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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 90
    As you struggle to find balance, you must remove the blindfold from your eyes and see what is impacting your very existence. You must see clearly that which you could never before SEE and HEAR. Denial will not allow for stability nor will it allow for growth--only assurance of deeper bog­ging into and within the LIE. Ones have gone before you and offer truth of the players on this wheel of experience--those who would puncture your tires and those who can plug the leaks. Either way YOU have to do the work at hand and to do so requires AWAKENING AND KNOWING!


    The Phoenix Journals are intended as a "real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind.

    All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.

    If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the "end times" (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the "sorting" period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four corners of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity--based upon TRUTH.

    So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is "fiction").

    The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were.

    If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.
    ISBN 1-56935-038-8
    First Edition Printed by
    P.O. Box 27353
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89126
    April 1994
    Printed in the United States of America



    DEDICATION.......................................................................................... .................................
    INTRODUCTION........................................................................................ ...........................
    THU., MAR. 31, 1994................................................................................................ ...........
    UP FRONT!.............................................................................................. ..............................
    CHAPTER 1................................................................................................... ............................
    TUE., MAR. 22, 1994................................................................................................ ............
    The Story of the Committee of 300 By John Coleman...............................................
    OPINION MAKERS' UPSTART AND ONGOING............................................................
    KNIGHTS OF THE ORDER OF THE GARTER.................................................................
    ORDER OF JERUSALEM (AND A LITTLE SATANISM)...............................................
    ROUTING THROUGH CANADA.......................................................................................
    CHAPTER 2................................................................................................... ............................
    TUE., MAR. 22, 1994................................................................................................ ............
    NEED PROOF ABOUT THE ADL?.....................................................................................
    CONTRACT REVIEW.............................................................................................. ............
    INTEREST RATES AND THE FED.....................................................................................
    CONSPIRATORS' HIERARCHY Part 22............................................................................
    STUDIES (IISS) and KISSINGER TOO!........................................................................
    CHAPTER 3................................................................................................... ............................
    TUE., MAR. 22, 1994................................................................................................ ............
    MARATHON WRITING?............................................................................................ .........
    IMPEACHABLE OFFENSES? Part 23................................................................................
    PREPARATION FOR BANKING........................................................................................
    DISINTEGRATION...................................................................................... .........................
    SPIRITUAL BATTLE.............................................................................................. ..............
    COSMOSPHERES AND SPACE "STUFF"?.......................................................................
    COMMITTEE OF 300 .................................................................................................... .
    SPECIAL FOUNDATIONS AND INTEREST GROUPS ..................................................
    CHAPTER 4................................................................................................... ............................
    WED., MAR. 23, 1994................................................................................................ ..........
    SANTA BARBARA SAVINGS AND BANK OF AMERICA...........................................
    CONSPIRATORS' HIERARCHY Part 24...........................................................................
    BANKS............................................................................................... .....................................
    LEGAL ASSOCIATIONS AND LAWYERS.......................................................................
    ACCOUNTANTS/AUDITORS............................................................................................ .
    TAVISTOCK INSTITUTIONS IN THE UNITED STATES...............................................
    INSTITUTIONS AND ORGANIZATIONS ARE AS FOLLOWS.................................
    PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS OF THE COMITEE OF 300.....................................
    CHAPTER 5................................................................................................... ............................
    WED., MAR. 23, 1994................................................................................................ ..........
    RUNNING BEHIND!............................................................................................. ................
    GUNTHER RUSSBACHER.......................................................................................... ........
    HOW DID HE EVER GET "INVOLVED"?........................................................................
    DEFRAUDING AMERICA by Rodney Stich Part 1.........................................................
    START OF MY CIA CONTACTS........................................................................................
    CHAPTER 6................................................................................................... ............................
    THU., MAR.24, 1994................................................................................................ ............
    PAY ATTENTION, CREW!............................................................................................... ...
    DEFRAUDING AMERICA by Rodney Stich Part 2.........................................................
    REMOVING HUGE SUMS OF MONEY [TO] OVERSEAS............................................
    OPERATION WOODSMAN............................................................................................ ....
    SAMPLING OF CIA PROPRIETARIES..............................................................................
    LOOTING AMERICA'S FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS................................................
    BOGUS BEARER BONDS............................................................................................... ....
    CHAPTER 7................................................................................................... ............................
    THU., MAR. 24, 1994................................................................................................ ...........
    DEFRAUDING AMERICA Part 3 Re: Gunther Russbacher............................................
    THE FRAUD DIDN'T STOP................................................................................................ .
    OPERATION INTERLINK........................................................................................... .........
    OPERATION CYCLOPS............................................................................................. ..........
    OPERATION MOTH (MH)................................................................................................ ..
    OPERATION GOLD BUG (GB)..........................................................................................
    REFERRING TO JUDICIAL INVOLVEMENT..................................................................
    OPERATION THUNDER (T)............................................................................................... OPERATION BLUE THUNDER (BT)................................................................................................ .........
    OPERATION FOUNTAIN PEN (FP)...................................................................................
    BOGUS BEARER BONDS............................................................................................... ....
