PJ 87

FRI., FEB. 25, 1994 2:29 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 193

FRI., FEB. 25, 1994

We are going to interrupt our ongoing subject to take up this one, please. It is time you readers and people efforting to "treat" yourselves for cancer and other debilitating diseases QUIT KILLING OFF YOUR OTHER LIFE-FORMS FOR YOUR OWN UNNECESSARY USES.

I am incensed that so many forms from your seas are being slain to fill (insufficiently) a need which could be filled without damage or the taking of a single life-form.

So what is so important about cartilage? It is the original structure of life formation
--bearing all DNA and able to cellularly mold the very structure of a body--IN PERFECTION ACCORDING TO THE DNA OF T'HAT BODY. It also has the capacity to incorporate DNA and shift it to where it is needed for perfection and/or to bear a perfecting exchange with other cells.

We have written on the subject prior to this but it is now important that you UNDERSTAND some things about this subject so that the insane killing can STOP and you can also have product far surpassing that of the "dead" animal you slay.

You break your bones, tear your ligaments, strain your muscles. What do you do to your cartilage? What--where, in fact--is cartilage?

You're probably most familiar with cartilage as the "tough stuff" that you don't want in your meat but, when eating, you most likely refer to it as "gristle". Cartilage is apparent in the human body, too, but you call it by other names, such as "Adam's apple", ears, etc.

Cartilage is found not only in the larynx but also between the segments of the spine and at the ends of long bones, where it acts as a shock absorber and a bearing surface to reduce the friction between moving parts. It is a tough, elastic, and translucent material that comes in three varieties.

Fibrocartilage, the first variety, is found between the backbones. It is the strongest of the three types. The second, hyaline cartilage, is gristly elastic tissue that thinly covers the moving ends of bones, connects the ribs to the breastbone, and supports the nose, windpipe, and part of the voice box. This type of cartilage is likely to harden in elderly people. Yellow cartilage, the third variety, is the most elastic. It is found in the external ear, Eustachian tube, and throat.

One of the most interesting things about cartilage, however, is not its form but its importance to the body, an importance that is first apparent in the embryo.

In an early fetus, there are no bones; it is cartilage that provides the framework on which the major bones of the body--excluding the skull--take form. Eventually, fetal cartilage becomes impregnated with calcium salts so that hard, or "stony", bones become apparent.

The bones of children are relatively pliable because they contain more cartilage
--which is found at the tops of bones in zones called growth plates--and have less calcium salts than do the bones of adults. (A theory has been postulated that newborn children are resistant to many diseases because of the large amount of cartilage present in their bodies during the early fetal and developmental stages). Elderly people have much less soft tissue such as cartilage and a higher proportion of calcium salts, so their bones are more brittle.

A process similar to the one in which fetal cartilage develops into bone takes place throughout life whenever bones are bro­ken. It is believed that, when a bone breaks,
a substance within the bone signals cells from the circulatory system to clean out the breakage site and summon undifferentiated cells to populate the site and multiply. These undifferentiated cells become chondrocytes (relatives of the chondriana, Gaiandriana...), or cartilage cells, which produce an intertwining of cartilaginous fibers that fills the break and joins the bone fragments together. Finally, the cartilage is calcified and becomes new living bone.

Amazingly, cartilage is a tissue that performs its functions with­out nerves, blood vessels, or a lymphatic system. Nutrients are, therefore, not transported to cartilage via the blood or lymphatic fluid. It is the flow of water, the chief constituent of cartilage, that is responsible for nutrient transport, which is brought on by the compressions and relaxations arising from body movements. This is why extended periods of inactivity are deleterious to joint cartilage.

As a result of inactivity, the calcium salts in cartilage's inter­cellular material can turn from a water-containing gel into a stonelike material. The calcification cannot be reversed or re­paired as can torn ligaments or broken bones. Calcification is ultimately the death of cartilage.

Because sharks have THE MOST cartilage and also an incredi­bly effective immune system. Sharks are largely free of any or all infections. Antibodies contained in the blood successfully combat bacterial and viral infections as well as protect against an array of chemicals that easily kill most mammals.

In human beings, there are millions of possible antibodies, known as immunoglobulins (and the immune system is normally dormant), which become active only in response to antigens. Sharks, however, have a peculiar immunoglobulin, a large amount of which is always CIRCULATING AND READY TO ATTACK. Thus, if you are able to do the same for a "body" with proper immune system "fighters" on duty at all times --whoopee!

The shark's powerful immune system produces antibodies against more than just bacteria, viruses, and chemicals, how­ever. It also seems to help protect against cancer (there is actu­ally only ONE cancer), whether the shark is bred and main­tained in clean open water or in carcinogen-laden enclosed wa­ters. So--there has to be something which presents this mar­velous miracle.

