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    Default 응답: PJ#087, IN GOD'S NAME AWAKEN!

    PJ 87


    WED., FEB. 23, 1994 10:57 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 191

    WED., FEB. 23, 1994


    As we move into the subject more deeply of the power of "thought" and mind-function, I hesitate to cause everyone the inconvenience of redoing the above material on remote mind control technology. We have offered many writings in-depth on the subject and, now, all I want is confirmation from other resources. I find one particular document coming to my attention is excellent and the authors deserve respect and notice--IF THEY WISH IT.

    I ask that Mr. Martin contact the authors of the article in point, or the source of first printing, and get permission to reprint it AS IS. I don't want to have a discussion on the subject at this moment but would wish to refer to the information at later date at random and we are not here to have court appearances re­garding use of anything. I never suggest using anything which is other than giving authors full credit and honor for having written valid and "on-target" information.

    I won't, however, stand for holding information and scientific facts FROM the people just because persons who hold POWER over segments of a prior living being's materials so ordain. In every instance I would like to be able to give full honor to those pioneers of insight and scientific data but I most certainly will NOT place my writer in further intercourse with the Federal Court System. I don't believe you citizens have "time" for re­peats of "Scopes" trials and freedom of information hearings which NEVER end.

    Dharma asked the judge in hearing (chambers) if the ongoing problems involving JOURNALS precluded her from ever again writing on the subject of God and/or LIGHT as scientifically and spiritually applicable to human life and spiritual perception. He said "Oh no, only that you may not utilize such material pre­sented in the 'identical' format". He further informed her in the presence of witnesses that in some of the volumes in point there was actually no problem at all--only preferences to "handling" the material from the institution now holding assumed copy­rights. Assumed? Yes, because indeed the copyrights were not, and remain not, valid.

    Dr. Russell, for instance, sent all his early scientific work to some 600 parties for open discussion and comment. The great mass of scientific material was left to Princeton University. We do not have interest in such for we are not in the laboratory de­velopment of anything in the physical plane. The ONLY use for any such material in point is simply to allow YOU to understand and comprehend the fact that GOD IS LIGHT, LIGHT IS EVERYTHING and YOU ARE A PROJECTION OF THOUGHT OF GOD IN LIGHT.

    Is Mr. Russell the ONLY one with such gift of insight? No, but why reinvent the WHEEL? He was gifted with the information from higher resource (according to him and everyone around him) and why, for goodness sakes, NOT GIVE HIM THE FULL HONOR AND APPRECIATION--HIM HAVING NOW BECOME DECEASED FROM YOUR GLOBE?

    Why would we not simply utilize the whole of "their" books and works? Because WE DISAGREE WITH ALMOST EVERY CONCLUSION, INCLUDING THOSE WITHIN THE SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATION, THAT THEY OFFER.

    Can't we just get another author's views on the subject and use "that"? Yes, for only a few very insightful scientists have so much as considered the work because it is buried within the archives of a philosophical holding place. Is it available to the public? Yes, if anyone would go dig it out--BUT, if you don't know about it--how would you know, where would you go and of what possible value would it be to you? We SHOULD sue them for utilizing our work as advertisement for that which we find unacceptable--by mere fact of coexistence.

    Now, ones who never heard of Walter Russell come on the air­waves and tout the miracle of his receiving some 50 years ago--and make more aggression against us. Oh? Would you have heard of this material HAD WE NOT BROUGHT IT TO YOUR ATTENTION? Moreover, we have honored Russell in every way in the paper, in the JOURNALS and in full recogni­tion. We do NOT honor the Institute involved for other rea­sons--but have also offered the information in full for their placement and your ability to investigate and share their input.

    God very carefully DOES NOT GIVE FULL CONCLUSIVE INFORMATION to any ONE writer, teacher or place--FOR THIS VERY REASON! You must come to the point of won­dering WHY there would be objection for a singular writer who does not even publish anything--to bear this information? Doris Ekker had never heard of Walter Russell EITHER and still wishes she had never done so! Well, it is necessary for the world now accepts in narrow circles the "Russell charts" of el­ements, etc. To say you cannot use these charts is like saying you cannot use the Fahrenheit scale for measuring temperature or the Einstein theory of "relativity", which, by the way, is in­correct.

    I want to offer something here, to ponder:

    "Everywhere and in all disciplines, there have always been Doctors dedicated to (and effective to various degrees in) helping the sick. Their present system treats symptoms after a disease appears and is geared towards maximizing profits for physicians, hospitals, staffs, and insurers. The idea that disease could and should be actually and really prevented has been dis­regarded and even suppressed over the last several decades. Billions have been spent developing new technological fixes that command high profits, while the side effects of synthetic drugs, surgeries, and even diagnostic and treating devices have been ignored...."

    This article from which the above was taken goes on for several pages--all excellent in content although I DISAGREE with MUCH of the content. However, the article itself contains so much of the materials we have written over and over again--I WONDER IF WE SHOULD CHARGE THIS PERSON WITH PLAGIARISM???

    The person in point? Dr. Timothy Binder, President of the University of Science & Philosophy!


    Interestingly, it turns out that all the research work and RECORDS held by the Ekkers' attorney was "sold" to agents of the other side of the issue. Mr. McDonald proves as much ev­ery day and is actually standing in contempt of court himself for NOT producing the documents--which he sold to the "other side". Was that to Mr. Green? Mr Binder? Mr. Buchanan? Well, perhaps ONLY the "Shadow do" know! It is, however, already embarrassing to the court--for how can you have a case when the files have been destroyed or sold and the defense has nothing from which to work and no funds to rebuild years of research and history? I guess we shall simply have to wait and see.

    Mr. Green continues to tell US&P that the Ekkers control most of the assets of the world--by the seeming telling. They have nothing, have published nothing, sold nothing and Mr. Green made a settlement bargain with US&P already--he, who did it all!

    "Our purpose is to help unfold the spiritual nature of man in order that the human race will find happiness and peace through knowledge and practice of the Love Principle of Giving and Regiving which nature alone practices and man defies". Walter Russell

    Does the above paragraph sound like a man who wished his work to be cornered and hidden for half a century? It doesn't to me either.


    America may be in bad circumstances, readers, but I don't be­lieve you have reached such a "low" as to be able to garner and corner a universal truth unto the closet for the use of a mere Elite group who pay dearly for the WRONG focus.

    Now, it is doubly hard here to know what to do--writings like this are considered by ones at US&P and Binder (on the Gritz show) as being "slanderous" and "derogatory" and "insulting" and they continue to threaten suits to stop the CONTACT from printing such information as written by me, a contributing journalist. The Ekkers have no business INTEREST AT ALL in the CONTACT OR, FOR THAT MATTER, THE PUBLISHERS OF THE JOURNALS! Again I remind you who seem to forget--GEORGE GREEN PUBLISHED THE BOOKS, WAS IN CHARGE AND OWNED THE PAPER AND, THROUGH AMERICA WEST DISTRIBUTORS--DISTRIBUTED THE WHOLE LOT OF EVERYTHING. NOT ONE CENT HAS EVER COME TO THE EKKERS FOR ANY PUBLICA­TION!!!! CHECK IT OUT! IS THERE SOMETHING WRONG HERE?


    The suit against Ekkers is for "unfair business competition", etc. Well, let's look at "that" also: On Gritz's radio show in con­junction with the host's urging I note that there are a myriad of subjects and seminars listed by Binder as products and courses that can be obtained and utilized--bunches! The Ekkers do not have ANY PRODUCTS, do not do interviews or teachings, classes or otherwise. So, how could this be "unfair business competition"?

    Out of 86 volumes there are only a maximum of nine which so much as MENTION one, Russell. Is this great competition, especially since those in point reside in the Federal Court? I do note that Dr. Binder suggested you "get a copy of" such and such and a BANNED book and compare--IS "THAT" NOT UNFAIR ADVERTISING FOR AN ILLEGAL VOLUME? WHERE ARE YOU TO "GET" THAT BOOK FOR COMPAR­ISON?? Well, Mr. Green told the world that the court had "given" him back the books (into his possession) and that "they didn't want them", etc. and so, do we assume that Mr. Green has them as well? Just "where" does Dr. Binder suggest you GET the volume with which to compare?

    Of course you have to be careful with Mr. Green's information for he also says to "everybody" that he didn't want to be in trouble over the gold he took
    --so he turned it over to the court to hold. My, my--that was AFTER HE WAS ORDERED BY THE COURT TO DIG IT UP OUT OF HIS BACKYARD AND DELIVER IT TO THE COURT! Green has at least SIX DIFFERENT versions of why he has that $350,000 worth of gold--

    BY THE WAY, DR. BINDER--THAT STORY ABOUT THE $215 MILLION TO FIGHT THE EKKERS--CAME FROM GREEN TO THE ATTORNEY! He used that as a "reason" to "settle" because he "knew you and others at US&P and 'could work it out easy'". The Rick Webber booklet just gets you in deeper. Green uses that as a weapon--it is not. The facts are that the JOURNALS are EXACTLY THAT--JOURNALS and the research by Mr. Webber only proves it--he got the informa­tion FROM THE JOURNALS TO LIST THE REFERENCES IN POINT! He has even since written to me to note that "You have gotten better about fully giving credit to other writers". I don't use anything that isn't already available for confirmation--what good would that kind of "revelation" be? It would be more drivel as offered by the psychics of the New World Order. Dr. Binder, you may well believe that "God" would give "new" and "revolutionary" material if HE were "REAL"--WHY? It seems to me that if ones would share that which they keep for selves--it would be quite sufficient.

