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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#087, IN GOD'S NAME AWAKEN!

    PJ 87


    SUN., FEB. 20 1994 11:24 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 188

    SUN., FEB. 20, 1994
    Before we write this morning, after an absence from the key­board in "general" writing, I, Doris, would like to make a statement, please.

    By now you regular readers have familiarity with the goings on in "uncovering" this old criminal "cult" leader and thus and so. Readers, as I mop the blood off the floor and the spatters off everything around me--I often don't think I can go another step in this world. And then, instead of the phone calls following Gritz's pronouncement of my phone number overflowing me with more rocks and stones, my lines are filled with love and support and shock over what is taking place. In the days first following the broadcasts offering my personal phone--NO ONE CALLED! I am so grateful to you for that because sometimes I don't think I can walk through another gauntlet. I do not even understand this kind of vicious combat--except that "we must be on target to get this kind of flack". Yes indeed, as more and more is uncovered I can only offer Sir Gritz, Anderson, Green and Binder my appreciation--for they represent the epitome of that which has destroyed our world--the liars and cheats who would sell the souls of their own mothers if they could.

    In listening to Tim Binder, now joined with Green, et al., I was shocked--stunned--he has absolutely NO COMPREHENSION of that which Walter Russell brought forth. And, by his own words on national radio--what Russell had to share in SCIENCE has been missed for over fifty years.

    I have yet to run into anyone prior to our writings, including me, save two people, who had so much as heard of Walter Russell much less his controversial work. In fact ALL of the thrust had been turned to the "Philosophical" portion of Lao's work at the University and still is--the scientific material UNFINISHED.

    I was amused that Gritz is so "up" on the information and the knowledge that he had never heard of Walter Russell and gosh, Col. Gritz is a judge and authority on EVERYTHING. I note now that he, however, is adamant about the importance of this WORK and joins with Binder, et al., to bring it forth. If Cmdr. Hatonn had not written about the material, WOULD IT NOT STILL BE BURIED? Even from expert Gritz? Well, readers, it comes to me from three sources that "the real Bo Gritz" is being looked for as he is somehow "missing". I don't know anything about that as it seems this is the same old Bo who turned on Commander at election time. I don't know what "we" did to the man. Perhaps his jesting about changing out Bush is not so funny after all??? Gritz also offers that I am "insane"--so be it! I would be the first to agree so you are left to JUDGE the work I am allowed to "share" and promptly discount this "messenger". I claim no physic ability and certainly NEVER to have been nor ever expect to be, a prophet. When, however, I get to the point where I am dumbfounded myself at what is be­ing said I look around and if this is a "cult" here at my type­writer it is certainly a funny one consisting of just "me". I would not presume you readers to be so foolish as to follow any ONE caught up in the muck of this experience. I DO CON­SIDER, HOWEVER, THE MESSAGE BEYOND ALL PRICE.

    As for E.J.--I find the assault against him to be even more pitifully cast forth. He is stuck trying to salvage the mess left to us by George Green in this Institute. EVERY problem, every intent at subterfuge was set up with persons and mechanisms to "do us in"--at George's hands and warped actions.

    I would note regarding this wondrous search for "truth", as Gritz puts his intentions--that he quotes his Bible verses and then proceeds to offer nothing save untruths--even to the University of Science and Philosophy which he called equally as often: "University of Science and Technology". That place is a "religious" type of institution by whatever name--set in its pattern by a beautiful lady called Lao. She proclaims Russell to be a "humanist" and yet Binder said he was cognizant of a "Creator Source". Indeed he was also said by Lao to be in awe of "Mary Baker Eddy", the founder of Christian Science "religion", and felt her to be the ONLY one who offered the 'truth of it'. Now Iask YOU--how can you simply offer "those" works and books without some type of discussion on the fact that CONCLU­SIONS ARE TOTALLY OPPOSITE FROM THE AREAS OF SCIENTIFIC FACT? IT IS OBVIOUS THAT NONE OF THE PRATTLING PARTIES HAVE READ THE MATERIAL--EI­THER RUSSELL'S OR THE JOURNALS IN POINT. BY THE WAY--THESE "BOOKS" ARE SIMPLY JOURNALS--AND, REMEMBER--ALL PROCEEDS WERE TO GO TO THE PHOENIX INSTITUTE OF RESEARCH AND EDU­CATION, THAT IS, UNTIL GEORGE GREEN TOOK ALL OF EVERYTHING, INCLUDING THE BOOKS.

    Doris Ekker, readers, has NEVER published ANYTHING, sold anything or given seminars on anything. You can't even put Commander Hatonn into that role for neither has he!

    Well, for whatever it is worth--I'm going right on with the writing for we heard it this morning--the next phase of control of all information--"The library funds have been massively cut by Clinton and the libraries around the nation will begin to close and all material will be outdated"! The most notable library to feel the sting is the Library of Congress--the oldest and most respected in the nation. "Gain the control of media, press, motion pictures and what is in the libraries and you will take the world".
    I, further, also see my one asset--finally! It seemed hard to lose our home and EVERYTHING we own or ever hope to have--but now it looks good to me because when "they" have taken it ALL, the worry over "loss" MEANS NOTHING! The "loss" that I cannot stand is the possibility of others losing ANYTHING through association with us in any way--and I leave that to God for I cannot do more than what I do--THIS!

    When the world seemed painfully bleak and damaged the other morning--Commander awakened me from a dead sleep and the radiance poured through the room like the sun and he said, "I have delivered thine enemies into your hands, what is it that ye shall do"? Do I know what he means? INDEED!!

    I ask now to share something from a letter sent to me yesterday from a distant friend (LB) who picked up this article which we will share here. She also asks if "anyone knows how to contact Paul Stonehill", the reporter who handled this story.

    Fate magazine, Feb., 1994: Soviet Psychic Warfare, by Paul Stonehill, pp 78 & 79:

    The Ministry of Security of the Russian Federation, the CIA, and Special Services of other countries possess testimonies convincing enough to conclude that there is the presence of a "detachment of observers" from other worlds in near-Earth orbit. The Security Agencies of leading countries of our planet know well that the reconnaissance mission of ET civilizations has one centralized command body [LB: Hatonn, I hope!] responsible for coordination, planning, and enforcement of large-scale activities to study and observe Earth....

    My gosh, maybe it's NOT ME who is insane after all?!?


    As the morning came and my heart was still heavy with the burdens of this journey, the messages began to come--from everywhere. Iwon't give away the greatest gifts of which will set the enemy to pondering his own plight--but a wonderful friend sent, in the mail, some books. Ipicked up one and, of course, the strength was there for the understanding which was out of reach for my own thoughts. I am going to share it with you for a little bit, please. The enemy will call it plagiarism I presume, but here I go anyway.

    It is from Chapter Iof a book Ye Are Gods by Annalee Skarin. I don't know where you can get it, as is so often the fact with things sent to me. However, it shows an old address: The Philosophical Library, Inc., 15 East 40th Street, New York 16, N.Y. (no zip). You see, the work is out there--our job is to simply get it together so you can have it also. My work has never been otherwise and NEVER has Hatonn stated otherwise--we write "journals" so that you can have opportunity to utilize that which is available and/or hidden from you. I have not yet had time to read the JOURNALS so I am most often the very one who doesn't know how to argue the points involved.

    I only know that I couldn't write one more line this day on the horrors of what IS and so, please, may I share some thoughts from this beautiful person that literally led me through this recent muck-swamp.


    Do you have unanswered longings deep within your soul struggling for release, and does your heart sometimes speak louder than your mind? If you desire, if you yearn, if you hope, if you think and feel and aspire, then there is something dwelling within your little clay house that you must meet.

    This day I would like to knock at the door of your earthly tabernacle, the body you have built, and reaching in, invite you to come and get acquainted with yourself--that you might know yourself, and that from now on, henceforth and forever, you might be free.

    In order to do this it will first be necessary to compare man's realities with the things he considers unreal.

    Can one suffer more from a broken leg or a broken heart? A broken heart leaves scars that never heal. The suffering can be so intense that many have died from it. Yet one cannot SEE a broken heart, touch it, or even describe it. But is the broken leg more real because it is more tangible than the broken heart? Not to those who have suffered from heartbreak, though eyes have never gazed upon a quivering broken heart, nor hands ever touched one.

    These tangible things that man has doted on, and lived by, let us examine them. The most real things in our lives are food, clothing, transportation and shelter. Let us take them one by one and give to each the test of durability.

    What did you have for dinner two weeks ago this evening? That meal was such an important thing, yet you probably cannot remember a single thing you ate, no matter how hard you try, that is, not unless it was a special occasion, you had guests, it was a holiday, or for some reason you had a poor, make-shift meal. The most important substance of life, that for which we labor incessantly, is the most quickly forgotten. The thousands of meals consumed by each individual are the most unimportant things in our memories after we have eaten and digested them, unless we are very hungry or gluttons. Of course we still look forward to more meals; but they, too, will join with those of the forgotten past--realities that have become only vague dreams of intangible memories.

    Clothing lasts longer than food; it is as vital. We enjoy dressing beautifully quite as much as we enjoy eating. We go to endless expense and effort to clothe our bodies becomingly. But what has become of all the suits of apparel we have worn in the past? A husband will struggle and scheme to buy his wife the gorgeous gown on which she has set her heart--and later pins her pride. She is so happy over it she hopes the house will not burn down and destroy it if she leaves home without wearing it. It is the most important thing in her existence, that is, for awhile. Her fingers caress its loveliness in happy enjoyment; yet a year or so later she looks at the dilapidated "rag", declar­ing in disgust that she would rather stay home forever than ap­pear before her friends in it--and the glamorous gown has be­come a repulsive thing, hated and despised. Its glory has van­ished. It ends up at last in the incinerator, or for cleaning rags, taking its place among the dead, forgotten elements of the things that have been.

    Shall we take a car next? Surely it is practical. It is one of the most substantial things one could possibly think of in this day of practicability. Even its paint is of hardened, baked enamel. Its softest substances are steel-reinforced cushions and hard rub­ber tires. It is so real it is the very life and joy of the whole family, from father down to baby Danny. It is the most worth­while thing in their lives. And while the family ride on the seats, their heads soar along in the clouds. Yet within a year or so this beautiful, practical thing of iron and steel begins to show signs of wear. Within ten years it has become such a "rattle­trap" the family, in shame, refuse to ride in it. So dad still drives it to work, nursing it, caring for it like a tender parent, though nothing will save it forever for eventually it is draggled to the graveyard of cars and there are none to mourn its passing. It has perished, this practical thing of earthly elements refined to their highest, most durable point of excellence.

    The next most vital thing in man's life is his shelter. He may labor and save all his days to buy the home that will satisfy the desires of his heart. Yet no matter how, or where he builds, within a few years it will be in the slum district--his dream becomes outmoded, out of style, dilapidated. The most gorgeous homes of the past are the slums of the present.

    The once beautiful palace of the Mexican Governor, Pico, still stands on North Main Street in Los Angeles. If one has imagination he can still see the glory that once resided there and feel the pride that built this monument of stone to stand through generations, glorifying beauty and magnificence. But its splen­dor has passed away and perished. Its former grandeur stands leering down in mockery at the frail things men's hands have made. It is like a once beautiful woman, slouching along with hose lagging over unlaced shoes, hair unkempt, clothing soiled and dirty, face unwashed and hands begrimed with filth. The palace of past glory now houses the cast-off remnants of men's rags in a second-hand clothing store.

    So these practical things man clings to in his substantial way through life are fleeting, transitory things. And if one thinks deeply, the question comes, how real are our realities?

    Where is the child you used to be? That little child that was you? It did exist, but where is it now? It has gone, and will never live again--and the "YOU" that exists today will soon pass on, and there will be an older person walking in your shoes, bearing your name.

    All the tangible things of earth are best described by the old colored gentleman who quoted his favorite passage of scripture, "and it came to pass". The war, the famine, the tempest came--to pass--and life went on again.

    Are all things then passing and transitory? Are all these substantial, practical things we deal in and depend on only dreams of a night vision? Is there nothing vital or lasting in life?

