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    Default 응답: PJ#095, HEAVE-UP (Phase One)

    PJ 95
    CHAPTER 11
    WED., MAY 18, 1994 5:59 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 275
    WED., MAY 18, 1994
    MOVIN' ON...
    If we might just skip this evening's meal, Dharma, we can get another portion of this article to print and have a head start tomorrow. There simply will have to be enlargement of the paper to handle these increased offerings and urgent outlays. Readers will simply have to keep up or go behind for the reclamation squads are picking up steam and we will be right there to offer the locomotion and locomotive. We have one who has offered to fund the work in full and, since he has the most input these days, we are humbly grateful. All we have to do is get him out of his prison cell wherein he is being kept--hopefully silent--but incredibly LOUD AND OUTSPOKEN. It seems strange to me that the ones who most want silence go about TRYING TO GET IT in such a stupidly insidious way. The thing most overlooked by these bulldozing crooks and thugs is that they forget THAT THERE ARE STILL LAWS....EVEN THOUGH THEY BE WEAK AND OVERRUN.

    It will likely come to the point that CONTACT will begin to be published in several places around the country under different logos, etc. Some will be in full conjunction with others and most will be separate AND IN CONJUNCTION to protect BOTH entities. Very informed personages are coming forward having been under the gun for their work for long--to share, join in and begin to bring legal actions. We can go to a daily paper if necessary, with adequate funding, but it would seem wiser to scatter the output so that ALL cannot be silenced as the big boys manage to silence one or some. Already the information is scattered in MANY places in safe-keeping to protect the resources and persons. And, readers, YOUR KNOWLEDGE AND SUPPORT IN SHARING ARTICLES, LOVING ENCOURAGEMENT AND "JUST KNOWING" IS THE GUARANTEE OF SUCCESS AND BLANKET OF SECURITY. For instance, it behooves ones, who are Dharma's enemies, to secure her to their best advantage in all possibilities--for guess TO WHOM AND WHERE the finger will be pointed should she be damaged. The same with Rick, AND THE SAME WITH JACKSON, E.J., WEAN AND ON AND ON...! Even the Jerry Spences of the nation will begin to see that the ones he has turned FROM at the information given as input by the deceivers, will have to look unto the lamps now burning and SEE! Spence has given some of the best Constitutional LAW observations to his peers (well, he actually has very few "peers" being an outspoken and daring LAWYER in the field). As you see the unfolding and the truth of the ones with the sword of truth and the battering received by these ones--shame will fall upon the ones who listened to the deceivers and refused to take the hand of the needy and walked to the front WITH THEM.

    Well, good readers, there are OTHERS and now there will, be funding made available to attend some of these who struggle against all odds and YOU THE PEOPLE SHALL AGAIN BE HEARD! The "few" who have walked this daring mile ask no "attention"--they ask that YOU STAND IN KNOWING AND DEMAND YOUR NATION AND YOUR FREEDOM--THEY ASK NOT HOMAGE--in fact you will note that even "dharma" ceases to appear on the journals and it will be only a short while before her name and the names of these others are but historical mentionings in long-forgotten volumes of discrediting legal forms. The Ekkers, and hundreds like them, want no notoriety--only a regaining of truth and freedom, one nation under God, with liberty and JUSTICE for all out from under the tyranny of the controlling evil Committees of control, deceit and enslavement.

    Indeed, many will be remembered by their labels for they will be as the past "important" persons in "history" who can affix their names to that which represents foundation and freedom--AND, he who shall deny Truth unto a brother for his own reward--shall languish in the sea of forgotten persons who, if remembered at all, will be remembered as the treasonists and disinformation-misinformation toads that they ARE! He who holds the WORD of TRUTH hostage or causes it to be removed from ALL mankind shall reap most bitter rewards for their citizen brother will pull them from their self-proclaimed perches atop the podiums of lies and half-truths. I remind you of the French Revolution--it was ACTUALLY a revolt against the JUSTICE SYSTEM OF LAWYERS AND JUDGES AND CONTROLLING POLITICIANS--BY WHATEVER LABEL YOU CHOOSE TO USE--AND THEY CAME DOWN WHEN THE MASSES STOOD UP! WOULD IT NOT BE BETTER TO GAIN TRUTH AND FREEDOM AGAIN, THROUGH THE LAW AND NOT THROUGH THE BLOODY SWORD? I TELL YOU NOW, THAT EITHER WAY--IT SHALL COME TO PASS AND IT WILL NOT BE BY MY HAND--IT SHALL BE BY YOURS!

    There are some able and observant speakers and writers already doing all they can to inform and "alarm" you. One of these writers has written an Editorial in a small paper she presents. As in the CONTACT or any other paper, there is much amiss, much personal and some errors and lots of "omissions"--but Virginia Meaves of WISCONSIN REPORT, VOL. XIX, No. 19, Thursday, May 5, 1994, has written an editorial comment: "Why is there so much killing? What are the super planners afraid of?" which bears reprinting. We will do so following this present offering of "SATANISM". Wisconsin Report continues to rerun the work and offerings of Dr. Peter Beter which in themselves makes the paper worthy of full subscription numbers of every citizen seeking the truth of your conspirators' hierarchy.

    How fortunate to now have ones coming forth willingly hooking up those brave offerings of how it was, only a short while ago, into and through the workings of then and now! I need not be a sooth-sayer or speaker of revelation--IT IS ALL ABOUT YOU AND NOW YOU SHALL HAVE THE ONES COME FORTH AND TELL THE TRUTH OF IT--AND, YOU SHALL BE GIVEN TO SEE--IF YOU BUT LOOK. THEN, BELOVED FRIENDS, WE CAN MOVE ON INTO THAT WONDROUS STRETCH CALLED SPACE AND INFINITY WHICH IS ALREADY PRESENT BUT HIDDEN FROM YOUR SEEKING EYES AND BENEFICIAL "HAVING". AH INDEED, IT SHALL BECOME A TIME OF THE BROTHERHOOD OF MAN--IF YE TARRY NOT!

    Please now, back to the presentation:

    "SATANISM", Part 3
    A Practical Guide To Witch Hunting
    by DEG
    Although the "Holy" Inquisition started by Pope Gregory XI in 1374 was instituted to stop the foul deeds of the witch cults and save children from brutal deaths at the hands of Satanists, it became perverted into the most pitiless and ferocious institution of its kind until the rise of Communism and Nazism over five hundred years later. The Inquisition indiscriminately condemned men, women, and children to the flames after submitting them to the most ghastly tortures. [H: In this manner the "saviours" became worse than the original offenders. Will you, too, cause the same as you turn over the evil-mongers? If YOU are no better than the evil that sets its hand upon you--you too shall perish in like manner as YOU are overthrown.] Not only were practising witches and black magicians burnt at the stake, but also innocent children whose parents had dedicated them to Satan, wandering Bohemians (gypsies) whose clairvoyance seemed suspicious, and even lonely old women whose only crime was that they appeared to fit the popular description of a witch. [H: Again, upon your place it will be a bad show-and-tell for those who proclaim themselves to be Satanists and witches, etc., for the masses of human, ordinary men shall pull you apart in their urge to destroy the demons you have created and represent in yourselves--no matter how tiny the participation or degree. This is the nature of the human--to destroy that which he despises and does not understand. I suggest you who ponder these things in your "unconditional allowances" of all things--give careful thought to this for the "mob" has NO RULE.]

    Of course we could go on and on detailing the atrocities committed by both Satanists and Inquisitioners alike. But, the documentation available in over two million volumes on Satanism and witchcraft in public libraries all over the United States, as well as in the countless volumes found throughout the world in such collections as the one in the archives of Bayonne, France, leave no doubt that the actual practise of witchcraft is an historical fact of no small political importance.

    The London Times of October 7, 1931, related a modern equivalent of what took place with regularity during the Middle Ages. The Times says a "horrible scandal of graveyards desecrated for black magic" was that fall sending a chill of terror throughout Scandinavia. It reported that police suspected "they were dealing with black magic" when they found more than forty bodies had been exhumed and mutilated by a local mortician named Saarenheimo, a practitioner of necromancy, the raising of dead spirits for evil purposes. Horrified authorities believed, says the London Times, that this Saarenheimo was a member of an immense and secret black magic fraternity--an international Satanic society.

