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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#090, TAKING OFF THE BLINDFOLD

    PJ 90


    WED., MAR. 23, 1994 4:00 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 219

    WED., MAR. 23, 1994

    While we are running so far behind with "current events" that we used to call "Today's Watch" we have, by far, more in­quiries into other subjects and regarding other participations than that of updating events. This is a good sign for you old friends who have been here with us from onset--it indicates you are able to discern meaning from the non-news and are also be­coming more and more aware of the resources for information. The SPOTLIGHT is excellent as are many of the news-letters. But never mind, we will get back to those things, hopefully, and intersperse the writings among whatever may be our "focus".

    I have some things which I feel I must offer you such as THE RUSSIAN "MAFIA" as presented in Foreign Affairs. The article in point is by Stephen Handelman and the document has been sent to me by one I highly respect in that if he sends me something--it is IMPORTANT! The article in point deals with Rus­sian crime (organized). That is not what is so important, how­ever, as it is this organized crime element in global presence that can be referred to as this author puts it, "Politics by Other Means". Unfortunately it goes along with the Committee of 300 "controllers" and The New World Order and One World Gov­ernment as these evils sweep across the lands. We will save that writing for another day, however, as I am most prodded to speak of Gunther Russbacher.

    You beloved readers pushed for his freedom and won. Now I understand your need to know how he is, where he is and thus and so. No, we have not been abandoned nor abandoned him--it is far more complicated than "that".

    How is he? Not well but with cooperation and effort--he can be "repaired". The surgery for heart bypass was obviously done with the full expectation of the evidence being buried with the corpse. It is a maze of botched up surgery. No, he has not even nearly permanently "died"--he has only WISHED that would be the case. In addition, he has had to face all the prob­lems of social life without job, help or direction for medical care. He has been sustained, however, by this resource here and he will "make it". At proper time he will have to undergo total repair surgery--when we find a competent physician NOT PAID TO KILL HIM.

    Who is he? I won't answer that at this time as to the ramifica­tions of his identity or lineage for it doesn't matter to our story at this point.

    Where is he? Missing! Yes, I know where he is but he had to be moved quickly as attack after attack has confronted him, most predominantly by the Israeli Mossad. THAT tells you how important is the man. He is "secluded" with guards of his own teams at the present time while the "enemy" efforts in every manner possible to stop his work. THAT work is attached to our Command and it is quite obvious in every way--that we are REAL; the World Government wants to get rid of us and all at­tached to us--AND CAN'T and the GAMES ARE ROUGH! Part of the reason I keep Dharma so busy is so she cannot think upon the ongoing "things". Where is Rayelan? Well, let's leave that one alone for the present also. It has, however, been some bad times of experience as Gunther is brought up to "Godspeed" for much crosses Rael's perceptions of what she has been "fed" through the New Age experiences. This is no embarrassment to her--it had to be the way it has been and all are capable of insight and growth.

    She is physically exhausted as often Gunther remained in an in‑between physical demise and other dimensional care. Sounds silly and far-fetched? Well, he can make his own statements when he "returns" to this La-La Land! Am I trying to say that he is some kind of "Christ" or something that can move twixt dimensions, rise again and somehow be holier than thou? No--it simply is time for him in service and physical death is not ac­ceptable for him. He has had implants which we had to "blow out" (shatter) and replacement microdots when given injections to ease the chest pain. He has had several heart "attacks" and now must deal with a partially dead heart muscle. Mr. Gritz may well chide, ridicule and have fun at your expense, readers, but then, he is on the side of the One Worlders. It is greatly dif­ferent when you are on the opposite side of the Committee.

    Wouldn't it, then, have been better for this poor soul if we had just left him in prison? No, for he has a job to do and he couldn't do it in prison. Neither could he get himself out of prison so the thanks are abundant until he can offer his own.

    Just "unlucky" I guess! But for that review I can turn to Rodney Stich's book, DEFRAUDING AMERICA. I hope every one of you readers have a copy. It is comprehensive, it is updated, it is EXCELLENT. I have wanted, for a long time, to offer serial­ization of sorts, of this book in point. I'll take this opportunity to use his work to give you devoted friends a background of who is Gunther Russbacher. Is it all true? Well, I guess not--all of it--for ALL is very comprehensive and "James Bond(s)" are quite flamboyant in lifestyle and involvements. Some things are truly qualified and cannot be shared. But I believe Rodney has presented enough to give you some good reading time. Rodney knows a lot of deep-cover operatives and he got to know this one very well indeed--and still is a devoted friend. To handle this dissertation let us just begin in Rodney's book on page 177:

    by Rodney Stich
    Part 1


    In November 1990, I became a friend and confidant to the first of many deep-cover high ranking CIA operatives, Gunther Russbacher, who described to me the role played by the CIA in the Savings and Loan and HUD scandals. Russbacher had been with the CIA for over two decades, and had been trained by the CIA to operate covert financial operations under a covert CIA program known as Operation Cyclops. As he developed knowl­edge and expertise the CIA had him organize and operate many CIA proprietary financial institutions, including for instance National Brokerage Companies, Red Hill Savings and Loan, Hill Financial, and over a dozen other business enterprises. [H: Please don't get hung-up on all this--I am presenting what is given here and I will not further jeopardize safety and secu­rity of a LOT of operatives by divulging MORE. Thank you.]
    Russbacher, and later other CIA informants, gave me innermost CIA secrets of how the CIA looted America's financial institutions, how the money was laundered, the criminal elements with whom the CIA acted, and where the money ended up. These CIA operatives stated how the operation worked, and the names of some of the covert CIA financial institutions, fronts, and cutouts. They gave me blank checks, letterheads, copies of corporate filings, and other writings supporting these statements.

    For the next few years I spent hundreds of hours with Russ­bacher in deposition-like questioning, receiving details of the most secret CIA operations in which he participated during the last three decades. He gave me affidavits and sworn statements during the three years prior to the first publication of this book. His credibility as a CIA operative was checked and cross­checked with other CIA informants, and most if not all of what he stated I believe to be true. [H: Keep in mind, readers, YOU went to bat for Russbacher not because he was from the CIA or something--you went to battle because he was falsely incarcerated and EVERY CONSTITUTIONAL LAW REGARDING THE MAN WAS DISMISSED. WHAT HIS "CRIMES" OR REAL PROBLEMS "MIGHT" BE IS NOT IN POINT AS REGARDS HIS INCARCERATION IN MIS­SOURI--HE WAS IN PRISON UNDER FALSE CHARGES AND WITHOUT RECOGNITION OF ANY OF HIS CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS AS A CITIZEN OF THE U.S.A. If you forget this important fact then we have missed a lot of LESSONS--the ONLY thing that you as citizens dare hope to have protect you when the big boys come for YOU. We have another situation which undoubtedly is going to require your major input. John Schroepfer, our friend here, has been worse than incarcerated by his (he wishes) ex-wife's son and herself. He was injured and then Eleanor gained conservatorship over him--then her son took over. He is al­lowed NO VISITORS; he is in an Alzeheimer's center with­out benefit of the disease--no one is allowed to go near him--not even attorneys; Eleanor refuses to even speak with him by phone and it is almost a year now that his FRIENDS, just as with Gunther, have done everything they can think to do to get him home. This is far worse than a prison--for there is no excuse for this kind of behavior and yet the "law" seems to allow it. He pleads to be free and he is in with walking vegetables which, alone, will take its toll on a sane man. Why? Because the wife and step-son want his assets. He is quite sure, in fact, that he was struck over the head at the time of his injury. I do not comment--I only state that he called for help and Eleanor claims she "couldn't get out of the chair she was in" although she seemed to get out of the chair for anything else. The facts are, however, that even if she could NOT get out of the chair--THE PHONE WAS IMMEDIATELY AT HER ELBOW AND SHE DID NOT CALL FOR HELP FOR HIM. This is truly as sad a situation as I've witnessed--in search with greed to steal that which is another's. I think YOU ones may be able to help with petitions, I shall inquire. John's own family refuses to help him for one reason or another--even to his own son. He does, however, have a nephew who CARES; he is just afraid of the responsibility. Well, there will be no "responsibility" for John will be fine once out and back in good care. So be it. This man has done NOTHING and is denied all of his rights under the Constitution simply by having a conservator who can prevent EVERYONE from seeing him. Weep, you good friends, for many of you are reaching the age where this can be done unto you--WHO WILL COME AND GET YOU OUT? HE IS NOT EVEN ALLOWED TO ATTEND HIS OWN HEARINGS FOR FEAR HE WILL SPEAK WITH HIS FRIENDS OR LAWYERS. "Just doesn't seem right"? It isn't!]
    Some banks and Savings and Loans became fronts for CIA covert operations and often made phony loans, phony appraisals, and phony sales, generating enormous sums of money for clandestine activities and stockpiling in secret financial mechanisms kept in the United States and off-shore. These banks and Sav­ings and Loans laundered money obtained through CIA drug op­erations.

