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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 92

    THU., APR. 7, 1994 3:13 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 234

    THU., APR. 7, 1994

    My hope is that by offering that which these authors have con­cluded in many of the same incidents we can form some con­nections among them. It is obvious that reams of paper have been filled with nonsense about all happenings as to truth. However, until you can locate the underlying cause of, not just one or two, but see the threads running through them all, you are getting nowhere. In every instance you will find a few connections--but it is now time to begin to see the "one" that is un­derlying them ALL.

    Mr. Piper, author of Final Judgment, has been contacted and he is very generous in the sharing of his material--as is always the attitude of genuine truth-bringers. He does ask for recognition and book information. My own hope is that by offering several inputs heretofore unnoticed we can start a dialogue among these writers and insiders. For instance--Ronn Jackson just stated (see our writing prior to this) that the CIA had nothing to do with the assassination. What does he mean by that statement? Obviously some members of the CIA had to have known even if they were not actually participants--come on, the CIA has been notoriously involved with the Mossad and all other intelligence services. I agree that Victor Marchetti, being a member of the Intelligence Cult, had nothing to do with the assassination. So who did? You are going to find out that OBVIOUSLY the immediate Se­cret Service Agency did have "something" to do with the "job" and had a gunman and driver IN THE CAR.

    I don't think, however, that Dharma is going to be a good enough sport to rewrite through 1300 pages of Jackson's adventures to find the mandatory clues; however, we will offer as much as we can. Unless, however, you have the surrounding stories and sequence--nothing makes sense or has any logical reason to it.

    The best approach is to offer a bit of each as we move along and see where the chips fall. I also wish to continue with updates from Rodney Stich's DEFRAUDING AMERICA. It is almost too big a task for the "one" writer and the tiny staff we have available.

    The next question then becomes, "Why do THIS story again"? Because it has never been done truthfully and it is a MAJOR sign of the world order taking power. When you have powerful Elite criminals it is hard to tell one from another but evil does come in several directions OF INTENT and purpose of gain. Therefore, even though the driving force behind individual in­stances may vary--the high-level players are always among the same small few and until you recognize those few--you cannot clean up your nation or even yourself for you will simply be boxing at shadows.

    Let us offer more on Mr. Piper's book so that we can appreciate his observations regarding key forces involved and the reasoning behind the conclusions as offered.

    Again I am asked why I don't just take a synopsis or summary from the books in point and not spend all this time and effort-­and--"Then you can tell us what is what". I have no intention of telling you "what is what" and I no longer find it suitable to TAKE ANYTHING FROM ANOTHER--OUT OF CONTEXT. The ONLY way to leave the writing and meanings IN CON­TEXT is to offer EXACTLY what the author wrote. These au­thors ask that YOU make final judgments on the activities--NOT HATONN! I offer it word for word as we can so I can interrupt and remind you of past information for your puzzle-solving AND to cause you to go back and reference what we have al­ready offered in the some 89 volumes we have presented. I want to get past these incidents and on to "where you are headed" and "HOW". I have no interest in these murder escapades of one criminal against another--but YOU MUST. We can change our format when and if we need to.

    I am a bit like Little Crow in that he just wrote on the fact that total strangers to his gathering and his work come to ONE meeting and go away to present back to him all the changes he should make in his presentations, yak, yak, yak.... I have been around for a very long time, readers, and you are welcome to make suggestions, or just go away--but IF YOU KNEW THE ANSWERS AND KNEW BETTER--WHY HAVE YOU NOT TURNED AROUND YOUR WORLD INTO SOME SEM­BLANCE OF DECENCY? Stick around and GO READ WHAT WE HAVE OFFERED UNTIL YOU UNDERSTAND IT--AND THEN, ONLY THEN, WILL I CONSIDER YOUR EFFORTS TO BE WORTHY OF ATTENTION. THIS IS NOT AN INSULT--THIS IS WHAT IS EXPECTED OF THE PROFESSOR BY THE REST OF HIS STUDENTS!

    Next, if I am going to present so much of a book--why tell us to go get it? Because I don't have any intention of giving you all of anything--you can do your own homework and you can also honor these authors. However, the most important point is that people who WILL NOT SO MUCH AS LISTEN TO ANYTHING OUT OF MY MOUTH OR THIS PAPER--WILL READ THE BOOK AND SUDDENLY "SEE THE LIGHT"--MAYBE! SPIRITUAL TRUTH IS MY GAME--BUT WE CAN'T TURN TO THAT SUBJECT UNTIL YOU GET CONTROL OF WHAT'S GOING ON IN YOUR RE­ALIZATION RIGHT AROUND YOU. THE BOOKS IN POINT ARE THE CONFIRMATION AND QUALI­FICATION AND THE RESOURCE FOR YOU TO GET OTHERS TO SEE AND HEAR!!

    FINAL JUDGMENT: The Missing Link
    In the JFK Assassination
    Conspiracy, Part 2
    by Michael Collins Piper
    The Wolf Press, Washington, D.C.
    or, Liberty Library
    300 Independence Ave., SE
    Washington, D.C. 20003
    Phone: 1-800-522-6292

    Chapter 2

    Would Israel's Mossad actually consider assassinating an American president perceived hostile to Israel? A former Mossad agent says "yes". According to ex-Mossad man Vic­tor Ostrovsky (BY WAY OF DECEPTION), the Israeli spy agency hatched a plan to kill President George Bush.

    Was President John F. Kennedy killed by a conspiracy orchestrated--at least in part--by Israel's spy agency--the Mossad? If so, this would not be the last time that the Mossad planned the assassination of an American president.

    According to former Mossad agent, Victor Ostrovsky, elements of the Mossad were plotting an attempt on the life of President George Bush. The reason: according to Ostrovsky, Bush is hated by the Mossad and considered an enemy of Israel.
    [H: Then I guess the man can't be all bad.]

    This amazing revelation was published in the February 1992 edition of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs. The author of the report was former Congressman Paul Findley (R-Ill.), himself a prominent critic of Israel. (Findley's best-selling book, They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel's Lobby, is a classic exposition of the way Israel's lobby has worked to silence American critics of the foreign nation).

    Findley reports that Ostrovsky had learned through his sources in the intelligence community that because of President Bush's seeming intransigence toward Israel's demands, the Mossad had begun coordinating plans for the assassination of the American president.

    Ostrovsky relayed this information to several members of the Canadian parliament, indicating that the Mossad, and not Is­rael's elected leadership, is "the real engine of policy in Israel".

    One of those attending the meeting with Ostrovsky passed the information on to another former Republican member of the House of Representatives, Paul N. (Pete) McCloskey of Cali­fornia. (McCloskey, like Findley, has been a forthright public critic of Israel and is associated with his fellow former law­maker on the board of the Council for the National Interest, a Washington-based organization that promotes America's inter­ests in Middle East policy-making).

    Upon learning of the potential threat to President Bush, ex-Congressman McCloskey himself flew to Canada where he met with Ostrovsky. According to Findley's account, here is what transpired: "Ostrovsky impressed McCloskey as a patriotic Zionist who believes the Mossad is out of control. Ostrovsky told him the present leadership of the Mossad wants 'to do ev­erything possible to preserve a state
    of war between Israel and its neighbors, assassinating President Bush, if necessary'.

    "He said a public relations campaign is already underway in both Israel and the United States to 'prepare public acceptance of [vice president] Dan Quayle as president'. After lengthy dis­cussions during which he became convinced that Ostrovsky was 'real' and telling the truth, McCloskey took the next flight to Washington.

    "There he relayed the information to the Secret Service and State Department, receiving mixed reactions to Ostrovsky's reliability. An officer of the Navy Department dismissed him sim­ply as a "traitor to Israel".

    Findley points out that in his controversial book, By Way of Deception, the aforementioned Ostrovsky documented a Mossad action which was "especially shocking to American readers". [H: In case you have forgotten--the ADL almost got the Os­trovsky book banned in the U.S. and did manage to get it off almost all book-shelves. The copy sent here came smuggled in from Canada. That seems strange to us now since our own books simply discussing the Jewish problems and the holocaust (and we didn't even say it didn't happen) are stopped by Canada at the border and held as hate material. There was a lot of attention and SPOTLIGHT did some ex­ceptionally good work at bringing the information to public attention.]

    In that instance, 241 U.S. Marines were murdered by a terrorist truck bomb that plowed into the Marine barracks in Beirut in 1983.

    Although Israeli agents learned that the attack was impending, the Mossad headquarters in Tel Aviv ordered its agents to ignore the threat and to not alert the American servicemen to the danger.

    "We are not there [in Beirut] to protect Americans," the Mossad leaders explained. "They're a big country. Send only the regular information". According to Ostrovsky, the "regular information" was "like sending a weather report, unlikely to raise any particular alarm".

    "Is it conceivable," asks Findley, "that Israel's Mossad might assassinate George Bush in order to put a more sympathetic man in the White House"?

    "It is well to remember two earlier occasions when Israeli authorities were willing to sacrifice American lives to serve their own national interests".

    Congressman Findley points out two other occasions where Americans died or otherwise faced extinction at the hands of Is­rael:

    * On June 8, 1967, naval and air forces of Israel deliber­ately--and without provocation--attacked the American spy ship, the U.S.S. Liberty, killing 34 American sailors and wounding 171 others. It was an attempt to destroy the ship and its entire crew.

    * During the October 1973 war, Israeli pilots were ordered to shoot down an unarmed U.S. reconnaissance plane that was overflying Israel's secret nuclear bomb development site at Dimona. The plane, however, flew too high for Israel's would-be assassins to reach.

    Assessing the potential threat to President George Bush, Congressman Findley concludes, "The U.S. Secret Service will be wise to assume the worst".

    Incredibly enough, at almost the same time Findley's provocative report appeared, several unusual events occurred that seemed to give credence to the allegation that there might indeed be a plot afoot to eliminate George Bush--if not physi­cally, at least politically. Each of these threatening incidents took place during President George Bush's January 1992 trip to the Far East.

    The most notable incident, of course, was the President's bizarre public seizure while dining in the company of the Japanese premier. More than a few people speculated--pri­vately--that the president might indeed have been poisoned. This, of course, is speculation, but it is based in reality.

    Interestingly, it was while the president was on his Far Eastern junket that The Washington Post--the daily newspaper of record in the nation's capitol--inexplicably reversed itself and began publishing a lengthy and glowing seven-part series hailing Vice President Dan Quayle. Obviously this seems to be a con­firmation of Victor Ostrovsky's claim that preparations were being made in the United States to make a Dan Quayle presi­dency palatable.

    The Post's unusual flip-flop was made all the more potent when the news arrived that the president had been stricken. Quayle, evidently, already had the Establishment's support if he had been unexpectedly thrust into the presidency. Oddly, prior to the Post's turn-about, the Washington daily had been one of Quayle's most persistent critics. However, something quite alarming also took place during that eventful week.

    For two days, during President George Bush's visit in Seoul, South Korea, top-secret information regarding the president's personal arrangements was inexplicably made available to the public.

    Incredibly enough, this was during a period when terrorist alert status was already high. Security experts believed that if potential presidential assassins had such action in mind, the se­curity breach would have assisted them tremendously. Accord­ing to Robert Snow, a spokesman for the Secret Service, "it wouldn't be stretching it" to suggest that the security lapse could have put Bush in danger.

    Blame for the lapse in security was laid at the hands of the U.S. Information Service (USIS), a branch of the State Depart­ment. For their own part, officials at the State Department were unable to provide an explanation of the bizarre security breach. The White House refused to comment.

    The USIS published a list of the names and hotel room numbers of the president's traveling party, which numbered 471 people. (The fact that the president was staying at the U.S. Ambassador's residence was part of the information revealed.) Included on the list were the names and room numbers of 122 Se­cret Service agents, eight Marine guards, four presidential stew­ards and six military aides. Also revealed were security control room locations in the hotel where the president was staying as well as the names of the 10 Secret Service agents heading secu­rity at the various locations that the president visited while in Korea. The room assignments of top administration officials ac­companying the president, as well as those of the thirteen corpo­rate executives along for the trip were also published.

    This incredible revelation caused suspicion that perhaps there were those in positions of power who may not necessarily have been concerned for the president's safety. The tentacles of Is­rael's Mossad do reach far and wide--even into the depths of the U.S. State Department.

    Was this breach of security a first step in an assassination attempt--perhaps one to be carried out by some obscure Korean terrorist group acting as a "false flag" for the Mossad?

    Retired Air Force Col. L. Fletcher Prouty, himself an acknowledged authority on covert operations--including assassination planning--says that one of the primary necessary measures in any assassination plot is the process of removing or otherwise breaching the intended victim's blanket of security. Prouty, who worked in presidential security with the military, knows whereof he speaks. [H: Ah--hmmm, better take a VERY close look at this!]
    According to Prouty, "No one has to direct an assassination--it happens. The active role is played secretly by permitting it to happen.... This is the greatest single clue... who has the power to call off or reduce the usual security precautions that are al­ways in effect whenever a president travels"?

