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    Default PJ#095, HEAVE-UP (Phase One)

    PJ 95
    (Phase One)
    You are in serious danger of getting caught with the poison within--which will destroy you. Satan reigns, my friends, as surely as day perceptually follows night. You are IN TROUBLE. First you will be sickened unto "heaving-up", then perhaps you will "heave-to" and finally, perhaps you will "heave the bastards out." Indeed the term "bastard" is wisely used for these Evil Elite Satanists are SIRED BY SATAN HIMSELF! You may well believe that this cannot be...? It can and IS! While you slept the prostitutes of evil were at their duty stations. Satan is alive and well on planet Earth! But--GOD ALSO HAS A PLAN 2000! GOD SPEAKS TO US IN OUR JOY BUT SHOUTS TO US IN OUR PAIN. HE IS SHOUTING, NOW!



    (Phase One)
    ISBN 1-56935-046-9
    First Edition Printed by
    P.O. Box 27353
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89126
    August 1994
    Printed in the United States of America
    The Phoenix Journals are intended as a "real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind.

    All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.

    If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the "end times" (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the "sorting" period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four corners of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity--based upon TRUTH.

    So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is "fiction").

    The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were.

    If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.

    UP FRONT............................................................................................... ...................................
    TUE., MAY 24, 1994................................................................................................ ............
    UP FRONT IN THIS JOURNAL..........................................................................................
    "FED-UP AMERICANS"...............................................................................................
    THE UNITED STATES.............................................................................................. .....
    WHY THEY RISK EXPOSURE..........................................................................................
    SUM-UP BY L.A................................................................................................. ..................
    CHAPTER 1................................................................................................... ............................
    TUE., MAY 10, 1994................................................................................................ ............
    REGARDING "SUBJECT MATERIAL"............................................................................
    MONARCH AND OTHER BUTTERFLIES.......................................................................
    PROJECT MONARCH By Ronn Jackson.........................................................................
    from Ronn Jackson............................................................................................. ...........
    CHAPTER 2................................................................................................... ............................
    WED., MAY 11, 1994................................................................................................ ...........
    THEY'RE HERE................................................................................................ ...................
    MONEY CHANGES............................................................................................. ................
    AND DO STUFF WITH................................................................................................ .
    CURRENCY PLAN................................................................................................ ........
    BACK TO THE BUSH LEAGUE CLINTONISTAS..........................................................
    VINCENT FOSTER "SUICIDED"................................................................................
    7/22/93 #2 HATONN.............................................................................................. .............
    NO MIRACLES--JUST FACT!...........................................................................................
    7/25/93 #2 HATONN.............................................................................................. .............
    VINCE FOSTER--SUICIDE?............................................................................................ ...
    By John Brummett............................................................................................ .............
    PALMS OPEN AND ANGLED UPWARD!........................................................................
    LIDDY INFORMS FISKE [H: Oh Barf!]...................................................................
    NO GUN AT SCENE!.............................................................................................. .............
    THE REAL MR. FISKE............................................................................................... .........
    CHAPTER 3................................................................................................... ............................
    THU., MAY 12, 1994................................................................................................ ...........
    PROPHECIES.......................................................................................... ..............................
    DOOMSDAY 1999 A.D................................................................................................. ......
    SIPAPU ODYSSEY AN EXCERPT FROM........................................................................
    PRESENT REVELATIONS By Dorushka Maerd.............................................................
    ("Dharma")................................................................................................... ..................
    FUTURE REVELATIONS......................................................................................... ...........
    CHAPTER 4................................................................................................... ............................
    THU., MAY 12, 1994................................................................................................ ...........
    PROPHECIES.......................................................................................... ..............................
    DOOMSDAY 1999 A.D., Continued:.................................................................................
    BY 2000 A.D................................................................................................. ..................
    CHAPTER 5................................................................................................... ............................
    FRI., MAY 13, 1994................................................................................................ ..............
    GOLD IN THEM-THAR VAULTS!....................................................................................
    NEW MONEY............................................................................................... ........................
    CHAPTER 6................................................................................................... ............................
    SAT., MAY 14, 1994................................................................................................ .............
    DIFFERENCES......................................................................................... ............................
    CHAPTER 7................................................................................................... ............................
    MON., MAY 16, 1994................................................................................................ ..........
    HAPPENED WITH CASPAR WEINBERGER?...........................................................
    THE "JACKSON" CONNECTION.....................................................................................
    "BUTCH" ACHESON OF "JUSTICE"...............................................................................
    PHOTON BELT WARNING-AGAIN!................................................................................
    SO, BACK TO CASPAR.............................................................................................. .........
    NEW REPORTS!............................................................................................ .......................
    REGARDING PG&E DIABLO CANYON.........................................................................
    SATCHEL BOMBS............................................................................................... ................
    DARYL GATES............................................................................................... ......................
