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TUE., MAR. 22, 1994 10:11 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 218

The Story of the Committee of 300.
By Dr. John Coleman
(John Coleman, Joseph Publishing, WIR, 2533 N. Carson St., Carson City, NV 89706)

From documents covering the First World War that I was able to gather and examine in the War Office in Whitehall, Lon­don, it appears that the Royal Institute for International Affairs was commissioned by the Committee of 300 to do a study of manipulating war information. This task was given to Lord Northcliffe and Lord Rothmere and Arnold Toynbee, who was MI-6's agent at the RIIA. Lord Rothmere's family owned a newspaper which was used to support various government posi­tions, so it was thought that the paper could change public per­ceptions, especially among the ranks of growing opposition to the war.

The project was housed in Wellington House, named after the Duke of Wellesly. American specialists drafted to help Lords Rothmere and Northcliffe included Edward Bernays and Walter Lippmann. The group held "brain storming" sessions to work out techniques for mobilizing mass support for the war, espe­cially among the working class people whose sons were ex­pected to go to the slaughter fields of Flanders in record num­bers.

Using Lord Rothmere's newspaper, new manipulative tech­niques were tried out and, after a period of about 6 months, it was apparent that they were a success. What the researchers discovered was that only a very small group of people under­stood the process of reasoning and the ability to observe the problem as opposed to passing an opinion on it. This, said Lord Rothmere, was the way in which 87% of the British public ap­proached the war, and that the same principle applied not only to war, but to every conceivable problem in society in general.

[H: With this start well in mind, I will respond to some in­quiries about the Spielberg movie of "Schindler's List". Number one, readers and "watchers"
--IF the movie were a factual representation of that which actually happened--
IT WOULD HAVE BEEN CALLED, BY RULE OF CLASSI­FICATION, A DOCUMENTARY!! What do I think about the movie? I think it is superbly presented, is emotionally astounding--but the plot is NOT WHAT HAPPENED IN THE WAY IT HAPPENED! There are a couple of things you need to KNOW. One: The footage of Eisenhower watching bodies being bulldozed into pits is NOT of the German camps--those scenes were at "Eisenhower's" own camps and you will have to go back to pick up that informa­tion and also I refer you to [the book] OTHER LOSSES. Some of the "still" shots were actually of civil war (American) prisoners. There were massive Typhus epi­demics in the camps as well as running through those forced-labor camps, which were exactly what Shindler ran, and thousands upon thousands died. Can you imagine something like Smallpox or AIDS on the loose in such de­plorable living conditions with jeopardized persons?
I AM ACCUSED OF BEING BOTH ANTI-SEMITIC AND ALSO AS STATING THERE WAS NO HOLO­CAUST. That is not correct. I said that there was no "holocaust" AS STATED BECAUSE THERE WERE NOT THE LARGE NUMBERS OF JEWS IN THE AREA--PE­RIOD. There was most certainly a massive death toll and horror upon horror but not necessarily singled out against the JEWS or in the quantity now stated. I believe it lessens the honor of the ones who sacrificed when false numbers are issued to obtain MONEY! The loss of ONE life is too many--the loss of over 6 million persons, when there were not that many persons ever present, is absurd and all the LAWS against speaking of it will not change the truth of it.
The film itself is a propaganda show--note the plea that it be shown in EVERY SCHOOL, etc. Why? To reset the im­age that the movie is truth so that the lie is set into cement while the truth is LEGALLY buried, hopefully for the ADL, forever! As to the quality of the presentation--superb, ex­cellent, outstanding and certainly the parties involved de­served the awards in every category applicable. You DO, HOWEVER, have to remember that the Hollywood MEDIA of motion pictures is wholly owned and controlled by the Jews and that means that "Jews" make all the decisions about academy awards and WHAT GOES ON THE SCREEN FOR YOU-THE-PEOPLE TO SEE. This is the subject in point as we write here on media control....]
In this manner, irrationality was elevated to a high level of public consciousness. The manipulators then played upon this to undermine and distract the grasp of reality governing any given situation and, the more complex the problems of a modern industrial society became, the easier it became to bring greater and greater distractions to bear so that what we ended up with was that the absolutely inconsequential opinions of masses of people, created by skilled manipulators, assumed the position of scientific fact.

Having literally stumbled upon so profound a conclusion, the manipulators put it to one test after another during the war, so that in spite of hundreds of thousands of the youth of Britain being slaughtered on the battlefields of France, there was virtu­ally no opposition to the bloody war. Records of the time show that by 1917, just before the United States entered the war, 94% of the British working class bearing the brunt of the war did not have the faintest idea what they were fighting for, other than the image created by the media manipulators that the Germans were a horrible race, bent upon destroying their monarch and their country, and who had to be wiped off the face of the Earth.