    IF IN 1991, WHY NOT IN 1963?
    The lapse in security during Bush's trip to the Far East may indeed point to something bigger than we might even want to imagine. Congressman Findley's report on the alleged Mossad plot against Bush is thus most provocative. If the Mossad actually considered killing George Bush in 1991, why wouldn't they have considered killing John F. Kennedy in 1963? As we shall see in Chapter 5, JFK's relationship with Israel was strained, to say the very least. Indeed, Israel's then-Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion, considered JFK a threat to Israel's survival. Thus, with this in mind, let us move forward and examine the hard evidence which will lead us toward a final judgment.

    Researchers in the JFK assassination controversy have repeatedly pointed out the false leads that continue to appear. Most believe that Lee Harvey Oswald, the alleged assassin, was indeed what he claimed to be--the patsy--and that false clues had been laid by the real conspirators to make it appear as though Oswald was an agent of the Soviets or Fidel Castro or both.

    The use of such "false flags" by Israel's Mossad to cover up its own role in worldwide assassination conspiracies and other criminal activity has been documented time and again. "Arabs", "the Mafia," "right-wing extremists", and others have repeatedly taken the fall for crimes committed by the Mossad or car­ried out under its coordination.

    The use of "false flag" operations by Israel and its Mossad has been documented repeatedly since the Jewish State first came into being.

    This book contends that Israel and its primary collaborator, the CIA, utilized insidious "false flags" in orchestrating the assassination of John F. Kennedy and the subsequent cover-up: "the mafia", "anti-Castro Cubans", "the Soviets", "Castro agents" and even "right-wing extremists" have all been fingered as those responsible for the JFK assassination. But the real hard evidence points in another direction entirely.

    One major JFK assassination researcher, Professor Peter Dale Scott, has described what he called "the brilliance of the assassination plot".

    This was, according to Scott, "that the conspirators had forged trails to induce a cover-up". Scott cites a number of instances: "There were, for example, trails that potentially linked Oswald to Fidel Castro or to the KGB and Khruschev--a trail that might lead to war.

    "Moreover, there was false evidence given to the Secret Service that led to a group of anti-Castro Cubans in Chicago whose operations had been authorized directly by Bobby Kennedy him­self.

    "This is just one of several trails that might have led in directions that no one wanted to investigate".

    That Israel has had a long and proven record in planting "false flags" is the subject of discussion in this chapter.

    In preparation for our consideration of Israel's role in the JFK assassination conspiracy, it is worthwhile to first review some of the more notable instances in which Israel orchestrated criminal ventures--most especially murder--and pinned
    those atrocities on innocent parties--"false flags".

    In Chapter 2 former Congressman Paul Findley was quoted as having cited two cases in which Israel indicated a willingness to sacrifice American lives for its own interests: (a) the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty in June of 1967 and (b) the intended attack on an American reconnaissance plane that was overflying Is­rael's secret nuclear bomb development site. These incidents are particularly intriguing in light of what we will ponder in this volume.

    The attack on the Liberty--it is generally acknowledged by everyone but Israel and its defenders--was a deliberate attempt to destroy the Liberty and its crew and to sink the vessel to the bottom of the Mediterranean. What is most interesting, how­ever, is the reason behind this bizarre and brutal attack.

    Israel, in fact, hoped to pin the responsibility on a "false flag"--Egypt--and draw the United States into the impending 1967 war on the side of Israel. It is only because the Liberty did not sink and instead was rescued that the history books don't tell us today that "the Arabs" sank an American spy ship and sparked another "Lusitania incident" that forced America to go to war.

    The second instance to which Congressman Findley referred is of special interest inasmuch as the intended attack on an American air force reconnaissance plane was designed to protect Israel's secret development of nuclear weaponry.

    It was Israel's nuclear offensive that led President John F. Kennedy into the "secret war" with Israel that he was conduct­ing during the three years of his short-lived presidency. As we shall see in Chapter 5, it was the very issue of Kennedy's intransigence and his opposition to Israel's nuclear development that became a central part of his standoff with Israel and its Mossad.

    It was this conflict indeed that played a critical part in setting in final motion the assassination conspiracy that ended John Kennedy's life.

    What follows is an overview of some other notable instances in which Israel utilized "false flags" in its international criminal endeavors.

    Perhaps the best-known instance in which Israel used a "false flag" to cover its own trail was in the infamous Lavon Affair. It was in 1954 that several Israeli-orchestrated acts of terrorism against British targets in Egypt were carried out. Blame for the attacks was placed on the Muslim Brotherhood, which opposed the regime of Egyptian President Gamul Abdul-Nasser.

    However, the truth about the wave of terror can now be found in a once-secret cable from Colonel Benjamin Givli, the head of Israel's military intelligence, who outlined the intended purpose behind the wave of terror.

    ["Our goal] is to break the West's confidence in the existing [Egyptian] regime.... The actions should cause arrests, demonstrations, and expressions of revenge. The Israeli origin should be totally covered while attention should be shifted to any other possible factor. The purpose is to prevent economic and military aid from the West to Egypt".

    Ultimately the truth about Israel's involvement in the affair became public and Israel was rocked internally in the wake of the scandal. Competing political elements within Israel used the scandal as a bludgeon against their opponents. But the truth about Israel's use of a "false flag" had come to international at­tention.

    A shadowy "right wing" group known as "Direct Action" was accused of the attack on Goldenberg's Deli in Paris on Au­gust 9, 1982. Six people died and 22 were injured. None was Jewish.
    The leader of "Direct Action" was one Jean-Marc Rouillan. It turned out that Rouillan had been operating in the Mediter­ranean under the cover name of "Sebas" and had been repeat­edly linked to the Mossad. All references to Rouillan's Mossad links were deleted from the official reports issued at the time.

    However, the Algerian national news service--which has ties to French intelligence--blamed the Mossad for these activities. Angry French intelligence officers were believed to have leaked this information to the Algerians. Several top French security officials quit in protest over this intra-intelligence community scandal.

    This is just one of many such Mossad-orchestrated crimes in which others took the blame. There are others.

    On October 3, 1980 a synagogue on Copernicus Street was bombed in Paris. Four bystanders were killed. Nine were in­jured. The media frenzy which followed the incident was worldwide. Reports held that "right wing extremists" were re­sponsible. Yet, of all of the "right wing extremists" held for questioning, none was arrested. In fact, all were released.

    In the upper echelons of French intelligence, however, the finger of suspicion was pointed at the Mossad. According to one report: On April 6, 1979, the same Mossad terror unit now suspected of the Copernicus carnage blew up the heavily guarded plant of CNIM industries at La Seyen-sur-Mer, near Toulon, in southeast France, where a consortium of French firms was building a nuclear reactor for Iraq.

    "The Mossad salted the site of the CNIM bomb blast with 'clues' followed up with anonymous phone calls to police--suggesting that the sabotage was the work of a 'conservative' environmentalist group--'the most pacific and harmless people on earth' as one source put it".

    Other Mossad-orchestrated "false flag" operations also took place on French soil.

    On June 28, 1978, Israeli agents exploded a bomb under a small passenger car
    in the Rue Saint Anne, killing Mohammed Boudia, an organizer for the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Immediately afterward, Paris police received anonymous phone calls accusing Boudia of involvement in narcotics deals and attributing his murder to the Corsican Mafia. A thor­ough investigation subsequently established that Mossad special-action agents were responsible for the terrorist killing.

    In October, 1976 the same Mossad unit kidnapped two West German students named Brigette Schulz and Thomas Reuter from their Paris hotel. Planted "clues" and anonymous phone calls made it appear that a Bavarian "neo-Nazi" formation had executed the abduction. In fact, French intelligence established that the two German youths had been secretly flown to Israel, drugged, tortured, coerced into a false "confession of complic­ity" in PLO activities, and then anonymously incarcerated in one of the Israeli government's notorious political prisons.

    In February 1977 a German-born, naturalized U.S. citizen named William Jahnke arrived in Paris for some secretive busi­ness meetings. He soon vanished, leaving no trace. Paris po­lice were anonymously informed that Jahnke had been involved in a high-level South Korean bribery affair and "eliminated" when the deal went sour.

    A special team of investigators from SDECE, the leading French intelligence agency, eventually determined that Jahnke had been "terminated" by the Mossad, which suspected him of selling secret information to the Libyans. Along with other details of this sordid case, the SDECE learned that Jahnke had been "fingered" to the Mossad by his own former employer, the CIA.

    One of Israel's most outrageous "false flag" operations involved a wild propaganda story aimed at discrediting Libyan leader Muamar Qaddafi--one of Israel's favorite enemies. In the early months of the administration of President Ronald Reagan, the American media began heavily promoting a story to the effect that a "Libyan hit squad" was in the United States for the express purpose of assassinating Reagan. This inflamed public sentiment against Libya and there were repeated calls for blood.

    Suddenly, however, the "hit squad" stories vanished. In fact, it was ultimately discovered that the source of the story was one Manucher Ghorbanifar, a former Iranian SAVAK (secret police) agent with close ties to the Mossad. Even The Washington Post acknowledged that the CIA itself believed that Ghorbanifar was a liar who "had made up the hit-squad story in order to cause problems for one of Israel's enemies".

    The Los Angeles Times itself had already blown the whistle on Israel's scare stories. "Israeli intelligence, not the Reagan administration," reported the Times, was a major source of some of the most dramatic published reports about a Libyan as­sassination team allegedly sent to kill President Reagan and other top U.S. officials... Israel, which informed sources said has 'wanted an excuse to go in and bash Libya for a long time', may be trying to build American public support for a strike against [Qaddafi], these sources said".

    In other words, Israel had been promoting the former SAVAK agent, Ghorbanifar, to official Washington as a reliable source. In fact, he was a Mossad disinformation operative wav­ing a "false flag" to mislead America.

    This was yet another Israeli scheme to blame Libya for its own misdeeds, this time using one "false flag" (Iran's SAVAK) to lay the blame on another "false flag" (Libya). (In Chapter 18 we shall see yet another SAVAK crime carried out on behalf of Israel and its allies in the CIA).

    Israel's Mossad was almost certainly responsible for the bombing of the la Belle discotheque in West Berlin on April 5, 1986. However, claims were made that there was "irrefutable" evidence that the Libyans were responsible. A U.S. serviceman was killed. President Ronald Reagan responded with an attack on Libya.

    However, intelligence insiders believed that Israel's Mossad had concocted the phony "evidence" to "prove" Libyan responsibility. West Berlin police director Manfred Ganschow, who took charge of the investigation, cleared the Libyans, saying, "This is a highly political case. Some of the evidence cited in Washington may not be evidence at all, merely assumptions supplied for political reasons".

    On April 18, 1986 one Nezar Hindawi, a 32-year-old Jordanian was arrested in London after security guards found that one of the passengers boarding an Israeli plane bound for Jerusalem, Ann Murphy, 22, was carrying a square, flat sheet of plastic explosive in the double bottom of her carry-on bag. Miss Murphy told security men that the detonator (disguised as a calculator) had been given to her by her fiance, Hindawi. He was charged with attempted sabotage and attempted murder.

    Word has leaked that Hindawi had confessed and claimed that he had been hired by Gen. Mohammed Al-Khouli, the in­telligence director of the Syrian air force. Also implicated were others including the Syrian Ambassador in London. The French authorities warned the British Prime Minister that there was more to the case than met the eye--that is, Israeli involvement. This was later confirmed in repeated reports in the Western press.

    In 1970, King Hussein of Jordan was provided with incrimi­nating intelligence that suggested the Palestine Liberation Orga­nization was plotting to murder him and seize power in his na­tion. Infuriated, Hussein mobilized his forces for what has become known as the "Black September" purge of the PLO. Thousands of Palestinians living in Jordan were rounded up, some of the leaders were tortured, and in the end, masses of refugees were driven from Jordan to Lebanon.

    New data, coming to light after the murder of two leading Mossad operatives in Larnaka, Cyprus suggested that the entire operation had been a Mossad covert action, led by one of its key operatives, Sylvia Roxburgh, who was also known as Sylvia Rafael and is believed to have been born Esther Paltzur.

    Miss Roxburgh contrived an affair with King Hussein, known for his weakness for beautiful women, and served as the linch­pin for one of the Mossad's major "cover and deception" coups designed to destabilize the Arabs.

    In 1982, just when the PLO had abandoned the use of terror­ism, the Mossad spread disinformation about "terror attacks" on Israeli settlements along the northern border in order to justify a full-scale military invasion of Lebanon. Years later, even lead­ing Israeli spokesmen such as former Foreign Minister Abba Eban admitted that the reports of "PLO terrorism" had been contrived by the Mossad.

