PJ 85


TUE., DEC. 14, 1993 10:07 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 120
TUE., DECEMBER 14, 1993
IT WAS THE BEST OF TIMES--IT WAS THE WORST OF TIMES, BUT IT IS ALWAYS THE "RIGHT TIME"! Hatonn. All you need do is sort out the best from the worst and "carry on" without distraction.

You cannot "distract from" our work--everything going, even into the injustice system of the court halls of injustice is OUR WORK, without which you could move in only one direction-- downward into despair. YOU CAN CONTROL WHAT HAPPENS EVEN INTO THE COURT HALLS OF INJUSTICE--IF YOU PERSEVERE AND STAY THE COURSE. IS IT DIFFICULT? NO, NOT REALLY. It DOES mean you have to attend and do YOUR PART. You are going to see, very soon now (perhaps this morning), what you will consider "miracles". NO--not miracles, but rather the results of your focusing power and attention onto the corrupt Elite in stations of insipid use of the power stolen from you. Perhaps I will allow you to watch it unfold. Do you think' Gunther Russbacher would even be "talking" about release this day if it were not FOR YOU? No, give your GOD-joint venture with YOU, total credit and there is NOTHING you cannot accomplish on the face of the Earth! I think it is nice that we are able to SHOW you some "Christmas gifts" which were unexpected 'neath your boughs of holly berries.

Karen put it picturesquely, "Hatonn is the Tidy-Bowl man flushing out the toilet." Well, perhaps--but again--it is NOT ME. You ones are doing two things, 1) becoming observant and realizing you have enemies among you and WHO they are, and 2) the enemies are sorting out themselves.

Some just vacillate back and forth to and from anyone who seems to offer a better "deal" and according to how angry you are with one group--turn cunningly to and integrate within "the other". The problem with this manipulation and lack of dis­cernment as to honor and credibility is exactly "that": you lose all credibility in BOTH groups and will become USED by the adversarial side--EVERY TIME. Does it mean that your "intent" is necessarily "shady"? Yes, why else would you con­tinue to do and repeat that which brings any kind of discord down on the heads of ones you CLAIM to share allegiance?

Do YOU think that God will accept you back following indis­cretions? Yes? Oh, you may well be correct about GOD--but you are awfully WRONG about individual missions of messengers sent BY God.

Stories are being funnelled back to ones, Fort, Green, Ander­son, lawyers of the above--but who have been so absolutely cor­rupt and indiscreet as to only do in themselves--from this place to the extent that you must look at the "claims" of those very people named in this paragraph.

Green still claims in a court of law that he gets direct informa­tion from (and names them) such as Berger, Sutton, Young (P.), contacts of Dr. Young and on and on and on. It doesn't seem that you ones who are named ever learn to separate yourselves from the elements USING YOU. I don't know where you get the idea that everything is "ok" in fantasy-land. Some of you want to deal with and actually work within the paper, publishing, marketing and literally move within the dwellings of some of the team or within corporations which have no reason to have you present under ANY circumstances. There is no group here through which you have any claim AT ALL. Are you guilty of adverse actions? What difference does it make if you CON­TINUE to allow what you say or do to be used? If you "Just ALLOW"--FINE--but go "allow" somewhere else. Rewards for service which pulls down a mission or a company through care­lessness OR full intent--is not tolerated--ESPECIALLY IN THE WORK OF GOD IN THIS TIME OF AWAKENING--I don't care who you THINK you are. Besides, I am WEARY of you allowing the adversary quarter and even assist him in his on go­ings against us while allowing us no opinions, no right to sort, and actually fully "demand" entry and participation in that which continues to HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU--SAVE THROUGH YOUR OWN DECISIONS MADE TO LOCATE HERE. Some "wait" so they can eventually "take" and "be made a place". No--forget it because if you cannot follow the level of fundamental actions and intent within the laws and the Laws of God--leave us OUT OF IT.

Some who attend our little meetings even participate with illegal substances from time to time. Is this wrong? As long as it is against the law--it is WRONG! Is it my business? No--only as it impacts that with which I serve as CEO. If you can't leave pot, etc., to the garbage with no stench or molecule on breath or body, then come around My company offices--then I don't want you around the company offices. THIS is not being nasty and mean--this is purely good sense and respect for both parties. You are WATCHED and if you think the enemy is not working day and night around the clock to CATCH you at so much as breathing wrong--you are mistaken. You have NO RIGHT to jeopardize another--in work or body.

If you, who work here, do not agree and continue such actions--where are the ones who DO HAVE responsibility of the premises and are stewards of the various companies in this place, or elsewhere? Just because you claim to love God and perhaps, almost, "like" me, is no demand on anyone for any­thing.