    Can one suffer more from a broken heart or a broken leg? One is physical, the other mental. Is it possible that the things we cannot see or touch are more powerful and lasting than these tangible things our eyes behold?

    One cannot see electricity. Neither can one touch it, nor hold it in his hands. Electricity is a form of energy, yet who can de­scribe it? Who can fathom it? What is the source of its eternal supply of vital, throbbing power? Where is its abiding place? Who constructed its habitation? How was it created? And why? No man would be foolish enough to deny its existence because he has not beheld it with his physical eyes, for he has only to see it in action to know that it does exist. By its strength our houses are lighted, cleaned and heated. In a thousand ways its mighty power is brought to serve us and do our bidding. It is a greater servant, more dependable, more obedient than the genie of Aladdin's lamp. Yet our eyes have never beheld it. Even the lightning in the heavens is only electricity in action--its forces at play--but no man can gather it in his hands and say, "I have it! Behold, it is mine"!

    Neither can wind be seen, nor held in the hands of man, yet even small children know that the wind is a reality. No one knows where it was born or where it dies. Eyes have not seen its resting place. No one can hold it in his bosom, nor store it for use. The fluttering leaves tell of its presence, the trees bend and sigh with its melody; and there are times when it seems to lift the very earth in its strong arms, bearing tons upon tons of dirt aloft into the sky. The thousands upon thousands of tons of soil that are hurled aloft in every wind storm of the "dust bowl" would stagger the imagination of man if it could be computed. Whence came this limitless source of energy? Check your elec­tric bill when running continuously an electric fan that stirs the slightest breeze in your room--measure the energy used in cre­ating the slightest draft in kilowatts. Even the mighty deep, wrestling with the wind, is lashed into a raging fury of madness in order to hold its own. Then measure, if you can, the trade winds of a world and the eternal energy behind them. Oh, yes, wind is a definite reality though physical eyes have never beheld it. It was so real to the ancients that in the days of the great historian, Herodotus, it was believed that the wind blew the sun back and forth across the equator to cause the seasons.

    Let your mind encompass the majesty of a storm, the power of the clouds. One thunder cloud drifting in floating splendor above the earth can release 300,000 tons of water in a few moments of deluge. Whence came the energy to lift these tons of moisture? Who has ever beheld the source of this unspeakable energy, or measured it?

    And now, Iwould ask, what is thought? Has anyone ever beheld the thoughts of man, those illusive, intangible, transitory, invisible nothings? No. One cannot behold the thoughts of man any more than he can grasp the sunlight in his hand, but he can view thoughts in action. Every bridge, every car, every build­ing has been constructed by the thoughts of man.

    Hate, unseen, indescribable, destructive hate is a reality, a power, a force that can destroy individuals and nations. It can destroy worlds, yet hate itself is invisible. It is a subtle, intangible influence whose very breath brings wars, destructions, death. Have you ever had someone standing before you, hating you with an intense anger that sent vibrations against you that were so strong and overwhelming they almost unbalanced you, upsetting you, upsetting your whole nervous system and in turn you wanted to "haul-off' and strike back with all the strength and energy you possessed? Perhaps you did strike back by fist or word--perhaps you controlled the attack--no matter, you know of what Ispeak. [D: I sure do!!]
    Love, on the other hand, brings life and glory and health and happiness. It is the most powerful force in existence. It is the binding and welding substance of souls, a cement stronger than any mortar manufactured by the ingenuity of man. It is eternal, for death cannot destroy it. Long after death has claimed a loved one and his body has rotted in the grave, love lives on, undimmed. It binds families together, churches, communities, states or nations. Without it there is no unity or strength. Yet this powerful force of love has never been looked upon by man, or held in his mortal hands. To deny love because it is not visi­ble to physical eyes would be as wise as trying to deny one's own existence. One sees it in action when beholding the great drudgery and hardships a man will endure to provide for his wife and children. One sees it in action when witnessing that glorious thing of motherhood, that soul-searing sacrifice of birth--followed by its years of devoted service. One views it in courtship. One beholds it at death. But love itself, that glori­ous, ethereal substance that is impossible to describe or mea­sure, is veiled from man's grubby eyes.

    As love is an element of the soul, so, too, is music. Yet who can deny music? Where does it come from, and where does it go as it dies away? What became of those heavenly tones that held one so enthralled, causing the very universe to stand quiv­ering in shivers of ecstasy? Could one ever deny music after feeling it vibrating through his soul? Yet can he take it in his hands? Can his mortal eyes gaze upon it? No one has ever seen the notes of melody ringing through the air, yet to deny them would be foolishness indeed, especially when we can gather them up with a tiny instrument from the four quarters of the earth in a few seconds of time. Even a deaf person can enjoy the strains of heavenly music, though his ears are sealed. Through the sensitive touch of his fingers, in every cell of his body it can vibrate. Helen Keller shuddered at the tones of "jazz" but enjoyed the masters' offerings with the keenest de­light.

    Could it be possible that this physical world of ours is the unreal? A thing that is a reality today, tomorrow has passed away. Is it possible that there is a spiritual existence within us that is the eternal part of man, more real than this body that changes so many times between birth and death? Could it be that this world of our mortal concept is the realm of "outer darkness" and that all mankind is dwelling in it? Could our conscious, mortal minds, ruled by our five muddled senses, have deceived us? Have we condemned ourselves to "outer darkness" by our physical concepts and hypnotized way of thought? Are we inhabiting a world of shadowy dreams, fleet and passing, seemingly very real, but impermanent and transitory? Are we our­selves only the phantoms of our own true greatness, the shad­owy images of our divine reality that has been imprisoned within our mortal selves?

    Is it wise to deny the spirit because we cannot see it? Could it be that the soul is represented in every act and in every thought? That great chemist that resides within each man, which has the power to take the conglomeration of food he eats, and create blood, bones, muscles, marrow, vision, hair, finger­nails, and even keep life going could be the soul in action, could it not? Could the power to keep one's temperature at ninety-eight degrees in the freezing cold of Alaska, or the burning heat of the Sahara be the power of one's soul in action?

    Could it be possible that thoughts are the conversation of souls?

    Are these foolish questions? One cannot behold the spirit of man, but should it be denied because it cannot be seen? If one is going to deny the things his eyes cannot behold, he will have to deny the wind, electricity, hate, love and melody. He will have to deny joy, happiness and anguish. He will have to deny thought, ideals, hopes and aspirations. In truth, if he denies these things, then he will have to deny his own existence.

    Does it prove that God does not exist because you have not seen Him? Is it possible that we have seen Him in action? Does He ride upon the story? Is it possible that "The heavens do declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handiwork?" Every blade of grass, every flower, every leaf, every song coming from the throat of a bird, every ray of sunlight, ev­ery cloud and breeze could be manifesting the power and intelli­gence of God. Is not the very existence of man a demonstration of God in action? Could it be that the billions of living, active atoms that compose all matter are receiving their co-operative intelligence and energy from God? Isn't energy itself the very proof of a governing intelligence and power so superior to mor­tals that it is incomprehensible to us unless we seek in deep hu­mility to understand? Only by opening our small finite minds wide to the power of the infinite can we hope to comprehend any of the least of nature's wonders surrounding us, let alone those unspeakable mysteries of eternal energy and light, birth and death, life and eternal power and glory.

    What man traveling over the deserts or through the mountains, or over the forgotten highways or byways of life, on see­ing a dwelling would not realize that at some time man had been there? Would not the building itself shout the fact with such power of undeniable evidence a fool would understand? Surely then, if some crumbling structure signified that man had been that way, and had lingered to build from the materials of the earth, surely the sun, the moon, the stars, the worlds, the grass, the seasons, the very clouds and rain must testify to the exis­tence of a builder or a designer. NO house ever put itself to­gether. No world just happened. The very eternal circulatory system of the earth's blood-stream, the throbbing pulse of the world's arteries, its life-giving streams of everlasting supply of living springs of water that turn into rushing streams, flowing rivers, ocean currents is a breathtaking mystery to the man who has learned to think.

    Have we clung so desperately to our practical, substantial surroundings that we have failed to see the value of the unseen? Have we taken everything so much for granted that we have become spiritually blind and have eyes that see not, and ears that hear not--yes, and minds that think not? Perhaps, after all, our realities are the things that are unreal, who knows? Is there more power in a grain of sand, or a drop of water released to the invisible or atomic power than in the tangible particle? Could it be possible that spiritual energy released within one could remove mountains, raise the dead, heal the sick? If the spiritual power in a grain of sand is so potent, perhaps the spir­itual energy contained within the breast of man, if released would be just as great in comparison.
    "Though man a thinking being is defined,
    Few use the great prerogative of mind.
    How few think justly of the thinking few!
    How many never think, who think they do".
    Jane Taylor--


    Did your parents create you? Did your existence commence with your birth into this world? Or do you have an eternal soul, something beyond this physical body of flesh and bones your father and mother gave you?

    If your parents created you, would they not know what makes you "tick"? And if anything went wrong with this strange human mechanism, surely they would be able to fix it. If I made a car I would be able to repair anything that broke down, it being my brain-child. I, having created it, could most assuredly tear it down and then again rebuild it. At least I could replace the damaged, broken, marred part. Then why can't these parents mend and heal a little broken body? For the sim­ple reason they do not know the first thing about it. They do not know until the child is born whether it is a boy or a girl. They look carefully over the outside and pronounce it normal, but what do they know about the inside? Every organ may be mis­placed, every fibre working backward, the heart on the right side, the stomach upside down, a thousand irregularities, but do the parents understand that? Could they do anything about it if they did? Is the gift of creation given to human parents in its fullness? Or could it be that parents are only co-creators with the great God of souls? If parents, indeed, can create a child and unaided give it life, they are no longer mortals but gods.

    Within each soul which comes to earth is a knowledge of chemistry greater than any living chemist ever possessed, or ever will possess on this earth.

    Assume that you were handed a great tray of food: soup, salad, potatoes, gravy, vegetables, meats, desserts--and told to build yourself a body. Conceive, if you can, your utter bewilderment if you were commanded to portion so much to marrow, so much to bones, blood, fingernails, hair, the color of your eyes, the liver, skin, nerves and energy. Yet within you is a knowledge that does just that very thing. Did your parents give you that knowledge? How is it that the tiny, new-born infant drinks of its milk, and begins to grow finger and toe nails, eye lashes, hair, larger bones, more flesh? And that very growth must come from within. No one teaches it, not here. Surely that knowledge is not an hereditary gift because no parents since theworld began ever had that knowledge in their physical minds to hand down. You say it is instinct. Then tell me, what is in­stinct? Where does it come from? How is it that the tiniest in­sect is endowed with this powerful force of knowing?

    And for that matter, what are hunches? You have had them. Every man has had them. But what are they?

    Anyone who has ever watched birth or death, and who has used his brain to think, cannot deny the existence of the soul. At birth the tiny infant is a little lump of inert flesh, then suddenly it spreads its tiny arms, opens its mouth, every muscle and fibre becomes imbued with life. A victorious cry issues forth and, as it breathes the breath of life, it becomes a living soul. Such is the miracle of life that is ours.
    [D: This, of course, cannot be so--for from the instant of conception the baby is present in its DNA self--individual. It was alive, as well, in potential even prior to that--within the egg. This is what is so hard about "abortion" for in the fertilization comes the potential now realized for the child. I hope you all think back to this new "technique" of aborted fetal tissue recovery presented in CONTACT last week and wonder about the rightness of con­doms vs. abstinence.]
    At death the vital, living, thinking, feeling, moving power departs. What was it? Where did it go? You may say, it died with the body. But how could that be? The body is still there in all its tangible, mortal reality--not one single cell of it has disap­peared--all that is gone is the living, breathing, feeling, warming power of intelligence, energy and action--the great intangible, dynamic power to think--the soul of being. It is true that only the intangible, invisible part of being has departed. Yet that intangible part is the true reality of man. What is anyone without it but a lump of slowly disintegrating, lifeless flesh? Yet that very power and reality of being has been denied, ignored and most shamefully neglected.

