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  1. #3
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 91

    THU. MAR. 31, 1994 3:42 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 227

    THU., MAR. 31, 1994
    Ronn Jackson, Secret Service Agency
    OK readers, we'll see how good you have become at facing FACTS, looking at the TRUTH of the way the "enforcers" and "security service agents" work and if you have the "stomach" to REALLY look at what goes down....

    The following is so bizarre and violent that I do not ask Rick or another at the paper to offer it to you for fear you would simply think the staff of CONTACT has gone complete by "National Inquirer" loony.

    As we move into the text I think I should give you some warning that this may well cause you to lose sleep, throw-up or worse and/or DENY it could happen. Since this is being printed BY REQUEST for as large a scattering as we can get, I will appreciate your bearing with us through the gore so that you can find TRUTH.

    This is, of course, a subject which has been beaten into shreds by historians, liars and researchers--what actually happened to John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

    We shall have to handle this as an ongoing series as the manuscripts are lengthy and, of necessity, hand written. The first volume was sold for a very large fee and was, or was intended, to be made into a motion picture. Therefore the material is written in "novel" format. Probably the best way of introduction is to reproduce that which was written for distribution by another "paper" in November 1992. Perhaps we can simply offer this as presented to us. You must realize that this IS the way of the intelligence services and Secret Service Agency--deadly and violent.

    Why would I include the crude violence? Because you readers have got to come to grips with the fact that this is the way your world has become and often times "what really happens" is even worse than the too bloody and violent TV and motion picture renditions. I can clean it up for you into tidy packages with no blood-leaks but I think you need the whole of this story to bring into context what was and is going on in your world of "Camelot Hell". Rather than further discuss the disgusting, let's just move into the story as written by one WHO WAS THERE AND WAS A PARTICIPANT!


    by Ronn Jackson, SSA
    Today begins a series on America. A series, not in the his­torical sense, but how events and occurrences were and are. Starting at the "mid-Kennedy era" and coming forward to the present, many situations in the series, you the reader are famil­iar with and how and why you have been systematically de­ceived, misled, and in some cases, lied to. This series is not anti-establishment, anti-government or "Anti" anything. It is intended to tell you something; give you additional information so that you can make an informed decision, and then decide how our country really IS. The series is based on the book THE DEATH OF CAMELOT by Ronn Jackson, and contains the full and un-cut version of volume one, of the four volume set. Some of the situations and language are graphic and will dispute what many noted historians and journalists have written. However, there is a difference. The book(s), for the most part, are written in first person singular BY SOMEONE WHO WAS THERE.

    [H: Great, but why would we not just ask you to get the book(s)? Because the books are not published even though they were supposed to have been. AND, THE MAN WHO WAS PUBLISHING THEM--IS AS OF WEEK BEFORE LAST--SUICIDED QUITE DEAD!! Therefore, according to our efforts to protect writers of truth--we effort to spread the word and works as quickly and as widely as possible. Roan Jackson deliberately put himself into prison--JUST TO SURVIVE! Maybe that little explanation will help you un­derstand the seriousness of the subject and also see why we don't have time to "clean it up" for your viewing.]

    Editorial: The author has chosen and condensed, two ex­cerpts, which will appear later, in their entirety, so that you, the reader, can understand what he is trying to say. He requests that YOU be the judge.

    I had just completed a sanction in South America. Eleven days prior I had landed at the north end of the continent, flown south, back north, back south and ended up in Brazil. When my task was completed, I was on my way to the airport. I was tired, hungry for some American food, and irritated because my subject had a couple of bodyguards that was not mentioned in my "information" package. One had cut me just before I grabbed him and snapped his neck. The other was so startled by my actions, he just stood with his mouth open. They were like most bodyguards, for show only. I dropped him with a crushing blow to the throat. I heard the shot and turned as the principal was falling to the floor. I agreed with his actions--it was easier that way.

    When reporting that my task was complete, I was about to mention that I was heading home. My employer informed me that I was going to Europe. The ticket was at the Boarding Gate, not to bother with customs, and my information package was awaiting me at Orly. I had ten minutes to catch the flight. The line went dead.

    I was all over the continent for the next thirteen days and, though I accomplished my objective, I was still down about a week in the sleep department. I decided to use a different tactic when I called in. After waiting almost two hours for the operator to put the call through, when she motioned for me to pick up the receiver, I picked it up and "he" was already speaking. He told me I had been working long hours and I needed to get some rest. I didn't say anything. I had a package awaiting me at Kennedy. I told him I was going into Dulles. He said to fix my watch as the flight left an hour ago while I was waiting to get through. How I hate a smart-ass. I could take a commuter to D.C. I asked if he knew my shorts size. He said, "thirty-six".

    The Flight Attendant awoke me at the terminal. I looked to the rear of the 747 and it was empty. I didn't remember taking off in France. I think I felt a little better. I pulled my travel bag from overhead, felt for my wallet and left. I was glad for the silver passport. I was in no mood for Customs.

    I was on the ground in a little over an hour. My home at the time was in McLean, Va., and that king-size water-bed sure was beckoning me, but I did have a stop to make. I was seeing a lady and had promised to stop by and see her, two weeks ago. She was a news reporter for one of the networks and on my way to the studio I was trying to think of an excuse not to go out that evening. I reached down and pulled out the package I had picked up in New York. I opened it and was thumbing through it when I noticed the cab driver eyeing me in the rear view mirror. I told him it was "counterfeit" and I was with the secret service. He refocused his attention on the road.

    At the studio my lady was taping her weekly show. The receptionist told me that it could be an hour before she was through. I sat down in the reception area, picked up a magazine and was just dozing off when I heard the double doors behind the secretary come flying open. My lady was walking towards me and said I had an urgent phone call and that I could take it at the desk or in her office. As I walked to the desk, I looked to-wards the front entrance. A military police vehicle was pulling up in front. I took the receiver from the woman and the familiar voice said "priority one--A-one." I was awake. This was only the second time I had received those instructions. I kissed my lady, apologized, told her I would call her and was on my way to Andrews Air Force Base. As it turned out I had this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. Wherever I was going it was in a military jet and I didn't like them.

    The vehicle pulled up to the plane. Its engines were running and the ground crew pushed ladders up to both sides of it. I couldn't hear anything but a lieutenant gave me a manila envelope and pointed towards the back seat. I was strapped in and an oxygen mask was put on. It felt like we were going straight up for several minutes and then the pilot leveled off. A few moments later the sound just disappeared and it didn't take a mental giant to know we had just exceeded the speed of sound.

    The jet taxied to a private hangar and shut off his engines. I still couldn't hear anything nor could I move. I saw the pilot moving around and as the canopy raised up he stood up.

    He bent over and pushed a button on my straps, they released and I exhaled. I hadn't realized I was holding my breath. I looked down at my hands. Now those were white knuckles. This was the last time, I thought. But I had said that the last time. After considerable effort and with the pilot's assistance, I was able to get out. For that seat to fit me it would have had to have been twice as large. I looked down at it and it was hard to believe I had just traveled several hundred miles in it.

    There was a rental car awaiting me at the side of the hangar. I got in and saw the keys were in the ignition. I leaned back on the seat to relax for a minute and then picked up the manila envelope to see why everybody was in such a big hurry. I glanced through the papers first and then read them in detail. My objective was an agent for an autonomous branch of the Federal Government who functioned in a similar capacity as I, only on like a local basis. Why was I chosen, I thought. But then, I knew the answer for that.

    I destroyed the papers with the exception of the map. So it was "Extra's" time. I wondered how I would feel when my time was up. That was a foolish thought. No one was above me, that I knew of, although knowing my employers, there was a contingency plan, I was sure. So the other shooter, "the man on the knoll", had finally cracked. I still remember him from the photos in the hotel lobby in Los Angeles. I wonder who ran the investigation on Bobby Kennedy. He was and still is a prime candidate for one of the nurd movies. Well, there's a chance there was a cover-up. Naw, Hoover didn't like him; he just did his typical government job. If it suited them, okay. If not, just leave the taxpayers hanging.

    The address was about an hour from the airport. When I arrived, I just drove into the driveway and parked. I walked to the door and it was open. When I stepped inside I knew it was too late. The door hit me. I walked to my right into the family room and the twisted and mutilated body of a man was on the floor. I walked around it and there was no question about a sick mind. Most of the damage was done after his death. There was no blood around most of them. I walked to the back of the house and found what I guessed to be the man's wife. Her condition was no better. Her skirt was up around her waist. This one--was one sick man. I was not prepared for what I found in the next room. It was a young girl, about twelve or fourteen. The side of her head had been caved in. A glass ashtray laid by the body. She had also been raped. I felt the bile coming up.

    I got into the car and pulled out. Several blocks from the house there was a small shopping center. I pulled in and called. I advised my employer I had been too late but I would handle the situation. He asked if I needed any money. I said no and would keep him posted. I said somebody should clean up the mess. He was silent for a moment and then told me to get some distance between me and the house and he would advise the local authorities in thirty minutes. I started to say something and thought better of it. It wouldn't have done any good. I heard the click on the other end.

    I'm not sure why but I headed for the airport. I was in a strange city, didn't know anyone, didn't want to attract any attention, and was looking for a rogue agent who could be very deadly. The little girl came to mind and I forced those thoughts from my mind. I saw a large hotel sign ahead and a plane landing. I might as well get some rest and make some calls as I couldn't do anyone any good on the freeway.

    I checked in and went to the room. I wasn't sure what I was going to accomplish but I was going to do something. I made several calls and all promised to get back with me. I knew where he lived and that was a couple of states away. All I could do was wait. I laid down and closed my eyes. Five minutes later I was up pacing. I turned on the TV and finally found a channel with some news. They were reporting the deaths and something didn't sound right. I directed my attention to the program as the story was repeated. Two teenage girls had been brutally murdered. Reports were sketchy but the newsperson said they had been raped. Then another person came on announcing the scene I had just witnessed. I watched for about an hour and the program was definitely leaning towards a connection. My first reaction was to go to the other scene and decided against it. I could probably learn more right where I was.

    I was on my second pot of coffee when the news coverage was interrupted by yet another person. A similar occurrence had happened in a city four hundred miles to the north. That was too much of a coincidence. I grabbed the phone book and looked up flying services. On my second try I found one with a Lear jet available. I reserved it, giving them my American Express number. I said to have it ready in a half an hour. I changed clothes, threw the room key on the desk and left. I had work to do.

    The flight to the city was quick and it took more time to get to the crime scene than it did to fly to the city. The entire block was cut off and I walked up to the remote announcer who was broadcasting live. A statement was about to be issued by the officer in charge. In the distance I could see a gurney being pushed from the house. From the size of it I could tell--I knew it was "him" at work. I didn't wait around for the statement. I knew where he was going--there was no question in my mind.

    Back at the airport the pilot was sitting at a lunch counter drinking coffee. I tapped him on the shoulder and said to get me to Stapleton and I wanted his foot in the carburetor all the way. He said two hours. I said a thousand dollar bonus in cash to him if it was an hour and a half. That Lear jet vibrated all the way. As we taxied to the terminal, he said he was five min­utes over. I was glad to be down. I put the ten one-hundreds in his pocket.

