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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 89
    CHAPTER 11
    MON., MAR. 21, 1994 9:32 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 217
    MON., MAR. 21, 1994
    With the world falling apart, five years of work piled up to be done, no time to even hold a grandchild--and Dharma begrudges us the time for such inquiries? Well, growing children need input on subjects thrust at you as "the way to go!". I don't think you are going to LIKE my responses, however.

    This finally needs discussion because ones around the family campfire continue to ask about these subjects as if they are somehow missing out on Ascension, finding God and/or healing (saving) the world. Well, no world is going to be "saved" by anyone so we can discard that focus. As to the rest of the list as applies to individual growth: Balderdash! What are you TRYING to do? Keep in mind that "trying" is "lying"! If you are "trying" to do something you are waiting to NEVER get anything done. You are either "doing" something (efforting) or you are just going to "try", "try" and never make a move. CONTACT WITH GOD DOES NOT NEED MEDITATION--ONLY COMMUNICATION. Since God resides with His circuits within--you don't have to take "time"--HE IS! Instant connection! So, what are you ACTUALLY DOING WHILE "TRYING" TO GET IN TOUCH OR WHATEVER YOU ARE DOING? Wasting time and copping-out on action which will get something done.

    How selfish of anyone who sits in constant meditation while his/her brothers do his work in FACT. Then what next happens? This one now "efforts" at convincing others that "his" routing, teacher, guru, preacher, etc., "is the BEST"! There is no BEST! There is only Truth and manifestation in ACTION.

    What about those wonderful teachers who proclaim "meditation" at great length is the way to go? They are making a bundle off of your blindness. They are succeeding in keeping YOU from doing ANYTHING in God's behalf. If that is what YOU want to do--fine, but why would you urge others to pull away from their own duties and go sit in lotus position and wait for the magic? You are the miracle and it has never materialized by sitting on your backsides chanting.


    The next question to take up work time is: "But you said so and so and this and that are valid!" EVERY ENTITY UNDER THE HEAVENS, AND WITHIN, IS VALID. It is up to YOU to understand the journey and sitting in a mosque or facing East or puffing on weed, or plucking flower petals is a cop-out on your journey to purpose and God. Go hug a tree? Fine--but the tree will be bored with you, my friend. A tree is a perfect creation of God--not there for your hugging but for your acknowledgement--TO GOD!

    "I cannot ‘work' today; I must go to my teacher!" OK, someone else can pick up your WORK and you can come back all self-fulfilled? The NEXT thing that happens is that you miss your REAL lessons because you were off meditating or serving an Earth-bound self-proclaimed SPIRITUALIST.

    I find it amazing that you actually think that you are doing something GODLY to go exercise at exercise class. "Ah, but I'm learning to breathe." Oh, don't you KNOW innately "how to breathe"? "Yes," you say, "...but this way I learn to breathe hard and quickly, speeding my heartrate and cleansing myself." Oh, again--IF YOU PICKED UP A MOP AND BUCKET OR A PAINT CAN AND PAINTED YOUR DWELLING OR THAT OF A NEEDY FRIEND--OR PUSHED A LAWNMOWER WITHOUT MOTOR--OR JOGGED ALONG A ROADWAY PICKING UP TRASH--WOULD YOU NOT ALSO BREATHE HARD?


    "But," you repeat, "you tell ones it is fine to go to this one or that one..." What do you wish me to say? Do you wish me to start an argument and spoil their day? If you have not learned your lessons enough to know that there are two important beings (both being the same in actuality--only differing in presentation) YOU and GOD. HOW you get that connection is YOUR business--NOT MINE. I do, however, watch while another's "guru" is being "sold" to ones who are quite content with action in Truth. Why would you drive into dangerville to "experience" another's teacher who is offering misperceptions? So you can come home and say--"I don't believe ‘everything' that one says, but I sure do like the drifting in trance of meditation a whole lot
    --why doesn't Hatonn recommend that?" I do--but not with an empty mind to match the empty soul longing for the "doing" of fulfillment. If that is fine and enough for "Joe", fine--perhaps he need not "make a living", or present a paper, or dwell in the everyday world of simple, ordinary "reality" of responsibility. There is, but will not always be, the luxury of ritual and dosy-doeing around the mulberry bush. What of the camps in which "sweetgrass" is disallowed for the "Indian"? Well, I think they (if they are REAL) can find connection with the Great Spirit without the sweetgrass if the soul wishes to connect with God! BUT IT WILL NOT BE ACCOMPLISHED THROUGH AN EMPTY MIND. AND, YOU WILL NEVER GET OUT OF THE PITS THROUGH THE USE OF AN EMPTY MIND--DO YOU NOT SEE--THAT IS EXACTLY YOUR PROBLEM, MY FRIENDS.

    Further, so many of you demand that I heal your body--SO YOU CAN CONTINUE TO GO AND EMPTY YOUR MINDS. No, go let that great and wondrous teacher to empty minds--heal that body for you. HE CAN'T--because only GOD and YOU can heal self.

    To you who flourish in the Far Eastern drift of "religion"-Chelas--"religion" will get you NO-WHERE! Spiritual (GOD) PRACTICE IN ACTION, will get you EVERYWHERE! Do you need a Far Eastern teacher in the West to get you "there"? Has the "religion" SAVED the masses in those incredibly backward places--or do the sheeple simply exist to escape the reality of their circumstance? IF YOU ARE NOT IN INDIA--WHY DO YOU EFFORT SO HARD TO BE AS ONES IN INDIA? Is it possibly not just a cop-out to prevent your having to DO ANYTHING in your own work environment location? I have bad news for you who think you were put here just to "find self" in a selfish refusal to SERVE. You will find self, ok, but you won't like the place in which you find self. God presented "man" in a perfect form of body, reasoning mind, capability of motion/action. You ARE the thought of GOD in MOTION/ACTION. Why can you not "meditate" on all or any thing(s) in the midst of mopping the floor? Why can you not "think" on grand and wondrous evolvement while building a windbreak or planting a garden? THAT IS WHERE GOD IS--NOT IN A DREARY ROOM EMPTYING YOUR MIND--GOD HAS WORKED SINCE THE BEGINNING OF PERCEIVED TIME--TO FILL YOUR MINDS--NOT EMPTY THEM!!

