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  1. #1
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 92
    WALK A
    There was a crooked man who walked a crooked mile... He walked the crooked roads
    --believing the crooked "toads". He liked the crooked "feel good" lies and sought the crooked way. He followed crooked leaders and has come to rue the day! His very thoughts be­came as crooked as the life he CHOSE to lead--until all was heaped in bondage in the false and crooked seeds--provided by the crooked leaders in serving Satan's steeds!




    The Phoenix Journals are intended as a "real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind.

    All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.

    If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the "end times" (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the "sorting" period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four corners of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity--based upon TRUTH.

    So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is "fiction").

    The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were.

    If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.
    ISBN 1-56935-040-X
    First Edition Printed by
    P.O. Box 27353
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89126
    May 1994
    Printed in the United States of America
    To all the crooked crooks--we intend to "straighten out".

    DEDICATION.......................................................................................... ...................................
    FOREWORD............................................................................................ ....................................
    SAT., APR. 16, 1994................................................................................................ ................
    A CROOKED WAY................................................................................................. ................
    WHY THESE JOURNALS?........................................................................................... .........
    SO--AGAIN............................................................................................... ...............................
    TOWARD A WORLD GOVERNMENT BY THE YEAR 2000.........................................
    30 YEARS AGO: THE BLOOMFIELD MEMORANDUM.................................................
    CONTROLLING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.......................................................................
    PEOPLE UNDER SURVEILLANCE.................................................................................
    CHAPTER 1................................................................................................... ..............................
    WED., APR. 6, 1994................................................................................................ ................
    THE KENNEDY ASSASSINATION(S).................................................................................
    FINAL JUDGMENT Part 1, by Michael Collins Piper.......................................................
    PREFACE............................................................................................. .....................................
    THE LANSKY CONNECTION.......................................................................................... ....
    THE ISRAELI CONNECTION.......................................................................................... ......
    ISRAEL, LANSKY & THE CIA..............................................................................................
    THE PERMINDEX CONNECTION.......................................................................................
    INSIDERS AGREE............................................................................................... ....................
    ONE COMPLETE PICTURE............................................................................................. ......
    'RETIRED CIRCUS CLOWNS'............................................................................................. ..
    ISRAEL'S CENTRAL ROLE................................................................................................ ...
    THE EVIDENCE IS THERE............................................................................................... .....
    ISRAEL'S MOTIVE.............................................................................................. ....................
    'SOME SUBTERRANEAN ASSOCIATION'.........................................................................
    'OTHER INTELLIGENCE NETWORKS'..............................................................................
    THE MEDIA'S ROLE................................................................................................ ...............
    'FALSE FLAGS'.............................................................................................. ..........................
    A CHANGE IN MIDDLE EAST POLICY.............................................................................
    THE THEORIES MESH................................................................................................ ...........
    WHAT THIS BOOK PROVES.............................................................................................. ..
    LOOKING IN ISRAEL'S DIRECTION...................................................................................
    GENERALLY ACCEPTED CONCLUSIONS.......................................................................
    THE EVIDENCE IS THERE............................................................................................... .....
    WHAT HAPPENED............................................................................................ .....................
    A THEORY OF POWER POLITICS AT WORK..................................................................
    HOW THIS BOOK IS ORGANIZED: A READER'S GUIDE..............................................
    THE MOSSAD.............................................................................................. ............................
    JFK AND ISRAEL.............................................................................................. ......................
    MEYER LANSKY, ISRAEL AND THE CIA........................................................................
    LANSKY AND THE CUBAN-CIA CONNECTION ...........................................................
    LANSKY'S HENCHMEN............................................................................................ ............
    PERMINDEX........................................................................................... .................................
    THE CONTINUING COVER-UP...........................................................................................
    REACHING A FINAL JUDGMENT......................................................................................
    CHAPTER 2................................................................................................... ..............................
    THU., APR. 7, 1994................................................................................................ .................
    THE DEATH OF CAMELOT, Part 4, by Ronn Jackson.....................................................
    CHAPTER 3................................................................................................... ..............................
    THU., APR. 7, 1994................................................................................................ .................
    CONNECTIONS......................................................................................... ..............................
    FINAL JUDGMENT: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination
    Conspiracy, Part 2, by Michael Collins Piper.................................................................
    Chapter 2................................................................................................... ................................
    AN AMERICAN PRESIDENT...........................................................................................
    BUSH TARGETED BY MOSSAD.........................................................................................
    AMERICANS KILLED BY ISRAELI INTRIGUE................................................................
    A SECURITY BREACH.............................................................................................. ............
    IF IN 1991, WHY NOT IN 1963?..........................................................................................
    TERRORISM-‑POINTING THE FINGER OF GUILT ELSEWHERE................................
    'FORGED TRAILS' AND 'FALSE FLAGS'............................................................................
    THE U.S.S. LIBERTY--BLAMING THE EGYPTIANS.......................................................
    THE NUCLEAR BOMB................................................................................................ ..........
    THE LAVON AFFAIR.............................................................................................. ...............
    BLAMING 'RIGHT-WING EXTREMISTS'...........................................................................
    FALSE CLUES............................................................................................... ..........................
    BLAMING THE CORSICAN MAFIA....................................................................................
    BLAMING THE NEO-NAZIS............................................................................................... ..
    BLAMING THE SOUTH KOREANS....................................................................................
    BLAMING THE LIBYANS............................................................................................. ........
    BLAMING LIBYA AGAIN............................................................................................... ......
    BLAMING THE SYRIANS............................................................................................. ........
    BLAMING THE PLO................................................................................................. ..............
    THE ISRAELI DIPLOMAT............................................................................................ .........
    WHO IS POINTING THE FINGER?......................................................................................
    JFK AND SECRET DEALS............................................................................................... .....
    CHAPTER 4................................................................................................... ..............................
    SAT., APR. 9, 1994................................................................................................ ..................
    REPORT ON RONN JACKSON.............................................................................................
    Continuation: THE DEATH OF CAMELOT, Part 5 by Ronn Jackson.............................
    CHAPTER 5................................................................................................... ..............................
    SUN., APR. 10, 1994................................................................................................ ...............
    CONFUSION FACTORS............................................................................................. ............
    WHY "INTELLIGENCE" DISCUSSIONS?...........................................................................
    WHY USE INVOLVED COVERT AGENTS?......................................................................
    HELP THE EVIL FORCES?............................................................................................. .......
    BUT CAN YOU BELIEVE FORMER KILLERS?................................................................
    DIPLOMACY BY DECEPTION, Part 1, by John Coleman................................................
    COVERT OPERATIONS.......................................................................................... ...............
    CHAPTER 6................................................................................................... ..............................
    SUN., APR. 10, 1994................................................................................................ ...............
    DIPLOMACY BY DECEPTION, Part 2, "Dr. John Coleman"...........................................
    DOCUMENTATION RE: CAPT. HILL.................................................................................
    IRANIAN TRAINING CAMPS IN SUDAN..........................................................................
    CAMP COORDINATORS........................................................................................ ...............
    COVERT ACTIONS IN THE WEST BANK, GAZA AND ISRAEL...................................
    CONTROL OF A SOCIETY............................................................................................. .......
    CHAPTER 7................................................................................................... ..............................
    TUE., APR. 12, 1994................................................................................................ ...............
    APPRECIATION........................................................................................ ..............................
    CHINA'S JUSTICE............................................................................................. ......................
    DIPLOMACY BY DECEPTION, Part 3, by John Coleman................................................
    LISTENING POSTS............................................................................................... ..................
    LATEST TECHNOLOGY.......................................................................................... .............
    OTHER AVAILABLE WEAPONS.........................................................................................
    DEADED.............................................................................................. .....................................
    HENRY KISSINGER--AGAIN!..............................................................................................
    CHAPTER 8................................................................................................... ..............................
    WED., APR. 13, 1994................................................................................................ ..............
    IT'S CERTAINLY NOT EASY................................................................................................
    THE MAFIA, CIA & GEORGE BUSH, by Pete Brewton....................................................
    WHAT ABOUT THAT "AMES" CASE?...............................................................................
    WHO INVESTIGATES THESE THINGS?............................................................................
    FISKE WILL UNCOVER NOTHING.....................................................................................
    TOOK OFFICE WHICH ARE OF INTEREST..................................................................
    CHINA............................................................................................... ........................................
    CHAPTER 9................................................................................................... ..............................
    WED., APR. 13, 1994................................................................................................ ..............
    ON THE RUSSIAN 'FRONT'............................................................................................. .....
    THE RUSSIAN 'MAFIYA', by Stephen Handelman............................................................
    POLITICS BY OTHER MEANS.............................................................................................
    THE GREENING OF RED GANGS.......................................................................................
    CRIME AND PUNISHMENT.......................................................................................... .......
    DAGGER POINTED AT THE HEART OF RUSSIAN DEMOCRACY..............................
    GOOD COP, BAD COP................................................................................................. ..........
    APPENDIX............................................................................................ .......................................
    OF TIMELY NEWS AND/OR EDUCATIONAL ITEMS.....................................................
    CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................. .............................
    CANADIAN-AMERICAN............................................................................................ ..........
    FREE TRADE DECEPTION........................................................................................... ........
    ALBERTA TALKNETWORK With host, Dave Rutherford..............................................
    PJ 92


    SAT., APR. 16, 1994 9:26 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 243

    SAT., APR. 16, 1994


    Crooked men walking crooked roads using crooked tactics en­forced by crooked sticks and thus and so...!

    In the wondrous beauty of each new day the mind is awakened from sleep to view that which is about it--it matters not at which hour begins your "day".

    In protection against mental assault many will deliberately turn FROM any input which will somehow spoil the perceptions of things being "OK" or cause thought processes to spin around "doing something" which will interfere with personal "plans" of work or recreation. In fact, the psychiatrists will tell you to do this--"do not watch that which upsets your calm state of being". So what do you have? You have a society walking around in the continuation of dreamland. However, the mind will "out" its truth in "knowing". So the continuation is not of "dreamland" as in the calming data-handling of truth--it is a turning from the nightmares of reality. One place or the other -- the mind will process that which IS and in the so-doing will often render the person bearing that mind to become disturbed, depressed and ultimately "mad". Balance comes from squarely FACING that which IS and dealing with it. Fulfillment comes from dealing with that which IS in a manner of goodness which elevates soul and self-worth. You cannot legislate morality and neither can the mind, body and soul PRETEND that morality exists when indeed it is not present.

