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    PJ 88
    CHAPTER 11

    SAT., MAR. 5, 1994 3:36 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 201

    SAT., MAR. 5, 1994
    by the Editors of EIR.
    I believe it would be very valuable for some of you to check and see where you can get the best pricing for copies of this small book being utilized here. (Executive Intelligence Review, P.O. Box 17390, Washington, D.C. 20041-0390.)

    You who have never known HOW to get people to pay attention to our work and presentations and feel that this "could not be true..." may well take a book of this type and READ IT. If you can awaken people to the possibilities as the tales are unfolding before your eyes as to government, economics, etc., you are well on your way to having them consider the rest of the possi­bilities.

    Even in health care and attention to natural methods of good health for self--this, too, is coming rapidly to a close. One ter­rible thing has happened through NAFTA as relates to Mexico--the clinics wherein you could obtain alternative health treatments banned in the U.S. ARE NOW BEING CLOSED! SOON THERE WILL BE NO PLACE UNTO WHICH TO TURN. NOTE TOO THAT YOU ARE FORCED TO GIVE YOUR CHILDREN IMMUNIZATIONS? WELL, HOW MANY OF YOU WATCHED THE RECENT SPECIAL ON CHILD­HOOD IMMUNIZATIONS RESULTING IN DEATH AND TOTAL MENTAL ILLNESS? IT "IS" UPON YOU--NOT TOMORROW, FRIENDS--TODAY.


    Part 7
    In early March 1986--within days of the assassination of Sweden's Prime Minister Olof Palme, ADL Fact-Finding de­partment chief Irwin Suall was en route to Stockholm. An Ox­ford University-trained Fabian Socialist, Suall was the ADL's longtime top dirty trickster. Since 1978, with the publication of the book Dope, Inc., Suall's efforts had been almost obsessively focused against Lyndon LaRouche, the American political economist who had commissioned the anti-drug study published by EIR.

    Suall's trans-Atlantic voyage to Stockholm was in pursuit of that obsession.

    Working in tandem with the East German secret police (Stasi), the Soviet KGB, Swedish socialists and NBC-TV, Suall helped launch the disinformation campaign blaming LaRouche and his Swedish collaborators in the European Labor Party for the Palme assassination.

    Just as Suall's efforts were beginning to bear fruit with a se­ries of "LaRouche killed Palme" smear stories in the U.S., Swedish and Soviet press, the ADL trickster was suddenly con­fronted with a major crisis:

    On March 16, 1986, two LaRouche-backed candidates--Mark Fairchild and Janice Hart--won the Illinois Democratic Party primary elections for lieutenant governor and secretary of state, respectively. The LaRouche candidates' victories were no fluke. LaRouche-backed candidates had been winning between 20-40 percent of the vote in Democratic primary elections in dif­ferent parts of the country since the early 1980s. A leading Democratic Party pollster had written frantic messages to the Illinois state party chairman warning about a LaRouche upset months before the election.

    Not surprisingly, the upset victory by the LaRouche slate was electrifying. The Wall Street and Freemasonic circles who own the ADL were shocked into action.

    Suall hurried back to New York City where he oversaw the preparation and mass distribution of a violent ADL smear sheet against LaRouche. Over the next few months, according to records of the Federal Election Commission, over 6,000 copies of the ADL libel--at a cost of at least $10,000--were circulated to every member of Congress, 1,580 news outlets and other government offices and opinion makers. Tens of thousands of media attacks against LaRouche--branding him as everything from an anti-Semite, to a KGB agent, to a neo-Nazi to an inter­national terrorist--were published in the United States alone. Among some anti-Zionist lobby and Third World circles, the ADL even accused LaRouche of being a closet "mole" for the Israeli Mossad! The invariant in all the contradictory slanders conjured up by the ADL was to scare people away from the LaRouche political movement.

    The ADL smear campaign was a panicked and flagrant vio­lation of its tax-exempt status. It was also a violation of FEC rules, which prohibit a tax-exempt organization from engaging in politicking. On June 16, 1987 the FEC officially acknowl­edged that the ADL action against LaRouche was illegal; but a few months later, the commissioners decided they would take no action against the League.

    The smear campaign was meeting with only modest political success, although it had a severe effect as financial warfare. LaRouche-Democrat candidates continued to do well. In 1988, Claude Jones, a longtime and well-known LaRouche activist, was elected chairman of the Harris County, Texas Democratic Party, shortly after the Illinois victories. Harris County, which includes Houston, is one of the largest electoral districts in the United States, and a Democratic Party stronghold. Jones beat a powerful incumbent to take over the party post.

    The Washington Post in May 1986--summing up the consen­sus among the liberal establishment--editorialized that Lyndon LaRouche must be in jail, not on television, by the time of the 1988 presidential elections.

    On Oct. 6, 1986--less than seven months after the Illinois primary--400 (FOUR HUNDRED!) federal, state and county police invaded the offices of the LaRouche-associated Cam­paigner Publications in Leesburg, Va. FBI and Virginia State Police special sniper units were backed by a Loudoun County SWAT Team. Helicopters, fixed-wing aircraft and even an ar­mored personnel carrier were held in reserve at a 4-H fair­ground a short distance from the farm where Lyndon LaRouche and his wife were staying. In fact, recently disclosed govern­ment documents demonstrate Pentagon involvement in the Lees­burg raid--specifically the Special Operations unit of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

    The mobilization of an invasion force larger than that used in Grenada in September 1983 to serve two search warrants and four arrest warrants, was not the result of over-zealous plan­ning. Since no later than 1982, Irwin Suall, Mira Lansky Boland (the Jonathan Jay Pollard-linked CIA agent-turned ADL dirty trickster) and an army of other ADL agents and assets had been engaged in a systematic campaign to sic the government on LaRouche. By the time the raid took place, the government raiding party had been so jacked up by ADL disinformtion that they were expecting to run into a terrorist armed camp that would make the Irish Republican Army green with envy.

    The March 1986 Illinois upset victory provided the ADL and its collaborators in what became known as the Get LaRouche Strike Force with the opportunity and motive to go all-out.

    How did it work?

    Since the spring of 1982, according to the ADL's own pub­lished accounts, Suall and company were closely collaborating with Henry Kissinger, the former U.S. secretary of state, and longtime LaRouche hater. In August 1982, Kissinger wrote to then-FBI Director William Webster the first of a series of per­sonal letters demanding that the FBI move to shut down the LaRouche political movement. In a subsequent, more detailed note in November, Kissinger's attorney lied that LaRouche had foreign intelligence ties--a lie calculated to activate government "active measures" under the guidelines of Executive Order 12333. E.O. 12333, signed by President Ronald Reagan in De­cember 1981, gave the CIA, the FBI and the Pentagon intelli­gence services broad latitude to investigate and disrupt groups suspected of working for hostile foreign governments.

    In January 1983, Kissinger's allies on the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB) made a formal request for such an active measures campaign against LaRouche. The FBI, operating through Judge Webster and Oliver "Buck" Revell, quickly launched such an effort.

    Ironically, as the Kissinger-ADL wing of the national secu­rity and law enforcement apparatus of the federal government was activating its illegal war against LaRouche, President Rea­gan--with the backing of the national security adviser Judge William Clark, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger and other senior military and security advisers--was moving ahead with the Strategic Defense Initiative, a plan based on a concept advanced by LaRouche even before the Reagan administration came into office. According to court testimony in Roanoke, Va. by Richard Morris, Judge Clark's NSC security chief, LaRouche had worked with the Reagan White House on at least eight national security projects--including SDI--most of which are still classified to this day.

    Was this a case of the right hand not knowing what the left hand was doing? Hardly! The ADL and Kissinger were painfully aware of LaRouche's growing influence within the Reagan administration, and they were out to break the rules to shut down all the LaRouche-Reagan ties.