    The most important thing about this conversation, however, comes next: You will do that which you will do? You obviously do not find Whole Truth for self from the simple teachings of truth. You are in search of something "else", bigger, more magical, hoopla, without "work", nirvana in a non-nirvana experience and on and on. If THAT OTHER TEACHER is totally fulfilling--why are you asking ME ANYTHING? If THAT ONE is ALL--then I have nothing to offer you. AND, A TEACHER IN TRUTH--DOES NOT COME TO RECEIVE, LITTLE MISPERCEIVERS--THEY (WE) COME TO GIVE and REGIVE! So, what are you doing in your running back and forth? Picking out the things you LIKE from each--and AVOIDING as much of the real TRUTH as possible while hoping to insure a trip to radiance. Well, the bad news: The trip into radiance is a self-earned transport and trying to live in a state of rapture and radiance in another dimension simply takes the valid "time" from your work purchasing your ticket to the REAL THING. Perhaps what you really need to DO is sit and FILL YOUR MIND with that which will merit action and get on with the journey so we can ALL get into that wondrous state of radiance.

    Ones who present their whole experience in physical dimension to becoming proficient at religious mind-emptying and nirvana floating--are successful at ONE THING ONLY: FAILURE. For one thing--you CANNOT consciously empty your mind! The more you consciously try--the more you can't! And, look at the goodly time wasted that you MIGHT have done something worthy for mankind to make your journey worth your journey here.

    So why the physical gurus? To fill their role in pulling you away from ACTION which can actually re-CREATE a civilization! You CANNOT FOCUS ONLY ON THE SELF--AND MERGE AGAIN WITHIN THE WHOLE. You must first come to harmony and love within self and then act in example so that the whole can be melded within the ONE. Sitting in a museum of "other's" presentation--IS NOT "IT"!

    I have always told you to read, study, practice ALL--if you can. TRUTH stands infinitely secure in the face of ALL TEACHINGS FROM ALL GURU'S. However, if you become trapped within a "doctrine" you are about "done for"--because "doctrines" are of MAN. FREEDOM IN TRUTH IS OF GOD!

    Am "I" displeased when ones ask and take "time" with these inquiries? No, for this is a part of learning as is anything and sometimes the MOST IMPORTANT LESSONS OF ALL. You all have teachers and guides--why would I not utilize them as do you? They are not, however, to DO YOUR WORK FOR YOU--only offer the "way". And moreover, if the "way" be geared to solely physical-mind interaction in another dimension--why be HERE? By "here" I mean--physical realm? If you simply WANT to be in perceived perfection of another realm--why do you not go blow your head off and ascend quickly? Why? Because you KNOW that on the other side of such action--is not the place you REALLY want to be! So why not just start NOW and get on with "getting on" and stop the foolishness--especially the foolishness of pulling ones along with your journey into basic inaction?

    You must come to KNOW your connections with GOD and then you will not ask "me" or be embarrassed by my answers if they cross you. KNOWING is THE key. If you GO to perceive beauty, music, peaceful rest, etc.--THEN CALL IT THAT! QUIT LYING TO SELF!

    I urge you who wish to find SOCIAL interchange--to go where it is. If it be in church-building and you attend, can you not take the wheat from that experience and cast off the chaff? If it be in a "bar", which it won't be--go there. Do you HAVE TO DO THE THINGS OF THE ADVERSARY? THEREIN LIES THE REAL QUESTION--AND THE ANSWER! Even Mother Teresa WORKS in the slums and gutters--but not with an empty mind meditation on her mantra! WHO may be closest to achieving goodness? God does not want dead martyrs. GOD DOES NOT ASK MAN TO DIE FOR HIM--HE DEMANDS THAT MAN LIVE FOR HIM! MOREOVER, AN EMPTY MIND IS AN EMPTY MAN--ALREADY DEAD UNTO GOD!

    But, can't you have a teacher AND serve in other ways, other teachers and guides? Of course--but if you have to ASK ME about those teachers and effort to gain my "permission" for such sojourns into their presence--YOU ARE NOT EVEN SURE OF YOUR OWN DIRECTIONS! Of course you can share all manners of wondrous adventures--a sojourn with those serving the Great Spirit is wondrous, fresh and sacred. But if you have to ASK--within you KNOW there is something MISSING from that offering.

    I ask nothing of you save a flexible, open and receiving mind--to balance that which I offer against that which you perceive otherwise. Mine is not a "teaching" JOB as such--only a mission to offer what is THE WORD as sent forth. Moreover, we have no "church" and no "public" forum--so why would YOU impose upon my work if you be not in atunement with that which we offer? If you feel no need to study our work in favor of that of another teacher--why clutter our spaces or your time? But can't you just share both? Well, friends, ONE is going to be lacking in WHOLENESS. Would you wear a suit of clothes with half of it missing? Perhaps some of those missing parts may be in most undesired spots of the anatomy!!!

    Meditating in my definition is only the connection of mind in thought exchange with God--or whatever--and usually it is the "whatever"! It is also called prayer or "thinking on" with receptivity to the responses--not empty mind!

    Meditation to the New Age and Old Age is the sitting while usually pondering nothing but getting an empty mind--for long periods of time to drift in and out of living while calling it rapture and ecstasy. Well GOD IS ECSTASY--so he doesn't need any more of your perfection at doing-nothing.

    Astral travel? Sure--it can be an experience of LEARNING or it can be as worthless as an expensive trip of hang-gliding--exciting, expensive and worthy of NOTHING. By the way-hang-gliding with an empty brain/mind is pretty dangerous, tinkerers. When you "crash" it is usually the "Big One".

    I'd like to share with you a very entertaining press column by Herb Benham, on the subject in point. It is simply for a bit of light humor; I do not speculate nor am I interested in your meditation habits. If it fulfills YOU--then you are not going to change at any rate, I presume, so why debate the issue--WHAT IS--IS, AND NO AMOUNT OF ARGUING THE POINT WILL MAKE IT OTHER.


    (A-ING)---I THINK...
    This morning I sat in the big yellow chair and meditated. I thought about Thomas, who the day before had bitten Sam on the thigh, and also bloodied his nose. I wondered if I should have yelled at him more, less, or not at all.

    I have been meditating since high school. I'd heard about Transcendental Meditation from the Beatles, thought the guy with the beard looked pretty cool and one day we signed up as a family. All eight of us.

    It wasn't cheap but we got the family rate, which worked out to probably one chrome wheel on the guru's Rolls. A junior maharishi came over to the house, bringing flowers, a clean white handkerchief and prayer beads.

    After some basic instruction, he took each of us aside and gave us a mantra. This is a little sound that is supposed to unlock the secrets of the universe.

    "This is your own private mantra. You must NEVER reveal it to anybody," he said sternly, his turban shaking back and forth on his head like a beehive. "You can't even discuss it with your fellow meditators."

    So we didn't. For years we talked about everything else--the Vietnam War, boyfriends, girlfriends, money, Watergate--but we kept our mantras to ourselves. It was only after my Dad got sick a few years ago, and the family had shared all our innermost secrets, that one day Courtney asked, "Was your mantra ‘a-ing'?"