    It is also worth noting that the attempted assassination--in London--of the Israeli Ambassador to England, Shlomo Argove, was initially blamed upon the PLO. The attempted assassination was cited by Israel as one of its excuses for its bloody 1982 incursion into Lebanon.

    Yet, ironically, the diplomat in question was considered one of Israel's "doves" and inclined toward a friendly disposition of Israel's long-time conflict with the PLO. He was the least likely target of PLO wrath. What's more, one of the suspects in the crime was found carrying a "hit list" which actually included the name of the head of the PLO office in London.

    In fact, it appears that the assassination attempt was carried out by the Mossad
    --under yet another "false flag"--for two purposes: (a) elimination of a domestic "peacenik" considered friendly toward the Palestinians, and (b) pinning yet another crime on the Palestine Liberation Organization.

    These instances cited here are but a handful of Mossad-orchestrated "false flag" operations blamed on a wide variety of alleged "suspects".

    The evidence suggests that the assassination of John F. Kennedy was yet another "false flag" conspiracy by Israel's Mossad and its collaborators in the American CIA. In the JFK assassination, the "Mafia" and the "anti-Castro Cubans" were set up as potential fall guys. Even Castro and the Soviets have been implicated. Everybody, it seems, has been fingered but the Mossad.

    It was the Mossad and its allies in the CIA and in the con­trolled American media who have been doing all the fingering. Everybody being blamed by the Mossad and its CIA allies were implicated--one way or the other--and everybody, as a conse­quence, had a stake in the cover-up.

    To achieve the presidency in 1960, John F. Kennedy was forced to cut secret deals--behind the scenes--with a variety of powerful forces intricately linked to Israel. In Chapter 4 we shall examine the history of those deals and how they played a part in the JFK assassination conspiracy.

    END PART 2

    * * *
    Thank you and good evening.
    PJ 92

    SAT., APR. 9, 1994 10:42 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 236

    SAT., APR. 9, 1994

    The status report on Ronn Jackson is that he has indeed been in medical treatment. For unknown reasons he began to swell, be­come massively edemic and moved on into congestive failure. He was put into a clinic, given heavy diuretic treatment and lost 27 pounds of fluid in 48 hours. If you would be kind enough to give him some loving support for his generous sharing of top-secret information--please send your loving cards and letters to:

    Ronald L. Jackson,
    #33866 Nevada State Prison,
    P.O. Box 607-8A5,
    Carson City, NV 89702.
    He is now receiving some of the journals and some selected pa­pers supplied by Mr. Martin, Journalist in Chief. I will share with you a letter received from Ronn on the yesterday but dated April 2. I will not, however, sort the references offered by Ronn as pertaining to his responses. I want you to realize, how­ever, that he acknowledges TRUTH in that which we had al­ready been offering to you. You who are readers for a period of time will, I hope, have retained the papers and the journals and can do your own reference work. I will simply offer the letter AS IS:


    Re: JULY 27, 1993 ISSUE.

    I would like to make several comments on the back issues of your paper that you have provided to me.

    1. I will confirm the existence of the "ISA". However, that agency was not a part of government (page 44, Cl. 2). "Mr. Bo Gritz" is like many people in this country who makes incorrect assumptions.

    2. "Khun Sa" was and still is employed by the same people that Lyndon Johnson (and myself) were employed by (Page 50).

    3. Nhommarath, Laos and the ensuing report IS NOT what Mr. Gritz believes it to be.

    4. "Judge Philip Pro" of Las Vegas did only what he was told to do--nothing more. Mr. Gritz, in this case, was a vic­tim.


    The federal agency "FEMA" may be viewed in different ways, however, I believe history will show that agency as being the beginning of the end of the federal government as we now know it. I mean this in a positive sense.


    "William Sessions" is mentioned briefly. When he was a judge in Texas he administered a loyalty oath to me, [and] re­quired of others, on a project. He was a "country bumpkin" then and has continued to be one throughout his career. He was not dismissed for what the media told us--he was too vocal about accessing social security records for the FBI. They have had access for years but he didn't know it until after the fact and shot off his mouth, drawing attention to his department. NOTE: The original Bill authorizing the Federal Bureau of In­vestigation is non-positive law. Item #4 of the Declaratory Judgment covers all non-positive law and the "FBI" jurisdiction is only applicable in the FEDERAL United States. Care
    to speculate HOW MANY UNLAWFUL ARRESTS have been made by that agency?

    While President Clinton and his good friend, Derek Shearer are openly advocating socialism, they and others are in the background practicing the theories of "HEGEL". Thesis: THE­SIS; ANTITHESIS; SYNTHESIS. Strobe Talbot is one of the foremost experts on HEGEL. Mr. Talbot will quite probably replace Ms. Reno.

    Mr. Hatonn quoted Lenin. Another one of his quotes is di­rectly applicable to my case. It is "confuse the meaning of words and you will confuse the minds". Subtitle "A" of Title 26, U.S.C., (The Income Tax Law) is over 2,000 pages long and has nothing to do with taxes. The many segments define the terms of an "agreement" that has been adhesioned to.

    Although there are many attorneys that can be classified as State or USA citizens, under 7CJS4, Page 802, it states: "An Attorney's first duty is to the courts". My preference is "to God and the Constitution". I may well die with those prefer­ences; however, if that is what I must do to get my country back, then so be it.


    My purpose in sending you the manuscript on Book One of THE DEATH OF CAMELOT is best explained by a passage from Luke 12:3-4: "For there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed; neither hid that shall not be known. Therefore whatsoever that ye have spoken in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops". Please feel free to use that information that will be helpful. I will make available to you, in the near future, the other four manuscripts. Of primary interest will be "Book Five", THE HOOVER FILES. I have in my "control", 2319 individual "Alpha Files" that were supposedly destroyed by the FBI in the latter part of the eighties. These files alone will act as a dose of "epsom salts" on Gov­ernment--just by themselves. For example, Senator McCarthy of Wisconsin was only a dupe for J. Edgar Hoover on his witch-hunt for Communists. Hoover was black-mailing the Senator because of child-molesting of a former partner's nine-year-old daughter. All copies of papers are unaltered and the handwrit­ing is a very simple matter to authenticate.


    BLACK PROJECTS do exist and require no congressional accountability other than a fifteen member joint-committee's approval. BLACK ON BLACK PROJECTS can be initiated by a committee composed of the president, vice-president, and the speaker of the House. No accountability is required. BLACK ON BLACK PROJECTS do not necessarily mean the funding is used for military or National Security Projects. Martin Luther King, Jr. is a good example of the end result of a Black on Black Project.


    I would ask Mr. Hatonn to verify who the principal stock­holders are of the 1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th Financial Institutions as listed by Forbes magazine, all of which are In Japan and com­pare "that" ownership with the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM OF THE SOVIET UNION, FRANCE, AND BRAZIL. Two are principals in our own Federal Reserve System. This will explain several things to him (and you). First: Why the Japanese "exchange" not too long ago was around 35,000 Yen and now is around 20,000 Yen. Three members of Germany's Central Bank are on our stockholder list of ownership in our CENTRAL BANK. [H: This is very important, readers. It is important because the Federal Reserve has been "sold" and the plans are to move back onto a gold standard--as you will have heard from the Contact "hot-line" TODAY!]
    Next, I would ask Mr. Hatonn to take the hand-drawn chart of the "Committee and Organization for Universal Peace and Economic Stabilization (C.O.U.P.E.S.) and place some of those names at the bottom of the chart. He will KNOW who directs the CFR, TLC, COMMITTEE OF 300 and the NEW WORLD ORDER.


    It is not my intent to refute anything that I have read in your papers--only to fill in some gaps of which you may not be aware. Many of the subjects that I have read about in your pa­per, I can confirm, although you have answered many questions I have had over the years and didn't have the time or motivation to really find out the truth.


    Finally, I cannot confirm the connection of former President George Bush's connection to "Porn". However, I am familiar with and know his former mistress. When he was vice-presi­dent, the Secret Service would take him to the Mariott Hotel in Tyson Corner, Va. He would sit and drink while one of the agents would go to the Holiday Inn (outside the entrance to Dulles. There are two Holiday Inns in McLean, Va.) and rent 3 rooms. She (the mistress), would go into the center room and the agent would go back and pick up Bush and drive him there. This was a bi-weekly ritual until Bush was elected president. The only person who didn't know was Mrs. Bush--and I'm not sure about that.

    Although I cannot say that I knew everything that went on around the
    Georgetown area, I could fill several hundred pages of information about our pillars of virtue that run our country. I realize your publication is for knowledge and I commend you for what you are doing. It is refreshing to know some part of the media is being honest.

    Please feel free to print any or all of the contents of this letter and thanks again for truth. It is the only chance our great nation has other than God. Perhaps HE will start playing a larger role in our destiny. Someone has been motivating me recently and I'm not sure, I, as a person, would be capable of doing what I have done to date without the help of a Supreme Be­ing. R. Jackson.

    Thank you, Ronn, and so be it!

    It is also a bit easier for my "typist" to reprint the work provided with a bit of grammatical checking. It will make it far easier to print these volumes later if there is a disc foundation upon which the publishers and editors can work. Our comments and such can be either edited out or left in, as Ronn chooses when he has an opportunity to choose. This is, however, Dharma, WHY we are going to struggle along with the manuscripts as presented. I'm sure that our readers ARE NOT FINDING THEM BORING!

    Before we move on into PART FIVE, let me speculate a bit, readers. Who do you suspect is the "lady reporter" involved in this story? Who would you think would have come from a morning news show about the time in point? Could it be a lady called Jane? Has she made any real contribution to anything re­garding such incredible inside information? No?? Well what about her husband--[Gary] Trudeau?? I think you can see smatterings of inside "stuff" being' presented in almost every satirical subject the cartoonist takes up! Let us not be naive as to HOW ones must work to AWAKEN you and still be able to function in this controlled, manipulated and sick society!

    Along those lines--are you watching his cartoons now, regarding the tobacco industry? What about the news now inundating with the revelation of additives, etc., to tobacco? What we have of­fered you about additives to tobacco products and to the opiate-processed papers is no longer so far-fetched, IS IT?

    Indeed Mr. Jackson is going to have a LOT of fun the more he reads of our work!! Welcome aboard, Sir. And readers (and Dharma), please do not try to out-guess GOD and the needs and services rendered and accepted. IF YOU CHOOSE TO JUDGE YOU SHALL HAVE GREAT BLOBS OF EGG-ON­FACE, VERY, VERY OFTEN!


    Continuation: THE DEATH OF CAMELOT Part 5
    by Ronn Jackson

    We spent up to sixteen hours a day for three days, talking. Her notes were spread across the front of my desk, all over the floor, on the bar and around every other place that was free. She sat down and said, "I have to go back East and tape my show for next week. Is that a problem"?
    "Not for me as my time is yours".
    "Can you give me the details on your agreement with the President"?
    "As long as it guarantees not to be told until after the fact".
    "Okay, you have my word",
    "Condition number one is that I want a full and absolutely unconditional PARDON".
    "Number two"?
    "That I appear before a Federal Grand Jury and it is con­vened in an open forum with all networks and reporting agencies present and that it be telecast live, that I write the script for the first two hundred questions and that I be allowed to choose who prosecutes the case".
    "Why do you want to choose the people who prosecute the case"?
    "Because of the legal system and into what it has evolved".
    "Explain that please".
    "Because our system is too concerned about being either lib­eral or conservative--they have forgotten one very important item...."
    "What's that"?
    "The truth."

    With the exception of the location, the description of the fol­lowing events are almost as they occurred. The reason that I wasn't more specific is that the lady referred to as "the Re­tirement Lady" is living in the Western U.S. She is aware of this book and intends to come forward at the appropriate time. As to the following sanction, this event was only the beginning of many which pertained to this particular subject. For years I thought my actions were directed to the "drug traffic". On these particular occasions they were not. They were for removing competition.

    My plane had just set down at O'Hare. I was in a phone-booth now and Chicago was colder than a "well digger's poste­rior". Naturally there was a problem with the phone line and all I had on was a jacket. I was on my way to do "my thing" and the instruction packet said I was to call in upon my arrival at O'Hare. I had no idea why but it was their dime. Usually the instructions were short, to the point, and the execution, both lit­erally and figuratively, was left to my discretion. Based on what I knew of my employers, something BIG was brewing.

    One item always in the back of my mind was "back-up". Although I had never failed to complete a project that I had started I knew my employers were not stupid. And yet, for sev­eral years while in the field, I had the feeling I was alone and on my own. I would have objected if someone had been assigned with me, however, as I thought myself capable. Besides, my well-being was my priority and I didn't want anyone in the way. More specifically, I wanted no witnesses.

