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  1. #1
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 91
    It is by taking one tiny step following another that you can make a journey to destination. It is also through the revealing of one truth upon another that you find the whole of truth in any given circumstance. It is not easy to comprehend and it sickens both mind and soul of man to come into realization of that which IS. Man has been trained to believe that which he is told--whether it be truth or lie, to the point that MAN IS NOW SIMPLY VICTIM OF THE LIES. MAY LIGHT COME FORTH THAT YOU MAY RECOVER YOUR PATHWAY INTO TRUTH.


    The Phoenix Journals are intended as a "real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind.

    All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.

    If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the "end times" (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the "sorting" period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four corners of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity--based upon TRUTH.

    So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is "fiction").

    The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were.

    If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.
    ISBN 1-56935-039-6
    First Edition Printed by
    P.O. Box 27353
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89126
    March 1994
    Printed in the United States of America


    DEDICATION.......................................................................................... .................................
    KARL RUSSBACHER.......................................................................................... .........
    INTRODUCTION........................................................................................ .............................
    SAT., APR. 9, 1994................................................................................................ ..............
    A BIT UP-FRONT............................................................................................... ..................
    ABOUT DEFRAUNDING AMERICA...............................................................................
    CHAPTER 1................................................................................................... ............................
    TUE., MAR. 29, 1994................................................................................................ ..........
    TODAY IN WONDERLAND.......................................................................................... ....
    DEFRAUDING AMERICA, Part 9 by Rodney Stich.......................................................
    OCTOBER SURPRISE............................................................................................ .............
    THE HELICOPTER CRASH............................................................................................... .
    DEATH OF A DEEP-COVER NAVAL ADMIRAL....................................................
    COVERUP BY ST. LOUIS POST DISPATCH...................................................................
    WARNINGS TO FORGET THE HELICOPTER CRASH.................................................
    NOTIFYING THE MEDIA............................................................................................... ....
    ESCALATING DISINFORMATION..................................................................................
    SEEKING TO DEPORT RUSSBACHER...........................................................................
    REMOVAL OF MONEY FROM THE UNITED STATES...............................................
    CHAPTER 2................................................................................................... ............................
    THU., MAR. 3 1, 1994................................................................................................ .........
    MARKETS AND ECONOMIC PANICS............................................................................
    EARTHQUAKES ON T'HE WEST COAST......................................................................
    Continuation: DEFRAUDING AMERICA,
    Part 10 by Rodney Stich............................................................................................... .
    FEDERAL JUDGES, TRUSTEES, LAW FIRMS AND CIA............................................
    IN CHAPTER 11 (bankruptcy).....................................................................................
    TO SILENCE RUSSBACHER.......................................................................................
    OTHER CIA INFORMANTS.......................................................................................... .....
    MOSSAD-CIA CROSS-CHECK.........................................................................................
    CHAPTER 3................................................................................................... ............................
    THU., MAR. 31, 1994................................................................................................ ..........
    Ronn Jackson, Secret Service Agency........................................................................
    by Ronn Jackson, SSA................................................................................................. ..
    THE DEATH OF CAMELOT............................................................................................. .
    CHAPTER 2................................................................................................... .......................
    NUKES IN THE WAREHOUSE...................................................................................
    CHAPTER 4................................................................................................... ............................
    FRI., APR. 1, 1994................................................................................................ ................
    FOOL'S DAY?................................................................................................ .......................
    DEATH OF CAMELOT, Part 2 By Ronn Jackson...........................................................
    THE BEGINNING........................................................................................... ......................
    CHAPTER 5................................................................................................... ............................
    SAT., APR. 2, 1994................................................................................................ ..............
    A LITTLE EASTER MESSAGE..........................................................................................
    NO DEATH............................................................................................... ............................
    TRUTH............................................................................................... ....................................
    THE NEW WORLD............................................................................................... ...............
    BEWARE.............................................................................................. .................................
    IMMANUEL .................................................................................................... .....................
    THE CURSE OF ISRAEL.............................................................................................. .......
    I CAME NOT TO BRING PEACE......................................................................................
    THE LAST LESSON.............................................................................................. ...............
    MAN'S FINAL GOAL................................................................................................ ..........
    IN THE "THUNDERING LIGHT"......................................................................................
    CHAPTER 6................................................................................................... ............................
    SAT., APR. 2, 1994................................................................................................ ..............
    PUSHING OUR LUCK................................................................................................ .........
    DEFRAUDING AMERICA, Part 11 by Rodney Stich.....................................................
    SILENCING WHISTLEBLOWERS....................................................................................
    FOR SCANDAL GOING INTO THE WHITE HOUSE................................................
    JFK ASSASSINATION....................................................................................... ...........
    THE SCANDALS OF THE 1980s.................................................................................
    CHAPTER 7................................................................................................... ............................
    SAT., APR. 2, 1994................................................................................................ ..............
    Continuation: DEFRAUDING AMERICA,
    Part 12 by Rodney Stich............................................................................................... .
    KILLINGS OCCURRING IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES ...................................................
    MOSSAD ASSASSINATION....................................................................................... .......
    PERSECUTION OF INFORMANTS...................................................................................
    THE AUTHOR.............................................................................................. ........................
    STANDARD TACTICS FOR SILENCING INFORMANTS.............................................
    THE DEATHS AND PERSECUTIONS........................................................................
    ANOTHER DEATH............................................................................................... ...............
    CHAPTER 8................................................................................................... ............................
    MON., APR.4, 1994................................................................................................ .............
    "THE" MARKET?............................................................................................. ...................
    ZHIRINOVSKY ENTERTAINMENT.................................................................................
    YOU ARE ALREADY MARKED......................................................................................
    FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AS A CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE.......................................
    ORGANIZED CRIME IN THE U.S. JUSTICE DEPARTMENT......................................
    SUCCESSION OF CORRUPT ATTORNEY GENERALS...............................................
    ATTORNEYS AND OFFICIALS..................................................................................
    PLACING A YOUNG LADY IN PRISON.........................................................................
    CHAPTER 9................................................................................................... ............................
    MON., APR.4, 1994................................................................................................ .............
    Continuation: DEFRAUDING AMERICA,
    Part 14 by Rodney Stich............................................................................................... .
    SENDING SENIOR CITIZENS TO PRISON......................................................................
    TEN YEARS FOR A TELEPHONE CONVERSATION...................................................
    MISPRISION OF FELONY.............................................................................................. ....
    SUICIDE INDUCED BY CORRUPT FEDERAL CORRUPTION...................................
    OUTRAGEOUS PRISON SENTENCES.............................................................................
    BLACKMAILING MEMBERS OF CONGRESS...............................................................
    BUYING AND SELLING HUMAN LIVES.......................................................................
    CORRUPTION.......................................................................................... ......................
    INTERNATIONAL ARROGANCE....................................................................................
    CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................. ...........................
    MON., APR. 4, 1994................................................................................................ ............
    DEFRAUDING AMERICA Part 15 by Rodney Stich......................................................
    SUPREME COURT APPROVAL OF UNLAWFUL SEIZURE.......................................
    KILLING A NEARLY BLIND RANCHER........................................................................
    ENLARGEMENT OF THE WEAVER TRAGEDY...........................................................
    APOCALYPTIC ASSAULT............................................................................................. ....
    OILING UP THE MISINFORMATION MACHINERY ...................................................
    CHAPTER 11.................................................................................................. ...........................
    MON., APR. 4, 1994................................................................................................ ............
    DEFRAUDING AMERICA, Part 16 by Rodney Stich.....................................................
    THE "INVESTIGATORS"....................................................................................................
    SUBSEQUENT REPORT.............................................................................................. .......
    GUN OWNERS BEWARE.............................................................................................. ....
    WIDESPREAD INVOLVEMENT OF FEDERAL JUDGES.............................................
    SUPREME COURT'S COMPLICITY.................................................................................
    SUPREME COURT'S SOILED RECORD..........................................................................
    BY SUPREME COURT JUSTICES..............................................................................
    CIVIL RIGHT'S AND CRIMINAL VIOLATIONS......................................................
    THE CRIMES OF CONGRESS...........................................................................................
    LAW AND HUMAN RIGHTS......................................................................................
    CHAPTER 12.................................................................................................. ...........................
    TUE., APR. 5, 1994................................................................................................ ..............
    A LOOK BACK................................................................................................ ....................
    CHAPTER 13.................................................................................................. ...........................
    TUE., APR. 5, 1994................................................................................................ ..............
    EVERYBODY'S TRYING.............................................................................................. .....
    By Ronn Jackson............................................................................................. ...............
    APPENDIX............................................................................................ .....................................
    OF TIMELY NEWS AND/OR EDUCA'TIONAL ITEMS..........................................
    CHAPTER 14.................................................................................................. ...........................
    OUTCOME BASED EDUCATION....................................................................................
    EDUCATION........................................................................................... .......................
    THE TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE..........................................................................................
    NATIONAL TRAINING LABORATORIES......................................................................
    THE CARNEGIE CORPORATION....................................................................................
    ENTER THE MIND CONTROLLERS................................................................................
    THE ROLE OF THE ADL................................................................................................. ...
    MENTAL TORTURE INSTEAD OF LEARNING............................................................
    ADL'S WORLD OF DIFFERENCE.....................................................................................
    ADL: AMERICAN DISSOLUTION LEAGUE..................................................................
    RAINBOW PERVERSITY SPARKED FIGHT IN NEW YORK......................................
    THE LUCIS TRUST: SATANISTS BEHIND OBE............................................................
    THEY'RE OUT TO TAKE YOUR CHILD AWAY...........................................................
    CHAPTER 15.................................................................................................. ...........................


