups are spreading and coordinating activities throughout the world. [H: Please realize that this is coming forth AND IS VERY IMPORTANT, READERS. This is ac­tually saying that there is a FACTION which is now in com­petition with that which has been totally controlled by the "COMMITTEES" of power up to this point and now is set­ting up even stronger "arms" against the traditional power-brokers. You are simply witnessing a rising-up of one of the "Titans" of power who will be confronting the other "Titanic" powers that already "be". It is for this focus and confirmation of that which we have brought you prior to this that causes me to choose to offer this bit of press.]

    Woolsey was the first witness in a two-day series of Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee hearings on what panel chair­man Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., said is an "invisible enemy" with vast armies and wealth.

    "Its agents have infiltrated tens of thousands of communities on every continent, selling narcotics and deadly weapons of war, gathering intelligence, building networks of influence and power," Kerry said.

    Assistant Attorney General Jo Ann Harris, also testifying at the hearing, had harsh words for Colombian Prosecutor General Gustavo de Greiff, who has called for decriminalization of drug offenses. [H: Herein let it be noted that by power and con­trol prior to now--there has not been any power great enough to break into the hold on these crime profits by the Committee of 300 and greater powers. These committees have had TOTAL "legal" reign over such trafficking and cornering of the massive wealth of these crime trades.]
    His policies, disavowed by Colombian President Cesar Gaviria, "will result in only minimum sentences upon some of the world's major narcotics traffickers, permitting their organi­zations to remain intact and their enormous fortunes untouched," Harris said.

    She also said that Panama, despite the U.S. conviction of former leader Manuel Noriega, "remains a jurisdiction of choice for the deposit, transfer and shipment of illegally derived monies." [H: This fact alone PROVES what we have told you about the REAL REASONS for your U.S. invasion of Panama and the involvement of your own Administration and Elite. It had nothing to do with goodness, honor or hu­man anything--it was a political armed invasion to protect your leaders and government from losses in the drug traf­ficking and money laundering.]

    Robert Gelbard, assistant secretary of state for narcotics matters, said organized crime is "more serious than we had as­sumed... We see alarming trends."

    Woolsey said the CIA in the post-Cold War era is giving in­creased attention to the ties among international criminal groups.

    Russian crime syndicates have forged ties with both Italian and Colombian criminal operations, with the Russians providing security for drug trafficking networks, he said.

    Nigerian criminal enterprises also play a major role in drug trafficking, with 35 to 40 percent of all heroin entering the United States carried in by Nigerians, Woolsey said. Nigerian groups also are involved in carrying South American cocaine to Europe, he said.

    Chinese crime groups, called triads, span international boundaries, too, and operate "a host of criminal enterprises" wherever there are sizeable ethnic Chinese communities.

    Speaking of all international crime groups, Woolsey said, "We need to understand the complex interplay between their illegal activities, their efforts to forge international criminal links, their money laundering schemes and their impact on local and even national and regional stability."

    North America remains the dominant market for South American cocaine, he said, but Colombian traffickers are ex­panding into Europe, with 11 metric tons seized in Europe al­ready this year, compared to 16 metric tons for all of last year.

    Burma remains the leading exporter of opium, accounting for 70 percent of the world market, he said, and half of the refined heroin in the United States comes from Southeast Asia.

    Much of Woolsey's testimony focused on the growing threat of organized criminals in Russia. He said they often are tied to corrupt government officials.

    He said there are 5,700 organized crime groups in Russia, with about 200 large, sophisticated organizations. Their payoffs have caused widespread corruption among government, police and military officials, and up to 80 percent of privatized enter­prises have been victims of extortion, he said.

    Russian criminal groups deal in narcotics, antiques, icons, raw materials, stolen vehicles, illegal immigrants, weapons and some nuclear materials. The CIA has not seen significant quan­tities of weapons-grade materials being smuggled out of the country, Woolsey said, although the danger is growing, and there have been reports of thefts of low-grade nuclear materials.

    * * *
    I ask you to go back, now, and REREAD this information. IT IS A RUNDOWN OF EVERYTHING BEING DONE BY YOUR GOVERNMENT, ADMINISTRATION AND CIA. THIS IS A FULL TURN-ABOUT TO PRESENT THE EX­ACT THING BEING DONE WHILE DISTRACTING YOU TO BELIEVE ALL YOUR PEOPLE ARE INNOCENT AND ALL THE "BAD-GUYS" ARE RISING. AS A MATTER OF FACT, NIGERIA'S ACTIVITIES ARE CONTROLLED BY THE KGB AND CIA. I think you had best take this and turn it about and you will see the hard-ditch efforts to cast blame elsewhere as more and more and more corruption comes to the public attention!
    Pay close attention these immediate days to see WHEN Bentsen of Treasury is to be on Larry King Live!
    May GOD allow you insight and may you awaken in time to PAY ATTENTION!

    Gyeorgos C. Hatonn
    GIA, Cmdr., IGFF-PC
    Phoenix Project

    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일
    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-15 at 11:52.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 93

    THU., APR. 14, 1994 2:24 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 241

    THU., APR. 14. 1994

    Why this heading? Because I am asked continually, "How many topics can you have going at once, Commander?" It is through integration of all of the topics we cover that you will find the players who control your lives. We add authors to our presen­tation list, not by the sequence in which information arrives, but as the next segment relates. To enter a new author into the pic­ture may seem a bit much at the moment but you will see how it all fits into the tapestry. It is time to move to the West Coast of the U.S. to pick up some more key players and remind you about the SLO connections. Some of the very highest level players are puddled on the West Coast. Well, at least they come to the West Coast as necessary.