    For years I had taken extraordinary precautions. I worn flesh colored surgical gloves and, as far as I knew, my finger prints were on record only as a result of my being in the service. Whenever I was in strange surroundings, which was most of the time, I attempted to simply blend-in. I was a postman, a deliv­ery person or I even trimmed shrubs. I've been a cook, florist, a utilities worker, and worn a suit. I've driven delivery "panels" and wore a uniform in many capacities. Though my reputation was for the most part fictional, one thing stood out: In investigations by many agencies world-wide and stories by in­vestigative people, my existence was thought to be, but never proven. I found that when many law enforcement agencies had a case that drew attention, if they were unable to solve it, my name would pop up. Probably from the agency itself, even if I happened to be halfway around the globe. One thing that I found amusing were the authors that characterized and fictionalized me. Would they be in for a surprise!

    I now found that my sanction had not been much changed. It had been expanded. My employers knew that, depending on circumstances, I would take care of business. Most situations were within my range and scope and what made this sanction unique was that the "additions" were both women. My initial "subject" was a very prominent businessman and was not known to be a womanizer. The employers have always known what they were doing, in the past, and yes, over the years I've made it my business to know. Contrary to what you might believe, I do have a conscience and prior to my completion I do have all the facts. This is the account of my first variation in my instructions. Reading THIS will be "their" first notification of my actions.

    In the curiosity department I am no different than anyone. When I checked into my hotel the first item was the information on the Principal. He was an investment broker and banker with sticky fingers. A couple of his recent deals involved the Southern Hemisphere and had caught someone's attention. Although the minute details were not given it was fairly easy to see the pattern emerge. The dollars that were involved were out of my league and though I was being paid in the mid-six-figure range for my services, that sum wouldn't even pay the interest on the sums I was now viewing.

    One of the women owned and operated a beauty salon. The other one was a consultant to retired people. She invested for them and I thought that might be a connection but then discarded that idea when I looked at the amount of money being talked about. She appeared, on paper, to be just an average person squeaking out a living as did the other female. The women didn't seem to know one another and I could see no connection to the Principal. Yes, I did my job well but I never did anything until I had all of the answers--no exceptions.

    As I have previously stated, at no time was I given instruc­tions. No time limits were given or any "How to's" in any way. One of the most frequent statements that I will make is, "the bottom line". It was that, and it means that to date I had no disagreement with what I had been instructed to do but I had to be satisfied and that is the "bottom line"--every time.

    I stopped for a bite to eat and then headed west. The Windy City earned its reputation that day as the chill-factor was some­thing like minus thirty degrees. There was a forty mile an hour wind and it was definitely NOT pleasant.

    The "Retirement Lady's" office was in the Senior Citizens Complex of the suburb in which I now arrived. There was a guard in the lobby of the complex who was obviously more for window dressing than anything to do with security. He asked if he could be of service and I used the old stand-by about looking for office space. He told me the facility had a non-resident manager but he could show me any available space. He said that there wasn't much going on around the place what with all of the old folks around. He had to be eighty himself, if he was a day. I looked at the directory on the wall and requested to see space on the ground floor since I saw the Lady's name on the directory. As we walked through the complex he talked about the tenants and how the place had been really taking off. It was his theory that retired people didn't want to be isolated and that made sense to me.

    We passed the Subject's office and adjacent to it was a par­tially empty space. He said that the current tenant moved to an­other part of the facility for some reason or other. I asked to see it and requested his permission to speak to some of the other occupants. He said to take all day if I wanted. He walked back towards the front of the complex.

    I walked around the space to make an impression just in case someone was watching and then I went out onto the common patio area.

    There was a customer in the Lady's office and when he left, I went in and introduced myself. We talked about the weather and traffic and of my tentative "plans". When we first started talking she had been a little distant but warmed up by the time I was leaving. She seemed like a very nice person but I had her pegged as someone with "something" on her mind. I wondered if it was connected somehow to why I was there.

    I spoke to the guard for a minute or two and said I would be asked if I could make a decision as to space. As I was getting ready to leave, the Lady came to the desk and requested the guard go down the street and pick up some coffee. I jumped into the conversation and said I was going to stop for coffee and since I didn't know the area, would she care to join me. I could return her if she wished for me to drive or I could follow her if she drove. She smiled and agreed. This would give me an op­portunity to get to know her.

    Our coffee break ran into over two hours and, yes, she did have a problem, but she hid it well. She was a very attractive woman and I found myself with a warm feeling when I was driving her back to the complex. I took a chance and asked her out for that evening. She accepted. I thought that a little more prying wasn't going to hurt and to be honest, I was looking for­ward to our outing. I had by no means formulated any kind of a plan about anything.

    It took me an hour or so to find the beauty shop. It wasn't in a very good area but looked very professional from the outside. The sign in the window read, "Barber on Duty" and since I needed a haircut it gave me a good reason for going in. If these places were like the barber shop I went to I should get some in­formation and not have to work hard to get it. There were a couple of women having their hair done and they didn't pay any attention to me. Just like home.

    The Second Lady was quite an extrovert. By the time the haircut was finished I had learned that business was good and that she was thinking about adding two more operators. She also had a date for the evening with a fellow she had her eye on and even told how she had maneuvered him into asking her out. Her over-all attitude told me that she had no idea she had a problem.

    When I was back in the hotel I laid across the bed for a cou­ple of minutes. Why the women? I kept asking myself. I could take care of the Principal any time as I had quite a bit of work to do before I moved on.

    The dinner was pleasant. I had purposely put the business card from the salon in my pocket and when I pulled out my cigarettes after dinner, it was stuck in the cellophane and was clearly visible--but received no apparent notice from the Lady. She had commented on my haircut and so I showed her the card--I still saw no sign or recognition on her part. So much for that idea.

    I took her back to her apartment and she invited me to come in. We had a couple of cups of coffee and I thanked her for joining me. We had a good time and I found myself suggesting we do it again. She hadn't any kind of move in mind, nor had I. My mind was still focused on my task ahead.

    The next morning, under the pretext of purchasing some hair spray, I stopped in the beauty salon. There were several ladies inside and all were talking but it immediately became silent with my entrance. The owner spotted me and came over.
    I bought the product and asked how her date had gone. She smiled but gave me a thumbs down. That said it all and so I figured I'd give those girls in the place something to talk about as I asked the owner out to lunch. She accepted and I said I had to run downtown first so we made the date for one o'clock. I turned my attention to the Principal involved. I parked under the "EL" and paid the ridiculous parking fee. Boy, when they had you, you were had! I now had about a two-and-a-halfblock walk and when I arrived at his business I stopped and took a good look. His place of business was in one of those glass buildings that seemed to go all the way up into the clouds. It was very impressive, I thought. I still didn't care for the city and was glad I didn't live there.

    He wasn't at his desk when I found his office and it really didn't make any difference whether or not I saw him because when I would be ready--I would see him. I glanced at my watch and it was still early enough to give me a couple of hours or more. I walked back to the parking lot and saw a bar on the other side of it so I thought, "Why not"?

    It turned out to be a mistake. The place was filthy and when I saw the patrons drinking wine I should have walked out. I didn't. The second clue came when I ordered a scotch and wa­ter and the bartender had to wipe the bottle off twice and couldn't get the liquid to pour out of the pour-spout. I took one taste of it and knew it was made out of the lake so I paid him and was gone.

    I walked into the salon about an hour early. She was finish­ing a customer so I had a seat and took a magazine. After my second time through it I looked up and she was walking towards me. I hadn't paid much attention before but she was good looking.

    She said we would have to drive about ten minutes to get to an area that had decent restaurants or lounges. But the lunch was fun and she had to call back to the shop as time got away from us. I didn't find out a thing. We made plans, however, for the evening.

    The evening was a continuation of lunch as she talked all the time and was a very enjoyable person and good company. She mentioned that she had been on a cruise. That jarred my mem­ory as the First Lady had said she had been on a cruise. As I pondered it I thought maybe it was entirely possible for two people to live close together and not know each other--and even on a cruise and not meet one another. There were a large number of people on those cruise ships. I questioned her about the Caribbean where she went, saying I had thought about going there also. Shortly I knew quite a bit including the name of the cruise-line and the very date she had taken her cruise.

    We danced for the rest of the evening and when I took her home she invited me in for a night-cap. It was obvious after a few minutes that she had more on her mind and, frankly, so did I.

    The next morning I was back at the First Lady's office building. The guard remembered me and I asked to see the space again. I saw the First Lady. She had a couple with her but she waved as I passed her office. The office had been cleared and was clean. The guard went back to the front after telling me to just wander around. I was doing so when I heard the entrance open and noted I was being invited to lunch. Good, I thought, as she had saved me the effort of asking her. She was also very attractive and I found that I was looking forward to being with her again. Both women were sharp and I wasn't sure just what I was going to ultimately do. I decided to just go with the flow for the time being.

    After an excellent lunch I dropped her off. She gave me her home number and asked me to call. I was now on my way to the travel agency that sold both women the tickets for their cruises.

    It seems that there were some fifty six people from the Chicago area on that ship. What made these two women so special, I wondered. I asked about the banker and the agent had not sold him a ticket. That didn't mean he wasn't on the ship, however, so I would need to find out if, in fact, he might have been on board.

    That information turned out to be pretty easy to get. I called the cruise line and gave the man's name and asked when another cruise was going to take place to the Caribbean. The operator left the line a moment and came back on line quite shortly.
    I was asked if I wanted the same accommodations and the same stateroom? Also she said that I was entitled to a discount as a frequent passenger. The cruise in point would be departing the following week. I told the operator that I would be calling back. Now I had to find out about the "connections".

    I called back the First lady. She was still at her office and we made plans for me to pick her up at her place. I wanted to get the job done, but on my terms. I pulled in the reins. I was not going to get into a hurry. She probably needed to freshen up a bit and I decided to go back to my hotel and shower and freshen up also.

    I called room service and had them pick up my cleaning and laundry as I figured I would be staying for a while.

    When I arrived at First Lady's apartment she came out and she was stunning.
    I made a comment on her appearance and what she was wearing almost took away my breath. I told her as much and she allowed that it could be the company. I agreed with her. She also said that the perfume she was wearing was a gift from a gentleman she had met on the cruise. She said he was a banker from here that she had met and with whom she had shared dinner. The perfume was delivered the next morn­ing to her stateroom. She said she didn't get a chance to thank him for the gift.

    We drove to the tallest building in town and dined a quarter of a mile above the street. The meal was excellent and I didn't want to distract her attention back to the cruise. I just let her lead the conversation. She was very bright and I thought to my­self that if I was in the market for a long-term relationship I would want that person to be like her.

    I was convinced that she was in no way involved with or connected to the banker Principal. It was only a guess as to how she might have become involved in this situation. The trip to the islands would be the key. This was one of the aggravating parts of my job. My employer told me only the absolute essen­tials. I believed the First Lady's version of the meeting and she had placed no special emphasis on the encounter. I think she would have slipped if otherwise and given herself away somehow. Besides, I liked her company and soon put aside my pri­mary purpose.

    The following day I called the Second Lady, the beauty oper­ator. She had taken the day off and the party answering the phone, asked my name. I told her and there was a message left for me along with a phone number. It was very nice to know that you are wanted.

    When I arrived at her place and was invited in the same odor hit me and that was just too much of a coincidence. I made a comment on the fragrance and her story was very similar to the other lady's. The Principal had made a very good impression on Second Lady and she did see him as she got off the ship. She had also ridden to the airport in Miami with him and that he had gone on to New York. He had told her that the perfume would retail for about two thousand dollars a bottle and this was a "sample". He said it was a tax write-off. She had really been impressed by the guy--or so it would seem. She also said that "you meet some awful nice people on a cruise". She mentioned the name of the fragrance and I made a mental note of it.

    We left her place and ended up at my hotel. I took her home on Sunday afternoon and even though we had had an excellent weekend I was glad to be again alone. That evening I began calling my contacts because I needed to know more about that perfume.

    The calls started coming back early as they originated on the East Coast. A copyright had just been applied for and all of the legal work had been completed. Everything so far looked above-board. I'm not sure why I was placing so much stock in that fragrance but so far it was the only common denominator which gave me any indication of being on the right track.

    My phone rang again and the salon owner, Second Lady, was inviting me to lunch. I told her that I had a meeting at one-thirty but that I would call her when I was finished. That pacified her and I knew then that I was becoming involved--not once, but twice and I knew better!

    Five minutes later the phone rang again and it was the other lady, First Lady.
    I told her that I had to go to Detroit and would be back on the following Wednesday and would call her when I got in. I called back the beauty operator and gave her the same story. I had better be careful, I thought, for I was get­ting myself into some kind of a trap. I hated to lie to people and especially to those for whom I care.

    Several more calls came through and the Banker (Principal) was the company, the bottler, the exporter, the wholesaler, and the chief executive. That wasn't Kosher.

    I again reviewed his background. He had been with the same company for twenty-eight years and coming up to his present position through the ranks. There was nothing to indicate he had knowledge of anything else. The perfume was right, I knew it now but what about the connection to the two women--it had to be there.