    I won't do more than simply salute Gunther Russbacher at this time but I do wish to present the information pertinent to the person, Rodney Stich, as to "who" he is:

    "Rodney Stitch has been a government and private investigator for the past thirty years, holding federal authority to determine violations of federal law. His assignment with the Federal Aviation Administration covered the most corrupt and tragedy-riddled airline program in the United States, where corruption and resulting airline crashes were rampant. This experience caused him to embark upon a lifelong crusade exposing hard-core corruption in the three branches of the federal government.

    "During the past five years he became a confidant to many former deep-cover people in the U.S. intelligence community who were on the front-lines of serious misconduct ordered by their superiors.

    "Well over a thousand hours of deposition-like communications, hundreds of classified documents, and many letters, made the author privy to government corruption far beyond what he had already personally discovered.

    "Each of the many whistleblowers who contributed to the contents of the book have been targeted and persecuted, as well as their families, by Justice Department prosecutors and federal judges, seeking to silence them. Many other informants who could have provided additional information were killed or mysteriously died. The author and his confidants are risking their lives in bringing this information to the American public."

    May the offerings of these and other daring truth-bringers offer you strength and determination to reclaim freedom and sovereignty in your nation and world for you are in SERIOUS TROUBLE.



    SAT., APR. 9, 1994 8:20 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 236

    SAT., APR. 9. 1994

    This is going to be short because we need to move right on with the ongoing sagas being presented in the daily writings from some critically important authors.

    Since it appears that the most of the presentations in this volume are from DEFRAUDING AMERICA by Rodney Stich (Diablo Western Press, Inc, P.O. Box 5, Alamo, Calif. 94507 OR Diablo Western Press, Inc., P.O. Box 10587, Reno, Nevada 89510 [Telephone orders: 1-800-247-7389] we will simply present the information regarding Rodney and the book as presented IN the book. Indeed there is more in this journal volume but let us focus on the real daring citizen patriots of your generation moving on into an age group wherein they have EXPERIENCED these things of which they write so are the literal "insiders" and witnesses to that which we continually present in an effort to get you, the readers, to see, hear and hopefully come to know and understand.

    Since the portions we have selected to present to you are regarding testimony and affidavit interrogation of Gunther Russbacher, I will also be dedicating this volume to Gunther Russbacher.

    For you who keep up to the best of ability, with Gunther, we do have a report of his whereabouts and health status. Some of our people managed to get him deposited in Austria within the past couple of weeks. I will not be specific. He was immediately taken into custody. The accompanying "travelers" were held incognito in the International Holding Compound and escorted on board a return flight plane to the U.S. being allowed to know nothing of Gunther's status.

    Word has come within the past two days of his position but not "location". He is hospitalized, under excellent care, "doing as well as can be expected" but indications are that he "will be fine." Let us put it this way: he needed a full restructuring of the heart quintuple by-pass surgery, attention to the areas from which the vessels for the surgery were removed, a removal of multiple computerized "chips" and microdots and various other health restorations. YOUR NATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IS NOT A VERY NICE PLACE TO BE FOR THESE DARING YOUNG MEN ON THEIR WAY TO TRUTH.

    WE WILL GIVE YOU AN ADDRESS FOR CONTACTING GUNTHER AS SOON AS WE HAVE A MAILING LOCATION. You have not heard the last of this gentleman--so don't go away! It is a terrible thing, however, to be forced out of the country in which one has been a citizen accepted and in service to country for almost all of one's life. Will he be allowed to return? Possibly not so he will still need your loving support until the legal complications are cleared. Will his wife and/or family be able to join him? Some of them, as red-tape, financing, etc., are also cleared-up. The man is still a high-ranking officer in the U.S. military so the assumption is that these things can be dealt with in orderly fashion. He will, however, remain sheltered (even if incarceration is necessary in Austria) for protection, healing and ultimate placement. Do not forget these friends in your prayers.

    This book is the culmination of thirty years of investigative work by the author, commencing while he was a federal investigator holding federal authority to make such determinations. The author initially discovered deep-seated corruption at a major airline and within the federal government while holding federal responsibilities for air safety at the airline experiencing an inordinate number of corruption-related air disasters.

    In seeking to expose and correct the tragedy-related criminality, he encountered epidemic cover-up in every major government and non-government check and balance. His determination to circumvent complicity of cover-ups resulted in a thirty-year crusade against corrupt government, revealing a level of corruption that at first may appear beyond comprehension.

    Commencing in the late 1980s the author's activities became a magnet for attracting former deep-cover people assigned to or working with U.S. Intelligence agencies and the Drug Enforcement Administration. They were concerned about the harm caused by the activities they were ordered to perform by their superiors.