    So who is sharing with us now? A man who KNOWS! He has supplied us with a copy of his work called THERE'S A FISH IN THE COURTHOUSE. His author tag is identified as G.L. Wean. He has been sharing with us for many months but it is just now time to begin to publish his overall information. He needs a lot of protection as the heat is turned up on ALL of our information-bringers.

    You will all remember Ray Renick. Cover him in your prayers, please, for he is not doing well. He is still in incarceration and now it is worse--they are giving him drugs continually to alter his mind function. The best thing we can do to help him is to offer backup for the information he has already shared with us so that the adversary KNOWS that the truth is already out there and destruction of the persons in point is not WISE.

    Will this be about all of the all-going-at-once volumes? Nope, we have at least two more insiders. One is called John Doe and the other we won't even give initials since he is in hiding, under protection--right now as we write. I am going to leave the daily updates to Rick Martin and Brent Moorhead for the hotline and updates. You are stuck again, readers, with long, long papers for as long as we can stay in print and mailing costs. This is, EVERY BIT, so important that we simply cannot reduce this output for convenience or otherwise. Neither can I keep the "amount" of writing restricted to Dharma in some instances to "measure" the amount of information we feel you can handle because we need, from time to time, to offer Soltec's input and other pertinent information, tapings and materials. Rick's newsdesk can't even begin to touch the piles of pertinent infor­mation but we will do that which we can. Please keep up with the hotline [1-805-822-0202] because the economy is moving and changing also as we write. You are at war--it is no ACCI­DENT that your own planes shot down the two so-marked, large choppers in Iraq today--YOU ARE AT WAR!

    The whole scenario reminds me of the anti-Jewish paper flyers which have been placed in several Los Angeles schools. Read­ers--the ADL produced the papers and paid to have them placed there--for attention and to raise trouble to accompany the thrust with Spielberg's movie. It is exactly the SAME thing they did by desecrating their own cemeteries and blaming the "anti-Semites". This is SICK and you are all sucked in--and, I re­mind you that Israel has F-15s and 16s and THEY were the first to bomb Iraq in your last "Gulf War". There were some very important persons on those helicopters that were destroyed to­day. There is great SHAME upon America this day!
    by G.L. Wean
    A multi-billion dollar master-plot by a veiled group of local politicians and financiers to defraud the people was about to be exposed. Their indictment through a secret investigation by the Ventura County Grand Jury was imminent.

    Treachery by a member of the Grand Jury brought swift orders from the presiding judge of the Superior Court to kill the inves­tigation.

    The judge's evil command to subvert the due process of law triggered a succession of murderous, treasonous events: a trail that led to the highest offices of the land....

    Evil men and their
    total destruction!
    [H: This is a TRUE STORY but is written in the same for­mat as that style of Ronn Jackson--as a story and not a fac­tual "listing" of events. I'm sure you will find it as enjoyable in the reading and the realization of the truth of it will hit you as "incredibly" as have the other presentations. Dharma, you will just bear with us please as I know you are totally wiped out from all the writing--but we are doing im­portant work here.]
    MURDER!! The paper's headline blared large and black, "BARTENDER MURDERED", Merle Harter, night bartender at the Captain's Table killed...knifed many times and left lying in a pool of blood behind the bar....

    There weren't too many murders occurring in the beautiful city of San Buenaventura by the sea, but even so I did not read the entire story because it did not appear to be much different from what was happening every day a little farther south along the coast in the metropolis of Los Angeles.

    One thing did pass through my mind...that the police would most likely come up with a suspect and I would get the task of investigating to prove that the suspect was innocent. Since September of 1966, I had been the Chief Investigator for the Of­fice of Public Defender for Ventura County, a new department which had just been formed by the supervisors of the county. After a lot of thought the local politicians had come to the con­clusion that it would be far more economical to create the county department of Public Defender than to have the judges appointing private attorneys to represent indigent people. There was a belief that maybe the court was playing favorites in the selection of certain attorneys and law firms and possibly these lawyers were conducting far too many unnecessary courtroom appearances in behalf of their clients. Each separate appearance called for higher fees and expenses.

    This would not be the first murder case that I had been in­volved in through the years, but it sure as hell was destined to be one of the most involved and far-reaching cases to me personally...changing my whole existence and future.

    Our offices were on the third floor of a newer building which had been constructed behind the old courthouse. The original and more elaborate building was situated on a site overlooking the older section of Ventura. Walking out the massive front doors you looked down California Street, on across Main to the white sands of the beach and the blue ocean and sky. Usually a fat oil tanker lay anchored out beyond the fishing pier. Indeed, this beautiful view met your eyes as you left the front doors of the stately old courthouse. At least it did before the purveyors of cement and steel decided to build their master-size freeway including exits and on ramps at the foot of California Street. All this within several hundred feet of the white sand and blue ocean. Now all you could see were Greyhound busses and huge smoky trucks hauling their enormous loads of merchandise be­tween San Francisco and Los Angeles interspersed with the Volkswagens and Winnebagos. Progress, what would we do without it?

    I parked the county car up on the hillside and walked down to the newer courthouse structure that housed our offices. I de­cided I would walk up the several flights of stairs thinking a little exercise wouldn't hurt. Starting up the second flight of stairs I heard somebody coming down. Looking up quickly I saw it was Woodruff J. Deem, the District Attorney. I gave a friendly "Hi," and he nodded as he kept going at a fast pace down the steps. I figured Woody was doing the same thing I was by try­ing to get a little workout. But knowing how he pushed himself with his duties, he probably just didn't have the patience to wait for the one and only elevator to arrive. Woody, as he was known to almost everybody, was of average height and had an athletic build. As I turned to watch him for a moment I noticed that he still had a butch haircut and thought, "Lord, why doesn't he get a new suit."