    WHERE IS THE MONEY?..............................................................................................
    ONE OF THE PLACES WHERE THE MONEY IS HIDDEN...........................................
    OCTOBER SURPRISE............................................................................................ ..............
    LOSING THE ELECTION IF THE HOSTAGES WERE FREED......................................
    SABOTAGING THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA...................................................
    VARIOUS INTERESTS WANTED CARTER OUT...........................................................
    "THE DEAL IS OFF".................................................................................................... .........
    DAMAGE CONTROL............................................................................................. ..............
    CHAPTER 8................................................................................................... ............................
    THU., MAR. 24, 1994................................................................................................ ...........
    DEFRAUDING AMERICA Part 4 Re: Gunther Russbacher............................................
    OCTOBER SURPRISE: THE FACTS SLOWLY SURFACED..........................................
    JUSTICE DEPARTMENT OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE................................................
    PERJURY BY THE SECRET SERVICE?............................................................................
    PUBLIC--WHICH IS THE GREATER CRIME?............................................................
    TOWER ALREADY KNEW THE TRUTH.........................................................................
    USUAL CONGRESSIONAL COVER-UP...........................................................................
    NO EVIDENCE, NO WITNESSES CALLED.....................................................................
    CHAPTER 9................................................................................................... ............................
    THU., MAR.24, 1994................................................................................................ ............
    DEFRAUDING AMERICA Part 4 continued
    Re: Gunther Russbacher.......................................................................................... ........
    BLACKMAIL OF THE UNITED STATES..........................................................................
    JUSTICE DEPARTMENT DAMAGE CONTROL.............................................................
    CIA INFORMANTS.......................................................................................... .....................
    OCTOBER SURPRISE CIA CODE NAME.........................................................................
    OCTOBER SURPRISE EXISTED....................................................................................
    CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................. ...........................
    SUN., MAR. 27, 1994................................................................................................ ...........
    DAY OF PEACE AND REST--SUNDAY...........................................................................
    HEARD ACROSS OCEAN..............................................................................................
    CHINA AND NORTH KOREA............................................................................................
    MONEY, GOLD AND FEDERAL RESERVE....................................................................
    ZIONISTS............................................................................................ ....................................
    AREA 51.................................................................................................. ...............................
    JOURNALS INSTEAD OF CHILD CARE..........................................................................
    DEFRAUDING AMERICA Part 5........................................................................................
    CIA WHISTLEBLOWERS...................................................................................... ..............
    JUSTICE DEPARTMENT PERSECUTION BACKFIRED................................................
    A HEAVY PRICE FOR A WHISTLEBLOWER TO PAY.................................................
    COMPOUNDING THE JUDICIAL PERSECUTION ........................................................
    ABSENCE OF JURISDICTION........................................................................................ ....
    FORTUITOUS ENCOUNTER........................................................................................... ...
    CHAPTER 11.................................................................................................. ...........................
    MON., MAR. 28, 1994................................................................................................ ..........
    THINGS AS THEY SEEM?............................................................................................... ...
    SCATTER PIECES.............................................................................................. ...................
    PHOENIX PROJECT INQUIRY...........................................................................................
    DEFRAUDING AMERICA By Rodney Stich Part 6.............................
    EUGENE HASENFUS............................................................................................ ...............
    USUAL U.S. MEDIA COVER-UP.......................................................................................
    LINKS TO COVERT CIA FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS..................................................
    UNAWARE OF THE PITFALLS OF PROBATION ..........................................................
    NO SNITCHING........................................................................................... ..........................
    CHAPTER 12.................................................................................................. ...........................
    TUE., MAR. 29, 1994................................................................................................ ............
    SHUT YOUR EYES AND NO ONE CAN SEE YOU?......................................................
    DEFRAUDING AMERICA Part 7........................................................................................
    ULTRA SECRET OPERATION...........................................................................................
    OUR FIRST MEETING............................................................................................. ............
    CHAPTER 13.................................................................................................. ...........................
    TUE., MAR. 29, 1994................................................................................................ ............ DEFRAUDING AMERICA Part 8................................................................................................... ................
    OCTOBER SURPRISE............................................................................................ ..............
    REVEALING MAJOR CRIMES AGAINST AMERICA....................................................
    LOOTING UNITED STATES MILITARY WAREHOUSES.............................................
    ISRAELI PARTICIPATION....................................................................................... ...........
    APPENDIX............................................................................................ .....................................
    TIMELY NEWS AND/OR EDUCATIONAL ITEMS....................................................
    CHAPTER 14.................................................................................................. ...........................
    BILL INTRODUCED TO SUSPEND PARENTAL RIGHTS.............................................
    A CLARIFICATION OF TORAH DOCTRINE...................................................................
    CHAPTER 15.................................................................................................. ...........................
    THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS--Two views.......................................................................
    INTERFERENCE by Peter D. Lepiscopo.......................................................................
    MILITIAS VS. STANDING ARMIES..................................................................................
    'SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED'.......................................................................................... ..
    AN AMENDMENT UNDER ATTACK...............................................................................
    POSITION by David R. Boldt..........................................................................................
    A STRATEGIC DECISION............................................................................................ .......
    BURIED IN THE LAST CHAPTER.....................................................................................



