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    Default 응답: PJ#090, TAKING OFF THE BLINDFOLD

    PJ 90


    THU., MAR. 24, 1994 4:13 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 220

    THU., MAR. 24, 1994
    Part 4 Re: Gunther Russbacher
    By Rodney Stich
    [H: Just hold steady, Dharma, our "brothers" don't like what I just offered them and that's why they froze the com­puter. Let us just continue on and perhaps others can pull up fragments from the central disc or something. I got my message across to the ones who needed to hear it so we will pick up where the computer froze-up and retrofit the writ­ings if anything can be saved from the prior copy. At least, chela, we KNOW they are paying attention! Who would be giving us grief? Well, lots of people but no, not such as Bush because there is a tacit "understanding at that level of international intrigue". There is even an "understanding" at the level of the Kissinger crew. I have it in tow and I hope we don't have to redo work but we will if necessary. We have done more than a day's work already so don't be dis­tressed about it. Thank you, please, for taking it in stride.]


    As could be expected, when the Reagan-Bush team took office they were then subject to blackmail by the Iranians, Iraq, Israel, and anyone else who had knowledge of the October Sur­prise scandal and who could have brought down the Presidency by disclosing the knowledge.

    After Reagan and Bush took office the Iranians received huge quantities of military equipment, many times more than they could have received if they had completed the agreement with the United States government under President Carter.
    In 1982 the Reagan-Bush team took Iraq off the list of terrorist states, despite the strong protests of intelligence organizations in the United States and Europe. Israel received huge quantities of military supplies and aid, much of it unknown to the American public, who will be paying the bill for years to come.

    October Surprise also adversely affected the military preparedness of the United States and of its European allies. To obtain the arms for Iran promised at Paris, military equipment was stolen from U.S. warehouses in Europe, and sent to Iran via

    Many CIA-related personnel, described in subsequent pages, knew of the October Surprise scheme, including, of course, those who were a part of the activities. Justice Department prosecutors misused the power of the federal government to silence them. Gunther Russbacher, who was a key part of most of the meetings held in Europe, was imprisoned but escaped when a jury held him innocent. Michael Riconosciuto, who as­sisted in moving the $40 million bribe money, was sent to prison for allegedly manufacturing amphetamines.

    In later pages I describe how I met CIA informants who gave me many of the specific details of the October Surprise scheme. Briefly, they told me in their sworn declarations that October Surprise was primarily a CIA operation, engineered and carried out with CIA personnel and funds. Private citizen and CIA op­erative William Casey, met several times with Iranians at differ­ent European locations in 1980.

    One of the key meetings occurred at the Pepsico International Headquarters building in Barcelona, Spain, in late July 1980. One of my CIA informants was present with Casey, arranging for the procurement and shipment of the arms from various European locations to Iran via Israel. The final meeting occurred in Paris on the October 19, 1980, weekend. The Iranians wanted either presidential nominee Ronald Reagan or vice presidential nominee George Bush to finalize the agreement.

    Candidate George Bush, with extensive CIA background since approximately 1960, flew to Paris from the United States on October 18, 1980, on a BAC 111 owned by a member of the Saudi Arabian family. The pilots on that flight were Gunther Russbacher, Richard Brenneke, and an Air Force Major.

    The BAC 111 departed Washington National Airport for nearby Andrews Air Force Base on Saturday evening, October 18, 1980. It then departed Andrews at approximately 19:00 pm EST (0000 GMT [Greenwich Mean Time]) for Mitchell Field in the New York City area, arriving there at 19:45 p.m. (0045 GMT). The BAC 111 landed shortly before the arrival of a Gulfstream jet owned by Unocal, from which William Casey deplaned and joined the passengers on the BAC 111. Heinrich Rupp was one of the pilots on the Unocal Gulfstream.

    The BAC 111 departed Mitchell at 20:00 p.m., (0100 GMT) for Gander, Newfoundland, arriving there at 21:20 p.m. (EST) (0220 GMT) for Paris, arriving at Le Bourget Airport at 03:40 EST (9:40 a.m. European time, 0840 GMT).

    Unocal's Gulfstream flew non-stop from Mitchell Field to Paris, and was waiting at the airport in London when the BAC 111 arrived.

    The passengers on the BAC 111 on the flight from Gander to Paris included William Casey (who would be appointed Director of the CIA); Donald Gregg (who at that time was a member of President Carter's National Security Council); Robert McFar­lane (member of President Carter's National Security Council); Senators John Tower and John Heinz; Congressman Dan Ros­tenkowski; George Bush; Jennifer Fitzgerald (Some years ago Barbara Walters stated on 20/20 that Jennifer Fitzgerald was George Bush's alleged mistress for many years. My CIA con­tacts state the same relationship existed, and that she and Bush were in China in the 1970s, that a child resulted from that rela­tionship, which was put up for adoption by an American church with contacts in China. My CIA contacts state that she was a passenger on the BAC 111 flight to Paris on October 18, 1980.); four Secret Service people; George Cave (former CIA Iran ex­pert and translator); and others.

    At Paris, the plane was met by a fleet of limousines to carry the passengers to their destinations; George Bush and William Casey went straight to the meetings then in progress. At the Paris meetings were numerous Iranians and members of Israel's secret police, the Mossad, including Ari Ben-Menashe.

    A $40 million bank draft on a Luxembourg bank was given to the Iranians as bribe money and a showing of good faith. CIA operative Michael Riconosciuto played a key role in arranging for the wire transfer of these funds.

    Because it was necessary for Bush to return to the United States quickly in order to attend a late Sunday evening speech at the Washington Hilton Hotel, the CIA provided an SR-71 air­craft. This plane departed from a military field near Paris at approximately 1450 European time (8:50 a.m. EST; 1350 GMT) and took approximately one hour and forty-four minutes to McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey, arriving there at ap­proximately 11:50 a.m. EST (1550 GMT).

    Later that day Bush boarded the same BAC 111 that had taken him to Paris, and then flew into Washington National Airport. The Secret Service reports that I obtained showed Bush arriving at Washington National at 6:37 p.m., in the BAC 111, and then proceeding with Secret Service escort to the Washing­ton Hilton Hotel, where he gave a speech.

    As will be explained more fully in later pages, most CIA operations have code names, and the code name for the CIA October Surprise scheme was Operation Eurovan (EV).

    Even discounting testimony from the many people who were involved in one way or another with October Surprise, the circumstantial evidence alone was far in excess of that used by federal and state prosecutors to charge a person with a crime, or even to sentence the person to death. The facts exposed by investigative media articles and books were of significant magni­tude to make President Nixon's Watergate cover-up child's play.

    It would not have been difficult to have enlarged upon the circumstantial evidence to obtain hard evidence and sworn testimony from numerous people. The factors indicating that October Surprise did in fact occur include:

    1. Statements by former president of Iran, Bath Sadr, whose 1987 and 1991 books described the secret agreement between Iranian factions and the Reagan-Bush team.
    2. Statements of numerous people given to Barbara Honegger and quoted in her 1989 OCTOBER SURPRISE, enlarging upon what she learned as part of the Reagan-Bush team.
    3. Statements of numerous people given to Gary Sick and quoted in his 1991 OCTOBER SURPRISE.
    4. Sworn testimony by CIA contract personnel Richard Brenneke and Heinrich Rupp in the U.S. District Court at Den­ver in 1988.
    5. Statements of numerous people given to the authors of various newspaper and magazine articles.
    6. Statements made to the press by Ari Ben-Menashe, a for­mer high-ranking Mossad staff officer, who was present at sev­eral of the secret October Surprise meetings.
    7. Circumstantial evidence in the sequence of events that occurred, including the sudden withdrawal of Iran for further discussions when the United States under President Carter agreed to the terms proposed by Iran; the release of the American hostages within minutes of President Reagan's inauguration.
    8. The implications of guilt by the pattern of cover-ups.

    This is not the end of the October Surprise matter. Much more follows.

    As we close for today, Dharma, I want you to just hold steady the course for I stand between thee and them--no pun intended. Yes indeed the game gets rough but I believe you will find me equal to the task. For those who would laugh at our presentations--WAIT! IF I WOULD BE, AS GRITZ SUGGESTS, A 9-1/2 FT. LIZARD REPTILE--I REALLY DON'T THINK HE AND HIS BUDDIES WANT ME UPSET WITH THEM!!! THERE IS A LOT OF VENOM AND HISSING IN A 9-1/2 FT. TICKED-OFF SERPENT!

    Now let's close this and get some rest for there is more key-tap­ping to be done on the morrow. Salu.
    PJ 90
    CHAPTER 10


    SUN., MAR. 27, 1994 11:13 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 223

    SUN., MAR. 27, 1994


    These are simply ideas to keep you distracted. You can turn off the world--but it will be there when you again awaken into at­tention. Some cannot bear the burden and will refuse to con­sider possibilities--so be it. I wish I had space and time to offer and share that which others write. Some think "at" a thing until there are several possibilities and then choose up "a best one" and send it to me for interpretations. I won't interpret but I will pass some of the scenarios along for your own consideration. I just want to point out that IF YOU PAY ATTENTION TO THE LITTLE THINGS, GENERALIZE EACH AND ALL TO EACH OTHER AND ALL OTHER--YOU CAN WRITE HISTORY AS IT UNFOLDS EVEN THOUGH IT BE DELIBER­ATELY HIDDEN FROM YOU.