    I had known Woody for a long time, having taken many criminal investigative files to him to read and issue complaints on while I was a Det. Sergeant with the Ventura Police Depart­ment and he'd been a Deputy. D.A. He was a shrewd lawyer, extremely fair while considering both sides of a case and whether or not there was sufficient evidence to warrant taking a defendant to court and trying to convict him. You would expect a knowing and extremely long, sharp look, if he felt that you, as the investigating officer had come up with a poor report.

    I started on up the stairs while nursing the feeling that Woody didn't seem quite so friendly since I was with the Public De­fender's office. On the other hand I had heard rumbles that there was a strong antagonistic feeling being nurtured among the staff of the Public Defender against the District Attorney--this in a loud, boisterous and quite profane manner by Richard E. Er­win, the lawyer who had been appointed to the position of Pub­lic Defender by the Board of Supervisors. In fact, Erwin had been appointed in a hurry and under pressure by the Board be­cause the attorney they wanted for the position had decided at the last minute not to take the job. Unless the position was filled in a hurry the courts were going to start using court appointed attorneys and this would create considerable problems with funds and client's cases.

    It was early afternoon yet and I could see several of the deputy Public Defenders standing in the large front office discussing their problem cases and hoping for advice and encouragement from their fellow attorneys. Beyond them was a desk where sat Claire Brotherton, the woman that Erwin had selected for his executive secretary. She was an average-height female with mousy blonde hair and apparently at the age where a woman starts getting unwanted bulges in fairly obvious places. She had placed her desk in a very strategic corner of the room where her eyes from behind a pair of powerful glasses could see every object, moving or otherwise, with one swift upward glance from her typewriter. I received one of these upward glances as I entered the main door, only she stared at me for what seemed like a longer period than she gave most individu­als, and I was sure I detected a hostile gleam behind the glasses, along with the start of a sneer on her thin, tight lips. Just to the right of her desk was a door and gold letter on it announced, "Richard E. Erwin, Public Defender."

    I was about to proceed to my left and go on back to my own office, but I could see Erwin standing inside his door and he was beckoning me to come in with a "right now" gesture of his arm. I changed directions to head for his office and Claire, sensing where I was heading, leaped from her swivel secretary's chair to intercept me before I could enter the sacred chambers. The heavy chair banged loudly against some metal files behind her, and the attorneys who were engrossed in their conversation be­came suddenly still and turned to observe what was taking place. I speeded up as fast as I could and still not appear that I was running--I passed through the door of the sanctum one breath ahead of Claire. Erwin stood in the middle of his office staring at our maneuvers and I turned to see Claire standing in the doorway holding a bunch of papers--the blood had drained from her face leaving her very pale. This time I could see her hatred glaring at me with no thought of concealment. I had to wonder why she felt like this toward me because I had never tried to be anything but polite and helpful to her as we had struggled to or­ganize the new office of Public Defender.

    I was brought back to the present by a loud rasping voice saying, "Sit down, I want to talk to you!" I sat down on the couch and looked at the owner of the voice. Richard E. Erwin was a tall, thin man with graying hair and he combed it in a conventional man's manner except for a strange curly-cue in the front. He was standing there staring out of the window with a paper clip in his hand. He had opened one end of the clip, with the loop end he probed into his right ear, quite fiercely and with an extraordinary depth. Shortly he removed the clip from his head and stepped closer to the window where the sun was brighter. He examined the results of his probe on the loop end of the clip. I thought, what in hell can he be looking at because from that distance I couldn't see anything on the end of the clip. I was feeling squeamish when he suddenly threw the clip in the trash basket and sat down. He said, "I want you to do some­thing for me. I am just getting settled in my new house out in the east end of Ventura and my flowers and grass are coming up beautifully."

    I figured I was going to get roped into some kind of a gar­dening project. A couple of months before I had been invited out to his house for lunch, he wanted me to see what a beautiful location he had picked. It was very nice and was in a cul-de-sac along with six or seven other homes. As I stood on the sidewalk looking at the scenery I heard a powerful truck turning the cor­ner. I saw that it was a large furniture van that had just pulled up in front of Erwin's house. We had a lunch served by Mrs. Erwin, and I finished the afternoon helping to carry five rooms of furniture to upstairs bedrooms. "Yeah! My flowers and grass were coming up beautifully until the people started moving into the other houses. Everyone of those bastards must have at least ten shit-assed little kids and their mothers send every one of them outside to play in my yard. They are killing all my grass and flowers--you have to do something about it. You used to be on the Ventura Police Department and you have friends over there. Get hold of some of your buddies and have them go up there in black and white cars and harass those people, pick up those little bastards, take them over to juvenile hall and make their parents come to the hall to get them."

    I noticed that he was really serious and getting madder by the minute as his face was now dark red and his small black eyes flashed behind his gold-rimmed glasses. I could see Claire's shadow on the floor in front of the door and I realized she must be out there listening to every word. I reached over and pushed the door shut. The whole conversation was making me nervous and I was feeling a slight touch of anger when I said, "Christ! Mr. Erwin, I can't go ask men on the Police Department to do things like this--first of all they would think I was nuts, and sec­ond, they wouldn't do it anyway. Besides, now I am working for the Public Defender and as well as I know them and they like me, they still don't trust our motives. It's like being friends with a soldier from another country, but your countries are about to declare war on each other." He stood up straight and stared at me. "Alright, goddamn it! Then you take one of our cars with the county emblem on it and go up there in the cul-de-sac and sit there and watch them--maybe they will think you are from the sheriff's office." I was anxious to leave his office and assured him I would do something about his neighbors and their kids.