    It is good to know when to "take a break" but it is better to confront those things which oppress and not allow them to come into power. What would you have this day if some two cen­turies ago the citizens of the U.S., as a for instance, said each morning,
    "I will check and will not allow anything to arise this day which will curtail freedom, the Constitution or man's right­ful application of living"? However, now you awaken to the dirty deeds having been done while you pursued the trivia of the moment in protection of self from any assault of that which "doesn't feel good"--the exact opposite of "if it feels good--do it"! There is magnificent difference in the soul "feeling good" and one or more of the "five senses" feeling good. Ah, but if something can be achieved which makes BOTH feel good--you have touched on Glory!

    I promise you that if you will LEARN TRUTH and what is planned in the takeover of a world--YOU DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE TRUTH IN THE NEWS TO GET THE NEWS!

    Why do we deal with the subjects presented in the journals which would seem outdated and quite disturbing and, now, only appear to be novels for movies and scripts for TV? Because you have lost ability to tell one TV "story" from another--as to real­ity. If you show a war underway and bloodshed with bodies lying about and the next hour comes forth a "Miami Vice" with bodies laying about in pretend--THE MIND WILL SOON BE UNABLE TO DIFFERENTIATE DIFFERENCE!

    I have been presented with a copy of The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor for March 1994 with a couple of petitions to "put it in the CONTACT". Well, the CONTACT has responsibility to present these types of things unless I choose to use them but we will consider portions of same for the points are well-taken. If you don't unify in presentation of truth--you will NEVER have THE truth, only opinions of this writer or that writer--including myself.

    Mr. McAlvany, Mr. Patterson of Criminal Politics and lots of others, when questioned about CONTACT will tell you not to read that rag-sheet as it is filled with plagiarisms, evil presentation from a being we deny exists and on and on and on--. The facts are that none of these people so much as read our material for they DON'T WANT TO FIND OUT TRUTH and have to come to grips with the fact that although they tell you the "time is at hand"--THEY CANNOT BELIEVE GOD WOULD SEND MESSENGERS AND BRING TRUTH AND "THEY" MIGHT HAVE TO COME TO TRUTH INSTEAD OF MISPERCEP­TION--AND TO TRUTH REGARDING GOD AND TRANSI­TION.

    Does this make "our" truth or "their" truth less truth? No, not in the realms of what is happening on your place in your human experience. It does represent that "someone" is WRONG in the perception of how GOD works, the "messengers" work and how the evolvement will come about. Well, if you are going to go by some words in a book whose information is sent by ones, in­visible, some 2,000 years AGO--why is it not possible that someone equally invisible can bring you some updated informa­tion--since "that one" is on "his" return visit right on schedule? Remember the prophecies?

    Moreover, why would our information distress these so-called "Godly, born-again Christ'ian' men"? If they bothered to read our presentations they would find that we absolutely adhere to all of the LAWS OF GOD AND CREATION--they fabricate what is allowable and what is possible and give you lots of fluffy clouds to rest your minds and souls upon. The only thing wrong with that presentation is that it will get you dead not saved. Ours is to bring the facts about these things--not whisk you away
    --nor make you a bundle of money on gold, bonds or tid­dle-de-winks. We will offer that which we SEE to help you "make it" TO THE POINT OF TRANSITION AND THROUGH THAT PROCEDURE--THE REST, CITIZENS OF EARTH--IS UP TO YOU!
    We have written over and over again about Plan 2000 and thus and so; however, as with Mr. McAlvany and other presenters--it does require presentation over and over and over again. This is because continually ones are waking up to the probabilities involved and won't go BACK AND GET INFORMATION AL­READY PRESENTED. So be it.

    In an effort to respond in some measure without totally aban­doning our projects from other authors and eye-witnesses to such as the Kennedy murder, etc., we will offer reminders and do, in fact, give appreciation for the able writings offered. There is a clause in this particular document asking that we copy and send far and wide to inform the people. Well, we have no resources for doing that in our particular circumstances and we need not waste our funds on total re-presentation of that so well covered prior to this. However, we will offer some of the perti­nent topics and I will effort to keep that which we do reprint--accurately repeated and totally "in context".

    THE YEAR 2000
    "When all government, domestic and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided of one government or another, and will become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated". Thomas Jefferson. (In this instance read: New York as well as Washington).

    Both the New World Order and the New Age Movement proclaim that their world government will be in place by the year 2000--the dawning of the Age of Aquarius! Elitist groups (such as the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Re­lations, the Bilderbergers, the Club of Rome, the Socialist Inter­nationals) which have staffed most of the key positions in the Clinton Administration (and prior to it in the Bush Administra­tion) and most of the major European governments, have written very openly for years about their plans for world government by the Elite.

    People who deny these groups' power and influence in the world's major governments have simply not read their writings, studied their membership rosters, and considered that most of the key positions in the U.S. and top governments of the world (from President, Vice President, Prime Minister, or Chancellor on down) are staffed from the groups.

    For almost 50 years (since the end of World War II) the globalists have systematically (and secretly) been building the edifice or superstructure for this world government. Most ma­jor developments over the past five decades, including wars such as the Korean and Vietnam Wars, Desert Storm (described by George Bush as "a major stepping stone to the New World Order"), which is designed to economically, and then politically merge the U.S.. Mexico and Canada; the massive Western fi­nancial/industrial/high tech aid to the former Soviet Union (now Russia); the Western betrayal of South Africa; America's pre­sent gun control and environmental movements; and much more have all been part of an elaborate, long-term strategy or agenda by the elitists to move the world toward one giant world gov­ernment--which will be an Orwellian socialist dictatorship (a gi­ant global Tower of Babel).

    30 YEARS AGO:
    Over thirty years ago, in a study known as Memorandum No. 7 entitled A World Effectively Controlled By The United Nations, written by Lincoln P. Bloomfield of the Council on Foreign Relations (and delivered to the State Department on 3/10/62), the elitist wrote: "A world effectively controlled by the United Nations is one in which 'world government' would come about through the establishment of supranational institutions, characterized by mandatory universal membership and some ability to employ physical force. Effective control would thus entail a preponderance of political power in the hands of a supranational organization... The present U.N. Charter could theoretically be revised in order to erect such an organization equal to the task envisioned, thereby codifying a radical rear­rangement of power in the world".
    The Bloomfield Memorandum was commissioned by the State Department, then headed by Secretary of State Dean Rusk (CFR), to study how disarmament could be used to usher in "world government". The Bloomfield memorandum wrote: "The principal features of a model system would include the fol­lowing: 1) power, sufficient to monitor and enforce disarma­ment, settle disputes, and keep the peace--including taxing pow­ers; 2) an international police force [Ed. note: Now openly called NEW WORLD ARMY], balanced appropriately among ground, sea, air, and space elements, consisting of 500,000 men recruited individually, wearing a U.N. uniform, and controlling a nuclear force composed of 50 to 100 mixed land-based mobile missiles and undersea-based missiles, averaging one megaton per weapon; 3) a government divided among three branches; and 4) compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court".
    "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn". Proverbs 29:2

    The strategy of the Liberal Eastern Establishment regarding the American people is to control the people and to confiscate their wealth. Their people-control agenda is now moving into high gear in the second year of the Clintonista regime.

    The government is moving to control private property; to nationalize the family; to monitor and keep the public under surveillance from the cradle to the grave; to replace old stan­dards of merits with affirmative action and quotas; to force banks to loan based on race instead of merit; to tax and regulate business (especially America's 5.3 million small businesses) out of existence; to license all U.S. gun owners as a prelude to total gun confiscation; to control all aspects of the American medical system; to put a condom in every child's pocket; and on and on ad nauseam.

    Over 2,500 new laws were passed in 1993, to be implemented by 86,000 pages (in very fine print) of new regulations in the Federal Register in 1993, at a cost to the American econ­omy of over $800 billion. Most of these thousands of new laws and regulations carry criminal (as well as civil) penalties, in­cluding property seizure and forfeiture provisions. The FDA is now talking about a total ban on smoking in America. This writer hates cigarette smoke and is allergic to same, but if the Federal government can arbitrarily ban cigarette smoking today, then why not gun ownership tomorrow, political dissent the next day, etc. [H: By the way, don't be feeling sorry for the "tobacco companies" and how "broke" they are going to be. The tobacco industry has had years to phase out of tobacco and into myriads of other major business concerns as they took over cookie manufacture's, millers--hardware, nuclear industries and you name it--they now own it! It is only the middle-man, the small farmers, etc., who will dearly pay--along with you in higher taxes and on and on. How can you pay for that health program out of cigarette taxes if you can't have cigarettes? It is all hooked firmly together and you will PAY dearly--even to becoming CRIMINALS and subject to imprisonment for "just lighting up"!]
    Ron Paul recently wrote in his Survival Report of an example of Federal controls on the people: "Up to 30,000 home, seam­stresses operate illegally in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Hun­dreds of thousands of similar workers do sewing in their homes nationwide. Since World War II, this wonderful form of work for mothers, the elderly, the disabled, etc. , has been illegal thanks to labor union-induced laws. Recently the U.S. Depart­ment of 'Justice' issued 35 injunctions against companies who use these home sewers. Criminals roam the street, in BATF uniforms and otherwise, and the government is worried about women sewing at home".

    "Our aim is nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands, able to dominate the political system of each country and the world economy as a whole. Freedom and choice will be controlled within very narrow alternatives by the fact that every man will be numbered from birth, and followed as a number, through his educational training, his required military or other public service, his tax contributions, his health and medical requirements, and his final retirement and death benefits". Carrol Quigley (Bill Clinton's mentor) in Tragedy and Hope.
    Totalitarian societies are surveillance societies. To control people, a government must be able to watch people, to know their every move. In a democratic society, the only way for Quigley's plans to be implemented is to create a sense of crisis so that the citizens demand more surveillance. So, crises, real or contrived, such as the "drug crisis", the "crime crisis", the "Social Security crisis", the "budget crisis", the "child abuse crisis", etc., become the excuse for greater government surveil­lance interference in our lives.