    First I will offer an article regarding "BOOM BOXES" None of you seem to understand the DANGER of this one little excuse for scientific advantage. The science is a lie and the outcome could be TOTALLY devastating--to man and sea creatures.

    (Los Angeles Times) San Francisco (The Orlando Sentinel, Tues. 3-22-94):--A plan by scientists to place loudspeakers on the ocean floor off Big Sur, Calif., and blast sounds so loud that they could be heard in New Zealand has alarmed some biolo­gists who fear the noise could deafen whales and other marine animals.

    The noise, which to humans would sound something like a bowling ball rolling down a lane, would be broadcast every four hours for 20 minutes until the year 2004
    at a volume much louder than sounds known to frighten whales from their normal migratory route.

    In a clash between conflicting environmental concerns, the experiment is designed to test whether the temperature of the Pacific Ocean is rising as a result of global warming.

    Sponsors of the project at Scripps Institution of Oceanography in San Diego play down any serious harm [H: that should be enough to scare daylights out of you.] and say the experi­ment would yield valuable information about ocean temperatures. [H: TEMPERATURES???]

    Under the plan, one set of loudspeakers would be located about a half mile deep and 25 miles offshore in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, where rare blue whales, hump­backs and other whale species gather. A second speaker would be placed at a similar depth off the coast of Kauai near the home of endangered monk seals in Hawaii.

    The National Marine Fisheries Service will hold a hearing in Silver Spring, Md., on the project today and decide in coming weeks whether to issue a permit exempting the experiment from regulations that protect marine mammals from human harassment, hunting and killing. The experiment is scheduled to start this spring.

    Lindy Weilgart, a Nova Scotia scientist who specializes in studying sperm whale vocalization, said she feared the frequent loud noises could cause whales close to the sound source to go deaf, leaving them unable to navigate or find food.

    The low rumbling sound would be broadcast at 195 deci­bels--some
    10 MILLION times as loud as the 120 decibel level known to disturb some whales. she said. By com­parison, humans can suffer ear damage from 120-decibel noises transmitted through the air.

    "We are invading an ocean habitat that so far has been untouched by man," said Weilgart, a post-doctoral fellow at Cor­nell University. "It's an experiment of tremendous implications and we are doing it without a clue of what it would do".... [More but unnecessary].

    Of course this has NOTHING to do with temperatures, global warming or any other thing THEY SAY IT MEANS. It is a war project and you had better wisen up. Is there no limit beyond which you will not allow these One World Satanists to go? By the way, if this noise can be heard in New Zealand it CAN BE HEARD AROUND THE GLOBE AND WILL BE CONSTANT from a blast every four hours of 20 minutes. Sound, like light--moves outward in EVERY DIRECTION and travels nicely through soil, air and water.

    Well, wake up: THESE ARE ALLIES!! If you think you will have your Somalia kids home very long--think again. You al‑ready have a BUNCH of troops in South Korea--and this is no little light-hearted GAME going on over there. This is SERI­OUS BUSINESS!

    We have a friend in Florida who writes every day with updates and news items--although he can hardly keep up, either, in these days of worsening unfolding. I would, however, like to share his last urgent correspondence as he has thought upon the possibilities of these things. Let us see what you can do with this processing and meld it with your own and see what comes forth. Keep in mind that his focus was this "new" deal of the "Boom Boxes".


    Has everyone gone totally insane? I think we are supposed to read this and say "What in the world"? Then forget about it and get back to more important things like Olympic Iceskaters breaking each others' legs.

    This one has really got me concerned because of events of the past two weeks, to wit:

    1. Secretary of State Warren Christopher went to China and tried to boss them around and was told to "buzz off".
    2. U.S. pushing North Korea to inspect their nuclear bombs, was also told to "Buzz Off".
    3. U.S. is shipping Patriot missiles to South Korea by ship. (Just Patriots?)
    4. U.S. and South Korea will conduct military maneuvers around that Peninsula, including our Navy [H: The last time you did this little game-playing around South Ko‑rea and Vietnam--you had several "incidents" with downed planes, ships, etc.]
    5. These underwater boom boxes in the Pacific will wreak total havoc with the underwater submarine detection and tracking system (of all countries in the Pacific).
    6. Clinton has been having these secret meeting with APEC.

    I don't like the conclusions I'm reaching, but here they are:

    1. U.S. will push North Korea into some military action.
    2. This will be an excuse for U.N. retaliatory action.
    3. China will step in on North Korea's side.
    4. Russia will attack China from the other side, as our conspirator.
    5. U.S. submarines that got close to China undetected because of the "Boom Boxes" will attack China from this side.
    6. All other Asian nations in APEC have been instructed to keep their noses out of it. (And Pacific Nations.)
    7. Maybe, when all American military power is centered against China, Russia will stab us in the back with nuclear attack. (Double Cross).
    8. Does any of this coincide with Revelation Prophecies or Nostradamus prophecies?

    May God help us get out of the clutches of the madmen (and women) who would destroy the world in order to rule it.

    This is bad "putting together"; however it is far worse than presented here. There is a massive and frantic effort to get controlling signal equipment in place, hooked in with the control belt network through the ground/air grid. This needs to be accomplished before YOU can get your wits together enough to fight back. It is more serious because of the OTHER things taking place AS WE WRITE.

    The Plan 2000 orchestrators are having trouble--and they will NOT go down without a fight. Let us just speak here in "rumor-mill" language. I will tell you that MUCH of what we will call "speculation" is already FINISHED. If something doesn't happen prior to the end of March--much will be changed as you awaken on April Fool's Day. This weekend, in fact, is a major series of "happenings" at such high levels it would boggle your minds.

    In last September a massive amount of gold was physically taken by force (some say through the Delta Forces) from European facilities and brought BACK to the U.S. It is enough that if the transition were handled correctly, the illegal Federal Reserve
    DEBT could be cancelled and the Gold reserves are enough to reinstate YOU on a gold standard. Now all that SOUNDS good. BUT, what about all those trillions of printed and circu­lating Federal Reserve notes? Will they be worthless? What would happen?

    Who is doing all this? Well, I'm not going to say, but your government Banking Commission, etc., are deep into it. Can they pull it off against the World Zionist Banksters? Yes, but it will be hard and, moreover, the transition, as well, may be worse. However, you can know the players at stake because the Mossad is hyper-active in EVERY PLACE WHERE THESE MONIES AND GOLD CHANGE HANDS.

    No I am not going to get off on another "Zionist" kick. The facts are YOU had better LISTEN when others speak. Did you watch the interview with the new Russian President and David Frost? Did anyone notice the total integrated connection as utilized in terms by Mr. President of U.S./Zionists? When there is enough "world" funding you WILL HEAR FROM THE NON-BOLSHEVIK NON-ZIONIST KINGDOM OF THE RUSSIAS. THEY NOW HAVE THE RESOURCE AND AVAILABILITY OF THE SUPPORT--OR AT LEAST WILL HAVE WITHIN A MATTER OF A FEW DAYS OR WEEKS. IF THE TRANSPORTS [INVOLVED] ARE TOUCHED--WORLD WAR III IS UNDER WAY!! IN ADDITION, GOOD FRIENDS, "THEY" WIL HAVE THE FULL SUPPORT OF THE KINGS OF THE SKY--THE COSMOSPHERES!

    What will happen economically? I would guess that, unless handled very carefully, you will have TOTAL collapse. There may also be currency recall (which you should have been ex­pecting any day anyway). Gold will probably have enforced "non-trading" for a while because all of the gold floating around right now would pull down the economy of the entire GLOBE and the metal itself would be totally worthless. If handled prop­erly, the price of gold should climb abruptly and out of sight.

    I do not pay a lot of attention to these matters as I am having enough attention focused on my people--to simply keep them alive for no matter how I try to keep our people out of harm--there are always a few who ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE VERY TRANSITIONS AND TRANSFERS. We have some out there who have so narrowly missed the ambush of the Mossad that it takes a full-time crew to keep them covered.

    AREA 51
    I am bluntly asked if I have anything to do with "Area 51"? Yes indeed I do. I am not, however, one of your lizards or reptiles. I also have a personal interaction with a lot of your political and military forces. I am not "proud" of that fact--just acknowledge
    it. No, I do NOT come from, through or around Orion OR Sirius. There has been a valiant effort to CLONE and DNA reproduce our species--IT CAN'T BE DONE. However, you have about every other cross-hybrid that can be tinkered into realization, realized. There are a whole BUNCH of "Area 51s" so don't get hung-up on anything. I acknowledge this strictly for the confirmation of a "few" who have met me or some of my crew or fleet.

