PJ 85


THU., DEC. 23, 1993 3:00 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 129

THU.. DECEMBER 23. 1993
Perhaps most of you will never realize what a daring friend you have in Eustace Mullins. He dared to FIGHT and stand strong against the system when the rest of you had never so much as "thought" there was anything wrong. Please send him your blessings and Godspeed. We shall support him any way we can. I have been sent a copy of a Press Release which I would like to share with you readers. Thank you, S.

Dec. 7, 1993 has become an historic date with the filing of a $100 million lawsuit against the most feared group in the United States, the Anti-Defamation League of B'Nai B'Rith. Writer Eustace Mullins, 70, of 126 Madison Place, Staunton VA 24401, author of such best sellers as Murder by Injection, ex­posé of the Drug Trust; Secrets of the Federal Reserve, exposé of the Money Trust; The World Order, exposé of the Secret Government; The Curse of Canaan, exposé of secret conspira­cies; and The Rape of Justice, exposé of the legal monopoly, de­fends himself against almost fifty years of persecution by the ADL as retaliation for his exposés.

The last living protege of poet Ezra Pound, a native Ameri­can curmudgeon who commissioned Mullins to write the history of the Federal Reserve System in 1948, caught the attention of the FBI and the ADL when this work appeared in 1953. They have harassed him ever since. In 1959, Mullins wrote the only authorized biography of Pound, This Difficult Individual Ezra Pound, published by Fleet publishers in New York.

After serving on the staff of the Library of Congress, Mullins became a financial consultant to the American Petroleum Insti­tute in Rockefeller Center. He later became a public relations executive for the Chicago Motor Club. He has been a fulltime writer, lecturer, radio and television personality since 1958. He lectures throughout the United States, and is a guest on many talk shows.

Mullins charges the ADL with inciting racial hatred and hate crimes under RICO statutes and statutes outlawing criminal syn­dicalism. He says the ADL has consistently denied his freedom of speech and civil rights. The suit has been filed with the United States District Court in the District of Columbia. Mullins looks to the court for a landmark decision on pro­fessional hatemongering and the commercial purveying of racial strife.


1.) Plaintiff, Eustace C. Mullins, appearing for himself as Pro Propria Personae, is a citizen in good standing of the State of Virginia, of the United States of America, residing at 126 Madi­son Place, Staunton, Virginia, 24401.

2.) Defendant, the Anti-Defamation League of B'Nai B'Rith, an international intelligence organization and espionage group for the State of Israel, acting as the central intelligence agency for more than three hundred Zionist lobbying groups tax ex­empted by the government of the United States to illegally rep­resent the State of Israel as unregistered foreign agents, in open violation of the statutes of the United States. Address is 1100 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, District of Columbia, 20036.


3.) This court has jurisdiction over this matter pursuant to USC 18-241, 18-1961, 1963, 1965 (a) (b) (c) (d); 18-241; USC 28- 1331, 1332, 1343; Usc 28-534; USC 42-1981, 1983, 1985, Constitution of the United States, First and Sixth Amendments.

4) Plaintiff respectfully alleges that said defendant has for almost a half century carried out a steady campaign of harassment, intimidation and terrorism against plaintiff, and against members of plaintiff's family. In April of 1953, defendant attacked plaintiff in its publications because he was a protégé of poet Ezra Pound, calling plaintiff "the lowest of the gutter anti-Semites" and other epithets. Defendant then launched a series of nationwide press attacks against plaintiff.

5.) Defendant knowingly and willfully lied in attacking plaintiff as an "anti-Semite", because defendant's surveillance of plaintiff had apprised them that plaintiff was working closely with many righteous Jewish American intellectual leaders, such world renowned figures as Benjamin Freedman, Henry Klein, Myron Fagan, Dr. Emanuel Josephson, and others. The righteous Jews participated in and approved of plaintiff's work, knowing he was not anti-Semitic as defendant falsely claims.

6.) When plaintiff refused to abandon his campaign of exposing defendant's subversion of the government of the United States, defendant ordered plaintiff to be discharged from his position on the staff of the Library of Congress in Washington D.C. in 1952. Sen. Herbert Lehman, D-N.Y., of the international banker's Lehman Bros., and national chairman for the Anti-Defamation League of B'Nai B'Rith, wrote a letter to Librarian of Congress Luther Evans, ordering him to discharge plaintiff from the staff, later sending two Federal Bureau of Investigation agents to the Library of Congress to make certain that Evans complied. Today, plaintiff is still the only member of the staff of the Library of Congress ever discharged for purely political reasons. As his reward, Evans was promoted to a sinecure at UNESCO in Paris, where he was given unlimited supplies of Rothschild brandy. He died a hopeless alcoholic.

7.) Under Ezra Pound's guidance, plaintiff wrote the only history of the Federal Reserve System, an abstruse work on bank-ing which defendant promptly denounced as "anti-Semitic" when it appeared in 1953. Defendant then prevented any review, mention or bookstore sale of this book, which continues to the present day. Defendant also has prevented plaintiff from obtaining lucrative speaking engagements, national radio and television interviews and other means of reaching a national audience with his exposes. In contrast, defendant routinely arranges for payments of $25,000 to $100,000 to leaders who obey defendant's political orders for routine non-informative speeches.

8.) Seeking employment, plaintiff went to New York in 1953 and was hired as consultant on toll road finance by the American Petroleum Institute in Rockefeller Center. After one year at American Petroleum Institute, defendant sent agents to their offices and demanded that plaintiff be discharged. The Institute complied, although plaintiff was a valued employee who had been repeatedly promoted.

9.) Plaintiff then went to Chicago and was hired by the Chicago Motor Club, largest member of the American Automobile Association, as public relations consultant. After two successful years in this position, defendant had two Federal Bureau of Investigation agents sent to his office to demand that he be discharged. They denounced him as "a dangerous radical" and employer reluctantly discharged him.

10.) Because defendant has for almost a half century conspired to have plaintiff discharged from remunerative executive positions, plaintiff became extremely impoverished and was unable to marry and have children. Defendant thus committed the crime of genocide against plaintiff. Art II Genocide Act, "intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group,....causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group, imposing measures intended to prevent births with the group."

11.) Despite his lack of income, defendant had the Internal Revenue Service repeatedly charge plaintiff with tax deficiencies. Defendant regularly sends the IRS hit lists of Americans whom it wishes to destroy; plaintiff was Number One on this list. The Internal Revenue Service, which annually raises ninety per cent of the national budget of the State of Israel, and which is known to Washington insiders as (the Israeli Revenue Ser­vice), repeatedly launched lengthy investigations of plaintiff, demanding astronomical sums at times when plaintiff was not gainfully employed. Each time, plaintiff, at great expense, fought back, and the IRS admitted that plaintiff had no tax defi­ciency. On Jan. 4, 1983, Judge Theodore Tannenwald Jr. of U.S. Tax Court, issued a letter from the bench that plaintiff had no tax deficiency. (see A WRIT FOR MARTYRS, by Eustace Mullins, p. 211, O.T.U. Christ Church 1985.)