    DRUG INVOLVEMENT?........................................................................................ ............
    GUNTHER RUSSBACHER.......................................................................................... .......
    CHAPTER 8................................................................................................... ............................
    MON., MAY 16, 1994................................................................................................ ..........
    BRIGHTENS" by Robert Stanley.................................................................................
    THE PROPHECIES GULF BREEZE...................................................................................
    THE PROPHECIES.......................................................................................... .....................
    CHAPTER 9................................................................................................... ............................
    WED., MAY 18, 1994................................................................................................ ..........
    INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE......................................................................................
    TELEVISION COVERAGE OF CIA FILES.......................................................................
    "SATANISM", Part 1, A Practical
    Guide To Witch Hunting by DEG................................................................................
    CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................. ...........................
    WED., MAY 18, 1994................................................................................................ ..........
    "SATANISM", Part 2, A Practical Guide To
    Witch Hunting by DEG................................................................................................. .
    SPEAKING OF POLANSKI, WITCHES............................................................................
    AND OTHER CUTE TRICKS.............................................................................................
    CHAPTER 11.................................................................................................. ...........................
    WED., MAY 18, 1994................................................................................................ ..........
    MOVIN' ON.................................................................................................. ........................
    "SATANISM", Part 3, A Practical Guide To
    Witch Hunting by DEG................................................................................................. .
    INQUISITION......................................................................................... ...............................
    HELL-FIRE CLUB................................................................................................ ................
    CHAPTER 12.................................................................................................. ...........................
    THU., MAY 19, 1994................................................................................................ ...........
    "SATANISM", Part 4, A Practical Guide To
    Witch Hunting by DEG................................................................................................. .
    OF THE HELL-FIRE CLUB..........................................................................................
    HITLER'S EARLY TRAINING...........................................................................................
    CHAPTER 13.................................................................................................. ...........................
    THU., MAY 19, 1994................................................................................................ ...........
    "SATANISM", Part 5, A Practical Guide To
    Witch Hunting by DEG................................................................................................. .
    EXPLOSION OF OCCULTISM IN THE U.S......................................................................
    INSERT: 3 PAGES OF SATANISM PICTURES.................................................................
    OF?" by Virginia Meves............................................................................................... .
    IF THE DEAD COULD SPEAK!.........................................................................................
    RAISE ALL THE CHILDREN... WHAT IS...................................................................
    TO BECOME OF THE CHILDREN?............................................................................
    SAY "PROVE IT".................................................................................................... ........
    CHAPTER 14.................................................................................................. ...........................
    TERRIBLE FATE OF MISSING CHILDREN.....................................................................
    SERIAL KILLERS) By Barry Kincaid.........................................................................
    CHAPTER 15.................................................................................................. ...........................
    RONN JACKSON SHARES POTENT INSIGHT..............................................................
    CHAPTER 16.................................................................................................. ...........................
    WITH CONTACT By Rick Martin 5/11/94.................................................................
    CHAPTER 17.................................................................................................. ...........................
    HAWAII SOVEREIGN STAND...........................................................................................
    CHAPTER 18.................................................................................................. ...........................
    By Rick Martin 5/4/94.................................................................................................. .
    CHAPTER 19.................................................................................................. ...........................
    BULLETIN By Ronn Jackson, Bulletin #2, 5/9/94...................................................
    CHAPTER 20.................................................................................................. ...........................
    THE IRS PINK PAPERS.............................................................................................. .........
    EXEMPT WAGES............................................................................................... ............
    INTRODUCTION:....................................................................................... .........................
    DEFENSE OUTLINE SUMMARY:.....................................................................................
    TAX LAW ORIGINS AND AUTHORITY..........................................................................
    HANDLING A JURY TRIAL:..............................................................................................
    IF HANDLING YOUR OWN DEFENSE:..........................................................................
    INITIAL DEFENSE:............................................................................................ ..................
    AND CURRENT LAW:................................................................................................ ..
    ELEMENTS:........................................................................................... ...............................
    DEFENSES:........................................................................................... ................................
    UNACCEPTABLE DEFENSES:..........................................................................................
    FAILURE TO FILE:............................................................................................... .........
    WILLFUL FAILURE TO FILE.............................................................................................
    PROVE ARE:................................................................................................ ...................
    DEFENSES:........................................................................................... ................................
    UNACCEPTABLE DEFENSES:..........................................................................................
    CONLUSIONS:......................................................................................... ..................................
    TUE., MAY 24, 1994 8:30 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 281
    TUE., MAY 24, 1994
    Living the past is a dull and lonely business; looking back strains the neck muscles, and causes you to bump into people not going your way.
    Looking back is as necessary as looking forward but while you are doing either--you are often overlooking the "now"! Hatonn....