    Aurora was to the east of the airport according to the map that I had checked on the way. My man lived off of Mississippi Avenue which was one of the main streets of the city. I had the map marked and when I pulled off the bypass, the number I was looking for was at the other end. I guessed it to be five or six miles. I started the drive and "Murphy" must have been busy that evening. I think I hit two or three red lights and almost missed the street I was looking for. I made a right turn and his street was six blocks down. I turned left and the street lights were dim. I couldn't see numbers. I drove slowly, looking for anything that was unusual or out of place. Ahead, in the middle of the block, a car was sitting in the driveway. The interior light was on and I could see the driver's side door. It was open. The front door was open, to the house. I slammed the car into park, shutting off the engine. I got out of the car and started walking towards the entrance. A couple of steps later I was running. I took the porch steps in one and stopped just inside. A strange sound was coming from the upstairs. I took the stair­way in three or four steps and the sounds were coming from my left. There was light coming from a doorway. I abandoned all caution. I went through the door and the sick agent was stand­ing beside the bed. He had his wife by the hair, holding her with one hand and was pounding her with the other. Her face was unrecognizable. His fist was drawn back, ready to strike again, when I grabbed his arm and hit him in the solar plexus. The normal reaction for someone who had just had the breath knocked out of him was to double over. This guy stood straight up, gasping, and he still had a hold of his wife. I hit him again in the same area, this time burying my fist and using all of my weight behind the blow. This time he collapsed like a rag doll. His wife fell against the wall and I tried to catch her but I was a fraction too slow. I looked around the bedroom and there was light coming from the partially closed door. I reached down and grabbed the unconscious agent by his shirt and dragged him to the bathroom. The room was small and contained a shower. The agent's arm laid across the base which was about six inches. I was looking at a very sick man and he started to come to. I made a rule a long time ago: number one comes first. I stepped over him and brought my foot down on his arm. I heard and felt it break. I pulled him away from the base and he was regaining consciousness. As I said, number one comes first. I put his leg across the lip of the shower and had to stomp it twice before I felt it break at the knee.

    I returned to the bedroom and picked up his wife and laid her on the bed. She was one big mess. How one human being could do this to another, and especially a loved one, escaped me. I went back to the bathroom and took a towel off the rack and wet it. I looked down at the agent and had no pity for him. Sick or not there was no excuse for his actions. The wet towel didn't do much good and all I could do was try to make the lady a little more comfortable. He had hit her so hard I could see teeth through the side of her face. I could feel tears swelling up in my eyes.

    I started to get mad. I have another rule where I try never to get emotionally involved and, sometimes, that is impossible. I reached down and pulled my knife from the sheath around my leg. I heard a movement from the bathroom. I walked over to it and the agent was trying to get up. As injured as he was, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I kicked him in the face and his head hit the tile floor. He started to move again. I said out loud, "You know what your problem is, pal, you haven't hurt enough." I dragged him around and broke his other arm and leg. By this time he was screaming. I asked him, "Do you know how much pain you've caused?" He continued to scream. I reached over and picked up my knife that was on the sink and he raised his head. He said "why?" I just looked at him and then I stepped over to him and un-did his pants. I pulled them down and I swear, he knew what I was going to do. Somehow he was moving away from me. He was trying to make his arms work to no avail. I stepped over and grabbed his genitals and, in the same motion, cut them off. I stepped back to the com­mode and told him to watch. He actually raised his head and started screaming again. I dropped the bloody mess into the toilet and flushed it. He passed out.

    I looked towards the door and his wife was standing there. I looked down and she had a gun. It was being raised and to­wards me. I let the knife fly. It buried in her breast-bone, knocking her back into the bedroom and across the foot of the bed. She was dead before she hit. I walked over to her and pulled the knife out. I stood there for a moment and said the only thing I could, "Lady, I am so sorry."


    I was in Cincinnati, Ohio. I had delivered a suitcase full of money. The leather bag weighed around a hundred and thirty to fifty pounds. When I looked into it all I saw was hundred dollar bills. I picked up a briefcase to be delivered to a college in Central Indiana and a manila envelope directing me to a city outside of Chicago. I knew the briefcase contained that funny white stuff and the envelope contained information on a gov­ernment contractor. He was on the wrong side of the wrong people.

    I was driving north on highway three and stopped in a small town called New Castle. I had lunch and when I came out of the restaurant I looked over the area. Like so many towns in America, businesses boarded up and people out of work. You could see the look of desperation on people's faces. I wished I had some answers for them. Maybe, one day in the future, I can help.

    The briefcase went to Ball State University. I delivered it to a woman. She was an assistant professor, about thirty-five, at­tractive and had on a wedding ring--not the kind of person that you would imagine having anything to do with this stuff and she showed no signs of using it. You had to hand it to my em­ployer, they sure knew how to run a business. My envelope had the usual amount. I just shook my head. I've heard the term "Recreational users". I thought to myself, "Recreational twits" is more like it. How many briefcases have I delivered? The total weight has to be several tons.

    My trip to the windy city area was uneventful. I checked into a motel on the Indiana side. I didn't know the area as the majority of the time I was in and out of O'Hare. When I checked with the room clerk, I found that I had made a good de­cision. I was less than ten miles from the man's warehouse and five from his office. It was too late to do anything today. Tomorrow would be soon enough to start. I wasn't on a sched­ule.

    I was up by six, showered, shaved, dressed and eaten by seven and was on my way to the warehouse. When I drove into the complex a man was walking up to an office that had a leas­ing sign across it. I pulled in an he saw me. I parked and walked up to him and represented myself as being interested in some space. That caught his interest real quick and after getting some coffee made we walked out of the complex. It was like any other with more vacant spaces than tenants. After walking down a couple of rows of buildings I saw the name that was on my information package. I asked if I could see some of the occupied spaces to get an idea of the owner's work and improve­ments. He said no problem, as I was walking towards the con­tractors space.

    Inside, he spoke to the warehouseman and he told me to walk around. The space contained mostly crates with two offices in the center area. I walked around pretending to be interested in the construction and the real estate man stayed with the lone employee. I noticed they went to one of the offices and sat down. I continued walking and wanted a closer look at the wooden containers. I came upon three that were very large and were different than the others. For one thing, the wood was dif­ferent. It was hard wood. Another item, the supports were on the inside and there was no metal banding on the outside. All were screwed instead of nailed. They just looked out of place. I put my knee against one and it didn't budge. If all three had the same contents--there were several thousand pounds sitting in front of me.

    I walked towards the offices and the agent saw me. I told him I had a couple of other places to see and had appointments. I did say this space would suit me fine and I would let him know.

    The office was easy to find. It too had several vacancies and was unguarded. That was unusual for a business that made parts for the Government. Maybe the parts were not classified. Maybe it was by design. I drove back towards the warehouse.

    I stopped by a restaurant across the street from the complex. I've found in the past that a good source of information was waitresses. For the most part, they were just repeating what they over-heard from their customers and many times that information was useful. This one was no exception. The owner stopped by often and was friendly. She said all of the employees ate there most of the time. I said I was by there earlier and only saw one man. She was sure two or more worked there plus a couple of drivers. She left to take care of another customer and I put a couple of dollars on the counter and left. Those crates were still on my mind.

    I drove back to the motel. In the room I sat for a while and made a decision to do something that I never do. I called my employer during a job. He, I think, was surprised with my actions but listened. I gave an over-all estimate of the size and weight and his interest picked up. He told me to call back in twenty minutes. I did so and he asked if I thought it would be possible for me to get those crates to Lake Michigan. I said anything was possible. He told me to pick up some money at O'Hare and take care of the other matter later. I said it may take me a day or two and people--maybe a crane.... He said, "whatever".

    I called a couple of rental companies and, without weights, most could only guess. I was nowhere near a solution. Most of what I was told was "a fork lift would be useless." Well, those boxes got in there--they were coming out.

    The traffic to the airport was bad. It took me a couple of hours and of course the flight was late. O'Hare was as predictable as sun-up and sun-down. When it finally arrived it took another half an hour to get the package. I could tell I had stumbled onto something for there was a hundred thousand in the package. [Please realize, readers, that I, Doris, am just copying this writing to the best of my ability and I don't know WHAT the "hundred thousand" refers to either.]

    I stopped and had a couple of drinks. I didn't want to fight that traffic. When I came out of the lounge, it was getting dark. This would be a good time to go back to the motel and just kick back. I couldn't get a truck until the morning and I don't work if I've been drinking. That causes too many problems.

    There was a restaurant down the street from the lounge and I walked to it. The food was good and I ended up sitting at the bar talking politics and the economy. How many times had we all done that? Nothing was settled but sometimes that helps. Of the other four men involved in the conversation, only one had voted. That tells you something. I went back to the motel.

    Driving in the direction of the rental agency, I saw a Union 76 truck stop. I pulled in and thought it wouldn't hurt to check around. I saw a big diesel wrecker out in front and I thought to myself that that was what I needed. How to use it would be the problem. I doubted if I could drive it. I went inside and went to the fuel desk and explained what I needed to the guy behind the counter. He just had a blank look on his face. A driver overheard my conversation and suggested I walk out back and talk to some of the drivers. Most of them were empty and just waiting for loads. Somebody could surely help me.

    I walked around for a while and didn't see any rig that could help me. I came upon an older guy and started talking to him. He asked if I was the guy looking to have some boxes hauled. I gave him the rundown and to my surprise he said no problem. He motioned for me to follow him and at the back of the lot was his truck. It was loaded with one of those earth moving machines. I asked him how much it weighed and he said "forty tons". That part was fine but I asked about getting the crates out of the building and onto the truck. I would have to hire some people. He looked at me and asked about how legal this thing was. Completely, I said, pulling an "ID" from my pocket and representing myself from the Government. He then asked what it paid and I asked, "What's it worth?" I expected a pretty high figure. He said, two thousand cash and he didn't need any help. It would take about four hours . I gave him the address on Lake Michigan. I countered with five thousand cash and I was holding him to the four hours. I've never seen such a large piece of equipment move so fast.

    He followed me to the front and I stopped to make a call. I was betting the driver knew his business and told my employer to have a crane ready in four hours at the docks. He said to get them there.

    I told the driver to follow me and stay behind me until I gave him the sign to pull up to the facility. He nodded and we were on our way.

    When we arrived I pulled directly in, not stopping at the office. I put the car close to the building and waved to the driver. I went into the warehouse and two men were standing talking by the offices. The one that was there the day before recognized me and came towards me. The other went into the office. We talked for a minute and I asked if I could speak to him privately. He motioned to the other office and when he went through the door I chopped him across the neck. He fell across the desk. I went to the other office and told the other employee something was wrong with the other guy. He looked up at me funny, hesitated for a moment and came flying at me with a knife in his hand. I waited until the last second, side stepped him with the knife going into the plaster board wall. I locked my hands together and brought them down on the man's neck. I felt it snap. I turned around and the driver was standing looking at the prone figure. He said the guy on the floor didn't look like he was going to get up. I told him that that's what you get when you try to pass yourself off as a warehouseman. He pointed in the direction of the crates and asked if those were the ones? I nodded and he was heading in the direction of the truck.