    For untold centuries nearly every nation has from time to time witnessed the rise of strange and demented cults whose chief preoccupation was Satan worship and black magic. While some of these groups were holdovers from some dim, pagan past, others were secret political organizations which sprang up around opposition to the powerful Catholic Church and operated in such a fashion as to invoke the wrath of both clerical and secular leaders everywhere in Europe.

    Richard Cavendish's invaluable book, The Black Arts, points out how as long ago as 1184 members of a Satanic cult known variously as the Vaudois were operating in Europe and were accused of cannibalism and Devil worship by the Church. Two hundred years later the Inquisition uncovered members of this same group near Turin who "held religious services followed by orgies and on initiation the candidates had to drink a potion made of toad's excrement...." Cavendish says, "They acquired such a reputation that sorcery became popularly known in France as vauderie and witches as vaudoises (and this is the origin of the word ‘Voodoo')." They survive as a sect to this day.

    In 1227 A.D. the Pope sent Conrad of Marburg to Germany where "rumours circulated of the hideous Satanic rites practised by a sect...called Luciferans." In Jules Loiseleur's La Doctrine Secrete des Templiers (1872) we learn that the Luciferans worshipped a black cat (a symbol of Satan) and "at their horrible nocturnal orgies sacrifices of children were made and their blood used for making the Eucharist bread of the sect." And in Secret Societies And Subversive Movements Nesta Webster writes: Styria, the Tyrol, and Bohemia, even as far as Brandenburg; by the beginning of the thirteenth century it had invaded western Germany, and in the fourteenth century reached its zenith in that country, as also in Italy and France...." From 1432 to 1440, she relates, "literally hundreds of children disappeared," because of this movement.

    During that same period, Pope Innocent III organized an armed crusade against a mystical group in the south of France called the Cathars, or Albigenses, [H: The author has stricken the following from the article and made comments. I will present the original and add the comments. The original script will be here in italics.] who worshipped the Devil in the form of a goat and slaughtered children whom they kidnapped for sacrificial purposes. The Cathars derived inspiration from a Satanic sect in Russia known as the Bogomiles. C. W. Heekethorn writes in Secret Societies of All Ages And Countries (1897) that the Bogomiles were an early Communist movement. [H: You who have studied and know what and who are the Khazars must also realize that the "Cathars" are approximately the SAME in every detail--from origin BUT WERE ACTUALLY "CHRISTIAN" IN PRACTICE--ONLY TO BE OVERTAKEN BY THE KHAZARS. These Khazars are the ones who, in the 1300s took the religion of the later-to-be-called-"Jews" (1770s). They were not and are not "Semites" (Shemites from the tribe of Shem) and they stole the heritage of a now recognized Middle Eastern people. They are a pronounced and publicly SELF-PROCLAIMED group who are "Zionists" and ACT on the basis of the Manifesto called PROTOCOLS OF ZION--AND--have every intention of becoming monarchal rulers (slave-masters) in a One World Order devoid of GOD! They are your self-proclaimed ANTI-CHRIST! THE "CATHARS" and Bogomiles were caught in the flood, so to speak--JUST AS ARE YOU, OF WHATEVER RACE OR TRIBE YOU CLAIM.]

    (AUTHOR'S NOTE: A LONG OVERDUE CORRECTION: The Cathars & Bogomiles were actually underground Christian sects which were opposed to the pagan rites and trappings of the Catholic Church--and were thus ACCUSED of being worshippers of the Devil--by the Pope.

    Another such group which later was operative in Russia was the Skoptsi--"The Castrators", formed circa 1757 among radical so-called Christian members of an earlier group, the Sect of the Flagellants--a people who mutilated themselves as part of their off-beat religion. But they were not actually Satanists. The Skoptsi, please note, are the "tough Christian sect of Russians" which Dr. Beter and Hatonn have told us have finally overthrow the Khazar Bolshevik Jews!) [H: Well, they haven't YET overthrown them--but they have the POWER and the full technology to accomplish EXACTLY that and they will not be gentle. When you say the "Russians are coming" it may not yet be a gentle overthrown of things you love and desire. Communism itself was started (created) by Jews of the Bolshevik tribes (Khazars) and they have now flooded the world. It is said that the United States is now THE actual home and state of "Israel"--home of the "Jews". This does not bode well for the populace for I remind you--there was NO SUCH THING AS "JEW" IN HISTORY OR IN BIBLICAL TRUTH UNTIL IT WAS ADDED INTO THE TAMPERINGS OF THE SO-CALLED HOLY BOOKS. MOST "JEWS" HAVE NO IDEA...! It is THIS INFORMATION that the Elite controllers FEAR in revelation--not numbers in a "Holocaust" of some kind. This is why the "hate-crime" LAWS--so that truth cannot be published or spoken! Again, I remind you that I only present historical fact--I have no part in interference or intervention--SAVE TO BRING THE "WORD". You may take it or deny it for it is your journey and your experience--but I suggest you quit blaming GOD of Creation and Christed LIGHT for your failure or refusal to SEE AND HEAR. Satan, dear ones, is the antithesis (opposite) of the Christed intent and is ruler, if you will, of the human senses of PHYSICAL expression--the passing fancy of a few years of perceived experience. In the reality of existence--GOD WINS! THAT MEANS THAT SATAN LOSES--IN FACT HAS ALREADY LOST--FOR HE IS RESTRICTED TO THE PLACES OF ILLUSION--THE PLANES OF ONLY PHYSICAL EXPRESSION! Soul, however, lost to this dimension of Satanic allegiance--is lost in a Godless, void of darkness--at passage. Would GOD of Light ALLOW SUCH A VOID? Indeed--for each CHOOSES and the absence of God and Light--IS HELL, my friends.

    I am not here to preach "salvation", "rapture" or anything of the kind as relates to "RELIGION" for it is "religion" that has destroyed you--through the doctrines put forth BY MAN and presented as IF they are the rules of GOD--no, sorry, little sheeple YOU KNOW GOD'S LAWS AND THEY IN NO WAY RESEMBLE ANYTHING THAT IS FOISTED. UPON YOU IN YOUR "RELIGIOUS" CIRCLES OF "ALLOWANCE" OF ALL ACTIONS, ALL MANNERS OF BEHAVIOR AND ULTIMATELY DONE IN THE NAME OF "MODERNIZING" EXPRESSION. YOU HAVE ABOUT "MODERNIZED" YOURSELF INTO THAT "HELL" EXPRESSED ABOVE!]

    In 1307, French and English members of the Order of the Knights Templar came under attack and were formally charged with "stamping, spitting or urinating on crucifixes; homosexual vice; and ritual homosexuality on admission to the Order." [H: Any of this sound like something out of last year's inquiries? How about yesterday's or today's?] (On Page 273 of Eliphas Levi's Hostore de la Magie the Templars are described as "those terrible conspirators [who] threatened the whole world with an immense revolution.") Founded in 1118 at Palestine to protect the Holy Sepulchre, they became extremely wealthy and powerful after their wars with the Saracens. And, as the occultist Manly Palmer Hall noted in 1949 in his The Adepts In The Western Esoteric Tradition, "The knights were...accused of adoring a curious deity in the form of a monstrous head or a demon in the form of a goat. This idol, named Baphomet, the goat of Mendes, has been called the secret god of the Templars." (Several passages in the Old Testament mention a cult which copulated with goats, their leader being chief of the seirim, or goat-demons. [See Leviticus 18:23 and 17:7.) A similar cult is known to have existed during Plutarch's time in Egypt where a divine he-goat was worshipped at Mendes as a sex symbol.) One of the best known occultists in the world, Hall, looks favorably upon such groups as these, which he claims are part of a "humanist" movement which has continued down through the centuries and will eventually emerge under one name or another as--and these are his words--"the Invisible Government of the World" .

    Pursuing the history of secret societies, Rollo Ahmed tells of a Satanic group "founded in Westphalia and called the Vehmgericht (in France, the Saint Vehme)...." This "terrible and mysterious band of men" operated in an area of Germany known as the "Red Territory" and committed atrocious acts. Founded in the middle of the Thirteenth Century, they eventually reached a membership of at least 100,000 initiates and held tremendous political power in Germany. Sir Walter Scott wrote of the terror perpetrated by this Satanist organization, and Arkon Daraul states on Page 251 of his History of Secret Societies (Citadel Press, New York, 1962): "...even in the nineteenth century it was said that they still existed, though very much underground." [H: Ah, and they do--but just WHO might they be after?]