12.) Because plaintiff fearlessly continued his work of exposing defendant's international terrorism, defendant now launched vi­cious attacks against the closest members of plaintiff's family. Agents of defendant posing as Army agents attacked Eustace Clarence Mullins Sr., plaintiffs father, in 1957, beating him savagely when he refused to give information against plaintiff. He suffered a major heart attack from this beating, later dying from its effects.

13.) When plaintiff continued his work of exposing defendant's subversion, defendant turned the attack against plaintiff's mother, an elderly invalid. After enduring months of daily tele­phone threats and visits by defendant's agents, plaintiff's mother, Jane Catherine Muse Mullins, died of a heart attack in 1971.

14.) Plaintiff now assumed the task of caring for his handi­capped sister, who had been crippled by a member of defen­dant's organization, a notorious dope addict who crushed her be­neath the wheels of his Pierce Arrow limousine. While plaintiff was out working as an insurance investigator, defendant began to send agents to his home, threatening his crippled sister, and informing her that plaintiff was in jail and would never return. After months of this campaign, Dorothy Louise Mullins also died, of a heart attack, in 1979. Plaintiff has been alone in the world since the murders of his family.

15.) Defendant continued to keep plaintiff at the top of its hit list for fear that plaintiff might investigate and report on its role in the assassination of Martin Luther King. Plaintiff had been one of the principal victims of the ADL-inspired notorious FBI program COINTELPRO, which was directed primarily at black leaders. Defendant decided that Martin Luther King, the leader of America's blacks, was "getting too uppity" according to an ADL official, a "schwarzer", a Yiddish term of contempt for blacks, and who was assassinated to be replaced by the more docile Rev. Abernathy.

16.) Defendant continued to harass plaintiff for fear that plain­tiff, who had been invited to write an exposé of the John F. Kennedy assassination, would reveal that defendant was the missing link in the assassination plot. Plaintiff found that defen­dant was the only group which was in constant communication with the CIA, the FBI, the Mafia, and Jack Rubenstein prior to the assassination. Columnist Dorothy Kilgallen interviewed Rubenstein and learned of defendant's involvement. When she boasted she was going to break the assassination plot wide open, she died suddenly of an "overdose", and all of her notes disap­peared from her apartment.

17.) Defendant also continues to harass plaintiff for fear that he will write on its involvement with the Waco Holocaust Massacre in which eighty-four Christian worshippers were burned alive, including twenty-three small children, who had been herded into a basement, doused with inflammables, and set afire by gov­ernment agents operating under instructions from defendant through the Cult Awareness Network and other defendant groups. The FBI and BATF agents had been ordered to commit this atrocity, the worst massacre in U.S. history, as a re-enact­ment of the Ludlow Massacre of 1914 by Rockefeller assassins. Forty-five workers were burned alive, including thirty-two women and children. The Waco Holocaust was also a re-en­actment of defendants' favorite movie, The Dirty Dozen, in which German army officers and their wives at a recreation center are herded into a basement by special forces, doused with gasoline and set afire. Human torches are a key part of defen­dants' occult cabalistic rituals.

18.) Plaintiff has made a number of trips to Jackson, Wyoming to establish a Christian university there. At 3:30 a.m. on Friday the 13th, 1990, agents started a fire directly below plaintiff's room at the Anvil Motel. Plaintiff was the only occupant in that wing of the motel. He barely escaped with his life as the motel burned to the ground. No investigation of this arson and at­tempted murder was ever made. (Exhibit A)

19.) Plaintiff was invited to speak at Freedom Forum at the Greek Orthodox Church, Centerville, Ma. on June 21, 1991. Defendant prepared a hate attack on plaintiff printed in the Cape Cod Times June 10, 1991, falsely charging that plaintiff was "anti-Semitic" although no instance of plaintiff ever participating in an anti-Semitic incident was mentioned. Throughout the arti­cle, the reporter cited the source as "according to the Anti-Defamation League". Despite this attack, (Exhibit B) the church refused to cancel the meeting. Agents then threatened to blow up the church if plaintiff appeared. The meeting was then cancelled. Although this was the most notorious hate crime of 1991, no investigation was made by the local, state and federal agencies to whom it was reported. Defendant clearly violated plaintiff's right to freedom of speech as guaranteed by the Con­stitution.

20.) Plaintiff was an invited speaker to the Nightlink Communi­cations Conference in London at Wembley Arena, January 9 and 10, 1993. Defendant attempted to have the British Gov­ernment bar plaintiff from leaving the airport for the meeting, but the government found no basis for such action. Defendant then launched a frenetic campaign against plaintiff in the British press, although plaintiff had never before appeared in Britain. Because of this hate barrage, the press termed plaintiff "a sinis­ter lunatic". The unfavorable publicity generated by defendant resulted in low attendance and a disaster for the sponsors.

21.) Defendant's sinister hand can be seen behind many of the most widely reported events in the press. The Washington Post revealed Nov. 18, 1993 that "the Anti-Defamation League was at the forefront of the campaign to prosecute Demjanjuk" (an American citizen falsely accused of killing Jews). The New York Times published lengthy interviews with an FBI agent provocateur who at behest of defendant set up the bombing of the World Trade Center in New York, in order to arouse American anger against all Arab peoples. This is a typical ADL operation.

22.) It is necessary to introduce some background information on defendant before plaintiff is dismissed as a hopeless paranoid inflicting his nightmares on the judicial system. In fact, no statement in any of plaintiffs many books has been challenged or disproven in more than forty years. Plaintiff has the charters of incorporation of both the B'Nai B'Rith Foundation and the Anti-Defamation League. They were founded by Henry Monsky and Philip Morris Klutznick, professional Jewish activists who amassed large fortunes by manipulating Jewish organiza­tions. Monsky, who married Daisy Rothschild, was a delegate to the United Nations Charter San Francisco meeting in 1945, head of the Office of Civil Defense, who died in 1947 while at­tending a meeting of the American Jewish Conference, of which he was president. He was also chairman of United Jewish Ap­peal and president of the Supreme Masonic Lodge of B'Nai B'Rith. Philip Morris Klutznick joined the Department of Jus­tice in 1935 to set up the special Zionist secret cell "nesher" which later took over the entire department. A partner of investment bankers Salomon Bros., he was president of the World Jewish Congress and national president of B'Nai B'Rith. [H: I simply can't pass this without noting as a reminder to you readers of CONTACT that Salomon Brothers was also one of the involved parties in Ekkers' property confiscation.] After serving as director of the National Federal Public Housing Project, he amassed a fortune in real estate. These groups are featured in a definitive work by researcher Laird Wilcox, HATE GROUPS IN AMERICA , a Record of Bigotry and Violence, the Anti-Defamation League of B'Nai B'Rith", 1984.

23.) Defendants' criminal activities have been headlines for many months, when officials discovered that the ADL had paid police officials for many thousands of documents stolen from police files to augment ADL files in San Francisco. Tom Gerard of the CIA and a skilled double agent, Roy Buillock, had looted police files for the ADL.