    I found some nylon filament tape. As I was rendering the first gentleman useless I heard the truck being backed in. By the time I had finished the driver was pulling cable from a winch. I didn't lift a finger and he had all three crates loaded in fifteen minutes. I told him no weigh stations and he said he was driving this area with horse and buggies. He said he wouldn't use the toll roads into Chicago. I told him to pull into the truck stop and go to the back. I was curious.

    The first board revealed a four by four. This thing was heavier than we both thought. I was glad for him having a reversible drill. It would have taken hours to take all those screws out. When the container was open he said , "A new fangled torpedo?" I just nodded. I told him to put on the slats and pull up front. I would call and tell them to expect us.

    I let him lead and when we arrived at the dock a crane was there. So were several people in protective clothing. They ran Geiger counters over both of us and the crates. When they pulled their hoods off I breathed easier. The driver asked what was in them. I said nothing, they were just making sure. I paid him. He said it was the easiest money he had made in years. I gave him ten thousand and said to forget what he just hauled. He said he had that office equipment to deliver and then he was going to "hoot and holler" for a while.

    I killed a few hours and when I arrived at the office complex most of the cars were gone. My man had a reputation for working long hours and I didn't relish the thought of going to his home. I opened my travel bag and took out the nine millimeter and put the silencer on it. I put a fresh clip in it and injected a shell into the chamber. I locked the door. I was hoping there were no gung-ho employees still at that office.

    When I went in, I heard someone on the phone in an office to my right. My subject's name was on the door. No one else was in the office. This was one time the Boss didn't have the ad­vantage. I went into his office and asked if he was who he was supposed to be although I recognized him from my package. He was off the phone in a couple of minutes and when he was, the conversation went something like this:

    "Mr. Cullen, I represent a group of people who didn't like what we found in your warehouse this afternoon." I removed my weapon and pointed it at him.

    He said nothing and I think what I said had more impact than the gun. I continued with, "We have more problems with other countries. For our own people to turn against us is inex­cusable."

    "But you don't understand...."

    "I understand that I don't have much faith in the people who control them now, why would you be an exception?"

    "I' m just the middle man."

    I emptied the clip into him.

    I walked to the door to the office and locked it. I doubted anyone was coming in but I wasn't taking any chances. I went through some of his drawers and found several invoices in sev­eral languages. Several with the "R" reversed. I couldn't read them but I knew where they came from. I threw the Gentleman from his chair and started to set in it until I saw the blood. I sat on his desk and dialed my employer's number. When he an­swered the conversation went something like this:

    "They were thermo-nuclear, weren't they?" "Yes."
    "How large were they?"
    "Twenty mega-tons."
    "Were they armed?"
    "Yes, but they were being air-lifted tonight."
    "Where to?"
    "Middle East."
    "I don't understand."
    "We don't either. We knew of the devices and they weren't to arrive until next week. Only your observation kept them from being delivered."
    "Who's behind it?"
    "We don't know but it's being taken care of now. Is your sanction completed?"
    "Just before I called you; I'm in his office now."
    "You will have a bonus when you arrive home."

    Oh yes, my employers now have those three items: one is placed in the reinforcing steel in the base of a transmission tower between the Capitol and Andrews. One is encased in lead, steel and concrete beneath the University of Texas at Austin. The third is five hundred feet inside a mountain overlooking Colorado Springs. [H: How interesting that any one or all can be detonated at the mere touch of a pulse wave.]

    Maybe John and Robert Kennedy can rest a little easier now. By the end of this series there will be no more speculation about many things.


    * * *
    Don't for one minute misinterpret my presenting this informa­tion as offering blessings on such a life-sport as is practiced by the "James Bond" killers. However, I don't think you get the picture if I leave out the FACTS. Can you trust this man as to telling "truth" NOW? Unfortunately, yes. He "checks" out. As long as your world is run by and through these types of indi­viduals how much hope is there? How can you tell a "right" murder from a "wrong" murder? What can be left in the souls of these men who are trained to kill without question? They don't even get a verbal description--just a manila envelope and afterward they are judge, jury and executioner. But, does this make truth--untruth? No--it points out brilliantly the degradation of your world in all levels of despicable behavior and corruption and the EASE with which it is smeared all over you-the-people! Good evening.
    PJ 91

    FRI., APR. 1, 1994 4:36 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 228

    FRI., APR. 1. 1994
    I surely am glad that YOU can choose up only ONE DAY to celebrate as "Fool's Day!"--because I cannot tell one from an­other.

    The more pertinent problem facing Dharma and me at this mo­ment is which of the terrible presentations shall we type this af­ternoon--more of Stich or more of Jackson? I think perhaps we will simply continue with "Jackson" because we really haven't said much YET. The Part 1 was to set a tone of operations that would allow YOU to relate to that which will be coming for de­nial is no longer an acceptable alternative in your world crum­bling down around you. Things are going to be happening that will stretch your imaginations a lot further than the assassination of a president in 1963. In fact, there were major plans to take out Clinton while a candidate--and frankly, there appear to be possibilities of his shortened experience as we write. These are things, however, that I do not want my scribe to know, much the less write. We only have an hour or so left for writing today so let's just go with--

    By Ronn Jackson

    The Death of Camelot is not intended to be a second EN­QUIRER, nor is it intended to be an exposé. It is written in plain, simple, and understandable English with the following purposes in mind. First, I'm tired of Government talking out of both sides of their mouths; of forcing our people into and onto the streets; of partisan politics benefiting only a select and wealthy few; of special interests dictating what I eat, drive, see, hear, feel and buy; of attorneys making laws and spending more time in the dictionary than the drafting of the laws; of physicians telling me how sick I am and their wallets being the primary motivation; of our children coming out of school without the ability to sign their names; of the wanton destruction of the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we live on, the trees, wild-life and natural resources. I am reminded of the saying, "The failure of civilization can be detected by the gap between public and private morality. The wider the gap, the nearer the civilization is to final dissolution."

    Finally, my former employers--by the end of the series you will fully understand and comprehend the true meaning of the world "conspiracy". You will also be introduced to the term "Darien Socialism". These two words will be the most significant words of our language. No, I am not a soothsayer and I am not predicting Armageddon. What I am saying is that since our beginning this country has been "slapped around" many times and dumped on a large number of times. This time we have been caught with our pants down. Those who are doing the slapping and dumping come from within. We have always risen to the occasion and will do so again. When judgement day comes--you know who you are, so do I, and so will "they". You have been warned.

    Ronn Jackson

    She was sitting across the desk from me organizing some papers in her brief case. She had just arrived and it was my guess that she was about forty. She was very attractive, well groomed and looked much better in person than she did on television. She also had a trait that was very prevalent in our society today, "an attitude". I didn't say anything to bring it on as I had just met her and wasn't going to give her an excuse for her to get any more surly. I wasn't into the battle of the sexes and I genuinely liked and respected women. Those with whom I associate I treat as equals, listen to what they have to say and am still looking for the "right one".

    She looked up from doing whatever she was doing and said, "You have quite a bit of juice."

    "I don't know about quite a bit, but there is some in the refrigerator under the bar," instantly regretting my words.

    There was fire in her eyes and she responded with, "I was called into the president of the network's office and requested to interview you personally as a result of a call from the President of the United States."

    "I met him a couple of weeks ago. He seems like a very nice person."


    "We made an agreement."

    "How does your agreement affect me?"

    "The agreement doesn't affect you. I requested you." "What for?"

    "For a story that you can't run for a few days and because I owe you an apology."

    "I don't understand. I don't know you and I don't remember talking or interviewing you."

    "You haven't."

    "What story?"

    "In a minute I have one to tell you and it is the reason you are here." I could tell from her expression that she thought I was a prime candidate for the "Rubber Ducky" award. I continued with, "Many years ago I used to get up early and watch this particular news program. I felt that based on looking at the other early morning shows that this one was objective, entertaining and reported the news. One day the host announced that a woman was coming on board, as a member of the staff. I still remember my initial reaction."

    "What was it?"

    I hesitated a minute and replied, "Oh shit."

    That brought a little smile to her face as I went on with, "She came on with a fresh perspective and after a few days I found myself looking forward to her part of the program. Her participation was expanded and she was a co-anchor. The program was certainly the best in the morning and everything was fine until one day she announced that she was leaving--going on to bigger and better things. Then I read in the paper that one of the producers of the show didn't like her and it was his decision to replace her. I didn't like it but there wasn't much I could do about it. And then to add insult to injury, when her replacement came on she had the very same hair-do and in my mind she was trying to be a duplicate. I made up my mind that was the last time for me and that program. I felt so strongly about it that I sat and wrote a letter to the network voicing my opinion and for years didn't watch that network. In case you are interested, I'm giving you a little insight to your viewing public. Anyway, a few months ago I just returned from Europe and it was in the afternoon when I arrived home. I poured myself one, kicked off my shoes, and turned on the television. "Donahue" was just coming on. I didn't pay any attention to it at first and then I heard this "a name". I put down the paper. He had three women on and the topic was about their parts in the early morning shows and the difficulties they were having in a male dominated profession. I listened to the show in its entirety and it became very clear to me that I had made an error in judgement. One of the women demonstrated more style and class than I previously thought possible...so, I apologize...and would like to say, in my opinion, "You have reached a level of professionalism of the person you replaced."

    She had a very nice smile on her face and wasn't nearly as tough as she was a few minutes before. I wanted to say the women's movement wasn't working. But a problem I have is with my mouth so I kept it closed. She sat [D: I'm sorry but the next page was only half copied. The entire left side of the page is missing but as nearly as I can piece the story together it only revolved around a pretty "nothing" conversation about restaurants and lunch. I do ask you to bear with me because the next couple of pages are charts which seem to be important but I can't discern what the headings are. I believe, however, that the two pages represent only one "organizational" chart but many of the names "I" recognize so I'll turn them over to the editors and perhaps they can piece them together some way. I am not being a very "good sport" about writing this because I can hardly decipher the writing much less keep continuity. 'There are, I'm told, nearly a "foot" of manuscript pages exactly as the first draft was, hand written. I apologize but some of this is just not going to have continuity, I fear. The story jumps to the next written page but I don't know with whom Jackson is speaking as the writing itself takes up at this point on a different writing date and the page numbers are out of order. I believe the last page I couldn't decipher may have ended that little interview with the newscaster...so, I'll pick up exactly as it reads....]
    "Have you all the necessary details?"

    "Yes sir. I'm to meet him in the lounge and strike up a conversation. I'm to represent myself as a speculator and investor. After we get to know one another I am to suggest that I might have a part time position available. My former employee recently married and is returning to school."

    "Don't be really insistent, he might become suspicious."

    "Make him believe he played a part in my request."