    According to court testimony by the ADL's Mira Lansky Boland on May 24, 1990 in Roanoke, Va., she was an active participant from day one in the illegal government covert operation against LaRouche that led to the October 1986 raid, and a series of federal and state criminal prosecutions in Boston; New York City; Alexandria, Leesburg and Roanoke, Va.; and Los Angeles.

    The black propaganda aspect of that covert operation which we picked up in Stockholm at the beginning of this chapter was launched at an April 1983 meeting at the New York City office of Wall Street broker and self-styled intelligence agent John Train. Mira Lansky Boland was present at that secret meeting, representing the ADL. National Security Council consultant Roy Godson, a longtime ally of the ADL, was also present, along with a dozen journalists and editors from such organiza­tions as NBC News, Reader's Digest, The New Republic and Business Week. A CIA funding conduit deeply involved in the secret Iran-Contra operations, the Smith Richardson Foundation, provided the cash for the orchestrated smear campaign against LaRouche.

    While much of the anti-LaRouche propaganda spewed out of NBC, The New Republic, The Wall Street Journal and Reader's Digest consisted of name-calling aimed at scaring off active and prospective LaRouche supporters, enough charges of "terrorism" and "international espionage" were thrown in to as­sure that federal and state prosecutors would be forced to main­tain open investigative files and, eventually, to launch grand jury probes.

    The "kill phase" of the ADL-led dirty war against LaRouche was already well underway when the spring 1986 events in Illi­nois took place.

    The ADL-John Train black propaganda campaign was not merely aimed at discouraging voters from pulling the levers for LaRouche candidates on election day.

    To successfully throw LaRouche in jail--or worse--the ADL set out to bankrupt the LaRouche publishing operations and turn some of LaRouche's own supporters and financial backers against him.

    Spending millions of dollars, and working with groups like the CIA-spawned Cult Awareness Network (CAN), ADL dirty tricksters targeted thousands of LaRouche campaign contribu­tors, whose names, addresses and phone numbers were main­tained in public files at the FEC. The ADL-CAN operators would contact relatives, financial advisers and friends of the LaRouche supporters, and literally subject them to scare-tactic behavior modification. The techniques used were often those developed in the secret laboratories of the CIA and the FBI for use against enemy prisoners of war and captured spies. Through these highly illegal actions, the ADL built up a profile list of weak and vulnerable people, many senior citizens, whose only "crime" was that they financially supported the legitimate political campaign activities of Lyndon LaRouche. The names of these targets were passed on to the Department of Justice's Get LaRouche Strike Force in a fashion reminiscent of the worst of the Nazi Gestapo operations.

    In May 1988, after 92 days of trial, the first federal prosecu­tion of Lyndon LaRouche and a half-dozen of his associates came to a screeching halt when Boston District Court Judge Robert Keeton declared a mistrial. Evidence of wild govern­ment misconduct--implicating Oliver North and Vice President George Bush--had disrupted the trial, so that the government wanted to be done with it. As press reports later showed, it had also convinced the jury that any criminal activity associated with the case had been committed by the government, not by Lyndon LaRouche. Prosecution claims of credit card fraud by LaRouche campaign fundraisers and publications salesmen had been thoroughly discredited.

    The collapse of the first government effort at framing up Lyndon LaRouche was a direct blow to the ADL. Mira Lansky Boland and Boston ADL official Sally Greenberg had been vir­tually integrated into the prosecution staff of Assistant U.S. At­torneys John Markham and Mark Rasch.

    Although suffering a bad setback in Boston, the ADL-driven prosecution strike force had already opened up a second front in its illegal drive to wipe out the LaRouche movement.

    In April 1987, Loudoun County, Va. Deputy Sheriff Don Moore, a Vietnam War Marine bunkmate of Ollie North and a secret paid agent of the ADL-CAN, wrote a patently false affi­davit for federal prosecutors, claiming that LaRouche and com­pany were getting ready to pick up stakes and go underground to avoid the pending federal prosecution and the prospect of paying large fines. The Moore affidavit was then used by then-U.S. Attorney Henry Hudson to induce a federal bankruptcy judge to order an involuntary bankruptcy against three LaRouche-identi­fied companies, including two publications with a combined cir­culation of 250,000 readers. In a highly illegal "hearing" at which no stenographic records were made and where no attor­neys representing the three entities were present, the judge was convinced to sign the seizure order. The next day, U.S. Mar­shals padlocked and seized the same offices that had been raided six months earlier.

    Three years later, the same federal bankruptcy court judge, after a full trial of the bankruptcy action, reversed his initial ruling and threw out the involuntary bankruptcy, ruling that the government had filed the petitions in "bad faith" and had com­mitted "fraud upon the court". A higher court upheld that rul­ing, and the government chose not to appeal.

    Why appeal it? The damage had already been done!

    With the bankrupting of the LaRouche companies, federal prosecutors and FBI agents stepped in to advise thousands of LaRouche supporters that millions of dollars in loans they had made to those companies would not be paid--unless they cooper­ated with the government railroad of LaRouche.

    [H: My goodness, readers, do you NOT SEE THE SAME PLOY AT WORK FROM GREEN AND COLLEAGUES AGAINST THE EKKERS AND THE PHOENIX INSTI­TUTE? IT IS EXACTLY THE SAME THING ONLY THERE ARE NO COMPANIES AND NO SUCH FUNDING TYPE OF ACTION GOING ON--AT ALL! Green tells you to put the Institute into receivership or you will lose everything. This is a TYPICAL ADL approach, don't you see? It begins with ridicule and escalates to the shrill shriek of "Anti-Semitism". The fact that you force the Institute into bankruptcy IN­SURES THE LOSS TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU WHO HAVE PARTICIPATED!! IT IS THE WORKING ON THE ASSUMPTION OF TOTAL IDIOCY ON THE PART OF YOU PEOPLE. THE ONLY ONES WHO LIS­TENED WERE ALREADY SO EMOTIONALLY AND MENTALLY INSULTED AS TO BELIEVE THE DE­CEIVER! These, further, were the ones that George Green had "sold a bill of goods in the first place". Ah, but the facts are and all the documents PROVE that the ONLY INDIS­CRETIONS EVER WERE BY GEORGE GREEN, HIM­SELF!]

    The claim that money would be paid back if the "victims" played ball with the government prosecutors was another Big Lie. Once the printing presses were shut down, and the publi­cations discontinued under the government trustees, the compa­nies were penniless. No money COULD BE PAID BACK--be­cause the government had taken the viable, successful publishing operations and driven them into the ground: first, through inten­sive ADL propaganda branding LaRouche a monster, and next through the fraudulent bankruptcy proceeding itself. [H: AGAIN--EXACTLY THE TACTICS OF GREEN AND COL­LABORATORS. You have to understand something--the evil empire dwellers NEVER HAVE TO CHANGE THE GAME--the old one works over and over and over again. George told "everybody" that was EXACTLY what he and his bud­dies intended to do--"GO FOR FORCED BANKRUPTCY" against the Institute. Then he backed off and hit it from the "Receivership" side which he said would still force it into bankruptcy. Boy, this good old boy who was a "Director" of the Institute--sure had all your best interests at heart, didn't he? He took your gold and buried it in his yard and untold amounts of other valuables and then has efforted to destroy all you have worked honorably for. See if you can have compassion for the poor soul for pity is more applicable but less valuable to yourself.]

    In the majority of cases, the LaRouche supporters knew it was the government, not LaRouche, that was behind the bankruptcy and their personal losses. The former supporters who did succumb to the government pressure tactics were in­variably those whose families, bankers, friends, etc., were al­ready sucked in by the ADL-CAN dirty war.