    I made a decision. That banker didn't know me and he was about to get a visit from a, potential client". He needed a little crap flung at him because I was now sure he was a putting a bunch out--I needed some of that perfume.

    I played my role pretty well. I had him convinced that I had money and was looking for something that had a very high re­turn for my investment. And, guess what he suggested. Yes, I now had my bottle of perfume. I said that the "little lady" had a birthday coming and there were export rights involved...you know, the regular type of nonsense. People wouldn't ordinarily fall for such a story if they were honest. This guy certainly had his day coming.

    I took the bottle to a laboratory that had been referred to me by one of the contacts. I told the lab people that I was really in a rush and emphasized the rush by laying a thousand dollars be­side the bottle. Twenty minutes later, boy, did I have a surprise--HEROIN. I had the reason for the primary objective. But now, the two women?

    I had most of the answers but before I would act I would have the rest of them.
    I called the First Lady and invited her to the hotel. I explained that I had had a change in plans regarding my Detroit trip. She allowed as how she could be there in an hour.

    When she arrived she was even more stunning than on our previous date. When I stepped back to let her in I closed the door after her. I took her in my arms and kissed her. She said I should make travel plans more often and returned my kiss with much more feeling. We stood there for a good five minutes while we had other things on our minds.

    Around ten o'clock I called for room service. They offered only sandwiches and that didn't sound good to either one of us so I suggested pizza. She said it was her favorite and I ordered two extra large--I liked it cold and so did she.

    She fell asleep around twelve thirty and for some reason I couldn't sleep. I got out of bed and took a shower first hot and then cold, thinking it would do something for me. It did for now I was really wide awake. I stood by the window for quite a while and then got dressed as I decided to just walk around for a while. Nothing was open but I was restless and perhaps a bit of exercise would help. A little more, I mean, exercise.

    I let myself out and put the "do not disturb" sign on the door. I walked around for a couple of hours and found myself letting myself back in the room. My lady was still out of it and the light was blinking on the phone. She didn't look as if she had moved so I picked up the phone. I tried to be as quiet as possi­ble. The operator said she hadn't rung the room as she had just seen me come in and had simply turned on the message light.

    The call was from one of my contacts and when he answered he apologized for calling me so late. But he said he had some important information for me. He had located the facility where the perfume had been shipped to and that the facility was on the west side and was owned by a beauty salon. I asked what was the name of the owner. He didn't have that information yet so I told him to get it and call me back the minute he had it. I wanted it to be one hundred percent--he understood.

    He did call back shortly and the name of the property was ti­tled to the sister of the banker, the owner of the beauty shop. So, it was a "family enterprise", I thought.
    I sat there and tried to figure out if I had been compromised. I knew I wasn't known and I had to figure out how much they might have spo­ken to each other about me. Maybe there was nothing to it but I had to assume otherwise, that they had.

    I hung up the phone and as I did so the Lady touched my hand. It surprised me a little and she was immediately in my arms. Hey, oh well, I could work later.

    In the morning I was up by six. While I was in the shower, again, I was made an offer I simply couldn't refuse. It took us over an hour before we got out of that shower and I was squeaky clean!

    We had breakfast in the dining room and then she left for an eleven o'clock appointment. I told her I would call and by now I had business on my mind. As much as I hated to admit it, I didn't like what lay ahead of me. I was sure that this lady wasn't connected to the banker and thought back to her attitude when I first met her. She might be connected in some other way. I called my contacts and said I wanted her life history. It was now her turn to be squeaky clean--AND SHE WAS!

    I went out and walked through a few stores and bought some clothes. At dusk I was pulling away from the hotel and headed south. The banker was very predictable and he had maintained the same routing for years. When I pulled up to the lounge that he stopped by, for years, his car was right there parked to the side. I checked his license number that was on his data sheet and I had to wait only a few minutes until he came out. I timed our meeting at his car to be at the same time. I came from a direction so that he couldn't see me and as he sat down behind the wheel I pressed the nine millimeter behind his ear and fired....

    When I knocked on her door, it was a couple of minutes be­fore the light showed under the door. I stood at the center of it so she could see me through the peep-hole.
    I saw movement and when the door opened she had a gun in her hand and it was pointed right at me. She stepped back and lowered the gun as she let me in. I closed the door while keeping my eye on the weapon. She noted me looking at the piece and said there had been recent problems in the neighborhood. She said she couldn't be too careful. She laid the gun on a small table and turned to put her arms around me. As she did so I took her left arm and spun her around--it was over in a split-second....

    I carried her to her bedroom and placed her out on the bed. Her neck was angled in a strange position so I straightened it. I stood and looked down at her and felt a twinge of regret.

    The location of the storage facility wasn't difficult to find. The sun was now coming up and the building was a stand-alone. I had taken keys and one of them let me in. There were win­dows in only part of the building and a partition separated the front part from the back. I found some invoices and there were some sixteen hundred boxes with each box containing forty-eight bottles. Somebody was losing a fortune. I poured gas over as many of them as I could and saved a bit of gas for several parts of the wooden framed building. It wouldn't take long for this building to go up, I realized.

    As I pulled away the entire building was engulfed and smoke was going straight skyward--so where was all that wind this morning?

    The next stop was the apartment complex. I removed my gloves and put a match to them as I dropped them in the gutter. I watched them melt. I took the wallets I had taken and put them into the car glove compartment and locked it. I had been running over and over in my mind just what I was going to say and, of course, most of it was B.S. As I walked to the door I made up my mind to be as truthful as possible and then let her decide if she could accept what I said. I still wasn't sure what were the alternatives but I would have to cross that bridge when I came to it...there was quite a bit riding on our conversation.

    END PART 5

  2. #4
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 92


    SUN., APR. 10, 1994 9:41 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 237

    SUN., APR. 10, 1994

    I understand your confusion and accept your inquiries as to "why?" regarding the diversification of material we are now using to "bury" you. I realize that all you want is a bit of spiri­tual upliftment and a few lessons in Ascension--however, we are unfolding the intrigue of a planet which has now moved its way into the galaxy as regards your orbiting system around the little planet Earth Shan. THAT brings your actions and foolishness into OUR realm of concern. You are a world which is ruled and those rules enforced by totally evil beings. You as a society are now caught up in the aftermath of great wheeling and deal­ing, death and destruction to allow holding of the commodities which destroy civilizations and control the masses.

    You are fed a steady feast of controlled viewing and information seepage and NEVER THE TRUTH. If, after you read the se­quences of writings which are now integrated into a flow-stream by willing writers (authors) who care more about the informa­tion to you and less about the advantage to themselves, you don't begin to blink open your eyes, then I feel little hope for your renewal of civilization.

    Because it happens that you can know the players at the top, the use of masses at the bottom--but unless you can "conceive" the magnitude of the power, control, manipulation and total programming of the teams that ENFORCE the regulations of the big dogs--you miss the point. The covert operations forces have become the blind but well-trained wardens. They wipe out those who rise against the Elite rulers and they take out Elite rulers who shy away from the evil movements. Now these forces have literally taken on a moving force of their own throughout the world. If you could swing the intelligence forces into an army for good--you could take your world back in about half an hour. Back that action with the resources to rebalance the barter basics and you would have a chance at world "salvation". However, you now have to have an overriding factor included in the equa­tion--that of removing the functionability of computer chips and microdots infused into EVERY agent--and a large majority of the masses, most especially the prison community. You are into a time of technological mind-control beyond anything you can imagine.

    What can override these signals? GOD! I am not playing games with you readers--
    I MEAN GOD! In the LIGHTED truth of information and facts the mind is created to be able to decipher the differences and will not accept the technical fre­quencies which are destructive--IF YOU UNDERSTAND THE MECHANISMS INVOLVED. Why? Because once in KNOWING--without total brain damage of a physical nature--you can­not ever again UN-KNOW. This is also recognized in higher realms as SOUL LOCK-IN.

    Why is this important in a time of such confusion and possible annihilation of a planet? Because it is stupid thinking to assume the "Big Dogs" want to annihilate that which is so valuable to them that they would destroy a civilization AND it is a time of sorting by the Godhead to salvage His souled expression. I did not say "save" nor did I use a term "savior"--I said "SALVAGE".

    Where else are you going to get the information? However, a single covert operator may well "hear about" other streams of truth in operations and puppet-masters--but just as it takes many streams of knowledge to have proper conclusions--you MUST HAVE input from varied sources to enable sorting of THE facts. For instance, if integrated information (our ONLY purpose in offering presentations) is present from ten or twenty "insider participants" and information gatherers and it comes from a myriad of locations and directions--it is not simply a collusion of writers--it becomes a route for assumptive conclusions based on INFORMATION--not speculation.

    I have no intention whatsoever of becoming a great novelist on your plane of experience--I already KNOW the answers. Dharma does not want to even write these things we present--she wants, like you, to do her work and retire into the wonder of physical expression and move on into higher expression--IN TRUTH. She has NO desire to be a psychic, fortune-teller (for unfortunately she knows how the story is going to go), prophet or do-gooder. She has accepted a "job" and is going to see it through to the best of her ability--no more and no less. I could name hundreds of others, you readers among them--who are exactly the same in intent. YOU are why it is necessary to present TRUTH--that YOU may find the proper sequence and routing of self and events.
    The heading here is a bit bold but I think I get the question clearly thought, if not spoken. In our own "having" do we not indeed "help" our very adversary? Yes! But you must hold to the knowledge that there are two diverse and opposite ends of the evil vs. good pole. In "goodness" there is positive ability to CREATE. In "evil" there is only the ability to utilize that which is already physically manifest. Why? Because "evil" only has existence in a manifested physical conscious dimension. Evil is a manifestation of physical manufacture. Therefore, it will only be used of itself in that dimension of participation and is locked to the dimension of human-physical experience--it cannot CREATE--ONLY USE! Therefore, in any circumstance wherein there is, let us example, abundance of resource for trade--creation of good industry, jobs, expression, etc., will come about through the use of the commodity of that expression.

    The opposite is that indeed much will be taken through force or theft--but it will be hoarded, turned into destructive activities and devastation will result.

    The majority of the population as you sense it to be will perish! They will perish in the crossfire, the devastation and destruction unleashed by the willful controllers in service to physical power and expression. "They" will eventually destroy of selves. However, there is no way to preserve the "masses" for the clash is too encompassing. The only way to "salvage" the goodly soul expression is to show you the way into creating that which will allow passage and then reclamation. This is a basic fundamental time of CHOICE of destiny from this experience.

    Who else are you going to believe? Who is the more evil--the one who snaps the neck or the one with power to order the neck snapped? Does it make a difference? Only in KNOWING! What you ARE may well not be what you WERE or even what you may yet BE! This, however, is not the point at present as to information resources. How are YOU going to ever find out what goes on in these organizations and groupies IF YOU DON'T HAVE SOMEONE FROM THOSE EXPERIENCES? Already you deny ME because I don't run about on discs and pat you on the po-po! You WILL begin to believe me when I produce enough confirmation from your PLACE to give credence to that which we write. Even then the avid denial buffs will simply sue Dharma for using a few words out of someone or another's book. This is, of course, representative of either of two things--or both. This is obviously a thrust and effort to KEEP TRUTH FROM REACHING YOU--OR, THE PRESENTATION OFFERED BY THEM IS IN FACT, NOT TRUE AND THEY LIE ABOUT INTENT OF AWAKENING HUMANITY. OTHERWISE THE STORIES ARE WRITTEN, COPYRIGHTED AND PRESENTED AS FICTION.


    There are many lessons to be learned along the way, little seekers, and I have yet to appreciate the unending input from even my closest participants, such as our motion-picture producer, our brethren in the distribution business, the hosts of ones who attend our most inner circle--who still find the most excitement in the local fortune-teller. It is one thing to enjoy those things as the fun they represent--as when the fortune cookie has a good verse. However, to go forth and project actions and beliefs on such as "sometime in the future I see W. with a reptilian..." is unthinkable to me. Let me give you a good rule of thumb, readers--WHEN A REPTILIAN BEING SHOWS UP IN ANY VISION AS A PARTICIPANT IN ONGOING CONSIDERA­TIONS AND POWER--IT IS NOT A GOOD SIGN--IT IS A SURE, EVERY TIME, PRESENTATION OF INPUT FROM THE DARK SIDE ENERGIES. IF THE FAITH IN YOUR OWN QUALIFICATIONS AND DIRECTION OF CREATING VALUE IS SO LIMITED AS TO REQUIRE A PSYCHIC'S READING--YOU ARE NEVER GOING TO FULFILL A CREATOR'S ROLE. GOD IS NOT A SNAKE OF ANY SHAPE OR FORM--A SERPENT IN ITS VERY PRESENTATION IS THAT WHICH IS BOUND MOST CLOSELY TO THE EARTH PHYSICAL IN ITS INABIL­ITY TO COME UP EXCEPT TO SLITHER UP A LEAN­ING TREE. TO SEE SELF AS GETTING ANYTHING OF DIRECTION FROM A "REPTILIAN" BEING IS TO SEE SELF EITHER NEGOTIATING WITH, COMPROMISING WITH OR TAKING DIRECTION FROM--SATAN FORCES.
    There should be NO difficulty at all in the making of our motion pictures--most especially the first one. I intend to be there and that in itself will negate any participation of reptilians. The next question is always: "Then why don't YOU get the money so we can start"? I respond: WHY DON'T YOU GET THE MONEY AND THE HEAD SCREWED ON CORRECTLY AND THEN YOU DON'T HAVE TO WAIT LONGER TO START"!

