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제목: PJ#095, HEAVE-UP (Phase One)

  1. #1
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default PJ#095, HEAVE-UP (Phase One)

    PJ 95
    (Phase One)
    You are in serious danger of getting caught with the poison within--which will destroy you. Satan reigns, my friends, as surely as day perceptually follows night. You are IN TROUBLE. First you will be sickened unto "heaving-up", then perhaps you will "heave-to" and finally, perhaps you will "heave the bastards out." Indeed the term "bastard" is wisely used for these Evil Elite Satanists are SIRED BY SATAN HIMSELF! You may well believe that this cannot be...? It can and IS! While you slept the prostitutes of evil were at their duty stations. Satan is alive and well on planet Earth! But--GOD ALSO HAS A PLAN 2000! GOD SPEAKS TO US IN OUR JOY BUT SHOUTS TO US IN OUR PAIN. HE IS SHOUTING, NOW!



    (Phase One)
    ISBN 1-56935-046-9
    First Edition Printed by
    P.O. Box 27353
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89126
    August 1994
    Printed in the United States of America
    The Phoenix Journals are intended as a "real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind.

    All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.

    If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the "end times" (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the "sorting" period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four corners of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity--based upon TRUTH.

    So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is "fiction").

    The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were.

    If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.

    UP FRONT............................................................................................... ...................................
    TUE., MAY 24, 1994................................................................................................ ............
    UP FRONT IN THIS JOURNAL..........................................................................................
    "FED-UP AMERICANS"...............................................................................................
    THE UNITED STATES.............................................................................................. .....
    WHY THEY RISK EXPOSURE..........................................................................................
    SUM-UP BY L.A................................................................................................. ..................
    CHAPTER 1................................................................................................... ............................
    TUE., MAY 10, 1994................................................................................................ ............
    REGARDING "SUBJECT MATERIAL"............................................................................
    MONARCH AND OTHER BUTTERFLIES.......................................................................
    PROJECT MONARCH By Ronn Jackson.........................................................................
    from Ronn Jackson............................................................................................. ...........
    CHAPTER 2................................................................................................... ............................
    WED., MAY 11, 1994................................................................................................ ...........
    THEY'RE HERE................................................................................................ ...................
    MONEY CHANGES............................................................................................. ................
    AND DO STUFF WITH................................................................................................ .
    CURRENCY PLAN................................................................................................ ........
    BACK TO THE BUSH LEAGUE CLINTONISTAS..........................................................
    VINCENT FOSTER "SUICIDED"................................................................................
    7/22/93 #2 HATONN.............................................................................................. .............
    NO MIRACLES--JUST FACT!...........................................................................................
    7/25/93 #2 HATONN.............................................................................................. .............
    VINCE FOSTER--SUICIDE?............................................................................................ ...
    By John Brummett............................................................................................ .............
    PALMS OPEN AND ANGLED UPWARD!........................................................................
    LIDDY INFORMS FISKE [H: Oh Barf!]...................................................................
    NO GUN AT SCENE!.............................................................................................. .............
    THE REAL MR. FISKE............................................................................................... .........
    CHAPTER 3................................................................................................... ............................
    THU., MAY 12, 1994................................................................................................ ...........
    PROPHECIES.......................................................................................... ..............................
    DOOMSDAY 1999 A.D................................................................................................. ......
    SIPAPU ODYSSEY AN EXCERPT FROM........................................................................
    PRESENT REVELATIONS By Dorushka Maerd.............................................................
    ("Dharma")................................................................................................... ..................
    FUTURE REVELATIONS......................................................................................... ...........
    CHAPTER 4................................................................................................... ............................
    THU., MAY 12, 1994................................................................................................ ...........
    PROPHECIES.......................................................................................... ..............................
    DOOMSDAY 1999 A.D., Continued:.................................................................................
    BY 2000 A.D................................................................................................. ..................
    CHAPTER 5................................................................................................... ............................
    FRI., MAY 13, 1994................................................................................................ ..............
    GOLD IN THEM-THAR VAULTS!....................................................................................
    NEW MONEY............................................................................................... ........................
    CHAPTER 6................................................................................................... ............................
    SAT., MAY 14, 1994................................................................................................ .............
    DIFFERENCES......................................................................................... ............................
    CHAPTER 7................................................................................................... ............................
    MON., MAY 16, 1994................................................................................................ ..........
    HAPPENED WITH CASPAR WEINBERGER?...........................................................
    THE "JACKSON" CONNECTION.....................................................................................
    "BUTCH" ACHESON OF "JUSTICE"...............................................................................
    PHOTON BELT WARNING-AGAIN!................................................................................
    SO, BACK TO CASPAR.............................................................................................. .........
    NEW REPORTS!............................................................................................ .......................
    REGARDING PG&E DIABLO CANYON.........................................................................
    SATCHEL BOMBS............................................................................................... ................
    DARYL GATES............................................................................................... ......................
    DRUG INVOLVEMENT?........................................................................................ ............
    GUNTHER RUSSBACHER.......................................................................................... .......
    CHAPTER 8................................................................................................... ............................
    MON., MAY 16, 1994................................................................................................ ..........
    BRIGHTENS" by Robert Stanley.................................................................................
    THE PROPHECIES GULF BREEZE...................................................................................
    THE PROPHECIES.......................................................................................... .....................
    CHAPTER 9................................................................................................... ............................
    WED., MAY 18, 1994................................................................................................ ..........
    INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE......................................................................................
    TELEVISION COVERAGE OF CIA FILES.......................................................................
    "SATANISM", Part 1, A Practical
    Guide To Witch Hunting by DEG................................................................................
    CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................. ...........................
    WED., MAY 18, 1994................................................................................................ ..........
    "SATANISM", Part 2, A Practical Guide To
    Witch Hunting by DEG................................................................................................. .
    SPEAKING OF POLANSKI, WITCHES............................................................................
    AND OTHER CUTE TRICKS.............................................................................................
    CHAPTER 11.................................................................................................. ...........................
    WED., MAY 18, 1994................................................................................................ ..........
    MOVIN' ON.................................................................................................. ........................
    "SATANISM", Part 3, A Practical Guide To
    Witch Hunting by DEG................................................................................................. .
    INQUISITION......................................................................................... ...............................
    HELL-FIRE CLUB................................................................................................ ................
    CHAPTER 12.................................................................................................. ...........................
    THU., MAY 19, 1994................................................................................................ ...........
    "SATANISM", Part 4, A Practical Guide To
    Witch Hunting by DEG................................................................................................. .
    OF THE HELL-FIRE CLUB..........................................................................................
    HITLER'S EARLY TRAINING...........................................................................................
    CHAPTER 13.................................................................................................. ...........................
    THU., MAY 19, 1994................................................................................................ ...........
    "SATANISM", Part 5, A Practical Guide To
    Witch Hunting by DEG................................................................................................. .
    EXPLOSION OF OCCULTISM IN THE U.S......................................................................
    INSERT: 3 PAGES OF SATANISM PICTURES.................................................................
    OF?" by Virginia Meves............................................................................................... .
    IF THE DEAD COULD SPEAK!.........................................................................................
    RAISE ALL THE CHILDREN... WHAT IS...................................................................
    TO BECOME OF THE CHILDREN?............................................................................
    SAY "PROVE IT".................................................................................................... ........
    CHAPTER 14.................................................................................................. ...........................
    TERRIBLE FATE OF MISSING CHILDREN.....................................................................
    SERIAL KILLERS) By Barry Kincaid.........................................................................
    CHAPTER 15.................................................................................................. ...........................
    RONN JACKSON SHARES POTENT INSIGHT..............................................................
    CHAPTER 16.................................................................................................. ...........................
    WITH CONTACT By Rick Martin 5/11/94.................................................................
    CHAPTER 17.................................................................................................. ...........................
    HAWAII SOVEREIGN STAND...........................................................................................
    CHAPTER 18.................................................................................................. ...........................
    By Rick Martin 5/4/94.................................................................................................. .
    CHAPTER 19.................................................................................................. ...........................
    BULLETIN By Ronn Jackson, Bulletin #2, 5/9/94...................................................
    CHAPTER 20.................................................................................................. ...........................
    THE IRS PINK PAPERS.............................................................................................. .........
    EXEMPT WAGES............................................................................................... ............
    INTRODUCTION:....................................................................................... .........................
    DEFENSE OUTLINE SUMMARY:.....................................................................................
    TAX LAW ORIGINS AND AUTHORITY..........................................................................
    HANDLING A JURY TRIAL:..............................................................................................
    IF HANDLING YOUR OWN DEFENSE:..........................................................................
    INITIAL DEFENSE:............................................................................................ ..................
    AND CURRENT LAW:................................................................................................ ..
    ELEMENTS:........................................................................................... ...............................
    DEFENSES:........................................................................................... ................................
    UNACCEPTABLE DEFENSES:..........................................................................................
    FAILURE TO FILE:............................................................................................... .........
    WILLFUL FAILURE TO FILE.............................................................................................
    PROVE ARE:................................................................................................ ...................
    DEFENSES:........................................................................................... ................................
    UNACCEPTABLE DEFENSES:..........................................................................................
    CONLUSIONS:......................................................................................... ..................................
    TUE., MAY 24, 1994 8:30 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 281
    TUE., MAY 24, 1994
    Living the past is a dull and lonely business; looking back strains the neck muscles, and causes you to bump into people not going your way.
    Looking back is as necessary as looking forward but while you are doing either--you are often overlooking the "now"! Hatonn....