    In 1453, a sect known as the Brethren of the Cross, which practised flagellation and celebrated orgies as part of its ritual, was discovered in Thuringia. The members claimed to believe "that Satan would regain his lost power and place, and would expel Christ from heaven." One of the foulest of these groups sprang up towards the end of the Eighteenth Century at Linburg. Known as "The Goats", these Satanists met at night in secret chapel to perform the Black mass, "after which they put on masks of goats with long gowns and set out in bands to commit rape and murder.... The tribunal of Foguemont over a period condemned four hundred of this society to be hanged, but the Goats were not stamped out till 1780."

    As we have noted, a number of Satanic cults grew to such a degree and achieved such tremendous wealth and power that in time they began to wield mighty political influence in Europe. Such was the case with a Satanic organization, created in 1748 in England, which in later years virtually ran the British Empire.

    Founded under the name, "The Friars of St. Francis of Wycombe", in honor of its creator and leader Sir Francis Dashwood, a wealthy member of parliament, it became known as "The Hell-Fire Club" because of its similarity to a "defunct" Satanist group which had operated in London some years earlier. According to Daniel P. Mannix's history of that organization, The Hell-Fire Club (Ballantine Books, New York, 1959), it was "an association dedicated to Black Magic, sexual orgies, and political conspiracies...." Anton LaVey claims the author of The Hell-fire Club, Daniel P. Mannix, as a life member of this First Church of Satan in San Francisco. HE MAKES THE SAME CLAIM OF NEWSWEEK'S NICK KAZAN.

    The members of the Hell-fire Club were nearly all closely connected with the government and included such influential persons as Sir Francis Dashwood, the Chancellor of the Exchequer; The Earl of Sandwich, First Lord of the Admiralty (one of the most important men of the time, whose control of the English Navy and friendship with the King "exerted a profound influence on the destiny of the British Empire"); the Earl of Bute, the Prime Minister of England (he played a large part in training the boy who became King George III); Thomas Potter, son of the Archbishop of Canterbury ("an ardent Satanist [who] wrote psalms for the Black Mass ceremonies"); and, Paul Whitehead, the "Atheist Chaplain" and Secretary of the Club who acted as sexton during the Black Masses (a composer of blasphemous "hymns," he was its "brains and backbone").

    Perhaps the most notorious of the lot, however, was a bisexual transvestite known as the Chevalier D'Eton, an expert swordsman who was "an undercover agent for Louis XV of France and conspired with several of the brotherhood...to overthrow the throne." Other Hell-Fire Club members included the Lord Mayor of London, the Prince of Wales, several of England's greatest artists (Hogarth) and poets. (Author's Note: Mannix also stated that Benjamin Franklin [under the name "Brother Benjamin of Cookham] was also a member. It appears, however, that Mannix was lying.)

    At its headquarters on Dashwood's estate at West Wycombe, some thirty-three miles northwest of London, the members of the Hell-Fire Club engaged in depraved sexual rites carried out over a span of more than twenty years. Having outfitted a network of underground grottos for this purpose, Dashwood often presided over Black Masses where the body of a naked woman was used as an altar and the unholy congregation "drank the sacrificial wine from her navel." During these ceremonies, "The crucifix was inverted and black candles were burned [while]...lamps of lewd design were used." To summon up the forces of evil, herbs were burned in braziers: "belladonna, hemlock, henbane, verbena, and mandrake--all powerful narcotics". [H: By golly--sounds a lot like the "Bohemian Grove" children, doesn't it? This, of course, is the club which meets annually on the West Coast (made up of the most important men in your imaginings). They go to "piss on trees--naked" and such the like. Doesn't it make you feel secure? These include such as Kissinger, your presidents and on and on and on go the listings----!]

    Upon the death of King George II in 1760, and after the 21-year-old son of Prince Fritz had ascended the throne as George III, members of the Hell-Fire Club became all-powerful in Britain.

    END OF PART 3.

    CHAPTER 12
    THU., MAY 19, 1994 8:20 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 276
    THU., MAY 19, 1994
    "SATANISM", Part 4
    A Practical Guide To Witch Hunting
    by DEG
    During the considerable period that these practicing Satanists maintained their grip on the British Empire, they managed to infect an enormous number of their prominent members and guests with venereal diseases, many of whom eventually died from such infections, The Earl of Sandwich, for example, who later became head of Cambridge [University], controlled the Royal Navy while his mind was affected by syphilis. It wasn't until 1763, however, that the cult was finally exposed to the public when a curious book by Charles Johnson, entitled Chrysal, Or The Adventures Of A Guinea, laid bare their conspiracies. That same year, an outcast member of the cult named John Wilkes attempted to raise "the banner of revolt against the entrenched classes who were running the nation"--and failed. Although supported by a shocked citizenry, he was declared an outlaw by the members of the Hell-Fire Club in the Parliament and forced to flee to France.

    In 1781, after an incredible life of wanton debauchery and Satanist perversion, Sir Francis Dashwood died at the age of seventy-three. The immoral activities and conspiracies of Dashwood and the Hell-Fire Club had polluted an empire.

    While all of this was undermining the British Empire, a similar conspiracy was being created in Germany. This was the infamous Order of the Illuminati, among the most successful of all such conspiracies.

    Founded in Bavaria on May 1, 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, a young professor of Canon Law at Ingolstadt University, the secret Order of the Illuminati recruited some of the best-known intellectuals of the day, men of wealth and following. A considerable number of the "Brothers", addicted to the teachings of Rousseau and Voltaire, were reigning princes, noblemen, prominent educators, scholars, scientists, and men of letters. All pledged blind obedience to their superiors and only knew about the secret Order what their immediate superiors told them. The purpose of the Illuminati--though ostensibly to bring universal happiness to the human race--was revealed by degrees as members progressed through the ranks. As it turned out, the more bold, ruthless, and immoral the member, the faster his rise to the top.

    (Author's note: Weishaupt, a Jew, was born on Feb. 6, 1748, and was most likely a homosexual (according to the evidence). He was born the same year as the Dashwood group was founded. Exactly 100 years later--to the very day--the Communist Manifesto was issued by the League of Just Men--an Illuminati front headed by Horace Greeley, Charles Dana, and Clinton Roosevelt, in New York City. Exactly 100 years after that the Marxist State of Israel began to legally function--as a bloody thorn in the side of the TRUE SEMITES, the Arab peoples of Palestine.)

    And what was the purpose of Weishaupt's Order of the Illuminati? Its purpose was to RULE THE WORLD! The principal sources of information regarding Weishaupt's Illuminati, which have been all but ignored by contemporary historians, are Professor John Robison's Proofs Of A Conspiracy, first published in 1798, and the Abbé Augustin Barruel's impressive four-volume study, Memoirs Illustrating The History Of Jacobinism, published in 1799.

    Though trained as a Jesuit, Adam Weishaupt somehow developed a vast loathing for all forms of religion, and his Order followed in the footsteps of the supposedly disbanded Knights Templar. One year following the formation of the Illuminati, Weishaupt joined the Society of Freemasons and was invited into the Lodge Theodore of Good Counsel at Munich. After taking over the Munich Lodge, the Illuminists used Freemasonry as both a cover and a vehicle for their own purposes. Within a few years the Order had expanded far beyond the borders of Bavaria with secret lodges all over Europe. It is even known to have spread to America. On October 24, 1798, President George Washington confirmed this in a letter in which he warned of the "Diabolical tenets" of the Illuminati.

    (Author's note: Contrary to popular misconception, the Founding Fathers of the (u)nited States were NOT Freemasons--but rather were members of the Rosicrucean Fraternity of Beverly Hall, located at Quakerstown, Pennsylvania. Formed in 1614 AD in Germany, then a chapter created in the U.S., its Grand Master was the same "Clymer" that signed the Declaration of Independence. Its President today is one Emerson M. Clymer--and for a good number of years I was a member in good standing. The Rosicrucean Fraternity and AMORC are the complete antithesis of the Illuminati!)