    THE NATIONAL ID CARD: The congress is presently passing laws imposing mandatory surveillance over our financial transactions, monitoring firearms purchases, requiring registra­tion of children at birth, increasing the power of the IRS, the EPA, the FDA, the ATF, of OSHA, etc. The newest "crisis" is health care; so, in response, the Clintonistas have introduced legislation (S-1757 and HR 3600) mandating that every Ameri­can be issued a tamper proof "Health Security Card" (HSC) through which medical data on each citizen can be collected, catalogued, and transmitted to a federal computer center. Fail­ure to register for the card will be a criminal offense, pun­ishable by jail, heavy fines, or both.

    As Mark Nestmann wrote in a recent issue of Low Profile, "Clinton's plan doesn't call for HSC to be a 'smart card' (capable of recording health care 'transactions' on its own), only a 'dumb' card that only verifies the patient's identity when treatment occurs. But the HSC could still be involved in a federal plan to impose nearly continuous electronic surveil­lance over the population.
    The centerpiece of Vice President Gore's 'Report on Reinventing Government' is to establish a state-of-the-art nationwide electronic transmission network. Thus the 'information high­way' for which Gore has been seeking funding for more than a decade, his 'Reinventing government' idea, and the Health Se­curity Card are part of the same plan. Their common de­nominator: linking government computers capable of collect­ing, transmitting and analyzing massive amounts of personal and financial data". In other words, the government will soon have access to total financial data (all computerized) on every American".


    We do not have space in this "Introduction" segment to continue with this topic--but it deserves repeating as does the remainder of the presentation. Suffice it to say that a lot of caring, good writers now have access to the "way it IS" and they, remember, can only offer it to you--you must process it and do that which you choose. I want you to remember--as the days and weeks pass--that these "crooked" hoodwinkers are after you--and through the crooked pathway--you can find yourself "straight" into the pits! May you be given into straight thinking and away from the crooked miles of crooks' planning and map instructions.

    Gyeorgos C. Hatonn

    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일
    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-15 at 12:08.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 92


    WED., APR. 6, 1994 1:11 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 233

    WED., APR.6. 1994

    "When there are so many 'new' things daily to talk about, sir, why are you dragging up old dirt"? Because you don't have, the RIGHT dirt yet, good buddies!

    I know that you "think" you have enough of it and if we will just move on like the New Age groupies tell you to do and not bother your sleepy little heads with MORE, then you can just turn your world around and live happily ever after--right after, of course, God gives you enough money to do it!
    No thank you. We told you how the assassinations "were" and we even got rebutted by Bo Gritz--good gracious, readers, my team is made of humans also!

    So you are sick of CIA, Mossad, KGB, Romanoffs and Secret Service writers. You are also sick of ADL, WJL, WZO and other parts of the "world" and especially the ongoing strife in the Middle East. Well, readers, the parts of the puzzle that af­fect YOU are not in OTHER PARTS OF THE WORLD OR MIDDLE EAST--THEY ARE IN YOUR DOORYARD, HAV­ING TAKEN OVER YOUR ENTIRE GOVERNMENT.

    Now, you can get more upset with me because I am going to bring in ANOTHER reference book for you to GET! This one IS in print but it is published like the other honorable documents--by unknown presses--no major publisher will touch it with a 100-ft pole. It is called FINAL JUDGMENT, The Miss­ing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy. It is by Michael Collins Piper and if you want a copy you will have to get it from the publisher directly OR Liberty Library.

    Publisher: The Wolfe Press, Washington, D.C. But I suggest you go right to Liberty Library, 300 Independence Ave., SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. You can use Visa or MasterCard through 1-800-522-6292.

    I would also like to point out something here. Yes indeed we offer some of the stories in point--from these book reviews--so that YOU can know what is valid and worthy of expense and time. It is important, however, that YOU SUPPORT THESE AUTHORS
    --it is most often the last shred of income they are allowed to receive and that is usually done in "hiding". The book is $20.00 but worth twice the sum. So why is it so important? Aren't there dozens of good books on speculations regarding the Kennedy family problems? This one tells you the truth of WHO were THE major players behind the plots and you aren't going to like it. Eustace Mullins will like it, Marchetti will like it and the rest will accuse everybody involved of Anti-Semitism! I am going to offer the "PREFACE" here for your consideration and then we will integrate a bit of the contents along with the ongoing thriller of Ronn Jackson--WHO WAS THERE! ISRAEL HAS BEEN TAKING OVER THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND ALL POINTS OF THE HEMISPHERE FOR A VERY LONG TIME NOW, READERS, AND IT IS SOMETHING YOU MUST FACE. IT IS WISE TO KNOW THINE ENEMY! For simple reference today, while awaiting Rick to contact the author, we will refer to this writing as "Part 1". There may never be another "part" but we have to have identification relative to the other ongoing materials so we shall use this in the interim for once off the computer screen Dharma has no reference system.

    by Michael Collins Piper
    The Unspoken Truth:
    Israel's Central Role in the JFK Assassination
    Where in the world could anyone come up with the idea that Israel's Mossad had a hand in the assassination of John F. Kennedy? Well, there's more to the story than meets the eye. All of the information which, taken together, proves this contention has already been committed to print. This book, Final Judgment, brings all of these facts together for the first time in a frightening scenario that makes sense.

    Considering all of the theories about the assassination of John F. Kennedy that have been circulating for years, how could anyone ever suggest that Israel's Mossad was involved?

    This was the reaction of more than a few people when apprised of the thesis presented in the pages of this book. Yet, I believe that when you read this volume you will reach the same conclusion: that Israel and its spy agency, the Mossad, did in­deed play a critical role in the JFK assassination conspiracy and its cover-up. The evidence, you shall see, is there.

    It was several years ago that I first stumbled upon a hint that this was indeed the case. I came across a strange reference in the pages of a controversial work about the JFK assassination which alleged that the CIA had been the prime mover behind the president's murder, A.J. Weberman and Michael Canfield's Coup d'Etat in America, first published in 1975. The reference, simple as it was, appearing on page 41, read as follows:

    "After the assassination, an informer for the Secret Ser­vice and the FBI who had infiltrated a Cuban exile group and was in the process of selling them machine guns, re­ported that on November 21, 1963 he was told, 'We now have plenty of money--our new backers are the Jews--as soon as they take care of JFK'. This man had furnished re­liable information in the past".

    I barely noticed the reference, but it did intrigue me. Who did this source mean when he referred to "the Jews"? This was the question I needed to answer. My immediate conclusion was this: the source meant Jewish gangsters--such as Meyer Lansky [H: This name SHOULD be becoming well known to you readers by now!]--who had a stake in reviving their Cuban gambling interests that they lost when Fidel Castro came to power. This was the logical answer.

    Frankly, I laid the reference aside. It was just one lone re­mark out of perhaps millions of words written about the JFK assassination. It was nearly a year that went by before I came across the quotation again--while re-reading the same book.
    I pondered, the quote for a moment, thinking, "This IS interest­ing".

    However, I once again cast those thoughts aside. I had al­ready reached my own conclusions about the JFK assassination long before: The CIA was primarily responsible, working hand-in-hand with certain elements in "the Mafia" and also in the anti-Castro Cuban movement.

    However, in the subsequent year that followed, I began to stumble across some interesting information.

    In David Scheim's book, Contract on America, which con­tends that "the Mafia" was solely responsible for the JFK assas­sination, I saw a variation of the same quote referenced in the Weberman and Canfield book.

    However, Scheim's rendition of the quote had deleted the reference to the alleged Jewish backers of the Cuban plotters. I began to think that there might be something more to the story after all, whatever the accuracy of the story allegedly told to the federal authorities.


    It was around this time that I learned that a new biography of organized crime figure Meyer Lansky had been released. It was entitled Little Man: Meyer Lansky and the Gangster Life. The book--prepared in cooperation with Lansky's family--was little more than a puff piece for the deceased thug. Gossipy, full of inside information, and even entertaining at times, the book still somehow seemed to be missing a lot.

    It was then that I returned to my library and pulled a book off the shelf that I hadn't re-read in perhaps fifteen years. It was Hank Messick's biography of Lansky. Re-reading this impor­tant book I began to see that Meyer Lansky was not just another gangster. He was "the chairman of the board" of organized crime.

    All of the Mafia figures that had been repeatedly implicated in the JFK assassination were, in fact, Lansky's front-men--his subordinates, his underlings. In short, if "the Mafia" had a hand in the killing of JFK, then Lansky had to have been one of the key players. Yet, as I quickly began to see in reviewing many of the works which allege that "The Mafia Killed JFK", Lansky's preeminent role was being ignored or otherwise un­derplayed.

    I was aware of Lansky's close ties to Israel. After all, Lansky fled to Israel when the heat was on in the United States. But how deeply did the Lansky-Israeli connection go?

    My research into that question began to turn up some interesting facts relating to an Israeli connection to the assassination of John F. Kennedy. (All of this and more appears in the pages of this book).

    Why would Israel have an interest in participating in the JFK assassination conspiracy? That was the burning question.

    It was just about the time that I had begun to take a second look at the Lansky connection to the Kennedy assassination that several new works about the covert relationship between the United States and Israel were released providing never-before revealed information.

    [H: I believe you will now begin to see why a Zionist-run Hollywood story such as "JFK" by Oliver Stone would be allowed to be made--it was, after all--STILL THE WRONG STORY AND ONLY THE WRONG STORY WOULD BE ALLOWED!!! I can guarantee you that THIS story WOULD NOT BE ALLOWED THE MAKING!]

    These books, cited extensively in Final Judgment, made it all too clear that John F. Kennedy--before his death--was in a pitched battle with Israel. In fact, Kennedy was at war.