24.) The last survivor of the J. Edgar Hoover stalwarts at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Buck Revell, boasted at a Houston Hate Crimes Conference, (sponsored by the ADL), Oct. 16, 1993 that it has long been FBI policy to encourage the ADL to spy on Americans both as individuals and as organiza­tions. Defendants' longtime subversion of the FBI (ostensibly a national crime fighting force) came about through defendants close Mafia connections. The Mafia gave J. Edgar Hoover, di­rector of the FBI, a free suite each winter at the Mafia winter headquarters in Miami, the Roney Plaza Hotel. Hidden cameras then photographed Hoover and his longtime consort, Clyde Tol­son, in indelicate positions. The film was turned over to Mafia boss Meyer Lansky, one of defendant's biggest contributors. Lansky and defendant now blackmailed Hoover into doing any­thing they demanded. Defendant also subverted the entire De­partment of Justice, using it to prosecute chosen victims. The present Attorney General is controlled by the usual "panama", that is, possession of scandalous material.

25.) With such power over Director Hoover, defendant used the FBI in harassment of plaintiff as their agents. In 1959, Alex Rosen, Special Assistant Director of the FBI for Jewish Affairs, conspired with Special Agent in Charge of the Chicago office, Auerback, to secretly have plaintiff committed to a mental in­stitution. Forty pages of official FBI documents are reproduced in A WRIT FOR MARTYRS by Eustace Mullins, O.T.U. Christ Church, 1985, documenting this plot. Defendant had the FBI keep plaintiff under daily surveillance for thirty-three years, amassing eight hundred pages of information. Plaintiff was never arrested or charged with anything. This was part of a long list of defendant's "Special Actions" to destroy plaintiff. Defendant's long association with such criminal groups as the Mafia, Mossad and other international criminal groups qualifies this action under the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organiza­tions Act by their established pattern of behavior towards plain­tiff under USC 18-1961, act or threat of murder, arson; USC 18-1952 relating to racketeering, USC 18-1963, criminal penalties relating thereto; USC 18-1961, notes 15,17,19, illegitimate associations; note 117, murder; note 43, overt act; note 51 con­spiracy; note 110, conspiracy as a predicate act; USC 18-1963, property is forfeit to the United States, assets to be seized, puni­tive damages. Hate Crimes Statistic Act USC 28-534, an action which creates anger, fear, alarm or resentment based upon racial, ethnic, gender or religious bias with conduct designed solely to threaten, terrorize or injure others. Exhibit C.

26.) Defendant's criminal reputation was noted by Dr. Abdul Alim Muhammad, addressing the Schiller Club at Howard Uni­versity, Washington, D.C. Sept. 16, 1992 as follows:

"The Anti-Defamation League wants to lynch black people. They're for you only if you are a pagan, an ignorant person, but not if you are truly a Jew, or a Christian, or a Muslim." Dr. Muhammad is one of the most respected physicians in Wash­ington, a fact recognized by the Mayor, Sharon Pratt Kelly, when she proclaimed July 11, 1992 as "Abdul Alim Muhammad Day".

27.) The New Federalist newspaper in Washington D.C. headlined the following, "WASHINGTON PRESS CONFER­ENCE DENOUNCES THE ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE AS GANGSTERS. The Anti-Defamation League of B'Nai B'Rith, notorious for its defense of the international drug cartel, and its smearing of political enemies as 'anti-Semites' was de­nounced at a press conference here as having nothing to do with civil rights, but as being a gangster organization with political motives which should be treated as such. At the press confer­ence, Dr. Muhammad rejected charges that he and the Nation of Islam are Anti-Semitic, and said that the slanders emanate from the World Jewish Congress meeting in Brussels, Belgium. Lawrence Freeman outlined the history of the Anti-Defamation League. 'The ADL was funded in the early part of this century as a public relations front for the Jewish branch of organized criminals. Many of Meyer Lansky's top lieutenants were al­ways among the ADL's biggest contributors. In 1985, the ADL gave its Torch of Liberty to gangster Moe Dalitz, a big shot in the National Crime Syndicate and a close ally of Meyer Lansky.

It is high time that people stop cowering to the ADL for fear of being called Anti-Semitic. It is a bunch of gangsters tied into organized crime and the international drug trade.'"

28.) Plaintiff quotes the following description of defendant from The Campaigner, Dec., 1978, the special issue, "Zionism is not Judaism", page 21.

"The B'Nai B'Rith was a British Intelligence cult dedicated to the destruction of the American Republic. It was an arm of British Intelligence with that chartered purpose at the time of its founding in 1843, and remains so to this day. The founder of B'Nai B'Rith was Henry Lord Palmerston, then British Foreign Minister, who simultaneously created the international Zionist movement, in the period of 1843-1860. Zionism was only one of tens of cults created under Palmerston, some 'Jewish' and some 'Christian' in name, and spread across Europe and America as subversive arms of the British Empire. Each cult was modelled on the Ashmolean Scottish Rite of Freemasonry--of which Palmerston was Grand Master--itself modelled on Ptolemaic Egypt's death cult of Isis."

29.) Defendant not only qualifies to be charged under RICO but also under the statutes outlawing criminal syndicalism by its continuous association with other terrorist organizations, as follows:

"Corpus Juris Secundum 46 462b. Statutes against criminal syndicalism apply to corporations as well as to individuals organizing or belonging to criminal syndicalist society; evidence of the character and activities of other organizations with which the accused is affiliated is admissible."

"Corpus Juris Secundum 22 Criminal Law 185 (10): Conspiracy and Monopolies: Where the statute makes mere membership in an organization formed to promote syndicalism a crime, without an overt act, the offense is indictable in any county into which a member may go during the continuance of his membership, and this is true although such a member comes into a county involuntarily. People v. Johansen, 226 P 634, 66 C.A. 343."

"Corpus Juris Secundum 22A-Criminal Syndicalism; In a prosecution for being a member of an organization which teaches and abets criminal syndicalism, evidence of crimes committed by past or present members of the organization in their capacity as members is admissible to show its character. People v. LaRue 216 P 627 CA 276."

WHEREFORE, plaintiff s civil rights, freedom of speech, and family having been denied and injured by defendant, plaintiff subsequently suffering severe deprivation, emotional shock, intense mental stress, and placed in fear of his life over many years by defendant's incitement of hate crimes against him, plaintiff demands judgment against defendant in the sum of fifty million dollars, ($50,000,000.00) for defendant's knowing and willful acts to injure him, and punitive damages in the sum of fifty million dollars, ($50,000,000.00) for defendant's malicious and intentional crimes and conspiracies to defame and injure plaintiff, and that plaintiff shall have such and other and further relief as the Court may deem just and proper, together with costs and disbursements of this actions.

30.) Plaintiff demands trial by jury.

Respectfully submitted:


* * *
We have copies of the "attachments" but will not take the space to enter them herein.

This was filed December 7, 1993 at 3:17 P.M. and is listed as Civil Action No.: 93-2497.

All I can do is support Eustace and tell him that the Constitu­tional Law Center is gaining in strength and is becoming a rec­ognized and viable opponent by the would-be Kings and Con­stitutional rights destroyers. AND, the force of the readership of CONTACT is being read more than any other journal or paper in publication. The readers of this paper are now coming into realization in a major way that THEIR VOICE THROUGH THE PEN IS BEING HEARD--LOUDER THAN A AK-47 IN ISOLATED INSTANCES.