    There is no "NEW" ANYTHING! You haven't even begun to use or understand the "OLD", of which there is none, either.

    Do we dread public trial of this matter? And, why do I use the term "we"? No, WE HAVE NOT DELAYED THIS HEAR­ING as you have publicly stated--WE did not take the files! Now, consider however, the humor and ridicule of those present at the prior hearings on "contempt". I don't think the next
    go-round will be so "funny" for you are going to have to prove I am NOT who I claim to be--never the minding of Germain, et al. It seems "I" am on trial and not this little old grandma. So, you are going to have to, at the least, PROVE she is not a fully qualified DUAL PERSONALITY of some kind--for she doesn't know anything about the information in argument--I DO! The mouth from which the qualification of the information will flow--will be the same.

    Some excerpts from my own writing of May 26, 1991:

    Without light all things perish. Even in the greatest depths of the oceans wherein life seems to be resting--there is life and thus--there MUST be light. To the human eye indiscernible but, nonetheless--it is there for God is there and with God goes and comes that which is projected as "Light".

    We speak of things great and small and, yet, ALL is tiny compared to the vastness of infinite universe--great "ALL". Man comes forth and overlooks his most wondrous attribute--that he, too, is naught save Light and he, being "Light", is AS God for God IS LIGHT. Man searches and searches, figures and calculates, looking for that which is NOT in his hope to find God and Source for he longs to be with the ONENESS again from that of which he is created. Ye are simply the great swirling infinity of spiraling light coalesced into wondrous mani­festation that has taken form that ye might experience with thine senses, the magnificence, for God, too, desires to share and experience all.

    The day is now come when ALL Men must know what is meant when the great teachers have said, "God is Light". For if you know not, you cannot know God--and that, friends, must be known. In the swirling mass of words we use efforting to allow understanding, you are lost in portions which yet elude your comprehension at first looking--do not despair for KNOWING simply IS just as God "simply IS". The "KNOWING" must also come. It is the time, now, for the bringing together, again, the fragments of explanations wherein those who are ready for knowledge can grasp the sensing and allow it to become know­ing. For those who are not ready in their journey, it will come if ye do not turn away. Continue on with us and we shall show the way for that is our purpose in coming unto you.

    Vast knowledge is held (all, in fact) within the wondrous mysterious secret of "Light" and though it is all around Man--he cannot see it for it reflects too many myriads of infinite other creations back into his senses. That which man cannot "see" is somehow incomprehensible to him. God becomes as the wind for it is not seen and yet it is unmistakenly "there", and yet, even the wind is comprised of light.

    Man still knows not what matter IS. He has advanced far in knowing how to deal with portions of matter but he still does not understand the true source nor the "why" of matter. We are now trying to tell you the "what" of matter. It has been done before--by me, in fact, and yet only the tiny, tiny few have been able to transfer the knowledge into recognition. It is time to present it again and see if we touch the buttons of recognition. I do not bring puzzles simply to annoy you, when what you really want to know is when the earthquake is coming so you can wait until the last moment to run hide. Those things are fine for the sensed experience but the sensed experience is but the thought projection of God and, as God desires to return into the perfec­tion, it requires that the KNOWING take place. In the KNOW­ING IS GOD, therefore don't be foolish in your assumption that you might make a "wrong" choice of direction once you KNOW. You will not! Choices of the flesh and physical sens­ing dimension are simply that--an illusion which passes as quickly as do the changing thoughts. To really KNOW GOD IS TO BE WITH GOD....

    I caution you "would be" teachers who THINK you've "got it" and proceed to expound ad nauseam--you do NOT! You are only touching on the minutest edge and if you present this mate­rial in wholeness as in total understanding, you will err greatly. I suggest you put your ego aside and learn to use the term, "in my humble opinion" it might be this or that or the other. How do I know that you do not know it ALL? BECAUSE YOU ARE STILL BOUND TO HUMAN AND HUMAN SENSING--WHEN YOU KNOW YOU WILL NOT BE THERE IN THAT EXPERIENCE. I suggest you tend that weapon called tongue most carefully.

    Perhaps I might just give you the entire of the writing for that day and let us see just what would bother ones so much if it is repetitious in some way. I have given these lessons so many times to so many ones that I do not focus on this one or that one or the other--the point is to get information to you if you should wish to utilize it.

    The rest of this writing will take up part-way and simply will be reprinted from that day's offering.

    You as physical man have not even begun to scratch the sur­face of the patterns known to you as energy, electricity, mag­netism, gravitation and radiation. You have learned to play with them, change them into destructive toys and partially locate a few of their actions--but you have not the slightest true knowl­edge of them. You can develop bombs of them and yet have no way to control that which you have developed.

    You haven't the slightest valid knowledge of the purpose of the inert gases and WHAT THEY ARE. Nor do you know the structure of the elemental atoms nor the gyroscopic principle which determines that structure. You are not aware of the fact that this is a two-way continuous universe of balance in all ef­fects of motion and not a one-way discontinuous universe. Only a finite few on your place have even heard of the most important of all principles in physics which is recognized by us as the VOIDANCE principle. You know nothing of the lenses and mirrors of space which are the cause of illusion in all moving things. You do not even consider the entire material electric universe to be the illusion which it is; there being no reality to it whatsoever--so you continue to play with your perceived bits of matter and miss the whole point.

    You haven't the slightest conception of what constitutes the very life principle, nor the principle of growth, nor the simultaneous unfoldment-refoldment principle which repeats all patterns in Nature sequentially and records and voids them as they are repeated. You can present and manufacture replicas--you cannot even begin to simulate true LIFE.Nor are you aware of that recording principle by means of which the Creator carries forth the sum totals of every sequential cycle in HIS unfolding and refolding universe unto the very end of its manifestations upon one planet and its beginning on a new one. You just shout "big bang" or "creation of little fishes" or, or, or--all of which bear not the slightest connection with simple "reason".

    "LIGHT" holds the answer to ALL of these heretofore unanswered questions, and many more, which the sages have not yet solved nor known enough to even ask. This revelation of the nature of Light is the inheritance of Man in this time in which he finds himself--a time of great revealment and comprehension. You want to "prove" God? Herein is proof of God--by methods and standards acceptable to science and religion alike. It lays in spiritual foundation under the present material one of science, which you don't understand any better than the invisible. [H: Ah, perhaps here is where the trouble comes? We utilize that which was also presented to Walter Russell as "proof" if you can understand it? Well, we certainly won't do so again--for perhaps the reception is not ready for such shar­ing after all. Walter was told by Tesla to put the work away for a thousand years--"Man is not ready." He was right--for it was only "buried" for 50 years and already man shows no aptitude for comprehension--ONLY CRIES OF PLAGIA­RISM!]
    Will Man understand? Eventually--it matters not--it is our mission to commit the fragments unto you and yours to do that which you will, with them. If Man will but come into attention, the two greatest elements in civilization, religion and science, can thus find unity in marriage of the two. [H: At the present time the two things, "religion" and "science" are oxymoronic terms each expressing at the opposite poles of thought--but being foisted off on you as a singular "religious science" ap­proach to "being". No--science is one thing--religion an al­most opposite state of assumption.] Will Man do it? On your orb of earth matter, probably not, but at some time on some earth orb--MAN WILL--(the same man--YOU). Why do I know this? Because it is the projection of God that it be so and, therefore, it will be so. My intention is to make it so! Well, who in heaven's name do I think I am? God! So be it!

    Likewise human relationships will become more balanced because of greater knowledge of universal law which lies behind all of the processes which light uses to interweave the patterned forms of this electric wave universe.

    There is no department of life which will not be vitally af­fected by this knowledge, from the university to the laboratory, from government to industry, and from nation to nation. If for no other reason than to allow you to see your errors. Those who choose to not see and hear--shall be allowed the conse­quences of those errors of choice. There are places aplenty to allow for their onward growth--for ultimately they WILL KNOW.

    I can only present it to you in mouthfuls of quantity sufficient to feed and not choke. Perhaps a spoonful of sugar might make the medicine go down a bit more pleasantly--I hope so for the direction in which Man is sailing is toward the bitter cup in the learning of his lessons.

    Who, what, why, where, when? All of these scream from the being within each fragment. Suspecting MORE, knowing Truth is hidden somewhere within or behind the veil. How am I to know Truth? What, in fact, is Truth? I am still asking who am I? What am I? And most of all, WHY am I? If Balance be my goal--HOW can I find it? How can I find and know that balance in our interchange which will enrich both Him and me? Why is goodness veiled from my eyes like a thin vapor which hides YOUR LIGHT, Father, which I vainly seek. I seek in countless religious teachings and houses and still I hunger--where can I go to find? Please, will YOU take away from my eyes the blindfold which hides the path to Thy Light, that I may find my way to Thee? Sound familiar? I hear it as a great ca­cophony upon my receiving system.

    You wondrous ones who are receiving this word now are the ones out front asking these questions--screaming these questions and demanding, commanding and crying out for answers; for man must be ready to hear and, first, hemust have the desire to hear and see and KNOW. Those who truly do not desire to hear--WILL NOT! It is for your own growth that you release them to their own journey, even if you perceive it to be pitifulfor it is not for your journey--just do not err by being sucked into their mistakes for the rewards of deliberately turning away from God into darkness are great indeed--in a most miserable perception.

