PJ 89
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PJ 89
"The Phoenix Program Comes to America"
PROPHECY NEWSLETTER from The Mercenary's Retreat
by Col. Cannon O'Fodder
In the early morning hours of January 11, 1994 at least two military helicopters swooped down over homes in a well-to-do, upper middle-income subdivision in Dallas, Texas. One helicopter was so low that it jarred Michael Benn from his sleep. Frightened by the loudness that seemed to be just overhead, he quickly threw on a robe and went outside to see what was happening.

Outside he discovered the neighborhood was covered in a thick fog. He couldn't see the craft but heard it moving slowly across the street and down from his home. After the helicopter slowly moved away Michael went back to bed. As he began to doze off he was suddenly awakened again, this time by the sound of sirens. He got out of bed and hurried to see what was going on. To his dismay a home down the street in the direction the helicopter had gone was on fire.

Like most of us would do, he went down the street to observe with other neighbors. When asked what caused the fire nobody knew but one or two did admit to hearing the helicopters. Later that day, a neighbor who lived next door to the house, told him that he had learned from people who arrived at the house about two hours after the fire that lightning had struck the house. This seemed odd because there was no weather disturbance in the area at the time that could have caused lightning.

Michael remembered seeing the crew of people showing up at the house about two hours after the fire. There were a number of men all driving white automobiles with cellular phones walking about the property and inside the burned out building. He noticed some were carrying out electrical appliances from the debris and loading them onto a Goodwill truck that had come with them. At the time he thought they were people from the insurance company.

The next day another team of people showed up at the burned residence. This time he walked over to see what was going on. The crew was dressed like construction workers and involved in tearing out parts of the ceiling and loading it on a truck. He asked one of them if anyone had determined yet what caused the fire? The man replied that the house had been struck by lightning. When confronted with the viability of the answer the man sternly repeated there had been a storm in the area that morning and the house had been struck by lightening. Michael was then effectively asked to leave by being told it was dangerous for him to be there. It was during that visit that he discovered there were four large round holes burned in the roof of the house.

At about 1:00 P.M. that same day, Michael's wife, Carol, and the family pets were terrorized by two more helicopters, one of which dropped down very low over their home and hovered for about 3 minutes. Michael was away from the house at the time.

On returning home he found Carol pale and shaken and the family pets traumatized by the incident. Looking out the window he saw several large chunks of their composition shingle roof laying in the back yard. Carol said that the force of the helicopter blades had torn them from the roof. Now, Michael became alarmed and suspicious.

He began to fit events together that pointed to the fact this fire had been started by the helicopter that morning and that there was a very good chance that it might have been intended for his home rather than the residence down the street

What would motivate the government to send a military helicopter into that subdivision to perform a surgical strike on the Benn's home with the obvious intent to kill them?

Michael Benn and his wife are devout Christians who are very concerned about the election of Bill Clinton as President.

Michael initiated the Impeach Clinton Campaign that has taken off like wildfire. He's collected over 12 million signatures and the numbers are growing daily. He also publishes a newsletter that's been reporting on a case filed in the Federal Courts in Missouri that contains undeniable proof that Bill Clinton is an acting KGB operative and up to his ears in the New World Order agenda.

Several weeks before these events Michael had been visited by two Secret Service agents. He invited them into his home where they asked him several questions about his activities surrounding the impeachment program. They wanted to know if he intended to overthrow the government of the United States and other foolishness. They wanted to know how the campaign had grown that large so fast and did he know of anyone who was trying to take over the campaign that may have intentions of overthrowing the government. While they were there they also mentioned the Federal Court case he had been reporting on. Michael thought that he had satisfied their curiosity when they left. He was shocked by one of the agents' remarks as they left who said, "You sure have a nice home here to be doing what your doing." Little did he know that this was a veiled threat to cease and desist!

At this time the evidence is mounting that the government set the house down the street ablaze by mistake. They fully intended to destroy Michael and Carol's home and burn them to death. They even came back the next day and hovered over their home to make sure they understood the fire was intended for them!

This incident provides undeniable proof that the agents of the New World Order conspiracy intend to stamp out all voices of dissent in our country and that their mission is underway. We've been telling our network for some time that such a program would be a logical progression to implement their plan.

During the Vietnam era the CIA ran such a program in Southeast Asia. It was called the Phoenix Program. Their agents were responsible for the terrorizing, torture and murder of hundreds of thousands of people throughout Southeast Asia. Anyone who raised their voice in the least against the South Vietnamese government or the United States involvement there became their victims. The same people who ran that program are now in the United States and they've brought it home to America.

In the coming weeks and months, the true voice of dissent will disappear from the American landscape and will be replaced with a counterfeit. There'll soon be no people like Michael and Carol Benn who forge campaigns to protest the government. There'll be no Prophecy Newsletter or other publications that sound the trumpet.

Oh, there'll be a voice of dissent alright, complete with eagles, banners, hymns, Bible verses and patriotic rhetoric. The New World Order knows that to bait a trap you must use a large part of the truth. However, this patriotism will be financed and established by The Order so it appears you have a voice. The infiltration and takeover is well underway now. If it wasn't for the FBI, ATF, CIA and others there wouldn't be a patriot community.

Soon, many of the most seasoned veterans will fall prey to The Order as they set their trap to bring another Civil War, turning our country into a killing field. Only this time old enemies will be waiting to devour the remains!

