PJ 89
SUN., MAR. 20, 1994 8:45 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 216
SUN., MAR. 20, 1994
The heart LONGS to simply turn unto and into the Spiritual aspects of expression and especially as the seeming years pass, more and more is longed for: the answers, peace, fulfillment, realization and quieting of chaos. More and more the soul aches for the "hand in the hand" and the "soul within THE soul"--only seemingly to be thwarted at every turn of the physical journey. Ah, and so it is! For it is the physical journey that allows the soul to grow as the consciousness is confronted barrage after barrage with choices, decisions, confusion and outright lies.

What happens to the great and "true" gurus? What happened with the "Rainbow Masters"? Where are they and why do they not come presently and set the classrooms to order? Because it would become again "their" mission and this journey upon which YOU have set forth--IS YOURS! So, you sit to your lessons, both in Truth and in total falseness. The HUMAN ASPECT always chooses the preference of the physical ease, luxury and satisfaction of the physical senses. Ah, but these are but illusion as to that which will bring peace, balance and harmony WITHIN SOUL. And, the problem becomes that SOUL is the infinite--PHYSICAL BUT THE PASSING....

You each, with soul, are blessed at onset by KNOWING the laws of God and Universe. Then the lessons of MAN are thrust upon the senses and the forgetting takes place. You literally FORGET who you are and what was your journey about in the first place. Most never recover memory and drift further into the mire of disposition.

"But," you say, "it is too hard to stay to the path of God and do that which is righteous. And, I can't be sure...." No, that is NOT so--you KNOW every time you so much as "fib". You know every time you advantage another--YOU KNOW! THIS is why the secret societies of the darkness--to join with others of like deceit so YOU don't feel alone. Further, the "club" can set the prices of dues and fines and you can pay them to the physical aspect of the "leader of the pack" and feel exonerated and given absolution. The very spiral of secret behavior, unacceptable to the LIGHTED PATH, becomes THE normal behavior. YOU MADE AND MAKE THE CHOICES IN CONSCIOUS DECISIONS WHETHER IT BE TO "LIFT" A FINGERNAIL CLIPPER FROM THE MARKET OR TO JOIN THE DARKEST SECRET SOCIETY OF THE SATANIC CHURCH OF THE PHYSICAL REALM. You KNOW--you simply CHOOSE.

"Evil" can only HATE! And above all, Evil (let's use it as an entity name for this purpose) hates the image of himself which YOU create from the perfection of GOD. Mr. Evil plows the furrows deeply in order to plant firmly the "idea" of humanistic "reality"--but there is no "REALITY" within that realm of experience--only chaos of consciousness. Worse, when the human journey is interrupted by whatever cause--the effect then is to dump the released energy "soul" into an abyss of limbo-land AT A LEVEL OF UNDERSTANDING AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS HOUSING THE MANIFESTED EXPERIENCE. So, you may well have a Satanic killer who, when murdered himself, still bears the direction of Satanic level growth--to represent entity at receptivity of greater expression of Evil. On the other hand, at each re-presentation there is the CHOICE of change. In every physical manifestation of expression there will ALWAYS be both Evil and Goodness--dark and light, unknowing and knowing.

When, however, you CHOOSE to journey and serve within the LIGHT expression--then comes the "CREATIVE" POWER offered by the substance of ALL life. The limitations are torn away--leaving only, once again in lessons, the "choices", confound it. But the choices become easy if you follow the "path" and the lessons in recognition and knowledge with WISDOM. What seems the EASY way of humanistic spirals--is DEAD END. You can learn everything a human teacher can tell you and show you about, say, ascension--BUT YOU STILL WILL BE TOTALLY UNABLE TO ASCEND TO ANYWHERE--NOT EVEN LEVITATE! Why? Because the PHYSICAL cannot do that which only the SOUL can do. If both the physical and soul be in complete atunement--BOTH CAN ASCEND--but will still be functioning in the physical consciousness and you certainly will not be free in that ascension to express within the realms of soul freedom. Masters do not LIKE to come back within your bindings of physical expression--FOR ANY REASON. They do, however, present themselves in many ways because of service unto God and SOUL and LOVE. The fact is that there is only ONE SOUL in perfection--therefore, I, for instance, am not WHOLE in my own being without my fragmented parts being again brought into the ONE. There is a void within my own soul perfection until I recombine with you who are missing from myself. Creator ALLOWS us those diverse experiences of HIS THOUGHT that we might return home in PERFECT regiving and acceptance--in KNOWING.

Because you ARE expressing in PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION--in forgetfulness, confusion and UNKNOWING. You are making choices without wisdom or intelligence--much less, knowledge. I cannot tell you EVERY detail of every experience to give you knowing--so I must choose those things hidden from you which CAN GIVE INSIGHT AND ALLOW CHANGE THROUGH CHOICES MADE IN WISE RECOURSE. You must come to KNOW your enemy! It helps not if only "I" know YOUR enemy--it is enough for me that I know my own enemy--but you are experiencing in YOUR journey and what I know is not that which you focus upon. MY JOB is to bring into focus SOME of those things upon which you MUST ATTEND if you are to reclaim your SELF. I do not have the task of ALL teachings--and you must come to understand the falseness of almost all teachers at this time of chaos. If the teachings require physical aspects of yourself to serve a HUMAN CAUSE or CONSCIOUSNESS OF PHYSICAL--IT IS INCORRECT! YOU MUST JUDGE THE TEACHINGS AND THEN THE TEACHER BECOMES IMMATERIAL--99.99% OF ALL THAT SATAN TELLS YOU IS TRUTH! IT IS THAT TINY FRAGMENT IN LIE THAT "GETSCHA".