    This was something that long-time JFK assassination researchers had no reason to know about. Much of the material had long been classified. It was a secret--a deep, dark secret. Some of JFK's communications with then-Israeli Prime Min­ister David Ben-Gurion are still classified. Not even top-level intelligence officials with special security clearance have been allowed access to these potentially explosive documents.

    The long and close relationship between Israel and JFK's foes at the CIA is something which is becoming more and more known to the general public. JFK's own war with the CIA is common knowledge.

    At the time of the president's assassination, however, the depth and breadth of the CIA's relationship with Israel's Mossad was not so commonly known.

    What's more, as I began to discover, Israel's allies in the Lansky Syndicate had much deeper relations with the CIA than most researchers have realized.

    And while the stories of CIA-Organized Crime assassination plots against Castro have been told time and again, the evidence I began to discover told an even bigger story.

    The pieces of the puzzle were all there. They simply needed putting together. As the research continued, I repeatedly found myself stumbling upon new facts and information that continued to verify what was initially in my mind just a theory, but which I now believe to be the truth.

    It is the little-discussed Permindex connection to the JFK assassination which is the tie that binds--the final proof that Is­rael's Mossad was at the center of the assassination conspiracy.

    In the Permindex connection we find all of the critical ele­ments which tie Israel's Mossad, the CIA and organized crime together in close-knit intrigue linked directly to the murder of President Kennedy.

    Although researchers, over the years, have devoted much time and energy to pursuing a wide variety of questions relating to the JFK assassination controversy (focusing on controversies that will never be resolved) they have steered clear of the Per­mindex connection.

    Those who have made any reference to Permindex have described it as some sort of "neo-Nazi" entity--even a remnant of Hitler's SS--but, as we shall see, nothing could be further from the truth.

    To understand the forces behind the Permindex connection, which we examine in detail in this volume, is to understand the answer to the biggest mystery of this century: the question of who killed John F. Kennedy.

    Just before I began the book I mentioned my theory to a rather well-known former United States congressman. He sur­prised me when he said, "I think you are on to something. I've believed for years that the Mossad was involved in the Kennedy assassination, but I never really took the time to look into it. I'm glad you're doing it, though. It will be an important book. It's a book I would have liked to have written myself".

    Then, just after I finished the book, I sent a copy of the manuscript to another former U.S. congressman, thinking that he might have some interest in the subject.
    His response was perhaps a bit astonishing.

    After the former congressman received the manuscript he wrote me a surprising letter in which he said, "I will tell you this: A retired Western European diplomat and intelligence of­ficer with whom I've been in correspondence (and who has had disastrous experiences with Israel and the Mossad) has been urging me for the last four years to write the book that you have written".

    He passed the manuscript on to the Frenchman who in turn wrote me a fascinating letter providing further information confirming my thesis.

    The fruits of my labor appear in this book. I owe so much to all of those JFK assassination researchers who made this book possible. Their pioneering efforts laid the groundwork for the construction of a framework which I firmly believe proves Mossad complicity in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

    All of those who sought the truth--and sometimes risked their reputations (and even perhaps their lives) doing it--cleared the way for a final judgment:

    Israel was the driving force behind the conspiracy that re­sulted in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. It is the Israeli connection that pulls all of the pieces of the puzzle together into one complete picture. The role of Israel in the JFK assassina­tion is, indeed, the until-now "missing link".

    This is a controversial suggestion, but for the sake of history, it is a story that needs to be told.

    Michael Collins Piper
    Washington, D.C.
    January 20, 1994

    Let's just sample a tid-bit more for I really do want you to ob­tain this book, readers--for you see, I DO KNOW MY ENE­MIES!

    Who killed John F. Kennedy? That question has plagued the world for a generation. What is it that we do know about the JFK murder that ties all of the differing theories together? What is it that all of the theories have in com­mon?
    The blame for the assassination has been placed on numerous power groups, perhaps working independently or together. Most often named have been the CIA (or rogue elements thereof), organized crime and the anti-Castro Cuban network.
    Yet, one power in particular--Israel and its spy agency, the Mossad--links all of these forces together. Israel, how­ever, is the central player whose role has been consistently ignored.

    "Everybody on Earth on November 22, 1963, it sometimes seems, was involved in a plot to assassinate JFK. If all those alleged conspirators--all of whom have denied the allegations--were there, it's lucky anyone got out of Dealey Plaza alive".

    These were the words of one journalist, Terry Catchpole, reflecting on the controversy over Oliver Stone's Hollywood all-star extravaganza JFK and of widespread interest in the JFK assassination in general.

    Catchpole cites groups often alleged to have been involved in some way with the JFK assassination--although this summary by no means is complete (ignoring, in particular, the CIA as an institution):

    * Cuban Communists
    * Cuban Anti-Communists
    * Military-Industrial Complex
    * A Renegade CIA Clique
    * Organized Crime
    * Soviet Communists
    * The FBI
    * The Mastermind

    This final theory, according to Catchpole, is that "the Mafia had actually taken over the Howard Hughes organization from the bedridden recluse, and it was run by a "Mr. X", possibly [organized crime syndicate boss] Meyer Lansky.

    Each and every one of these theories, of course, has its own advocates. Each and every one of these theories, additionally, has been intertwined with one or more of the others. And now, the advent of Stone's film, coupled with the subsequent release of several new books on the assassination--most notably Mark Lane's Plausible Denial, which proved CIA complicity in the president's murder--has brought new interest in the controversy.

    Perhaps some day there will even be a book which places the blame for the assassination on, as New Orleans District Attor­ney Jim Garrison used to say, "retired circus clowns". How­ever, it was not retired circus clowns who killed John F. Kennedy, at least so far as we know.

    This book contends that Israel's Mossad was a prime player alongside the CIA in the complex web of conspiracy that re­sulted in the assassination of President Kennedy--perhaps even the driving force behind the conspiracy.

    It is clearly Israel and its Mossad--as we shall document--which is the one force which ties all of the most frequently mentioned alleged conspirators together: the CIA, the anti-Cas­tro Cuban forces, organized crime and, most specifically--and more significantly than the so-called Mafia--the Meyer Lansky Crime Syndicate.

    The connections are far more sinister and go far deeper than most might imagine. In Final Judgment we will examine all of this in detail.

    Israel, as we shall see, had a very distinct motive not only to orchestrate Kennedy's removal from office but to also elevate his successor, Lyndon B. Johnson into the White House. As did, of course, many of those other elements in the conspiracy that resulted in Kennedy's murder.

    Never once, however--at least in standard assassination research--has the suggestion that Israel had a hand in Kennedy's murder even been uttered. Yet, the evidence is there--evidence that has lain dormant or has otherwise been ignored or gone unrecognized for its significance.

    Indeed, virtually all of the facts brought together in Final Judgment have been drawn from recognized volumes in the field of JFK assassination research and in other standard sources.
    One former member of Congress, Rep. Paul Findley (R-Ill.) himself has publicly suggested that Israel indeed may have had a hand in the JFK assassination. In the March 1992 issue of The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Findley points out: "It is interesting--but not surprising--to note that in all the words written and uttered about the Kennedy assassination, Is­rael's intelligence agency, the Mossad, has never been men­tioned. And yet a Mossad motive is obvious".

    Findley lays out the motive--a motive that we outline in detail in the pages of this book: "Israeli leaders never trusted the Kennedys. They were aware that when President Kennedy's father, Joseph Kennedy, was ambassador to Great Britain, he frequently praised Nazi Germany.

    "During John Kennedy's campaign for this presidency, a group of New York Jews had privately offered to meet his campaign expenses if he would let them set his Middle East policy. He did not agree... As president, he provided only limited sup­port to Israel.

    "On the other hand, Lyndon Johnson had demonstrated his strong support for Israel throughout his political career. The government of Israel, therefore, had every reason to believe that its interests would be better advanced with Johnson as president. And indeed they were. After Kennedy's death, the United States, for the first time, began large-scale shipments of arms to Israel....

    "Certainly, the Mossad possessed the resources to carry out an assassination almost any place on earth".

    Findley concludes: "Am I accusing the Mossad of complic­ity? Absolutely not.
    I have no evidence of such. My point is simply this: on this question, as on almost all others, American reporters and commentators cannot bring themselves to cast Is­rael in an unfavorable light--despite the obvious fact that Mossad complicity is as plausible as any of the other theories".

    In these pages we will provide Congressman Findley and the readers with the evidence. We will let the readers make the fi­nal judgment.

    One leading assassination investigator, Carl Oglesby, re­cently summarized his own decades of personal research. "It was an inside job", he said, "something on the order of the en­terprise which we discovered in the Iran/Contra scandal".

    "At the same time", he added as a caveat, "I cannot bring myself to believe that an institution such as the CIA [for exam­ple] could in any formal and regular sense decide to kill the president".

    "So what I am talking about is an off-the-shelf, off-the-books kind of action that must have been put together by some subterranean association cutting through not only the CIA, but to a certain extent the FBI, the Dallas police and the military-intelli­gence agencies themselves".

    Final Judgment suggests that it was Israel's Mossad that was indeed the very "subterranean association" that did cut through the various entities which found themselves brought into the JFK assassination conspiracy.

    In a recent interview another respected JFK assassination researcher, Peter Dale Scott, perhaps lends further credence to the theory we are about to present. Scott believes that there were a variety of forces at work behind the JFK assassination. He specifically fingers "Lyndon Johnson's backers--particularly those who had a stake in the military-industrial complex" and "an intelligence-Mafia connection that included members of the intelligence community who were involved with military-industrial corporate backers of Lyndon Johnson, who in turn were in­volved with Mafia people. At a minimum", according to Scott, "you have to consider this triad of forces". Note Scott's words: "at a minimum".

    This, of course, suggests that other forces were indeed involved. Final Judgment not only suggests that it was, in fact, Israel's Mossad, but also clearly pinpoints the Mossad connec­tion.