    This magnificent thing which is man. Whence came he? Whither does he go? "Oh God, what is man, that Thou art mindful of him? Or the son of man, that Thou visitest him? For Thou has made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honor." (Psalms 8:4-5).
    This glorious structure of man, how does it work? Was there ever anything more perfect than the human body that has the power to rebuild and heal itself? You scientists and inventors, could you create a man and give him breath, the power to think and feel and act? Could you create anything with power and knowledge to rebuild itself, to heal its wounds? Could you even create a heating and cooling system as perfect as that within the humble, mortal man? Your great porcelain refrigerators are automatic, unbreakable, efficient, but are they perfect? Is it not true that your little motors speed along on the electric current, burning energy sent out from the main source of supply, humming along for fifteen or twenty minutes at a time, then to keep the regulated temperature desired, it is necessary that they shut off completely for ten or fifteen minutes? However, man's tem­perature sings along at ninety-eight degrees if he is normal. Oh, man, whence came this perfect plan to balance cold or heat, to control it in one small body of flesh and blood?

    Of all the animal creation, man alone has the knowledge and power to clothe himself. All animal life is clothed with skin or scales, feathers, or hair; and each unfortunate beast wears his clothing without change except for falling or growing hairs, cells, or scales of his hide. Mankind can change his garb at will, from crisp clean cottons to silks, linens or velvets. He can bathe, dress, reason, build, tear down, explore or WILL.

    Man is the only one of all animal creations that continually walks upright. He is perfectly balanced. He can dance, teeter on his toes, lean to or fro, whirl, stoop, or leap into the air. What stump the height of a man could keep its balance long if left to stand upon a foundation no larger than the feet of man? The first breeze would topple it over and leave it lying prone upon the earth. A man can brace himself against the wind. He can climb a mountain steep. Even more, with two-inch soles upon his feet he can reach down into the earth and cling to the ground, making himself a third heavier than his ordinary weight to lift. What is this power within man, this will, that can reach down through solid wood or leather, or even metal and cling to the earth? Who can explain it? Yet with all this power of grace and balance, rhythm and motion, the moment a man dies, his limbs buckle beneath him and no power on earth can make him stand alone, unaided. He turns back to a lifeless lump of flesh. What becomes of the warmth, the life, the twinkle in the eyes, the breath, the energy, the desires, the power to love, to think, to feel? Oh, man, who is taken for granted by the foolish--but man, the majestic marvel of the wise.

    Science tells us that anything a man can imagine, he can produce. Telephones, houses, sky-scrapers, bridges, electrical wonders, cars, airplanes, radios, television, atomic power, shoes, clothing, or furniture are all the mental dream-children man has brought into being. Anything a man can imagine is possible. This is an undisputed fact although everything that man has dreamed of has not yet been brought forth. In time it will be.

    There is only one thing in all existence that man cannot possibly imagine. There is only one thing that you, individually, cannot imagine. And that one thing is: THAT YOU ARE DEAD! You may think you can, but can you? Is it possible to imagine yourself completely dead, or non-existent? Let us try it and see. Picture yourself laid out on a couch, a bed, or in a soft, plush-covered casket, your hands folded, your eyes closed, your breath gone, your whole body cold and still. You can even imagine your loved ones and friends grieving for you, you can see the flowers, the funeral procession, the grave. It is a simple thing to imagine this body dead because that is possible. But where are YOU? Are you not there watching, feeling, thinking, analyzing? Oh, yes, you are there, beholding it. Suppose we try it from another angle. Put yourself into that dead, lifeless corpse lying on the bed, your hands folded, your eyes closed, does that help? No. For YOU are still thinking, still alive. The only thing you cannot possibly imagine is yourself absolutely dead, this living, thinking, feeling part of you, because it is one thing that is utterly impossible. You can imagine the body dead. Surely. But never the eternal YOU that lives in the body you have built.

    Let us now analyze this spiritual YOU. In order to do this it will be necessary to begin with the physical. Commence with your feet. Analyze them. Think of them. Feel them. Wiggle your toes. Become very foot-conscious. They are part of you, but they are not YOU. They could be cut off and YOU would still be there. Next, think of your legs, they, too, are part of you, but they are not YOU. Go on up to the intestines, the kid­neys, the stomach, liver, heart, lungs--it is possible to examine each organ as you would examine the furniture in a room, they are there and earthly life needs them as furniture is needed in a home, but they are not YOU. Go on up into the throat, the ears, the eyes, their sensitive connections with the brain, they are part of you, or the furniture, but NOT YOU. Then if you know anything about human anatomy you can stand apart and analyze your own brain, that physical, tangible bit of gray mat­ter, you can actually seem to caress it with your spiritual fin­gers, and as you do so, you discover that even the brain is NOT YOU.

    Is it not then an easy matter to become acquainted with your own soul? The wisest teachers of the East have said, "Whatever you are looking for you must first find through yourself". We find that the flesh is not the real man, that the material brain is not the life-giving intelligence within him. We do not have to take the spirit out and handle it to know that it is there any more than we have to put our clumsy fingers within our skulls to be sure that there is a brain within.
    Most people, however, in building their little clay houses from the elements of the earth have built them too solid and too compact. They have left no windows for the soul to look out and they dwell as prisoners locked in the dark confines of their physical selves. The word "personality" is from the Greek word, "persona" meaning a mask. The mask for most people has become the reality. It becomes the person and the individual behind the mask becomes buried. Open wide the windows, or if you have built none, then rebuild. Hew out openings and let light shine in--and vision will come and the eternal joys of ev­erlasting value will begin to find a place in life for you. The physical body senses only the earthly, tangible, decaying sub­stances of which it is composed--the spiritual senses the ever­lasting glory of light and hope, ideals and laughter, love and thought. It deals with that which is beyond decay. It deals with the eternal, indestructible elements of eternal energy, power and light. It deals with the substance of reality, for it is existence it­self. It is the eternal.


    Ifyour earthly parents did not create you, then some greater power must have had a hand. Surely you did not create your­self. If you had, you would know how to keep yourself in per­fect health, you would have the power to live without age leav­ing its marks and stooping your shoulders, dulling your sight, and making your hair white. You, having created all the intri­cate parts in the beginning, would know just what to do about it. But you did not create yourself because you know nothing more about this body of yours than your parents do. That is, not with the physical mind. If you did not create yourself, and your parents could not create, then it must be assumed that some greater intelligence had a hand in this marvelous personage of YOU.

    "Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was (the little clay body of earthly elements); and the spirit shall return to God who gave it". (Ecclesiastes, 12:7).
    Then John, the Beloved, adds still another bit of information: "No man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the son of man which is in heaven". In other words, even the Son of Man in order to get back into heaven had to come down from heaven in the first place--and NO MAN shall ever RETURN who did not abide in heaven before he came to earth.

    Job, in his grief and despair over the hardships and trials he was called upon to endure, at last lifted up his voice to God and cursed the day he was born. He gave it a "going-over" as only Job was capable of. "And Job spoke, and said, let the day per­ish wherein I was born, and the night in which it was said, there is a man child conceived. Let that day be darkness; let not God regard it from above, neither let the light shine upon it. Let darkness and the shadow of death stain it; let a cloud dwell upon it; let the blackness of the day terrify it. As for the night, let darkness seize upon it; let it not be joined unto the days of the year, let it not come into the number of the months. Lo, let that night be solitary, let no joyful voice come therein. Let them curse it that curse the day, who are ready to raise up their mourning. Let the stars of the twilight thereof be dark; let it look for light, but have none; neither let it see the dawning of the day; because it shut not up the doors of my mother's womb, nor hid sorrow from mine eyes". This is only part of it. There is a whole chapter given over to Job's grief for having been born into this world. Most of us at some time or other in our lives have wondered why we were born, and even perhaps re­sented being here.

    Here is God's answer to Job, and also to us: "Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou Me. Where wast thou when Ilaid the foundations of the Earth? Declare, if thou hast understanding--when the morning stars sang together and ALL the Sons of God shouted for joy". (Job 38:3-7). This is what is really being said to Job: Stop whining and be a man. Have you forgotten how badly you wanted to come to earth? Are you not one of my sons? Where you not among them when I laid the foundations of the earth? Did you not shout for joy with the others that you were to have the priv­ilege of being born into this world and gain a body of flesh and bones--to learn good from evil--to learn to handle tangible material --to choose between right and wrong--to prove your worth? God in reality was giving Job a stern rebuke for cursing the day of his birth. He was also reminding him of his great eagerness to come here.

    God always desires His children to "Gird up their loins like men". His children must be self-reliant, not whining weaklings. He led the children of Israel for forty years in one of the most desolate spots upon this earth. [D: Well, I guess I can put up with George Green and Bo Gritz a little bit longer--and re­member my task. I always feel so embarrassed when God brings me up short for my whining and insipid com­plaints....] Why? Because they whined and had to be taught self-reliance and faith in God.

    In this day He again led, or perhaps drove, His noble and great ones from the nations of the earth to this new land, to build, to conquer, to achieve--but mostly to become "MEN"--men of vision and courage and stamina--men who could stand united for democracy and truth and goodness and honor. On the State capitol building of California are these words: "Bring us men to match our mountains". The cry of America from the beginning of its development has gone up that invitation for the great and noble to come and partake of the greatness of a her­itage of freedom, and to give of their strength to the land in which they live, be it village, hamlet, town or city.

    God desires a people who can pioneer in physical, scientific and spiritual fields. He desires mankind not only to understand the purpose of their existence, but to courageously cast out all fear--to march with their faces to the light, unwaveringly and uncomplainingly. He desires that they learn to humble them­selves in great and mighty prayer that they might be a great people. No man is greater than his power to humble himself. He desires a people who can exercise faith to accomplish the things beyond human power.

    "And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this Earth shall be added unto him, even a hundred-fold, yea, more".

    It is not sufficient that this people live just because they are alive. It isn't enough that they get up in the morning and eat breakfast, doing their morning assignments, eat lunch, finish their daily routine of tasks, eat dinner, relax and go to bed at night--not day after day--throughout a whole life no matter how busy that life. Anyone who lives a life like that is wasting it. Beyond the daily activities necessary to live comfortably, there must be a reaching, a desiring, a progress of the mind and soul; otherwise we are no better than the animals. They have as much.

    Every man should live because upon his shoulders rests a di­vine responsibility. It has been said by many: "This old world owes me a living". That is not true. This world owes NOTH­ING to any of us. We have plundered her, robbed her, torn her jewels from her brow, bared her nakedness, feasted upon the very life of her, gouged into her very heart and at the same time continually cursed her. No man has the right to live upon this earth who does not contribute something of value in return-­buildings--bridges--highways--art--melody or great understand­ing and kindness for every man was created to be a messenger of light and crowned with a high destiny.

    Again, in Jeremiah 1:5, God informed his son Jeremiah, when he felt too young and inexperienced to take upon himself the responsibility of being a prophet to Israel: "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations".
    [D: I have to interject something as it flows along here--for this message is aimed right at me, readers, and I hope I do not stand alone. When Bo Gritz put me down along with MY GOD and HOSTS, I was stunned as I have been every time he has done this while referring to lizards and reptiles. He claims to believe upon "the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob". Say what? Who might that "God" have been, I wonder--that would cause another man's to appear as a rep­tilian lizard? I do not "believe" upon any other man's God--I believe upon the God who has created ME and I serve to the best of my capability THAT perfect God who has no need for comparison to that which has been tarnished by the likes of men such as him making opinions of that which IS. MY GOD requires honest truth--not opinions and bleatings of lies whether it be against a neighbor in false witness or a great Colonel Green Beret saying that which is FALSE is TRUE. Where, further, are the rest of Col. Gritz's TEN COMMANDMENTS? Like, say: "Thou shalt not kill, etc."? And, "Thou shalt not covet, etc." and "Thou shalt not commit adultery, etc.?" Just wondered....]
    Paul said: "In the hope of eternal life, which God, that can­not lie, promised before the world began". Here Paul is testi­fying that he along with all the Saints was promised eternal life before the world began (Titus 1:2).
    Also, when Paul wrote to the Hebrews he gave this enlight­ening revelation: "Furthermore, we have fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence; shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits and life"?