    "Exactly...lead him or let him lead you but do not under-es­timate him. Watch his eyes and keep contact with them. He is perceptive and a very good listener. Be careful of what you say and do not get your wires crossed."

    "What do you mean, sir?"

    "Don't contradict any of your statements."

    "He and his wife are separated."

    "Yes, and she is with relatives in another state."

    "Any reconciliation in the future?"

    "Unknown. Doesn't appear to be anyone else. Incidentally, we have only forty two days remaining, unless the schedule is changed."

    "Yes sir, I have been briefed on the security...."

    "Excuse me, let me take this call."

    "Yes, your honor."

    ",...it has been re-scheduled to November twenty second."

    "That isn't a problem, sir. The Dallas police are on a twenty-four hour notice. The parade route is covered. There are two thousand additional patrolmen downtown. The hotel reservation has been prepaid and a deposit made for all expenses to be on the room with "number" only, per your instructions."

    "I have a feeling about this young man, the information pro­vided to him will be sufficient."

    "Tell me, sir, did we sustain any losses in Cuba?"

    "No, however that entire operation was mismanaged from start to finish. We made an error allowing others to have a free hand in the planning and execution of it. We won't make that error in the future. We have taken care of the leak to the Presi­dent."

    "As in...."

    "He has been transferred to another agency."

    "Both Secret Servicemen have their instructions."

    "We must be careful with them. Do they suspect anything?"

    "They believe that it is to be an attempt only."


    "Both have their advance payment as we agreed."

    "The files?"

    "Each receive them upon completion, with final payment. The project went 'up in smoke' is to be the explanation given them."

    "Then it won't make any difference. Oh yes, is one in the car?"


    [D: Good grief, I don't know about this conversation but I do know that one of the killers of Kennedy DROVE THE CAR SO THIS HAS TO BE RELATIVE TO THE KENNEDY ASSASSINATION. Ronn Jackson WAS THERE as I have been told and I guess that before I wade through all this manuscripting we will know the answers. Thank you for dragging along with me because I am trying to make sense as well as put in obviously missing words, etc. I am NOT, however, changing anything...!! I can see that "Sir" is someone in a high-ranking position--probably judicial. The one speaking to "sir" is not, I believe, "Jackson". Thank you Sherlock and Dr. Watson....]

    "And the other walking?"


    "Make sure he is at the rear of the passenger's side."

    "I understand, sir. You do know that our subject's brother is going to be a problem?"

    "Not any more than the rest of the family. That situation has been addressed. His entire family has attempted to give the im­pression that they were running something. I have always ques­tioned the motives of a family of wealth and position so affili­ated with the labor movement."

    "How many Scotch drinkers are in the AFL-CIO or the UAW?"

    "My point exactly. It is a feeble attempt to play both sides. That was the father's influence and he didn't give people the benefit of the doubt. By virtue of him having money he felt that all people with less had to be subservient--or should be. His at­titude was also reflected when he was ambassador. Countries complained of his attitude. He was so arrogant; he ignored them."

    "There will probably be the most thorough investigation in history."

    "We have anticipated that. That is why I will be appointed to be in charge of the investigation. [D: Oh my goodness, guess WHO this one is? Do we dare guess, after all commander's lessons--WARREN?] The Commission shall seek only the truth. You are going to have to excuse me as I have a decision to deliver for the court. Good luck--and success."

    "Thank you, Mr. Justice."

    Author's note: This conversation was repeated to me in 1974, over ten years after it took place. The entire con­versation is in book two along with the location and circumstances. That should interest Mr. David Belin and Senator Stokes. I don't take into account Senator Spec­tor, he was, and is, insignificant.

  2. #4
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 91

    SAT., APR. 2, 1994 8:22 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 229

    SAT., APR, 2, 1994

    This subject is as important to the human race as any message ever to be brought to your attention. Please remember that Easter holiday was a long-standing holiday time in the ancient days. To give you a clue as to the choosing of "a" day to "celebrate" and to assure you that it had nothing to do with a "set time and place" of some crucifixion or arising, let it be noted: Easter is celebrated the Sunday immediately after the first full moon that occurs on or after March 21. It WAS also a celebration of "Eastre", goddess of Spring. The facts are, the occasion was staged so that the punishment and public betrayal of this wondrous son of man, the Christed Emmanuel (Jmmanuel, Immanuel) would coincide with this greatly celebrated pagan holiday. It also would be coincidental with the celebration of "Passover"--in those days.

    I, Hatonn, do not need repeat the story so beautifully offered by those present, in gospel-like presentation. The truth has been most deliberately removed from your "bibles" and I am not here, nor is anyone else here, to argue with you and your perceptions. The FACTS, however, much as with John F. Kennedy's assassination--ARE BURIED AND THE LIES FOISTED OFF ON YOU. Do the FACTS matter to you if you "believe", are born-again, deny or just don't give a damn? Yes! Why? Because you seem to think that nobody would ever dare or could tamper with such a work of presentation. But already you deny your own belief in the story itself by having a myriad of translations, interpretations and rewritings, updating and more nonsense--ABOUT THOSE "BIBLE BOOKS". Why don't you TRY THE TRUTH? I suggest that if you desire the TRUTH--get AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME IMMANUEL, A PHOENIX JOURNAL. You who already have this volume please take time to re-read it. The presentation of this document is now available from other sources by other translators of whom I have no intent of researching. Usually, however, in the first offerings of material from first translations, the material will be conceptually similar.

    The TEACHER came to tell you, honor you of soul progression, and show you that there is no such thing as "death" of soul. He did not COME to die for you but instead, to show you how to LIVE. He did not by his blood-letting offer physical absolution of your responsibilities if you but believed he existed. YOU WILL STAND RESPONSIBLE IN JUDGEMENT FOR ALL ACTIONS AND INTENTS OF SELF! The Master can plead in your behalf if there be "ignorance" present--but he can do nothing FOR you.

    The major thing for which you must watch is the total taking into the physical realm through bunnies, baubles and trinkets of candy and other physically pleasing "things"--the meaning of such a time of serious considerations. Ascension? What does "man" know of Ascension? It was said that a place would be prepared for you that you too might know everlasting expression--and so it has been. Now comes the time of preparing a place for a return of goodness upon your physical experience as "man" on a "planet". Have you earned the worthiness to host GOD of total perfection and beauty? Have you served God Creator in care of His wondrous creations? Have you served your fellow-man in honor and love? How about integrity and peace? HAVE YOU PREPARED A PLACE FOR GOD? Well, I'm come back around to see to it that there IS A PLACE PREPARED. Can I do it alone? Yes, but I don't have to do so. The vipers are coming up out of their pits to do battle with selves--one faction pitted against another and in the so-doing God's children will, by circumstance, be sorted away. Will you be among the frenzied battles or will you be in the shelter of God's Hosts? The time of decisions is at hand, readers, as things unimagined are coming forth upon your globe. These things are not JUST of upheavals and possible spiritual fulfill­ment of prophecies of God relationships--but the oppressed shall find sustainment to rise up against the Anti-Christ! A new foun­dation "CAN" be brought forth upon your lands--IF YOU CHOOSE TO DO SO. Will you? Man of Earth--WILL YOU? There will be no place remaining for BLAME or further lack of responsibility.

    No, I do not speak of the New World Order--I do not speak of some New Age a'comin'. I speak here of, at this time, the new shape of, let us say, North America. There is an outlay of ev­ery continent on the globe--but you do not get such from "HERE" for "here" is for the ones "here"--nor will I suggest that you go to this place or that place or, or.... If you want maps and gear--go where there is such offered. I DO suggest that as many of you who can see a map as offered by [Gordont Michael] Scallion, look at it----CLOSELY! Then I want to re­mind you that the Northwestern coastal area of the U.S., for in­stance, is thrusting upward and northward faster than ever be­fore in history. I also want you to pay attention to the politi­cians and what they TELL YOU they are going to do as to divi­sions of districts and states.

    One day, and it may well be prior to the turn of the millennia, California and parts west will be greatly altered into oceans and islands. Where will you dwellers of these areas be?
    If you can grasp the moment of possible change perhaps you shall not be thrust into destruction. You must understand that you cannot blame Mother Nature for that which MAN HAS BROUGHT FORTH. The ULTIMATE cleansing, however, will be wrought through the hand of God as HIS enemy is put down. And, furthermore, I remind you that there will be no whisking away to the fluffies, no absolution of EVIL ongoing--no purchased tickets--except through intent unto God within HIS LAWS--FOR NO EVIL SHALL BE BROUGHT INTO THE PRESENCE OF GOD IN 'HIS HOLY 'RADIANCE. If the goodly only then progress into evilness--naught is gained.

    However, man must always grow into Light for he is given choices of presentation. There are goodly men who are not "holy" men. There are those who will serve in the Light of God in goodly intent who do so because it is the "right" thing to do within the laws of God and Creation. You must have ones to serve the nations and the human aspect as it again grows into that which it will be--into goodness or into, again, evil dominant. And, KNOW, there will be pockets of remaining societies built in positive relationship with GOD and Hosts. God has never left you without teachers and wayshowers. THE WORD shall be the lamp to guide you and by that which has "gone wrong" can you set your course to straight and prevail. But you must have learned to perceive Truth while the lie swirls all about your senses.

    If you believe in false teachings, namely that power and spirit do not dwell within YOU, then you will be without knowledge and live in spiritual poverty. Though you will receive, now and then, that for which you will ask in your false belief of alienated sanctuaries, idols and gods, you will receive only because of your strong false belief, without knowledge of the real Truth--and that gain will ONLY BE OF THE PHYSICAL WHILE DIMINISHING THE INFINITE YOU (SOUL). BLESSED. ARE ONLY THEY WHO SERVE THE REAL TRUTH AND KNOWLEDGE, FOR ONLY THEY ARE TO RE­CEIVE IN HONESTY.
    I remind you of the "false prophets" et al. Be in KNOWING that the "false prophets" will be the ones to strike out at the truth beyond all reasonable actions. You can see it all around you--as with our own work. It is denied, deplored and you are told over and over that it is evil, cast it out and yet--read any portion in context and you will FIND ONLY TRUTH IN GOD'S PER­FECTION OF OFFERINGS. GOD IS ON YOUR PLANET--GOD IS YOUR PLANET--GOD IS WITHIN YOU: HOW­EVER, THE TEACHERS YOU AWAIT AND THE CHRISTED PERFECTION IN THE SON OF MAN--ARE NOT. HE WELL MAY "APPEAR" BUT HE IS NOT IN HUMAN MANIFESTATION UPON YOUR PLACE. HOW DO YOU KNOW? BECAUSE GOD HAS ORDAINED THAT YE SHALL KNOW OF HIS COMING AND EVEN THE SON KNOWS NOT THE MOMENT OF HIS COMING.

    Ones say I am but "dharma". Well, readers, "dharma" is but the bringing into presence the life Truth. Doris is NOT ME nor I she! WE are of God, as are YOU. She is physical--I am etheric with capability of being physical in the choosing. Ah, but it is also said that I claim a label of Aton! Indeed I do--and it would behoove all of you to look up the meaning of Aton for I go back a very, very long, long way. Your Creator would send nothing lesser in your time of peril.

