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  1. #1
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 89
    If you do not know your enemy--how shall you prevail against him? The controllers deceive and confound your consciousness as you struggle in confusion. KNOW the players, the gremlins in the committees, and recognize that they actually be "few" but have gained great and evil POWER to control and enslave--to take man's freedom and take his soul. When you KNOW the players the game-board becomes a finite focus and ceases to be the all-encompassing demonic possession it appears to be. In that KNOWING--LIES THE HOPE OF TOMORROW IN CHANGE FROM THE MARCH TO DOOM INTO THE DESTINY OF RADIANCE. "Give me liberty or give me death?...." No--may we have strength to LIVE that we might TAKE BACK OUR LIBERTY!! This is no longer some kind of Greek or American or Russian "tragedy" on the stage--it is a WORLD TRAGEDY under way and under the direction of the few would-be Kings of destiny. May you come to see and hear that you may find TRUTH.




    The Phoenix Journals are intended as a "real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind.

    All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.

    If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the "end times" (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the "sorting" period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four corners of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity--based upon TRUTH.

    So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is "fiction").

    The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were.

    If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.
    ISBN 1-56935-037-X
    First Edition Printed by
    P.O. Box 27353
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89126
    May 1994
    Printed in the United States of America


    SECTION 1................................................................................................... ................................
    WRITINGS BY GYEORGOS CERES HATONN.................................................................
    INTRODUCTION........................................................................................ ...............................
    WED., MAR. 23, 1994................................................................................................ ...........
    CHAPTER 1................................................................................................... ..............................
    THU., MAR. 10, 1994................................................................................................ ............
    A LOOK AT "IMPORTANT" PERSONS AND THINGS....................................................
    KURT HIRSCH.............................................................................................. ..........................
    STASI SPY................................................................................................. ..............................
    TRANS-ATLANTIC IMPLICATIONS..................................................................................
    STASI, KGB, AND BRONFMAN..........................................................................................
    CAN CAUGHT TOO................................................................................................. .............
    MINISTER LOUIS FARRAKHAN TAKES ON THE ADL.................................................
    TURNED THE TABLES.............................................................................................. ...........
    ADL CORKS POPPING............................................................................................. .............
    ENLIGHTENED MAN OF PEACE?...............................................................................
    COL. MICHAL GOLENIEWSKI......................................................................................... ..
    NEWSPAPER REPORTS IN 1918.........................................................................................
    HOW IT HAPPENED............................................................................................ .................
    THE ALEKSEI STORY............................................................................................... ............
    SOME DOCUMENTED CASES...........................................................................................
    ALEKSEI'S INFORMATION ACCURATE..........................................................................
    PROOF OF IDENTITY............................................................................................ ...............
    CHAPTER 2................................................................................................... ..............................
    SAT., MAR. 12, 1994................................................................................................ ..............
    IMPORTANT MISCELLANEOUS....................................................................................... .
    SPECIFICALLY REGARDING CANADA...........................................................................
    FEDERAL JUDGE'S RULING..............................................................................................
    SOUTH AFRICA WARNING!!........................................................................................... ...
    CHAPTER 3................................................................................................... ..............................
    SAT., MAR. 12, 1994................................................................................................ ..............
    LIGHT AND MIND................................................................................................ .................
    WISDOM, BEING AND WHERE DOES LUCIFER FIT?...................................................
    STRANGE THINGS A'HAPPEN'.........................................................................................
    CHAPTER 4 By Doris............................................................................................... .................
    TUE., MAR. 15, 1994................................................................................................ .............
    CHAPTER 5................................................................................................... ..............................
    WED., MAR. 16, 1994................................................................................................ ...........
    RETURN TO "300" Part 14..................................................................................................
    HIERARCHY... "300" by John Coleman........................................................................
    THE IMPORTED MENACE.............................................................................................. ....
    DO-GOODERS!............................................................................................ ..........................
    NO CONSCIENCE.......................................................................................... ........................
    BILL CLINTON'S COCAINE "CONNECTION"?........................................................
    CHAPTER 6................................................................................................... ..............................
    WED., MAR. 16, 1994................................................................................................ ...........
    Part 15.................................................................................................. ..............................
    CONTROL OF THE MASSES THROUGH DRUGS...........................................................
    KHOMEINI............................................................................................ ..................................
    NOTHING HAS CHANGED............................................................................................. ....
    ROUND TABLE............................................................................................... .......................
    HENRY KISSINGER........................................................................................... ....................
    PENETRATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF 300................................................................
    CHAPTER 7................................................................................................... ..............................
    THU., MAR. 17, 1994................................................................................................ ............
    PLOTS THICKEN............................................................................................. ......................
    Part 16.................................................................................................. ..............................
    "HATE JAPAN" CAMPAIGN............................................................................................ ....
    AIMS AND OBJECTIVES.......................................................................................... ...........
    STRUCTURE OF REMAINING POPULATION..................................................................
    CHAPTER 8................................................................................................... ..............................
    SAT., MAR. 19, 1994................................................................................................ ..............
    THE WAY OF IT ALL................................................................................................. ............
    THE "300" Part 17.................................................................................................. .........
    CHANGES............................................................................................. ..................................
    THE CHASM AHEAD............................................................................................... .............
    CHAPTER 9................................................................................................... ..............................
    SUN., MAR. 20, 1994................................................................................................ ............
    CAN'T WE DEAL WITH ‘JUST' THE SPIRITUAL?.........................................................
    THEN WHY DO WE DWELL ON THINGS OF PHYSICAL?...........................................
    CONSPIRATORS' HIERARCHY, The Story of the Committee of 300
    Part 18.................................................................................................. ..............................
    THE RULING CLASS............................................................................................... .............
    CONTROL BY "SANCTION"...............................................................................................
    MOSSAD.............................................................................................. ...................................
    TED TURNER.............................................................................................. ...........................
    CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................. .............................
    SUN., MAR. 20, 1994................................................................................................ ............
    YOU KNOW!............................................................................................... ...........................
    CONSPIRATORS' HIERARCHY THE 300 Part 19...............................................................
    WHEN THE COMMITTEE IS UNCOVERED.....................................................................
    MILITARY INTELLIGENCE DEPARTMENT SIX MI6.....................................................
    BANKS............................................................................................... ......................................
    INSURANCE COMPANIES........................................................................................... ........
    INCLUDED COMPANIES........................................................................................... ..........
    CHAPTER 11.................................................................................................. .............................
    MON., MAR. 21, 1994................................................................................................ ...........
    MEDITATION? YOGA? FINDING YOURSELF?...............................................................
    COPOUT? OR: WHY DON'T YOU JUST DO SOMETHING?......................................
    MANTRAS............................................................................................. .................................
    (A-ING)---I THINK............................................................................................... ...........
    CHAPTER 12.................................................................................................. .............................
    MON., MAR. 21, 1994................................................................................................ ...........
    CONTINUATION: 300 Part 20.............................................................................................
    VERIFICATION OF THESE FACTS.....................................................................................
    MEDIA NETWORKS............................................................................................ .................
    TANGLED WEB PLAYERS............................................................................................. .....
    ADL................................................................................................. .........................................
    SO MUCH FOR THE ADL!................................................................................................ ...
    OPINION "MAKERS".................................................................................................... ........
    SECTION 2................................................................................................... ................................
    THE REMAINDER OF THIS JOURNAL IS A COLLECTION OF TIMELY NEWS AND/OR EDUCATIONAL ITEMS............................................................................................... ......
    CHAPTER 13.................................................................................................. .............................
    By Theodore R. Thoren.............................................................................................. .....
    CHAPTER 14.................................................................................................. .............................
    The MICHAEL BENN STORY..............................................................................................
    The Phoenix Program Comes to America.....................................................................
    THE PHOENIX PROGRAM............................................................................................. .....
    MOTHER TERESA: SPEAKING TRUTH TO POWER.....................................................
    By Cal Thomas.............................................................................................. ....................
    WITCHES WELCOMED AT WORLD PARLIAMENT............................................