The effort, of course, is to disallow you "patriots" any assets with which to fight and, further, destroy your Constitutional Rights by disallowing your defending of self. Well, we shall see. What is going on with Eustace Mullins is the SAME thing going on with Ekkers, Russbacher--any of your patriots who have gone against the system in any way. However, trouble is brewing for these Zionist politicians, PAC's and groupies for they have overstepped their own boundaries and are being seen as that which they are--treasonists without moral asset and cor­rupt thugs and criminals. At some time, however, you must join hands and stand together as a "voice" and the sooner you do this, the sooner you can begin to reclaim your freedom--step by step.

S.Y. often wonders WHY she was drawn into our brotherhood of friends. I hope the connections are becoming a bit more clearly defined. This person is truly one of the most gracious and beautiful ladies (in every sense of the word meaning) in your citizenry. She has other places wherein she has offered service to our higher cause (which, precious one, is going to come together as a project, soon. Further, it appears we may be able to do it without your needing to take a winter journey to snow country until Spring and Summer come again. It is only the beginning so you who think you are old and dying (and it is fine with you)--FORGET IT, YOU HAVE ONLY JUST BE­GUN TO GAIN SUCCESS--DON'T BLOW IT NOW BY "CUTTING OUT" ON US. Old? Wait until you meet me--I AM OLD! You are but youngsters romping about in a game of "catch-up". The pieces will FIT if you will but effort to check out the picture.

You are blessed, Eustace, so just pursue your journey and TAKE GOD WITH YOU INTO THAT COURTROOM AT EVERY OCCASION--EVEN IN THE WRITTEN WORD--AND IT SHALL BE REMARKABLE AS TO THE AMOUNT OF GOOD YOU SHALL PRESENT. Note, I did not say "religion"--I said GOD! Remember, the very denial of your petition--speaks louder than any trumpet blasting away--and who knows, perhaps some day your voices will be heard and hon­ored. We can do nothing if SOMEONES OF YOU DO NOT STEP FORWARD AND MAKE THE EFFORT! If we may be of service--CALL.

PJ 85

DECEMBER 24, 1993
Editor's note: CONTACT has been sent correspondence from former Judge, Jason G. Brent, now "Attorney at Law". This is a demand letter for "correction" of statements made in CONTACT regarding Mr. Brent. We will make every effort to properly correct any such statements with full apologies to Mr. Brent for ANY misrepresentation. We are a Nevada newspaper and are honored to find that there is such a reading audience in our neighboring State of California.
I have requested full investigation of all material in this mat­ter, and may write a more comprehensive "correction" or "retraction" at such time as all documentation has been verified. Our full intent is to NEVER print anything that is not true--to the best of our ability. In addition, we will also print what is brought to us, if valid, even if personal in nature, involving any of our staff, writers, or contributors.
I have asked Rick Martin to respond to this letter instead of going directly to Mr. and Mrs. Ekker so that there is less con­sideration of bias or prejudice presented due to personal in­volvement.
To you readers who are not familiar with the connections or importance of these persons, I ask your forbearance. We shall further attempt to outline the full documentation of this matter at a later date so that we do not delay in responding properly to Former Judge Jason Brent.
Why the representation of our paper in Tehachapi, Califor­nia? Because this is where the Ekkers moved to retire and enjoy family and friends. Mrs. Ekker is an internationally recog­nized writer and modern technology allows us the great privilege of rapid communication and diversification. Di­rectly below is a copy of the letter received from Mr. Brent. Following that letter is a response from Rick Martin, our lead Journalist, well recognized by all of our readers. He has been personally present at almost all of the court encounters and was, in fact, a focal point of one of Mr. Brent's pointed out­bursts in the courtroom.

--Dr. Edwin M. Young

21030 Mission Street
Tehachapi, CA 93561
(805) 823-1103
FAX (805) 823-1104
(800) 649-1103
December 16, 1993

Contact, Inc.
P.O. Box 27800
Las Vegas, Nevada 89126


Please be advised that this letter is a demand for correction as required by the California Civil Code Section 48(a). You are hereby unconditionally requested to correct your libel of me as set forth in the November 30, 1993, issue of "Contact: The Phoenix Project".

1. You are unconditionally requested to correct Page 26 in that I never met nor spoke with George Green until December 6 or 7, 1993, and I was in no way involved with the purchase/sale of any property to the Church or to the Ekkers. Further, I do not have a "big ego mouth", and I am not interested in getting the Ekkers.

2. On Page 27, I never met Mr. Green, or had him do favors for me, or me favors for Mr. Green, until a short telephone conversation on December 6 or 7, 1993.

3. On Page 30, correct the statement that I am not Jewish--I am Jewish and I do support Jewish causes. Further, correct the statement that I openly slandered and insulted the Ekkers on the record. Also on Page 30, correct the innuendo that the Court record is missing because something improper was done. In Municipal Court there isn't a court reporter for almost all of the proceedings and, therefore, there would be no record of what transpired. Lastly, correct the statement that I was spurred on by Mr. Green.

4. Correct the statement on Page 31 that justice was obstructed by me or anyone else.

5. Correct the misstatement that I have spread the word from "Bakersfield racetrack buddies" to the whole elite of the town-ship.

6. Correct the statement on Page 62 that I have told people that I have the power to destroy the Ekkers.

Sincerely yours,

/s/ Jason G. Brent



Jason G. Brent

Editor's note: Firstly, in keeping with the rules of the "controlled media" and in an effort to meet demands--we stand corrected" in each and every instance. We will, however, re-quire that Rick Martin respond in comprehensive detail on each allegation presented here, as "unconditionally requested" by Mr. Brent. Since the letter bore a signature we must assume that the letter is, indeed, from Mr. Brent.
The allegations will be responded to in the order presented, hopefully without repeating. We ask that you refer to the above copy.
-- Dr. Edwin M. Young
12/24/93 RICK MARTIN
[Editor's note: As you CONTACT and JOURNAL readers are well aware, Rick Martin is Senior CONTACT Staff Writer, Independent Investigative Reporter, Journalist and Correspondent, both Foreign and Domestic, and he is recognized as an Authorized Press Personnel in all public forums of court, media and press. --E. Y.]