    Government prosecutors admitted under oath that Mira Lansky Boland of the ADL had served as the "clearinghouse" for trial witnesses in all of the federal and state prosecutions of LaRouche and his associates. Lansky Boland worked from the outset with Don Moore, the Loudoun deputy sheriff who au­thored and signed the fraudulent bankruptcy affidavit. In September 1992, Don Moore was arrested by the FBI for his role in a plot to kidnap two LaRouche supporters. Moore was working for the ADL-allied Cult Awareness Network in the kid­napping scheme. That case is scheduled to go to trial at the end of 1992.

    When in December 1988, a federal jury in Alexandria, Va. convicted LaRouche and six associates on conspiracy fraud charges stemming from the government and ADL-instigated bankruptcies, Mira Lansky Boland was the only non-government official to attend the "victory party" at the prosecutors' office. The conviction had been won on the basis of a pretrial order by Judge Albert V. Bryan, Jr. forbidding defense attorneys from informing the jury that the government had been responsible for the bankruptcy. Back in 1987, Bryan had been the judge who initially upheld that bankruptcy action. At the sentencing of LaRouche and the others in January 1989, Judge Bryan boasted that Boston trial Judge Robert Keeton "owed him a cigar" for ensuring that LaRouche and the others were so quickly con­victed and shipped off to prison.

    The jailing of LaRouche in what amounted to a thoroughly unjust life sentence did not end the ADL drive to destroy LaRouche and his political movement. The state of Virginia, as part of the ADL's Get LaRouche dirty war, had joined in the feeding frenzy by indicting over 20 LaRouche associates on state charges stemming from the identical bankruptcy scheme.

    In a series of trials in Roanoke, Va., the ADL was caught red-handed in a judge-buying effort. State Judge Clifford Weckstein, a political protégé of Virginia ADL chief Murray Janus and other top state ADL figures, was provided with a full collection of ADL smear sheets on LaRouche by the League. In a series of back and forth letters released by Weckstein in the trial of one of the LaRouche defendants, it was revealed that Janus and other local ADL officials had mooted they would back Weckstein for a seat on the Virginia State Supreme Court. The implication that his handling of the LaRouche prosecutions would be crucial to his future career on the bench was appar­ently not lost on the judge. Michael Billington, a LaRouche as­sociate who had already served over two years in federal prison as the result of the Alexandria federal case, was sentenced by Weckstein to 77 years in state prison on patently phony loan fraud charges.


    * * *
    I believe that you MUST be beginning to see how the "system" works when it sets forth to "destroy". George Green was loaded with friends who were Jewish or, at the very least, igno­rant enough to not realize the circumstances. Some he presented TO US were going to sue the LaRouche people after all the legal stuff came down, for whatever they had donated (or loaned). But what does that have to do with what is happening NOW? Well, you look at it--there is no group here AT ALL. The only PERSON ever accused of having a "following" was George Green and that was something he never discouraged. Even George's own son was led to believe, by George, that he (George) WAS HATONN! I HAVE, YOU HAVE AND NO ONE ELSE HAS EVER SUGGESTED THAT DORIS EKKER HAS ANYTHING, MUCH LESS A "FOLLOWING" OR A "CULT". But don't you see the need George has to continue to state over and over and over again: "Ekker cult". There is simply NOTHING OF THE SORT TO BE FOUND HERE. There are, however, piles of documents telling people to NOT COME HERE--THERE IS NOTHING HERE. THERE ARE NO JOBS, NO GROUP (MUCH LESS, GROUPIES) AND IT IS HARD TO LIVE HERE AND EVEN ATTEND OUR LITTLE MEETINGS WHEN WE DECIDE TO MEET. I believe it is still legal for a bunch of friends and neighbors to gather and visit--but probably not for much longer, sleepyheads. George and Desiree tried to structure it differently and we simply refused to be a part of such garbage. I can't help what has become of them these days or with whom they team or what they do. If, however, they are able to hang liability on the necks of ones "here"--it is purely through lies and deceit. I re­peat that it would seem to me that the honest crooks working with him would put a stop to his ongoing antics for the publicity is going to get worse as they again pull in the Associated Press. You see, readers, we didn't even have to bring attention to Mr. Gritz's operations--somebody somewhere brought THAT to the Associated Press and boy, did he whine and object to such press. Well, George has simply filled his garbage pail with such AP lies and misrepresentations from a greedier goon so no one here wants to help out Gritz very much. He also sets up one Rick Webber to do these absurd documents which can only ul­timately wipe-out a beautiful and gifted young man.

    In this sector "everybody" is greatly pleased and appreciative for what they have done is give all we offer CREDIBILITY, not the reverse. In their efforts to discredit--they have enhanced our credibility about 99%.

    I humbly bow in gratitude for I, too, was having a bit of diffi­culty gaining recognition.

    I salute you, my enemies, for you do, after all, serve me well.
    PJ 88
    CHAPTER 12

    TUE., MAR. 8, 1994 10:41 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 204

    TUE., MAR. 8, 1994

    I am asked to draw this JOURNAL to a close pretty quickly so that the subject matter currently presented is not "broken" in continuity. News updates, etc., will mostly fall into the next JOURNAL. I will effort to comply with that request. How­ever, I do wish to finish the related material from The Ugly Truth About The ADL. Discussion and other offerings can also be forthcoming in additional writings if necessary. Therefore, Dharma, allow us to move directly into the book material and we can get a reading on how much "space" remains or if we need to simply do away with an "Introduction". We'll effort to fill the needs of the ones who handle the press. Thank you.

    by the Editors of EIR.
    Part 8
    In the summer of 1989, the entire world was reeling in shock and horror over the discovery of a satanic burial ground on a ranch in Matamoros, Mexico. Dozens of mutilated, cannibal­ized corpses were discovered.

    The grisly details of the kidnapping and human sacrifice of one of the cult's victims, Texas college student Mark Kilroy, prompted Texas state legislators to draft a law stiffening the penalties for satanic ritualistic crimes, and making it a criminal offense to conduct certain occult rituals. The governor of Texas convened a special session of the legislature to get the bill passed.

    The ADL, while peddling bills all across the country that would make it a crime to think anti-Semitic thoughts, launched an all-out effort to defeat the Texas crackdown on satanic crimes, branding the bill "anti-Semitic"! In its jaded logic, the ADL claimed that, technically, the bill made it illegal for rabbis to perform circumcisions on infants. The vast majority of the Jewish community in Texas, including many leading rabbis, re­fused to buy into the ADL's twisted interpretation, and sup­ported the bill.

    Some people began to smell a rat. And they were right.

    Not only has the League been an integral part of the orga­nized crime structure that has wrecked America's youth through the peddling of drugs but, as a pivotal institution within the Scottish Rite Freemasonry Southern Jurisdiction, the ADL has been a part of the century-old effort to paganize America under a variety of labels: "secular humanism", "new religions", and most recently, "the New Age".

    Not surprisingly, as investigators probed the higher levels of the "New Age" plot, they found that the New York City Cathe­dral of St. John the Divine, the headquarters of ADL patrons Bishop Paul Moore and Canon Edward West, was at the very center of the paganization effort. While nominally part of the Angelican-Protestant Episcopal persuasion, the Cathedral was actually the underground headquarters of the Luciferian move­ment in America.

    Since 1948, the ADL has devoted over one-third of its legal efforts to support activity that may rightfully be called "the plot to kill God". The ADL has filed dozens of amicus curiae (friend of the court) briefs in legal cases often settled by the U.S. Supreme Court, whose results have included banning school prayer, banning released time for religious instruction, banning Christmas carols and spirituals, banning celebration of Judeo-Christian holidays, and most recently banning the Bible as unfit for the classroom; causing federal, state, and local gov­ernments to be "neutral" on religious issues, as well as com­pelling them to cease participation in any display of art associ­ated with the Christian religion, whether during a religious holi­day season or other time; and banning prayers in courtrooms, together with religious oaths for courts and government offi­cials.

