[H: With this start well in mind, I will respond to some in­quiries about the Spielberg movie of "Schindler's List". Number one, readers and "watchers"
--IF the movie were a factual representation of that which actually happened--
IT WOULD HAVE BEEN CALLED, BY RULE OF CLASSI­FICATION, A DOCUMENTARY!! What do I think about the movie? I think it is superbly presented, is emotionally astounding--but the plot is NOT WHAT HAPPENED IN THE WAY IT HAPPENED! There are a couple of things you need to KNOW. One: The footage of Eisenhower watching bodies being bulldozed into pits is NOT of the German camps--those scenes were at "Eisenhower's" own camps and you will have to go back to pick up that informa­tion and also I refer you to [the book] OTHER LOSSES. Some of the "still" shots were actually of civil war (American) prisoners. There were massive Typhus epi­demics in the camps as well as running through those forced-labor camps, which were exactly what Shindler ran, and thousands upon thousands died. Can you imagine something like Smallpox or AIDS on the loose in such de­plorable living conditions with jeopardized persons?
I AM ACCUSED OF BEING BOTH ANTI-SEMITIC AND ALSO AS STATING THERE WAS NO HOLO­CAUST. That is not correct. I said that there was no "holocaust" AS STATED BECAUSE THERE WERE NOT THE LARGE NUMBERS OF JEWS IN THE AREA--PE­RIOD. There was most certainly a massive death toll and horror upon horror but not necessarily singled out against the JEWS or in the quantity now stated. I believe it lessens the honor of the ones who sacrificed when false numbers are issued to obtain MONEY! The loss of ONE life is too many--the loss of over 6 million persons, when there were not that many persons ever present, is absurd and all the LAWS against speaking of it will not change the truth of it.
The film itself is a propaganda show--note the plea that it be shown in EVERY SCHOOL, etc. Why? To reset the im­age that the movie is truth so that the lie is set into cement while the truth is LEGALLY buried, hopefully for the ADL, forever! As to the quality of the presentation--superb, ex­cellent, outstanding and certainly the parties involved de­served the awards in every category applicable. You DO, HOWEVER, have to remember that the Hollywood MEDIA of motion pictures is wholly owned and controlled by the Jews and that means that "Jews" make all the decisions about academy awards and WHAT GOES ON THE SCREEN FOR YOU-THE-PEOPLE TO SEE. This is the subject in point as we write here on media control....]
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