Editor's note: Missing gold in Fort Knox? THE NA­TIONAL TATTLER from 1974? What is this and why are we republishing it in 1994? Dr. Peter Beter was THE substantial source of valid information during that period of time, in direct communication with Commander Hatonn. Dr. Beter is no longer with us, but this information about Ft. Knox's missing gold, which Commander Hatonn has discussed in earlier JOURNALS, is all mixed up with other drain-the-U.S.-economy shenanigans of the International Elite's banking cartels. You would never see this story in the likes of a well-controlled NEW YORK TIMES. Since the economic jigsaw puzzle is far more complex than just that gold missing from Ft. Knox, you may want to read the following PHOENIX JOURNALS: SPIRAL TO ECONOMIC DISASTER (#4 ), YOU CAN SLAY THE DRAGON (#16) [presently out of stock], and THE NAKED PHOENIX (#17). Any way you look at it, the burden of responsibility still rests on the shoulders of we-the-people to wake up and reclaim what the International Elite banksters have stolen from our once great nation--and gold is the least of it!
Dr. Beter. Rep. Rarick Push Investigation

By Tom Valentine of the Tattler staff

An informant who provided part of the information upon which TATTLER based a controversial "missing gold" story is dead under mysterious circumstances.
Dead is Mrs. Louise Auchincloss Boyer, identified by Dr. Peter David Beter as one of the sources for his charge that international speculators have looted Ft. Knox of much, if not all of the gold.
Mrs. Boyer age 59, was a former executive assistant to former executive assistant to former New York Gov. New York Nelson Rockefeller. She plunged to her death from a window of
her 10th-floor Manhattan apartment on July 4, just one week after Dr. Beter made his charges in a exclusive article in TATTLER.

THE STORY OF THE MISSING GOLD has caused a storm of controversy in Washington, where Rep. John R. Rarick, D-La., is demanding a full audit of the nation's gold supply.
Mrs. Boyer's obituary in the New York Daily News identified her as a key Rockefeller aide in his wide range of private contacts with national and world leaders".
Dr. Beter told TATTLER that Mrs. Boyer was one of a number of informants "in the Rockefeller camp" who has provided him with highly sensitive financial information in recent years.

DR. BETER IS former legal counsel for the Export-Import Bank and American Gold Association and a widely recognized expert on international monetary affairs.
One of his books, "Conspiracy Against the Dollar", was the culmination of years of investigating the Rockefeller family's financial activities. In the book, Dr. Beter accuses the Rockefellers of attempting to influence and control the economy of the United States.
In the TATTLER article that first reported the "missing gold" story, Dr. Beter flatly accused David Rockefeller, president of the Chase Manhattan Bank, as one of the persons responsible for what he termed "the looting of Ft. Knox".
Rockefeller denied the charge.
It is Dr. Beter's contention that an ad hoc committee made up of powerful persons in American politics and economics has allowed the secret sale of U.S. gold reserves to 13 individuals in Europe. These individuals, he says, are fronting for American speculators.
Dr. Beter charges that billions of dollars worth of U.S. gold has been sold and much of it stored in The Netherlands.
"The gold was sold for $42.22 per ounce at a time when the price was ranging between $160 and $170 per ounce", said Dr. Beter. He predicts the price of gold eventually may be manipulated to as much as $2,000 an ounce.

Representatives of the U.S. Treasury Department have denied that any large amounts of gold have been removed from Ft. Knox. Arthur f. Burns, chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, told TATTLER he had no knowledge of any sale of U.S. gold to foreigners.

BUT DR. BETER says he stands ready to present witnesses and documentation to support his charges in the event he is subpoenaed to appear before a federal grand jury.
Dr. Beter explained his association with Mrs. Boyer this way:
"I had discussed the Rockefellers' financial activities on several radio talk shows when I received an unsigned letter confirming information I had been given by another source within the Rockefeller circle.
I later learned that Mrs. Boyer had written the letter and we finally got together via telephone contacts. It was all very clandestine.
"Mrs. Boyer was a latecomer to my circle of informants, but because of her position, her confirmations of my information were extremely valuable.
"In the last conversation I had with her, she certainly did not seem depressed", said Dr. Beter. "When I learned of her death, I was very shocked".
The body of Mrs. Boyer, dressed in a nightgown, was found at 5 a.m. in a courtyard beneath her apartment window. No determination of the cause of death has been made although the police listed it as "apparent suicide".
No suicide note was found and friends said, to their knowledge, she had not been despondent.
Mrs. Boyer had been associated with Rockefeller interests since 1944.
In World War II. she served with the Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, headed by Nelson Rockefeller.
Since 1953, she had been a directory of the International Basic Economy Corporation, a global business founded in 1947.
She also was a director and officer of the American International Association for Economic and Social Development. Both organizations were created by Nelson Rockefeller with the support of his brothers.
Meanwhile, Rep. Rarick, and Rep. Phillip M. Crane, R-Ill., are insisting that a congressional committee be allowed to visually inspect the gold at Ft. Know.
They have been promised by U.S. Treasury Secretary William Simon that he will take a congressional committee to Ft. Knox to inventory the gold personally in an effort to prove or disprove Dr. Beter's charges, but no date has been set.
In addition to an inspection by a congressional committee, Rep. Rarick also wants a full-scale investigation by the Government Accounting Office.
"even if the gold is there, that does not prove that it has not been sold on paper, with delivery to be made at some future date", he told TATTLER.

"WHAT WE REALLY need here is a full-scale investigation by the General Accounting Office, followed by a complete report to Congress on its findings", he said.
Rep. Crane is in full agreement.
"We are taking this matter very seriously", he assured TATTLER.
"We fully intend to investigate and assay the gold".
Dr. Beter says he will not be satisfied by a congressional inspection of Ft. Knox. He wants a citizens committee composed of congressmen, economic experts and the assayer of the Bank of England to make an audit of the nation's gold reserves.