Certainly nothing has changed because, in 1991, we had the exact same situation created by the news media which allowed President Bush to flagrantly violate the Constitution in waging a war of genocide against the nation of Iraq with the full consent of 87% of the American people. Woodrow Wilson can be cred­ited--if that is the proper expression to use--of jumping on the public opinion manipulators' band wagon and using it to further the causes whispered in his ear by his controller, Colonel House.

On instructions from President Wilson, or rather Colonel House, the Creel Commission was created and, as far as can be ascertained, the Creel Commission was the first organization in the United States to use the RIIA techniques and methodology for polling and mass propaganda. The psychological warfare experiments perfected at Wellington House were used in the Second World War with equal success, and have been in contin­uous use in the massive psychological war against the United States which began in 1946. The methods did not change, only the target. Now it was not German worker housing but the middle class of the United States that became the focus of the attack.

As so often happens, the conspirators could not contain their glee. After WW II, in 1922 to be precise, Lippmann detailed the work done by the RIIA in a book he called PUBLIC OPIN­ION:

"Public opinion deals with indirect, unseen and puzzling facts, and there is nothing obvious about them. The situa­tions to which public opinion refers are known only as opin­ions, pictures inside heads of human beings, pictures of themselves, of others, of their needs, purposes and relation­ships, are their public opinions. These pictures which are acted upon by groups of people, or by individuals acting in the name of groups are PUBLIC OPINION with capital letters. The picture inside the head often misleads men in their dealings with the world outside of their heads".

No wonder Lippmann was chosen to make the people of the United States "like" the Beatles when they arrived on our shores and were thrust upon an unsuspecting country. Combined with the propaganda sent forth night and day from radio and television, it was only a comparatively short time before The Beatles became "popular". The technique of radio stations allegedly re­ceiving hundreds of requests from imaginary listeners for Beat­lemusic, led to charts and ratings for the first, the "top ten" and gradually escalated until, by 1992, it has expanded to "the top 40 on the charts".

In 1928, Lippmann's compatriot Edward Bernays wrote a book called CRYSTALLIZING PUBLIC OPINION and in 1928 a second book of his was published entitled simply PROPA­GANDA. In it Bernays described his experiences at Wellington House. Bernays was a close friend of Master Manipulator H.G. Wells, whose many quasi-novels were used by Bernays to help formulate mass mind control techniques.

Wells was not shy about his role as a leader in changing lower class society, mainly because he was a close friend of members of the British royal family, and spent a great deal of time with some of the most highly placed politicians of the day, men like Sir Edward Grey, Lord Haldane, Robert Cecil of the Jewish Cecil family who had controlled the British monarchy since a Cecil became the private secretary and lover of Queen Elizabeth I, Leo Amery, Halford Mackinder of MI-6 and later head of the London School of Economics, whose pupil Bruce Lockhart would become MI-6 controller of Lenin and Trotsky during the Bolshevik Revolution, and even the great man him­self, Lord Alfred Milner.

One of Wells' favorite watering holes was the prestigious St. Ermins Hotel, meeting place of the Coefficient Club, a club to which certified gentlemen only were admitted and where they met once a month. All of the men mentioned above were mem­bers and also members of the Souls Club. Wells claimed that any nation could be defeated, not by direct confrontation but by understanding the human mind--what he called, "the mental hinterlands hidden behind the persona".

With such a powerful backer, Bernays felt confident enough to launch his PROPAGANDA.

"As civilization becomes more complex, AND AS THE NEED FOR INVISIBLE GOVERNMENT HAS BEEN INCREASINGLY DEMONSTRATED (emphasis added-JC), the technical means have been invented and developed BY WHICH PUBLIC OPINION MAY BE REGI­MENTED (emphasis added-JC). With printing press and newspaper, the telephone, telegraph, radio and airplanes, ideas can be spread rapidly, and even instantaneously, across the whole of America". Bernays had not yet seen how much better television, which was to follow, would do the job.

"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in a democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an INVISIBLE GOVERN­MENT WHICH IS THE TRUE RULING POWER IN OUR COUNTRY". To back up his position, Bernays quoted H.G. Wells' article published in the New York Times in which Wells enthusiastically backed the idea of modern means of communication "opening up a new world of po­litical processes which will allow the common design to be documented and sustained against perversion and betrayal" (of the invisible government).