Some of you are in the midst of sorting out yourselves--from the adversary or from this working participation. Either is not my business as to "you" personally--but what happens with those who do have full intent in service and petition for insight and discernment--ARE GOING TO GET IT! YOU SHALL BE KNOWN BY YOUR WORKS AND BY THE COMPANY YOU KEEP! FAIR? YES, BECAUSE "THAT" IS THE ONLY "JUDGMENT" YOU MAY HONORABLY HAVE. A "test", students, is not a test if you know the questions so you can fudge the answer! Ponder it. If you run hot and cold like the water faucets when you are "put out"--then be elsewhere--for it takes 100% to pass God's testing and you can't HIDE IN­TENT from GOD!

Dharma petitions me: "But what of friends who have come to share and just can't seem to 'get it together'?" Well, face it, sleepyheads: these are NOT, number one, friends, and two, there is no "group" from which to "drop" out. If you have a "block party supper" or a "neighbor" open-house in the street called a "street party", does this give YOU right to your neighbor's property, business, library or anything else? Then why do you seem to think it right, and even demand, that you have access to anyone's companies or property in our association of enterprises or businesses? Would YOU treat the Tehachapi News, the New York Times, ETC., like you seem to think the CONTACT is open to be treated? If you "volunteer"--look within and see to whom and to what do you "volunteer" service? Do YOU have a "right" to "demand" that you be allowed volunteering? Why? Would you go down to the New York Times and demand that you be in the mailing crew, layout crew or whatever? What would they do at the New York Times if you were caught with a key to their offices and found you in those offices day or night? When you can treat God's property and our business as you would ANY and EVERY OTHER business--then and only then, can you move forward in trusted security of God's stewardship. If you don't "understand" this, then you have NOT STUDIED THE MATE­RIAL REGARDING ANYTHING TO DO WITH OUR MIS­SION.

Does this mean that we don't want or "like" volunteers? For goodness sakes, WE COULD NOT FUNCTION WITHOUT THAT WONDROUS GIVING AND SHARING OF OUR FAMILY HERE. "Waiting upon God" is one thing--just "waiting" until you can "get something" is quite another! It is perhaps time EACH moves within and begins to sort out this "waiting" game.

There are a lot of changes coming down RIGHT NOW. I have to have Dharma freed-up and that means I must also have E.J. freed-up. There is plenty of information flowing to keep right on top of things at the paper, in the JOURNALS (regular), etc. I cannot keep Dharma writing and E.J. up into the wee hours every night sorting the writings and running the myriads of tasks for which he volunteers service. I need them both for the next while in altogether different arenas. We have many new plants in our nursery which need planting and nurturing and I will not even leave that information into their minds--we will take one fragment at a time. This will take time, space, and being left alone from other impacts.

It is a "time" when just this Christmas season we have court mandatory hearings, depositions on at least five cases during the days ahead--starting tomorrow (15th), the 17th, two (known) on the 22nd, on the 28th, etc. It never lightens--it just gets so op­pressive as to be unable to write and/or attend holiday anything. There is no tree or ornaments around this place--for our ones can't even yet tell if the law is going to somehow force them into the street. It has been this way for SIX holiday Seasons!!

If friends come of which we have awaited--then we will have to pool resources and pots and have a family thing or two which is shared. It will be a blessing--not an adversity.

I am asked to get involved, or at least speak on, subjects which pour in every day. I shall continue to do what we can and more and more depend on the CONTACT crew, i.e., Rick, etc., to fill in the updates. He is receiving and discussing 12 to 18 hours a day.

Our hearts are grateful that Dr. Young has postponed any moves or changes for the interim time of great need here. He is picking up his role as Chief Editor again until the dust settles at the least. The paper and JOURNALS are the voice among our people and are, therefore, more important than any scientific "invention" awaiting attention. God rarely works in his response to your offer to serve by allowing it to be as YOU PER-CEIVE IT SHOULD BE.

In the separation of the chaff from what we perceive to be the kernel--we often overlook the magnificent qualities and uses of that "chaff". Even as with grain--the chaff holds the fiber, the elemental substances of LIFE in greater abundance than does the grain kernel. Does this mean that you should EAT ONLY ground chaff? No, it means that you must not overlook the magnificent role you play--for YOU have no way to weight the value of the moment or the task--to self or the greater overall. Moreover, it is indeed a BIG person who can fill the space of teacher by incident, example or full intent--and arise from each and every testing--more worthy, more balanced and eager to move on without blip or self-flagellation. Every incident, every moment must be revelation and recognition of that which IS, and not just what you "think" it represents. God and Truth will ALWAYS stand the testing--into infinity!

I do wish to comment on a couple of things which are actually quite "personal" to many of you--especially in this location.

By Dr. John Coleman
I am asked about Coleman and "our" relationship. To what relationship might you refer? Just about EVERY incident of negative relationship with one John Coleman, John Jr. and Lena were foisted off on the rest of us by one George Green. Even to the computers which Coleman took when he left this place, belonging to the paper and the Institute. George Green GAVE THEM TO JOHN! He had no right to do so--BUT HE DID SO. George Green even kept many, many volumes of John's first book and still takes rights of publication and distribution. Coleman had to go through another publisher just to get his OWN WORK out to you other than through Greens.