    THU., MAR. 31, 1994 12:18 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 227

    THU., MAR. 31 1994

    In this journal we will have listings of key players in this Con­spiracy of One World Everything. We will also phase out of that subject and directly into the work of Rodney Stich as re­gards the saga of one Gunther Russbacher.

    This is for the purpose of responding to all the inquiries about just "who is this man?" It is not "who" he is or was but rather a personal knowledge of what went on within the CIA and ad­ministration behind your backs--YOU-THE-PEOPLE.

    We are nearly through with the latter subject and as to the for­mer--you will have to prepare yourselves for there is an even higher cabalistic Committee above the Committee of 300. We are not yet ready to deal with THAT one so we will leave it lay for the moment while we catch you up on some other fascinating material which will begin in the upcoming (next) journal.

    I understand the difficulty facing all you readers, that of being boggled by the unfolding. No matter how slowly or how many times we effort to prepare you, the TRUTH is always bigger and more confounding than that which is brought before. All you can do, readers, is gain as much insight and knowledge as you can so that you can be a step or so ahead of the major im­pacts--AND BE PREPARED TO THE BEST OF YOUR ABILITY. We can't do anything FOR you but offer this information and remind you that "these things will happen". Also remember: AN INFORMED PUBLIC IS THAT WHICH IS MOST FEARED BY THE ELITE CONTROLLERS.

    There are many very valid "movements" of "citizens" now tak­ing good substantial shape to bring some of the constitutional is­sues to focus. Note I did not use the term "patriot" although some of the upstarts may well do so. I do NOT because the word "patriot" has been so destroyed by the greed-mongers that it seems to have become a rather derogatory term. I caution you, however, even those whose thrust is valid in the area of law--are still pushing for use of more and more guns for your defense. I cannot pass without reminding you that YOU cannot win this time with guns! Arms will get you killed and dead citi­zens do not get anything changed for the better. There are lasers that can be now used from satellites with pin-point ac­curacy to the size of a small credit card (with a sloppy opera­tor). The cosmospheres can do far better than THAT. I suggest you think of these things before you take up arms against the beast--for that is not the weapon of choice!! Remember: The thugs in charge did not get there through army power--YOU GAVE THEM THEIR POSITIONS OF POWER THROUGH YOUR OWN IGNORANCE. IT SHALL HAVE TO BE UNDONE IN THE SAME OPPOSING MANNER--THROUGH KNOWLEDGE AND UNCOVERING THEM IN THEIR NESTS. CUT OFF THEIR LIFE-LINES (MONEY) AND THEY WILL NOT STICK AROUND AND KNOW THAT EVIL ITSELF CANNOT STAND IN THE LIGHT OF KNOWING TRUTH.
    But what can you do? Well, you could start by scraping ones like George Green, et al., off the backs of my scribe and crew so that we can continue our work. And how do you do that? Through guns and weapons? No--through public pressure and revealing the undercover activities which they continue to pre­sent. The amount of time consumed in these forced activities is incredible, not to even consider the expenses involved in the protection of the remaining participants in the Institute. If you cannot put a stop to such small things how think you that you can stop the New World Order?

    If you are to DO anything of worthy change--you must first change "thought" and project through actions a "goal" oriented focus. In other words, knowing a thing changes it not--action through knowing toward a goal is the "secret" miracle producer. Again you have "thought", "action"--goal. When the thought and action are coalesced within the soul DESIRE for outcome--IT HAS TO FOLLOW! THE CALL ITSELF COMPELS THE ANSWER!!