    I suggest you all go back and read our writings on Gog and Magog as well as the special places scattered around your globe. What do you expect, readers? Do you think you will come up to December 31, 1999 and everything is going to happen in the next minute as you enter 2000?? The non-Zionist world is not going to longer sit still while the anti-Christ takes over--it simply is NOT going to happen.

    So, what am "I" doing messing around in it? I'm not! I have a mission here as regards "our" people and I have more "power" than does God's enemy--however, I do not use it in the societal environment--because it is YOUR journey! I will protect God's
    workers--the rest of mankind had better awaken and pay atten­tion if you want to express in freedom.

    Depopulation will continue through the political stream of dis­ease and pestilence but when that is not enough--the games will get worse and worse. To think that you can avoid a nuclear war with so many outrageous ones (like the U.S.A. and Israel) hav­ing such power--is outright fantasy. Remember--it was the U.S. that used nuclear bombs!! Now, other nations CAN FIGHT BACK! Therein lies your problem. You are still recognized around the globe as the "Big Satan" and that, readers, makes your nation of governing thugs--MY ENEMY AS WELL AS THE ENEMY OF THAT WHICH IS RECOGNIZED AS THE CHRISTIAN WORLD. THE FIRST THING YOU HAD BEST DO IS FIND OUT THE DIFFERENCE IN ZIONIST KHAZAR FROM JUDEAN JEW. It is, however the Zionist, Khazar who PICKED THE NAME AND BROUGHT IT INTO UTILIZATION. "Jew" is not a Biblical term except since total mistranslation. "Jew" was an invented term in the late 1700s-‑an Eighteenth century label.

    The Jews call ones who would tell truth about such as the Holocaust, "revisionists"! NO, IT IS THEY WHO REWROTE HISTORY AND NOW FOIST IT OFF AS TRUTH--WHO FIRST REVISED THE HISTORY. Note they take a term, good example as Semite, and toss it around as if it were valid and you sop it up like gravy on bread. This is the way you re­train and brainwash a world--by telling the lie as if it is truth--until it becomes ACCEPTED. It does not make truth--but ac­cepted AND REINFORCED (BY LAW)--LIE.

    Is this possible "break" in the U.S. economic structure simply another adventure into deeper trouble? Probably! So walk in WISDOM and keep your eyes and ears open.

    Sananda just received a petition from a lovely lady this week. It was appreciative and loving, sent to Sananda "because Hatonn is too busy". Well, at this time, in this place--it has nothing to do with Hatonn or Sananda, Germain, Soltec or, or--it has every­thing to do with Dharma. We only have one receiver here. Thomas has been diverted into other very dangerous and more than full-time follow-up on very earthy situations.
    I can't com­ment much on Soltec for since I cautioned Kali about being careful in her connections, we have had few writings. Dr. Young is in frequent touch with her but we aren't getting any help from that direction at this time.

    Soltec will, if Dharma can be released from this load, write on both the geophysical implications of the Ocean tampering as well as writing on the Atmosphere. There has simply been no way to get that kind of extra work-load offered--Dharma has to spend too much time in the courts. No, we don't have some­body else. You have to remember that our reason for being in this place and writing these journals is specific and we cannot attend all places and no, I will not AGREE with another simply because they "write". ANYONE CAN WRITE!

    As for Canada--there is more and more coming through. I ask that the information regarding the facts about Canada and the U.S. regarding NAFTA be transcribed and shared in the paper.

    Now, for the thing that was interesting about this particular piece of correspondence in point: the lady said she was "neglecting" her children because she was always studying the journals and couldn't keep up--so she hoped the children will understand. NO, they will NOT understand and all your read­ing without utilizing that which causes bonding and growth in the child will produce more uninformed, neglected children. I do NOT accept such burden of your assuming that it is alright to study our work and neglect anything else. Especially on the as­sumption that there is TOO MUCH. This is another REASON for only ONE writer--so the load CAN BE HANDLED IF ONES WANT TO DO SO--without neglecting ANYTHING.

    It takes only a brief span of attention to love a child and listen to a child. There is NOTHING more important in the world than the children and certainly you cannot accuse God and Hosts of causing YOU to neglect your responsibilities. It is unacceptable. We humbly appreciate the devotion to learning and truth--but to put aside a child in your care--is not worthy prioritization. A child who is turned away through the excuse of this or that activity--WILL GROW TO HATE AND DESPISE THE ACTIVITY! Do what you can and allow careful consideration to the line of responsibility--God does not expect total perfection and certainly not neglect of soul (and those children's souls are attached by birthing to your own!). Do what you can and allow it (the knowledge) to work for and with you--NOT AGAINST YOU. As we work through the Earth pressures here and can again open up more and more to outreach--we shall do so. I ask patience for that seems to be the most troublesome "lack" during this time of waking up--it is sort of like: "Hey God, I am a bit awake now--lay it on me and let's get this job done"! Then you promptly start telling me how to do my job. I thank you but many have yet to see beyond the bed-posts.

    Do not consider a "discussion" regarding correspondence to in any way negate the correspondence. It is THIS which has al­lowed such growth to this point. There are no dumb questions, either, unless asked in total ego kibitzing. I remind you all--if YOU knew better--the way would not be in destruction path--it would be balanced and harmonious. I appreciate opinions, it is simply that, so far, they have been either weak in production of change or they are actually incorrect--usually through simple ig­norance. We go one step at a time, coming into KNOWING and then action. God already projects the "thought", we simply have to become aware of what are those thoughts so that our "part" (ACTION) can be expressed properly and in communion and acceptable sequence.

    Let's write a little while today on DEFRAUDING AMERICA. I know that these other unfolding events are more interesting, perhaps--but we have not the luxury of one OR the other--we must hang right in-there as we consider important "players" in this game, readers.


    By Rodney Stich
    Part 5
    Commencing in 1990 I discovered a number of deep-cover whistle-blowers formerly employed by various U.S. intelligence agencies, and other witnesses, who had been silenced by Justice Department prosecutors and federal judges. Over several years, during hundreds of hours of deposition-like questioning, and in written statements, these people provided startling information enlarging upon that which I had already discovered. They di­vulged to me the specifics of deep-cover criminal activities that were and are inflicting harm beyond the wildest imagination of the average unsophisticated and uninformed American. Despite my knowledge of corruption by federal officials I would proba­bly not have believed what I was told if such a great amount of time had not been expended obtaining specifics that cross­checked with other informants, and is supported in key places by official documents.

    Ironically, it was the corrupt actions by renegade Justice Department officials and federal judges in the Ninth Circuit federal judicial district (Ninth Circuit comprises the States of California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, and Hawaii, and is the largest judicial district in the United States). [H: Indeed, and this is THE district in which Ekkers find themselves embroiled in the system as regards US&P. Who do you think may be the "biggest" arm and hammer?] that brought me into contact with these people and which made possible the exposures found within these pages.

    One of the standard tactics employed to keep the lid on the various scandals and to silence or discredit whistleblowers is to falsely charge the person with a federal crime. This is usually followed by seizing his or her assets, depriving the person of funds for legal defenses. Court appointed attorneys are then furnished who routinely provide a weak defense so as to protect the silencing tactics. [H: Yes, we certainly do recognize all of these items.]

    As described in earlier pages Justice Department prosecutors and federal judges acted to silence me by the sham judicial ac­tion carried out in the California courts; stripping me of all pro­tections in law; stripping me of my assets; and then charging me with contempt of court when I sought to defend myself and con­currently reported the pattern of federal crimes as described within these pages. Those tactics were intended to silence me, but instead, infuriated me.

    I was first sent to federal prison in 1988, and then released pending appeal of the decision. The entire Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, en banc, denied my appeal in early 1990, holding that it was proper for Justice Department prosecutors and fed­eral judges to send a citizen to prison if he or she sought to re­port federal crimes and exercised constitutional defenses if a federal judge earlier barred these acts. (It is a federal crime for a citizen not to report a federal crime promptly to a federal judge or other federal body. Title 18 U.S.C. sub. 4 (misprision of felony). "Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined not more than $500 or imprisoned not more than three years, or both"). I had filed a petition for writ of certiorari with the Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, seeking relief, but they upheld this holding.

    At a hearing on July 22, 1990, in the U.S. District Court at Sacramento, California, Judge Raul Ramirez unexpectedly or­dered the U.S. Marshals to seize me, followed by a very diffi­cult five months of being transferred from prison to prison. For the next six weeks I was placed in solitary confinement in a dimly lit cell, with no one to talk to, and then transported from prison to prison in chains and leg irons. Everything was done to make my life miserable, as if they were trying to break my will, or bring about my death through the aggravation of an existing heart condition. This latest incarceration backfired, as I discov­ered a pattern of criminal activity by deeply entrenched federal officials that was almost beyond comprehension.


    [H: Oh no, once again, we are NOT off the subject of Russbacher--just building up again to the point by the author.]

    I met people in prison who were incarcerated for various reasons and were former CIA operatives or assets, operating covert CIA proprietaries, including airlines, banks, and Savings and Loans. Either their CIA cover was exposed, and the CIA chose to make them scapegoats, or the CIA wanted to silence potential informants or whistleblowers.