    You must see from past experience and history, tainted and untainted (if you can find it) that which was trying to "getcha", has come this far and right to the point of "gotcha"--and how, for goodness sakes (not to be confused with "badness" sakes) you can "gettem" so that you CAN HAVE a future to perceive in freedom and LIGHT.

    A lot of people are WAKING UP America. I ask that Dharma simply transcribe the following information from today's message from Fed-Up Americans: "It is time that all of us Fed-Up Americans come face to face with reality and fully understand that government at the highest level desires us to be their sex slaves to the fullest extent.

    "In the very near future the new ‘Assault Weapons' bill will be signed into law. ‘Their' law against We-the-People and, from information received, right after the signing of the weapons gun ban, more house searches will be immediately conducted. The goal of the federal government and all of its supporting agencies who are in total control by the International Bankers, is to disarm totally the non-criminal element of society. This socialist law of disarming the American people is nothing but a ploy to make criminals out of good American citizens. This is the same action that was taken against Christian Russia by the Bolshevik gang in the early 1900s. The local police and army reserves disarmed the masses and after this was accomplished these same police and army reserves were the first to be placed against the wall and SHOT.

    "It was the same element of international bankers on the East Coast of the United States who were the major financiers of the Communist-Bolsheviks Revolution. And it is the SAME FAMILY members of these same international banks WHO CREATED THEIR UNITED NATIONS AND WHO ARE FINANCING AND SPEARHEADING THE DISARMING OF THE MASSES IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA AT THIS TIME.

    "How do I know these things? Because, Fed-Up American, I have a copy of the 65th Congress' First Session of the Senate, Document No. 62, before the United States Senate, by Senator Overman, Chairman of the Subcommittee of the Committee on the Judiciary. Meeting at 10:45 in the morning in room 226 at the Senate Office Building with Senator Lee S. Overman presiding--In investigation of who was responsible in financing the Communist Bolsheviks against Christian Russia.

    "The masses were disarmed and 30 million Christian Russians were shot and/or otherwise slaughtered.

    [H: Of course, readers, this "little Holocaust" was hardly ever mentioned--especially by anyone referring to themselves as Jews. Well, they didn't get all the Christian Russians, either--and that may well turn out to be a bad oversight one of these very near future days....]

    "There were three volumes of testimony--you desire ‘Vol. 3', remember that. Not only did the East Coast Bankers and the United States finance and support the Communist overthrow of Christian Russia but the subcommittee meetings showed clearly that many Jewish individuals from the United States also went to Christian Russia and were the chief agitators in favor of Communism.

    "I am merely telling you, Set-Up American, what is written in the subcommittee hearings. All of this valuable and important information was hidden under the title of: BREWING AND LIQUOR INTERESTS AND GERMAN AND BOLSHEVIK PROPAGANDA so the masses in the United States would never be aware of these important hearings and the information contained therein.

    "It is these same family members of international bankers who control and finance the United Nations as well as who control the money supply of the United States by the PRIVATELY OWNED "CENTRAL BANK" in America, called the Federal Reserve Corporation.

    "Should you desire the entire information needed to obtain these documents and testimony presented before the 65th Congress, submitted pursuant to Senate Resolution 307 and 439 from your Congressman or U.S. Senator, of which they MUST supply you with this information when it is requested by you Fed-Up Americans, submit $1 and a self-addressed stamped envelope to get the information and fully understand the subversion from within. Send to: Fed-Up Americans, P.O. box 24, Noxon, Montana 59853. Thank you for calling Fed-Up Americans. This message changes weekly."

    Indeed the sleepyheads are beginning to stir....! I wanted to share this with you readers because it refers to the SAME PLAYERS IN ALL THE ADVERSARIAL GAMES AFOOT THIS DAY....

    It has come around the circle and now "they", CONSPIRATORS, themselves are starting to lay it on you, brothers, that there has been a "conspiracy" all the time. They will also tell you right-out, now, that yes indeed, it has been a rather easy job but now "they gotcha". There is no remorse or apologies for actions up to and through, now. Indeed, the only things coming forth from the conspirator's circle is the next phase of the New World Order--as Satanic and dastardly as it is.

    First YOU are going to find it helpful to "heave-up", then perhaps you can "heave-ho" and then maybe, just maybe, you can "heave the bastards OUT!" So, let's identify this journal as "HEAVE-UP" (Phase One).

    For the following we are indebted to Larry Abraham's Insider Report. It seems the journal we need is on loan somewhere "else" and we want accuracy in this copy. We find that in Insider Report, last January 1994 there was an excellent reference to a presentation from the January-February 1994, Vol. 73, No. 1, pp. 1-7 of FOREIGN AFFAIRS. The article in point is by Michael Clough, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and co-chairman of the Stanley Foundation's New American Global Dialogue. The article is entitled: Grass-Roots Policy Making, subtitled, Say Good-Bye to the ‘Wise Men'.

    We will take up part-way through the article by Abraham as he likes to think of himself as a leading writer on the "Conspiracy" beginning with a superb book called None Dare Call it Conspiracy. The book was actually written and presented by Gary Allen but Abraham lays claim to joint authorship. So be it.

    I appreciate that which we have here because I wanted to utilize the information as "Foreword" for this journal in point for there is so much in these contents which speak of Satanism and the work of these evil dealers-in-power on your place.

    Clough writes: "For nearly five decades the complexion and outlook of American foreign policy makers remained constant. In the view of the small, cohesive club of academics, diplomats, financiers, lawyers and politicians that ascended to power during World War II--men such as Dean Acheson, Clark Clifford, George Kennan, John McCloy and Paul Nitze--this was as it should be.

    Note the arrogance of the official announcement as Clough continues: "National security and the national interest, they argued, must transcend the special interests and passions of the people who make up America." In other words, the people are, as Harry Hopkins remarked, "too damn dumb to know what's good for them." And so the "Wise Men" had to tell us and lead us and direct us, without regard for what we thought of that leadership or its direction. In this vein, let me remind you that the title, "Wise Men", is the one they gave themselves, while at the very same time referring to the rest of us as "the children".

    Next, Clough asks, "How was this small band of Atlantic-minded internationalists able to triumph? What enabled them in the postwar period to subdue the isolationist impulses of the hinterland and turn the nation of ‘no entangling alliances' into both the world's policeman and its banker?" He responds, "For the most part, the answer is twofold: fear and prosperity. The dangers of the postwar world--the threat of Soviet expansion and the haunting memory of global depression--convinced the public.... It also helped that Eastern internationalists had gained great authority once it was clear that they were right about America's need to enter the Second World War."

    Allow me to interject (a quote from L.Abraham). "Just as Gary Allen and I documented in our first book, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, and as I elaborated in Call It Conspiracy, ‘the threat of Soviet expansion' was the creation of the Wise Men themselves, as the Great Depression had been a product of their policies, pressed by their mentors at the Royal Institute and the CFR in the late Twenties and Thirties. The truth of this assessment has since been totally and repeatedly confirmed and exhaustively documented by many eminent scholars, some of whom were Wise Men themselves.