    Beware of false prophets and scribes who come in to you in sheep's clothing, but inside they are like raving wolves, and preach to you humility to shrines, false deities and gods, and preach to you of humility to idols and false teachings.

    Beware of those who forbid you access to wisdom and knowl­edge and tell you to not go forth to hear what perhaps is truth, for they speak to you only to attain power over you and to seize your goods and belongings. Always search beneath the cover­ings to inspect that which they do not tell you and, further, check carefully those things that they extract from you. Truth and wisdom in truth given with no price or treasure or power of force.

    You shall recognize these ones by the fruit they bear. Can a person gather grapes from the thorns, and figs from the thistles? Therefore, every good tree brings forth good fruit, but a bad tree brings forth wicked fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth wicked fruit and a bad tree cannot bring forth good fruit. Therefore, by their fruit shall you know them. I urge you readers to JUDGE THE FRUIT WE OFFER!

    I would like to offer you some words from the Master Teacher as presented in the book above mentioned. It is a bit off the mark of Easter celebration as such but directly related to your plight this day as well as 2,000 years ago.


    Two thousand years ago I told them to go only with those things that are absolutely necessary so that they could eat and sleep on their journey, and so that they could keep clean and have always clean changes of clothing.

    Travel was dangerous in those days and I told them not to carry many things with them for they would only be burdened and would become welcome victims for thieves.

    I reminded them that "Each good, deed is worth, its pay, and if you diligently preach and teach knowledge, you shall not be in wanting." Now this was meant exactly as laid forth. These men knew their purpose, served those encountered and, further, they were not searching for "self" but serving others. These ones were not going in "search of self" fulfillment and inner light for the individual SELF, or to meditate in another's pres­ence that that one's truth might somehow rub off on them. These were not flower children drifting without purpose, living the lie of lies that they were off helping mankind. These "flower children", as you know them, were the dropouts of so­ciety, claiming to search for their "identity" through every loose moral activity available, while wondering and drifting about in groups of booster-uppers and meditation mediums. This, brethren, is the difference in responsibility and irresponsibility. This type of proclaimed "love" is the most destructive one ac­tivity to plague humanity. My ones were sent forth knowing full well what was their job and working twenty four hours a day at it--no time off for afternoon energy meditation while they sneaked in a nap and cried later: "energy overload".

    They went about on foot, remember? They walked thousands of miles where you can put one hundred fifty envelopes into the mail to cover the same thousands of miles. So be it. You cop-out by saying, "Well, you told them to do this and that and thus and so." When you do as they had to do, then you come and complain to me. And watch it, friends, if you do not do your job well now--that is exactly the way you will find yourselves doing it. And, brothers, you have committed unto the work no matter how you have to do it.

    I warned them to check carefully when entering a village; remember, no motels--they had to search out living quarters in private places. So I urged them to take great care and inquire about if there would be someone there who would be worthy and advised them to remain with same until departure, if possible.

    I told them to salute a house when it was entered into. And, I tell you: honor (salute) the house into which you enter. It is gracious and imparts love and vibrations of peace and goodness. If the house is worthy, your peace will come upon it. But if it is not worthy, your peace will return unto you and you depart.

    If someone does not want to take you in or to hear your speeches, leave that house or that town, and shake the dust off your feet.

    I told them then; I tell you now, not to stay in a place where you are not welcomed with openness. Your truth and speeches will not be recognized. Flee from these places for they are selfish and disloyal to nature; they revere not sacred things; they will be honoring false gods and idols of whatever nature they so choose from worldly manifestation; they are not followers of The Creation nor of the Laws thereof. Where a man's thoughts center, therein lies his heart's desires--and rarely is centered on God or The Creation.

    I will now just repeat unto you that which I said unto them that you can see the teachings are as filled with TRUTH for you today as it was two thousand years past. I did not lay down these edicts, brethren, these were the edicts passed down from God to a people in disobedience of the very Laws of The Creation and knew not any Christ path of Truth. Herein I speak of Israel, since that was the directed subject material on this morn. I would have it otherwise; it is not otherwise. So be it.

    [H: Let us always be in the remembering that the term "Israel" is only representative of a group or place which can now be identified by modern day reference. There was NO "Israel" and there was no term in those days of "Jews". However, you have come to recognize both these terms and BOTH ARE INCORRECTLY UTILIZED TO BRING FALSE PERCEPTIONS TO YOU THROUGH MISDEFINITION. You must realize that translation errors can be most subtle and deceiving. I will continue to offer this as presented--but YOU must keep the history of happenings and changes fully in mind.]

    Flee from those places of false gods and false teachings, for they will seek your life, because they do not want to forsake that which they have and that which they are. This includes the multitudes of false Christians, brethren. The false Christian church CLUBS will be first to effort at destruction of this scribe, as a for instance. The mystics and "new agers" as such are equally as dangerous--watch of your steps and watch out for my scribes, please, I petition you for most ones entering into your places will not realize they are tools of darkness.

    ....keep your light shields about you...

    Flee from these incredulous people, for you shall NOT lose your life for the sake of truth and knowledge. No law demands that of you, nor is there a law which would recognize such foolishness. We need no physically "dead" workers. Do not be foolish in your projects--use your God-given intelligence and found good, solid business concerns and you will be accepted. Truth will follow like sheep to a good shepherd.

    Verily I say unto you, however, many will die and shed their blood into the sand, because later my teaching will be made into false teachings which I never taught, and which originate from the brains of scribes and priests set forth for their own gain, power and purposes.

    They will thereby bring masses of mankind under their control and through the belief in their false teachings will rob man of his rightful belongings. MAN is God's temple, he needs no graven images nor ornate building with another man's name placed thereon.

    In all the world, there will be screaming and chattering of teeth when the blood flows of all those who have made my teachings of wisdom and knowledge into false teachings, and when the blood flows of all those who through false belief and through being led astray believe these false teachings and advocate them, teachings that are NOT mine; consequently, many of these heretics will lose their lives, many of these people of Israel, who will never find their peace until the END OF THE WORLD because they do not believe and deny the power of the spirit and of knowledge.

    This I said to my people then and it is holding in truth to this day. Now prepare yourselves for I am going to lay a hard one onto your backs. I make no exceptions to belief systems nor do I condemn any man, as such, but the next is directly FROM GOD SOURCE and there is a lot of cleaning up that needs doing.

    This has to do with Israel and God.

    "Verily, I say to you, the people of Israel were never a tribe of their own and have at all times made a living from murder robbery and fire. Through ruse and murder did they conquer this land, through their despicable predatory wars, whereby they slaughtered their best friends like wild animals." And GOD SAID: "Cursed be the people of Israel until the END OF THE WORLD and it will never find its peace." IS TODAY DIFFERENT FROM TWO THOUSAND YEARS AGO? HOW SO? DID I SAY TO KILL THEM, MUTILATE THEM, HATE THEM OR INJURE THEM? NAY, NAY, NAY--IN FACT, WE OF THESE OUTER REALMS ARE SENDING MULTITUDES AMONG THEM TO WORK THE WONDROUS TRANSITION. THE PEOPLES OF THE RACE ARE BEARING OUR VERY OWN CHILDREN UPON YOUR PLACE TO SET THEM FREE OF THEIR. BONDAGE. BUT THE CYCLE WILL COME DOWN AND CLOSE EXACTLY AS WRITTEN! NO MORE: NO LESS. SO BE IT.

    I told them (my twelve) and so it is today: "Behold, I am sending you among the unbelievers and those set in their false teachings, like sheep among wolves. Therefore, be as clever as the serpents and without deceit as the doves." No small task indeed.

    "Beware of people, for they shall turn you over to the courts and shall scourge you in their synagogues. They will ridicule you, deprecate you, denounce you in every aspect of your life being, and then come running unto you to reap a share of the wondrous gifts ye shall bring." Further: "You will be led before Kings and so called 'great men' because of my teachings as witnesses unto them and light will go forth through thy works and my WORD."

    "Take no care if you cannot flee and they shall turn you over, unto the courts, for the power of your spirit will not leave you, and your knowledge will tell you what you shall say and I shall , touch those who represent you in truth. 'For it-is not you who speaks, but the power of your spirit and its knowledge."

    I am telling you, dear ones, try not to deal with Israel in your blind desire to assist for it has naught to do with you; it is between God and Israel.

    With Israel, you will get nowhere with those peoples until the ending of the world cycle and so be it. It does not mean that ye shall not love your Jewish neighbor for we speak now of an entirely different matter and one has very little connection to the other.

    I remind you; the disciple is not above the master, nor the servant above his lord. It suffices that the disciple be like his master, and the servant be like his lord. If they have called the father of the house, Beelzebub, how much more will they call them who live in the house?

    Therefore, protect yourselves from that of Israel for it is like a festering boil. But be not afraid of them, because there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and nothing secret which will not be made known. What I tell you in darkness, speak in day-light; and what is whispered into your ears, preach from the roof tops. Be not afraid of evil slander, but be afraid of those that kill the body and take life, eyes for eyes and teeth for teeth--life for life, for there is no God-ness within them. Further, they will eat into your flesh until your joints are frozen and you are too crippled to respond. Beware and sleep not on your watch lest your very lives be lost.

    I did not come to bring the world peace at that time, brothers, I did not come forth to bring peace, but rather to bring the sword of Truth and knowledge of the power of the spirit that dwells within man.

    I ask that you provoke even your mother, father and thus and so, that eyes be opened and thought be manifest in Truth patterns instead of the continuation of sleep and inertia, walking steadily and deliberately unto your doom. But it must be done in leadership whereby Truth is visual and man wishes to follow for the way is "simply better". Ah yes, your enemies will likely be residing within your very households.

    The path of Truth is distant and the wisdom of knowledge will reach it only slowly. I predicted dark ages would, follow, centuries and millennia would pass before the Truth of the spirit could reach unto the people--two thousand years is quite enough, chelas, quite enough, please.

    Well, it has all come to pass--so far, exactly as predicted. I walk with you in constant attendance. You need not more. I have come that my Father's kingdom be reclaimed and my ones be put in safety. I also am prepared to meet my adversary on any front he so chooses. And, of course, he will choose the place near Armageddon., So be it. As you are prepared so shall you receive, therefore, please let us move rapidly at preparation for there will be some most irritating times forthcoming.


    'This was written on August 2, 1989. This means that a lot of water has flowed under the bridges, my friends.

    I would also like to share one more passage before passing on to other things. This is called "The Last Lesson" and comes from Chapter 17 of AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME IMMANUEL.


    When they had all gathered, he talked with them and said, "Behold, I shall talk to you this one last time; then I will leave and never return to this place. My path leads me to India where many of this human race live also, because they left this land in order to dwell there. My mission leads me unto them and to the human race which was born there. My path to that place will be long, for I must bring my new teachings yet unto many countries, likewise to the shores of the great black waters to the north of this place.