    Let us interrupt here before the writing becomes too long. However, I am going to present the rest of this prior writing because you must understand that only a minute and tiny portion of the nine volumes taken from your ability to have and study--could remotely even be considered as any other's work. Fur­ther, if it would be--why would it be deliberately KEPT from you? These are things to ponder as my scribe faces the courts and accusations every day of her existence--even from prior ones calling themselves "friends"--until the blood is sucked dry andthere is no further wealth to garner from our work.

    Man stands at the threshold of total destruction and downfall. How can you make it to that higher dimension while excluding "death" as you recognize it--WITHOUT KNOWING HOW? Did Russell KNOW? No! In the presence of GOD he was given into the "seeing" and "understanding" of the concept which has been taught since the inception of perceived "time". The Master Teachers have given you the SAME lessons so that you would understand the infinity of your existence and HOW it is universally FACT that you do not "die" but rather, have eter­nal LIFE!

    My people have no funds with which to fight such court battle over POSSESSION of universal TRUTH. Why, in fact, would they struggle or further undergo willingly such insult and misery? Mr. Green says to "everybody" that he has plenty of funds and plans to do so--until he gets the gold, breaks the Ekkers, pulls down the Institute (so that the veryones HE BROUGHT IN lose everything). Again, I note here as to my own conclusions --there is SOMETHING wrong about this ongoing charade. What is being covered? What conspiracies and coalitions are under way? MAN HAS STOLEN THAT WHICH IS GOD'S--DOES HE NOW THINK IT FINE TO ACCUSE GOD OF THE THEFT? It is alright with me--IS IT ALRIGHT WITHYOU TO HAVE THE FACTS AND PROOF OF YOUR VERY EXISTENCE BURIED UNDER THE GOLD COINS THIEVED? I suggest you consider the matter very, very carefully.

    May we please take a short break? Thank you.
    PJ 87


    WED., FEB. 23, 1994 1:52 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 191

    WED., FEB. 23, 1994

    I did not say "Buddha" or "Jesus" or, or, or--I said "CHRIST". "Christness" is a "state of being", A SOUL STATE. With this in mind we will speak of lessons and proclamations of the great "teachers" come before. Does "Dharma" claim to be a great teacher? She doesn't even claim to be a "teacher". Why, then, is there such upheaval and attention given to her? Do "I" claim to be a "great teacher"? No--JUST A TEACHER OF TRUTH AND KNOWER OF THE WAY. I DO HAVE A MISSION--IN TOTAL SERVICE TO GOD OF 'THAT' "LIGHT" OF WHICH WE HAVE JUST BEEN WRITING.

    Christ proclaimed, "I am come that ye might have life and have it more abundantly--even life eternal!"

    Christ never spoke of death nor did he leave any teachings by which man could be prepared to die. He taught only LIFE!Life more abundant! Glorious, beautiful Life! Yes! he taught only the principles of Eternal Life.

    He revealed the straight and narrow way that leads to LIFE ETERNAL, good friends. He explained his association with Creator (His Father and YOURS) and claimed nothing of greater power than that of which you too are capable.

    He also warned continually against the "Broad Open Way" which leads to destruction and which so many enter. Always by individual "choice". He spoke to John in Revelation about overcoming even as he overcame. Overcame what? DEATH! He efforted to express his lessons in terms which could be understood by his audiences--just as we have efforted to show you the way in terms already familiar to your senses and under­standing--and we are brought into the courts of non-law and in­justice for the efforts.

    Christ foretold of the time in which all distress and sorrows along with evils would be overcome. He said that the very last overcoming would be of death.

    God never planned death! Man came up with "that" one. God permitted it because of "...the blindness of men's minds and the hardness of their hearts and because of the gross wickedness of unbelief". There is a lot of good "stuff" in those grand old books of wisdom--IF you have the wisdom to glean it from the misperceptions. For instance, do you know the true meaning of the word "zion"? I thought not. It means: "purity of heart". So the "road to zion" means that pathway and journey in experi­ence to achieve purity of heart and perfection of soul. Is this the meaning offered by the "Zionists" of today?
    I hardly think so. Theirs this day is to unify and take control of the WORLD
    --the physical expression manifest. There is NO ZION on earth--only the pathway! So again you must begin to consider the "beginnings". There is no actual "beginning" or "ending"--only the perception of such. YOU have no beginning or ending--only the cyclic evolvement of soul in progression.


    ALL (everything) progresses in cycles. This includes your civilization as well as all prior civilizations. It is that "new" comprehension periodically transforms mankind into higher understanding and being. A new cycle, of which shall take around three thousand of your years in counting, is now in its birth throes.

    God's omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence are centered in the consciousness of EVERY man; but few there are who know of the oneness of their Self-Soul with the Universal Self-Soul. Man requires many millennia to begin to be aware of that. Each cycle of Man brings him nearer to his awareness of his Oneness with the LIGHT of his Self-Source.

    Russell did state the next most beautifully: "Man lives in a most bewildering complex world of EFFECT of which he knows not the CAUSE. Because of its seemingly infinite multiplicity and complexity, he fails to vision the simple underlying principle of Balance in all things. He, therefore, complexes Truth until its many angles, sides and facets have lost balance with each other and with him.

    "TRUTH IS SIMPLE. BALANCE IS SIMPLE. Rhythmic bal­anced interchange between all pairs of opposite expression in natural phenomena, and in human relations, is the consummate art of God's universe of Light. It is also the law. In this one fundamental Universal Law lies the balanced continuity of all creative expression in God's electric wave universe of two con­ditioned lights in seeming motion which record God's one Whole Idea of Creation into countless seemingly separate parts of that Whole Idea".

    Is "this" an expression which is meant to be kept within the se­cret places of a singular "institution"? Surely not, for it infers that only a select "few" may have the great secrets of LIFE ETERNAL. GOD IS LIGHT AND YOU ARE THE RESULT OF THE IDEA OF GOD MANIFEST AS HE HAS "THOUGHT".

    Glory and praise be unto the "Father" forever and forever, for His path is made straight and His way of Truth and Light re­vealed for, as the mind is opened, another seal is loosed and the great blindness of mind which has nearly destroyed a world will begin to be removed from you and you will be given faith and vision to behold the things of God and understand His holy promises. As this Holy Light begins to penetrate the mind His divine vision of perfection is revealed. And with that vision comes the testimony of the Holy Spirit of Promise bearing wit­ness to your souls that it can be fulfilled unto you for you will receive strength to follow it through to its completion. This is the road I mapped, for I am the Way, even the road of per­fection, the path you must follow--said the Christed teachers.

    This invitation, offered to those who would heed wisdom to be­come perfect, even as the Father in heaven is perfect, contains the vision divine. It is a possibility and a promise as definite and real as the promised diploma is to the student who is work­ing for it. God will not be mocked. Neither has HE ever mocked HIS children by giving a promise that is impossible to fulfill. Every promise HE ever gave must and will be fulfilled, whenever man has developed the faith to receive. When we speak of vision--we also are speaking "thought".

    Man's right to choose the thoughts he thinks contains all the creative powers of eternity, even the creative powers of godhood. If he uses these powers amiss or misuses the divine gift of free-choosing, he will lose his free-agency. It is in the loss of free-agency that one becomes enslaved by the powers of darkness. The great issues this day are over this divine, God-given gift. All dictatorial governments must take away man's free-agency from him in order to obtain and hold their power. When this happens as it now has, either politically or morally, man is no longer free. He is a SLAVE.

    This may seem to be an overused word because it is misused almost constantly by those who would align themselves with a "thing" and "get vibrations". However, "vibrations" are the very essence of LIFE. YOU ARE BROUGHT INTO CONFU­SION SO THAT YOU WILL MISS TRUTH BY THE TOTAL DISTRACTION THRUST AT YOU.

    Behind EVERY thought and feeling are the vibrations of their reality. The living, breathing power of existence is contained with the substance of vibrations. The universe itself is simply an electric wave universe. It is also that all is a "spiral" uni­verse of cycles--be it expressed in simple electricity, sound fre­quencies or elaborately perceived human expression. The WHOLE of existence is the constantly resonating vibration ex­pressing God's thought through and within LIGHT.

    Therefore, in simple deduction of thought "reason"--every indi­vidual who is not consciously "About his Father's business" of bringing forth the vibrations of true, eternal glory by correct thinking, is wasting the powers of existence and creation. Each has every freedom of choice so how unfortunate that ones flow into the vibratory catch-basin of that which shackles and binds to the illusion of perception.

    Every thought brings a "choice". All ones who move away from the Lighted pathway and move into the dark vibrations and powers of destruction are actually making a "conscious" choice to do so. Check out that which you do in the darkness, what you "hide" and what you would tell lies about to avoid the truth coming forth.

    Every person who is reaching out to gather TO HIMSELF wealth or power or personal glory at the expense of his fellow­men, or even of a single individual, is contributing to the delin­quency of the world. And these delinquent vibrations are being amplified and hurled forth, transformed a thousand-fold in mag­nified intensity at the present time and ever increasing as you perceive "time" in progression.

    Now, readers, there are more delinquent adults and parents than there are delinquent teenagers, who are sending out their vibra­tions of negative darkness of uncontrolled thoughts and acts to wreak havoc upon the world. The adolescent groups are receiv­ing the greatest reactional shock because they are completely unprepared to withstand the violent vibrations that are being hurled against them by their adult elders. The young cannot cope with the magnified, intensified vibrations of evil being re­leased into the Earth's atmosphere by the thought patterns of decadent humanity. And realize right here and now (and go back and read about pulse waves, ELF's, etc.) that these thought vibrations of which we speak here can only be negligible rela­tive to the ones being scientifically thrust deliberately upon you now. In this, of course, I speak of both constant pulsing and the remote mind-control techniques of which we have so often written. Thought itself has "frequency"
    --vibratory frequency. There is a prophecy worthy of taking note here which states: "And in the last days Satan shall rage in the hearts of the children of men".