To continue with the revelations contained in PROPA­GANDA:

"We are governed, our minds are moulded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. Whatever attitude one chooses to take toward this condition, it remains a fact that in almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by a relatively small number of persons, a trifling fraction of our hundred and twenty million, who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind, and who harness old social forces and contrive new ways TO BIND AND GUIDE THE WORLD" (emphasis added-JC).

Bernays was not bold enough to tell the world who the "THEY" are who "pull the wires which control the public mind...", but in this book we shall make up for his intentional oversight by disclosing the existence of that "relatively small number of persons", the Committee of 300. Bernays was roundly applauded for his work by the CFR whose members voted to place him in charge of CBS. William Paley became his "undergraduate" and eventually replaced Bernays, having ac­quired a thorough knowledge of the new-science science of pub­lic opinion making, which made CBS the leader of the field, a role which CBS television and radio has never relinquished.

Political and financial control by the "relatively small num­ber", as Bernays called them, is exercised through a number of secret societies, most notably the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and, perhaps even more importantly, through the Venerable Or­der of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, an ancient order consisting of the British monarch's hand-picked executives cho­sen for their expertise in areas vital to the continued control of the Committee.

In my work The Order of St. John of Jerusalem published in 1986, I described The Order in the following manner:

"... It is therefore not a secret society, except where its purposes have been perverted in the inner councils like the Order of the Garter, which is a prostituted oligarchical cre­ation of the British royal family, which makes a mockery of what the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem stands for.

"As an example, we find the atheist Lord Peter Carring­ton, who pretends to be an Anglican Christian, but who is a member of the Order of Osiris and other demonic sects, including Freemasonry, installed as a Knight of the Garter at St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle, by Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II of England, of the Black Nobility Guelphs, also head of the Anglican Church, which she thor­oughly despises".

Carrington was selected by the Committee of 300 to bring down the government of Rhodesia, sign over the mineral wealth of Angola and South West Africa to City of London control, wreck the Argentine and turn NATO into a leftwing political organization beholden to the Committee of 300.

Another strange face we see attaching itself to the Holy Christian Order of St. John of Jerusalem, and I use the word stranger as it is used in the original Hebrew of the Old Testa­ment to denote the lineage of an individual, is that of Major Louis Mortimer Bloomfield, the man who helped plan the mur­der of John F. Kennedy. We see photos of this "strange" man wearing with pride the Cross of Malta, the same cross worn on the sleeve of the Knights of the Order of the Garter.

We have been so brainwashed that we believe the British royal family is just a nice, harmless and colorful institution, and fail to realize just how corrupt and therefore highly dangerous is this institution called the British Monarchy. The Knights of the Order of the Garter are the INNERMOST circle of the most corrupt public servants who have utterly betrayed the trust placed in them by their nation, their people.

The Knights of the Order of the Garter are the leaders of the Committee of 300, Queen Elizabeth II's most trusted "privy council". When I did my research on the Order of St. John of Jerusalem some years ago, I went to Oxford to talk with one of the Masters who is a specialist on ancient and modern British traditions. He told me that the Knights of the Garter are the in­ner sanctum, the elite of the elite of Her Majesty's Most Vener­able Order of St. John of Jerusalem. Let me say this is not the original order founded by the true Christian warrior, Peter Ger­ard, but is typical of many fine institutions that are taken over and destroyed from the inside, while yet appearing to the unini­tiated to be the original.

From Oxford I went to the Victoria and Albert Museum and gained access to the papers of Lord Palmerston, one of the founders of the Opium Dynasty in China. Palmerston, like so many of his kind, was not only a Freemason, but a dedicated servant of Gnosticism. Like the present 'royal family', Palmer­ston made a pretense of being a Christian but was in fact a ser­vant of Satan. Many satanists became leaders of British aristoc­racy and made immense fortunes out of the China opium trade.

I learned from the papers in the museum named after Victoria that she changed the name of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in 1885 in order to break away from the Catholic connection of the Order's founder, Peter Gerard, and renamed it the "Protestant Most Venerable Order of Jerusalem". Membership was open to every oligarchical family that had made its fortune in the China opium trade and every thoroughly decadent family received a place in the 'new order'.

Many of these venerable gentlemen were responsible for overseeing the prohibition era in the United States from Canada, where several of its members supplied the whisky ferried to the United States. Notable among this group was Committee of 300 member Earl Haig, who gave his whisky franchise to old Joe Kennedy. Both prohibition and the distilleries who met the de­mand for alcohol were creations of the British Crown acting through the Committeemen of 300. It was an experiment which became the forerunner of today's drug trade, and the lessons learned from the prohibition era are being applied to the soon­to-be-legalized drug trade.