    WED., MAR. 23, 1994 1:55 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 219
    WED., MAR. 23, 1994
    We continue to call these first writings of a journal an "Introduction". It is misnamed just as many things are mislabeled in your daily progress. I am not "introducing" anything to you in actuality. It is simply a way to "end" a journal. Yes, I said "end". As the days pass in the writings, we end up at "chopoff" point and herein I am given a last chance to comment. Due to the type of our writings it would more accurately be called "Editorial Comment"; however, even that doesn't fit because I've made so many "comments" as to be totally dull and boring.

    Dharma is WAITING--waiting for the next phase, hopefully a better phase, to begin in our work. She is tormented by lawyers, courts, frustrations, personal "withoutness" in a worldly perception, and another journal goes to bed with need of "Introduction" and title. Dedication becomes all but obsolete as I now dedicate everything to the persevering and resolute ones of TRUTH--that you may ever be in opening to that Truth as GOD ordains. Worst of all, however, is the "waiting upon the Lord" so that proper sequence can be the structure of that which we present. The Spirit is willing--the human aspect impatient and often worn for all of you.

    You can witness as you go through these journals that the weakness, and the strength, of any society is dependent upon the level and quality of its spiritual life. You can have great industrial wealth and much abundance but you have NOTHING without that which is moral and Spiritually sound. Your WORLD, not just a nation here and there, has become buried in the LIE and Spiritual TRUTH is buried around the corners of the graveyard of a dying moral civilization. All the signs of a perishing civilization are at hand--visible and rolling upon you as a tidal wave washing all that WAS in goodness into the ocean of forgetfulness. It is the awakening which now brings the growing pangs, the heart wrenching pains of hopelessness--but readers, GOD is infinite--only the perception of TIME holds you bound to that which is projected in prophecy or revelation. This too is tampered so that you EXPECT destruction without capable recourse. Within GOD all things ARE--and all is POSSIBLE. Change your minds and you can change the entirety of the world. You who choose to follow Satan's Drummers--are destined to end up in Satan's chaos. Follow GOD and TRUTH and you shall cease to march in the band of human deception or in the army of the incarcerators.

    * * *
    Patrick Henry: "Bad men cannot make good citizens. It is impossible that a nation of infidels or idolaters should be a nation of free men. It is when a people forget God that tyrants forge their chains. A vitiated state of morals, a corrupt public conscience, are incompatible with freedom."

    * * *
    How do you change? What do you ask of GOD that you might bring reclamation again unto your lands? You stop praying for your own selfish greed of "please God, give me.....!" Can you not humble yourselves in your ignorance and ask that God oversee to the needs of which you aspire? Is there no way to turn within-without and ask God that HIS WILL BE DONE? YOU know so little in this time of so much to know. Even you who would seem to have the answers--cannot have them all, for the world has become the "secret" domain of Sir Evil. Have you forgotten your lessons on how to pray? Did you EVER understand what the great teachers taught in the guidelines of prayer and petition? Shall we make another stab at that which allows God to respond? Shall we remind you that GOD HEARS SOUL--not lip service unto YOUR special needs? Ah, indeed, He hears the personal petition--but only if it coincides with soul desire in giving and regiving. You can only expect that which is good to come unto you IF YOU FIRST SEND FORTH GOOD.

    My beloved Father which is Creator of all, please dwell with me in Your omnipotent glory. Your name is Holy, that mine might be recognized within YOU. In that way may I ever be such that Your realm is incarnate within me. May Your power reveal itself unto and within me, on Earth as Yours resounds throughout the heavens AND the earth. May my presence upon the physical journey of life be a reflection of Your WILL, not mine. I need, this day, my daily bread--that substance which sustains me in Your service as You wish me to serve, and thus, let me see and recognize my transgressions and errors as I also come into the recognition of TRUTH. Let me not "judge" any other and allow forgiveness for myself as well, as only YOU can see my soul and guide my feet and heart within Your LIGHT.
    Please do not let me fall into temptation and confusion through the putting aside THY WILL in favor of my human ego wants. Yours is the realm within me and Yours is the POWER and the KNOWLEDGE forever--if I but seek it. For, Thine promise is that if I seek diligently in Truth--so shall I find!
    Please allow me to reflect YOUR light into the dark corners of the shadowed valleys in this journey. May I example my ways that I show unto others that which You have shown unto me and may I only act unto others as in the gentle and wondrous giving which YOU offer unto me--if I but accept Thine gift.
    Be ever constant within me, Father, that I may ever see Your will and serve in Your way for I would live for You if You but show me my path.
    May all the Creatures and Creation be blessed by Your Grace and may I ever revere and respect that which is put into my care and stewardship and in this way I shall KNOW that Your will IS--everlasting and infinite as I am allowed, also, to become everlasting and infinite in Your LIGHT, not just within Your universe.
    Give unto me the ability and desire to serve my brother and think FIRST upon his needs before my own--but let me know the difference in giving and assuming responsibility for self that I do not give of Thine great gifts into the places of the carnal consciousness. Let me learn clearly how to "receive" that I turn not away that which You have sent unto me. Abundance is Thine; Truth and Love are YOU and I humbly ask that I discern well and reflect each as it is given unto me--in glory and use, not in greed for self.
    Please strengthen my commitments that I do not fail in Your generous commissions placed in my care for I AM the reflection of Yourself as gifted unto me--that I may BE, may grow and may BECOME.
    I place no "Amen" upon this prayer, Father, that I may be a continuing reflection without beginning and without ending--but residing ever WITHIN Your Grace.
    In my impatience let me ever be mindful that "impatience is only brought about by my lack of FAITH"--so, Father, please allow me the KNOWING that my FAITH can sustain me in the waiting upon my journey. Let me understand that the delays are NOT the denials--but only my own perception--for the greater wisdom resides with YOU.

    So be it, Dharma, for the soul is restless for its progression and completion and fulfillment of our tasks. Ask not that the way be EASY--only that you be sustained to walk it in any condition which presents itself. If necessary, chela--I am broad of shoulder--enough to carry you ALL upon my own Wings and how much greater are the Father's WINGS, Creator of all things UPON THE EARTH AND IN THE HEAVENS. You who walk with God and keep HIS covenants--shall FLY WITH US, HIS HOST MESSENGERS, SENT FORTH TO PREPARE HIS PLACE.

    As the unfolding words pour from every corner and unto the papers of history--so too is the Spirit daunted by the massive perception of overwhelming structure of the "enemy". But even that which is perceived as "enemy" is but "teacher" for the earning of your passage as the lessons are learned. There can be no "good" or "bad" in absolute judgment--but there IS "right" and "wrong" as guided by the rules of God and Creation. It is the discipline and KNOWING, without hesitation, those rules in action which merits your "grades". It is the time of "remembering" of what you are and who you are--a time of remembering your way HOME!

    The masses are great, the conspirators few--but your perception only allows you to experience what comes into your consciousness. Can you not allow the allness of GOD to become the power of YOUR expression? No THING physical can begin to so much as touch the tiny-most hem of GOD's garment if the "greater" would but turn unto the LIGHTED WHOLE.

    Will this happen? No, not for long in sequence passage--for so many do not WANT to see and hear. And, you cannot know who is with and who is without--the breath of soul life as offered forth by Creator. Yours is not to change of ANOTHER--ONLY TO CHANGE OF SELF--AND THE REST WILL NOT BE OF YOUR DOING. This is why we offer THE WORD, the Truth--that ones can take or leave of the offering--for ours is not to push--only offer. You search for your friend, your compatriot, your ally--chelas, it matters not if you serve GOD for HE is ally enough. The secrets will "OUT" and the deceivers will deliver themselves if you but be patient and do not stoop to their level of deception. You are SEEING it happen before your consciousness.

    Little Crow said, on April 14, 1991: "....Have the bravery and courage to dream your dream in the midst of non-dreamers. Have the courage and conviction to state your principles in the midst of those who have no ears. Have the courage and conviction to draw or to paint and to create for those who have no eyes. Because unless you are doing what you want to do, you are a captive." My suggestion, however, is that you always WANT to do that which is worthy in the accounting.