    Retreating from his office I saw Claire behind her desk trying to give an impression of just a normal secretary doing her job.

    I continued down the hall toward my own office. On my right were several cubicles which served as offices for the Deputy Public Defenders, and I could see that most of them had returned from their combat duties in the courtrooms and were relaxing in their shirt sleeves. John Russell was in his shirt sleeves, but he wasn't relaxing. He was talking to a young Mexican, trying to interview him and get facts relating to the bust the cops had put on him. John looked up as I passed and yelled "Hey, Gary, come in here for a minute. Meet Jesus Lopez." I looked at Jesus and said "Hi". Jesus just stared at me. John said, "Jesus has a problem and I would like for you to get a police report from Oxnard Police Department, if you will. Jesus tells me the police busted him for nothing. All he was doing was sitting on a dark street about midnight last night smooching with his chick when two cholos came running around the corner and threw a bunch of loot in the back seat of his Chevy and kept on running. About the same time two cops came running around the corner, opened the front door of his Chevy, jerked him out on the street and handcuffed him."

    "Yeah, sure sounds like a bum beef. Listen Jesus," I said, "will your chick swear that you were just sitting there smooching and you didn't know anything about the two other guys?"

    "Well... man, she wasn't actually there when it happened."

    "What do you mean by she wasn't there? You said you were smooching when it happened."

    "Naw man, she got mad and left just before the cholos came around the corner."

    "You told me you were smooching with your chick when it happened and now you say she wasn't there."

    Jesus tensed. "Hey, what's the matter man? You on my side or you one of those cops?"

    "Alright, what kind of loot did they find in your car?" "Man, those dirty cops found a TV set, two stereo speakers and a bag of golf clubs."

    I looked at John, "Okay, I'll get a police report for you first thing in the morning, but it sounds like you got a bigger problem than Jesus."

    John Russell was one of the first attorneys hired by the Public Defender's office and I had investigated quite a few cases for him. I'd found him to be a fine and extremely able trial at­torney. Along with a very analytical mind he had an amazing memory for statements which prosecution witnesses made on the stand while being questioned by the prosecuting attorney. Un­der John's patient cross-examination, if they were telling any­thing but the truth it was sure to come out in a manner quite devastating to the prosecution's case. The most important thing about him, I found to be, was his dedication to a client if he had determined that the client was indeed innocent. I knew that he spent many hours after getting home at night, studying the evi­dence, reading technical interpretations of law and preparing his defense for the next day in court.

    Beyond John Russell's cubicle I passed into a large room which served as the Bureau of Investigation quarters. At this time there were two desks in the room besides my own and a large file cabinet behind my desk in which I kept investigative files. The only other piece of furniture was a table about six feet long and several hard backed chairs which we used for clients while interviewing them.

    James Hronesh, one of the two investigators besides myself, was already at his desk talking on the telephone. He had his back to me and you could tell at first glance that he was quite husky, but when he stood up it seemed like he must have stretched himself to make the height requirements for the Police Department. Jim had been a Ventura Policeman when I first met him. When I was promoted to Detective Sergeant he worked as court officer in the mornings, taking all the misde­meanor prisoners who had been arrested overnight to court for arraignment. He would help me with investigations in the after­noon when his court duties were over. We both said "Hi" as he hung up the phone, picked up some papers and left the room heading for the attorney's offices to give them some information they had requested. As Chief Investigator I was the first inves­tigator hired by Erwin; Glen Kuhn was hired a couple of months later. He was a Los Angeles Police Department officer but had to wait until he had all his time in to retire from L.A. before he could report to Ventura.

    After a few phone calls to tie up some loose ends on a couple of minor cases I noticed that it was getting dark outside. When I looked down from the window I could see that the clock watchers were pouring out of the courthouse rear door into the parking lot and were wasting no time getting their cars down the driveway to Poli Street. Looking at my wristwatch it was thirty seconds after five p.m. Heading down the hall to the main en­trance of our office I saw Paul Clinton standing by the door of his cubicle.

    "Hi Paul, how did things go in court today?"

    He nodded, "Well you know how it is--you do your best then you hope for the best." Paul and John Russell had both come to the Public Defender's office about the same time. Paul was an impressive individual, fairly tall and husky, with gray hair and a gray mustache that gave him an aura of distinguishment. Paul, like John, was also a very accomplished trial lawyer. He be­lieved that a client should get the benefit of all the knowledge and effort that he could put forth.

    "Paul, I see you've got a new sport coat, that Scottish plaid looks real sharp on you."

    He smiled and entered his cubicle to wind up his day's work. Paul was the sharpest and most stylish dresser in the office and he looked the part of a competent attorney which he indeed was. I reached the main door of the office to leave and took a quick backward glance. A number of attorneys and office girls were also preparing to leave.

    I saw that Glen Kuhn, the other investigator, had come in. He was sitting back against the wall next to Claire's desk and they were engaged in a private conversation. Kuhn was doing most of the talking. Claire's face was alternating in smiles and frowns in accordance with Kuhn's efforts to inform her of oc­currences throughout the day that would surely be their own lit­tle secrets. I had noticed lately that this little scene between these two had been occurring with greater frequency, and going down the stairs I was beginning to wonder if this little tete-a-tete had anything to do with Claire's feelings towards me. I thought, no, it couldn't be anything that Glen was telling her.

    Glen had called me numerous times and asked me for assur­ances that I wouldn't hire any other investigator before him and that he was doing everything he could to expedite his retirement with the Los Angeles Police Department so that he could report for duty in Ventura. I had assured Kuhn that Mr. Erwin and I would wait for his retirement and that he would be the next investigator hired. No, it couldn't be that Kuhn would try to un­dermine me with Claire after I had kept my promise to hire him.