    From this we understand that our earthly parents were only responsible for the physical body, but the spiritual part of us, the light and life of man, was created by God. It is even possible that before we were ever permitted to possess a body on this earth we each had to study chemistry in the school of the All-Wise Creator. It is even possible that some failed to apply themselves fully, hence we see sickly or deformed bodies. Be that as it may, physicians are learning that physical illness is not so much of the body as of the soul. They still call it "mind", but in reality they mean the governing intelligence, which is spirit.

    "Howbeit that He made the greater star; as also, if there be two spirits, and one shall be more intelligent than the other, yet these two spirits, notwithstanding one is more intelligent than the other, having no beginning; they existed before, they shall have no end, they shall exist after, for they are eternal.

    "And the Lord said unto me: These two facts do exist, that there are two spirits, one being more intelligent than the other; there shall be another more intelligent than they; I am the Lord thy God; I am more intelligent than they all.

    "The Lord thy God sent his angel to deliver thee from the hands of the priest of Elkenah.

    "I dwell in the midst of them all; I now, therefore, have come down unto thee to deliver unto thee the works which my hands have made, wherein my wisdom excelleth them all, for I rule in the heavens above, and in the earth beneath, in all wis­dom and prudence, over all the intelligences thine eyes have seen from the beginning; I came down in the beginning in the midst of all the intelligences thou has seen.

    "Now the Lord has shown unto me, Abraham, the intelli­gences that were organized before the world was; and among all these were many of the noble and great ones.

    "And God saw these souls that they were good, and He stood in the midst of them, and He said: These I will make my rulers; for He stood among those that were spirits, and He saw that they were good; and he said unto me: Abraham, thou art one of them; THOU WAST CHOSEN BEFORE THOU WAST BORN". (The above is from the record of Abraham, contained in the manuscript found in one of the ancient tombs of Egypt, entitled, "The Pearl of Great Price".) [D: I think I begin to see some light here--Mr. Gritz denies his participation within the Mormon sect "cult" (body of..., or group) and yet he slips from time to time, does he not? This "Abraham" of whom he speaks he efforts to isolate somehow from the rest of us. Well, this is not a good recommendation for you Mormons of that doctrine which Gritz preaches for he lives not TRUTH nor does he speak it. Am I pronouncing some­thing upon the Mormons? No--I respect all men and if they choose to dwell within the places of this doctrine or that one--fine, only don't pronounce yourself pure and filled with au­thority and integrity when you are not--whoever you are, it reflects badly on that group with which you serve and none can tell WHO YOU SERVE!
    I would like to tell you the one thing I KNOW about this author: She was a MORMON and was ex-communicated from the Church for her writings!! I shall forever reflect upon this writer whom I do not know for her words have given me, this day--such insight into a hurting heart. It is interesting to note that I have been given four or five little "dolls", about 7 inches high, made of felt and other materi­als and painted with the most whimsical and joyful faces (rabbits, flowers, anything) which captivate me every time I see them--they are handmade by "Annalee". They are special beyond ability to even say "why", but I treasure them. I know they are not by "this" Annalee--but it will be just fine for I shall always treasure BOTH.]
    In scripture, Christ is called the Lamb slain from the founda­tion of the world. All who understand the mission of Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, know that He was slain in symbol in the law of sacrifice for centuries before His advent into the world. And with deep research it is discovered that the promise of His sacrifice for the mistakes and transgressions of man had been understood and accepted from the very earliest records of earth, which helps to confirm that it was a promise made to those who came to earth, even before the foundation of the world.

    "And they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the Lamb's Book of Life FROM THE FOUNDATION OF THE EARTH." (Rev. 17:8). If our names were not written in the Lamb's Book of Life from the very foundation of the earth, or before its construction, then we surely had to exist at that time.

    And since we watched the construction of the earth and may have even assisted in designing its flowers and its trees and its mountains and streams, even shouting for joy at the laying of its foundations, then surely there was a great and eternal purpose behind it. And God said, "This is MY work and MY glory, to bring to pass the immortality and the eternal life of man". Since that is God's work and His glory, it is also ours, for it would be impossible for Him to accomplish it without our co-operations. We must understand life and its purpose. We must comprehend our place in the great scheme of things. We must fully compre­hend the great drama of the ages that has preceded our advent into this world, to take our place upon the stage of existence, and to fulfill our parts with honor. We must understand also the things that are coming on the earth, and the things that will con­tinue to come until Righteousness is sent to rule. How can we act well our part upon the stage of life unless we understand the great plan of life? And life was meant to be eternal progress, not drab, deadly, dull, unprogressive existence.

    Progress of the individual depends on the strength of the de­sire within. And that desire depends on his vision and his un­derstanding, the searching power of his own soul. Some deaden this throbbing, reaching, illusive, soul-calling by drinking and dissipation. Some by spending their lives in novels or movie theaters. Some in the companionship of noisy, boisterous com­panions. Some in continual games of bridge. There are many ways to keep the longing urge of desire from reaching through to the consciousness, but the way of progress and achievement is to lift one's head and listen to that hungry cry from within--the cry to permit one to reach his destiny and fulfill the purpose for which he was created. Just by having the courage to listen and the strength to follow, one will soon be lifted above the com­mon, mediocre, and find a place of honor in a world of men. In other words, he will find his calling and his place and be able to secure it to himself for the benefit of the whole world. No man can completely fulfill his divine destiny without lifting all the world with him to a little higher bracket of progress.

    This special calling of each individual is not found through outward display. It isn't found through make-believe or bluffing or pretending. It is only found through great desire, under­standing and deep humility. Sometimes it is only found through heartbreak and tears. "This is the sacrifice henceforth that I will require of thee, even a contrite spirit and a broken heart". In the deepest agony of longing of the soul one is always closest to God, if it is not brought on by great transgression. It is when one's heart is broken and his soul burdened with tears that he will most readily find God. The soil of one's soul may need to be watered with tears to make it fertile. The "broken heart" ac­cording to the New Testament Apocrypha is given as "Cleft or open heart", meaning a heart that has opened to instruction, that is prepared to receive.

    Some grow bitter in trial or sorrow, and thus they seal the way of opportunity and are left cold and unglorified by the ex­perience that was meant to be the greatest blessing of their lives. Every sorrow opens the doorway of progress, of soul-growth, and greater power. The deeper one's sorrows, the greater can be one's achievements.
    More is to be pitied the man who has had no sorrow or ordeal so terrifying, no misfortune so devastating that he has not needed to turn to God or be destroyed, than for those who learn the meaning of tears. There is no such thing as an insurmount­able wall in anyone's life, for every obstacle can become a step­ping stone along the highway of advancement. We can let a straw block our way, or we can make a mountain a stairway up.

    "And he who receiveth ALL things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred-fold, yea, more". "All things" does not mean just the nice things. It means the tears, the sorrows, the hardships, the disappointments, if they are necessary until we learn obedience.

    When Christ was betrayed he never mourned nor condemned Judas, nor his own terrifying lot. He lifted his head and said, "Now is the Son of man Glorified".

    Sometimes our blessings come to us wrapped in mouldy, maggot-crawling burlap, and we, screaming in protest, refuse to accept the gift. But everything that comes to us can be glorified and turned into a blessing. The gift enfolded in the mouldy burlap will contain a blessing of pearls.

    No sorrow should ever make one bitter and hard--nor will it if it is used for a lever of advancement. Every disappointment can help to purify the soul, build character, stamina and strength. It is never our trials that destroy us, but our lack of understanding in meeting them. When we lose our defiance, our rebellion, our self-pity, we will hold the keys of such dy­namic power in our hands we will be able to lift a world, and the difficulties will melt at our glance, the touch of our fingers will be the master touch, the thoughts of our minds a singing power of utter glory--for such there is no sorrow.

    "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him." (James 1:5). Most of us accept this as applying to those of former times but we must remember always that no passage of scripture is of any private interpretation. In the original Greek text, it reads thus: "If any of you are destitute of wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally and censures not, and it shall be given him, but let him ask in faith, not hesi­tating."--etc. This translation makes it clear that all the humble, those who do not pretend to know everything, can come to God and receive wisdom liberally. Wisdom is offered to all just for the asking--wisdom to help make a whole world better just be­cause that person lived in it and lived up to his highest destiny by receiving divine wisdom. "And with all thy learning, get wisdom".

    There is a glorious pattern for every man's life, an individ­ual, perfect pattern. No two people are alike, not anymore than any two plants are identical. They may be the same species, yet they are vastly different. No two leaves are alike--no two snow­storms--no two sets of fingerprints. No two lives are alike, yet each life holds a divine pattern of unfoldment, a great and holy destiny, rich in achievement and honor. When life becomes bitter and impossible, when all conditions are sordid and ugly, and living itself is a dreary burden, it is because the contact with the divine has been lost.

    Criminals have lost that contact and they try to become great by stealing wealth, or by other crimes. It does not work. Greatness can never be stolen; it has to be earned, or lived. One grows in greatness. Obtaining great wealth is not sufficient for unless the true pattern is followed life is only an empty, arti­ficial experience without true meaning.

    If there is no joy in you--if that song of ecstasy does not sing in your soul, you have lost contact with your own pattern of ex­istence and light vanishes and gloom and darkness will continue to enfold you. As you live true to the pattern of yourself, that deep, inner self, you will unfold as perfect, as joyous, as natu­rally beautiful as the tree will reach its full measure of fulfill­ment. No one can keep you from reaching your highest destiny if you will follow your own true pattern of life. No one can live your life for you for only you hold the key to your own pattern of sublime glorious, complete fulfillment.

    Such is the destiny written in the soul of every man who comes to earth. None are without it, that completely individual highway of full expression and glorious achievement.

    * * *
    Thank you, Annalee Skarin!

    Do I now believe everything this person has or shall write? No, I haven't read more than what I just copied--but I have been taught wisdom and I can discern EACH thing given--in the in­sightful light of "rightness". But there is more...for me, as a guide.

    This lady wrote much, I understand, and NEVER RECEIVED
    A ROYALTY for her works. I KNOW this much about God's
    work and HIS WORD--ones who publish same must have costs recovered--but the WORD IS FREE TO ALL WHO WILL PARTAKE. The first judgment of a man's actions is to see what he does with that which is a GIFT FROM GOD!

    I apologize for the great length of this writing for I wish not to take any time from anyone. I am accused of having a "cult"? Yes, but it is as ridiculous as the rest of the absurd story--a per­son cannot "have a cult" for it is not the one who presents--IT IS THE ONES WHO FOLLOW WHO MAKE THE CULT OR GROUP. "I" HAVE NEITHER!! AND, IF I AM GIVEN THE GIFT TO SERVE AND SPEAK AS GIVEN--IT IS NOT A CLAIM THAT "I AM CHRIST OR GOD" ANY MORE THAN IS ANY OTHER WHO SERVES AND READS FROM THE WORDS OF THE BIBLE "IN HIS NAME". Beware, I am warned, at following that one who vaunts great service and homage unto God and proves it not with his actions OR HIS PRESENTATIONS.

    I am humbly grateful for these lessons as they come for in each HE shows us a way to the WINNING--and GOD DOES WIN!

    PJ 87

    TUE., FEB. 22, 1994 9:45 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 190

    TUE., FEB. 22, 1994
    The following two documents are asked to be typed so that they can be shared with both the newspaper readers and placed in the JOURNAL. I ask you to do it, Dharma, so that you are familiar with the content as well as having shifted the material to disc. All hands are so overburdened that we must consider the ability of others to take more load.