    You must see from past experience and history, tainted and untainted (if you can find it) that which was trying to "getcha", has come this far and right to the point of "gotcha"--and how, for goodness sakes (not to be confused with "badness" sakes) you can "gettem" so that you CAN HAVE a future to perceive in freedom and LIGHT.

    A lot of people are WAKING UP America. I ask that Dharma simply transcribe the following information from today's message from Fed-Up Americans: "It is time that all of us Fed-Up Americans come face to face with reality and fully understand that government at the highest level desires us to be their sex slaves to the fullest extent.

    "In the very near future the new ‘Assault Weapons' bill will be signed into law. ‘Their' law against We-the-People and, from information received, right after the signing of the weapons gun ban, more house searches will be immediately conducted. The goal of the federal government and all of its supporting agencies who are in total control by the International Bankers, is to disarm totally the non-criminal element of society. This socialist law of disarming the American people is nothing but a ploy to make criminals out of good American citizens. This is the same action that was taken against Christian Russia by the Bolshevik gang in the early 1900s. The local police and army reserves disarmed the masses and after this was accomplished these same police and army reserves were the first to be placed against the wall and SHOT.

    "It was the same element of international bankers on the East Coast of the United States who were the major financiers of the Communist-Bolsheviks Revolution. And it is the SAME FAMILY members of these same international banks WHO CREATED THEIR UNITED NATIONS AND WHO ARE FINANCING AND SPEARHEADING THE DISARMING OF THE MASSES IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA AT THIS TIME.

    "How do I know these things? Because, Fed-Up American, I have a copy of the 65th Congress' First Session of the Senate, Document No. 62, before the United States Senate, by Senator Overman, Chairman of the Subcommittee of the Committee on the Judiciary. Meeting at 10:45 in the morning in room 226 at the Senate Office Building with Senator Lee S. Overman presiding--In investigation of who was responsible in financing the Communist Bolsheviks against Christian Russia.

    "The masses were disarmed and 30 million Christian Russians were shot and/or otherwise slaughtered.

    [H: Of course, readers, this "little Holocaust" was hardly ever mentioned--especially by anyone referring to themselves as Jews. Well, they didn't get all the Christian Russians, either--and that may well turn out to be a bad oversight one of these very near future days....]

    "There were three volumes of testimony--you desire ‘Vol. 3', remember that. Not only did the East Coast Bankers and the United States finance and support the Communist overthrow of Christian Russia but the subcommittee meetings showed clearly that many Jewish individuals from the United States also went to Christian Russia and were the chief agitators in favor of Communism.

    "I am merely telling you, Set-Up American, what is written in the subcommittee hearings. All of this valuable and important information was hidden under the title of: BREWING AND LIQUOR INTERESTS AND GERMAN AND BOLSHEVIK PROPAGANDA so the masses in the United States would never be aware of these important hearings and the information contained therein.

    "It is these same family members of international bankers who control and finance the United Nations as well as who control the money supply of the United States by the PRIVATELY OWNED "CENTRAL BANK" in America, called the Federal Reserve Corporation.

    "Should you desire the entire information needed to obtain these documents and testimony presented before the 65th Congress, submitted pursuant to Senate Resolution 307 and 439 from your Congressman or U.S. Senator, of which they MUST supply you with this information when it is requested by you Fed-Up Americans, submit $1 and a self-addressed stamped envelope to get the information and fully understand the subversion from within. Send to: Fed-Up Americans, P.O. box 24, Noxon, Montana 59853. Thank you for calling Fed-Up Americans. This message changes weekly."

    Indeed the sleepyheads are beginning to stir....! I wanted to share this with you readers because it refers to the SAME PLAYERS IN ALL THE ADVERSARIAL GAMES AFOOT THIS DAY....