Now Coleman has released another book which I feel in its pertinent information exceeds the quality and information content of "The Committee of 300". John has had to all but go underground because of publicity against him and actual revelations about him and his private experiences prior to his assuming the label of John Coleman. Does God care whether or not a man worked (works) for the CIA, British Intelligence or what? NO-- GOD looks into the intent of a person at the current moment of expression. However, if EGO guides the journey, the man falls short and reaps the usual bitterness of return--instead of the sweetness of successful journey.

Am "I" going to help get John's book into your hands? Yes, every way I can--because it is information gathered and presented in such a way as to integrate it. Is the information "out there" elsewhere? Not in integrated format compiled into a reasonable JOURNAL-sized publication. Is it copyrighted? Who knows? You have to realize that only through copyright and/or ISBN numbers can anyone track the work of an author and get the work. The book stores, especially the "chains", are controlled and WILL NOT CARRY MUCH OF OUR WORKS-- BUT THEY ARE OBLIGATED TO A PURCHASER TO LOOK UP THE INFORMATION ON THE MATERIAL AND OBTAIN THE WORK\ FOR YOU IF STILL IN PUBLICATION.

I will share the back cover printing with you to give you a brief overview. I shall not, however, serialize this book without personal permission for it is NOT in any way attached to our work as was the Committee of 300. I congratulate and honor John for persevering and getting this work into print. The very least we can do is "advertise" the work.


This is a true and accurate account of treasonous conduct by the British and American governments: An account of how their citizens are deceived by policies provoking actions that are to­tally detrimental to the well-being of their citizens. Thoroughly researched, the book provides a great deal of hitherto unpub­lished information and throws new light on such diverse opera­tions as the Gulf War and the Bolshevik Revolution. The chap­ter on covert actions throws new light on the murder of Martin Luther King, Pope John Paul 1, and other notables marked for elimination.

The bloodshed that resulted from the creations of an artificial "Saudi Arabia"; the foreign policy making role of the petroleum industry; the rape of Mexico by British and American oil barons; the revolutions they ignited which cost thousands upon thousands of lives; British conquest of India, the pernicious In­dian "apartheid" caste system. These are some of the subjects dealt with in this historic expose of how our governments de­ceive us under the color of diplomacy.

Diplomacy By Deception tells us that the United Nations is a war-making body, not a peace-keeping organization, and how the Rockefellers and Alger Hiss, aided by the top Illuminati Dulles family, got the United States involved with the United Nations. There is a masterly analysis of constitutional road­blocks barring U.S. membership of the United Nations that will come as a surprise and leave no doubt that we are not now, nor can we ever be, a member of the United Nations.

Diplomacy by Deception will forever alter your perception of the two leading governments in Western civilization. This is an excellent companion book to the Committee of 300 by the same author.

Joseph Publishing Co., A Division of Joseph Holding Corp.
2533 North Carson Street
Carson City, Nevada 89706
$20.00 [And, please, tell him Hatonn sent you....]


The next item involves the arrest of Phillip and Marlene Marsh and some members of their company and family.

This has been coming for a long, long time in spite of every­thing I could do to get ones to LISTEN to me. Do "they" "deserve" such treatment? Of course not--but if you push the river you are going to drown.

Federal agents arrest leaders of Parker-based Liberty Founda­tion in three-state operation. The "names" may mean nothing to most of you but this is also recognized as the "Pilot Group", etc. These people have been featured in every patriot sheet around and also on such programs as 20/20 and so forth. At first meeting with Gary Anderson, he was a major player WITH these people and was into "Trusts" and other such devious ac­tivities as to form a Constitutional Law Centre "trust" in order to steal from the Constitutional Law Center. This latter trick was perpetrated with George Green.

Do I mean that somehow the things they offered were not really "good"? No, I mean that from onset of our offerings we told you that some things would serve briefly and other things would not and if you set out to get rich off the people who trust you to "help" them--you deserve that which the law brings against you. As I see the following information, I have no comment and nei­ther do I think "The Law Center" should hop in there and "do something". If, INDEED, there is abuse of CONSTITUTIONAL rights, that is altogether different. However, you will note a very conspicuous absence of claims about CONSTITU­TIONAL items regarding taxes, etc. Please, as you read, NOTE THE CHARGES AGAINST THE PERSONS IN­VOLVED.

Do I have other observations? Yes, lots, but I will only mention a couple of them--Green and Anderson probably should be in­cluded in the arrests for the same fraudulent claims.

Article: Wed., Dec. 8, 1993, Rocky Mountain News.

IRS raids tax-protest group. Federal agents arrest leaders of Parker-based Liberty Foundation in three-state operation. By Ann Carnahan, Rocky Mountain News Staff writer:

Parker--The IRS has crushed the nations' biggest tax protester group, accused of bilking more than 10,000 people and the fed­eral government of at least $21 million.

Federal officials Monday swooped into the Parker offices of the Liberty Foundation, which claims Americans don't have to pay income taxes.

Six people were arrested in simultaneous raids in Parker, Au­rora, Utah and California, where the group was based until early this year.