Mr. Evil will boggle your mind with "insider reports", tinker over hours on the clock and dates as does a barrister in a vapid court of non-law. Mr. Gritz will, for instance, say that "if Hatonn is so hot why didn't he just know I was out of town...." What difference does it make what Hatonn may or may not know--YOU DON'T KNOW and "YOU" is where "it's at". If I ask someone to respond to a message offered through this routing--THESE PEOPLE IN FLESH AND HUMAN EXPERIENCE HAVE TO HAVE A HUMAN RESPONSE "THEY" CAN UNDERSTAND. What you deal with in the "former instance" is magical gamesmanship, not realistic interchange. If the commanding officer sends a radio message to a Delta player in the jungle and asks for acknowledgement--does this mean "Oh well, the General knows where I am!" No, the "argument offered" is even less smart than "stupid". When you succumb to such idiocy--you have just been rebitten by the serpent dwelling around your intelligence center injecting venom at every spark of "light". This is why the description of any of God's troops will come from these ones as "serpentine", reptilian, etc., for it is the deceit of the Evil empire--it is THEIR symbol of existence--be it in old Lemuira, Pan, the Garden of Eden, the Khazarian choices of symbol (Serpent People) or whatever--THEY create the image of GOD in their own IMAGE! GOD CREATED YOU IN HIS IMAGE--RADIANCE! THEREFORE, YOU CAN ONLY PERCEIVE GOD IN THE IMAGE "SOLD" TO YOU. It is so unfortunate for the tiny creature presenting as a "snake" for these in manifestation are but creatures now bashed and battered "just for being".

My "responsibility" is NOT to those who pull away from God and have made choices of separation and service unto Evil (knowingly or unknowingly). My job is to attend the fragments who HAVE NOT PULLED AWAY FROM GOD AND SEEK JOURNEY HOME IN RADIANCE AND SECURITY OF HIS WINGS. Mine is a task of bringing you that information in integrated form, already provided you at some place, some time, and to record events and entities for historical archives of the eons of experience--for another place and another time in the screenplay. This is to allow you to reconsider or "firstly" consider your path as the spiral narrows and the cycle completes itself.

That which remains with GOD shall be gathered unto God in HIS manner of gathering. That which is worthy shall be gathered and brought into radiance of expression (a time of radiance) and that which is negative in service unto low-wisdom lifeform will be separated out to continue in a most dank environment devoid of God's lighted presence. THAT is the definition of HELL--DEVOID OF GOD! GOD REQUIRES NO PERFECTION OF HUMAN--HE ASKS ONLY INTENT TOWARD HIS OWN PERFECTION WHICH ALREADY IS!

I know, Dharma, you long for more and more of THIS Truth that you may rest from the duty board. No, you must know the manifested players and scenarios set forth to ensnare you as a civilization--then and only then, can you see far enough to reclaim that which must be reclaimed upon your planetary experience. You do not need abide by the prophecies of some ancient play--but you must get together the God consciousness in order to SEE HOW TO CHANGE.

Am I but a "chess" player manipulating puzzle pieces against an opponent recognized as "satan"? Perhaps--so, WHO WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE WIN THE CHESS MATCH? Well, either way--GOD WINS! Now, it remains for you to choose--WHICH GOD?! In the REALMS OF GOD there is no question--only at your level of unknowing is there even such a game as this. How can YOU participate in a "chess" game wherein only your enemy knows the rules and who the pawns ARE? You have the ultimate advantage in that you of God can pull forth CREATIVE POWER--if you come to know what you are about. At present the adversary has the lead in the game because you have refused to learn the game plan. It is not a difficult concept to understand--he who knows the game is GOING TO WIN! REMEMBER, HOWEVER, "GOD, TOO, HAS A PLAN 2000!"

The Story of the Committee of 300
Part 18
By John Coleman
Let us return now to the most timely lessons as regards "players" in the game.

THE CONSPIRATORS' HIERARCHY, The Story of the Committee of 300. By John Coleman who compiled an excellent volume from the myriads of presentations of ones such as Eustace Mullins and other major presenters of truth regarding these matters.

The Committee of 300 is the ultimate secret society made up of an untouchable ruling class, which includes the Queen of England, the Queen of the Netherlands, The Queen of Denmark and the royal families of Europe. These aristocrats decided, at the death of Queen Victoria, the matriarch of the Venetian Black Guelphs that, in order to gain world-wide control, it would be necessary for its aristocratic members to "go into business" with the non-aristocratic but extremely powerful leaders of corporate business on a global scale, and so the doors to ultimate power were opened to what the Queen of England likes to refer to as "the commoners".