    Indeed, CFR senior fellow Clough tells how these disasters and managed crises, once created, were used to manipulate the American psyche: The preeminence of the East was reinforced by other postwar developments. The New York Times and, to a lesser extent, TIME magazine emerged as the leading national sources of news and commentary on international affairs. The original big three national television networks all chose New York as the site of their headquarters, and hence their evening news shows. A small number of well-endowed foundations and influential foreign policy institutes were also based in New York and Washington."

    What Clough doesn't tell us is how all of the cited media operations were initially financed by the Insiders and controlled by them right up to and including this very day. The "foundations" and "foreign policy institutes" of which he speaks are the very same entities for which he is now writing and working, namely the CFR itself and its network of appendages. Clough continues:

    "And a handful of Eastern Seaboard universities played a critical role in training and employing America's new foreign policy cadres.

    "Together, these developments meant that the most reliable, the fastest and often the only way to become a player in the national foreign policy debate was to locate oneself along the Harvard-Manhattan-Foggy Bottom corridor. This reality greatly contributed to the homogeneity of discourse on international issues that characterized the Cold War years."

    A dramatic change is being announced and ordered. A dramatic world-changing policy shift is occurring. It is, as the Insiders themselves love to call it, a "sea change" in process. In order that you may have a clear sense of the "new realities" as seen by the "Insiders", and what they are doing about them, let me cite a series of disclosures from Clough's piece.

    * "The globalization of American society has greatly increased the incentives for individuals in all parts of the country as well as local, state and regional institutions to become more involved in world affairs. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, developments abroad matter more for local communities. [H: Yes indeed--except that while the bombardments continue--the communities go to pot in a hand-basket.... There are now so few individual "incentives" as to be terrifying!]

    * "At the same time, opportunities for local, state and regional actors to influence global policy have also grown. [H: Say what??] Many state and local institutions are establishing direct links with counterparts around the world through technical assistance and exchange programs. Foundations and entrepreneurs are creating new regionally based foreign policy communities to provide the kind of leadership in world affairs that the Eastern establishment once monopolized.

    * "The East's privileged place in foreign affairs has eroded. New York no longer dominates the nation's economic relationships with the rest of the world, and the share of trade that flows through Eastern seaboard ports has shrunk dramatically. [H: Except, of course, for drugs run by the government and military, and arms....] From Southern California to the Great Lakes, and from the Pacific Northwest to the Texas border and Southern Florida, regions are developing their own economic interests and orientations, and creating the trade offices and other institutions necessary to pursue them. [H: Yep, again--drugs, arms and evil.] In short, regionalization has not only lessened Eastern influence over the foreign policy making process but also helped spawn a new process of global policy making with sources of power far beyond the Washington beltway.

    * "More and more foreign countries are beginning to see their ethnic brethren in the United States as natural allies in campaigns to develop more favorable bilateral relationships. This web of societal ties linking American ethnic communities with their homelands is certain to thicken as the information revolution increases the ease and affordability of reaching out and touching previously distant kith and kin.

    * "The final factor contributing to the breakdown of the old foreign policy consensus is the emergency of powerful, activist groups organized around individual issues such as human rights, the environment, humanitarian relief and women's rights. [H: Everybody still with us?]

    * "Their most important new challenge is to find ways to merge myriad single-issue pressures into a coherent whole and to do so in an environment of shrinking resources."

    And, finally, the lead article in the world's most important journal concludes:

    * "Only a radically redesigned foreign policy making system, one fashioned to meet the global challenges of the 21st century in the same way that the national security apparatus was created to face the Cold War, would make a synthesis of these competing interests possible. Only an open, decentralized and collaborative system, which encouraged the initiatives of regional actors, ethnic groups and global issue groups, would restore public confidence that Americans' involvement in world affairs is still consistent with their own values and would improve the security and welfare of all.

    [H: Please keep in mind, readers, that the journal, FOREIGN AFFAIRS, IS "THE" journal for the Council on Foreign Relations--this is no wimpy magazine.]

    SUM-UP BY L.A.
    "In sum, here's what it all means. The CFR, as an exclusively American institution for policy making, has outlived its usefulness. It will, of course, continue to be a clearinghouse and gathering place for policymakers of both political parties to rub elbows and schmooze with the rich, powerful, and the academically acceptable. But, the policy making and hyper-exclusivity will now be reserved for the Trilateral Commission, the Institute for International Economics, and the baronial leadership of various regional bureaucracies, i.e., the North American Free Trade Agreement, the Council for Security in Cooperation in Europe, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Council, and similar such regional entities now being planned for Africa and the Middle East. This hub will direct, dominate, and control a myriad of lesser organizations with racial, ethnic, environmental, and sociological casts. REGIONALIZATION WILL NOW REPLACE NATIONALISM WITHIN THE NEW WORLD ORDER!"

    This, of course, is planned to coincide with removal of ALL ARMS AND WEAPONS FROM YOU-THE-PEOPLE. You are supposed to HAVE NO DEFENSE AGAINST THE ADVERSARY, THE "BIG SATAN".

    May you think about this as you pull off your beer tab and sit back on the potato-couch to OBSERVE, not participate, in your canned ball games or stupid sit-com reruns. It is up to you here on in, citizens, as to whether they "gotcha forever" or you heave the bastards out! Bad word? Brothers--you are in BAD TROUBLE and "bastard" becomes a very gentle word as these controllers are sired by Satan himself and one of these days in the near future--YOU WILL REALIZE AS MUCH!

    Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn
    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일
    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-15 at 11:48.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#095, HEAVE-UP (Phase One)

    PJ 95
    TUE., MAY 10, 1994 1:02 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 267
    TUE., MAY 10, 1994
    Since I have a bit of anxiety from my CONTACT "team" regarding the danger of some information and personal hazards, I will make some comments of intent to mollify concerns.

    When we receive information which is potentially explosive I will monitor it carefully. We are not in the fortune-telling business, the shock and surprise business or in the revealing of deep, dark Elite secrets which will do more damage in the telling than our intent of awakening the citizens unto the problem of their plight at present. Some information simply goes beyond the level of good intelligent discernment and good discretion in the repeating. Note I used the word "repeating". Just because we have some "assumed" new players--we will not cease our practice of offering ONLY that information which has revelation "somewhere" in documentation, write-ups and/or public presentation. This keeps us within the guidelines of GOOD JOURNALISM, in protections of sources and resources and offers protections to all parties involved. We are not rewriting "history" nor are we in the business of sensationalism even if there are "inquiring minds" who want to know TOO MUCH before its time! The "simply curious" will have to wait while all personages risking their freedom and their necks for YOUR (readers) information and, hopefully, guidance, are carefully placed in security. It is the time to STOP being foolish and efforting to demand "justice" for that about which the Elite have written NEW RULES (other than the Constitutional basis of laws), and are NOW ENFORCING SAME!

    Our "Patriot", John Quade, was arrested, as a for instance, right here in Kern County and man-handled, bound and brought before a Judge. It matters not that the laws were being broken--the persons were simply enforcing that which they were ordered to enforce. Does this mean that you should stop your petitions and actions to have Constitutional Law enforced and returned to your persons and property? No, but you must use your BRAINS. To blatantly cross the "little guys" will just get you hurt or, at the least, end up being costly. There was a time when you could, go with such as Richard McDonald and his groups who demand to be sovereignized as "state" citizens and it would work for a few. It is now a very sore spot and the Elite cannot afford to have you nice people get away with this sort of insurrection. YOU WILL HAVE TO WORK WITHIN THE SYSTEM "THEY" HAVE ESTABLISHED IF YOU WISH TO WIN. You must understand, and herein is a very good example: Is it better to have Quade have a driver's license IN THE SYSTEM--than to have a whole patriot bulletin board NETWORK SILENCED? Can others keep it going? For how long? From whence will come funding to defend and protect the ones in court? The POINT, citizens, is to break you--first into helplessness and then into total helpless financial void. Good luck, John, with such as Gerry Spence. The very ONES who turned you in as troublemakers and to the IRS thugs--work for the thugs while YOU THINK THEY WORK FOR YOU. You had better begin to take a good long, hard look at WHO that might be, good buddies. The only way to GET TO YOU is THROUGH YOU. The "Judasgoat" will always be some "among" you! While you are so busy DENOUNCING ME AND MY TINY TEAM--YOU HAVE MISSED YOUR ENEMY WHO THIEVED YOUR TRUST AND FAITH AND LED YOU DANCING DOWN THE PRIMROSE PATH OF THORNS AND ENFORCERS.