    By that I mean--may we do that which serves ALL OUR RELATIONS and, in that way, we are truly serving self. Let us never reach a point of insisting that we "die" for a cause--God asks that you LIVE for HIS CAUSE. Are we strong enough to do this? In the answer lies the WHOLE.

    You each and together FEAR for your selves, your civilization, your own society, your nation, your world of nations, your planet.... No, chelas, concern over the direction of self, act within the LAWS OF GOD in EVERY action taken, KNOW THE WAY and act upon that KNOWING--and there shall be RADIANCE! FEAR is also a lack of FAITH. FEAR IS A LACK OF LOVE--LOVE IS GOD--SO IF YOU BUT HAVE FAITH WITHIN THE TRUTH OF WHAT IS, AND NOT THE LIE, YOU WILL COME TO BALANCE WITH THE IMPATIENCE OF THE HUMAN. God will show the way to transformation; you need not the lessons of the gurus as to "how" to ascend. How many have YOU seen ascend?? Leave go of it--TRUTH IN GOD GUARANTEES THE PASSAGE!

    The bottom line, readers, is that of accepting responsibility, discernment and not "argument", gaining knowledge and not JUST information, and ultimately taking action in the KNOWING. What you are looking for, you already ARE. What you are seeking, you already own. What you would like to find out, you already know. YOU SIMPLY HAVE FORGOTTEN AND YOU HAVE ALSO FORGOTTEN HOW TO "DREAM" WHILE BEING MORE AND MORE DEEPLY MIRED WITHIN THE NIGHTMARE.

    You are presented with a grand and wondrous "challenge". Are you worthy of the gift? We shall see....


    Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn
    Servant unto God according to HIS Will.
    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일
    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-16 at 00:13.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 89
    THU., MAR. 10, 1994 11:52 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 206
    THU., MAR. 10, 1994
    This first little "story" is about a man known as "Kurt Hirsch". He is important for many reasons but the fact that he has been arrested is of the utmost notice. It may be interesting, also, as he has been related to the ongoing attacks against one you know as Lyndon LaRouche. You will have to do your own work on who Lyndon is, if you are new to this reading. I just want to remind you that the U.S. Government has done everything in its power along with the ADL (Anti-Defamation League of B' nai B'rith and actually, British Intelligence MI6) to keep this man incarcerated for the remainder of his life. However, it is mainly through intervention from overseas that enough pressure was brought to bear to get him released. That is only a small portion of the importance of this information.

    I am going to use a write-up from EIR News Service by Jeffrey Steinberg. This is stressed (author) because the ADL is NOT representative of the large majority of original Judaists and those of Hebrew lineage.

    Feb. 7 (1994)--One of the biggest slanderers of Lyndon LaRouche inside Germany has been arrested on charges that he was a longtime spy working for the disinformation branch of the former East German State Security Service (Stasi). On Feb. 2, Kurt Hirsch, an editor of the so-called "anti-fascist" newsletter Blick Nach Rechts (A Look at the Right) was arrested in Munich on spy charges.

    According to the indictment handed down by the German Federal Prosecutor's Office in Karisruhe, documents seized from Stasi archives show that Hirsch spied for the East Germans from at least 1976 to 1987, working for Department X (disinformation). During part of that time, Hirsch served as a top aide to the late Willy Brandt, a former German Chancellor of the Social Democratic Party (SDP).

    The Hirsch arrest has significant trans-Atlantic implications, which intersect the ongoing U.S. spy scandal involving the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (ADL). The ADL has been under investigation for the past year for its espionage activities in collusion with the governments of Israel and South Africa, and has been implicated by convicted spy Jonathan Jay Pollard in the latter's Israeli-Soviet espionage activities.

    The original source for many of the slanders that Hirsch put out through his supposedly "independent" news service, Pressedienst Demokratische Initiative (PDI), against the LaRouche movement was the ADL. Beginning in the early 1980s, Hirsch's PDI was the most frequent peddler of the smear-line that Lyndon LaRouche was a "neo-Nazi" and "anti-Semite".

    One crucial intersection point between the ADL and Hirsch cases is another former Brandt aide, Klaus-Henning von Rosen. Following Hirsch's arrest last week, von Rosen was interrogated by federal German prosecutors, based on evidence that he was a key source for information Hirsch passed on to the Stasi. Von Rosen denied that he wittingly helped Hirsch, claiming he cut off contact with Hirsch in 1987 after he became suspicious of Hirsch's collusion with East Germany.

    However, von Rosen continued to work with the PDI press service, and eventually PDI was formally absorbed into an SPD think tank and its publication revived under the new name Blick Nach Rechts.

    And, back in 1986, while still in close contact with Hirsch, von Rosen himself was in the middle of an East German-orchestrated disinformation campaign attempting to link associates of Lyndon LaRouche in the European Labor Party (ELP) to the assassination of Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme. At the time, von Rosen, by his own admission, worked closely with ADL operator Irwin Suall, who traveled to Europe to spread the phony story about the LaRouche ties to the Palme assassination.

    Years later, evidence surfaced that the entire "LaRouche killed Palme" hoax fanned by Suall et al., was designed by Soviet bloc intelligence services and executed by the Stasi Department X. In August 1992, the Swedish newspaper Journalisten published an interview with former Stasi disinformation specialist Herbert Brihmer in which he admitted that he led the effort: "At my desk, I drew up the outlines of how the ELP theory would be conduited into the Swedish police investigation." The plan was to disrupt the police hunt for Palme's killer by forcing the police--through planting of disinformation--to the conclusion that the only possible authors of the Palme assassination were "rightwing extremists"--exactly the line Hirsch, von Rosen, and Suall were peddling against LaRouche and the ELP!

    [H: THIS IS IMPORTANT.] At the very moment that the East German Stasi's Department X was deploying Hirsch and orchestrating the disinformation campaign to pin the Palme assassination on LaRouche associates, a top executive of the ADL, millionaire gangster Edgar Bronfman, was cozying up to East German dictator Erich Honecker. According to archives of the East German Foreign Ministry, Bronfman emissaries began meeting with top East German officials in 1986, leading to several trips to East Berlin by Bronfman himself in 1988 and again on the eve of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Whatever services Bronfman rendered to the Communist dictator in East Berlin must have been substantial because the whiskey magnate was given the highest civilian medal the East German state had to offer.

    Clearly, one feature of the Bronfman-East German collusion was the "Get LaRouche" drive, which was defined as a strategic priority by the late Soviet Premier and KGB chief Yuri Andropov in the spring of 1983, within days of President Ronald Reagan's March 23 speech embracing LaRouche's proposal for the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). The Andropov demand for LaRouche's scalp was seconded by Andropov protege Mikhail Gorbachev, who, through the pages of the Soviet press, demanded LaRouche's elimination as a quid pro quo for East-West "peace".

    The international kidnap-for-hire ring that in the United States goes by the name Cult Awareness Network (CAN) has also been peripherally implicated in the Hirsch Stasi-gate scandal. Father Haack, the leading figure within the German affiliate of CAN, was a longtime board member of Hirsch's PDI news service, and was a prominent peddler of the disinformation against the LaRouche movement within the Evangelical Church of Germany, the EKD.


    This harangue just keeps on going while the very ones who are the most incredibly bigoted continue to tear down the Nation of Islam--the thrust by the ADL.

    I want to share this one other article from this paper and add my hearty endorsement to these daring people who continue to stand against the ADL in this moment of full attack. We have had it, our insignificant journals are even being confiscated as hate-literature, anti-Semitic and illegal under hate-crime laws in CANADA!! Still think YOU don't have any problems with your government, nation and world?? What is happening, however, in the confrontation of the Nation of Islam and the ADL is so TYPICAL of how the ADL Zionists operate that I feel compelled to take the time to reprint this article. The MO is to bash, harass, degrade and assault a given entity (in this case Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam) and then, when someone stands against the assault, scream bigot, hate-crimes and anti-Semitism in a deafening roar carried through the "controlled media" and controlled government and police corps. So let us present this for your consideration as to HOW this thing comes to be a mountain from ashes.