    You have moved into a time of violence and chaos. Art is vio­lent and vulgar if not totally insipid and pornographic. Even the art depicting the Christos as he expressed in manifest form is hideous, even gruesome as the violence is depicted ever more and more terribly. Those who create such pictures say they are only seeking to portray all the suffering He endured, whereas they are only reflecting their own perception of that which they are experiencing and dumping it upon an unsuspecting audience to become the "historic" fact later mis-interpreted and mis-­translated. They are only releasing their own dark, emotional strains, their rebellious conflicts and their evil moods as they re­flect them upon HIS face. Even in HIS crucifixion no such darkened, unholy expression ever found lodgment upon HIS countenance.

    Entertainment is violent. Literature is violent, vulgar and pornographic by demand. Modern noise called "music" and even dance--are no longer peaceful or graceful. They are but the visual and physical eruptions of the inward violence of their expressors. Motion pictures are completely defiled with violence and corruption--purposely geared to entrap a captive audi­ence from controlled media. You are transforming a world of people into monsters as innocent victims, even small children, are trained into the only perception they see and recognize--vio­lence. You even move to MURDER unborn babes. I find it interesting to note that if a pregnant woman is slain that there are "murder" charges for TWO. But the same babe can be aborted at the same "age" and it is called "rights" and "freedom of choice". Now an almost
    full-term baby is partially delivered and murdered to have "fetal tissue" to use on others. The world's youth is being unbalanced, blighted, outraged and destroyed, and adult delinquency is the main cause.

    The cure, of course, is not contained in the harsh measures of correction now being used. The cure is not in reformatories, nor in prisons, nor in capital punishment. The cause of all vio­lence is in the adults themselves and through them the cure must come. But will it? No, because by the time you have moved through three generations of misinformation and visualization as well as physical expression according to the social "norms" of the time, you have destroyed the concepts which came before. History is simply rewritten to reflect that which the ones in con­trol and power wish to have offered. TRUTH GETS BURIED IN THE ARCHIVES, BURNED AS WILL BE THE PLEIADES CONNECTION SERIES OF BOOKS, THE PRO­JECTED "TRUTH" WILL BE ACCORDING TO THOSE WHO COME "AFTER" AND MAKE THEIR OWN PER­CEIVED CHANGES AND THUS AND SO.... You will, fur­ther, note that the ones making the "changes" will be the same ones who team up with other promoters and deceivers to project upon the unsuspecting audiences that which will garner and reap reward in wealth and power unto themselves.

    Look at your children and on further into child perversion, whether it be manifested through low sex impulses, disobedi­ence, sullen rebellion, cruelty or any other negative manifesta­tion which is being expressed in the rampant excess, which is caused primarily by children being unloved, unwanted, or pun­ished excessively (abused). You adults react differently by VOTING-IN that with which you want to demean the civiliza­tion. By this I mean, behaviors including abortions of the un­wanted as if it were birth control pills of some kind, etc. And how does all this come about and into practice within civiliza­tion's acceptance?--THROUGH THOUGHT!


    There is a lot of Bible-thumping and shouting from pulpits wherein this or that quotation is opinioned according to the doc­trine of the cult or the denial of same. In the opinions of inter­pretation most often both the intent of the original message as well as meaning is totally LOST. So how do we comprehend "good" when so much seems to be "bad"? Well, it is difficult because in order to fully comprehend the good it IS necessary to further digress from the high pattern of attainment and take backward looks at the evils, that one day they might be forever left behind. It is necessary to take this quick, penetrating look into the weaknesses of man's little mortal self in order to know fully the road of overcoming so that each individual might com­prehend what it is he must overcome in order to complete the journey into the Light and be able to abide in that highest vibration--even HEAVEN.


    He who can become the least will be given power to become the greatest. To become the least one must give himself over com­pletely to the will of God. In such complete surrender nothing but God's will matters to the individual. His love soars on wings of glory to embrace the very stars. He is no longer con­cerned with his own personal life. It no longer matters to him whether he lives or dies, endures trials and vicissitudes, or lies down in green pastures. He loses his life that he might find the greater life--of service. With his eyes wholly single to the glory of God he becomes filled with the divine vision of perfection. And henceforth he beholds only perfection, even as God holds that supreme vision always before Him. In his "choices" he chooses God EVERY time--without realizing he is choosing--he will simply say there were no other alternatives. There are ALWAYS alternatives!

    It is by vision that all things come forth. The power of vision, or the power to imagine (image in) is the power of creation. And it is by pure, high vision that all evils can be overcome, or transformed into blessings--whether or not it seems that you are enjoying the transformation.

    It is only by deep love and praising devotion that one can blend his own life so perfectly with the mind and will of God that he becomes the expressor of the "Greatest". Does this mean that the individual becomes a non-human? No, it means that the higher self is attuned to that which is beyond the basic expres­sions of the experience of the moment.

    This condition, therefore, may well sound impossible, even undesirableto those who are still lost in the cravings and trappings of the flesh and who love the little mortal "self" with its dwarfed, selfish traits, its prides and personal lusts and desires--the ego gratifications. But to him who has lifted his vision to the heights, where his eyes become single to the glory of God's and God's provinces, it is the great achievement that fulfills all things. It is the supreme accomplishment, the sublime attain­ment. It is the POINT OF POWER.

    It is this little mortal "self" with its sin (errors and separation from God) that must be comprehended. This little ego-filled "self" is the block to the way of glory and full accomplishment. It is the little mortal "self" that stirs up all discords and keeps one out of tune with the great healing, restoring, perfecting symphony of the Universe, or with the out-flowing glory of the Spirit of God and Its love.

    In many ancient religions and in numerous modern ones this "self" has been understood to be "the great retarder". Various methods have been instigated and used to overcome it. The Buddha used the method of fasting and begging. The yogis of India still do. But some of the yogis are completely defeated by their own method, for as they let go of all earthly claims and possessions and become separated from the multitude they take pride in their exalted achievement. The very title "holy men" becomes their stumbling block for, as they are filled with pride and satisfaction at being exalted above their fellowmen, they become self-righteous. Their beggarship be­comes a source of pride and though they assumed it for the sake of righteousness it becomes only the outward show of empty vainglory. It is no longer righteousness but only its ugly shadow--self-righteousness.We all know ones who ex­press in great shoutings of absolute and unconditional "love" and then do everything possible to destroy another in both character and presentation. These ones will literally join with and through ones who then turn and leave others to hold the painful "bag" of dirty dealings. These proclaimers of unconditional love will even JOIN WITHthose who perpetrated the crime in the first place--failing to and refusing to see the truth of the circumstance and the responsibility of that mortal "SELF". These ones will even turn upon God while proclaiming unconditional following of that God. In these instances it behooves the individual to evaluate WHICH god he may be serving and HOW. FACTS presented seem to elude these ones in point--they seem blinded by the controlling lies presented by the perpetrators of the actual crime in action. They will continue this illusion of blindness until they lose everything which they originally claimed. In these instances it is usually lost to unscrupulous barristers or to the very greed originating the actions in the first place. I could give you many examples but I know that you have a library filled with your own.


    Anything which causes a man to take pride in the little mortal "self" is self-righteous and is empty and barren of all good. In the beginning of his endeavor, one could give all that he pos­sessed to the poor and his body to be burned and yet, without the great Christ-like, selfless love, it would be vain and worth­less. Any service to God that is lifted in pride to the exaltation of that little mortal, personal "self" is unacceptable. And so it is always this little "self" which blocks a man's way, unless it is overcome. No man is truly humble who exults in his position or his works or his own lofty seat upon the church pinnacle. No matter what his works are, as long as he is doing them to be seen of men and takes pride in the "self" or in his works, he is flaunting only the shabby, defiled garments of self-righteous­ness. He is only filling the seat of a Pharisee who loves his long robe and the greetings in public places and the highest seat of honor at every feast.

    From the point where self-righteousness takes over, all righteousness is lost. Righteousness is the ability to put God and His laws and will as the primal reality behind every act, even every thought. Self-righteousness is the continual effort to exalt the little mortal "self", to reveal its imagined importance and flaunt its mediocre works and achievements. Self-righteousness is more concerned with exalting the little personal "self" than it is with exalting and glorifying God.

    It is not just among those who may consider themselves spe­cially anointed ones that this great deception is permitted to de­stroy one's endeavors. It is waiting at almost every turn of the road of man's upward climb and will deceive even the very elect if they are not humble. It is humility and love which make an individual "elect". Self-righteousness and humility are incompatible. Self-righteousness and righteousness are utter strangers, enemies to each other with nothing in common. It is impossible for them to exist together. And many a proud man who thinks he is most righteous is only deceiving himself, or is permitting himself to be deceived as he serves only the forces of darkness in his unrecognized self-righteousness. Any service that is rendered without perfect love and pure humility, with eyes single to the glory of God, is rendered to the "self" instead of to God. And any individual who renders this proud self-ser­vice is no longer traveling upward, as he supposes, but down­ward into the darkness.

    Self-righteousness is deadly in its complete destructiveness of power, and there is a little of it in almost every man. It is that "little" that can complete the downfall of those who would attain unto the heights unless it is comprehended and replaced by true humility and the pure, love-filled devotion. Throughout the ages there are examples upon examples for the seeing.