    "Before I shall depart, however, I shall give you a last lesson. If man lives according to the laws of The Creation, he lives rightly in Truth, but this is the final goal: Everything human has to die in man, but everything creative has to rise and embrace The Creation. Consider the Universe as the place where The Cre­ation abides in the infinite. Everything that man owns has its origin in The Creation; therefore it belongs to The Creation.

    "Man shall change his entire spiritual life and perfect it, so that it may become one with The Creation. And if man does a thing, he must do it with the awareness of the Presence of The Cre­ation. But man shall never force Truth onto another, for it would be worthless. First man shall watch his own progress in spirit so that he creates in himself creative harmony. To use 'force' is not of the Creation.

    "No greater darkness rules in man than does ignorance and lack of wisdom." The victory of mans consist at its height in destroying and removing each power opposing the creative, in order that the creative might prevail.

    "Man must develop in himself the power to judge over good and evil and the correct perception in all things, so that he may be wise, fair and just while following the Laws of Creation.

    "Perception is necessary as to that which is real and that which is unreal, what is valuable and that which has no value; also, that which is of The Creation and that which is not. Man must become a universal unit of oneness, so that he becomes one with the Creation. However great the suffering of man, the power of The Creation, in man, is immeasurably greater, to conquer all that is evil.

    "If man lives only in his consciousness, as man, he will remain inaccessibly distant from his spirit and from The Creation, and therefore, from the Laws thereof. The greater man's dedication to the Laws of The Creation, the deeper will be the peace he harbors within himself. Man's happiness consists in that he seek and find Truth, so that he may gather thereof, knowledge and wisdom, and think and act in accord with The Creation. Because only through the conditions of human life can man de­velop his creative powers in spirit, and utilize them.

    "Man must try daily to unfold his powers and capabilities, for only thereby will he obtain experience in their usage. As long as man is not one with The Creation, he will never have the ability to laugh about death of the physical body or the transition which appears to be death. For fear of the unknown is in man, that which only perfection is able to perceive and that of which the spirit is all knowing.

    "Instead of being guided by instincts and impulses, man must live in total realization of wisdom and also according to the Law. Man shall not lose his way in the forest of limitations, but shall expand his spirit and see, and find, knowledge and wis­dom, so that he may come closer to his life's purpose and goal and recognize the cloths principle in all things. A thousand lights will help man on his path, if he but watches for them and follows them. [H: Anyone care to guess where Bush came up with "a thousand points of light"--to make his evil empire sound like Godliness?]

    "Man can, and will, attain all knowledge and wisdom, if he seriously and persistently strives for perfection. The Laws serve all those who are willing to see Truth and wisdom in unlimited measure, in as much as they master themselves in all possible facets and develop their spiritual powers ever higher and higher, and perfect themselves thereby.

    "Man should not consider his physical misery, but the reality of spirit and the being which is of The Creation. There is study unreal in man, because he has an inner knowledge that his fate and destination is to be one within Creation. Man may be great, wise and good, but that is not sufficient. He must become ever wiser, greater and better; there may not be any limits to love, peace and joy, for the present has to be unceasingly exceeded."

    "Verily I say to you, love that is unlimited, constant and infalli­ble, is without conditions and pure, and in its fire all that is un­clean and evil and evil will burn. For such a love is the love of The Creation and of its Laws, also to which man has been predestined since the beginning of time. Since this is the final "goal" of man, he must take care that this must and shall be so, for this is his destiny? As yet man does not understand the wisdom of this teaching, because it is adulterated everywhere on Earth. In his ignorance, man falsified it in all various arts and forms so that it becomes diffused and incomprehensible.

    "However, in two thousand years it will be brought forth and taught anew, unfalsified, when man has become reasonable and knowledgeable. A new age and generation will come forth which foretells great changes. In the stars can be read that the people of the new era will be great revolutionaries in Truth and from the stars shall come the Truth thereof; Therefore, a few special people, chosen ones, will teach anew my unfalsified pronouncements. They shall have great courage for they will be persecuted by those of the false doctrines claiming to pronounce my truth. They shall be denounced and accused falsely of all manner of crimes in order to stop the bringing forth of Truth.

    "You must go and prepare the way for my teachings and make all peoples its disciples. But beware of false teaching which, because of your own ignorance, you would allow to ascend. Some of you are most inclined to project my teachings in error. I sternly caution you, and warn you, to be careful in bearing forth only the Truth. Teach unto the people everything which I commanded you, lest you falsify my teachings."

    [H: In leaving this writing I think I shall continue on just one wee bit further for within it holds so much Truth that I cannot see how you can miss it!]

    It happened, that when he spoke to them in this manner, it thundered in the heavens and a great light came down from the sky. Not far from where they were seated, the light alighted on the ground. There was a most beautiful metallic glitter as it reflected in the light of the sun, for the sky was clear and no clouds were present save the one above the light.

    Immanuel ceased his speaking, arose and went to the metallic light and stepped therein. It came about, that around us rose a fog all about and it thundered again as a singing began and the flight lifted into the sky once more and the cloud of fog dis­solved.

    The disciples quietly returned to Jerusalem and described what had happened....


    I also believe this is a good place to have an END OF WRIT­ING. I sincerely urge each of you to acquire AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME IMMANUEL. I AM SANANDA.

    Do not be foolish enough to jump to conclusions as to the term "Sananda" versus whatever YOU believe to be a label for the Christed teacher. "Sananda" is the term for achievement of "God"--as is the final representation of perfection of Christ. Both terms are relative to spiritual stature--not names by which a "man" is called. It is further promised that when the Son of Man shall return HE SHALL BEAR A NEW NAME. HE SHALL BE CALLED SANANDA.

    By the way--you shall know and judge by the works and by the fruit--NOT BY THE "NAME" of ANY man. Blessings be upon you ones this "season" for is it not time you stop crucifying that which can bear you up in LIFE? Salu.

    PJ 91

    SAT., APR. 2, 1994 11:52 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 229

    SAT., APR. 1, 1994

    I am noted for coming up to and through holidays and burying everyone with work. Since we plan a little gathering tomorrow (Sunday) I have to make up the writing today. However, I find balky finger syndrome. As I see some 13 hundred pages of handwritten papers piled on, over and near Dharma and more at the copy-center, I have to reconsider our approach to Ronn Jackson's presentation. Not because there is lack of information--but because we simply cannot devote this much space and time to the singled-out project. The main point we will want to share is the actual TRUTH of the murders of the Kennedy's. I know that we don't need the bloody details as we have presented thus far, or the stage-settings--or do you? At some point this work needs to be totally organized, presented and then published.

    This man in point has had a most colorful (to say the least) background and DOES have the truth of happenings. Also, the work is presented in fascinating manner which would lead to tremendously worthy motion picture making. We will have to consider a bit carefully how to continue the layout to fit his needs, our needs and information presentation so that we can continue with other offerings as well.

    While pondering this problem and since no one related to Dharma or the "paper" has read the material we shall have to turn to other material perhaps even more timely.

    I refer back to DEFRAUDING AMERICA by Rodney Stich. There is so much material in that book that there is no way to get it to you save suggest you read nearly all our prior journals-- or, get the book! It covers Iran-Contra, Banking, Federal Crimes, fixed legal shenanigans and on and on--with names, places and faces. This is what is valuable--the direct naming of participants in given projects and crimes. This is also true of the Ronn Jackson materials, the Victor Marchetti materials and many, many others. TRUTH IS COMING FORTH, READERS--IF YOU JUST LOOK! I can point it out for your use--but I cannot reproduce the contents of so many worthy books nor do I have any desire to do so. I have already put ones here through the paces of presenting almost every topic covered--in far more brief presentations in order to urge you to follow-up on subjects as you could become comfortable with their probable truth. Also, I have no intent of ever forwarding you blindly to authors who present only partial facts in truth as whole works. Why? Because in the beginning of becoming discerning of probabilities you are confused by my presence and much is lost in the distraction. Also, there are thousands of journals and books available on subjects which are simple mis- dis-information. There are many books whose purpose seems valid only to find that the works presented are ONLY PARTIALLY valid. I can "select" FOR you--I cannot LEARN "for" you. This is why we are moving on to presenting nearly a hundred journals and untold numbers of writings for your input or consideration. We have done this in selectivity for many reasons but the most important one is that you can come to rely on our credibility in spite of the slings and arrows pointed at and shot at us. This is NOT Dharma's chosen task nor is it my mission as such. However, to get on with OUR mission at hand--we must get you informed!

    What we have offered prior to this writing is information regarding Gunther Russbacher as far as Rodney Stich's work is concerned.

    Since the first printing of the book Rodney has written an additional several pages of more current information. We will get to that. However, it would seem that we are remiss if we do not point out the overwhelming evidence of cover-ups and note a tiny portion of ones who gave their very lives in efforting to get truth to you-the-people. I will ask that we begin with the chapter on "Silencing Whistleblowers" and move onward. We can, later if we have space and time, come back to individual topics such as BCCI, etc. We have offered most of that information prior to this but this would flesh out more players by name and activity and tie up the whole bundle in each instance with its integrated parts. We will do the best we can to offer the most we can and then, readers, it is UP TO YOU.

    We have advertised this book many times but here, again, is WHERE you can obtain it: Diablo Western Press, Inc., P.O. Box 5, Alamo, California 94507 or Diablo Western Press, Inc. P.O. Bx 10587, Reno, NV 89510. It appears to be $25.00 (if I read the mark of the beast properly). It is a big book, of some 654 pages plus. Rodney does not under any circumstance pronounce total TRUTH in all instances for he is like the rest--he can only work from the truth of others once he can come to comfort with validity and through research. This is the very way all scientific research and all judicial searchings SHOULD work. YOU WILL HAVE TO DECIDE IN EVERY INSTANCE FOR ALMOST EVERYTHING YOU WILL HAVE PREVIOUSLY HEARD WILL BE OTHERWISE FROM THESE GLEANINGS.

    by Rodney Stich

    Every one of the criminal activities within these pages, and the U.S. officials implicated in them, were protected by Justice Department attorneys and officials.

    [H: It is so hard to keep from distracting and commenting on the death of more recent players such as Vincent Foster of Whitewater/Clinton/Rose Law Firm fame--but let's try to get through this so that we can then move on into the more recent month's activities. You will find that the updated book, DEFRAUDING AMERICA, will have a lot of these incidents of recent happenings because it was not printed until 1994 and is borne in the "update" addition.]

    Killing witnesses or informants is nothing new to those privy to intelligence agency activities, but these acts have greatly accelerated with the accelerating corruption within the government of the United States. Even government investigators who blow the whistle on government corruption face dangers, as I certainly discovered from personal experience. Federal inspector Henry Marshall, an employee of the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service, was killed in June 1961, on a farm in Texas, much to the relief of high federal officials. Marshall had evidence linking a multi-million-dollar commodity fraud to an LBJ aide, and to Lyndon Johnson himself. Alongside Marshall's body was the .22 caliber rifle that had fired the fatal bullets. Texas authorities obligingly ruled Marshall's death a suicide, even though the position of the wounds indicated it would have been physically impossible for them to have been self-inflicted.