    Feb. 7, EIR News Service, Lawrence K. Freeman (another "Jew" against the garbage??)--On Feb. 3 in Washington, D.C., before hundreds of members of the nation's press corps, Minister Louis Farrakhan, head of the Nation of Islam, responded to weeks of criticism by the national media and leaders of the black community by blasting the Anti-Defamation League B'nai B'rith (ADL) as the guilty party.

    First, Minister Farrakhan dismissed Khalid Muhammad from his post as Minister, Representative, and National Assistant for the controversial remarks he made last November at Kean College in New Jersey--remarks which Minister Farrakhan asserted were inconsistent with the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

    Having done that, Minister Farrakhan went on to say that the real question at issue was the aim and purpose of the ADL when it reprinted Khalid's speech in a full-page ad in the New York Times almost two months after the speech was given. Minister Farrakhan told the packed room of reporters, "Their aim was and is to destroy the reputation and character of Louis Farrakhan in the eyes of the world, and to ultimately destroy the Nation of Islam itself." [H: You see, meeting the original demands NEVER does any good and these anti-Christs will do ANYTHING to twist that very act into a weapon to destroy a bit more and more and more....]

    Then he turned the tables on the ADL by revealing that he had in his possession a just-released internal report from the ADL's Civil Rights Division titled MAINSTREAMING ANTI-SEMITISM: THE LEGITIMATION OF LOUIS FARRAKHAN. This 12-page report says that the ADL's National Executive Committee will be discussing at its upcoming meeting HOW TO STOP THE RISING INFLUENCE OF THE NATION OF ISLAM.

    In his remarks, Minister Farrakhan pointed out that "The ADL has a history of spying not only on black leaders, but on all those leaders and organizations that have popular support--black, white, Arab, and even other Jews of whom they disapprove."

    These targets of spy operations include the NAACP as well as the movement associated with Lyndon LaRouche, and new information is surfacing that may implicate the ADL as well in spying on Dr. Martin Luther King in conjunction with the FBI. Farrakhan indicted the ADL as "anti-black and anti-American" [H: RIGHT ON, BROTHER!!]; charges which are documented in a 150-page book released last year by Executive Intelligence Review and titled [H: HOLDING YOUR BREATH??] THE UGLY TRUTH ABOUT THE ADL. [H: The WORD is powerful if you make sure it gets around in TRUTH to the proper parties with the support and backing of YOU WHO ARE INFORMED!]

    That book also demonstrates that the ADL is a criminal organization involved in promoting drugs throughout the United States.

    Farrakhan's press conference has already caused the ADL leadership to blow its top. ADL National Director Abe Foxman went on television that same night to denounce Farrakhan as an anti-Semite and a bigot, despite Farrakhan's dismissal of Khalid Muhammad and his denunciation of any kind of anti-Semitism and racism.

    By exposing the ADL for its own racism and for trying to control with whom the Congressional Black Caucus can associate, Minister Farrakhan has also challenged the leadership of the African-American community to break with the ADL. At the press conference he asked, "Why have these [black] leaders not called on Abraham Foxman and the board of directors of the ADL to denounce their spying activities and to distance himself and the organization from this illegal practice? The silence of black leaders on this issue is deafening."

    Threatening the ADL's considerable apparatus of control over various black leaders and organizations, Farrakhan called "on the Black Caucus, the NAACP, Rev. Jackson and the Rainbow Coalition, black churches, and black leaders to review their relationship with the ADL in view of its wickedness against our people. I am calling on the black community to alienate this spy organization and establish proper relationships with Jewish organizations and leaders who are not as self-centered and malicious as the ADL."

    The ADL and the national media are wild with rage that Minister Farrakhan did not back down under massive pressure, and that many leaders in the black community still support the Nation of Islam and the good work they do in many urban centers. Now that Minister Farrakhan, like Lyndon LaRouche many years earlier, has publicly exposed the ADL for being the real hatemongers, the ADL's international criminal organization can begin to be dismantled, and in its place can be built a meaningful ecumenical alliance among Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.


    I have offered this for foundation upon which to suggest a couple of other thoughts. It is time for REAL help to come to ones like Eustace Mullins in his suits against the ADL on a personal basis. To bring these fragments together into a strong force, you need to be able to bring these parties into joint effort through a central focus such as the Constitutional Law Center (the Real one--not the criminal "Trust"). To stop this massive international group heading the takeover of the world will not be easy--but there are a lot of people and a LOT OF LEADERS for the "cause" of right-ness if you can get them into alliance. The media is set up to block all ability to allow the parties to learn about each other--much less be able to "work" together. Well, readers, I said it before and I shall repeat: GOD ALSO HAS A PLAN-2000! AND, THERE IS LITTLE DISPUTE--THAT GOD WINS! WHY DO YOU WASTE SO MUCH PRECIOUS TIME? I ALSO REMIND YOU THAT GOD HAS A "PLAN"--HE WILL NOT DO IT FOR ANYONE--EVEN YOU!

    If you are working on an assumption that the ADL is Judaism you are ill-informed. The ADL of B'nai B'rith is a deliberately set branch of British Intelligence. It is from the British-Israeli anti-Christ legions. This is a massive humanistic legion of Zionist Khazarian New World Order would-be KINGS. Their entire thrust is through and backed by the Satanic Order of Lucifer in direct opposition to the GOD OF LIGHT CREATOR/CREATION. It and its offspring IS THE LARGEST SATANIC CULT AND YOU HAD BETTER TAKE NOTICE AND STOP PLAYING THE GAME OR YOU ARE GOING TO LOSE DEARLY.

    Now I am going to confuse a lot of you--but confirm a lot of things to "some" of you. Some years back I began to write on the subject of H.I.H. ALEKSEI NICHOLAEVICH ROMANOFF, the heir to the All-Russian Imperial Throne, Tsarevich and Grand Duke of Russia, Head of the Russian Imperial House, etc. At the time I promised to offer MORE, and I am sure that you ALL have forgotten what I said then--but, you will have to look it up for in my own fashion I take up in the middle so that you will have no excuse to NOT GO LOOK IT UP!

    Aleksei was ALIVE at the time of those writings--HE IS NOW TRANSITIONED--ALONG WITH OTHER VERY IMPORTANT PERSONS IN SOME OF THE MOST IMPORTANT "HOUSES" IN THE WORLD. THIS makes those parts and parties of Russia from the old Czars and the Austrian "Houses" of royalty--about the most important final segments of "freedom" in your world today!

    I think it is important to mention this point and also to digress a bit prior to moving into the Romanoff matter--by offering a writeup on the new Russian President that is giving everyone in the governmental circles of your world--heartburn. Is this dude for "real"? Well, if your government doesn't like him and the head Bolshevik leaders such as Yeltsin don't like him--HE MUST BE DOING "SOMETHING" RIGHT! At the very LEAST, these entities and the movement toward reclaiming nations and GOD intent is worth SOMETHING?!?

    Once again, I will NOT focus on Dharma as we are efforting to bring both the focus of you-the-readers and the other elements involved--to the SUBJECT IN POINT--NOT THE WRITERS, VISIBLE OR INVISIBLE. With that in mind, I ask that you turn your attention to this article from SPOTLIGHT, March 7, 1994.

    [H: As we present this I suggest that you put aside all the garbage and stupid mis-dis-information foisted off on you from media interviews, etc. If you don't stop falling prey to the trash burying you how can you possibly ever see truth?]

    According to the Establishment media here and abroad, Vladimir Zhirinovsky is a deranged would-be dictator bent on attacking countries all over the world. But a recent interview published in the German magazine NATIONAL ZIETUNG presents a different picture of the popular Russian leader. Following are excerpts from that interview.