    This is such an important subject that I am reluctant to end this writing but it has been a very long day at the keyboard for the typist. I will point out a very important point with which to close this writing: Anyone who uses the tiniest iota of God's power in pride and arrogance will find that he has laid his hand upon the razor's edge. And that razor's edge is the pruning knife of the Father. That knife will cut away all dead and lifeless twigs and branches and all inferior traits. This pruning process, as the knife is held in the hand of the "Husbandman", is painful and very humiliating. It is always the most humiliating experience possible to endure unlessthe individual, knowingly and with humble understanding, be­gins of himself to bring that strident, pompous, little mortal "self' into subjection. When an individual sets his own hand to such a task it becomes a work of glory and magnificent achievement. AHO!

  2. #6
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#087, IN GOD'S NAME AWAKEN!

    PJ 87


    THU., FEB. 24, 1994 12:36 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 192

    THU., FEB 24 1994

    You are absolutely right in your observation that the market at 3500 may well be triggering something on its way BACK DOWN--NOT GOING UP. Note that everything in the world is "off", including gold--this is "artificial" in every aspect because the fact is, gold would (should) be increasing in this envi­ronment--just hold on!
    The U.S. government is in HOT, DEEP WATER with Russia and it could "blow" at any moment. Actually it IS "blowing" and you are not allowed to see or hear it. Along with the prob­lems with the U.S. there is also great internal stress within Rus­sia. In the U.S. Clinton is just about to get himself impeached (to say the "least")
    "Whitewater", in the words of some writ­ers, is pure "hustle". He is in a very bad plight and Hillary's Hellcats are about to individually self-destruct. Well, it couldn't happen to "nicer" people.

    Let me just quote you something from a letter from Nick Guar­ino:

    "Bill Clinton will be the first president to go from the White House direct to the jail house. He is being investigated for pos­sible criminal bank fraud by the Resolution Trust Corp... [H: Wow, NOTHING is too good for those folks either.] ...and for possible campaign fraud. The FBI has opened an investiga­tion for possible obstruction of justice for events surrounding the murder of Clinton's Deputy White House Counsel, Vincent Foster. [H: We told you readers EXACTLY WHAT HAP­PENED TO FOSTER, HOW MANY "SUICIDE" SHOTS, etc., WHEN IT HAPPENED. Never mind the adversarial attacks, readers, you GET THE UP-FRONT TRUTH FROM THIS "RAGSHEET" AS THE CONTACT IS REFERRED TO BY GRITZ AND GREEN, ET AL.]

    "Bill Clinton is the first President in American history to have a criminal referral
    --mentioning him--issued by an indepen­dent federal regulator to the Department of Justice. US At­torney General Janet Reno is desperately trying to protect Clin­ton by refusing to make this document public and by stone­walling the investigation".

    The following is an "advertisement" and I know that you realize that when I ask for advertising in the paper--I believe the information critical and worthy of the price, whatever it is. I hate to attract any further focus to this place but I feel you HAVE TO HAVE THIS INFORMATION.

    The above quotes are from the heading of this letter in point.


    Dear Friend:

    Whitewater was a pure hustle. I wish I could show you this piece of property. It's in the middle of nowhere. Hardly any­body lives there. Nobody else ever goes there, and nobody wants to. You have to drive 50 miles to go to the grocery store. If the Mafia wanted to do a hit, this is where they would bury the body. If Jimmy Hoffa's body isn't buried in Whitewater, it's in a place just like it.

    I can't believe Bill and Hillary Clinton ever intended this property to be developed. It was a scam right from the begin­ning--and it was almost 100% successful. They bought the land with nothing down and then borrowed huge sums of money against it.

    This was an easy scam. All they had to do was survey the land, have it divided up, and sell a few lots to some of their cronies at inflated prices. Then, they had other cronies provide inflated appraisals. The S&L they went to wasn't an accident either--its owner, James McDougal, was the Clintons' partner in the Whitewater project.

    On paper, they said they would convert raw forest land into a subdivision with dozens of lots. They said it would be a thriving newcommunity. They got the S&L to loan millions to them and their cronies.

    All that money was funnelled to Bill Clinton and his friends in the inner circle.

    Hillary Clinton claims she has no knowledge of the business dealings of Whitewater or the S&L. But her law firm handled the legal work. She was personally retained by the S&L as their attorney; represented them before state regulators; was on a $2,000 a month retainer; and had power of attorney "to manage and conduct all matters" related to Whitewater.

    Hillary was a senior partner in the biggest, most prestigious law firm in Arkansas. From the time Clinton became governor, he funnelled huge amounts of state legal work through her firm.

    If you wanted to do business with the state of Arkansas, it was no longer necessary to make payoffs with hundred dollar bills in paper bags. You just went and "retained" Hillary Clin­ton. The money you paid the Clintons to do a government deal was no longer an illegal payoff, but a legal bill. Even better, it's protected under attorney-client privilege. It was a scam, pure and simple. The average attorney in Arkansas is lucky to make $50,000 a year. Hillary Clinton made $400,000. No wonder.

    The Clintons and their partners, the McDougals, operated the S&L (Madison Guarantee Savings & Loan) as their personal piggy bank. They looted depositors' money to pay off Bill Clinton's personal campaign debts and to raise money for his campaign to become President of the United States.

    Bill Clinton even went so far as to force the Small Business Administration to make a loan for $300,000 to Mrs. McDougal, his partner's wife. This loan was supposed to go to "socially disadvantaged businesses". Right!

    David Hale, the official who made this SBA loan, is now un­der federal indictment for defrauding the SBA. He says Clinton pressured him to make the fraudulent loans.

    After stealing as much money as they could--Clinton and his partners watched as the Whitewater project went broke. It was the typical Florida swamp deal of the '30s. No, it was worse.

    The regulators knew what was going on as far back as 1985. They wanted to shut Madison down. But Bill and Hillary used their political influence to stop them. The regulators were appointed by governor Bill Clinton, who was their boss. They did the right thing to keep their jobs: they backed off.

    A 1986 audit by the Federal Home Loan Bank Board (FHLBB) could not have been more harsh in its depiction of Madison Guarantee. It portrayed Madison as financially reck­less, rife with conflicts, and on the brink of collapse.

    Yet, Hillary Clinton was claiming to regulators that the S&L was solvent. She even put together a stock offering, which the state of Arkansas approved, to bring in millions of new suckers' dollars. The scheme was so outrageous that even Hillary couldn't sneak it by the FHLBB, who killed the deal. Four years later, the Federal government called the plan Hillary tried to push through "fraudulent".

    If this was you or me, we'd be in cell block C. Clinton be­came President of the United States.

    His name was Vince Foster. Foster was Hillary's law part­ner, and purported by several witnesses to be her lover. He worked with her on Whitewater and Madison Guarantee, hand-in-hand. He was the one who conned the regulators into paying them $400,000 to prosecute Madison's auditors.

    After Clinton was elected President, Foster was appointed as the President's "deputy White House counsel". His job was to bury the Whitewater mess once and for all. That meant:

    Updating the Whitewater income tax, which was three years in arrears.

    Cleaning up the Whitewater records and "handling" any incriminating evidence.

    Getting McDougal to agree to buy back the Whitewater shares from Bill and Hillary. That would allow them to say, "This is McDougal's project; we have nothing to do with it". So, he had to set up McDougal to be the fall guy.

    Foster failed. The press picked up on the tax returns. They found out about the phony campaign contributions. The phony land deals came out. They found out that Whitewater had been very slow to pay its taxes. They found out about the phony $68,000 loss the Clintons claimed they had on Whitewater, which never appeared on their tax returns. In addition, the press found large payments from Madison Guarantee to White­water that nobody would explain. The whole cover-up started to unravel.

    On the afternoon of July 20, 1993--Vince Foster was found dead, shot in the head with a .38 caliber pistol. He was found laid out with his arms at his sides, and the pistol in his right hand. Detectives and other experts said that the gun could not have remained in his hand--the explosive recoil of the revolver would have thrown it clear of his body. One pathologist said the recoil should have thrown the pistol up to 30 feet away. [H: It is obvious that none of these good people read CONTACT! This whole scenario cannot be true--either. The fact is the murder was so blatant that there were TWO (count them) two shots, so, surely he would have dropped the gun after at least one of them.]

    The same experts said that there should have been pools of blood. But, paramedics who first arrived at the scene said there was no blood, and no exit wound for the bullet. [H: Ah Ha--the plot thickens....] Despite the lack of exit wound, no bullet was ever found. An autopsy was performed, but the results HAVE BEEN SUPPRESSED.
    Four days later, the White House announced that they'd discovered a "suicide" note in a briefcase taken from Foster's office. This so-called suicide note never mentioned "suicide". The note discussed Foster's dissatisfaction with living in D.C. away from his family and discussed returning toArkansas. It had been ripped apart into 27 pieces. The signature was re­moved. Foster's finger prints were never found on any of the 27 pieces.


    Contrary to standard police procedure, Foster's White House office was not sealed after his death. Law enforcement officials investigating the death said they had to wait across the room while Chief White House Counsel, Bernard Nussbaum, sorted through papers on Foster's desk. A former D.C. police official said, "I was completely stunned to learn that Foster's office had not been sealed as soon as it was learned that he was dead".

    Clinton later admitted that his people had taken documents. MANY key documents ARE STILL MISSING.