    The next morning I left my desk to go into the front office and pick up some crime reports I needed. Coming down the hall directly toward me was Erwin. "Hey, Gary, you're just the guy I was looking for." He lowered his voice to a more confi­dential tone and took a quick look around him. There was no one else in sight. "Here, take this piece of paper. It has a bunch of license plate numbers on it. I want you to get the owner's names and check them all out for criminal records."

    The paper had eight license numbers scribbled haphazardly on both sides.

    "Sure, I can check them out for you. Is it one of the cases I have been working on?"

    "Christ no," he rasped, and his voice got back to its normal loud level. I could see that he was working himself up over something. "That rotten son-of-a-bitch next door to me is mak­ing my life miserable, and goddamn it, I've told you that I want you to do something. His name is Bruce Dodd, he's a book­maker or narcotic peddler or something like that. He never works, just loafs around his place day and night. Last night there were cars all over the cul-de-sac, it looked like a bunch of hippies come up from Los Angeles to buy narcotics. So I got my dog on a leash and we walked around the houses. When no one was watching I wrote down those license plates."

    "Mr. Erwin, if you are convinced this guy Dodd is really bad I'll talk to a detective friend on the Police Department and let them check it out."

    "No, goddamn it! I want you to do it. And something else, that friggin Woody Deem is just as crooked as they come. You know Gilliam, the colored guy we just made a deal for and got him second degree murder...?"

    I remembered Gilliam, a colored man that had been working in the lettuce fields in Oxnard. He had shot and killed another worker during a late hour argument in the barracks where they lived. Gilliam was a completely illiterate black man of low mentality. His past record disclosed that he had done a long stretch in the state penitentiary in Tennessee for murder. As he had put it, "I done bashed that black man's haid in with a base­ball bat." It had happened so long ago that he couldn't even remember why he did it. Erwin always referred to Gilliam as the baseball player, which to him was exceedingly funny to liken our client to Jr. Gilliam, a major league baseball player who was also quite dexterous with a ball bat on the baseball diamond.

    "I've told you guys a million times, Deem is in cahoots with a head shrinker up in Santa Barbara. Every time there is a killing Deem calls Dr. Battson down here to Ventura, the doctor talks to the suspect before anybody else does and gets him all screwed up. He then turns in a report to Deem with statements that the suspect made. There is hardly any way we can get around these statements and Deem beats us in court every time. We could have gotten the baseball player off on self defense if it hadn't been for that rotten head-shrinker."

    "Well, how do you figure that makes Woody a crook? I have known him for a long time and there has never been even a whisper of such a thing about him. I know that he's very re­ligious and he stands quite high in the Mormon Church."

    The mention of Deem's standing with the Mormon's served to set Erwin off into a frenzy of profanity. He was getting louder as we continued this conversation in the hallway, but he suddenly seemed to control himself. Lowering his voice he said, "Woody never calls any doctors in Ventura. He always calls Dr. Battson from Santa Barbara. I know they have been splitting the money the Dr. gets from the County for interview­ing the suspects and Woody gets the statements just the way he likes them. I want you to go to Santa Barbara and check this Doctor's past history, see if he is connected with Deem. I also want you to find out how high he is in the Mormon Church. I want to know which one of them is the big pooh-bah in the hierarchy--then I will know who is boss. You get on this right away."

    "This puts me on the spot, Mr. Erwin. I have quite a few cases I am working right now and our attorneys need the infor­mation as soon as possible."

    "Don't worry about them. They will get by one way or an­other. You just get going on this deal with Woody and Dr. Battson right away."

    For several days I'd been doing my best to get some critical work out for the attorneys to assist them in their courtroom ap­pearances. At the same time I avoided Erwin, who I was hop­ing had forgotten about his orders regarding the District Attor­ney, the doctor and also Mr. Dodd, his neighbor. I thought, Erwin must have some kind of super-sensitivity that tells him when I am in the hallway...here he comes heading right at me. I could see the look in his small black eyes behind the gold-rimmed glasses. It was a look such as a small child might have on his face when he catches sight of Santa Clause and is waiting for the magnificent gift to be handed to him. "What did you find out? Let me have it," he said.

    Christ, how I wished I was some place else. "Mr. Erwin, I spent two whole days here and in Santa Barbara trying to tie Deem and Dr. Battson into something together. There just isn't anything that goes along with your information. In fact, Dr. Battson isn't even a Mormon." Though he was getting red in the face I figured I might as well give him the bad news about his neighbor, Mr. Dodd. "Your enemy moved to Ventura from up north around San Luis Obispo or Santa Maria where he was at one time a city councilman and a successful businessman with a good reputation. The car license numbers you gave me all checked out to be reliable citizens down in Los Angeles."

    I could see by Erwin's face that my information was going over like a lead balloon. I knew that he had been waiting for his gift all wrapped up in beautiful Christmas paper. He was sure that it would contain all sorts of goodies that would incriminate Deem, the doctor and Mr. Dodd. The information would put them away in cold dark cells forever, where they could never bother him or his flowers again. His face got redder and his black eyes got smaller. His lips started to move, he said, "Damn it! You're a helluva investigator! You couldn't find anything if it was right in front of you."

    I was real glad that he turned around and walked off before I could completely formulate the answer I wanted to give him. Things kind of quieted down with Erwin for the next couple of days. The few times I saw him from a distance he just sort of looked at me and then cast his eyes down at his hands where I could see he had a paper clip that had been opened on one end.

    I had been at my desk for a while when I heard Hronesh coming into the investigators' room. My watch said 8:30 a.m. Some of the attorneys had been complaining to me that Jim had been doggin' it and wasn't making decent reports on the infor­mation they had requested. Now...here he was walking into the office a full half hour late. "Jim, what's with you being late all the time? Also, the attorneys are complaining about your piss-poor reports or complete lack of them."