    The average American has been kept illiterate in these areas by the establishment media, the babel of government officials, and the criminal cover-up by almost every member of Congress. The public's own refusal to read what has been written about many of these subjects has made this condition possible. The resulting state of naivete may cause difficulty believing what is stated.

    The author, and those concerned whistleblowers who contributed information found in this book, have nothing to gain, and much to lose, by coming forward; even their lives. Despite the unlawful acts that many of these whistleblowers committed, under orders and knowledge of high U.S. officials, they deserve credit for risking their lives and imprisonment by speaking out.

    The charges within this book are supported by hundreds of classified government documents; records of administrative and private investigators; over a thousand hours of deposition-like statements made to the author by many former CIA and DEA personnel; congressional records; circumstantial and anecdotal evidence; and research by others.

    Reviewers refer to this information as "a pattern of related scandals that makes the Godfather saga pale by comparison." It covers dirty secrets of the CIA and other government operations.
    * * *
    If you want to further "curl your hair" I suggest you immediately ALSO get Rodney's book, UNFRIENDLY SKIES--and see if you ever want to fly again!
    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일
    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-15 at 12:25.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 91
    TUE., MAR. 29, 1994 1:49 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 225

    TUE., MAR. 29, 1994

    You are watching and waiting for this past weekend to wreck havoc on everything within the realm of economy, money, gold, etc. Oh, it will happen--perhaps the transactions got stopped somewhere as ones broke agreements and vied for "the most" and thus and so. It is a "tricky" game--and it is happening. Watch it happen. Rome wasn't built in a day--nor did Caesar learn to fiddle in an afternoon of burning buildings.

    What about the Federal Reserve? Well, what we told you is what was told to our people. We are not going to do better than that nor more specifically. YOU GO LOOK AT WHAT IS NOW THE NAME OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BUILDING!! IT SAYS: CENTRAL BANK!

    Could the actual day be the end of the month? How about the beginning of next? Chelas--why don't you get prepared and your nerves will last ever so much longer. First of all--GET PREPARED WITH GOD! AT THIS TIME OF EVOLVEMENT WITH THIS KIND OF CONTROL OVER YOUR VERY BEINGS--YOU HAVE NO CONTROL AT ALL--GET AND REMAIN: PREPARED! Then, as it takes place, things are not in chaos as you effort to "keep on going".

    By the way--beware: George Green is now efforting to utilize Jim Cook of Investment Rarities to do radio shows with him--so HE, TOO, CAN BUILD ANOTHER "PHOENIX-TYPE" PROGRAM WHICH HE IS EFFORTING TO DESTROY IN THIS PLACE! Guess what, however, he plans to use the confiscated, thieved gold from here and there to get the collateral to borrow against--for funding for his own personal use and that of his "buddies". Undoubtedly there will be further appeal to all of you citizens to support your local survival groups and patriot groups, i.e., Gritz, Binder, Anderson et al. He claims "inside" connections--well, how about these fine and upstanding "insiders" so far...? Just pay attention. From where did we get this information? RIGHT FROM A VERY HIGH "HORSE'S MOUTH". If you hear that "they" are just "spreading the WORD" or "getting the WORD out" or helping save the citi­zens--watch out!

    Do any of you wonder about the UFO information extended by this person? What about Billy Meier? I think it interesting that George has ended up with over "1,200 or more" photographs from Billy Meier (at least that is what he advertises)--while Billy Meier says that ALL BUT A PITTANCE OF PICTURES WERE STOLEN FROM HIM. I also would suspect Ekker-­Ekker might well consider "where" to look for the original copy of the UFO book loaned to them by Gerry Popper, signed by Gordon Cooper, which was taken from their dwelling. Some people just have very sticky fingers and cannot turn down a good book. I cannot, however, think of much more insipid be­havior than to steal from a friend or family member, especially that which was not even theirs. Am I, or anyone here, making accusations against anyone? No, it just seems a bit curious as one ponders sequence, circumstances and happenings, does it not? Masters at deceit usually do not leave so much incriminat­ing circumstantial evidence to give question; but then, perhaps old agents never die--they just botch up the stories while giving a dozen renditions of a happening until the opponent dies of old age.

    by Rodney Stich.

    I asked details surrounding the helicopter crash that occurred the night before. "Were the naval officers that you had coffee with [at Terminal Island Federal prison], on the helicopter?" I asked.
    "Yes," he replied, "I had coffee with one of them."
    "What was his name?"
    "The first guy's name was Samuel Walters."
    "And he was Navy?"
    "And that's his true name, too." [Referring to the alias fre­quently used; Gunther used the alias of Robert A. Walker.]
    "What was his rank?"
    "He was a captain."
    "Did you meet the other two guys that were on it?"
    "Yes, one of them was a Rear Admiral, John D. Burkhardt. He was in defense logistics."
    "Office of Naval Intelligence?"
    "Yes. And his present job was that he was very strongly im­plicated in NASA and the SDI initiative." Russbacher continued, "Raye called the Chief of Stations at St. Louis, who is a friend of ours. He made some checks and found out who was on board."
    "Were they the ones who were to have gone back with you?" "Yes." "Tricky business, Rodney, I don't know if you want
    to get into this. If I would have been on that helicopter I
    would be dead."

    Describing what his CIA handlers told him, Russbacher said: "The helicopter took off yesterday carrying a rear admiral, two Navy Captains, and it should also have carried myself. Every­body here, including the D of J [Department of Justice], were under the impression that I was going to be on that aircraft. The aircraft took off from Fort Ord with a flight to Monterey, and from Monterey they were going to discharge one of the crew who was going to stay at the FBO at Monterey. And then the aircraft was going on to Santa, Cruz, and land back behind the University grounds. The incident occurred about 6:18 p.m. The original incident, as it was described by the radio at Santa Cruz, the helicopter exploded about 200 feet above the ground. No pieces, just general wreckage. What came out about an hour afterwards--a helicopter went down with two FBI agents on board. There were two FBI agents on board, although they suf­fered serious injuries, they are ok. One of them suffered very serious head injuries. Somehow or other they were able to cover up for the initial flight. Rodney, they are after every one that has anything to do with these activities."

    Russbacher continued: "Someone saved my butt last night. I don't know how many more times in the future they are going to be able to do it." [H: Oh, I would guess as many times as is necessary.]

    "You felt that something was put in the coffee. Did it just make you groggy?"
    "I went right to sleep, and slept until twenty minutes of ten." "So after you drank the coffee you were supposed to leave right then and there?"
    "Within an hour and a half."
    "Then you went back to your cell and went to sleep, expect­ing them to call you?"
    "They never called."
    "They never tried to wake you up?"
    "As far as I know, no one tried to wake me up The first in­dication I had that it was time to wake up was at twenty minutes of ten, people were screaming at me that I had an emergency call from the Control Center and that I needed to call home immediately."
    "I'm surprised the prison officials gave you that personal ser­vice."
    "Well, you have to also bear in mind that [my status is] a lit­tle different."
    "Well, the fact that you can get to a phone that is not moni­tored indicates that you are in a different category than most prisoners."
    "Within four minutes of being awakened I was on the phone talking to Raye and hearing your voice in the back­ground."