    The article was translated for the SPOTLIGHT by Alexi Erlanger. NATIONAL ZEITUNG'S questions are in bold type; Zhirinovsky's answers in regular type.

    How do you view the situation [in Russia] now?

    Our party represents the Russian people. We are now the leading power. We champion the vital interests of Great Russia and at the same time those of the little people. We stand for another foreign policy and we are for private property.

    We differ from past parties in that we stand absolutely on a pro-Russian platform and strive for a strong and rich Russian state and Russian culture. We too favor reforms. But we will not destroy the government economic sector. We will not destroy the collective farms, but will create equal conditions for all kinds of commerce and farming. We don't like to disturb and even less to destroy, but we need good conditions for all citizens.

    The Communists allowed only social forms of property ownership, and the previous government parties relied only on the public sector. We would like to unite both. In the first stage, the government economic sector will perhaps dominate.

    After your surprising success in the election, a campaign of defamation against you increased. On one side you are classified as a Communist.

    Contrary to many people [associated with] previous parties, I was NEVER a Communist and have also no thought of Communism. We affirm without reservation a multiple party system and we maintain that a mixed economy is the best solution.

    On the other side, they reproach you for "Fascism".

    This kind of fiendishness is already known to me. I have nothing to do with Fascism of any kind, as you well know. Political adversaries constantly use this cudgel in order to eliminate those who think differently. To them it is clear that they use a blatant lie and vile slander. My model is [Prince Otto von] Bismarck.

    The primitiveness of the baiting against me surpasses everything when they portray me, of all people, as an enemy of Germany. I am a friend of Germany and of the German people and see us as friends forever. This was also the theme of [my] speech at the rally of the German Peoples Union in the Nibelung Hall in Passau last October. Dr. [Gerhard] Frey [editor of the National Zeitung] is my friend and the German Volks Union is our partner.

    Our relations will be based on self determination in all domains and close cooperation politically, culturally, commercially and also militarily. He who would serve peace and prosperity of peoples must support this course of German-Russian rapprochement and friendship. This policy serves the stabilization in Europe and in the entire world.

    I promise that under the influence of our faction in Parliament all will be done in order that this new direction in Russian foreign policy will be achieved. A durable, eternal union between Russia and Germany is the greatest blessing for Europe and the whole world.

    Every reasonable person should consider well these lessons of history. Peace on our continent is best ensured when the two great powers, Russia and Germany, draw the lessons after two murderous world wars brought terrible disaster for our peoples, and return to our close, traditional friendship which brought to both sides happiness and blessings for centuries.

    We should never again allow ourselves to be incited, one against another. Nobody should have an opportunity to poison our relations. We must put a stop to the anti-German and anti-Russian activities by SECRET SERVICES.

    You know our position toward Konigsberg. [The statement refers to a region of Germany taken by Josef Stalin following World War II and currently called Kaliningrad. It is a major ice-free port on the Baltic and is isolated by the new Polish border, also established by Stalin.]

    The region around Konigsberg should never become a bone of contention between Germany and Russia. We will find a formula which will completely satisfy Germany. Nothing should divide us.

    Today I repeat what I have said at the different organizations and press conferences [sponsored by] the Deutsche Volksunion: the so-called Oder-Neisse Line is not the last word of history. Fair solutions serve the peace and can be translated into reality by way of talks. [The Oder-Neisse Line was established by the Allies following World War II to establish the borders of the conquered Germany. It eliminates about one-fourth of traditional, historic Germany.--Ed.]

    Westerners [NATO, etc.] consider you a skeptic.

    Western politics is often false-bottomed. It is hardly aligned for reasonable and normal conditions in Russia. Even in Germany they have supported the Bolsheviks and Lenin when it was considered profitable. America and England later furthered Stalin with their utmost commitment. We and our true friends want Russia to remain Russia, and be a strong Russia, not a satellite of the West.

    Contrary to the opposition party, you have supported from the beginning the new constitution which was accepted by the electorate.

    We have a new Parliament and a new constitution. In reality there was no true Parliament, because the council, which later was transformed into the Supreme Soviet, was an appendage of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and all questions were decided by one party. This will be the first Parliament in which different political forces will be represented and this will have sound results upon the political life of the country and help to achieve significant reforms more quickly in the interests of the people. At the same time, the power of the president has been strengthened by the new constitution. That is good. Russia needs a strong president so that the country and its economy can recover.

    [Boris] Yeltsin is blamed for the ruin of the country.

    Yeltsin makes mistakes but he does not ruin the country. He errs in some areas, but in his innermost self he stands on a patriotic platform.

    What does Russia expect in the near future?

    There will be no explosion. There will neither be penetrating social shocks. Inflation will slowly diminish. The year 1994 will be difficult, but in the next year economic improvements will be felt. The triumphant showing of my party in these parliamentary elections will bear beneficial fruits.

    Politics will normalize and Russia will normalize. He who relied on a break-up and dissolution of Russia is completely mistaken. I trust that your readers will not let themselves be deceived by calumnious propaganda. I am a sincere friend of the German people. I repeat what I said on election night on TV: I cordially salute my friend Dr. Gerhard Frey and the Deutsche Volksunion, with which we will collaborate closely in the future.

    The military is still a mighty power, especially in Russia. It evidently stands behind you.

    Yes, that is evident. I like to have a healthy military capable of the defense of Russia and I also represent the interests of the army. No one can be more for peace than I. But it also cannot be in the interests of Russia and Germany and, for that matter, of almost the whole world, if Russia is deprived of power. Then the world will have to dance to the tune of the world policeman.

    My policy is, and this is in the interests of everyone, that Russia remain a superpower, whereby I support close military cooperation with Germany.

    By the end of August the last Russian troops will leave central Germany.

    Germany does not really need foreign troops and I cannot see any rational reason to have foreign troops stationed on the territory of the Federal Republic and on the other side to put German soldiers under foreign command. Germany is not a protectorate, but an important power.



    On January 5, 1966 the Senate Internal Security Sub-Committee made public Part #10 of "State Department Security 1963-65", containing the testimony of John R. Norpel, Jr. who had been with the FBI and State Department Security Section. In it is mentioned the name of Michal Goleniewski. Much has been written about the mysterious Col. Goleniewski who had been in Polish Intelligence at a high level and who supplied valuable information to the Western Free World on the operations of Communist intelligence agents from which sensational spy cases resulted.

    Very little has been written about the man known as Col. Goleniewski personally, his true identity, operations and motivations. We wish to present such information in this strange case.

    It has been generally accepted as historical fact that Czar Nicholas and the Russian royal family were murdered by Bolsheviks at Ekaterinburg, Siberia, on July 16, 1918. Investigations made thereafter supposedly confirmed the execution, but much of the information came from questionable sources. Through false claims made by pretenders the world came to accept the stories of the murders as accurate.

    Evidence exists to prove that the individual known as Michal Goleniewski is Aleksei Nicholaevich Romanoff, born at Peterhof, Russia, August 12, 1904, the son of Czar Nicholas II. Confidential records of the CIA would confirm this if made public. To prove that he is actually the Tsarevich and Grand Duke, two things are necessary--first to show that the alleged assassinations never took place and then to establish his identity.

    The N.Y. Times of December 19, 1918, on page 3, column 2, in an Associated Press dispatch from Warsaw, Poland, stated: "The mother of former Emperor Nicholas of Russia, who is living near Livadia in the Crimea, has been receiving letters every ten days purported to come from the former ruler, according to Polish officers who have arrived here from Sebastopol."

    The N. Y. Times on Dec. 28, 1918, page 4, column 5, stated, "Says Czar and Family Are in Neutral Land--Nephew of Skoropadski Asserts Their Whereabouts Is Known To Allied Government--Warsaw, Dec. 21" (Associated Press). "There is no doubt that the Czar and his entire family are alive. I am positive of this," was the declaration made to the correspondent today by Michael de Tehlhatchef, a nephew of General Skoropadski, who has just escaped from the Ukraine after a recent trip to Petrograd, Dynisk, Vilna, and Rovno.