    As I witness the latest rebuttal of Leon against Doris and E.J. I am astounded at the blind refusal to SEE. If, Leon, all you wanted back was your money--why did you not demand that George Green give you your funds in the gold which he had stolen and buried? You came in through George, did business, according to you, because of George and HE CONTINUES TO USE YOU. Why did he tell you to demand "gold" from the Institute--WHEN HE WAS THE ONE WITH THE GOLD HE HAD SKIVED AWAY AND WHICH WOULD HAVE PAID ALL OF YOURS AND ELEANOR's INTERESTS? Neither of you had any "personal" interest or investment with the Institute. There is a corporation in which you seem to have authority and Eleanor has a "trust" which has done some transactions with the Institute. Since Mr. Green was the one who structured the Institute, as well as holding GOLD ASSETS enough to cover both withdrawals and payouts--why do you continue to defend him and the attorney who took many thousands of dollars FROM YOU. IN A TRUST? If your funds are NOW in a trust--they DID NOT START OUT THAT WAY!


    It is, however, unfair to continue to blame others for that which is not their doing--the Ekkers did not place you in such a state of jeopardy but you seem to overlook in unconditional love the ones who DID and DO. The ones at the Institute, and yes, the Ekkers, are and have been doing everything in their power to hold the Institute in security so that NO ONE LOSES ANYTHING--YOU HAVE NOT LOST ANYTHING--YET! EXCEPT FOR THAT WHICH YOU HAVE DELIBERATELY DUMPED INTO ATTORNEYS AND FALSE LEADERS. Your family's funds are completely SAFE--unless you continue this push to destroy the very company which so far has managed to hold the assets in security. If George has been so concerned about your losses and WELFARE, he CLAIMS PUBLICLY to be a millionaire with plenty of funds to continue into infinity--all these cross battles. He and Gary Anderson took untold amounts of money from the Institute AND the Constitutional Law Center (through the Institute) and when he sat in his office telling you to demand your funds and pull down the Institute and invest in his dome business--HE WAS A DIRECTOR OF SAID INSTITUTE AND AN OFFICER (SUPPOSEDLY THERE TO PROTECT YOUR INTERESTS AND THE INSTITUTE). HE WAS SITTING ON A MINIMUM OF $350,000 IN GOLD COINS BELONGING TO THE INSTITUTE--HE KNEW EXACTLY WHAT HE WAS DOING! Why did he not use those funds which he now claims he kept to pay bad debts, etc? Is not your note worthy of attention? Well, you say the Institute and Ekkers have taken your money and will not honor your NOTE--You FORGET THAT YOU GAVE George Abbott a power of attorney. That gave him the RIGHT to make a binding agreement ON YOU BEHALF and without your further knowledge. He did so but NOW DENIES IT. Perhaps if Mr. Green honored his note and returned the stolen gold the Institute would be more motivated to settle the other opposition's disputed claims.

    I am surprised that all of your so-called "friends" do not help you understand the FACTS instead of pressing you on into accusations which hold no merit.

    Who does Doris consider GOD? This disappoints me, Leon--she considers God of Lighted Creation to be God. That which is beyond the "body death" you speak about--and certainly beyond some Space Commander sent forth on a mission to which you may attend or not-attend. If you truly be at peace--why do you show such pain and agonizing unrest? These people here are working as quickly and diligently as possible to resolve all these matters but you are working as diligently as you can to MAKE SURE YOUR LOSSES MEASURE UP TO YOUR EXPECTATIONS! WELL, YOU CAN LOSE EVERYTHING YOU OWN OR MIGHT EVER OWN--BUT ESTHER, AND YOUR FAMILY, SHALL NOT LOSE THEIRS IN SPITE OF YOU OR YOUR COLLEAGUE'S EFFORTS. I would guess that by next week the amount would probably be paid in full--to Esther IF YOU WOULD SIGN A RELEASE--but your attorney, Abbott would then be in a position TO SUE the Institute, and you, if the funds do not FLOW THROUGH HIM! NOW WHY DO YOU SUPPOSE THAT WOULD BE?

    You may well believe otherwise; however, these people do not sit around every day trying to simply think up ways to make your life miserable or make you lose everything. You may not THINK that you are a party to attempts at receivership through force (which means forced bankruptcy) of the Institute (after which, how much do you think of your family funds you would regain?) BUT YOU ARE NAMED BY YOUR OWN PEOPLE AS A MAJOR PARTICIPANT--DO YOU NOT GET YOUR OWN ATTORNEY'S PAPERWORK?

    There are a lot of people involved here--NOT JUST YOU! They ALL will be protected and if that means "from you" then so be it. To honor your demands and sacrifice theirs while Green continues to tie up assets, is not going to happen. By the way, WHO DO YOU THINK IS "RICK WEBBER"? YOU HAD BETTER CHECK IT OUT! He is a puppet whose strings are attached to George Green's fingers. He knows even less about magazines and journals than does almost EVERYONE else. Just to look sophisticated in computer jargon and keyboard hacking--MEANS NOTHING!

    You further seem to, blame these people for somehow "trapping" you in Tehachapi. I do not remember that they forced you to come here--nor forced you to do anything! I asked some things of you for which, in money, you have been repaid--is it, therefore, righteousness you want--or blood? You will get NEITHER from ME--for both are within self in your own perception and desires. You have been "had", friend, but not by those upon whom you cast blame. In your total pursuit of "unconditional" love upon EVERYTHING and ANYONE, you have lost discernment and judgment of actions. Within God and Creation--there ARE conditions and if you believe otherwise, it is your privilege in expression but is not very wise in foundation.

    It is strange that you can see no facts, hear no facts and therefore can speak few facts and would continue to honor those who would damage you while calling me a Satanic representative. No, I am not! Further, to capitulate in agreement with your invalid perceptions would not make me greater--it would cause me to be that of which you accuse. If you place no "conditions" on any actions--other than on those who would actually SERVE YOU--then perhaps there is no meeting ground.

    You would continue to parrot the prattlings of ones about the "loss" of attorneys for "this side", etc. I wonder if you are EVER told anything other than that which it is desired that you hear in order to keep you restless?? It might well be interesting to you to know that a REPORTER for a newspaper out of Las Vegas who is onto the Associated Press garbage has TALKED TO EVERYONE HE CAN FIND TO INTERVIEW--among them HORTON who, he said, told him that he has yet to find that the Ekkers have been dishonest in any way. Further, he is reported to have said that if it proves to be that George Green has indeed done the things it now appears he has done, he will find no difficulty in working with Ekkers. At this point it matters not one whit what he may or may not think about me.


    You continue to ask WHY "you didn't settle with George?" Of what are you speaking? To bypass this whole encounter there was total willingness to even let George reap benefits from his own theft and you think that this side did not allow the agreement? Well, so be it--when Mr. Dixon made contact and tried to finalize the agreement, Mr. Green "became totally irrational" (according to Mr. Dixon) and ultimately "hung up" on him. Mr. Green has never so much as appeared in any court offering anything of merit and NEVER in the matters of importance in other lawsuits in which, he himself, was FIRST NAMED! Does this not strike you as a bit "strange"? The documents he sends to "everybody" are the very documents HE ORIGINATED! Yes indeed, there certainly is something that smacks of ADL, around--but it is not from this quarter!

    I apologize at not doing a worthy job of responding to your letter, Leon, but life goes on while we are all making "other plans".

    You are concerned about your dear mother--yet you make no motion to help John S. who was literally set-up, and locked away so that Eleanor and her son could rob him of everything including himself and freedom. Wherein here, is your unconditional LOVE? Is not this man as worthy of care and loving life as is your own? Is "unconditional love" so filled with conditions that you cannot see the hurt and plight of "others"? How is it that you EXPECT these people to respond?

    We must now turn to other urgent matters.

    I feel remiss in turning away from personal concerns so abruptly but the world waits in growing deterioration while we ponder upon that which is limited and limiting.