From my days in the intelligence business I know that heads of foreign governments refer to this all-powerful body as "The Magicians". Stalin coined his own phrase to describe them: "The Dark Forces", and President Eisenhower, who was never able to get beyond the "hofjuden" (court Jew) grade, referred to it in a colossal understatement as "the military-industrial complex". Stalin kept the USSR heavily armed with conventional and nuclear forces because he did not trust what he called "the family". His ingrained mistrust and fear of the Committee of 300 proved to be well-founded.

Popular entertainment, especially the medium of movie making, was used to bring discredit upon those who tried to warn of this most dangerous threat to individual liberty and freedom of mankind. Freedom is a God-given law which man has constantly sought to subvert and undermine; yet the yearning for freedom by each individual is so great that, up to now, no system has been able to tear that feeling from the heart of man. The experiments that have gone on in the USSR, Britain and the USA, to blunt and dull man's yearnings for freedom, have thus far proved to be unsuccessful.

But with the coming of the New World Order-One World Government, far-reaching experiments will be stepped up to drive man's God-given yearning for freedom out of his mind, body and soul. What we are already experiencing is but nothing, a mere bagatelle, when compared with what is to come. Attacking the soul is the thrust of a host of experiments being readied, and I regret to say that institutions in the United States will play a leading role in the terrible experiments which have already been carried out on local small-scale levels at such places as Bethesda Naval Hospital and Vacaville prison in California.

The movies we have seen thus far include the James Bond series, the Assassination Bureau, the Matarese Circle and so on. They were make-believe movies, designed to hide the truth that such organizations do exist and on a far greater scale than even Hollywood's fertile idea-men could dream up.

Yet the Assassination Bureau is absolutely real. It exists in Europe and the United States solely to do the bidding of the Committee of 300 to carry out high-level assassinations where all other remedies have failed. It was PERMINDEX which ran the Kennedy assassination under the direction of Sir William Stephenson, for years the Queen of England's number one "pest control" operative.

Clay Shaw, a contract agent of the CIA, ran PERMINDEX out of the Trade Mart Center in New Orleans. Former New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison came very close to cracking the Kennedy assassination plot up to the level of Clay Shaw until Garrison was "dealt with" and Shaw was found not guilty of involvement in the Kennedy assassination plot. The fact that Shaw was eliminated in the manner of Jack Ruby, another CIA contract agent--both died of induced quick-acting cancer--speaks volumes that Garrison was on the right track.

A second assassination bureau is located in Switzerland and was until recently run by a shadowy figure of whom no photographs existed after 1941. The operations were and probably still are financed by the Oltramaire family--Swiss Black Nobility--owners of the Lombard-Odier Bank of Geneva, a Committee of 300 operation. The primary contact man was Jacques Soustelle--this according to U.S. Army-G2 intelligence files.

This group was also closely allied with Allen Dulles and Jean de Menil, an important member of the Committee of 300 and a very prominent name in the oil industry in Texas. Army-G2 records show that the group was heavily involved in the arms trade in the Middle East, but more than that, the assassination bureau made no less than 30 attempts to assassinate General De Gaulle, in which Jacques Soustelle was directly involved. The same Soustelle was the contact man for the Sendero Luminosa-Shining Pathway guerrilla group protecting the Committee's Peruvian cocaine producers.

When all of the best that the assassination bureau could do had failed, thanks to the excellent work done by DGSE (French intelligence--formerly SDECE) the job was assigned to MI-6--Military Intelligence Department Six, and also known as Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), under the code name "Jackal". SDECE employed clever young graduates and was not infiltrated by MI-6 or KGB to any measurable extent. Its record in tracking down foreign agents made it the envy of the secret services of every nation, and it was this group that followed "Jackal" to his final destination and then killed him before he could fire on General De Gaulle's motorcade.

It was the SDECE who uncovered a Soviet mole in the cabinet of De Gaulle, who also happened to be a liaison man with the CIA in Langley. In order to discredit the SDECE, Allen Dulles, who hated De Gaulle, (the feeling was mutual) had one of its agents, Roger De Louette, caught with $12 million worth of heroin in his possession. After a great deal of expert "interrogation", De Louette "confessed" but was unable to say why he was smuggling drugs into the United States. The whole thing stank to high heaven of a set-up.

Based upon an examination of SDECE methods in protecting De Gaulle, especially in motorcades, the FBI, Secret Service and the CIA knew exactly how to strip President Kennedy of his security and make it easy for the three PERMINDEX shooters to murder him in Dealey Plaza in November 1963.

Another example of FACT disguised as fiction is the Leon Uris novel, TOPAZ. In TOPAZ we find a factual account of the activities of Thyraud de Vosjoli, the very KGB agent uncovered by SDECE and denounced as the KGB's liaison man with the CIA. There are many fictionalized accounts of the MOSSAD's activities, nearly all of which are based on fact.

The MOSSAD is also known as "The Institute". Many would-be writers make nonsensical statements about it, especially one writer who is much in favor with the Christian right wing, which are accepted as truth. One can pardon the offender because he has no intelligence training, but that does not stop him from dropping "Mossad names" all over the place.

Such disinformation exercises are routinely run against American right wing patriotic groups. Originally the MOSSAD consisted of 3 groups, the Bureau of Military Intelligence, the Political Department of the Foreign Office and the Department of Security (Sherut Habitachon). David Ben Gurion, a member of the Committee of 300, received some considerable help from MI-6 in putting it together.