    Whatever the reason, CIA and Justice Department officials acted in unison with federal judges, eliminating people who constituted a threat of exposure. The standard tactic is to charge the targeted individual with a federal offense for some act that they were ordered to perform by their CIA handlers, which took them out of circulation and acted to discredit them.

    From 200 to 300 former CIA operatives or assets had been sentenced to prison by Justice Department prosecutors during the 1980s, on charges arising out of the covert activities they were ordered to perform by their CIA bosses. It was their unanimous belief that the prosecution of these CIA operatives was either to silence them or to discredit them if they talked about the operations.

    Thanks should be given to U.S. District Judge Marilyn Patel at San Francisco for making it possible for me to discover addi­tional criminal activities implicating federal officials, although her intent was just the opposite. I was to be released on November 23, 1990, from the federal prison camp at Boron, California, after being in prison for six months due to trying to expose what is in these pages. Several weeks before I was to be released, I was served with an order signed by Patel causing my continued incarceration.

    The basis used by Judge Patel to order me incarcerated was that I had filed a federal action in the U.S. District Court in Chicago naming as defendants federal judge Robert Jones; a federal trustee, Charles Duck; and the San Francisco law firm of Friedman, Sloan and Ross. Each of these defendants partici­pated in corrupt and covert CIA activities, and had engaged in a pattern of criminal activities while seizing my assets.

    Judge Patel, who didn't have any jurisdiction over me, charged me with having filed a federal action in Chicago re­porting the criminal activities in Chapter 11 courts and seeking to have the court order a halt to the looting of my assets. Among those named as defendants were trustee Charles Duck and Judge Robert Jones, both of whom were responsible for the seizure and looting of my assets, and who I later discovered were involved in deep-cover CIA activities. Instead of being released I was transported to various prisons, including Phoenix, Los Angeles and then Dublin.

    Patel had sought jurisdiction over me on the basis of a federal action I had filed in 1986 that sought to report earlier criminal activities I had discovered, and seeking relief from the retalia­tory acts taken to silence me. In clear violation of law she dismissed that action in 1987, before I could obtain discovery to go to trial. In this way she managed to protect the criminal activi­ties described within these pages. But since the lawsuit was dismissed over three years earlier, she no longer had any juris­diction over me, and she had no authority to order me in­carcerated. It would be similar to a federal judge ordering a citizen imprisoned without an indictment by a grand jury and without any hearing. But this is the mentality that now exists in the federal courts, and especially in the largest federal circuit, the Ninth Circuit.

    Numerous CIA operatives and I became good friends as a result of Judge Patel causing my continued confinement. By an incredibly fortuitous encounter I entered the Dublin, California facility in a small group with a deep-cover high-ranking CIA operative, Gunther Russbacher. Our Navy and airline piloting backgrounds drew us together, and eventually Russbacher began confiding in me some of his CIA activities.

    Russbacher's parents were members of the Hapsburg Trust of Austria, and his father was an Austrian in German intelligence during World War II. In 1950 the U.S. government offered many of these intelligence officers the choice of either being prosecuted for war crimes or going to the United States into various U.S. intelligence agencies. Russbacher's parents were among those who accepted the move to America. In 1950, the Russbacher family moved to the United States, living in Okla­homa City, Oklahoma, and then in Fallon, Nevada.

    When Russbacher reached the age of seventeen he entered the U.S. Army, later joining the U.S. Navy, and in 1967 re­ceiving his Navy pilot wings at Pensacola, and then went on to the Naval air Station at Jacksonville, Florida. (I also received my Navy wings at Pensacola and then went on to Jacksonville, where I became a flight instructor). Approximately a year later Russbacher received pilot training in the SR-71 at Beale Air Force Base and flew many SR-71 missions for the CIA.

    As a Navy officer Russbacher was transferred from the Of­fice of Naval Intelligence and "sheepdipped" into the Central Intelligence Agency. By 1989 he was a Captain in the U.S. Navy in the covert Office of Naval Intelligence. Sheepdipped is the term used to describe the transfer of military to the CIA, in which records are falsified showing the person discharged from the respective military organization, and who then works with the CIA in a clandestine position, where the CIA can deny any relationship to the party doing CIA work.

    Russbacher had two tours of duty in Vietnam. During his first tour, as a fighter pilot, he was shot down and returned to Fitzsimmons Hospital in Denver for extensive hospitalization. Upon his discharge from the hospital, the CIA sent Russbacher back to Vietnam, engaging in various covert activities, including attempting to rescue prisoners of war. During one of these at­tempts he was caught and spent time in a North Vietnam prison camp until he escaped a year later.

    The CIA then sent Russbacher to Afghanistan in the early 1970s, helping the Afghan fighters against the Russian-backed Kabul government. During this period he helped transfer CIA funds to the newly created Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI). These CIA funds, and those supplied by Bank of America, were a significant source of capital for that bank, and more is said about that bank operation in later pages.

    The CIA then put Russbacher into the financial field, starting in Operation Cyclops, which was a program where CIA opera­tives are placed into financial institutions to learn the business. He subsequently started up and operated during the late 1970s and 1980s several covert CIA proprietaries in the United States, including Savings and Loans, mortgage companies, and in­vestment companies, dealing in money laundering and other covert CIA activities.

    During his more than two decades of CIA operations the CIA had given him over thirty aliases for different covert operations. He also had various nicknames including "Gunsel" and "Gunslinger". When flying the SR-71 he used the alias Robert Andrew Walker. When operating covert financial institutions his usual alias was Emery J. Peden, with occasional use of the Robert Andrew Walker alias, and also his real name, Gunther Russbacher. When he wanted to control two positions within a company he would use two different aliases, usually Peden, Walker, or Russbacher.

    Russbacher gave me sworn declarations describing some of the CIA affiliated companies or fronts that he operated, and their covert business activities. He described moving money from Silverado Bank Savings and Loan in Denver to start up other covert CIA operations, including Red Hill Savings and Loan and Hill Financial in Red Hill, Pennsylvania. Russbacher described other CIA proprietaries that he operated, including National Brokerage, Inc.; National Brokerage Companies, Inc. in Missouri, 7711 Bonhomme St., Suite 405, Clayton, Missouri. Shared space with Connecticut Mutual Companies, Inc., parent of National Brokerage Company, and its many subsidiaries, in­cluding National Brokerage; Clayton Financial Planning Group, Inc., consisting of Herbert Smith and Gunther Russbacher as major directors, (dealing with high-level private enterprise in the international marketplace); Crystal Shores Development Corpo­ration: Chartered in the state of Missouri, with home office in Clayton, Missouri and an office in Honor, Michigan, a devel­opment corporation that bought land and then subdivided and developed it. Mortgage loans came from Hill Financial through NBC, Michigan National, Traverse City, Michigan; Crystal Shores Estates, Inc.; National Financial Services, Inc.; National Leasing Services, Inc.; National Realty, Inc.; National Realty Services, Inc.; National Commercial Properties, Inc.; Shalimar Management Corporations; Adams Land Company, Inc.; Na­tional Fiduciary Trust, Inc.; Badner Bank; International Bank Commerce Holding Company; W.A.R. Petroleum, International (operating under Aegean Lines and Clayton Financial). Euro­pean corporations that he had an interest in were reportedly Shalimar Perfumes, with offices throughout Europe and the Middle East, and dealt not only with perfume but also with chemical weapons, and buying and selling arms; Shalimar Arms, with offices in Missouri and Paris; Shalimar Chemical Labs; R&B Weapons Systems International, Inc.; Pratislaja Brenneke Munitions Amalgam.

    Russbacher described the various factions operating within the CIA, each with its own agenda and often running similar parallel operations. He fell out of grace with the CIA in the late 1980s when he started complaining about CIA activities that were inflicting great harm upon the United States. Because of Russbacher's role in many CIA activities implicating high fed­eral officials, and his knowledge of serious offenses against the United States, Russbacher posed a threat to the ongoing covert operations and to many high federal officials. He was the smoking gun in many national scandals, any one of which could bring down a major number of people in control of the United States.


    * * *
    Let us close this at this point. We will take up the story with "Eugene Hasenfus" when we next write on this subject. Yes in­deed, it is a tangled web.... Salu.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#090, TAKING OFF THE BLINDFOLD

    PJ 90
    CHAPTER 11


    MON., MAR. 28, 1994 11:32 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 224

    MON., MAR. 28, 1994

    No, and since when did any of you really EXPECT things to be as they seem? When heroic measures are taken for confronta­tion of heroic circumstances you often have the APPEAR­ANCE, at the least, of a "heroic mess"! Further, if you are thinking I will jeopardize either mission or person (any person) by prattling along here--please think again, more carefully. I use THIS computer for information dispersement because it is FIRST picked up by the surveillance crews. And remember--I AM IN TOUCH WITH OTHERS OUTSIDE THIS KEY­BOARD AS NECESSARY--AND THAT WHICH IS CONVEYED TO AND THROUGH THEM IS NOT THE BUSI­NESS OF THE ONE AT THIS TERMINAL.

