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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 92
    WALK A
    There was a crooked man who walked a crooked mile... He walked the crooked roads
    --believing the crooked "toads". He liked the crooked "feel good" lies and sought the crooked way. He followed crooked leaders and has come to rue the day! His very thoughts be­came as crooked as the life he CHOSE to lead--until all was heaped in bondage in the false and crooked seeds--provided by the crooked leaders in serving Satan's steeds!




    The Phoenix Journals are intended as a "real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind.

    All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.

    If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the "end times" (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the "sorting" period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four corners of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity--based upon TRUTH.

    So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is "fiction").

    The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were.

    If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.
    ISBN 1-56935-040-X
    First Edition Printed by
    P.O. Box 27353
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89126
    May 1994
    Printed in the United States of America
    To all the crooked crooks--we intend to "straighten out".

    DEDICATION.......................................................................................... ...................................
    FOREWORD............................................................................................ ....................................
    SAT., APR. 16, 1994................................................................................................ ................
    A CROOKED WAY................................................................................................. ................
    WHY THESE JOURNALS?........................................................................................... .........
    SO--AGAIN............................................................................................... ...............................
    TOWARD A WORLD GOVERNMENT BY THE YEAR 2000.........................................
    30 YEARS AGO: THE BLOOMFIELD MEMORANDUM.................................................
    CONTROLLING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.......................................................................
    PEOPLE UNDER SURVEILLANCE.................................................................................
    CHAPTER 1................................................................................................... ..............................
    WED., APR. 6, 1994................................................................................................ ................
    THE KENNEDY ASSASSINATION(S).................................................................................
    FINAL JUDGMENT Part 1, by Michael Collins Piper.......................................................
    PREFACE............................................................................................. .....................................
    THE LANSKY CONNECTION.......................................................................................... ....
    THE ISRAELI CONNECTION.......................................................................................... ......
    ISRAEL, LANSKY & THE CIA..............................................................................................
    THE PERMINDEX CONNECTION.......................................................................................
    INSIDERS AGREE............................................................................................... ....................
    ONE COMPLETE PICTURE............................................................................................. ......
    'RETIRED CIRCUS CLOWNS'............................................................................................. ..
    ISRAEL'S CENTRAL ROLE................................................................................................ ...
    THE EVIDENCE IS THERE............................................................................................... .....
    ISRAEL'S MOTIVE.............................................................................................. ....................
    'SOME SUBTERRANEAN ASSOCIATION'.........................................................................
    'OTHER INTELLIGENCE NETWORKS'..............................................................................
    THE MEDIA'S ROLE................................................................................................ ...............
    'FALSE FLAGS'.............................................................................................. ..........................
    A CHANGE IN MIDDLE EAST POLICY.............................................................................
    THE THEORIES MESH................................................................................................ ...........
    WHAT THIS BOOK PROVES.............................................................................................. ..
    LOOKING IN ISRAEL'S DIRECTION...................................................................................
    GENERALLY ACCEPTED CONCLUSIONS.......................................................................
    THE EVIDENCE IS THERE............................................................................................... .....
    WHAT HAPPENED............................................................................................ .....................
    A THEORY OF POWER POLITICS AT WORK..................................................................
    HOW THIS BOOK IS ORGANIZED: A READER'S GUIDE..............................................
    THE MOSSAD.............................................................................................. ............................
    JFK AND ISRAEL.............................................................................................. ......................
    MEYER LANSKY, ISRAEL AND THE CIA........................................................................
    LANSKY AND THE CUBAN-CIA CONNECTION ...........................................................
    LANSKY'S HENCHMEN............................................................................................ ............
    PERMINDEX........................................................................................... .................................
    THE CONTINUING COVER-UP...........................................................................................
    REACHING A FINAL JUDGMENT......................................................................................
    CHAPTER 2................................................................................................... ..............................
    THU., APR. 7, 1994................................................................................................ .................
    THE DEATH OF CAMELOT, Part 4, by Ronn Jackson.....................................................
    CHAPTER 3................................................................................................... ..............................
    THU., APR. 7, 1994................................................................................................ .................
    CONNECTIONS......................................................................................... ..............................
    FINAL JUDGMENT: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination
    Conspiracy, Part 2, by Michael Collins Piper.................................................................
    Chapter 2................................................................................................... ................................
    AN AMERICAN PRESIDENT...........................................................................................
    BUSH TARGETED BY MOSSAD.........................................................................................
    AMERICANS KILLED BY ISRAELI INTRIGUE................................................................
    A SECURITY BREACH.............................................................................................. ............
    IF IN 1991, WHY NOT IN 1963?..........................................................................................