    I asked Russbacher how he ended up in prison. He replied, "That could be a book by itself. It dealt with repatriating some of the arms from Central America back to the United States."

    Referring to what was done to silence me, Russbacher stated: "Your case is different. It does not address a single issue. Your case addresses multi-issues. If you create sufficient fires, it is extremely difficult to determine where the fires are and how best to put them out. You pose a significant threat. You pose as much of a threat to their little game as I do to the total ad­ministration. You pose a significant embarrassment to the federal government. It isn't quite so easy to shut these people down."

    The existence of the Navy helicopter crash was kept secret by the government, as though it never happened. The absence of any report caused me to withhold any further mention of it for fear that reference to a non-reported helicopter crash would dis­credit the other information Russbacher gave me. However, during a conversation with St. Louis Post Dispatch reporter Phil Linsalata, as we developed a friendly dialog, I described the he­licopter crash and qualified the information with the statement that I had no evidence to support its occurrence and that I hadn't told anyone else about it, because of that lack of evidence. Lin­salata replied that the Post Dispatch had a reliable CIA source, and that they would contact him for possible confirming that the crash did in fact occur.

    Linsalata contacted me several days later (May 4, 1991), ad­vising that the CIA contact confirmed that the helicopter crash did occur, and that a Navy admiral was killed. Linsalata stated that the CIA contact expressed, surprise that the Post Dispatch knew of the crash and the death of the Navy admiral. During another conversation on May 20, 1991, Linsalata again made reference to the statements made by the CIA informant concerning the death of the navy admiral in the helicopter crash. In response to my questions, Linsalata stated:

    The guy (CIA informant) seemed shocked that I had access to this information. His shock seemed sincere. You judge the truth of what a person is saying, such as by the tone of voice. He seemed quite shocked that I had access to this information. He also made a comment that he personally knew who the ranking officer was, the brass, the admiral, and that he knew the guy. He was personally shocked that he [the Admiral] had been killed, and that he was a nice guy. He said the Admiral didn't deserve what happened. The things that he said to me made it impossible to rule out that he was simply offering the information that I gave him. The new information was given to me on his own. I didn't flush it out of him in any way. He just made comments reflecting that he knew what he was talking about. He seemed to be sincere.

    [H: As you readers sit and exclaim that "this cannot be so...", I ask that you think back to a bit of terminology. "Handlers"!? Is this not a term you use for trained animals who are "handled"? Further, remember some of the tear-jerking statements made by Oliver North that brought everyone to tears as he spoke of the ones who "give everything, even their lives...." and are never even so much as acknowledged to the public. It is part of the game, dear ones, and this is why "they" don't like these important "handled animals" married or, at the least, have them unattached in any serious emotional way. They get around a lot of the problem by hooking up these men with mates "just like them" in emotional status. It is really "bad" when ones do not follow orders and certainly when they DISOBEY as did Gunther Russbacher. It is a fact that his bride, Raye, has caused more heartburn and problems than any one "person" around. She thought she was just attending her husband--oh my goodness!]

    Newspaper publisher Harry Martin (Napa Sentinel, Napa, Calif.) called me (July 8, 1991), stating that he had just received a call from Phil Linsalata of the St. Louis Post Dispatch, to deny that he had ever talked to any CIA contact about any helicopter crash at Napa. Martin said that Linsalata sounded very nervous, as if he was under pressure to make that call. It appeared that the intent of the call was to dissuade Martin from making any reference to the recorded transcripts I circulated throughout the United States, especially as it related to the helicopter crash.

    Martin had been one of the first media sources to respond (May 1, 1991) to the notices that I had a tape and transcript of a CIA operative who had been part of the October Surprise scandal. His subsequent articles were copied by numerous other papers, and members of Congress requested copies of Martin's articles. There was danger of an exposure if Martin printed the statements made to me by the St. Louis Post Dispatch reporter. Probably to prevent this from happening, Linsalata's publisher probably ordered Linsalata to call Martin and deny that he had ever talked to me or to anyone else about the helicopter crash. Martin asked if I had a tape of the conversation, and I replied that I did, of both the May 4 and May 20, 1991, telephone conversations.

    Several days after the helicopter crash Gunther and his wife warned me to totally forget about it, warning me that my life would be in danger if I made any reference to it, or even made any inquiries. As I started to make reference to the crash during a subsequent conversation Russbacher stopped me: "No, Rodney, don't bring that up. Don't touch that with a ten-foot pole."

    "Because there is so much coverup in that crash!"

    "Rodney, don't even talk about it," Russbacher replied. "I'm telling you. Because there is so much coverup in that crash. Listen to me. Listen closely. Be very guarded. When Raye got a call, she called St. Louis. St. Louis in turn made a phone call and then called her back. There were three people on board and they are all dead. You got that? Stay away from that as far as you can."

    I replied, "It would be important to know the details." Russbacher answered: "This is not the time to know. For your own life. I'm talking about personal safety."

    After I notified various media contacts that I had declarations of a CIA operative concerning the October Surprise operation, journalists from all parts of the United States were calling me for further information. When these journalists contacted Justice Department and White House officials they were told that Russbacher was a con artist, that he had a long rap sheet, and was not believable. This followed the standard line when CIA whistleblowers go public. [H: Yes, we all know what happened with Victor Marchetti--and still goes on against him TODAY, even to the never-ending bashing by the ADL.]
    Shortly after Russbacher supplied me with the first declaration on May 1, 1991, I mailed partial transcripts to members of Congress (Every Senator in the United States and to about 250 Representatives), along with a petition demanding that our testimony and evidence be received. I reminded them I was exercising rights (Right to petition government relating to criminal acts by federal officials, including the First Amendment right to petition government and Title 28 U.S.C. sub. 1361, the right to judicial halting of corrupt acts by federal officials.) and responsibilities (Federal crime repotting statutes, including Title 18 U.S.C. sub. 4.) under federal law and that they had a responsibility under these same laws and under federal criminal statutes to receive our testimony and evidence. I explained that I was a former federal investigator who held federal authority to make these determinations and that I hadn't lost any of my abilities to do that since leaving government.

    I mailed certified letters and transcripts to Independent Prosecutor Lawrence Walsh, who had the duty to investigate all aspects of the Iran-Contra affair, which started with the October Surprise scheme. I reminded Walsh of his responsibilities under federal criminal statutes to receive my testimony and evidence, and that of the CIA whistleblowers.

    Despite hundreds of certified mailings, each containing over fifty pages of data, none responded.

    As Russbacher provided me with further information, and other CIA informants gave me supporting data, I sent additional petitions to members of Congress, demanding that they receive our testimony and evidence, and giving them specific facts that would be revealed. Every senator received at least three certified mailings from me between May 1991 and December 1992, and the members of the House Judiciary Committee, Foreign Affairs Committee, Oversight and Investigations, Government Operations, and Aviation. Not a single responsive reply was received.

    Shortly after I had first publicized Russbacher's sworn statements, the disinformation commenced, trying to discredit him. As a result of publicity generated by my transcripts and reference to Russbacher on my talk show appearances, Russbacher was asked to appear on numerous radio and television talk shows, which he did, from prison.