    It was! Rhymed with spring, fling and ding-a-ling.

    We all had the same mantra. That was the family plan. It's a discount if junior maharishi doesn't have to conjure up eight different mantras.

    Dad meditated for about a week. My sister, Hope, less than 10 days; Derek maybe a fortnight. The problem in our house was not space, it was privacy.

    Meditation required a quiet room. You'd be sitting there meditating your brains out and somebody would walk in eating a Popsicle and say, "What are you trying to do, meditate?"

    Then they'd blast out the latest Led Zeppelin album, or sit next to you and unfold the playmate of the month. Pretty soon your curious little eyes would be peeping out from behind your eyelids, wanting to free themselves from their delicate prison.

    "Whew," you'd finally say, eyes wide open, torturing yourself no longer. "I feel great. I am so relaxed and centered."

    Actually you were so glad that the 15 minutes, the allotted time for TMers, was over that you would have driven a load of Titanium over the Himalayas in a chicken truck.

    Now I am the sole meditating survivor in the family. People aren't dead, they're just not interested. Early on I realized there were benefits. It was very relaxing, in fact sometimes it was so relaxing that I would begin a meditation at 9 p.m right before bed and not conclude it until 7 a.m.

    When we started having kids they couldn't quite figure out what I was doing in the yellow chair with my eyes closed. "Why doesn't Daddy just go to bed?" Sometimes they'd climb on me, a challenge for any meditator.

    Now I sit in the morning before anybody's up. It's my time to try to get in touch.

    With what, I often ask myself. The heartbeat of the universe? That seemed an original thought several weeks back until I remembered that it sounded pretty close to Chevrolet's "Heartbeat of America". All I needed was the car being helicoptered over the cliff.

    As I sit, I hear the noises in the house, the chiming of the small brass clock. I wonder what I am supposed to see. Is enlightenment like a long, slow train? Or is it a flash of light? For crying out loud, I have been meditating for 20 years, when can I expect Nirvanaville?

    Maybe I am doomed because I went public with my mantra. If so, I am sorry and I take it back. It really wasn't "a-ing", it was "a-ring".

    Most of the time I think about the kids, my wife, work and what I could have done differently. It's good for examining conduct. And if I should get a couple hours sleep out of it, so be it. (Herb Benham, Staff Columnist, THE BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIAN.)


    I denounce NO "religions"! I denounce almost ALL "religions"! The very word in definition of "religion" sets it into the HUMAN PHYSICAL EXPRESSION OF MAN'S DICTATES. You are headed for a ONE WORLD RELIGION--which will be based on EXACTLY that which we have just presented--call it whatever you wish.

    Just as you must face that Falwell and Roberts had their AUTOBIOGRAPHIES (Autobiography MEANS self-biography) written by an (now) open Gay and the religious presentations were indeed falsely presented--just as by the same man was written dozens of other autobiographies (except his own), including Nixon, North, etc.--you must face that there is a false face presented through RELIGIONS--and all other facets of human living. This makes it a deception and deception and lies are of the ADVERSARY of God. Why cannot you just come to grips with being in LIGHTED service of actions? This puts you right into connection with God and, after all, that is where you CLAIM you wish to be! But is it really? No, you want to do it your own "human" way. So, go for it! But don't tell the world that "Hatonn said it was ok!"

    I tell you without hesitation: There is ONE thing which is OK with me--KNOWING WITHIN GOD OF LIGHT, ACTION WITHIN THAT TRUTH and FULL INTENT OF LIVING THAT LIGHTED TRUTH WITHIN ALL THE LAWS OF GOD AND THOSE OF UNIVERSAL CREATION! "Perfection" in these matters is not required--intent to perfection is acceptable. Ignorance is acceptable unless given the opportunity of learning--refusal after KNOWING is totally unacceptable--so don't dump your dirty laundry in my trail, brothers, because I will not pick it up for you! So be it. You innately KNOW what is "right" and what is "wrong"--do with it what you will but don't say "....he said it is ok!" OK?? It is NOT "OK"! OK? SALU.

    PJ 89
    CHAPTER 12
    MON., MAR. 21, 1994 1:31 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 217
    MON., MAR. 21, 1994
    Since this is the second writing today and the prior was regarding totally unassociated material with this continuation of "300", we shall move directly into Part 20. We have been speaking of "banks" and since the Federal Reserve has served (unconstitutionally) as one of the major money printers in the world--we need to discuss the monetary status of the world. However, I don't want to do that again, so I ask that a more recent observation, sent to us Friday, be inserted appropriately in this writing. I do not wish to be distracted from the "players" in THE PLAN, along with the facts of the organizations themselves. Thank you.

    I do ask that the presentation not be delayed greatly for your nation, as is the world, is about to undergo massive changes in which you may well see the end of the Federal Reserve BY THAT NAME. In the changes, however, may well come the total collapse of currency. There IS enough gold, etc., to take care of return to gold backing--but I wonder if there will be enough of you who wish to--to bring back value to anything in your physical realm? It would have to be a totally monitored situation or gold, itself, would have NO VALUE at all. However, you have to have some stepping stones to rebalance for abrupt destruction of government breeds only anarchy and total dissolution of order.

    You are being hit with everything possible as distractors from wars to recurrence of tuberculosis. It is going to require insight, knowledge, action and wisdom if you are to reclaim selves. You cannot go do "it" in Korea or Southern Slobovia--it begins and ends with YOU in YOUR location and YOUR nation, etc. GOD ALWAYS PROVIDES--I WONDER "IF" YOU WILL SEE AND HEED?

    Part 20
    CONSPIRATORS' HIERARCHY, The Story of the Committee of 300. By John Coleman.

    How can these facts be verified? Actually, some of them cannot be verified because the information comes straight out of intelligence files but, with a lot of legwork, there are many sources which can verify at least part of the facts. [H: You must remember at all times: THESE FACTS WERE AND ARE NEVER INTENDED FOR YOU-THE-PEOPLE TO VERIFY AND/OR KNOW! THE SECRECY "IS" THE NAME OF THE GAME!] The work would involve a diligent search of Dun and Bradstreet Reference Book of Corporations, Standard and Poors, British and American "Who's Who" with long hours of hard work in cross-referencing names with their corporate affiliations. [H: And still you would not find that which is not to be found--as silent corporations are formed all over the world and alias persons and corporations are prevalent. You will have to consider that which is offered, validate what you can, consider connections and other prior writings, etc., and recognize the diligent efforts to KEEP ALL THIS INFORMATION FROM YOU.]

    Committee of 300 corporations, banks, and insurance companies operate under the unified command covering every conceivable matter of strategy and cohesive action. The Committee is the ONLY organized power hierarchy in the world transcending all governments and individuals, however powerful and secure they may feel themselves to be. This covers finance, defense matters and political parties of all colors and types.