    An AP article prepared by the Dallas Time Herald reported that convicted swindler Billy Sol Estes secretly testified before a grand jury impaneled at Franklin, Texas, relating to the Marshall death. Estes testified that he was present when Lyndon Johnson and two other men discussed having Marshall killed because Marshall knew too much about illegal manipulation of cotton allotments. Johnson reportedly gave the order to have Marshall slain. Estes identified the two men as Clifton Carter and Malcolm Wallace. Carter was once Johnson's top political aide in Texas and later his White House liaison to the Democratic National Committee. Wallace was a former University of Texas student body president.

    The Marshall killing and its relationship to Lyndon Johnson had been the subject of intense gossip and rumor in Texas political circles for years. Estes, who had aged considerably since Marshall was killed, agreed to testify about the Marshall killing at the urging of U.S. Marshal Clint Peoples of Dallas, who had pursued the case for more than two decades.

    Other testimony in the grand jury hearings revealed that Johnson approved the killing out of fear that Marshall would give Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy evidence concerning cotton allotments incriminating LBJ. Kennedy was known to have no respect for Johnson.

    The deaths of key people in the alleged murder conspiracy prevented further grand jury investigation. Former President Lyndon Johnson died January 22, 1973, on his ranch near Austin, Texas. Wallace died in a car accident in 1971, and Carter died September 22, 1971. The grand jury came to the conclusion that Marshall was killed, but reached no conclusion as to who may have done it.

    "You're going to get killed!"

    When FAA inspectors warn another inspector his life is in danger by reporting safety violations and related criminal acts, the public might get the impression FAA inspectors are not go­ing to report safety problems! "You're going to get killed," was the warning I received from several FAA employees as I tried to expose the FAA corruption. If other inspectors feared for their lives if they report safety violations at favored airlines, such as United, they could not be expected to report the misconduct.

    The CIA was heavily involved in activities surrounding the John F. Kennedy assassination and this group, like no other group in the United States, has a long history of assassinations. The death rate of people associated in some way with the JFK assassination was extraordinarily high. [H: Ronn Jackson will shed a lot of light on the players and the deceased in that in­stance.] A partial list of those who died in the JFK assassina­tion follows, and that list is followed by a partial list of those who posed a threat to U.S. officials because of their knowledge of activities described within these pages.

    David Ferrie, a CIA contract agent, died on February 22, 1967, of a brain hemorrhage, a condition that can be induced by drugs, a standard tactic of covert spy or intelligence operators. Ferrie was one of Jim Garrison's main witnesses.

    Dr. Henry Delaune was murdered on January 26, 1969, by being shot in bed and then set afire.

    Aladio del Valle, a prospective witness for Prosecutor Garri­son, was killed in Miami on February 22, 1967, within an hour after Ferrie died. He was one of Garrison's witnesses.

    Robert Perrin died from arsenic poisoning. His wife, Nancy Perrin Rich, was a key witness, and a former employee of Jack Ruby.

    Dr. Mary Sherman, a close friend of Ferrie, was shot in bed and then set afire.

    Clyde Johnson was beaten the day he was to give testimony in the Garrison trial and was later murdered. He had knowledge of the close relationship between David Ferrie, Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby, and Clay Shaw.

    David Goldstein, who helped the FBI trace the revolver used in the murder of Officer Tippit, died in 1965.

    WP Levens, who operated a burlesque theater in nearby Fort Worth and employed some of the girls working for Jack Ruby, died on November 5, 1965.

    Thomas Howard, an attorney for Ruby and who had been at Ruby's apartment the night Ruby shot Oswald, died of a heart attack after acting in a strange manner for several days.

    [H: Yes indeed I hear you when you say, "But all of these were not whistleblowers." RIGHT, so just sitting around "knowing" is not very healthy either, is it? You don't even "have to know"--just be around!]
    Jim Koethe, who was at Ruby's apartment the night Ruby shot Oswald, was murdered as he came out of his shower in his Dallas apartment on September 21, 1964.

    Lee Bowers, Jr. died in a one-car crash near Midlothian, Texas, on August 9, 1966. He had witnessed suspicious activity behind the fence near where Kennedy was shot, and from where some of the shots originated. The coroner's report stated Bowers had suffered a strange shock at the time of the accident, suggesting that he was under the influence of drugs possibly administered by others.

    Bill Hunter, who was at Ruby's apartment the night Ruby shot Oswald, was shot to death in a police station at Long Beach, California, on April 24, 1964.

    Nicholas Chetta, the coroner for New Orleans who had key evidence against Clay Shaw, the person charged by prosecutor Jim Garrison with conspiracy regarding Kennedy's murder, died of an apparent heart attack on May 25, 1968.

    Thomas Joyce, husband of a woman hired by Ruby, succumbed as the result of throat lacerations in March of 1964. He reported told friends he was marked for death because of information he had and that he was tired of running.

    Dorothy Kilgallen, columnist and TV personality, attended Jack Ruby's trial, told friends in late November 1965 that she was going to expose and break open the Kennedy assassination. In less than a week she was dead of unexplained causes and her death ruled a suicide.

    Mrs. Earl T. Smith died of unexplained causes two days after her close friend, Dorothy Kilgallen died.

    Marilyn April Walle, stripper for Jack Ruby, whose testimony a week earlier freed Darrell Wayne Garner, the man accused of shooting Warren Reynolds, was found hanged in her Dallas jail cell within an hour after being booked in February 1964.

    Karen Bennett Carlin, one of Ruby's strippers, was shot to death in August, 1964, at Houston, Texas.

    Earline Roberts, who rented a room to Oswald and had knowledge of Oswald's activities with Dallas police, died on January 9, 1966, of reported heart failure.

    Harold Russell, a witness in Tippit's murder, was killed by a Dallas policeman in February of 1967.

    William Whaley, the cab driver who reportedly drove Oswald from the assassination site and could have testified as to what Oswald may have stated to him, died in a peculiar auto accident in December 1965.

    James Worrell, who witnessed a person run from the Dallas School Book Depository immediately after President Kennedy was shot, died on November 9, 1966, when his motorcycle was hit by a car.

    Richard Carr had seen a man on the sixth floor of the Depository before the Kennedy shooting, and saw two men run from the building and speed away in a station wagon. The FBI warned him to remain quiet about what he knew. The FBI refused to believe his statements, even though they coincided with statements made by others. The FBI didn't want to hear any statements implicating anyone but Oswald. Carr was shot at and received threatening phone calls. Dallas police harassed him and his son. He finally moved to Montana. Shortly before he was to testify in the Garrison trial his body was blown apart by dynamite wired to the ignition of his car.

    Sam Giancana told columnist Jack Anderson that the CIA's plot to kill Castro may have back-fired, resulting in President Kennedy's assassination. He was killed with a .22 caliber pistol, the favorite for intelligence agency assassinations.

    John Roselli was killed under the same conditions, as he gave Anderson similar information.

    Karyn Kupcinet was overheard by a telephone operator talking about Kennedy's assassination shortly before it hap­pened. She was killed two days after Kennedy was assassinated.

    Rose Cherami reportedly told hospital employees of the plot to kill Kennedy. She was killed in a hit-and-run accident in 1965.

    Captain Frank Martin, a member of the Dallas Police De­partment, died of cancer in June of 1966, shortly after he told the Warren Commission he was afraid to talk.

    Jack Ruby, who killed Lee Harvey Oswald, suddenly devel­oped cancer and died, on January 3, 1967.

    Roger Craig was a Dallas Deputy Sheriff who with two other persons discovered the assassination rifle in the Dallas Book Depository, and signed an affidavit stating that it was a Mauser, 7.65 caliber. He testified that he had seen a man run down from the Book Depository and speed off in a car. This testimony contradicted the Warren Commission report. Craig had been driven from his job, he had been shot at, he was threatened, and stripped of his ability to obtain employment. Craig was seriously injured from an explosion occurring when he started his car. Later Craig reportedly killed himself on May 15, 1975.

    Hiram Ingram was a member of the Dallas Sheriff's de­partment and a close friend of Dallas deputy Roger Craig. In­gram died suddenly of cancer on April 4, 1968.

    George McGann held evidence obtained through his wife, Beverly Oliver, known as the "Babushka lady". McGann was killed in the house occupied by Ronny Weeden, who knew Charles Harrelson, the person convicted of killing U.S. District Judge John Wood Jr. McCann's associates included persons close to Jack Ruby.

    Warren Reynolds witnessed the shooting of officer Tippit in Oak Cliff, a Dallas suburb. Reynolds had followed the killer and claimed that he was not Oswald. He was shot in the head in January 1964 but survived.

    Edward Benevides, mistaken for his brother, Domingo, who had witnessed the shooting death of Tippit, was killed in Febru­ary 1964, a suspected case of wrong identity.

    Lt. Commander William Pitzer, who had taken pictures of President Kennedy at the autopsy, was shot to death on October 29, 1966, in his office at Bethesda Naval Hospital.

    Gary Underhill, a former CIA agent, who had told people that the Kennedy assassination implicated a CIA faction, was shot to death on May 8, 1964.

    Clay Shaw was a former CIA operative suspected of being in conspiracy to kill JFK. He met death under mysterious circum­stances after being indicted by New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison for conspiracy in the Kennedy assassination. Shaw's body was embalmed before it could be examined, pre­venting a determination as to the cause of death.

    Regis Kennedy, a former FBI agent, died in 1978 shortly after talking to the Assassination Committee.

    William Sullivan, a close assistant to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, was shot and killed in 1977, before he could give testi­mony to the Assassination Committee. A half dozen key FBI figures died within a six-month period in 1977, silencing any testimony that they might have given.

    John Martino claimed he had personal knowledge of the plan to kill President Kennedy. He died of a reported heart at­tack.

    William Pawley was involved in the Cuban connection and worked with John Martino. Pawley was shot to death.

    Congressman Hale Boggs of Louisiana had been a member of the Warren Commission, and had been critical of the FBI, accusing them of "Gestapo tactics". His plane disappeared in Canada on a flight to Alaska.

    Buddy Walthers, a Dallas Deputy Sheriff, had found the bullet on the ground at the Kennedy assassination site and then turned it over to an FBI agent. He was shot to death during a police shootout in 1969.

    Albert Bogard was an employee of the Dallas Lincoln-Mercury dealer where Oswald allegedly test-drove a car. He was found dead in his car in Louisiana on February 14, 1966.

    George DeMohrenschildt, a close friend of Oswald, was killed on the day that he was to be questioned by several investigators, including a representative of the House Assassination Committee.

    Deaths due to heart attacks, strokes, and cancer can be induced and masked by certain drugs, a fact well known to the intelligence community. These drugs, and these tactics, are used routinely by covert operatives.

    The London Sunday Times estimated that the odds of sudden deaths among approximately three dozen witness over such a short time span to be 100,000 trillion to one.