    Russbacher stated to me that the CIA had given him over forty aliases. During the first two years of the CIA affiliation he was a contract employee of the CIA, and then in 1965 he entered the United States Navy, assigned to the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI). During all but three years of his CIA affili­ation, he was in Covert Operations, Consular Operations, and other branches of covert government service. He did two tours of duty in Vietnam and Laos and was an unofficial prisoner during the second tour of duty in Southeast Asia. Unofficial in that the U.S. government didn't list its covert personnel. His military numbers included 54 329 963; and his various Social Security numbers included 440-40-1417, 471-50-1578, 441-44­1417, and 447-42-0007 [H: A cute one. But then, the gov­ernment has never been noted for NOT BEING cute.]
    In one of numerous sworn declarations Russbacher gave to me, dated December 6, 1992, he described part of the CIA operations:

    It is my intent to clarify, once and for all, how the Intelli­gence Services of the United States of America have used the Savings and Loan (Thrift Institutions) to fund their respective covert operations, both within the United States, and abroad. The scheme devised for creating an unlimited money supply was devised once the inside knowledge of how the Federal Reserve operated became known to operatives and case officers.

    A monetary growth medium had to be found which would enable the Agency (CIA) to have access to an unlimited sup­ply of funds with which covert operations might be funded. The key was... "How to utilize/capitalize on the Federal Credit Programs". Careful analysis and study of the Federal Credit Act provided the proper forum.

    It was decided that small to medium businesses of the Pro­prietary Operations Unit would be well on line to provide these expert services. Soon, various businesses, owned and operated by either the Agency or utilizing a front directorship began to deposit funds (legal tender and bogus bearer bonds) into the selected Thrifts. The loading of these institutions was always accomplished with the help of inside information, gained and acquired by and through information garnered by the FSLIC and their respective service members.

    It was decided that various front organizations would de­posit millions of dollars into these selected Thrifts, and that such deposits would permit the depositors to make collateral loans for eighty-five percent (85%) of the deposit value. The disparity of deposit and secured loan was the carrot for the filing financial institution. The Agency, through its Pro­prietary Operations Division, was quick to recognize the Fed lending to deposit Rate for thrifts, which in turn stated that every dollar taken in on deposit would permit the Thrift to borrow up to seven dollars from the Federal Reserve. It was a lucrative enticement to Agency Operations. The loaned fluids were soon gathered from all regional affiliates, and channeled to fund the Charters for our own Thrift institutions. The stage was set. It was merely a question of time until we began re-investing our portfolio.

    Over a period of approximately 3 years, more than 35 Federally insured "Agency Thrifts" were brought on line. Each of the financial institutions was funded in part by Cer­tificates of Deposit (from our own front companies), and various other instruments of financial obligation. Sometimes, bogus (duplicate) Bearer Bonds were used to insure sufficient start-up capital. Slowly, these institutions began making large loans to other Agency front businesses. Many of them flourished regardless of the initial intent to strip them sys­tematically of their assets. Those which failed to provide an unending "money funnel" were soon brought to Court, pursuant to chapter 11, of the United States Bankruptcy Laws. Prior to permitting entry into such proceedings all visual as­sets were stripped and/or removed from the insolvent compa­nies. The United States Bankruptcy Courts, as well as the as­signed United States Trustees would permit us to re-channel the obvious assets prior to satisfying the demands of the legal creditors. It must be stated that in the initial stages of such operations there were no legal creditors as the entire opera­tion was an "in-house operation", and subsequently not issues or obligations traded on the open market. Such practices were soon discarded, as the volume of the operations was not able to keep out private and corporate investors. Many of the removed assets were sold to other agency operations, which in turn sold said assets to other linked dealers.

    Brokerage companies of dubious repute were soon spin­offs of the mega industry. In order to provide continuity as well as expert disclosure I shall reference the history of the funding of Hill Financial, as well as Red Hill Savings and Loan; the establishment of the National Brokerage Compa­nies; the creation of National Financial Services Corporation; National Leasing Corporation; National Realty Corporation; Crystal Shores Development Corporation; Crystal Shores Fi­nancial Corporation, and Clayton Financial Planning Corporation. It is imperative that the continuity and creation is uninterrupted.

    During my time of service within the Proprietary Opera­tions Division of the Central Intelligence Agency I was ap­proached while using the assigned name of Robert Andrew Walker to initiate contact with a nationally prominent broker­age house. (It must be noted that I had been a part of such brokerage facility under another alias/code name). I followed the order and began a transfer study, which in turn was to initiate and facilitate the founding of a new Savings and Loan facility in Red Hill, Pennsylvania. All transfer studies were accurate and the new S&L was soon brought on line. It was funded with corporate paper and other private and corporate bonds/certificates and other financial obliga­tions.

    The founding fathers of Red Hill Financial were Donald Lutz and Robert A. Walker, a/k/a/ Gunther Karl Russbacher. The financial package of the S&L was born from funds de­rived from SBF Corporation. The new S&L flourished, mak­ing numerous loans to the economically depressed local and regional area. These notes were in part non-secured, and no payoff was anticipated from these local trades. We began to diversify using the Federal Credit Act to gain and secure ad­ditional Federal funds, by securing other deposits from Agency Operations. Our deposit portfolio was extended on a ratio of 4.3/1 and thusly provided considerable additional loan coverage to other more open and more lucrative mar­kets. We began to explore bringing on line additional feeder organizations which could/would add to our real deposit base. The decision for such action was taken after I received orders to charter a brokerage company in the state of Missouri. We, the directors of Red Hill S&L held a closed meeting, wherein it was decided that I would become Chair­man of the Board, thusly elevating Donald Lutz to the presi­dency. Pledging my continued assistance was permitted, nay ordered, to set up shop in St. Louis, Missouri, where I dropped the name Robert A. Walker, and became Emery J. Peden.

    Within 3 months I was a registered broker of the Pruden­tial Insurance Company of America. Soon after learning the business, I resigned my position and began a long term rela­tionship with Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company. I had an office in Clayton, Missouri, and soon made a signifi­cant impact on the financial and insurance industry.

    END OF SEGMENT ONE (1) of the deposition of Gunther K Russbacher.

    I do certify the information contained in this segment of my deposition to be true and correct. Such certification is given under the penalty of perjury. Further, affiant/deponent sayeth not.

    Gunther Karl Russbacher, deponent in cause
    Dated: December 6, 1992.

    As my investigative work became known, other CIA and intelligence agency operatives contacted me, giving me specific data on operations in which they were involved. Their in­formation often crossed paths with what Russbacher had stated to me, providing further confirmation of what Russbacher and others state. This constant cross-check of data given to me by CIA and DEA operatives, who had nothing to gain, and much to lose, left no doubt in my mind as to the credibility of the basic information they provided to me.

    Russbacher incorporated and operated a number of covert CIA proprietaries in the United States from the late 1970s to 1986. His main headquarters was in Missouri, but his CIA pro­prietaries had offices throughout the United States, with heavy involvement in Dallas and Denver, where much of the HUD and Savings and Loan looting either took place or from where it was directed.

    Russbacher identified as CIA proprietaries or assets numer­ous Savings and Loans, including Aurora Bank in the Denver area, Silverado Bank Savings and Loan, Red Hill Savings and Loan, Hill Financial, Indian Springs State Bank, and many others. He described the flow of money from, for instance, Silverado Bank Savings and Loan to start up Hill Financial and Red Hill Savings and Loan. All the data that he gave me will take a year to sort out after this book is initially published.

    Russbacher made reference to CIA contract agents that he encountered, including Heinrich Rupp and Richard Brenneke who worked with the CIA at Aurora Bank in Denver and else­where, and Tony Russo in Indian Springs State Bank at Kansas City.

    Russbacher described the links between CIA proprietaries and organized crime, and how the CIA worked with the group in Denver, looting the HUD program and Savings and Loans of billions of dollars. He described the corrupt practices of groups in the Denver area such as MDC Holdings, Richmond Homes, Mizel Development, and the nearly one hundred subsidiaries, partnerships and other forms of legal entities.

    Describing his role in two of the Savings and Loans, Russbacher states: "I held the position of Chairman of the Board [Of Red Hill Savings and Loan and Hill Financial]. Let's back up here, and erase that last thing. Robert Andrew Walker held the position of Chairman of the Board (One of the aliases provided to Gunther Russbacher by the CIA). Russbacher used the CIA provided alias of Walker for those positions.

    Russbacher described the massive corruption associated with the new Denver Airport, including bribes, land swaps, and sham loans. Promoting the Denver Airport, and allegedly receiving a bribe of over a million dollars, was Figera [Federico?] Pena, whom President Bill Clinton appointed to be Secretary of the Department of Transportation in 1993.