    TERRORISM-‑POINTING THE FINGER OF GUILT ELSEWHERE................................
    'FORGED TRAILS' AND 'FALSE FLAGS'............................................................................
    THE U.S.S. LIBERTY--BLAMING THE EGYPTIANS.......................................................
    THE NUCLEAR BOMB................................................................................................ ..........
    THE LAVON AFFAIR.............................................................................................. ...............
    BLAMING 'RIGHT-WING EXTREMISTS'...........................................................................
    FALSE CLUES............................................................................................... ..........................
    BLAMING THE CORSICAN MAFIA....................................................................................
    BLAMING THE NEO-NAZIS............................................................................................... ..
    BLAMING THE SOUTH KOREANS....................................................................................
    BLAMING THE LIBYANS............................................................................................. ........
    BLAMING LIBYA AGAIN............................................................................................... ......
    BLAMING THE SYRIANS............................................................................................. ........
    BLAMING THE PLO................................................................................................. ..............
    THE ISRAELI DIPLOMAT............................................................................................ .........
    WHO IS POINTING THE FINGER?......................................................................................
    JFK AND SECRET DEALS............................................................................................... .....
    CHAPTER 4................................................................................................... ..............................
    SAT., APR. 9, 1994................................................................................................ ..................
    REPORT ON RONN JACKSON.............................................................................................
    Continuation: THE DEATH OF CAMELOT, Part 5 by Ronn Jackson.............................
    CHAPTER 5................................................................................................... ..............................
    SUN., APR. 10, 1994................................................................................................ ...............
    CONFUSION FACTORS............................................................................................. ............
    WHY "INTELLIGENCE" DISCUSSIONS?...........................................................................
    WHY USE INVOLVED COVERT AGENTS?......................................................................
    HELP THE EVIL FORCES?............................................................................................. .......
    BUT CAN YOU BELIEVE FORMER KILLERS?................................................................
    DIPLOMACY BY DECEPTION, Part 1, by John Coleman................................................
    COVERT OPERATIONS.......................................................................................... ...............
    CHAPTER 6................................................................................................... ..............................
    SUN., APR. 10, 1994................................................................................................ ...............
    DIPLOMACY BY DECEPTION, Part 2, "Dr. John Coleman"...........................................
    DOCUMENTATION RE: CAPT. HILL.................................................................................
    IRANIAN TRAINING CAMPS IN SUDAN..........................................................................
    CAMP COORDINATORS........................................................................................ ...............
    COVERT ACTIONS IN THE WEST BANK, GAZA AND ISRAEL...................................
    CONTROL OF A SOCIETY............................................................................................. .......
    CHAPTER 7................................................................................................... ..............................
    TUE., APR. 12, 1994................................................................................................ ...............
    APPRECIATION........................................................................................ ..............................
    CHINA'S JUSTICE............................................................................................. ......................
    DIPLOMACY BY DECEPTION, Part 3, by John Coleman................................................
    LISTENING POSTS............................................................................................... ..................
    LATEST TECHNOLOGY.......................................................................................... .............
    OTHER AVAILABLE WEAPONS.........................................................................................
    DEADED.............................................................................................. .....................................
    HENRY KISSINGER--AGAIN!..............................................................................................
    CHAPTER 8................................................................................................... ..............................
    WED., APR. 13, 1994................................................................................................ ..............
    IT'S CERTAINLY NOT EASY................................................................................................
    THE MAFIA, CIA & GEORGE BUSH, by Pete Brewton....................................................
    WHAT ABOUT THAT "AMES" CASE?...............................................................................
    WHO INVESTIGATES THESE THINGS?............................................................................
    FISKE WILL UNCOVER NOTHING.....................................................................................
    TOOK OFFICE WHICH ARE OF INTEREST..................................................................
    CHINA............................................................................................... ........................................
    CHAPTER 9................................................................................................... ..............................
    WED., APR. 13, 1994................................................................................................ ..............
    ON THE RUSSIAN 'FRONT'............................................................................................. .....
    THE RUSSIAN 'MAFIYA', by Stephen Handelman............................................................
    POLITICS BY OTHER MEANS.............................................................................................
    THE GREENING OF RED GANGS.......................................................................................
    CRIME AND PUNISHMENT.......................................................................................... .......
    DAGGER POINTED AT THE HEART OF RUSSIAN DEMOCRACY..............................
    GOOD COP, BAD COP................................................................................................. ..........
    APPENDIX............................................................................................ .......................................
    OF TIMELY NEWS AND/OR EDUCATIONAL ITEMS.....................................................
    CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................. .............................
    CANADIAN-AMERICAN............................................................................................ ..........
    FREE TRADE DECEPTION........................................................................................... ........
    ALBERTA TALKNETWORK With host, Dave Rutherford..............................................
    PJ 92


    SAT., APR. 16, 1994 9:26 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 243

    SAT., APR. 16, 1994


    Crooked men walking crooked roads using crooked tactics en­forced by crooked sticks and thus and so...!