    I now ask that the material on the MONARCH PROJECT be pulled out and re-run so that we are not leaving this additional information hanging out in mid-air without backup of what it is we address. Some will have no idea otherwise. Thank you. We can simply add it to the paper with proper reference information and we will exactly reproduce the following input from Ronn Jackson without much ado about it.

    You readers will remember that we will NOT give you that which will jeopardize his position in any way. You will find that we have already offered MORE, actually, than he brings herein. I state that so that our "monitors" will realize we are not "spilling beans" out of any bottles before their time.

    By Ronn Jackson
    The following is a transcription of a conversation between Rick Martin for CONTACT and Ronn Jackson, inmate at the Northern Nevada Correctional Center, which took place in person on May 4, 1994:

    Rick: You know we've written on Project Monarch. I presume that this is an ongoing series of training programs by the government.

    Ronn: Yes.

    Rick: How many monarch type-outfits are there out in the public?

    Ronn: I can't give you any specific number but Monarch is the master plan and I saw it many years ago; and there are many phases or programs underneath that and I know that the number of people that are involved with it would number probably into the thousands.

    Rick: Is this all underground, in the underground bases?

    Ronn: No, absolutely not. Some are right in front of us. I wasn't sure you were going to ask that question but I've been anticipating it for a long time and the reference you made to Monarch in one of your stories in one of your previous issues, I knew it would come about; but, there are those conditions in our society, and conceivably you might even know them as individuals. So, they are not all below ground.

    Rick: Who primarily uses Monarch. Should I call them sleepers, operatives, or? I don't know what word to use.

    Ronn: I'm sure that you could use just about any kind of a word and it would be applicable to a number of different circumstances.

    Rick: Are these used exclusively by the ADL?

    Ronn: No.

    Rick: Or used by ordinary power structures for various agendas?

    Ronn: Various, many of them.

    Rick: A lot of them blackmail related, I presume.

    Ronn: Yes.

    Rick: You're making me work for this.

    Ronn: Yes.

    Rick: Why are you laughing?

    Ronn: I knew that this would come eventually. I sort of put it out of mind because I was sort of avoiding it because I place a higher priority on some other things which are nearer to me, only because of my direct involvement to those other subjects. I am not a principal in any way with monarch. I am aware of it and I'm aware of many that are a part of it; however, I am not a part of the decision-making process in any way at all.

    Rick: What is the optimum goal? Is it all blackmail, control?

    Ronn: Probably control, but it's in conjunction with a number of different entities and people and there are those who believe in the overall plan, and you probably know some of them. There would be a lot of information I'm not privileged to be told, not because if I wanted to know the answer to a question I couldn't find the answer, it's just I've never had an interest in it because I have too many other things I was doing at the time, to tell you the truth. I'll say this to you, I don't consider it to be high priority as far as I'm concerned. Other people may have a different opinion of it and I'm not trying to say that a lot of blame should not be placed on the project. Well I started to say, I don't give it a lot of credibility, but that's not true. I do know that it is in existence. I think that it may be overemphasized, at times.

    Rick: I received a call from a man in, I believe, Naval Intelligence in Hawaii, and he stated that he had proof that Monarch was ongoing at the highest levels of Naval Intelligence.

    Ronn: That's true, but it's not just Naval Intelligence, it's all the intelligence agencies and not everybody is aware of it within the infrastructure of these agencies. People are there to do specific jobs.

    Rick: Is it all just about finding various people in compromising positions and then having that information to use against them later?

    Ronn: If you want to call it...

    Rick: It's an extension of J. Edgar Hoover in the very worst sense of the word.

    Ronn: I think that the original plan was to place a ruling Elite, if they ever really came into what we would say power, to give them additional assistance in control. And we are talking about people control. I think a lot of emphasis is being placed on something that may or may not develop its full potential. That's how I feel about it.

    Rick: But it is ongoing?

    Ronn: It's been ongoing for a long time. As far as a person on an individual level, if you ask about specifically, I suppose that if I were to make an effort I could find out. However, I wouldn't know exactly how far they would go down. Do you realize that there are many people involved that don't even know what the term "Monarch" means? So, they have been preconditioned and this is over a length of time.

    Rick: If I were to line up 10 men or 10 women in front of you, how would you go about identifying that they were Monarch or not?

    Ronn: If I had a need to, I could do it.

    Rick: Right now, if there were 10 people in front of you do you think you could tell?

    Ronn: Yes.

    Rick: How?

    Ronn: By feeling or intuition. I could tell and I was born in Indiana. I'm from here. I want to explain that to you, and I have no supernatural powers that I am consciously aware of, but if you were to put 10 people in front of me, I could pick ‘em. There are some things I can do that I can't explain, and maybe the Commander knows what he is talking about. Maybe, we might know one another, but I do know there are some things I can do as I explained yesterday. I can be in a big crowd of people and I can see people and things about certain people that other people can't see. Even though I may not know the person, I do know the person stands out in a number of ways. If you were to put 10 people in front of me, I would pick out those if they were associated with Monarch. I could walk into a room of people that I do not know and I can tell. I can't give you an explanation.

    Rick: Is there an age group?

    Ronn: There was at one time but that's no longer.

    from Ronn Jackson
    Attention: Rick Martin

    After our conversation of this morning (May 4, 1994), I decided I should get certain information to you regarding "Project Monarch". Please keep in mind that any documentation that I have is secured and, though I have an excellent memory, because of what is going on right now with me some details may be left out. In the future, I will provide CONTACT with what I have. You and your readers will not like what you are going to read here.

    Project Monarch was started in this country (U.S.) and in Canada around 1950. Those responsible for initiating the project were a part of the "Duke (University) Alumni Ass'n.". This is as I recall but it could be another "like" organization. The basis of the experiment was from some papers captured from the Germans after WW-II. Those papers had to do with mind control and the original subjects were supposed to be patients in mental hospitals. One of the originators of the program had some connections to a mental-health facility in Mexico that contained over a thousand patients and, if my memory serves me correctly, many of those patients were from both this country and Canada and were said to be political prisoners of one kind or another. (People who were too vocal against the money Elite.) I was told that most patients had "drug-induced" mental illnesses.

    After a couple of years of compiling records on the subjects and comparing the records with those of the Germans it was found that adults could not be programmed to the degree that the Germans had attained, and the records indicated that many of the German subjects had been carried on for years, indicating the patients in Germany had started their treatment and brainwashing as children. It was agreed that it was too early to evaluate the data. However, it was decided to start a second parallel program and to find younger subjects. Because of the nature of the program, it was decided to transfer the program, (I think) to an agency of the Army (one of the intelligence branches). Note: In the latter 50s and early 60s (prior to my going to work for the Committee), several branches of Government had their own intelligence division and all sought autonomy. There was no cooperation and each thought their own programs were important and each fought for funding. None could give any accountability. Jack Kennedy found out about them and his actions drove them underground.

    Project Monarch was phased out over a period of years, ending around 1970. The secondary project, which was named "ULTRA-(something or other)", is the one that I believe you are referring to, Rick. That is on-going even now.

    While I never got into all of the nuts & bolts of either program, my involvement and knowledge of those programs is as follows:

    1. Over the final part of 1979, two sanctions involving two members of the secondary program who were eliminated because of a "cult" that they had started which involved "Satanic" practices and they and their subjects and members could be identified by a tattoo of a Monarch butterfly on their lower right forearm (men), and on the upper left arm (women). These were blue in color (See book IV, The Death of Camelot, Hallowed be Thy....)

    2. The principals in the secondary program were released into society with pre-programmed instructions for a future time and event and pertaining to an individual or individuals and could include up to genocide on a local or community basis.

    3. Those individuals appear to be normal and in most instances marry and have families.

    4. In all cases, their back-grounds are a "blank" and those memories of their programming through the use of various kinds of torture are deeply suppressed; several who have had flashbacks have ended up in mental institutions and have gone totally insane.

    5. I believe there are records available other than mine and would be found in DOD (Department of Defense) files.

    Rick, I was asleep and woke-up and started to put this information down. I'm not sure what or why I feel it is important but I have some impressions that have no factual basis, at least as far as I know. Part of the control of this program is a part of the Hoover Foundation. That Foundation is located at Stanford University. There is a good chance that I might know one or more of the principals. The number of patients released into Society is over 2,000 and they occupy every part of our country. Something is about to happen as a direct result of the "Monarch" Project.