    I must drift from personal or current local events and leave them to the staff to pick up--as in the case of the ongoing saga of Gritz, et al. Comment? Yes. What is sent forth will always return a minimum of ten-fold upon the sender! Things of the physical are of the physical and cannot be integrated into the in­visible except as counter-balancing expression. Dale S. has sent a good representation of the visible/invisible processes. Even to her I have to state that her well-thought-out example (drawing) is not original in content and I apologize for causing her to pon­der and think upon the concept presented in illustration, for the concept IS THE CONCEPT EXPRESSED IN RUSSELL'S AND HUNDREDS OF OTHER WRITER'S PRESENTA­TIONS AND IS THE MAJOR THRUST OF THE UN­DERSTANDING OF HYPNOSIS AND THOUGHT IN ACTION. EVERYTHING and EVERY ACTION has a balanced counter-action or thought expressed in the opposite "dimension".I.e., each thought has an immediate expression in the visible plane. Thus is the expression of YOU as God's "thought". Likewise, every physical movement or expression moves throughout the universe of the unseen--even to the motion of an index finger in movement. I.e., an instant "reaction" in "thought" (the invisible universe) is garnered even by that one movement. A baby in random movement of the index finger may mean nothing but that the hand is "working". However, a finger in a hole in the dike may well save the day, or, a finger pointing at someone instantly conjures thoughts representative of the action of the circumstance. YOU are thought--the physical (visible) is an expression of those "thoughts" in manifestation--not the YOU.

    I ask that the drawing be shared with readers. If, in fact, we had had an artist who would "listen" to me we would have no argument this day with the University of Science and Philos­ophy. However, the ARGUMENT is the lesson! God can pre­sent the Truth of LIFE at any time in any way chosen. The "lessons" are of the physical expression so that you can both "understand" Truth AND see in example those things which we share with you in ACTION of expression.

    You are experiencing in a world of illusions so synthetic that you need to attend the evolvement of those now acceptable, but unreasonable (without logical Truth), activities presented in SE­RIOUS THOUGHT RECOGNITION.

    I have here a well-done document from Dr. Carlson which I ask to share at this time. It deals with "sex" and relationships from a totally literate advantage. You will see that by changing defi­nitions of terms and ideas a whole plethora of assumed actions and acceptance can be introduced into a society.


    February 4, 1994


















    [H: With this above in mind Dr. Carlson has written a letter to a committee which is unimportant as to "whom" and of which we have no input. It is the letter and information which is important and which is herein shared.]
    JANUARY 31, 1994


    I humbly offer my words against same sex marriage and at the same time I suggest a wise and prudent course on any legis­lation at all! Since our anglo-saxon common law only recog­nizes opposite sex-paired mates as fit and capable for mar­riage, and since the courts in Singer v Hara, 11 Wash. App. 247,522 p.2d 1187, 1193, define marriage as "legal union of one man and one woman as husband and wife", and BLACKS LAW DICTIONARY uses that as its own definition, it is futile to concern ourselves with needless legislation and more than worthy to have this conversation. It is already well settled in nature that opposite sex-paired mates join for the purpose of procreation, enjoyment of life, liberty, and the pur­suit of happiness. Nowhere in nature do you see the marriage of same sex-paired mates, and therefore, homosexuality is con­trary to the order of nature and natural law. This is clear and true by simple observation and reflection!

    There is no need to legislate that which is already law, for marriage is only available to opposite sex-paired mates. This is found in common law, the law of our land. If two same sex persons wish to live together and use organs of speech and elimination as their expression of "love" for each other, then they may so do in privacy. They have choice to do what they want, when they want, how they want, just as long as they vio­late NOT the right of liberty, and happiness, of others. Same sex persons may do this in privacy in our country even though it is against the laws of nature and nature's GOD!

    To create legislation in this matter only leads to further con­fusion of the ISSUE. The State only leads to further confusion of the issue. The State only grants licenses for marriage for the purpose of recording legal relationships and responsibilities. It should be and is self-evident that the department that issues the State license may so do ONLY to OPPOSITE SEX-PAIRED MATES that present for that license. Therefore, I encourage all to reconsider the issue of legislation, for it is NOT NEEDED!
    Common sense and common law are the wisest of guides in this consideration! However, if prevailing wisdom calls for legislation then I support H.B. No. 2312 and NOT TAM­PERING WITH THE STATE CONSTITUTION.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Dr. R.C. (Honolulu, Hawaii)


    I have two other documents from Dr. C. which are superbly well done on "gun" control. However, that is not at issue in my focus today so will hold for future consideration as we have time to speak again on those matters. I wish herein to focus on the "absolutes" of the genders and "paired" functions of ALL things, including the lighted thought of GOD. Changing defini­tions of "things" does not change one iota of what IS!

    Going along with the idea and factual expression of illusion (invisible) and manifestation of illusion (as is life physical in ex­pression) as differs from reality of the invisible domain, I offer the following Anonymous document. This expresses the thought and actual manifestation of "MONEY". It is called:


    Only that which is real can last forever. That which is not real cannot and therefore is an illusion. Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists.

    When the world dies and is reborn, money and all the man­made products of Earth, both in raw material and the refine­ments of civilization, shall disappear. They will be engulfed by winds and waves and shifting crusts of Earth. They will be empty and unseen testimonies to those who paid the price of health, of time, of money, and of other bartered illusions to ex­change one illusion for another. Anything mankind has put a price on, is considered an investment and has value. They will go from having a price to having worthlessness. Anything on Earth that can be regarded as worthy, unworthy, valuable, in­valuable, or having any price at all, is an illusion that shall pass away with time.

    So the next time you see a merchant selling goods and ask him the price, remember that you have defined his goods as illu­sions. The value of a product is determined by society. Also you can set the value on what you receive, and price it by what you give. Remember that the price is, itself, an illusion. No money, products, or tangible items of value will survive the passing of the old Earth and the beginning of the new Earth. In that happy time, there can be nothing bought or sold, nothing priced or priceless, and nothing regarded as possessions in any way. All things will be free, without price, readily available, and regarded without pride, vanity, jealousy, or envy. Cov­etousness will be impossible, for anything can be enjoyed by anyone without depriving another. This of course would be the end to mankind's slavery!

    You cannot imagine this today, but you can imagine the illu­sions of this earthly dimension, in which all things seem to have a price. Just remember, if it has a price, it is an illusion. So is its price. This is true, whether the price is money, merchan­dise, or time. If it has a price, it is an illusion. And if it is tan­gible, but is not for sale because it is rare and valuable, it is also an illusion.

    You are not taught to hold fast to that which is good so that others cannot take it away from you. You are taught to hold on to that which is good because that which is good is reality. That which is good is free, plentiful, available to all, and without price. The things to which you cling on Earth are the things which drag you down as they perish, or lift you up and sustain you as they survive, being of reality. If you hold on to the an­chor of the ship as it is cast into the sea, you will drown, even though the ship is safely held in place by her anchor.

    But if you stay with the ship and let the anchor go into the water, you will be served by the illusion of the anchor and pre­served by the life of the ship as she floats throughout the storm. This is the lesson of price, for if you hold fast to those things which are free, eternal, real, spiritually alive, intangible, and without price, you will be holding fast to that which is good and letting go of that which is not.

    The stores are full of merchandise with prices, which things are as illusive as the money that buys them. But the gift of love is the gift of the LIGHT which defines its name. The letter of the law found in religion and politics are letters bound by time, and space, and by the price of conforming to man-made laws and their strict interpretations.
    Let this be the time wherein the prices for goods are cheer­fully paid to buy illusions with illusions. Do what you can af­ford as you play the games of life in time and space, but re­member this lesson. If anything has a price, it and its price are illusions. Grasp the good things of reality, which are free and eternal. Go in peace today. As you count the cost, remember that if it can be BOUGHT and HAS A PRICE, IT IS FI­NALLY TO GO THE WAY OF ALL THE ILLUSIONS OF TIME AND SPACE. Hold fast to that which is good and cast out that which is not. (Anonymous)


    In the PLEIADES CONNECTION writings, we efforted to pre­sent the already brought forth science of the workings of thought as moving into expressions manifest. Since we are unable to utilize that material offered in its original state--we shall have to consider how to bring the "concept" and YOU will have to be able to diagram your own perceptions. If there are ones who, like Dale, wish to demonstrate the beautiful concepts of TRUTH in original drawings, we would consider them--if, in fact, the illusion put to paper be accurate. Dr. Russell's diagrams were accurate and depicted the concept in picture form for better un­derstanding of his SCIENCE understanding. It is now claimed that it is against the law to utilize that resource of SCIENCE and therefore I will not jeopardize further my writer.

    It is interesting to note the lack of understanding of the "higher" journey to which you all CLAIM to aspire. When one reaches the higher altitudes in the journey of upward climb, the old Earth laws and ways are left behind. In order to abide perma­nently in that realm of high and eternal light, one must compre­hend the issues that are involved. He must also understand the higher laws and be able to use them with power. The "righteousness of HIS Kingdom" is a KNOWING (knowledge) of the right-use of its laws.

    Each individual will learn, in the upward ascent, that every neg­ative thought and feeling becomes a weight upon his body and a drag upon his soul. Negative thoughts and feelings have power not only to retard one's progress but to stop it completely, unless overcome. Mortal thinking is mostly negative, discordant, selfish thinking. From here on the negatives must be understood completely. It becomes necessary to KNOW that the negative thoughts and feelings contain all the laws of the lower realms of physical darkness. As long as an individual abides in the vibra­tions of negative thinking and negative feeling, he cannot possi­bly progress into the Light or walk with power. Furthermore, he is shackled by his inability to "think" in terms which would actually and physically pull him into the upward half of the "spiral" journey. By this I mean that he will turn away from that which is physically presented in form for his use--because it comes from that which is invisible and therefore "must be bad"-- as presented by your churches and self-selected "leaders".

    The laws of God, the laws of "overcoming", the laws of glory and happiness and power are contained in the ability to "think" TRUE thinking which is the processing of one's thoughts as they are brought under control by complete comprehension of their purpose and power.

    True thinking is the thinking which holds the keys of faith-filled, magnificent, unspeakable joy that all so greatly desire. Many are deceived and enticed into evil dens and dives of iniquity, thinking that joy is obtainable by imbibing strong drinks. Too late they learn that "strong drink is a mocker". There are many who have to discover this truth for themselves--in fact, ALL have to somehow discover this fact for selves. Few can be told. Any who continue to become addicted drinkers lose the power to think clearly and correctly--thusly are "out of control". They not only relinquish their power of true thinking, but even their very freedom is confiscated, in time. This is a subject which begs for further discussion but I do not wish to foist this off on you as a focus for it is a focus of its own.

    As one progresses into the higher realms he must leave all this "negativity" behind. But, one doesn't have the capability of re­alizing that "negativity" is only a "thought" regarding a cir­cumstance or "thing". In other words, it is simply a reflection of thought patterns REGARDING THE PHYSICAL EXPRES­SION FOR ALL HIGHER THOUGHT IS, OF ITS VERY NA­TURE, POSITIVE!

    One can neither think nor feel the discordant, harassed, evil things of which mortal life is composed. The point of transition is where one comprehends this fact and drops the negative as­pects, knowing fully what he is doing and what he will accom­plish.

    Well, some of you ask, is Dharma able to move in this singu­larly "positive" pathway? My goodness, NO! In "divine" thinking there are no thoughts of evil, of lack, of fear or hate and distress. True thinking IS divine thinking. True thinking is so love-filled that fear, darkness and all evil flee before it. "Perfect love casts out all fear". YOU are becoming "divine" when you can rise above and beyond these terrors and percep­tions
    --she is just like YOU--scared and petrified from time to time, as assaults strike, that she will fail somehow. This is "human" expression resulting from "conditioned learning". It often serves as a good protector of physical bodies. You are all on this journey--TOGETHER. She is not given more than are you for you of GOD must reach that station of understanding worthy of higher pathways--TOGETHER. It is a transition, a graduation, not some medal to hang around a physical neck to swell with pride over its acquisition.

    Man's creative ability is contained completely in his thinking and feeling processes. Any thought, dropped into the emotions so it becomes something an individual actually feels, will be­come an established, definite reality in his life. Please note that the results of evil thoughts such as hate, anger or selfish think­ing, when awakened in one's feelings, are conditions pre­cipitated as old age, disease, poverty and all earthly misfortune. These "symptoms" go with the resulting physical manifestation of these "thoughts". All the negative aspects of life come to an individual as real experiences because of his own negative thinking, including the FINAL SEAL OF MORTALITY, WHICH SEAL IS CALLED "DEATH".