    It has come around the circle and now "they", CONSPIRATORS, themselves are starting to lay it on you, brothers, that there has been a "conspiracy" all the time. They will also tell you right-out, now, that yes indeed, it has been a rather easy job but now "they gotcha". There is no remorse or apologies for actions up to and through, now. Indeed, the only things coming forth from the conspirator's circle is the next phase of the New World Order--as Satanic and dastardly as it is.

    First YOU are going to find it helpful to "heave-up", then perhaps you can "heave-ho" and then maybe, just maybe, you can "heave the bastards OUT!" So, let's identify this journal as "HEAVE-UP" (Phase One).

    For the following we are indebted to Larry Abraham's Insider Report. It seems the journal we need is on loan somewhere "else" and we want accuracy in this copy. We find that in Insider Report, last January 1994 there was an excellent reference to a presentation from the January-February 1994, Vol. 73, No. 1, pp. 1-7 of FOREIGN AFFAIRS. The article in point is by Michael Clough, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and co-chairman of the Stanley Foundation's New American Global Dialogue. The article is entitled: Grass-Roots Policy Making, subtitled, Say Good-Bye to the ‘Wise Men'.

    We will take up part-way through the article by Abraham as he likes to think of himself as a leading writer on the "Conspiracy" beginning with a superb book called None Dare Call it Conspiracy. The book was actually written and presented by Gary Allen but Abraham lays claim to joint authorship. So be it.

    I appreciate that which we have here because I wanted to utilize the information as "Foreword" for this journal in point for there is so much in these contents which speak of Satanism and the work of these evil dealers-in-power on your place.

    Clough writes: "For nearly five decades the complexion and outlook of American foreign policy makers remained constant. In the view of the small, cohesive club of academics, diplomats, financiers, lawyers and politicians that ascended to power during World War II--men such as Dean Acheson, Clark Clifford, George Kennan, John McCloy and Paul Nitze--this was as it should be.

    Note the arrogance of the official announcement as Clough continues: "National security and the national interest, they argued, must transcend the special interests and passions of the people who make up America." In other words, the people are, as Harry Hopkins remarked, "too damn dumb to know what's good for them." And so the "Wise Men" had to tell us and lead us and direct us, without regard for what we thought of that leadership or its direction. In this vein, let me remind you that the title, "Wise Men", is the one they gave themselves, while at the very same time referring to the rest of us as "the children".

    Next, Clough asks, "How was this small band of Atlantic-minded internationalists able to triumph? What enabled them in the postwar period to subdue the isolationist impulses of the hinterland and turn the nation of ‘no entangling alliances' into both the world's policeman and its banker?" He responds, "For the most part, the answer is twofold: fear and prosperity. The dangers of the postwar world--the threat of Soviet expansion and the haunting memory of global depression--convinced the public.... It also helped that Eastern internationalists had gained great authority once it was clear that they were right about America's need to enter the Second World War."

    Allow me to interject (a quote from L.Abraham). "Just as Gary Allen and I documented in our first book, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, and as I elaborated in Call It Conspiracy, ‘the threat of Soviet expansion' was the creation of the Wise Men themselves, as the Great Depression had been a product of their policies, pressed by their mentors at the Royal Institute and the CFR in the late Twenties and Thirties. The truth of this assessment has since been totally and repeatedly confirmed and exhaustively documented by many eminent scholars, some of whom were Wise Men themselves.

    Indeed, CFR senior fellow Clough tells how these disasters and managed crises, once created, were used to manipulate the American psyche: The preeminence of the East was reinforced by other postwar developments. The New York Times and, to a lesser extent, TIME magazine emerged as the leading national sources of news and commentary on international affairs. The original big three national television networks all chose New York as the site of their headquarters, and hence their evening news shows. A small number of well-endowed foundations and influential foreign policy institutes were also based in New York and Washington."

    What Clough doesn't tell us is how all of the cited media operations were initially financed by the Insiders and controlled by them right up to and including this very day. The "foundations" and "foreign policy institutes" of which he speaks are the very same entities for which he is now writing and working, namely the CFR itself and its network of appendages. Clough continues:

    "And a handful of Eastern Seaboard universities played a critical role in training and employing America's new foreign policy cadres.

    "Together, these developments meant that the most reliable, the fastest and often the only way to become a player in the national foreign policy debate was to locate oneself along the Harvard-Manhattan-Foggy Bottom corridor. This reality greatly contributed to the homogeneity of discourse on international issues that characterized the Cold War years."