    Scott himself goes one step further, but without naming the Mossad. He says, "In my research, the most suggestive clues have emerged from a relatively restricted circle within what I call the dark quadrant of suppressed relationships or deep poli­tics: a circle within the tripartite world of first, CIA, defense, and other intelligence networks; second, the underworld of organized crime and anti-Castro Cubans; and third, corporate interests with links both to the intelligence and defense commu­nities and also to organized crime.

    "The key", says Scott, "is that all those in this dark quadrant would have resisted its exposure whether or not they were key plotters". Final Judgment concurs with Scott's judgment. Again, note Scott's words: "CIA, defense, and other intelli­gence networks".

    As we demonstrate--and which is not really so very secret--it is Israel's Mossad
    --above and beyond any other intelligence network--foreign or domestic--that has been unusually close (almost incestuously so) to the CIA.

    What's more, we go one step beyond Scott's conclusions. Final Judgment points out the prime role of the American media in its role in the cover-up. The cover-up of the JFK assas­sination conspiracy could never have succeeded without the sup­port of a willing media.

    The fact is that Israel and its supporters in the American media have a long and intimate relationship. Until recent years--but even still today--criticism of Israel and its misdeeds have been verboten in the Establishment media, as noted previously in the comments by Congressman Findley.

    We will illustrate, by several notable examples, how primary friends of Israel in the American media have been key players in floating "false leads" (or "false flags" in intelligence jargon) that have directed attention and suspicion elsewhere. This is a phenomenon never before examined in studying the JFK assassination and which explains, in large part, why the real truth about the assassination conspiracy has remained hidden for so long, all of the research notwithstanding.

    (In Chapter 3 we will examine numerous instances wherein Israel's Mossad itself utilized "false flags" to cover up its own role in a wide variety of assassination conspiracies and crimes around the globe).

    Professor Scott, like many JFK researchers, has long focused on the change of policy toward Vietnam that took place as a re­sult of John F. Kennedy's assassination. He also points out that there was, additionally, a change of policy toward Latin America. However, in these pages, we demonstrate beyond question that the most profound--and, in retrospect, probably most lasting and unusual--reversal in the conduct of American foreign policy was in the arena of U.S.-Israeli relations. These facts, unfortu­nately, have been neglected by even the most serious re­searchers into the JFK assassination.

    The purpose of Final Judgment, you see, is not to prove, once and for all, that there was indeed a conspiracy to assassi­nate President John F. Kennedy and to perpetuate a cover-up of that conspiracy. That has been proven, time and again, in an endless array of books, monographs, magazine articles--even in the pages of several novels.

    Instead, in Final Judgment, we present a theory that, in the free market of ideas, deserves consideration--controversial though it will be.

    John F. Kennedy himself put it best: "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people".

    What all of the commonly-alleged conspiracies are tied together by is the one strand that has been consistently ignored--and that, of course, is the ISRAELI CONNECTION.

    In Final Judgment we will consider this (unfortunately) long-ignored hidden aspect of history. [H: When this is PROVEN--what think ye that this will do to the liars and lies regarding the "holocaust"?]
    What Final Judgment proves is not only that Israel had rea­son to conspire against JFK, but that Israel was in a central po­sition to not only coordinate the assassination scheme itself, but the subsequent cover-up--all of this in close collaboration with its co-conspirators in the CIA and organized crime--most specifically those elements intimately linked to syndicate boss Meyer Lansky.

    Israel--as much as the Mafia or the CIA, for example--stood to benefit greatly from the death of America's 35th president--and did. JFK's assassination set the stage for Israel to become a major power.

    Research into the Kennedy assassination is most difficult, if only because the literature is so immense, the web so tangled, and the surfeit of theories and potential conspirators so seem­ingly unending. What's more, some assassination researchers have latched onto their own unique theories and, as a conse­quence, have failed to look elsewhere--in the direction of Israel, for example. With all of this in mind, let us proceed on the ba­sis that there are certain areas of agreement.

    Our final judgment--outlined in these pages--on a foundation composed of the following generally accepted conclusions about the nature of the JFK assassination conspiracy.

    * That there was a conspiracy to kill John F. Kennedy;
    * That the conspiracy itself involved elements of the U.S. intelligence community, the CIA in particular;
    * That Organized Crime figures played a major part in the conspiracy;
    * That anti-Castro Cubans were actively participating in the conspiracy, at the urging of and/or manipulation by the CIA and elements of Organized Crime;
    * That somehow Lee Harvey Oswald (wittingly or unwit­tingly) was brought into the conspiracy and that the conspirators planted false evidence to link Oswald with Fidel Castro and the Soviets;
    * That Oswald was directly involved in some manner of U.S. intelligence community activities and that he was a know­ing participant in those activities;
    * That Jack Ruby was either an active participant in the assassination conspiracy itself or was used in some fashion to ma­nipulate Oswald prior to the assassination of JFK;
    * That Ruby was actively involved in organized crime activ­ities and that he was, as a consequence of that involvement, also linked with organized crime activities that operated in conjunction (or ran parallel) with U.S. intelligence community activities;
    * That the Central Intelligence Agency was cognizant of the activities of both Oswald and Ruby and certainly manipulated both;
    * That Oswald was executed by Jack Ruby for the purpose of silencing Oswald forever;
    * That a major cover-up of the JFK assassination conspiracy was undertaken following the events in Dallas;
    * That the cover-up involved elements of the federal gov­ernment (including the CIA);
    * That the Warren Commission and the House Assassina­tions Committee were deliberate participants in the cover-up;
    * That the cover-up conspiracy was conducted for a wide variety of motivations--both ostensibly "patriotic" and otherwise--including--but not limited to:
    a) burying intelligence community connections to the assassination conspiracy;
    b) protecting Organized Crime elements involved;
    c) preventing hostilities between the United States and foreign nations (whether it be the Soviet Union or Castro's Cuba); and
    d) resolving questions about the assassination in the public's mind, both here and abroad.
    * That the Controlled Media actively encouraged and/or participated in the cover-up due to its links to the CIA, the intelligence community in general, and Organized Crime.

    This is the basis upon which the research for this volume was undertaken. Thus, upon this foundation Final Judgment ties together all of the facts and shows how the State of Israel and its spy agency, the Mossad, collaborated with not only the CIA but also key elements in Organized Crime and in the anti-Castro Cuban community in order to orchestrate the assassination of John F. Kennedy and the subsequent cover-up.

    Some of the facts presented--while not necessarily "new"--have been available to researchers for decades.

    However, many researchers, regrettably, have not been looking in the right direction. That, of course, is not their fault.

    Additional information--particularly in regard to Kennedy's difficult relations with Israel and how U.S.-Israeli relations changed drastically as a result of JFK's murder--has really only recently come into the public forum. In Final Judgment we will explore this information in detail.

    It is this information--long unavailable to even the most dedicated researchers--that ties all of the previous data together.

    The remarkable scenario presented in Final Judgment logi­cally incorporates all of the commonly-accepted theories into one broadly encompassing theory that not only makes sense but which brings the diverse elements in the conspiracy together full circle. It is for this reason that Final Judgment truly lives up to its name.

    The theory presented in the pages of Final Judgment may be greeted with the charge of "anti-Semitism"--a standard attack directed upon any utterance even vaguely critical of Israel and its misdeeds.

    However, the author leaves it up to the basic honesty and open-mindedness of the readers to determine whether or not the theory presented in this volume makes sense.

    Here, in essence, is the basis of the theory presented and documented--sometimes in excruciating detail--in the pages which follow.
    * That during his presidency, John F. Kennedy alienated three major international power blocs: the American CIA, Or­ganized Crime, and Israel and its American lobby.
    * That in each case, Kennedy's continued tenure in the White House was perceived by each of these power groups as a threat to its very existence.
    * That each of these major international power blocs was closely intertwined with the other, often on several levels.
    * That when Kennedy's presence in the White House be­came so intolerable that these forces came together in a wide-ranging conspiracy that resulted in JFK's murder.
    * That the power of these forces, together, over the Ameri­can media played a vital role in the assassination conspiracy cover-up.

    Final Judgment explores in detail the little-known behind-the ­scenes war between John F. Kennedy and Israel and documents how U.S. policy toward the Middle East underwent a drastic reversal upon JFK's assassination.

    This book also documents the long-standing and intimate collaboration between not only the Meyer Lansky Organized Crime Syndicate and Israel, but also the similar incestuous rela­tionship between the Lansky syndicate and Israel's allies in the CIA. Our study will also focus on the singularly important role of Meyer Lansky's positioning in the joint Israeli Mossad-CIAOrganized Crime nexus that came together in the JFK assassina­tion.

    Lansky's own role in the JFK assassination conspiracy has been continually ignored or otherwise suppressed--even by those very "authorities" who claim that "the Mafia Killed JFK".

    As we shall see, Meyer Lansky was, in fact, the real "overlord" of the international crime syndicate; many of the so-called "mafia bosses" who allegedly masterminded the JFK assassination were, indeed, Lansky henchmen, front-men, un­derlings.

    The facts have all been published in previous works on the JFK assassination and in other studies on the subjects of U.S.-Israeli relations, international intelligence intrigue, and organized crime.

    It is only now, however, that all of the facts have been finally placed together in a neatly-constructed jigsaw puzzle that pre­sents the whole picture in its rather simple entirety. It is not, as we shall see, as complex as it might at first appear.

    However, the bottom line is this: it is clear that not only did Israel have a motive for participating in the JFK assassination, but that it indeed did play a critical part in the conspiracy.