    Glorified, love-filled thoughts of praising gratitude awaken and bring forth the gifts and powers of life eternal. Behind every glorious, love-filled thought is contained the breath of ever­lasting life. You can read a response to given thoughts of "Truth" or "lie" from a simple lie-detector testing. There is a physical response to the "thought" which is Truth and that which is lie.

    With these things in mind we can then speak of what happens in the now-in-focus sexual presentments within society which are now accepted as valid TRUE expression. They CANNOT be valid expression (go back and read the first part of the defining material in this writing).


    There is love for the same sex and, then, there is physical ex­pression (actions and behaviors) of outward misinterpretation of feelings. You will note that in ALL instances of "out of closet" homosexuals--there is no focus on respect and/or "love" of a same gender. It is a focused DEMAND for inter-action and PHYSICAL expression of erotic interchange. In EVERY case the "feelings" are birthed in total loss of self-respect and in that loss the creation of good self-esteem is buried and lost while seeking satisfaction within the undercover world of physical ac­tivities--NEVER SATISFYING.

    Following the loss of self-respect there is little left to build upon. The only hope in existence for such as these unfortunates is for them to comprehend the issues, then with increased under­standing and almost super-human determination begin to battle for their release from enslavement and their rights to lost powers and lost virtues. Hopefully this comprehension and correction of "actions" will come PRIOR to the infections which accom­pany the "dis-EASE" of the affliction and misunderstandings. Again, you can only heal or deal--through the direction of THOUGHT.
    Sex perversions of any kind are caused, in almost all cases, by uncontrolled "thoughts". Itis a condition that is self-encour­aged and hence self-developed.
    When such uncontrolled thoughts and feelings are strong enough they become the controlling factors and the persons who created them become the slaves. When the perversion becomes the accepted norm of social behavior you have birthed the demons upon mankind from which burdens, once accepted, a civilization cannot prevail but will ultimately perish.

    "Over-sexed" individuals have become so through their own thought processes. The "thought" of no satisfaction which is sought after in all the wrong places and activities. Satisfaction is a thing singularly felt within the soul emotion expression. To "satisfy" a physical body is a misdefinition for in the physical there is no such state of being--only a temporary "feeling" of satisfaction or satiation. So, from their own minds in distress and misperception have come the seeds of downfall. In the emotions those seeds of thought were and are nurtured into feel­ings that have run out of bounds. In such degeneracy it is possi­ble for man to sink below the level of the beasts and reptiles.

    It is necessary to speak of these things now and, at some point along this journey reflective of the issues involved between light and darkness, it is necessary to note these issues. Why? So that it can be fully comprehended, and to fulfill the promise that: "All men might be left without excuse". This point must have clear definition so that all may totally comprehend the issues in­volved and glimpse the glorified realms ahead.

    This is quite necessary in order that the transition might be made while still in mortality. In Truth, it is the point where mortality can take on immortality through perfect understanding, divine obedience to Truth and with great love. This is the point along that upward climb in which the laws and powers of eternity can become fully operative as one leaves the mortal realms. This is the point of egress from the earth plane onto the higher plane, where mortality takes on the properties of immortality. The di­viding line is as sharp a line as is the River of Life to those who pass through the experience of death. However, the pathway is infinitely continually merging wherein no finite LINE can be drawn and anticipated. None can possibly travel into the higher realms without comprehending in the fullest detail the issues in­volved. We speak of these things so that ultimately the very subject can be considered in the ways of "mortality" so that they might afterwards be forever left behind.

    It is by VISION that all things come forth. The power of vision is the power of Creation. The power of "vision" is also the power or gift of imagination. It is the power to "image-in" to the emotions one's thoughts until they become alive and active so they are registered as feelings or intense desires. It is then they will produce or bring forth the tangible results. This is the law which holds the everlasting powers of Creation within its embrace. This knowledge reveals the true aspect of that which is recognized as the "Tree of Good and Evil". This law of Cre­ation will as readily produce all good as it will evil. Within man himself is contained the seed of its fruitage. Man holds the keys and powers of all Creation right within himself. Whether or not the results of such powers are good or evil is of man's choosing
    --each individually. Man has all that the Father has, even the full powers of Creation. Man himself chooses how he will use such powers.

    Thus far in experience on the Earth plane these creative powers have been mostly MISUSED through man's gross ignorance. It is time for that blinding veil of ignorance to be torn asunder and for man to begin to stand forth as a master and the deciding factor in such creative processes.

    I realize this is such an important step in "understanding" what you ARE and what needs to come into your perception and ac­tions in order to attain higher comprehension that we shall con­tinue the subject if that pleases you. It is time to do so in open forum. It is, further, time to come to understanding that ALL FRAGMENTS of MAN will not come into understanding at all. This is why we can only present TRUTH and then back off and allow you ones to do that which you will with THE WORD brought forth as promised.

    Let us close this chapter so that the segments do not become unmanageable. Thank you.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#087, IN GOD'S NAME AWAKEN!

    PJ 87
    TUE., FEB. 22, 1994 2:31 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 190

    TUE., FEB. 22. 1994


    I am here accused of being "politically" incorrect in the way I present my speeches to persons with whom I disagree on matters of Truth and spirituality. What in the world do you mean? I am amused that simple language terminology according to dictio­nary or Biblical definement are not sufficient to keep the law­suits from the door. Does calling a shovel a "spade" or a "scoop implement" or a "digging device" make it more a "shovel"--or less? This is what has happened to all your foundational communications resources. A "thing" in description at one time is not THE description at another time. For instance, when I said that the "swine" who would keep information of Russell from the public, etc., was stated--it was immediately as­sumed and accepted as totally degrading in that I was calling those people, there, pigs. I was referring to the symbolic mes­sage of "casting pearls before swine and being trampled beneath the feet of...." Further, without specifics as to identification of "who" it was immediately established by the receivers as to "who", it "must" be. Was it accepted by the "correct individuals"? Possibly, but then, if shoes fit I always suggest they be worn if suitable.

    If I were to call someone, say Georgeo Greenspanus, an "...ignorant, stupid substitute for a human who is a bore and an airhead who is a failure, spacey and dishonest"--would he likely be furious with me? What if I refer to him as a "Knowledge­base nonpossessor, cerebrally challenged, heifem who is a cere­bro-atmospheric individual who is incompletely successful, somewhat differently focused and ethically disoriented?" What if I refer to a "Black" or "Hispanic" as "melanin saturated" or a "White" as "melanin deficient"? What if I refer to a bald man as "fallicularly challenged"? Or, a short man as "vertically challenged"? Or, a fat person as "horizontally challenged"? The facts ARE: it would become amusing, politically correct and no-body would know what in the heck I said. Isn't it true anymore that "Racist" actually means a politically correct way of saying "I disagree with you"? My "thanks" for the explicit definitions used above to Henry Beard and Christopher Cerf who have presented The Official Correct Dictionary and Hand­book (Villard Books, $10). A small smattering of the contents have been forwarded to me from Mr. Tips whom I also thank for sharing.

    What point could I be making here in the middle of "thought" discussions as associated with reality and illusion and the manifestation of either? Simple--you are trained continually to perceive EXACTLY that which is intended to disorient you and all your perceptions relative to "what IS".


    "Oh", you say, "now we are going to get the anti-Semite poking and the Communist intent to take the nations of the world". Well, GOOD FRIENDS, the Semites are NOT the Khazarian so-called Jews and the so-called "Jews" in reference ARE the ones who established and continue the Communist regime so you take your druthers while I offer a thought-provoking (I hope) look at something from your Congressional Record, Thursday, January 10, 1963. I don't believe I need make com­ment at all for even if you are "POLITICALLY CORRECT" you may yet be able to see the intent of the handwriting on the walls of your globe.

    of Florida

    Thursday, January 10, 1963

    Mr. HERLONG: Mr. Speaker, Mrs. Patricia Nordman of De Land, Fla., is an ardent and articulate opponent of Communism and until recently published the De Land Courier, which she dedicated to the purpose of alerting the public to the dangers of communism in America.

    At Mrs. Nordman's request, I include in the RECORD, under unanimous consent, the following "Current Communist Goals", which she identifies as an excerpt from The Naked Communist, by Cleon Skousen:


    1. U.S. acceptance of co-existence as the only alternative to atomic war.
    2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.
    3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament by the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.
    4. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.
    5. Extension of long-term loans to Russian and Soviet satellites.
    6. Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Commu­nist domination.
    7. Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N.
    8. Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of Khrushchev's promise in 1955 to settle the German question by free elections under supervision of the U.N.
    9. Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the United States has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations are in progress.
    10. Allow all Soviet satellites individual representation in the U.N.

    • 11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces. (Some Communist leaders believe the world can be taken over as easily by the U.N. as by Moscow. Sometimes these two centers com­pete with each other as they are now doing in the Congo.) [H: I think most of you can name several places around your globe even more evident as example--TODAY.]
    • 12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party.
    • 13. Do away with all loyalty oaths.
    • 14. Continue giving Russia access to the U.S. Patent Office.
    • 15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.
    • 16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.
    • 17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
    • 18. Gain control of all student newspapers.
    • 19. Use student riots to foment public protests against pro­grams or organizations which are under Communist attack.
    • 20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assign­ments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.
    • 21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
    • 22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms".
    • 23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art".
    • 24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.
    • 25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
    • 26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy".

    1. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a "religious crutch".
    2. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state".
    3. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inade­quate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hin­drance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
    4. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man".
    5. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the "big picture". Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.
    6. Support any socialist movement to give centralized con­trol over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
    7. Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.
    8. Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activi­ties.
    9. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.
    10. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.
    11. Infiltrate and gain control of big business.
    12. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand or treat.
    13. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.
    14. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
    15. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the neg­ative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.
    16. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and

    special-interest groups should rise up and use united force to solve economic, political or social problems.

    1. Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government.
    2. Internationalize the Panama Canal.
    3. Repeal the Connally reservation so the United States can­not prevent the World Court from seizing jurisdiction over nations and individuals alike.


    So now let's look at those old Protocols in the "short" form:


    From the Revue des etudes Juives, published in 1889, is again presented for you who may not have prior writings or a copy of this document:

    Dear beloved brethren in Moses, we have received your let­ter in which you tell us of the anxieties and misfortunes which you are enduring. We are pierced by as great pain to hear it as yourselves.

    The advice of the Grand Satraps and Rabbis is the following:

    1. As for what you say that the King of France obliges you to become Christians: do it, since you cannot do otherwise, but let the law of Moses be kept in your hearts.
    2. As for what you say about the command to despoil you of your goods [the law was that on becoming converted, Jews gave up their possessions]: make your sons merchants, that little by little they may despoil the Christians of theirs.
    3. As for what you say about their making attempts on your lives: make your sons doctors and apothecaries, that they may take away Christians' lives.
    4. As for what you say of their destroying your synagogues: make your sons canons and clerics in order that they may de­stroy their churches.
    5. As for the many other vexations you complain of: arrange that your sons become advocates and lawyers, and see that they always mix themselves up with the affairs of State, in order that by putting Christians under your yoke you may dominate the world and be avenged on them.
    6. Do not swerve from this order that we give you, because you will find by experience that, humiliated as you are, you will reach the actuality of power.

    Signed V.S.S.V.F.F., Prince of the Jews, 21st Caslue (November), 1489.

    In the year 1844, on the eve of the Jewish Revolution of 1848, Benjamin Disraeli, whose real name was "israel", and who was a "damped", or baptised Jew, published his novel, Coningsby, in which occurs this ominous passage:

    "The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes".
    And he went on to show that these personages were all Jews.

    Now that Providence has brought to the light of day these se­cret Protocols all men may clearly see the hidden personages specified by Disraeli at work "behind the scenes" of all the Governments....