    "‘I cannot reveal where the Czar is because he does not wish it,' he added. ‘He does not care to be bothered and he wants to be left alone.

    "‘His whereabouts is known to allied government. It is in a neutral country. Accounts of his murder at Ekaterinburg were manufactured by Trotsky and Lenin for propaganda purposes.'"

    The N.Y. Times on Jan. 9, 1919, page 3, column 1, stated, "Again Report Czar To Be Still Alive--Grand Duke Cyril Given As Authority For Story That Officer Was Shot Instead--His Family Also Living--News Said To Have Been Conveyed In Letter From Ex-Autocrat's Daughter Tatania."

    On March 16, 1919 the N. Y. Times ran a story on page 10, column 2--"Believes Czar Lives--Russian Prince Thinks Royal Family Is Hidden In Northern Russia--Rome, March 14--According to an interview with Stefania Turr, a daughter of a noted Hungarian General, printed today in the Giornale d'Italia, the belief still exists that Emperor Nicholas and his wife, as well as some of the Russian Grand Dukes, were not put to death by the Bolsheviki.

    "The interview quotes a conversation between Miss Turr and Prince Obolensky, former Captain of the Russian Imperial Guard, in which the Prince expressed his firm belief that the Russian royal family is still alive. He is reported to have refused to give any details as to the basis for his belief, except that the former Emperor and Empress were, perhaps, hidden in northern Russia.

    The North American of Philadelphia, Pa., dated July 21, 1918, quoting from Bolshevik wireless dispatches, stated, "Shooting Of Ex-Czar By Order Of Soviet Council Confirmed--Execution Followed Discovery Of Plot To Rescue Him--Wife And Son, Former Heir Apparent, Are Taken To Places of Safety." As we have read in the N. Y. Times article, an officer was reported shot in place of the Czar; so that would make the whole family safe.

    Czar Nicholas was in correspondence with Kaiser Wilhelm after his alleged death, copies of the correspondence being in the possession of a committee checking on the case. The handwriting is reported as being authentic.

    After being rescued, the Czar and his family settled in Poland as did many other Russians. There the Czar was known as Raymund Turgnski. His identification papers in Poland were prepared through the aid of Marshal Joseph Pilsudski, who had Col. Alexander Pryston and Col. Waclaw Szalewicz prepare them. In 1924, for security reasons, the Czar changed his name to Michal Goleniewski. Young Aleksei went with his family to the Don Basin, central Crimea, Constantinople, Vienna and finally to Warsaw, Poland.

    His mother, Empress Alexandria, died of a heart attack in Warsaw, Poland, in 1924. His father died in 1952 at the age of 84 in a village near Posen in Poland. The Grand Duchesses Olga, Maria and Anastasia are still living. Aleksei suffered from malaria which he contracted in Siberia and from hemophilia. From 1918 to 1928, while living in Poland, he was sick much of the time.

    In 1930 Aleksei was taken into the Imperial All Russians Anti-Bolsheviks Underground which had been established by his father and from then on worked continuously as a secret underground member of this anti-communist force. In 1944 he was poisoned and almost died. This prevented a planned family move to Portugal. In 1945 the Red Army moved in and sealed the borders. Aleksei entered the Polish Army in 1945 as part of his anti-communist work and in 1948 was assigned to Polish Army Counter Intelligence.

    He held posts in the technical and scientific branches and also in the analysis and inspection sections of Polish Army Counter Intelligence. From 1953 to 1956 he held positions as Deputy Chief and Vice Director of these counter intelligence branches, and by February 8, 1957 he headed a branch of military intelligence where 65 staff officers were employed. He had access to a tremendous amount of intelligence information which included data on the operations of Soviet and satellite intelligence networks and agents, as well as their programs, methods of operation and traitors in the Western World who worked with them.

    In 1917 Emperor Nicholas II had established by a secret ukase, #22-1917, signed at Tobolsk, what was termed "The Obligations of the Russian Orthodox Christians to Fight in the Underground the Bolsheviks Anti-Christ". Another secret ukase was entitled "The Russian Orthodox Church in the Underground". Aleksei received the protection of this underground in Poland.

    Having reached a high position and having accumulated much intelligence data, Aleksei made contact with the West. From April 1958 until December 1960 he voluntarily served the United States at great personal danger. He personally prepared 160 pages of typewritten secret reports and sent them through to the West. He also sent over 5,000 pages of top secret documents on microfilm having to do with Soviet-satellite espionage, Polish and East German intelligence services and agents in Western Europe and the U.S. Army--military, economic, political, intelligence and counter-intelligence matters regarding the Soviet block. He also sent over 800 pages of Soviet and Polish intelligence reports which showed the results of their intelligence operations in the Free World, 80% of which were found to have come from secret Free World sources.

    As a result of a particular discovery by the KGB Aleksei and his wife were forced to flee to the West in January 1961. On January 12, 1961 they arrived in the United States on a Military Air Transport plane, accompanied by Homer E. Roman of the CIA. From this date until December 14, 1963 (almost three full years) Aleksei was briefing U.S. authorities on the reports and microfilms already sent through. He also brought with him complete data on 240 persons, their names, identifications, assignments, locations and operations. These individuals were intelligence agents of the industrial, scientific and technical bureau of the Polish Secret Service and were located in Western Europe and the United States.

    Aleksei also worked with U.S. Intelligence authorities here on over 2,000 cases of new matters involving agents of Polish Military Intelligence, East German Secret Service, the KGB-GRU, etc. He detailed for U.S. authorities many secret items regarding Soviet army mobilization, location, structure, political and other plans having to do with their operations throughout Eastern Europe and the satellite countries.

    His disclosures included naming spies and agents throughout Western Europe and in U.S. Government Departments and Agencies. Information supplied by Aleksei was of great importance to the United States and the Free World and resulted in the breaking up of spy rings in several countries and the arrest and conviction of a number of Communist intelligence officials and agents.

    The illegal resident of the Soviet GRU in England, Soviet Col. Melody alias Gordon Lonsdale, and his four agents Houghton, Lee, and Peter and Helen Kroger alias Cohen, were uncovered through Aleksei's information. From this case developed, through Houghton, the case of KGB (copted) agent Vassal of British Naval Intelligence.

    From Aleksei's information was developed the case of Col. Beer alias Bieber who was the military adviser to the Israel government. Also was developed the case of Col. Wennerstrom of Sweden who was actually a KGB General. (He had been in the United States for five years as a spy undetected.)

    Aleksei's information caused the unmasking of hundreds of White Russian nationalists who had been supporting the West but who were enforced into involuntary service for the KGB. Another case was that of George Blake, a very high British intelligence official connected with MI-6 in London. Through Blake the U.S. CIA lost 1,200 intelligence cases in the anti-Soviet sector due to his being on a high level access to secret information.

    Aleksei's information resulted in uncovering Felfe, Clemenz, Fuhrmann and others in West German intelligence who were actually working under KGB orders and who for ten years threatened the security of England, West Germany and the United States. Their activities neutralized the activities of the CIA in thousands of cases.

    In Denmark the case of Blekinberg and in France the case of Bitonski resulted from Aleksei's exposures, as did details of KGB penetration which uncovered part of Aleksei's efforts in the East and fully uncovered Col. Oleg Penkovskiy in the Soviet Union in 1961. This is the same man whose experiences are detailed in the book, THE PENKOVSKIY PAPERS.

    Aleksei exposed the supposedly anti-communist Polish Nationalists as having really been created, inspired and directed via the MGB by Stalin personally in 1948 to 1952. The CIA financed $1,180,000 of this organization's activities. This money was actually used to support MGB and KGB penetration into the CIA and other American intelligence groups. Over one thousand genuine Polish nationalists were entrapped and imprisoned. Among those jailed were an additional hundred members of the All Russian Nationalities Underground, all of whom had been fighting against the Stalin regime after World War II.