    What these encounters with psychics--and wishing for confirma­tion or denial of presentations through me--mean is that you ac­tually only possibly believe in a being called Aton/Hatonn THROUGH one Dharma--even though you do not necessarily believe in one called Doris. I am as close to YOU as I am to her! Why is it her problem as to what YOU believe? I am not being testy or hard--I am wanting you to realize your own POWER and relationship with CREATOR that you may CRE­ATE that which is your destiny of presentation in human format.

    It is disappointing, however, that after years of lessons in discernment and guidelines for that discernment that I still am over-flooded with requests for opinions about this guru or that one, this psychic astrologer or that one, this channel or that one. If you have studied all we have offered and you still have no way to sort--you are in serious trouble and my opinion regarding this one or that one is of no further value to you. Information comes from ALL sources and moreover ALL IS TRUTH IN SOME FASHION--even if it regards the LIE. There is only ONE TRUTH--but infinite truthful roads to arrive at the ONE.

    I remind everyone--YOUR task and purpose is NOT, for instance, Dharma's and she will NOT BE GIVEN YOUR ANSWERS! I shall again remind you of her most frequent, and heartfelt thought: "I am not a writer. I am simply serving in this typing capacity until I am given my purpose and mission". This always brings laughter as ten people are buried around the clock in that which comes out of her keyboard. Is she lying to others and self? No--she is, like you, looking for the balance and harmony of performing HER ultimate mission in perfection WITH GOD. AND, trying to make it through this journey experience of shaded clarity and hazy direction. She, too, is working around the clock--to find reality and REMEMBER!

    Until the sequence into understanding comes within your perception we will continue to offer what we can from any reference bearing truth toward THE factual stories and players.

    I ask that Rick, Ed or Brent please write Coleman and ask permission to utilize his volume, DIPLOMACY BY DECEPTION. I have hoped for a response from him but have none. [Rick spoke with Dr. Coleman and he was very gracious in giving unqualified permission to utilize this material. Thank you, John.] There are some "insiders" beyond those which he can recognize which would greatly enhance his insight and he, theirs. This is the time of unveiling the liars, cheats and thieves of human dig­nity and grace.

    In the meanwhile I am going to offer a chapter from the above volume, on "Covert Operations". I can only again suggest and appeal to you to support the authors and get the books directly from them when you can do so. In this case: John Coleman, WIR, 2533 N. Carson St., Carson City, NV 89706. In trying to decipher the code of the "beast" I believe the cost is $20.00 [this price has been confirmed and shipping is included] and it is offered through Joseph Publishing. [If you have Mastercard or Visa you may also order the book by calling (800) 942-0821]. Both entities bear the same mailing address. Thank you. Let us move on to our work, please.

    Again, for the sake of keeping computer writings identified we will have to utilize "parts" as if we were running a "series". It is too difficult for our editors to have reference without some mode of identification nor can we give proper credits to authors and resource information without some identifying method. With that explanation please realize that by listing this as "part 1" it does not indicate beginning of the book. In this case "part 1" is actually from page 127, Chapter VII of the book.

    The following is taken from:

    by John Coleman
    Covert operations--that stuff that "James Bond" was made of. As I have often said, James Bond was a fictitious character, but the organization portrayed in the movie series is very real, only it is known as "C" and not "M." Britain's Secret Intelligence Service and Security Service was what "James Bond" portrayed. These are known as MI-5 (internal security) and MI-6 (external security). Together they are the oldest of the world's secret intelligence agencies. They also lead the world in the develop­ment of techniques and new technologies of spying. Neither service is responsible to the British people through Parliament, and both operate in the utmost secrecy behind a wide variety of fronts.

    The beginnings of these agencies date back to the time of Queen Elizabeth I, the founder being recognized as Sir Francis Walsingham, Elizabeth's Secretary of State, and have existed since then under different names. It is not the intention to write a history about these supersecret espionage agencies, but merely to give a background to the main thrust of this chapter, which is covert action and assassinations for economic and/or political reasons.

    The cardinal thing to remember is that, in almost all cases, covert actions are forbidden by international law. Having said that, I should also point out that it is one thing to have laws against covert actions but it is another, very difficult thing to enforce such laws because of the extreme lengths which the parties will go to keep the operation secret. America is no exception when it comes to disobeying laws. President Gerald Ford's ex­ecutive order banning "engaging in, or conspiring to engage in political assassination" is largely ignored by the CIA.

    The excuse that Bush didn't know what was going on in the Iran/Contra covert operation cannot be sustained because of the Hughes-Ryan Amendment, which was tailor-made to knock the supports out from under such a defense. The amendment was meant to make the CIA and other U.S. intelligence agencies accountable: "...unless and until the President finds that each such operation is important to the national security of the United States and reports in a timely fashion to the appropriate committee of the Congress, including the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the House Foreign Affairs Committee", the covert operation would become unlawful. So if either President Reagan or President Bush knew about the Iran/Contra operation, or, if they did not, then those who engaged in it were acting in an illegal manner.

    In the Iran/Contra covert operation, Admiral John Poindexter was the "fall guy" for President Reagan and President Bush, both of whom claimed to have no knowledge of it. This is shocking, because it implies that here are two presidents who had no control over their military and intelligence departments. Had Poindexter not taken the stand to say that he never in­formed Bush about the specifics of the Iran/Contra operation, impeachment proceedings would have followed, which Bush with all of his powerful protection would not have been able to avoid. In this, Bush was ably assisted by Congressman Lee Hamilton, whose investigation of the covert action was so poorly carried out as to amount to a total whitewash of the guilty parties, including Reagan and Bush.

    Apart from "James Bond," perhaps the best known MI-6 op­eratives were Sydney Reilly, Bruce Lockhart and Captain George Hill, who were seconded to Russia to help the Bolshe­viks overcome their enemies and, at the same time, secure vast raw material and economic concessions for the British Black Nobility, with a slice of the pie going to the Wall Street fi­nanciers. Perhaps the least known MI-6 agent (but one of its most effective), was Somerset Maugham, the distinguished British author, well known in the literary world by this "sheepdipped" name.

    Like most MI-6 officers, Maugham's real name was not disclosed during his service years, and indeed remained undisclosed up until close to his death. Sydney Reilly had 3 secret names, and eight others (he had eleven passports), his real name being Sigmund Georgievich Rosenblum. [H: Hummnnn...]

    Setting aside all the diplomacy by deception of name tags such as Bolshevism, Socialism, Marxism, Communism, Fabi­anism and Trotskyism, the fact is that the Bolshevik Revolution was a foreign ideology forced upon the Russian people by the Committee of 300 for economic gain and the control of Russia.

    It is that simple, and when stripped of all the rhetoric and terminology, makes the whole concept of "Communism" easier to understand. We should never, ever, lose sight of the fact that, as Churchill put it, before he was irretrievably turned and lost, "Russia was seized by the hair of its head", and dragged kicking and screaming into a dictatorship straight out of hell, set up primarily to exploit and control its vast resources which, even today, far exceed those of the United States, not to mention Great Britain which, apart from coal and some North Sea oil, has none worth mentioning.

    Just as in the days of Queen Elizabeth I, when the Cecils, her controllers, set up Sir Francis Walsingham in a spy system to guard her assets in England, and to watch over trade in the far corners of the world, so did the modern kings and queens of England carry on the tradition. One might say that these spy organizations were motivated first by economics, and then by national sovereignty. Nothing much has changed in the intervening centuries.

    That was what Sydney Reilly's now legendary mission to Russia was about; it was to secure a lock on Russia's oil and its other huge treasures of minerals for the British Black Nobility, led by Lord Alfred Milner; the City of London's merchant bankers and the American Boston Brahmins, Wall Street financiers and tycoons, among the better-known of whom are the Rockefellers, J.P. Morgan and Kuhn Loeb. Sharing Britain's plunder, gained through diplomacy by deception and backed by military might, became a tradition during the golden era of the vast, unbelievably lucrative opium trade with China.

    The oldest American equivalent of "noble" families were up to their eyebrows in this unspeakable trade. Today, one would never know this as they are judged on their outward facade of attending the best schools and colleges, joining the finest private clubs, becoming leading lawyers and bankers, philanthropists, religious leaders, and of course, leading politicians, that this brood is smeared all over with, and mired in the stench and filth of the China opium trade, which brought death and misery to millions while filling the banks they owned with obscenely vast wealth.

    The rogues gallery of China opium trade reads like a page out of the American social register: John Perkins, Thomas Nel­son Perkins, Delano, Cabot, Lodge, Russell, Morgan, Mellon. Hardly a single one of our "elite" families is not tainted by opium riches.

    Lord Alfred Milner sent Sydney Reilly of MI-6 to secure the Baku region oilfields for British investment and for the Rockefellers. Bruce Lockhart was Lord Milner's personal representative who controlled Lenin and Trotsky. "Hansard" of the time, which is the equivalent of our Congressional Record, is filled with expressions of outrage and frustration as Parliament began to glean a little information about the exploits of Reilly. There were furious exchanges in private between Prime Minis­ter Lloyd George (Earl of Dwyfor) and his cabinet colleagues, and in open debate with members of Parliament on the floor of the House. All demanded that Reilly be brought back and forced to give an account of his doings in Russia.

    But to no avail--Reilly remained untouchable and unaccount­able. For perhaps the very first time, the British public became dimly aware that some unseen force was above Parliament. The British public did not know, and could not know, that Reilly represented MI-6, which had a much greater power than that of their elected representatives in Parliament. Those who were trying to break down the wall of secrecy got nowhere, so they waited for Reilly's return to England, which came only after it was all over.

    Reilly and his close friend, Count Felix Dzerzinsky, (they both came from the same part of Poland) head of the dreaded Bolshevik secret police terror apparat, staged Reilly's death by shooting as he was allegedly trying to escape across the border. The cover story was that Reilly's name was discovered among the papers of a group of Latvian officers who planned to assas­sinate Lenin. Reilly lived in secret opulence and splendor in Soviet Russia until, to round out the plan, he "escaped" aboard a Dutch freighter. Reilly was recruited by Sir William Wiseman, head of British MI-6 in Washington, in 1917. Reilly was de­scribed by his superior, Sir Mansfield Smith Cumming, as "a sinister man I felt I could never really trust".

    Somerset Maugham's mission to Petrograd on behalf of MI-6 in 1917 was a classic example of diplomacy by deception. Lockhart was dispatched to Petrograd to back the provisional government of Alexander Kerensky, who was supposed to run the "interim" government opposed to the Bolsheviks. (DeKlerk, the South African turncoat leader has quite properly been described as the "Kerensky of the Whites in South Africa, because his task is to form an 'interim' government which will allow Mandela and his gang of murderers to take the country").

    What neither the British Parliament nor the public knew was that the government of Kerensky was programmed to fail; its job to make it look as if real opposition to a Bolshevik government was coming from Britain and the United States when, in fact, the opposite was true. In an elaborately stage-managed plot, Maugham, who was also selected by Sir William Wiseman, went to meet Kerensky, traveling via Japan with $150,000 (yes, in mainly American money) to spend on Kerensky. Maugham left on June 17, 1917, and met with Kerensky on October 31, 1917.

    Kerensky asked Maugham to deliver a note to Prime Minister Lloyd George which contained a desperate appeal for guns and ammunition. It is interesting that Kerensky completely by­passed the British Consul in Petrograd who, having sniffed out that something was going on behind his back, fired off angry complaints to Lloyd George, but got no apology or explanation. As Captain Hill himself once said, "Those who believe that the Bolshevik Revolution was Zionist-inspired and run, may have had some truth on their side". Wiseman, Maugham, Hill and Reilly were Jews; but Lockhart was pure Anglo-Saxon.

    The British Prime Minister's response to Kerensky's note was a very brusque,
    "I cannot do that". Maugham never went back to Russia and Kerensky was overthrown by the Bolsheviks on Nov. 7, 1917. Capt. Hill was drafted into MI-5 and then to MI-6. He was sent to Petrograd to advise Trotsky on how to set up an airforce, although Russia was still technically an ally of the British.