    * * *
    Readers, I think I should share with you the incredible distress being undergone here by Dharma--and I hope, as we go along--by YOU. Remember that George Green was in Colorado. He claimed to have sat in on many meetings with Bush, et al. at Silverado. He claims to be a millionaire with a great history of Real Estate "deals" to end them all. He claims he got into disfavor over po­litical differences and thus and so. DO YOU STILL BELIEVE THAT HE DID NOT INTEND TO SET UP, DEAL "AS USUAL" AND TAKE EVERYTHING FROM THE PHOENIX INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH & EDUCATION which he now claims is bilked and insolvent at the rotten, dirty hands of "Ekker-Ekker"? Oh yes indeed, Mr. Russbacher DOES know about George Green AND GARY ANDERSON--and yes, it will not be pretty when it hits the fan--FOR THEM. Gary Anderson has such a record from the past as to pale the devil himself. Circumstances and George REALLY "thinks" you have been mismanaged as to participation with our work? Well, he has the "gold"; he has brought discredit to the Institute as much as pos­sible (but you CAN'T seem to bring full discredit to GOD'S TROOPS); he has managed to get Gritz doing totally stupid things over the airwaves; he has tied up all the books originally in his possession (worthless now anyway as to value of printing as too much has to be corrected as to press and publishing), and is still pushing for "receivership" for the Institute, and on and on and on. And do you STILL really think that a "gift" of $350,000 in gold coins was actually meant for ones, George and his lady from Neiman Marcus?? Well, I promise that in the ser­vice of God, it shall be ultimately rectified. Ekker-Ekker, et al., can handle it because I never intend to leave their sides!! Not for a single moment--NOR SHALL

    I know your fingers are tired, Dharma, but is it not wonderful to begin to fit these pieces of this particular puzzle together and see the players--and how they were set up to "getcha" and aren't we glad our "team" has prevailed?? Oh indeed, child, WE SHALL! Remember, we started from behind and had to gather a "team"--they already had a very BIG one in operation! I'd say we've done pretty well--this will be the 88th or 89th volume in some 56 months. That doesn't consider ANYTHING else we have accomplished--which can only be observed as pure "miracles". So be it. Go rest. We shall continue with this story because it is a dandy...! Salu.
    PJ 90


    THU., MAR. 24, 1994 9:14 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 220

    THU., MAR. 24, 1994

    A lot is "coming down" and your nerves will be sorely tested. The most recent murder of a person with "breaking" information available is both shocking and surprising to you--however, hold your stance and remember "our" mission and we shall ACT accordingly.

    You will note that necessary documents have not arrived at the receiving terminal as expected. So, indeed there is a LOT going on. The person who was to publish originally, however, did not so hold that uppermost in mind. "That" indicates, without re­search, that a lot was going on long before the more recent problems hit the fan. THERE WILL BE NOTHING AC­CEPTED HERE FOR PRESENTATION WITHOUT THAT KNOWLEDGE ALREADY BEING PUBLIC SOMEWHERE
    --FOR THE VERY REASONS OF SAFETY. CONTACT is a paper--no more and no less--not a clandestine scoop sheet for the clandestine forces. As things are unfolded in the Nevada matter of court rulings, fine, I believe you at the pa­per should probably print it. BUT, you do nothing to breech security for selves or the incarcerated party involved.

    Who is the "enemy"? It is very difficult to tell from your view­point so don't effort to "outguess" nor ask me for I am intent on your discretion and I can insure THAT by not giving you inside information which will bring you REAL problems. Who would want that information offered by Jackson? MANY! Not the least of which are some of his old acquaintances from within the "Special Forces" who still deal in the drug network and undercover funds. It is sad that when you play in those games it be­comes friends AND enemies who will "silence" you.

    Mr. Gritz, for instance, can ridicule about the Mormon Church--however, when the "Wolfgang" operation comes open it will include some people you know, like Gary Anderson--and right on up to and through the Mormon Church--eventually right to Scowcroft's lap. That is serious trouble, little ones, and WE ARE NOT NOW NOR EVER SHALL BE, INVOLVED IN SUCH INTRIGUE ACTIVITIES. I shall never sanction any actions of dangerous publications nor get entangled with releas­ing anyone who is in prison for "cause". You can work toward fairness and Constitutional rights--not AGAINST THE LAW. IF THIS CANNOT BE REASONABLY HANDLED, THEN I SHALL WITHDRAW MY OWN SUPPORT FROM YOUR ACTIVITIES. Just because the CIA and government are FIRST to get the information we produce--DOES NOT MEAN WE ARE SOME KIND OF INFORMATION HUB FOR ANY OF THOSE UNGODLY INSTITUTIONS! And remember, espe­cially you, Rick, that there are no "accidents"--not even between cars on a freeway! You have no idea how close you came...! Intelligence is the better part of WISDOM.

    We shall always effort to have many voices heard--"scoops" if you will, but your thrust will always be as a free press paper WITHIN ALL LAWS--or we shall not have a paper. Help where you can, present WHAT you can--and always, use WIS­DOM in the choices. "Well, won't you protect us"? Yes--IF you do your responsible part. EACH "case" must be looked at very, very carefully--AND KNOW: it is equally important to get John S. his release from that Alzeheimer FALSE prison center--as it was to get Russbacher's release from the trumped-up political charges. In both instances, within and without ac­tual prison incarceration facilities--Constitutional RIGHTS ARE IGNORED, BURIED AND STOMPED ON! If there be other charges or placement under TRUTHFUL circumstances, then there is actually "no" case--do you understand me?

    If Russbacher were charged with some crime which he HAD COMMITTED, he would be in a plight unworthy of our participation--but that is NOT THE CASE. He was NOT charged with other than made-up silly nothings. The LAWS may well be WRONG--but you are stuck with them as they are presented--BECAUSE THE BIG BOYS HAVE CONTROL OF THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM, AND THE GUNS! All parties involved in anything should carefully think about CONSEQUENCES OF ACTION--prior to participation in that which is not le­gal. GOD does not whisk you out of "bad choices"--he re­sponds to goodly soul intent and don't lose sight of this truth for even a moment! Further, directions can change and commitments be remembered--but you don't serve two "Gods", the one of darkness AND the one of Light--it just doesn't work! Also, when you think of "me" as some E.T.-­-ALSO THINK OF "ME" AS BEING ONLY IN SERVICE TO GOD CREATOR--AND THAT "OTHER ONE" IS MY ENEMY! If the enemy has troops within my crew--he shall not by the time we are through! Count on it! I repeat something: YOU MAY NOT BE SURE OF ME NOR COMPREHEND OUR PRESENCE--BUT THE BIG BOYS DO!

    In all instances of participants, there will be a directed effort to dissuade a person from service--through any number of directed "hits". The major one being total distraction by so-called au­thentic ENERGIES. This is garbage and the receiver/presenter is as badly "had" as is the listener. The world is FULL to over­flow with such receivers who think they serve God while they actually are receiving erroneous information in order to do "someone" other than themselves, "in". Choices remain free­will for ALL. Therefore, as ones desire to act on bad informa­tion, choices are accepted and ones who move AWAY from us--move right out from under our shelter. It is the LAW! You have seen it in action within this small nucleus as "word" comes "supposedly" from me, Hatonn, telling ones to "protect" Doris and leave her out of the "loop" of information. Now isn't that cute? The way you are functioning and the routing of informa­tion--THAT IS DELIBERATELY IN ATTEMPT TO SIDE­TRACK INFORMATION IN FAVOR OF FALSE RECEIV­ING AND A DIRECT ATTEMPT TO LEAVE HATONN "OUT OF THE LOOP". I can promise these ones suffering from such misperceptions that I KNOW that which is going on--and I shall call it openly to attention. I'm sorry if this proves embarrassing--but I am who I say I am and I protect the ones in my service--not the ones who simply "claim" to be. If your ego cannot accept correction or redirection--you have already made your choice for the moment--we welcome reconsideration and change. Some of you can't let go of "self" long enough to see anything--much less the danger. These are the times, my good friends, THAT TRY MEN'S SOULS! How is YOUR trial go­ing? Your "legal counsel" is not going to help you much before the Judge called God!

    Let us leave this and return to our subject of yesterday. I could see you ones enjoying the presentation, most of you having no insight into either the book by Stich or any recognition of one Gunther Russbacher. I remind you that you accomplished something of a "miracle" as regards this person and you did it on faith that I would not misdirect you. It is not that which this person is doing nor "has" done which is important--it is what HE WILL do. However, he has offered insight into the opera­tions of clandestine activities of your government and this allows you knowledge of how you came to this plight. Men are trained by "trainers" to serve and so they will--until something happens which redirects motivation and intent. Perfection within GOD is NOT the point--human intent is.