    A dramatic change is being announced and ordered. A dramatic world-changing policy shift is occurring. It is, as the Insiders themselves love to call it, a "sea change" in process. In order that you may have a clear sense of the "new realities" as seen by the "Insiders", and what they are doing about them, let me cite a series of disclosures from Clough's piece.

    * "The globalization of American society has greatly increased the incentives for individuals in all parts of the country as well as local, state and regional institutions to become more involved in world affairs. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, developments abroad matter more for local communities. [H: Yes indeed--except that while the bombardments continue--the communities go to pot in a hand-basket.... There are now so few individual "incentives" as to be terrifying!]

    * "At the same time, opportunities for local, state and regional actors to influence global policy have also grown. [H: Say what??] Many state and local institutions are establishing direct links with counterparts around the world through technical assistance and exchange programs. Foundations and entrepreneurs are creating new regionally based foreign policy communities to provide the kind of leadership in world affairs that the Eastern establishment once monopolized.

    * "The East's privileged place in foreign affairs has eroded. New York no longer dominates the nation's economic relationships with the rest of the world, and the share of trade that flows through Eastern seaboard ports has shrunk dramatically. [H: Except, of course, for drugs run by the government and military, and arms....] From Southern California to the Great Lakes, and from the Pacific Northwest to the Texas border and Southern Florida, regions are developing their own economic interests and orientations, and creating the trade offices and other institutions necessary to pursue them. [H: Yep, again--drugs, arms and evil.] In short, regionalization has not only lessened Eastern influence over the foreign policy making process but also helped spawn a new process of global policy making with sources of power far beyond the Washington beltway.

    * "More and more foreign countries are beginning to see their ethnic brethren in the United States as natural allies in campaigns to develop more favorable bilateral relationships. This web of societal ties linking American ethnic communities with their homelands is certain to thicken as the information revolution increases the ease and affordability of reaching out and touching previously distant kith and kin.

    * "The final factor contributing to the breakdown of the old foreign policy consensus is the emergency of powerful, activist groups organized around individual issues such as human rights, the environment, humanitarian relief and women's rights. [H: Everybody still with us?]

    * "Their most important new challenge is to find ways to merge myriad single-issue pressures into a coherent whole and to do so in an environment of shrinking resources."

    And, finally, the lead article in the world's most important journal concludes:

    * "Only a radically redesigned foreign policy making system, one fashioned to meet the global challenges of the 21st century in the same way that the national security apparatus was created to face the Cold War, would make a synthesis of these competing interests possible. Only an open, decentralized and collaborative system, which encouraged the initiatives of regional actors, ethnic groups and global issue groups, would restore public confidence that Americans' involvement in world affairs is still consistent with their own values and would improve the security and welfare of all.

    [H: Please keep in mind, readers, that the journal, FOREIGN AFFAIRS, IS "THE" journal for the Council on Foreign Relations--this is no wimpy magazine.]

    SUM-UP BY L.A.
    "In sum, here's what it all means. The CFR, as an exclusively American institution for policy making, has outlived its usefulness. It will, of course, continue to be a clearinghouse and gathering place for policymakers of both political parties to rub elbows and schmooze with the rich, powerful, and the academically acceptable. But, the policy making and hyper-exclusivity will now be reserved for the Trilateral Commission, the Institute for International Economics, and the baronial leadership of various regional bureaucracies, i.e., the North American Free Trade Agreement, the Council for Security in Cooperation in Europe, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Council, and similar such regional entities now being planned for Africa and the Middle East. This hub will direct, dominate, and control a myriad of lesser organizations with racial, ethnic, environmental, and sociological casts. REGIONALIZATION WILL NOW REPLACE NATIONALISM WITHIN THE NEW WORLD ORDER!"

    This, of course, is planned to coincide with removal of ALL ARMS AND WEAPONS FROM YOU-THE-PEOPLE. You are supposed to HAVE NO DEFENSE AGAINST THE ADVERSARY, THE "BIG SATAN".

    May you think about this as you pull off your beer tab and sit back on the potato-couch to OBSERVE, not participate, in your canned ball games or stupid sit-com reruns. It is up to you here on in, citizens, as to whether they "gotcha forever" or you heave the bastards out! Bad word? Brothers--you are in BAD TROUBLE and "bastard" becomes a very gentle word as these controllers are sired by Satan himself and one of these days in the near future--YOU WILL REALIZE AS MUCH!

    Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn
    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일
    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-15 at 11:48.

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