    Meanwhile, as rumors of their foul deeds spread--thanks to the irritating habit the Illuminists had of leaving their victims hanging about by their necks from trees--a Bavarian Court of Inquiry was instituted to investigate matters. In 1786 the home of an Illuminati lawyer named Zwack was raided by investigators, bringing to light detailed evidence of the Conspiracy. From captured correspondence it was learned that Weishaupt and his cohorts, far from being upstanding gentlemen as commonly thought, were Satanists, liars, revolutionaries, embezzlers, and debauchers. Weishaupt and the other leaders were banished from Bavaria and their operation forced underground.

    According to the report of the Bavarian Government, Nachtrag Von Veiteren Originalschriften Zwi Abtheilungen, the documents seized in the 1786 raid on Zwack's home at Landshut, Bavaria, included tables of secret symbols, initiation rituals, instructions for recruiting and indoctrinating new members, the conspiratorial objectives and plans of the Illuminati, and a partial list of its members. Also uncovered was proof that Weishaupt's Order maintained an intelligence service; planned to assassinate Heads of State and replace them with Illuminists; worked to destroy patriotism and nationalism through infiltration of education, administration, and the press; and, had plans to infiltrate both national and international organizations through which they would maintain secret cells--all while posing as promoters of peace and brotherhood.

    Sound familiar? It should. This is exactly what the Communists have been doing ever since 1847, when their propagandist Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto at the direction of the mysterious conspirators known as the "League of Just Men".

    In the interim, comments Manly Palmer Hall in his Orders of the Quest (1950), a Lodge of Masons had been established at Paris in 1781 for the purpose of uniting the Illuminism of Weishaupt with the new mystical revelations of Emanuel Swedenborg. This merger added the names of such Satanists as the Comte de Cagliostro, Dr. Franze Mesmer, and the Comte de St. Germain to the secret Order. [H: OOPS!!] Cagliostro, an agent of the Knights Templar, was the infamous Satanist whose machinations kept not only the Cardinal Prince de Rohan in his power but many others in high position as well. He was an adept of that powerful force popularized by Mesmer, the father of hypnotism.

    An ardent supporter and defender of Weishaupt and the Illuminati, the occultist Hall nevertheless reveals that in a little-known book entitled Les Societes Secretes by "Deschamps", published at Paris in 1881, it is established that the Comte de St. Germain was also a member of the secret Knights Templar. He states that "the ritual used in the Theosophical Lodge, which the Comte had established in the castle of Ermenonville, was the ritual of the Knights Templars..." You will remember that this ritual involved the Satanic Goat of Mendes.

    In yet another rare book, La Sect des Illumines, first published in the 1790s (author unknown), we find: "The huge chateau of Ermenonville near Paris was one of the chief lodges of the Illuminati. It belongs to the Marquis of Gerardin, who protected Rousseau and later gave him a tomb on his estate. St. Germain, the notable imposter, presided over it. He claimed to be a thousand years old, and to be able to make gold. He was said to be immortal, but died in 1784." In the pages that follow, we read of the Knights Templar-Illuminati initiation which resembles a Black Mass, complete with blood-smeared crucifixes, black candles and an altar built of human skeletons. Also included in this ritual are the drinking of human blood and grisly oaths to summon evil spirits. A similar account of this initiation can be found in the Marquis du Luchet's Memoires Authentiques pour Sevir a l'Historie du Comte de Cagliostro published in 1785.

    It was from this Satanist base that Weishaupt's inner circle launched the subversive movement which was to culminate in the bloody French Revolution of 1789, inciting (and paying) Parisian mobs to storm the Bastille, and beginning an incredible reign of terror which lasted six full years. With the aid of such traitors as the Duc d'Orleans (who helped finance the Revolution) and other top officials in the Government, the Illuminists rose to positions of supreme power. Elevated in this manner were such Illuminist conspirators as Mirabeau, Robspierre, and St. Just.

    Weishupt's program and methodology were a prototype of the Communist Conspiracy operating in the world today. In the realm of ideology, the line from the Illuminati to Marx's Communist Manifesto is straight and unbroken. As Arkon Daraul notes in his History of Secret Societies, the Illuminati "contributed in no small measure to the development of revolutionary doctrines which eventually culminated in the Russian and other Communist machines...."

    It is little wonder, then, that Marx began his Manifesto with the words: A spectre is haunting Europe--the spectre of Communism." (Author's note: Marx, the son of a Jewish Rabbi, was also a homosexual pedophile who had been molested as a child by a favorite male schoolteacher.) Both he and Engels knew very well that the Communist movement--steeped in the Satanist occult of Eighteenth Century Illuminism--had been operative for years. It is also interesting to note that the most important holiday of the International Communist Conspiracy has always been May first--May Day--the date of the founding of the secret Order of the Illuminati. As the 1953 Report of the California State Senate Committee on Education put it: "So-called modern Communism is apparently the same hypocritical and deadly world conspiracy to destroy civilization that was founded by the secret order of the Illuminati in Bavaria on May 1, 1776." (Pp. 169-170.)

    In 1875 an intriguing organization called the Theosophical Society was founded at New York by Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, editor of a magazine called Lucifer. It is currently said by her followers that Madame Blavatsky wanted her Society to be "unconcerned about politics: hostile to the insane dreams of Socialism and Communism, which it abhors...." Nevertheless, upon her death in 1891, the mantle of the Theosophical Society was inherited by Annie Besant, a prolific writer and occultist who was also a member of another cult founded in England in 1884. This powerful organization was called the Fabian Socialist Society. Its avowed goal was the same as that of the Order of the Illuminati: complete control of the world. Madame Besant founded the Fabian Parliamentary League.

    While lecturing widely on Liberty, Equality and Fraternity, the Fabian Socialist Annie Besant predicted that Socialism was "the wave of the future". She was deeply involved in a tax-free foundation of the Theosophists called the Lucis Trust, a vast financial combine which even today supports such Leftists Fronts as the Arcane School, the Lucis Publishing Companies of London and New York, the Triangles, and many unusual "peace" groups of a decidedly crimson hue.

    Headed for years by a Fabian occultist named Alice Bailey, the Lucis Trust is now recognized as a non-governmental cooperating agency by the United Nations. And one of the Trust's avatars is the demonic $5 million Temple of Understanding operated for the U.N. by the United Lodge of Theosophists of New York. Veiled in Illuminist symbology and mystique, the Temple's list of sponsors includes more than a score of well-known Communists, eight American Ambassadors, and such men as Robert McNamara, John D. Rockefeller IV, Senator John Sherman Cooper, I.B.M.'s Thomas Watson, and others. The purpose of this Satanic Temple, reported syndicated columnist Edith Kermit Roosevelt in 1962, is to create a "spiritual UN" in our nation's Capitol. She stated that an "international apparatus" of Communists and Socialists "is working to set up a Universal Theocratic State."

    And, of course, no discussion of Satanism would be complete without mention of Aleister Crowley, a Satanist par excellence. A noted English magician, poet, painter, big game hunter, satyric, heroin addict, and homosexual, Crowley was a world traveler of vast wealth. Well-known for his sadistic rampages and his burning hatred of Christianity, he was nevertheless praised by such novelists as Somerset Maugham, who wrote a book about him entitled The Magician.

    In 1898 Crowley joined a secret Berlin-based Satanic cult called the Order of the Golden Dawn, attempted to take control of its operations, and was later ousted for his troubles. He then founded his own secret society, the Order of the Silver Star, Argentinum Astrum, and began publication of a weird magazine called The Equinox. In a lengthy monograph by Daniel P. Mannix, we find that Crowley decided to start a new Satanist religion with branches throughout the world, "each branch operating as a secret society with elaborate rituals somewhat like the Golden Dawn." He envisioned an international conspiracy rooted in Satanism and completely under his control. His followers erected a temple in the Palomar Mountains in California. (Author's note: An American cult group later linked to Crowley's Orders in London and Germany was the bloody Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) which has a main headquarters in Southern California, and has been involved in numerous ritual murders. The top member of its National Supreme Council is one William E. Heidrich, and it is linked directly to NAMBLA (founded in 1978.)

    Moving to America during World War I, Crowley began writing anti-British propaganda for the Germans and "received the backing of Imperial Germany for his propaganda efforts." He had several years earlier been invited to join another German Satanist society called the Order of Templars of the Orient, which specialized in "sex-magic". Crowley was head of the British branch of this cult.