    The conspiracy outlined here was a criminal enterprise involving power politics in its highest--and lowest--forms. This volume:

    * Presents international intrigue above and beyond the then-crumbling U. S.-Israel relationship;
    * Examines the tragic reality of American involvement in Southeast Asia--which Kennedy sought to prevent--the final result of which guaranteed:
    a) Israel's dominance in Middle East affairs as the United States became bogged down in Asia;
    b) Southeast Asian drug profits for Meyer Lansky's global drug racket (operating in conjunction with the Mossad's ally, the CIA); and
    c) Multi-billion dollar profits in arms production for the backers of Israel's ally--Lyndon Johnson--in the military-industrial complex;
    * Explains how the CIA--so closely tied to Israel--was able to continue its subterranean covert activities in Southeast Asia and elsewhere after the elimination of JFK;
    * Illustrates how certain special interests (the anti-Castro Cuban movement and Organized Crime) could be manipulated by another special interest--the CIA-Mossad alliance--in pursuit of a mutual goal: ending John F. Kennedy's presidency;
    * Points out why the various elements involved in the conspiracy were working in conjunction with one another in cover­ing up the facts about the assassination;
    * Details how the Controlled Media--long a primary collaborator with the Lansky-linked pro-Israel lobby in the United States--promoted the Warren Commission's "lone nut" solution of the JFK murder and sought to silence critics of the "official" explanation;
    * Reveals how the anger and disgust of one powerful man--in this instance, David Ben-Gurion of Israel--could result in a vendetta carried out by means of a far-reaching conspiracy orchestrated through his own sphere of influence:
    * Describes how key American political power brokers--such as J. Edgar Hoover and, most particularly, Lyndon B. Johnson (both connected to the Israeli-linked Lansky Crime Syn­dicate)--were able to maintain their influence--and expand it correspondingly--upon the death of John F. Kennedy and
    * Demonstrates how low-level operatives such as Lee Har­vey Oswald and Jack Ruby--both with a diverse array of strange connections--were utilized by conspirators at the top.

    All of this taken together makes the conspiracy outlined here one that is not only logical, but one that ties all of the most prominently mentioned conspirators together in a package that is all too uncomfortably neat.

    In order to outline the conspiracy described in the pages of Final Judgment, it is necessary, from the beginning, to consider that conspiracy in its historical context.

    A wide array of players were involved and their integral links with one another and with the diverse forces behind the conspir­acy make it prudent, at this juncture, to provide the reader with an overview of the material about to be presented.

    What follows here, however, is a summary overview of the chapters which follow and which presents the necessary outline of the approach we take in laying the groundwork upon which we reach our final judgment.

    Chapter 2 explores the accusation that Israel's Mossad did indeed consider assassinating an American president perceived hostile to Israel--in this instance, George Bush--and ponders the likelihood that the Mossad did, in fact, previously collaborate in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

    Chapter 3 reviews the Mossad's historic use of so-called "false flags" in its worldwide acts of terrorism and assassina­tion, leaving others (such as "the Mafia", "right wing extrem­ists", and "Arab terrorists") to take the blame. The point driven home is that the Mossad could have done likewise in the JFK as­sassination.

    Chapter 4 examines the historic alliance--and then enmity--between John F. Kennedy and his father Ambassador Joseph P. Kennedy not only with the Israeli lobby but also the Israeli-linked Meyer Lansky Organized Crime Syndicate.

    Chapter 5 reviews, in depth, the growing conflict between President John F. Kennedy and the state of Israel--facts which have never been seriously examined by students of the JFK assassination.

    Chapter 6 outlines how the assassination of John F. Kennedy permitted the Lansky Crime Syndicate--and Israeli-lobby linked Lyndon B. Johnson (a favorite of Israel's allies in the CIA) to assume the presidency and begin an incredible reversal of JFK's Middle East policies, thereby strengthening Israel's global hand.

    This important chapter also demonstrates how Israel, the CIA and the Lansky Organized Crime Syndicate stood to benefit from American involvement in the Vietnam War--a little ex­plored aspect of that unfortunate period.

    Chapter 7 is a comprehensive biographical sketch of orga­nized crime figure Meyer Lansky, covering his preeminent role in global criminal enterprises and his links to not only Israel and its Mossad, but also American intelligence.

    Chapter 8 explores the close working relationship between Israel's Mossad and the American CIA, and particularly the important role of the Mossad's chief ally in the CIA, James Jesus Angleton, the CIA's chief of counterintelligence.

    Chapter 9 reviews the conflicts between the administration of John F. Kennedy and Israel's primary link in the world of international intelligence, the CIA. Also considered are the connections of a number of key CIA figures (linked to the JFK assassination) with Israel.

    Chapter 10 sheds important light upon Meyer Lansky's ties with New Orleans Mafia chieftain Carlos Marcello (often fin­gered as a key conspirator in the JFK assassination) and upon Lansky's preeminence over the Italian Mafia in organized crime activities.

    Chapter 11 continues in this vein, reviewing Lansky's involvement with Mafia figures Johnny Rosselli and Santo Trafficante Jr., and with the anti-Castro Cuban underground and the CIA in assassination plots aimed against Cuba's communist dictator, Fidel Castro.

    Chapter 12 is a detailed exploration of Meyer Lansky's predominant role in the international drug racket and how his criminal syndicate worked hand-in-glove with the American CIA in these international ventures.

    Chapter 13 considers a little known angle in the JFK assassination conspiracy: the role of Lansky's West Coast henchman, Mickey Cohen. It was Cohen's close friend and attorney, Melvin Belli, who later emerged as the attorney for Jack Ruby, the Lansky-linked crime figure who murdered JFK's alleged as­sassin, Lee Harvey Oswald.

    This chapter also documents Cohen's close working relationship with the Israeli underground and also connects the murder of JFK's mistress, film actress Marilyn Monroe, with Cohen's pro-Israel activities--an aspect that has been too long ignored.

    Chapter 14 is a review of the career of Jack Ruby as an er­rand boy for both the CIA and the Meyer Lansky Organized Crime Syndicate and his activities connected with the JFK assas­sination.

    Chapter 15, aptly entitled, "The Twain Shall Meet", demonstrates that it was through the little-explored Rome-based intelli­gence operation known as Permindex that the Israeli Mossad­CIA alliance and the Lansky Crime Syndicate came together and utilized their joint resources to orchestrate the JFK assassina­tion, bringing about the conspiracy documented in previous chapters full circle.

    Chapter 16 is, in part, a review of attorney Mark Lane's book, Plausible Denial, which documents a little-known libel trial in which a jury concluded that the CIA had a hand in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

    This chapter also examines the critical role that CIA man James Jesus Angleton, Israel's number one contact in American intelligence, played in manipulating the JFK assassination cover-up.

    Also examined is the oft-mentioned (but little-understood) so-called "French connection" to the JFK assassination conspiracy which was, in fact, also the Israeli connection.

    Chapter 17 is a critical examination of the role that the media played in distorting the public's perception of the JFK assassi­nation conspiracy and how the media pointed the finger of blame elsewhere.

    A special analysis exposes how one widely-publicized conspiracy theory (blaming Fidel Castro) was the product of a powerful newspaper columnist with close ties to not only the Israeli lobby in this country but also the Meyer Lansky Organized Crime Syndicate.

    Chapter 18 is a new look at the assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy and how RFK's murder ties together not only the CIA, Israel's Mossad, and the Meyer Lansky syndicate, but also the Iranian secret police, SAVAK (itself a creation of the CIA and the Mossad). RFK's assassination was, in fact, an integral part of the JFK assassination cover-up.

    The concluding chapter constitutes an overview of the previous chapters and ties together the various aspects considered, outlining the likely nature of the conspiracy that resulted in the assassinations of President Kennedy and his younger brother.

    A special appendix considers the covert CIA career of George Herbert Walker Bush and examines his integral links with several of the key players in the JFK assassination conspir­acy, examining that critical question, "Where Was George"?

    Our after word reflects on the nature of the continuing cover-up and of how the truth may never really be told. [H: Oh, I beg to differ--it most certainly WILL BE TOLD!]

    All of this, we believe, is a logically constructed recitation of the facts in the JFK case that leads us to conclude that Israel and its Mossad did indeed have a major hand in the JFK assassi­nation.

    You be the judge.
    You have heard all of the other theories time and again.
    This is the one and only book which ties all of those theories together in a comprehensive summary which makes ultimate sense.
    Read this book and reach your own final judgment.
    * * *
    Good grief, don't you wish you already had this book in hand?? Well, more than that, it is going to tie into what we have been giving you to the point of being quite, as you would say, "mind-blowing".

    As we were writing here I had asked that Rick make some con­tacts so that we would have permission for use of this volume. He came back in a bit of shock in that one of his callers "just happened to be studying this book in point". Ah, but it gets better: this person has been around with incredible under-cover information for several months now and he is all turned-on again--as this all unfolds.

    He (and I think it better that I leave the name blank for this moment) had a bit of other information on the Robert Kennedy circumstance. Let me just offer, without names for security, ex­actly what Rick has handed Dharma:

    Conversation 4/6/94:

    XXX (a law enforcement officer who worked with ZZZ, and later became the Captain of the ------ Police Dept.) and ZZZ met privately (in an alley in ------) with Bobby Kennedy to advise him that they had proof there was a telephone call made approxi­mately 15 minutes prior to JFK's assassination to the FBI to ad­vise them of the assassination. Word of the assassination was overheard by CCC in the law offices of Berenson (Jerome) and Nordham, which also happened to be where William P. Clark was practicing law. Upon hearing of the assassination plans, CCC was fearful and phoned her husband. The phone call was overheard by the telephone switchboard and the phone company notified the FBI. The reason XXX knew about this call is that he was the head of security for the phone company. XXX and ZZZ advised Bobby of this specific information that the FBI knew in advance, which really shook him up. He was strongly advised by XXX and ZZZ not to tell anyone under any circumstances un­til giving the matter some serious thought.... Bobby, at that time, was staying in the home of the man who led his Demo­cratic campaign, AN "ADL" JEWISH LAWYER BY THE NAME OF PAUL ZIFFERIN (phonetic spelling) XXX and ZZZ believe that Bobby told Paul Zifferin of this information he had just received. THE NEXT NIGHT BOBBY WAS DEAD.

    Its a small world isn't it?

    By the way, do you think Billary knows that Diane Feinstein is behind all their problems? It's that the ADL agenda has been, and is now, to get Feinstein into the Presidency--within the next two years!! She apparently is also behind all of Packwood's problems--in order to get into power, Vira Katz from Portland.