    In the wondrous beauty of each new day the mind is awakened from sleep to view that which is about it--it matters not at which hour begins your "day".

    In protection against mental assault many will deliberately turn FROM any input which will somehow spoil the perceptions of things being "OK" or cause thought processes to spin around "doing something" which will interfere with personal "plans" of work or recreation. In fact, the psychiatrists will tell you to do this--"do not watch that which upsets your calm state of being". So what do you have? You have a society walking around in the continuation of dreamland. However, the mind will "out" its truth in "knowing". So the continuation is not of "dreamland" as in the calming data-handling of truth--it is a turning from the nightmares of reality. One place or the other -- the mind will process that which IS and in the so-doing will often render the person bearing that mind to become disturbed, depressed and ultimately "mad". Balance comes from squarely FACING that which IS and dealing with it. Fulfillment comes from dealing with that which IS in a manner of goodness which elevates soul and self-worth. You cannot legislate morality and neither can the mind, body and soul PRETEND that morality exists when indeed it is not present.

    It is good to know when to "take a break" but it is better to confront those things which oppress and not allow them to come into power. What would you have this day if some two cen­turies ago the citizens of the U.S., as a for instance, said each morning,
    "I will check and will not allow anything to arise this day which will curtail freedom, the Constitution or man's right­ful application of living"? However, now you awaken to the dirty deeds having been done while you pursued the trivia of the moment in protection of self from any assault of that which "doesn't feel good"--the exact opposite of "if it feels good--do it"! There is magnificent difference in the soul "feeling good" and one or more of the "five senses" feeling good. Ah, but if something can be achieved which makes BOTH feel good--you have touched on Glory!

    I promise you that if you will LEARN TRUTH and what is planned in the takeover of a world--YOU DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE TRUTH IN THE NEWS TO GET THE NEWS!

    Why do we deal with the subjects presented in the journals which would seem outdated and quite disturbing and, now, only appear to be novels for movies and scripts for TV? Because you have lost ability to tell one TV "story" from another--as to real­ity. If you show a war underway and bloodshed with bodies lying about and the next hour comes forth a "Miami Vice" with bodies laying about in pretend--THE MIND WILL SOON BE UNABLE TO DIFFERENTIATE DIFFERENCE!

    I have been presented with a copy of The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor for March 1994 with a couple of petitions to "put it in the CONTACT". Well, the CONTACT has responsibility to present these types of things unless I choose to use them but we will consider portions of same for the points are well-taken. If you don't unify in presentation of truth--you will NEVER have THE truth, only opinions of this writer or that writer--including myself.

    Mr. McAlvany, Mr. Patterson of Criminal Politics and lots of others, when questioned about CONTACT will tell you not to read that rag-sheet as it is filled with plagiarisms, evil presentation from a being we deny exists and on and on and on--. The facts are that none of these people so much as read our material for they DON'T WANT TO FIND OUT TRUTH and have to come to grips with the fact that although they tell you the "time is at hand"--THEY CANNOT BELIEVE GOD WOULD SEND MESSENGERS AND BRING TRUTH AND "THEY" MIGHT HAVE TO COME TO TRUTH INSTEAD OF MISPERCEP­TION--AND TO TRUTH REGARDING GOD AND TRANSI­TION.

    Does this make "our" truth or "their" truth less truth? No, not in the realms of what is happening on your place in your human experience. It does represent that "someone" is WRONG in the perception of how GOD works, the "messengers" work and how the evolvement will come about. Well, if you are going to go by some words in a book whose information is sent by ones, in­visible, some 2,000 years AGO--why is it not possible that someone equally invisible can bring you some updated informa­tion--since "that one" is on "his" return visit right on schedule? Remember the prophecies?