    What you've read in this letter is just the beginning of the corruption, conflicts of interest, and influence peddling, that you will learn about in my explosive new report The Impeached
    President. In this report, you'll learn the suppressed story that Clinton desperately doesn't want you to hear...

    • * How the Clintons lied about their $68,000 "loss" on Whitewater. The problem is their partner McDougal contra­dicts them, saying that they had almost nothing invested. How they twisted the facts to try to make huge profits look like losses.

    • * Why this huge so-called loss never appeared on Bill & Hillary's income tax return--this from a man who took a $2 deduction for his used underwear donated to the Salvation Army.

    • * How Clinton's campaign debts from past gubernatorial elections were paid for with money stolen from deposits at Madison Guarantee Savings & Loan.

    • * Was Bill really just interviewing those women in the back of the police cars? How he used intimidation and bribes to make sure the cops wouldn't talk.

    • * How Bill used prisoners who were assigned as trustees at the Governor's Mansion, to get drugs, women, and carry the money for the high-stakes poker games he loves so much.

    • * The long string of sham real estate deals that Clinton--and his associates--used to raise millions for their slush funds.

    • * How Clinton and his associates swapped land back and forth, fraudulently inflating the value so the bank would loan ever more money that would never be repaid (except by the US taxpayers).

    * Picture this: a bank regulator writes a negative report saying that Madison had engaged in "unsound lending prac­tices", and had improperly booked profits. A regulator with a report like this could easily shut Madison down. But sud­denly, a few months later, the same regulator took a job working at Madison Guarantee as executive vice president (under her maiden name). Her salary skyrocketed to $65,000. In addition, she got a $5,000 unsecured loan; a $500 a month expense bonus, yearly bonuses of $2,000, plus a Rolls Royce Bentley sedan to tool around town in.

    • * How Hillary, while representing the US government--the RTC, to be precise

    --got the government to forgive a $600,000 loan to her partner's father-in-law. Hillary's firm pocketed a $400,000 fee for her efforts. The same partner was later appointed--by Bill Clinton--as the #3 person in the Justice Department. He was assigned to "investigate" the Whitewater case.

    • * How Clinton used a small Arkansas bank to funnel over $100,000 to himself and the members of his good-old-boy network. It only stopped when the FDIC and the State Banking Commissioner both demanded that the bank immedi­ately stop all loans to Clinton and his friends--and ordered the bank to demand payment on the existing loans.

    • * How Hillary was able to build a house with no money down. She then sold it at least two times: and according to one source, more. Several of the deeds were never recorded. All the records of her profits on these unusual transactions are "lost".

    • * Congressman James Leach, head of the House Banking and Finance Committee, says that "It has now been publicly revealed that President Clinton is the first President in American history to have a criminal referral--mentioning him by an independent federal regulator to the Department of Justice. This document has not been made public, but it has been confirmed by the regulators..." How U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno is protecting Clinton by refusing to make this document public and by stonewalling the investigation.

    • * Why the Clintons are facing three more potential criminal indictments... One for campaign fraud... Another for bank fraud related to SBA funds that were siphoned off to Whitewater... And three cases of conflict of interest by Hillary while representing the government against her former clients and personal friends.

    * The first president to go from the White House straight to prison? The FBI is now opening up an investigation for "obstruction of justice" for events surrounding the murder of Vincent Foster.


    I'm Nick Guarino. I ran a multi-million dollar business in Arkansas. I know how business is done there.

    I also know that Bill and Hillary will say--when they read this letter--that I'm an ex-convict fresh out of Leavenworth. That's true--but irrelevant. I was railroaded for supposed white collar crime--but that's also irrelevant.

    The more important point is that what I've told you here is true, and I have the documentation to make it stick. I'll tell you now, Bill and Hillary will smear me and try to discredit me. But they will never sue me, because in a court of law, I can depose them, and subpoena documents that they want NO-ONE to see.

    You see, I know where the skeletons are. I was locked up with people who had inside knowledge of Clinton's corruption. In a legal battle I can open up the Clintons like a can of worms.

    And, I would love to. This was the greatest country in the world--and crooks like Clinton are selling us down the river. It makes me sick. Clinton has got to be stopped. People have got to know the truth now. Photocopy this letter and send it to everyone you know. Order extra copies of the report. Get the word out to the public. The truth will set us free and get him out of office.

    Look, I don't know how long I can keep The Impeached Presidentin print. This is red-hot, explosive material. It can bring down Clinton's presidency. It WILL bring it down.

    I have a small but gutsy publisher. But Clinton is a powerful man. He can sick the IRS, Secret Service, FBI, Post Office, or any of 100 other government pit bulls against me. He's going to do it--because he can't afford to let the public see the truth. What Nixon did was "jaywalking" compared to this.

    The first printing of The Impeached Presidentis 5,000 copies only. This letter is going out to 150,000 people this week alone. So, these reports are going to be sold out in a flash. If you want a copy of The Impeached President,rush in your check or money order (sorry, no cash please)--today, this mo­ment. First come, first served.


    Last Stand Publishing. Inc.
    1129 East Cliff Rd.
    Burnsville, MN 55337
    (612) 890-3553
    * * *
    Once again, readers, I wish to remind you of something. I do not say that everything this man produces is wondrous--I don't know and don't care. I DO know that the only way to keep the daring people who will come forth, alive, is to support them and this is the only way we can offer much help--simply to publish this information. I do not have comment on anything else the man has or does--it is irrelevant.

    We DO know about the ones out to "getcha"--very, very well and personally. It is simply too bad that the ones who claim to be on our side are the major ones out to "getus".

    George Green, for instance, has teamed up with DeMar of Sedona, AZ to write to a list of participants in the "Institute". The list is as private a document as can be had by a business of any kind. George was a Director of the Institute--which is HOW he has the list. He sent the list to DeMar who is writing to everyone on the list that he can locate and sending a full set of documents (government) to "pull down the Institute" on mail-fraud, etc., charges. He even says in his cover letter that he is not "qualified" to fill out the document but he further says he is "one of the ones TURNING IN THE EKKERS". Wow--it IS hard on the nerves to effort to bring truth and opportunity and simply "serve".

    NOW, it comes forth that probably a PHOENIX INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH AND EDUCATION TRUST was set up somewhere--to divert funds from THE Institute--EXACTLY LIKE ANDERSON AND GREEN SET UP A TRUST: CONSTITUTIONAL LAW CENTRE. That CLC duplicate was birthed and operated in the same suite of offices!!! Still think you are working with misguided and pitifully "had" novices? Then, you see, you go running away to another state and effort to pull all the funding out of the "original" and suck it into the duplicate--leaving the poor souls who have integrity to HOLD THE BAG! OPEN YOUR PRETTY EYES, READERS, FOR IT IS HAPPENING TO YOU FROM EVERY DIRECTION!

    By the way, Mr. Martin or Dr. Young, get in touch with the parties, like Devvie K., and get as many facts as you can regarding the campaign and campaign funds of our friend who likes to tear me apart! I think you will find it interesting enough to PRINT!

    Gritz is now whining all over his microphone about how terrible the awful press, etc., is to HIM! It doesn't seem to occur to him that the spiral has simply turned back upon itself! Good confirmation for the rest of you, though. No indeed, children, it is NOT A NICE WORLD AFTER ALL! Further, he'd better check it out for there might be a "duplicate" (almost) entity called by whatever name he is calling his Christian Covenant Community, or Center for Action, or whatever. The same with University of Science and Philosophy. Boy, it seems that Green KNOWS a lot about business which has never been seen by anyone here! In fact, what of the 1.2 million dollars spouted by Gritz from Green that Patterson "shut down". Must have been going to some OTHER institute because it was NEVER EVER HEARD OF AROUND THESE PARTS AND NEITHER HAS ALMOST ALL OF THE OTHER GARBAGE! SO, BETTER BE CHECKING--THERE IS SOMETHING GOING DOWN "SOMEWHERE".


    I don't have time in this writing to give full credit or background to this next "blurb".
    I do ask that you get his book in point but I would like to offer just one section in the chapter called "A New Age Goddess in the White House".

    [H: One of Hillary's compatriots is a woman by the name of Naomi Goldenberg. The book in point offers history and status of "Hillary's Hellcats" but I just want to offer this small reference.]
    Naomi Goldenberg, who teaches religion at the University of Ottawa, in Ontario, Canada, as a "feminist theologian", heartily agrees with Reuther. In her book, Changing of the Gods, Goldenberg sternly predicts the overthrow of the existing forms of both Christianity and Judaism.
    "God is going to change." writes Goldenberg. "We women are going to bring an END TO GOD Wewill BE THE END OF HIM."

    Happily, Goldenberg announces that WomanChurch will replace the obsolete Christian and Jewish faiths. And what IS WomanChurch? "Witchcraft," she responds. Witchcraft, says Goldenberg, "is a perfect substitute for Christianity".

    But, Hillary's fans may protest, Hillary has not advocated the overthrow of Christianity. She has not proposed an end to God.

    WRONG. Hillary has, indeed, indirectly advocated the end of the patriarchal God and the overthrow of Christianity. In the most ingenious manner, Hillary seeks to give us an entirely new form of Christianity. The new religion approves the sacrifice of unborn babies, celebrates lesbian sex, and ordains marriage between homosexuals.

    As Rosemary Reuther indicates, the "wise women" know that a resistant humanity is not yet ready for the complete rooting out and removal of traditional Christianity. But subversion and sab­otage by women and the men whom they dominate will fix that, to be followed by "a new kind of Christianity freed from the bonds of patriarchy and purified of the last vestiges of sexism, clericalism and militarism".