    We were sharing portions of DEFRAUDING AMERICA by Rodney Stich and specifically the portion wherein Russbacher is speaking of how the S&L set-up worked.

    by Rodney Stich
    Part 2

    Russbacher described how the CIA moved large quantities of money from U.S. financial proprietaries during the last few years to off-shore corporations and banks, including those in the Antilles and in the Caymans. "The Agency is deadly afraid of exposure within the United States", Russbacher said, "and they have begun to siphon off large and tremendous sums of money to foreign accounts. It must be borne in mind that in the last three years there has been a systematic removal of funds and capital assets from these [CIA] corporations".

    Russbacher described to me how the CIA used the Savings and Loan institutions to fund their covert operations in the United States and abroad and add to the massive amount of funds secreted in foreign financial institutions.. Parallel opera­tions were run by different CIA divisions and directorates, using code names to identify the various operations.. Included in the operations affecting financial institutions were Operation Gold Bug, Operation Cyclops, Operation Interlink, Operation Woodsman, Operation Fountain Pen, Operation Thunder, Oper­ation Blue Thunder, and Operation Moth.

    Operation Woodsman was a CIA operation that targeted specific companies, forcing the owners out, and taking over the assets. Russbacher described several of these operations in which he himself was directly involved. Information used to carry out Operation Woodsman, such as the financial condition of targeted companies, could be obtained by the CIA through a data base called the Black Flagg file, which is located on a Cray computer in Washington, and which is accessed through a government Sentry terminal (government secure computer). The Cray com­puter also contains a list of law firms and attorneys that covertly work to carry out Justice Department and CIA activities (such as the San Francisco law firm used against me in the sham Califor­nia action).

    Russbacher described how the Cray computer data base keeps tabs on the government infiltrated companies, Department of Justice activities, and the law firms that are covertly used by the Agency.

    Russbacher described the procedure for gaining access to the Cray computer in Washington, stating how the identification number is first entered and then the security code.

    Russbacher stated that he learned about Operation Woodsman when he was assigned to CIA headquarters at Langley, Virginia. "Every damn thing, every crooked thing that the DOJ has done", Russbacher said, "involving any and all law firms, is registered under the code name that I have given you".

    Russbacher continued:
    Our intent was to take over the tangible assets of the oper­ating license and licenses; we go through the predetermina­tion hearing with the judge, trustee and the simple debtors, and then we buy time to reorganize the lines and transport capabilities. In other words we use them for ourselves, these little feeder airlines; we try to keep them alive anywhere from six months to a year and a half. Slowly we set our operations and leverage to where the existing financial records are changed to reflect prior debt encumbrance. We falsify the records. We take an existing carrier, their routes, their equipment, push our schedule and freight manifest through their licenses, and then we--we have no interest in develop­ment of a good business or making a go of it, out of the in­debted one that we have taken over.
    [H: Couldn't such an experienced operative be, as Green et al. say: "let out to pull down Hatonn, etc." YES INDEED! HOWEVER, GOOD FRIENDS--I HAVE MORE FAITH IN THE WORKINGS OF GOD THAN OBVIOUSLY DO YOU (OR GREEN!).]
    Russbacher described how the system uses attorney spotters throughout the United States who spot companies that have lots of equities but have cash problems. CIA proprietaries buy up the company's receivables and indebtedness, and force the com­pany to sign papers making them susceptible to immediate takeover if their financial situation deteriorates. The CIA pro­prietary then acts to make this happen. The owners of the company then lose control. [H: Where do you think Green got all his instructions about doing in, and then destroying the In­stitute? Well, he miscalculated the Captain of this SHIP. This was going to be just another big New Age pushover! Well, IT'S NOT! We ARE THE REAL THING! Worse for George's appearances, he chose the most vulnerable and unknowledgeable people upon which to pull his strings and this, if nothing else, makes him look like the fool he is. The ignorant move right from pouring money and spirit into attorneys, etc., while entire lives are pulled apart--as with John S., everything in "her" life totally destroyed. John's will only be a temporary thing for the Institute WILL protect his interests which, by the way, seem to be covered un­der corporate shelter. Eventually "someone" WILL get in to see him even though the intent of Eleanor and son is to move him out of the institution he is now incarcerated within--into another where location and control can be secret and total. Let this be a warning to you "Friends of John"--you simply can't dawdle longer.]
    After this happens, the CIA may loot the company and then put it into Chapter 7 or 11 bankruptcy courts [H: EXACTLY what Green pushes for with the Institute!], where several options are available to make off with the assets or to have the indebted­ness discharged. Russbacher described how the CIA has about seventy percent of the trustees and many of the federal judges in bankruptcy courts on retainer. He described the practice known as "dropoffs" that force companies into Chapter 11, involving companies with valuable assets that have a cash crunch.

    Russbacher described some of the company takeovers in which he was directly involved, naming Midway Airlines, Southern Air Transport, and Frontier Airlines. In some cases the targeted company would be liquidated and, as in the case of Frontier Airlines, the aircraft would go to a CIA proprietary. In Fron­tier's example, most of the aircraft went to the CIA proprietary, Southwest Airlines. In the case of Southern Air Transport, the targeted corporation was kept as a CIA proprietary.

    Describing the CIA takeover of Chicago-based Midway Airlines during the last year of its existence, Russbacher said that Midway Airlines was first targeted in 1986 because it had a high debt to asset ratio, making the airline vulnerable to the takeover scheme in Operation Woodsman. CIA assets started purchasing Midway's debt with the intention of taking over the company and then liquidating the assets in Chapter 7.

    Russbacher described how Midway tried to get absorbed by another carrier, Northwest, and that the CIA blocked it, as it wanted Midway's aircraft. The CIA got Justice Department at­torneys and the IRS to make mostly bogus criminal and con­tempt charges. He stated that only about five percent of the charges were true but these caused the airline management to succumb. The plan by Northwest Airlines to absorb Midway fell through after both Midway and Northwest were pressured by government agencies acting on behalf of the CIA's Operation Woodsman. This scheme caused Midway to go out of business, after which the airline's Boeing 737 aircraft went to another covert CIA operation, Southwest Airlines.

    Russbacher described similar CIA takeovers which developed into larger companies instead of being liquidated for their assets, including Southern Air Transport (which started out as Savannah Charter Airlines); Central Airlines of Fort Worth; Allegheny Airlines; and others. Russbacher explained:

    We put together a bunch of phony allegations, misman­agement of funds, possible fraud. Ninety five percent of it is totally untrue and unfounded, but the five percent that does remain true and factual are at the forefront, and you push those. Some of the directorships on the Boards of Directors were subverted and suborned to CIA tactics.

    Russbacher explained that some of the directors had their own businesses and that it was easy for the CIA with its control of other government agencies to put pressure on them, adding: "They were not influenced; they were dictated to".

    I asked: "How could they be dictated to"? Russbacher replied: "The director, who has other business interests, and probably a business of his own, suddenly finds himself in a financial quandary, due to various tactics used by the CIA. We put him under our thumb". "If he decides not to play ball we threaten him with criminal charges". [H: I don't know about the rest of you readers--BUT DHARMA IS GETTING A BIT AN­GRY! IF SHE WERE NOT WORKING ON BEING OF GODLY INTENT--GEORGE GREEN AND BUDDIES WOULD BE IN SERIOUS TROUBLE. Again, this is the EXACT THRUST against you people, the Institute and Ekker-Ekker (as George's bunch, including the attorneys, refer to Doris and E.J.). Actually she is understanding why I did not allow her time to read this book prior to now--the recognition of "the plan" against them would have been overwhelming. Beloved ones, God will always give insight when the "time" is correct and you can "take" the rest of the pressure if you stand firm in service. You ones needed to experience this through without insight as to who was after you and how it works--the lessons are now implanted firmly and you won't make errors a second time--and you see, you didn't make them the FIRST time in this case. Thank you for doing your homework and listening to instructions.]
    He stated that Justice Department attorneys worked hand in hand with the CIA in Operation Woodsman and other schemes, and that the Agency not only has its own private attorneys but "government attorneys on staff as well as the judges. It's a fixed deck all the way across".

    Russbacher described another CIA takeover: "We did the same thing with hotels", and then he described how the CIA took over the Intercontinental Hotels (IH) chain from Pan American Corporation through its CIA front, Global Hotel Management out of Basel, Switzerland.

    Among the airlines that were liquidated after acquisition were Central Airlines out of Fort Worth (the agency's first airline acquisition under Operation Woodsman), and Frontier Airlines out of Denver. Russbacher described how the CIA created so much friction between Frontier and United Airlines, who had pro­posed taking over Frontier, that the deal fell through. These problems included pilot union and other problems. The Boeing 737s then went to another CIA proprietary, Southwest Airlines. [H: Can you see how handy it has been to have had Bush head of CIA AND on the Committee of 300? Sorry about little turncoat Green, he thinks he is a big operative but the "boys" are just waiting to squash him and his legal col­leagues! They make the "agency" LOOK BAD!]