    Mannix says that after the Communists, aided by the German General Staff, had overthrown the Government of the Czar and established their Marxist "dictatorship of the proletariat" in Russia, Aleister Crowley "wrote Trotsky, in Russia, offering...to join the communists...." Daniel Mannix continues: "There is a striking similarity between the workings of this group [his religion], as Crowley conceived it, and the operations of modern Communism. Like the communists, Crowley planned on having cells, operated by dedicated agents, whose purpose was to undermine national and religious loyalties and substitute a blind devotion to [Satanism]."

    Although there is no record that Crowley ever joined the Communist Party, it is doubtful that the Communists would have refused a man of his skills and wealth.

    During the period in which Aleister Crowley was writing to Trotsky, another curious liaison was taking place in Germany. For some years prior to the war there had existed in that country a powerful occult organization called the Thule Society, made up of Socialists whose aim it was to be "masters of the world". Of nebulous origin, this group worked closely with a similar Satanist organization known as the German Vril Society, or Luminous Lodge, headquartered in Berlin. The Luminous Lodge is known to have also had close associations with the previously mentioned Theosophical Society and the Order of the Golden Dawn. Nesta Webster, commenting on the Order of the Golden Dawn in her scholarly Secret Societies And Subversive Movements, says that "the real directors of the Order were in Germany and known as the ‘Hidden and Secret Chiefs of the Third Order'." (Page 313.)

    Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier note in The Morning Of The Magicians (Avon Books, New York, 1968) that in 1920 a Bohemian playwright named Dietrich Eckardt and an architect named Alfred Rosenberg--members of the Thule Society--introduced a young radical named Adolph Hitler to their organization at Barest, Germany, "and for the next three years they were to be the constant companions of the little Reichwehr corporal, dominating all his thoughts and acts...." In Adolph Hitler, by Konrad Heiden, we note that "Eckardt undertook the spiritual formation of Adolph Hitler." Herr Eckardt also gave Hitler two levels of instruction during this period: "one being concerned with the ‘secret' doctrine, and the other with the doctrine of propaganda." Dietrich Eckardt related some of his private conversations with Hitler, in fact, in an ugly little pamphlet entitled Bolshevism From Moses To Lenin. In July 1923, guiding his new-found pupil, Dietrich Eckardt "became one of the seven founder-members of the National-Socialist Party."

    From the beginning of this liaison between Hitler's National Socialist Party and the Thule Vril combine, a Vrilist named Karl Haushofer commanded "the magic center" of the Nazi movement. In Jack Fishman's penetrating history, The Seven Men Of Spandau, we are told that the last surviving member of the secret Thule Group, Rudolph Hess, formally charged that Haushofer was "the secret Master." Authors Pauwels and Bergier, whose 416-page book devotes considerable space to the Hitler enigma, reveal that it was Karl Haushofer who chose the swastika as the emblem of Nazism. Even more startling, we read that "the theories of Haushofer and the projects of [Alfred] Rosenberg...form the basis for Mein Kampf" Both were leaders of the Satanist Vril Society.

    A startling number of Satanist organizations have found their roots in Germany. Indeed, the mythological heart of Communism, Marx's "Dialectical materialism", was a marriage of the dialectic of Hegel and the materialism of Feuerbach. And the "Luminous Lodge" does sound suspiciously similar to the Illuminist Lodge of Weishaupt, does it not? This business is all very odd indeed. But, lest one drown in it, let us return to the United States in the Year of our Lord, 1970.

    END OF PART 4.

    * * *
    If we interrupt this at this point I believe we can finish the document in one more sitting. I certainly do realize that all of you are getting an overload of information piled on your plate to digest. It is our job to offer it--yours to discern. If there are portions which disturb you more than others and reach beyond your ability to accept--PLEASE, DO NOT WRITE TO US FOR CLARIFICATION OR MAGICAL WAND WAVING--GO RESEARCH THE TOPIC. WE OFFER WHAT IS AVAILABLE IN ITS BEST FORMAT AND CONTENT AND IT COMES, ALWAYS, FROM ONES WHO ARE WILLING TO DO THIS MASSIVE RESEARCHING.

    If these subjects seem just too "far out" and separate from you in your tight little world of limitation--you had better start paying more attention to your NEWS! There is hardly anything other than violence, murder, evil and bloodshed as the world is falling to these very entities who have claimed and worked for generations to acquire--TOTAL WORLD DOMINATION. What may seem very innocent and fun, such as dressing up your babies on Halloween as witches and butchers is indeed that which will attract your children as their brainwashing is furthered with each passing day!

    Why didn't you KNOW ABOUT THESE THINGS? Because these things are worked at over the generations TO BE SECRET! This is THE pattern of the adversary, friends, to work in the DARK, DANK AND EVIL PLACES--OUT OF SIGHT--SO YOU WON'T KNOW AND BY THE TIME YOU SUSPECT, THE TALE IS SO VILE AND UGLY THAT YOU WILL REFUSE TO BELIEVE IT "COULD BE"!

    Why do you REALLY think there might have been a Jewish Holocaust? Indeed, so that the ones who had stolen the Judean heritage would wipe out the true tribes and there would be no-one left of the original tribes to demand Truth. That has not stopped, my friends; the "Jewish" people are the ones who will finally be obliterated FIRST when the power comes into play--so that no one remaining will ever really know of the heinous evil conspiracy against them. So be it. It is time to put eye and ear to the reception--and go forth and FIND OUT! THE LIFE YOU SAVE WILL BE YOUR OWN!

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#095, HEAVE-UP (Phase One)

    PJ 95
    CHAPTER 13
    THU., MAY 19, 1994 11:31 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 276
    THU., MAY 19, 1994
    "SATANISM", Part 5
    A Practical Guide To Witch Hunting
    by DEG

    In the course of our research on the recent explosion of occultism in the United States this reporter traveled in May (1970) to San Francisco for an extended interview with the Black Pope of the Church of Satan, Anton Szandor LaVey. We had little trouble finding him. Squeezed into a row of brightly-colored houses in the Richmond District--just around the corner from the Golden Gate Bridge--LaVey's imposing, three-story Victorian home stands in stark contrast to the others, its tightly-shuttered windows and somber color giving it the sinister aura one might expect of such a place. The house is painted silvery black and the mood seemed to complement the ancient hearse sitting at the curb on flat tires and the huge Manx cat sleeping on the stone stairway. Climbing the steps a bit apprehensively I rang the doorbell.

    After a considerable time the door was opened cautiously by an ashen-faced man dressed in the flowing robes of a priest. He was clearly not a priest in any good sense, for about his neck hung a silver medallion in the shape of the Goat of Mendes. After a few quiet words of welcome he motioned me inside and led the way through a dark and narrow hallway, past a stuffed jaguar, into a dimly-lit parlor painted deep purple. I was told to be seated, that Anton LaVey would appear momentarily.
    Sitting on a faded leather couch, I looked about at the walls cluttered with a half-dozen or so poorly executed paintings--nightmare scenes only a psychiatrist could love. They were signed by Anton LaVey. At my feet a worn and filthy rug of obscure red-and-black design seemed to complement the seedy lamps, overstuffed Victorian furniture, and antique gynecologist's table which made up the room's furnishings. Against one wall, adjacent to a brick fireplace and a small bookcase, stood an upright glass cabinet displaying a human skeleton, the skull of which gaped open on a hinge. And in front of the couch rested a "coffee table" of white marble--an actual tombstone upon which had been chiseled the words: "In Memory of Lucas Machado, Died April 14, 1892." The room was chilly, like a mausoleum, and smelled of mold and must. Indeed, the effect was one which might be described as "Early Bizarre".

    In an expansive, dusty bookstall covering half of another wall were titles by Aleister Crowley, Margaret Murray, and Socialist Annie Besant. There were books by assorted Fabian conspirators and by identified Communist Howard Fast. Copies of Mein Kampf and Das Kapital were slotted amidst dozens of expensive volumes on Satan worship and sexual deviation. There was a well-thumbed copy of the Communist Manifesto.

    As I replaced the Manifesto on the shelf I heard a door open quietly behind me. Your reporter was now in the presence of Anton LaVey, garbed in a flowing black robe with white Roman collar. In the dim light his bald head and carefully sculpted mustache and beard, and the dark circles under his small, weak eyes, produced in me an effect of more discomfort than I would care to admit. But, far from what one would expect from a former wild animal trainer, calliope player, police photographer, and clinical hypnotist--his former professions--LaVey's handshake was limp and clammy and he soon seemed ridiculous in his theatrical outfit.