[H: Yes I realize that you Canadians who continue to urge me to write on things in Canada--don't really want THIS in­formation--but, beloved readers--THIS IS WHERE IT'S AT! Canada is such a major player that you cannot sepa­rate it from the U.S. except for "more" convenience for management from the Crown of Britain, Crown of!]
Canada is the route most used by Far East heroin suppliers. The British Monarchy sees to it that this information never be­comes public. Using her powers, Queen Elizabeth rules over Canada through the Governor-General (one wonders how mod­ern Canadians can accept such an archaic arrangement?), who is the Queen's PERSONAL representative, and on down the line to the Privy Council (yet another archaic hang-over from colo­nialist days) and the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, who con­trol Canadian commerce in all of its facets.

Opposition to British rule is suppressed. Canada has some of the most restrictive laws in the world, including so-called "hate crime" laws imposed upon the country by Jewish members of the House of Lords IN ENGLAND. At present there are four major trials in various stages in Canada involving persons charged with "hate crimes". These are the Finata, Keegstra, Zundel and Ross cases. Anyone who dares to try and show proof of Jewish control of Canada (which the Bronfmans exer­cise), is immediately arrested and charged with so-called "hate crimes". This will give us some idea of the vastness of the reach of the Committee of 300 which quite literally sits on top of everything in this world.

Testifying to the truth of this statement is the fact that the Committee of 300 set up the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) under the auspices of the Round Table. This in­stitute is the vehicle for MI-6-Tavistock black propaganda and wet jobs (an intelligence cover name denoting an operation where bloodshed is required), nuclear and terrorist, which goes to the world's press for dissemination, as well as to governments and military establishments.


* * *
Let us interrupt here at this point and when we come back to write we will move on with the subject of the IISS, a most dan­gerous group to cross!
PJ 90
TUE., MAR. 22, 1994 11:56 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 218
TUE., MAR. 22, 1994
As we sit again to write on "World Rulers" I suggest you accept the following news article as proof that the "pull" and power is there within the Zionist (Jewish) brokers of New World Order and "getting EVERYTHING". ANYONE WHO SO MUCH AS HAS AN OPINION ABOUT THESE IN-POWER BRO­KERS ARE FLATTENED THROUGH THE CONTROLLED SYSTEMS:

MODESTO BEE, 3-9-94:
WASHINGTON: A Jewish "group" asked Tuesday for a review of federal contracts issued to businesses run by Nation of Islam members. The American-Jewish Congress asked the Labor De­partment to determine whether the Nation of Islam complies with laws against employment discrimination on the basis of race or religion. The letter comes after widespread condemna­tion of a speech delivered by a former aide to the Muslim Group's leader, Louis Farrakhan. In that Nov. 29 speech, Khallid Abdul Muhammad referred to Jews as "bloodsuckers of the black community" and made statements against Catholics, whites in South Africa and other blacks.

[H: To fully understand the significance of this is to realize that the ADL, AJC, etc., are ILLEGAL TAX-EXEMPT ORGANIZATIONS WHO ALSO SERVE AS PAC'S TO PAY OFF POLITICIANS AND CONGRESSIONAL MEM­BERS. You are going to have to face the fact that the Khaz­arian Zionists are also recognized as the British Israelis--and go all the way through the Throne of England, the Commit­tee of 300--and ARE the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, enforced through the United Nations.]

Another point I would like bring to your attention is this: On the week-end past Clinton met with Greenspan of the Fed. Reserve. When asked about content of discussions and SPECIFICALLY if there was discussion on the rise of interest rates, the spokesperson loudly proclaimed that "they had general chats about jobs and the economy BUT INTEREST RATES WERE NOT EVEN BROUGHT UP...." Funny thing--THIS MORN­ING--the reporters say that Greenspan will probably raise the interest rates by a quarter percent immediately...IN SPITE OF THE MEETING ON THE WEEKEND IN WHICH PRESIDENT CLINTON SPECIFICALLY ASKED HIM NOT TO DO SO...!" Still don't believe the media manipulates YOU????

Story of the Committee of 300

By John Coleman
Part 22
(John Coleman, Joseph Publishing, WIR, 2533 N. Carson St., Carson City, NV 89706)

Membership of IISS includes representatives of 87 major wire services and press associations as well as 138 senior editors and columnists drawn from international newspapers and maga­zines. Now you know where your favorite columnist gets all of his information and opinions from. Remember Jack Anderson, Tom Wicker, Sam Donaldson, John Chancellor, Mary Mc­Grory, Seymour Hersh, Flora Lewis and Anthony Lewis, et al.? The information provided by IISS, especially scenarios like those prepared to blacken President Hussein and to justify the coming attack on Libya and condemn the PLO are all specially tailor-made for the occasion. The Mai Lai massacre story pub­lished by Seymour Hersh came straight out of IISS, just in case we wrongly suppose that men like Hersh do their, own research work.