    While the ADL has concentrated upon uprooting the tradi­tions of Western Christian civilization from public life--e.g., by throwing Christianity out the front door of schools--it has not protested as "New Age religion" has been ushered in the back door, now to permeate society. In fact, while condemning any manifestation of Christianity at every turn, the ADL has used First Amendment arguments in court and elsewhere to defend witchcraft and peyote (an hallucinogen derived from a type of cactus) cults.

    The ADL has not acted alone in the drive to "paganize" America. It has enjoyed the assistance of some friends in very high places, including the highest court in the land. It began in earnest on Feb. 10, 1947, when Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black rendered the majority opinion in the case of Everson v. Board of Education. Black, who was a lifelong member of the Ku Klux Klan and 33rd-Degree member of the Southern Juris­diction of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, enshrined the following phrase: "In the words of Jefferson, the clause against establish­ment of religion by law was intended to erect a wall of separa­tion between Church and State."

    During the period of time when the attention of the Court seemed to focus on religion-clause cases, roughly 1949-56, seven members of the Craft served on the Court along with a former Mason, Justice Sherman Minton. Masons continued to dominate the Court, while most of the decisions to uproot Christianity were made, until 1971. The Southern Jurisdiction of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, to which the preponderance of Supreme Court justices belonged from the period of 1939 to 1971, is the self-described "New Age" Jurisdiction.

    As Paul A. Fisher aptly demonstrates in his book Behind the Lodge Door, the original intent of the religious establishment clause of the Founding Fathers, who shaped this constitutional instrument, was to guard against the state's establishing a theoc­racy of the Roman cult variety that would persecute those prac­ticing the tenets of Western Christian civilization upon which the republic had been founded. Yet, through Justice Black's "wall" decision in Everson and hundreds of subsequent federal, state and local rulings, a Manichean religious cult is on the verge of establishing a "New Age" theocracy in the U.S. today.

    The Founding Fathers were deeply religious, and whatever problems may have existed in that regard, they believed that each individual had been created in imago viva Dei, in the living image of God, with a divine spark of reason, which they ex­pressed in the principle that "all men are created equal under God." The fallacy of the "wall of separation" cult dogma is shown by the Northwest Ordinance, passed in 1787 and read­opted in 1789, which provided that "religion, morality, and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happi­ness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall for­ever be encouraged." And, in his Farewell Address to the na­tion in 1796, President George Washington declared that "religion and morality are indispensable supports [for] political prosperity," and warned that we could not expect that national morality can prevail in the exclusion of religious principle."

    Undoubtedly, Justice Hugo Black's masonically dominated Court would have found these sentiments to be unconstitutional.

    As Justice Black's son said of him, he was a man who "could not whip himself up to a belief in God or the divinity of Christ, life after death, or Heaven or Hell." When he first ran for the U.S. Senate, public condemnation compelled Black on July 9, 1925 to "retire from the Robert E. Lee Klan No. 1, but he closed his letter of resignation to the Kligrapp (secretary), 'Yours in the Sacred Unbreakable Bond' ."

    Having won election, Black participated in a secret Klan cer­emony witnessed by investigative reporter Ray Sprigle on Sept. 2, 1926, where Senator Black was welcomed back to the Klan with a "grand passport" of life membership at the Birmingham, Ala. state Klan meeting. At the ceremony, Black swore never to divulge, even under threat of death, the secrets of the Invisi­ble Empire. And he said, "I swear I will most zealously and valiantly shield and preserve by any and all justifiable means and methods...white supremacy. All to which I have sworn by this oath, I will seal with my blood, be Thou my witness, Almighty God. Amen." [H: Now, you goodly blacks and people "of color"--do you actually think the Jewish element, the Banksters and the ADL are ON YOUR SIDE?? RE­ALLY ???!!]

    Ironically, although Sprigle's truthful articles were carried in all the major papers, it was the two flagship journals of Ameri­can liberalism, The Nation and The New Republic, that chose to believe Black's denials that he was a Klan member in the 1920s, in a scandal that continued after President Franklin Delano Roo­sevelt appointed Senator Black to the Supreme Court in 1937.

    The ADL has been among the strongest upholders of lifelong Ku Klux Klan member and Mason Justice Hugo Black's "wall of separation" decision, beginning a year after the 1947 Everson opinion containing this new language. A history of that in­volvement can be found in the ADL's pamphlet, Friend of the Court 1947-1982: To Secure Justice and Fair Treatment for All by Jill Donnie Snyder and Eric K. Goodman. In the chapter ti­ded "Separation of Church and State" we find the following:

    "Since 1948, ADL has filed amicus briefs in practically every major church-state case, consistently arguing for a strict interpretation of the establishment clause. ADL contin­ues to work for a strict separation of church and state, a commitment that dates back to the League's first involvement in an establishment clause dispute: McCollum v. Board of Education. In the Everson opinion...the Court emphasized in strong language the parameters of the establishment clause. ADL stands firmly committed to a strict separation between church and state. The wall of separation must be fortified and strengthened, so that the religious freedom dreamed of by Jefferson and the other founding fathers, may endure now and forever, an example to the world."

    Among the actions in which the ADL has been the historic friend of a masonically dominated Court and of KKKer Justice Black's "wall" reinterpretation of the establishment clause are:

    1) Released time. From the 1948 McCollum case until the present day, the ADL has fought released time from schools, which gives a release for students to participate in religious education.

    One of the most recent cases was Doe v. Human, which was affirmed when the Supreme Court refused to hear it, and in which the ADL had filed an amicus brief. It resulted in the school system of Gravette, Ark. having to end the practice of released time for religious instruction in the schools on a volun­tary basis requiring parental approval. In its pamphlet ADL in the Courts: Litigation Docket 1991, the ADL states that this sto­rytime program in Gravette "presents at least two inescapable infringements on the establishment clause--impermissible inclu­sion of religion in the public schools and forbidden state indoc­trination of a particular faith."

    Paul Dee Human, the superintendent of schools in Gravette, told a reporter for Executive Intelligence Review; "By such cases the stage is being set for a one-world religion. Kids are being brainwashed to death by the New Age religions, and it has be­come harder and harder to take a Christian stand. There is no question but that the real agenda of groups like the ADL is to usher in the New Age. The more the New Age is brought in, the lesser the boundaries on moral action. 'If it's right for you, it's right,' is the guideline of the New Age."

    2) Parochial aid. The question of public aid for parochial schools was the centerpiece of the Everson decision written by Justice Hugo Black, and there have been dozens of parochial aid suits since then. For over thirty years, one of the ADL's strongest allies in such cases has been Americans United for Separation of Church and State. According to the managing ed­itor of The Scottish Rite Journal, Dr. John W. Boettjer, Sovereign Grand Commander C. Fred Kleinknecht relied heav­ily upon the staff of Americans United for Separation of church and State to write his call to arms in the November 1991 issue defending Jefferson's "wall of separation", which Kleinknecht calls "the cornerstone of the Constitution".

    Boettjer is himself a member of the National Advisory Coun­cil of Americans United Against Church and State, that has worked closely with the ADL. Another collaborator of Ameri­can United is Gregg Ivers, who wrote the recent ADL call to arms, which parallels that of Supreme Commander Kleinknecht, titled Lowering The Wall: Religion and the Supreme Court in the 1980s.

    The full import of Justice Black's membership in the South­ern Jurisdiction's New Age religious cult emerges in a letter that 33rd-Degree Mason and Grand Prior of the Supreme council, Scottish Rite, Mcllyar H. Lichliter, wrote to Justice Harold Burton, two years after Everson. The letter described Lichliter's pilgrimage to the tomb of Jacques De Molay, who had been Grand Master of the Knights Templar. De Molay was condemned as a heretic after Pope Clement V and the French King Phillip le Bel ordered an investigation, which discovered that upon initiation into the crusading order, members were re­quired to spit upon an image of Christ's face. The Templars were shown to be a Manichean cult, practicing a form of the Middle Eastern Baphomet paganism as an initiation into their in­ner secrets.