    Here was not at all the strong, vibrant hulk of a man described by McCall's Judith Rascoe in her March 1970 whitewash of the Church of Satan. In fact, as he settled comfortably into a barber's chair propped in a corner, folding his hands in his lap, he appeared entirely too effeminate for comfort.

    Commenting on his exhausted condition, LaVey explained that the events of the prior evening had been physically wearing. He had been celebrating what the Satanists call Walpurgisnacht, the most important festival in the lore of magic and witchcraft. It was the fourth anniversary of the day he shaved his head, announced the formation of his new "Church," and proclaimed "the new Satanic Age"! That, he told me confidentially, was the beginning of "Phase One" of the Satanic Plan. "Phase Two" was the spreading of The Word, which he had done in such pornographic publications as Sundisk and Nude Living, and through a lurid article in True Confessions entitled "We Were Married By the Devil". He had also made a brief tour of the nightclub circuit in San Francisco's North Beach, where he was advertised as "Anton LaVey and His Topless Witches' Sabbath". And then there were his lectures to the Jesuits and their students at the University of San Francisco.

    "Phase Three", he said, was the formalization of his Satanic Church--which he claims now has more than seven thousand dues-paying members throughout the world ($20 to join, $10 per year). This, thanks to the favorable publicity given his movement in the Establishment media. There are still six more phases to go, he says, before the Plan is completed. He told me that a good picture of the Satanic future can be found in Perry London's book, Behavior Control, which promises that the future will bring a controlled society "more sophisticated and efficient than Orwell ever dreamed". Satanism, says Anton LaVey, is a philosophy of the will. "We sincerely believe that it will, by one name or another, be the society of the future...."

    Midway through our two-hour talk, LaVey asked that I follow him into his private chambers, rose suddenly, and disappeared through a hidden passageway in the bookstall. Feeling rather foolish, I followed and found myself in what is called the Red Room. Above his cubicle-like "office", perched on a black-shrouded construction, was his "bedroom". It was flanked by a row of grisly masks, among them the head of the Satanic Goat. Other curios in the room included a collection of torture devices.

    Hanging on the wall next to Anton's desk was a large Nazi flag. When I questioned him about this he replied that it was "a symbol of power" and that, after all, Hitler had been a Satanist. "The origins of National Socialism in Germany", LaVey theorized, "were Satanic and paganistic and were implemented to do away with organized religion. It was surely an admirable goal." Discussing the Illuminists, he said that Weishaupt was also a practicing Satanist and that "the Illuminati was quite a powerful force for evil". And that too, he said, is "admirable". The rituals performed in the Church of Satan, LaVey told me, "are the same as those once performed by the Knights Templar". The Church worships the Satanic Goat of Baphomet. (Author's note: The co-founder of this Church was the homosexual pederast and film producer, Kenneth Anger, author of Hollywood Babylon.)

    From the Red Room I was ushered through a passageway behind a gilded mummy case into the "ritual Chamber". There was a large fireplace which served as the Satanic altar upon which a nude woman reclines during ritual ceremonies. On this altar rested the "Chalice of Ecstasy", a bell, a phallic "holy water sprinkler", a staff, a skull, and several black candles. In one corner of the room was a gong "to summon the Powers of Darkness", and in another corner stood an organ. A current long-playing record called "The Satanic Mass" had been recorded in this very room.

    Returning to the parlor we continued our conversation as before. On the subject of organized religion, LaVey declared that his Church of Satan is now listed in Religious Bodies in America, and that he has been in touch with the National Council of Churches but is not yet affiliated with the organization. Referring to such N.C.C. agitators as the "Reverend" Malcolm Boyd and Harvey Cox, he commented: "....they're practicing crypto-Satanists. They're revising the traditional faith." He added, "I respected Bishop Pike. At least he realized what he was saying was heresy."

    As we discussed the various divisions of membership in his Church, the telephone rang and my host took a call from someone he identified as Melvin Belli. In hushed tones he apologized for something or other and said he would return the call later. I remembered that Belli has long been a member of the Communist Front National Lawyers Guild and was the attorney who initially defended Jack Ruby--the man who "executed" Communist Lee Harvey Oswald. I noticed that LaVey wore a medallion with a superimposed lightning bolt, a symbol like that displayed by the National States Rights Party.

    Anton LaVey described for me his role as a technical advisor on the forthcoming movie Mephisto Waltz, and his roles in the Italian movies Angela Neri, Angela Blanca and The Power of Magic, soon to be released. He said his recently published books, The Satanic Bible and The Compleat Witch, were selling nicely. The first of these, published in December 1969, carries the "philosophy" of his movement. When I admitted that I had never seen a copy he flitted across the room, deftly opened a hidden panel in the fireplace, and vanished down a flight of stairs.

    I remembered a report in the New York Daily News that on January 31, 1967, LaVey had performed the first Satanic wedding ceremony in the United States in that lower chamber, with more than a hundred guests in attendance. He had married John Raymond, a radical reporter for the Berkeley Citizen, to a wealthy socialite named Judith Case. (A nude woman was used as the altar.) Among the guests were a reporter from the pro-Vietcong Berkeley Barb, a reporter from the radical Communist National Guardian, and singer Barbara McNair. I peered into the cellar and caught a glimpse of something red hanging on the wall. It was the flag of the U.S.S.R.

    Almost as suddenly as he had disappeared Anton popped out of his hole and handed me a new copy of The Satanic Bible. He had autographed it warmly, closing with the words "Regie Satanis"!

    I was now given a "Confidential Questionnaire" made up of forty-seven questions, one of which asked: "If you are a woman, would you consider being an altar?" As a potential member of his Satanic Church I was informed that "Active members have the opportunity to meet and correspond with other Satanists via our monthly publication, The Cloven Hoof."

    On that note our interview was terminated, and after a soggy handshake I left the strange house at 6114 California Street amusing myself by wondering if, after he reads this article, Anton Szandor LaVey will try to turn me into a toad.

    During the next few days your reporter studied LaVey's 272-page handbook, published by Avon Books in New York. Avon is an Establishment firm, a division of the Hearst Corporation. I noted that the introduction, by Burton H. Wolfe (author of The Satanists), declares that LaVey's Church of Satan descended from "traces in voodoo cults, a Hell-Fire Club that existed in 18th-Century England, a Satanic circle led by Aleister Crowley in England a century later, and the Black Order of Germany in the 1920s and 1930s...." The intent of these Satanic groups, says Wolfe, "was to blaspheme, mock the Christian church, and address themselves to the Devil as an anthropomorphic deity that represented the reverse of God." [H: How many of you remember the given purpose of Hillary's Hellcats? "To get rid of God!"]

    (Author's note: A very deadly spin-off cult group of LaVey's Church was the The Temple of Set, founded in San Francisco during 1975--by Dr. Michael Aquino--a LaVey disciple who refers to himself as the "Second Beast of Revelation". He was, in 1987, linked to the child molestations at his day-care center on the Presidio Army Base. Both he and his wife, Lilith, are bisexuals. Nevertheless, he still holds a top-secret security clearance in the military as a Lt. Col. and has attended the National Defense University in Washington. Two other major Satanic cult spin-offs are: The Hand of Death and The Knights of the Black Circle.)

    In the Third section of LaVey's book, under the title "Satanic Ritual", we learn that one of the prime motivating forces "is that of destruction". On Page 118 LaVey counsels: "Be certain you DO NOT care if the intended victim lives or dies...and having caused their destruction, revel, rather than feel remorse." Anton LaVey invokes his demons to "Strengthen with fire the marrow of our friend and companion, our comrade of the left-hand Path". Comrade of the Left? Indeed.

    Touring the San Francisco area, with a side trip to Berkeley, and moving along the West Coast between Seattle and Los Angeles, your reporter visited dozens of large bookstores, a number of which are operated by the Communist Party. In each a special section on the occult had recently been installed with heavy emphasis on Satanism. The same held true with bookstores in Denver, Chicago, New York, and Boston. The Big Push was on. What seemed especially curious was that of the thirty most poisonous new books in this field which kept cropping up in my research, a majority had been published by the Citadel Press at 222 Fourth Ave. in New York. If the Communists were so anxious to sell these books, I reasoned, there must be some connection.