The International Institute for Strategic Studies is nothing more than a higher echelon opinion-maker as defined by Lipp­mann and Bernays. Instead of writing books, newspapers report opinions presented by chosen columnists, and IISS was formed to be a coordinating center for not only creating opinions, but to get those opinions and scenarios out much faster and to a greater audience than could be reached by a book, for example. IISS is a good example of the gridding and interfacing of Committee of 300 institutions.

The idea of bringing IISS into being arose at the 1957 Bilderberger meeting. It will be recalled that the Bilderberger Conference IS A CREATION OF MI-6 UNDER THE DIREC­TION OF THE ROYAL INSTITUTE OF INTERNA­TIONAL AFFAIRS. The idea came from Alastair Buchan, son of Lord Tweedsmuir. Buchan was chairman at the time, and a board member of the RIIA and a member of the Round Table reportedly very close to the British royal family. This was the same conference that welcomed Labour Party leader Dennis Healey to its ranks. Others in attendance were Francois Duchene, whose mentor, Jean Monet Duchenes, ran the Trilat­eral Commission under the tutelage of H.V. Dicks from Tavis­tock's Columbus Center.

Among the governing council of this gigantic propaganda opinion-making apparat is included the following:

-Frank Kitson, a one time controller of the IRA PROVI­SIONALS, the man who started the Mau-Mau insurgency in Kenya.
-Lazard Freres, represented by Robert Ellsworth.
-N.M. Rothschild, represented by John Loudon.
-Paul Nitze, representative of Schroeder Bank. Nitze has played a very prominent and substantial role in matters of Arms Control agreements, which have
ALWAYS been under the direction of the RIIA.
-C.L. Sulzberger of the New York Times.
-Stansfield Turner, a former director of the CIA.
-Peter Calvocoressi, representing Penguin Books.
-Royal Institute for International Affairs, represented by An­drew Schoenberg.
-Columnists and Reporters, represented by Flora Lewis, Drew Middleton, Anthony Lewis, Max Frankel.
-Daniel Ellsberg
-Henry Kissinger.
-Robert Bowie, a former director of the CIA's National Intel­ligence Estimates.

Flowing from the 1957 Bilderberger meeting, Kissinger was instructed to open a Round Table office in Manhattan, the nu­cleus of which consisted of Haig, Ellsberg, Halperin, Sch­lessinger, McNamara and the McBundy brothers. Kissinger was directed to fill all executive positions in the Nixon adminis­tration with Round Tablers, loyal to the RIIA and therefore to the Queen of England. It was no accident that Kissinger chose President Nixon's old hangout, the Hotel Pierre, as his center of operations.

The significance of the Round Table-Kissinger operation was thus: On orders of the RIIA chairman Andrew Schoenberg, a block was placed on all agencies involved in intelligence, pre­venting them from giving information to President Nixon. This meant Kissinger and his staff were getting ALL INTELLI­GENCE, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, LAW ENFORCE­MENT INFORMATION, INCLUDING FBI DIVISION 5, be­fore any of it was released to the President. This made certain that all MI-6-controlled terrorist operations in the U.S. would have no chance of being leaked. This was Halperin's bailiwick.

By working this methodology, Kissinger at once established hegemony over the Nixon presidency, and after Nixon was dis­graced by the Kissinger group and hounded from office, Kissinger emerged with unprecedented powers such as have not been equaled before or since Watergate. Some of these seldom enumerated powers included the following:

Kissinger ordered National Security Decision Memorandum No. I to be drafted by Halperin, who got the actual wording di­rectly from the RIIA through the Round Table circles. The memorandum appointed Kissinger as the supreme U.S. author­ity, chairman of the Verification Panel. All SALT negotiations were directed from here, using Paul Nitze, Paul Warnke and a nest of traitors inside the Arms Control mission at Geneva.

In addition, Kissinger was appointed to The Vietnam Special Studies Group, which oversaw and made evaluations of all re­ports, civilian and military, including intelligence reports, com­ing out of Vietnam. Kissinger also demanded and got oversight of the "40 Committee", a super-secret agency that has the task of deciding when and where to initiate covert activities and then monitors the progress of operations it sets in motion.