    There is no entity the Committee cannot reach and control, and that includes organized religions of the world. This then, is the all powerful OLYMPIAN GROUP whose power base is in London and the City of London's financial centers with its grip on minerals, metals and precious gems, cocaine, opium and pharmaceutical drugs, rentier-financier bankers, cult promoters and founders of rock music. The British Crown is the control point from which all things radiate. As the saying goes, "They have a finger in every pie."

    It is obvious that the communications field is tightly controlled. Going back to RCA, we find that its directorate is composed of British-American establishment figures who feature prominently in other organizations such as the CFR, NATO, the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Bilderbergers, Round Table, Milner Society and the Jesuits-Aristotle Society. Among them was David Sarnoff who moved to London at the same time Sir William Stephenson moved into the RCA building in New York.

    All three major television networks came as spinoffs from RCA, especially the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) which was first, closely followed by the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) in 1951. The third big television network was Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) which, like its sister companies was, and still is, dominated by British intelligence. William Paley was trained in mass brainwashing techniques at TAVISTOCK Institute prior to being passed as qualified to head CBS.

    Thus, if we the people of the United States but knew it, all our major television networks are subject to British oversight, and information they provide first goes to London for clearance. It is interesting to note that the Tavistock intelligence paper written by Stanford Research Institute, commonly named "The Aquarian Conspiracy" was funded by donations from all three major television networks.

    All three major networks are represented on the Committee of 300 and are affiliated with the giant of the mass communications business, the Xerox Corporation of Rochester, New York, whose Robert M. Beck holds a seat on the Committee. Beck is also a director of the Prudential Life Insurance Company, which is a subsidiary of the London Prudential Assurance Company Limited.

    Others on the board of Xerox are Howard Clark of the American Express Company, one of the main conduits for moving drug money through "travelers checks", former Secretary of the Treasury William Simon, and Sol Linowitz, who negotiated the Panama Canal Treaties for the Committee. Linowitz is important to the Committee by virtue of his long standing expertise in laundering drug money through Marine Midland and the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank.

    Another Xerox board member is Robert Sproull, who is of real interest because, as president of the University of Rochester, he allowed the Tavistock Institute, working through the CIA, to use the university's facilities for the 20-year MK-Ultra LSD experiments. Some 85 other universities in the U.S. also allowed their facilities to be misused in this manner. As giant-sized as Xerox is, it is dwarfed by the Rank Organization, a London-based conglomerate fully controlled by members of Queen Elizabeth's immediate family.

    Notable members of the board of Rank Organization who are also members of the Committee of 300 are the following:

    Lord Helsby, chairman of the drug money clearing house, Midland Bank. Helsby's other positions include a directorship in the giant Imperial Group and the Industrial and Commercial Finance Corporation.

    Sir Arnold France, a director of Tube Investments who runs the London underground train service. France is also a director of the BANK OF ENGLAND which has so much control over the Federal Reserve Banks.

    Sir Dennis Mountain, chairman of the mighty Eagle Star group and a director of English Property Corp., one of the rentier-financier companies of the British royal family. One such member is the Honorable Angus Ogilvie, "Prince of Companies", who is married to Her Royal Highness Princess Alexandria, sister of the Duke of Kent, leader of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and who takes the place of the Queen when she is outside of Britain. Ogilvie is a director of the Bank of England and chairman of the giant LONRHO conglomerate. It was LONRHO that ended the rule of Ian Smith in Rhodesia so that he could be replaced by Robert Mugabe. At stake were Rhodesia's chrome mines which produce the finest high-grade chrome ore in the world.

    Cyril Hamilton, chairman of the Standard and Chartered Bank (the old Lord Milner-Cecil Rhodes bank) and a board member of the Bank of England. Hamilton is also on the board of the Xerox Corporation, the Malta International Banking Corporation (A Knights of Malta bank), a director of the Standard Bank of South Africa--the largest bank in that country, and a director of the Banque Belge d'Afrique.

    Lord O'Brien of Lotherby, past president of the British Bankers Association, director of Morgan Grenfell--a powerful bank, director of Prudential Assurance, director of J.P. Morgan, director of Bank of England, a board member of the Bank of International Settlements, a director of the giant Unilever conglomerate.

    Sir Reay Geddes, chairman of the giant Dunlop and Pirelli tyre companies, director of the Midland and International Banks, director of the Bank of England. Note how many of these powerful men are directors of the Bank of England which makes control of American fiscal policies simple.

    Many of these organizations and institutions, companies and banks are so interfaced and interlocked as to make it an almost impossible task to sort them out. On RCA's board sits Thornton Bradshaw, president of Atlantic Richfield and a member of NATO, World Wildlife Fund, the Club of Rome, The Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, the Council on Foreign Relations. Bradshaw is also chairman of NBC. The most important function of RCA remains its service to British intelligence.

    It is not generally known how powerful was the role played by the Committee of 300 in stopping the investigation into the CIA which Senator McCarthy almost succeeded in pulling off. Had McCarthy been successful, it is very likely that President John F. Kennedy would be alive today.

    When McCarthy said he was going to summon William Bundy to appear before his commission of inquiry, panic swept Washington and London. Bundy, had he been called to testify, would most probably have cracked and opened the door to the "special relations" that existed between British oligarchical circles and their cousins in the United States Government. [H: I wonder how many of you recognize the name "Ted Bundy" and never heard of "William Bundy"? That in itself is no accident--there are ALWAYS distractors!]

    Such a possibility could not be entertained. The Royal Institute of International Affairs was called in to put an end to McCarthy. The RIIA chose Allen Dulles, a man who was totally enamored of decadent British society, to attack McCarthy head on. Dulles put Patrick Lyman and Richard Helms in charge of the McCarthy case. Helms was later rewarded for his services against McCarthy by being made head of the CIA.

    General Mark Clark, a member of the CFR and a well-liked military man in London circles, was appointed by General Eisenhower to turn back McCarthy's full-fledged attack on the CIA. McCarthy was preempted when Clark announced that a special committee was to be appointed to examine the agency. Clark, on instructions from the RIIA, recommended a Congressional watchdog committee to "periodically examine the work of government intelligence agencies". The whole thing was a super tragedy for America and a victory for the British, who feared that McCarthy would accidentally stumble onto the Committee of 300 and its control over every aspect of United States affairs.

    Lehman Brothers-Kuhn Loeb's former chairman, Peter G. Peterson, served under former MI-6 chief Sir William Wiseman and as such was no stranger to British royalty. Peterson is tied in with Aspen Institute, yet another arm of British intelligence.

    John R. Petty is president and chairman of the Marine Midland Bank--a bank whose drug trade connections have been well established long before it was taken over by the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, probably the number one bank in the opium trade, a position it has held since 1814.