    After Jacques De Molay was executed in 1314, as 19th-cen­tury Scottish Rite Supreme Commander General Albert Pike stated in his book Morals and Dogma, renegade Templars trav­eling to Scotland helped King Bruce found a precursor of the Scottish Rite, which is also part of the ritual of the New Age Southern Jurisdiction, known as the 30th Degree Knight Kadosh, otherwise known as the "Holy Knight", "Knight of the Temple" and "Degree of Revenge".

    According to Pike, the Knights Templar were from the very beginning "devoted to...opposition to the tiara of Rome and the crown of its Chiefs...." Their object, Pike said, was to acquire influence and wealth, then to "intrigue and at need fight to establish the Johnnite or Gnostic and Kabalistic dogma."

    According to author Paul Fisher, "the former Grand Com­mander of the Scottish Rite [Pike] also asserted that the secret movers of the French Revolution had sworn upon the tomb of De Molay to overthrow Throne and Altar. Then, when King Louis XVI of France was executed (1793), "half the work was done; thenceforward, the Army of the Temple was to direct all its efforts against the Pope."

    The United States' Founding Fathers well knew the seditious nature of the Scottish Rite, which President George Washington, in a letter to Minister G.W. Snyder, denounced for its "diabolical tenets" of the Jacobin mob during the French Revo­lution.

    3) Prayer. These "wall of separation" cases began in the early 1960s, and they continue today. In the interim, the Supreme Court, with the full approval of the ADL, has been in­volved in banning non-denominational prayer to a monotheistic God, voluntary prayer, and silent prayer in schools, courtrooms, and at other federal, state, and local government functions. In a related case in which the ADL filed an amicus brief in 1961, Torcaso v. Watkins, the Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional for people seeking public office to be required to take an oath that they believe in the existence of God.

    In 1963, with School District of Abington Township v. Schempp, the Supreme Court agreed with the ADL's amicus ar­gument that Bible reading at the start of a school day is uncon­stitutional. In the recent case of Kenneth Roberts v. Kathlen Madigan, as we shall see, the Supreme Court affirmed the deci­sion of the Tenth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, that banned the Bible from being in the schoolroom unless a teacher hid it in his desk. In its pamphlet Friend of the Court, the ADL argues that it is seeking to keep the government completely out of religion and vice versa, lest the Jewish minority be overwhelmed by a Christian majority:

    "The horrible consequences of an officially sponsored re­ligion can be seen in the Crusades and, in one of the darkest periods in Jewish history, the Spanish Inquisition. ...ADL works to ensure a strict separation of church and state so as to protect minority religions. Judaism is a central concern for the League."

    But the ADL's hostility, rather than being directed against Christianity, is actually directed against the entirety of the Judeo-Christian tradition, demonstrated when the ADL filed amicus briefs to ban display of the Ten Commandments in the classroom in cases paralleling the school prayer issue.

    Perhaps the most ironic case, given the ADL's claims to rep­resent Jewish interests, was its stand in the 1980 Ten Com­mandments case, Stone v. Graham, where the plaintiffs chal­lenged a Kentucky statute which required the posting of the Ten Commandments in each school classroom. The ADL ended up fighting a small-print statement after the last Commandment which read:

    "The secular application of the Ten Commandments is clearly seen in its adoption as the fundamental legal code of Western civilization and the common law of the United States." In November 1980, the ADL agreed with the Supreme court's decision that this was unconstitutional. [H: Now isn't this the darnedest thing? I understood that those TEN COMMANDMENTS came forth THROUGH those old Judeans from the Torah and Old Testament. Is it not strange that the "new" book of rules, the Talmud, is both written BY MEN (ELDERS WHO DECIDE WHAT WILL BE DOCTRINE) AND CARRY ALL THE HUMANISTIC TRAITS OF IMMORALITY AS "THE NORM AND EX­PECTED"--BUT ALONG WITH THAT, READERS, A FULL INSTRUCTION TO GET RID OF THE GOYIM (ANY ONE WHO IS NOT A ZIONIST JEW).]

    4) Christmas carols, hymns, spirituals. Nearly all of these song forms, which are a most efficient prophylactic to protect children from the horrors of the rock-drug-sex counterculture, and are a bridge to classical music, have been all but banned with the agreement of the ADL from public schools.

    One recent case, Florey v. Sioux Falls School District 49-5, grew out of a 1978 school board policy which allowed the singing of Christmas carols, the performance of religious plays, and the display of religious symbols in Sioux Falls public schools. Although the ADL filed amicus briefs at the level of the Eighth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and with the Supreme Court, the latter refused to hear the case, thereby affirming the decision of the Appeals Court that such actions were constitu­tional, much to the dismay of the ADL.

    5)Equal Access Act (EAA). Another decision that drew cries of alarm from both the ADL and the New Age Southern Jurisdiction that the "wall was being lowered" involved the EAA. In a June 4, 1990 press release, the ADL said: "The Supreme Court decision today upholding the Equal Access Amendment erodes the wall separating church and state." The case, Board of Education of Westside Community Schools v. Mergens, involved the efforts of a student, Bridget C. Mergens, to have equal access to school facilities for a Christian Bible study club.

    According to the ADL release, "The Court held that student sponsored religious clubs in public high schools do not violate the establishment clause of the First Amendment." In its amicus brief, the ADL argued that the EAA was unconstitutional, since it involves the public schools promoting religious activities im­permissible from the standpoint of the cult dogma underlying the "wall of separation" opinion of Justice Hugo Black.

    In its 1991 ADL in the Courts pamphlet, the ADL describes its amicus brief as having argued the following:

    "The brief contended that both the legislative history of the EAA and the language of the statute itself reveal its im­permissible religious purpose. The EAA arose following several unsuccessful legislative and constitutional initiatives to promote religion in public schools. When these efforts failed, Congress adopted the free speech analysis from Wid­mar v. Vincent 454 U.S. 263 (1983), characterizing student religious activity as a protected form of free expression."

    What particularly disturbed the ADL was that by granting Christian clubs equal access to school facilities, where there was an open forum for the debate of often competing ideas, the Supreme Court in upholding the EAA had somehow given un­due emphasis to the free speech clause of the First Amendment over the establishment clause interpretation of Justice Black.

    5) [sic] Religious symbols. As a result of adjudication since the Everson decision, it has become unconstitutional for school and governments to celebrate Christmas or other Christian holidays with the display of such religious symbols as crosses, Nativity scenes, or depictions of Jesus. Instead, what must be substituted are Santa Claus, reindeer, and Christmas trees, which are of a secular nature and tend to substitute the material aspect of gifts, rather than the religious significance of the founding of Christianity, with the birth of Christ.

    The ADL has participated in a number of such cases. Among the recent ones described in its 1991 ADL in the Courts pamphlet is Doe v. Small 934 F. 2d 743 7th Circuit) 1991: "At issue in this case was the constitutionality of a public park dis­play of numerous large paintings depicting scenes from the life of Jesus Christ."

    The ADL wrote an amicus brief in this case from Ottawa, Illinois, saying that the local government's assistance to the Jaycees in preparing the annual display, including the use of public land, violated the "wall of separation". Writes the ADL: "The brief contended that the city is not merely acknowledging or celebrating Christmas, but that it is instead supporting Chris­tianity."

    Yet, in the case of American Jewish Congress v. City of Bev­erly Hills, Case No. CV 90-6521, when the American Jewish Congress filed suit against the Lubovitchers for erecting a mi­nora to celebrate Hanukkah on public property, the ADL worked out a compromise whereby the minora could be dis­played along with a large Christmas tree on land that did not face public buildings.