Meantime Kissinger ordered a blizzard of wire-taps by the FBI, even on his closest assistants, so as to give the impression that he was on top of everything. Most of his circle were told that wiretaps on them were in force. This nearly backfired when an MI-6 operative by the name of Henry Brandon was or­dered wiretapped, but was not informed by Kissinger. Brandon was doubling as a reporter for the London Times and Kissinger very nearly got thrown out because nobody does this to the Lon­don Times.

The full story of the Ellsberg break-in and the subsequent Watergating of Nixon is too long to be included here. Suffice to say, Kissinger had control of Ellsberg from the day that Ellsberg was recruited while at Cambridge. Ellsberg had always been a hardliner in favor of the Vietnam War, but was gradually "converted" to a radical leftist activist. His "conversion" was only a shade less miraculous than St. Paul's Damascus Road ex­perience.

The entire spectrum of the new left in the United States was the work of British intelligence MI-6 acting through Round Table assets and the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS). Just as it did with all countries with a republican base, whose policies had to be changed, IPS played a leading role, even as it does today in South Africa and South Korea. Much of IPS's activities are explained in my work "IPS Revisited" published in 1990.

IPS had one main function, that being to sow discord and spread disinformation resulting in chaos. One such program, aimed at America's youth, centered on drugs. Through a series of IPS fronts, acts like the stoning of Nixon's motorcade and a large number of bombings, a climate of deception was effec­tively created which led a majority of Americans to believe that the United States was under threat from the KGB, the GRU and Cuban DGI. The word went out that a lot of these imaginary agents had close ties to the Democrats through George McGov­ern. It was, in fact, a model disinformation campaign for which MI-6 is justly famous.

Haldeman, Ehrlichman and Nixon's closest aides had no clue as to what was happening, hence a flurry of statements emanat­ing from the White House that East Germany, The Soviet Union, North Korea and Cuba were training terrorists and funding their operations in the United States. I doubt whether Nixon knew very much about IPS, let alone suspected what it was doing to his presidency. We suffered the same kind of dis­information during the Gulf War when the word went out that terrorists of all stripes were about to invade the United States and blow up everything in sight.

President Nixon was literally left in the dark. He didn't even know that David Young, a Kissinger pupil, was working in the basement of the White House, supervising "leaks". Young was a graduate of Oxford and a long-time Kissinger associate through Round Table assets such as the law firm of Milbank Tweed. President Nixon was no match for the forces arrayed against him under the direction of MI-6 on behalf of the Royal Institute for International Affairs and hence the British royal family.

About the only thing that Nixon was guilty of, in so far as Watergate is concerned, was his ignorance of what was going on all around him. When James McCord "confessed" to Judge John Sirica, Nixon should have been on to it like a flash that McCord was playing a double game. He ought to have chal­lenged Kissinger about his relationship with McCord there and then. That would have thrown a spanner in the works and de­railed the whole MI-6-Watergate operation.

[H: Are ANY of you getting nervous about the plight of your nation and the total seriousness of foreign rule? Why do you THINK Queen Lizzie and Prince Charles, etc., come over here? TO VISIT THEIR PROPERTY AND COLONY! You are, for all practical economic and control purposes--sub­jects of the Crown of England! I chuckle at you blurred-vi­sioned little citizens thinking you have something to do with NAFTA, etc. and especially your "Health Care" program et al. You will HAVE exactly what the Crown of England WANTS YOU TO HAVE
--NO MORE AND NO LESS! All the bleatings of one Ross Perot are but distractors as is the Whitewater debacle. A lot of massive changes are afoot and a lot of things have to happen so you don't notice the REAL THING.]
Nixon did not abuse his presidential powers. His crime was not defending the Constitution of the United States of America and not charging Mrs. Katherine Meyer Graham and Ben Bradley with conspiracy to commit insurrection. Mrs. Kather­ine Meyer Graham's pedigree is of the most doubtful kind, as "Jessica Fletcher" of "Murder She Wrote" would soon have dis­covered. But even knowing that, Mrs. Graham's controllers in the Round Table would have fought hard to keep the lid on things. The role of the Washington Post was to keep the pot boiling by one "revelation" after another, thereby engendering a climate of public distrust of President Nixon, even when there was not one shred of evidence to support wrongdoing by him.

Yet it shows the immense power of the press, as Lippmann and Bernays had quite properly anticipated, in that Mrs. Gra­ham, long suspected of the murder of her husband, Philip L. Graham--officially classed as "suicide"--should have retained any credibility at all. Other traitors who should have been in­dicted for insurrection and treason were Kissinger, Haig, Halperin, Ellsberg, Young, McCord, Joseph Califano and Chomsky of IPS and those CIA operatives who went to Mc-Cord's house and burned all of his papers. Again, it is worth repeating that Watergate, like many other operations we do not have the space to include here, demonstrated the COMPLETE CONTROL exercised over the United States by' the Committee of 300.