    But the best proof I can offer of the existence of the Committee of 300 is the Rank Organization which, in conjunction with Eagle Star, IS THE BRITISH CROWN. It is also the black operations center of MI-6 (SIS). Between them, these two Committee of 300 companies control Her Majesty's Dominion of Canada, using the "hofjuden" Bronfman family to carry out their orders.

    Trizec Holdings, ostensibly owned by the Bronfman family, is in reality the main asset of the Queen of England's in Canada. The entire Southeast Asian opium trade interfaces with the Bronfman empire and is one of the means whereby heroin is brought to America. In a sense, Canada is like Switzerland, pristine snow-covered landscapes, big cities, a place of great beauty, but underneath lies a deep layer of filth and dirt arising from its massive heroin trade.

    The Bronfman family are "cut-outs", what is known in MI-6 as "front men"--controlled from London by MI-6 "deskmen", intelligence jargon for controllers at headquarters. Edgar Bronfman, the family leader, was sent to "Moscow Center"--cover name for the KGB headquarters at 2 Dzerzhinsky Square, Moscow, on a large number of occasions.

    At a low level, Bronfman was probably very useful as a contact man with Moscow. Bronfman was never at any stage a contract agent for MI-6 and so never carried the title "Paroles", a key intelligence word for mutual identification between agents, which greatly disappointed the eager Bronfman family head. At one stage when it was thought that some of the family were acting suspiciously, "watchers"--intelligence jargon for intelligence officers keeping persons under surveillance, were put on the Bronfman family, but found only that one of the Bronfmans had been bragging to the United States "cousin" (the word MI-6 uses for the CIA) who was unaware of the role of Edgar Bronfman. This was quickly corrected.

    Two Eagle Star directors, who were also the two top MI-6 operatives, took control of the Bronfman family about six months after the war ended. Sir Kenneth Keith and Sir Kenneth Strong, whom we have already met, legitimized the Bronfman family by setting up Trizec Holdings. There is no one in the world who can do a better job of "fronting", through companies, than MI-6.

    Yet, like Switzerland, there is a dirty side to Canada that has been well-hidden from view by the Committee of 300 under cover of the Official Secrets Act, a carbon-copy of the British law passed in 1913. Drugs, dirty money laundering, crime and racketeering are all covered by their infamous Act.

    Not known to many is that, if charged under the Official Secrets Act, which can be interpreted any way the Crown agents choose, persons could face the death penalty. As I have said so many times since 1980, Canada is not a nation like South Africa, or Holland or Belgium; it always was, and remains tied to the Queen of England's apron strings. Canada, we find, is always first in carrying out Queen Elizabeth's wishes. Canadian troops have fought in every one of Her majesty's wars, including the Boer War (1899-1903).

    Like its American counterpart, the Canadian Institute of International Affairs is a child of the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA) and runs Canadian politics. Its members have filled the position of Secretary of State ever since it was founded in 1925. The Institute for Pacific Relations, the body that fostered the attack on Pearl Harbor, was welcomed in Canada after Owen Lattimore and his fellow members had their treasonous activities exposed in 1947 and left the United States before they could be charged.

    The Canadian Institute for International Affairs is connected with the Rank Organization through Sir Kenneth Strong, who was second in charge of MI-6 at the end of the Second World War. As a member of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Strong is the number two man in Canada for Rank and the British Crown's commercial interests. He is on the board of one of the most prolific drug banks in the world after the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, the Bank of Nova Scotia, through which proceeds of the Canadian heroin trade are handled.

    First in line is Sir Brian Edward Mountain, the ranking member of the Knights of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. It is well to remember that, when the British Crown wanted the United States to enter the Second World War, it sent Lord Beaverbrook and Sir Brian Mountain to meet with President Roosevelt to deliver the Crown's orders in this regard. Roosevelt complied by ordering the United States Navy to operate out of a base in Greenland, from where attacks on German submarines were carried out nine months before Pearl Harbor. This was done without the knowledge and consent of the Congress.

    Another big name in the Rank-Canadian interfacing was Sir Kenneth Keith, a director of Canada's equivalent of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, the Bank of Nova Scotia, dripping in drug money laundering. He was also on the board of Britain's oldest and most venerable newspaper institution, the London Times and the Sunday Times. For over 100 years the "TIMES" has been the Crown's voice on foreign affairs, finance matters and political life in England.

    Like so many Committee of 300 members, Sir Kenneth circulated between MI-6 and the opium supply chain of command in Hong Kong and China, ostensibly on business for the Canadian Institute for International Affairs, of which he was a member. Furthermore, as a director of the Hill Samuel banking house, his presence in China and Hong Kong could be explained without any problem. One of his closest associates outside of MI-6 circles was Sir Philip de Zuleta, the Committee of 300's direct controller of all British prime ministers, both Conservative and Labor. Sir Kenneth Strong tied in all the spokes of the drug wheel, including terrorism, production of opium, the gold markets, dirty money laundering and banking to its central core, the British Crown.

    At the top of British Crown control of Canada was Walter Gordon. A former member of the Queen's hands-on oversight committee, also known as the Privy Council, Gordon sponsored the Institute for Pacific Relations via the Canadian Institute of International Affairs. As a former minister of finance, Gordon was able to place Committee of 300 selected accountants and lawyers inside the three main chartered banks: the Bank of Nova Scotia, the Canadian Imperial Bank and the Toronto Dominion Bank.

    Through these three "Crown banks" a network of Committee of 300 agents responsible to Gordon oversaw the world's second largest dirty drug money laundering operation, with a direct open door to China. Before his death, Gordon controlled James Endicott, Chester Ronning and Paul Linn, identified by MI-6 as Canada's top "China specialists". All three men worked closely with Chou-En-lai, who once told Gamal Abdul Nasser that he would do to Britain and the USA what they had done to China, i.e., turn them into nations of heroin addicts. Chou-En-lai made good on his promise, starting with American GI's in Vietnam. Other close collaborators in the Canadian heroin drug ring were John D. Gilmer and John Robert Nicholson, both members of the Order of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem.

    Lord Hartley Shawcross, who is believed to report directly to Queen Elizabeth II, was on the board of the Royal Institute for International Affairs and chancellor of Sussex University where the notorious Tavistock Institute for Human Relations is located, with extensive connections in Canada.

    As part of Rank's United States operation, no other single company has been more successful for Rank than the Corning Group, owners of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and the New York Life Insurance Company. Committee of 300 members, Amory Houghton and his brother James Houghton, have long served the British Crown through the above named insurance companies, and Corning Glass, Dow Corning and Corning International. Both sit on the board of IBM and Citicorp. James Houghton is a director of the Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies, a director of the J. Pierpont Morgan Library, a stronghold of the RIIA and the CFR, and he is also a director of CBS.