"Their avowed goal is the destruction of the IRS," Steven V. Giorgi, head of criminal investigations at the agency's Sacra­mento office, said Tuesday. "They have not succeeded."

The group's leaders, Phillip and Marlene Marsh, conduct workshops across the country on ways for taxpayers to "legally and permanently" remove themselves from the "voluntary" tax system. [H: Indeed, a worthy cause but so "against" the "system" that they could not be allowed to succeed. Until you people learn to stop fighting with little guns against the big guns, you cannot "win". You must play within their games and within their laws, even if they are not "Constitutional" because it is the NEW LAW OF THE LAND! These people did not have real "Constitutional" care about your nation and your freedom. They chose a frag­ment which could be built into a money-making market and sink a lot of unsuspecting participants into trusts, etc., which were destined to do you in.]

They coined the term "untaxing" to describe that process.

The foundation, formerly called the Pilot Connection Society, moved from Stockton, Calif., to Parker after it was raided by federal agents.

Leaders recruited people who "had trouble" with the Internal Revenue Service, Giorgi said.

Members paid between $45 and $10,000 for kits and ser­vices to learn how to disappear from tax rolls forever and con­ceal money in offshore trust accounts.

Giorgi would not rule out arrests of other members. He said that some were "willing participants" in defrauding the govern­ment, but that many were simply victims.

"All that many of them ended up doing was delaying the final call with the service," he said.

Phillip Marsh, 69, and Marlene Marsh, 57, who earned be­tween $1 million and $6 million in 1991, according to affidavits, were arrested in Los Angeles.

Their daughter and son-in-law, Jill and Darrell Spencer, were arrested in the Denver area. Darrell, 25, was the general man­ager, and Jill, 27, was the office manager.

A foundation administrator, Robert Singleton, 59, was ar­rested in Salt Lake City, and Douglas Carps, 48, the trust pro­ducer, was already in prison on another charge. Two other foundation leaders were being sought.

All will be charged with conspiracy, mail fraud and aiding and abetting. If convicted, they could each face seven to 10 years in prison, Giorgi said.

Parker police and Douglas County sheriff's deputies partici­pated in the raid, which culminated a three-year investigation by the California and Colorado office of the IRS.

As he spoke to reporters, Giorgi stood by a large photo of the Marshes.


Oh, readers, my heart hurts for these ones and for you who simply are efforting at every opportunity to save your nation and your property. However, winning comes from the full intent of service unto the "Godly" path. That means that you don't run around taunting the beast and daring him to attack. He is taunt­ing you into thinking you can pull off some of these little ac­complishments. Once you are sunk into the trap he will getcha every time. The articles appearing will be geared to destroy you and be filled with inaccurate information--IT IS THE GAME!

If you cannot set ego aside and run your little businesses in the shelter of your own LEGAL methods--you leave selves open for the SAME thing.

Didn't we spend a lot of time in JOURNALS writing on these Constitutional issues and advocating some of these same meth­ods? Yes, when it was feasible to use them and if use of them was for the "right reasons" and not just to EVADE taxes. The Big Boys are not going to let you EVADE taxes. THEY WILL HELP YOU AVOID THEM IF YOU BE SMALL AND DO NOT ANNOY THEM--THEY WILL NOT TOLERATE OUT­RIGHT BATTLE--SURELY YOU CAN BE MORE SUBTLE IN YOUR APPROACH TO THIS "WAR".

What will happen here? Well, you can be sure that the govern­ment Big Boys will not stop until there "ain't" nothin' left of that $21 Million! If you choose to take these methods of pro­tecting assets and selves--you can expect to get exactly THIS happening to you. Is it right? Readers, there isn't ANY­THING "RIGHT" ABOUT WHAT IS COMING DOWN--BUT IT IS COMING DOWN!

Little companies, corporations, out of Nevada which present no threat to the Big Boys will not be bothered. Investments which represent notes (loans) into use by such as the Institute in projects which do not "compete" in the major business arenas aren't a threat to them. "They" will even HELP you as long as you stay within their guidelines and rules. It is when you try to make a killing off their prey that you are going to get killed. It seems totally simplistic to me. Further, ANYONE who goes out there and tries to get an uprising going to insure "retention" of your property--is going to get squashed. YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GET RICH QUICK ON ANY OF THESE SCHEMES IN THIS DAY AND AGE, READERS--THEY WILL NOT ALLOW IT. YOU CAN, HOWEVER, SUR­VIVE NICELY IF YOU USE REASON, LOGIC, AND QUIETLY "CARRY-ON" IN SOLID INTENT WITH GODLY PASSAGE. BELIEVE ME, THE ADVERSARY DOES NOT WANT A CONFRONTATION WITH GOD OR HIS HOSTS! But, it DOES mean that you have to dot every "i" and cross EVERY "t". Don't and you're trapped!