Sharks have been harvested for many products from hide, fins, oil, teeth to meat. Sharkskin, for instance, surpasses the quality of cowhide for durable leather. But this is not the subject in point.

Sharks are known for their absence of any kind of cancer growths. They are one of the few living creatures of which this can be said.

So why? Well, tumors cannot grow without a network of blood vessels to nourish them and to remove waste products, therefore inhibiting the development of blood vessels could be a potential cancer therapy.

Taking this further--it becomes obvious that if you can introduce into the body of the human, say, cartilage which can adapt to or cast out selective tissue cells--you can program a body to NEVER HAVE CANCER. In addition you can further program it to not allow the takeover by viruses, bacteria, etc.

I don't believe I need to go into the scientific mechanisms here--we want to simply explain a BETTER way to get this "cartilage" in a far more effective form and into YOUR body.
The membrane which we utilize in the culturing of Gaia-Kar­gosok derivative is FAR SUPERIOR TO ANY KIND OF CARTILAGE--ANYWHERE. It is NOT a medicine or drug--but rather, a totally natural life-form which can be grown and harvested, programmed and totally focused--by an individual person. It changes itself to the very DNA structure of the indi­vidual intaking the substance.

Why would CarbraGaia be any better than any other type of cartilage? Because is not "simply" grown--it is nurtured in an amnionic fluid of Gaiandriana thus producing the most effective angiogenesis inhibitor known to man. Angiogenesis is the for­mation of new blood vessels, originally relating to the placenta during pregnancy. This word comes from Greek angio, mean­ing "blood", and genesis, meaning "formation of". Today it simply refers to the formation of new blood vessels during an individual's development or growth, or to the replacement of injured vessels in existing tissue.

So--any time you have a body undergoing unusual angiogenesis you will find cancerous tissue formation in all probability. Remember--"cancer" is NORMAL. It is the inability of the body to handle those cancer mutatations (cells) which is the problem. So if angiogenesis can be stopped, tumor growth could be stopped. With CarbraGaia you can stop it. Plus you can have those nice antigens circulating at all times as well.

With the above in mind, consider some of the results achieved by ones taking shark cartilage. But further, consider the results in ones who have returned to whole health from the chondrianas or gaiandrianas. IF YOU COMBINE THE TWO--YOU HAVE A WONDROUS POTENTIAL.

It is through the use of Gaiandriana and CarbraGaia that we are able to develop selective products. We are able to GROW the bonding drias for the various "Sorbs" from caffeine to starch.

The potential is without limits--EXCEPT that the drug houses have a corner on medicines and drugs--and we want no part of either.

Very little, actually--especially if you are already taking Gaian­driana and Gaialyte--
for you have already set your own programming. What you are doing by adding more CarbraGaia (natural cartilage) is that you are adding the same substance as in shark cartilage, only better--and also programmed and ready to take up your individual DNA structure.

The problem with the NEWLY developed viruses and bacterias is that they are crossed physically with all sorts of DNA changes which then mutate AGAIN when an individual ingests them. If you do not have a balanced programmed counter to that invasion (invader) you are soon not going to have a chance of outliving the untreatable diseases. We TREAT nothing--the products of­fered only allow you to assist your own immune system.

We don't make claims because there are no claims to make. Each individual will respond equally individually.

The products will NOT act like a big dose of wonder drugs (when they do work) but the body will rally its own defenses and healing crisis will be achieved and, if balanced, will nor­malize itself, having cast off the invasion of infectors.

Dear ones, you are going to have to have this kind of ability for your children and for yourselves--but I mention the children because there WILL BE MANDATORY IMMUNIZATIONS--this is the only method I know of to offset that kind of invasion and insult to the system. Before it is over you will ALL be subject to such random acts of mandatory injections for one conjured reason or another lied to you--so it's up to you. God sends His miracles but it is up to you as to whether or not you use them.

So, how much do you need? Shake the bottle and take a teaspoon three times a day in anything you choose. The ground membrane-cartilage will have the flavor of Kargosok tea to most extent. However the bath (liquid) in which it is contained
--is STRAIGHT GAIANDRIANA, which in turn is working dili­gently at full "programming".

This can be simply swallowed or mixed in any drink--you won't even realize it is in Gaialyte or fruit juice. Take the full amount once a day if you prefer. After a while, see how you are--per­haps only a teaspoon a day will keep the devil away.