    Each of you become filled with doubt and suggestions, panic and "we must DO something--even if it's wrong" attitudes and you do more harm than any good which might flow. Your en­emy recognizes my presence--why do I have such trouble with you of my own crew stirring, arguing and badgering? If you cannot believe in a "higher plan" how do you expect others to respond? Yes, this is a hard strike to Dharma because she is having the most trouble in this present instance where she doesn't even know the problem. I arranged it that way--your desire to know something is NOT HER RESPONSIBILITY TO ANSWER. I will NOT give her insight into anything which is not her responsibility. If you accept ME through her writing or suspect I "might" be "real" then you will not have trouble KNOWING that I have the current situation in line of sight where I can attend it.

    Things under way in your world are massive, shocking and hold great possibilities for freedom or for further blockage of all ef­forts at freedom from under the world control of the manip­ulating Committee of 300 and THEIR BOSS, THE COMMIT­TEE OF 17! Surely you didn't think ones like Henry Kissinger were not manipulated puppets. Surely you didn't actually think the "big boys" wouldn't try again and again to break commit­ments and agreements with this Command as well. You have no way of realizing, or checking, on what is going on around the globe and in different ports of call. So I tell my scribe right now, and this is a command, release it to me, chela, all of you who are in my service will have to let go and "let God". If it helps you to see more clearly--go over the things in your mind that you DO BELIEVE TO BE TRUE AND FORTHRIGHT, FROM OTHER PEOPLE, AND YOU'LL HAVE A MORE PROBABLE PICTURE THAN ANYTHING WHICH MAY WELL "SEEM OBVIOUS". I remind you of the quotation used so frequently by hopeless persons and predominant in the AA association: God grant me the power to change the things I can, accept the things I can't and the WISDOM TO KNOW THE DIFFERENCE.
    I have only paraphrased and will go a step fur­ther: Those things that move from under your responsibility--re­lease--for you cannot know either what you SHOULD CHANGE OR SHOULD LET GO! IN THAT VERY REALIZATION LIES WISDOM. Here, however, is where and when you quit praying for SELF and ask God in his infinite Wisdom to take the helm--if you thought yourself somehow running the show in the first place. The play is YOURS, wisdom in the direction of the play is often ASSUMED when actually the efforts are directed oth­erwise. KEEP YOUR EYE FOCUSED TO THE GOAL AND THE WAY WILL BE SHOWN.

    The reason I must pound upon Dharma is that every Monday there is a massive influx of NEW inquiries, new tasks, new per­sons involved plus the entire six foot stack of attention-needing documents and correspondence already waiting. Then, we are hit with the next barrage of legal confrontation documents. Dharma, like all the rest of you good people, simply wants to color a few eggs with the babies and thank God for Christian possibilities held within the myths and traditions of spiritual graspings of the Season. "If not these things of living, Father, what then are we working for"? she asks. All these and more, I respond--for the experience and your intent and action demands the journey unfoldment. Human cannot know all the details of all facets of interactions and if you claimed otherwise--you would be setting yourself up as a fortune-teller, insider or psy­chic. Any one or all of these would set you up for early depar­ture from the human plane--so let's leave it in my hands? Do we understand each other? Aho?!

    Before we move on and simply offer more from DEFRAUDING AMERICA, I would comment on a couple of other things.

    Much comes to my attention which I would preferably respond to myself--but hundreds of inquiries come which my scribe can­not possibly handle because of pure quantity of work load. Oth­ers are doing the very best they can in responding. Rick, for in­stance, is so bogged in critical on-site encounters and interviews and journalistic research that he cannot handle the load. We work on a shoestring (a broken one at best) and our intake is more work, not a way out of the load. Therefore, readers, please understand and be kind when your responses are delayed or slipped through somehow. GOD IS ALL--ALL THE REST OF US HAVE LIMITATIONS OF ONE KIND OR AN­OTHER, INCLUDING ME AND MY COMPATRIOTS. WE ARE LIMITED BY YOUR OWN PHYSICAL LIMITATIONS.

    With this above in mind let me acknowledge the inquiry just re­ceived from a friend elsewhere who has received a pressing in­quiry regarding the "Phoenix Project". The entire document DOES NOT refer to this project but is the basis upon which all the false drivel is based. It shows identification of corporations by the name Phoenix Project, mail drops, associations with America West, UFO "stuff' and other totally false representa­tions. The people at the heart of the matter are simply seeking the facts and who the heck is who. I want to respond to this myself. The inquiry comes from "ParaNet" and deals with inquiries about verification, debunking, or authenticity. It is one of the first inquiries which appears valid enough in intent to be worthy of response. I am not in the networking business but it has seemed most interesting to me that with knowledge of my presence--NOBODY FROM THE UFO COMMUNITY OR OTHER FOOLISH CENTERS SO MUCH AS INVESTI­GATES THE POSSIBILITY OF MY TRUTH IN PRESENCE. AND YOU WONDER WHY YOUR WORLD IS MESSED-UP? YOU HAVE A DISINFORMATION NETWORK WHO EFFORTS TO MAKE SURE THE PUBLIC DOES NOT EVER GET THE TRUTH. I have no interest either way--mine is to present information and I have a mission. I have no interest in seminars, lecture circuits or any other public focus.

    What you each must KNOW is that when you have a time of cy­cle change and the higher energy forms involved--the disinfor­mation will always come forth and so, too, will be utilized terms, names, labels and such which would identify, if all others were absent, the Command, the Hosts and actually, God's inter­ests. The usurping incorrectly of the use and term "Semite" is a good example--for it has NOTHING to do with those people calling themselves Semites. It is for distraction and furthering the deception and lies.

    You all seem to really like little names from initials like the FBI, CIA, etc. So, just refer to me as head of the GIA and Chief Journalist or writer for a newspaper. Those who do not BE­LIEVE in long-distance communications systems--must not rec­ognize the technology of even the telephone, much the less the satellite systems, FAX machines, etc. And, if you think there are no off-planet buddies you are more uninformed than any can imagine.

    To lump my "Phoenix Command" in with such as Dulce base and other incredibly insipid genetic hybridization programs is error. Those are, however, structured to include this Command for the purpose of total discrediting of the actual presence.

    I do, however, wish to thank the writer of the inquiry for he is among the first to qualify the journals and the old "Liberator" into the category of "magazine". We do not present as prophets, psychics, mystics or any other such garbage. I have MANY who claim to receive from me--and I guess, offer rides, interviews, etc., which come back into Dharma's lap. I do have other receivers--Solar Cross and Richard Miller ARE NOT AMONG THEM, as I believe he would be the first to rise up in defense of himself and denouncement of this resource. I simply ask that ones take the information in the now 89 journals and four years of weekly papers and really study the information. You will NOT find discrepancy in our presentation--we make no effort to do other than bring you information valid from resources already on your place. We offer what others who have some truth in presentation in hopes that you will obtain the con­firming materials.

    You must understand that we no longer have any other than total denouncement of relationships with the Greens and/or America West(s). Our work was utilized to set up entire duplicate sys­tems elsewhere to rip-off this work. There is much litigation going forth at present with little effort of anyone, especially the judicial system, to look for truth--much less FIND it.

    I welcome this inquiry and within the next few days will look forward to commenting on the lengthy document--but I don't think many receivers are going to like my comments.

    By the way, surely this party is aware of the several "PHOENIX PROJECT(S)" relative to Delta Force, CIA, etc. I DO like to point out that when ones effort to take the focus and then de­ceive--IT SIMPLY CONFIRMS THE TRUTH OF BOTH OUR PRESENCE AND OUR AUTHENTICITY. Remember, my ship is named PHOENIX. However, most of the random psy­chic New Age garbage is exactly THAT--garbage. "New Age" is the "New Religion" birthed out of Tavistock in Britain from the Committee of 300 to pull you ALL INTO A ONE WORLD RELIGION!
    I am not here to quarrel the point and no one will find even a 'group' here much the less an organized anything. You are, however, welcome to check it out but I do not give special interviews--never have and probably never will. NEI­THER DOES DHARMA--EVER BEFORE, PRESENT OR FUTURE. These other groups are perfectly welcome to oper­ate as far as I am concerned--but not under my supposed bless­ings. What will I do about it? Nothing! I have absolutely no interest in the disinformers and the people must come into their own conclusions for you are a planet filled with people of the LIE.

    There are GREAT MASTERS ready to serve you, teach you and lead you--but YOU have to want such leadership. We find mostly ones claiming to seek, search and want truth--actually that is the LAST thing they want to confront or find.

    We will leave this now and move on to our subject under way. Thank you for the time to comment on these things.

    By Rodney Stich
    Part 6
    We are excerpting only portions of this fine book. Specifically, we are referencing the portions regarding Gunther Russbacher. This is in response to so many who have asked about this person and actually have become long-distance friends of same. He is physically very, very compromised and continues in legal ha­rassments. Therefore, for you who have waited to hear his "thanks" for your help, please abide with us a bit longer in re­spect for his health and security. At this moment he is being detained by police in a most tedious circumstance so I ask that you pray for his well-being.