    Russbacher stated that one reason Southwest Airlines was making money when all the other airlines were losing money was that the airline has significant income from CIA generated business that shows as income on its records but the source of the income was bogus.

    Russbacher gave me the names of many financial institutions that were CIA proprietaries, including Red Hill Savings and Loan and Hill Financial in Red Hill, Pennsylvania, whose start­up was funded from looting Silverado Bank Savings and Loan. He described the CIA operation known as Valley Bank in Phoenix, which played a key role in moving money for the Oc­tober Surprise operation (and described by former Mossad agent Ari Ben-Menashe in his book, PROFITS OF WAR). Other CIA proprietary financial institutions described by Russbacher were Badner Bank System who funded Germania Savings and Loan; Commerce Bank of Missouri; Carondolet Savings and Loan in St. Louis; Mega Bank Group which owned First State System which operates in about eighteen states; National Fiduciary Trust Company, Inc.; National Financial Services, Incorpo­rated; Crystal Shores Development; Clayton Financial; Shalimar Perfumes; Shalimar Arms; Shalimar Chemical Labs; R & B Weapons Systems International, Inc.; Pratts Laja Brenneke Mu­nitions; KRB Weapons Delivery System; National Realty, Inc., and others.

    Russbacher described the relationship between the CIA proprietaries and the Keating group, adding, "The Keating group is a very small group. There is a much larger group that we [CIA] dealt with, of which Keating was only a part". In response to my question as to why the Keating group would work with the CIA Russbacher stated: "To keep the heat off their backs for one. And number two, some of the companies that were in­volved were actually proprietary operations".

    Russbacher made reference to Tony Russo, an officer in In­dian Springs State Bank, who held key positions in a CIA pro­prietary airline owned by Farhad Azima, an Iranian-born natu­ralized U.S. citizen, who had a fleet of 14 jetliners, making flights to remote airstrips in Central America, carrying military equipment outbound from the United States and often carrying drugs on the return flights. Global flew shipments for CIA op­erative Edwin Wilson and his company, Egyptian-American Transport and Services Corporation (Eatsco). Well known na­tional figures involved with Global included Thomas Clines, Theodore Shackley, Richard Secord, Hussein Salem, and oth­ers.

    Russbacher described another ongoing CIA operation inflict­ing hundreds of millions of dollars of losses upon U.S. financial institutions. In this operation CIA proprietaries obtained loans from various financial institutions on the basis of pledged bearer bonds, all of which were bogus. After obtaining the loans some CIA proprietaries looted the assets and then filed Chapter 7 or 11 in federal courts where they had control over bankruptcy judges and trustees and were represented by covert Justice De­partment and/or CIA law firms or fronts.


    * * *
    Let us take a bit of a break, digest some of this and then we'll move on. Thank you.

  2. #2
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    Default 응답: PJ#090, TAKING OFF THE BLINDFOLD

    PJ 90


    THU., MAR. 24, 1994 11:38 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 220

    THU., MAR. 24, 1994
    Part 3: Re: Gunther Russbacher
    By Rodney Stich.
    The fraud by the Denver group inflicted billions of dollars in direct losses upon the American people. But it didn't end there. The same Denver group and others, who brought about the col­lapse of the Savings and Loan industry by their corrupt activi­ties, used their Washington influence to buy back properties and other assets from Resolution Trust Corporation at ten and 20 cents on the dollar. [H: Dharma is getting even more upset! The RTC doesn't even wait for litigation to finish--they act in collusion with "the system" locally and steam-roll over ev­erything and everyone. The RTC took control and SOLD Ekkers' home right under their noses, aided and abetted by the judicial system. It doesn't look quite as good for the players involved at this moment, however, but it is expensive to continue any kind of battle while all the card-cheats hold all the duplicated cards! Perhaps the public embarrassment will have some impact--but the property, you see, is already GONE! [And, surely enough, ex-Judge Jason Brent (Green's buddy) is the LAWYER representing the owner of the lot next door where the Ekkers were cited for "criminal trespass". When will you hear me, Dharma? I know it is hard to accept--but "facts are facts" and the game is not FAIR. However, readers, the purchaser of the "Ekker property" DID NOT GET IT FOR 10 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR--IT COST FULL GOING MARKET PRICE. Citizens don't "get a break"--only the criminals!] They made money bringing down the Savings and Loans, and made money buying the assets back, with the help of the same Washington gang. MDC bought from the RTC $750 million in loans that they had obtained from Silverado, for $150 million, making a $600 million profit. MDC Holdings defrauded Silverado out of $600 million, which was never mentioned in the "investigation" of that Savings and Loan.

    None of the basic CIA operations shut down. They contin­ued as before, with some changes due to changing circum­stances, but each of the operations continues to exist.

    Russbacher was cautious in divulging the secrets of CIA operations, even though he was trying to blow the whistle on some of its worst and most damaging activities against the United States. As time passed, and with my constant probing into dif­ferent areas of CIA activities, and as Russbacher discovered that other CIA operatives gave me information which he had with­held from me, he gradually gave me more data. In early 1993, as I learned the operational names of many of the CIA opera­tions from other informants, including Colonel Trenton Parker, a deep-cover CIA operative and Michael Riconosciuto, a deep-cover CIA contract agent, Russbacher opened up and gave me code names and data. He stated that different divisions of groups within the CIA ran parallel operations, and had different names for similar activities.

    Operation Interlink (IL) was the code name for an operations involving financial institutions, the goal of which was raising money for covert CIA activities, and laundering the funds into secret CIA offshore bank accounts.

    Operation Cyclops was the name used by the Pegasus unit of the CIA, and was an overview over most other Pegasus opera­tions. It included all types of covert financial operations including proprietaries involved in the HUD and the Savings and Loan programs and bogus bearer bonds, among others.

    Operation Moth was one of the Agency divisions' names for the operation involving looting of the Savings and Loans.

    Operation Gold Bug involved the overall scheme of generat­ing money through various financial activities. Under Operation Gold Bug were a number of other operations. Operation Gold Bug was the development of national and international financial programs to develop sources of income which would be avail­able on a regular basis to support and carry out covert CIA ac­tivities domestically and internationally. Russbacher incorpo­rated and operated over a dozen CIA proprietaries, and the tac­tics used to loot companies of their assets. When used against Savings and Loans the ONI section of the CIA for which Russ­bacher worked gave it the name of Operation Moth. The highly secret Pegasus group within the CIA gave this program the name of Operation Gold Bug. The intent of both groups and operations was to loot the assets of targeted financial or other institutions and people. The overall operation that targeted other companies was called Operation Gold Finger.

    Russbacher added: "More than fifty percent of the judges are compromised through secret bribes or retainers". The bribes take many forms. Sometimes through gambling chips at At­lantic City or Las Vegas casinos, in the form of gratuities, sometimes through second and third parties, inheritances, any­thing that will whitewash the funds in the property that is given to the judges or trustees. Russbacher stated that these funds are often hidden offshore in accounts. Russbacher added:

    Let's say it is property or stock certificates. We'll have phony documentation set up and put in place and show where the stock certificates or the property or the legacy come from. Even if we have to create our own trust to do it with. It's not like we don't have legally capable counsel available. Now understand this, too, these judges received this heavy money regardless of the fact that they have cases pending or not. They get paid whether they do something for us or not.
    Operation Thunder (for another name) for a particular CIA division's covert financial operations, and as the others, would include the HUD and Savings and Loan fraud, bogus bearer bonds, and other financial schemes. He stated that the home base for Operation Thunder was New Orleans, and was initially located in a private CIA proprietary. He stated that today the cover for the operations was Telemark Communications, one of the biggest companies in the United States, and a CIA proprietary. As with other CIA proprietaries, the top management consisted of Agency people, who had liaison with CIA field people who were contract officers or agents, and particularly attorneys and law firms.

    Russbacher described the heading sheet on correspondence pertaining to Operation Thunder. On the very top of the sheet would be the words:

    Operations Memorandum.
    Classification: Top Secret: SOG-SI/6
    Copy Number: 4 [or whatever number of copies were au­thorized]
    Staging Area: New Orleans, Louisiana

    Operation Blue Thunder related to destruction of companies and wealthy individuals, including taking companies over or forcing them into Chapter 7 or 11. After taking them over, the CIA would take over the corporation's license rights. Basically, it destroyed companies and then picked up the assets at fire sale prices. The judicial scheme inflicted upon me, forcing me into Chapter 11, and then seizing my assets, would be an example of Operation Blue Thunder.

    Operation Fountain Pen started with Bank of Zaire, a CIA proprietary, buying banks, corporations and other financial institutions with bogus bearer bonds, treasury bonds, or duplicate issues.