But it was not a success and in 1951 Sir William Stephenson of MI-6 restructured it into a single unit as an arm of the Political Department of the Israeli Foreign Office, with a special operations group of espionage and "black job" operations. British intelligence gave further assistance in training and equipping for service the Sarayet Maktal, also known as the General Staff Reconnaissance unit, in the format of Britain's Special Air Service (SAS). This service unit of the MOSSAD is never mentioned by name and is known simply as "The Guys".

"The Guys" are merely an extension of British intelligence's SAS unit who continually train and update them in new methods. It was "The Guys" who killed the leaders of the P.L.O. and kidnaped Adolph Eichmann. "The Guys", and indeed ALL MOSSAD agents, operate on a war-time footing. The MOSSAD has a tremendous advantage over other intelligence services in that every country in the world has a large Jewish community.

By studying social and criminal records, the MOSSAD is able to pick agents among local Jews it can have a hold over AND MAKE THEM WORK FOR IT WITHOUT PAY. The MOSSAD also has the advantage of having access to the records of all U.S. law enforcement agencies and U.S. intelligence services. The Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) ELINT services the Mossad at no cost to Israel. Citizens of the United States would be shocked, angered and dismayed if ever it was discovered just how much the MOSSAD knows about the lives of millions of Americans in every walk of life, even those who are not political in any way.

The first head of the MOSSAD, Reuben Shiloach, was made a member of the Committee of 300, but it is not known whether or not his successor enjoyed the same privilege. Chances are that he does. The MOSSAD has a skillful disinformation service. The amount of disinformation it feeds to the American "market" is embarrassing, but even more embarrassing is how it is swallowed hook, line and sinker and all.

What we are actually witnessing in the microcosm of the MOSSAD is the extent of control exercised by the "Olympians" over the intelligence services, entertainment, publishing, opinion-making (polls) and the television "news" media on a global scale. Ted Turner was recently given a seat on the Committee of 300 in recognition for his "news" (making) CNN broadcasts. THE COMMITTEE HAS THE POWER AND THE MEANS TO TELL THE PEOPLE OF THIS WORLD ANYTHING, AND IT WILL BE BELIEVED BY THE VAST MAJORITY.


Here is a good place to break this segment. We will move on into more discussion on the players when we again take up the subject. Thank you.

PJ 89
SUN., MAR. 20, 1994 1:16 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 216
SUN., MAR. 20, 1994
Today I am barraged with questions about Oliver North's plane crash and what "was it about?" You KNOW what it was about--one of two things. His enemies knew he had been dropped off and the crash is a meaningful warning to him--or--it was thought he was aboard at which point he would be DEAD! You are far enough in your lessons, readers, if you have kept up, that you pretty much KNOW what these happenings are about. IT IS A DIRTY, FILTHY PLAN, GAME AND WAR ALREADY UNDER WAY--FOR A LONG TIME ALREADY UNDER WAY. IF YOU GET HUNG UP ON "ONE" OLIVER NORTH RUNNING FOR THE SENATE--YOU WILL MISS THE FLAGSHIP BEARING THE WARRIORS. THE "TITANS" HAVE BEGUN THEIR CLASHING AND SKIRMISHING IN READINESS FOR THE BIG-TIME CONFRONTATIONS. STOP PLAYING SO MUCH WITH THE NITTY-GRITTY TO SUCH GREAT EXTENT; WATCH THE ONGOING EVIDENCE SHOWING THROUGH IN THE MEDIA, EVEN IF NOT TRUTHFUL, AND YOU CAN SEE THE SCENARIO UNFOLDING. I ADVISE YOU TO WATCH CAREFULLY EVERY MOVE NORTH MAKES FROM THIS POINT!

I would discuss a minute a question that keeps dropping on me: "What and who is THIS Coleman and why should we trust his work?" Well, I guess you can only go with the unfolding of TRUTH--never mind Coleman--or for that matter--"me". When enough facts get out into the ether then the truth begins to come together with each new piece of the puzzle "that actually fits". Coleman could be the greatest disinformation-giver of MI-6 that ever existed--that does not make the truth he brings, false!! IF he be of God and simply misunderstood his respite in my camp--so be it--he will come again within the shelter. He was badly USED by George Green under the appearance, as usual, of it being ill-use by Hatonn and those who served, both me AND HIM. This book from which I quote is remarkably well-done and he wrote with great insight into truth. It matters NOT from whence came information--each past author contributing should be pleased that "his" work was chosen to repeat. Why were some of the other "mouths" NOT CHOSEN FOR RESEARCH? You ones have reached the point of denying your own destiny--deliberately through your silly antics and ego trippings.

In total ignorance of his own intentions, John Coleman (alias) has served me well. He knows about US&P and although he claimed and touted that George Green was Hatonn--John NEVER thought as much. Perhaps if any of you contact John's attention--suggest he "call E.T. at home". He is in dire need of protection for both himself and his family, as he presented them--emotionally and healthwise. God only asks a man to leave his personal "ego" outside HIS door and you can come inside, dirty shoes and all...! Around these parts we honor our "crows" and play with them--WE DON'T EAT THEM!