    Even author Barbara Honegger, who authored the first October Surprise book, tried to discredit Russbacher, fabricating facts that I had to address by sending out information identifying the apparent deliberate misstatements. Her tactics tended to discredit the existence of the very scandal that her earlier book sought to expose. It was as if she was being rewarded in someway to discredit the smoking gun in the October Surprise con­spiracy.

    Justice Department officials sought to discredit Russbacher by stating he had been repeatedly charged with federal offenses and had been frequently in prison. Russbacher stated to me that the charges on the rap sheet were fabricated to assist his accep­tance by the underworld and by foreign terrorist organizations which he infiltrated while carrying out CIA assignments.

    The charges by Justice Department officials, commencing in 1986, were to discredit Russbacher and minimize the danger to White House and other officials. Russbacher had earlier de­scribed the three factions in the CIA as often fighting each other. Faction One was controlled by the Justice Department and the White House under George Bush. Faction Two was controlled by the Office of Naval Intelligence, often at odds with Faction One. And Faction Three was a small number of former Office of Strategic Services (OSS) personnel.

    Russbacher's appearances on radio and television from his prison environment threatened many people. Justice Depart­ment officials addressed this threat by seeking to deport him.

    "They are deporting Russ!"

    Upon answering the phone (October 13, 1991) Russbacher's wife exclaimed, "Gunther isn't in Terminal Island. He is on a flight to Oakdale, Louisiana, a federal prison where prisoners to be deported are sent."

    In an attempt to prevent the deportation, I phoned Tom Valentine with Radio Free America; Sarah McClendon, a senior White House reporter; Special Prosecutor Lawrence Walsh; and appeared on numerous talk shows describing the latest attempt to sequester evidence relating to October Surprise.

    "I need more information!"

    Despite the gravity of criminal activities against the United States shown in the petitions that I sent to Congress, the recipi­ents did nothing. I felt that I needed additional information about additional crimes that would make members of Congress guilty of even worse criminal coverup-type of crimes if they did not respond. I said to Russbacher: "Gunther, I need more in­formation!" If I was going to back congress against the wall with information on still other criminal activities I needed more specifics to force down their throats, so that they risk criminal prosecution for coverup if these scandals ever surface.

    "OK, I'll give you more," Russbacher said. For the next few months Russbacher gave me deposition-like answers to questions I presented to him, exposing criminal activities in many areas, and these areas are covered within this book. (There were other areas of criminality, but these have been left out so as to keep this book to a manageable size.)

    Russbacher detailed the involvement by CIA factions in the looting of Savings and Loan institutions and insurance compa­nies. He described the CIA's role in drug trafficking throughout the United States. And much more. Russbacher furnished me with blank checks and letterheads of some of the covert CIA proprietary's he operated for the CIA.

    The information Russbacher gave was detailed, and presented in a way that I had no reason to question its accuracy. He never hesitated to tell me when he either did not have direct knowl­edge concerning a particular question, or refuse to discuss a particular CIA operation that was ongoing. The questions that I asked about highly detailed matters were immediately, without thinking, answered. To double check on his answers I ap­proached the subject from a different slant, months later, and the precise, detailed facts would rarely waver. His precise knowledge of people and events in many areas of intrigue was fabulous, and checked out with facts I obtained from other in­formants. I was convinced that he was not a con man. He sim­ply could not make up the vast amount of data that he gave me in response to questions that covered such a broad spectrum.

    Even when I told him information given to me by others, such as former Mossad agent Ari Ben-Menashe, Russbacher of­ten responded with additional information on the person that checked out, and which had never appeared in print. It wasn't Russbacher who sought attention. I was the one that repeatedly told Russbacher to give me information of CIA corruption so that I could get attention from Congress and the media.

    Russbacher described how the CIA was part of the looting of Chapter 11 assets, and how the CIA used crooked federal judges, trustees, and law firms to accomplish this, and how the CIA covered up for some of its looted proprietary's by placing the companies into Chapter 7 or 11 where the CIA had control of the courts, giving as one example Lendvest. (Lendvest was a CIA operation in the San Francisco area, dealing in mortgage loans, drug trafficking and money laundering. CIA-related trustee Charles Duck was appointed trustee over Lendvest when the CIA placed it into bankruptcy and Duck insured that the CIA involvement never reached the public.) He described the pres­ence of the CIA drug and arms transshipment points in Central and South America, of law firms and their attorneys, trustees, including Charley Duck, federal judges, including Robert Jones, and who receive CIA funds for their role in the racketeering ac­tivities. At a later date Russbacher gave me the name of the off­shore CIA proprietary that dispenses these funds.

    Russbacher described the interrelationships between the CIA and people looting the Savings and Loans. He described how Keating-controlled corporations hid over $300 million of depos­itors' money in Colorado through secret trusts and other finan­cial mechanisms. When I quizzed Russbacher about the CIA's role with Charles Keating he responded: "It wasn't just Keating. Bear in mind that we are not talking about strictly Keating-con­trolled corporations. We are talking about a multitude of corpo­rations that were controlled by outside forces. Keating just hap­pened to be one of them."

    [H: My, isn't it interesting that we always keep coming back to the same ploys used by our own little adversarial players--who hoodwinked the unsuspecting innocent persons in this local play? Trusts, Colorado trusts and bank accounts with same, or similar names, with illegal capability of check washing, and on and on.... How long will I keep at this un­folding? UNTIL AGREEMENTS ARE KEPT WITH MY PEOPLE AND MY COMMAND! Further, I expect a stop­ping of the small-time crooks who are using the auspices of the intelligence community for their own GREEDY CRIMI­NAL ACTIONS. You can somehow get by with serving a "government" under "orders" for the benefit of the "whole"--but I find disloyalty to your own HANDLERS--a bit more impressive that it is tolerated. So be it--to each his own--but the clashing Titans may well become annoyed with your ac­tions and focus shifting to our own work--as well as the un­derhanded dealings stripping the "agency"! This next is re­ally worthy of your attention, readers, for once "Off-Shore" it is very hard to retrieve anything unless you control EV­ERYTHING.]
    Describing the huge outflow of funds generated by CIA proprietary's through various financial scams and drug money laun­dering, Russbacher stated: "It is a systematic removal of funds from US bank accounts. And these accounts that held large amounts of funds were then channeled to off-shore bank ac­counts and off-shore investment companies." [H: You have to remember something, like "the Panama War". Noriega was about to take over the banks holding the massive assets from laundering and drugs--not to mention that he was going, to take over a whole resort BELONGING TO THE BUSH FAMILY! Still think it was to get this awful little man, Noriega? By the way, George Bush doesn't like either Blacks or Jews--he USES THEM! So, who do you think is on HIS side now? Well, some pretty powerful people!]

    I asked, "How are these funds identified--I'm talking about who would be identified as the owner of these funds? Would it be numbered accounts?" Russbacher replied, "It would be numbered or designated accounts, where you have a primary person that is allowed to make transactions. That doesn't necessarily mean that person is the only one."

    "I presume that the CIA has numerous operatives who are authorized to place or remove funds from these accounts?"