    It was the Houghton brothers who donated hundreds of acres known as Wye Plantation in Maryland to the British Crown's Aspen Institute. Also on the Corning Glass board sits the Bishop of the Archdiocese of the Anglican (Episcopalian) Church of Boston. All this gives the group its much-vaunted air of respectability, which insurance company executives must carry, and as we shall see, in addition to James Houghton, Keith Funston and John Harper, both of Corning's board, run the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company.

    The MASSIVE gridding and interfacing of just this one single unit of the Committee of 300 will give us a good indication of the vast power at the disposal of the conspirators' hierarchy, before which all knees are bowed, including the knee of the President of the United States, whomever that happens to be.

    What is important to note is how this American company, one of HUNDREDS, is interfaced with British intelligence, with Canada, the Far East and South Africa, not to mention its gridding of corporate officials and directors reaching into every aspect of business and politics in the United States.

    While Metropolitan Life Insurance Company does not begin to compare with the Committee of 300's giant Assicurazioni Generale, it is nevertheless a good indicator of how the Houghtons' power extends right across the business spectrum of the U.S. and Canada. Starting with R.H. Macy, (whose floor walkers no longer wear red carnations to honour the company's affiliation with Communism), the Royal Bank of Canada, National and Westminster Bank, Intertel (a virulent and vile private intelligence agency), Canadian Pacific, The Reader's Digest, RCA, AT&T, the Harvard Business School, W.R. Grace Shipping Company, Ralston Purina Company, U.S. Steel, Irving Trust, Consolidated Edison of New York and ABC, the Houghtons' power grid extends as far as the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank.

    Another successful Rank company in the United States is the Reliance Insurance Group. As an integral part of the Strategic Bombing Survey, Reliance established the initial structural base for brainwashing, opinion-making, polling, survey and the system analysis used by the Tavistock Institute in the United States. The Reliance Insurance Company, based in Philadelphia, set up the corporate structure which enabled the Strategic Bombing Survey to be turned against the people of the United States who, although unaware of it, have been subjected to savage psychological warfare for the past 45 years.

    A key operative in this assault on the United States was David Bialkin of the Committee of 300 law firm, Wilkie, Farr and Gallagher. Bialkin ran the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) for many years. THE ADL IS A BRITISH INTELLIGENCE OPERATION FOUNDED IN THE U.S. BY MI-6 AND RUN BY SAUL STEINBERG AND ERIC TRIST OF TAVISTOCK. Saul Steinberg is the U.S. representative and business partner of the Jacob de Rothschild family of London.

    [H: Sharpen up, readers, or you are going to get squashed by this gigantic steam-roller!]

    Reliance Corporation is home for Carl Lindner who succeeded Eli Black when he "fell" from a 44th floor window of a New York skyscraper. [H: You know--sort of the same way that John Kennedy committed suicide in Dallas, Texas!] Reliance Company interfaces with the powerful United Fruit Company of Boston and New Orleans run by Max Fisher who, before he was sheepdipped, was a well-known Detroit underworld figure. United Fruit Company has long been a conveyer of heroin and cocaine into the U.S. under the expertise of Mishulam Riklis of Rapid American Corporation who masterminds shipments from Canada to the U.S. Remember, all this is under the aegis of a single company, gridding and interfacing with a myriad of smaller companies and operations to give the Committee of 300 full control of a multiplicity of operations, each one carefully interlocked in the grid.

    Reliance Group is a spinoff of the parent company whose function it is to brainwash the American people through a network of pollsters and opinion makers and relies on Operations Research for direct links with the Tavistock Institute. Another associate company is Leasco, which is closely interfaced with AT&T, Disclosure Incorporated, Western Union International, Imbucon Ltd and Yankelovich, Skelly and White.

    Daniel Yankelovich is the emperor of the polling-opinion making corporate structure in the United States, a vast apparatus which provides "public opinions on social, economic and political matters of substance", to quote Edward Bernays. It was this vast apparatus that turned the majority of Americans, who had never even heard of Saddam Hussein and vaguely knew that Iraq was a country somewhere in the Middle East, into a people howling for his blood and the extermination of Iraq as a nation.

    Yankelovich utilized to the full all knowledge gained during the Second World War. As a second-generation warrior, Yankelovich has no equal, which is why ABC polls conducted by his company are always in the forefront of "public opinion". The population of the United States was targeted in the same manner of German worker housing by attacking the sense of reality. This technique is, of course, standard training for certain intelligence groups, which includes the CIA.

    Yankelovich's task was to destroy traditional American values and replace them with New Age-Age of Aquarius values. As the Committee of 300's most senior public opinion maker, no one can doubt that Yankelovich has done a superb job.

    Probably the best way to explain what methods are used and what results are expected to be achieved is to quote John Naisbitt's work as explained in his "Trend Report". Naisbitt has acted as advisor to Lyndon Johnson, Eastman Kodak, IBM, American Express, the Center for Policy Study, Chase Manhattan, General Motors, Louis Harris Polls, the White House, Institute of Life Insurance, the American Red Cross, Mobil Oil, B.P. and a host of Committee of 300 companies and institutions. His methodology, derived from MI-6 Tavistock procedures, is of course not unique:

    "I will briefly outline our methodology. In developing Trend Report for our clients we rely mostly on a system of monitoring local events and behavior. We are overwhelmingly impressed with the extent to which this is a bottom-up society, so we monitor what is going on locally, rather than what is going on in Washington or New York. Things start in Los Angeles, in Tampa, in Hartford, in Wichita, Portland, San Diego and Denver. It is a very much ‘from the bottom-up' society.

    "The tracking concept employed in determining these trends has its roots in WW II. During the war, intelligence experts sought to find a method for obtaining information on enemy nations that public opinion polls would normally have provided. Under the leadership of Paul Lazarsfeld and Harold Laswell, a method was developed for monitoring what was going on in these societies that involved doing a content analysis of the daily press.

    "Although this method of monitoring public thinking continues to be the choice of the intelligence community--the nation annually spends millions of dollars doing newspaper content analyses in all parts of the world.... The reason this system of monitoring changes in society works so well is that ‘news holes' in newspapers is a closed system. For economic reasons the amount of space devoted to news in a newspaper doesn't change over time.

    "So when something new is introduced into that news hole, something or a combination of things has to go out or be omitted. The principle involved here is classified as a forced choice within a closed system. In this forced situation societies add new preoccupations and forget old ones. We keep track of the ones that are added and the ones that are given up.

    "Evidently, societies are like human beings. I do not know what the number is, but a person can only keep so many problems and concerns in his head at any one time. If new problems or concerns are added, some existing ones must be given up. We keep track of what Americans have given up and have taken up.