I, being of sound Mind and fully aware, by personal observation and participation, in the matters in question, do hereby comment for the clarification of the CONTACT readers as to the demands of Former Judge Jason Brent. I shall, therefore, attempt to clarify reasons for having made statements which Mr. Brent now considers to be libelous.
1. If you, Mr. Brent have "never met nor spoke with George Green until December 6 or 7, 1993...." then you shall have to take up that issue directly with George Green. He has told "everybody" (his favorite inclusive statement) that he has been working directly with you and has, in fact, sent parties to you for legal opposition to "close" the Phoenix Institute and "pull down" the Ekkers AND the Institute. There are several names which may be familiar to you: John and Eleanor Schroepfer, Raymond Clark and LEON FORT and friend, Anne Beam. These people were in your office and Mr. Fort tells Mr. Green that you continue to ask about the "case". Mr. Schroepfer states that George Green "insisted we go to Jason Brent for legal ac­tion because he knows all about those people and the whole thing." If you have no memory of these incidents then we have to assume lapse of memory and will surely be happy to correct such misperceptions. However, we get almost daily word of the fact that Mr. Green continues to state that you and he are work­ing co-venturers in this matter.
His more recent statements are regarding your participation in obtaining legal counsel in Las Vegas in conjunction with Luke Perry to "pull down, shut down and wipe out the whole bunch"--for libel upon his person. This includes the Phoenix Institute for Research and Education, a solid Nevada Corporation; CONTACT, a recognized State of Nevada Corporation and pub­lication. The list of various and sundry other parties and corpo­rations increases with each "telling" by Mr. Green.
Whether or not you are aligned with Mr. Green, it does seem quite coincidental and circumstantial that when Mr. Green took over $350,000 (gold coins) and absconded with them, along with other property and unknown amounts of other gold stashes belonging to the "Institute" and did, in fact, bury the "loot" in his backyard in Nevada, near Carson City, the Sheriffs depart­ment in Tehachapi REFUSED to become "involved" due to be­ing "told" by "someone" that it was not worthy of investigation or charge.
We DO find it interesting that the SAME law enforcement authorities who refused to even "check into" the theft of nearly half a million dollars now bring CRIMINAL charges of trespass against the parties involved (namely the Ekkers) as stewards of that missing gold. The trespass CRIMINAL charges and arrest warrant were served IN PUBLIC AT A MEETING. The Ekkers have a legal easement on that property; they have per­sisted in trying to get the "Criminal" charge changed to its proper jurisdiction as a "Civil" matter (but to no avail). The le­gal prosecutors (paid for by we-the-people) refuse to vacate the charges EVEN IF THE LOT IS PURCHASED. The lot is vacant and has been used by the neighborhood since long before Ekkers moved to Tehachapi. This is too detailed to bore our readers at this time.
It is also interesting that Mr. Green always brings your name, Mr. Brent, into his defense as he speaks to ones all around the country, with "not to worry, I have...."
I am, now, however, requesting to know WHY you were in communication with Mr. Green in early December (now). Are we left to assume his statements regarding charges and legal ac­tion in Las Vegas are valid and Mr. Green has been offering "truth" of his connections prior to now?
You state that you do not have a "big ego mouth". I find that interesting, to say the least, since you, yourself, at campaign interviews for "re-election to the Bench" did in fact state that "I have a booming voice I like to use to intimidate...." I would also refer to an article in the paper, The Tehachapi News, in which a gentleman from Ridgecrest said the following: "During my 10-year tenure as the Deputy Probation Officer to the East Kern Municipal Courts I was in the courtroom on countless oc­casions. My experiences with Judge Brent indicate that his ac­tions in the above case were not an aberration. I have heard him threaten to hit a prosecutor of another sex case, shout at and intimidate Small Claims litigants, and belittle and demean Court Clerks in open courtroom...." AND:
"....Nobody was left in doubt as to Judge Brent's stand on gun control, however. After stating that he carries a gun him­self, that he owns numerous guns, and that he has a semi-auto­matic that would wipe us (the spectators) out in a moment, he simply stated, 'I don't believe in it (gun control)'...."
I also was privy to a conversation with someone in Tehachapi who laughed and said, "I asked Brent about his business now that he isn't any longer Judge," and he laughed and responded, "Oh, pretty good, I am just spending my time undoing what I sent people up for." This may be an ill-quoted statement as to total accuracy of wording and we also understand it was proba­bly an attempt at humor. I would guess that it is more humor­ous to anyone who WAS NOT "SENT UP" in the first place.
By the way, as to re-election. Ekkers' own attorney said that YOU, Mr. Brent, said that you fully blamed Ekkers for failure of your re-election. Well, that seems unfair since I WAS PRESENT when Mr. Ekker, as President of the Golden Hills Prop­erty Owner's Association (yes, he did actually at one time have the property), introduced your opponent at a meeting called for the purpose of meeting the "opposing" candidates. Your wife, Mrs. Brent, took the floor and blasted Mr. Ekker IN PUBLIC about your not having been invited also. She shouted that the reason Jason Brent was not present for equal time was that "he had ruled against Ekkers in a case." Mr. Ekker didn't even know who was speaking. This was a local meeting and Mrs. Brent could be considered an intruder, by all definition, being from Stallion Springs and this being a local property owner's meeting. The "Board" had decided which speakers to invite, Mr. Ekker was only hosting the meeting.
Again, in Mojave, the Ekkers and several of us friends, went to an open dinner meeting wherein there would be Jason Brent and Mr. Quinlen speaking as candidates. Neither the Ekkers nor any of us had ever laid eyes on Mr. Quinlen but were un­fortunate (in retrospect) to sit near his family at dinner. During the speech by you, Mr. Brent, you turned to the Ekkers and an­nounced that you had never "lost an appeal". (The Ekkers had a legal appeal regarding your lack of allowing a "hearing" and you lost that one.)
As for "getting the Ekkers", it has not been such a long time that you wrote an Editorial Letter stating that in all of your ex­perience at law, you had never witnessed people who could so manipulate the judicial system as the Ekkers. Manipulate? The System? The Ekkers have struggled against all odds through every court in the area, against the Savings and Loan, YOU, and finally had their home confiscated by the Resolution Trust Corporation while still in litigation, the property sold right out from under them--and YOU call this "manipulation of the sys­tem"?? You told the Ekkers, in 1988, not to come back to court without a lawyer and to file new documents properly and you would give them five days to do so--ON NEW YEAR'S WEEKEND!!! Gosh, as a public servant, how helpful can you be?
The interesting thing is that the Ekkers were supposed to be finalizing and receiving full funding for a "fabrication" business in Tehachapi--for $33 million. I know, because I had put the package together, MYSELF. YOU nor Mr. Horn, the opposing attorney, would give a "continuance" for the necessary trip to consummate and close the project funding contract. It was mandatory to settle by year's end and in the process we missed the funding. My partners and myself lost over $600,000 per­sonally, in commissions, for Ekkers' inability to perform. There are other parties (local) who can verify this matter for there is an outstanding judgement settlement still against the Ekkers for this failure to perform. This did not, I must admit, Sir, endear you to me, as well as other reasons which I will cover momentarily. However, in the wisdom gained through years of experience, I would never make such statements with­out documentation, nor will I sit still with my reputation as a Journalist on the line while you work to discredit me as well as others involved.
Further, as to "getting the Ekkers". It seems that you have spoken far and wide, even in the newspapers with interviews in which you blast both the CONTACT and the Ekkers as well as myself. I believe the documents speak for themselves as to va­lidity of your intent. If we have mis-reported your words as to exactness, we apologize and would correct said statement if you will state what you "actually" did say and give us a FULL DIS­CLOSURE OF YOUR INVOLVEMENT WITH THE MORE RECENT HAPPENINGS INVOLVING OUR PAPER, THE INSTITUTE AND THE EKKERS! We are "told" it is quite interesting and Mr. Green tells "everyone" (his words) of your involvement and how "helpful" you have been. Again, if "he" is not being fully truthful, that is not our responsibility and we therefore ask that YOU take it up with HIM.
Number two (2) STRIKES ME AS VERY INTEREST­ING, INDEED. "On Page 27, I never met Mr. Green, or had him do favors for me, or me favors for Mr. Green, UNTIL A SHORT TELEPHONE CONVERSATION ON DECEMBER 6 OR 7, 1993.Oops!! Perhaps you would share with us what "until" means? It would seem that the "protest" is self-evident and as a "lawyer/Judge" I would think you would note as much.
3. Well, I suppose I will graciously retract any such accusa­tion as your not being a Jew. The expressed requirements for anyone as to being Jewish in qualification is "anyone who says he is a Jew!" Yes, we also know that you SUPPORT Jewish "causes". We note that you even advertised to gather Jews into a group in the community for the purpose of SUPPORTING JEWISH CAUSES. We are left to consider, since the Ekkers are affiliated with Christian belief, although they belong to NO CHURCH, NO DOCTRINE, OR GROUP, how it would be received if they ADVERTISED IN THE PAPER FOR ONES TO COME JOIN THEIR SUPPORT OF CAUSES GROUP?
Could your pique have anything to do with Mrs. Ekker's writings about possible inaccuracies in the Jewish presentation of the Holocaust and the claim by yourself and others as to their being Anti-Semitic? Sir, you are NOT Semitic! I accept that you may well be acclaimed and self-styled "Jewish"--but you are. NOT a Semite. Semites come from the lineage of Shem (originally known as Shemites)--your own claimed people DO NOT come from that lineage ANY WAY you describe it. I suggest you read your own Encyclopedia Judaica. The "term" "JEW" was not originated until somewhere in the late 1700s and, therefore, "Jew" was an unknown word until the eighteenth century. Perhaps what you are referring to in your objections is your recognition of Zionism as related to the New World Order--or, perhaps, a statement of your "anti-christ" position in political stance? We know wherein Mr. Green(berg?) fits but we have no wish to annoy you at all about this, or anything. Therefore, I unequivocally correct the statement in error: Mr. Brent is a Jew.
I would point out, however, that in being so adamant about "being a Jew" points up some interesting possibilities such as the religious oaths taken in that participation. This is of particular interest since it would seem to me, a simple citizen under the Constitution of the United States of America--that "something" is wrong here--especially as befits an honorable Judge and Lawyer who acclaims and causes ones to make "oaths" unto truth, constantly. I would share a brief portion of a historical document: FACTS ARE FACTS, a lengthy letter by Benjamin H. Freedman (A Jew, although not self-styled nor so-called) to Dr. David Goldstein (a well-known Jew, self-styled and so-called); this letter is dated October 10,1954. This is, however, America in which, according to our Constitution, we have rights to practice religious beliefs and speech in FREEDOM. Why do not Christians and other denominations have the SAME RIGHTS as do the JEWS who are neither a religion or a race, but USE BOTH as a badge to attain rights that no other citizens may hold?