    And so there is. Literary Market Place lists one Morris Sorkin as a Director and Sales Manager of Citadel Press, Inc. A check of the Indexes of the House and Senate Hearings of the past twenty years reveals that his name appears half-a-dozen times during important testimony on May 9-10, 1956, in Part 23 of the Hearings before the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee entitled Scope Of Soviet Activity In The United States (p. S1195-1206). From the testimony of one Philip S. Foner we learn that he and Morris Sorkin are equal partners in both the Citadel Press and the Remainder Book Company, both of which operate jointly out of the same address.

    Cited in the list of books published by Citadel Press were dozens of titles bearing the names of such identified Communists as Morris U. Schappes, Clifton Fadiman, Annette T. Rubinstein, John Howard Lawson, Maxim Gorky, E. Franklin Frazier, and even Herbert Aptheker, chief theoretician for the Communist Party, U.S.A. In fact, Philip S. Foner, who was identified under oath in 1940 before the Rapp-Coudert Committee as a member of the Communist Party, had been a founding sponsor (with Comrade Aptheker) of the American Institute for Marxist Studies.

    (Author's note: Significantly, comrades Sorkin, Foner, Schappes, Fadiman, Aptheker and Rubinstein are all Jews and the last is the sister of Jack Ruby--who was a well known Trotskyite Communist in Chicago. I saw his police file.)

    In addition to writing for the Party's house organ, Political Affairs, Foner has taught at all the major Communist schools around the country and is even featured in the Winter 1970 "Lenin Centenary Issue" of the Communist Party's New World Review. On page 93 of that same edition we find a plug for Citadel Press in the foreword to an article by Jerome Davis, an old Comrade of Lenin's.

    With such powerful support from the Communists, as we have seen, it comes as no surprise to learn that Marxist-Satanists are holding classes in "The Cabala" at the Free University of Berkeley, and showing such films as Witchcraft Through The Ages; that a self-proclaimed "witch" named Deavlin Le Mohle is teaching "The Craft" to radical students at San Francisco's Golden Gate Free University; and, the Universities of Alabama, New York, and South Carolina are offering credit courses in the occult.

    It should come as no surprise to note that a U.P.I. report of May 24, 1970, reveals a radio program in Southern California "has shifted emphasis in the last four years from astrology to witchcraft as listener interest in sorcery increased, and ‘spell-casts' have been held in the Hollywood Bowl and on college campuses". We should not be too appalled when we turn on the Johnny Carson Show or the Merv Griffin Show and see a "witch" named Louise Huebner teaching "The Craft" on nationwide television, or when we read in the Los Angeles Times of May 5, 1970, that "In addition to their own supply houses and booksellers, the witches have their own newspapers". Nor when we run across the Black Magic Shop Catalog listing recent witches' "tracts, books, and pamphlets dealing with the occult" from the Marlar Publishing Company. (Author's Note: Merv Griffin is a Jewish homosexual friend of homosexual Jew, Henry Kissinger. Both are members of the Bohemian Grove north of San Francisco.)

    With such feature articles in Esquire, Life, Cosmopolitan, and McCall's as have appeared this year there is little wonder that a confused fourteen-year-old girl recently wrote to Life asking: "Could you help me to become a witch?" She was mainly influenced, she said, by a Life magazine glorification of "witch" Louise Huebner that appeared on April 10, 1970, in an article entitled "The Good Witch Of The West". And it should be of only passing interest that the San Francisco Chronicle reported on April 27, 1970, that "The youth in Britain are finding witchcraft immensely attractive", and "60 percent of people joining Satanic cults in Southern England are under 30". We shouldn't be too upset when Christian missionaries point out that today, in France and Germany, sorcery has become a major preoccupation even as religious activity is on the wane.

    Surely it means nothing when Newsweek devotes two columns in its issue for August 25, 1969, to promote an obscene play by Krzysztof Penderecki entitled The Devils Of Loudun (based on the novel by Fabian Socialist Aldous Huxley), featuring "a stageful of young nuns simmering with lust and auto-eroticism...." Nor should we be concerned when a revolutionary Communist group calling itself the Women's International Terrorist Conspiracy from Hell--the W.I.T.C.H.--makes Front-Page news for one of its radical forays in New York or Chicago or wherever.

    Surely we should not be upset by the gory report in the San Francisco Chronicle of July 16, 1970, regarding the cult murder of a young social worker in Montana. Nor even when we read that two hippies arrested in July near Big Sur "were carrying gnawed human finger bones" in their pockets; that several days earlier the mangled torso of their victim--minus head, arms, and legs--had been found floating in the Yellowstone River; that one of those apprehended, Stanley Baker, admitted to having hacked the body to pieces and eating the heart. After all, Baker blurted to police, "I am a cannibal". He and his companion admitted to being members of "a Satanic cult".

    No, these things mean nothing more deadly than that the Establishment record companies, television, and slick magazines; the syndicated radical press; and the Communist network are now glamorizing Satanism like they glamorized LSD and psychedelic music in 1967, marijuana in 1968, and Sensitivity Training in 1969. As before, of course, America will reap the ugly consequences.--DAVID EMERSON GUMAER.


    * * *
    There is a listing at the end of the reprint with instructions for getting more reprints of this article. However, keep in mind that the article appeared in 1970. We will, however, give you the address of American Opinion: Belmont, Massachusetts 02178. We will not run Mr. Gumaer's address unless he gives permission. In the meantime should you want additional copies perhaps you can get extra copies of this issue of CONTACT.


    by Virginia Meves
    TOPIC #1

    "Wisconsin Report", May 5, 1994:

    EDITORIAL COMMENT: There is a frenzied preoccupation with death in this country--death education, suicide education which includes how to; funeral education which may include visiting a morgue etc.; and then the movies on television, the movies on video cassettes; the lyrics of many songs, especially rock music--so much about death, guns, violence! It is as though all people should concentrate on ending their lives or support gun control. Is this why--to remove the guns and make us a defenseless, helpless disarmed nation? The plans are right on schedule as the vote in Washington on HR 4296 indicated. So many times, as we've tried to teach about "The Plan" for a "World Government" people have waved us to be gone and said, "Oh this will never happen", instead of researching to find out for themselves!

    We see nation after nation embroiled in wars--even ethnic cleansing--and then the daily media shows the heaps and heaps of bodies and the gruesome realities from all the wars. Where is that peace that the United Nations Treaty was to insure for all time--prevention of wars forever????

    Is all this emphasis on death to cause severe depressions and such deep concentration on loss and grief and sadness so that people, especially here in America, may be moved along into this New World Order--that they are not able to think and realize what is being done to them in their country, and especially to keep them from objecting to all the changes, the takeovers and controls that are being forced on a people who can't think or project or imagine ever living in total enslavement? This is something to think about and jolt us Americans into reality about having been betrayed over and over again!

    In Scotland, Ireland, Somalia, Bosnia, Rwanda, Burundi, China, Ethiopia, El Salvador, Russia, Nicaragua, Palestine, Korea, Viet Nam, Cambodia, Laos--the list goes on and on and we do not want to forget the butchered babies who never even had a chance to be born!! What would they say to us if they had the opportunity? I think they would all shout in unison: "Murderers, ruthless unregenerate mankind!" What else could they say? There was no mercy, no compassion! [H: Ah, but dear friend, if your very nation is run by Satanists who revel in DEATH--what more can you expect? And, as you said above, Virginia--would you too wave us off as a statement that it could not be...?]

    Kibbutzum! Kibbutzum! Are the children never going to be allowed to be happy in a fine secure family? Ann Herzer just told us that Chester Finn, in his book We Must Take Charge has finally blurted it all out. It seems that the time has come to put all the resources--men and women--into jobs in the world to work and take the children. Maybe there are just too many parents with a C- on their report card! What do you think, parents of America? Are we going to allow the children to have this final punishment--to be wrenched away from homes to live with a Kibbutzum manager forever?--until they grow up, of course, when they too must join the world of work as a productive resource! [H: But is it no worse or perhaps even better than where you are headed now as murder is the birth control method of your day; and are sacrificial offerings of your children on a Satanic altar are acceptable? How many will ever understand WHY and WHAT has happened in your society?] There are boot camps too for the damaged children!