    The object lesson in this diplomacy by deception maneuvering was to ensure that Russia remained at war against Germany, which Britain wanted defeated because of its great commercial and financial successes. At the same time, Russia was to be weakened to such an extent that it would not be able to resist the Bolshevik hordes for long. As we know, the deception worked perfectly. Capt. Hill played a big role in helping to set up the CHEKA, the dreaded Bolshevik secret police apparat and mili­tary intelligence, forerunner of the GRU.

    One of Hill's exploits was the "transference" of the crown jewels of Rumania. Hill, a weapons and training specialist, was very active in diplomacy by deception in aiding the grand design to make the world believe that Britain and the United States were really fighting the Bolshevik takeover. (Only France, of all the nations, was not deceived.) In documents I read years later, Allen Dulles, head of the OSS, was denounced by De Gaulle, who bluntly reminded him of the great diplomacy by deception successfully pulled off against Czar Nicholas II and the Russian people.

    An integral part of the deception was to land a combined British, French and American force at Murmansk on June 23, 1918, under the command of American Major General Fred­erick Poole, ostensibly to help the Russians in their struggle against the Bolsheviks. The French truly believed that they were there to attack the Bolsheviks, when the allied force moved into Archangel on August 2nd, in which there was some fight­ing. Actually, the expeditionary force had three objectives: (a) to make it look as if Britain and America were battling the Bol­sheviks (b) to protect the large cache of Russian Army weapons and munitions in the region, and (c) to help convert a doubtful populace to support Lenin by making it look as if he was the savior of the motherland, struggling to repel a foreign military force.

    In reality, the British-American force was actually there to help Lenin, and not fight the Red Army. The allied troops were to see that the munitions dump was turned over to the Bol­sheviks, and to prevent it being taken over by the advancing Germans. Years later, Secretary of State George Marshall re­peated the trick against China's Marshal Chiang Kai Shek, leaving a huge arsenal for Mao Tse Tung to use in the struggle to turn China into a Communist nation. The third objective was to convert those Russians wavering in their support of Lenin into full-blown supporters. Lenin used the Murmansk landing to tell the Russian people, "Look, British and American imperialists are trying to steal Russia from you. Join us in our struggle to defend Mother Russia"!

    When White Russian Generals Denekin and Wrangel were having sweeping successes against the Red Army, pushing it out of the Baku region and threatening the work done by Sydney Reilly for British and American oil interests (especially Rockefeller oil interests), the same Lloyd George who in 1917 plotted with Kerensky was joined by a "private American citizen", William Bullit, actually an emissary for Rockefeller and the Wall Street bankers. Together, they committed treachery and treason against their respective countries.

    In January 1919, Gen. Peter Denekin defeated the Bolsheviks in Georgia, Armenia, Arzebaijan and Turkestan (the oil re­gions), and later that month drove the Bolsheviks right out of the Caucasus, advancing almost to the gates of Moscow. There­upon, Bullit and Lloyd George pulled the rug out from under the White Russians, cutting off supplies of arms, munitions and money. Upon a signal from Lloyd George, sent through MI-6 in September, the American-British force abandoned Archangel and sailed from Murmansk on October 12, 1919.

    Please note the perfect timing of the operation. The only thing the expeditionary force had done, apart from slight fight­ing at Archangel and some other skirmishes against the Bolshe­vik forces, was march through the streets of Vladivostok in sup­port of Lenin's contention that here were British and American imperialist soldiers bent on taking over mother Russia. By Nov. 14, 1920, it was all over as the last White Russian forces embarked for Constantinople.

    One of the greatest pieces of diplomacy by deception had been successfully pulled off without the American and British people having the slightest notion of what was going on. A more or less similar procedure is being carried out in Russia to­day with "ex-Communist" Boris Yeltsin being touted by the West as a sort of a Russian folk hero, trying to "save" Russia from a revival of Communism. As it was in 1917, so it is now: the American public has no inkling of what is really transpiring in Russia.

    There is much more to the plot: the attempted assassination of Lenin, when he began kicking over the traces controlled by Bruce Lockhart; Lockhart's arrest and later exchange for Bolshevik Maxim Litvinov, complete with a sentence of death in absentia handed down by a Bolshevik court in Moscow. In this manner, MI-6 plays its games in the most masterly of fashions, even as it still does today. Incidentally, Lenin died of syphilis of the brain, and not from wounds received at the hands of Dora Kaplan.
    END, PART 1.
    * * *
    Let us take a rest break, please; I would suggest that you, Dharma, get away from this location for a few hours. You are in a low pressure status and this is why the frequencies are too debilitating. This will not greatly improve for a while so you must consider the action yourself as the interference will soon affect the computer. Thank you.
    PJ 92


    SUN., APR. 10, 1994 1:42 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 237

    SUN., APR. 10, 1994
    "Dr. John Coleman"

    It might be in order to expand upon the doings of Capt. Hill. Documents I was able to examine in the archives of Whitehall, London tell a great deal about the activities of Hill, a second generation MI-5 officer. Hill's father was apparently very ac­tive in Jewish merchant circles with connections to Salonika in the time of Czar Nicholas II.

    Hill's son, George, who lived in London, was an MI-5 courier for Wall Street and the City of London financiers back­ing the Bolsheviks; the money was channeled through Maxim Gorky, the darling of the theater set in London. In 1916, he was promoted to MI-6 and sent to Salonika by MI-6 chief, Sir Mansfield Cumming. From Salonika, Hill reported intelligence information to Cumming on the progress of the Bolsheviks plotting for the coming revolution--already 10 years in the making. On Nov. 17, 1917, Cumming ordered Hill to Moscow, where he at once became a personal aide to Leon Trotsky, on the rec­ommendation of Parvus (Alexander Helpland). Hill drew up a plan for military intelligence which was accepted and became the basis of the GRU, with Hill and Trotsky as its founders.

    The CHEKA remained under the control of Dzerzinsky. In later years, according to Whitehall documents, following a re­quest from Jerusalem, Hill was sent to the Middle East where he set about organizing and training the Jewish Irgun and Stern gangs, with the vast majority of officers and rank and file com­ing from Bolshevik Russia. The intelligence service Hill set up for the Irgun was later adopted by the Israeli secret service, which became known as the Mossad.

    The British Secret Intelligence Service is the most expert at covert operations. Sir Steward Menzies, MI-6 wartime chief, once described Allen Dulles as lacking the necessary acumen to really understand covert operations. Be that as it may, MI-6 formed and trained the OSS, forerunner of the Central Intelli­gence Agency (CIA). Covert operations may be described as perhaps the most sensational part of intelligence work which, generally speaking, includes fairly routine activities like moni­toring economic activities all over the world, preparing reports which go to national policy makers who are allegedly that part of government which decides what course of action, if any, should be followed.

    MI-6 and the CIA are, by law, not allowed to meddle in do­mestic affairs or spy on their citizens, their duties confined to foreign matters. But in the past three years, these lines have be­come very blurred, which ought to be cause for serious concern, but, unfortunately, no positive action is being taken to curb this phenomenon. Covert action walks a tight-rope between diplomacy and deception and sometimes, when the walker slips, the results can be very embarrassing if the covert action is not deni­able, as was the case with the Iran/Contra affair.

    Covert action calls for an intelligence agency to draw up a program to achieve a particular foreign objective. This often impinges on foreign policy, which is outside the realm of intelligence. A good case in point is the paranoia expressed by Presi­dent George Bush in his desire to literally destroy Iraq's Presi­dent Hussein, covert action taking both economic and military avenues.

    A total of $40 million was wasted by Bush in his failed endeavor to kill Hussein, in which every trick was tried, including sending HIV viruses in vials to be secreted into the headquarters of the Revolutionary Command. In the end, Bush, overcome by his hatred of Hussein, unleashed 40 cruise missiles against Baghdad and Basra, under the flimsiest pretext of attacking "nuclear arms plants" and anti-aircraft sites, both patently absurd.

    One cruise missile was deliberately programmed to hit Al­Rasheed Hotel in downtown Baghdad, where a conference of the heads of Moslem states was in progress. The idea behind the Al-Rasheed attack, (the missile was tracked by Russian satellites from the moment of launching until it hit the target area) was to kill several of the Moslem leaders, thereby turning their coun­tries against Iraq and helping through a backlash against Presi­dent Hussein to topple the Iraqi leader.

    Unfortunately for Bush, the missile fell 20-30 feet short of the actual building, shattering doors and windows up to three stories, killing a female receptionist. None of the Moslem delegates was hurt. The feeble and childish excuse made by the Pentagon and the White House that the missile was "knocked off course by Iraqi anti-aircraft gunners", was so absurd that DGSE (French intelligence) was highly skeptical about whether the report was genuine or the work of some crackpot private agency.

    The Russian military, secure in the data provided by their satellites, told the U.S. government its explanation was false--and that they had the evidence to prove it. At
    $1 million per missile, Bush's paranoid behavior cost the American taxpayer $40 million dollars--on top of the covert price tag of $40 mil­lion. It is apparent that some mechanism is urgently needed to curb future presidents who, in their last days in office, might seek to follow the shocking example set by Bush.

    Covert action can often be taken by a government against its own people. Take the case of Alger Hiss and Rockefellers. As the petroleum companies said, they "owed no special obligation to America". This is true in the context of the arrangements made with the Bolsheviks by David Rockefeller and British oil companies. The United States ended up promoting Socialism and Communism to reward the Bolsheviks for oil concessions given to Rockefeller and Armand Hammer. Certainly that proved their contention that the petroleum industry was not necessarily loyal to the United States.

    In 1936, Alger Hiss was invited by Francis B. Sayre, Woodrow Wilson's son-in-law, to enter the State Department. The RIIA (Royal Institute for International Affairs) and the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) decided Hiss was a good man who would do what he was told, regardless of whether it was good for America or not. Actually, Hiss was Rockefeller's first choice, not Sayre's, but Rockefeller stayed in the shadows. At that point in 1936 when Sayre made his approach, Hiss was al­ready deeply involved in espionage for the USSR, and the fact was well known to his law professor at Harvard.

    When Hiss was promoted to the position of assistant supervi­sor on political relations in the State Department, Chambers and a man named Levine blew Hiss's cover reporting that he was active in working for the Soviet Union. The man Chambers went to with his allegation was Marvin McIntyre, who failed to give the information to Roosevelt who was his boss. Instead, he sidetracked Chambers to Adolph A. Berle, who at the time was Assistant Secretary of State in charge of State Department Secu­rity. Berle went to Roosevelt with the story, only to be abruptly dismissed by the President.

    Undaunted, Berle took his information to Dean Acheson, but exactly nothing happened to Hiss. He was not called on for an explanation; instead he was promoted by Roosevelt, a Rockefeller-CFR puppet, as was Roosevelt's entire staff. In 1944 Hiss received another boost with a promotion to the post of special assistant to the Director of Far Eastern Affairs, where he was well placed to serve Soviet expansionist plans in Asia.

    To demonstrate the arrogance of Rockefeller, all the time Hiss was a rising star at State, the FBI had a file on him. He was denounced by Soviet defector Igor Gouzensky, who worked in the office of the GRU (Soviet military intelligence) in Ottawa, Canada. The State Department heads knew all about Hiss and his Soviet connections, as did President Roosevelt, but made no move to oust him.

    While Rockefeller was planning the United Nations, he and Stalin agreed on a deal in which the U.N. would not interfere in Russian affairs in exchange for Soviet oil for the Rockefeller oil companies. Nor would the Bolsheviks meddle in Saudi Arabia, and make no further attempts to get into Iran. The man nominated to represent Rockefeller at the U.N. was Alger Hiss. His immediate superior was Nelson Rockefeller, who gave orders to John Foster Dulles. Roosevelt, Dulles, the FBI and Rockefeller all knew that Hiss was working with the Soviet Union.

    Following the modem of Standard Oil, the mechanism for controlling the United Nations was taken out of American hands. The Secretary General was given the power to appoint whomever he pleased. For his treason, Hiss received a special staff appointment to the Carnegie Endowment Fund for Interna­tional Peace at a salary of $20,000 per annum, a very good in­come for those days. The idea was to place Hiss above the law.

    In fact, Hiss was above the law, because he got away with treason and treachery. Hiss was not charged with treason, but with perjury. However, powerful people immediately rushed to his defense. Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter gave Hiss a clean bill of health and Rockefeller paid his legal expenses to the tune of $100,000.

    At the time he was confronted by Chambers, Hiss was working as a member of the executive committee for the Association of the United Nations, chief executive for the Institute of Pacific Relations, and was a leading member of the CFR as well as president of the Carnegie Foundation. The House of Hiss was built on the petroleum industry and never was there such a recorded case of abuse of power by the petroleum industry than as with Hiss. The petroleum industry showed no fear of the government when Hiss was brought before the court; indeed, the petroleum industry almost pulled their man out of harm's way and would have done so had Hiss not tripped himself up. The Hiss case is a good example of diplomacy by deception by government against its own people.