    In October 1986, a covert CIA aircraft, a C-123, of Southern Air Transport, was hit by a surface-to-air missile while on a se­cret arms flight over Nicaragua, causing the plane to plunge to the ground killing the two CIA contract pilots. One crew member survived, Eugene Hasenfus, whose function was to push the military cargo out of the aircraft at the drop site. Hasenfus had been ridiculed by pilots for carrying a parachute on these clan­destine flights, but in this case the parachute saved his life. As the aircraft plunged toward the ground Hasenfus donned his parachute and jumped, escaping the fate of the pilots. He was soon captured by Sandinista soldiers and interrogated, revealing details of the CIA operation.

    Despite the CIA requirement that aircraft and crew members operating in covert operations carry no papers that would asso­ciate the operation with the CIA, the downed aircraft and crew members had all types of identification showing it was a CIA operation. The Southern Air Transport C-123 operated out of Mena Airport in Arkansas, a secret CIA arms and drug transfer airport. [H: OOPS!] It was secret to the American public but known to Arkansas officials, including GOVERNOR BILL CLINTON, to and through the local media and the lo­cal population. In one of the biggest well-known secrets Mena Airport was a CIA drug transshipment point for aircraft return­ing from Central and South America.

    Shortly after the plane went down, CIA station chief Felix Rodriguez telephoned Vice-President Bush, advising him of the fact. Bush was fully aware of the unlawful arms shipments and the criminal drug trafficking into the United States on the return flights. When asked what he knew about the operation he de­nied any knowledge, although it was well known to insiders that he had been briefed numerous times.

    The Hasenfus interrogation was widely televised outside the United States, and widely reported in America, but the hard­core drug trafficking from Central America into the United States was kept from the American people by Congress and the establishment media. This incident momentarily focused atten­tion on the unlawful arms flights, but then quieted down as the U.S. media dropped any coverage of it.

    Even after the Hasenfus incident exposed the arms and drug shipments the U.S. media still gave the Contra operations very little attention. Time knew about the unlawful Iran-Contra oper­ation through its Middle East correspondent, Raji Samghabadi. Raji learned many of the facts from Mossad operative Ari Ben Menashe, and admitted to Ari it was the story of the year. But Time kept the secret from the American public, refusing to pub­lish the story. Raji admitted to Ari that the story was killed by Time's editor-in-chief Henry Grunwald. Ari and Raji chuckled at the controlled U.S. media. Newsday had the information and kept the lid on the criminal activities.

    Israel's Mossad was trying to expose the arms trafficking by the group associated with Oliver North because it was interfer­ing with their own profitable arms sales. Mossad agent Ari Ben-Menashe complained to Iran's Hojjat El-Islam Rafsanjani about the competition from Oliver North's arms sales, who then leaked the information to a small Lebanese newspaper, Al Shi­raa, who then published a November 1986 article on the arms trafficking with Iran and the Contras.

    This article, coming on top of the earlier publicity given to the shooting down of the CIA aircraft over Nicaragua, forced the U.S. media to focus attention on the arms trafficking by White House officials. The U.S. media, however, benevolently omitted any reference to the heavy drug trafficking part of the operation. It was this series of events that propelled the Iran-Contra affair into headlines for years to come, although the hard-core criminality of it was kept from the American people. Only the alternative media reported the dirty side of the Iran and Contra operations.

    Invoices found on the downed aircraft linked the operation to several covert CIA proprietaries operated by Gunther Russ­bacher, including National Brokerage Companies in Missouri. (Russbacher reportedly incorporated National Brokerage Com­panies in Missouri in 1981.) To prevent the American public from discovering the relationship between these covert CIA fi­nancial proprietaries and the unlawful arms trafficking (and drugs), CIA and Justice Department officials caused Missouri officials to unlawfully remove all traces of National Brokerage Companies and several other CIA operations from state records.

    After that incident, Russbacher was subjected to numerous charges, including (a) money fraud of $20,000; (b) kidnapping the niece of his recently-married wife; (c) misusing government aircraft, services, and purchase orders; and (d) impersonating a
    Naval officer.

    On August 30, 1989, Russbacher married Rayelan Dyer, the widow of a former professor at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey (actually Dean of Science and Engineering). Among the Naval personnel that Rayelan had met at the school while her husband was alive, was Gunther Russbacher, first meeting him in 1982. Several weeks earlier Russbacher re­quested of his superiors permission to marry, which was neces­sitated by his CIA secrecy agreement barring Russbacher from marrying for two years after its latest signing. Russbacher was verbally advised that this approval would probably not be forth­coming, as Rayelan was an activist of the 1960s and had sought to expose the October Surprise operation in collaboration with Barbara Honegger, the author of the first book bearing the title OCTOBER SURPRISE.

    In August 1989 Rayelan accidentally met Russbacher in the State of Washington, while she was traveling with her mother, Bess Smith. Several days later Russbacher called and proposed marriage. After she accepted he called the crew of a CIA proprietary aircraft charter operation, Jet Charter International, based at Hayward, California, instructing them to pick him up at Sacramento Municipal Airport and fly him to Boeing Field in Seattle. After the plane was serviced by Flight Craft in Seattle, the Learjet departed for Reno with Russbacher and Rayelan on board, and after arriving in Reno they got married, flying im­mediately back to Seattle. From Seattle the Learjet pilots, Don LaKava and Jan Pierson, both of whom had served with Russbacher in Central America activities, flew them to Modesto, California, after which they drove to Bess Smith's home in Newman, California.

    Within days after the marriage, FBI agents burst into Bess Smith's home (September 1, 1989) in Newman, arresting Russ­bacher on the charge that he kidnapped his wifes' niece, Jen­nifer Smith. (Rayelan's mother received a telephone call from her grand-daughter living near Seattle asking that she be allowed to stay in California until the girl's parents recovered from their drug and alcohol problems. Russbacher called the CIA's Lear­jet to fly him, Rayelan and her mother, to Seattle, where twelve­-year-old Jennifer Smith resided. Jennifer's mother agreed to let the daughter go to California). The FBI agents told Rayelan, and her mother, that Russbacher was a con artist, marrying women all over the country and then taking their money. The FBI agents stated that Russbacher was committing all types of fraud throughout the United States. They stated he had no asso­ciation with the government and was a pathological liar. The FBI agents were so convincing that they almost had Rayelan convinced they were telling the truth.

    The kidnapping charge was dropped on December 1, 1989, but the State of Missouri took custody of Russbacher on old charges that he had misappropriated $20,000 in 1986, which arose from Russbacher's operation of a CIA proprietary called
    National Brokerage Company. No one had lost any money as the funds were returned [H: Actually were never missing.], but the charges remained.

    Bail was denied to Russbacher and he remained in the harsh surroundings of
    St. Charles County Jail, the trial repeatedly de­layed. Russbacher's attorney, Timothy Farrell, and the Missouri county prosecutor, John P. Zimmerman, pressured Russbacher to agree to a plea agreement, which they claimed would put all of the charges behind him. Russbacher verbally agreed to an "Alford" agreement, or nolo contendre, wherein Russbacher did not plead guilty but agreed to certain conditions to avoid a trial.

    When Russbacher entered the court room on July 16, 1990, the written plea agreement, which he had never seen before, was very different from what his attorney and the prosecutor had stated earlier. Russbacher was pressured to sign the agree­ment, stating he would then be set free. The pressure of a year in a county jail, and the promise of a return to his CIA status, caused Russbacher to sign. During questioning by Judge Lester Duggan, Jr., Russbacher told the judge that he was not pleading guilty but exercising an "Alford" plea. But the judge entered into court records that Russbacher pled guilty to the $20,000 money offences.

    Russbacher either did not realize it at the time, or he was desperate to get out of jail. But the wording of the plea agree­ment was such that he could be incarcerated again whenever it suited Missouri prosecutors, who were working hand in hand with Justice Department and CIA personnel.

    The terms of the plea agreement required Russbacher to re­main silent as to any criminal activities that he had discovered or that he would eventually discover.
    (This was similar to orders rendered against me by federal judges in the San Francisco area, when they barred me from reporting any criminal activities to a federal court, which cancelled my only reporting source, since the Justice Department was heavily implicated in the crimes).

    Under the terms of the probation agreement Russbacher could be returned to prison, without a trial on the original charges, for 21 years, with virtually no defenses, if he violated any of the terms of the plea agreement. Almost anything he did for the CIA violated the conditions of the plea agreement, in­cluding trips outside of the St. Charles area and failure to report regularly to his probation officer.

    One paragraph of the plea agreement was obviously meant to keep Russbacher from testifying to any Congressional or other government inquiry. Paragraph number five read:

    That the defendant enter into no agreements with any governmental or other agency to provide information concerning crimes or bad acts. No snitching for anyone.

    This agreement was signed by the Missouri Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, John P. Zimmerman; by Russbacher's attor­ney, Timothy Farrell; and St. Charles, Missouri Judge Lester Duggan, Jr. This was another version of the tactic by federal judges and Justice Department prosecutors inflicted upon me, seeking to silence my exposure activities.