    Have a good day!!
    PJ 92


    THU., APR. 7, 1994 11:35 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 234

    THU., APR. 7, 1994
    by Ronn Jackson
    "Do you think we should start again?" I asked as I returned to my desk.
    "You have coffee on your shirt," she responded.
    "I have several clean ones in the closet--for emergencies". "What is your definition of 'emergencies'"?
    "Is that part of the interview"?
    "Just curious".
    "Before we begin", I said as I walked to the closet, "let me give you a little information". I put on a clean polo shirt and returned to my desk. "The reason you have to withhold this story for a few days is that it's not complete yet". She had a puzzled expression on her face but was silent. "My deal with the president, in part, is to give you the story. The part that isn't complete is that you are going to be there. You are going to witness and document it, and have full and exclusive rights to it". She continued her silence. "Last year a movie was released and because of the content of that movie I made several deci­sions, one of which was to complete a book that I had started. The second is to put to bed something that was started many years ago that will bring several people before the American People for judgment".
    "You sound like some kind of a crusader".
    "Please don't be judgmental. Just listen and when I'm through if you are not interested, walk. I only ask that, if that is your decision, you be quiet until I've completed what I've set out to do. As for being a crusader, most of them are just talk.
    I intend to complete what I am starting and there will be very little conversation.
    "To what movie are you referring"?
    "The assassination of John F. Kennedy"?
    "I was involved and that is a part of the story".

    * * *
    My profession certainly has its risks but that part has never phased me. I've lived it and I think it's attitude more than any­thing. Sure, when you watch TV there's action and shooting. It happens, but never the way I see it portrayed. During my ca­reer of over twenty years, I've been shot twice and cut once. The knife wound required seven stitches and happened so long ago that the scar has all but disappeared. The first time I was shot it was from a long distance and the bullet only nicked my elbow. I was uncomfortable for a few days and I soon forgot about the incident. The second time--well, I'm here to tell you about that one....

    I was in Dallas and had just received the "data package" on my objective. I didn't know at the time that this particular sanction was to have a significant impact on my life and, in later years, on the United States, and yes indeed, on history. The sanction was unusual in that it was "qualified". In the past, the bottom line was the bottom line
    --total, fatal and irrevocable--end of story. I've done a lot of work in Texas but I'm not from there and wouldn't like to live there. I have met some of the most beautiful women there and had some of the most memo­rable times, good and bad, there. This is not an ambiguous statement, just fact.

    I had flown in the day before and had rented a pick-up. It wasn't selected because I needed a truck, it was because I thought I would fit-in better. Those were my thoughts and that's what counts here. I had located the business and warehouse complex with no difficulty. This was a few years ago when Texas had a lot, of money and oil wells were decorating the downtown areas: It was a time when Texas was giving "foreign aid" to Oklahoma. It was the era when the terms inflation and depression were used to refer to the thirties and pan-handlers were being investigated by the "IRS" and forced to file tax re­turns. Things were pretty good and, as always, were better in Texas!

    That night I circled the block a couple of times. There was a guard just inside the locked main entrance and a chain link fence surrounded the complex. The entry didn't look really difficult. I parked across the eight lane roadway at the rear of the prop­erty. I sat in the truck studying the facility and something kept gnawing at me. I brushed it aside and stepped out of the truck. I had some metal cutters in my pocket and this tool had gotten me out of many a tight situation. I trotted across the street and when I came to the fence it hit me exactly what was bothering me--the height of that fence. It was at least fourteen feet high and had three strands of razor wire in a "Y" shape stretched across the top. My plan was to climb the fence and cut the ra­zor wire. All I could think about, however, was the drop on the other side. The interior was paved around the buildings and it was clean. There weren't any obstructions but that asphalt was hard.
    I climbed the fence near a four inch round post and when I reached the razor wire I cut the bottom strand and waited. It was stretched tightly but the noise it made from cutting was negligible. The second strand was a little more difficult because of the angle required. Again, the noise was minimal. There was enough room for me to climb onto the top of the fence and at the top of the post was an angle iron welded on and was strong enough to support my weight. I cut the third strand on the street side and rested for a minute.

    There was no traffic and no lights on the streets and none on my side of the complex. I reached over and cut the other three wires one after the other and waited. Again, there were no sounds. I looked down at the dark surface again and then jumped. As I landed I thought I heard something and attempted to freeze. My momentum carried me forward and I caught my­self with both hands. I was now in a most awkward position but I managed to hold up and listened. Hearing tends to be magnified when you are excited and after what seemed an eternity, I decided that my imagination was just playing some tricks. I flexed and rubbed my knees as both had taken punishment but at least I was still in one piece.

    The side of the building that I was facing was some twenty feet high and I guessed it to be some two hundred feet in length. I could see it was clear and so I ran along the side of the wall in a crouched position as I didn't want to make any more of a tar­get than I already presented. When I reached the corner I stopped short just shy of the turn. I listened and heard nothing. I stood then and edged towards the corner. As my angle of vi­sion increased I still saw nothing. The building I was going to was forward and to the left of me. My greater concern was the open space that I would have to cross. I was moving forward by only inches as the front of the building was approximately the same size as the side wall. There was still nothing. I had no­ticed on my drive-by that there were two loading ramps on the front of the building and they were just now coming into my view. I didn't know if anyone was in the building and the place did appear deserted. However, I wasn't taking chances. When I was even with the corner of the building I saw motion from the corner of my eye. I froze and as I slowly turned my head I saw a lone figure about ten feet from the center of the building. This would be about a hundred feet from my position. The person seemed to be interested in the front of the complex but in his hand was the unmistakable shape of a gun. It appeared to be large even from my vantage point. The barrel appeared over­sized and even in the dim light I could tell it bore a silencer. He took several steps in the direction he was facing and I was satis­fied that I was outside of his peripheral vision. I began running along the front and wishing I was on the other side of the wall. I snuggled the wall almost to the first dock and began angling direction towards the man. I was then about twelve to fifteen feet from him and I remember hearing a sound after which I found myself tumbling head over heels. Coming up I grabbed him, spun him around, and clamped my hand over his mouth. His back arched as though he was about to yell; I snapped his neck. The gun fell to the pavement. I continued to hold him until he quit convulsing and then I lowered him to the paved sur­face. His upper torso rolled over and he laid there, not moving other than an occasional spasm. I then sat down to catch my breath and also reached over and grabbed the weapon he dropped. It was a silenced three fifty-seven magnum and it was hot. I wondered where he was going to hunt elephants at this time of night. I reached over and pulled him to me. I felt his jacket pockets and there was some loose rounds. I laid them by the gun. His shirt pockets had something in them and I pulled it out. It was cash which I put in my jacket. His front pants pockets had some keys and change. I rolled him over and pulled out his wallet. I put it in with the money in my jacket. I picked up the gun and put it down the back of my pants and got up.

    I tried to move towards the building and fell down. My right leg had given out and it felt like it was on fire. I also felt it with my hand and found it warm and sticky; it was also starting to hurt. That turkey had shot me. I pulled out my knife and reached out and dragged the figure over to me. I cut his jacket and wrapped a strip around my leg while not bothering to at­tempt to dress the wound. I stood up and it was painful but I could take a couple of steps. It hurt but it seemed to be working so I jogged to the building.

    I checked the entrance door and both sides of some sliding doors. It would take a torch to get through any one of them. I then walked around the building and found those two entrances to be the only ones--at least that I could determine. I glanced over at the prone figure and remembered that he had keys in his pocket and, well, I had nothing to lose in checking them out. I didn't like where he was laying but I walked back over to where he was and picked up the keys. I picked up the body then and carried it to the side of the building. I pushed it flush to the wall. I took the keys and none of them worked in the locks. I went around the building again and still found no additional en­trances. I stopped at the body and noticed his arm was laying across a drain pipe. I took a good hold on it and it felt like it would support my weight and even though I didn't know what I was going to do if I was on the roof it seemed like it might be better than walking around on the ground where I was.

    It was a painful climb but I finally made it. In the center of the roof there was a small building. It was a structure that held heating and air conditioning systems. I walked over to it and there was a door. It was not locked and inside it was quite a bit darker than outside. Since there were no windows I took out my lighter and went inside while closing the door behind me. I lit the lighter and could see, on the floor, a sliding ladder which was on top of a door that opened downward. It didn't make any sense that it would be locked from the inside so I pushed on it. It was on a spring arrangement and when it gave way there was light coming up from below. I straddled the opening. Here goes, I thought, as I jumped on the last step on the ladder. The springs were heavy and the device was very well balanced so when it stopped I was about four feet off the floor. I jumped the final distance and, yes, I surely did feel it. My feet, my leg, both knees and my hands hurt--I hurt all over.

    There were a couple of lights on the walls and I knew the building had to be sealed for them not to be visible from the out­side. There were row after rows of wooden cases. They were six high as I could count and unless my thinking was out in left field somewhere, the qualification on my sanction was about to become unqualified. If those boxes contained rifles I was to complete my job as given.

    Each box that I opened contained rifles. There were M-ls, M-14s, M-16s and in the last box I opened, M-60s. Each had cosmoline and were wrapped in water-proof paper directly from the manufacturer. They were on their way south! For Ameri­cans to do this was beyond my thinking. I wondered how many of our people died from arms supplied from their own country, supplied by people in it.

    I didn't bother to close the crates as it made no difference whether they were open or closed.

    It was quite a bit more difficult climbing back up and I had to suppress a groan or two on the way. I closed the small room and found that going back down the drain pipe was equally as difficult. I was tempted to let go and then remembered my feet and knees and took my time. When I finally reached the fence all I could think about was how I had come in. I pulled out the cutters and started cutting as the fence would have no further importance to the owner.

    I headed towards the airport traveling along on Highway ten. There wasn't much traffic as it was a little past one a.m. The turnoff I was seeking was well marked and shortly I was headed south. The "man's" road was about twelve miles distant and I was headed westward again. His home was further about a mile. Calling this place a "home" was some kind of under­statement. This was definitely not a middle-class area. I must admit that, as hard as I try to do my job and keep my personal feelings out of it, it was surely difficult in this case. Though there was nothing in the information package that I had been given on this gentleman, I knew him--not personally, but I knew all about him and you will understand shortly.