    Despite the pattern of killings and mysterious deaths of informants within such a short period of time, the investigative committees held that they did not establish any relationship with the Kennedy assassination or constitute a conspiracy to silence opposition to the Warren Commission findings. The pattern of silencing whistleblowers or informants is seen in other scandals described within these pages.

    Karen Silkwood, a whistleblower exposing misconduct at the Kerr-McGee plant where she worked, died in an auto accident while driving to a meeting with a reporter for the New York Times. Silkwood was to present documentary evidence that Kerr-McGee violated safety measures and quality controls in the plutonium recycling plant where she was employed. Her death has been the subject of many articles, books, a movie, and television.

    The pattern of killings, mysterious deaths, and persecution of informants and whistleblowers continued with the escalating pattern of criminal activities described within these pages. A partial list follows:

    Attorney Dexter Jacobson was killed on August 14, 1990, just prior to presenting evidence of rampant Chapter 11 corruption to the FBI. Several months before his death, Jacobson and I had exchanged information on the Chapter 11 corruption each of us had discovered. The conduct of local police constituted a cover-up that aided the killers to escape detection.

    Attorney Gary Ray Pinnell was killed on February 11, 1991, in San Antonio, Texas, just prior to presenting evidence of Chapter 11 judicial corruption to the FBI. Judge-appointed trustee Marten Seidler was under investigation by the Grand Jury in Pinnell's murder on the basis that he was associated with Charlie Rummels, a prime suspect in the attorney's death. Many of those who were corruptly stripped of their assets after they exercised the statutory protections of Chapter 11 wanted to testify before the Grand Jury looking into the Pinnell's death, but they were blocked by Justice Department attorneys. Some of those who sought to testify were of Hispanic origin, some coming from as far away as El Paso to testify and, when they returned home, they were harassed by Immigration and Naturalization Service personnel.

    Danny Casolaro was killed on August 10, 1991, as he was obtaining evidence of corruption linking Justice Department officials to Inslaw, October Surprise, and BCCI. He was a Washington-based freelance reporter, and was killed in the Sheraton Hotel in Martinsburg, West Virginia. After Casolaro was killed, his body was embalmed before the family was notified, violating state and county rules and blocking a thorough autopsy, which might have revealed incapacitating drugs.

    Alan D. Standorf was murdered on January 4, 1991, and his body found on January 31, 1991, in the back seat of a car parked at the Washington National Airport. Standorf was a source of information for Casolaro. CIA operative Michael Riconosciuto had introduced Casolaro to Standoff. It is believed that Standoff, an electronic intelligence employee for the National Security Agency, was a key source for some of the information obtained by Danny Casolaro, linking the Justice Department to the various parts of the scandals. Casolaro had previously told a friend, Bill Turner, that a key source of information on the scandals that he was investigating had disappeared (referring to Standorf).

    Attorney Dennis Eisman was shot to death in April 1991, twenty-four hours before he was to meet with Michael Riconosciuto, who was involved in numerous CIA activities, including October Surprise and Inslaw. Eisman was building a defense for Riconosciuto against the charges filed by Justice Department prosecutors as they sought to silence him. Shortly before Eisman was killed, he was to meet in Philadelphia with a woman who would deliver to him important evidence of corruption by Justice Department officials.

    Attorney John Crawford, one of the attorneys who worked with Riconosciuto, died from a heart attack in Tacoma in April 1993. This death raises questions since he was one of several attorneys and investigators working with Riconosciuto to die within a relatively short period of time.

    Paul Morasca was working with CIA operative Michael Riconosciuto. He opposed efforts by CIA contract agent John Nichols to have Riconosciuto work on a CIA project located on the Cabazon Indian Reservation in California. Morasca was killed in his San Francisco apartment in January 1982.

    Larry Guerrin, a private investigator, was killed in Mason County, Washington in February 1987, as he conducted an investigation for Michael Riconosciuto, obtaining evidence relating to the Inslaw scandal.

    Alan Michael May was killed in his San Francisco home on June 19, 1991. May was involved with Michael Riconosciuto in the October 1980 movement of $40 million bribe money to Iranian factions. May had requested that Riconosciuto not divulge May's ties with the Iranian hostage scandal out of fear for his life. Within four days after the Napa Sentinel published Riconosciuto's description of the October Surprise operation, May was killed. The local coroner's report stated death was due to a heart attack. However, a subsequent autopsy revealed that May had poly pharmaceuticals in his system.

    Vali Delahanty, disappeared on August 18, 1992 as she was trying to warn Riconosciuto about a plan by DEA and Justice Department officials to set him up on a drug charge. Her body was discovered in a ravine at Lake Bay, Washington on April 13, 1993. Her disappearance and death prevented her from testifying on Riconosciuto's behalf about the Justice Department and DEA charges.

    Pete Sandvigen, who resided on Whidbey Island in Washington, was ready to leave from the Navy Air Station on Whidbey Island, as part of further investigation into Inslaw. His body was found on December 2, 1992. The gun that he carried was found without the ammo clip, raising questions. Sandvigen had been part of a 26-man CIA team in Afghanistan during the late 1980s. He tried to help Riconosciuto defend against the Justice Department's amphetamine charges, along with exposing the Inslaw scandal.

    Alfred Alvarez and two friends who were part of the Cabazon Indian Reservation, were killed in July 1981. Alvarez had opposed the operations and takeover of the Indian reservation by the Wackenhut Corporation and the CIA.

    Ian Stuart Spiro, his wife, and three children were killed on November 1, 1992 in the San Diego area. Spiro's wife and three daughters were killed in their San Diego home with bullets to their heads, and Spiro was found dead in a car parked in the desert. Spiro had connections to the CIA and British intelli­gence agencies, and had been involved in various CIA opera­tions, including October Surprise, Iran-Contra, and the Lebanese hostage crisis. He was helping Riconosciuto collect documents to present to a federal grand jury conducting hearings into the Inslaw matter when he was killed.

    Attorney David Mayer was killed by gunshot on February 6, 1989, in the San Francisco Bay Area. On February 7, 1989, he was to have appeared in the U.S. District Court at San Fran­cisco, before Judge Paul Vukasin, Jr. (A friend of Early Brian, Edwin Meese III, and other parties implicated in October Sur­prise, Inslaw, Chapter 11 corruption, Justice Department pattern of cover-up, and all part of the Reagan-Bush coterie), defending people in drug-related charges that were reportedly tied in with covert CIA drug trafficking activities. Mayer was an activist seeking to expose the contra-drug connection involving the Rea­gan-Bush administration, the CIA, Justice Department officials, and others. His investigation and files disclosed links between high federal officials and associates, and a number of major fed­eral crimes.

    Abbie Hoffman was reportedly killed in his home on April 12, 1989, just prior to delivering a manuscript on the October Surprise operations to Playboy's Chicago offices.

    Wife of DEA drug pilot Basil Abbott, who was killed in Sweden in 1982, after talking to European reporters about the DEA drug trafficking operation into the United States. She sought publicity to obtain the release of her husband who had outlived his usefulness to the DEA.

    Robert Maxwell, who died after falling or being thrown off his yacht, shortly after his role in the Inslaw affair was publi­cized. McKee and other CIA operatives on Pan Am Flight 103 died when the plane was blown apart over Lockerbie, Scotland. McKee's CIA team was returning to Washington, in defiance of CIA orders, to give testimony to Congress on a drugs-for­-hostages operation by another CIA faction.

    Reported assassination of three navy officers on the evening of April 30, 1991, at Fort Ord, California, including Admiral John D. Burkhardt, Captain Samuel J. Walters, and a female Navy officer, whose first name was Marilyn.

    William Casey, Director of the CIA, a key participant in the October Surprise operation and its related Iran-Contra arms and drug activities. He experienced seizures on the morning that he was to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee, and un­derwent brain surgery. He died several months later, on May 6, 1987. Friends believe that Casey would have told the truth if he had testified, thereby implicating people in high positions. CIA operatives have told me that the rumor within the CIA is that Casey's medical condition was induced by drugs.

    Former Senator John Tower was killed in a plane crash at New Brunswick, Georgia, on April 5, 1991, just as the October Surprise scandal was again surfacing. Towers was involved in the October Surprise and Iran-Contra operations, as was his aide, Robert McFarlane.

    END PART 11.

    We will take up again next time at "Killings Occurring in For­eign Countries". Please realize that these are only a tiny smat­tering of listings. In most instances, as with one very important player, Francis John Nugan of the Nugan-Hand Bank in Aus­tralia, the cover is not even considered. Nugan's "suicide" gun still held THE BULLET supposedly that killed him. The in­cidents are as much for silencing would-be speakers as for the person suicided.

    How will you ever clean up this incestuous gang of cultist intelligence thugs? Well, I would suggest that YOU probably will not--however the services will undoubtedly one day CLEAN THEIR OWN CLOSETS and when that happens--watch out! When killing is the way to hide activities as is abortion to hide and get rid of a problem of immoral activities--you have a real incredible mess on your hands. Worse, you can't tell who is who or who is on which side.

    You continue to grieve OR denounce one Bo Gritz. Well, let me warn you about judging. You can do what you will with the information and actions--but don't count out one Bo Gritz. I just don't mind a little flack and Dharma can take it. Nobody ever told you this was going to be easy, a rose petal strewn path--or free of care and pain. To reclaim a world gone mad is a job worthy of GREAT men--may you be "caught" among them for when the house of cards falls--so too shall the evil support sys­tem.

    By the way--place your prayers and energy beside Bo and ones who have moved into Red Beckman's property in hopes of standing off an eviction by the IRS-ATF forces--RIGHT NOW AS I WRITE FOR THE DATE OF EVICTION IS NOW.

    Do I agree with the cause? What "cause"? It is Beckman's stand against what he considers an unconstitutional law regard­ing Income Taxes. No, I do not agree with this approach--how­ever, he is a citizen, the attack is UNJUST and UNLAWFUL and he has a right to respond as he deems necessary. I would rather see these fine citizens who have so much leadership to of­fer--remain alive that they might serve another day in the re­building and reclamation of that Constitution. It is not my abil­ity to alter the passage, however, for though they CLAIM "Jesus Christ"--they take up arms and invite the enemy within in violence. Yes, man must make a stand--but against the bigger GUNS is only a very temporary, at best, winning.

    The laws in point are most certainly "unlawful" under the Con­stitution but you have no nation which adheres longer to the Constitution. You are a New World Order under One World Government assigned to the New-States and those "new" rules and regulations WILL be enforced by massive show of force--unless the Government chooses to play the game another way on another day. Let us pray that intelligence prevails on BOTH sides of this issue. By the time you read this it will be over so there is no longer need to further the discussion in this writing. If more people took up the demands through ballot and pen--perhaps there would cease to be need of bullets--but first man must KNOW what he is "about". You are a nation under "Executive Order" government and they will not go easily--BUT, the forces will serve blindly WHOEVER is their superior master. Remember this in the days ahead for the example will become the reality. You are going to have to face disappoint­ments as you find that ones such as Ross Perot are NOT on "YOUR" side really. However, chelas, you must have "something" while you rally and come into recognition of play­ers and THE GAME. Salu.

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