    "The United States is rapidly shifting from a mass industrial society to an information society and the final impact will be more profound than the 19th century shift from an agricultural to an industrial society. Starting in 1979, the number one occupation in the U.S. became clerking, replacing laborer and farmer. In this latter statement is a brief history of the United States."

    It is not by chance that Naisbitt is a member of the Club of Rome and, as such, a "senior staffer" of the Committee of 300. He is also one of the senior vice presidents of Yankelovich, Skelly and White. What Naisbitt is doing is not forecasting trends but MAKING them. We have seen how the industrial base of the United States has been destroyed, starting with the steel industry. In 1982 I wrote a work I called Death of the Steel Industry, in which I stated that by the mid-1990's, steel production in the U.S. will have declined to a point of no return, and that the auto and housing industries would go the same way.

    All this has come to pass, and what we are witnessing today is not an economic recession due only to unsound economic policies, but the deliberately planned destruction of our industrial base--and along with it the destruction of America's unique middle class--the backbone of the country--which depends on a progressive industrial expansion for growth and for steady employment.

    This is one of the reasons why the recession, which started in earnest in January of 1991, has turned into a depression from which the United States as we knew it in the 1960s-1970s will most probably never reappear. The economy will not come out of the depression of 1991 until at least 1995-1996, at which time the United States will have become an entirely different society from the one it was when the recession began.

    Opinion makers have played no small part in this war on the United States; we need to examine the role of the Committee of 300 in bringing about these far-reaching changes and how the social engineers have used central systems analyses to keep public opinion from expressing anything other than the policies of the invisible government. How and where did it all begin?


    * * *
    I am asked "why" am I reading this information to you like a teacher in a classroom? BECAUSE ALMOST NONE OF YOU WOULD OTHERWISE EVER HEAR OR READ IT! Perhaps if we take something bit by tiny bit--you WILL pay attention! You MUST get these controllers in mind or you haven't a chance of pulling out of your stupors. It is NOT INTENDED that you-the-people know what is going on OR DO ANYTHING AT ALL ABOUT YOUR PLIGHT. Note that the "opinioners" tell you what you believe and how many of you believe it--you take it as if it were fact! HOW MANY OF YOU HAVE BEEN POLLED ON ANYTHING--MUCH THE LESS A REALLY CONTROVERSIAL SUBJECT!?!? Come on, sleepyheads, WAKE UP! Salu.

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    PJ 89
    CHAPTER 13
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    PJ 89
    CHAPTER 14
    "The Phoenix Program Comes to America"
    PROPHECY NEWSLETTER from The Mercenary's Retreat
    by Col. Cannon O'Fodder
    In the early morning hours of January 11, 1994 at least two military helicopters swooped down over homes in a well-to-do, upper middle-income subdivision in Dallas, Texas. One helicopter was so low that it jarred Michael Benn from his sleep. Frightened by the loudness that seemed to be just overhead, he quickly threw on a robe and went outside to see what was happening.

    Outside he discovered the neighborhood was covered in a thick fog. He couldn't see the craft but heard it moving slowly across the street and down from his home. After the helicopter slowly moved away Michael went back to bed. As he began to doze off he was suddenly awakened again, this time by the sound of sirens. He got out of bed and hurried to see what was going on. To his dismay a home down the street in the direction the helicopter had gone was on fire.

    Like most of us would do, he went down the street to observe with other neighbors. When asked what caused the fire nobody knew but one or two did admit to hearing the helicopters. Later that day, a neighbor who lived next door to the house, told him that he had learned from people who arrived at the house about two hours after the fire that lightning had struck the house. This seemed odd because there was no weather disturbance in the area at the time that could have caused lightning.

    Michael remembered seeing the crew of people showing up at the house about two hours after the fire. There were a number of men all driving white automobiles with cellular phones walking about the property and inside the burned out building. He noticed some were carrying out electrical appliances from the debris and loading them onto a Goodwill truck that had come with them. At the time he thought they were people from the insurance company.

    The next day another team of people showed up at the burned residence. This time he walked over to see what was going on. The crew was dressed like construction workers and involved in tearing out parts of the ceiling and loading it on a truck. He asked one of them if anyone had determined yet what caused the fire? The man replied that the house had been struck by lightning. When confronted with the viability of the answer the man sternly repeated there had been a storm in the area that morning and the house had been struck by lightening. Michael was then effectively asked to leave by being told it was dangerous for him to be there. It was during that visit that he discovered there were four large round holes burned in the roof of the house.

    At about 1:00 P.M. that same day, Michael's wife, Carol, and the family pets were terrorized by two more helicopters, one of which dropped down very low over their home and hovered for about 3 minutes. Michael was away from the house at the time.

    On returning home he found Carol pale and shaken and the family pets traumatized by the incident. Looking out the window he saw several large chunks of their composition shingle roof laying in the back yard. Carol said that the force of the helicopter blades had torn them from the roof. Now, Michael became alarmed and suspicious.

    He began to fit events together that pointed to the fact this fire had been started by the helicopter that morning and that there was a very good chance that it might have been intended for his home rather than the residence down the street

    What would motivate the government to send a military helicopter into that subdivision to perform a surgical strike on the Benn's home with the obvious intent to kill them?

    Michael Benn and his wife are devout Christians who are very concerned about the election of Bill Clinton as President.

    Michael initiated the Impeach Clinton Campaign that has taken off like wildfire. He's collected over 12 million signatures and the numbers are growing daily. He also publishes a newsletter that's been reporting on a case filed in the Federal Courts in Missouri that contains undeniable proof that Bill Clinton is an acting KGB operative and up to his ears in the New World Order agenda.

    Several weeks before these events Michael had been visited by two Secret Service agents. He invited them into his home where they asked him several questions about his activities surrounding the impeachment program. They wanted to know if he intended to overthrow the government of the United States and other foolishness. They wanted to know how the campaign had grown that large so fast and did he know of anyone who was trying to take over the campaign that may have intentions of overthrowing the government. While they were there they also mentioned the Federal Court case he had been reporting on. Michael thought that he had satisfied their curiosity when they left. He was shocked by one of the agents' remarks as they left who said, "You sure have a nice home here to be doing what your doing." Little did he know that this was a veiled threat to cease and desist!

    At this time the evidence is mounting that the government set the house down the street ablaze by mistake. They fully intended to destroy Michael and Carol's home and burn them to death. They even came back the next day and hovered over their home to make sure they understood the fire was intended for them!

    This incident provides undeniable proof that the agents of the New World Order conspiracy intend to stamp out all voices of dissent in our country and that their mission is underway. We've been telling our network for some time that such a program would be a logical progression to implement their plan.