    Banging a briefcase down on his desk he said, "Shit! I've been up all night over at Erwin's house--me and Kuhn too."

    "What in hell happened over there?"

    "Right after dinner Erwin called me at home and told me to get over to his place quick, that he needed me. I jumped in my car and dashed over there, Kuhn had already arrived. It seemed Mrs. Erwin had assaulted Mrs. Dodd over the fence, the police had been called and Mrs. Dodd wanted to file a criminal com­plaint."

    "Lord, how bad was it?"

    "Oh hell! Mrs. Erwin turned her hose on Mrs. Dodd. For some reason the cops became peed-off at the whole damn affair and I couldn't talk them out of taking a report."

    "What in the world was Erwin doing?"

    "Everyone was arguing and the cops were coming in and out of the house and that silly son-of-a-bitch sat there playing the pi­ano all through the whole scene. After the cops left, Erwin made Kuhn and me go out into his garage which is attached to the house, and sit in the dark watching the Dodd's place through the window."

    "What in hell did he want you guys to watch for?"

    "Damn if I know, but his silly-ass daughter kept coming out to the garage with black coffee to make sure we didn't go to sleep."

    "Where's Kuhn now?"

    "He called Claire and told her he was going to take a sick day off. Erwin told us we could take overtime for all the time we were there, but my wife is pretty sore about it."

    "Hell! I've got work stacked up on my desk a foot high, the lawyers are screaming for help and Erwin is using you guys for bull-shit like this--and all you can do is cry about how mad your wife is." I put a pile of cases on his desk, "Here, damn it, get started."


    * * *
    I realize that you think this could move a bit faster--but Mr. Wean is laying the groundwork for you. Remember these are real people in real positions--and how do you begin to feel about THAT?

    How would you feel if you were like Ray Renick and the only hope you had between life in prison, brain alteration and free­dom--being innocent--was one like Erwin? Well, that is EX­ACTLY THE WAY IT IS--RIGHT IN VENTURA-SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY WHERE RAY IS!! Justice system? All you really have, dear readers, is a SYSTEM and it should scare the living daylights out of you. The players get VERY BIG in these counties in California, along with Kern County where Dharma is located. And remember that you also have the NINTH FEDERAL DISTRICT OUT HERE ALSO. But, basi­cally, America--it IS America U.S.A.--anywhere! And THIS story hasn't even yet begun....

    PJ 93

    SUN., APR. 17, 1994 10:36 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 244

    SUN., APR. 17. 1994
    I did not say "Russianizing" of America--I said "Sovietization". This is by definition: "Khazarian Zionist Socialistic Fascism"--it is not "Communism"--it was only labeled "Communism" to de­ceive the masses. It means, literally, degradation of the masses while bringing them under total control and RULE BY THE ELITE. So, how is your day going?

    In view of the fact that we wrote about crime in Russia this week and it was obvious that it is simply a reflection of that which has happened to EVERY great nation and also a reflec­tion of that which is in America--even to the SAME PLAYERS. Let us consider a bit of relative comparisons. We have written about it so much that I fear no one pays attention to that which "I" present. Nothing is new and the information is now pouring out through the cracks of the deceiver's armor and evil bastions.
    The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor has again offered presenta­tion on these topics as reminders to readers who have missed it before. I honor them for rendering reminders instead of simply moving on with more and more advertising for business product. You need confirmation from many sources so that ultimately the ones who refuse to listen to "one" may well recognize the truth flowing from "another". More and more these committed au­thors are asking for copying and distribution of their work as they come to realize that unity in presentation is the only way to reach the masses--even if our attitudes differ.

    America is in the final writhings of downfall as have been present at the decline and fall of all great nations and empires. It is well laid out by McAlvany's writers and himself. He is an economist and financial advisor. He offers an in-depth mone­tary, economic, geopolitical and precious metals analysis in his newsletters. I often take exception to what is offered in those areas of realization--but that is HIS business venture and not rel­ative to my own. This in itself indicates that you do not have to agree to bring truth of circumstance.

    Editor: Donald S. McAlvany
    (P.O. Box 84904, Phoenix, AZ 85071)

    March 1994

    [H: Is this not one of the ones who seem to belong to a P.O. Box "Phoenix Club"? Yes, but just because there are busi­ness antics afoot it does not mean that observations and truth of information are lacking. This man writes over the sign of the "fish" which lays claim to being a Christian and some day we will really dissect that assumption. However, information is the need of the day so we will observe that which we have in common, please.]


    "...a wise and frugal government which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government..." Thomas Jefferson.

    "Bad men cannot make good citizens. It is impossible that a nation of infidels or idolators should be a nation of free men. It is when a people forget God that tyrants forge their chains. A vitiated state of morals, a corrupt public conscience, are incom­patible with freedom. " Patrick Henry.
    "The strength or weakness of a society depends more on the level of its spiritual life than on its level of industrialization. Neither a market economy nor even general abundance consti­tutes the crowning achievement of human life. If a nation's spiritual energies have been exhausted, it will not be saved from collapse by the most perfect government structure or by any in­dustrial development. A tree with a rotten core cannot stand." Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

    America in the mid-1990s is declining as rapidly as Germany in the mid-1930s or Rome as it was approaching its terminal stages. Morally, culturally, spiritually, politically, and finan­cially, America is now plunging down the slippery slope to col­lapse. And as with most countries in decline, the great majority of Americans do not recognize the decline and would argue ve­hemently that America is as great as ever.