    Several of the covert CIA operations used bogus or duplicate bearer bonds, including treasury bonds, that had a twenty or twenty-five year due date, and were used as collateral for multi­million-dollar loans. After obtaining the loans and laundering the money into other secret proprietaries or offshore financial vehicles, the companies would often file Chapter 7 or Chapter 11. The lender would then think it was covered by the bonds given as collateral, which they would not discover to be bogus until many years later. In some cases the CIA proprietary would make interest payments on the loans secured by the phony bonds, and pay the periodic interest payment. The primary criminal act in those cases would be using forged certificates to obtain a loan.

    Russbacher stated that in 1986 some of the CIA financial institutions he operated were compromised, that connections be­tween the secret proprietaries and members of Congress were in danger of being exposed, and the decision was made to shut them down. He described how Justice Department and CIA personnel conspired with Missouri officials to remove all traces from the state records that the CIA corporations had been incor­porated as Missouri Corporations.

    Referring to the shutdown of several CIA proprietaries linked to the 1986 downing of a CIA aircraft over Nicaragua, the famous "Hasenfus" flight, Russbacher stated: "All records that were available to the Department of State or to the [state's] Attorney General's office have been seized and or closed, to where the public cannot get hold of them".

    Losses of approximately half a trillion dollars have been the estimated direct cost. But where did the money go? It has never been sought, or located. The theft of $2 billion by Lin­coln, or $2 billion by Silverado, is a long way from $200 to $500 billion. Neither Congress nor the Justice Department has made any attempt to determine where this huge amount of money went. Finding it would relieve the American public of staggering debt load that is affecting the American economy. There is no way that such a huge sum simply evaporated without any trace.

    My CIA informants tell me that the majority of the funds looted by the CIA, organized crime, and such groups as MDC Holdings and various subsidiaries in Denver, have been laun­dered into offshore financial institutions and hidden in the United States. Some of the funds that have gone overseas has returned to the United States through foreign shell corporations, buying up vast quantities of U.S. real estate and assets. [H: Yes and LOTS moves right through and under your noses as Patriot groups spring up and ongoing drug funds (and drugs) are funneled in on a continuing basis. There are many pro­grams which handle such funds, turning them into "gold" trusts, placement offshore, etc. Much from "off shore" is funneled through trading programs, etc. There are, how­ever, typical avenues of moving such funds--right through programs set up by such as Gary Anderson who utilized Gritz's SPIKE seminars as cover. Green, of course, worked in conjunction with those "dudes" but blew their cover so he is not too popular. Now they have incorporated Binder of US&P in their "cover" show-and-tell. This, however, moves right back a LONG WAY "UPSTAIRS" TO VERY IMPORTANT PERSONAGES AND ORGANIZATIONS--who do not want this operation uncovered. When you move OUTSIDE the "agency" and into RIPPING OFF THE BIG BROTHER as have these ones--IT GETS VERY, VERY DANGEROUS! I would guess more like it would be a sce­nario allowing Russbacher to "go free" in order to catch the thieves of thieves--not the "Institute" or Ekker-Ekker!! The person "rubbed-out" and reported earlier in this writing is a direct take-out because he was involved in "drug" doings--not publication of forbidden material--and you can place your bets on it; it is going to work out that it also involves ones attached, or so they say--to Bo Gritz. I don't think he is going to like that very much! Gosh, it seems the thieves just can't trust the thieves anymore! Am "I" somehow accusing Bo Gritz of unethical behavior? Gosh no--I KNOW BETTER THAN TO DO SUCH A THING!! HE ALREADY DOESN'T LIKE ME OR MY "LIZARD" IMITATOR, DORIS. Well, she knows less than nothing--so I think we'll leave it there. Sometimes, readers, it just doesn't pay to fool around with "Mother Nature". Reality of God's presence comes harder to some than to others!]

    Shortly before this book went to press several of my infor­mants gave me information which, upon cross-checking, indi­cated that large amounts of the hidden money can be found in 17-year TRUSTS recorded with the County Recorder in Baca County, Colorado, in the little town of Springfield. They tell me that there are over 1,500 TRUSTS, many of them set up by Denver attorney Norman Brownstein, a key member of the Denver group. Most of the actual funds associated with these TRUSTS are located outside the United States, for protection, in the event their location is found. [H: I'm sure a big effort has by now been made to accomplish that move. Does anyone find it "coincidental" that our own friends and colleagues, Green and Anderson, had stashed accounts in Colorado where diverted CLC funds flowed into accounts under the name, one of many, WE-THE-PEOPLE? Well, in the over­all, except that Gary did get away with a $60 million opera­tion covered by the CIA a few years back, Anderson is a self-greedy (along with his buddies) small-time (relatively) crook.]

    [H: I hope you are finding all this "interesting"--I can promise you that my scribe has never had such a grand day of revelation since she came to work for me! Let's just see what the "insider" has to say about that "October Surprise"]

    "October Surprise" is the name given to a scheme that cor­rupted the 1980 presidential elections. The scheme included payment of bribes to enemies of the United States who were holding 52 American hostages as prisoners who were seized at the American Embassy in Teheran on November 4, 1979. Many of the participants in this scheme were rewarded with key positions in the government of the United States.

    The intent of the scheme was to alter the presidential elec­tions to bring about the defeat of President Jimmy Carter and the election of presidential nominee Ronald Reagan, and this was accomplished by causing the continuing imprisonment of the hostages. By blocking the release of the American hostages during Carter's presidency many Americans would be dis­pleased with Carter for his inability to bring about their release, increasing the chances that Carter would be defeated at the polls. This plot was the genesis to the Iran and Contra affairs, and indirectly to the Inslaw, BNL, and Iraqgate scandals, among others.

    Shiite Muslim militants attacked and seized the United States Embassy in Teheran, taking the Americans hostage. They were then subjected to 444 days of brutal conditions, including mock executions. If this scheme hadn't been executed the Americans would have been released months earlier.

    The attack upon the American Embassy occurred several months after the Shah of Iran was overthrown in 1979, and power seized by the Ayatollah Khomeini. The attack was precipitated in part by the United States granting to the deposed Shah of Iran entry into the United States for treatment of a life-threatening cancer condition.

    Months of negotiations to effect the release of these hostages went on between the government of the United States, under President Jimmy Carter, and the government of Iran. Early in 1980 the U.S. tried a military mission to free the hostages, but this failed miserably in the Iranian desert While the U.S. mili­tary was preparing another rescue try, and simultaneously nego­tiating to obtain the hostages' release, the Reagan-Bush team sabotaged the efforts by making public the hostage-rescue plans and warning the American people that Carter was preparing to exchange arms for hostages. One effect of these tactics was that the Iranians dispersed the American prisoners throughout Iran, making rescue all but impossible.

    Analysts in the Reagan-Bush team estimated they would lose the election to President Jimmy Carter if the American hostages were released prior to the November 11, 1980, election. It was felt that the swing vote would then favor Carter.

    After the military rescue mission failed, the United States renewed the negotiations for the release of the 52 American hostages. The Iranians demanded that President Carter release U.S. military equipment that had been ordered and paid for by the Shah of Iran, before Iran would release the hostages.

    Simultaneously and secretly, members of the Reagan-Bush team met with Iranian factions, offering bribes in the form of money and U.S. arms if the Iranians continued the imprison­ment of the American hostages until after the November 11, 1980, elections and the January 20, 1981, presidential inaugura­tion.

    Despite the pressures against an arms-for-hostages swap, in mid-1980 President Carter secretly agreed to the terms dictated by Iran. Carter agreed to exchange $150 million in previously ordered and prepaid military equipment in exchange for the release of the hostages. The prospects for the release of the hostages were favorable, as Iran's need for the military equip­ment increased dramatically in September 1980. Iraqi President Saddam Hussein attacked Iran, which required large increases in Iran's military equipment and supplies.

    While Reagan and his camp were charging Carter with armsfor-hostages negotiations, the Reagan team, headed by former OSS officer William Casey, entered secret negotiations with Iranian factions, seeking to continue the imprisonment of the hostages.

    A series of secret meetings were held between the Reagan-Bush team and the Iranian factions in various European cities, with the final meeting occurring on the October 19, 1980 week­end in Paris. The Iranians demanded that either Ronald Reagan or George Bush personally appear in Paris and sign the secret agreement. Carrying out this scheme required great secrecy and extensive cover-ups by large numbers of people in the United States and France.

    There were special-interest groups wanting President Carter removed from office. Among them was the Central Intelligence Agency, which suffered serious losses to its clandestine op­erations when Carter ordered the dismissal of a large number of CIA operatives in 1977. This wholesale firing of Agency em­ployees became known as the "October Massacre".

    George Bush, who had CIA connections since the late 1950s, had been Director of the Central Intelligence Agency in 1976, until Carter replaced him with Stansfield Turner after Carter as­sumed the presidency.