What about that which helps balance the body proper? What about it? We can offer a lot of things to a lot of people but there are so many who will not listen, will not see and cast us aside as absurd and evil that WE ARE NO SEEMING THREAT TO ANYONE IN ANY BUSINESS, RACKET OR EVEN "PRESS". You will, further, find that a "big bunch" of loose money and property is only a sign to them to come and get it from you. A LOT of money is of no value when it is of no value--only a target marker. Beans used for barter will be more valuable and if you have many of those--they too become a target marker. It is going to be a tedious journey and you aren't going to make it unscathed unless you get your "intent" in good positive order. God does not mind "tag alongs" with good in­tent--but he doesn't put up "for long" with those who hang on to make a buck off the work of another without equal input.

You are going to have to arrive at TOTAL lack of all ego en­trapments, leaving off NAMES and focus on selves as persons or credited parties. If you cannot know of worthiness within without signs scattered all over in power structures and prestige alignments--you aren't going to make it. I repeat--if you have to have a "name" on your building--you had better be choosing your enemy's name to splatter up there on the top corner. Are you interesting in "making it" through as a participant in the remnant--or, just in being a "big deal"?

It is in the news today: THE TRUST WILL BE TURNED TO WIPING OUT ALL GROUPS WHICH SO MUCH AS AP-PEAR FUNDAMENTALIST OR SEPARATISTS AND SUPREMACISTS. Your FBI chief Freeh is working as we write with his counter-part in Germany to formalize a PLAN for shutting down and "wiping" out these "hate" groups. THIS WAS ON YOUR CNN NEWS THIS MORNING! This includes "orthodox" groups, they report, who teach in their churches, anything "hate" oriented, such as disallowance of homosexuality and other "deviant life styles" (their words).

We need to leave this now and attend some other pressing matters. Thank you, each and every one--for even if you intend not to help us learn and grow--you have done so, even to the last nit-picking attack. I have a team now worthy of the Biggest Leagues in the Universe and I am humble in your allowance of me as a teacher-messenger. We each have responsibility and I am overflowed by the loving work of you ones as you struggle to grow and KNOW. You cannot see the level of growth in self for you are blinded by that ego consciousness and world-accepted perception. I can see--and I am humble that I am allowed participation in this great adventure in creation/creating. YOU must "DO IT" for the manifestation is "physical" and you are physically manifest. But the bonding and the power is from that which is invisible to the physical--and from thence comes the TOTAL POWER of CREATION/Re-creation.

To you who are curious about exciting and mysterious things-- keep your eyes peeled (if you are close) to White Sands. We have some pretty interesting "manifestations" taking place there these days ahead--don't miss the show!

In love and appreciation, I am, Hatonn.
PJ 85


TUE., DEC. 21, 1993 8:57 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 127

TUE.. DECEMBER 21, 1993


Mr. Vardon called the CONTACT office yesterday in angry rebuttal to the information I offered about misinformation regarding Russbacher.

I am going to REPEAT something. I shall continue to call the plays exactly as they ARE and not according to "patriot" groups here and there who do not, cannot, or refuse, to recognize facts.

I have only one objection to information being offered as "received" or as "opinioned". I have every exception in behalf of the staff here, that their work should be put down by anyone, especially ones who have received great help, in many ways, from the resource here.

Again: CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS OF A CITIZEN. I believe Harry Martin is one of the more courageous "freedom fighters" through his paper and I feel that Ken Vardon has greatly, possibly beyond present ability to measure, allowed for information spreading. It is beside the point, gentlemen, as to whether or not Russbacher stole 20 cents or $15 million dollars from the CIA as to Constitutional rights of a man. THE CHARGES AGAINST THE "MAN" WERE NOT THEFT OF $15 MILLION DOLLARS--AND, UNTIL CITIZENS CAN SEE THE "DIFFERENCE", YOU CANNOT RECLAIM YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL LAWS. IF THE MAN IS BEING HELD BECAUSE OF $15 MILLION CONTROVERSIAL DOLLARS--THAT MUST BE THE CHARGE! I further will tell you right here and now that Barbara Honegger's version of "October Sur­prise" is INCORRECT. However, Gunther Russbacher was sent forth to distract Rayelan--there are no accidents or coinci­dental twin-flame meetings in the world of intelligence opera­tions. I would suggest that it is HIGHLY UNLIKELY that you would possibly have a person of that involvement untampered! Until something else comes along, however, you as citizens MUST follow the obvious and realize possibilities but WORK ON FACT--AND THIS MAN WAS, IS AND REMAINS IN CONDITIONS WHICH ARE UNCONSTITUTIONAL AND BARBARIC--WHO HE IS MAKES NO DIFFERENCE AND UNTIL YOU CAN UNDERSTAND THIS, YOU SHALL HAVE NO FREEDOM.

Now, let us just make reference to the "Waco incident" that now captures all your attention as to "justice" for involved parties. Mr. Vardon is even efforting to move to Texas to cover the atrocities. Yes, the innocents are at stake and THAT is THE point of any justice marches. The Waco project, however, is not, was not and never could be claimed to be an assault against some nice Christian people. Oh, they may well have claimed to be such--BUT COULD NOT HAVE BEEN--ONLY THE HAPLESS "VICTIMS" SUCKED INTO INCORRECT FAC­TUAL TEACHINGS--FOR COVER.