    Edward Gibbon, the great British historian, wrote (between 1776 and 1788) in his classic six volume History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire about the five primary causes for the collapse and destruction of Roman society:
    1) The rapid increase in divorce and the undermining of the sanctity of the home;
    2) The spiraling rise of taxes and extravagant spending;
    3) The mounting craze of pleasure and the brutalization of sports;
    4) The building of gigantic armaments, and the failure to re­alize that the real enemy lay within the gates of the empire, in the moral decay of the people; and
    5) The decay of religion and the fading of faith into a mere humanistic form, leaving the people without a guide.

    All of these and much more of Gibbon's great work, as well as much of William Shirer's epic history of The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, describe America today in the mid-1990s. We are in moral collapse, with homosexuals and sexual degenerates now running our government, our entertainment industry, and much of our public education system--with free, uninhibited sex outside of marriage now being officially promoted down to kindergarten, and with the largest pornography industry in the world producing, promoting and distributing pornographic filth on a global basis. [H: Note that the author is able to pro­nounce all of these allegations and general accusations on a "group" without even mentioning the group in point. Why then, is the ADL not after him for "anti-Semitism?" Do you not find this interesting? So, who owns the media, the press, the government, the banks and the big business? How is it that the major lobby in Washington and the major PACs are from the same resource as well as almost ALL ad­visors to the Administration AND THE COMPROMISE OF ALMOST ALL OF CONGRESS IS FROM THE SAME GROUP--and yet ones MUST NOT MENTION THE LA­BEL?]

    That the family has disintegrated in America is a gross under­statement. Over half of all marriages in America (including Christian marriages) now end in divorce, with over half of American children now being raised by a single parent, in a home with a stepparent, or by the state. Over 25% of American children are now born out of wedlock into a single mother fam­ily. Teenage crime, rebellion, gang warfare, pregnancy, and suicide is the highest in the world in America, as is domestic vi­olence and physical and sexual abuse against children and wives.

    Over 25 years of poisonous women's liberation philosophy directed at two generations of American women is now bearing its ugly fruit as record numbers of American wives are leaving their husbands, children, and families in the mid-90s to "find themselves" or "do their own thing" and record numbers of American women are remaining single or are turning to les­bianism for fulfillment.

    Again, like Rome, America is the most highly taxed major country in the world today, with 50-60% of the income of her most productive class now going to income redistribution and to pay for the socialist welfare state. Half a century of explosive economic growth, extravagant materialism, overindulgence and prosperity (since the end of world War II) has now given way to gross over indebtedness, record personal and business bankrupt­cies, and a declining "real" standard of living for most Ameri­cans.

    As in Rome, Americans now worship the "god" of enter­tainment, pleasure, and distraction, whether it is sports (participatory or spectator), travel, television, movies, videos, recreational drugs, or sex, etc.--diversions that preoccupy al­most all of Americans' non-working leisure time, leaving little time for reading, thinking, reflecting or observing what is hap­pening to our people, our country, our culture, our families, or ourselves. Anger, brutality and distraction characterized the Roman circuses of ancient Rome and other diversions designed by wicked leaders to keep the masses' minds off of the realities of a declining decadent empire. And the same can be said today of our spectator sports and of television in America.

    Today, as in ancient Rome or in the Germany of the mid-1930s, the socialists have captured the U.S. government and are systematically destroying virtually all of the freedoms, traditions and morality of an American people who have forgotten their history, their heritage and their greatness, and whom can no longer even tell the difference between right and wrong or good and evil. As in Rome and Nazi Germany, the American people are becoming slaves and don't even know it.

    Their freedoms are being taken from them, and they can't even remember what those freedoms were. Thirty million ba­bies can be mutilated and killed in their mother's wombs, and most Americans can no longer even discern that that is wrong--that that is murder. A man who is an open womanizer, adul­terer, drug user, draft dodger, and wartime collaborator with America's most deadly enemy can run for President and be elected by an electorate who know his background but don't re­ally object to it and don't believe that it will affect his ability to govern and improve their own economic condition--which is their primary concern.

    And as in Rome and the Germany of the 1930s, America has gone into a spiritual and moral free fall, leaving the people without an anchor, or a compass. America's mainline religious denominations are as immoral, socialist, and devoid of spiritual content and truth as their counterpart state-sanctioned churches in Nazi Germany and the old Soviet Empire. From a social gospel and liberal theology devoid of almost any redeeming spiritual content, to the morality of the day, to homosexuals in the clergy, to most of the tenets of socialism, collectivism, and big government control of the people, America's mainline reli­gions have gone along with or even been in the forefront of the decline. And America's evangelical churches have wa­tered down their message and content over the past 30 years as to be only a shadow of their former selves, offering little or no resistance to America's decline.

    And as America has gone into spiritual decline, and substi­tuted the secular humanist gods of man, materialism, pleasure, high technology, etc., for the God of the Bible, His Son, Jesus Christ, and His Biblical blueprint for successful living, America has gone into a moral free fall. Exploding violence, crime, di­vorce, massive drug consumption, promiscuity, pornography, baby killing, teenage rebellion, gang warfare, homosexuality, etc., are the result. And loss of Americans' freedom is also the result. As Antonio Gramsci, founder of the Italian Communist Party, said, if you want to take down a capitalist country and convert it to Communism, first undermine its morality, its culture, and its spirituality--and the subsequent transition to Communism (and slavery) will be a short and easy one.

    This issue of MIA (the Intelligence Advisor) will examine the global plunge toward world government, targeted for the end of the decade and the efforts of a socialist government (Big Brother) (and Big Sister) to control the American people via electronic surveillance, a national ID card, a national police force, a financial dictatorship, growing police state tactics, the confiscation of private property and wealth, gun control, social­ized medicine and much more.