    Prague, 1869

    1. Every hundred years, We, the Sages of Israel, have been accustomed to meet in Sanhedrin in order to examine our progress towards the domination of the world which Jehovah has promised us, and our conquests over the enemy--Christianity.
    2. This year, united over the tomb of our reverend Simeon­b-ben-Ihuda, we can state with pride that the past century has brought us very near to our goal, and that this goal will be very soon attained.
    3. Gold always has been and always will be the irresistible power. Handled by expert hands it will always be the most use­ful lever for those who possess it, and the object of envy for those who do not. With gold we can buy the most rebellious consciences, can fix the rate of all values, the current price of all products, can subsidize all State loans, and thereafter hold the states at our mercy.
    4. Already the principal banks, the exchanges of the entire world, the credits of all the governments, are in our hands.
    5. The other great power is THE PRESS. By repeating without cessation certain ideas, the Press succeeds in the end in having them accepted as actualities. The Theatre renders us analogous services. Everywhere the Press and the Theatre obey our orders. (There were no "radio" or "TV" at the time).
    6. By the ceaseless praise of DEMOCRATIC RULE we shall divide the Christians into political parties; we shall destroy the unity of their nations; we shall sow discord everywhere. Re­duced to impotence, they will bow before the LAW OF OUR BANK, always united, and always devoted to our Cause.
    7. We shall force the Christians into wars by exploiting their pride and their stupidity. They will massacre each other, and clear the ground for us to put our own people into.
    8. The possession of the land has always brought influence and power. In the name of Social Justice and Equality we shall parcel out the great estates; we shall give the fragments to the peasants who covet them with all their powers, and who will soon be in debt to us by the expense of cultivating them. Our capital will make us their masters. We in our turn shall become the great proprietors, and the possession of the land will assure the power to us.
    9. Let us try to replace the circulation of gold with paper money; our chest will absorb the gold, and we shall regulate the value of the paper which will make us masters of all the posi­tions.
    10. We count among us plenty of orators capable of feigning enthusiasm and of persuading mobs. We shall spread them among the people to announce changes which should secure the happiness of the human race. By gold and by flattery we shall gain the proletariat which will charge itself with annihilating Christian capitalism. We shall promise workmen salaries of which they have never dared to dream, but we shall also raise the price of necessities so that our profits will be greater still.
    11. In this manner we shall prepare Revolutions which the Christians will make themselves and of which we shall reap the fruit.
    12. By our mockeries and our attacks upon them we shall make their priests ridiculous--then odious, and their religion as ridiculous and as odious as their clergy. Then we shall be mas­ters of their SOULS. For our pious attachment to our own reli­gion, to our own worship, will prove the superiority of our reli­gion and the superiority of our souls.
    13. We have already established our own men in all impor­tant positions. We must endeavor to provide the Goyim with lawyers and doctors; the lawyers are au courant with our inter­ests; doctors, once in the house, become confessors and direc­tors of consciences.
    14. But above all let us monopolize Education. By this means we spread ideas that are useful to us, and shape the chil­dren's brains as suits us.
    15. If one of our people should unhappily fall into the hands of justice amongst the Christians, we must rush to help him; find as many witnesses as he needs to save him from his judges, until we become judges ourselves.
    16. The monarchs of the Christian world, swollen with ambition and vanity, surround themselves with luxury and with nu­merous armies. We shall furnish them with all the money their folly demands, and so shall keep them in leash.
    17. Let us take care not to hinder the marriage of our men with Christian girls, for through them we shall get our foot into the most closely locked circles. If our daughters marry GOYIM they will be no less useful, for the children of a Jewish mother are ours. Let us foster the idea of free love, that we may de­stroy among Christian women attachment to the principles and practices of their religion.
    18. For ages past the sons of Israel, despised and persecuted, have been working to open up a path to power. They are hitting the mark. They control the economic life of the accursed Chris­tians; their influence preponderates over politics and over man­ners.
    19. At the wished for hour, fixed in advance, we shall let loose the Revolution, which by ruining all classes of Christianity will definitely enslave the Christians to US. Thus will be ac­complished the promise of God made to His People.


    I believe you are quite capable of evaluating "where you are" from measurement against the foregoing. You've come a long way, Baby!

    Now how does this come into your daily lives in such a way as to be able to discern and judge circumstances? For one thing you can get the information we have offered and STUDY it. Or, you can continue to wade through bits and pieces as pre­sented hither and yon and hopefully get enough to have a "picture" of that which is coming and has already come upon you.

    I wish now to give you the "INTRODUCTION" from a book that Ihave no way to stress importance enough in the having. It is called Big Sister Is Watching YOU! by Texe Marrs. Living Truth Publishers, 1708 Patterson Road, Austin, Texas 78733­6507. Perhaps you can find copy in a Christian book store--I doubt you will find the editions in the local NWO shelves. I'm sorry, Ihave no further information save cataloging: Poli­tics/Current Events/Issues.
    Perhaps if enough of you would want to obtain this volume the CONTACT might make arrangements to have some available. I ask that this be considered through one of your business contacts.

    Hillary Rodham Clinton is not just co-President of the United States--she's the real power in Washington, D.C. And to help her run the big show, Hillary has brought in some very unusual feminist "talent". A motley collection never before equalled in American history, Hillary's women friends include lesbians, sex perverts, child molester advocates, Christian haters, and the most doctrinaire of Communists.


    Here are just a few of "Hillary's Hellcats" profiled in this startling exposé:

    Attorney General Janet ("Johnny") Reno--BigSister Is Watching You provides shocking, new evidence that she's a hardened lesbian. [H: It would behoove you check even more than THAT--she is six feet two inches tall, friends. Has any­one checked medical records on this "lady"?] As Florida state attorney, did she cover up voter fraud by crooked politico friends? Discover the REAL reason why this Duchess of Doom wickedly burned to death the innocent women and children at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco.

    Dr. Joycelyn Elders--AsSurgeon-General, she's out to make sure that pre-schoolers and elementary school children are given condoms and instructed on how to use them. Was Elders appointed to her high position as a payoff? Did she cover up the negligent act of Bill Clinton's mother, Virginia, who, as a nurse anesthetist at a hospital in Little Rock, was accused of carelessly bungling an operation and killing a patient? [H: Among other things!]
    Maya Angelou--Oneof Hillary's closest bosom buddies, Ms. Angelou was called on to be the Inaugural Poet. She's been highly acclaimed as the "feminist Robert Frost", and her books are New Age bestsellers. Problem is, her real name is not Maya Angelou. And some of those books she's written?.... Well, they are different, to say the least. Big Sister... reveals that Maya Angelou is, in fact, a former stripper, prostitute, and madam. Why, then, did a Southern Baptist University make her full professor FOR LIFE? And why is this same institution paying Ms. Angelou over $100,000 annually, though she teaches no courses, does no real work, and has only a broom closet for an office?

    Donna Shalala--Thelesbian community claims she is their Amazon "love sister". As Secretary of Health and Human Services, she oversees amultibillion dollar budget larger than the national budgets of Japan and Germany. Shalala is the most vicious Christian hater ever to hold a top cabinet post. Be­queathed the title, the "High Priestess of Political Correctness", the radical Shalala is so politically correct she outliberals the ul­tra-liberal American Civil Liberties Union. She's also a director of the elitist-controlled Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and is a member of the globalist Trilateral Commission.

    Laura D'Andrea Tyson--Aformer Berkeley professor, Tyson is the Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors. She's a big fan of the failed communist economies of Romanian tyrant Nikolai Ceaucescu and Russian dictator Joseph Stalin. A member of the CFR and the Trilateral Commission, Tyson says Americans are not taxed enough.

    Roberta ("Bob") Achtenberg--Hillary'sput this lesbo crazy in charge of ALL federal housing policies. While demonstrating at a gay rights parade, the militantly lesbian Achtenberg pas­sionately kissed her female lover as her young son looked on. Achtenberg once led a despicable hate campaign against the Boy Scouts. Why?--Because, she said, their oath includes the word "God". [H: By the way, one of the "heavy kissers" in point was Barbara Boxer, Senator, California!]

    Ruth Bader Ginsburg--Nowit's Hillary's Supreme Court, thanks to her selection of femiNazi Ginsburg as associate justice on the bench of the nation's highest judiciary panel. President Clinton praised Ginsburg as a "moderate"; yet, she's in favor of legalizing child sex with adults, she wants a unisex military and has called for the merging of the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts. A radical feminist, Ginsburg was the general counsel for the un­godly, anti-Christian ACLU organization for over seven years. During those years, the ACLU fought to take Jesus and the Ten Commandments OUT of the classroom while New Age pagan­ism and witchcraft flourished INthe classroom.


    Then, there's Hillary Rodham Clinton herself. She was de­picted once as the "Madonna" by the New York Times. But why did the editors of this liberal newspaper refuse to print the facts about Hillary's secret funding of hardcore, Marxist terrorist organizations?

    Big Sister provides convincing evidence that in the 60s, "Hippie Hillary" aided the cop-killing, radical Black Panthers group. Now she believes God WANTS her to kill babies! Is Hillary--as rumored--a lesbian? Why did her feminist friends in the White House present her with a most unusual gift: a witch's hat?
    What dark power does Hillary exercise over her hapless husband, Bill? What's her real goal? Will Hillary Rodham Clin­ton's unbridled ambitions catapult her into becoming America's first female president?


    Big Sister Is Watching You unmasks the powerful White House women who are members of the conspiratorial Council on Foreign Relations and the elitist Trilateral Commission. It reveals the identity of the women who have been favored to at­tend the annual conclave of the notorious Bilderbergers, as well as those who are hirelings of the left-wing, radical foundations designed to promote the New World Order.

    These women are not individualists. They are part of a long­standing, serpentine network of international revolutionaries and fascist ideologues whose goal is to end American sovereignty and bring about a global, Marxist paradise. For many years now, they have networked together, preparing themselves for just this opportunity.

    To accomplish their objectives, they have repeatedly proven their willingness to use the same iron-fisted tactics employed in the past by other ruthless dictators, ranging from Romania's Ceaucescu and Italy's Mussolini to Germany's Hitler and the Soviet Union's Stalin.

    Totalitarian in outlook, the women profiled here despise the very foundations on which our founding fathers built this great nation. They hate the sight of Old Glory--thered, white and blue. They sneer at anyone who demonstrates a belief in old-fashioned American patriotism, and they hiss at Christians who show reverence for God of the Bible. They also heap abuse and ridicule on the dedicated men and women who serve honorably in our armed forces--Hillary's Hellcats want to pollute the military by integrating lesbians and homosexuals.

    Not just politically correct, these women are brutally correct. They are the hard of the hard, the most militant of a militant and hostile generation. Spawned during the 60s in the age of the Beatles, gurus, LSD, and hippies, they are the misfits of Ameri­can society. But now the misfits ARE IN CHARGE! The lu­natics are running the insane asylum, and they're out to make us into the pathetic creatures they have become. They are the feminist vultures who flew over the cuckoo's nest.


    What is scary is that these powerful women, because of their high-level positions in government, now possess awesome Gestapo powers. If Hitler and his henchmen had even a tiny fragment of the computerized, high technology spy, surveil­lance, and torture capabilities of today's CIA, IRS, FBI, ATF, and DEA, imagine what additional horrors they could have wreaked. These women have behind them the full apparatus of government to enforce their dictatorial demands and strange sexual appetites.

    The femiNazis control a heartless police establishment more efficient than Stalin's dreaded Cheka and more feared than Himmler's bloody SS Corps. They are running roughshod over the American people, trampling on our constitutional rights, employing ecological idiocy to grab people's land and property, and committing terrorist acts against horrified victims. The fiery Waco massacre--and the mind-boggling government lies and cover-up that followed by Janet Reno and her cohorts--ex­emplify the chilling fate that awaits those who refuse to go along with the dictatorial blueprint of these coercive utopians.


    The corrupt women who now rule over us are a strange, modern breed of Orwellian females who fully deserve to be called Hillary's Hellcats. Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary defines "hellcats" as follows" 1: WITCH 2. one given to tor­menting others; esp: SHREW.

    A hellcat, then is "a witch given to tormenting others". A hellcat is also defined as a "shrew", a ferocious, rat-like animal expert at quickly darting back and forth while tearing an enemy to pieces with its fine, sharp teeth.

    "Big Sister" is my term for Hillary Rodham Clinton and her pride of hellcats who, at this moment, are plotting out new ways of stealthily attacking and devouring their victims.