    The Christian church is about to be religiously cleansed by the femiNazis. They may continue to call it "Christianity", for the shrewd and cunning leaders of WomanChurch realize that the inhabitants of the old world feel strangely comforted by words and language with which they are familiar. But the old faith will eventually be cleansed and renewed, being made ready for the New Age of revived, national socialism... (END OF QUOTING)

    May GOD have mercy on us all....


    PJ 87
    CHAPTER 10


    THU., FEB. 24, 1994 2:47 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 192

    THU., FEB. 24, 1994


    This is a time for defining "God", precious ones. I have no pick with anyone who presents Truth--from whatever source and there are many. The problem often ends up, however, with misunderstandings as the presenters move off into the self-awareness of the truth they BEGAN to bring forth. Further, other things come into play and the very proving of the equa­tions fall to the wayside as the perceptions of the speakers and presenters take over the "instructions". Therefore, we are forced to give a very simplistic presentation which, after all, may be the ONLY way man can entertain the possibilities of scientific expression of GOD.

    Can one actually "define" God? Yes indeed. It has been done and the most accurately presented idea focus and definition of God has come forth many, many times but to be buried in misin­formation and misunderstanding--BUT THERE IS ONLY THE ONE DEFINITION. As Little Crow so wisely presents the path to God and Truth: There is only ONE TRUTH--but each has HIS OWN VERSION OF THAT TRUTH--and, there are MANY ways to arrive at that HIGHEST TRUTH CALLED GOD (BY ANY LABEL).


    God is THE unconditioned White Magnetic Light of ALL THINGS--Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent MIND! This force is invisible, motionless, sexless and undivided. We will get to the "dividing principle" of God a bit later.

    There is ONE LIGHT only in all this universe of countless many things. This is "Mind of God". Mind of God and the two extended lights of HIS thinking, which HIS imagining created to manifest HIS Being in what appears to be "action". There is nothing, readers, in all nature other than God's KNOWING Mind--at rest and the motionof Mind-THINKING.

    Electric and magnetic: God's "thinking" is electric. God's KNOWING is magnetic. GOD HAS BUT ONE IDEA, DE­SIRE, PURPOSE, ACTION AND LAW. His One idea is His unity within, in the duality of that which we can refer to as parental or Mother/Father LOVE. His desire is to "think ac­tion"--and then, to rest from the action. This happens in se­quential intervals. HE has one purpose, to think His knowing of what HE IS, and what HE KNOWS, into His OWN IMAGE. His action (One) is to GIVE. HIS ONE LAW IS THAT WHAT HE GIVES MUST BE BALANCED BY EQUAL REGIVING!

    God's thinking is universal; thusly so too are His actions univer­sal. Thoughts are everywhere and yet the beginning and ending are within, in--the ONE. Therefore, "actions" are likewise, Omnipresent as their source in Mind-thinking. SO, AS IT IS

    Ah, but "idea" has no extension; however, idea, divided by imagining, extends into an imagined INFINITY, and then re­peats its division unto the infinity which can be compared to a kaleidoscope as it repeats and multiplies its imaginings as it continues the repetition.

    The extensions of God's thinking move right along with LIGHT right into your three dimensional ILLUSION.


    Spirit is not and cannot BE matter. It becomes, however, obvious that you cannot have matter without Spirit and Spirit without matter, BUT Spirit has the capability to clothe itself in many forms of MATTER for special manifesting, or put differ­ently, it is Spirit manifesting that CAUSES matter.It simply is "matter" THROUGH causation--remember cause and effect.

    Knowing or knowledge of the identity and Presence of God within the Soul of Man
    --and throughout ALL nature--is manda­tory as a stage for the human race to attain before it is even pos­sible for him to build an enduring civilization of unity and brotherhood. In the same focus Man must understand "nature". "Nature" multiplies, adds and divides, then combines by the use of electricity--ALL 'THINGS.In that context it becomes fac­tual that man has everything he needs, all the electricity required to create all things also--IF he but knows how nature DOES IT!

    The most difficult thing to equate to the ALLNESS OF GOD is the ever influencing, contradicting and ego oriented presences of the PHYSICAL impacting through the "senses" which accom­pany the human. This impacts all physical animal life, etc.; however, MAN is set higher in that--in addition to the SENSES--he is given ability to choose and reason and through this capa­bility he can CONTROL all of the SENSES. He does not, how­ever, as he moves within the senses themselves-they control him.

    Here you have to again look to "cause" and "effect" for all of Man's fundamental conceptions have been the result of forming conclusions which have been based upon the outer-vision of the senses, and not upon the inner-vision of the MIND. The senses see illusionand are mightily deceived. Mind-vision does not deceive for "cause" begins there, and "effect" is but its product. This is "inner-vision" of which I am speaking and not "visualization" as is practiced by most New Age presenters. There is a big difference.

    So how is man deceived? Easily, for the fundamental concep­tions have been and are based as a result of forming conclusions which have been based upon the "outer"-vision of the senses as I said above. The truths of all fundamentals of nature are just the REVERSE of the conclusions of science, just as the reflections in a mirror are the reverse of their cause. "Gravity" is a good example of misperception in definition and action. All things SEEK their own density and the entirety of all is held together through compression--not some "pull" as would make a dropped apple "fall". Until you come into proper perception you cannot realize your journey to GOD and become within that wondrous LIGHT. However, until you come to your senses of mind--you won't be able to have the information which allows you to un­derstand that of which you are offered. I will NOT have my scribe go to federal prison in order that you accept no responsi­bility for gaining the scientific understanding given unto the peoples of the world and hoarded by a select few self-appointed "keepers".

    I will leave this subject for a minute while I suggest you read the following since integrity and responsibility are the two compo­nents of being able to assimilate the information as it comes forth through those senses. I would like to share with you a writing received by Druthea, dated June 25, 1991. It was di­rected from the one you call "Jesus Christ"ed Sananda:

    This day I will discuss the meaning of INTEGRITY and how it relates to and is integrated with responsibility.Let us first de­fine, integrity:"1. Uprightness of character; honesty. 2. The condition or quality of being unimpaired or sound. 3. The state of being complete or undivided".

    Now we will define, responsible: "1.Answerable legally or morally for the discharge of a duty, trust, or debt. 2. Having capacity to distinguish between right and wrong. 3. Involving accountability or obligation. Responsibility: 1.State of being responsible or accountable: also responsibleness. 2. That for which one is answerable; a duty or trust".

    Integrity and responsibility are most delicately intertwined. To achieve utmost spiritual integrity, one must fully recognize and understand his responsibilities; first to God/Aton/Creator Within and also to the rest of the lifeforce expression within The Creation. In order to become a spiritually conscious co-creator with God/Aton, one must become ONE with living the cosmic laws of God/Creation. One must realize his accountability to the Great Spirit within him. He must become impeccable (free from error, fault, or flaw) regarding adherence to Cosmic Law. And to gain cosmic power, he must become spiritually com­plete, unimpaired and sound of character, which is the state of being called integrity.
    Now in order to become impeccable in your integrity, one must BE responsible by listening to Spirit within about "right" and "wrong"--or as I prefer to call it balanced or unbalanced--thinkingand behavior. Each of you have the KNOWLEDGE within with which to be responsible in every thought, word and deed. You need only LISTEN carefully and ask God/Aton within to help you recognize your error, instantly, when you make one. It may not always be pleasant to become instantly accountable for your misdeed or misthought, but if you pay careful attention, you will find that you will seldom if ever re­peat the same error. You will find that the careful attention to and recognition of your inner guidance, INSTANTLY, is well worth the temporary inconvenience or discomfort to your "altered" ego.

    So by requesting God/Aton within to show you the error, immediately, He will also show you the balanced thought, action or deed with which to reclaim your impeccability of Spirit. Why can it be seemingly so easy to recognize errors? Because, chelas, you ones have made essentially THE SAME errors over and over again. Lifetime after lifetime now you have chosen to be irresponsible and remain spiritually ignorant. You already KNOW and can distinguish between that which is balanced and unbalanced thought and behavior; you simply have forgotten you KNOW.

    When you separated yourself from the Great Spirit within you, which fully contained your being as far as perfect guidance and knowledge, you became spiritually powerless. When you worshipped in separateness from THE ONE and therefore sought OUTSIDE your being for guidance, you DENIED the Spirit within YOU its full creative potential. And because you felt no longer responsible for that which you manifested, you became your own slaves to the physical illusion. By your self-denial you created leaders over you who would support your "belief" in separation from Creator, and thus you developed tremendous attachment to physical matter. This accounts for the same developed attachment to EGO-separate illusion.
    To achieve Spiritual integrity you are required to BE responsible and accountable for the effects of your thoughts, words and deeds. In order to be responsible, you must UNDERSTAND and adhere to The Cosmic laws of Balance. You must seek ONENESS and see UNITY with all, NOT separation, inferiority or superiority to anyone or anything. You must become impec­cable in your intent to serve God and The Creation. You must recognize only ONE WILL, the Will of THE ONE, Creator/Creation. Then you will gain the Spiritual integrity of CHRIST perfection and with that your Power within will be­come magnificent.

    Remember when I, Esu Immanuel "Jesus", walked as man upon your place I told you, "These things I do, YOU will do GREATER." So be it and it is coming to pass, chelas.