I don't know. We can check it out, however. I ask that a lot be used in almost all the other Gaia products so there may be a bit of a shortage from time to time, especially with the "Trim" pro­gram coming out because we want the ingredients to instantly move within the cells and start moving out the excess fat cells. However, I believe that there should be by this time quite a lot of matured membrane-cartilage ready to emulsify. The growers can certainly up the number of nursery incubators if necessary to meet a pretty good load of demand.
I have been petitioned by so many to allow for changing of the Gaialyte "drink" in order to cut down on the sugar intake. There are two things you can do--change it any way you wish and/or get extra tea (I'm asking the people who attend it to make it available. It is NOT THE SAME AS THE OTHER MEM­BRANE TEAS YOU MAY BE GROWING--BUT, IF YOU HAVE SOME, USE IT). Also, I believe that it is being worked on to cut in half the "sugar" fruit base.

I do want you users to know, however, that there is Sucrose-sorb in the product as well as caffeine-sorb. This does not negate calories per se but does neutralize the radicals. The "tea" sugar is totally converted and is converted IN GAIAN­DRIANA which automatically intakes and bonds the sucrose particles.

I hope I haven't simply bogged your thinking even more abun­dantly than priorly. However, I am petitioned for "information" constantly. I feel there is so much more I can tell you about how and why these things work--but as Dr. Young will attest, I get totally carried away and the scientific translations are, at best, stupefying. NEVER will I get into formulas for the mira­cle comes in the total conversion of everything so that eventually in a container, for instance, that smelly Gaiandriana will become PURE energized water programmed to become instantly one with a body DNA and will perfect to the cell of equal DNA and cast out every particle of alien matter within and to that cell structure. To this add the antiangiogenic CarbraGaia and you have wiped out the allowance of formation of mutation structure because no blood supply can be created to nurture the tumor. Moreover--tumors already present--lose their ability to continue a blood supply. You can actually see a Kapose's sarcoma lesion begin to DIE. This is a wondrous experience for anyone with advanced AIDS!

Again, do we make "claims"? Nope--here it is--use it if you wish, discard it if you prefer or ignore it if you want. Soon, however, you are going to be a civilization without immune systems--and that means that you will be WITHOUT CIVILIZATION! Moreover, you cannot build that balanced immune system and
have fighting warriors overnight. It's up to YOU.

Yes indeed. For instance, let us consider the "starch" bond. Starch particles, if you will, are "bound"--instantly bonded to a drio cell. It works on the same general principle as sweetening something, say a cup of coffee. The whole cup of liquid becomes sweet, not just the sweetener dumped in.

Once bonded and when the bonded ‘stuff' moves within the body it then moves instantly within the cells of the body without change of "frequency" of the cell life pulse. But, the neat trick is that it will sit there waiting and only allow exactly the needed amount of additional starch to "stay" in the cells after ingestion. Excess amounts do not convert to EXCESS fat--but rather, are discarded in the elimination systems. This, however, is WHY you must intake sufficient fluids to wash these rascals OUT.

Can you get "fat" in spite of the "sorbs"? Of course--be totally without reason and you can create every monster you can perceive. But, why would you want to do so? The IDEAL is to GET INTO BALANCE IN ALL WAYS--AND STAY THAT WAY! GET A LIFE FOR YOURSELF AND YOU WON'T HAVE TO WORK SO HARD AT KILLING YOURSELF!!!

You may well think this is a rotten life and you are ready to move on? Think again because if you don't clean it up HERE-- you ARE NOT GOING TO LIKE THE NEXT ONE! The magic is NOT in the transition but in the growth attained at the time of that transition!

Do you want to do these things that you might live a long time? NO--SO THAT YOU CAN LIVE INFINITELY!



PJ 87

From WISCONSIN REPORT of January 20, 1994
Reprint: Sarasota, FL HERALD-TRIBUNE 1/3/94

The shadow of a dark chapter in American history still looms over the Clinton presidency, eight months after President Bill Clinton and Attorney General Janet Reno approved a tank and chemical gas assault on the Mount Carmel religious center that resulted in the fiery deaths of 86 members of the Branch Davidian sect, including at least 17 children.

The Treasury and Justice departments predictably have admitted only to minor mistakes and blamed the tragedy on the sect's leader, David Koresh, who is no longer around to defend himself, but mounting evidence indicates not only that a whitewash is in effect, but that it is crumbling.

'The Waco case remains under scrutiny by independent investigators and recently the government's credibility took another blow, this time from a Harvard professor whose report assailed the FBI for ignoring the advice of its own negotiators and behavioral experts in launching the final, fatal attack. Alan Stone, a professor of law and psychiatry, also drew attention to the potency of the CS chemical gas pumped into the complex for several hours, and suggested that Reno was unaware of its "potential harmful consequences for infants and children".