[H: Over and over you ask that your names not be identified when you write
--I agree, even though the enemy comes forth and causes great fuss over it and Dharma gets court-orders and blamed for "plagiarism" and the like--or worse. So, is this not dangerous to be giving out all this information? YES AND NO--ALL I am commissioned to do is GIVE OUT THE INFORMATION--no more! God promised the infor­mation, not to take care of your mess FOR YOU.
I require that which our agreements enfold that we may complete our mission and then you big kids have the field and the ball. However, I remind you of something I have repeated many times: This information is no longer adverse public informa­tion. The One Worlders are to the point that they believe it good for you ALL to understand the total strength and surrounding power encompassing you--that means that they think you cannot do a damned thing about them. Can you? I don't know as I don't see many of you doing much except standing back in shocked disbelief and denial. The ANTI­CHRIST of prophecy has GOTCHA, THE TITANS ARE READY TO HEAD-ON CLASH IN INCREDIBLE CONFRONTATION AND YOU JUST ACT NUMB!
GOD has sent his up-front alert crew and you deny us also--so, in the order of God in allowing man his free-will function and choices, we do that which we CAN--offer! We continue to counter the ones who denounce us or steal from our own crew--but overall, we can't do FOR YOU. For God's people it is enough! But you have to wake up and smell the coffee boiling over. You also have to grow beyond the lies of the churches who present the escape route of blood spillage of "saviors" and do-nothing but "believe" raptures. Precious ones, it SIMPLY IS NOT GOING TO WORK THAT WAY--AND YOU ARE CHILDREN OF THE LIE--IN MASONIC TERMS, HOODWINKED!]
While Nixon kept company with people like Earl Warren and some Mafia dons who had built Warren's house, that does not mean that he should have been disgraced over the Watergate Af­fair. My dislike of Nixon stems from his willingness to sign the infamous ABM Treaty in 1972 and his all-too-cozy relationship with Leonid Brezhnev. One of the sorriest slip-ups of the Mi­nority Council was its abject failure to expose the dirty role played by INTERTEL, the Corning Group's ugly private intelligence agency whom we have already met, who "leaked" a lot of Watergate material to Edward Kennedy. Private intelligence agencies like INTERTEL have no right to exist in the United States. They are a MENACE to our right to privacy and an in­sult to all free men everywhere.

Blame must also fall on those who were supposed to protect President Nixon from the kind of steelmesh net that was thrown around him to isolate him. The intelligence personnel around Nixon were a poor lot who had no knowledge of just how thor­ough British intelligence operations are; indeed, they had no inkling that Watergate was a British intelligence operation in its entirety. The Watergate plot was a coup-d'etat against the United States of America, as was the murder of John
F. Kennedy. Although this fact is not recognized as such today, I am confident that when all the secret papers are finally opened, history will record that two coup-d'états, one against Kennedy and one against Nixon, did indeed take place, and which in their wake brought the most violent rape and assault on the institu­tions upon which the Republic of the United States stands.

The individual who most deserves the title of traitor and who is most guilty of sedition is General Alexander Haig. This desk-man office-colonel whose paper-shuffling career did not include commanding any troops in battle, was suddenly thrust upon the scene by the invisible upper-level parallel government. Presi­dent Nixon once described him as a man who had to ask Kissinger's permission to go to the bathroom.

Haig was a product of the Round Table. He was noticed by Round Tabler Joseph Califano, one of Her Majesty's most trusted Round Tablers in the United States. Joseph Califano, le­gal council of the Democratic National Convention, had actually interviewed Alfred Baldwin, one of the plumbers A MONTH BEFORE THE BURGLARY TOOK PLACE. Califano was stupid enough to write a memorandum on his interview with Baldwin, in which he gave details of information on McCord's background and why McCord has selected Baldwin to be on the "team".

Even more damaging, Califano's memorandum contained full details of transcripts of wiretaps of conversations between Nixon and the reelection committee, all this BEFORE the break-in occurred. Califano should have been indicted on a score of fed­eral offenses; instead he got away cleanly with his criminal ac­tivity. Sanctimonious Sam Ervin refused to allow Fred Thomp­son, Minority Council, to introduce this highly damaging evi­dence at the Watergate hearings--on the spurious grounds that it was "too speculative".

On Round Table orders, Kissinger had Haig promoted from colonel to four-star general in the most meteoric rise ever recorded in the annals of United States military history, in the course of which Haig was leap-frogged over 280 senior U.S. Army generals and high-ranking officers.