    The terms of the plea agreement were also spelled out in a July 2, 1990, letter by St. Charles County Assistant Prosecuting Attorney John P. Zimmerman to Russbacher's attorney, carry­ing the exact words as in the plea agreement.

    Item number seven provides that Russbacher "not leave the St. Louis area without written permission from his probation of­ficer". But Russbacher's CIA duties required that he immedi­ately leave the area, which he did. Further, the plea agreement also required Russbacher to make weekly reports to the proba­tion officer, which he never did, and nothing was ever said about it until several years later when Justice Department offi­cials wanted to silence and discredit Russbacher.


    * * *
    We will continue this with ULTRA SECRET OPERATION which was Gunther's next task upon leaving prison. I note that almost none of you readers have any idea how encompassing are the "Intelligence" organizations.

    Let us take a break. Thank you.
    PJ 90
    CHAPTER 12


    TUE., MAR. 29, 1994 8:19 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 225

    TUE., MAR. 29, 1994
    Is this not the lesson you are taught? Even the child shuts his eyes in the assumption that if he cannot see--then he is invisible to another. Take it further and only watch and accept every­thing TOLD to you and surely truth will be somehow your own. Then another step--just learn to "ascend" somehow and you will in the final turmoil simply escape into a paradise of further hu­man experience--to some clouds within which you shall be infi­nite in glory. Or, find some Godly being of Christed perfection, lay all your own errors and sins upon him, spill his blood--and THEN, you are absolved of all sin and error? Believe that which you will, children-of-the-lie--but remember, if the powers that control your Earth will lie to you about that which is upon Earth to fool you--tell me WHY they would not lie to you in your most basic spiritual passage? That which IS--IS! And all the lying, rules, regulations and force--will not make the lies become truth! The truth will only be more deeply buried within the shrouds of the lies --like the poisonous viper in his pit--when you fall for his trappings--you will BE WITHIN HIS PIT WHERE HE CAN CLAIM YOU FOR HIS OWN DINNER. He will not come into the LIGHT to "getcha"--he knows that you will come within HIS TERRITORY FOR HE BAITS HIS TRAPS WITH THOSE THINGS WHICH BOGGLE THE SENSES IN PHYSICAL MISPERCEPTIONS. Worse, this head of the evil empire has plenty of tools to bring you within the trap! Ponder it.

    Right now, back to the subject under presentation for I want you to have information on the person you assisted from his shackles--at least one set of the bindings. It is important because when you come to know the "man" you will also know the operation mode of the "evil empire", wherever it is located. Note how the "tools" are treated when the bait objects to the trap. By the way, as you will recall as you think back on the very re­quirements of this man in point--part of freedom is passage through yet another death trap. Will one Gunther Russbacher EVER be free of the captains of his old ship? NO, but when enough of the "baitmen" decide to take another course of action--there will certainly be clashes within the "bait-store". I do not feel free to speak of that which has been required, offered and given to this man in point since release from Missouri prison for he is actually involved in ANOTHER mission, even while his health is so compromised that he can hardly function.


    Let us move right on and into:

    Beginning page 209 in the original printing:


    [Remember that we were writing about the State of MissouriRussbacher plea agreement:]

    The CIA had an important task for Russbacher to perform upon leaving prison [in 1990]. He was needed for an ultra-se­cret project associated with the Bush administration dealings with Iraq's Saddam Hussein that required the cooperation of Russian President Gorbachev and his signature on a secret agreement prepared by President George Bush. The agreement provided that Russia would not intervene if the United States at­tacked Iraq in the near future. Russbacher spoke Russian, had been assigned to the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, and knew Presi­dent Gorbachev personally.

    Russbacher's handlers instructed him to proceed to Offutt Air Force Base for a top-secret briefing. Immediately upon release from prison at St. Charles, Missouri, on July 16, 1990, Russ­bacher and his wife drove to Offutt Air Force Base, arriving there on July 18, where CincPac authorization from the Navy permitted them to occupy living quarters at the high-security Air Force Base. Several days of highly secret meetings briefed Russbacher on the mission he would shortly undertake. Present at the meetings were Brent Scowcroft [H: Mormon represen­tative to the "Court" of the Committee of 300 Council for the New World Order!] and William Webster.

    Gunther Russbacher and his wife departed Offutt on July 21, 1990, driving to Reno, staying at the Western Village Inn and Casino in nearby Sparks, where they stayed awaiting further or­ders. Late in the afternoon on July 26, 1990, Russbacher boarded a CIA Learjet at Reno, which took him to Crows Landing Naval Air Station, where four CIA SR-71 aircraft were being readied for a non-stop flight to Moscow, carrying out the plans reached at Offutt.

    Several days after the Offutt Air Force Base meetings, on July 25, 1990, U.S. Ambassador April Glaspie assured Iraq's Saddam Hussein that the United States had no interest in its con­flict with Kuwait. These assurances were interpreted by Sad­dam Hussein as clearance to invade Kuwait, which he did sev­eral days later. This "assurance" appeared to be tied in with the plan reached at Offutt.

    Russbacher described the inflight refueling of the SR-71s on their transpolar flight, with the first one occurring northeast of Seattle and the second refueling by Russian tankers as they ap­proached the USSR. Russbacher identified the second occupant in each of the SR-71s, including Brent Scowcroft.

    Russbacher was the only one of the people on the four air­craft who spoke Russian. He described to me handing the secret agreement to Gorbachev, whom Russbacher had known earlier while he was assigned to the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, during the 1970s and mid-1980s. Obtaining Gorbachev's signature on one of the agreements, Russbacher flew back to the United States, along with two of the other CIA aircraft. One SR-71 was left for the Russians, along with a flight crew to check out Russian pilots. It is believed that one of the flight instructors was a former Air Force Chief Flight Instructor from Beale Air Force Base in Marysville, California, reportedly Abe Kardone. (I owned a 60-unit motel in nearby Yuba City and often had Air Force personnel staying there).

    The aircraft refueled twice in the air on the return flight, and the three SR-71s landed at Fallon Naval Air Station on July 26, 1990. Russbacher stated that the document he presented to Gor­bachev, signed by President George Bush, was an agreement that Gorbachev would not intervene if the United States had to attack Iraq.

    Normally Russbacher would have entered a decompression chamber following the landing at Fallon Naval Base. But be­cause he was anxious to return to his wife at the motel, Russ­bacher eliminated this safeguard and had a Navy Helicopter fly him to Reno. This oversight caused Russbacher to experience pain, from which he sought relief by going into the swimming pool.

    While at the motel waiting for further instructions from his CIA bosses, Russbacher received telephone instructions on July 28th from Admiral George Raeder instructing him to report to Castle Air Force Base for a debriefing on the Moscow flight. Raeder further advised Russbacher that he would be promoted from Captain to Rear Admiral and for Russbacher to get the proper uniform and a Rear Admiral's cap at nearby Fallon Naval Air Station, which he did.

    Bizarre as the Moscow flight sounds, I feel fairly confident that it did in fact occur. I talked to Rayelan, who saw the CIA Learjet and four CIA SR-71s land. She saw Russbacher enter the Learjet, which immediately departed. I talked to Bess Smith, Rayelan's mother, who lived in Hanford, near the Crows Landing Naval Air Station, and who was present at the naval base during the preparation of the SR-71s. She saw Russbacher get in one of the aircraft. During the debriefing at Castle Air Force Base, she was in one of the adjoining bedrooms during the debriefing and saw the people receiving the debriefing from Russbacher. The answers Bess Smith gave to my questions showed she wasn't fabricating what she saw. She was a kind, motherly person, who could not fabricate the facts that she wit­nessed. I also talked to the SR-71 pilot and former instructor at Beale Air Force Base, Abe Kardone of Tacoma, Washington, who, while being circumspect, stated things indicating that he was one of the pilots on the flight, and that he was the SR-71 in­structor who remained behind in Moscow to check out the Rus­sian flight crews.

    The Russbachers arrived at Castle Air Force Base on July 29, 1990, and authorization was waiting from the navy permitting them to be billeted there for several days. Russbacher's CIA handlers debriefed him in his apartment-size accommodations while Rayelan and her mother were sleeping in one of the two adjoining bedrooms. After the debriefing Russbacher waited to receive his promotion to Rear Admiral. Up to this point he had not worn his Navy uniform, which was hanging in the closet in the protective bag. While Russbacher debriefed his CIA people, Bess Smith walked into the kitchen from her bedroom and ex­changed greetings with the people there.

    On July 31, 1990, the morning after the late-evening de­briefing, FBI agents burst into their living quarters at Castle Air Force Base, arrested Russbacher for allegedly impersonating a Naval officer, and had him incarcerated at the Fresno County jail while waiting for trial. Justice Department prosecutors soon dropped the charge of impersonating a Navy officer, but filed new charges related to Russbacher's personal use of government aircraft, fuel, military facilities and government purchase or­ders.