    During the Vietnam era the CIA ran such a program in Southeast Asia. It was called the Phoenix Program. Their agents were responsible for the terrorizing, torture and murder of hundreds of thousands of people throughout Southeast Asia. Anyone who raised their voice in the least against the South Vietnamese government or the United States involvement there became their victims. The same people who ran that program are now in the United States and they've brought it home to America.

    In the coming weeks and months, the true voice of dissent will disappear from the American landscape and will be replaced with a counterfeit. There'll soon be no people like Michael and Carol Benn who forge campaigns to protest the government. There'll be no Prophecy Newsletter or other publications that sound the trumpet.

    Oh, there'll be a voice of dissent alright, complete with eagles, banners, hymns, Bible verses and patriotic rhetoric. The New World Order knows that to bait a trap you must use a large part of the truth. However, this patriotism will be financed and established by The Order so it appears you have a voice. The infiltration and takeover is well underway now. If it wasn't for the FBI, ATF, CIA and others there wouldn't be a patriot community.

    Soon, many of the most seasoned veterans will fall prey to The Order as they set their trap to bring another Civil War, turning our country into a killing field. Only this time old enemies will be waiting to devour the remains!

    By Cal Thomas
    From THE ORLANDO SENTINEL Feb 9, 1994.
    At a National Prayer Breakfast in Washington last Thursday, Mother Teresa of Calcutta delivered the most startling and bold proclamation of Truth to power I have heard in my more than 30 professional years in Washington.

    Before an audience of 3,000--including the President and his wife, the Vice President and his wife and Congressional Leaders, among others--the 83-year-old nun, who is physically frail but spiritually and rhetorically powerful, delivered an address that cut to the heart of the social ills afflicting America. She said that America, once known for generosity to the world, has become selfish. And she said that the greatest proof of that selfishness is abortion.

    Tying abortion to growing violence and murder in the streets, she said, "If we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill each other? Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want."

    At that line, most of those in attendance erupted in a standing ovation, something that rarely occurs at these sedate events. At that moment, President Clinton quickly reached for his water glass, and Mrs. Clinton and Vice President and Mrs. Gore stared without expression at Mother Teresa. They did not applaud. It was clearly an uncomfortable moment on the dais.

    She then delivered the knockout punch: "Many people are very, very concerned with children in India; with the children of Africa, where quite a few die of hunger; and so on. Many people are also concerned about all the Violence in this great country of the United States. These concerns are very good. But often these same people are not concerned with the millions who are being killed by the deliberate decision of their own mothers. And this is what is the greatest destroyer of peace today--abortion, which brings people to such blindness."

    What? Abortion destroys peace and causes blindness toward the sick, the hungry and the naked? Abortion leads to wars between nations? Of course it does, if life is regarded so lightly and its disposal becomes so trivial, so clinical and so easy. Why should people or nations regard human life as noble or dignified if abortion flourishes? Why agonize about indiscriminate death in Bosnia when babies are killed far more efficiently and out of sight of TV cameras?

    At the end, Mother Teresa pleaded for pregnant women who don't want their children to give them to her: "I am willing to accept any child who would be aborted and to give that child to a married couple who will love the child and be loved by the child." She said she has placed more than 3,000 children into adoptive homes from her Calcutta headquarters alone. She has answered the question, "Who will care for all of these babies if abortion is again outlawed?" Now the question is whether a woman contemplating abortion wishes to be selfish or selfless, to take life or to give life.

    This article was reprinted from The Christian Educator, January/February 1994 issue who in turn reprinted it from The Christian Interpreter, P.O. Box 25318, Milwaukee, WI 53225. The author is Timothy Ruchti--The deep throated chants and clanging cymbals of the Drepung Loseling Monks marked the opening of the 1993 Parliament of the World's Religions (PWR) on Aug. 28, 1993. Over 6,000 representatives of "faith traditions" from Anglican to Zoroastrianism registered for the nine-day conference held at the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago.

    The conference was packed with plenary sessions, major presentations, seminars and lectures, live performances, spiritual films, and classes teaching meditation and worship. The opening of the Parliament began on Aug. 28 before a capacity crowd of 1800 in the Grand Ballroom of the Palmer House Hilton with a processional of dignitaries representing over 120 religions. Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, Muslims, Catholics, various Protestant denominations, Jainists, Wiccans, Native American Indians, and many more marched to the eerie chanting of the monks, organ and choir music, and the traditional ceremonial music of Native American Indians.

    Honorary Chairman, Mayor Richard M. Daley welcomed the PWR stating that the heart of Chicago is "the religious institutions in our city." Subsequently, religious leaders invoked the names of their gods while stressing unity through prayers, chants, meditations, and speeches.

    Swami Ghahananand, of the Vivekenanda Vedanti Society, one of the original co-sponsors of the PWR stated, "We are children of the same god....The religious of the world have common ground...it is this that justifies the Parliament."

    Lady Olivia Robertson from the Fellowship of Isis, also an original co-sponsor of the Parliament, began an ancient Egyptian salutation by shaking a hand rattle while shouting, "In the name of Isis of 10,000 Names,
    may all beings be blessed!"

    Dr. Wilma Ellis, a Baha'i leader, told the assembly, "Read the gospel and the other holy books. You will find their fundamental principles are the same..."

    Roman Catholic Archbishop Joseph Cardinal Bernadin prayed, "Blessed are you who have brought us together to promote peace and understanding among all the members of the human family."

    Purportedly, the Parliament had representatives from "all of the world's religions" and celebrated the centennial of the first World's Parliament of Religions, also held in Chicago. Many Eastern religions, including Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Jainism, Zoroastrianism, and the Baha'i Faith trace their establishment in the West to their participation in the 1893 Parliament.

    Wicca, a religion not present at the 1893 conference, made its debut at the 1993 conference. Hoping to achieve the same success as the Eastern religions did by their participation 100 years ago. Wiccans, or witches, were represented by the Covenant of the Goddess, Circle Sanctuary, Earth Spirit Community and the Fellowship of Isis.

    In literature distributed by Michael Thorn, press agent for the Covenant of the Goddess, Wicca, also called "the Craft," is the religion of witches. A witch is defined as a person who practices a nature-oriented religion "honoring divinity in female as well as (or instead of) male aspects, and practicing magic...The practice of witchcraft includes spellcasting, divination, herbalism,...and more."

    According to Thorn, "The Parliament was a tremendous success for the Craft--primarily due to the effort of the Covenant of the Goddess... We were very pleased with how we were received and how the press mentioned us."

    Several major presentations were given by witches including "Wiccan Devotionals" and "The Witch as Shaman: Rediscovering the Ancient Shamanistic Traditions of Western Europe."

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