To the average Christian the word "Talmud" is just another word associated by them with the form of religious worship practiced in their synagogues by so-called or self-styled "Jews". Many Christians have never heard of the Talmud. Very few Christians [or other doctrines] are informed on the contents of the Talmud. Some may believe the Talmud to be an integral part of the religious worship known to them as "Judaism". It suggests a sort of bible or religious text book. It is classed as a spiritual manual. But otherwise few if any Christians have an understanding of the contents of the Talmud and what it means in the daily lives of so-called or self-styled "Jews". As an illustration, my dear Dr. Goldstein, how many Christians have any conception of the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer recited in synagogues on the Day of Atonement?
In Volume VIII of the Jewish Encyclopedia on page 539 found in the Library of Congress, the New York Public Library and libraries of all leading cities, will be found the official translation into English of the prayer known as the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer. It is the prologue of the Day of Atonement services in the synagogues. It is recited three times by the standing congregation in concert with chanting rabbis at the altar. After the recital of the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer the Day of Atonement religious ceremonies follow immediately. The Day of Atonement religious observances are the highest HOLY DAYS of so-called or self-styled "Jews" and are celebrated as such throughout the world. The official translation into English of the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer follows:


The implications, inferences and innuendoes of the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer are referred to in the Talmud in the Book of Nedarim, 23a-23b as follows:

(Book) "And he who desires that NONE OF HIS VOWS MADE DURING THE YEAR SHALL BE VALID, LET HEM STAND AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR AND DECLARE: "EVERY VOW WHICH I MAY MAKE IN THE FUTURE SHALL BE NULL" (1). (His vows are then INVALID, providing that he re­members this at the time of the vow.)
(Footnotes): "(1) This may have provided a support for the custom of reciting Kol Nidre (a formula for dispensa­tion of vows) prior to the Evening Service of the Day of Atonement (Ran).... Though the beginning of the year (New Year) is mentioned here, the Day of Atonement was probably chosen on account of its great solemnity. But Kol Nidre as a part of the ritual IS LATER THAN THE TALMUD, and, as seen from the following state­ment of R. Huna B. Hinene, THE LAW OF RE­VOCATION IN ADVANCE WAS NOT MADE PUB­LIC.

The greatest study of the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer was made by the eminent psycho-analyst Professor Theodor Reik, the celebrated pupil of the famous Dr. Sigmund Freud. The analysis of the historic, religious and psychological background of the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer by Professor Reik pre­sents the Talmud in its true perspective. This important study is contained in Professor Reik's "The Ritual, Psycho-Analytical Studies". In the chapter on the Talmud, on page 168, Professor Reik states:


Before explaining to you how the present wording of the Kol Nidre (All Vows) prayer was introduced into the Day of Atone­ment synagogue ceremonies, my dear Dr. Goldstein, I would like to quote a passage to you from the Universal Jewish Ency­clopedia. The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia confirms the fact that the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer has no spiritual value as might be believed because it is recited in synagogues on the Day of Atonement as the prologue of religious ceremonies which follow it. The secular significance of the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer is indicated forcefully by the analysis in the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia. In Volume VI, on page 441, it states:

"The Kol Nidre has nothing whatever to do with the actual idea of the Day of Atonement.... it attained to ex­traordinary solemnity and popularity by reason of the fact that it was the FIRST PRAYER RECITED ON THIS HOLIEST OF DAYS."
My dear Dr. Goldstein, prepare for the shock of your life. Compelled by what, you have now read here about the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer you must be shocked to learn that many Christian churches actually "pealed their bells" on the Day of Atonement in celebration of that holy day for so-called or self-styled "Jews". How stupid can the Christian clergy get? From what I have learned after a cursory inquiry I am unable to say whether it was a case of stupidity or cupidity. With what you already know, together with what you will additionally know before you finish this letter, you will be able to judge for yourself whether it was stupidity or cupidity. There is not one single fact in this entire letter which every graduate of a theo­logical seminary did not have the opportunity to learn.

The following news item was featured in the New York World Telegram on October 7th only a few days ago [1954]. Under a prominent headline "JEWISH HOLIDAYS TO END AT SUN­DOWN" the New York World Telegram gave great prominence to the following.

Synagogues and temples throughout the city were crowded yesterday as the 24 hour fast began. Dr. Nor­man Salit, head of the Synagogue Council of America, representing the three major Jewish bodies, had called on other faiths TO JOIN THE FAST.... Cutting across reli­gious lines, MANY PROTESTANT CHURCHES IN THE CITY PEALED THEIR BELLS LAST NIGHT TO SOUND THE KOL NIDRE, TRADITIONAL MELODY USED AT THE START OF YOM KIPPUR. THE GESTURE OF GOOD-WILL WAS RECOM­MENDED BY THE MANHATTAN OFFICE OF THE PROTESTANT COUNCIL."