    The case of Dr. Kevorkian has proven to young people that life means nothing when man takes over to rule the world. Man, without the love of God in his heart, can be ruthless, cruel, inconsiderate of other people's feelings, beliefs, desires. Ruler man becomes so greedy that he has to assume power over life and death. Ruler man is so greedy that he must be able to exercise all control and power over everything. In this nation of America, "We the people" have never wanted to control the universe--the environment--air, water, land, ozone, and even environment that is not! Life is very precious. It is too dangerous to ever allow man to usurp that kind of power on this Earth. It results in only one "outcome"--destruction of the civilization and the cruelty causes such suffering that people pray to die. If Dr. Kevorkian wants to kill himself--he may do so. A higher Judge will meet him. But because he has desire to take others with him doesn't give him the right to even think it! All of us on this Earth--especially here in America--love our freedom and we want to exercise it for a very long time. Dr. Kevorkian has a very clever lawyer who is young and charismatic. That doesn't mean that juries should just allow him to hypnotize them. Dr. Kevorkian kills. He does not just alleviate suffering. He deliberately plans death for this one, for that one and for anyone! But he has not and is unable to prove that he has the right to play God and take the life of anyone!

    And so, let's take a little time and just think about all who have died needless deaths and think about our futures in the hands of ruthless planners whose one and only thought is to control the whole world and all the resources including--US.... Wisconsin Report, 18310 Benington Dr., Brookfield, WI 53045.

    CHAPTER 14
    Editor's note: We share this for its sad connection to Project Monarch (chapter 1). The original document sent to us is a lousy xerox copy of a typed manuscript. Please forgive any gaps.

    By Barry Kincaid

    For centuries, 100,000 or more persons worldwide are led to slaughter as victims of The Continental Holocaust. Human beings, both children and adults, are tortured and killed as human sacrifice in satanic rituals.

    Police cannot locate all these missing persons. Families cannot find their loved ones. These are but a few of the stories of unsolved mysteries.

    These people have not run away! They have been abducted and kidnapped for the purpose of torture and murder! You may see some of the children's faces on milk cartons or blue and white cards found in your mail boxes.

    Some infants and young children's lives go even unnoticed as their births were never recorded. While some of these babies and preschoolers may be born to prostitutes, others were conceived by Satanists with the sole intent to be born to die! And to die cruelly at the hands of Satan worshipers who reap pleasure at these atrocities. X-rated and violent movies are kindergarten entertainment stuff for these savages who set their prey, stalk, and go after their human meat. Barbaric, but true.

    While abortion is wrong to Christians, this is a story of those individuals allowed to be born who are led to their deaths innocently. They would be far better off having committed crimes and been incarcerated--even in Singapore. They would fare better if allowed to die in the gas chamber, electric chair, by hanging or lethal injection by society.

    The victims of The Continental Holocaust are procured by various methods. Many are kidnapped from loving homes. Others are the outcasts of society who will not be missed. The latter are the people who have led unfortunate lives and may have succumbed to drugs, alcoholic living, family abuse and homelessness.

    They may be drifters living in the slums of cities. They may be infants taken from their mothers on the street. They may be young men and women living in wild circles with no parental supervision. They may be your children some day.

    Whomever they are, they will certainly die a slow, tortuous and painful death with onlookers cheering their dismemberment and murder.

    These people may be befriended, given money, drugs, liquor, coerced into sexual acts or just plain abducted. While the methods of recruitment may vary, the ritual is generally the same for all victims.

    Satanists join the ranks of John Wayne Gacy, Larry Eilers, and Jeffrey Dahmer. The difference is that Gacy, Eilers and Dahmer were eventually caught and jailed. The Satan worshipers do not get caught. No one is really looking for them, either. They share their secrets and go on to more barbaric killings.

    Who are these Satanists? They come from all walks of life. They are the devil in disguise. They could be an astute businessman, politician, judge, neighbor, librarian, church organist, police officer, religious preacher, school teacher or nurse. They come from all socio-economic backgrounds.

    Just as Christians raise their children to love and honor God, Satanists raise their children to love and honor the devil. Many of these executioners grew up witnessing satanic abuse rituals. Sadly, it became a way of life for them. They generally do not tell these tales while part of this style of living. However, many break away and eventually open up to their spouses or clergy, desperately hoping they will be believed.

    Yes, the clergy at all levels is aware of what is going on in this world. Psychologists and psychiatrists are well aware of satanic abuse and rituals. Many children reared with satanic abuse experience multiple personality disorders (MPD). Many have repressed memories as their pain was so great that they were forced to suppress thoughts for survival.

    This is an unspoken territory put on the shelf for someone else to solve. It's time to ban together as Christians and do something to stop this inhumane holocaust.

    It is time to stop thinking that baby snatchers are mothers wanting children of their own. Baby snatchers, in most instances, are out to get your children.

    Now you will learn what happens when they get your children!

    [some of text missing on the copy at top of page ] evenings. That is the time that witches like to cast their spells. There is power in witchcraft and the occult. While Christians are praying and worshipping the Lord, Satanists are doing the same to their god, the devil.

    The devil is clever and crafty. That's his job. He sets out to sway people into evil. We all know that but we forget it when it comes to worldly pleasures. We sin and become his captive audience. After all, let's enjoy ourselves as God's ways are often square.

    In no way is this an implication that sinners are all Satanists. The point is that as humans we all sin and take the devil's path. But Christians feel remorse and sorrow and then pray for forgiveness. Not Satanists! They feel no remorse or feelings when they hurt and kill. They are having a good time in so doing and can't wait until the next Saturday night when they can do it again to someone else.

    "Doing it" means this, folks: Whether we want to believe it or close our eyes to it, we had better know it and face it! This cruelty can no longer be put on the back burner or on the shelf. It must be dealt with and the time is NOW!

    The innocent victims of The Continental Holocaust are gagged and bound and taken to a hidden place. Or, in some cases, the children of Satanists go willingly, unaware that their "parents" brought them for slaughter.

    The victims are thrown in the middle of a circle, often stripped of their clothing and sometimes raped. It depends on what the crowd is after for their "Saturday Night Live" entertainment. Witnesses have spoken out that they have seen the victims beaten, sodomized, raped, spat upon, rolled in feces, kicked repeatedly, stabbed in the heart and their blood spread around their naked and scarred bodies. Sometimes for thrills their eyes are gouged or their tongues are ripped out or their bones are broken. It depends on what the crowd is feeling, but none of it is human or warranted.

    The victims witness orgies and homosexual acts of the Satanists themselves who come out to party. Just picture the scene when Moses came down from the mountain and saw his people sinning and worshipping the Golden Calf. That was nothing in comparison to what goes on in satanic rituals.

    Babies and young children are tortured and killed in separate places. Sources report that these rituals often take place in forest preserves. It is common practice to drink the blood and urine of these victims--dead or while still alive. These are added attractions to take the place of coffee or cocktails. The victim becomes the hors d'oeuvre, the main meal and the dessert. There are no intermissions at these shows.

    The adult slaughters can take place almost anywhere. Some of these rituals occur underground while others take place in homes or businesses operated by Satanists.

    Know where your children and grandchildren are at all times and with whom they associate.

    God's children suffer endless torture and death. Experiencing human denigration and humiliation is the least of their troubles. Stripped of dignity, which even criminals are granted, the victims of The Continental Holocaust experience great fear and know there is no escape for them. They are outnumbered and defenseless. They are not in war. They have nowhere to turn for help. Will you help?

    The world deserves to know MORE so that this can END! Prayers are not enough to end these holocausts. You can pray for the souls of the victims and that is doing something. Or, you can join together in your churches and communities to investigate and learn more from witnesses willing to speak out. If allowed to be published, more specifics will be detailed in the continuation of this article.

    Jesus Christ is the TRUTH, and this unpleasant truth cannot be hidden any further. You will be provided with eyewitness accounts, informed sources of information and suggestions for alleviating these atrocities from occurring. It is not something we want to know or perhaps want to accept but it is out there and it is happening. We hope it never happens to a family member or friend or acquaintance of yours. We pray it happens to no one ever again but that is unrealistic.

    If you ever had a terrbile nightmare, consider yourself a lucky person. The real nightmares of this world occur everyday.

    People are afraid to delve into these matters. It can be dangerous territory. Men have been killed for attempting to expose these rituals. The only possible method is to work in numbers and large groups to expose these Satanists. They could be your next door neighbors!


    Editor's note: JOURNAL #9, called SATAN'S DRUMMERS, currently out of stock, is a shocking account of the vast extent of satanic practices.

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