By Cal Thomas
At a National Prayer Breakfast in Washington last Thursday, Mother Teresa of Calcutta delivered the most startling and bold proclamation of Truth to power I have heard in my more than 30 professional years in Washington.

Before an audience of 3,000--including the President and his wife, the Vice President and his wife and Congressional Leaders, among others--the 83-year-old nun, who is physically frail but spiritually and rhetorically powerful, delivered an address that cut to the heart of the social ills afflicting America. She said that America, once known for generosity to the world, has become selfish. And she said that the greatest proof of that selfishness is abortion.

Tying abortion to growing violence and murder in the streets, she said, "If we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill each other? Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want."

At that line, most of those in attendance erupted in a standing ovation, something that rarely occurs at these sedate events. At that moment, President Clinton quickly reached for his water glass, and Mrs. Clinton and Vice President and Mrs. Gore stared without expression at Mother Teresa. They did not applaud. It was clearly an uncomfortable moment on the dais.

She then delivered the knockout punch: "Many people are very, very concerned with children in India; with the children of Africa, where quite a few die of hunger; and so on. Many people are also concerned about all the Violence in this great country of the United States. These concerns are very good. But often these same people are not concerned with the millions who are being killed by the deliberate decision of their own mothers. And this is what is the greatest destroyer of peace today--abortion, which brings people to such blindness."

What? Abortion destroys peace and causes blindness toward the sick, the hungry and the naked? Abortion leads to wars between nations? Of course it does, if life is regarded so lightly and its disposal becomes so trivial, so clinical and so easy. Why should people or nations regard human life as noble or dignified if abortion flourishes? Why agonize about indiscriminate death in Bosnia when babies are killed far more efficiently and out of sight of TV cameras?

At the end, Mother Teresa pleaded for pregnant women who don't want their children to give them to her: "I am willing to accept any child who would be aborted and to give that child to a married couple who will love the child and be loved by the child." She said she has placed more than 3,000 children into adoptive homes from her Calcutta headquarters alone. She has answered the question, "Who will care for all of these babies if abortion is again outlawed?" Now the question is whether a woman contemplating abortion wishes to be selfish or selfless, to take life or to give life.

This article was reprinted from The Christian Educator, January/February 1994 issue who in turn reprinted it from The Christian Interpreter, P.O. Box 25318, Milwaukee, WI 53225. The author is Timothy Ruchti--The deep throated chants and clanging cymbals of the Drepung Loseling Monks marked the opening of the 1993 Parliament of the World's Religions (PWR) on Aug. 28, 1993. Over 6,000 representatives of "faith traditions" from Anglican to Zoroastrianism registered for the nine-day conference held at the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago.

The conference was packed with plenary sessions, major presentations, seminars and lectures, live performances, spiritual films, and classes teaching meditation and worship. The opening of the Parliament began on Aug. 28 before a capacity crowd of 1800 in the Grand Ballroom of the Palmer House Hilton with a processional of dignitaries representing over 120 religions. Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, Muslims, Catholics, various Protestant denominations, Jainists, Wiccans, Native American Indians, and many more marched to the eerie chanting of the monks, organ and choir music, and the traditional ceremonial music of Native American Indians.

Honorary Chairman, Mayor Richard M. Daley welcomed the PWR stating that the heart of Chicago is "the religious institutions in our city." Subsequently, religious leaders invoked the names of their gods while stressing unity through prayers, chants, meditations, and speeches.

Swami Ghahananand, of the Vivekenanda Vedanti Society, one of the original co-sponsors of the PWR stated, "We are children of the same god....The religious of the world have common is this that justifies the Parliament."

Lady Olivia Robertson from the Fellowship of Isis, also an original co-sponsor of the Parliament, began an ancient Egyptian salutation by shaking a hand rattle while shouting, "In the name of Isis of 10,000 Names,
may all beings be blessed!"

Dr. Wilma Ellis, a Baha'i leader, told the assembly, "Read the gospel and the other holy books. You will find their fundamental principles are the same..."

Roman Catholic Archbishop Joseph Cardinal Bernadin prayed, "Blessed are you who have brought us together to promote peace and understanding among all the members of the human family."

Purportedly, the Parliament had representatives from "all of the world's religions" and celebrated the centennial of the first World's Parliament of Religions, also held in Chicago. Many Eastern religions, including Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Jainism, Zoroastrianism, and the Baha'i Faith trace their establishment in the West to their participation in the 1893 Parliament.

Wicca, a religion not present at the 1893 conference, made its debut at the 1993 conference. Hoping to achieve the same success as the Eastern religions did by their participation 100 years ago. Wiccans, or witches, were represented by the Covenant of the Goddess, Circle Sanctuary, Earth Spirit Community and the Fellowship of Isis.

In literature distributed by Michael Thorn, press agent for the Covenant of the Goddess, Wicca, also called "the Craft," is the religion of witches. A witch is defined as a person who practices a nature-oriented religion "honoring divinity in female as well as (or instead of) male aspects, and practicing magic...The practice of witchcraft includes spellcasting, divination, herbalism,...and more."

According to Thorn, "The Parliament was a tremendous success for the Craft--primarily due to the effort of the Covenant of the Goddess... We were very pleased with how we were received and how the press mentioned us."

Several major presentations were given by witches including "Wiccan Devotionals" and "The Witch as Shaman: Rediscovering the Ancient Shamanistic Traditions of Western Europe."