During Haig's "promotion", and as a result of it, 25 senior generals were forced to resign. As a reward for his treachery toward President Nixon, AND THE UNITED STATES, Haig was subsequently given the plum job of Commanding General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization forces (NATO), al­though he was THE LEAST QUALIFIED COMMANDER EVER TO HOLD THAT POSITION. Here again he was leap­frogged over 400 senior generals from NATO countries and the United States. [H: To get a full overview of the whys and hows of Haig, however, you are going to have to go back to our work on the Antarctic region, the Falkland Island "war" and the confrontations of political nature going on at the time in Argentina, etc. Perhaps one of our staff could refer­ence that material for you. During that period of time a lot was happening to the Rockefeller family "boys", Kissinger himself--as well as conflicts with Britain:]
When the news of his appointment reached the Soviet Armed Forces High command, Marshall Orgakov recalled his three top Warsaw pact generals from Poland and East Germany, and there was much merrymaking, clinking of glasses and quaffing of champagne until well into the night. All through Haig's tenure as commander of NATO force the professional elite cadre of the Soviet Armed Forces, men who had never been anything else but professional soldiers, held Haig in the utmost contempt and openly referred to him as the "office manager of NATO". They knew that Haig owed his appointment to the RIIA and not to the United States military.

But before his military promotion took him out of Washing­ton, let it be known that Alexander Haig, in conjunction with Kissinger, all but destroyed the office of the President of the United States and its government. The chaos left by Kissinger and Haig in the wake of Watergate has never been chronicled to the best of my knowledge. On the insistence of the RIIA, Haig virtually took over the management of the Government of the United States after the April 1973 coup d'etat. Bringing 100 Round Table agents chosen from THE BROOKINGS INSTI­TUTION, Institute of Policy Studies and the Council on Foreign Relations, Haig filled the top one hundred posts in Washington with men who, like himself, were beholden to a foreign power. In the ensuing debacle, the Nixon Administration was torn asun­der, and the United States along with it.

Thrusting aside the pious platitudes and posturings of defending the Constitution, Senator Sam Ervin did more to change the United States than anything President Nixon was alleged to have done, and the United States has not yet recovered from the near-mortal wound of Watergate, a Committee of 300 sponsored operation conducted by the Royal Institute for International Af­fairs, the Round Table and "hands on" MI-6 officers based in the United States.

The way President Nixon was first isolated, surrounded by traitors and then confused, followed to the letter the Tavistock method of gaining full control of a person according to the methodology laid down by Tavistock's chief theoretician,
Dr. Kurt Lewin. I have already given details of Lewin's methodol­ogy elsewhere in
this book, but in view of the text-book case of President Richard M. Nixon, I think
it is worth repeating:

"One of the main techniques for breaking morale through a strategy of terror consists in exactly this tactic--keep the person hazy as to where he stands and just what he may ex­pect. In addition, if frequent vacillations between severe dis­ciplinary measures and promises of good treatment together with the spreading of contradictory news, make the cognitive structure of this situation utterly unclear, then the individual may cease even to know a particular plan would lead toward or away from his goal. Under these conditions even those individuals who have definite goals and are ready to take risks are paralyzed by severe inner conflict in regard to what to do".

[H: So, what do you think they have planned for poor old confused Billy Clintonista and Billary? Is a Whitewater more worthy or less worthy of attention than a Watergat­ing?? What has Billy done to bring down the house on his head? Well, I can GUARANTEE you will find your old buddy Brent Scowcroft of the Mormon Church right up at the head of the list of CAUSERS of this debacle! Scowcroft, of course, is also a partner of Kissinger so this is SERIOUS business at hand and you can place your "bets" on it.]
Kissinger and Haig followed Tavistock training manuals to the letter. The result was a distraught, confused, frightened and demoralized President Nixon, whose only course of action--he was told by Haig--was to resign. In 1983 I wrote two works, The Tavistock Institute: Sinister and Deadly and The Tavistock Institute: Britain's Control of U.S. Policy, based upon Tavistock secret manuals which had fallen into my hands. Tavistock In­stitute's methods and actions are spelled out in these two works. [H: I'm sure you can obtain those works directly from the address given for John Coleman in Nevada.]
So successfully were Tavistock methods applied to unseat President Nixon that the people of this nation fully believed the calumny of lies, distortions and set-piece contrived situations mounted by the conspirators as truth, when in fact Watergate was a diabolical lie from end to end. It is important to stress this because we have certainly not seen the last of Watergate-type operations.


* * *
Let us take a break and if you are not to tired to return, we can perhaps go a bit further and finish this portion regarding Water­gate and Haig. Thank you.