    It is imperative that efforts be started now to unify all patriots and conservative organizations. I feel the presence of a Being of a much higher Power. Our country will be returned to the people.

    Ronn Jackson
    (Also see "Missing Children" article in CHAPTER 14)

    PJ 95
    WED., MAY 11, 1994 9:04 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 268
    WED., MAY 11, 1994
    THEY'RE HERE....
    OK, readers, watch, read and listen up, please. You are watching the beginning of the big "sell" job breaching the top of the hill....

    Yesterday evening you will have noticed that there was national news talk of changing out currency--to stop the counterfeiting and blather, blather, blather.

    I am going to offer you a copy, now, of the "break it to the public" changes. This will simply confuse and stir and avoid the real issues, and solutions--but you can note that what we have been expecting is COMING DOWN IN SOME MANNER OR ANOTHER--AS THE CLOCK TICKS. I am not going to further comment about this, we have covered it over and over and over again. This, however, is what is taking place as we write--they are steaming like mad to get some gold shifted back into your country. Basically, the Banking Committee wants about 60 days, 30 at least, to get paperwork done before a full announcement can be made as to "being back on the gold standard". Fine, as far as I am concerned they can have it--IF they let my people go and meet their agreements. Am I serious? Do I really expect you to believe that I have anything to do with it? I don't care whether you believe so or not--the ones in power have been meeting with me almost daily. YOU CAN RECLAIM SOME OF YOUR GOVERNMENT, CITIZENS, IF YOU SEIZE THE MOMENT!

    You are, however, going to have to secure selves and choose carefully that which will be so difficult to discern that grave errors can be made if you are remaining uninformed. Does this mean you had better pay attention to ALL OF CONTACT INFORMATION? YES INDEED! HERE IS WHERE IT TRULY IS REALLY "AT".

    The Khazarian Zionist Communists (Socialists) are in control of your government while the Elitist "MONEY" grabbers are in danger of losing a grip on the populace. We are talking about overlapping entities, neither of which belongs to "You-The-People", but one group having a lot more need to please YOU than does the other. One is a group spurred on by a need to rule the world as "Anti-Christ" types of humanistic power-hungry. .The others are also power-hungry but are not of the same background of total political drive--they are just a Satanic-oriented bunch of criminal power brokers. They have been working together through blackmail, bribes, force, assassinations and total corruption--but one sees the handwriting and will make concessions--OR LOSE. The other COULD BE politically toppled by simply structuring and introducing a government in a different location, an economy based on a value commodity and on the Constitution. "They" don't plan it to go "that" way--but it gives you a chink in the armor through which you can expand and grow. Easy? Of course not! Why do you always want it "easy" and without challenge? Have you lost all faith in yourselves as a people and a nation? You CAN DO IT THROUGH LAW--YOU CAN NEVER DO IT THROUGH GUNS--"THEY" STILL HAVE THE INCREDIBLE TOOLS TO BLOW YOU AWAY!

    Here is a good example of total distraction--right on the front page of the Wall Street Journal, Monday, May 9, 1994. It is right adjacent to the article we wish to share on "money" matters. I think you can see the IMPORTANCE of this garbage:


    Mike Correll Lines Up Pals For Busy Executive Men Who Are Too Lonely at the Top.

    By Anita Sharpe. ATLANTA--Mike Correll, a 54-year-old entrepreneur, has built a healthy business here on a peculiar, if pragmatic, belief: Successful men have little time for making friends--but enough money to buy them. [H: Want to bet?]

    That's right; for a fee that runs as high as $1,200, Mr. Correll will go out and buy you a buddy. Not just any buddy; not for just any buddy. Rather, Mr. Correll specializes in the corner office; matching harried and isolated male executives who claim they can't find the time to make close friends.

    "It's tough to admit," says John Heagy, a local real-estate executive who hired Mr. Correll, "but men have a very difficult time establishing relationships with other men, other than for business reasons." He pauses and sighs, "It's not like the days at the fraternity."


    The article goes on and suggests you can get Philosophers, Jocks and Hell-Raisers. It is a long article which is on the front page and continued to an inside page. Well, maybe it JUST SOUNDS LIKE a pimp organization? But...Atlanta??, home of the media control center of the world???


    [H: Now keep in mind that THIS comes on the SAME DAY as the introduction into the national news of the probability of new currency.]

    The Wall Street Journal, Monday, May 9, 1994. FRONT PAGE, THE "OUTLOOK" column.


    This summer, a private commission headed by Paul Volcker [H: George Green's old buddy and former head of the Federal Reserve.], the former Federal Reserve Board chairman, will announce an ambitious plan to overhaul the world monetary system. The panel will propose that industrialized countries keep the value of their currencies within a flexible band to limit exchange-rate volatility.

    The proposal, which now is circulating as a CONFIDENTIAL DRAFT, would move the world half a step back toward the rigid exchange-rate system that President Nixon ended in the early 1970s. He abandoned the gold-linked monetary order created by the 1944 Bretton Woods Agreement and ushered in today's system of floating exchange rates. [H: But--don't forget--the gold-based truth in government money ENDED IN THE BEGINNING OF THE ‘30s!]

    Mr. Volcker's system might avoid the type of volatility that has wracked world currency markets recently, but the plan is likely to face insurmountable political obstacles.

    The old system collapsed because it didn't accommodate rapid economic change and because Presidents Johnson and Nixon didn't want their economic policies limited by the need to keep the dollar strong. Now Mr. Volcker, heading a group of international bankers, former top finance officials and monetary experts wants to restore some of the discipline that was required under the World War II-era agreement.

    The group, called the Bretton Woods Commission [H: Important little groupie.], argues that the world has paid a heavy price for this lack of discipline. "Since the early 1970s, longterm growth in the major industrial countries has been cut in half, from about 5% a year to about 2.5% a year," the report says. Loss of exchange-rate discipline is partly to blame. Fluctuating exchange rates curb growth, the group feels, by creating uncertainty speculation, misallocating resources and encouraging protectionism. Moreover, floating rates give countries the freedom to run irresponsible economic policies. An example is the U.S. which felt free in the 1980s to run big budget deficits without worrying about the spike in the dollar that resulted as foreign money rushed in to make up the difference.

    The Group of Seven industrial nations in the mid-1980s [H: Please note: THIS GROUP HAS JUST MET.] began to concentrate on reducing volatility, but success has been limited. Occasionally, the countries can cooperate to combat exchange-market disorder, as they did in a concerted effort to arrest the fall of the dollar against the yen and mark last week. But, the report complains, "There has been no reliable long-term global approach to coordinating policy, stabilizing market expectations, and preventing extreme volatility and misalignments among the key currencies."

    Mr. Volcker's panel proposes a gradual approach to reform. First, countries must improve their internal economic policies mainly by reducing budget deficits so that fiscal policy can once again become a tool for stimulating and slowing the economy. [H: "Gradual approach"? Well, maybe--however, remember the "Law of Bureaucracy"? What they tell you they will do will be produced in EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE RESULT. I suggest you get prepared--just in case--there is an abrupt, sudden, stupendously immediate CHANGE IN EVERYTHING!] Then, the G-7 [H: Now actually G-8.] should adopt a more formal system for managing exchange rates" in which currencies could fluctuate within bands that would permit some flexibility but limit excessive volatility. [H:???? Set by whom and for how much?]

    Countries would be forced to intervene in the currency markets--or even to alter their domestic policies--to accommodate changing economic conditions. What's more, the system "will have to define governments' obligations when exchange rates threaten to break the boundaries" of the currency zones and how to adjust the zones when necessary. The International Monetary Fund, the commission's report says, "should be given a central role in coordinating economic policies and in developing and implementing monetary reforms."

    Not everyone agrees that there is a need for reform. Robert Solomon of the BROOKINGS INSTITUTION [H: Ah-Hmmnnn...] argues that the fluidity of today's floating-rate regime, despite its imperfections, generally works well, allowing currency relations, such as the dollar/yen exchange, to adjust gradually over time. Efforts to combine certainty with adjustability inevitably become too rigid, making gradual adjustment difficult. This happened under both Bretton Woods and the European Rate Mechanism, he argues.

    Fred Bergsten, director of the Institute for International Economics counters that the U.S. already tries to keep the dollar within broad zones, and that making the ranges explicit would help promote world trade, investment and stability.