    The Reagan-Bush team promised the Iranians billions of dollars of U.S. military equipment and $40 million in bribes to individual Iranians involved in the scheme. Also, to include arms merchants in the deal. Carter had refused to deal through arms merchants, and limited the shipment of arms to what had already been purchased. The much greater amount of military weapons and the bribes dwarfed the existing offer by the law­fully elected government of the United States. The $40 million bribe money reportedly came from the Committee to Reelect the President.

    The plan worked. When the Americans went to the polls on November 11, 1980, the hostages were still in prison. Included in Reagan campaign rhetoric was his promise to get tough with the Iranians, telling the American people he would never negoti­ate with terrorists. Simultaneously, his team was engaging in treason and bribing the Iranians to continue the imprisonment of the hostages.

    Reagan was inaugurated President of the United States on January 20, 1981, and within an hour of his inauguration the Iranians allowed an aircraft to leave Teheran Airport with all but one of the 52 American hostages on board. The flight was pre­arranged to take off from Teheran's airport immediately after the Iranians knew that Reagan and Bush had taken their oath of office.

    When a White House aide told President Reagan that one of the hostages had not been released, Reagan was heard [This re­sponse was heard by Barbara Honegger, a member of Reagan's White House staff.] to respond: "Tell the Iranians that the deal is off if that hostage is not freed".

    President Reagan and Vice President Bush held widely tele­vised homecoming celebrations for the American hostages, say­ing all the right things about the sufferings the hostages endured. Neither the hostages, who endured months of extra imprisonment, nor the American people, knew how the Reagan-Bush team and the CIA had conspired to continue the imprisonment of these victims.

    It took the cooperation of many people in the United States and Europe to carry out the scheme. Israel's Mossad, acting as well-paid middle men in the transfer of the arms from U.S. mil­itary warehouses to Iran via Israel, played a major role. With­out their cooperation the scheme probably would not have worked.

    It also required the cooperation of the French Secret Service and the government of France, who provided security for the secret Paris meetings. It required the cooperation of officials and people in the Central Intelligence Agency; the U.S. Department of Justice, including the FBI, Secret Service, U.S. Attorneys; the Department of State; many members of Congress; among others. It also required the media to cover up and engage in disinformation.

    [H: If you people who have not given thought to obtaining DEFRAUDING AMERICA, I suggest your rethink your ac­tions. I am not going to offer it ALL because I want you to GET IT. You will get the new updated version of the book
    --or, for you who got an original first printing copy--I will ask permission to offer you readers the "updates" later. If you want as much of a revelation in another category, I ask you to get Stich's book, UNFRIENDLY SKIES. And yes indeed,
    I am going to PUSH these books, including the "Committee of 300" until every possible person has gotten them!!! MOREOVER, I SHALL CONTINUE TO BADGER, UNCOVER AND HOUND THE PLAYERS IN THE EVIL GAME
    To protect the incoming Reagan-Bush team and the many federal officials and others who took part in the October Sur­prise scheme, the Reagan-Bush team placed people, including those implicated in the treasonous activities, in control of key federal agencies and the federal court. Consisting mostly of at­torneys, some were appointed to the federal bench. William Casey was appointed to head the Central Intelligence Agency. Edwin Meese, Reagan's campaign manager, was appointed to U.S. Attorney General, insuring that there would be no pros­ecution of the group and, as it turned out, in a position to silence any whistleblower or informant through misuse of Justice Department facilities. Attorneys who had participated in the scheme were appointed judges in the federal courts, including Lawrence Silberman and Lowell Jensen. Organized crime never had it so good.


    * * *
    Let us keep these writings to a reasonable length, please. Take a rest-break and then we can continue. It is too taxing to not take rest at reasonable intervals. And no, we are NOT OFF THE SUBJECT OF GUNTHER RUSSBACHER!
    PJ 90


    THU., MAR. 24, 1994 2:21 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 220

    THU., MAR. 24, 1994
    Part 4: Re: Gunther Russbacher
    By Rodney Stich

    Although the details of the secret agreement were known throughout Europe, the establishment media in the United States kept the lid on the scandal. But the facts started coming out. A Miami Herald article (April 1987) described statements made by a CIA operative, Alfonso Chardy, describing a secret meeting in early October 1980 between Richard Allen, Laurence Silber­man, Robert McFarlane, and Iranian factions. Richard Allen was foreign policy adviser to Reagan and Robert McFarlane was an aide to Senator John Tower [H: "Dead" John Tower! Ouch...] on the Senate Armed Services Committee.

    In 1987, Bani Sadr, the President of Iran during the hostage negotiations, wrote a book published in Europe (European pub­lisher Eagleburger), describing his knowledge of the October Surprise scheme. The information he had received as President disclosed the secret agreement with the Americans, even though he was kept out of the loop by Hashemi Rafsanjani, one of Khomeini's chief lieutenants and later Speaker of the Iranian Parliament.

    In 1988 Playboy magazine published an in-depth article on the October Surprise scheme. In what would become a pattern of killings that coincidentally protected high U.S. officials, one of the authors, Abbie Hoffman, was killed shortly after bringing the article to Playboy. The eight-page article was entitled, "An Election Held Hostage", detailing many of the events surround­ing the scheme. The facts were sufficient to warrant the gov­ernment and non-government checks and balances to conduct further investigations. This never occurred.

    A former member of the Reagan-Bush election team and later a member of the White House staff, Barbara Honegger, au­thored the 1989 book, October Surprise, Tudor Publishing Company, based upon knowledge she gained as an insider and subsequent investigator. Honegger left the Reagan camp when she became disillusioned with certain practices. Living in Monterey, California, she and a friend, Rayelan Dwyer, worked together researching the October Surprise story. Rayelan was the widow of a former professor and dean of the physics de­partment at the Naval Postgraduate school in Monterey, Califor­nia. She later married a deep-cover, high ranking officer in the Office of Naval Intelligence, who was assigned to the Central Intelligence Agency, Gunther Russbacher. Unknown to her at the time, her new husband played a key role in the October Sur­prise operation. Ironically, she initially found out from me about her new husband's role in the matter that she and her friend, Honegger, had investigated. More about this in later pages.

    In 1991 Bani Sadr authored another book describing the Oc­tober Surprise operation, this time published in the United States, MY TURN TO SPEAK, subtitled Iran, the Revolution and Secret Deals with the United States. Brassey's (US). On April 15, 1991, Frontline had a television show addressing the Octo­ber Surprise, which was followed the next day by an article in the Op-Ed section of the New York Times written by Gary Sick, describing his knowledge of October Surprise. Sick authored a book published in 1991 that copied Barbara Honegger's title, October Surprise (Random House). Both October Surprise books relied upon statements made by dozens of people that were part of the operation or witnesses to it, who had nothing to gain and much to lose by disclosing what they knew. [H: You will find that we, too, wrote quite a bit on the subject at that time with quite a lot of focus on one Brenneke.]
    A ten-page data-packed Esquire article entitled "October Surprise" detailed many of the events occurring in the October Surprise scheme.

    Ari Ben-Menashe, a former member of Israel's secret agency, the Mossad, described in his 1991 book, Profits of War, the role he and the Mossad played in October Surprise, includ­ing meetings that he attended in Europe at Madrid, Barcelona, and Paris.

    Ben-Menashe was heavily involved in various secret activities with the Mossad and the CIA, and was one of the first to expose the Iran-Contra activities, for which October Surprise served as the genesis. Ben-Menashe stated that he was a member of the Mossad's advance team working with the French government, which arranged meetings between William Casey, George Bush, and the Iranian factions, including the meetings on the October 19, 1980, weekend in Paris.

    Ben-Menashe related that he and others in the Israeli team stayed at the Paris Hilton Hotel meeting with various members of the Iranian factions while waiting for George Bush to arrive from the United States. He stated that on Sunday, October 19, at approximately 11 a.m., the Ayatollah Mehdi Karrubi and his body guards appeared at a room on the upper floor of the Hotel Ritz, where Israelis and French intelligence agencies were waiting for Bush to arrive. They were followed several minutes later by George Bush and William Casey entering the room. The meeting lasted about ninety minutes, during which a final agreement was reached for the Iranians to be given money and arms in exchange for the Iranians holding the 52 American hostages until after the November 1980 presidential election and after the January 1981 presidential inauguration.

    CIA contract agent Richard Brenneke testified in U.S. Dis­trict Court at Denver in 1988 to the following facts on behalf of another CIA contract agent, Heinrich Rupp. The purpose of the testimony was to show that Brenneke's friend, Rupp, was a CIA contract agent (as was Brenneke), and that the offenses for which Rupp was being charged were offenses committed under orders of the CIA. Justice Department prosecutors had charged Rupp with money offenses at Aurora Bank in the Denver area.

    During Brenneke's testimony he described other CIA activi­ties including his role in the October 19, 1980, weekend flights to Paris, in which Brenneke and Rupp both took part, and that he saw George Bush and Donald Gregg in Paris on the October 19, 1980, weekend.