    While still in Poland Aleksei transmitted full details of a Communist-Nazi underground movement created prior to 1944 by Martin Borman and other high Nazis who realized Germany was going to lose the war. It had started as Nazi but became an instrument of KGB and GRU. Aleksei gave details of officials of this group who included Martin Borman, Gestapo Chief Heinrich Muller and SS Chief Gottleib Berger, and stated that they are all still alive and working in this Nazi-Bolshevik underground movement. [H: Readers, when the term "now" is used don't get so absorbed in the story as to forget this was written in Feb. 1966 and I am here to tell you that it was WRITTEN DIRECTLY BY ALEXEI ROMANOFF. However, it will be obvious that many of the persons named herein will not still be living.]

    As to how accurate Aleksei's information was, there are the actual cases cited, plus statements made by U.S. officials in the Senate Internal Security Sub-Committee Hearing, State-Department Security 1963-65. We find on page 624 where Chief Counsel Mr. Sourwine is questioning John R. Norpel who had been in the FBI and State Department Security.

    Mr. Sourwine: Do you know whether any information furnished to the U.S. Government--I will put it another way: do you know of any information ever furnished to the U.S. Government by Goleniewski which turned out to untrue or inaccurate?

    Mr. Norpel: I do not; no, sir.

    Mr. Sourwine: Do you know whether the information which has been furnished by him has been checked out in all or in a substantial part?

    Mr Norpel: Substantial....

    Mr. Sourwine: I would have to make that with respect to the portion of it that you know about.

    Mr. Norpel: Yes, sir; it was checked out.

    Mr. Sourwine: And it proved true in every case?

    Mr. Norpel: Every case that I am aware of.

    Over one hundred people in U.S. Government, in the FBI, CIA, State Department, etc., know either all or part of the Goleniewski story, and most of these know his true identity.

    What is involved here is more than just the identification of the legal heir to the throne of Russia. A sum of some four hundred million dollars held in Western banks would belong to Aleksei upon proper identification. He has stated the money would be used for the most part in combatting the International Communist Conspiracy and freeing the one billion people held in the most tyrannical rule the world has ever known. Once his identity were established he would rally to the anti-Communist cause millions of people who would take new hope and start liberation movements and intensified underground resistance. He would definitely be the focal point of the anti-Communist cause. This could be the reason that, although proof enough to satisfy even the most skeptical person exists, those who are in possession of the documents remain silent.

    The Washington Daily News of Jan. 19, 1965, published a United Press International dispatch which stated, "A former Central Intelligence Agency official challenged the agency today to disclose evidence that a Polish spy who defected to the West in 1960 is actually the son of the last Russian Czar.

    "Herman Kimsey, who was chief of analysis and research for CIA and more recently was assistant chief of security for the Republican National Committee, said the agency has made exhaustive tests to establish the true identity of Col. Michal Goleniewski.

    "He said he is convinced the tests proved the mysterious Pole is Grand Duke Alexei, only son of Czar Nicholas II...."

    "‘I do not know why the CIA has withheld the necessary proof of identity from a person who has done so much for this country and who only wishes to live under his own name and claim what is rightfully his,' Mr. Kimsey said..."

    "During the months of 1961 when Col. Goleniewski's antecedents were under CIA scrutiny with the aid of information from British Intelligence, Mr. Kimsey was head of CIA's research section..."

    "Mr. Kimsey said he had knowledge of comparisons of fingerprints, sole prints, and dental charts of Col. Goleniewski and the Czarevich.

    "Dr. Alexander S. Wiener, co-discoverer of the RH-blood factor, ran blood tests on Col. Goleniewski and found he suffers from hemophilia, as did the Czarevich. Col. Goleniewski limps from a hemophiliac leg malformation. So did the Czar's son."

    "On the December 23, 1964 CBS Television Network's afternoon program, To Tell The Truth, Cleve Backster, Chairman of the Polygraph Research Committee of the Academy for Scientific Interrogation, 165 West 46th St., New York, N.Y. shocked thirteen million viewers by announcing that the Tsarevich Alexei Nicholaevich of Russia is alive and his identity has been verified by scientific evidence which includes fingerprint and dental comparisons. Because of their disappearance, history has inaccurately assumed that the last Russian Tsar and his family were massacred in 1918.

    "Mr. Backster, who founded the polygraph section of the Central Intelligence Agency and trained the initial polygraph staff for the National Security Agency, was introduced to the TV show panel in several of his capacities including that of Chief Investigator on the reappearance of the Romanoffs, the Russian Imperial Family." (from an authorized release of the Academy for Scientific Interrogation, dated Dec. 23, 1964)

    Cleve Backster has been a consultant to the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, French Surete, West German Army and the Japanese Police among many others. One might say he is an "expert".

    To sum it up, there is evidence of Aleksei's identity consisting of fingerprints, sole prints, bloodtests, dental comparisons, physiognomy comparisons, series of photographs, affidavits, investigation reports, intelligence information and more, all of which could be made available so that he might prove his identity and legally assume his rightful name. The anti-Communist movements and the Free World would have much to gain in finances and morale by seeing that the truth in this case is made public. Members of Congress should be urged to demand that the CIA release the facts.


    Thank you for a long day of work at the keyboard. The subjects covered may at first glance seem disconnected--but remember, chelas, NOTHING IS DISCONNECTED! SALU.

    PJ 89
    SAT., MAR. 12, 1994 9:51 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 208
    SAT., MAR. 12, 1994
    I am asking that the editors bypass this resource in entering some very urgent information into the paper. I do not need to comment at this time--just allow the readers to understand the urgency in the information offered. I also ask that a stress be placed on getting Serge Monast's Journals. Why more urgency? Because in the Canadian instance (Serge Monast, Canadian Journalist) the time is at hand to publicize and support for his life is under threat NOW! For instance, the information regarding the Military College which has just come under full United Nations control in St-John (Que.) is of "express" material. This institution in point is urgently important, is less than 40 miles north of New York state and is a JOINT-VENTURE which will train, almost exclusively, ones to attend citizen concentration camps.

    Mr. Monast also shares with you that there are large troop transports making regularly "international" flights across the Canada-U.S. borders INTO Canada. This is obviously a major position move staged prior to the upcoming Provincial election and Referendum concerning the Independence of Quebec. This whole confrontation can end up in a Canadian civil war so all measures will be taken to prevent such an outbreak. Some of you just don't roll over and "go dead".

    I ask that information be given regarding the obtaining of Monast's books, so that he gets support for them IMMEDIATELY on print-shop release. Thank you.

    Serge Manasts books:

    A series of 4 books on The United Nations Concentration Camps Program in America:
    * Coup D'etat And War Preparations In America, BookI; $12 U.S.
    * Birth Of A Police State In Averica, Book II; $12 U.S.
    * The Concentration Camps' Program, Book III; $12 U.S.
    * The United Nations' Medical Conspiracy And The Slave Labor In America: Book IV; $12 U.S.
    All prices are postage and handling included. Donations are more than welcome to help spread these writings.
    For those interested in obtaining each book after each printing, send postal or bank money order to:
    Mr. Serge Monast, P.O. Box 359, Mansonville, Que., Canada JOE IXO

    I am asked time and time again to specifically comment on the things of Canada. I simply cannot spread my people so thin as to take up political and revelation as represents separation--especially of these two particular countries. YOU ARE NOW BASICALLY ALL THE SAME "ONE" UNDER ONE WORLD ORDER AND U.N. GOVERNMENT. I MUST CONTINUE TO FOCUS ON ROOT CAUSES AND IMPLICATIONS. For instance, if you consider the JOB now held by Mulrooney of Canada with ARCHER MIDLAND (U.S.-America's world's largest Grain Cartel) you will see that there already are NO BOUNDARIES except in your "minds"--the political limits are already surpassed long before any NAFTA bargains.