    Moreover, why would our information distress these so-called "Godly, born-again Christ'ian' men"? If they bothered to read our presentations they would find that we absolutely adhere to all of the LAWS OF GOD AND CREATION--they fabricate what is allowable and what is possible and give you lots of fluffy clouds to rest your minds and souls upon. The only thing wrong with that presentation is that it will get you dead not saved. Ours is to bring the facts about these things--not whisk you away
    --nor make you a bundle of money on gold, bonds or tid­dle-de-winks. We will offer that which we SEE to help you "make it" TO THE POINT OF TRANSITION AND THROUGH THAT PROCEDURE--THE REST, CITIZENS OF EARTH--IS UP TO YOU!
    We have written over and over again about Plan 2000 and thus and so; however, as with Mr. McAlvany and other presenters--it does require presentation over and over and over again. This is because continually ones are waking up to the probabilities involved and won't go BACK AND GET INFORMATION AL­READY PRESENTED. So be it.

    In an effort to respond in some measure without totally aban­doning our projects from other authors and eye-witnesses to such as the Kennedy murder, etc., we will offer reminders and do, in fact, give appreciation for the able writings offered. There is a clause in this particular document asking that we copy and send far and wide to inform the people. Well, we have no resources for doing that in our particular circumstances and we need not waste our funds on total re-presentation of that so well covered prior to this. However, we will offer some of the perti­nent topics and I will effort to keep that which we do reprint--accurately repeated and totally "in context".

    THE YEAR 2000
    "When all government, domestic and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided of one government or another, and will become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated". Thomas Jefferson. (In this instance read: New York as well as Washington).

    Both the New World Order and the New Age Movement proclaim that their world government will be in place by the year 2000--the dawning of the Age of Aquarius! Elitist groups (such as the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Re­lations, the Bilderbergers, the Club of Rome, the Socialist Inter­nationals) which have staffed most of the key positions in the Clinton Administration (and prior to it in the Bush Administra­tion) and most of the major European governments, have written very openly for years about their plans for world government by the Elite.

    People who deny these groups' power and influence in the world's major governments have simply not read their writings, studied their membership rosters, and considered that most of the key positions in the U.S. and top governments of the world (from President, Vice President, Prime Minister, or Chancellor on down) are staffed from the groups.

    For almost 50 years (since the end of World War II) the globalists have systematically (and secretly) been building the edifice or superstructure for this world government. Most ma­jor developments over the past five decades, including wars such as the Korean and Vietnam Wars, Desert Storm (described by George Bush as "a major stepping stone to the New World Order"), which is designed to economically, and then politically merge the U.S.. Mexico and Canada; the massive Western fi­nancial/industrial/high tech aid to the former Soviet Union (now Russia); the Western betrayal of South Africa; America's pre­sent gun control and environmental movements; and much more have all been part of an elaborate, long-term strategy or agenda by the elitists to move the world toward one giant world gov­ernment--which will be an Orwellian socialist dictatorship (a gi­ant global Tower of Babel).

    30 YEARS AGO:
    Over thirty years ago, in a study known as Memorandum No. 7 entitled A World Effectively Controlled By The United Nations, written by Lincoln P. Bloomfield of the Council on Foreign Relations (and delivered to the State Department on 3/10/62), the elitist wrote: "A world effectively controlled by the United Nations is one in which 'world government' would come about through the establishment of supranational institutions, characterized by mandatory universal membership and some ability to employ physical force. Effective control would thus entail a preponderance of political power in the hands of a supranational organization... The present U.N. Charter could theoretically be revised in order to erect such an organization equal to the task envisioned, thereby codifying a radical rear­rangement of power in the world".
    The Bloomfield Memorandum was commissioned by the State Department, then headed by Secretary of State Dean Rusk (CFR), to study how disarmament could be used to usher in "world government". The Bloomfield memorandum wrote: "The principal features of a model system would include the fol­lowing: 1) power, sufficient to monitor and enforce disarma­ment, settle disputes, and keep the peace--including taxing pow­ers; 2) an international police force [Ed. note: Now openly called NEW WORLD ARMY], balanced appropriately among ground, sea, air, and space elements, consisting of 500,000 men recruited individually, wearing a U.N. uniform, and controlling a nuclear force composed of 50 to 100 mixed land-based mobile missiles and undersea-based missiles, averaging one megaton per weapon; 3) a government divided among three branches; and 4) compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court".
    "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn". Proverbs 29:2

    The strategy of the Liberal Eastern Establishment regarding the American people is to control the people and to confiscate their wealth. Their people-control agenda is now moving into high gear in the second year of the Clintonista regime.

    The government is moving to control private property; to nationalize the family; to monitor and keep the public under surveillance from the cradle to the grave; to replace old stan­dards of merits with affirmative action and quotas; to force banks to loan based on race instead of merit; to tax and regulate business (especially America's 5.3 million small businesses) out of existence; to license all U.S. gun owners as a prelude to total gun confiscation; to control all aspects of the American medical system; to put a condom in every child's pocket; and on and on ad nauseam.