    In the end, the obstacle to a more stable monetary system may be domestic politics. The Volcker commission's plan would, in effect, require countries to relinquish some of their economic sovereignty, and put international considerations above domestic political concerns. It would attempt to force the U.S. to reduce its budget deficit, or Japan to stimulate its economy, in response to orders from IMF bureaucrats--even if it infuriated constituencies at home. World leaders aren't likely to embrace such a plan, no matter what the advantages.


    I want you to keep in mind just how powerful Paul Volcker really is--he now represents a major interest in BOTH the Bilderbergers group AND the Trilateral Commission, along with CFR and thus and so. WHY IS HE STILL COMMANDING ANY ATTENTION AT ALL?? IS THIS NOT STRANGE?? I suggest you keep your eyes focused--along with your confused brain (because they WILL confuse you to the point of insanity)--and watch this comedy of stooges apply their public shell game. They plan a much more impressive show-and-tell than David Copperfield, the magician, ever thought of pulling on you-the-people. So be it.

    These are the reasons, however, that the threats and potential bribe-offs of such as Jackson and Buckley are taking place--even with pleading for silence until July!! If you think the hounds of hell will give you a "break" out of "goodness" and "light"--FORGET IT RIGHT NOW!

    Meanwhile back at the Clintonista sex-ranch you will note the nitty coming forth about, "Clinton's choice to be Fed vice chairman, Alan Blinder, tried to quell criticism that he is soft on inflation, but said he doesn't think the economy is in imminent danger of overheating...." READERS, YOU MUST KEEP UP--EVEN WITH "NO" NEWS, YOU CAN SEE WHAT THEY ARE DOING IF YOU ARE INFORMED! EVERY ARTICLE IN THIS PAPER IS WORTHY OF TOP LEVEL ATTENTION. Let me just present some topics:

    "A LUCKY BUST GIVES DRUG AGENTS A LOOK AT SMUGGLERS' PLOYS. Ring Used ‘Stealth' Planes [H: Now WHERE WOULD THEY GET STEALTH PLANES?], Some Electronic Trickery--And a Spy at Customs...."

    "POWER PLAYS: AS COMPETITION ROILS ELECTRIC UTILITIES, THEY LOOK TO NEW MEXICO. Move by Las Cruces to Flee Its High Rates Illustrates The Many Hurdles Ahead. Tangled Transmission Wires...."

    And on and on it goes....

    Hey, I don't make up this "stuff"--I just bring it to your attention, readers. I think that until you can get Jackson's books you had better consider getting a few other ones. Some details may be incorrect in fullness but the general information is excellent in most instances. There is a new book out by a Terry Reed & John Cummings which I believe you would find most informative and thought-provoking. I would even suggest you get a copy for our use if you can find one. It is called: COMPROMISED: Clinton, Bush and the CIA. This will also give you a connection between Clinton and the Iran/Contra "thing". Yes indeed, readers, Clinton, as governor of Arkansas, was a MAJOR player.

    You are going to have to accept the FACTS that your President was working fully in cooperation with the CIA in bringing drugs right into and through, with the CIA, into the Mena, Arkansas airport. Clinton permitted the CIA to use Arkansas factories to make untraceable weapons, and he allowed CIA contract agents to train Contra pilots on rural airstrips in support of the war in Nicaragua, effectively evading the congressional ban on military aid to the Contras. This is the eyewitness account of an author (who was a former high-level contract agent), who became a liability when he refused to turn a blind eye to the agency's drug trafficking.

    I find the following paragraph quite thought-provoking in itself as to possibilities. "....The Arkansas-CIA connection became Clinton's darkest secret. One shared by then-Vice President Bush, who himself was compromised by his involvement in the Iran-Contra scandal. Their shared guilt kept them silent and tied their hands as they faced off in the 1992 presidential election, with neither daring to mention the Iran-Contra scandal...."

    Clinton was present at meetings which detailed arms arrangements, illegal Contra training and money laundering. Guess what: Involved with Clinton in this cabal were William Barr (Bush's Attorney General), Felix Rodriguez (Bay of Pigs veteran and Bush's CIA contact), and CIA contract agent Barry Seal (who used the cover of a high-profile drug trafficker to carry out his missions).

    As you might well guess--this author's life became a precious commodity and of course stupidly false "charges" were brought but also "deals" were made and the man was finally acquitted. I would guess that, as with Ronn Jackson--enough information in the right hands to be dispersed if anything happens to the original "knower" offers some protection.

    Where can you find this book? Well, I suspect that it won't be through the usual Walden Books, etc. I am told it can be obtained through Criminal Politics. If you have one of those plastic rectangles which is valid you can call 1-800-543-0486 and charge off $18.95.

    Before I offer you the following, I want you to go back and read the REAL story of Vince Foster's "suicide as offered in CONTACT (See next paragraph to near end page 28.). Next I want you to read this (starting end page 28):

    [Editor's note: The following two articles are reprinted from the 3/22/94 issue of CONTACT.

    7/22/93 #2 HATONN
    My, my, you call out for signs and miracles. In disbelief you petition for one more "show"--one more "viewing" from flickering star-craft lights to loss of a headache. Well I think the following will indicate a SIGN to some ones of high level treason. There are several (at least nine [9]) people who should be very, very interested and concerned about the following information which drifted into our hands this morning. As I understand the message--by the time this reaches the printer--here will be only 7 left to worry!

    What is this? Well, it is a note received regarding the demise of one Vincent Foster. That nice lawyer friend of the Billaries in Washington--you know, those who "lead" your nation by the ring through the nose and the harness in the hands of Reno and other ones who murder at random! I think I would be most distressed and concerned as the profferers of torment, torture and bedlam murder--note that THERE IS ANOTHER SIDE. Who are they, this other side? I certainly would not want to be the one to give that information so we take what is sent, share it and hope the correct receivers get the right messages. We are in the business of journalism and printing what is brought to us or sent in truth--not in sorting out "who-dun-its".

    Since there will be an obvious question as you read as to "why" "two" shots, in case it misses your sleuthing--I would guess it is to send a loud clear message about "suicide". A suicide victim does not get "two" shots when the first one kills him dead! I doubt, however, that YOU THE PEOPLE will ever hear about the second shot in this "suicide".


    Re: Vincent Foster

    At 4:52, July 20, 1993--at the first exit to Fort Darcy, VA, a grey Ford Econoline van stopped a 1992 Chrysler Sedan. The driver and lone passenger of the Sedan was removed from his vehicle at gunpoint. There was no fuss, as the driver assumed his plight to be a "carjacking" and possibly armed robbery.

    The occupant of the Chrysler, Mr. Vincent Foster, deputy Legal Counsel and close friend to B. Clinton [H: I believe this person was a former partner in Hillary's prior law firm, as well.] was taken to the rear of the car parking area. Three men, all wearing "Federal Black", told Mr. Foster to kneel on the ground--facing a park bench. At this point, Mr. Foster's head was pushed forward, a gun pushed against the base of the skull, and within seconds TWO .38 cal. rounds were fired into the skull. Foster's head was thrown forward as he died.

    The men then placed the body upon the bench in a half sitting-half reclining position. The upper torso was bent to the right-reflecting an angle of 15% [H: (perhaps "degrees")? I never like to correct or change anything not quite understood because the meaning may be exact but not to my scribe.], The Fairfax P.D. was called with the location of the body. The men of the van left the area and returned to D.C. proper where they boarded planes for diverse destinations.

    The strike was coordinated and executed by TASK FORCE 151!! It was carried out in retribution for the Wilcher, Parsons, "Piggy" [H: This one may really be a long way off proper identification due to overstrikes on the message.] AND SESSIONS affair. At this time, a force of 32 men, holding a target list with 9 more names is preparing to assemble in a major East Coast City. (By the time you print this, at least two more sanctions will have been carried out.) END.


    There is no return identification on this document except 07-22-1993, 11:06. BURN THE MESSAGE, DHARMA.

    * * *
    7/25/93 #2 HATONN
    The next I offer just because YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO VINCE FOSTER, REALLY [see article above]. So, you will simply find this offering most interesting and informative as to "why" Vince.

    [QUOTING Arkansas Gazette, July 22, 1993:]

    By John Brummett
    Arkansas, July 22, 1993.