    5) [sic] Banning the Bible. On June 29, 1992, the Supreme Court let stand a ruling in the case of Kenneth Roberts v. Kathleen Madigan and Adams County School District No. 50, that the constitution prohibits an elementary public school teacher from silently reading the Bible to himself while his students read secular books. The Court declined to review a decision of the Tenth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that Kenneth Roberts, a fifth-grade public school teacher teaching in a suburb of Denver, violated the Constitution by reading the Bible to himself during the classroom's "silent reading period".

    The Tenth Circuit had ruled that even having the Bible on top of the teacher's desk in view of the students violates the First Amendment, and Roberts had been forced to hide the Bible in his desk after he was admonished by the principal, Kathleen Madigan. The Appeals Court also ruled it unconstitutional for Roberts to include two Christian books, The Bible in Pictures and The Story of Jesus, in his 240-volume classroom library among such other books as Tom Sawyer, The Wizard of Oz, and Charlotte's Web. Also in the classroom library were two books that contained discussions of Indian religions and a book on Greek mythology.

    The ADL filed an amicus brief with the Tenth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. To quote ADL in the Courts:

    "ADL's brief argued that the district court properly denied the injunctive relief when it determined that Roberts was us­ing his role as a teacher to advance religion in violation of the Lemon establishment clause test. ADL argued that the Supreme Court has recognized repeatedly that, to impres­sionable schoolchildren, religious activities in the public schools convey the message of government sponsorship of religion. This is particularly true when a teacher reads from the Bible in front of students."

    However, as even the ADL had to acknowledge, "One of the three judges in the Court of Appeals panel dissented, charging that the school was converting the establishment clause into governmental disapproval, disparagement, and hostility toward the Christian religion."

    The ADL's hostility to the basic Judeo-Christian principles upon which the United States was founded is blatant. Its support for overtly satanic or New Age "alternatives" to Judeo-Christian moral values, while less public, is also clear upon closer obser­vation.

    The League's post-Matamoros efforts to sandbag Texas leg­islation against satanic-related crimes is one case in point. An­other case in point is the ADL's involvement in one of the most outrageous instances of child sexual abuse in recent memory.

    The scandal began in Omaha, Nebraska but eventually spread to Washington, D.C., implicating officials of the Reagan-Bush White House in after-hours cavorting with male prostitutes. It has been the subject of thousands of pages of news coverage, several criminal trials and one book. The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism and Murder in Nebraska, by retired Nebraska state senator and decorated Vietnam War hero John De-Camp.

    In late 1988, federal regulators moved in and shut the doors of the Franklin Community Federal Credit Union in Omaha. The institution had been looted into bankruptcy by its founder and manager, Larry King. King, a prominent black Republican party activist, had been sponsored by some of the most powerful people in town, including the publisher of the only statewide daily newspaper in Nebraska, Harold Andersen, and one of the world's wealthiest men, investment broker Warren Buffett.

    Following the blowout of Franklin Credit, evidence began to surface that King, along with many of his prestigious local backers, was part of a VIP homosexual cult which regularly tortured and sexually abused area youth in pedophilic orgies. Further investigations linked King to Washington lobbyist and homosexual Craig Spence. When Washington bunco cops busted a male prostitution ring in the summer of 1989, Spence's name showed up all over the company's records as one of its biggest-spending clients. Spence had high-level White House and GOP connections, and on several occasions had toured the President's home after dark in the company of corporate clients and homosexual prostitutes. According to several accounts, King and Spence were business partners in several call-boy ser­vices.

    Back in Omaha, a mad dash to cover up the pedophile activi­ties was launched by local FBI officials and the Omaha chief of police, Robert Wadman, himself a member of the homosexual cult, according to numerous witness accounts. Ultimately, King was carted off to federal prison on bank fraud charges, and sev­eral efforts to get to the bottom of the pedophile ring were short-circuited.

    More questions remain unanswered, but one thing is certain: Alan Baer, a local Omaha multi-millionaire and financial backer of the ADL, was personally caught redhanded in pedophile ac­tivities. In 1990, Baer was charged with pandering by local po­lice. He pleaded guilty to a lesser charge rather than face a jury trial with all the attendant media coverage. Baer's name came up repeatedly as a major player in the testimony of victim-wit­nesses to the child abuse.

    The Alan and Marcia Baer Foundation was also listed as a source of money to several charities, including the Girls Club of Omaha, that were apparently victimized by the child abuse ring. The Foundation also donates to the Gay Men's Health Crisis, Inc. in San Francisco, and the People With AIDS Coalition.

    In December 1991, Alan Baer put up the money for a full-page advertisement placed by the ADL in several major newspapers. The ad, headlined "Not All Nazis Are Living in South America", was a fundraising pitch for the ADL.

    Bad judgment on the part of the ADL? Or merely one more instance of the ADL's showing its true colors? You be the judge.


    Enough for this writing, please. Let us take a rest break. I be­lieve we can finish this document later today. It may be of value to you, Dharma, to wrap your hand and wrist. I apologize for the massive typing load but it is urgent. Thank you.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 88
    CHAPTER 13

    TUE., MAR. 8, 1994 3:01 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 204

    TUE., MAR. 8, 1994
    In 1974, Richard Nixon went down for the count as the result of the botched Watergate break-in at the Democratic National Committee's headquarters in Washington, D.C. during the 1972 presidential campaign. As reporters, congressional committees and special prosecutors poured over the details of the Watergate scandal, evidence of a pattern of bribery and cover-ups emerged that ended up contributing to Nixon's resignation even more than the break-in itself.

    Since the fall of Nixon, the American political lexicon has been blessed with such Watergate offspring as "Debategate", "Cartergate", "Irangate", "Bushgate", and "Iraqgate". Political corruption scandals have become as American as apple pie.

    Yet despite the growing addiction of political sleaze, the vast majority of Americans are totally oblivious to the fact that on any given day, the ADL and its fellow hooligans in what is eu­phemistically dubbed the "Zionist lobby" (the "Dope lobby" is a far more appropriate description) commit crimes against the American electorate that make Watergate seem tame by com­parison. Blackmail, extortion and bribery are such routine tac­tics of the Zionist lobby that its primary target-victims, the United States Senate and House of Representatives, have been turned into political mush, incapable of governing under the best of circumstances, and completely paralyzed in the face of the current political and economic crises.

    While the media had led the charge against congressional in­cumbents, appealing to a justified "throw the bums out" senti­ment building among the majority of voters, the sad reality is that unless the power of the Zionist lobby is cut down to size, any newly elected Congress will be like lambs walking to the slaughter, and nothing will change.

    Officially, both the ADL and its leading collaborator in this corrupting of the Congress, the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), are forbidden from engaging in political campaigning due to their tax-exempt status. Both groups have managed to systematically break the electoral and tax laws with impunity--largely due to the fact that they have placed fellow travelers in key posts in the Executive Branch regulatory agen­cies that are supposed to monitor the activities of groups bene­fiting from the tax exemptions: the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

    A glimpse at how the Zionist lobby has used the power of the narco-dollar to corrupt and control the Congress is contained in a lawsuit filed in federal court in Washington, D.C. on Aug. 10, 1992. The suit, filed by a group of retired U.S. diplomats against the FEC, charges that the agency failed to impose sanc­tions against AIPAC for functioning as an unregistered political action committee. Even though the General Counsel at the FEC agreed that AIPAC had violated the law, the Commissioners de­cided in July 1992 not to take any action against the group.

    According to the court papers, AIPAC secretly controls at least 27 different political action committees (PACs) (other in­vestigators place the figure at 59), and uses them to funnel enormous amounts of money to candidates for Congress who support AIPAC's political agenda. Under the FEC statutes, strict limits are imposed on how much money can be given to an individual candidate by a single PAC. The purpose of the regulation is to curb the power of special interest groups in the fi­nancing of candidates. By running dozens of PACs, AIPAC, according to the suit, illegally circumvents the law.