Part 19

On every occasion that a researcher happens upon this astounding central control group, he is either successfully bought off, or else he undergoes some "specialty training" at the Tavistock Institute after which he becomes a contributor to more fiction, of the James Bond type, i.e., he is derailed and well rewarded. If such a person as John F. Kennedy should stumble onto the truth about who directs world events, and cannot be bought, he is assassinated.

In the case of John F. Kennedy, the assassination was carried out with great attendant publicity and with the utmost brutality to serve as a warning to world leaders not to get out of line. Pope John Paul I was quietly murdered because he was getting close to the Committee of 300 through Freemasons in the Vatican hierarchy. His successor, Pope John Paul II, was publicly humiliated as a warning to cease and desist--which he has done. As we shall see, certain Vatican leaders are today seated on the Committee of 300.

It is easy to put serious researchers off the track of the Committee of 300 because Britain's MI-6 (SAS) promotes a wide variety of kookery such as the New Age, Yogaism, Zen Buddhism, Witchcraft, Delphic Priesthood of Apollo (Aristotle was a member) and hundreds of small "cults" of all kinds. A group of "retired" British intelligence agents who stayed on the track labeled the conspirators' hierarchy "Force X", and declared that it possesses a super-intelligence service that has corrupted the KGB, the Vatican Intelligence, the CIA, the OM, DGSE, U.S. military intelligence, the State Department intelligence service and even the most secret of all U.S. intelligence agencies, the Office of National Reconnaissance.

The existence of the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) was known to only a handful of people outside of the Committee of 300, until Truman stumbled upon it quite by accident. Churchill had a hand in setting up the NRO and he was reportedly livid when Truman discovered its existence. Churchill, more than any other servant of the Committee of 300, considered Truman His-Little-Man from Independence "without any independence at all". This referred to Truman's every move being controlled by Freemasonry. Even today, NRO's annual budget is not known to the Congress of the United States, and it is responsible to only a selected few in Congress. But it is a creature of the Committee of 300 to whom its reports are routinely sent every few hours.

Thus the fictionalized spoofs one sees about the various branches and arms of control of the Committee were designed to take suspicion away from the real thing, but we should never doubt that the real thing does indeed exist. Take another example of what I mean, the book THE DAY OF THE JACKAL, from which a highly successful movie was created.

The events related in the book are factual. Although for obvious reasons the names of some of the players and the locales were changed, but the thrust of the story, that a single MI-6 operative was assigned to get rid of General Charles De Gaulle, is absolutely correct. General De Gaulle had become unmanageable, refusing to cooperate with the Committee--whose existence he knew very well since he had been invited to join it--came to a climax when De Gaulle withdrew France from NATO and immediately began building his own nuclear force--the so-called "force de frappe".

This so angered the Committee that De Gaulle's assassination was ordered. But the French secret intelligence service was able to intercept "Jackal's" plans and keep De Gaulle safe. In the light of the record of MI-6, which I might add is the Committee of 300's main resource when it comes to intelligence, the work done by French intelligence borders on the miraculous.

Military Intelligence Department Six dates back to Sir Francis Walsingham, paymaster of Queen Elizabeth I for dirty tricks operations. Over hundreds of years, MI-6 has established a record which no other intelligence agency can come near to duplicating. MI-6 agents have gathered information from the four corners of the Earth and have carried out secret operations that would astound even the most knowledgeable if ever they were to be made public, which is why it rates as the Master service of the Committee of 300.

Officially, MI-6 does not exist; its budget comes out of the Queen's purse and "private funds", and is reported to be in a range of $350-$500 million per annum, but no one knows for sure what the exact amount is. In its present form MI-6 dates back to 1911 when it was under the leadership of Sir Mansfield Cumming, a captain in the Royal Navy who was always identified by the letter "C", from which "M" of James Bond fame is taken.

No official record of MI-6's failures and successes exist--it is that secret, although the Burgess-Maclean-Blake-Blunt disasters did great damage to the morale of MI-6 officers. Unlike other services, future members are recruited from universities and other areas of learning by highly skilled "talent scouts" as we saw in the case of Rhodes Scholars inducted into the Round Table. One of the requirements is an ability to speak foreign languages. Candidates undergo a rigorous "blooding".

With the backing of such a formidable force, the Committee of 300 had little fear from ever being exposed, and this will go on for decades. What makes the Committee incredible is the incredible secrecy that prevails. None of the news media has ever made mention of this conspiratorial hierarchy; therefore, as is to be expected, people doubt its existence.

The Committee of 300 is for the most part under the control of the British monarch, in this case, Elizabeth II. Queen Victoria is believed to have been quite paranoid about keeping it secret and went to great lengths to cover up MASONIC writings left at the scene of "Jack the Ripper" murders which alluded to the Committee of 300's connections with "experiments" carried out by a family member who was also a highly-placed member of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. The Committee of 300 is filled with members of British aristocracy which has corporate interests and associates in every country of the world, including the USSR.

The Committee's structure is as follows:

The Tavistock Institute at Sussex University and London sites is owned and controlled by the Royal Institute for International Affairs whose "hofjuden" in America is Henry Kissinger. The EAGLE STAR GROUP, which changed its name to the STAR GROUP after the close of the Second World War, is composed of a group of major international companies involved in overlapping and interfaced areas (1) Insurance, (2) Banking, (3) Real Estate, (4) Entertainment, (5) High technology, including cybernetics, electronic communications, etc.