    Over 2,500 new laws were passed in 1993, to be implemented by 86,000 pages (in very fine print) of new regulations in the Federal Register in 1993, at a cost to the American econ­omy of over $800 billion. Most of these thousands of new laws and regulations carry criminal (as well as civil) penalties, in­cluding property seizure and forfeiture provisions. The FDA is now talking about a total ban on smoking in America. This writer hates cigarette smoke and is allergic to same, but if the Federal government can arbitrarily ban cigarette smoking today, then why not gun ownership tomorrow, political dissent the next day, etc. [H: By the way, don't be feeling sorry for the "tobacco companies" and how "broke" they are going to be. The tobacco industry has had years to phase out of tobacco and into myriads of other major business concerns as they took over cookie manufacture's, millers--hardware, nuclear industries and you name it--they now own it! It is only the middle-man, the small farmers, etc., who will dearly pay--along with you in higher taxes and on and on. How can you pay for that health program out of cigarette taxes if you can't have cigarettes? It is all hooked firmly together and you will PAY dearly--even to becoming CRIMINALS and subject to imprisonment for "just lighting up"!]
    Ron Paul recently wrote in his Survival Report of an example of Federal controls on the people: "Up to 30,000 home, seam­stresses operate illegally in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Hun­dreds of thousands of similar workers do sewing in their homes nationwide. Since World War II, this wonderful form of work for mothers, the elderly, the disabled, etc. , has been illegal thanks to labor union-induced laws. Recently the U.S. Depart­ment of 'Justice' issued 35 injunctions against companies who use these home sewers. Criminals roam the street, in BATF uniforms and otherwise, and the government is worried about women sewing at home".

    "Our aim is nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands, able to dominate the political system of each country and the world economy as a whole. Freedom and choice will be controlled within very narrow alternatives by the fact that every man will be numbered from birth, and followed as a number, through his educational training, his required military or other public service, his tax contributions, his health and medical requirements, and his final retirement and death benefits". Carrol Quigley (Bill Clinton's mentor) in Tragedy and Hope.
    Totalitarian societies are surveillance societies. To control people, a government must be able to watch people, to know their every move. In a democratic society, the only way for Quigley's plans to be implemented is to create a sense of crisis so that the citizens demand more surveillance. So, crises, real or contrived, such as the "drug crisis", the "crime crisis", the "Social Security crisis", the "budget crisis", the "child abuse crisis", etc., become the excuse for greater government surveil­lance interference in our lives.

    THE NATIONAL ID CARD: The congress is presently passing laws imposing mandatory surveillance over our financial transactions, monitoring firearms purchases, requiring registra­tion of children at birth, increasing the power of the IRS, the EPA, the FDA, the ATF, of OSHA, etc. The newest "crisis" is health care; so, in response, the Clintonistas have introduced legislation (S-1757 and HR 3600) mandating that every Ameri­can be issued a tamper proof "Health Security Card" (HSC) through which medical data on each citizen can be collected, catalogued, and transmitted to a federal computer center. Fail­ure to register for the card will be a criminal offense, pun­ishable by jail, heavy fines, or both.

    As Mark Nestmann wrote in a recent issue of Low Profile, "Clinton's plan doesn't call for HSC to be a 'smart card' (capable of recording health care 'transactions' on its own), only a 'dumb' card that only verifies the patient's identity when treatment occurs. But the HSC could still be involved in a federal plan to impose nearly continuous electronic surveil­lance over the population.
    The centerpiece of Vice President Gore's 'Report on Reinventing Government' is to establish a state-of-the-art nationwide electronic transmission network. Thus the 'information high­way' for which Gore has been seeking funding for more than a decade, his 'Reinventing government' idea, and the Health Se­curity Card are part of the same plan. Their common de­nominator: linking government computers capable of collect­ing, transmitting and analyzing massive amounts of personal and financial data". In other words, the government will soon have access to total financial data (all computerized) on every American".


    We do not have space in this "Introduction" segment to continue with this topic--but it deserves repeating as does the remainder of the presentation. Suffice it to say that a lot of caring, good writers now have access to the "way it IS" and they, remember, can only offer it to you--you must process it and do that which you choose. I want you to remember--as the days and weeks pass--that these "crooked" hoodwinkers are after you--and through the crooked pathway--you can find yourself "straight" into the pits! May you be given into straight thinking and away from the crooked miles of crooks' planning and map instructions.

    Gyeorgos C. Hatonn

    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일
    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-15 at 12:08.

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