    IN HIS PROPHETIC NOVEL, 1984, George Orwell gave us a frightening image of government leadership run amok. He introduced us to a new language of thought crimes, doublespeak, and newspeak. Orwell painted a dark picture of an immoral, Godless society where black is white, and white is black, and where two plus two equals five, if those in power say it is so.

    George Orwell's cautionary novel was first published in 1948. The year 1984 has come and gone, but it seems as though Orwell was not far off the mark.

    Big Sister did not arrive overnight. Hillary and Bill have been practicing their political black magic and skullduggery for over two decades. By now they are well rehearsed.

    Hitler's Nazism also had a long gestation period. From his days as a corporal in Kaiser Wilhelm's World War I war ma­chine, Hitler plotted his path into supreme power. Then, in 1933, he burst upon the world scene as a national hero, a su­perman, a savior.

    Just sixty years later, in 1993, Hillary's Hellcats ascended to their own thrones in Washington, D.C.

    Has Big Brother, in effect, been demasculinized, castrated, and transformed? Not really. Yes, he has assumed a deceptive, feminine mask. But behind the facade, the governmental behe­moth described in such startling terms by George Orwell is still a psychopath; he remains a seething dynamo of energy--a dark, brooding, evil force ready at any moment to explode.

    Big Sister is, in fact, the feminine, flip-side of Big Brother, just as Communism, with only a cosmetic makeover, becomes fascism; and political correctness, taken to extremes, becomes Nazism. If a person travels from any point on a circle of evil, he or she will eventually end up in the same place.


    I believe you get the gist of this book's material. Further, there is something I would like you discerning readers to think about: was Nostradamus' "man in the blue turban" ACTUALLY A "MAN"? If you ones don't begin to THINK, you are not going to make it.


    God bless each and every one of you as you come into either an awakening or desolation--for the "evil empire" will recognize nothing in-between. Salu

    PJ 87


    WED., FEB. 23, 1994 9:13 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 191

    WED., FEB. 23, 1994


    I ask that this portion of the writing pertaining to disease and malfunction of the physical body be placed in appropriate sequence in the paper. Some things about which we will write are totally lost in the simple sequence of a JOURNAL or the "body" of a separately focused subject. However, this is the way we are going to present the bits and pieces and the Editors and Lay­out people will simply have to be
    on top of the matter, please.


    I have been nagged and badgered to put together something that would help to remove and keep off excess body fat. You people are so focused on the purely physical aspect of experience as to concern me. However, there IS need among the population for some help in controlling the negative problems of "lipoid and horizontally challenged" people. Of course there is an array of natural herbal assistants for the problem. There are also the very practical programs available for self-hypnotic training for the body. Our people will, my request was by mid-March, have a full "program" in herbal form to interact with the fat molecules which will cause them to "liquefy" and then with abundant fluid intake, wash away the surplus cellular material. The reason this is so valuable is that you are leaving your neces­sary muscle tissue untouched which produces the end results of a lean, healthy body. You will have to check with the "Gaia" people for we don't stick our noses into the business of the product offerings. Do "I" present the formulas and "create" the products? Not in all instances--but yes,
    I do. Dharma is stuck with the nasty job of physically combining the substances and doing the "gardening". However, she then has nothing further to do with the management or presentation. I can promise you, for instance, that she thought she could make bread until she reaches Heaven's gate. I watched her "trying" to put a loaf to­gether from a batch of spelt which had lost its instruction label--and GONE were the steps and amounts.

    We remove these tid-bits from her memory for the most part for she has enough other topics with which to deal and we want NO connections with the other entities and companies handling product--FOR OBVIOUS REASONS!

    Now as to the self-help training program--it IS hers. She developed it in 1986 for a totally different purpose but it has a weight reduction program built in (or NO program at all is acceptable--you can still fully utilize the tapes). The tapes have been abundantly used in the management of bulemia and anorexia as well. America West offered the sets for a while until she withdrew them. There are probably a hundred or so sets left. The contact addresses, of course, are now different but the personal interac­tion remains open and valid. They are recognized as positive help programs and even the Master Hypnotist Teacher and head of the Council of Hypnotist Examiners have featured and "sold" the program to students.

    It DOES mean however that you can't fail to attend your own personal care for self

    I am also asked "When will CarbraGaia be available and what is it"? Well, whenever the people handling it find it suitable to make it fully available. However, in all fairness to "them"--I said I would write a lengthy dissertation on the subject for it replaces and surpasses by great advantage "shark cartilage". THIS ALSO SAVES THE LIVES OF YOUR OCEAN CREATURES AND PRODUCES SUCH A BETTER PRODUCT THAT THOSE WHO UTILIZE THE CARTILAGE WILL BE ASTOUNDED. To understand the reason for utilization of such a product you need to know what it is and how it becomes such a support. I insist that all cartilage grown here be grown in a full hydroponic bath of Gaiandriana and a full spectrum of nutrients.

    As to the Gaiandriana, I believe our people are remiss in not offering you more information in the "physical" section of the paper--or in booklet form because, even though technical, there IS great REASON for these substances prepared and offered the way we offer them.


    I have written all the above to get your attention. Dharma, please just copy the article from the front page of the February 20, 1994 CONTACT.

    By Paul Raeburn, Associated Press. San Francisco--Com­mon bacteria that cause pneumonia, children's ear infections and many other diseases are evolving into forms untreatable by all known medicines, threatening a chilling post-antibiotic era that would be "nothing short of a medical disaster", a researcher said Saturday.

    In the post-antibiotic world, the simplest infections could quickly escalate into fatal illnesses, said Alexander Tomasz of Rockefeller University in New York City.
    [H: And boy, they SHOULD KNOW!]

    "Most people think it will happen"? he said. "It's unpre­dictable when". And the consequences? "No one knows. The mortality is quite high".

    The first antibiotic, penicillin, became widely available in 1940. For 50 years, most bacterial infections have been treat­able.

    But certain uncommon bacteria already have developed untreatable strains. And laboratory experiments have proven that the same thing can happen with common bacteria, Tomasz said. [H: Please note that with the heavy use of antibiotics--yeasts and monilias, fungi, etc., flourish and now become a side ef­fect almost as deadly and miserable to treat as the original bacterial or viral assault.]
    Tomasz sounded the alarm at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He is a leading authority on bacteria that are resistant to treatment by antibiotics. His concerns are shared by doctors at the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.

    "It's potentially an extremely serious problem", said Dr. Mitchell Cohen of the CDC.

    Any new drugs that might be developed to cope with the deadly bacteria are at least five to seven years away, and drug companies are not pursuing them eagerly, Cohen said.

    "A number of pharmaceutical companies had focused their research in the non-infectious area, because their marketing people were telling them there were enough antibiotics out there", Cohen said in a telephone interview. [H: Is this telling you anything as to confirmations of that which we have been telling you over and over and over again about pharma­ceutical companies? They are ALL owned by the Elite Banksters!]
    Doctors also are concerned about new drug-resistant strains of tuberculosis. But the diseases caused by pneumonia and blood and wound infections--are far more common than tuber­culosis.

    Certain strains of enterococcus, which cause wound and blood infections, already have become resistant to vancomycin and all other known antibiotics. [H: I remind you that all it takes to make a "known" bacteria or virus a deadly, un­treatable entity is the integration of just ONE tiny DNA par­ticle--and you have a NEW STRAIN. Next, the "new strain" is DNA altered so that it mutates with EACH and EVERY new host making it totally individualized!]
    Enterococcal infections are mostly limited to hospitals. But the genes for resistance are carried on bacterial structures called plasmids that can be easily shared between bacteria of different species, Tomasz said.

    That means that resistance could quickly move to pneumo­coccus and to staphylococcus.

    Researchers know that such resistant bacteria can cover the globe in a matter of years. They have seen what happened with penicillin.

    Before 1980, only a few scattered cases were reported of pneumococcus that were resistant to penicillin. But that year, penicillin-resistant strains began appearing everywhere. They are now common worldwide.

    Spread has occurred quickly with the untreatable form of enterococcus, too. In one New York hospital, the untreatable strain wasn't present in 1989. By 1992, it was responsible for 58 percent of the infections with that species of enterococcus.


    Will Gaiandriana prevent illness? No. It has one function-to allow the body to individualize itself within the cellular structure of your own DNA. When a "bug" is introduced the body is al­ready then prepared to attack anything which is NOT of identi­cal structure. This is why the "Gaiasorbs" work--because they are produced and GROWN within Gaiandriana which isolate and hold the "free radicals" and then the little invaders are sim­ply absorbed and washed away when they hit the body for the Gaiandrian-enhanced immune system has already tagged the in­vaders. I guess it is complicated if you aren't familiar with bodily functions, etc., even though it is totally and completely natural in EVERY way. But, it takes a while for the body to reclaim itself and come into balance so to simply "treat" an inva­sion of infectious disease bearers will not "cut it". The Gaian­driana is NOT an antibiotic or even antiseptic--but, hydrogen peroxide IS. Therefore we grow the Drianas and Drios in a neonatal fluid containing same.

    I do, however, insist that a solution which kills off ALL bacte­ria, even "bad" stuff, not be used. Why? Because I want the little buggers which YOU regularly consume in water supply be included--so that the Drios can neutralize them and present the "fighters" into your own system to counter the free "bearers" when they are taken internally.

    Couldn't we just grow suitable antibiotic "stuff"? Yes, but how long do you think we would LAST? We are not in competition with ANYONE OR ANYTHING. We are here to get the peo­ple of God through--not SAVE the whole of the evil empire OR God's enemies. Ones who wish to utilize that which we offer are welcome, those who do not--simply go your way!

    Now, readers, if you don't believe God is at work HERE--then I suggest you go join some group or other for here you will find NO GROUPS--only people doing whatever they are doing. I believe you will find that Col. Bo Gritz is building a Christian Covenant Community in Idaho and George Green will supply domes and there will be guns for protection and training for handling money and invaders--FOR A GREAT BIG FAT FEE! This is fine with me, but do not link us in any way to those kinds of operations. The facts are simply that YOU HAVE NO LEADERS IN FULL SERVICE UNTO GOD, TO FOLLOW--IT IS THE TIME OF CHAOS ON THE EARTH. THE CLAIMS WILL BE MANY AND THE PREACHERS WILL PREACH AND SHOUT AND CLAIM JUDEO-CHRIS­TIAN, HOMOSEXUALITY EQUALITY, AND OTHER MAN-ORDAINED FOCUSES. I CANNOT OFFER YOU RE­COURSE SAVE UNTO GOD. I AND MY PEOPLE ARE NOT HERE TO SAVE YOU OR ANY THING--If you want salvation, I suggest you GET BUSY!

    The first thing you are going to have to do, if you have mindset that someone or thing is going to save you, is CHANGE YOUR MIND (thoughts). You are in a period of total brain-washing in full force against YOU. I cannot help that nor shall I even effort to interfere--that is NOT my mis­sion. I will continue to offer you the answers to allow for the change of SELF but that is all I shall do! We are here to tell you how it IS and offer a hand if you wish. You are free to do or believe ANYTHING you choose--I am only here to fulfill a promise of GOD--to PRESENT THE WORD and show God's people the WAY HOME!
    Our team offers no free or paid-for rides on ANYTHING. We do offer you a place if you are of US, for that is why we are sent again to this place. Jesus Christ, as you know HIM, travels WITH US FOR IT IS HIS RETURN TO GIVE YOU ANOTHER CHANCE AT GETTING IT "RIGHT". He doesn't nor ever did offer you some "rapture" or salvation based on HIS BLOOD FLOW. HE "IS", WAS AND SHALL EVER BE AND HIS PRESENCE IN YOUR MIDST IN WHATEVER FORM--WAS TO OFFER YOU TRUTH OF YOUR OWN BEINGNESS IN SOUL. YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN AND BEEN MISLED BY THE ONES WHO WOULD HAVE YOUR SOULS. THAT, TOO, IS YOUR BUSINESS--NOT MINE!

    Dharma, take this off the computer please so that the editors are not inconvenienced by the heavy load of writing that we are do­ing now. I want to move into the presentation on "brain-wash­ing" as a reminder as we move into the more elusive subjects of "thought" and GOD. Thank you.

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