    During the trial FBI agent Rich Robley testified that Russ­bacher had worked for the government, and it looked favorable for an acquittal. Before reaching the jury, U.S. District Judge Leonard Pierce, declared a mistrial, which was followed by months of delaying tactics by Justice Department prosecutors as they prepared for another trial, while Russbacher languished in jail. When Russbacher stated he would fight the charges, U.S. Attorney Levi threatened to charge Russbacher's wife and mother-in-law for unlawful trespassing at Offutt and Castle Air Force Bases, and request six months in prison for each of them.

    Despite the constitutional requirement of a jury trial, federal judges have held that six months imprisonment permits elimi­nating a jury and have the federal judge decide guilt or in­nocence. In this way a federal judge, who is often a former Justice Department attorney and works in unison with the prose­cuting attorney, can sentence a person to six months in prison on fabricated charges. This six months imprisonment is often ade­quate to destroy a person financially and inflict great personal harm upon the individual and his or her family. This un­constitutional imprisonment without a jury trial occurs frequently, as was done to me in retaliation for reporting the fed­eral crimes in which federal judges and Justice Department at­torneys were implicated.

    The U.S. Attorney promised Russbacher that he would re­ceive only a three-month prison sentence if he pled guilty, and Russbacher agreed. [H: In case it is not clear in intent; the agreement on the part of Russbacher was in a bargaining agreement that his wife and mother-in-law WOULD NOT be charged and incarcerated. Then the agreements REALLY got broken...] However, U.S. District Judge Pierce refused to honor this agreement, and sentenced Russbacher to twenty months in prison. After several months in the county jail, Russ­bacher was transferred to the federal prison camp at Dublin, California.

    It was at Dublin that I fortuitously met him, and this was the start of an escalating discovery by me of highly sensitive infor­mation from Russbacher and other intelligence agency whistle­blowers who sought to blow the whistle on the terrible things happening throughout the U.S. government. It was November 23, 1990, at the Federal Correctional Center at Pleasanton, California. U.S. District Judge Marilyn Patel (San Francisco) had ordered me incarcerated after learning that I had filed a federal action in the U.S. District Court in Chicago. That Chicago action sought to report the criminal activities I discovered in Chapter 11 courts, naming as defendants trustee Charles Duck and Las Vegas Chapter 11 Judge Robert Jones, along with Oakland Chapter 11 Judge Edward Jellen. I also sought to have the looting of my assets halted.

    Constitutional rights and protections permitted me to file the action. Also, it is a federal crime if anyone knows of federal crimes and does not promptly report them to a federal court or other federal tribunal. Patel was obstructing justice and com­mitting other federal crimes as she tried to cover up for the criminality in which she herself was involved, and concurrently committing the crimes of retaliating against a person or victim for having sought to report the crimes under federal crime re­porting statutes.

    Russbacher and I had a good relationship, possibly due to our prior piloting background (we were both former Navy aviators and both of us received our Navy wings at Pensacola and both of us received advance training at Jacksonville), our interest in government corruption, and our interest in felony persecution to silence whistleblowers and informants. Russbacher, at first, was very guarded in what he told me about CIA operations. At first he described his activities in Central America with the CIA, including Oliver North's involvement, and the disdain that CIA and other people had for his incompetence and involvement in drug trafficking.

    [H: I think right here is a very good place to make it very clear--that Russbacher DID NOT START OUT TO BE A WHISTLEBLOWER! If the government had treated him fairly, he would never have come to realize he was not serv­ing, properly, his nation and Constitution. He "knew" but then his training was totally brainwashing into blindness and a total removal of moral compassion. This is TYPICAL of the intensive training and manipulation of the serving intelligence personnel. They do a very good job of acting and acting as if they have moral compassion--while actually feel­ing nothing at all. Some of the intelligence forces, i.e., Delta Force, are more totally controlled than others--actually be­ing trained within the "Monarch brain-washing" project guidelines. However, when the "big brother" you have laid your life down for deceives and then stomps you and, along with the personal destruction, moves on to innocent beings OBVIOUSLY in movement toward totally evil and oppor­tunistic gain for themselves--the consciousness begins to flicker awake and GOD creeps into that old buried memory data bank. When there is then an "awakening" it is usually most remarkable--never to be again lost. The other alterna­tive result is that the person in point simply moves on into more personal gathering unto self--because of disillusion­ment. More often, however, the service remains without passion, to the old masters in one way or another if personal gain is available.]
    "My life wouldn't be worth a nickel...."

    At first, there were many CIA operations Russbacher wouldn't disclose to me. When I pressed him for details he stated, "My life wouldn't be worth a nickel if I talked about the hush-hush things". [H: This certainly proved to be true, didn't it? Until, perhaps, God's troops entered into the pic­ture? I do NOT want you readers to MISS this point, please. Does Russbacher know this? Indeed some things have been impossible to MISS--like his several journeys to "this" side of the curtain. However, he is not able to grasp ANYTHING in fullness, just as any other decision-making entity.] Part of Russbacher's CIA past activities included operating financial proprietaries in the United States and overseas, and appearances at covert CIA bases throughout the world, in­cluding Central America.

    A few weeks after we had met, I was released from prison (December 10, 1990). But the release was only pending still another trial at which the same Justice Department and the same Ninth Circuit judges sought to again send me to federal prison. The FBI and Justice Department again accused me of criminal contempt of court for having filed a federal law suit in the U.S. District Court at Chicago which described additional federal crimes that I had uncovered in Chapter 11 courts.
    [H: Please take note that this is the Same Ninth District Court that sen­tenced Dharma with Contempt of Court after George Green continued to sell books in injunction, and actually separated out Green from the proceedings--never requiring Greens to even show up in court--ever! Further, secret settlements were allowed which STILL HOLD while all the court actions come against my writer--WHO HAS NOTHING! Still think Dharma couldn't possibly have anything to concern about? Still think this tribunal wouldn't slap a 62 year old innocent grandmother in prison? There isn't even recourse if a fed­eral judge decides to do such a thing.
    This is WHY we use great caution--for freedom of speech is NOT longer honored when the "big boys" want your hide. It is better to endure ridicule and injustice, my good friends--and so it shall be. And for you who would demand other­wise of us (which there are many)--YOU GO FOR IT and leave us out of it. I note that the ones most demanding for supporting and harassing the so-called Patriots and Tax-law changers--hardly ever even LEAVE THEIR NAMES TO THE LETTERS! HOW BRAVE IS IT THAT YOU WANT "SOMEONE" ELSE TO BE? Your "political" mess is not my commission--THAT IS YOURS! If they wish to ban ev­ery book we produce--so be it--that too, is your problem but I take note that YOU HAVE A WHOLE BUNCH OF VERY SERIOUS PROBLEMS! There is still a court order on Dharma and "me" to not use any defamatory language or in­formation against US&P. Therefore we DO NOT. In fact, I honor them for the ONE service I believe they have per­formed--they have kept Walter Russell's work from being TOTALLY ABANDONED AND BURIED FOREVER. Fur­ther, IF they were terrible and totally evil personages who inhabit that place--it is not my business. Our work is ONLY considering the SCIENTIFIC outlays of LIGHT as offered THROUGH Walter Russell. We have no wish to usurp any of their material, methods or humanistic intent. I simply do not know how to make it more clearly presented. You who wish to participate in their philosophical perceptions, inclu­sive of their presentations of the projections of Lao Russell's perceptions of Walter's work--I urge you to do so. It is ex­pensive, time consuming--but very worthy of the lessons in­volved.
    --EVER! Then there is pro­nouncement that the "Ekker-Ekker's" employ deep delaying procedures. Delaying? The Ekker-Ekker's don't even have, and can't afford, AN ATTORNEY.
    My purpose in this interruption in the original story in progress is to point out the total connection in so many, many ways of EVERYTHING to everyone and everything. As a matter of fact, a mutually presiding Judge is involved here in these cases so separate and yet obviously so inter­twined.
    And how is "Hatonn", "Germain" et al. accepted in those courtrooms? With humor, disdain, and a good hard presen­tation from the Judge that he will treat DORIS as if... and the court clerks who actually write the orders, howled with glee! No, we don't cross these rulers to push for human anything--it is not our purpose. Our mission is to lay forth the WORD in Truth and here you are....]
    When I returned to my home in Alamo, California, Russ­bacher started calling me from prison, and our discussions about CIA and other covert activities continued. Much of the time I asked specific questions about CIA activities and Russbacher responded, in a sort of deposition-like questioning. I thought that I had discovered major criminal activities while an FAA investi­gator, but it was child's play compared to what I subsequently discovered. Other CIA operatives formerly in key covert positions started contacting me as my exposure activities became known.

    Russbacher's health problems necessitated his transfer to the federal prison at Terminal Island, near Long Beach, California, but our almost daily telephone conversations continued, continu­ally going further and further into CIA activities in which he had been involved. Russbacher admitted that he did things in the past, under orders from his CIA superiors, that he wasn't proud of, and that he would like to make amends by going public. Be­fore this book went to print, I had collected over 300 hours of taped telephone conversations describing details of the various operations.


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