Banking, while not the mainstay, is vitally important, especially in the areas where banks act as clearing houses and money launderers of drug money. The main "big name banks" are The Bank of England, the Federal Reserve Banks, Bank of International Settlements, the World Bank and the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank. American Express Bank is a means of recycling drug dollars. Each of these banks is affiliated with and/or controls hundreds of thousands of large and small banks throughout the world.

* * *
[H: I interrupt here because at 1:21 there was an earthquake in Los Angeles which was well over 6 (six) points in magnitude. No, I don't recognize the numbers that are given to you so please don't argue--just LISTEN! That area is in serious trouble. This particular quake was triggered BY UNDERGROUND PULSE BLASTS. This is far more dangerous to the geophysically abutting strata than overhead blasting OR natural slippage. Why? Because the blast itself is resultant of a magnificent buildup of resonance with no capacitors and it can recycle itself over and over--ever building without ability to "transform" the frequencies. The pulses themselves feed on themselves.
There are tremendous political upheavals going on in that area right now along with confrontation with all the adversary's play-puppets. Many dispositions within the banking machinery are taking place for the changes under way. The Academy Awards affair should not be overlooked, good friends! A real show of strength is being made and you nice people in the area are going to get caught in the mouse-trap along with the rats. If you would, in that area, simply go lie upon the ground and put your ear to the earth--what do you hear? What do you feel? Hmmm Hummm, sounds like a far-off train coming on tracks doesn't it? The actual "triggering" location (inside or above) is of little consequence for the "triggering" of the resonance mechanism (frequency pulses) can be set from "anywhere". Some of you are going to have to make some serious decisions pretty soon. What's more, we of the Lighted Brotherhood have not much longer need to hold the terrain. Some are going to have to choose between what "seems" of value but actually is NOT. Sometimes to "lose" in perceptions is actually a "gain" in literal meaning.
Then, is this something Command is doing? NO! It is your own PUPPET-MASTERS.]

Banks large and small in the thousands are in the Committee of 300 network, including Banca Commerciale d'Italia, Banca Privata, Banco Ambrosiano, the Netherlands Bank, Barclays Bank, Banco del Colombia, Banco de Ibero-America. Of special interest is Banca del la Svizzeria Italiana (BSI)--since it handles flight capital investments to and from the United States--primarily in dollars and U.S. bonds--located and isolated in "neutral" Lugano, the flight capital center for the Venetian Black Nobility. Lugano is not in Italy or in Switzerland, and is a kind of a twilight zone for shady flight capital operations. George Ball, who owns a large block of stock in BSI, is a prominent "insider" and the bank's U.S. representative.

BCCI, BNL, Banco Mercantil de Mexico, Banco National de Panama, Bangkok Metropolitan Bank, Bank Leumi, Bank Hapoalim, Standard Bank, Bank of Geneva, Bank of Ireland, Bank of Scotland, Bank of Montreal, Bank of Nova Scotia, Banque Paris et Pays Bas, British Bank of the Middle East and the Royal Bank of Canada to name but a very small number in a huge list of "specialty" banks.

The Oppenheimers of South Africa are much bigger "heavyweights" than the Rockefellers. For instance, in 1981 Harry Oppenheimer, chairman of the giant Anglo American Corporation that controls gold and diamond mining, sales and distribution in the world, stated that he was about to launch into the North American banking market. Oppenheimer promptly invested $10 billion in a specially created vehicle for the purpose of buying into big banks in the U.S., among which was Citicorp. Oppenheimer's investment vehicle was called Minorco, which set up shop in Bermuda, a British royal family preserve. On the board of Minorco was to be found Walter Wriston of Citicorp and Robert Clare, its chief counsel.

The only other company to rival Oppenheimer in the field of precious metals and minerals was Consolidated Gold Fields of South Africa, but Oppenheimer took control of it with a 28% stake--the largest single stockholder. Thus gold, diamonds, platinum, titanium, tantalite, copper, iron ore, uranium and 52 other metals and minerals, many of them of absolutely vital strategic value to the United States, passed into the hands of the Committee of 300.

Thus was the vision of one of the earlier South African members of the Committee of 300, Cecil John Rhodes, fully realized, a vision which started with the spilling of the blood of thousands upon thousands of White farmers and their families in South Africa, whom history records as the "Boers". While the United States stood by with folded hands as did the rest of the world, this small nation was subjected to the most vicious war of genocide in history. The United States will be subjected to the same treatment by the Committee of 300 when our turn comes, and it will not be long in coming.

Insurance companies play a key role in the business of the Committee of 300. Among these are found such top insurance companies as Assicurazioni Generali of Venice and Riunione Adriatica di Sicurta, the largest and second largest insurance companies in the world, who keep their bank accounts at Bank of International Settlements in Swiss gold francs. Both control a multiplicity of investment banks whose turnover in stocks on Wall Street double that of U.S. investors.