    "There are only ten or twelve people in the whole agency that are permitted to do that. Let's say, no more than two dozen people."

    "Are you one of those?"
    "Yes I am. Or I was."

    Russbacher's statements as shown in these pages are but a minute fraction of the in-depth discussions between Russbacher and myself. These statements were made during late 1990 and to the date of this book's publication in mid-1993. Much of the details were unknown to the general public and had not been in any printed form. Many people confirmed to me Russbacher's CIA position, and statements made to me by Russbacher were only confirmed by statements made by others, including Ari Ben-Menashe, Riconosciuto, Rewald, and other CIA related people.


    * * *
    Why am I pouring all this on you in such great amounts? Because I find that bringing publicity to ones in trouble tends to keep them alive and well--and these people related to these works--are in grave danger. Evil cannot stand in the glare of LIGHTED Truth! So be it.
    PJ 91

    THU., MAR. 31, 1994 9:11 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 227

    THU., MAR. 31, 1994

    I am flooded today with interrogations about what the market is doing. It is doing exactly what I told you it would do. Today is the last day of March and much was planned to happen by the end of March. I am not going to repeat those warnings as we've tried to keep you abreast of happenings. I'm sure that the "big boys" will make every effort to hold to fluctuations through manipulated means--but I am no fortune teller.

    Be aware of the information being presented on "national" circuits on the probability of the Northwest Coast having a 9.5 plus quake--"perhaps the largest quake the world has known anywhere this century..." (newscaster's words). This is in SERIOUS consideration as the coastal area is rising now, more than 10 times the normal rate of pressure curve which means if it continues in this incline it must "pop". I can only remind you of the seriousness of the circumstance and ask you to listen and heed!

    There are so many things of crisis proportion today that I ask we not attend them and move right on with DEFRAUDING AMERICA as regards Russbacher. We have a crisis situation with Russbacher in Austria and I intend to handle this most carefully. Don't count your chickens, dead or alive, before they hatch, please.

    I want to move through this material as rapidly as possible for we need to begin to get the new information started--that which will deal with first-hand eyewitness accounts of Kennedy's assassination. Oh indeed, there are those accounts! There are a lot of things floating around which are TRUE with parallel stories and disinformation which are lies--as usual. Ones come along and witness the truth in action and then construct the counterfeit to match or so closely resemble the original as to do business AS the original. We have pointed out our own situations wherein there is Constitutional Law Center, Inc. and then was created Constitutional Law CentRE Trust (in the same building, yet), to divert funds from the one into the other through deceit. Worse, bank accounts were set up in Colorado with deposit capability of ones using "We The People" as endorsers. Now there is a plan to duplicate the "operations" of the "Phoenix Institute". Yes indeed I am serious.

    This same thing happened with a corporation which created such a "far-fetched" name that it was thought NO ONE in their right mind would effort at such a game, i.e., Cosmos Sea Food Energy Marketing, Inc." WRONG! The Big Boys came right in and "took over" the corporation and managed to keep it from the original owners for a very long time--even running money through the entity to establish operations. Well, you'll be hearing again from the "originals" in that instance also. A lot of things are happening and a lot of people are fed-up. It remains to be seen what you will do with the new awareness and possibilities.

    I have informed you of things as they have become known such as missile bases, underground facilities, etc. I have told you that there are nuclear devices at the base of every major dam in the U.S. (actually, in the world) and that there are strategically placed nuclear bombs around critical placements. There is now proof that there is one of these incredibly high-yield bombs in the reinforcing steel in the base of a transmission tower between the Capitol and Andrews Base, one is encased in lead, steel and concrete beneath the University of Texas (Austin) and another is five hundred feet inside a mountain overlooking Colorado Springs (actually, the most important placement of these three). I only ask that you attend our writings with an open mind for it is for security of the presenters that push to offer it. Security for these presenters CAN ONLY COME FROM PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE FOR YOU LIVE IN SUCH A 'CONTROLLED' ENVIRONMENT AS TO MAKE INFORMATION NETWORKS ALMOST USELESS.

    Continuation: DEFRAUDING AMERICA. Part 10
    by Rodney Stich

    Many hours were spent on what he (Russbacher) saw first hand as a CIA operative [H: By the way, on this subject, there is massive push RIGHT NOW going on to have a "Committee" of a few Judges take total control of the Federal Judicial System !] in Chapter 11 courts. Russbacher described the CIA practice of using Chapter 11 courts for two primary purposes. One was to cover up for its looting of CIA proprietary's. The other was to loot the assets of small to medium size companies and individuals who filed Chapter 11 seeking time to pay their debts, and who had large equities.

    Russbacher gave me names and specifics on how the multi-billion-dollar-a-year looting of assets occurred. What surprised me was that this gigantic looting of assets of innocent people, whose only fault was to trust their government, could continue unabated, with the full knowledge of members of Congress who legislated the Chapter 11 protection and who had a duty to immediately intervene when the hundreds of constituents complained of the criminal activities.

    Many of the victims didn't understand the blatant illegality of how the racketeering enterprise stripped them of their life's assets. The very first wrongful act that must be done is to appoint a trustee to operate and manage the assets. Under Chapter 11, the person who exercises these remedies is to remain in control of their assets and business, and the Chapter 11 proceedings are primarily to give the person extra time to meet a loan payment that had become due. If the system worked as clearly required by federal statutes the corruption could not exist.

    The scheme follows a standard pattern, violating federal statutes and constitutional protections. The Chapter 11 judge, who almost always is a direct participant in the vast enterprise, orders the assets seized, in clear violation of law, and then ap­points a trustee who knows nothing about the business, and who promptly proceeds to loot the assets, forcing the Chapter 11 case into a Chapter 7 liquidation. [H: So NOW do you ones efforting to push the Institute into insolvency and receivership with the input from George Green--ever think that YOU, YOURSELF would ever see another dime of YOUR own money? What is the matter with you? The POINT of the man and his buddies is to squeeze ALL OF YOU--every last ONE OF YOU!! They are NOT working to save your assets--THEY ARE OUT TO DESTROY ALL OF YOU SO THEY CAN HAVE THE CARCASS, STRIPPINGS AND ALL!]

    During liquidation, the trustee, his law firm and attorneys, and others who work together, sell the properties at a fraction of their market value. The person who sought relief in Chapter 11 then becomes the victim of one of the most outrageous racke­teering enterprises in the United States.

    Russbacher gave me details of the racket as seen from his CIA perspective, that dovetailed with what I had discovered as a victim and an investigator.

    Much of the media know of this multi-billion-dollar a year racketeering enterprise, and keep the lid on it. Obviously, Jus­tice Department personnel knew of the massive corruption. Frequent complaints were made to Justice Department attorneys by the victims of the corruption, and rarely was anything done to halt the criminal activities. The only time that Justice De­partment personnel acted was to defuse further investigations, something like a fire-break to limit the damage.

    I asked Russbacher if during his CIA activities he encoun­tered the people who played a major role in seizing and looting my assets, and his reply was startling. The federal judge who corruptly seized my assets was Las Vegas Chapter 11 Judge Robert Jones. [H: Could this be WHY George Green and buddies are trying to push the Institute case into Las Ve­gas????] The record of the seizure, the audio tapes of the court proceedings, and the court records showed the corrupt nature of the unlawful and unconstitutional seizure of assets.