    It will analyze how Big Brother and Sister are educating or programming (i.e., brainwashing) Americans for socialism and the New World Order; how the persecution of Christians, con­servatives and traditionalists by the socialist "change agents" now in control of America is approaching; and how the judge­ment of the righteous God, who, according to the Bible, takes a very dim view of baby killing, homosexuality, promiscuity, pornography, rampant divorce, immorality, and rebellion to His laws could be descending upon America in the 1990s.

    Editor's note: You are encouraged to copy and distribute as widely as possible.

    * * *
    I would like to discuss a few very current topics and let's look at them as they are--not as they SEEM to be.

    Two days ago tax-day was upon you. I am not going to discuss "taxes" as you may well be expecting for I do not advocate fur­ther disobedience to laws. Once you have filed your "return", citizens, I believe you have signed your own contract and you will be held responsible if you hedge any bets. As to unlawful cause to "file" those returns--yes it is unlawful to force you to file such "voluntary" papers. However, you NOW FUNCTION UNDER EXECUTIVE ORDERS AND NOT CONSTITU­TIONAL LAW--so whether or not the cause will stand in court is doubtful--since, indeed, the courts are more corrupt than the IRS private police (and collection agency for the bankers).

    What I would like to point out is not so much "taxation" but just what has really HAPPENED TO YOU. As the big day came there were many reporters and mail-box watchers who had all sorts of information which you MUST CONSIDER. Several re­spected "mouths" counted your taxes for you. One particular lady accountant pointed out that out of EVERY dollar you get--all but 33 cents go to taxes one way or another. Another ended up with less than 12 cents for your own spending.

    Now what do you have going on?

    "Ah," they say, "we will over tax those awful sinful people and place BIG sin taxes." And, do so. Also, it is proclaimed that tobacco will REALLY be taxed heavily and pay for health costs because, after all, it is so damaging to the health. But what are you going through right now? Indeed, an all-out effort to make smoking ILLEGAL. That means a loss of revenue to the gov­ernment of incredible sums of tax money. So, are you not con­cerned as to just WHAT IN HELL those idiots are doing? Next comes booze--there is an opening attack on advertising for liquor.... Please, readers, I am totally "against" both items--but what about income for the government? Who is going to make up the faster growing deficits and pay the bills of your nation? No, not you, citizens--for a large portion of YOU are already on WELFARE, FOODSTAMPS and other payments which come directly FROM FORMS OF TAXATION. Jobs are now a pre­mium and few can depend on having one. As payments from resources available stop being available--WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?

    I point this out, not to ruin your day, but to encourage you to look at the opposing damage from your pressure to "do good"! Will regulations stop smoking? No, so there will be revenue acquired by lawbreakers but it will not be sizable enough to off­set the costs to you as citizens for illegalizing the product. It certainly WILL NOT HURT THE TOBACCO COMPANIES--ONLY THE TOBACCO USERS AND GROWERS! Note, in addition, that legalization of now illegal drugs keeps popping up even as de-legalization of tobacco is brought forth. What kind of games do you suppose are being played on you now?

    I don't want to comment on what is going on in the areas where the atrocities are being committed today--I don't have time or space to cover them all. I do find it interesting that as of yet no OFFICIAL list of dead is available. (Concerning the shooting down of two helicopters in the "no fly" zone of northern Iraq, killing 26 people.) The government tells you that they have trouble identifying the bodies because of any number of excuses--and no one even questions? For goodness sakes--those were MILITARY planes with known crews and every passenger IS WELL KNOWN. What are they REALLY hiding? You had better pay attention because, friends, you ARE at war! Believe me--you are at war and NOT just in Kurds'-ville.

    Being passed out, delivered to the States as it has to be dis­tributed from the Texas "mint" and European presses and from the stashes in Fort Knox where there once was gold to back your currency. Now it is really "squeezing" the distributors for they are also having to make room for restoration of incoming gold--through the same conduit it LEFT YOUR NATION--through the NAVY. Don't think the delays are the denial for doing these things--for these are BIG PROJECTS and it is damned hard to do it all through deception and in secret. Give Kissinger and crew a break--they are paddling as hard as they can to set up billion dollar industries in China AND change over the world currency--how much can one man do to supervise all this transi­tion into a New World Order? He isn't even the BIG BOY so he about has his hands full bringing full-blown war to South Africa and the Middle East, the Koreas AND keep China just making money for him. Any of you thought YOU were busy? New currency has been staged into a lot of states as trial runs as the "need" for substitution "to keep down counterfeiting" is stressed. Well, that IS a problem because the desire is to have a lot of Federal Reserve notes to trade in PRIOR to changeover. It is a good game--it is too bad they don't let you in on it.

    All of you who thought you would wait will be quite sorry you did not avail selves of our program as offered. Gold has to move up, friends, as a basis for the economy is reestablished. Even Mr. Green is starting his OWN version of this "program" which he is still trying to place in "receivership" here. He an­nounced it to hundreds at the last Global Science meeting in Virginia.

    Does that mean that Ekkers, after all, will get rich and famous? No--they hold no claim to any funds, then or now. They do, however, hope that one day they can live in security of SOME kind from the hounds of hell. It will not be through any of the Institute's assets. It would be nice, however, if some return from years of labor could be realized by the ones who have given everything they own and are to this work in progress. They have, however, had to LIVE THE INSTRUCTIONS so that they can KNOW of the truth we offer. We are the wayshowers, and the way is often obscured by the assaults of the greed-mongers, thieves and liars. They shall reap their own rewards in the spiral of sequence.

    We must close this as it is time for our meeting today. We will discuss some of these items in point. Thank you.

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