The Davidians are NOT a branch of some Pentecostal or ortho­dox "religion". They were established through a fragment group of the MK-ULTRA mind-control project. They are an offspring of a person called "Davidian" and are totally involved and participants of a massive theft ring originating and partici­pating in California. There was a MAJOR theft from an Ar­mory in the general area of Ventura/Santa Barbara/San Luis Obispo which involved, to the eyes, one William Clark--and which was pulled off by this man, Davidian. PART OF THAT STOLEN ARSENAL WENT TO WACO, TEXAS AND TO THE LOCATION OF THE WACO MASSACRE.

You are about to move into massive distraction--AGAIN! You will focus on the general injustice to a few survivors--when that may well be "just"--but it certainly MISSES THE POINT!

You are dealing with totally corrupt, ruthless and Godless peo­ple who fully plan to bring the entire world under their CON­TROL. THEY WILL NOT FALL BECAUSE YOU DON'T "LIKE IT". NEITHER WILL THEY FALL BECAUSE YOU TAKE UP YOUR PRIMITIVE WEAPONS AGAINST THEM--THEY HAVE LASER PULSE PHASERS AS WELL AS IM­PRESSIVE HARDWARE FROM STOLEN WEAPONS TAKEN FROM YOUR OWN PUBLICLY OWNED ARSE­NALS. William Clark, for instance, had a stolen machine-gun weapon mounted in his house in Oxnard. THAT is the point you ones had better begin to attend--and not argument over the insignificant (in this case in point) talents of a hostage, Russ­bacher.

Are we going to now put Gunther on trial for failure to consis­tently refer to an L-1011 or a BAC-111 or whatever? I would think that if I were talking to a parole board in effort to "get out alive" I might well tell you my craft runs purely on candle wax--I certainly would not, to please some person from Texas, tell them the formulae for phaser magnetic light thrust. You goodly "PATRIOTS" are going to destroy the nation as surely as goodie-two-shoes would do it. You may well be patriots--BUT YOU FOLLOW THE RELIGIOUS FABRICATIONS RATHER THAN GOD. Further, unless you come back to ONE NATION UNDER GOD--God is not going to offer you much help in re­covery through FORCE. Man must come again within Godli­ness if he expects freedom under and within God.

I HEAR a lot about "Christian" and "truth" and Constitution reclamation and "reclaim our nation"--but I observe VERY LIITLE GOD-INTENT AS TO ACTIONS.

Will one called Russbacher be able to fulfill his commitment to "CAUSE"? It depends upon "which" cause. Further, I find you "patriots" who are pretenders to some throne of knowledge because of your association with intelligence groups--turned Godly--to be amusing. If you have actually served in any ca­pacity of "intelligence" training--you would KNOW the tactics and probabilities and would PROTECT YOUR BROTHER--NOT EFFORT TO DESTROY HIM--WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON? I SUGGEST EVERYBODY TAKE A LOOK AND CONFRONT THESE POSSIBILITIES! EVERY PATRIOT GROUP IS NOW HEADED BY INFILTRATORS TO ULTI­MATELY ASSIST THE NEW WORLD ORDER. Now one self-acclaimed authority on Constitutional possibilities, Ben White, would come up with another "patriot" group called something like "CIC"--without even describing the group in in­tent, and make Gunther Chief Officer. Say what?? Sir, you may well be a cannon in this "cause" but you need a few bolts in your gun-stabilizers and cannon mounts!

Why did you, Dr. White, descend on Russbacher at the moment of his release? It doesn't look good, friend. You just wanted to help? Then what is the barrage of inquisition scatterings? Are you so incapable of discretion as to endanger not only HIS life but YOUR OWN TO SUCH GREAT EXTENT? I suggest great care and attention on your "flight" back to Texas when you finish your confusion in Missouri.

I think every patriot exposed to Dr. White might ask a few questions and see how they fly: Is Ben White an "insert" (his term for this Gunther Russbacher character)? He claims to be a physician but he spends more time "patriotizing" than doctoring and how be it he has such assets as to start one group after an­other, fly personally, attend one on one released persons AND what makes him such authority on aircraft discrepancies? And, if this man (Russbacher) is just an "insert" why would Ben White suggest "keeping him" to "insert" him into a lead position in one of your "groups" of patriots? WHO IS BEN WHITE?? It seems that you receivers of all of Dr. White's information letters and packets--MIGHT WELL BE ASKING THIS QUES­TION! It certainly looks more negative for Ben White than for Gunther Russbacher, whoever he might be.

Why should anyone tell a mere doctor from Texas--anything?? "Mere"? Insulting?? If the shoe fits ! I have little, to almost no, respect or reverence for any so-called "doctor" and why would one who entangles himself in almost everything OTHER than medicine, capture my trust AT ALL? You would want an incarcerated, assaulted and almost dead man to prove creden­tials? How about some of you would-be judges and patriots not be required to PROVE yourselves Godly? What RIGHT have YOU to go about with this garbage--at this time? Some people had better start paying attention to actions of "accusers" and see just what "they" have to gain or lose or show and/or tell from their great observations and authority.