    I would like to requote something for you to ponder from our beloved St. Germain: "Your personal power is in direct propor­tion to the integrity of your soul". This one sentence says it all, chelas. Ponder these things most carefully that you hear Spirit to Spirit and not Spirit to ego illusion. This "time", my brethren, is the "hour" of the dawning of YOUR spiritual awak­ening. How the Angels of Glory in Heaven REJOICE; for earth human is preparing for the celebration of ONENESS and BROTHERHOOD within GOD'S HOLY Kingdom of LIGHT.

    I love you greatly, my precious chelas! I am most honored to serve My Father and therefore you, my brethren. I AM Sananda, One with God. Thank you my precious sister, Druthea. You are most blessed in Our Father's Kingdom. Be at Peace as is the spring time flowering of this time. Enjoy the radiance of Our Father's Creation before you. Salu.

    JUNE 25, 1991

    If you will remember of the lessons given forth recently of Germain and Hatonn, Germain spoke of the nature of God. Specifically, I am referring to GIVING and REGIVING which IS God. You may see it here upon Earth (Shan) as birth and re­birth such as of the natural seasons which you call Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. All Creation falls within the cycles of giving and regiving life.

    Only Hu-man (Higher Universal Man) is given the choice through his free-will about whether he will cooperate in the co-creation process of giving and regiving, or he will "develop" through his compressed/limited senses of monitoring EFFECTS, ways to manipulate, dominate and conquer Nature to suit his spiritually ignorant means.

    Only Man through his adversarial/primitive misdirection chooses to take from nature without regard for balance and harmony of ALL with Creation.

    The resounding EFFECTS of Earth Man's adversarial TAK­ING behavior is clearly represented upon your plane at this time... although man has only just begun to realize HIMSELF as the CAUSE of this unbalance.

    It is always a struggle to take, even if it is only perception of physical "things", simply because the soul is left empty, for your immortal soul is not enriched and replenished through "taking" of life and physical conquering of another or Nature. Only through KNOWLEDGE of giving for self, without emo­tional strings attached, will your immortal soul be lifted from earth physical attachment and compression.

    In order to give effortlessly, the knowledge has been gained that it is one's expression of God Divine LOVE which is ulti­mately being given. The fulfillment of true ego-selfless giving is immediate and not dependent upon perceived physical accep­tance of same by the receiver. Although one who is a selfless giver will also be a most gracious receiver of returned LOVE to himself.

    Are you beginning to understand, precious chelas? God working through you will ALWAYS BE FULFILLING YOU through His giving and regiving of LOVE.

    Those of us who serve HIS DIVINE LIGHT OF LOVE, could not be very effective "guides" to you, our brethren, if we gave up on our outpouring of LOVE to you simply because so few "accept" what we give. This is the measure of your spiri­tual maturity, precious ones. That you can give and regive without emotional attachment of suffering to self. Giving and regiving Love is effortless when it is continuous, and measured outcome of "success" does not dissuade one from selfless Divine God-GIVING and REGIVING.

    The NEED for LOVE giving is great upon your plane and that is why the focus of many ones from the HIGHEST levels of God's Kingdom is upon you. This does not mean that ones of us don't become rather passionate in our concern and compas­sion for you, our struggling little brothers. We, too, have our lessons of KNOWLEDGE earned through our service to God through our service to Earth Human.

    You ones have no idea how often ones of us who work closely with you want to DO something more than COSMIC LAW will allow us to do. Many ones of us have petitioned to GOD and He clearly has defined that which we may and may not do to remain in His service. The difference between us, of higher experience, and you of Earth physical compression, is that WE KNOW THE LAWS OF GOD AND CREATION and our Spiritual Integrity of SERVICE TO THE HIGHEST ONE will not allow us to break THE LAWS.

    Just as a parent with a child who is stumbling and learning to walk feels compassion for his child who he knows must do it on his own with only loving guidance, we too must observe and guide you ones without interfering and DOING it for you for then we only serve ourselves in our impatience to "hurry" along your growth. The progress of your growth, however "long" it takes, is between YOU and GOD. Interfering in that process is FORCE and FORCE IS NOT OF GOD/ATON!


    So you may be thinking, "What about the Adversary"?. The Adversary definitely seems to "force" his way into domination. DOES THE ADVERSARY "REALLY" FORCE? Think about this, chelas.

    The adversary definitely lies, cheats, and intimidates, but does he force his way into existence here? The adversary can kill the body physical to further its means. So where does the adversary get its power? The answer chelas, is from YOU! You have "allowed" the adversary to intimidate you, and when you became "afraid", you gave the adversary your GOD-POWER. He controls you through your perceived "separation" from GOD. And the only reason you are still upon this 3rd di­mensional plane is because you have BELIEVED THE LIES AND DECEPTIONS OF THE ADVERSARY WHILE YOUR GOD-GIFTED SOUL HAS PINED AWAY FOR THE RE­UNIFICATION WITH THE ONE, GOD/ATON.

    The question now is to self. "Are you ready to release the adversary"? If so, then ALL of your TRUST and FAITH must be directed toward GOD who exists within YOU! Therein will your freedom from the bondage of limited-physical adversarial perception be EARNED. Did you read that clearly? YOU WILL EARN YOUR SPIRITUAL UNITY BY ACCESSING THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD WITHIN YOU. And your "proof" will be forthcoming through FAITH and the return of your Free-will to GOD. For your "proof" of God's existence and "coming" will be revealed WITHIN YOU! FOR THERE IS WHERE EXISTS THE KINGDOM OF GOD...WITHIN YOU!!


    Grace is the quality of God of Giving and Regiving Love. Let us define Grace:
    "1. Beauty or harmony of motion, form or manner. 2. Any attractive quality. 3. Service freely rendered; good will. 4. The act of showing favor. 5. Clemency; mercy. 6. Theology.a. The love of God toward man. b.The divineinfluence operating in man".

    Mine scribe, Druthea, watched with some amusement a "Christian" TV Minister on the yesterday. He was speaking about his perception of God's "Grace". He said words to the ef­fect, "You need do NOTHING to receive God's Blessings and Grace". (Sounds a bit like the "just BE" philosophy of many New Agers, does it not)? "We humans believe we must 'work' to earn God's Grace. This is NOT true. We must simply ac­cept CHRIST (Jesus) as our Savior. HE has taken our burden FOR us". There is the catch, Christ has TAKEN responsibility for YOU! Do you see how deceptive the adversary is?... "God will take care OF YOU. You need do nothing. You are not re­sponsible. Christ is your Savior"...ad nauseam!

    I am not YOUR savior. YOU are your Savior. And the good news is YOU will EARN your way into GOD's Grace by standing responsible for self and obeying THE LAWS OF GOD/CREATION. It is really so simple, chelas. You see, GRACE also is a wondrous quality of EFFORTLESS GIVING AND REGIVING BY GOD!


    I will first define Mercy: "1.Kind or compassionate treat­ment of an adversary, prisoner, etc., in one's power. 2. A dis­position to be kind, forgiving, or helpful. 3. The power to show mercy and compassion".

    Remember this carefully, chelas, GOD is all-compassionate LOVE and MERCY. It is the adversary who seeks punishment and is absolutely merciless! You who have allowed yourselves to be ruled by the adversary WILL PUNISH SELF AND BLAME GOD EVERY TIME!

    It is only a spiritually ignorant being who will seek punish­ment for self for perceived errors. Errors are EFFECTS of dis­eased thinking, NOT ever are errors caused from GOD-KNOWLEDGE. ONLY THROUGH THE MISUNDER­STANDING AND MISINTERPRETATION OF THE PHYSI­CALLY COMPRESSED SENSES AND BLIND DEFIANCE OF THE LAWS OF GOD/CREATION ARE ERRORS CAUSED BY MAN.


    God IS ALL-FORGIVING MERCY. So then, chelas, for­giveness and mercy must begin within SELF since that is where GOD resides.

    The adversary will dissolve in its power when confronted by the Divine Holy Power of GOD WITHIN YOU! WHY? Be­cause EVIL is an illusion developed and sustained by MAN. God's Love, Light and Knowledge is ALL that exists. YOU each are fragments of HIS divided thinking. THERE IS NO SEPARATION OF GOD AND WE OF HIS THOUGHT FRAGMENTS EXCEPT THROUGH THE BELIEF OF SEP­ARATION EMBRACED BY LIMITED HUMAN SENSING PERCEPTION. So be it.


    Only through KNOWING that which is GOD will you KNOW GOD WITHIN ALL. How can you KNOW GOD? BY YOUR DESIRE TO KNOW GOD will HIS Kingdom be revealed within you. He awaits your sincere petition of recogni­tion and acceptance of HIS WORD within you. Your song of LIGHT resounds within GOD'S KNOWING and you will dance and sing HIS presence in co-creation as ONE WITH GOD AND ALL THAT IS.

    "In all that I AM Father, not MY will, only let THINE WILL BE DONE". And so it is.

    Thank you, precious Druthea, for your service. I AM Sananda, ONE with GOD within Creation. I am most pleased to be of service to you, my precious brethren of Earth Shan. Walk together in Absolute Love, Unity and Peace and KNOW that ALWAYS Our Father walks with you. Salu.

    * * *
    And may the LIGHT be ever given to shine around this precious being that she find her way for she is in torment. The testings are HARD, readers, indeed hard. We can KNOW the way and the TRUTH--but behold the monstrous voyage through the seas of contempt and trial to find passage. Some "gifts" however, once tossed away, are never allowed acceptance AGAIN. It is a time for each of you to ponder upon these things most carefully for the physical journey is short indeed whilst the soul journey is infinite!

    Good day...

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