The use of CS gas at Waco heretofore has been one of the most misunderstood aspects of the entire debacle. CS has been routinely described in the mainstream press as a "tear-gas" and a "minor irritant", when it is in fact the type of war gas ordinarily associated with the likes of Saddam Hussein. CS gas (0-chlorobenzalmalononitrile) has been outlawed for war by the Geneva Convention and the Chemical Weapons Convention because of its devastating, and sometimes lethal, effects. It was originally designed to be used outdoors for riot control--not in an enclosed structure--and its use at Waco likely turned the final hours of the Davidian children, who did not have gas masks, into a "living hell", according to Benjamin Garrett, director of the Chemical and Biological Arms Control Institute of Alexandria, VA. It also explains why Amnesty International has launched an investigation of the government's handling of the Waco affair.

A recent video by Indianapolis attorney Linda Thompson, called Waco: The Big Lie, includes a clip from a military training film that shows recruits stumbling from a room after being administered a brief dose of CS gas. They're gasping for air, their eyes are snapped shut, their noses are running uncontrollably, they're coughing wildly and their stomachs are heaving. The U.S. Army's own policy forbids the use of CS gas in "barricade" situations, as at Waco, because it can explode when it becomes concentrated: "It must be remembered that burning-type grenades should not be used if there is a danger that a fire may be started: (U.S. Army Training Circular 19-3 Control of Civil Disturbance, 1968).

Reno: Incompetent or misinformed?

Yet, by the end of the Waco siege, said Stone's report, the FBI believed it had only "three options: gas, gas and gas". He called the decision to employ CS "a misguided and punishing law enforcement strategy".

But Harvard professors apparently have their limits. For despite his criticism of the brutal chemical gas used at Waco, Stone concluded that the Branch Davidians set the fatal fire and killed themselves. Remarkably, he fails to address Linda Thompson's
video, released in June, which shows a tank backing out of the building (just before the fire broke out) with flames clearly rippling out of a nozzle at the end of its boom. In her tape, Thompson slows down the film speed and the viewer is left with the chilling realization that the government's "suicide" story is a cruel, cynical hoax.

Responding to FBI allegations that she doctored the video, Thompson had the flame-thrower footage analyzed by several independent experts, including a former FBI agent and it was found to be unaltered. "The original (footage) was analog (tape) and you can't edit analog, you can't put flame on it", Thompson said. She also pointed out that the Big Lie video has been shown on about 75 television stations across the country (including the 1,000-watt Channel 24 in Sarasota) and in most cases, due to the content, was analyzed by stations for authenticity prior to its airing.

Also unaddressed by Stone are recent revelations concerning Koresh's religious manuscript on the Seven Seals of the Book of Revelation. On April 14, five days before the fire, the FBI and Koresh agreed on a plan whereby the Davidians would surren­der if Koresh was allowed to write his manuscript. The agree­ment was negotiated by two religious scholars, J. Phillip Arnold and James Tabor of the Reunion Institute in Houston. After the fire, FBI officials dismissed the manuscript as a stalling tactic by Koresh.

The existence of the manuscript itself, as well as internal evi­dence within the text, confirm that David was keeping his promise to produce an interpretive document... (and) "supports the view that David actually intended to lead his group out peacefully", Arnold and Tabor wrote in their analysis of The Decoded Message of the Seven Seals of the Book of Revelation.

For reasons that have not been properly explained, Koresh was not allowed to live up to his agreement with the FBI. After the fire, Reno said she acted after receiving reports that Koresh was abusing children inside the complex, but she later backed off that statement, and the Justice Department report acknowledged, "There was no evidence indicating Koresh engaged in any physical or sexual abuse of children during the standoff". The report also said Reno approved the tank and gas assault after receiving a detailed report from the FBI on the plan, but "did not read the prepared statement carefully nor did she read the sup­porting documentation provided along with the statement".

This suggests Reno is either hopelessly incompetent and should be prosecuted for criminal negligence, or that the decision had already been made for her, and her approval was only a formal­ity. If this is so, then who made the call?

Jack Anderson, in his Watch on Washington radio report the day after the fire, reported it was Clinton himself who pushed the red button, but "chose, for political reasons, to let the FBI take the heat".

I would like to know more about those anonymous FBI officials who sold Reno and Clinton on the plan to end the siege - a plan that has now been thoroughly exposed. What are their names? What other "cult experts" were involved?

There will be plenty of other questions to be answered in the months ahead. Congressman John Conyers, D-Mich., is quietly conducting a major investigation of the Branch Davidian mas­sacre. And many lawsuits have been filed.

Until Clinton truly addresses the many questions of Waco and produces the kind of thorough and honest investigation he promised back on April 20, he will have no choice but to stick with trade issues, gay rights, health care and the like.

Chris Sheehan, an independent writer, lives in Warm Mineral Springs, FL.