    The case of the Joint Action Committee for Political Affairs (JACPAC), one of the 27 PACs named in the suit, underscores the tight relationship between AIPAC, the ADL and the political committees. JAPAC lists among its directors the wives of Thomas Dine and Stuart Eizenstat. Since 1980, Dine has been the executive director of AIPAC. Eizenstat, formerly domestic policy adviser to President Jimmy Carter, is the head of the Na­tional Jewish Democratic Council (NJDC), an ADL-dominated organization dedicated to winning control over the Democratic Party and placing as many of its members as possible on the staffs of congressmen, governors and mayors.

    And where does all of the money come from to buy up the hundreds of congressional seats currently owned by ADL­AIPAC?

    A brief look at the Roundtable PAC, one of the 27 outfits cited in the lawsuit as AIPAC-owned, answers that question. Roundtable PAC was founded in 1981 by a group of leading ADL and AIPAC officials and contributors, led by Malcolm Hohlein, the head of the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York. From day one, it was housed in the Manhattan offices of a tax shelter firm called Integrated Resources. Inte­grated was thinly veiled money conduit for Michael Milken and his crew of junk bond peddlers and dope money washers at Drexel Burnham. In fact, Drexel CEO Stephen Weinroth, the liaison between Milken and Ivan Boesky in their insider trading scams, was a director of Integrated. All of Milken's prime "investors" socked their money into Integrated as a tax dodge. All of them also poured contributions into the Roundtable PAC.

    Among the biggest donors to Roundtable: Ivan Boesky, Robert Davidow (Milken's personal aide at the Beverly Hills of­fice of Drexel), and the sons and daughters of Meshulam Riklis, Laurence Tisch, Saul Steinberg and Paul Milstein (of Carl Lind­ner's United Brands).

    When the Roundtable PAC holds its meetings, guests of honor include, respectively, New York and Minnesota Attorneys General Robert Abrams and "Skip" Humphrey, and N.Y. Sen. Daniel Patick Moynihan. All are regular recipients of AIPAC PAC dollars. In return for such generosity, Senator Moynihan in 1986 shepherded a tax code revision through the U.S. Congress that gave Integrated Resources an added $43 million in tax breaks. With friends like Moynihan in key posts in the U.S. Senate, Integrated could afford to be generous--at least for a while.

    The relationship between Milken and Integrated was so tight that within three months of Milken's indictment in March 1989 for insider trading, Integrated defaulted on $1 billion in short-term loans. It seems that without the running pipeline of hot money from Milken's bottomless Caribbean cash pool, Inte­grated was lost.

    The AIPAC-ADL-run political action committees, in short, represent the combined financial clout of the Lansky dope syn­dicate! Any similarity between ADL-AIPAC and the genuine national interests of the state of Israel or the Jewish people is purely coincidental.

    All told, 211 candidates for the U.S. House and Senate from 48 states received money from the ADL-AIPAC PACs between Jan. 1, 1991 and March 31, 1992. Of the 211 recipients, 187 were incumbents. The total amount given in that 15-month pe­riod was well over $2 million, making ADL-AIPAC the second largest source of institutional money to candidates for fed­eral office, second only to the combined donations of all the labor union PACs. By October 1992, that figure had soared past the $3 million mark.
    The ADL-AIPAC PACs don't funnel the majority of their money into Jewish candidates, or even into candidates running for office in states where there are large Jewish populations. More typical of the kinds of office-holders and candidates who receive AIPAC payoffs is Richard C. Shelby, a first-term Democratic U.S. senator from Alabama who has recently gained notoriety for pushing a death penalty bill for the District of Columbia. Shelby received $67,800 from the AIPAC PACs in the 15 months beginning in January 1991, with a career total of $133,825.

    Another record-setting recipient of AIPAC largess is Sen. Tom Harkin, the Iowa Democrat who ran an unsuccessful bid for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1992. Harkin came into the Senate in 1984 by defeating incumbent Roger Jepsen, who in 1981 had cast a decisive vote against AIPAC in a fight over the sale of AWACS surveillance aircraft to Saudi Arabia. In his first Senate bid, Harkin received over $100,000 from the AIPAC combine. His career total in AIPAC money is a staggering $366,130!

    A total of 29 current incumbent senators and congressmen have received over $100,000 in illegal contributions from the ADL-AIPAC PACs. A dozen have received $50,000 or more just for their 1992 re-election campaigns.

    That "dirty dozen" are: Richard Shelby (D-AL), Mel Levine (D-CA), Timothy Wirth (D-CO), Daniel Inouye (D-HA), Bar­bara Mikulski (D-MD), Christopher Bond (R-MO), Kent Con­rad (D-ND), Robert Packwood (R-OR), Arlen Specter (R-PA), Harris Wofford (D-PA), Thomas Daschle (D-SD), and Robert Kasten (R-WI).
    Narco-dollars are the key to the ADL's hold over the U.S. Congress, but the League and its AIPAC associates have other trump cards as well. Both groups operate secret, highly illegal spy units that gather blackmail material and carry out dirty tricks against political opponents.

    When Richard Nixon got caught running such a "plumbers unit" at the offices of the Committee to Re-Elect the President (CREEP) in 1972, the American people demanded his scalp. It remains to be seen what the reaction will be now that AIPAC has had its first damaging defection--from its own "plumbers unit". Gregory Slabodkin worked for a number of years in AIPAC's Policy Analysis unit. Slabodkin eventually got turned off by some of the dirty deeds he was ordered to carry out by the unit's chief, Michael Lewis, and he quit his job and went public with his story. Not surprisingly, Michael Lewis is the son of Dr. Bernard Lewis, the Oxford-trained Arabist who was the architect of the Carter administration's "Arc of Crisis" pol­icy which abetted Ayatollah Khomeini's Islamic Revolution in Iran and the spread of fundamentalism throughout the region.

    Policy Analysis, the super-euphemistic name given to AIPAC's "plumbers", maintains dossiers on thousands of American activists--many of them Jewish! University professors who criticize AIPAC or ADL's activities are placed on a black­list. Their lectures are monitored by spies, who occasionally stage noisy disruptions. Their homes and cars are vandalized. University alumni linked to ADL and AIPAC threaten to pull fi­nancial backing from the schools unless the targeted faculty members are immediately fired or blocked from tenure.

    Members of Congress are cast as either friends or targets of the ADL-AIPAC syndicate. If they are on the friendlies list, they may be the recipients of weekly computerized blackmail dossiers on some of their colleagues and other policy shapers, which are called "Activities". The "Activities" dossiers are sent out in plain white envelopes bearing no organizational emblems. Deniability is a priority, and the whole filthy blackmail and ex­tortion program was 100 percent deniable--until Slabodkin's de­fection--complete with reams of AIPAC documents.

    AIPAC's unit maintains a singularly close link to the ADL's parallel Fact Finding department, which engages in the exact same kind of activity. In fact, shortly after Thomas Dine took over as executive director of AIPAC, he hired Amy Goott as the first full-time staffer of the Policy Analysis unit. Goott had worked for years at the ADL; her shift of address was appar­ently blessed by her bosses at the League, and she continued for a period of time to work for both agencies, thereby assuring near-total integration at the covert operations level.

    One feature of the job that ultimately got under Gregory Sla­bodkin' s skin was the fact that many of his targets were them­selves prominent Jewish activists, usually affiliated with left-wing causes in both the United States and Israel. Many were outspoken critics of the Israeli Likud government's brutality to­ward the Palestinians living in the occupied territories. Many simply favored a peaceful and equitable solution to the Arab-Is­raeli conflict. Many of these Jewish activists were treated to the same violence and vicious smearing by ADL-AIPAC that was meted out to Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) officials!