Ben White wants to take Gunther to Texas wherein he can "heal" him. I would rather Gunther remain indefinitely in prison! Is this a harsh evaluation? Possibly, but ones who de­stroy--even in innocent ignorance--have no place in high-level playing fields.

Does this mean that Ben White will lose trust in one Comman­der Hatonn? No--he never had any in any point along the way in this journey. You cannot "lose a friend" who NEVER WAS. Moreover, if any of my team follows just any old Tom, Dick, Harry or Ben who drifts along--he will NOT receive commis­sion from Me! I FOLLOW GOD AND SO TOO HAD BEST ANY ENTITY WHO CLAIMS AUTHORITY IN THIS RECLAMATION PROJECT.

Why would I now turn to the subject of "friendship"? Because until and unless you can BE A FRIEND, you cannot expect friendship or leadership or any other place where loyalty and forbearance must be the shield of unbending position.

An author once wrote a small volume called The Art of Living (Wilferd A. Peterson), Simon And Schuster, New York, 1961. I would ask Dharma to reprint a small portion on this subject:


The first step in the art of friendship is to be a friend; then making friends takes care of itself. To be a friend a man should start by being a friend to himself, by being true to his highest and best and by aligning himself with the enduring values of human life that make for growth and progress.

To be a friend a man should strive to be "like the shadow of a great rock in a weary land", to be a source of refuge and strength to those who walk in darkness.

To be a friend a man should believe in the inherent goodness of men and in their potential greatness; he should treat men in a big spirit, expectant of a noble response.

To be a friend a man should strive to lift people up, not cast them down; to encourage, not discourage; to set an example that will be an inspiration to others.

To be a friend a man should be sensitively responsive to the dreams and aims of others and should show sincere appreciation for the contributions others make to the enrichment of his life.

To be a friend a man should practice the companionship of silence and the magic of words that his speech may build and not destroy, help and not hinder.

To be a friend a man should close his eyes to the faults of others and open them to his own.

To be a friend a man should not attempt to reform or reprimand, but should strive only to make others happy if he can.

To be a friend a man should be himself, he should be done with hypocrisy, artificiality and pretense, he should meet and mingle with people in quiet simplicity and humility.

To be a friend a man should be tolerant, he should have an understanding heart and a forgiving nature, knowing that all men stumble now and then, and that he who never made a mistake never accomplished anything.

To be a friend a man should join hands with ALL people who are working for great principles, great purposes and great causes; he should put his shoulder to the wheel to help achieve common goals.

To be a friend a man should go more than halfway with his fellow men; he should greet others first and not wait to be greeted; he should radiate a spirit of overflowing good will.

To be a friend a man should remember that we are human magnets; that like attracts like, and that what we give we get.

To be a friend a man should recognize that no man knows all the answers, and that he should add each day to his knowledge of how to live the friendly way....

The art of being is the assumption that you may possess, this very minute, those qualities of spirit and attitudes of mind that make for radiant living.

It is a philosophy of being today, instead of "'becoming" in a tomorrow that never comes.

It is recognizing that courage, joy, serenity, faith, hope and love are immediately available now, and proceeding to open yourself so these qualities can be expressed through you in everyday living.

It is following the maxim of Shakespeare: "Assume a virtue though you have it not"....knowing that the dynamic power of habit can build it into your character.

It is being great now, being forgiving now, being tolerant now, being happy now, being successful now, instead of postponing positive and constructive living to some vague and in­definite future.

It is knowing that when we move into the future it becomes the NOW, and that now is the appointed time!

It is facing the fact that your biggest task is not to get ahead of others, but to surpass yourself.

It is wasting no time dreaming about the rich life you may live next year, or ten years from now; it is beginning to live at your best right now, today.

It is heeding the wisdom of the ancient Chinese seer who ob­served: "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step," and it is taking that step today.

It is beginning today to be the man (person) you want to be.

It is developing an awareness of the infinite possibilities in each magic moment.

It is enlarging the now by pouring into it intense creative en­ergy.

It is immortalizing the present moment that your life may have eternal significance.

It is coming into a full realization that the Master voiced the secret of victorious being, when He declared that the Kingdom of God is not afar off, but that it is within you now!.....

So be it. I also hear most often: "....but I only intended to...." The road to Hell is paved with good intentions!

Why not? What would you expect of a sophisticated New World Order who will slay a friend and colleague such as Vincent Foster, raid his offices and pull out all the Clinton informa­tion, seal it and refuse to release it? YOU ARE IN THE DOWNFALL OF A NATION--AND THE BIG BOYS PLAY HARD-BALL--WHAT DO YOU EXPECT?