    I circled the block and it was about five miles, for twenty houses. Like I said before, this was not a middle-class neighborhood. When I was in front of the "man's" property I turned around and shut off the truck motor. I pulled out my knife and started walking the two hundred yards to the house.

    Inside I saw that there were night-lights in all of the rooms and so it didn't take long to locate the master suite. The man's wife, or some woman, was in the adjacent bedroom and the door was closed. I hoped at the moment that I would never live to be that age.

    As I entered his room I could see that he was sleeping. I closed the door and walked to the side of the bed upon which he was sleeping. There was a light on the night-stand and I turned it on. He didn't move. In one motion I straddled him while placing one hand over his mouth and the knife to his throat. His eyes came open and he stiffened. He didn't move and his eyes were the size of softballs.

    I said, "I'm going to remove my hand in a minute and I am going to ask you some questions. If you give me a wrong answer this session will be terminated and you know where that leaves you".

    He nodded and I removed my hand while putting a little more pressure on the knife. "The rifles--who are they for"?
    "Who made the Connection"?
    "That's a bunch of crap, there's no connection. He hated Castro"
    "John, our attorney".
    "Who was in Dallas".
    "We heard Langley and Hoover. We don't know--probably Hoover".

    I saw red. I was furious. All of these years and all of the deceit--why? What for? What purpose?--and then it came to me.... I knew the answer to all my own questions. My life was finally together with the pieces.

    I looked down and my hand was again over his mouth. I had rammed the knife upward--he wasn't moving. The anger that flowed through me was difficult to contain. I stepped off the bed. I was shaking and I wanted to strike out at something or someone but no one was there but I vowed that I would have my "pound of flesh".

    As I left the bedroom I picked up his wallet which was laying on the dresser.
    I didn't try to be quiet and when I reached the truck I got in and drove away--burning rubber. I realized that I needed to get control of myself.

    To my right I saw a truck-stop and pulled in. I just sat a few minutes. Later I realized I was truly uncomfortable and that my leg was really starting to hurt. I reached down to rub it a bit and found that my pants were stiff where the blood had dried. I laid my leg across the seat and unwrapped the cloth around the wound. I noted the wound didn't look like a gunshot wound. I decided that I had best get to an emergency room and get professional help along with a Tetanus shot. With a bit of sadness I realized that the jump I had made would have been easy even for kids--I definitely was not as young as I used to be.

    The nurse who attended my leg had a personality like my former drill instructor in the Marine Corps. She made no offer to deaden the pain and I didn't give her the satisfaction of complaining. When she finished I stood eye to eye to her and told her that if she had been a man she would be needing the services provided here. I thought she was going to hit me.

    I still had a lot of anger built up and I hadn't called in. I chose to not get myself all worked up again so decided to cool down a while longer. I stopped by the front desk and paid for the medical services out of the money I had taken from the man who had shot me and I still had eight thousand. Life is cheap for some people. I wondered if he would have taken it if he knew there was a chance he wouldn't get to spend it. Probably. I didn't even know what he looked like. I knew the man didn't know me or of my coming. Why was he there? I had no diffi­culties with my employers. Then, however, I started thinking. I had no connection to the gun-runner and conspirator.
    I was lied to once, what would prevent them from doing so again? Hell, I didn't know that I was lied to and I thought that I proba­bly was just making too much out of this incident. Or was Perhaps everything that I had done was a lie! I really didn't know any more and I was in no frame of mind to sort out the situation at that particular time.

    I went back to my hotel room and stripped down. I set the water for as hot as I thought I could stand it and then just stood under it. I felt myself begin to loosen up a bit and I felt the bandage on my wound coming off--it felt good to have the hot water running over the wound. I thought it might be better for healing so left it. Later I put on clean clothes and noted that some of the soreness was gone so I went out to make my neces­sary calls.

    I had two numbers and I dialed a "202" area code first. It was answered on the very first ring. I found myself shouting and was using several expletives--against my employers and also their mothers.

    "Wait a minute," came an abrupt response, "who would have believed us"? It was at that moment that I knew I wasn't work­ing for the government but some of the people I did work for worked for the government. That LBJ had been used, just as I, and duped. The man continued with, We sent no one for you or anyone else...." That is the first time since my employment that he had actually talked to me. "You are the only one we employ in your capacity".

    "The job is complete", I shouted, "and you had better get those weapons out of the warehouse. The guy that shot me is laying beside the building and I don't want to be disturbed for a while. Also, my fee--double it and I want no more sur­prises...and the next time we speak, I want to know who that shooter was". (060220)

    Authors note: My next sanction was "Extra".

    "Does the President know?"
    "He knows everything. I think he is 'CYA' about now".
    "What does he have to hide"?
    "For someone in the heart and breath of America, you are incredibly naive".
    "I think I am but I didn't until I met you".
    "What you are about to hear may mean the end of this coun­try as you know it. Are you prepared to accept that responsibil­ity"?

    She looked at me for quite a while and then said, "I am a professional and I will do whatever is necessary".

    That's what I figured she would say, a long time ago. Oh women--I love them all.

    'Author's note and addendum:

    I am going to comment on several people who were involved with the assassination of John F. Kennedy and also on the ensu­ing events up to the current time. Some of the principals I have met and others I was included in their manipulation. Some, I have no desire to meet or know and consider not worthy of my time. Some I have corresponded with and all are but victims, but to a lesser degree than our former president.

    FRANK ROGANNO: He represents himself as a former Mafia lawyer. As a man he was shunned by his faith and by those who came to him for legal advice, including organized crime. He was and is a failure and someone I pity. He does have one thing in common with the Mafia--I have never seen him without dirty finger nails or wearing white socks. He was not involved in any way with the assassination itself nor were any of the people he claims to have represented.

    JOHN ROSELLI and SAM GIANCANNA: Both are in­cluded in Book Five, "Hoover's Files". My only contact with organized crime was on an unrelated matter. Both of these Gentlemen are finally functioning as a useful part of our society--they are fertilizing a field near the State Police Sub-station and behind a rundown truck-stop off of highway off-ramp number twelve, in New Jersey, R.I.P., "Jimmy G". and "Sal R".

    JEMMY HOFFA: Mr. Hoffa's son recently made a state­ment pertaining to a movie that's being released about his fa­ther. He said it was about time his father was exonerated and the public was told the truth about his approaching "Sainthood". Okay, I will do my part to contribute to those ends. In the late sixties and early seventies, on the central California coast, a re­tirement high-rise was built and financed by the Teamsters' Pen­sion Fund. The original winning bid was for $5.2 million dol­lars. When the contract was awarded it was for seven point two million ($7.2 M). Over the next three months the builder padded his billings for the extra two million and converted the funds to cash. The disbursements were as follows: A member of the City Council where the seven story building was con­structed, 500 K; the owner of the property where the building was constructed, 500 K; the local union official who originally submitted the loan application and Mr. Hoffa, 500 K EACH. This information came directly from Mr. Hoover's files. (Mr. Sessions is building his own dossier(s)).
    Mr. Hoffa was NOT involved in the assassination. He wasn't smart enough.

    VICTOR MARCHETTI: Throughout our political system there are positions created for accommodations. You know, the "Pork" kind. Mr. Marchetti learned more about the "Central Intelligence Agency", from newspapers about the CIA and from TV than he ever could from working there. Neither he nor the "CIA" were involved in any way with the assassination of the Kennedys.

    BEVERLY OLIVER: She was easy to manipulate. The morning I left her place, she was still asleep. I assume she knew what the two thousand I laid on her nightstand was for. Then again, maybe I'm better than I thought. The end result was the same.
    Ms. Oliver knows only what she saw from vari­ous media sources and was suggested by her interrogators.

    AL MADDOX: Mr. Maddox was a tool and was used quite successfully.

    ANN SILVER CONWAY: I understand why Ms. Conway was brought in. What I don't understand is why wasn't a fortuneteller or a Ouija Board utilized.

    ROSCOE WHITE: Mr. White's life expectancy would have been in the ten to fifteen second range had we met. He was killed over non-payment of a thousand dollar debt.

    WILLIAM BAILEY: Mr. Bailey is frequently called upon to add credibility to a talk show or a news program. Granted, he and the Federal Bureau of Investigation spent thousands of man hours on the assassination and they are no closer to a solu­tion now than they were on November 22, 1963.

    WARREN COMMISSION: I have a suggestion for Mr. Paul Belin. Perhaps the twenty seven volumes compiled on the assassination could be used as were the old Sears and Roebuck catalogs.

    AL THOMAS: At Lyndon B. Johnson's request he called President Kennedy and asked him to speak--in Texas. Mr. Thomas was, at the time, the voice on the House Appropriations Committee and had a hell of a lot more power than the Presi­dent. A trip to Texas couldn't hurt it seems because Goldwater was ahead of Kennedy in the polls, at the time.

    LYNDON B. JOHNSON: A CONSPIRATOR. There will be details further along in this book and book 2.

    JOHN CONNALLY: A CONSPIRATOR. (same as above)

    SYLVID OSVALDO TOMAYO REYES: Deceased September 29, 1963, AKA Carlos the Jackal.


    The "Alpha Files" were also used as a source for this information. [D: There are a lot of notations in the margin by each of the names relating to other involved parties such as Oswald and Ruby but I cannot read them as they are simply author's notations. Since working with Final Judgment AND the other resources, I guess we have to simply go fur­ther, readers, to sort any kind of sense out of all these theo­ries. Ronn says he was a part of it and others who knew him "'back when" say he is exactly who he claims to be and would know. They think he is accurate enough that they have severed all inter-communications even to talking about "old times". It seems that I, and perhaps you readers too, are learning a lot about things I never wanted to know any­thing about. Too much curiosity has always been a pretty dangerous thing as far as I can tell but then, nobody asked my opinion. I guess it will all make sense as we move along. It does seem that if Connally was a "conspirator" that he just about got suicided himself. Also, there are a lot of CIA players in the game to be totally innocent--however, who knows...?) I will not insult the reader's intelligence by adding the names of either Jim Garrison or Clay Shaw. Mr. Garrison sought notoriety by using his elected office for personal gain.

    END PART 4

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