That just about "tops" anything I have ever had come to my attention revealing the ignorance and indifference of the Chris­tian clergy to the hazards today facing the Christian faith. From my personal contacts with the Manhattan Office of the Protes­tant Council in the recent past I hold out very little hope for any constructive contribution they can make to the common defense of the Christian faith against its dedicated enemies. In each in­stance they buckled under the "pressure" exerted upon them by the "contacts" for so-called or self-styled "Jews" . If it was not so tragic it would be comic. It was a joke indeed but the joke was on the Christian clergy. Ye Gods! Many Christian churches "pealed their bells", as the Protestant Council reports the event, "TO SO TRADITIONALNAL MELODY USED AT THE START OF YOM KIPPUR". Just where does betrayal of a trust and breach of faith begin?
The present wording of the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer dates from the 11th century. A political reversal in Eastern Eu­rope compelled the so-called or self-styled "Jews" in Eastern Europe to adopt the present wording of the "Kol Nidre"
Vows) prayer. That story involves the history of the so-called or self-styled "Jews" in Eastern Europe. Before relating here as briefly as possible the history of the so-called or self-styled "Jews" of Eastern Europe I would like to quote here another short passage from the Jewish Encyclopedia. In analyzing the course of history which resulted in the present wording of the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer the Jewish Encyclopedia in Volume VII, on page 540, states:


You will agree, my dear Dr. Goldstein, that Meir ben Samuel knew what he was doing. The wording of that altered ver­sion of the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer makes the RECITAL OF THE PRAYER A RELEASE DURING THE COMING YEAR FROM ANY OBLIGATION TO RE­SPECT ANY OATH, VOW OR PLEDGE MADE DURING THE COMING YEAR. LIKE ANY ONE-YEAR LICENSE OBTAINED FROM THE FEDERAL, STATE OR MUNIC­IPAL GOVERNMENTS, THE ALTERED VERSION OF THE "KOL NIDRE" PRAYER EXTENDS IMMUNITY IN ADVANCE FOR ONE YEAR ONLY. "KOL NIDRE" PRAYER EXTENDS IMMUNITY IN ADVANCE FOR ONE YEAR FROM ALL OBLIGATIONS TO OBSERVE THE TERMS OF OATHS. VOWS AND PLEDGES MADE IN THE YEAR FOLLOWING THE DATE OF THE DAY OF ATONEMENT WHEN THE PRAYER WAS RECITED. Each year, however, it becomes necessary to renew this "license" which automatically revokes IN ADVANCE any oath, vow or pledge made during the next twelve months., by again ap­pearing in a synagogue or elsewhere, on the next Day of Atonement and reciting the Kol Nidre PRAYER again....