    Brenneke had nothing to gain by revealing the October Sur­prise scheme, and much to lose if he was lying. Justice De­partment officials already knew of the October Surprise activi­ties. Instead of prosecuting the guilty people in the October Surprise scheme, Justice Department officials and prosecutors responded to Brenneke's testimony by charging him with perjury for making the statements that he made to the court. This charge constituted felony persecution of an informant under fed­eral criminal statutes (Including Title 18 U.S.C. sub: 1512 and 1513.), felony cover-up, and obstruction of justice.

    The perjury trial was conducted in Portland, Oregon, where Brenneke resided. Justice Department prosecutors brought Donald Gregg, then Ambassador to South Korea, to testify that he was not in Paris on the October 19, 1980, weekend, even though the prosecutors knew that Brenneke was telling the truth and that Gregg was lying. They encouraged Gregg to lie under oath, testifying that he was swimming at a beach in Maryland with his family on that weekend. Justice Department prosecu­tors produced pictures of Gregg and his family, in bathing suits, on the beach in bright sunshine. They knew the snapshots that they were submitting to the court were not taken on that cold October 19th weekend. Encouraging someone to commit perjury is the crime of subornation of perjury.

    Brenneke's attorney called a witness from the weather bureau who testified that the sky was overcast, not sunny, during that entire weekend. October 19th is hardly the time of the year for sunbathing at the beach in the Washington, D.C. area.

    Justice Department prosecutors produced two Secret Service agents (who worked under the control of the U.S. Department of Justice), attempting to have them testify that Bush never left the Washington area during the October 19, 1980, weekend. But they were vague in their testimony, and failed to produce the Secret Service logs showing Bush's activities during a 21-hour period from Saturday afternoon to Sunday evening. The Secret Service agents could not state where Bush was from 9:25 p.m. on Saturday, October 18, until Sunday evening at 7:57. My CIA informants stated to me, as described in later pages, that several Secret Service agents were on board the BAC 111 aircraft that flew Vice President nominee George Bush to Paris during the missing 21 hours.

    Secret Service records, if they are accurate, indicate that Bush gave a speech at 8:40 p.m. on Saturday, October 18, 1980, at Widener University in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, and then do not show where Bush was until Sunday night, Octo­ber 19, 1980, when Bush gave a speech to the Zionist Organiza­tion of America at the Capitol Hilton Hotel, arriving an hour late. he was due to arrive at 7:30 p.m. I obtained Secret Ser­vice documents showing Bush flying into Washington National Airport at 7:35 p.m. Sunday evening.

    In addition to lying about Bush's whereabouts, the Secret Service Agents testifying in Brenneke's trial withheld the fact that several Secret Service agents were on the plane that carried Bush to Paris during that October 19, 1980 weekend.

    October Surprise was really a coup against the United States, involving high federal officials, including the Secret Service, Justice Department and other officials. More is stated about these secret activities in later pages, including the names of na­tionally known figures who were on that flight to Paris.

    In response to media pressure, Senator John Tower con­ducted closed door hearings (1987) into the Iran-Contra affair, for which October Surprise was the genesis. Despite receiving closed-door testimony from witnesses who were present at the October Surprise meetings, the Tower Commission issued a re­port stating there was no evidence that it occurred.

    Outright lying, or omitting facts that distort government re­ports, is a federal crime, and more so when perpetrated by peo­ple in a position of trust, as were the Congressional investi­gators. The independent prosecutor investigations by Lawrence Walsh into Iran-Contra spent over $30 million to determine who withheld information from Congress, and numerous people were indicted for having done so. But the same members of Congress routinely engage in felony cover-ups, felony obstruction of justice, and felony distortion of government reports, making the spending of $30 million to discover who withheld information from Congress futile, and an exercise in the bizarre.

    Senator Tower already knew about the October Surprise scheme. Senator Tower and his aide in 1980, Robert McFar­lane, were on the BAC 111 aircraft to Paris on the October 19, 1980 weekend. For a Senator, Tower was involved in numer­ous intelligence agency activities, with hands-on participation in them. CIA informant Russbacher identified Senator Tower's presence on the October 19, 1980, weekend flight to Paris. Mossad operative Ari Ben-Menashe identifies Senator Tower as being present during a secret meeting with Robert Gates and Ari Ben-Menashe, in Santiago, Chile, at the Cardoen Chemical plant in August 1988. (Cardoen was supplying Iraq with chemi­cal weapons in coordination with the CIA.) Tower's son-in-law, Samuel Cummings, operated a CIA small-arms plant and conducted extensive dealings in Central and South America. Tower played a role in promoting this activity.

    Just as in the JFK assassination, many people with knowledge of the scandal were killed or mysteriously died, and these deaths are described in a later chapter. CIA Director William Casey, who was a key party to the October Surprise scheme, suffered a stroke the morning that he was to testify before Congress, and then died several months later. [H: Oops! The papers said he died of a tumor on the brain--I don't believe EITHER ONE! YOU WOULD REALLY BE SURPRISED AT "WHO" ALL IS RUNNING AROUND "ELSEWHERE" IN QUITE FINE FETTLE. A nice new identity and a bottomless pit of spending money can be quite nice if you like to play the game and keep your mouth shut! You don't really have to stay long in Israel, either. Hey, readers, it is a good job if you can get it--it is NOT, however, such a hot job if you are on the WRONG SIDE or not high enough up the ladder. Please do NOT expect these cute little details to come out even in a tell-all volume such as this for everyone is not "crazy", you must realize. There are several "details" changed to protect both the guilty and the innocent.] Two members of Congress who were on the BAC 111 died within a month of the Frontline television show and Gary Sick's New York Times article. Former Senator John Tower was killed in a plane crash during an approach to Brunswick Airport, Georgia, on April 1, 1991. Senator John Heinz was killed four days later in a plane crash at Philadelphia on April 5, 1991. Inside the in­telligence community the belief is that Casey's stroke was in­duced or precipitated by drugs to silence him.

    In 1991, in response to increasing media publicity, the Senate reluctantly voted to establish a commission to "investigate" the October Surprise allegations. It then refused to vote funds to conduct the investigation, and the "investigation" fizzled.

    In 1991 the House reluctantly voted to establish a committee to look into the October Surprise allegations, which was chaired by Congressman Lee Hamilton
    (D-Missouri). The committee refused to have key participants testify, including CIA opera­tives Richard Brenneke and Heinrich Rupp, the many people listed in the two October Surprise books that gave detailed in­formation to the authors, or any of the federal officials who were reportedly present during the secret meetings.

    In 1991 and 1992, I submitted by certified mail to every Sen­ator in the U.S. Senate, and over 200 members of the House, a forty-plus page transcript of sworn declarations by CIA op­eratives who were present at one or more of the secret October Surprise activities. The declarations were presented in the form of a petition under federal crime-reporting statutes requiring that they receive our testimony and evidence relating to the October Surprise (and other criminal activities that I discovered).

    In July 1992, without calling key witnesses, the Hamilton committee released a report stating that there was no evidence that Bush was in Paris or that there was any support for the Oc­tober Surprise charges. The Hamilton committee didn't obtain the testimony of any of the parties who were willing to testify that would prove the existence of the scheme and Bush's pres­ence at the Paris meetings. The only parties that the Hamilton committee questioned (not under oath and in private) were two Secret Service agents who guarded Vice Presidential candidate Bush during the period of time when Bush was reportedly in Paris. The agents stated that Bush had not been in Paris during the October 19, 1980, weekend. In later pages it is shown that Secret Service agents were on the flight to Paris and that the Se­cret Service lied.

    Hamilton and the other committee members had received the sworn declarations from the CIA informants that described the details of the October Surprise conspiracy. These CIA op­eratives knew they faced federal prosecution if they lied about the events that occurred which they witnessed.

    Congressman Hamilton had close ties to President Reagan's aide, Dr. Earl Brian (who was deeply involved in the Inslaw scandal described in other chapters). Hamilton had close ties to CIA operative John Hull, who operated an arms and drug trans­shipment point on his ranch in Costa Rica, and who is wanted by Costa Rican authorities on drug and murder charges. Hull also had close ties to Dan Quayle while Quayle was a U.S. Sen­ator from Indiana. Hull is being protected in the United States by CIA and Justice Department officials.

    [H: Dharma sits here in shock as the realization that the stories of five years are, indeed, so. She has tried to hide from it as "just her job to type". The actuality of it all is hit­ting her this day, however, and she pauses to say, "God in Heaven, I didn't know it would be like this to serve God"! Do you suppose she just thought she would learn to ascend" or something? THIS IS WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOUR WORLD--DID YOU THINK GOD WOULD DO LESS THAN OFFER YOU THE TRUTH OF YOUR SITUATION? Even with the errors involved, it is sufficient unto our needs. I remind my adversaries--it would behoove you to keep your agreements and I will keep mine!]

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