    This "McCarthyite" targeting of prominent Jews who simply bucked the ADL or AIPAC on some policy issue or financial deal underscores the fact that the League and AIPAC ARE ANYTHING BUT A JEWISH "DEFENSE ORGANIZA­TION".

    It should be clear by now that the ADL is one of the most pernicious agencies working to destroy the United States, through the subversion of law and moral values, through the peddling of illegal drugs, through the blackmailing and extortion against Congress, through the looting and trashing of our indus­trial and manufacturing base, and through its collusion with hostile foreign agencies. Volumes could be written cataloguing the century of treachery by the ADL and it "mother lodge", the Order of B'nai B'rith.

    But now is not the time to dwell on details. Now is the time to do something. The ADL continues to thrive as long as Americans remain passive in the face of this subversion. The ADL is not "out there". It is alive and well right in your own backyard.

    Although it maintains its national headquarters at 823 United Nations Plaza in New York City (sharing space with the Trilat­eral Commission), the ADL now has offices in 31 cities across the United States. The ADL has divided the entire country into regions, so that even those cities and states where the ADL does not maintain full-time offices are targeted by their subversive activity.

    What kinds of things does the ADL do that immediately af­fect your life and the lives of your children and neighbors?

    They have infiltrated your local police. It stands to reason that an organization as deeply tied to the international dope trade as the ADL would place special priority on getting inside the lo­cal police to undermine the police's efforts.

    This they have done with a vengeance.

    Since the early 1980s, the ADL has sponsored a half-dozen junkets to Israel for local police chiefs, sheriffs and public safety directors. By now, every ranking big city and big county law enforcement executive--with rare exceptions--has enjoyed the ADL's all expenses paid tours of Israel. The top cops are wined and dined, and given the hard sell by the Israeli Mossad, Israeli Defense Force and National Police. The Israeli government's brutal treatment of the Palestinian residents of the occupied ter­ritories is held up as the model of how to deal with the protesters and demonstrators.

    Beginning in 1982, the ADL launched an ambitious drive to have every state in the Union pass a "hate crime" law modeled on the League's own draft legislation. The bills all add longer prison sentences and steeper fines in cases where a crime victim was targeted because of his or her race, religion or nationality. Although prejudice is an evil that must be overcome, the ADL bills, which are now on the books in all but four states, create a category of Orwellian "thought crimes" in flagrant violation of the United States Constitution.

    Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court and the state supreme courts in Wisconsin and Ohio have struck down versions of the ADL "hate crime" bill as violations of the First, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments.

    Despite these recent reversals, the ADL has managed to par­lay the hate crime push into even deeper infiltration and subver­sion of law enforcement. Through its assets in the U.S. Congress, the ADL pushed through a string of federal laws re­quiring the U.S. attorney general to prepare an annual report on incidents of hate crime. Having cornered the market in moni­toring so-called hate crimes, the ADL was able to insinuate its regional officers into police training seminars, practically writ­ing the curricula and drafting all the textbooks and training aides.

    Not only has the ADL made millions of dollars peddling this Orwellian "hate crime" racket, it has also used the infiltration of law enforcement to spread its own brand of hatred: Blacks are inherently anti-Semitic; Arabs, including Arab-Americans, are sub-human; anyone opposed to the Zionist lobby is automatically suspect as a left radical or right radical anti-Semitic terrorist.

    As citizens and taxpayers, you have the right to know whether your local police have been subjected to brainwashing by the ADL. Ask your police chief or sheriff whether he has been on one of the ADL junkets, or whether his department has received ADL "training". If the answer is "yes", demand to see the training manuals. Find out whether the ADL is "helping" your local police or sheriffs in maintaining their informants--by either financing those programs or even running them. As far-fetched as this may seem, especially given what you now know about the ADL's ties to organized crime, there are local police de­partments around the country that have brought the ADL into their most sensitive intelligence gathering, usually out of naivete and desperation over shrinking budgets. [H: But--don't be shocked if you are instantly given a flat "No" and asked to drop the subject.]

    Most states today have freedom of information laws that re­quire police agencies to publicly release documents--including documents about ties to private agencies like the ADL.

    They are subverting your children's education. Comple­menting their highly successful infiltration and subversion of your local police and sheriffs departments, the gangsters and so­cial engineers over at the ADL have conducted an equally perni­cious assault into your school system, using some of the most sophisticated New Age techniques.

    Under the rubric of their "A World of Difference" program, ADL officials have succeeded in "training" tens of thousands of public school teachers and administrators to "combat prejudice". In fact, teachers all over the country who have been exposed to the ADL "prejudice" curriculum have complained bitterly that the film strips, training volumes and other slick multi-media tools peddled by the League actually teach prejudice--against African-Americans, Arabs, Catholics and others.

    Despite these occasionally surfaced protests, the ADL has managed to penetrate deep into the school system, in part due to the assistance of the National Education Association (NEA), one of the nation's largest teachers unions and longtime peddler of New Age values and curricula.

    The "A World of Difference" program, which got its start in 1986, is now operating in 26 of the 31 regional ADL offices. Concretely, this means that chances are very good that your children and their teachers have been exposed to this ADL sub­versive propaganda. Through its ties to the Hollywood entertainment industry, dating back to the gangster era of Prohibition, the ADL frequently attracts well-known Hollywood celebrities to participate in their classroom videos, thus adding to the aura of respectability.

    What the ADL avoids mentioning is the fact that the money to launch "A World of Difference" came from Hollywood's own junk bond king and inside trader, Michael Milken. Milken per­sonally ripped off billions of dollars from the U.S. economy during the 1980s, and in appreciation for the ADL's role in cov­ering up his crimes, he passed millions of dollars into their hands. One of those million-dollar tax writeoffs went to launching "A World of Difference".

    Just as you have a right to know whether your local police and sheriffs have been subjected to ADL "training", you are en­titled to know whether the public schools financed by your tax dollars are ruining your children with ADL propaganda. The next time you attend a PTA meeting or speak with your chil­dren's teachers or the school principal, ask about the "A World of Difference" program. Is it being used in your children's school?

    Ask your local board of education whether they have pur­chased audio-visual teaching material from the ADL or whether they have budgeted to send teachers through one of the ADL's frequent "A World of Difference" seminars. Tens of thousands of teachers from coast to coast have been subjected to this New Age programming over the last six years. Call up the ADL or write to them at 823 United Nations Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10017 to get a copy of their catalogue, "Human Relations Mate­rials for the School". Read it for yourself and get an idea of the kinds of prejudices and fears being peddled on your children.

    Demand that these programs be shut down, now!

    The easiest thing for you, the citizen, to do, is to act to pre­vent the ADL from continuing to use a tax-exempt "public inter­est" cover for its political activities, and worse. The ADL is supposed to be prohibited by its 501c(3) status from political ac­tion, but it violates the rules every day. Call your congressman or the Internal Revenue Service to file a complaint. The IRS can be reached at 1-800-829-1040.

    And, last but not least, make sure that your neighbors and friends are made aware of the dangers represented by the ADL presence in your community. Pass this book around, talk it up among your friends and colleagues. The prospects of retaking the country are dim until the influence of the Anti-Defamation League is erased!

    * * * * *
    You can order additional copies of this book from Ben Franklin Booksellers, 107 South King Street, Leesburg, VA, 22075. Phone 1-800-453-4108. Fax: 1-703-777-8287. The cost is $7 plus $3.50 shipping and handling for the FIRST COPY and $.50 for additional copies. Virginia residents please add 4.5% sales tax. Visa and MasterCard accepted.

    * * * * *
    The authors have a very impressive reference listing. I prefer to not offer that information for I ask that you support these peo­ple. I realize that you are about drained with your "supporting", but friends, it is the ONLY way these daring workers can help you reclaim your nation.


    May wisdom be given into your thinking that you may take ap­propriate actions before it is too late--if not already too late. Blessings upon you who hear and see--and act.

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