Now there is widespread casting forth of information from Ben on the possibilities of one Gunther Russbacher NOT being "THE" Gunther Russbacher "originally" in point. Why? Be­cause of discrepancies in story-lines. Further, IS this the Gun­ther or an impostor, replica, reprogrammed or merely a fum­bling, bumbling idiot? YOU WILL NEVER KNOW IN THIS INSTANCE BECAUSE TOO MANY POSSIBILITIES EXIST.

1. There is PROBABILITY of greatly altered mind function following, if nothing else, anesthesia for a quintuple bypass.

2. There is PROBABILITY of having to make concessions and compromises on "facts" in order to get release. Where have all of you been for the past several years?? Do you actually think they are going to turn an ENEMY out on the streets with a pat on the back and a thank-you for uncovering all the dirt and cor­ruption on themselves?

Why would I protect this possible replacement? Because he has made covenant with God and his services are appreciated and recognized by THAT GOD. Don't give me "born again" garbage because you ones who wish to take up AK-47s and storm the White House and the Washington hardware--ARE MISSING THE POINT--AND JESUS CHRIST WOULD NOT HANDLE SUCH A MOVEMENT IN ANY WAY AS PRO­JECTED BY YOU GOODLY "PATRIOTS".

3. Why do you think this poor man, whoever he is, is paying such a price for survival? He should be, at this time, in recov­ered top form and you would-be "fixers" are going to end up killing him yourselves and the facts and truth will never be seen as to the culprits.

4. I do not recall Dr. White being summoned to Gunther's bed­side for take-over or questioning or anything--much less the dis­cerning of whether or not there MAY or MAY NOT be some discrepancies in Gunther's presentations--to a probation person. Where, Sir, do you get such authority or self-claimed "rights" of invasion? How much does Dr. White REALLY know about any of this? Has this all become his "life experience", so that he has Judgeship over possibilities? For the price of what it is costing Dr. White to be in Missouri--we could hire proper facilities and care for Gunther--WHO APPOINTED DR. WHITE INTO THIS POSITION? I CAN ASSURE ALL THAT IT WAS NOT ME.

Dr. White's statement in a letter to Rodney Stich: "My goal: To 'contain' Russbacher voluntarily at my home to 'prove' and use." "....In my opinion Russbacher's nails were, or could have been, surgically removed. Would like to witness his pre­flight and pre-take-off check list of...."

"PS: Rodney, can you refute my information that the CIA is the baby of a Soviet Mole inserted into British Intelligence in the early '30s and has, more or less, been under control of Soviet Intelligence since its beginning? [H: Good grief, Ben, where have you been, sleepyhead?] At Yalta, Stalin knew how many A-Bombs we had before Roosevelt told him; he told Roosevelt how many we had. Also, Kennedy fired the CIA director shortly after the Bay of Pigs fiasco; announced to his 'inner cir­cle' his intent to demolish the Federal Reserve, and to withdraw from Vietnam.

"Then, who had him assassinated and had no difficulty pulling the wool over the eyes of The People?"

(The following are Ben White's notes in the margin of a copy of a September letter sent, again, to Stich.)

"WHERE ARE THE NEUTRON WARHEADS?" (Referring to those alledged to be carried aboard the BAC 111 to France October 20, 1980.)

[H: Now, readers, here it says a lot:] "Without his knowing I was on my way, I arrived in St. Charles at 9:00 A.M. on 16 Dec. Called him for immediate visit. He put me off 'til 1300. On his return was a plain clothes 'Navy Commander"."

It would seem to me that the real error made by Commander Russbacher--or whoever he is--was to ever allow this man to get near him at all! How dare anyone intrude uninvited within the space of a sick man just released from prison on whatever cir­cumstances? WHO IS THIS INTRUDER? I SUGGEST YOU ALL TAKE A GOOD THOUGHTFUL LOOK. And, further, by his own words: "My goal: To 'contain' Russbacher volun­tarily at my home to 'prove' and use." It would seem wise to me that someone might well need to "contain" and "prove" one Dr. White. This, of course, is just an observation.

Let us leave this for there are other pertinent things to be done, rather than give attention and distraction to such uninformed and uninvited intruders. Partially informed authoritarians are the most dangerous entities on the face of the globe to nation and citizen. Do "I" have a bone to pick somehow with this person in point? No, I don't even know the person in point--I have nothing relative to this person at all; in fact, he is but a superb example of that which is wrong with your nation in an attempt to set things to RIGHT. Is the man in point good or bad? That has no relevance at all: actions are the clues and you need not know a man--save by his actions! So be it.

May you be given to see in the LIGHTED TRUTH of evalua­tion in all circumstances. Do you not see that you can discern, share and go on forth in open viewpoint and reason? Why se­cret documents regarding a man's position? Because the ones writing the documents are impostors and do not wish to be "found out". We do not need to JUDGE Gunther Russbacher one way or the other--HIS CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS AS A CITIZEN WERE ABUSED AND DESTROYED--"THAT" IS WHAT YOU, AS CITIZENS, MUST UNDERSTAND--ALL THE REST, AS TO RECLAMATION OF YOUR FREE NA­TION UNDER GOD AND CONSTITUTION, IS DISTRAC­TION!