    Referring to Judge Jones, Russbacher described how the CIA arranged transportation to Atlantic City for this federal judge, where letters of credit would be waiting at different casinos for him to obtain tens of thousands of dollars in gambling chips. Russbacher described other federal judges that he knew were present at CIA arms and drug or other operations, including Judge Jaroslovsky, a key judge in the Northern District of California, who had repeatedly protected trustee Charles Duck from his accusers, calling the crook a person of integrity.

    I asked Russbacher if there could be any legitimate basis for the appearances of federal judges, trustees and law firms at the secret CIA arms and drug trafficking locations in Central America. He confirmed that there was no lawful reason for their appearances at these locations.

    Russbacher described flying down to Central America CIA sites in CIA aircraft, accompanied by such people as trustee Charles Duck; the law firms of Friedman, Sloan and Ross (who filed the sham divorce action against me); Goldberg, Stinnett and McDonald (who seized and looted my assets in conjunction with Duck and Judge Robert Jones); and Murray and Murray (who took over when Duck was sent to prison).

    Gunther described being at CIA meetings in Central America with Duck, at John Hull's ranch, and at Tegucigalpa (Capital of Honduras), as well as other locations. Referring to Duck, Russbacher described Duck's presence in 1987: "The last time, be apprised of the fact that there were actually three times that I had dealings with him, or came close to having dealings with him. Two times, shall we say, he was there in the hotel room with me."

    Describing one of the ways in which the CIA proprietary's generate money, Russbacher stated:

    Most of them were limited partnerships. The funds would have been from the CIA to start with (To establish a net worth from which to seek large loans that were never repaid and never intended to be repaid. The funds were diverted to cover CIA domestic and international uses.). What they did, they allegedly put a private offering together, and the subscribers for the private offerings were already in place, before the offering was even written up. Each one of these people who subscribed to the offering brought in Agency funds.

    Russbacher stated that "The corporation or limited partner-ship would issue corporate paper, or whatever, and that's how more funds were created. They used the initial funds for the funding of the limited partnership, strictly as a collateral vehicle for large scale loans." He continued:

    If we go in, for instance, with a million or half a million dollars apiece, on a limited partnership, and there are ten of us, let's say we have anywhere from five to ten million dollars in capital assets, in the limited partnershi p, that, along with a good financial statement, and what we planned to do with the limited partnership, can earn us the right to a thirty, forty, fifty million dollar loan. Do you see what I am saying?
    Russbacher described what usually happened after obtaining multi-million-dollar loans; the people defaulted on the non-recourse loans after the money was pulled out. Russbacher stated: "Generally it was strictly default. We pulled money back out and we would end up with thirty, forty million."

    Russbacher stated, "That particular company would file Chapter 11 in courts where we had control of the judges."

    Referring to the San Francisco law firm used by Charley Duck to seize and loot my Chapter 11 assets, I asked: "You mentioned that you had seen members of the Goldberg, Stennett and McDonald law firm at various CIA gatherings. Is that correct?" Russbacher answered, "Yes, that is correct." The main significance is that the Goldberg, Stinnett, and McDonald law firm was frequently mentioned during CIA meetings. They were the law firm for trustee Charles Duck, who was identified by Russbacher as being present at secret CIA bases in Central America, and on CIA aircraft, trips, and private CIA meetings. Justice Department attorneys repeatedly protected Duck and the Goldberg law firm in various Chapter 11 embezzlements, and especially the two estates filed by Rodney Stich (Oakland Nrs. 487-059741 and 059-751) which were stripped of over ten million in assets.

    When I asked Russbacher if he had seen attorneys from the law firm of Friedman, Sloan and Ross at the secret Central America meetings Russbacher confirmed that he had.

    Russbacher stated that Charley Duck bragged about how he looted the assets of Chapter 11 parties. Referring to Duck and the CIA looting of Chapter 11 assets, Russbacher stated: "Duck has basically siphoned off, appeared in different areas where we [CIA] were involved. This is the nexus I have been getting across to you, between the bankruptcy issues, and Agency [CIA] operations. It is one of the funding vehicles for the Company [CIA]. "

    Russbacher stated that the worst Chapter 11 corruption was in federal courts located in the San Francisco area, Los Angeles, Chicago, and St Louis. Russbacher added, "Let me tell you like this, Saint Louis is notorious on Chapter 11. What it amounts to is: one of the bankruptcy judges in each one of the districts that you deal with, is, I won't say is on the payroll, but he gets definite remuneration from the CIA."

    Russbacher was scheduled to be released December 23, 1991, at which time he would pose a greater threat of exposing October Surprise, Inslaw, and numerous other major criminal enterprises implicating White House and federal officials and ongoing criminal operations. Several months before this release date Justice Department attorneys commenced deportation pro­ceedings against him, shipping him to the federal prison at Oak­dale, Louisiana. When I heard about this, I promptly notified White House correspondent Sarah McClendon and Iran-Contra prosecutor Lawrence Walsh, advising them that the Justice De­partment was attempting to get a key witness in the October Surprise scandal out of the country. This appeared to halt the deportation.

    Justice Department prosecutors then used another tactic to keep Russbacher in prison. Shortly before Russbacher was scheduled for release Justice Department attorneys notified Mis­souri authorities that Russbacher had been charged with imper­sonating a naval officer at Castle Air Force Base, and induced them to revoke Russbacher's parole arising from the $20,000 money charge for which Russbacher had never had a trial and for which he was induced to enter an Alford plea, similar to nolo contendere. (U.S. Attorney David Levi in Sacramento had dropped the impersonating a Navy officer charge shortly after it was made.)

    Russbacher was transported to St. Charles, Missouri, for a February 5, 1992 hearing on revocation of his parole due to the alleged impersonating a Navy officer charge. Russbacher was limited in the witnesses he could call, being denied the right to call CIA personnel that could attest to him being a covert CIA operative on assignment from the Office of Naval Intelligence. Russbacher tried to show his official status by establishing that his billeting at Offutt and Castle Air Force Bases was on the ba­sis of official Navy orders.

    An Air Force officer testified that Russbacher and his wife did stay for several days in officer billeting and that they stayed there under authority of official orders received by the Air Force. Copies of billeting authorization papers from Offutt and Castle Air Force Bases were introduced into evidence showing Russbacher and his wife billeted at these high-security military bases, with authorization provided as Cincpac (Commander in Chief, Pacific), along with the authorization numbers. This tes­timony and Air Force papers were strong evidence that Russ­bacher was on official duty.

    Russbacher wanted to have CIA personnel appear, and sought to have classified documents entered into the hearing so as to establish his covert role with the CIA and Office of Naval Intelligence. This was refused, a standard tactic. Missouri Judge Donald E. Dalton disregarded the evidence that Russ­bacher was a covert intelligence officer. He ignored the fact that there had never been a trial on the underlying money of­fense charge, and that the original $20,000 allegedly misappro­priated had been paid to the alleged victims. The judge revoked Russbacher's probation and ordered that he remain in prison to carry out the 21-year sentence.