    Washington--President Clinton met with his staff members late Wednesday morning and told them there is more to life than work.

    Then en route from the Old Executive Office Building to the West Wing of the White House, he stopped to say twice to a small group of pool reporters, "No one can ever really know why this happened."

    Vincent Foster, Jr., possibly Hillary Rodham Clinton's best friend, a tall, nice-looking man, had driven the day before--around 6 p.m., apparently--from Washington to a suburban Virginia park. He got out of his car, walked to a spot on the banks of the Potomac River and shot and killed himself.

    This was six months after Foster uprooted his comfortable life as a respected senior partner at the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock to move to Washington as chief deputy White House counsel.

    I last spoke with Foster at a reception at the Hotel Washington a couple of months ago. I told him I wanted to visit with him someday about what was being thought and done at the White House the afternoon the Waco disaster unfolded.

    "Well, maybe, you can learn something about what goes on in a crisis," he said a bit combatively, and certainly intensely.

    Foster's good friend from the Rose firm, Webb Hubbell, was facing a confirmation hearing on his nomination to be associate attorney general. I asked Foster if he expected Hubbell to endure a lot of nasty rhetoric.

    "Of course," he said, clearly disgusted by the prospect.

    The personal chit-chat was more pleasant, and as interesting. Foster was living alone at the time in a little Georgetown apartment.

    "I can stand and put my arms out and touch both walls," he said.

    His blond, teen-age daughter was with him that evening, and he proudly introduced her. The family would be joining him in a full-fledged new home in suburban Virginia in the summer. He looked forward to that.

    Now, unbelievably, he's killed himself.

    The press jumped into action Wednesday morning. I got a call from a colleague in New York who advised, "Get to the crime scene right now before the police screw it up. This has got to be bad. You just know it does."

    Reporters began asking these kinds of questions, and getting these kinds of consistent answers;

    *Had Foster appeared unusually stressed or depressed lately? No. He always appeared intense and fretful of the press--most corporate lawyers are--and he had been harried by a run of Wall Street Journal editorials asking who he was. But he seemed generally all right as recently as Tuesday.

    *What were the inevitable personal problems? Were they financial? Were they martial? There were none, as best anyone could find or imagine.

    *Then why in the world?

    The best anyone could offer was that Vince Foster killed himself because he was distraught that things had gone wrong in the White House of his two friends he so admired and who had honored him with their trust. [H: The Billaries??]

    Many of those problems seemed to involve perceived or real shortcomings in the counsel's office where he worked. He seemed incapable of coping with imperfection.

    Not too long ago, a man asked Sheila Anthony, Foster's sister and the wife of former U.S. Rep. Beryl Anthony, how Vince was doing. Oh, you know, he takes all these White House things personally, she said.

    It's sidebar to this tragedy that Foster wasn't personally implicated in many of the White House failings. He wasn't the one who advised that Lani Guinier's writings would pose no political problem. He wasn't the one who was reprimanded over the handling of the White House travel office. He was, however, the one who coordinated the successful legal arguments in defense of Hillary's role as chairman of the health care task force. [H: Oops!]

    What an incredible waste and tragedy. The White House is a hellish arena. Thin skins need not apply. But, my God, it's not supposed to produce casualties.

    John Brummett's column appears every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday.


    The information on this paper's margin indicates something like (handwritten and abbreviated): Ark. Dem. "Flag" or "Gag"--I, Hatonn, think it may be Gazette?

    It would be nice if some of you "inquiring minds" clip the REAL story of Vince Foster and send it to this man struggling in confused information. It won't help as to "why" but it sure will as to WHO! I would guess there are great "messages" being transmitted in that happenstance "suicide".

    Thank you.

    * * *
    From Criminal Politics: April, 1994 which states: "Witness says NO GUN found at Foster's Suicide Scene!" This man just happened to be in a "van" and "Traffic was barely moving, the man recalled, and the temperature was hovering around 100. Stuck in traffic, he felt an urgent need to urinate, pulled off the parkway at the entrance to Ft. Marcy Park and began searching for a secluded spot.

    "....He came upon Foster's body, which he first thought was someone asleep. After examining the body, he noticed that the person's face was swollen. Stepping to within three feet of the man's head, he looked straight down into his face to see if that was the case."

    Now, guess WHO happened to get information from this elusive WITNESS?? Ah yes, none other than our old buddy, G. Gordon Liddy of Watergate fame.

    ....The body was bloated in the heat and there were traces of blood around the nostrils and the mouth. The eyes were only partially closed and already glazed. The man described the position of the body: "hands at his sides, palms open and angled upward." At the bottom of the slope near the body, the brush was trampled as if someone had been walking back and forth at that spot.

    ....Liddy asked if the man had seen the ABC photograph of what is purported to be Mr. Foster's hand with its thumb in the trigger guard of a handgun. The witness replied that he hadn't seen it and appeared surprised, stating he had observed both hands of the body and "neither held a gun." Why won't the press reveal this information?

    ....Soon after the interview, Liddy wrote to Fiske to report he had been contacted by the witness. FBI agents then contacted Liddy. It was, after all, Foster's tragic death and the White House's mishandling of it that triggered interest in the Whitewater transactions, the files of which were apparently kept in Foster's office.

    ....The transcript of the 911 call to the Fairfax County Public Safety Communications Center states that the caller had been told about a dead body by a "guy that came up to Turkey Run and lit out in a white contractor's van." The call was placed by Francis Swan, a National Park Service maintenance worker. According to Award-winning columnist (??) Robert Novak, Mr. Swan is now under orders FROM MR. FISKE to remain silent!

    Well, readers--there was already something WRONG with the reports of the "suicide". The man was shot TWICE and I believe, to the back of the skull. It rarely takes TWO shots to accomplish "suicide" even under the most spectacular of circumstances for a dead man to shoot himself a second time--especially in the same general spot!

    "....On March 22, Liddy went to the witness's home to question him. There is a five-page, typewritten account of the interview, which clearly states ‘he had observed both hands of the body and that neither held a gun.'"

    Gosh, it begins to not look so good for Mr. Fiske and this open, objective and credible investigation by said Mr. Fiske. He has now had to admit that he has known Nussbaum (who is being investigated) as an OLD FRIEND since the 1970s. As a matter of fact, Fiske is the one who recommended Mr. Nussbaum as a prosecutor in the Iran-Contra case! Further, in this Whitewater case, a Fiske client SOLD THE LAND TO THE CLINTONS!

    Fiske is just now barely remembering some of the relationships which obviously had slipped his mind. Another one of those recollections, NOW, is that his former law partner was none other than Lawrence Walsh, the Iran-Contra prosecutor. Oh my goodness!! Go back up this writing and read about Clinton's connections with Iran-Contra.

    I am sorry we have already used "Tangled Webs" for a series of journals because if this doesn't beat all...!

    Now that we are about to the end of this writing, I will ask you what YOU think about a couple of things, the first being this money garbage? What do you think is being efforted at accomplishing? Well, dear ones, you had best look to GOLD! All of this is a magnificent effort to CONTROL GOLD and other precious metals. This is evident all the way from the South African elections entangled with Kissinger--to the shores of the Philippines--and back to Langley, Virginia. If you can control gold you can control the world--set the price and use it as a foundation for every value established.

    I believe that you WILL be in some danger of having all gold CONFISCATED again to SAVE something or other--so, again, it may well be that the REAL value might well have to be garnered from wealth through collateralization through the use of gold and then placing your money into projects structured to "save your tummies and wardrobe at some time ahead." Complicated? No, simple--but shrouded with that which appears confusing and complicated to FOOL YOU AGAIN! When you form a habit of walking a crooked line instead of setting your eyes on a goal with goodness and freedom--you begin to be able to think only in confusion and crookedness--but never well enough to keep up with the kings of deceit and trickery. You must learn to go straight for the intent of the Big Boys and it will ALWAYS be toward gaining power and more wealth. Further, if there is a legal, honorable way to do something--THEY will always choose the complicated, enforced and dishonorable method of accomplishment.

    The adversary is NOT GOING TO REGAIN YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS OR PRIVILEGES FOR YOU. COUNT ON IT! When you have the players involved who are involved--WORRY!!

    Let us leave this please, we have other things to do. Thank you.

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