    Ah, but you might now pounce on me as to just what, again, is thought? We speak of you as a projection of "God's thought" but what of your own "thoughts"? "Perception" is but "thought" and since you hold your thoughts--you can change perceptions and thus, change manifestation.

    Since the subject has come up here, let us divert our attention to it for a moment and discuss this "thought" process and how everything from mirror reflections to prophecy.

    Prophecy awakens in man a knowledge perceived, of the future. It discloses "Light" to him in its manifestings but the manifest­ings MUST be in a backward FLOW. Why? Because you are "thinking" that which is yet to be projected in manifestation.

    To consider the subject a bit more meaningfully, let us consider the sun--this wondrous orb of LIGHT. The sun must be consid­ered as a great etheric vacuum molding Light in its very essence and then projecting it. It is an observation that if one would be of such frequency of vibration as to MATCH that of the sun--one could enter into it without disaster. Why? Because if you are the SAME as that with which you "become" you MUST be the same frequency vibration--I don't care what you are talking about, readers. And this is the VERY REASON the scientific subject of LIGHT is ultimately the ONLY important subject of learning which is totally important to your progression.

    Now, let us assume this orb to be the focal vacuum of your "universe". Therefore every act of every person is reflected backward unto their very sources. This is confusing to the mind only because it is still a "mystery"--but that mystery is unfolding quickly as you gain knowledge in truth of projection.

    What difference does it make if the acts in point have not yet come to pass? They WILL be for the future is but the "present" beheld in its achievings.

    Let us again refer to the sun. This time assume it is a mirror for cosmic happenings on planets within its orbit. Again, it has its faculty for collection backward as well as radiating since true radiation has its retrograde movement and light is born by im­pact of ether-wave on ether-wave caused by THOUGHT re­bounding and making a "friction".

    If all were "projection", there could be no projection, since Thought could not grasp projection, having no standards by which to make comparisons. I.e. There could be no "good" without the presence of the comparison of "bad".

    If all were ever bounding, there could be no rebounding.

    So, what do you perceive as Light? You perceive wave on wave of ether disturbance, made by Thought entering into and going out of the vacuum, impounding and impacting, with "incandescence" created when the process takes place at the proper pace in the proper coagulation of ether. This is just a simple explanation of "light". Perhaps you can more clearly un­derstand the meaning of "Divine Thought" saying such as "Let there be Light".

    I do not wish to do a lecture on "light", however. I am trying to make a point of the impact of thought and some of the changes in thought through some type of "action".

    Let us consider that you have an orange. You perceive it and in your understanding it has "roundness". You take the orange and peel it and pry it apart. What has become of the roundness? Is it less an orange? Is it more an orange? The orange has defi­nitely lost its original shape of roundness through the act of paring--but it still makes manifestation in "Thought" as round­ness. When thought considers an "orange" it will consider the projection as one of roundness, not a pile of slivers--the peeled slivers comes with the "thought" of paring and separation.

    To go a bit more personal for your consideration let us consider you looking into a mirror. It shows a reflection of your face. Do you not now see yourself quite reversed? Have you LOST your identity--because the sides are reversed? Are YOU in the mirror--or only a "thought" of self?

    Thoughts have eternal endurance but it is the projections and ef­fects that make their fallings by the way.

    This little insert is to actually deal with prophecy as it is un­folding here and as you perceive it you can better function in understanding if you but realize the BACKWARD flow of all things refolding within their origins.

    I take this time of explanation of thought transmission because, as you study that which IS, you can only find solutions within actions which recognize the already present "cause" of the "effects" encountered. As you find that collective thought it presents massive manifestation and therefore requires massive AWAKENING.

    This is WHY the "awakening" must come forth as an unfolding of WHAT IS. If you have a broken clock but you have never been exposed to such as a clock--how can you have perception of its purpose? How would you know it is broken? How can you know it is supposed to move, or tick or tock or what it is to measure?

    This holds true for your Constitution as well--if you don't know what it says and promises--how can you demand it be fixed or returned unto? It was not much of perfection when it was writ­ten--but it's all you have for you "voted out" that which was more built to guide you in freedom--that which came before the "Constitution".
    I suggest you bring up those old journals wherein we covered all of this material and THEN you can find a goal worthy of the thought and action required to bring it about. You have to then consider, however, building from the errors and upon the "wins"
    --that means you start "small" with that which CAN be changed, i.e., stop George Green before you effort to stop the Queen of England!!! Remember, as ONE of you is oppressed, so too are all oppressed.

    Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn
    GIA: (Galactic Intelligence Agency?)
    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일
    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-16 at 00:38.

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