Prominent on the board of these two insurance giants are Committee of 300 members: the Giustiniani family, Black Nobility of Rome and Venice who trace their lineage to the Emperor Justianian; Sir Jocelyn Hambro of Hambros (Merchant) Bank; Pierpaolo Luzzatti Fequiz, whose lineage dates back six centuries to the most ancient Luzzatos, the Black Nobility of Venice, and Umberto Ortolani of the ancient Black Nobility family of the same name.

Other old Venetian Black Nobility Committee of 300 members and board members of ASG and RAS are the Doria family, the financiers of the Spanish Hapsburgs, Elie de Rothschild of the French Rothschild family, Baron August von Finck (Finck, the second richest man in Germany is now deceased), Franco Orsini Bonacassi of the ancient Orsini Black Nobility that traces its lineage to an ancient Roman senator of the same name, the Alba family whose lineage dates back to the great Duke of Alba, and Baron Pierre Lambert, a cousin of the Belgian Rothschild family.

The English companies controlled by the British royal family are Eagle Star, Prudential Assurance Company, the Prudential Insurance Company, which own and control most American insurers, including Allstate Insurance. At the head of the list is Eagle Star, probably the most powerful "front" for Military Intelligence Department Six (MI-6), it is also a front for major British banks, including Hill-Samuels, N.M. Rothschild and Sons (one of the gold price "fixers" who meet daily in London), and Barclays Bank (one of the funders of the African National Congress-ANC). It can be said with a great degree of accuracy that the most powerful British oligarchical families created Eagle Star as a vehicle for "black operations" against those who oppose Committee of 300 policies.

Unlike the CIA, British law makes it a serious crime to name MI-6 officials, so the following is but a partial list of "top brass" of MI-6, who are (or were) also members of the Committee of 300:

Lord Hartley Shawcross.
Sir Brian Edward Mountain
Sir Kenneth Keith.
Sir Kenneth Strong.
Sir William Stephenson
Sir William Wiseman.

All of the foregoing are (or were) heavily involved in key Committee of 300 companies which interface with literally thousands of companies engaged in every branch of commercial activity as we shall see.

Some of these companies include Rank Organization, Xerox Corporation, ITT, IBM, RCA, CBS, NBC, BBC and CBC in communications, Raytheon, Textron, Bendix, Atlantic Richfield, British Petroleum, Royal Dutch Shell, Marine Midland Bank, Lehman Brothers, Kuhn Loeb, General Electric, Westinghouse Corporation, United Fruit Company and a great many more.

MI-6 ran a large number of these companies through British intelligence stationed in the RCA building in New York, which was the headquarters of its chief and Sir William Stephenson. Radio Corporation of America (RCA) was formed by G.E., Westinghouse, Morgan Guarantee and Trust (acting for the British crown), and United Fruit, back in 1919 as a British intelligence center. RCA's first president was J.P. Morgan's Owen Young, after whom the Young Plan was named. In 1929 David Sarnoff was appointed to run RCA. Sarnoff had acted as an assistant to Young at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference where a fallen Germany was stabbed in the back by the victorious "allies".

A network of Wall Street banks and brokerage houses takes care of the stock market for the Committee, and prominent among these are Blyth, Eastman Dillon, the Morgan groups, Lazard Freres and Kuhn Loeb Rhodes. Nothing happens on Wall Street that is not controlled by the Bank of England, whose instructions are relayed through the Morgan groups and then put into action through key brokerage houses whose top executives are ultimately responsible for carrying out Committee directives.

Before it overstepped the limits laid down by Morgan Guarantee, Drexel Burnham Lambert was a favorite of the Committee of 300. In 1981 almost every major brokerage house on Wall Street had sold out to the Committee, Phibro merging with Salomon Brothers. Phibro is the business arm of the Oppenheimers of Anglo American Corporation. By this control mechanism, the Committee of 300 ensures that its members and their far-flung business corporations turn their investments on Wall Street over at a rate of double that of the "non-insider" foreign investors.

Remember, some of the richest families in the world live in Europe, so it is natural that they should have a preponderance of members on the Committee. The Von Thurn und Taxis family who once owned the German postal franchise, make David Rockefeller look like a very poor relation. The Von Thurn und Taxis dynasty dates back 300 years and generation after generation of family members have had seats on the Committee which they occupy to this day. We have already mentioned by name many of the most wealthy Venetian Black Nobility members of the Committee of 300 and other names will be added as we come across them in their various fields of endeavor. Now we shall include some American members of the Committee of 300 and try to trace their affiliations and connections to the British Crown.