    In Iran, the United States is currently engaging in covert action against the government, using local groups inside the country and working with others in exile. The United States has be­come alarmed at the increasing arms buildup by the Iranian gov­ernment and has placed a special watch on arms shipments des­tined for the country.

    In addition, there remains a large reservoir of ill will between the two countries over the activities of Hezbollah, and Iran's willingness to give sanctuary to groups regarded as hostile to Is­rael. Therefore, a danger to the stability of the Middle East has arisen. Iran is becoming increasingly hostile toward the U.S. and its Middle East allies: Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Israel. That there is trouble brewing for these countries is a foregone conclusion which may be why Israeli intelligence is claiming that Iran will be a nuclear power at a much earlier date than was predicted by the CIA. The Iranians, for their part, say this is just another ploy by Israel to get what they call "its big brother to attack us like they did with Hussein".

    The Iranian government now has a network of agents all across Western Europe, and is particularly strong in Germany. These agents are also active in Saudi Arabia, where the royal family is regarded with the utmost contempt by Teheran. The Iranian government is the principal financier and logistical backer of ten Islamic fundamentalist camps in Sudan, about which Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak complained to the U.S. State Department in December of 1992. The complaint has not been made public.

    The ten training camps in the Sudan are as follows:

    Iklim-al-Aswat. This is the most important of the ten camps, run by Colonel Suleiman Mahomet Suleiman, a member of the Command Council of the Revolution. Fundamentalists from Kenya, Morocco, Mali and Afghanistan train here.

    Bilal. Situated at Port Sudan on the Red Sea, the camp is an important training base for Egyptian fundamentalists opposed to Mubarak's regime. At the last count there were 108 men in training, including sixteen Egyptian doctors, under the command of Jihad emir of Tendah.

    Sowaya. Located close to Khartoum, it was reorganized in 1990 and now trains fundamentalists from Algeria and Tunisa under the title of the Popular Defense Militia.

    Wad Medani. This camp houses African fundamentalists from Kenya, Mali, Sudan and Somalia under the command of Col. Abdul Munuim Chakka.

    Dongola. Situated in northern Sudan, it is the main camp for Egyptian fundamentalists from. Al Najunmin, a group founded by the late Majdi As Safti, who was obliged to flee Egypt in 1988. Also at the camp are members of Egypt's Shawkiun and 40 Algerians from the Al Afghani group.

    Jehid al Hak. Here the PLO, Hamas and Jihad train under the command of
    Lt. Colonel Sadiq al-Fadi.

    Omduran. At this camp 100 to 200 Egyptian fundamentalists belonging to the Islambuly group train and are considered to be more militant than other groups determined to end the regime of Mubarak.

    Aburakam. This camp is a training base for up to 100 Afghanis, Pakistanis and Iranians.

    Khartoum Bahri. This is probably the largest of the 10 camps, housing 300 Tunisian, Algerian and Egyptian fundamentalists of the Expiation and Immigration group, who train under the command of Capt. Mahomet Abdul Hafiz, of the Pop­ular Defense Militia.

    Um Barbaita. Situated in the south of Sudan, it is the base where the military elite is trained in the use of explosives and arms by Iranian and Sudanese experts.

    These camps are coordinated at the offices of the Arab Popular Islamic Congress, very close to the Egyptian Embassy in Khartoum. It is a very modern facility with the latest communications equipment that allows the Congress to be in contact with leaders of the Islamic fundamentalist movement in other lands. It is known that GCHQ is monitoring communications of this important office from Cyprus, among them communications to the mufti of the Egyptian Jihad, Sheik Omar Abdul Rahman.

    Sheik Rahman was found not guilty of conspiring to murder the late President Anwar Sadat of Egypt, and on his release, moved to the United States where he coordinates fundamentalist activities from a storefront mosque in New Jersey.
    [H: Well, we know this is no longer true as "time marches on".] Sheik Rahman is said to have funded several hundred Arabs who were forced out of Pakistan by the United States, which in both overt and covert activities, pressured the Pakistani government to crack down on Islamic fundamentalists in the country. The covert action against Pakistan took many forms, but bribery was the key element.

    One of the wildest covert actions going on is centered in the West Bank, Gaza and Israel. Involved are the CIA, Hamas, Syria and Iran. Hamas is the fundamentalist group making life difficult for Israel. Teheran has taken up where Riyadh left off. In a well-established covert action using diplomacy, the United States persuaded Saudi Arabia that Islamic fundamentalist zealots could and most probably would threaten them in the fu­ture.

    Using the techniques taught to the late Ayatollah Khomeini by MI-6, the Iranian government has adapted the techniques to suit Hamas, which are proving very effective. Accustomed to being able to penetrate the PLO without very much difficulty, Israeli intelligence found it was up against something different with Hamas. The case of Israeli border guard Nissim Toledano illustrates the point. Toledano was murdered on Dec. 14, 1992, and the Shin Beth, Israel's internal security agency still has no clues as to who was responsible.

    Then there is yet another unsolved murder, that of Haim Na-ham, a Shin Beth agent who was killed in his apartment in Jerusalem on Jan. 3, 1993. According to Beirut sources, Israeli intelligence is baffled, and is privately admitting that the expulsion of 415 Palestinians suspected of being Hamas leaders has not stopped Hamas from operating at the same level as before the deportations. The Israelis have found that Hamas is based on the Iranian-MI-6 model with widely scattered small cells without any organized links between them, presenting a tough front to crack.

    The most likely person at the heart of Hamas is Azzedine al kassam. According to intelligence sources, there are approximately 100 cells, each with five members. These cells all have autonomy, but a group of seven men, one of whom is Tarek Dalkamuni, may help in coordinating activities. It is believed that Dalkamuni replaced Sheik Ahmed Yassine, who has been in an Israeli prison since 1989.

    The rise of Hamas came about through covert action sanctioned by the Iranian government, operating under diplomatic cover in Damascus, Syria. In March of 1987, a meeting was held in the Gaza strip, attended by Iranian and Syrian personnel, at which meeting the Intifada uprising was born. The Islamic Majlis as-Choura (consultative council), sent Mohammed Nazzal and Ibrahim Gosche to meet with the Iranian ambassador to Syria, Ali Akharti.

    Also in attendance was the head of Syrian intelligence, Gen. Ali Duba. This is a fairly good example of how covert operations are conducted, using diplomatic channels and private par­ties.

    Following a successful meeting on Oct. 21, 1992, the Majlis delegation traveled to Teheran accompanied by Abu Marzuk, a leading fundamentalist, where they met with other fundamental­ist leaders from Ahmed Jabril's PLEP, Lebanese Hezbollah, Al Fatah and Hamas. Discussions were held with representatives of the Iranian government, which ended in an agreement that Iran would provide financial, logistical and military personnel to train fundamentalists in the camps in Sudan.

    A 12 man leadership council was established which included Mahomet Siam (Khartoum), Musa Abu Marzuk (Damascus), Abdul Nimr Darwich, Imad-al-Alami, Abdul Raziz al-Runtissi (Gaza) (one of the 415 Palestinians expelled by Israel), Ibrahim Gosche and Mohamed Nizzam (Amman), Abu Mohamed Mustafa (Beirut). This group was trained in MI-6 methods used to bring down the Shah of Iran and, to date, it is proving to be a tough job trying to penetrate Hamas.

    Iran stepped up an active phase of opposition to what the Teheran government perceives as United States pro-Israel policies when the agreement reached at the time of the hostage crisis was allegedly broken by Washington. Using Hezbollah in covert actions against the United States, was to pressure public opinion in America and make it turn against Israel. Here Iran used the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations methodology handed down to those who overthrew the Shah of Iran. [H: Confused yet?]
    Tavistock founder and brilliant technician, John Rawlings Reese, then adapted "Operation Research" military management techniques so that they could be applied to "controlling a soci­ety, from an individual unit right through the millions of such units, i.e., people and the society and nation they collectively make up". In order to accomplish this successfully, rapid data processing was necessary and it came with the development of linear programming in 1946 following its invention by George B. Dantzig. Significantly, 1946 was the year that Tavistock de­clared war on the American nation. This set the stage for total people control.

    The Teheran government of the Ayatollah Khomeini permitted the establishment of a covert action organization known as Hezbollah. Later, using Hezbollah, a number of American and other foreign nationals were kidnapped in Beirut and other areas of the Middle East and held in secret locations. The 5-man cell system worked to perfection. Neither MI-6 nor the CIA were able to break Hezbollah codes and the hostages languished for years until the United States was forced to admit defeat and en­ter into negotiations with Hezbollah.

    An agreement was reached which said that shortly after the release of the last hostage held by Hezbollah, the United States would unfreeze Iranian bank accounts and financial instruments amounting to an estimated $12 billion. The United States would also release military equipment ordered and paid for by the Shah, that it had not delivered, believed to be worth $300 mil­lion. In addition, Iran would be allowed to join the Gulf Coop­erative Council so that it could join in deliberations about Israel. In addition, the U.S. undertook not to engage in covert activities against Iran inside its national boundaries, nor seek to punish Hezbollah kidnappers who were given sanctuary in Teheran.

    However, Teheran said that Washington acted in bad faith, keeping not a single one of its promises [H: So what else is new?] The bank accounts were not unfrozen, the military equipment paid for by the Shah was not returned to Iran, the CIA actually stepped up covert activities inside the country, and Iran still remains frozen out of the Gulf Cooperative Council. Teheran points in anger to increased terrorist attacks in Teheran, attacks which began in 1992 after the last hostage was handed over.

    The commander of the Pasdarans accused the CIA of building a network of royalists around Massoud Rajavi, leader of the Mujahedines, and Babak Khoramdine, and master-minding attacks on Pasdaran barracks, public buildings--including a library--an attack on the funeral cortege of the late Hachemi Rafsanjani and the desecration of the tomb of Ayatollah Khomeini. These attacks have not been reported by the U.S. news media. Officially, diplomatic relations between the United States and Iran are described as good.

    To get back to Hamas. Using diplomatic channels, Iran and Syria tried to influence France to secretly back Hamas. Lebanese millionaire, Roger Edde, who served as a go-between for France and Syria, approached Foreign Minister Roland Dumas. Syria put pressure on Dumas about buying a new radar facility which Damascus said would go to Thomson, the giant French conglomerate. It was indicated that payments of Syria's debts to France might be delayed in the event Islamic fundamentalists causes were not seen in a favorable light by the Elysee Palace. However, the French government officially stayed adamant: no support for Hamas. The radar contract was switched to Raytheon, an American company. Debt payments have been held up with great inconvenience to France. Out­wardly, diplomatic relations between Syria and France remain cordial.

    Iran has an old score to settle with British and American intelligence that dates back to 1941 and 1951, when gross covert actions were carried out against Iraq by
    MI-6 and the CIA to bring about the fall of Dr. Mohamed Mossadegh. Although it properly belongs in this chapter, the account of how Acheson, Rockefeller, Roosevelt and Truman subverted Iran is to be found in the chapter about Rockefeller's oil dealings in the Mid­dle East.

    The CIA and MI-6 had a second go around with Iran when the Shah began to dig his heels in against barefaced robbery by American and British oil companies with concessions in Iran. The petroleum companies then entered into a conspiracy with President Carter, and a carbon-copy of the Mossadegh opera­tions was launched. Sixty CIA and ten MI-6 agents were dis­patched to Teheran to undermine the Shah and bring about his downfall and subsequent murder.

    Covert action does not always mean intelligence operations and terrorist groups with support of their governments. It can, and does, take the form of technological cooperation, especially in the areas of surveillance, and monitoring of
    communications. Because they are unspectacular, as a rule, this type of "snooping" does not arouse a lot of interest, but it is one of the clearest examples of diplomacy by deception.

    END PART 2

    * * *
    This would seem to be a good place to break this segment. I don't wish to overload the circuits. The facts are that it is really quite amusing that the spies go spy on the spies and the spies spy back and you can't really tell who is spying on who. There seems to be little integrity on any part of any one group--perhaps that is because anyone or group who is using terror and killing as its basis for operations actually HAVE NO INTEGRITY. However, in these days of high technology a whole city or na­tion can be blown away by the cute little spy "stuff" the spies cart around with them. Therefore, the whole game, at some point, has to be brought into focus or you simply have a bunch of lawless Clouseaus running about perpetrating mischief in the name of anything available who pays a good salary--leaving the damned to rot if discovered. The evolvement, however, comes when at some point the operatives lose the starry-glasses and re­alization of the total evil overwhelms the senses. It usually re­quires mistreatment by the master-puppeteers and the agents with insightful souls get a belly-full. It goes along with the old political leader's ploy and rhetoric of: "We must all sacrifice", but meaning: "You sacrifice and I'll lead". Most people accept that with great applause and simply pin on a yellow ribbon and go for it.

    Readers, it is going to take more than yellow ribbons THIS TIME!

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