Mr. Brent, it would seem a disservice to do other than point out to you the serious implications of your religion as a direct conflict of interest to a court of law in which the Oath of Truth and upholding of the Laws of the Land are the point. Since this is THE most important prayer and the FIRST recited on the Day of Atonement in YOUR FAITH, it annoys me that you would accuse US of making erroneous statements.
I, Rick Martin, am, as are both Mr. and Mrs. Ekker, MIN­ISTERS, ORDAINED IN THE BODY OF CHRIST--card car­rying, if you will. We are certified, legal and serving, holders of Doctorates of Divinity. We hold no prejudice nor bias for or against your beliefs--but do take exception to such oaths against keeping oaths as stated, PREDOMINANTLY and FIRST, IN YOUR RELIGION.
I believe, and would fight Constitutionally, for YOUR RIGHT to practice your religion as you see fit in open freedom--I do, however, take exception that you would use such oaths to practice your claim as a fair judicial servant of the People in the highest seats of the judicial system. This OATH "KOL NIDRE" IS OPEN LICENSE TO LIE, CHEAT, STEAL AND BREAK EVERY RULE AND REGULATION AND YES, INDEED, I MOST STRENUOUSLY OBJECT.
Now, as to the next: "...correct the statement that I openly slandered and insulted the Ekkers on record. Also on Page 30, correct the innuendo that the Court record is missing because something improper was done. In Municipal Court there isn't a court reporter for almost all of the proceedings and, therefore, there would be no record of what transpired."
Judge Brent, YOU KNOW that you did this--of all things in point--you know you did this one! There were at least 15 wit­nesses present in the courtroom and I will be most happy to re­fresh your memory of this little fiasco of "booming voice" of intimidation!
You entered the Bench and stated that you had made your de­cision and "would hear no facts" in the matter. In fact you would not HEAR THE MATTER. There was no court reporter present so A TAPE RECORDER WAS SET UP IN FRONT OF GOD AND EVERYBODY PRESENT AND PLACED ON THE BENCH IN FRONT OF YOU--RECORDING EVERY­THING YOU SAID. We, I was present and referred to by you, sat stunned as you continued the abusive language while refusing to allow hearing from anyone on Ekkers' behalf--including their attorney who continued to "try" to speak.
You concluded your statesmanlike oratory by calling the Ekkers flakes and dead-beats. You accused them of simply trying to rip-off Santa Barbara Savings and Loan; you said they couldn't afford such property at any rate and "nobody" can get away without paying mortgage and/or rent. (Interesting concept since they would owe NEITHER if there had been the lawful sale as advertised TO THEM and handled according TO IN­STRUCTIONS BY THAT VERY SAVINGS AND LOAN.) You further said that you did not believe that there was a lender of funds and, further, you didn't "believe there was anyone such as Rick Martin". Well, I think it is interesting that the "opposition" did in fact locate the attorney of the funder (and have said nothing further about Ekkers having no funds with which to purchase at the advertised public auction) AND I, Rick Martin, am right here--alive and well and obviously in your dis­favor--AGAIN! Oh, you said a lot more while everyone sat in stunned silence in disbelief as you all but threw us all out of the courtroom.
Then what happened? The parties involved went to the court to get copies of the tape in point. Oh, there WAS a tape, Sir. The Clerks had seen the tape and at least two copies of it. There was a listing in the file of the tape and two copies of it, etc. BUT NO TAPES--NOWHERE--NOHOW!
Next, some weeks later, the Ekkers received a "bill" from their lawyer from the firm of Bunker, etc. and Mr. Hornback, their attorney--FOR' A "RECONSTRUCTION" HEARING. Since this was not known to them, they inquired as to what was "this"? Mr. Hornback told them that YOU had summoned Mr. Horn and himself to "reconstruct" the hearing as it took place since "records seemed to be missing". EKKERS WERE NEVER NOTIFIED OF THIS "RECONSTRUCTION". So, Mr. Ekker said to his attorney: "You did get it all on record, then, didn't you?" Mr. Hornback fidgeted and stammered and said, "...well, no, not exactly--I had to sign a document that said we were all 'heard' and all mention of statements were deleted." Mr. Ekker said: "That is perjury and I hold you responsible, Mr. Hornback, for misconduct." Shortly thereafter the lawfirm withdrew from the Ekkers' case.
There WAS a record of what transpired that day in court-- AND "SOMEONE" REMOVED THAT RECORD. It is KNOWN that Mr. Horn removed "things" from the file as he was SEEN DOING SO IN JUDGE RANDALL'S COURT IN BAKERSFIELD.
Your next demand, "...Lastly, correct the statement that I was spurred on by Mr. Green." I would assume you to know that better than do I so I shall have to assume that you needed no "spurring" on by anyone other than self and perhaps it was more Mr. Horn who spurred you on at the time of the events than George Green. Perhaps you need no "spurring on" with help at any circumstance.
4. I guess I also have to defer to your demand to correct the statement "that justice was obstructed by me or anyone else" and quiet myself. There was NO JUSTICE, so to have it "obstructed" is perhaps a legal term that should have "avoided". I would, therefore, correct the item to read that there was "NO JUSTICE" and forget the "obstruction".
5. I find this one most interesting of ALL. "Correct the misstatement that I have spread the word from 'Bakersfield race-track buddies' to the whole elite of the township." Well, there are only self-styled "Elite" in our village so I retract that "accusation". HOWEVER, I am "the horse's mouth" once again. We have on two occasions had DIRECT word FROM YOU (OR CLAIMED TO BE FROM YOU) about the Ekkers. Once on a golf-course ones of our "so-called" group, which is not, were told to "stay away from the Ekkers because it is dangerous to even be near them or their property and they are going to be 'run out of town' by a group headed by Judge Brent." And, on a day when MY MOTHER, was at a "racetrack" in Bakersfield, a man approached MY MOTHER and said, "I know you--aren't you one of those 'attached' some way to the 'Phoenix' group?" My Mother was stunned by the encounter and said, "No, there is no such group but I do some part-time editing and know the people to whom you must be referring." The man continued, "Well, you better watch out because those people are going to be taken out or run out of town--soon."
My Mother was terrified, Mr. Brent. Now, again, I only have it second-hand but my mother does not take the Kol Nidre, so I have no reason to disbelieve her. Perhaps you just have friends who aren't. Again, I only print what is validated and if this is all figment of wild imaginings, I certainly stand corrected for we would not wish to blemish your credentials nor cause you difficulty among your friends in high places.
Friends in high places? Oh, indeed, we KNOW that you got appointed to the Mojave Municipal Court by Governor Dukemajian, after your (ex)law firm of Shea and Gould put up campaign funds of at least (listed) $50,000 for him. We also know that Shea and Gould were large owners of Santa Barbara Savings and Loan Association who carried the notes on the Ekkers' property. We also KNOW that when the RTC took over--NOTHING CHANGED in the Home Office of SBS except the ones there got a promotion and raise in salary while ALL legal counsel remained the same. We also have proof that there was no legal SALE of the property in which you would allow NO HEARING and, thus, it all flunks the sniff test.
In view of all the evidence and documentation in the matter, to believe that George Green, admitted embezzler of nearly half a million dollars in gold (and maybe more), might well be "finally" speaking truth was too much to hope for, I guess.
We are indeed sorry if we have caused you undue inconvenience in writing this demand notice. I would, however, defend myself and the CONTACT to the last sentence, Sir. We do not have you listed anywhere as a subscriber so we wonder whereby you come with this information?? We have far more readers locally in Nevada and elsewhere than from that small area of California. We simply find it interesting and thank you for your continued reading. Since early editions of CONTACT'S original predecessor, THE PHOENIX EXPRESS were actually ENTERED AS EVIDENCE IN COURT TO PROVE THE EKKERS WERE BIGOTS AND ANTI-SEMITES, WE HAVE TO ASSUME THAT MR. HORN AND YOURSELF HAVE BEEN ARDENT READERS FROM THE START OF OUR FIRST OFFERINGS. It did, however, at the time, seem quite strange since the first case was one of simple "Unlawful De­tainer" which should have taken less than 15 minutes to clear up in Court and, at the least, a "resale" set. To find it ongoing into its sixth YEAR is seemingly a BIT OUTRAGEOUS, Mr. Brent. Corrections?? I have a LOT TO BE CORRECTED but it is not within my error-making.
We have a number of public documents, letters to the editors and articles on file. I shall not, however, release any pertinent case information either for or against YOU or Mr. Green. I am a bit shocked that you would see fit to "try" this in the press, even if our "press" is but a tiny and all but unheard voice in the wilderness. Mr. Green was able to conjure fully outrageous statements to utter into the ear of the Associated Press in cahoots with other n'er-do-wells. It is proving most embarrassing to those parties involved. I would suggest that you consider the possibilities of Mr. Green's ability to damage, very carefully--for the one he damages next may WELL BE YOU!
As to your last demand: "Correct the statement on Page 62 that I have told people that I have the power to destroy the Ekkers." I can't do that. If YOU demand and state that this is untrue, I will allow it to show "correction"; however, this has been stated by so many people that I find it hard to believe that you did not "somehow suggest" such an inference. Perhaps ones just went about "saying" that you have the power to de­stroy the Ekkers and it came back to roost incorrectly. I apolo­gize if ones have misquoted you and I have somehow furthered such insinuation. I find it almost incredible to believe that such a vicious pair of old people reduced to public assistance could upset your apple-cart so completely. The funny thing is, "Judge" Brent, that these ones who are supposed to have cost you two elections--DIDN'T EVEN VOTE!
I herein apologize to our readers and most especially to our staff and Editor, for bringing such affront to this paper. How­ever, I stand on the record and under OATH (for I do NOT take the Kol Nidre) that the above information is true and accurate and first-hand--to the very best of my ability to reconstruct. I, further, take this oath under penalty of perjury that my state­ments are true and accurate to the very best of my ability. It is obvious from your letter that there is great discrepancy between what you state and that which Mr. Green is "telling everybody" (his favorite phrase). I am a Journalist and confirm my infor­mation and resources.
As a servant unto GOD I stand in that Lighted Truth and do not "cop out" by confusion of religious permission to lie, cheat, steal and break vows. This in itself is in no way to be construed as an accusation. I only express that which you have demanded as to your "Jewishness" and goal of support to "Jewish 'causes". It seems hard to have one without the other, i.e., Kol Nidre!
You also said on that "infamous day of missing records" something about the Ekkers having "....a Nevada corporation and we all know what that means....!!" What does that mean, your Honor?? The one they HAD was bankrupted due to local wind-business downfall. You have put down the Ekkers from onset, Sir, and it is KNOWN all around the town and through the papers. I wonder if you realize, Sir, that Mr. Ekker was a high executive in Transamerica Corporation; and, as well, in the wind business, he represented George Sharffenberger (surely you know him since he was one of the most well-paid corporate executives in the U.S., as CEO of City Investing).
I do not believe that the Ekkers did anything to bring your wrath upon them. They even thought you were on their side, and with naive compassion commented to one of the clerks that first day of court, "You must be proud to work for him (Brent)." The stunned silence which confronted them is now far more easily understood for the indication is that you actually abused the clerks and I personally witnessed you heaping abuse, with Mr. Horn, upon them for "losing" documents. We now KNOW that the documents in point resided ultimately in Mr. Horn's private briefcase.
I guess this was not exactly what I would have wanted to do on Christmas Eve, but perhaps Christ might have a bit of visi­bility herein for our staff who are appalled over this confronta­tion and demand from you, Mr. Brent. I guess it all is testing my metal as a Christian, Sir, and for that I most certainly thank you.
-- Dr. Rick Martin