* * *
When we next take up this book and the people about to be named I want it known that it is difficult to get listings of these families as to lineage--i.e., "a" Walter Russell or a "Lao Russell" whose trail is deliberately clouded by new and important changes in purpose and direction of that which follows a given "person" in this association to the British "Crown". Please refer to Nora's writings as pertains to "just" the "Russell" family, coat of arms (crest), etc. Then, you can begin to associate players and "why's" of operations at such as the University of Science and Philosophy and its "silent" management by the Brookings Institute and direction under MI-6. It will also make more sense to you who think "Doris Ekker" could not possibly have anything of interest to such an organization (including one, Doris Ekker). However, if you see the OVERALL, it is obvious WHY full assault would be launched against such a bringer of information and namer of the players in their game of cover-up. The interesting thing is that we do not care. We are not here to "pull-down" anything, nor compete with anything. I find it very interesting to note the full-scale battle to sink our ships, hide the truth, ban the books, etc., taking place. WHY DO THEY KICK AND KICK AND KICK THE DEAD DOGS?? COULD IT BE THE DOGS ARE NOT DEAD?? EVEN IF THE DOGS THEMSELVES THINK THEMSELVES TO BE OF LITTLE MORE TROUBLE THAN A LUMP OF DEAD DOG. THAT WHICH IS ADVERSARIAL TO GOD OF LIGHT--CANNOT BEAR TRUTH IN FULLNESS TO COME INTO THE LIGHTED REALMS OF DAY--NO MATTER WHAT THEY ARE DOING. I HONOR THE SCIENCE ONLY, OF ONE, WALTER RUSSELL. THE PHILOSOPHY IS THAT OF HUMANISTIC NEW AGE--AND IS THE DOWNFALL "RELIGION" IN CONSTRUCTION IN MIND-CONTROL--OF YOUR WORLD. IT IS BUT A SMALL BRANCH OF SAME, BUT BY "HAPPENSTANCE" IS THE ONE RECOGNIZED BY THE PARTIES INVOLVED IN CONFRONTATION. You will note that ALL confrontations with any entities--have come from the New Age, UFO Bull-shippers groups. THE ADVERSARY DOES NOT WANT YOU TO RECOGNIZE GOD! I did not say "Space Cadets"--I SAID GOD!!

I can promise you that before we are finished you will realize that the lineage to the University of Science and Philosophy leads DIRECTLY from the Committee of 300. If one Timothy Binder doesn't know it, why does he bash us so? Why would that be something to hide--would not they be PROUD to hold such royal honor? So, why are the books ripped off the public shelves? To keep YOU from finding out that WE OF GOD, directly, denounce the PHILOSOPHY as FALSE while pronouncing the scientific realization of Walter, to be valid. They at the center of the group--DO NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW EITHER ONE.

Now, I ask you--how is this construed to be defamatory? Is there no room in your "FREE" world for expression of opinion? To speak out in opinion seems to somehow equate to their accusations of "ANTI-SEMITE"! How come we turn to such a full-blown hate word for thrusting out at "Doris"? Because WE are the Semites and we certainly are not against ourselves--AND IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH "JEWS". "THEY" will always accuse the opponent of being THAT WHICH THEY ARE! And, the story will change with the winds suitable to the circumstance--note George Green's no less than seven stories about how he has the "gold". Now Rick Webber (ALIAS), unfortunate young man, offers another--if George Green did in fact hold stock in the Institute as owner--then the gold should be his anyway. HAS ANYONE ON THAT SIDE OF THE CONGREGATION EVER HEARD OF CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY AND STRUCTURE--WHAT GEORGE GREEN DID IS FELONY EMBEZZLEMENT!! What young "Rick Webber" is doing is aiding and abetting FELONY CRIMINAL ACTION! This seems unwise to me to take such a course of action for by involving self with the inner workings of the legal counsel and directly offering misinformation--you are setting yourself for some serious legal repercussions. Your computer talents aside, son, you are playing into the hands of the parties at fault. No matter what your feelings might be about any issue in point--the FACTS are not those which are presented by YOU as being FACT. George Green is using your work as if it were the GOSPEL of St. Truth, when it is worthy of NOTHING. Anyone can have an opinion and snatch bits of documents and present them as if they are original court rulings--but the facts will catch up with you. I repeat something to you ones who tinker on George's side about the "gold" "gift". I remind you and question: "If there were four ‘unopened' (George's claim) how could he have "watched Ekker count the loot" as once claimed (one of his stories) and furthermore, how did the letter "happen" to be in the ONLY opened box?? This letter that he claims GIVES HIM AND DESIREÉ THE GOLD. So, if there is reference to the "fourth" box with letter--WHAT ABOUT THE OTHER THREE???

In addition: Note the LETTER used to prove ownership of the gift--I believe it says to: Aton/Hatonn/America West, or something similar. I am the representative of the FIRST TWO NAMED and I am attached to the Institute. If you, Rick W., are going to get into such silly representation--please attend WHAT IS SAID LEST YOU LOOK THE FOOL YOU BECOME.

George Green and Tim Binder, as well, say they have plenty of money to fight this thing (whatever it is) forever if necessary. George says he is a millionaire and threatens ones of the Institute Board with this information: "...I have plenty of money and will use it, do you?" And, "I will take your money and use it against you...!" Hardly sounds a REASONABLE approach to me.

They are fighting someone (Ekkers) who have nothing--AND an Institute that they say has nothing to the point of receivership which they continually effort at accomplishing--SO WHAT ARE THEY DOING? DO ANY OF YOU ACTUALLY THINK THAT THEY ARE DOING THIS FOOLISHNESS TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC INTERESTS OR "YOUR" RESOURCES? COME NOW!

Enough, scribe, for now. I know that you need to go check on your family and loved ones already in the damage from the bigger quake. Yes, it is time to reconsider locations. For one thing, the unknowing and insecurity of parents being away is terrifying to children in fear of being ALONE when the "Big One" comes--and RIGHTFULLY SO! It is time for all you parents to consider values and priorities.