    The second thing that comes to me for comment this morning is the ruling by Judge David Kagen, of the Federal District Court in Reno, Nevada, March 4, 1994, who issued a DECLARATORY JUDGMENT that:

    1. The 16th Amendment [income tax] was and is invalid;
    2. Federal Reserve Act of 1913, is declared Unconstitutional as it was and is applied to State Citizens,
    3. Gold Reserve Act of 1934, to be fraud on its surface and to be declared Unconstitutional.
    4. Title 26 USC [The Internal Revenue Code] to apply to the Federal United States, (not to the Citizens of the fifty States) and all other implications to be fraud and declared Unconstitutional.

    The Case is known as:

    Ronald L. Jackson vs United States, et al.
    Case No: CV-N-93-401-DWR

    I have to decline to comment on the case in point since on March 9th the Ninth Circuit Court of San Francisco, has placed a Federal Gag Order on Ronald Jackson and all parties involved with that case. I will, however, ask the editors to make sure information regarding finding out further actions and plans be placed in this paper.

    You, as a nation, are up against a very LARGE Judicial System now structured to delete all Constitutional Law. You are now functioning under the New Order NewStates rules and regulations so I can't see that unless you unify in great masses that you can do much to actually thwart the Big Boys. However it can be a "beginning" of a demand to stop this gagging of TRUTH and precipitate HEARING. I can only suggest you get as informed as possible and then act in GOOD conscience and according to capability. God bless you who take action without waiting for another to do YOUR share.

    This next is a personal message to me from a beloved friend in South Africa. I need not comment as it is pretty obvious that the perceptions about ongoing circumstances in Africa are very much "on target" and whatever deviation from critical interpretation is totally unimportant in the overall realization of that which is taking place. Things of very similar nature are taking place around your globe as the Adversary World Order takes possession of the globe--we simply have to "share" that which is offered to us for sharing by eye-witness accounts, when ones are daring enough to get the information "out" and to us. I will always demand protection and cover for the individuals involved.

    I am weary of the nit-picking accusations and threats against my people and myself. It doesn't matter who they are or who I am. If you want Truth, then why do you continue to harangue over resource? If YOU have information of TRUTH and you contain it hidden behind your EGO while your nations explode, you are worse than the Evil being in the action against humanity in freedom. I am sick of your "copyright" garbage that disallows presenting of fragments of truth that allow you to become informed. We are not interested in YOUR MATERIAL--we are determined, if your material be worthy--of GETTING THE READERS TO OBTAIN YOUR MATERIAL--WE OFFER BUT JOURNALS REVIEWING THE INFORMATION AS IS NECESSARY FOR YOUR CURRENT INPUT.

    We receive piles of material every day--EVERY DAY. Not surprisingly, many senders DO NOT WANT TO BE IDENTIFIED AND ALSO REMOVE ALL IDENTIFYING INFORMATION FROM THE "DOCUMENTS". If we print something without credits, I expect you readers to get it for us--Col. Gritz may wish to suggest that if I be who I say I am--I already have it. Well, so be it, MY having it is NOT your having it! Further, if you expect NEW REVELATIONS--AND THEN REFUSE THE "NEW" REVELATIONS--and claim they are not as the "Old" and therefore invalid--where lies the "reasoning"?

    Col. Gritz, for instance, rejects the possibility that "I" (Hatonn, etc.) am who I claim to be and am but "Doris and E.J. Ekker and maybe even George Green". This is quite sad for he claims to be a Mormon by "current" "faith"--who is Joseph Smith? Who was the angel Moroni or Gabriel? Were "they" Joseph Smith? Moreover, Doris does not nor ever has so much as suggested she is even "psychic"--much less a "Prophetess" as Gritz points out. He only suggests she doesn't "put on a very good ‘show'". WE ARE NOT HERE TO PUT ON A SHOW OF SOME KIND SO WHY WOULD THERE BE A "SHOW" FOR SUCH AS GRITZ? He also wanted the whole of the secrets of the spiritual "revelations" of individual self--a difficult thing for an already BLIND MAN TO SEE! His "concern" SHOULD have been measured by the garbage usually tossed in upon the unsuspecting listener in the goings on of "show and tell". So, in his own type of non-statement: If Col. Gritz is such an informed and enlightened being--he certainly chooses a strange way of exhibiting it and, his choice of co-workers is far MORE THAN INTERESTING. I would further suggest that he go and CAREFULLY study everything that "I" offered, and still do, on the PHOTON BELT and glasses for protecting eyes--and perhaps he will appear less a FOOL to the ones who HAVE.

    He also states that as far as "Hatonn is working in behalf of the Constitution, he will go along...." B.S., for as long as ones work in behalf of the Constitution, FALSELY, while USING THE CITIZENS--I DO NOT SUPPORT THEM! GOD HAS ONE FACE--THE FACE OF LIGHTED TRUTH AND HE CHANGES NOT HIS FACE AS TO THE WISHES OF THOSE WHO INDIVIDUALLY PERCEIVE ACCORDING TO THEIR OWN INDIVIDUAL EGO. LET IT BE KNOWN.

    I now ask that we offer, as is, the document from South Africa:

    11th March 1994

    Dear Commander Hatonn,

    And thus and so begins the beginning of the END for S. Africa. As I'm sure you have seen, the situation in Bophuthatswana is chaotic as Marxists and outright hooligans storm though this tiny fragmented INDEPENDENT country burning, looting and destroying as far as they go--tacitly backed by the de Klerk sell out (to the Adversary) "government of SA", and to so-called, Transitional Executive Committee (TEC) comprising ANC members and sympathizers.

    Sadly, sadly those desperately trying to stem this horrendous tide of anarchy on moral grounds, are promoted and being perceived, the enemy ... of "democracy"--needless to say, when they mean, "DEMON-ocracy"!

    Meanwhile the life of Pros. Lucas Mangope (of Bop.) is in great danger, and if the Seer, Credo Mutwa ("Indaba My Children", fame) is anything to go by, Mangope will not physically survive this insurrection. ...Whilst Credo himself, living in Mafakang/Mmbatho, capitol of Bop, is also on the line for warning, as he has.

    Pray for us here in SA, and for those who've fought hard and long to bring TRUTH. Give help, comfort and insight that they may have the strength to remain beacons for Almighty God/Aton, in this darkening Land.

    We, ourselves (personally) are currently surrounded by some 2,000 "squatters"--presumably positioned by the ANC to overwhelm the vote in the up and coming April 27th "Democratic" Elections. Every night of our lives over the past 6 weeks odd, we have been kept awake by our dogs barking at prowlers (intimidators!), but obviously one can't call in the police every time your dog barks. Theft and rape, come to be the favoured form of intimidation, with the odd murder thrown in for "good measure".

    As far as SA is concerned in the End Times scenario as seen by Nostradamus--SA, a state then unknown in the C16th, in v.8/95 of the Book of Centuries, speaks of a "deceiver" (Mandela??) held in the dungeon for many years who seeks to seduce the world and sway opinion in his favour. Certainly, aided and abetted by KGB colonel, and SA Communist Party Chairman, Joe Slovo and his Kremlin-trained henchmen. Communism--Stalin & Mao-style, is on the loose in SA right now, this very moment, today!: 11/3/1994 [March 11, 1994], with more than just a little help from the U.S. Government and your State Department--and their World Order manipulators!

    In the same breath (verse) Nostradamus refers to, "le Clerc" (de Klerk) as the "chef" (headman or chief--State President?) of "the Land of the Elephant", who carries a staff with his emblem--joining forces (with the above?). Certainly by his sellout actions since assuming power, Mr. de Klerk fits the bill, and the entire of SA is in extreme jeopardy of a genocide of an order yet to be seen.

    As I understand it, this verse is the penultimate warning to the globe of the intentions of the diabolical "Adversary" for mankind. ...And, from our perspective, our getting off the Planet (and as I feel right now, hopefully) once and for all!

    Love and Blessings from Righteously (?) angry S. African, ...and PLEASE, CONTACT READERS, let this serve as a WARNING ALARM!

    [D.E.: I apologize if the names and places are mispronounced or misspelled--the FAX is so poor in quality and I am so ignorant about these names and places that I must surely have erred with those SA names. I do, however, find my own problems a lot less bothersome after this message...!]

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