    Russbacher and I continued our almost daily telephone con­versations and deposition-like questioning. As Russbacher be­came more discouraged he loosened up and gave me more in­formation as time passed. Russbacher's health was rapidly fail­ing due to an urgent need for coronary bypass surgery. Rayelan, his wife, and I, and other people, worked to try and get Russbacher released. I vigorously worked on completing this manuscript with the intent of using the published book as the basis for appearing on radio and television shows. The book would get publicity for Russbacher and other CIA scapegoats. In this way I could stimulate some semblance of interest and re­sponsibility from the public, trying to get them to speak out and do something about this rampant corruption in government.

    Initially, Russbacher was my best and primary source of information, giving me answers to thousands of questions that I presented to him over a three-year period in deposition-like questioning. During these hundreds of hours of questioning we talked like old friends, former flying buddies. I often asked the same question in another way, or came from another direction, and his answers rarely changed from earlier answers. When he answered the questions there was no delay to think of an answer; they came spontaneously and in such a manner that I rarely questioned his truthfulness or the accuracy of what he was stating. Over a period of several years other CIA and DEA informants contacted me, and during hours of deposition-like questioning their statements confirmed what Russbacher stated to me.

    No con man could have fabricated answers to the diverse questions that I asked, that covered CIA operations throughout the world. Many of the answers that he did give me to matters that had not appeared in any known book on the subject were often confirmed by my questioning of other CIA informants, some of whom did not know Russbacher and who could not have fabricated their answers through contact with each other. If Russbacher didn't know the answer to a question he quickly admitted it. If he was a con artist he could just as well have fabricated answers to those questions.

    As time passed and word of my exposure activities became known in the relatively small area of undercover CIA or other intelligence people, I made friends with many others who responded to my deposition-like questioning. Although none appeared to have the varied background that Russbacher had, these other former CIA people had considerable knowledge of covert activities from carrying out orders of their CIA superiors. These other people are found throughout the book.

    Adding to the enormous amount of information supporting the bulk of Russbacher's statements was the interesting dialogue between a former Mossad agent, Ari Ben-Menashe, and Russbacher. I arranged for several conference calls between these two intelligence officers and encouraged them to exchange experiences showing them to be what they said they were.

    In one instance Russbacher told Ben-Menashe of his friendship with the Mossad's station chief in Vienna, Heinz Toch, a name that would be known to very few people, and then primarily the Mossad. This was one of several examples showing Russbacher's intimate knowledge of covert activities which he would hardly have known unless he was not only the CIA operative he said he was, but an operative in the higher echelon of CIA covert activities.

    During the next two years other CIA personnel came to me describing the covert activities in which they had been involved, explaining that they wanted to make the public aware of the immense harms being inflicted upon the public. During hundreds of hours of talking to these other CIA personnel about CIA activities I was able to confirm through frequent cross checks the truthfulness of what they were stating, and to show the falsity of the media, congressional, and CIA statements seeking to discredit them. The hundreds of hours of conversations were with CIA personnel who had been falsely discredited, including Richard Brenneke, Michael Riconosciuto, Ronald Rewald, and Gunther Russbacher.

    I talked for many hours to the wives of several of these operatives who stated facts to me as seen from their perspective, that further confirmed the truthfulness of what other CIA people had told me. I was in detailed conversations and frequent correspondence with other CIA-related people, including Michael Riconosciuto, Riconosciuto's wife, Bobbi; Russell Bowen; Trenton Parker; Ronald Rewald; Basil Abbott; Chuck Hayes, Edwin Wilson; and others. I was in contact with law enforcement people whose investigative functions brought them in contact with CIA activities, and especially CIA drug trafficking. These in­cluded Jim Rothstein, Ted Gunderson; and others. This vast amount of data, plus what I discovered, developed into a mo­saic-like depiction of sordid intrigue, deception, murders, and portrayed the worst pattern of criminal activities ever reported against the American people.

    (Footnotes: Riconosciuto was a CIA contract agent for many years who was involved in the October Surprise operation, Inslaw, and other activities.

    Bobbi Riconosciuto had a wealth of knowledge of her husband's CIA activities and the actions taken to silence him by Justice Department and DEA personnel.

    Bowen was a member of the OSS during World War II and then continued with a small group of OSS people as moles inside the CIA after OSS was disbanded. He was heavily involved in CIA and Mossad drug trafficking and other intelligence agency oper­ations in Europe, the Middle East, and Central and South America.

    Trenton Parker: a long-time deep-cover CIA operative. More about him in later pages.

    Rewald: placed by the CIA head of the Agency proprietary, Bishop, Baldwin, Rewald, Dillingham and Wong (BBRDW).

    Basil Abott: a DEA pilot who flew drugs from Central and South America to the United States.

    Chuck Hayes: A CIA operative who played key roles in the Central America drug trafficking.

    Edwin Wilson: was heavily involved in CIA activities in South­east Asia, Europe, and the Middle East, who worked with key figures in the Iran-Contra affair, and who was made the fall guy and was sent to prison.

    Rothstein: on the New York City vice-squad for many years; he arrested Frank Sturgis when Sturgis arrived in New York to kill a former girl-friend of Fidel Castro. Rothstein had considerable street knowledge of CIA drug trafficking commencing in the 1950s.
    Ted Gunderson: a former FBI agent heavily involved in expos­ing pedophilia.)

    My phone was used for hundreds of hours of three-way con­ference calls between CIA and DEA personnel, their wives, a Mossad agent, and Ross Perot. Often times the conversations were of the nature of one pilot describing to another, events that they experienced, each one knowing that any fabrication would be recognized by the other. My position was like a secret mole inside the CIA covert activities, adding to the discoveries I made while a federal investigator and while being victimized in one of the many criminal enterprises.

    As a former federal investigator holding federal authority to reach conclusions based upon the facts uncovered, based upon the fifteen years of book publishing, and based upon what I had personally observed, the evidence was overwhelming that the American people were being systematically defrauded by a well entrenched group in the federal government.

    As several years passed, receiving input almost on a daily ba­sis from various CIA, DEA, and other informants that were re­ferred to me, a kind of mosaic developed as individual in­formants, who were not in contact with the others, or who may not have even known of the others, described some even in which they participated that confirmed what others who were part of the same operation or event had stated earlier to me. These constant cross-checks confirmed to me not only the events being described but also the CIA status of the individual.

    In early 1991 when Russbacher gradually and reluctantly de­scribed to me inner secrets of the CIA, I had mostly my own evaluation of his statements to determine his credibility. Grad­ually other CIA informants came forward and the wealth of data I received over several years of deposition-like questioning from different deep-cover personnel was prima facie evidence that the facts were true and that people had actually worked for the CIA or other intelligence agency, were truthful.


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이 주제글은 현재 3명이 열람중입니다. (0명의 회원과 3명의 손님)

유사한 글

  1. PJ#080, TRUTH FROM THE "ZOG BOG" - Zionist Occupation Government
    By wave in forum Phoenix Journals Archives
    관련글: 8
    최신 글: 2013-01-12, 13:50
    By wave in forum Phoenix Journals Archives
    관련글: 7
    최신 글: 2013-01-12, 12:29

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